Owl and .Serpent Men Appeal tends .From June 21 to July 28.for Support of ShowMore than 500 courses iri the va-I FridaySubscriptions to the Alumni fund ri�'us departments o� the Uii�ver.:ity, campaign amount to a total or $76,500 •• will be offered dunng the commgDISTANCE !\fEN BACK IN SHAPE I f b rdi . I NAl'IE PROGRAM DISTRIBUTORS S· rte h' h be' J 21 5 WEEKS UNTIL FIRST NIGHT• • I or 510 'mem ers, acco ing' to an an-I pnng qua r w IC gms une--- I nouncement in the University of Chi- . --. - and ends Sept. 3.Maroon trackmen have been able to 1\1" f A '1 Th types I Fraternity drawings for block seats The faculty wI'11 number over 250 Sixty-five men tried out for the cast. I cago agazme or pn. e f th S' d '11 Frid . ht I ',do practically nothing because of the hi di id d . t th I or e emor vau evi e n ay mg' d t th . ty re f ther I of "Barbara, .i3ehave!" at the prelim-. . .. of members ip are I\"I e m 0 roe .' . an 0 ese DIne a rom 0 er In-persIstent spnng rams In outdoor I 1 .Iif . . d d w III take place today at 3 In the Man- tit t' . cl di " rd nd Yal inary tryouts yesterday under the di-. e asses: I e, sustaining an en OW-I . .. S I U Ions, ID u mg narva a ework for the past week except to Of hi 1 t $30000 I del hall box effice. The drawing' wIll,. ··ti C' b ·dG'A .. ers'ty rection of E. Mortimer Shuter, the. I ment. t IS amount amos , I' umversr es, am n f>'" umv 1 ,mark time Meanwhile the date of 1 d bee id . Th rt' I be for the choice seats that have been th U·· ··t f T ro to the U ,. producer. A tentative cast was chosen•. has a rea y n pal 10. e a rc e. . . e mversi y 0 0 n , ,II m- ,the Drake relay draws contmually . f fif . 't" reserv ed for the fraternities. Grant � it f P' . ItaI t' 'L.-. R I S from this group and accepted men will"gIves the names 0 ty umversi ies I ••• versi yo isa, y; 1m usse age .nearer. The midwest carnival at Des hi ' ducti "1 ' IMears and JosephIne Gamble, Jomt f d t" d th United States begin rehearsals tonight. Men whow ich are con ucting SImI ar cam-. . .. oun a Ion, an em.Moines, which attracts teams from I paigns. It is estimated that alto-I chairmen of the ticket co�mlttee, WIll Naval academy. There will also be were picked will be notified of the factboth the Missouri Valley conference gether the American universities are have charge of the drawing, Mem- representatives of the University of by the manager.an,d the Big Ten is set for next Sat-I' dea .' . be t $$200 000 I bers of Owl and Serpent gave talks at V' - . . D' "rt th W·ll·· d Applicants for cast parts were se-, 'en eavormg to raise a ou ,,- ; . " rrgima, a mou, I lams, anurday, I 000. I ��I the fraternities .last night on the Union colleges, the Universities of reefed on the basis ot their singing ofMost of the Big Ten teams will have.. ruea of the vaudeville and urged all 'f' hi Ohio.: W· ., nn Is one song. Mr. Shuter als.o heard tbl!lOne page of the magazme IS devot-. . !l IC igan,; 10, IsconSID, 1001,. • • • 'I .suffered the same handicap due to . ...' I men to grve the performance their I M' ' ta M' '. Kansas I chorus aspirants smg and wd started to alumni personals ana letters. ' owa, • lOneso, Issoun, '... 'lack of outdoor training. . Illinois. . support. T . W . Calif mia and Le- eliminations today. Tenor chorus men, ., An article by James O. McKInsey, I h . . I d _ exas, yommg, 0 I, '11 .. b .30however by virtue of its large arm-. '. . I T e entire Senior c ass, an espe I d Stan! rd J" "ty Wl SlDg today at 2.30, ass at 3.". repnnted from .The Daily Maroon IS • II ki' an 0 umor umversi ..ory, !s able to duplicate outdoor con-. ' I cia y those ta _ng part In the show, 150 Courses in Education and baritones at 4.ditions, and with the squad which won deldoteAdd �. tthet.sch°teolll_of cromthmerce I will meet Wednesday at 3:30 in Man- Because of the large attendance of Rehearsals Last Five Weeksan mIDIS ra IOn. 109 0 e ac- 1 1 h 11 t t· th I d F· ks . b f th 4: __the indoor track title should .be one . ( e a 0 prac Ice e e ass song an teachers during the summer quarter, rve wee remam e ore e I�countmg courses of the school. The I II Th ·11 b d . rf f "B b B h I"of the strongest contenders. Illinois .' '.. . . ye. e song WI e sung unng more than 150 courses are to be offer- pe ormance 0 ar ara, eavea .. . b h _ article presents a rev lew of the hIS-I the finale of the vaudeville. Ruthven Friday, May 21. Both cast and chorusan lthchlgan, also, hav e ot par tory of the development and of the I • .. ed in the college of Education. Theset· . d �h PIke and a musical director who has will undergo an intensive trainmg'. dnr-rcipated in meets since the ell 0 t e '.' , will include Education, History, HomeC '. purposes of the courses. I not yet been chosen will take charge .ing that time, chorus men. reheat'Singonference season at Evanston. ,..:-:';::;. .' . .. , Economics, Latin, Engl!sh, Mathe-• .: ,·-i. Space IS deloted to athletIcs, 10, of the singing and yells. afternoons and the cast evenings. Mr. _Maroon Runners In Shape ",,' - ... ·hl·ch I'S mven a "'n'te up ot the.1 matics, Geography, Natural Science, � "n eo- " Shuter has already begun work -. on" . 3 �On the other hand, the Maro,!