r·/· .... �....,.,-at aroonVol. 18. No. 105 v- .f.� .. � ... "'J".'\�"';1."""'.' ';,,..UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1920 Price Five Cents:'\IAKE JUNE 5 DATE ron PLAY WOODWARD GIVES HOOVERAIMS ELECT JACK FULTONTO PRESIDENCY OFPAN-HELLENIC BODYAshenhurst, Rogers, Lovett,Huls and Carmichael to"I'M FOR HIRAM" CLUBt PICKS CHIEF EXECU-TIVE COMMITTEE Pick Tentative Cast For Presentationof l\Iasefield's "Tragedy of Xan"Juno 5 is the date picked for thenrescntat ion of Masefield's "Tragedyof Nan," which will be the springproduction of the Dramatic club. Asyet the cast has not been definitelySTRO�� WOOD SENTIMENT EAST decided unon, but the parts will beHead New Faction Seniors Sup FridayKeep Vaudeville.Laurels ToFeeling that they must keep goingir- order to retain their social laurelswon through the Senior vaudeville, Speaks on Availability as PresidentialCandidate at Gavel �IeetingYesterday McWilliams, Hall, Humphrey,and Moore are Other Offi-Prof. F. C. Woodward addressed eers Chosen.the class of '20 is giving another sup- the Gavel yesterday on the subject"Is Hoover the best presidential can- HOLD INTERFRATERNITY SPORTdidate?" When Prof. Woodward wasThe University "I'm For Hiram"club was organized yesterday at ameeting of Johnson boosters held inthe Law building. An executivecouncil of five, three undergraduates divided among the following mem­bers who were chosen in the tryoutsyesterday: Eve Kohl, Margaret Clark,Ruth Mallory, Betty Brown, Harriett per .. This time.las in other times, thesupper will be ield in Hutchinsonccmmons. The affair, according to allindications, will be held next Friday at Leland Stanford university, Her­bert Hoover was a trustee there.Prof. Woodward cited several Im- Jack Fulton was elected president ofthe Interfraternity council at a meet­ing of the body last night. Other of­ficers that were elected are: Chalmerl\lcWilliams, vice-president; Joe Hall,recording secretary; Paul Humphrey,corresponding secretary; and HudsonMoore, treasurer.Fulton is a member of Kappa Sig ...rna and a member of the" track squad.He was recently chosen general chair­man of the annual Stagg Interschol­astic. He is also a member of Scoreclub and Three Quartcrs club.�lcW.illiams Is Vice PresidentMcWilliams is a member of' PhiKappa Psi, and is University cheer­leader. During his Freshman' yearhe was president of his class. He isa member of Three Quarters, Skulland Crescent, and Iron Mask.Hall is a member of Sigma Nu. Heis on the track squad, and is a mem­ber of the Honor commission. Mooreis a member of Delta Tau Delto. Heis Sophomore class. treasurer and isassistant cheerleader. Humphrey,' amember_ of Phi Kappa Sigma, is. onthe Varsity swimming squad, and isa member of Iron Mask.Hold Interfraternity SportsPlans were formulated at the meet­ing for. Interfraternity sport com-.'petition, to be hel dduring the Springquarter. . The annual indoor baseballtournament will probably commencea week from l\Ionday. A definiteschedule will be announced soon. Com-,petition will also take place in tennisand in relay events.eve at 6. portant events in Hoover's career,Shanks, Jasper King, Richard Evans, The class has enjoyed (?) enough among them his method of obtainingCharles Breasted, Dudley Jessop, andRobert Lanyon. .Those named are requested to meetDirector Louis Dooley today in Har­their campaign. per 1\111 at 7 to react the play. A orchestra and a quartette.Strong Wood sentiment throughout substitute will be chosen for anyone Hans Hoeppner, the grand high so-a success. The tendency is toward a executive man should win. For thisrelaxation after the big success of the position Hoover has undoubtedlyclass on last Friday night. No, I shown his fitness by work on the sec­don't think that I'll be able to be ond industrial conference board andpresent, though." his complete knowledge of the econ-Prexy Beano McDonald was more omic situation in this country and ofstone state. by a tea dance at 4. All members,Ruth Lovett, Tom Rogers and John both active and associate, are invitedAshenhurst of the undergraduates, to the tea- dance. Only active mem­and Harold Huls and" George Car- bers and initiates are to be present" micheal of the Law school were unan- at the initiation. The following willimously elected members of the be initiated: Jasper King, Elizabeth"Hiram" executive council at the Stone, June King, Eve Kohl, RalphJohnson rally. Edwin J. Nelson pre- Steffens, Colville Jackson, WilliamLennox tempt is a success, especially thesided over the meeting, and short Gubbins, Dudley .Iessop andtalks were delivered by Harold Huls, Grey. optimistic about the affair however. international relations," he declared."Will it be a success? 