HITPrice Five Cents�' r �\-", ,-:.- -:: )'--'-:::-�"�-':':r'.''''"'7'.. 'HIT -THETHE WALK! WALK!,,iat aroonVol. 18. No. 104 NIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 1920\I "Barbara Behave!" Cast' Chosen,I JOHNSON BACKERS ST AiT PROF. WI������_�::��ILURE"HIRAM" CAMP AIGNil'ODA Y Former Member of English Depart-, \ ment Passed Away Sunday After. \1 Ian Attack Brought on by FractureCampus Democrats WIll Meet Tomorrow To Ef- of the Hip.fect Permanent Organization-University I .W od Or · W· f S' Prof. W. C. Wilkinson, formerly ofo gamzers Ire 0 uccess, the English department died Sunday, " at the Illinois Central Hospital from IHi:am Johnson. General Wood. and !I APPEAL FOR MEN TO l"n attack of heart failure, probably Ithe Democratic Party all burst into AID N . ;rought on, by a fracture of the hiPJ Ith 0 COMMITIEES I NEW UNIVERSITY OF I Cast parts for "Barbara, Behave!",. e campus political limelight yester- I ,,1wo weeks ago. Prof. Wilkinson wasday. "Hiramites" will hold their liON INTERSCHOLASTIC I cU,.·ghty-seven years old, He lived at I CHICAGO SONGBOOK 1920 Blackfriar show, were announcedI 1 yesterday. Charles Breasted, '20, j�rally today; the Democrats are to', �620 Woodlawn Ave.'. TO APPEAR JUNE 1ff F I I Call f Wk' d f . to be Robert Eddington, the leadinr;e ect a permanent organization to- I . U ton ssues ', or or - I :, PI�f. Wilkinso. n retire rom active 'I ''d ! man. The part 'of Barbara Foster,morrow; while the Wood campus I' ers-To Announce Sub- ; t�aching about 1900 an was made F k H d GI H d I .leaders now stumping Ohio for the. I professor emeritus although he is I r�n ar esty,. enn �r -, the title r�le, h�s not .yet been fine�.General report great success in spe-, Chairman Tomorrow. : sjll on the roll of the faculty, accord- i mg and Jean Pickett Edl- ! Bayard Chnch, 23, will fill the partcial despatches to The Daily Maroon. I TOURN I i� to'the auditor's office. His best : 1 tors of Book . -' ! of Gwendolyn Cadwallader - Yorke,HIRAMITES MEe- A'l' 1 IN LA'V I • EY IS SET FOI� JUNE 121 kl'own poems were two long narra- ___. i the second female part. ,BUILDING FOR RALLY 1 " ,---. ti\es based on the New Testament I NEW ISSUE CONTAINS 132 PAGES The. cast as an.nounced is me�l�The Johnson rally, postponed from,' hunckrgraaul atFe mhen of Jumor, So- sbry of the apostle Paul,-leThe Epic I tentative, and subject to change If It. . p omore anr • res man classes are I' " " .., is thought desirable. The men wereyesterday, WIll be held today at 1 mil I . of, Saul. and The EpIC of Paul. I June 1 is the date announced forthe North room of the Law building. I nee<, CCI to USTe�e o� committees of the" both very favorably criticised by such 1 the publication of the new University I picked by Mr. Shuter, the producer,. . ., I annua niveraity interscholastic . .• I after a tryout which continued all ofAll University "HIram' boosters have Itt t be h Id J ,!\uth�'lhes as Prof. Samtsbury of of Chicago song books which the Un-!. ; ournamont, 0 e une 12 on , .' 'last week Sixty-five men appearedbeen urged to attend In order that a, St fi ld S h I I E:rgland and others of equal promm- dergraduate council has compiled. As-l ..... . I as;!g e. op omores anr Fresh- .., i• at the preliminary' tryout Mondaypowerful organization supporting the I .' I d .d .. ! enee. Prof. Wllkmson s most famous I surance that the book would be 18-,. 'I men are especra y esrre to asstst In I ... I • • I April 19 as aspirants for the cast. ASenator ma� .. be launched at once.: th . k r d tisl ducti C01r5e at the Um v ersity was called I sued on this date was g1\�n yestcr- '. .. e wor 0 aver rsmjr,> con uctmg I.' ' large number were eliminated at thatEdwin J. Nelson will take charge of I d t ki f th t ts I th I "Thnsees," intended to stimulate stud-I day. The council committee respon-, ' .- an a mg care 0 e en ran s 1D e I I time � From the remaining menthe meeting. and John Ashenhurst.! bie t -I ents to original criticisms. sible for the book is Frank Hardesty, .Harold Huls, Tom Rogers. and other I I�a:kee � It 1 hai f II :'His daughter," Florence Wilkinson, chairman, Glenn Harding, and Jean, eleven cast parts and one understudyI u on, genera c airman 0 . I were chosenrepresentative students will' give the 19"0 Int h 1 ti d I w\i1e 'a student at the university, I Pickett. 