� rune, champI·onshl·p, basketball team and a Ticket Committee Meets Kindergarten-primary Education, and .. the costumes and scenery selection for .... ;ners who 0 finished the indoor season ·in· �pict.ure of the squad: Another is de- Hans Hoepp, ner, manager of the Aesthetic and Industrial Education.the show.bad shape ha"e been afforded a. ddi- voted to The ,Daily Maroon, its polic'� vaude,·i11e., announced se.vera}, impo.rt- The summer quarter is one of th�'"be h Id Mr. Shuter expressed himself ,astional time for recovery. And those and its attributes. Other articles ant meetmgs to e 10 preparatIon regular quarterS of Univ�rsitY work much pleased wi..th. the results oflltli-.{men Who have been working out on mven prominence in the magazine' for th� performance. The ticket com- and the courses are the same in0- • '11 tod 3 5 first day's tryouts and also with thethe one or two favorable �ays give are on' e concernl'ng the trustees, one mlttee Wl, meet ay at :4 to character, method arid credit value asshow itself. "The Blackfriars have' 1&reason for optimism. Bartky and about the school Qf Education, and check up on �Ies .. Orchestra rehears- in other parts of the year. The firstgood book and good music," he decla�Hanis have been rounding the oval in those eontaining the regular news of al under the directIon of Walter Rec�- te.nn extends from June 21 to July u' . .."excellent form. the classes and associations, mar- less will be held tomorrow at 4:30 in 28, and the second term from July 29 ed, and theIr show should be a co��Time trials to· dete.....,..l·ne the person- .' b' h d d th' • Mandel hall. A dress rehearsal for 'tc, Sept. 3, when the Summer convoca- plete succe.ss. I was pleased also Wl.th&&.. nages, Irt s an ea s. I btl ty f h triednel or teams for the various events . the entire performance will be held tion will be held. t e excep Ion a pes 0 men w 0will be held as early as possible this Thursday at 7 in Mandel hall. out for the cast, and at the unusUalweek. cillCh Stagg _ has held the SENIORS COMMENCE . Eliiabeth Walker, chairman of the WOOD AND LOWDEN I number of splendid voices." q,watch �. a few preliminary heats, but I ActiON ON cAMPOs program committee, has asked that LEAD. ERS HERE GETnothing has been done in the way of the Senior women who are to assist I NEW Y. M. C. A. PRESIDENTeliminations. The unfavorable weath- POUTICS CLEAN-UP in distributing the programs Friday WIDER TERRITORIES ANNOUNCES APPOINTMENT •er may be a factor in reducing the meet in Cobb 12A at 12 tOday. Those OF 12 CABINET MEMBERSnumber of Chicago teams entered in Committee Sends Letter to Or- who have been asked to atiend are: Griffiths arid McBride Givend'n- I I Le B h h Ed Cl k S Ch ' D' I· Glenn Harding Names Cllairm. ea atluerent relay events. ganizations Outlining Plans ona ac rac, n�, ar, us-• arge of istritts nD' • Fl FalL J Installation Banquet-Meet Toaf Local I anne aVIS, orence AeDaU, ose- Ml'ddle Westor mprovements. H D th morrow at Secretary's HomeGAVEL DEVOTES MEETINGS I -- p�me_ Ga��le, Ruth uey, oro Y ITO POLiTICAL DISCUSSIONS. "ALL SUGGEsTtONS WELCOMED" :��' F���k:���s�;S::�d:= LAUNCH "BOOMS" IN COLLEGES The new cabinet of the Y. M. C. A.Wilson. was announced last Friday by G1enDDefinite action towards cleaning up Leaders of the ,campus political Harding, president of the associatioD,campus "politics" and making a more', factions have been given prominent &t the annual installation banqUet.t', • • DE BAUM ELEcrED .HEAD parts in nation-wide campaign work. held at Hutchinson cafe. '!'lie threeloyal spmt on the �mpus were made OF FEDERAL BOARD CLUB IM. L. Griffiths and C. D. McBride of newly elected officers, Glenn Harding,All meetings of the Gavel will here- known yesterday :when a letter waS I' --- the Wood forces ha"e been placed in Milton Bowen and Logan Fulrath,aftel' he devoted to the discussion of sent to each campus organization out- Knechtly Chosen Vi\.oc-President; Lo- charge o� o�nization work in a num-I aut�maticallY became membe� of thepolit.kal questions. It is the plan to lining the plans proposed in the recent gao. Secretary; and Lehman, ber of dlstncts of the central states. cabmet, and they are aSSIsted byhave' the leader of each presidential meeting called by the Senior class at TreasurerJohn Logan and other University twelve other men who have showncandidate's boosting club on the which the situation was discussed. Officers of the Federal Board club "Lowdenites" are working in conjunc- their interest in the past year bycampus lead a meeting. Dean Lovett Three plans are suggested in the let- for the Spring and Summer qua:.. ters tion with Robert M. Adams, execu- their co-operation with the retiringwill a.l�o talk on the need of a third ter, the first consisting of a pledge, were elected at a meeting held last tive secretary of the Lowden leagues, I officers and Gerry Smith, �retary.part:,'. the second of a general representative 1 Friday. They are: Harold DeBaum, on plans for a sweeping drive to be W. Herbert Grant represents the re-TIH� � owden club will be represented supervising body, and the third, a I president; Marion B. Knechtly, vice- launched 1n the near future in which ligious meeting-s, Mortimer Goodwinby \,'iIr��n Gemmil at the first of this f th·· '11 h '• pledge backed up by some means 0 I president; John A. Logan, secretary; e campus orgamzatIon '\\, ave a the Bible classes and William A. Me-�erip:, f" :neeting which is to be held enforcement. I and Lester L. Lehman, treasurer. large share. Whorter, the church co-operationtoda:; at 1:15 