e , :f ....... - - ... ���....-;.,ttl�'''' "'",,!l;i':'�.:.",.Vot 18. No. 96 UNIVERSI1Y OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY, APR�L 13, 1920 Price Five CentsPALESTINE DRIVE NETS �OOFEATURE TWFJ.VEALL-STAR ACTS INSENIOR VAUDEVIlLE At a meeting of the Campus dubto be held today at 4 in Classics 10,CAMPUS CLUB. MEETS TC'DAY WIU.. HOLD DANCEAFrER GI EE CLUBCONCERT SA TURD. A Y First Day ·of Campaign for $5,000- at University Brings Re8poue. LARGE NUMBER OFMEN TRY OUT FORBLACKFRIAR CHORUSNew Twenty-Piece University five couneil members will be elected. --Bud" Coombs to Play' forMr. George Sherburne, of the depart-Orchestra Will Participate Affair-Organizations Mak-ment of English, who was recently ap-In Production .ing .Reservationspointed faculty adviser of the organ-SHOW OPEN TO ALL STUDENTS ization, will speak to the club as will WESTERN TOUR 18 SUCCESSFULRoland Holloway who will tell t.Mnon-fraternity 'men of Blackfriars. A dance in the Reynolds club willThe meeting today will be for busi- be given following the Universityness as plans for the Spring quarter Glee club's concert Saturday night, inwil� be outlined. The council will in- Mandel hall. The dance will be underthe auspices of the club, and admis-sion will be by the stubs of the con­cert tickets only. The concert is tobegin at 8:15. Tickets cost �tycents and $1.00.Tickets for. the concert, which is tobe the first home concert of the Gleeclub in a number of :years, will be paton sale in the University Bookstoretom.orrow. Reservations for blocks ofseats are now being received frommany of the fratemities and clubs, ae­eording to LeRoy Owens, treasurer ofthe club. Mail orders are also com­ing in, he declared.Make Saccessfal TourThe Glee club bas thirty members,and the program to be presented in­cludes numbers by the club, a quar­tet, and instrumental numbers. Dur­ing the �pring vacation the club tour­ed west giving pe�ormanees in Kan­sas City, Wichita, Des Moines, andother cities. The club has been ap­proached by a New York club regard­ing the possibility of an eastern tripthis Spring.At· the daDce after the c;,nCert. Sat­urday night' a jazz orcheStra underthe direction of "Bud" Coombs willfurnish' the music. The affair willstart immediately after the concertand will last until 12.l�I • Twelve all-star acts will be featur­ed in the Senior vaudeville which willbe held Friday, April 23, at 8:30 inMaDdel hall. according to the plans.. � 'Were formulated at a tea givenby Bans Hoeppner, yesterday inHitcheock hall.The vaudeville will be open to theentire student body, but will be eon­ducted by seniors. However, . each -ofthe other three Undergraduate dasaesof the University will have charge ofODe act.Form Twent)' Piece oidaeatnA twenty-piece University orches­tra has been informed under the direc­tion of Walter Recklesa, and will pu­tieipate in the show. The orchestrawas organized and held its· first re­hearsal yesterday. Another practicewill be held tomorrow at 4:30 inKitchell tower. All musieians on thecampus are invited to try out for theorcbestra. .ODe of the features' on the programwiD be the. singing of the new seniorSODg which was written J;y ElizabethBl'OWD. The words and music forthis will be printed in the twenty-, page program which is beiDg prepar­ed for the vaudeville. ,Gb. o.tJbIe. of Acts·The various acts were outl1Ded inaezaei'al by the comniittee yesterda�.The vaudeville will open 'with an over­ture by the orcbestra which will befollowed by the Freshman, Sopho­more, aDd Junior acts. Following thlawill be a telepathy demouatratlOil byThruber and Bond. Elizabeth Bl'OWIlaDd aumea Breasted will present ashort dramatie play.FoUcnriDc a abort intermlssiOD"()ptomism," a one-act skit will bepreeeDted. This will be followed byaeJectlons rendered by the De1t Jazz(CcmtifttUd OK page 4)BOLD UNIVERSITY SING INMANDELL TOMORROW NIGHTW..-ea of Federation Ban Chargeof AU-Caa,... Scmpestat 7:30The University sing will be held to­morrow night at 7:30 in Mandell hall.The leader of the sing bas not yetJ>een announced, but the committeehopes to obtain one of the best direc­toni in the city.The Glee club haa promised to sendtwo of its best members to lend talentto the assembly. The student bodyhas been invited to suggest the songsthey want sung, so the program is be­Ueved by the commit� to be themost satisfactory of any held duringthe past year.The members of the eommittee tobe the most satisfactory of any heldduring the past year.The ,members of the committeewhieh have the sing in charge areDean' Wal1ace, Elizabeth WiUiford,James Nicely, Ruth Huey, Gladys Ny­man, Crandall Rogers. and GlennHardiJlg.'