1"-,.. er.lc 0 as c, announce' - - - - -- - --. _,short talks f�r the candidate. But- yesterday that he had sent letters to 'I was perhaps the most prolific under- I The last University song book was Br�sted Plays Young Author -, - - . ,tens and other campaign material will all the' fraternities notifying them of I graduate writer of poetry here, and 1 published fi, ve years ago and because. Charles Breasted,� who. Will, playbe ready for distribution. the need for men. "It is important I subsequently attained a wide reputa- of a lack of permanent arrangements I,the leading male role, Robert Edding- ,Edwin .J. Nelson, one of the prime that every -man, especially of the I tiDn as an epigrammatic poet." said for its sale it was soon out of print.; bin, is already a member. of Black--mo v ers in �he. Johnso� bo.om: stated I lower classes, Who can do so, come out I Dean Linn yesterday., ,T� counCil. has. made arrangements I friars. H�; appeared in "A Rheni�h)�esterday, Th1S meeting IS intended for -some committee work," he said.1 ', WIth the University.beck store where-, Rhomance, the 1917 show, and mto �sta1lize "Hiram" sentiment on I "There is enough work so that every GLEE CLUB rERFORMS AT by they win take over the sale of it 1 "The Naughty Nineties," last SP,_ring•th� campus so that a sweeping cam- [available man can be used." EDG�WATER BEACH HOTEL I an� keep it permanently in stock. II, the _latter show he �k the part ofpaign may be started on a firm foun-I Sophomores Especially Asked • '-' NeW' Book Contains 132 Pages I Detective Jones. _ In Barbara. Be-dation. We are a_!lXious to see all t Second year men have been espe: Uninrsity Orgal!ization Makes Plans I The 0]<\ book had only 120 pages, have!" he will be a young author dis-John�on su�porters.�t t�e, meeting as cially urged to volunteer their serv- For Future Trips This Spring the new one contains 132. Of these, I �i�ed as a bellhop in sear� of �-we want this orgaruzation.to be rep- ices. The position of .general chair- the first 38 are such popular songs as I tenal at the hotel where the scene 18,resentative of the entire University. man is filled by a junior, picked from l ,The University Glee club gave a "'Wave the Flag,'; "I'm Str�ng for IlaJd..,Our message to each Johnso� enthus- the sophomores of the previous year. f short concert at Edgewater Beach ho-I Chicago." and "He's a Grand Old Bayard Chnch, 23, will be Gwea­iast on the camp� �s.� �� busy, I �� sophomores �11 thus be'in com-I tel last Saturday night in the Black 1 Stagg." Seventy-one pages more are dolyn Cadwallader-Yorke, the secoDdround up all the Hiramites he or petttion among themselves. I Catroom after the regular Saturday I Blackfrier songs. This makes a total female role. 'she can find, and bring them to the I Sub-chairmen for this year's Inter- night dance., Only the glee club se- of 109 pages of strictly University of Dougall, Macdonald LaDd p� ,meeting. Th, eh we'll be all set for a • scholastic are sophomores. Their Il lections were,' used. The, hotel man-I Chicago songs. The remaining ones Chancellor Dougall, '20, <, w:ill,,,,,,bereal "Hiram" rally. 'I names will be announced tomorrow. age"?ent requested another program are songs of the conference colleges, Mrs. Cadwall$der-Yarke, GweDdolyn's--- •, The men have -been named by Jack from the club. and a few Eastern' colleges that the mother, Bernard MacDonald, '20, ,willDEMOCRATS LA U N 9,H CAM- Fulton from those' who worked in the I On Saturday, May 1, the club and com'mittee considered popular at 'Chi- be Ezra Hadley, the hotel proprietor,PAIGN AT 4 TOMORROW series of indoor track meets held last t orchestra will give a concert in Win- cago. and G. H. Bin� '20, his son, StaUDtonAll �mocrats' in the' University quarter. The, list 'of' appointees has I netka ta the N�w Trier High. school, Glenn Harding, o� the UndelJr&d- Hadley.have been asked to attend a rally of I been sen� to the Undergraduate coun- under the auspIces of the Simmons, ua� song committee which edited the I Of the lighter parts, Edward Wa-the party to be held tomorrow at 41' cit and will be '� upon today. Coneg� club. The �Iub �lso has proS-I book,. says of it: "We tried to' elim- ful, '22, will take the part of: Williein Cobb 12 A. A pennanent organ- Expect Large' Entry peets for concerts 10 l\hlwaukee and. inate aU the old cobwebby songs of I Tipham, a comic bellhop, and Geraldi7.ation '\\ill be fonned; and a staff of I The Interscholastic this year comes Aurora. 