• 'I .. �' ...",aroone :r .Vol. 18. No. 86 UNIVERSllY OF a-HCAGO, THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1920 Price Five CentsNAME McWIU..IAMSCHEER LEADER FORSEASON OF 1920-21 YES, DEAR; NO TROUBLE HOLD CHAMPIONSHIPAT ALL-ANYTHING ELSE? CONTEST WITH PENNHERE ON MARCH 22CONTRmUTIONS TO APRILPHOENIX DUE MARCH 20 9 NEW MEMBERSARE ELECTED TOPHI BETA KAPPA Don't You Know The M&I'OOD's Al-ways Glad to Do Anything for the --Seniors7-Supper, DaD� Vaude- Will Play Second Game inville, 'n' Everything. Philadelphia and Third-- At Princeton.Will you please print an artide in___ All contributions for the April nnm- -_ The Maroon, issue of 3-11-20, stress-,\\�LL WEA C her of The Phoenix must be in by PREVIOUS FIGURES PUBLISHED ing the following points, (some of ANNOUNCE PRICE OF TICKETSR S PEl A L COAT Saturday morning, March 20, accord- -- which .have already been made)--- ing to Edward Waful, editor.. N"me undergraduates were initiated m:Chalmer McWilliams '21, was elect- "The initial number does not limit mto the Beta or- Illinois chapter of 1 S . S D FridaPh· Be ' . emor upper- ance on yeel cheer leader for the season of 1920- the scope of our activities in any way," I ta Kappa ye8tet:day� Of the evening, March 12, from 6:00 to 11:3021 at a meeti ..... of the Undergradu- he stated yesterday. "We are Hable class of '20, two women and one man P ..... . H "_'L:___ C d�d h .. • .m.. m u�n ommoDS anate council Tuesday night. The COUD- to print most anything that has merit ma e t e orgaruzatlon, and in the Reynolds Club.cil also decided to apPoint no assist- and we invite everyone who has sto- :�aswes of '2d1, fittedour men and two wom- 2. Attendance at dinner limitedries, articles or novelties to submit re am. to 100. All tickets must be pun:hasedant cheer leaders until the beginning to do so. The members of the class of 1920of the Autumn quarter. At that time who were initiated are: Blanche Be- by 12:00 o'clock noon Thursday. Upjuniors and underclassmen will be Plait Humor Department atrice Boyer, David M. Halfant, &.Ad to that time, they may be pun:hased"The' April number will also prob- Vera Bena Leibovitz. Those of the from Hans Hoeppuer; Edna Clark,glven a chaaee to try out for those ably inaugurate a section of humor class of 1921 admitted are: Samuel Elizabeth Walker, "Beano" MacDon- Th 1· 'tati eedpositions. ald and Harold Walker. e IDll ons as announ yes-and wit, if such a thing is obtainable. King Allison, Donald Henry King� terda The tire - .a __3. Wonderful dinner to be served,. y are: en mam neorlIeWilliams is a member of Phi Humor, however, is as scarce as the Harold Lee KJawans, Luella Ester will be ed at $1 50 f- b textra-special music bas been secured reserv . a seat, uKappa Psi, Skull and Crescent, Order proverbial hen's teeth, and we ask Hadelhaff'er, Edgar Burke Reading, for dance afterwards. no seats will be held after 8 the nightof the Iron Mask and the Honor com- th� co-operation of the campus in get- and Ruth Emily Worthington. And Es-iallv "Et.. Etc:." of the game. Season book holdersting it. All contributions should be Gi"e Initiation Summary r-- '" - ill be' th 'vil of l.....: __mission and was president of the 4. "Evepvone" will be there includ- WJ given e pn ege uU3.u.1fSaddressed to The Phoenix, Box 97, In the Winter quarter of 1918, sev- _'" ned Seaso books wiDclass of 1921 in hi� Freshman year. Faculty Exchange." en made the society,. six men and one ing such no�bles as Jean Pickett, one rese seal ndBe will start his active duties at the I th S . f Marian Rubovitz Nicely' Breasted • not admit, but must be presented anBusiness Manager Sherwin has an- 'Woman. n e pnng quarter 0Stansbury, Yost, ete., etc.' , turned in at the time of the sale.beginning .of the Autumn quarter, nouneed that' the ne ... t number _'ll 1918, twenty-six were elected to the Th '11 be ad tic � � _.. 