'Well I should Next week the Democratic situa­say ycs! Everything the seniors at- ti'on will be presented.ternational attention as well as sec- selling musical scores for the show MISS KATHERINE OLl\ISTEDtional and national interest. Includ- this year, and will be the only woman WILL SPEAK TODAy AT 3 ONed in the annual classic are events connected with the show in an official PUBLIC HEALTH NURSINGfor universities, colleges, and pre- capacity.paratory schools. Miss Pickett is a member of Quad- Secretary to Lecture .Under 'AuspicesUnusual significance is attached to of Vocational Guidance Com-"the meet 'this year on account of the ranglers and will graduate at the end mitfee of Federationcntry of a combination Oxford-Cam- of this quarter. She is a member ofbridge team in university competition. the Undergraduate council, and is aThe strongest American universities University aide. She was chairmanfrom all sections of the country will of the Y. W. C. A. Madras drive, andbe pitted against England's best- is publicity chairman of the SeniorHarvard, Yale, Princeton, Pennsyl- class.vania, Pittsburg, Illinois, Michigan, Work on Competitive BasisChicago, Ames, and many others. In AU women who want to sell scoresInvite Students to Serve on Commit-the prep school division, the Mason at the performances of "Barbara, Be­tees-Start Hikes Soon City, la., high school team, which won have!" have been asked to notifythe mile relay at both Northwestern Miss Pickett, either at GreenwoodAll women interested in making W.and Drake, is going east to uphold the hall, or through Box 286, Faculty ex­A. A. points this quarter have beenhonor of the middle-west. change. Women who sell scores thisasked to place their names in the boxStagg Entering Two Races year will work on a competitive ba-in the gymnasium of Ida Noyes hall,Coach A. A. Stagg intends to enter sis, and those making the best show-provided for that purpose. Maroon teams in either the mile or ing will be considered for director of"We shall try to have a regularschedule for the hikes now, so thatpoints may be gained in that way,"said Marion Mea nor, president."Twenty points are given for a fivemile hike, thirty for ten and fortyfor fifteen miles.' Point." may also begained by working on W. A. A. com­mittees, several of which will be form­cd in a few weeks. An women in­terested may apply to any of the off'i-eel's of the association."that Helen in conjunction with the relays, notablyIt was also announcedFortune has been selected as baseball the Pentathlon, which consists of a meet today at 4 in Classics 10 to hearseries of events for all-around ath- speeches of condidates for the clubrepresentative to act with the advis-lctes, and includes the 200 meter run, offices, elections for which will beory board. the 400 meter low hurdles, the 800 held Wednesday, !\lay 5.and two Law school men, was electedto head the organization. Democraticforces will meet today at 4 in Cobb12 A to launchleading universities of Ohio was re­ported by Clarence McBride, campusWood booster, on his return yesterdayfrom a stumping trip in the Key- who is not present at this meeting.The initiation of new members willtake place Saturday at 3 in Ida Noyeshull. The initiation will be followed(CO'tltinlicri on page 2)FIVE TEAMS ARE TIEDFOR HIGHEST PLACE INSPRING GAMES SERIESJuniors and Sophs TakeTea at Sign of theBoiling Shirt - Five teams with a percentage of.667 are tied for first place in theteam �aill'e. series which started thisweek. Each of the quintette has twovictories and one loss to its, credit.The teams with the highest scoreare the High Balls, Punters, MiddyMights, Mercury and Holy Rollers.The Red Pepper Burns team, with onevictory and one loss, holds secondplace. The records of the' other teamsthus far reported are: Dare Devils,one won and two lost; Black andWhites, one won and two lost; AfterAlls, one lost; Sure Kickers, one wonand one tie with the Battering Rams.The Double Speeds are in the callar,Another tea?Tea-heelDear me!This one is on the Junior class, withthe esteemed Sophomore class asbeneficiaries.As a sort of grand finale to the"Hit the Walk" campaign, by meansof which the Undergraduate councilis trying to give Sleepy Ho�low achance to get some sleep, comes thisjunior-sophomore tea.When, you ask?Sunday next, at 3.with three games lost.Play will continue until April 29,and the; teams having the greatestWhere, you query?The Sigma Nu emporium, in tpe oldWatter Clyde Jones house, somewherebetween the 55th Street car tracksand the Beta ruins on Woodlawn.Why, you interrogate fAh! That is a question easier to WOMEN l\IAKE W. A. A. POINTSask than to answer, as the pony Cahn number of points will meet in a spe­cial series on Field day. Field daywill be held the early part of June.