'I the last song book, and to include only I Westby, '20, that of Belle Dodge, aofficers elected. It is planned to on June 12. Entries ':rill be recebed those that are popular on the cam-I page. Kenneth Richardson, '28, willlaunch a pro�ganda campaign at from a large number of high schools WISCONSIN CONFERS DEGREE pus. We have made this strictly a be Hollister Wemyss, a 'cynic:al eo1-once in order to have it- well under and academies. Letters and blanks UPON PROF. CHAl\IBER�AIN CuICAGO book. All 'the songs in it legian, and Jackson Moore, '23, Bye-way when election time' draws near. will be sent to 2,5()0 secondary schools I I are college songs� most of them Cbi- cinth Wallace" a plump freshman'The administration forces '\\ill open in the Middle West. It is expected Formn Head of Geography Depart- I cago songs, and they're all songs that from thQ University. Bruno Aggrea-their fight 'by challenging their Re- that there win be in the neighbor- ment Made Doctor of Science by i you like to sing." - so'\itch, a "campus bolshevik," willpublican enemies to a debate. hood of,5()() entrants. Badger University Thursday I be played by William Gemmill, '20.Thomas E. McCollough is acting The men who came to the meet. . Three Are Former Friarschainnan and Royal E. Montgomery, from outside Chicago will be housed I The honorary degree of doctor of \'ers�ty l_ast June. He � .fo�erly Besides Breasted Bernard M�-acting secretary or the movement.' in fraternity houses on the campus. science was conferred by the Uni- pre�ldent of the �adge� Un1vers1ty. Donald and Edward' Waful each badTh 'II be . . 1 tertain- I. •• Prof Prof. Chamberlam dehvered an ad- .The latter yesterday spoke as follows ey WI given specla �n verslty of W1sconsln upon essor., a part in last year's Blackfnar show... t ·'1 b d db et and . . I dress upon the foundIng of the WIS-1"('garding the propo�ed or�amzatton: men, a specla an an anqu, Ementus Thomas Chamberlam ast. '1 I MacDonald was Hafiz and Wafu! De-. to b·1 par d through the . . ronsm Academy of whIch he was one '"Th·elJ· Democrat on the campus 1S an au mo 1 e a e- ,Thursday dunng the exerc1ses com- ..•. . tecth.e Grimes. Both are members ofstrongly urged to be present at to- city the morning of the Interschol-: nlemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the .onglnal 1Ocorporators. Presl-the Order of Blackfriars. Kennethmorrow's rally. We i�tend to fonn astic. Fraternity houses will be dec-: of the Wisconsin Academy of dent. NIC�olas . Murray Butler, of Col-I Richard�on and Jackson ?Ioore' are. . ted' h n of the occasion. A, . umbla umverslty New York, �poke at. .a permanent orgamzatlon-one that"ra lD 0 or, ,ScIences, Arts and Letters. Prof. '. . h d members of the Umverslty Glee club.�il1 be strong enough to put up a tenn!s tou.rnament will be run in con-l Chamberlain retired from the Uni-i a second com'ocatlon later 10 t e thay.! Byron M. Norton is the only under-. fi ht' th I t' W Ian necbon Wlth the track and field com-' , , Among the other speakers at e I d - f '__ ..2 H .11rousmg g 10 e e ec 10n. e p. . stu y so ar announ\.�. e WI un-1· t th rt' f D ratl·c petition, starting Wednesday, June 9. THE WEATHER I meeting were Pres1dent E. A. BIrge, d tud th 'Itto en 18 e suppo 0 emoc I•• I e1'S y c 'Women spas.d to kers Today cloudy probably showers in of the un1verslty, Prof. John M. Cou-Iheadquarters, an secure spea ", T" • Prof' ===============f . 1 . to add the Announce PlecJ-nng of Dixon the morning TomorroW' generally, ter, U Dlverslty of ChIcagO, .o nationa prommence ress .... .',... .1. T TT •h If f th rty W h D Ita S1·gma Pbi announce.c; the fair and somewhat warmer Mod- Charles E. Allen, UnIversIty of W1S- college, Prof. Wlllam release, �nl-club on·be a 0 epa. e 8",e e . • .. . .1 - ·sed h- f xt k' ..... ledmng of C. L. Dixon of Witchfta, I erate north to northwest wind.... today, consin, Bishop Samuel Fallows, Ch1- verslty of nhnois and Supt. Josephbeen prom1 r argo 0 ne wee s" b" •I . B 1 ·t � W· . H'sto' 1 • .._. d ' �) Texas. becoming vari:lble tomorrow C:lgo, President M. A. Brannon, e 01 j Schaler, IsconSlD I nca SOCle.�.(Continue on page., •.,BREASTED AND CLINCH AREPICKED FOR FRIARS LEADS"Barbara" Still Undecided - Binz, MacDonald,Gemmill, Kenneth Richardson, Moor.e,Dougall, Waful and WestbyGet Other Roles.•II"\ ..2 .. .... "THE DAILY MAR()()N. TUESDAY, APRIL 27,'1920--- ------- -------------- ------------1:1' ... %I 1�' as a vaudeviile show is concerned but Provided Bartky an� one or two then coming;back in tempt to I teams in the Conference while 'Iowa� apt �ai y �arnnn at far as any undertaking is concern- other Maroon runners don't get too stop the Wblverines 'following Is another strong team. Some idea DSed, The absence of hate (in spite of ambitious and run wild -In practice, day. I to the strength o� the Illini will bewhat some may say about "Optim- Chicago has a fair chance to repent Parks, who starred 0 the mound gained from this game,ism") and the presence of honest am- last year's marks. for �lichigan