. The Federation' wUl have a dinnerI this evening at 6 in Ida Noyes cafe­, teria. AfteT the dinner there will bea 'Short talk and open diseussion onthe sUbject, "What ,Do Yon Pay ForYour Grade Points 1" Programs for the women will be afeature of Seore club· dance at theHARDING ELECTED HEAD Rosalie hall Friday night, AnotherOF Y. M. C. A. FOR 1920-21 feature. announced yesterday was ab�lot to be conducted during the see­Bowen CIIoaea Viee-PresideBt; hl- ond dance to select the leaders for anth. Secretary';_wm IastaIl Men grand march to be held later in theat Bnqaet Frida,. Ni.lat in' ButcIa-"Course Boob Are ReadyCourse Books are ready for db­tnDution today ac:eording to an an-Sip&8 AllD01I1Ice Pledcbaa nOUDeement by Assistant RecorderSigma announce sthe "pledging of Gumey. They may be proc:ared atMarion Daly, BlAnche McCauley aDd the Bureau of Reeordt from 10-12 andE1�or SwrUt, 'Of Chicago, and Clara 2-5 today, from 9-12 tomorroW, aDdOlney, of Boston, Mass. thereafter at the regular oftIea hours:form those present of the activitiesto be held in the near future. Amongthese are a tennis tournament, groupluncheons, talks from well-knownmen. and a banquet for the non-fra­ternity alumni when they return forthe Alumni reunion in June.Senior Bolsheviks MustShave Today, SaysPrexy BeanoSenior men were warned last nightto shave before eoming t:o college thismorning, regardless of their preju­dices against the practice. This warn­ing was given because Prexy BeanOand his eahorts want their classmatesto make a clean start on the mustacherace. John Joseph is the only per­son. who will be allowed a handicap.At 12 noon today the race will be­gin at the "C" bench and extend in­definitely. The Hirsute committeemet yesterday afternoon in Dr. Brat­fish's. tonsorial-emporium but came to.Da agreement in regard to the lengthof time the contest should eontinue.Bradley Hall Said he would need un­til next September, at least. HansBoeppDer, the irrepressible socialchairman, could see no reason forholding the race at all, since he al­ready had a good crop.• "�t," queried Ede West, who isimpersonally-oh, very impersonally­interested in the contest, "shalt theharvest be!"iJlSOa Com.OIIS.• Oftiears of the Y. M. .c.. A. for theensuing year were elected last Friday.They consist of Glenn Barding, presi­deDt; Milton M. BowJm. vice-presi­dent; and Logan Fulrath, secretarY-The men will be iDBtalled at a ban­quet to be held Friday at 6:30 inHutebiDson Commons. Tbe a1tair isinteDded for ofticers,· committee men,and all members who are interested.Tickets will sell at seventy-five eent...a piece and may be purchased fromGerry Smith in the Y. M. C. �� offtcetoday�Dr. Coalter WiD PresideDr. John M. Coulter will preside atthe banquet and Dr. Ernest D. Bur­ton will perform the necessary func­tions of installation. James Nicely,retiring president of the association,will present his formal report for t.hepast year. There will also be two ad­dresses, one by President HarrvPratt Judson and one by )I;'. L. Wil­bur Messer, general secretary of theChicago Y. M. C. A. "Have Room For More AP­plicants," Says AbbotPriebeNearly $800 'was pledged the firstday of the drive for five thousand dol­lars in the University, as part of thenational drive for ten million dollarsfor the restoration of Palestine. SHUTER TO ARRIVE MONDAY"We will reach it," said Dean Lov-ett. "The purpose of the drive ap- Blackfriar rehearsals started yes-peals not only to the idealist, but to terday.the humanitarian. Every student The third floor of the Reynolds dubshould feel that his personal respon- was crowded at the first meeting of.sibility in making this drive success- chorus aspirants, who met at 3· andful." practiced the songs of the show UDderThe exeeutive comm!ttee is_ com- the direction of Glenn Harding. Mu--.posed of Sarah LeWlS,. chairman; sic rehearsals will be held every da¥Ellen Gleason, Edward E�chengreenl this week, and beginning next M�Jack Baron, Ruth GallDSky and the h ·11 start ric �'L_C orus men WI wO'on WftJGeorge Mills. The headquarters of ch rus be de th directi of. _ • 0 num rs un r e ODthe drive here have been estabbshed Mr. Shuter th od .at Ha r M13. _ ' e pr ucer,trpe In SPite of the numBer who tu:med ".out the first day, Abbot Priebe said: .Men Must Hold Dances he was not satisfied. "Tbere is 8Wl '.In Hotels Near room for more applicants· for the <,U.. chorus .Jobe," he said. "lien -a-. .:mversily .... '11;"". come out today will have just as good <.D .