6. People who are unable to attend ere WI no vance reserva ODL_. .l: R th Pik organization. In the Autumn quar-D�ng u ven e, the present appear early in April and will prob- the dinner will be welcomed at the Sell General Admission at $1Jeade ably be larger than the first issue. ter of 1918, three women and one General admissions will be conftDedr, who will be graduated at � man received the higb honor, whne dance, and are urged to attend.I_.l f th C!' • 6. S id to the rmmiDg track and a singleIICUU 0 e .,pnng quarter. _ the Winter quarter of 1919 witnessed tress ea that all Selliora arethe biitlation of seven more. At the urged to come whether or not they ticket, costing $1, will be. sold to eachclose of the Spring quarter, twenty- have paid their $5.00 Senior dues. applicant. The sale will start at .6four made the society, fourteen sen- 7. Seniors selling tickets to sup- the afternoon of the game, and thisiors and seven juniors. per must report and tum in their ticket will Dot be hODOred after 6:45.tickets to Harold Walker in Cobb 12A . With the championship of the COUD-at 12:00 o�.c1.. �.�arsda:J •..., .. ? tq.in�t,the���:. ,;:.�j-?Oar'_sdlaipiaia�-Sociii· :�,,:: ��.:�'aIthrOi:ch:&hiB Jjf�;"(��:;-(�If You'll write a. iegwar wh�J&: foUlth'mOnth Of tr.mmg..:,.���.,,>., i �.�;uticle out of this I'll be ever aDd ever HiDkle is down in bed ,�� a' JUcJ:a, ,.so grateful. There's DO getting fever, and will Dot be able to' play .around the fact that a lot of the sue- in the Wisconsin game, and it is DOtcess of the Senior c:lass is absolutely known as yet whether or Dot he willdependent upon The lfarocm. be able to play against the Quakers.Thanks a lot. Neecl Victory OYer CardiDaIa-Elizabetla Walker. A victory over the .Cardinals isnecessary for the ChIcago team's"bu;e" in the coming series, but withHinkle out it will be a rather tightsqueak, as W"J.SeODSin must be beatenby dose guarding. Page bas Dot an­Dounced any shift in the Hneup as )'ftt,-- but Halladay will probably playNoted Woman Novelist's Sub- guard during the scrimmage, withject Is "Opportunity of Curtiss in at forward.the Dull Job··Call For Material Is Issued by Ed-Selected by Council From Ap­plicants-SucCeeds RuthvenPike, Who Graduates ward Waful. Editor-Announce aPlan for Department of Wit and Three J unior Students and SixHumor. Seniors Initiated Into-- Honor SocietyArrangements were completed yes­terday for the meeting of the PennSvl­vania and Chicago teams in a threegame series for the national basket­ball title, the first game being playedin Bartlett at 8:15 on March 22, andthe second game at PhiladelphiaMarch 25. with a third game if neces­sary at Princeton, March 27. Ticketswill be placed on sale next Thursdayin Bartlett.Order Special Leader's CoatIt is the plan of the CoUDcil kMARGARET DELANDTO LECTURE HEREIN SPRING QUARTERTwo Days Left To ScareUp Those SnapahotaFor Cap & Gown UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTONTO RAVE CONCRETE TUNNELPROF. FEUILLERAT ALSO TALKSListen, brethren and sisters of thecampus! The eeJitors of the Cap andGown can put in anything they wantabout you escept your picture. Thelittle aaying parallel to this wbiehhas 'been made famous b)' the East­man Kodak Co. (adv.), was nevertruer than right now. The yearbook,which by the way, has 'been enlargedfrom 480 to 504 pages, now has justabout seven pages of snapshots.THAT ISN'T ENOUGH!' Now every­one surely had a snapshot or two, themore the snappier, and you all haveti11 Friday to hand in those few re­maining ones which are lurking inthe old wardrobe and behind the ra­diator. Let 'em be as personal aspossible, the personabler the possi­bler, Wooley, 4. Harper.The Philosophy club, 4, Classics 21.The Spanish club, "Rccuerdos deColumbia," Dean Wal1a�, 4, IdaNoyes hall.Y. M. C. A., Devotional meeting, 5,Ellis 3.Richard Strauss, by the way, an­nounce that all activity cards musthe handed in by March 21 at thelatest. The �iology club, "Experiences inDealing with Juvenile Offenders,"Judge Vietor P. Arnold, 7:45, Classies21.Savina MilJis'f; Team WinsThe members of the winning teamare: Savina Millis, captain; ElizabethBurnham, Edna Lindstrom, Ruth Dix­on, Virginia Strain, Frances Andrews, IHazel Tenny, Florence Walker, Ger­trude Vo�dcs, Leila Carr, Alma Gow-were very fortunate to secure her to ttrnc of Shakespeare.Delta Sigma Phi's PledgeDelta Sigma Phi announces thepledrring of Frank L. Mechem of Cen­tcrvdle, Iowa. dy and Emma McDonald. ater.2 THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 19.2QThe Student Newspaper .f tkeUniversity ef Cbieaco The Daily Maroon wants to see fouror five good original plays put on thisSpring in accordance with the tratli­tional. program of the club. Lastyear the attempt was a fiasco due tolack of material and lack of organ­ization. The campus should be in­formed at once of the conditions ofthe contest; the hall should be secur­ed and the date set; the advertisingshould have a little more of evenundergraduate dignity and less. ofthe yellow sheet type of publicity.Another fiasco like that of last Springcan do more than a year's damage,more advertising like that of the re­cent campaign and the dignity of theclub will become warped. Action!-1. 1\1. A. during their lives here in the Univer­sity so that various individuals wouldbe perfectly aware that their class wasthat of 1920 rather than 1922.Would it not help matters somewhatto seat students in chapel accordingto classes? Chapel sessions seem tobe. a pretty thoroughbred tradition;why not make it mean more than itdoes? Why not make it the "thing todo" to recognize the divisions betwoo­Freshmen and Sophomores and Juniorsand Seniors? Why not be proud tosit with one's own class? After all,one rather likes to be known by one'sown family name, and as a rule oneis not loath to own his own hometown. It certainly is not smacking thePrep. school attitude to claim one'sclass in college.This policy of being identified withone's class could be enlarged in va­rious ways, in community sings, inmass meetings, etc.After all one's intellect is quite askeen and far more able to mai,,"-:­one successfully in this world if itis tempered by a certain amount off) ank interest in and loyalty to one's:.t:oup.What class do you belong to? Well,aren't you proud of it?Frances Langworthy, '29.Published mornings, except Saturday,Sunday and Monday during the Au­tumn, Wintcr and Spring' quartersby the Daily Maroon company.EDITORIAL DEPARTMENTThe Staff'John Ashenhurst ....•.•. News EditorRose Fischkin News EditorHelen Ravitch News EditorHoward Beale Asst. News EditorWilliam Morgenstern, Athletic EditorHarold Stansbury Feature EditorHarry Bird Night EditorErnest Fribourg Night EditorHerbert Rubel Day EditorCOMMUNICATIONS, BUSINESS DEP ARTl'tIENTThe StaffGRANT MEARS-Business ManageHenry Pringle .. Advertising' Manage)Keith Kindred .. Oirculation ManagerLaurence Tibbits Asst. Cir.MgrEntered as second class mail at theChicago postoffice, Chicago, IllinoisMarch 13, 1906, under the act ofMarch 3, 1873. (In view of the fact that the com­munication column of The Daily Ma­roon is maintained as a c1earinshouse for student and faculty opinion.The Maroon accepts no responsibility(or the sentiments therein expressecLCommunications are welcomed by theeditor, and should be signed as an eri­dence of good faith, although thename will not be J)ubliahed withoatthe writer's eonsent.)CONCERSING TRADITIONSEditor of The Daily Maroon:Called' for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a Speaking of Traditions. Thercseems to be one which is advertisedquarter.. abroad and which, by means of indi- DEAN vi ALL ACE 'SPEAKS TOBy Carner, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a ti h Ids s .... av in the' SPANISH CLUB TODAY AT 4, ·rect sugges lon, 0 " wquarter. University with considerable force,By Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.60 and that is that we, of the Un.i�ersity· Dean Elizabeth Walace will tell sto­a q�arte.r. of Chicago, haee no class SPIrIt. It ries of her life in Colombia at theEditorial Rooms ......•..... Ellis 14 is often said, "Why go there? There 'meeting of the Spanish club today atTelephone Midway 800 ' is no class spirit." 4 in Ida Noyes hall. Ina Bartels will.' .'. .. Well is there-or isn't there?Business Office ..........•... EU�s 14 'be knowled ed frankly dance some ·folk dances and HarrietT 1 h M· d' 800 It must acsno« g. Shanks will sing some folk songs of. ,e ep �ne I way that there is little of the so-cal.led .the Colombian people. All SpanishTh d M h 11 1920 Rah! Rah! spirit, nothing of mak�ng 'students and those interested in Span­.. �r.