in Classics 10. Lo k d I I d Th 'l� .l b t' k h IFrank ng, Colville Jac son, an Those who were e ecte to serve as e vOO{l oos ers wor as a - group. Royal ::\Iunger heads the dis-T!", " embers of the Gavel club Grant ::\Iears, members of the commit- executive committeemen are: O. L. ready started with Indiana selected as ('ussion groups, and Howard Beale theha, ,. � initiated into Delta Sigma tee, state that suggestions of better Hilton, O. S. McClellan and H. G. the first field for their activities. C. social service department. BrowerRho, official debating society. plans \\;ll be welcomed, and should be Commerforu. D. McBride was yest'erday given Hall is in char{:c of the social events,They �,. Royal Montgomery, Harold handed to some member, or mailed to Action taken by the House of Rep- charge of campaign work in all col- Frederick Hcln�holz of the Forum andl.as�\ ,,''. Tlenry Pouitz. Frank Long, 5735 University ave. resentatives raising the pay of the dis- leges and universities of that state Paul Johnson head of the FriendlyJ\ t 'a�t meeting of the society Publish Full Plans abled service men to $100 for single and expects to inaugurate the boom relations committee.a \"01", hanks was extended to Wil- The plans in detail are as follows: men and $150 a month for marrie� tonight with a rally at Valparai�o. A Allan Rollowav is in charge of thelia')� -rnstern for his efficient 1. To obtain a pledge from each men is sufficient, reason for the re- sman corps of campu� Wood support- me�bership, anr! Keith Kindred ofbusiness manager of the- d '11organization to the effect that sai cipients to be well pleased. The bill ers ", accompany him on his flying publicity. Fr�nds Zimmerman is inorganization will abstain from all un- is now in the senate and favorable aC-1 trips into the campaign territory. charge of the 1 andbook and Carl Falesdesirable practices in elections such tion is expected in the upper house. 'Work in Northern Indiana of the deputat� �s. The cabinet willas the forming of combinations, or the The F"ederal Board men all over the M. L. Grififths was placed in charge hold its fir�t " �eting tomorrow attl-ading of votes, etc. We believe that country have conducted an extensive of all speaking and propaganda work 7:30 at the h..." , of Mr. Smith, 5520the word of the organization would be mail campaign for the bill and ;t throughout a district covering most Kenwood A�('. ,. make plans for the(COfttifttud oft ipogs 3) (Ccmti,,�d' Oft 1'fJI. 4) (Contmwd Oft JH14. 4) coming �ar..--- '-'V,-}' .- •.PH (� -,,at aroon. Vol. 18. No. 100 UNIVERSITY OF C�ICAGO, TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1920 Price Five Cents,Shuter Here for Friars' Show500 COURSES WILL BE il PRODUCER ARRIVESTODAy FOR SENIOR ,GIVEN SUMMER QUARTER AND STARTS WORKVAUDEVILLE SEATS. Faculty Numbers Over 250; 90 From OF CHOOSING CASTOther Institutions-Firat Term Ex-FRATERMTIEs DRAW$76,500 COLLECTED FOR'CHICAGO ALUMNI FUNDPOOR TRACK STOPSOUTDOOR PRACTICEOF VARSITY SQUAD University of Chitaso Magazine An­nounces Success of NationwideMembership Plan-Also ContainsArticle on C. and A. School.Drake Relays Saturday NextImportant Date for Ma­roon Runners Sixty-Five Men Out for Prin­cipal Roles of "Bar­bara, Behave!",. 'Gemmil Represents Lowden Club atMeeting Today at 4:15 InClassics 10sen ;.club.\. ""�lta Upsilons Pledge'''a Upsilon announce the'1'_ Chloe Cravens, of Wil-�._ ZI\I pINk';'- "1iam�r;,·I-:1I III I2 THE DAILY MAROON. TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1920m�t laily ilarDDnThe Student Newspaper of theUniversity of ChicagoPublished mornings, except Saturday,Sunday and Monday during the Au­tumn, Winter and Spring quartersby the Daily Maroon company.EDITORIAL DEPARTMENTThe StaffJOHN E. JOSEPH .. Managing EditorWilliam Morgenstern, Athletic EditorHarold Stansbury Feature EditorJohn Ashenhurst News EditorRose Fischkin News EditorHelen Ravitch News EditorHarry Bird Night EditorErnest Fribourg Night EditorHerbert Rubel Day EditorBUSINESS DEPARTMENTThe Staff'GRANT l\IEARS-Business ManageHenry Pringle .. Advertising Manage)Keith Kindred .. Circulation ManagerLaurence Tibbits Asst. Cir�l\IgrSUBSCRIPTION RA. TES strict reorganization. Responsibleand powerful delegates should be sentby each fraternity, and the officersof the council should see to it thatquestions of value are discussed andfollowed through to a logical andhonest conclusion. It should adoptregulations penalizing grafter's poli­tics, and then proceed to enforce suchDaily Maroon is meagerly informed, marks of what is understood generallyCalled for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a but indications are that Inter-Club is by "hyphenated citizenship" then [quarter, no better off than the Interfraternity beg entrance into an insane asylum.By .Carrier, $2.50 a year;' $1.00 a council. It is certainly of small in- ERNEST R. TRA TTNER.quarter. . fiuence on the campus, and similarBy Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.5Q tactics should be adopted t� assist thea quarter. n�>n-PQlitics movement.The committee is being enlarged toEditorial Rooms Ellis 14 provide adequate representation, andTelephone Midway 800 it is calling for suggestions and aBusiness Office Ellis 14' moral backing. That jt should' have,Telephone Midway 800 or else we shall continue to include in------------- - ----lieves that 