- -b- d rgrad a chance for a part in the shoW as,"ances gn-en y men un e - ., .te . ti t be beld I h tel those who began yesterday."ua SOCle es mus 1D 0 S Sh te Arri M ..in the neighborhood of the University, u r to ve Ondp7,according to an: announcement made All undergra�te men are eligible: .sterd b Wall te A. p. U· ,to try out for eIther ehorus or· east;ye ay y r &me, ru- •• _ ..-ty rd Th d .. and It 18 urged that none be held.baek :versi reco ere e ecrsion wuad b th B ard f Stud t 0 _ because of doubt as to eligibility.m eye 0 0 en r P -t· . th ch de-_.1. ti .Pu' bl· ti d 'I:O_'L:ib' OSI IOns m e orus �.aagaJUza Ions, lca ons an .J:IJUU 1- • ._ _ . _ much upon 'regularity of atteDdaDeetions at Its meeting, Apnl 13. d ·11· rk\ , .. _ an WI 11lgDe88 to wo as upon. aJq :Several months' ago It was decided t bil·ty" Abbo Pri be d-'---.a .. ',' .'_th t th· , cl b uld h Id grea aI, t e �",. "'\a e women sus eo 0 no E 'Ill rti Sh ter h L__ "., '" .... 0'\< .• " ...&lAO mer u W 0 UIIII bema�' :.' . 1-1'"dances elsewhere than in Ida Noyes •..' '.r .., :-.:.' .. - J"'"hall. The last wee-to-be' gIven nn- ::nBargagedb toBeprbaod� wil�1 :.1 .: ��� "'>;'1 ::?'Ifd th Id I· . Del S· ara, ve. &rl'1Ye,r�'''- . \" ,··t,·'er e 0 ru mg 18 a ta igma M..b..' .' .... '�, :'::-:,\ "'���Ph- f. al t th Blacksto A n onuay to start tryouts. He lJ!I.�., ..' ';.'" . .:J':,,':'·f1 orm a e ne on pn producer of "George Did It," tbi,.: .. .. -.v.;.t_'23. Mr •. Paine announces that the in- . . ... . ..\ :·:·: .. ;j·�;ite tati f tb brase ""-- d MIchigan show, now bemg stagacl. at· � ... ' �,' .';',. rpre on 0 e p u.:yon Ann bo . .. '. /' :_ .�1�til • hborhood f th U· - .... ,..t, Ar _r. Roland HoDaway, maDa-. ;�;',:, :�:,: .. :, .,�e nelg 0 e nlversl".1ger of the 1920 Blackfriar show: has'.� .'.:. �, '..J )�will be made by the Dean of Women. . to Ann Arbo __ u'·..._··�· J:ggone r to C\MUUA ... �. ';'., .. ".,Shuter and to see their show. -:,' '.. ,::�' :?{CONDUcr PRESIDENTIAL ;', .... :.,.:�:.:�:<:);.STRAW VOTE IN FACULTY ". '\�:McLAUGHLIN PRIZE WILL .-' -�., ���Daily Maroon Inaugurates P,IaD to De- BE AWARDED THIS SPRING ".,r _:.���termine Presidential Preference OD -- \ .- ;'> �CaIDpa&-BocIy of St1ldents Attend Announce O«er of $50 to Jalor Cal- . � : :', ' ,':t�W_ Meetinlr.� Audiloriam. . Ieee S� ;:; Writes .•. ,;�;�A complete canvass of the Uni- - '. ���versity faculty was started today by The David Blair MeLaugbUn priae, , "The Daily Maroon for the purpose of· founded in 1914 by Prot. and JIr&." . �eompiling a straw vote on the presi- Andrew C. McLaughlin in memory of ..\ .�dential election. Each member will their son who was a member � � tIae . ..1M! �ked to name' his or her first aDd class of 1916, will be awarded in the ' (:second choice candidates f�r the of- present Spring quarter, accordiDg ��fee, and the reasons governing the an announeement made by DeaD Lov-selections. Final results wm be pub- ett yesterday.lished as soon as compilation of the The prize is of $50, and is awarcJedballot is completed. annually to a student }laving ereditNearly 100 members of the Wood for not more than two yean of eol­club went in a body to hear the' gen- lege work, or eighteen majors, whoeral speak at the Auditorium Satur- has shown special sJdll and IIeIUIe ofday night. The house to house can- f<'rm in the writing of English proee.'-ass of the Sixth ward, which has The award will be made on the basisbeen going on for the past week, was of a critical essay on some subjeetfinished yesterday. and Wood boost- pertaining to literature or the fiDeers are 'enthusiastic over the results arts, history, philosophy, or socialobtained. "We have every hope of science. The length must not be leasseeing the general carry this ward," than 1,500 or more than 3,000 words,declared M. L. Griffith, head of the and should be in general of the scopeWood organization. and nature of the longer themes inl.owden Supporters Active £nglish 3. The paper, in typewrittenWilliam Gemmill, president of the form, should be handed to the DeaDLowden league, stated that the goy- of the Junior Colleges not later thanernor's boosters on the campus are 4:00 P. M., May 22nd. The workdoing their utmo� to help their candi- should not be signed, but should· beda� win today's primary. '-I want to accomplished by a sealed envelopesee every Lowden man in the Uni- givtng the name of the writer.versity actively supporting the gov­ernor in this primary. We owe it tohim out of sheer loyalty as residentsof his state, as student.c; in the Uni­versity to which for years he de­voted his time ud energy as trustee,to work for him in ·today's election."