� ay, arc , Freshmen wear green caps to even.mg 'ish have been cordially invited to at-parties or decreeing that they get off •t d .TB� DRAMATIC CLUB the sidewalks for the Seniors. There =e=n=.============F�r mo:e than �o ye�rs the Dra- is no such thing as "the Juniors try-,�atic cl�� �t the U�vers��, has en- .ing to put one over on the Seniors" Read The-Daily MaroonJ�yed, WIth som� qualiflcations, a, sue- . th� line .of generously distributingcess. which many other organizations red and white paint initials up and 1'= ===============on the campus may well envy. Be- down' 55th street and Cottage Grove I C ".df�re the production of "Fashion" � Ave. And on ·the whole, as a Uni- on.1 encethe Winter quarter of 1?18, we un- versity, I think we are agreed that "derstand tha� the club had been s.ub.-. these kinds of demonstrations are ii the fruit of years of sustained'serv.ice.. .Since 1856, more thanjected to the mos� deadly of campus merely froth and rather objectionable 100,000 graduates have crossedinfluences-ridicule and lack of re- 'froth at that. Bryant-a: Stratton's threshold to.d . F meet the friendly handclasp ofspect by the undergra uates. rom Butclass spirit there is to a degree, business men who recognizethat time on it may well be said to sup:posedly-and to a much higher de- . their dependabnity.have been on the upward road. ·gree there should be, certainly. After Attention C. &.1. StudentsThe. recent production of ''The all, every group in society is boundThirteenth Chair" was certainly not by its· individual customs and idealsa step backward. It demonstrated and, those' same customs and idealsonce again that the Dramatic club has form a very real and precious bondsome real· actors, genuine spirit and in holding together the unit. Let usan organization competent to attend not be ashamed then, of the customs ofto the incidentals of putting on a class loyalty and a perfectly conscioussuccessful play. As to the question .sense of "class spirit."of the 'policy of producing pot boilers, Of course, the great practical ob­The Daily )Iaroon still stands aloof stacle in developing such class unityto let the opposing factions settle that is the quarter system, feeding stu­themselves. 'If, however, an appeal to dents in and· letting . them out fourculture - "highbrowism" - would re- times a year. But this heterogeneousduee the audience to the size of the feeling could be largely done awayone enjoyed by the Poetry club orthe Undergraduate classical club, byall means, then. keep the Dramaticclub alive and well through quackery.. The policy of dovetoping "stars" isalso to be recommended. The workof such people as Elizabeth Brown,Ruth Lovett, Charles Breasted andCarlin Crandall has obviously beenone of the factors which has led tothe cont inucrl success of thc Dramaticcluh. The campus wants to soc goonacting and the cl uh cannot producethat by a sys tr-m of crop rotationwhereby thc pa rt-, arc assig ncd inn u.i.eri .. a! OJ· ::lph:tLdical order.Tn« Drmuat i« club i s to be congratu­lated on it..; ability to krcp apparnntlyFree from the P l''t: tty cli""�n!'ionswhich �('J"\'C to disrupt many othcrcampus inst.itutions having to do withfar less tempcrament.The Dramatic club now has it.s Get the Touraine Habit! It is the best habit to getmeasure of :':lICCCS�, it has rccognition, Now on sale at thethe campus almost undcrstan-Is whatit is trying to no. Two things re- REYNOLDS CLUB AND UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORESSUBSCRIPTION RATES"We have specially· organizedclasses for college men andwomen. Don't feel the want ofstenography longer- enter anevening class.Call. telepboae (RanJ. 1575) orwrite Principal for cataloa aDdcolllPlete iafOl'lDalioD about .�cia! Secretarial Coanea.BRYANr&STRATTONBUSINESS COLLEGE4th, St", 6th Floors - Lake Vlno BLI,.116 South Michigan AvenueSTUDENTS : Your spare. time is worth dollars.Accident and Health Insurance. Liberal contract. Fullproposition if desired. See Mr. Baker .MERCHANTS UFE & CASUALTY CO.Room 959-29 South La Salle Street. SelltimeTHE FAMOUSmain to be striven for and the future Have you tried one? If not, do-they are good ! A new ManhallanWE'VE gotten in lots ofnew !