'some sort of organization lem of Eastern Europe. This is simple Failure to send such word will be un-I ����������������is necessary. We are opposed to form- common sense. derstood to mean that the scholarship Iing a new body for this purpose, be- The article raises another import- is not wanted for the summer. PRO TEe T YOU Rcause already the campus machinery ant question. Speaking of the Jews· Present holders of Noyes- Scholar- PAR E N T 5is cluttered with half-efficient groups outside of Paleatine the article tells ships who wish them in the autumncapable of doing things if its mem- us that a restoration of Palestine will but not in the summer, should sendbers only would. Work through the not mean that the Jews in other lands written request fOI· continuance in theUndergraduate council, the Interf'ra- will be "hyphenates in the countries Autumn by June 1. If such word isternity council and the Inter-Club where they abide." This is what the not received, it will be understood thatcouncil could be done provided those "Student" wants us thoroughly to un- the scholarship is not wanted for theorganizations would wake to the re- derstand. Put alongside of this state- Autumn.sponsibilities. ment the following remarks made inThe Undergraduate council is pretty subsequent paragraphs: "The Jews theefficient as it now stands. To that world over will be vocal through :lbody would come a general super- PARENT NATION which will insist SPOEHR ENGLISH TOF-vision-a real supervision. The Inter- upon their RIGHTS EVERYWHERE, FEE BARfraternity council should watch fra- there will be an element of CO­ternities, but at the present time the HESION A)IONG THIS PEOPLE.council is in a state of intellectual And again they" (the Jews) "will be "on�I."en"'esiege; the members sit around and able to make greater contributions to ., • � .,watch each other, deal in half-truths, world culture with the DIRECTINGand fear honesty because it might re- EFFORT of a restored Palestine."bound. What the council needs is a The capitals are mine and serve tobring out the fact that our friend the"Student" has not used sound com­mon sense arguments for a restoredPalestine; The American Jew of Chi­cago will be "vocal" though his"parent nation," obviously refers toJ udea and not America. He will ex­hibit "cohesion" which will unite himwith the Jew of Palestine. His cul­ture will be under the "directing ef­fort," not of America, but of Pales­tine. If this doesn't have all the ear-Entered as second class mail at theChicago postoffice, Chicago, IllinoisMarch 13, 1906, under the act of regulations. The matter is not diff'i­March 3, 1873.cult if the delegates will only makethe. start. As to Inter-Club TheTuesday, April 20, J 920.CAMPUS POLITICSThe meeting called recently to dis­cuss campus politics was, in a greatmany respects, an important one.Representative of the various under­graduate organizations, chief amongthem the fraternities and clubs(since they offer the strongest op­position to what may be calledfOclean politics"), came to . that meet­ing in a rather cynical state of mind.They left interested, to say the least,and The Daily Maroon hopes for re­sults. SCHOLARSHIPS XOW READYStudents Should Apply for NoyesPrjzes Not Later Than )Iay 10Applications for Noyes Scholarshipsfor the Summer quarter should be inour elective bodies ladies and gentle- the hands of the Committee not latermen utterly without merit. And we than May 10. Assignments will heshall continue to have inefficient fail- made about :'\[ay 15.ures, What is the use of that?LETTERS TO THE EDITOR(In view of the fact that the com­munication column of The Daily Ma­roon is maintained as a clearinghouse for student and faculty opinion,The Daily Maroo� accepts no respon­sibility for the sentiments therein ex­pressed. Communications are wel­comed by the editor, and should besigned as an evidence of good faith,although the name will not be pub­lished without the writer's consent.)"The Other Side of Palestine Restora­tion" Present holders of Noyes Scholar­ships who wish them continued during­the summer, should send written wordto that effect not later than l\Jay 10.University Studentsreceive courteous attention atTheFROLIC THEATREDRUG STORECigarettes Fountain ServingCor. Ellis A ve, aDd 55th Street •(Adjacent to Frolic Theatre)Telephone Hyde Park 761Letters have been sent out by the Editor, The Daily Maroon:committee in charge setting forth "There is pathos, tradition andthree of the most available sugges- sound common sense back of the drivetions. Many were given, some of now being conducted .... to restorethem rather good, some of them veryimpossible.First of all, a written pledge of•some sort will be necessary. "A tradition connected with the move-sentiment .against unlawful combina- University Students Work Solicitedment; but when it is claimed that Special prices on term theme worktions" is all very well, but that senti- "sound common sense" is also behindment would take years to build up. it one rearches in vain to find it. TheThere must ibe some definite agree- author of Friday's communication de- Private DANCING Lessonsment among all fraternities, or else votes but one paragraph to pathosnone of them will enter ,into the plans and but one to tradition, while sevenproposed to remove stains from the are given to the arguments of "soundgood name of campus politics. Those