(CO'fItitnuJd 091 flOg. 4)PROGRAMS. GRANDMARCH AND NOISEFOR SCORE CLUBevening.five-piece orchestra under the di­rection of Arthur Ranstead will pro­duce the neeessary noise. The �eeis scheduled for 8:0. Ticke3ts may be�cured from any member of theScore elub."MICHIGAN GIVES OPERAAT AUDITORIUM FRIDA� . .:;.�.'<Nearly 1,000 tickets have been soldfor the performance of the Universityof Michigan comic opera to be giftDat - the 'Auditorium theatre Friday.The show is being prodaced by E.Mortimer ShuteI' who is- also produe­ing this year's Blackfriar's produc­tion, "Barbara, Behave!" "GeorgeDid It," is the name Of the Michiganopera which includes 120 in cast andorchestra. Tickets for the perform­ance can be secured at the Auditoriumbox office and the Chicago Alumni as­sociation of the University particular­ly invite undergraduates to attend.Elect Sosh Club O«iunThe following officers ,,!erc electedat the weekly meeting of the Sociol­ogy elub: President, D. H. Kulp; vk�president, E_ T. Krueger; seere�,.Helen C. Markal)'�?',n r <:: .. :- � 'l's,. ..>1':�'!� ."'\(;...... ...,-;"' . 2 .: _'''', I�·""*:f.·.·· ... ·:;..�· - .• : '·· ..... ::o:I::·· �'''''';!l,.;;.;;� .. :;., ... .,.��:.� ,� ·c ... '.:.�".t .. ;,:,::S'.�� �1�"�'.i'·�"->·pA.'.'f'Jt;·f�'I;:4:.'\:).;".('·'t1l':�.IV;;C· .... r '.·�(;.>�;·9t:;·/'f':\' "'�� .. S!�.:; t��'''*·'·f.·.,I" .. �Jk:f>·�· �o#..: .. ,.... J��;.iS)(, .>z.. 'lot',· .... 'f\!!'} » \",,1 "' .•••• � �' • .,.\�:�,\ \' '',' ': ,'" � , .. .. "'\' .' ::'., '. �" "':'�''''''':� : +: ,�f1{".'r. :">�,:r"::' '�.'; �;:.ii ;: .>: ;�� f;/', ':,"':,:\ ',' ';' "",:\.:", t,I. \1 :.':. '.t' •. !THE DAILY MAROON. TUESDAY. APRIL 13 •. 1920m .. m -1'" taken on temporaril,'" in the' emerc­wart ... aJ 8. �aJ'D�. e�ey.lt. To lItake ma� .?"Orae.tbla• ,"shortqe· is. keepi�' youDc peo�'Ibe Stud_ N ••• � ., aM from the DOnnal schools: iD· 190 .in-Uni"nitT� �� .- stitutions' there were 11,603 fewerstudents on Nov. 1. 1919 than at the·same period of the year before thewar. In colleges the schools ,of Edu­cation report a similar falling�off.The percentages, have fallen from 37.EDlTORlAL .DEP ARTMENT per cent, in 1890. of men teachers toThe Stair. 1"-' per cent in 1918.JOHN E. JOSEPH .. Managing Editor Salaries are, of course. the primeWilliam ?tiorgenstem, .Athletic Editor difficulty. I� a recent report four-H' ld Sta . 'b' '. F t Ed'to teen states stated that taxpayers hadaro ns ury .... ea ure 1 r . 0 ". L_ blJ hn 'Ash' 'hurst' 'N Edito a "eeneral mterest In·t� pro em.o en . . . . . • .. ews r 1 .. teR F· chki N Edito Another state reported a arge m r-ose IS n ... '. . . . . .. ews r .H I Ra itch N Ed'to est, and another sent m the state-e en VI • • • • • • • • •• ews I r "d .Bam Bird Night Editor me�t tha:,' taxpayers .. were omgE t F 'b' N' ht Edito their best.mes n ourg........ Ig r .. . hu . Taxpayers' and citizens w 0 areHerbert Rubel Day Editor d ha- h========' ======= such will have to 0 more t naveBUSINESS . DEPARTMENT general interest. The problem is se­rious. No wonder . .we do not . haveenough teachers- when some ruraldistricts pay a maximum of $200 ayear. When Russia was pried openwe saw. what lack of education haddone to the Russian people as a whole;in the United States we have made agood beginning, but we dare not falldown now. Something will have tobe done about the teacher situation -,Published mornings, except Saturday.Sunday and Monday 'during the Au­tumn. Winter and Spring quartenby the Daily Maroon compey... The Staff.GRANT .. MEAR�Business' ManageHe'Bry Pringle .. Advertising Manage]Keith Kindred .. Circulation ManagerLaurence Tibbits � . '.... Asst. 'Cir.Mgr., :,Entet:ed as second class mail at the.C:h.icago postoffice, Chicago, IllinoisMarch 13, 1906, under . the act of. Narch 3! 1873.·'. :COM.MUNICATlONS. 'S\jBSCRIPTIC)N RATES,.'.:Called for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 aq, u. arter. ' (In ��w of the fact 'that �e com-munication column of Th� Daily Ma­-. 'By Carrier, '$�,5'0 a year; $1.00 a roon 'is maintained' as' a clearing.quarter, 'house for student and faculty bpinion,The DaUy Maroon accepts' no, respon-By Mail (Cit��), ·S3.50 a year'; $1.50 sibUity for the sentiments therein ex­pressed. Communications are wel­comed . by the editor, and should. besigned as an evidence of good faith,Editorial Rooms .:. -� i.. � ••• '•••• Ellis 14 although the name will not be pub­. . ': Telephone Mi<hvay 800 Iished Without the Writers consent.)Busin�sS Office � Ellis 14Telephone Midway 800 THE c.orr-us CLUB A�D ITSPURPOSE. The purpose of the promoters ofthe Campus club was to give the many.', . SO LONG, PAT undergraduate men on t.he campus an'�- -:\-:- "')Ve, as the' Unh:ersity of Chicago, opp�rtu�ity to know each' other bet-�;, 'Aa.ve paid;.o.ur . last respects to Mr. tel', and .to 'bring ab'out a larger par-� .. :- 'f�t Page� The king is .dead, long live iicipation of" non-fraternity men in.:� . .