\1anhntt�n shirts:all sorts; they' re all goodlooking; all fresh and differ­ent. \Ve're particularly keenabout some in a I two-tonedbasket weave. See $5.50them.Others $4 to $1 7.50Maurice. L RothschildMoneyCb�rfullyRefunded Southwest CornerJackson and State ChicagoMinneoapolisSt. PaulTan Raaia CallHeavy Single Sol.Greater Than Ever!Semi -AnnualShoe ClearanceHERE'S a wonderful purchasefor any business man whoseeks conservative Footwear.Such a shoe was built with theforemost thought of producingthe maximum amount of comfortAt the sale price of $7.85, theseshoes present one of the best"buys" of the season-at a pricethat actually is below the cost ofmaking today.Other Shoes$6.85 to $12.85.-J _fnSfDJlbllIiI*tD tlvUoD I.S) .. ,....... JI� ..... II. .. c: w --...a.......I.. ..-�.'� .I... .-�.' .::1..:_ ..... �_ .._ � ..... _THE DAILY MAROON� THURsDAY, MARCH 11, 1920 3�I_ I� day from 3:30 to 6 in the Ida Noyes I seniors 53 to 27.. . , II take action, but the resignation willtheatre. A number of swimming exhibitions be accepted at the next meeting.MAR 0 0 N BOO K S HOP' -- ' and records were made Monday after- Dr. James will be made presidentAll money and unsold tickets fori noon. �atherine Howe 8,\�am twenty I' emeritus of the University, beginning�============================� �S��d��ra�da�����rds m 11 �����db�IS��I. nisre�rt�ili��D�Studies in Spanish-American Lite turned in todav at 12 in Cobb 12A. I Dixon negotiated 45 feet in the 30" vid Kinley, who lias been acting presi-ra- THimE VALUABLE BOOKS "ture, By Isaac Goldberg. Bren- RECE:\TLY ADDED TO THE --- second plunge. Katherine Kitchen did [dent since last July, will succeed Dr.tano's, Ne",' York. 1920. The Council of the Campus Club I the back stroke in 17 seconds. Nellie James. The president gives ill healthI LIBRARIES OF UNIV�RSITY will meet today at 4 in Ellis 3. I Gorgas covered 40 yards in 30 seconds as the cause of, his action. Last JulyThi� w�rk is in�icative of the in- I flat. Both Ruth Dixon and Marion he was �iven a leave of absence forterest which AmerIcans of the north Three valuable books have recently TO HOLD FINAL SWIMMING ' ?revor did g� wor� in �.h·ing, the one year.�re taking in the cultural life of their been added to the libraries of the Uni- MEET TOMORROW IN NOYES I Judges acco:mng MISS Dixon. first Dr. James is the only native Illi-s�uthern neighbors. Four years ago versity. One volume, presented by place and l\hss Trevor second m the noisan to head the University, andM.r. Alfred Coester in his "Literary Dr. Gunsaulus, president of Armour ---69 to 20 In I event. has been president for nearly four-1I t Juniors Defeat Seniors. IS ory of Spanish America," at- Institutovto the Gunsaulus collection, teen years. During his ed u-te t d �Ionday's Contest-Se,·eralmp e a complete history of the lit- is a volume of Plutarch's Lives in career, he has held positions at theeratures of all the Spanish-speaking Latin, printed in 1491, at Venice, by Records Broken DR. E. J. JAMES RESIGNS Umversity of Pennsylvania, the Uni-races f th POST AS PRESIDENT OF . ..• 0 e new world. A book con- Johannes Rigatius., . . •. versity of Chicago, and Northwesternce�ved on so comprehensive a plan in- Only two other copies are known .The final women S sWimmIng. meet UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS University, being president of the lat-eVltably must discuss numerous writ- to exist in America. will be held tomorrow at 4 :30. m �e I --- I ter institution from 1902 to 1904:�Irs of slight interest and treat sketch- ,Amon� the Mortimer Frank books Ida Noyes ,pool.,. �l Umverslty Held Positfou .For .. Nearly Fourteen1 Y work� of the highest importance. recently catalogued are two rare vol- women have been invited to attend. Years=-David KIRley, Reported ---,By devotIng his attention solely to a urnes. One is the "Exposition of the The Junior college swimming team As Next Head Is b ibe h D·. Mfew pre . I repeated its feat of March 3 and by a __ u scn to t e 81 y aroon-emment writers, Mr. Gold- First Book of the A vizennae," print-berg. has achieved perspective'.and pro-I ed 'sometime between 1483 and 1387, score of 69 to 20 emerged the victor