last year, pposed thebit ion and good, hard work makes the Hoosiers and 'struck out n men.' Thebest college spirit we know of. LATE NEWS DESPATCH: Woln'rines showed they strength aniThere is no doubt or the success of Mason of the Maroon track team t�l:ou.gh the contest, ,lUnching .their Ithe S'enior vaudeville nor or the class set a new fashion, coming home from hits In the third, iowth and eighth Ithat managed it and the classes that the Drake relays Saturday. And rounds, and getting /nough runs toEDITORIAL DEPARTMENT assisted any more than there is no economical! Someone stole his dress win easily. I IThe Staff doubt that the vaudeville demon- trouser!" at Des Moines, and so he The Purdue- Wis:onsin gam eJOHN E. JOSEPH .. Managing Editor strated the true spirit of the Uni- wore hi� fleece lined sweat trunks. abounded with erron, sixteen miscuesWilliam Morgenstern, Athletic Editor versity. Mr. Hoeppner's program being chalked up hi the men on theHarold Stansbury Feature Editor plea about "making it annual" was CON,FERENCE BASEBALL two teams. The COl test was the sea-John Ashenhurst News Editor f-ervently answered at the vaudeville. BEGINS WITH INDIANA'S son's opener at Stiart Field.I!ose Fischkin News Editor It shall be annual. Friday's enter- DEFEAT OF WISCONSIN 9 Illinois downed Notre Dame 8-3,Helen Ravitch News Editor tainrnent was a revelation and an in- taking the seconf of the two gameHarry Bird Night Editor spiration. P d B "T' • d 1l1' hi series. Heikes jitched fine ball forur ue eats" ISCODSm an �,IC ga�Ernest Fribourg Night EditorSwamp's Indiana in Saturday's the Indians alloving' only four safeHerbert Rubel Day Editor S P 0 R T S H 0 R T S H�jer State Battl� blows. The Orange and Rlue infieldshowed up exceptionally well. 'The interesting game on this I ==========:.=====week's card w.ll be the Iowa-Illinois SPOEHR PUDDINGSbattle at Urbana on Saturday. 11-At the BookstoreEntered as second class mail at theChicago postoffice, Chicago, IllinoisMarch 13, 1906, under the act ofMarch 3, 1873.The Student Newspaper of theUniversity of ChicagoPublished mornings, except Saturday,Sunday and Monday durin, the Au­tumn, Winter and Spring quartershy the Daily Maroon company.�.�.# .BUSINESS DEPARTMENTThe StaffGRANT MEARS-Business ManageHenry Pringle .. Advertising Manage)Keith Kindred .. Circulation ManagerLaurence Tibbits ... � .. Asst. Cir.Mgr.\� ",._"'rr .• ':j��,�,�. .tt:-l.;" ..... � .... .:r.L��·������r: '�:!\"-",,'\'\l:/;;� "�Lff';'1" -tJ·\1(::,�ti '.� .l�- , ,-' If there was' one' thing the Seniori�j;::�'- ��j[:§��f.;�;o:�:���'''�h' 'cheap rah-rah type of lazy enthusi-rtj!;':.' , asm t�t characterizes many institu-i�f�}':-, tioDS where young people are search-� . .:., 'ing for or dodging an education, butt�':'''' "', rather the enthusiasm of doing things�K' ���:�:::�ot b:���:�f(.'- .' about the frigid atmosphere of thef�(:' , University of Chicago. It isn't only�f:;', the outsider who says: "Oh yes, you$s.. · have a nice enough 'tot of students,tf, and heaven knows you have the in­struction, but the ke�ote of yourlives lies in the' buildings-they aretoo coldly correct and indifferent. Nov-:�t�:"-'�. 't{>t:.r·r.'·v-N�':.��-��o quarter.- By Carrier, $2.50 a year; $1.00 aquarter.By Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50a quarter.Editorial Rooms •••••••••••• Ellis 14Telephone Midway 800Business Office Ellis 14Telephone Midway 800Tuesday, April 27, 1920LAST FRIDAY NIGHTI"f an ··OI(,EH"ARRowCFORM.-FITOLLARCLUETT. PEABODY lICo.?nc.J(cUc(!.!"8The Drake relays have come and Saturday's Results ,gone. The onlv place we found the I01 Purdue 9; Wisconsin 5; (at Lafay-Maroons figuring in the summaries. ette).was in the announcement: "Four-mile. Iinois " is one of 'the two strongestMichigan 10; Indiana 3; (at Bloom--Chicago and Grinnel withdrew." ir.gton).Apparently Illinois made duck-soupof Drake, winning two out of four re­lay events.Perhaps there is some consolationin having the title within your ownstate. Indeed, a review of athleficsof the 1919-1920 season ,should behighly gratifying to the unbiasedsportsman of· the grand State of Il­linois. Its three Big Ten universitieshave divided things as follows:Illinois-Football, wrestling and in­door track.Chicago-Basketball and gymnas­tics.Northwestern-Swimming.Have we overlooked anything? This Week's. GamesApril 30:Iowa at Purdue.May:Iowa at Illinois. IIndiana at Wisconsin.The Conference baseball lid wasblown oft' last week when the Big 'Te�teams got into action. Kunkel, IJ­diana hurler featured the opening tJybeating Wisconsin last Friday a_dLThe Corn ExchangeNational BankOF CHICAGOCapital, $5,000,000Surplus & Profits, $10,000,000IIs the Largest National Bank in theUNITED STATESWith a Savings DepartmentUnder Federal SupervisionN. W. Cor. La Salle and A'dams �Bring Your &Vings To Us.And from the present outlook 11-Open Saturday Even'gs until 8 o'clockIinois stands in a fair way to head theConference in outdoor track and inbaseball.The Maroon baseball team enrouteto Japan on the Tenyo Maru, appearto have foundered on the first andonly snag between San Francisco andYokahoma when they stopped for .