�� kin�!. �e have felt � honest re- campus activities. it \\'a� thought���. . g,ret,�� .. losing on� of t�� most'loyal, that en'ough generatIons of studentshard�working .and result-producing' had gone thr9ugh the. Unive�ity Q{��;�hes_t,that the . U�iversity has ever Chicago with�ut formi�g any friend­in<;lu�ed in its ranks, and for that �hi'ps, or acquiring a real regard forreason �e have tried to· �emonstrate the University, because �heir collegeto Pat that regret. A banquet, a life had be'en' confined' to their stud­rath-cr lively and large banquet; a res.' The hope of the' Campus clubgift, a· r�ihcr' prctJntious . gift'; t"\\�\) is that the non-fraternity studentsrtiateri:ai c'�idJnc�s� ·�f t'h� respect and will De encouraged to' take part in ac-,�onor amid which Pat leaves.. thoities:, and' by 1:;0 doing feel that theyr ;As 'to �hi he' l�aves' is 'dead and.' a�e 'ri' part of Chicag6. . .gone. 'Por; sonle1 reason or other The' The failur� of the non:"fl:aterhityDaily Maroon has left that Pat Page �tudents to take part in the affairs�elonged and belongs at the Univer-' of the campus has been'largely due:sity or Chicago. He' �s leaVing. and to need· of encouragement, and- not to'to �whomsoCver: th� blame belongs thnt', lack of ability ... Fraternities are able .],c:rs6n 'or persons Will have to be re.' to supply that 'encouragement to their .sponsible.' More'uloney, 'more author-; members and' to assist ne\,· m�. inlty, mo�' co-operntion_:':_whatever it, gettini' �tarted. .,\Vas Pat "was in: need'· of he should Th�' Campus club like\�:i�e is at-.h�e bad; if for' �elfish' reasons alone. tempting to help it..: member!:;' in this,Perhaps there wa� misunderstanding,. way, and though it has been' largely'b\lt there are· always two sides to a occupied this. year \\;th a struggle to'question' and Pat could not have been organize, it has succeeded fairly wentotally misguided. in accomp1i�hing thi� purpo�e of en-, 'Pat Page's record is a good one, couragemerit. Getting non-fraternity:and b� "leavt!s at an unusually auspl- men, or anyone else to take ari interest�ioii9 time �th a 'championship to his is an that is needed, The trend ofcredit' for 1920. For that champion- campus leadership each year shows'slfip and for numerous other things that once started, it is thereafter Q� are' extremely grateful. We wish question, not of going on, bUt of'Pat Page all' the luck in the world. stopping.It wa..c;· not ever the intention of theCampus' club to become purely a po­litical organization. Participation inRturlent politics is necessary for anyorganization of thi� kind, but the pol­icy from the start ha..c; never been toelect men becam�e they were non-f�­terniey. There is plenty of room forimprovement in political, conditionso_n the campus, and with a larger.membership than any other society.the club hopes to be able to use itsviting power to force the candidaeyof' the best men. regardless of affilia­tions .. If the Cal!tpus club.has' a can­didate judged worthy' of an oftiee i�naturally wnt ran'that candidate; bu�there has not been, nor wm there be,Tuesday, April 13,- 1920•A GRAVE PROBLEM" This nation is suffering and \\;Ucontinue to. suffer from a teachersh�rtagc unless drastic steps aretaken to correct the matter. We have'seen a slowly awakening realization'of 'the .problem among certain cities.'with 'il 'slight increase in salarie�anda slight upward' trend of the teachingprofession. But we still have to facesuch figures' a.� the�:On account of a lpr.k of teachen;th�te are 18,279 schools still clo� in!the 'United � States. Of the' schools' in�ration 41,900' employ te'aeben'cftaraeteri�a as' '�iow standard but" .�, ... ,.-'. , any effort or .destre to 'r8ise the anti-fraternity �ue. .Members' of tbe Campua·.club,.bf.�in the last year: become membeh ofthe fratemitie� and evell.,Y� .. tlterewill doubtless be �ny others who willbecome pledged- to fraternities. .In ��ajority . of eases these men' will . bepledged because they have taken part in' cani�� . a�vlties, their participa-I will' f�i that' '�ey are just as welltion having been brought about. by off hi the Camp� club as they wouldthe Campus c1\lb. There ha. been no.l be in a frate��. That, also, is' a�ort made tea exact a pledge, from I hope that the Campus club wishes tothe '1Dem� not to become pled&eQ to &ee realized. 