�1,, prof said when he sprung an unex­pected mid-term one beautiful day inApril, when the skies were like leadand the grass was all dead and theflowers just peeping from their snug"inters bed. However: there are rea­sons. In the first place, the tea wasmarked on the class ticket." of the twoclasses at the time the class ticketswere printed. Then 'again, it wasfelt that the sophomores realty neededsome tea, not having had any sincethey visited the Psi U house six orseven weak one bleak Sunday ap­proximately two weeks ago. Nowtea is universally regarded as an es­sential part of the diet for all healthysophomores. The benefits thereof arclargely increased if the tea is par­taken of in company with one or moreconzenials. In this case the class of1921 wilt be the congenials.Satisfied, sophs?Th�n be on hand to take the cake,or w},atever else the juniors may havein store.A"d,---hj�!m A. T. O.'s Announce PledgingAlpha Tau Omega announces thepledging of Lewis M. Freeman of Chi­cago, m.We hear they're going to playgames! With Best in America-Maroons to WORK ON COMPETITIVE BASISCompete in Two Events--l\lay PickTeam Today.The Penn relay carnival at Phila-score sales for "Barbara, Behave!"delphia this Friday and Saturday,April 30 and May' 1, is attracting in- She will be in charge of all the womenvaudeville, as such, and so the arnus­ing acts for the supper are billed un­der the name of entertainment,Further details include promise of ancial mogul, said" "The seniors mustall come out and help make this affairwriting of a yen."Frank Theis solemnly announcesthat there will be no dancing, whichcloses the story.INTERNATIONAL TALENTENTERING .PENN RELAYSOxford - Canibridge - Team' Clashesthe two and one-half mile medley re­lay Friday, and in either the twomile or 4 mile relay on Saturday. Theoriginal intention was to concentrateon the two mile event, but the draw-ing of positions, in which Chicagotook a far more favorable place in thefour mile, may alter the plans. Theteams will probably be determinedtoday.A number of other events arc held a position in an engineering firm bysheet: worth and will-power. Hisphenomenal success in Belgian Reliefwork and as Food Administrator inthis country he also mentioned."The difference in the politicalplanks of the parties at present arevery slrght, and the biggest all-aroundJEAN PICKETT, '20,FRIARS SCORE SALES. DIRECTOR' FOR SHOWSenior Named Only Womanto be Officially ConnectedWith Order.Jean Pickett, '20, has been chosenby the Blackfriars to be director ofMiss Katherine Olmsted, executivesecretary of the National Organiza­tion for Public Health Nursing� willspeak today at 3 in the reception'rooms of Ida Noyes hall. She willdiscuss nursing education as it is to-.day and the achievements and possi­bilities of the profession. The lecturewili be made under the auspices ofthe vocational guidance committee ofthe Federation.score sales for next year's show.The complete words and music for "The purpose of this committee,"announced Martha Grossman, chair­man, "is to stimulate' an interestamong the women of the UniversityIn their futures, 'and to help them tofind themselves and their particularniche through personal contact withand through the co-operation withwomen and men who have alreadyachieved success in various fields.the songs of "Barbara, Behave!" willbe printed in the score together witha brief description of the play and in­formation about the Order of Black-friars. A colored cover will use the "Members of the committee will en-deavor to approach the women thrusame design as was selected for the personal investigation, research andadvertising poster, drawn by FaberBirren. interview," she . said. "Each memberwill have office hours in Ida Noyeshall, during which time she will beready to talk to women and directthem on the basis of information onhand, and be ready to 'follow up'cases. The committee is not defi­nitely formulated as yet, but I shouldlike to meet women on the campuswho would be interested in workingout a really vital scheme for voca­tional guidance.":Mcmbers of the Commerce club willmeter run, running broad jump, andjavelin throw. The 1\Iaroons will Chairmen of the Interscholastichave no contenders in this or other committees will meet with Jack Ful-·extra features. ' ton today at 5:15 in Reynolds club. v�:�I',. i';.'jJ'..,!J.,1\.:�.'f.1t,� :-:. �tl >'1" ,�.,!Ii:t ?' It ,,t�.!:.!I •"'4.l· � ..... ,- ' .. .,' ..I'''; t � - - ... \:"\ , ''''t''..... ."