Dr. Edmund J. James, president ofl --- .,POrtion. No book in English that' in Pavia, by Christophorus de Carni- if! the second meet of the Univ�rsity the University of Illinois, has offered d G All h Ca N�as yet appeared gives so good an Ibus and Stephanus de Georgiis. The championship series held Monday. his resignation to the board of trus- an et tempus ewsIdea of the literary geniuses of South other is the "Cyrurgis Parva �f Guido Previously the juniors defeated the tees. A quorum was not present toand Central America. di Chaubriar," printed in 1500 at Ven-" ... ';he first chapter deals with the I icc, by Bonatus Locatellus ..m.odern· t" ,of the IS m_ovement, an outgrowth I ===============mcnts :��hassJ�n and �ecadent move- 0 F Fie I A L NOT ICE SIC charactenzed French Iit­ratur 'of the latter .tury S· nmeteenth cen- The Social and Reception commit-. peclal . studies are d t d t' -. ,.the men wh . .ev� e.. ' 0 tees of the Freshman CIUH ",,11 holdrevolution: 0 �nat�gurated th�s h�rary a joint meeting today at 3 in Cobb. . u Jerrez 'NaJara,- the 3B,broo(hng SInger of M • '. ', .. - ". • -. , .t' th '. e.xl(:o, Jose Mar-l, e poet o� ;CUb� p'atrioti�; the . ---.two other Cubans, Julian del' Casal The German dub will meet tomor-and Jose Asuncion Silva Th 'row from 4 to 6 in the Ida Noyesand th .. • ese men, th to ers now dead, paved the way ea reofor the great it• � ers of our genera-tion. Special chapters are devoted to '. 'Judge Victor P. Arnold· of the Ju­each of the great figures of the mo- venile court of Chicago will speak be­ment.� Ruben Dario, the Nicarauguan, fore the Sociology dub today at' 7:45was .the grea.!est poet the Spanish in Classics 21-:, He' will talk onWorld�d produced in a century .. His '''Problems of the 'Juvenile Delin­masterpieces, his metric innovations quent." All interested in the work of�d t�e changes he introduced in the the court have 'been invited.btera� language are ably, ,discussed.: . . ---The. �ader is next introduced to Jose � The Spanish, club will ,�eet today�nnq,?e Rodo, the UrugUayan essay- from 4 to 6 in the North Receptionist, .,hom many, cri�ics�rank :'Wlth room of Ida.Nons-·ba1L..;. . ._.,_;Maca�ay and Em�rs��� Tb� study' ': '_. _,-,_,./"devot� to Jose Santps, Cheeana,: tJie The Int'ematioll8l�dub will give aPeru�an Walt Whitman,- the most reception' f�r Miss Jane Adams to­chara�teristical1y American of', them morrow at 8 in the Ida Noyes theatre.all, is � brilliant and penetrating. Thebook closes with an article on Rufino President and Mrs. Harry PrattBlancd-Fombona� 'the fire-eating Ven- Judson will open their house tomor­ezuelan, who bids fair to become the row night to the members of thegreatest novelist the southern conti- Renaissance society. Dr. Frank W.Dent �s yet produced. Gunsaulus will give an illustrated lee-Those unable to read these, authors .ture on "The Gospel According toin the;' original will nevertheless gain \Rembrandt."a knowledge of their manner through 'the translations by Alice Stone Black- The Student Volunteer band willwell, Thomas Welsh, and others. The meet today from 8 to 9, in the Y. W.inclusion or these adds greatly to the I C. A. room of Ida Noyes hall. .interest of a book in all respects in- _terestinz. Mr. Goldberg is a critic I The Sign of the Sickle will give awho combines an extraordinary dance for all Sophomore women to-breadth of knowledge with discrim-! 'inating taste. His book is a valuable I ==U=m=·=v=e=r=sl=·ty==S=tu=d=e=n=ts=='contribution; ,G. T. Northup.receive courteous attention at.. .. '., \.;; ",,�'. . The _FROLIC THEATREDRUG STOREWoodlawn Trust& Savings Bank· Cigarettes Fountain ServingCor. Ellis Ave. and 55th' Street(Adlaccnt, to Frolic Theatre)Telephone Byde Park 761WOODLAWN AVENUEAt Sixty-Third Street Private DANCING LessonsI n a course of five lessons ($:;.00)one can acquire the steps, of the'VaIt7� One-step. and Fox-trot. Socia!I dancinz class Monday En! at S P. �t.LUCIA IIE�DERSHOT �TUDIO1:;41 B. :;7th St,. n�',l(' Park 2314.