'fraternities, or any other attempt' to 'Having 'Interested its members asinfluen� them, Within a few years, students in university affairs. �ehowever. if the. Campus club can ful- Campus club believes that they willfill its aims, many of the members (Cont�""4!ld em' fJGlI. 4)Alpha Delta' Phi" announces thepledging of Charles Thompson ofChicago, Ill.,•Intereollegfate Dinner TomorrowWomen from ,other colleg� who,have just entered the University' willbe entertained at an intercollegiatedinner tomorrow at. 6. in the Ida Noyessun parlor. Tickets are forty cents apiece and may be secured from mem­bers of the committee or from Mis:;Taylor at the Y. W. C. A. office. Allintercollegiate .women have been in-vited. Tel. W�bash 527 for Appointment.�����D���nl�'-·��-·-�---------------------�Special Rates to U. of C .. Students .. ·D.AG,t),ERRE :STUDIO, tli.I�AGO, 'ILL.218 South Wabash Ave.YOU can throwany kind of. light on Murad) (�nd ,find·', them roo % pure .. Tu'rkish�obacco, the world's most famous. tobacco for,. cigarettes. It; is this.····. -.famous �qhacco. that makes Murad. the famous �jga�ette� ,.; .�.�y ou �,�n'�' make':a silk' p�s�:;,o�t' of' a. so�'V·s t::dr.· Neither carl you make a' real. �!1Jo�ab!e Ci�?!'e(tte Ot;� �f a ..'1Y other than. Turkish tobacco. '. ..'PeopI� !-, listen' to this' talk-' it's' all',for .your good. It's y�ur mo�ey you'!e' spen���g ..,.; .. �l.t� is t�e that '�o.r9in�ryt. cig�rettes '�st .: .. a t�fle-.1�ss. '. ..,� , \ ., .... , .-."', -I ; J.1l�ge ��T' yourself-.!�., I,. . � .. � ('t:'��1 'f. ,,.'l tK;'-:�': �.�; .. I� ..••'-;. ,. ..... 1lI£ DAILY �OON. TUESDAY, APRIL 13. 1920"--�-,--�-��-.---��----�---�, �-�------�, ��-�,--�-�'�-'�--�--�-�������������������.. " "��--C'•" I�.' tI,,.;' ""I':;,,;'..."..-,� ��,,0 ,t�h .':"-l� .:�:J�., ..... ' ·i :-"�',.� ::." ;·'I'�.·";,; -:._.:, I::·•. -._. -l I -�--:-\)1:. :� I,ii' •,;,", i , l '... � ".• ' .!\., ·1--. ,•. .,,'.,,''" '--., .'' .. ;:.'.: "�'­I• 'j'.', • �-'.' -. I,' .__.'<,'. '.' r ;'" { .. : �:: . ,"I ..W� d9.WJl I��.at suib yesterday; ended up at Field's-BoylTher�'s '�here they' b&ve�the clotheS, 'in tha.t' Young Men'. Room."-... ,I' .... . ".. _----------- ..... ------_. -------_._-_._----------......-..,\MARSTHE STORE FOR MEN.C/j S�parate Slore in a Separate Building, .. -'':', .·�·.'I. " ,. .- � '-:,/ e ; ••• �. '.1 I. 'f,• .- •••• �, • � ",1, : , '., •• " 'or,. . , - -. �.' . -: -' -'..• ��' �.: .::: - ,.. 'oJ.. :�... ' .......... \.' . �:.. .,,' " '", ..;" :(',.4.t',, "... '� .."" ', .I"\'-'IIITbe Can,putWhinJeIr! Do It Ia Two YampsThe field trippers at the dunes lastSaturday were blinded by the blowingsud.. "This is fierce," said one of thewomen of the party. "I can't evensee as far aa my feet."''Well,'' suggested .Mr. "Coles, "looktwice."•NOW that Sooze navis has becomethe noisy silent partner for the FirstAnnual May nay Party, it will surelybe a good affair.EDITORIALCleaning Up PoUtiesThis department, as usual, the cham­pion of clean politics, has three rem­edies to suggest for the existing de­plorable situation. One way to rit!the campus of political skullduggeryis to abolish elections and the activi­ties for" which t¥y exist. Anotherway is to deny the franchise to every­body. Then the elections could beheld without fear of dirty work. Athird way would be to dismiss all UD­dergraduates .from college and keeponly the graduate schools. Activitiesand politics and elections would thenlapse into disuse. We realize how�iea1 these suggestions are, but webelieve "they are the only solutionspossible..<Lt;L�" ,"t � BRING your small change to the� " Glee club concert Saturday night..� "', The men were spoiled in Wichita by� .'; " the shower of coins that fell on the�_,": "stage and in the saxophones and they�. ," doubtless expeet the same sort' ofwelcome at home.JOHN ASHENHURST has beena1ummin� He went to a dance hallthat was 80 tough, he' says, that youCCiuldD't ten the intermissions fromthe dances, except that thedidn't play. ".'.�. -A Flanker.EVEN distinguished visitors to theUniversity are not immune to the cor­rective tapping of the pencil in Har­per reading room. Siegfried Sassonstrolled down the center aisle one dayJut week, chatting with a friend, andMias Gettys sent him the usual tele­graphic message to be quiet.rf(�;".._,-�,l- WHO said we weren't athletic 1We guess we were pinch-hitting forMoff on Saturda)" oj But then, ODeshouldn't brag.SHIRLEY, the Foster mouse, hasbeen captured by Marian Creyts, ac­cording to the latest reports. Weagree that people should be rough onrats, particularly the tea-dancing va­riety.BESIDES the new pledges that willbe. on exbibitio,n at the Score clubparty, there wm be a number of newSenior mustaches.WOULDN'T that tickle you?