�' ... :' �7 •, . ,,"2 THE ;. DAILY MAR�. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1920cratic party on the campus and to ---contribute to the election of a Demo- To Collect Funds. Monday For thecratic presidential' candidate. The Margaret Green Scholarship woman is, of course, concerned, andthat young woman is Trava's secre-Democrats are willing to stand on the ---. tary, a part done with charm and in-administration record for the past The drive for the Margaret Green t IIi b M· C kl•. e gence y ISS sarron oa eyeSome of the men had a slight taste eight years both as to constructive memorial scholarship will be inaug- "Ce' d th C d" d ndDIUS an e row ema s�i what the work would be like when domestic legislation and as to our urated Monday by the Freshman com- I � d M C ha has n. . I a arge Cal::II., an r. 0 n e •the indoor track series was held foreign policies. We intend to point IJUSSlon. The money collected in this d d h t• gs�e men an women w 0 can ac •early in the Winter quarter. But in- out the failure of the Republican drive will be given to the scholarship M�. H. Cooper Cliffe, Mr. Fuller Mel-stead of a dozen schools there will be congress and to show that the Demo- fund and loaned without interest to lish and Mr. Wright Kramer are out- Maurice Brody has withdrawn as ahere for. the Interscholastic about 125 crats deserve another term on their women who are attending college and standing subordinates. In the fem- candidate for the council of tbe Comschools. Instead of one-half days of record. The next meeting of the need financial aid. inine parts the demand is for minor merce dub.work, approximately. Instead of 100 Gavel will be given over to the Demo- The party for all Freshman wom- caricatures, rather �asily but correct- ==============:11::high school men there will be 800. crats and some man of prominence en, which was scheduled for tomor- Iy done. S�EHR ENGUSH TOF-It is plain to be seen that merely in who knows how to interpret the row, has been portponed. I nearly forget to mention the man- FEE BARthe technical details of a Stagg In- Democratic record will speak and lead Iy supernumeraries from the Unfver- At the Bookstore1:t-rscholastic much hard work wt1l be the discussion." CORNERSTONE IS LAID FOR sity of Chicago. My dear, you shouldessential, Just to run off the track Strong Wood sentiment tbroughout FOUNDATION AT CHAMPAIGN have seen them. Nevertheless, the •• 1i •and tennis events will take a corps of Ohio was reported by Clarence Mc- --- entertainment is good-from the near I Umvenlty Mea rammen. But the Interscholastic means Bride of the campus Wood club on The Wesley feundation laid the cor- sublime to the near ridiculous. That Y �unelf.more than that. It means "selling" his return yesterday from a cam�"'" nerstone last week at Champaign, m., is what the public wants. 1 For Leadership Duri?,9 Your:r- .. ' Summer Voeataon.Chicago to likely matriculants, just tour on the General's behalf. "Wood near the University of D1inois campus, Prepare to fill big positions of respon-a!' the Winter quarter series meant is the strongest candidate among uni- for the group of buildings which, when 0 F Fie I A L NOT ICE SI sibility when you graduate. You emC"�lIing" Chicago. Those students "ersity students in Ohio," McBride completed, will include a social center, . get such positio�s if you learn how wh h h f .. --- make a practical application of tilewho are interested in the welfare of declared, "Excellent clubs have been a c ure , a library, a se 00] 0 re- The French Club meets at 4 today things you are learning in school now:the University will assist in the formed at Ohio State, Ohio Wesleyan, ligion, and two residence haUs, and at the French House. Mlle. Marian �e. have lucrative �itio� open to a4' II will cost about $1,000,000. The pur- Iimited number of unIversity men forse ing" campaign; those who are not University of Cincinnati, Western He- Temin of, France will speak on "The summer work. No books or maga-will sit around, as usual, and do noth- serve, and other important universi- pose of the foundation is that of min-Three C's." zines proposition. To quaJify youing. ties. istering to the students. Bishop . � must have a strong personality, plenThomas Nicholson of Chicago was the --- ty of initiativ� and a good record inCo-operation will be needed in num- Strong WOod Sentiment in Ohio The IntercoU�ate committee ofl school. 