�snack at the Sandwich Islands. OnFriday they met an all-Chinese teamat Honolulu, and were beaten 4 to 3.� a.- m. and 9 p. m. on the day of th.escheduled game the insurance is tobe paid.We wonder if Lloyd's or somebodywon't insure the Maroons for vic­tories.The next affair on the track pro­gram is the Penn relay classic, May1. For more than a week now theOxford-Cambridge team bas beenworking out at Philadelphia.SPOEHR BLUESWEETS BIRDA few more days of rainy weatherhere last week and the MaroonsSUBSCRIPTION RATES should have developed web feet-s-andCalled for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a might have figured in the swim.We see that Yale has insured itsbaseball team against rain and wetgrounds. in home .games, in order toguard against financial loss. .U· onefifth of an inch of rain falls betweendaughter"-sometimes it is the 'son;more frequently the daughter-ceofmine could ever go there.", . We hate to boast; it is notoriouslybad taste; we would leave that toee�hi 'institutions to the north andSC)t1tii C)f us' Where enthusiasm is ex­pended upon poker and cushioned fra­ternity chairs. But Friday's enter­tainment deserves a debauch of boast­ing. In the first place it '\1 ... as remark­ably good entertainment; there wasn'taa act which could have failed to at­tract the inspired reporter. Even Mr.Period, that groaning and pervertedcritic who inspires the contempt ofanonymous lodge-members and theopen-minded residents of Homewoodand the University, found it so abo\'ethe average bill at the Majestic thathe went home happy, we have beentold.And it demonstrated a remarkablespirit of co-operation and labor on thepart of each dh'iRion of the manage­ment. That is the true coTIege �pirit.That 'i� what mak('s the �ons anddaughters of the less fearful parentswho allow their children to matricu­late at the University successful andreal men and 'Women, not only as far For HappinessAn Opportunity for YoungWomen. SPOEHR ENGUSH TOF�FEE BARAt the Bookstore•TOU. TOO. CAN HAVEIEAU'I1fULEYEUSHESaDd BROWSTho:r add woDdafal­l:r to ODe'. boaat:r,cha� aDd a"wadi_DCII. A littleLu�-Brow-IaeaPllliocl aiah'I:r ...11aoari.la. _ , i • a lateaad PlOIDOt. IrNwthof �n&E� ..llro .. ' .alti .. tt­l ... tl.ick aad laatroa.. eaanateed ab.olate17banaJ_ Haadrod. of tho_ad. vf ---.Ita ..ben deliehted ';th 'he raalt. ..i_ b� it.11M; whJ' DO' :roa�Price SOc. At y_ ""'_'aMAIEu. UIORATOIlES, CHICAGOThe leader among allColored pencils-BLAJSDELL"'rltes smoothly. sharpens readl.lIJ'-just nick and pull the paperaway. There Is n Jot of work 10eftry point. The famous Blall­dell 1:'11 Blue outsetls all othublue pencils comhlned, At allstattonere.I t:� Blailldflll Colol't'CI penen •• 1I )fad" In fourttoen rich ('0101'11. ,The,- mark on _7thlnC. 10 It'entll e""TJ'wberr.Our Company is setting a precedentby employing university women dur­ing their summer vacations, trainingthem for executive positions and thenplacing them in charge of our branchoffices after graduation. The work -is dignified and. strictly educational, ===============pays well, and offers exceptional op-portunity for advancement. Givecomplete information about your­self in first; letter.G.C. BUXTON1718 N. American Bldg. Chicago SPOEHR'S FOUR LOOPSTORESFor Lunch Downtown Harper Hall53rd and Harper AvenueDancingTuesdays - Wednesdays - Fridays - SaturdaysSPECIAL ORCHESTRAS, THIS WEEKTUESDAY, APRIL 20STRATFORD ORCHESTRAWEDNESDAY; APRIL 21HARPER QUINTETDon' t forget the Leap Year dance next week, April28. Every Tuesday and Wednesday evenings are Uni­versity nights.brings back the "friendly glass", \Puritg, ..Food-Valueand Satisfaction'in everg hoWeKnon:Jn E'OlIrJ}UJhtITl1-Sold E'Ol1TJ}uJhenlAnhcuacr-Busc:h, Inc.St. Louis• I �I r� ..OF ITheelass10 B.TheThursl1'heday fl7 to 8ThrlnightHutchhave ITheday aiThehas ison •• )will bper MThetomorTheday aFrameetcommThemeetofficereque:der t<Blatomorroom.bersbringThEtonigl,Ida -r.;ThEFresllin tiltowelThtgiveNoye:Del7 to !Ida !Yelday jtion 1"5ls"�.Prepsibili,get �mak4thin,Weilimitsum]zinC!mus1'ty 0:schosiralinfo]36 SI' I M PI="OI="C'f'T 1 "-I (\[- 'f��'\' I,TH DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 1920University Men TrainYourself.For Leadership During YourSummer Vacation.Prepare to fill big positions of respon­sibility when you graduate. You canget such positions if you learn how tomake a practical application of thethings you are learning in school now.We have lucrative positions open to alimited number of university men forsummer work. No books or maga­zines proposition. To qualify youmust have a strong personality, plen-, D_ .A G U ERR EST U D I 0'ty of initiative and a good record in:f��� !:S��c!