-0--Nearest Bankto theUniversity of ChicagoBRIEF CASESMUSIC FOLIOSSTUDENT CASESl=M=I=D=W=ES=T=TYP==ES=E=I =II=N=G !COMPANY j Guaranteed Goods are Your, I p.P r i n t e r san d: rotectton.L j'n 0 t y per s.. II. Insist on the original.510-512 East Sixty-third StreetWE SPECIALIZE IX UXIVERSITY I �old by all reliable dealers., PJUSTniGPrlnten of Tbf! Dan, Ma�oon Lifton Mfg. Co. : �ew York • • •'Just enough Turkish"Facts Iike these makr- Fatima'splace among cigarettes unique.A few years abo. the "proper"thing on such 8�11C occasion­would have be ... n an cXJwnsh·r.fancy-boxed, straight Turkishci�aretlc.Today, thing!; are different.'Men ha�e their choice on Instr.rather than price. ThaI Falimashould be so dearly th(; choircof mc!! who Co'ln afford any thin!!;they hke, shows that most smokeers r('-al1y prefer-not ton milchTurkish toharco in tbeir ciga.rettcs nor too lillie - but �jwtenough Turkish.'" Within a single week last fa11. great civiedinners were tendered at the 'Valdnrf-A�toriato General Pershing, to Herbert Hoover andto Cardinal Mercicr� And at all three of these,famous banquets, the only cigarctte served bythe hosts was Fatima.FATIMAA Sensible Cigarette('J . /4 THE DAILY MAROON. THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1921>The Cam,putWbirlt. ALL �;:S:: ��LM��ODAyll C LAS S I FIE DAD S..- WANTED-New·model Corona type-Dancing, Relays and Tactics F�atured ,. writer; cash paid. Answer, PaulIII Exhibit At 3:30 In Ida I E. Klein, care School of Eduea-Noyes i. tion. (109)! A LIVE JOB FOR LIVE MEN-Freshmen, Sophomore, lunior and. For paying summer work see Lab-Senior women will compete today for!1 bitt, 5506 University Ave.-• eli Idual d las h • th MONEY IN IT!In VI an e S onors m e ,=============================�m����d�3:00��I_�_��.$� �C�����-��������_�.���d�������g�����§�.�.�1Noyes gymnasium. Besides the exhi-bition of tactics in which all. the gym I Put pep into your pencil work. Use aclasses will participate, there will be I Iinterpretive dancing numbers by the smooth, long- asting responsive leadrythmic dancing classes, class· erlays, that eases and quickens your pencil tasks�d exhibitions on the horses, ropes, .and makes them more pleasurable-ladders and other .apparatus.Points made by individuals who Icompete will be cndited to the classto which they belong, besides count­ing in their own score. . fI omen fromthe Chieago Normal Sc:b601 of Physi­cal Education will act as judges. Pro-March 22 and 25 are revi8ed dates visions for seating a large number offor the Pennsylvania-Chicago basket- spectators have been made and theball games. If the result is a tie, 30- gymnasium department hopes the Iother game will be played on :March Ilm:ee:t:,,:wil:·:I=be::�w:e:u�a:tte:n�d:ed�·===Jl!!!!!!!!!!!!!����2!!!!!!!!!!!27. 1=_Write your last line above the dots.'Try to make it rhyme. Send the MS.�o us.THE interfraternity smoker, de­spite its free cigarets and its nine­'piece jazz orchestra, didn't interferePARTLY because we admire the with attendance at the reception forpersistence of the Green hall min- students of anthropology and oldstrels, who have sent us the following members of the department.parody two days in succession, and Garccm.partly because vre don't want to getin wrong with them, we are printingit, regardless of consequences. SPORT SHORTS" uI' FREDDY STARRTune: uFreckJec."At the U. of C.Some very famous men have we;Yet of all the profs we daily meetWe know one who can't be beat!\V ould you see a mobWorse than any o'er in Cobb!Just visit his class in Walker,He'l be on the job.(Chorus)Freddy is his name!He always, always gets the blame,'Whene'er the Whistle seeks for fame,011. how with most vim they roasthim!We aU love anthropology,,The course where entertainment'sfree;He t.hrough his fossils leads us,lee cream feeds us, .And then the meaning of our nameshe reads us.