'Positions filled in order of de-F . . principal 8peaker. th Y W C. A WI'II meet today at 4 81.' rable a. pplications received. Fullerous ways. raternlties '\\ill have to "I met with splendid receptions all e •• • lnfonnation on .request.assist in the housing' of the men. along the route, particularly at Cin- CAMPUS MYSTERY SOLVED at the home of Louise Ha�ha, 61131 LEWIS Eo. MEYERS & CO.Then there will be the house-decora- cinnati, where a large delegation Kimba.rk A '·e. 136 So. State S1.. CHICAGOBY DELT JAZZ BANDtions, the automobile trip and the headed by President Dabney of the --- SPOEHR DEAR HEART·'Chicago Night." There is a ban- Unh-ersity of Cincinnati, an ardent The Women's Graduate club ,\\,11The mystery of the. two black jazz CHOCOLATESc;uet scheduled. The first demand is Wood booster as well as a strong per- dancers with the Delt band in the meet Friday at 4 :30 in the library of Ifor men, and the chairman has said sonal friend of the General's, turned Ida No-yes hall. !,Senior vaudeville has at last been ex-that he can use any number of them. out in greeting. I was also royally plained to the eager ears of the cam-Honor societies are often termed use· entertained at Akron, where the Wood pus. The Daily Maroon is able to an­less because they never do anything. club donated a flotilla of cars for nounce, through the kindness of DeltaHere is a chance to demonstrate that campaign work. 'Chick' Harley and T au Delta, u,at the two men who tookthey do do things. A certain rushing 'Pete' Stinchcomb, Ohio State's great part were: The woman, Otto Stroh-�lement is needed, too. All-American football stars are lead- meier; the man, Byron Neimeyer.The University has to make the er.; of the Wood club at that U1li- Both are Delt freshmen.Stagg Int.erncholastic a success. We ,-ersity."need athletes-here is the opportun­ity to get them. We want to showoutsiders that Chicago has life andspirit-here is the opportunity. WeThe Student' Newspaper of theUniversity of Chicagomllr laily _arann want to add to the glory of Chicago WILL PLAY OFF TOURNAMENT-here is the opportunity. Workers ---are wanted by the chairman. Shall Ope-n Contest As Soon As Courts· Arehe have them? In ConditionPublished mornings, except Saturday, "I'm for Hiram" Club Picks The women's, leader tennis tourna-Sunday and Monday during the Au- Chief Executive Committee mont will be played oft' in spite of thetumn, Winter and Spring quarters (Continued from page 1) rainy weather. Play will open asby.the Daily Maroon compaftY. ./ Johnson Ashenhurst, George Car- soon as the courts can be put in con­dition. Announcement was made thatthe School of Education courts, onmicheal, Tom Rogers, and LutherTatge. Over 200 buttons were dis-The Statl' tributed at the meeting. Kenwood Ave. near 59th St., may beJOHN E. JOSEPH, . Managing Editor "Johnson Has Splendid Record" used by players on Mondays until 1.William Morgenstern, Athletic Editor "Edward J. Cooke, Illinois Johnson The other courts, may be used untilHarold Stansbury Feature EditorJohn Ashenhurst News EditorEDITORIAL DEPARTMENTdelegate, has asked me to deny em- Spring reservations are made.phatically the statement appearing in Some confusion has resulted fromRose Fischkin News Editorthe 'Tribune' that Senator Johnson the system of challenges put in useHelen Ravitch News Editor had instructed him to. throw his vote this spring; All challenges should beHarry Bird Night Editor to Lowden," declared Harold Huls sent by mail to the women challenged,Ernest Fribourg Night EditorC and not to the Phvsical Educationduring his speech, "Mr. ooke stated 01Herbert Rubel Day Editor I Th t dd rthat he would vote for Johnson on department. e correc a resses 0every ballot. Senator Johnson has the players may be secured at Officemade no lavish, expensive campaign. B of the department. RegulationsHe has trusted tc his magnificent concerning challenges may also beGRANT MEARS-Business Manage political record and to his own splen- seen there.Henry Pringle .. Advertising Manage) did personality, and has so far car­Keith Kindred .. Circulation Manager ried no less than six states by sweep- ILl.USTRATED LECTURE TODAYLaurence Tibbits Asst. Cir.MgrBUSINESS DEPARTl\IENTThe S�affing majorities." ---Entered as second class mail at the "Hiram has the goods," declared "A Summons to Sen' ice" Is SubjectChicago postoffice, Chicago, Illinois John Ashenhurst in his talk. "This of Talk in Harper AssemblyMarch 13, 1906, under the act of campus is at heart a strong 'Hiram' RoomMarch 3, 1873. campus, and it's up to us to harness _that strength to a rousing Johnson "A Summons to Service," the sub-SUBSCRIPTION RATES campaign. Our candidate is today ject of the illustrated lecture to beCalled for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a sweeping everything before him in given today at 4 in Harper Assemblyprimaries throughout the country. room, was delivered by Earl S. Tay­We must keep up that winning stride lor at the Des Moines convention andright here in the University .. 