common sense." Pathos and traditionorganizations not agreeing will find are not to be argued against sincethemselves in an ernbarrasing situa- thy are not amenable to the assaultstion, and those organizations violating of reason. However, it is not tootheir signed agreement will be con- much to demand that "sound common SPOEHR DEAR HEARTsiderably worse off. In the intere-st sense" ought to stand the test of corn- CHOCOLATESboth of the University and of the in- mon sense or else it isn't exactlydividual organization The Daily 1\la- sound.roon hopes that such an a�reement The "Stucif'nt" claims the followin�will be for_thcoming. to he l'ouncl common �cn�e. He (orRe�ulat!on of illegal politic . .; i� 3. �he) �ays that "Palestine alonc offel�much more difficult plan. A fra� a solution for the acute .Jewh.:h pl·oh­tcmity fallen below the campus lem of Ea.<;tcrn Europc·'; anrl in an­standard i� willing to employ any other place declare� that Palestinemeans hy which to ri�c. A club with "will only accommodate ahout two anrla weak memher is willing to push one-half million" (!) Granted th:ltthat member, "egardless of her quali- Palestine could )"eally accommodatefications for office, by any available two �nd one-half millions (which !smethods. It is not because such tae- open to question) how about the sixtics are the out�rowth of purposeful 01 seven millions still in Easterncorruption but rather because of A Europe? If you can't get mOTe than:,elfish indifference to the welfare of two and one-half millions into Pales­the University. tine then obviously "alone" will not.ConRequently The Daily Maroon be- offer a solution to the Jewish prob-Palestine-s-" so writes "A Student" inFriday's Maroon. -There can be nodoubt that there is much pathos and Woodlawn Stenographic. . Service IHOTEL STRAND63rd & COTTAGE GROVE AVE.Telephone ,Midway 820I n a course of five lessons ($5.00)one can acquire the steps of th ..Waltz, One-step, and Fox-troL Socia1dancing class Monday Eve at 8 P. 1\1.LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIO1541 E. 57th St. Hyde Park 2314EverywhereCLUETT. PEABODY &Co.?nc.J(a/(ers against loss, in the event of yourdeath. of the money invested in youreducation. The only medium throughwhich this can be done is LIFE IN­SURANCE.Phone me for appointment and de­tails. If not in when you phone, leaveyour name and phone number.R. D. SALISBURY, C. C. WHITEHILLChairman of the Committee.SPECIAL AGENTNew York Life Insurance Co.Phone Central 5501At the Bookstore 30 NORTH LA SALLE ST.is the fruit of years of sustainedservice. Since 1856, more than100,000 graduates have crossedBryant & Stratton's threshold tomeet the friendly handclasp ofbusiness men who recognizetheir dependability. TOU. TOO.CAM HAVEBEAUTIFULEYELASHESand BROWSTh�y .dd wondrrrulI,. 10 on�·s br.u,,.eh.rm .nd .Ilracli,,�­nrll. A lillIeAttention C. & A. StudentsLash- Brow -IneWe have specially organizedclasses for college men andwomen. Don't feel the want ofstenography longer - enter anevening class. .pplird Di�hll,.. ",illnourish. I lim u I aleand p,omolr �rowlbor E,.d .. h�1 & Eye­broWI makiDIl Ihemlene, IhidE .• nd luetreue, Gu.ranl� .blolutelyharmlr... Hundr�ds 01 thou,.ndl 01 wom e " ha"eJ., .. rn d�lillhlrd ",ilh the rr,lllts obl.inrd b,. illuse: wh,. Dol ,ou?Price SOc. At Your Dealer'.Call. telephone (Rand. 1575) or",rite Principal for catalolr andcomplete information about .pe­cial SecretariafCounea.MABEU LABORATORIES, CHICAGOBRYANT & STRATTONBUSINESS COLLEGE SPOEHR CHOCOLATEDOUGHNUTSAt the Bookstore4th. 5th. 61h Floors - Lake View BId, ••116 South Michigan AvenueEnvironmentStimulating environment IS vital to yoursuccess ill school.Only in congenial and pleasant surround­ings-with associates of your age and ed­ucation--can you do your best work.There is no surer indication of the envir­onment than a school's entrance require­ment.The school with the highest entrance re­quirement must necessarily ha�e the bestenvironment.M 0 s e r Shorthand College(EnrOlling only high school graduates)12th Floor Lake View Building116 S. Michigan Avenue(Opposite Art Institute)TELEPHONE CENTRAL 5158"The Business' College with a University Atmosphere" "'.''r'... ,",,,.J\ ,.J. A Bth• Unl4poor edo notother:ladies,ir.g hbitterMr.womm:manywhat"Fore,'play."certainold thiwith aafter)drama1hesitat,ono bepure a:"FoJ."land Tepangscontinuand af:"Lhis-isTeddy 1debts agree. ,by theand theturns tto war.naturalents ofpicturethe evethe ladthing isto nursFrenchExtrewill obser goodduring,YOl!thfu:poor waCrane glight, )proceedcareful.fore thetheir SC4stallatioiwere betthe cmowith skibeing trlady-likeThe 01parison :way, sa,Jennie'sland as ;nothing 1productiovery nicment."Forevweek on.,' DeSS.SeniorsCathe most 1a proposiof a bodytion of tl"Red tapeobjectiona2. TIlethat cabirthe nom itdates forI Theso cabto rule outwho were1 :::����esq::r· was sugge" posed of\ from OwlL the Marsh�I' 'I I, til ",,'-4 .", .. ''''' ..... ",' ,',r , r.., ", "��.) \:3 'THE DAILY �OON. TUESDAY. APRIL 20, 1920ed to take over this function.SOB, SISTER 3. The third plan suggested wassimilar to the first except that it wasA Review of "Forever After" At I added that an organization, eitherthe Schubert-Garrick Theatre now existing or organized for theBy JOHN E. JOSEPH I purpose be empowered to see that allorganizations hold to the agreement,U I rod t· . be bl Want Loyal