�ed�:!i.rofF� ·21�.� .. ��:��e: .. ·.:���:·::�."C,�·IC-A,��,(f,.:i.L,L.inf0t::;� :. ���S &: CO. .t -:.• +�.'; -: .,.<��_ Tei� w�tiilb S27 for ApPoiDtnJen��'?�·�:: '{'.36 So.' State St.' CHICAGO ._'" .. .�; t:;�� , .r, � .>" ' t, .1 ':':'� , -AD' the','Campus �New. in the Daily . Maroon:�1:�iji".��.. ,,: .. " '., .c.. .. ��,Jc l �:;L .. . �::' � i;�:;l'&���t:f:;- "'�' ;ti:7�S�'.�: .' ' ,;,"�c:�L.:,,:L :ut' . <J�Ic;{G TODAY IIThe Social Committee of the Junior Ielass will meet today at 3 in Cobb Professor Frederick ' oodward to10 B. Speak at Session OJ Debating So- idety- win Hold Gen ral Discussion jThe Campus Club Council will meet -Students Invited t Attend.· '11Thursday at 4 in Ellis 3. -- \Hoover forces will � in charge of i King Tweed1'he glee club will have practice to- th,e gavel meeting to bl held today at 'Iday from 5 to 6 and Thursday from 4 in Classics 10. Professor FrederickWoodward of the Law khool will de-Iliver a talk on the former food ad-]ministrator's candidacy.: The meeting ,Iwill afterward be thrown open to adisc�ssion of Mr. Hoover's qualifiea-:tions for the presidency.. I" "Every student who can possibly do IThe Menorah study circle meets to- so should make it a point to attendthese meetings," declared George Ii\IiJIs, president of the Gavel, yester-The Interchurch world movement day. "Each week a diff�rent factionhas issued-a �et of stereoptican slides takes over the meeting and presentson •• A Summons to Service," They the case for its candidate. The dis- Iwill be shown tomorrow at 4 in Har- cussion then becomes general, and Iper M �1. opinions of all !:�!lds om: heard and IIconsidered.The Y. M. C. A. cabinet will meet Urge Attendance of, Students ,"Tomorrow's meeting "ill �e espe-I mmLLThe'IBUorcially interesting, as no one as more W!!Jer:reJIIS· SonsThe Honor eemmissien will meet to- qualified to speak about Mr. Hoover I Clark aDI1 A.hm" Streetsday at 4 in Classics 15. than Professor Woodward. Mr. Wood-ward became acquainted with Mr.Frank Theis and Jean Pickett will Hoover at Leland Stanford and inmeet members of the Senior Publicity Washington. and he grew to' know... receive courteous attention atcommittee today at 12 in Cobb 12A. the former food chief's personalityand policies very intimately. Again, TheThe Interfraternity council will w_e urg.e a large attendanc� at these FROLIC THEATRE _meet tonight _ at 7 :30 for election of dISCUSSIOns. They are a quick means Iof 'obtaining an education on the is- DRUG STOREOFF I C I A L ' NOT ICE S HOOVE� MEN CONGAVEL MEMADE TO ORDEl?7 to 8 in Mr. Stevens studio. Chosen for its beautyby the fastidious-­for its durability bythe economical - forits correctness by thecorrect.This is Tweed head.Three-quarters club will meet to­night at 7:1� in the· room aboveHutchinson commons. AU membershave been requested to come.quarters.\q •Suits andOvercoats$50, $6'0, $65and upwardsday at 4 :30 in Harper 1\1 13.The Store of WideAssortmentstomorrow at 4 in Ellis 1.University Studentsofficers. Every fraternity has beenrequested to send its delegate in or- sues of the campaign."der to expedite the lections. Cigarettes Fountain ServingCor. Ellis Ave. and 55th StreetLEARN HOW TO CLEAN (Adjacent to Frolic Theatre)Blac� Bonnet �'i1l hold a meeting UP POLITICS TONIGHT I Telephone Hyde Park 761tomorrow at noon in the Y. W. C. A.room. Pins will be issued and mem-, "Clean up of Campus Politics" will PUR E ... F 0 0 Dhers have been asked to be sure to be the subject fOl: open discussion at I· 'bring their dues, the Federation meeting tonight. Red of the highest quality. Home­Jackson, Grant Mears and Frank like Cooking at Popular PricesTho Federation council will meettonight from 7 to 9 in the library of,Ida Noyes ball. " Long have been invited to be presentat the meeting and present the plansformulated .by the seniors.A dinner for all University womenwill be held at 6 in Ida Noyes cafe­teria. The open meeting will begin at, ,7 and last until 8. is what yo� get at theIThe Athletic committee of theFreshman class will meet today at 4in the smoking room in the Easttower of Harper library. Empress 'Quick Lunch806 East ,Sixty-Third �The Student Volunteer band will BRIEF CASESgi\'e a supper tonight at 6 in Ida MUSIC FOUOSNoyes hall. STUDENT CASES ' DORIS HAT SHOP1151 E. 55th S�tNear University,. Guaranteed Goodsare yourProtection.Ir� Insist. ?n the.. :�-.