'Hiram' has been given in Chicago under thehas 'em all scared, and the 'I'm For auspices of the Interchurch WorldHiJr amites' on this campus will have movement. Harold Nicely will deliv­all other political factions scared be- er the lecture which accompanies theEditorial Rooms ...•........ Ellis 14 fore we get through," slides. Nanine Gowdy is chairman ofTelephone Midway 800 Hold Democratic Rally Today the meeting.Business Office Ellis 14 All Democrats in the University The pictures, which are Ql1 hand-have been urged to attend the ad- colored, make a. complete survey ofministration rally to be held today. the opportunities of the ChristianWednesday, April 28, 1920 Thomas E. McCollough, acting chair- church in non-Christian countries, andman of the movement yesterday gave shows graphically just what is beingout the following statement regarding done along lines of education, medi-The chairman of the Stagg Inter- the proposed organization: "The Dem- cine, agriculture, industry, etc.scholastic has sent out a call for ocratic club is being organized toworkers, and he should have them. advance the interests of the Demo- MEMORIAL DRIVE WILL BEGINUndoubtedly he will need them. Wehave not had an Interscholastic forquarter.By Carrier, $2.50 a year; $1.00 aquarter.By Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50a quarter.Telephone Midway 800WANTED: WORKERSthree seasons; over half the students. '# in the University have never workedat the job. And it is a job.SPOEHR'S FOURSTORES LOOPSPOEHR ·PUDDINGSAt the Bookstore For Lunch Downtown 1 NO T�6PHY SHIEl DI FOR MAROON TEAMA Redew of "Genius and the AT DRAKE RELAYSCrowd" at Powers TheaterI I T rack Men Return From Des-I Moines Defeated for FirstWhen young genius encounters the T·· H.v:littcring and worldly mob rule of I ime In istory,female curiosity and temptation what ---is he to do? Give in and prostitute lLUNI Sh,. NEW MARK IN MILEhis ideals or run away and renoqnce ---art? Mr. George Cohan and his new For the first time in history, thestar, 1\1r. George Renavent, and the I Maroon track team returned from theMessrs. John T. McIntyre and Francis I Drak.e relays at Des �Ioines without;Hill, the authors, try to answer the a single trophy shield to theirquestion in "Genius and the Crowd," credit.and they succeed fairly well. Illinois won the four mile race withIn the play itself Mr. Cohan has a time of 18:18 2-5, with Wisconsinnot done particularly well ·by his rep- and Ames second and third, respect­utation. The theme of "Genius and I ively. The two mile went to Amesthe Crowd" is interesting, especially I with a new record of 7 :53 1-5, HUnfor theatrical treatment. It is rea- ois was second, and Notre Dame thirdsonably fresh and philosophical, but - Michigan won the half-milo inJrood acting covers some indifferent! 1 :29 1-5, while Missouri. took secondplaywriting. The major part of act and Iowa third. In the mile I11inoistwo drags dramatically where etching established a new mark of 3:21 3-5of character is intended, and the finale, Michigan came second, and Minnesotawith the "crowd" marching in reV-I third.erently on a love scene, is impossible. Team Drew 0 tsid P .... u sa e ositionsThere is need for tightened action. , In snit f th' r h. ' l PI e 0 e act t at the 1\IaMr. Renavent, the new star, IS a I roons did not fi . th .. . ::.. gure m e sconngpleasant young chap and a pronusmg I this d " n t th t hI � 0 m�n a tey�reartist. I should not estimate his age, out f th . D ... . 'I 0 e running. rawmg outsideto be very great (as Philippe Trava'i iti . th '1. . . POSI Ions In e nu e and two-milehIS IS supposed to be 22) nor hIS dra- Chi I d f. . rcago pace ourth in both ofmatie experience to have been lengthy; th ts. ese even , pressing the leadinghe IS not always at ease. But he han- t . .. cams every Inch of the waydles the part well. Trava IS one of" . . .. .these Heifetz fiddlers=-young and im- The position drawn In -the mile reaginative, possessed of great genius llay" Coach Stagg said Mondayand exceedingly restless in his sud- "meant the ditl'erence between ptacden rise to fame. Jewels and wines ing and a possible victory, or defeatand the persistency of women in the We got the place farthest from thesearch of sensations-in fact, all the pole." There was a split second beevidences of a visible world have more tween the running time of the winneror less shattered the evidences of and of the l\faroon�. Two heats wereheld, Chicago drawing five strongcompetitors, while Illinois ran in aneasy field. The !