Co-Operationness a p uc Ion 15 un am y " . .poor even the ladies at a first' night This 18 �ur first step, towa�� t�ed t t f I Th I actual working out of the' plan, saido no weep, excep or p easure, e Ith . ht M' AI' B d h d th Grant Mears yesterday. "We expecto er mg ISS Ice ra y a e .Iadi d f th .t Iloyal co-operation from all the Of-es, an some 0 e men, mois en- ". h dk hi f ith I tl ganizations and want a representativemg an ere re S WI P easan Ybitte te It was ouite from every one present at our nextI r ars. was qUI a seance.. .111 0 D' h lik th Id meeting, where we intend to take somemr, wen avis w 0, lee 0 '. th h h itte ! action. The present committee Yom bewoman m e s oe, as wn n so enlar d."many plays that he does not know ge.what to do has the nerve to call,'"Forever After" a "new American Official Noticesplay," It may be American, but it Icertainly is not new; the stuff is so I Interfraternity council will meet to-old that one is inclined to regard it! night at ,7:30 in the Reyn�lds club towith a grandmotherly affection. But elect officers for the coming year.after Act I it is not unpleasing to the i ---. 'dramatic. palate, so that, I would not I The Home Econ�mics club will meethesitate to advise favorably unless today from 6 to 8 10 the sun-parlor ,Mone believes firmly in realism and Ida ,Noyes hall. MOLLIE CARROLL TO GIVELECTURE TODAY IN HARPER"Opportunities jn Industrial Work"is the subject of the lecture to be de­livered by Miss Mollie Carroll todayat 4 in Harper MIL Miss Carroll hasgiven similar lectures on kindred sub­jects to University audiences here be­fore. She is an instructor in the Chi­cago school of Civics and Philan­thropy and formally a graduate stud­ent at the University where she ob­tained her master's degree.Faulkner Gives Twelfth NightShakespeare's "Twelfth Night" willbe presented by academic students ofthe Faulkner school, for girls for thebenefit of Fellowship House. Ticketsare now on sale to the general publicfor the perfonnances to be given at2::W and 8:15 in the school gymnas­ium, 1376 E. 48th St.C LAS S I FIE DAD S.pure art."Forever After" is all about Jennie The German Conversation club will WANTED: A room mate to share 3and Ted who, having encouraged the meet today from ·1 to 6 in the North large modern roojn, three blockspangs of love in' early adolescence, Reception room of Ida Noyes hall. from the University. $3.50 percontinue to love each other in college week. E. L. Benjamin, care 1\Ia·and after. Jennie has money ana a The Spanish dub will meet Thurs- roon, Box 0, Faculty Exchange."this-is for-your-sake' mother, but day from 4 to (; in the North Recep-Teddy has nothing hut good looks and tion room of Ida Noyes hall.debts and; eventually, a Harvard de­gree. So that Ted, somewhat soured The Poetry Club will meet tomor­by the death of his sacrificing father: row from 6::m to 9, in the Alumnaeand the cold looks of .Jennie's mother, I room of Ida Noyes hall.turns the young lady down and zoestc war. In the fighting he is, quite The Three Quarters club will meet , • • '. I •• ·1naturally, wounded, and durinz mom- tonight at 7::!0 in the room above fUN I V E R SIT Y !ents of delirium we have the motion- i Hutchinson commons. . , C A FE' ;picture flash-back in which to observe j -__ t', ,the events causing the heartache and I Palesrine Drive workers wilJ meet ,,' Ithe ladies' tears. E\'�ntualh' everv- tomorrow at -1 in Harper )11�. UP-TO-DATE;thing is all right, and we lea\:e Jenn·ie I I Ito nurse her hero hack to life in a I Blue Bottle will hold a meeting to- [Serves the Best Meals 10 "French chateau. I mOlTOW at ·1 !n the north reception : the City rExtremely popular material, you! room of Ida Noyes hall. I A Trial Will Convince You. Iwill observe, but well covered hy rath-I' '. " Special 35-Cent Dinners. :er I . t' 'ft th fi -st vact Dr. Judd Will speak to the Econom- We have Commutation Tickets ,gOOf uc mg. .� er e 1:-.. act, ,during which Miss Brady portrays the lies club after a dinner tonight at 6 in • $5.50 for $5.00 :youthful Jennie in an unbelievably the Sun Parlor of Ida Noyes hall. 5706 Ellis Avenue ,poor way and in which .Mr .. James L.: ---- ' 1 Opposite Snell Hall ,, ,Crane gives us Ted in an equally bad i S P,O R T S H 0 R T S 'light, ':\Ii:-;:-; Bra.d�:. and her, ?usban.l i --.-- ,proceed to he \ er � entertaining and 1 If a baseball league or something BRIEF CASEScareful, Their scenes together just be- ! simiiar is not organized at the Uni- MUSIC FOLIOS� fore the Harvard race were gOO�, �nd i versity this paper will have to do STUDENT CASES� their scenes together after Ted s 10-: without sports news, and this columnstallntion in a small-town drug-store !'\\'ill he fille(l with professional sport­were better. Miss Brady carr-ies over ; ing news •the emotional sweetness or the finale i�., I ---wi�h skill. �he is attracti\'� without I And professional sport is sufficient-being mawkish, and certainly very ly dangerous to the amateur varietylady-like and lovely. I now, without getting publicity in theThe other parts are minor in com- i stronghold of the amateurs.parison and don. in the usual minot.! _ _ __way" �\'e fOI' Mr. Frank Hatch as The Daily '1J1ini li�ts six ijtles thatJennie s father and 1\1. Gustave Rol-.' the Indians claim as their own.land. as a Frenc� surgeon., There is I Among the six is the gymnastic cham­nothmg. unusual In �he. stag�ng �r the I pionship, which the Maroons just wonproduction as a unit, but It Will do downstate. 