--.::..� ongtnal.Sold by all reliable dealers.Lifton Mfg. Co. : New YorkDelta Sigma will meet tonight from7 to 9 in the North reception room ofIda Noyes ball.YOUTHFUL STYLESforCOlLEGE GIRLSYello" Jaeket will give a tea to­day from 4 to 6 in the North recep­tion room of Ida Noyes ball.UNIVERSITYCAFE WHY BESTLike all good things it is very simple after all. You are ab­solutely protected from loss if you work faithfully. You knowat the start what your minimum co�ions will be, $42.00per week, but there is no limit placed upon the niaximum ..Some men this summer will dear $2,000.00 and more.How ,do we know) It's been done every summer for the pastseveral years. We can use a few more good men. Let's getacquainted.NATIONAL MAP. COMPANY,UP-TO-DATEServes the Best Meals inthe CityA· Trial Will Convince You.SpeciGl35-Cmt .DnmM-s.We have Commutation Tickets$5.60 for $5.005706 Ellis AvenueOpposite Snell Banti 1DdianapoIis, IncI.""�,. ,The Official Photographer of CAP AND GOWN, '20Special Rates to U. of C. Students.N nRIr,IN£\1 �sDELICIOUS AND REFRESH I NGQuenches Thirst­Touches the SpotI EnvironmentI Stimulating environment is vital to yoursuccess in school.Only in congenial and pleasant surround­ings-with associates of your age and ed­ucation--can you do your best work.There is no surer indication of the envir­.onment than a school's entrance require­ment.The school with the highest entrance re­quirement must necessarily have the bestenvironment.M 0 S e r Shorthand College'(Enrolling only high school graduates)12th Floor Lake View Building116 S. Michigan Avenue(Opposite Art Institute)TELEPHONE CENTRAL 5158"The Business College with a Uni:versity Atmosphere"A sure winner-·sartorially-whenshe plays inHA!i���NS;(,the silks that inspir ',the fashions. 'The 1920 winners are:INDESTRUCTIBLE VOILE• PUSSY WILLOWDEW·KIST,. ,1.'. �ns .,,11 """ Jrl.'sKUMSI·KUMSA DREAM CRBPtiFISHER· MAID NBWPORT CORDKHAKI.KOOL KLiMAX-SA nNCHINCHILLA SATIN THI�.uROSHANARA CREPErAU"... ....... /'B, 1IH-"n-4 ., tU 'nt Sf/! D'fUI�."'*7'..... H.t 1I'l'tIrd III .. ',tin �� ail CIlw""'n. .... MALLINSON .. ,..• ,INt,.urb th t�IJ. R. MALUNSON & C9 .•. lao.un. N,. sua FinI··�.. ..saoa AveotJe";"" 31st St'"" NEW YORk. . ... �., ...... ,', , .t? tt, '"t,,," . I,l. 4 I.". '.'/' . :,.. ...." .The C ,.cn:f\UiiV,"'ltis'tie THE DAILY MAROON. TUESDAy. AP� 27. 1920 T :'Boynton, he can begin to talk with I Johnson Backers Start .., II' I DEL-A WA�, 0" A;riI f�6.-GeD·1 Private DANCING' Lessonssome weight. , I ··H· to Ca ign Today eral Wood :bowed strone' lead in I In a COIII'8e !Jf Bve I�na ($5.00), rram mpal I' , , 'f! ,. 1:0' U' one can acquire the steps of theI ---� �traw vote a� all prmcipar- hio m- Waltz; One-step. and Fox-trot. Social'THE .'I' oing to give away I (Conti"ued frOM page 1) versities and: colleges. Ifoover run-I dancing elase Monda,. Eve at 8 P. M.. I becoluedncl"Hls'tg,tlh \IT Ik" A e . i ning second. 'Harding; verY unpopular LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIOpins ale "a. rI "I 1541 E. 57th St. Hyde Park 23 ..they to be worn or used to stick into Gavel meeting and expect to be all i except at Cobbnbu� and. amo�� fann- , ='==============offenders? .I prepared to put up a strong fight in I CM'. All lar(e .Ohio .u�l,·erslties now SPOEHR CHOCOLATETHERE has been a great deal of I support of the administration." ! have hard .working Wood clubs.. DOUGHNUTSconjecture about the new swinging Y___ I' (SIgned) Clarence McBnde.• FINE weather for the May Da....' At the Bookstoredoers leading into Harper reading 1 t F'·d W h th 't I McBRIDE TELEGRAPHS SUCCESS I' D Sroom. Jerry Net' thinks they were )artr nex rt ay, e ope thaat OF EASTERN CAMPAIGN C LAS S',I FIE D A .the rain stops by then or else. put up so that the attendant at the (Sp ial Despatch to The Daily �the barn roof doesn't leak. ecu • 1==============desk just outside could study, undis-_ -Garcon. !\iaroon), I LOST-Black fur left in Cobb 12A Iturbed by the noise. Ma.'C, Steffens, on CINCINNATI, 0" April 24.