\Iaroon's time was3 :24 4-5, the four stretches being runby Bartky, Harris, Hall and Speer.Handicap In Starting Positio�The team in the two-mile was composed at Otis, Jones, Moore, and Kennedy. The 8tarting position also wasa handicap in this event. Joneshowever, featured by running a quarter-mile under two minutes. The ag­gregate time was 7:673-5.MOB RULEflY JOHN E. JOSEPHTrava's own invisible world. He de­cides to give up art and the fiddle.The problem of the play then is toget Trava out of this lethargy ofnerves, andthe person who does it isRobert G. Burr, splendidly interpret­ed by Mr. Frank Otto, a lively andtypical automobile salesman. A youngBroCIy Withdraws As Candidat�EverywhereOPPORTUNITY IS YOURSGuaranteed earnings of not less than $7.00 per day foryour vacation.Some one of our representatives will be at the Universityin the near future to meet W. U. men that have been writingfor particulars concerning the sale of our line. of maps.If you want money-making work, arrangements can bemade for a meeting by your writing us now.NATIONAL MAP COMPANY, : : : Indianapolis, lneL" : \.I I." }I!I� :!1;.'r;, JI I .,,�} '.j.,. '0I .:I :�.� .I .. �'ill"�l ":, .j ">�II;',:11.'1'}\,',:�. ':·1")1';z: t��! .. �.!.1t'.� DAILY MAROON. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, J920 3Satiafaction first; and last; your satisfaction. Weguarantee it firat and last, QT money refunded cheerfullyBest styles for young menfOur 4th floor, is theplace to see them,\YOU want the kind of suitswe have here foryou; we knew you'd want them: that's whywe have- them here. They're made in. thesmartest style for. young men, whose ideas arestrictly up-to-date on fashion. The fabrics arebeautiful: you can't fully appreciate them untilyou see what they are; but we can tell youthat they're as fine as you ever saw., We offervery interesting values for young men ..$40 $45 $50 $60 $65 $70 $75 $80 $90 ..Hart Schaffner & Marx stylish all-wool clothes\ Maurice L RothschildGood clotheJ: nodring els«Southwest comer Jackson and State\C LAS S FIE 0 � �. s.l�IiiTO HENT: Attractive room, single �r �double, $5 or $6 a week. Electric :-;"'!3lights, two windows. .Laura Bode- :;:_;;bender, 5707 Kenwood. (131) �@iiAn Opportunity for Young ='EiWomen. §i�'-S3Our Company is setting a precedent �by employing university women dur- ?_ing their summer vacations, trainingthem for executive positions and then �placing them in charge of our branch ==offices after graduation. The work 1 �Their dashes were doubtless pep- is dignified and strictly educational, i �3Stuart" or whatever it was quite as pery affairs. It's not a little remark- pays well, and offers exceptional oP-l �., portunity for. advancement. Give • ==much as anything on the program. able that the arguments were got com�lete information about your-l �'But it's rather late to say so. We through with without the more or less self m first letter. 1 �therefore take refuge in silence. We innocent bystanders cettine peppered G. C. BUXTON '1 =,,"-" ",",-': � 1718 N. American Bldg. Chicago I �are none the less flattered that any- as well. I -one should be mad about not appear- SPOEHR CHOCOLATE I� WORl.C·S l.ARGEST MAKERS OF FINE PIPES §ing in this column. There was a time In the recent heated discussions of DOUGHNUTS I �-=� §when�op��ughl�k�po�of�, ilie�a�tre�yandilie�ague�n� I���������������������������������-or at least pretended to do so. tions we fail to recall the mention of At the Bookstore ! SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAILY MAROON• �. �.. a!: .•i�� ., -: I......... \. THE DAILY MAROON. -WEDNESDAY. APRIL 28. - 1920--;1 CLINCH is a good name for a manThe C tunrui kes a rri I' rt i Bl kfriWhistle who ta res a glr s pa mac. nars.-Garcon._,... �� --S P 0 R T S H 0 R T S &::i§?...__gt_ -� _. ----£ZL _.We are enabled to dish up to youWE confess we don't know just howto square ourself with !\Iarion Rubo­vits for omitting her act in our re­view of the Senior vaudeville yester­day. If we tell her the truth, that weforgot the act completely in our hasteit will sound alm6st as bad as if weadmitted leaving it out altogether. Ofcourse, we think the act was a knock­out. We enjoyed her "Serenade to a rather hot and snappy item rightoff the international stove this morn­ing in the following dispatch:. Santiago, Cuba, April 26.