'very nicely for moderate entertain- _ment. Our wandering baseball team is"Forever After" will not play. this heard from at last. The �Iaroons lostweek on account or Miss Brady's ill- to the University of California nine, Is the Largest National Bank in the� , DeSS. I d UNITED STATES, j' 6-2 on Fr� ay,, ISeniors' Commence Action on ,The: nine evidently has played sev- Under Federal SupervisionCampus Politics Cleanup eral games, but. the reports have �ot N. W. Cor. La Salle and Adams Sts.tIickled this far east. From the DallyCalifornian we glean the inforn13tionthat the Chicago team is staying at Open Saturday Even'gs until 8 o'clockthe most binding of securities for such the Stewart Hotel }n San Francisco;a proposition and that the fonnatidn and that there has been three practiceo,f a body to take up cases of reft:«lC-li sessions last week,tlOn of the nIle would onh' lead to ---t "Red tape," hard f('elings a�rl further I If the schedul(' held good,. the �Ia-, objectionable practices. I )'oons are now tossing on the PaCific,a 2. 111e second plan taken up was I as they were due to sai1 Saturday.I that cabinets be fonned to supen·ise I ---.the nominations and see that candi- Tommy Campbell has been apPolnt-rl, dates for offices were well qualified, I cd captain of the Yale freshman. trackId "1 ob onThese cabinets would be empowered team. Tommy he a Slm) ar Jto rule out any nominations of persons the crosS country squad,who were considered not to be suffi- . -d h'tl I'fi ' '1' b' C'I' nothing el.;;e to 0, t cc)en y qua) ed to carry the respon- there emf'o . �F' tdsibilities of the office. A parallel plan I sport fan can go over to Stagg lehwas suggested that a committee com- an�. rainy afternoon and ha\·e t e" posed of three representatives each I pleasure of watching 40 freshmen� from Owl and Serpent, Nu Pi Sigma'l football hopefuls Jearn the shimmythe Marshals and the Aides, be fonn- shift. •,\� \, - . WANTED:' Person wanted from 8:00-10:00 A. 1\1. or portion of that timeto check up Maroon subscribers.Apply Daily Maroon Office, from11:15 to l?:OO. IWoodlawn Trust I MIDWESTTYPESETIING& Savin!s Bank I COMPANY510 - 512WOODLAWN AVENUE EAST SIXTY-THIRDAt Sixty-Third Street -' STREET--0-- PRINTERS andLINOTYPERS { jNearest Bank SPECIAL ATTENTION, tJto the TOUniversity of Chicago UNIVERSITY WORK (Printers of Th.. Da1l7 JiarooaShe dances ,long sod .liappily who dances in-MALLINSON·SSilks de LuxeFor out-door and in-door occasions,� these are the silk inspirations!INDESTRUCTIBLE VOILE PUSSY WILLOW DEW-KIST', /" plai" colors and "�UI pri"ts .KUMSI-KUMSA DREAM CREPE FISHER-MAIDNEWPORT CORD KHAKI-KOOL THISI .. DUKLIMAX-SATIN CHINCHILLA SATINROSHANARA CREPE(Alltratle-mark "amrs)B� the yartl at lire "est Silk Departments-In fIIrllr;"eappard at thr 6,ttrr Garment Dt/Jarlmr"rs .anti Class SIIopsThe name JIALLINSON onthe selpate maris flu tm";n�,H. R. MALLINSON & CO., INC.,'_'TheNewSilksFirst"Madison Ave.-3lat StreetJ_,',. -r are yourProtection.Insist on theoriginal.Sold by all reliable dealers.Lifton Mfg. Co. : New York�It.,rIr. The Com ExchangeNational BankOF CHICAGOCapital, $5,000,000Surplus & Profits, $1 Q,OOO,OOOWith a Savings DepartmentBring Your Savings To Us(Continu.ed from page 1)SPOEHR BLUESWEETS BIRDFor HappinessDORIS HAT SHOP1151 E. 55th StreetNear UniversitySnappy Spring StylesNow Ready' ForYour Inspection THE FAMOUSGet the Touraine Habit! It is the best habit to get!Now on sale at theReynolds Club and University Bookstor�, Have you tried one? If not, do-they are good ! .:...-�'j,j't-)�t' :r r:'I'� .,t,'It:�n'"'H;;�-1 �. - .��L1 .r:tf.·tl, II' :.._I, "",' f"; * �I ,•. *,, ' 'f� '. r<4• i'. ) .-.,,) .�I.. ,1�4 THE DAILY MAROON. TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1920The C'-'mpulW!t;rt!e Yea, bo!Let's go!One, nine, two, O!Yea!THERE is nothing we can read withmore complacency than the announce­ments of summer quarter courses.The Hirsute RaceThe Whistle is full of it.Faces beam with the joy of it. •Manly chins raised for inspection,-they .. tart!The Hirsute 'Race is on!Rnd I, being a woman, cannot enterit. STILL" there's always a danger,-Garcon.De Baum Elected Headof Federal Board Club(Continued from page 1):Musing bitterly on the inequality ofthe sexes,I sat with bowed head. ThenA sudden shiver shook me!I straightened!I shuddered!A cold creepy thing was slipping,Crawling,Down my back.In nervous con v olution,With arm twisted awkwardly,I tried in vain to reach it.It was lodged firmly.The icy coldness left it, and I forgotit. seems that their efforts are about tobe rewarded.This quarter the Federal Board clubat the University has se v enty memobers. Meetings of the organization areto be held every second Friday begin­ning April 30 according to presentplans. President DeBaun announceda vaudeville and smoker to be givenin the near future.Wood and Lowden LeadersHere Get Wider Territories(Continued from page 1)Many hours later, in due course oftime,I found it.A large bone hair-pin had slippedfrom my hairAnd down my back.Holding it before me, I mused on theLaw of Compensation.I cannot enter the Hirsute Race.But no racer will ever feel the thrill,The shudder,Of a cold hair-pin crawling unexpect­edly down his back. of northern Indiana. He will open uphis tour with