-Wit- Thursday, 11 A. M. Please retuDlIthe other hand, thinks their purpose tonberg Coolege students gave sPlen., to C. & A. Office. ', (130)-is tosmake the place seem more at- "SE�IOR VAUDE SUCCESS" did reception to Wood speakers. I'tractive for mourners of the late J. B. DECLARES HANS HOEPPNER I Rousing turnout at rally. Have start-] SPOEHR DEAR HEART.To come through swinging doors, then I cd Wood Club with -large member- CHOCOLATESto put one's foot on a rail, surrounded "The Senior vaudeville was a suc-i8hip. Will have straw vote tomor-by cordial spirits, will make some of cess." Thus spoke Hans Hoeppnerv ] row. Canvass Cincinnati Universityour students feel more at home, manager of the show yesterday. tomorrow. ,thinks he. Prof. Dodd expressed his According to the committee, the (Signed) 'Clarence McBride. Woodlawn Stenographicapproval of the doors because they financial returns amounted to a net1 Servicereminded him of the doors to the gain of almost $400. Every seat in; CO,", 1-1 E ¥' S I HOTEL STRANDUnited States senate. Why that the house was sold.' i 63rd & COTTAGE GROVE AVE.should evoke appro v al, we don't I . t k th Store for Men , ' ,"We are p anmng 0 ma eel Telephone lllidwCltl 820vaudeville a permanent affair," de- Men's Furnishings, Bats, Caps..and I U· 't St d ts W k Soli ited I-I mversi y u en or C1clared 'Hoeppner, "We will hold a Neckwear, ! Special, prices on tenn theme workmeeting in the near future to make BILLIARDS 1===============some sort of an organization for put- CIGARS-CIGARETrES-PIPES·' i Subscribe to the Daily Maroonting on the show next year." j Southeast comer-55th and Ellis AYe. I and Get All the Campus News: , .know.THEY LAUGH AT THIS 1:S,VAUDEVILLE,(A Review of the Senior Show)First there was the overture. 'Theorchestra, was able to play betterthan it did at the dress rehearsal,probably because none of the act­resses were on the stage. MaestroReckless justified his monicker by theway he waved his arms.They put the Freshman act earlyin the program in order to get it over• with. Porter left the stage crying fora glass of water and several personsin the audience were generous-mindel)enough to suggest gi v i�g him awhole bucket.The next act was Tom and Jerry,we mean Jo and Gin. Did they sing ?"You said it."Ruth Lovett and Ellen Gleasonwere number three, assisted, so tospeak, by Jas. Ashenhurst, Ellensang- the well-known ditty, "Sus­anne," and one of the program girlsthought she was singing about her.Cholly Breasted and Betty Browncame next in" Sutro's "The OpenDoor." If it had been "The ClosedDoor," Betty would probably .have gota light the first time.The hit of the evening was theDelta Kap-Alpha Delt sextet. FritzKeefe starred. Prexy Beano was dis­suaded from making his usual speechincluding the Deke roll-call.The intennission was very good.Westby and Breasted came out nextin "Anythin' at All," which, inauele's case, was a blackface make­up.Lucy's Optimism next pervaded theboards. June King and Bill Gem­mill were in the cast. Gemmill wasdisguised as a football hero, but youcan't fool us. The actors did not re­tire until after they had distributeda few goed-natured slams amongmembers of the audience. AuthorLucy didn't even spare her owncrowd.The Delts had a surprise. Quitesecretly they had imported some ofthe�r brothers from southern chaptersto play a bit of colorful jazz music.The seniors closed the perfonnanceby singing the new 1920 song, withwords and music by Betty Brown, andyelling the new 1920 yell, with wordsand music by Prexy Beano."TEACH your son to serve," shoutsa fonner professor in a downtown pa­per. "Make an American of him. Abig American. A Chicago Ameri­can!" If he had lived in Rome hewould probably have wanted to makea Tribune of him.WE see that Burton Rascoe, theself-taught literary critic of the Trib.,knocks M 1', Boynton's book, "Ameri­. can Literature." When Rascoe knowsas muc�! about literature as Mr. ..... :.,,/ -...Woodlawn Trust& Savinfs BankEverywhere WOODLAWN AVENUEAt Sixty-Third Street-0-Nearest Bankto theUniversity of ChicagoPatronize Maroon Advertisers\THAT ?ld-fashio�ed -T llrkish.. taste In Murad IS one of its 'chief charms ..That old - fashioned T llrkish t:ais the result of. 1 00% PQ�e 'rUtki��.tobacco - and when a. cIgatett .d fT ki·h ba '-. elSrna eo· ur s to aCCO It � Ill" dof the world's most famous t()b::\ a e\. '-"CCO_There are other cigatettbut no "others" lik esM--·� uradIt is true that .. ordi';ary" ·cigarettes. cost a trifI 1� e ess,�!1!����. In thtl Ufdt, . Vol"I'M]t Pl�AsherH,STRO�Theclub wmeetin:the Lcounciland twto hearforces12 AStrongleadingportedWood 1from:stone sRut}:Ashenland n." micheaimousl"Hir�U1Johnsosidedtalks �Juni1'l'hi�the ebeneficAs"Hit 1of whis tr�chancejuniorwsSun\VhlTheWaItebetwcand tlWh:Ah!ask t}prof:pecterApril,and tfloweiwintesons.mark.classcwerefelt tl,.I4sometheysevenproxi:tea Issentir�oph(]large'takenconze1921Sa�Thlor wlin atAT'W(game� .l