-Garcon. I II I .ll '.'11-IE OAIi.Y··MAROON.:TUESDAY:�APRIL-13, 1920'ly accepted as a masterpiece. "Tann­Conference hauser," however, did not meet withsuch success.The complete program for the con-MAROON GYMNASTSWIN CHAMPIONSHIPIN MEET AT URBANA ale from Wagner's "Tannhauser,' anlLiszt's Symphonic. poem, "Les Pre-ludes." . .The F Majot" Symphony is eoasid­ered by many the glleatest of Brahm' ...Chicago T earn Ends Confer- works. The 'work was written inence Season Unmarred By 1�2-3 in WiesbadE'n, and was pro-IN these days of reckless extrava- I duced for the first time in Viennagance it is refreshing to hear of the : Single Defeat and later was played in Cricago ! neconomical man who, when he drop- 1885, under the direction of Theodorepeel a lump of sugar on the floor, VICTORS CAPTURE FOUR FIRSTS Thomas.thMW his C!JP of coft'ee after it. 6OLoh�n,rin.·· Well-KDOWll OperaTable of PointsChicago-l,05l 2-5.Wiseonsin-907 1-5.IUinois-5l62..s.Ohio State-52.In the 16th AnnualGymnastic� Wrestlin� and Feneimrchampionship meet at Illinois lastSaturday, the Maroons ran away withthe gymnastic honors' by gamenngfour out of a possible total of sixfirsts, ending a season unmarred by asingle defeat.Chicago gave way in the fencingbefore Illinois and Wisconsin, takingthird place. Tolman, Illinois, won thefoils; Wood, Chicago, took second;Annerson, Wisconsin, third. In thebroadsword, Annerson, Wisconsin,won; �funge1:, Chicago, and Tolman,Illinois, tied for second. Wood pro­vided an element of surprise by de­feating Annerson, who bad beatenhim 5 to 1 in the dual meet at Wiscon­sin.Little competition "Was offered bythe Maroons in the wrestling, sinceonly one man was entered. Hat'�uski,125 pound class, met in his first boutthe man who later took the champion­ship in the light weight event.· Illin­ois placed first in the grappling, whileNebraska and Indiana were runners­up for second and third.Summary of events:Horizontal' bar-Won by McHugh, continue to be interested when th .. ybecome alumni. Each year at reuniontime the vast majority of returning'alumni have beer. frau-mity men, witha "cry small sprinkling oC nen-fra­t('rnity alumni, and this indifference I·is as great a loss to the University Ias it is to the men tilem!'eh·es. There Ihas been no reason why the unaffil­iated alumni should come back. be-.cause they have no organization to f ===============come baek to or friend... to nrge themto come. With the aid of the Alumni I WoodIaWD Ste---L:"Prelude to "Lobengrin" Wagner UV8 • ..,....council, the Campus club will attemptas part of the 1920 reunion an at- Servicetn�ction of some '·ariety to draw the HOTEl.. STRANDDon-fraternity alumni back to car- 63rd &: COTTAGE GROVE AVE.cago. Tekplume Midwoll820F T 1 All-S A University Students Work SoUdteII.eature we ve tar cts Subscribe to the Daily Maroon Special prices on term theme 1rCId.In Senior Vaudeville.\Vagner's "Lohengrin" and "Tannheuser" are probably the best knownol all his operas. "Lohengrin" waswritten in 1845, and was immediate-cert is:Overture "Leonore," Opus 72, No.3........................ BeethovenSymphony No.3, F Major, Opus 90.......................... BrahmsAllegro Con BrioAndantePoco AllegrettoAllegroBaeehanale from "Tannhauser"... ........................... WagnerSymphonic Poem No.3, "Les Pre-ludes" I..iszt(COIIt froM JIII6. 1)Band and the Deke Quartette� Mi3SMarion Rubevits "ill render a voealsolo. A black-face act will be pre­sented by Westby, Breasted and Day,who will offer impersonations of Um­\'crsity characters. The program willbe closed with the singing of theChicago; Morris, Chicago, second; Senior song.Pringle, Chicago, tied with Zeigler, ���������������Illinois, for third. S P 0 R T 'S H 0 R T 5Sid� horse - Schneidenbach and(Continued 'rom page 1)Charles Greene, president of theRepublican club, urged all eligiblevoters on the campus to be sure tocast their ballots at the primaries.uE,·ery student in the University whois able to vote in this election should Quoting a downtown paper:"University. of Ql�o marksmenmade a great spurt' in the nationalrifle shoot on their ten ta�t. rangeat the Midway, four 200 scores beingOnly too few of the student popu­lace know the