-Chiliwon the fourth South American Olym­pic tournament with a score of 61,against 43 for Uruguay, and 20 forArgentina.AP1PE'S the th ing with men. Under the spell ofW D C Pipes 'men relax, fagged brains are relieved.The specially seasoned genuine French briar breaks in sweetand mellow. It will not crack or bum through. TheW D C Triangle on the bowl is your guarantee. Ask anygood dealer.WM. DEMUTH 8t CO .. NEW.YORK�any provisions as to international ath­letics and their conduct.THE effulgent Chawles suggeststhat, while the council is getting out I Since international athletic con­"Hit the Walk" buttons, it may as well • �orifflJ llranb •,�lothtJFOil YOU�G MEN AND MENWHO STAY YOUNGPolitical RagWith Hooverites and LowdenitesAnd Hiramites to boot,·:,I::::'---·We're all confused and hardly know. For which one we should root.issue a few labeled "Please, NewlySeeded" for bald-headed professors towear on their brows.One of yourbest friends isyour penciltests are attracting more and moreattention, we cannot but feel that thepowers that be (and want to be) haveoverlooked a vital point.ALTHOUGH Foster hall was re­ported to be entirely occupied, roomhas been found for a newcomer namedGiogivenotchi. You can easily pickout the monkey. He's the one thatdoesn't wear a comb in the hair. When there is a dispute over thedecisions of the umpire or referee,what then? It becomes a seriousmatter when popl of different tonguesbegin airing their pet endearments.Wars have been inaugurated fromTHE expressman who came into the loss..information office in the Press 'witha D. U. badge on his hat has nothing And so have presidents. Write toon the pretty colored girl who was your pet candidate! Don't let himseen wearing a Quadrangular pin. overlook a sure bet.THE best little thing we do is tomake apologies. Frank Theis, who·was reported to us as being de­linquent in the matter of raising amustache, just came in to prove theInjustice we had done him. He real­ly has a mustache. You can find it,too, if you look hard. As a matter between friends, how­ever, the United States hockey teamwas defeated a day or so ago by theCanadian team by a score of 4 to 3.'This is among the first of the Olym­pic events at Antwerp in which Amer­ica has competed. ':):'!t�t�lf....... :.:=::. ...Volunteers are wanted toI help. inconducting the Stagg Interschalastic,Do your bit!EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWSWith Prexy Beane"Ho, hum," said l\Ir. MacDonald,as he leaned back in his swivel chair,"don't you ever get tired of inter­viewing me?""Of course, I do," said our corre­spondent, G. Howie Heelsafter Dope,"but orders is orders.""Well, what time is it this time?""The Senior dinner.""Oh, yes, there is going to be one,isn't there? Dinner and entertain­ment. I understand Hans Hoeppneris going to make a little speech.""You don't say so! Does that corneunder the head of entertainment?"uWell, it's hardly in the nature ofnourishment. There won't be anydancing, but don't print that. Itmight keep away some of the bestknown seniors.""But, why not?" queries the report­_ er, standing first on one hand andthen on the other.uWe don't want to conflict with theMay Day party."uOh, yes. The Delts and the PhiPsis have announced that they aregoing to that, haven't they?""Yes, and Mr. Holton promises ap­propriate music.""Gosh!!" exclaimed Mr. Dope. "Butwho's going to he at the Senior sup­per?""Gemmill and Dougall and Priebeand . . ."But the reporter had left, writingdown as he went, the rest of thenames Prexy Beano was about to say. D-'· .:J patterns are a feature of"".00 .. - Society Brand Clothes.J . But 'the sty Ie, fit and fin-ish in converting these fabrics have. \ elevated Society Brand to its domi­nant position, The most important factor is hand­tailoring. ( Unless carefully hand-stitched at cer­tain points, garments will not hold their shape.quickens 'your .)pencil work, ':makes .it easier ...and better. It'is a friend Indeed and atneed.WITH -THE VARIED GRADES OF CLOTHING FLOODINGTHE �IARKET, LOOK FOR THE LABEL AS YOUR GVIDEALFRED DECKER .. COHN, !'blce�1 SOCIETY DRASD CI.OTHES, limired, 'or CaudaChicago New York MontrealSold by leadingstationers-at schooland in town. ¢) A. D. A Co• "TheHub" Henry C. Ly.tton & Sons'.--, State and Jackson on the N. E. Comer ,AND All. LEADING CLOTHIERS- SPOEHR BLUE BIRDSWEETSFor Happiness( vSHl; \, Twc. � •;) TITJFo.... by EductiyearmenwhoTheJsingiancepart:fournFre<lbertCOO�Don:centGoredy,Fore� Lad� �{ niga'w: �-< R(MilbI" mey:ter,Fratardselltern::.,�� ----TJunfilfinddaywhocom:in tl"T(..N� theh� daysPostbeel1of ':fact:at �5541affaibesfureal]hOlMkeelwi�ventby 1liquipla�clas.Ifentehostgestopinmig:BlinFalltryHthatwhh\\pJedcageArk