a dri v e on Gary nextweek. He, also, will be assisted by agroup from the University Wood club.John Logan, leader of the campusLowdenites, stated last night, "Wehave been working with executive sec­retary, Robert M. Adams, on a move­ment of country-wide scope in whichthe University Lowden league willplay a prominent part. Details of theplan will be ready for publicationshortly and we hope to launch it in the,"ery near' future. Secretary Adamstoday gave me this message for theGovernor's campus boosters:Adams Outlines Task-E. C.APOLOGIES. We were quite busyyesterday; hence the unprincipledpublication of all contributions re­ceived, regardless of their value. For "Our task is to inform the intelli­gent citizens of Governor' Lowden'ssplendid record and inform them en-Maybe Be Was Asleep thusiastieally. The atmosphere ofSir: Talking about faith! My at- Chicago at convention time must spelltention was called at the Reynolds one word, and that word-'Lowden'.club dance to a man who displayed his And if it does the delegates to theconfidence in Providence by dancing convention' will be more than readywith his eyes closed. As a reason for to respond to the enthusiasm of �lli­thii unusual eenduct, I suggested that .riois and Chicago. University 01. Chi-• he was probablr so inspired by the cago men can do big things in spreSd­girl he was dancing with that he was ing far and wide this enthusiasm."oblivious to the surging mob (what-ev�r'that is). But just then I caught TALK TO COMMERCE GROUPSsight of her face, and then I under­stood perfectly, and sympathized.-Bobbie. the RepOrteress;.instance-Acoounting and Banking StudetitsMeet at " In CobbTwo important; talks Will-be deliv�r-,YOU must have heard the �ry ed to the Aceo�ting' and Bankingabout ra�bit sausage. It has � in- grouPs of the Commerce club todayfesting the campus since Saturday. at 4. Mr. Albert 1\ Bacon wUl SPeakNow we're going to kill it. It goes to the Accounting group on "Alike. this: Glimpse IntO the 'Accountants LifeA man was manufacturing rabbit and Problems" in Cobb lOB. Mr. H.sausage. He made so much of it that O. Parsons ",;11 give a talk on Bondsthe Government began to suspect him.A food inspector called."You tum out an awful lot of thisrabbit sausage," said the inspector."Don't you put something into it be­sides rabbit meat 1""Well," said the man, "I must ad-mit I put in a little horse meat.""How much, though 1 What pro- SPOEHR PUDDINGSAt the Bookstoreportion ?""Oh, about fifty-fifty.""Fifty-fifty? What do yoa mean?""Oh, one horse, one rabbit." Like your fingeron silkA B1nl"dfoll Pencil ,,",Ites nilNII.lly :". y .. ,ir finger mOTes on!'IlIk.JOts JOKEJo Gamble, the well-known socialchairwoman, brightened our day byspringing this, or something like it:A fly flew into a grocery storeAnd lit on Ethel Barrymore.,He's all gone .... He isn't any more, Your IltatiOlll'T has the popularnJllllldf'l1 Co l o rod Penclta. �owork in sh::q'I'niDg - Just nickthrough 011(' ! hit-knellS ot papernnd pull 111 rlll;;ht nway.I II Thfl U ("olor" ,,' Rlahldt'll PeD- II ('II" nrt' 1I",'d th" world over II tor ('ollntl .. ",.. Ilurpol'le". :So. II 151 Rlut' n'lt ... ·II .. an otht'r blue II pt'nC'lI" Mlml.i:wd. ,THERE will not only be singing forthe seniors Wednesday afternoon.There will also be yelling. PrexyBeano's own composition will be triedout on austere Senior larynxes. Hereit is: '·:"0jJ� �f3e#:,J:Pp�nyYLPHlA 'Pen,· As aterdayselecteerepressSaturdsBartky,were tlpoor cowere aThe JMoines, two-milfor thepossibletennincCOM�EntertaAccordecidedCommciof speerannual'the ChilI It is (member,. should I" cess by It: interes�OJ'" Wad,,� the banLyons,U iek Win�/tv the Banking group in Cobb 12A. IMr. Bacon, of Albert T. Bacon pub­lic accountants, is chainnan of the C'ir. A. Board of Illinois and has had Imuch experience in the accountingfield. Mr. H. O. Parsons is head of,the Bond department of the Union ITrust Co. and was formerly a buyerfor a syndicate of four banks. ISPOEHR'S FOUR LOOP ISTORESIFor Lunch DowntownD'AGUERRE STUDIO218 South Wabash Ave. CHI C AGO, ILL.Tel. Wabash 527 for Appointment.�6rclto�"�srcLp�The Official Photographer of cAP AND GOWN, '20Special Rates to U. of C. Students.MADE TO ORD.E1lOrder Early!o r d e r your suit,early!We won't deliver ittilt you want" it.We won't bill it tillwe deliver it. 9 Harper Hall53rd and Harper AvenueDancingTuesdays -. Wednesdays - Frida�s - Saturday.SPECIAL ORCI-jESTRAS THIS WEEKTUESDAY, APRIL 20STRAtFORD ORCHESTRAWEDNESDAY, APRIL 21HARPER QUINTETDon't forget the Leap Year dance next week, April2&. Every Tuesday and Wednesday evenings are Uni­versity nights.Suits andOvercoats$50,$60,$65and upwatdsThe Store of WideAssortmentsNlmLL The'lBiJollw--Jer ·� Ic:a..k· Ad_ ......-I:'OR .real enjoymentC arid delight, one box'of Murads is worth adozen . packages of Iordinary cigarettes that"niereiy smoke,"Muratl& are Pure Turkish!100%'Buy a package.>fMurads.lfyouare not moreihan satisfied.return half' thepackage to usand get all yourmoney back.We are notafraid to makethis offer­MURADS ARETURKISH - theworld's mostfamous tobaccofor cigarettes.Judge foryouTself-! JACGlSele(titiIS FlJaclgener:Stagggradu:terdaynot beJune:Ful1Sigmatrack:of higcare 0He isand TIBot}the B�celledIt watravelled WOIgeneramentethe fir:Thefor si:high sTeamshave btrack:contest"ChieonneeiAt th:teams.cago '\11mediunOthermadesecendiCom]will beStag