contents of. the conc:retestadium and grandstand on Staggfield, containing as it does, a riftlerange, a racquets court, and hand balland squash courts.You would thiok. though, thatriftemen (we almost said gunmeo)could not help but advertise them­selves.make, it a very speeial point to do so," Perhaps marksmanship is too muchhe declared. "There are altogether neglected heftaboute as a sport. Buttoo many here who, out of sheer in- then again, it was' Dot so very "loagdifference or laziness, fail to exereise ago that several million Americanstheir privilege of the franchise. ThLt; were following it-aDd none were sois a particularly Important eJection in greatly interested among the specta­which many vital issues are at stake, tors and patrons as certain membersand it is the ,·oter's patriotic duty to of royalty.cast his ballot."ORCHESTRA PLAYS BRAHMS'THIRD SYMPHOXY IN F TO­DAY AT 4:15 IN MANDEL It, instead of horse racing, mighthave been termed the "Sport ofKings."Through the Maroon gymnasticSelections of Beethoven, WagMr, snd kam, Chicago has cornered its sec-Liszt. Other Numbers on ond Big Ten championship of theyear. And at the beginning of theKason, the performers were calledBrahms' Third Symphony in F Ma- "green." .Two men will be lost fromjor is the feature number of the pro- the squad next year, Pringle and In­gram to be played by the Chica�o low, but their places should be ·fiUedSymphony orehestra today at 4:15 in then by Wood, Beatty and Gartman,Mandel hall. The other numbers on very promising freshmeD. If Dew ma�the program are: Beethoven's Over- terial could trim the best of the Cou­ture "Lenore," the prelude from ference, what will an experieDcedWagner'� "Lohengrin," the Bacehan- team do next year?ProgramCripe, Chicago, tied for first; Pringlt!,Chicago, third.Flying rings-Won by Inlow, Chi­cago; Kessler, Chicago, second;McHugh, Chicago, third.Parallel bars-Won by Golly, Wis­consin; Scbneidenbach, Chicago, sec- made,"ond; Zeigler, Illinois, third. ---Tumbling-Won by Zeigler, Illinois; One learns new things every dayHagen, Wisconsin, second; Haynes, about the. University-which is, ofWisconsin, third. -eourse, not so very strange consider­Club swinging-Won by Kessler, ing the function of the institutiozLmusic Chicago; Lethendal, Illinois, �ond; Be honest' now-did you know weShea, Wisconsin, third. have a rifle range?GIVE UP READINGDear Mr. Whistle: Please help! I CONDUCT PRESIDENTIALwas called today by an attendant for STRAW VOTE IN FACULTYreading in a conversation room. Thereading rooms were all busy con-. versing. What could I do?Yours in distress, , 'We' wonder how the' baseball team Private DANCING L ....is faring on the trip to Japan. Or ,',whether they have any interest in the' 'n a cotanJe 01 aYe I� <aIJIi one eaD acqUre the .... of ..tare. .I Waltz, One-atep. uacl F_-&ot. s..-.". dancln¥ dau Monday EYe at 8 P. II,I: LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIOI '.;-&1 Eo 57th SL Hyde Pad ...Quadranglar announces the Pledg-I'ing of Jean Kimball, Harriet Hand­schy, and Willa Stafford of Chicago.]Dl. IQuadli AuoaD« PledgingWoocBawn Tnst& Sa_s BankCOMMUNICA TION(Continued from Page 2)WOODLAWN AVENUEAt Sixty-TWnI Sb..tNeanat'"to theUDlvenlty 01 cw ...For Out-Doors and In-DoorsMALLINSON·SSilks de Luxe .are the invariable first ehoice!tor the girl who appreciatescharacter, sJ"lc and quality.The silk iri��tio:1s for 1920are:-INDESTRUCflSLB VOILEPUSSY WILLOW DEW.klST·I. ".. ceIIn.u _."."KUMSI·KUMSA DRBAM CRBPEFISHER-MAID NEWPORT CORDKHAKI·JtOOI ItUMAX-5ATlNCHINCHILLA SATIN THISLDUI:OSHANARA CREPB.,,� ,.,4.''',6alSlU�­i •• "';., .,,.m III ,Iw MIIw c.r.""n.,." ... � CIas .,.111 _, MALUNSON ."IIw uI"., •..... ,. ".";.1H. R. MALLINSON & CO.� IDe.eeJl. Newl SlIh FlnI··MIMIitoa A ...... -3 .. ' SueetNEW'YOU\' " , , , , , •• , ., '" \' ' " ' ., • \' • \, I ',., • , , , , , , ,Harper Hall53rd and Harper Avenue .T�!lw��sC F��_L�- SPECIAL 'A TIRACTIONS -This WeekTUESDAY, APRIL 13O� CLUB ORCHESnRAWEDNESDAY, AfRIL 14RANSTEAD ". TRIOT�esday and Wednesady evenings are University Nights .• ,. • • • • .,.,.' • • • \ t' .' • \ ., • • • • • • • • • •A , \\1,. \' .ii"J�WA...thetwoin tltrailA.teanL1Julyof tlhisphysFiel(ruar:D. (cons'U. �fixedthirt,Is"J4frommedhto re:pamUJ(letesas h(rqan�countassistin&, t1will]and"Stagijfor aFa�]Sinetheir 1they lthe ScfonnaThe (RosaliinfomTicJccarnputhe w�Charlkapproaing felets to)"ou ceand tc:berricsThe Iprocee(Ranstefive se:of onenft toeserved,or the 1enrly ilern of t"As:Kline, ,make 1And w.to its Ecannotindeed.Phi ]pledgin�Ind. and,� i'f � \, III