�Taint no use to coaxOar Freddy not to crack his jokes.That man has no respect for. folks,Whoe'er they are.We love his· ancient, little, round,brown hat,Cherub smile and all of that,But most of all we love Freddy!Three cheers for Freddy Starr!. Louise Hostetler. Spring Fashion Note.The varsity "55" is going to be'very popular this seasea,If you failed to get that one, we'llprovide further enlightment with theobservation that the young men'sfancy is turning to thoughts of "love"-be the supplement 20, 30 or 40.Duecedly subtle, eh!The Daily lllini has printed the"following all-Conference first team:Tilson, Purdue and Birkhoff, Chi­cago, forwards, Carney, Dlinois, een­ter; White, Purdue and Hinkle, Chi­cago, guards. Vollmer was chosen asa guard on the second squad.The Michigan-Chicago indoor trackmeet at Ann Arbor Saturday, will bethe test of the year for the Maroons.Carl Johnson alone will be a seriou.c;competitor, since he is a likely win­ner in the hurdles and in th� highjump. Slaughter of Michigan is cap­able of better than 12 feet in the polevault. But the .. JIaroon relay teamis hard to beat-and we still haveCharlie Biggins asa pile-driving pmdriver., ,U�:�lr:II AND to think that the one-timewinner of the poetry contest oncelived next door to GreeD!On�, or perhaps they :meantAt The Club one-fourth of the gross reeeipts of theFirst Member-"Why did they post- eastern intercolle.pate championshippone the formal 1" track and field meet to be held at �Second Member-"Ka,.he it. was go- University of Pennsylvania, :May 28-�g to COJDf! on a holiday." 29, will be donated to the AmericanOlympic fImd.UNLESS the Dramatic etub re-turns the. thirteenth chair to Foster If we' heard the BeWB item eorrect­hall, along with the other twelve that I, tJu! first time, "IN'll prove we're awere borrowed, inmates of that dor- sport-that it, that we're sports-bymltory are going to get weary of eat- seeing them, and raising 'em to fourmg their oysters off the mantlepiece. bits.. !II1.1'�Ir1 APROPOS of the above, we tamped An idea:this on a eampus bulletin board: A leap year game was a feature ofLost-Pair· of leather skating the Ames basketball season, to whichgloves. Please retum No. 18 Foster every woman was asked to bring 3han and receive thanb or aDythlng man. We hear that the general ad­else you like. mission to the Quaker-Maroon game. Prexy Beano has gone down town will be $1 and re8eITed seats eon­to buy a gross of leather 'skatlng �iderably plus. "Now is the time forgloves to seD hereabouts at advanced all good women to come to � aid�"rates.Gone IBids are openeci--GoiDg-Going-A SARCASTIC c01ltrlbutor whosigns himself "C. Y. B." haa sent 'U8• lot of free verse knocIdng a weD­known senior's dramatic reviews. Ifhe ,.,111 come around to the office wewill 9P.e what we can do about get­tbtg hfm some free tickets to thedowntown sbows, since they are whathe seems to be after. FRESHMEN WIN BY DEFAULTFirst Year "Women Score Three Ba8-ketball Victories.The Freshmen women's basketballPRIZES FOR LTMERICXANS team completed a series of three vic-Not to he outdone by our rival, Mr. tories when the Senior class teamHearst, we are �oin� to conduct a failed to apepar in Ida Noyes gym·limerick contest. This has no cormec- nasium this afternoon. The Fresh­tion whatever with the Senior song men have 'Won their games and haveand yell contest, which will be opened given the .Junior college team a num­soon. To the person who writes the her of good scrimmages.best last line to the followin� limer- Monday the Freshmen defeated theIck, we will present no cheap prize Juniors, 42·22. Ruth Metcalfe for­like a check for $75, but an auto- ward, starred for the Freshmen, mak­graphed copy of this incomparable de- ing ten of the baskets, while Jean-partment, nette Stein was a close second, mak-A basketball five down at Penn ing five field' goals and .» sinking fiveAre considered infallible men, out of eight free throws. PreviousRut wait until Rink to this the Freshmen showed them-. Shows them how they should think, selves to be a stronz combination........... , , .... , . . . . . . . . . . . . when /they defeated the Sophomores,There are no rules in the contest. 35·17, on '!\farch 4 ... -_ SUBSCRIBEFOR THEDAILY MAROONSOLD BY GOOD STATIONERS-AT SCHOOL AND IN TOWNTHE TURKISH CIGARETTEReflectas much as you like- your decision will bein favor of, Murad-because100% pure Turkish tobacco'gives them that old-fashionedTurkish taste.No other tob�,cc:o can give a cigarettesuch charm, .appeal and finish.It is true that "ordinary·· cigarettes cost a trifle It:SS.Judge for yoarself;_! Etl(Jtate'1/ gtlprltl01ish:eifJS0StJIISoFrchselFeth_eninlcolthEbe1corda