.,"GIVE FRIENDSHIP DINNER "THIRTEENTH CHAIR"TOMORROW IN IDA NOYES BEST OF DRAMATIC PENNSYL VANIA CHALldENGES. - CLUB'S POTBOILERS 'Complete Plans for Annual Banquet ' CHICAGO TEAM TO SERIESfor M'¥iras Workers-"Stuuts" Aft- -"Last Social Gasp Before Ex- erwards by Y. W. C. A. Women. Winter Production Most Sue-. aminations; Going to be cessful in Recent Years,Some Party," Says Ed. . �e an�ual Friendship-dinner, which Say Maroon Reviewers. Coach Page Receives Offer From Eastern Univer-, __ lIS the wind-up of the Madras drive,(THIS STORY IS A HOT SKETCH)- will be given tomorrow at 5:30 in the BETTY BROWN TAKES HONORS I sity-Decision Rests With Athletic Board ofIda No.,ies lymnasium. So far over(By the Editor) $1:400i�be:e\�iSed in the cam- By John Joseph and John Ashenhurst _,.�.�ontrf?l-Hold Games During Vacation.Prexy Beano wanted a big story paign, ' .'.. � ,It is more or less the style when rc- ""'>�about the doings of the Senior class, Plans for the dinner are being made viewing the Winter quarter produc- "':-'and the only person iIi the office ade- by Enid Townley, chairman of the so- tion of the Dramatic club to pass C I Assured of the conference basket-quately equipped to 'set forth the pre- cial committee of the Y. W. C. A. aside, with gentle �rity, the pro- HOLD ELECTION�F .,,-.A.A. ball championship by the overwhelm-•eminent superiorities of 1920 was the The ticket sale is being conducted by duction itself and tell what is the � .., OFFICIALS ·.luDAY A_, ing 58-16 victory over Minnesota Sat-Editor. Besides, nobody knows who Elizabeth Mann. As only a limited trouble with the club itself. This �;'. �rday, the Maroons may take a whirlthe Editor is any more (deep joke). number of tickets have been printed, year,' however, your reviewer will! Result.s Will Be Announeed �Junior- a�the national title by _playingBut what we started to say was that ,;anyone desiring a place at the dinner proceed directly'to "The Thirteenth Seruor College Basketball catle- Pennsylvania in a three-game series.the Senior class is giving a dinner and has been asked to S� some member Chair"; lYe have had enough talk ,Give. List of Nominees-To Hold The chalI�nge from the eastern schooldance Friday night. The dinner will of the social committee or M.iss Tay- about the why of the Dramatic club. ,.Meetmg Thursday. was received by Coach H. O. Pagebe -held at 6 in .Hutehinson cafe, and lor in the Y. W. C. A. office at once. Tum to the communication columns --. I yesterday, and if the decision ol thethe dance will follow the dinner. It Give Stunts After Dinner of The Daily Maroon or the files of Election of officers for the W. A. A. athletic Board of Control, headed byall depends upon the quickness of the The program after the dinner will English 4· themes for theses on what will be held �y. Polls will be. in II President Judson, is favorable, theReynolds club formal (see other . the club is and should and should not the foyer of Ida Noyes and will be Chicago five will play the Red' andconsist of stunts given by' various·parts of today's paper) as., to whether committees of the Y. W. C. A. Two be. open from 9 to 4. Resul� will be an- I Blue..the dance will be in the club or in of the most important features of the With a fe\V exceptions for amateur nounced at the Junior-Senior College Coach Page said last night that heIda Noyes hall. program will be the announcements direction and amateur- acting we basketball game. • considered the series a great oppor-"Some Party"---Says Ed. of the winning Madras team and the found "The Thirteenth Chair" one of The person in charge will have a t�nity for the team. "Personally II Personnel of the new cabin et, ... 6:ISS the best things the Dramatic club has list_of all those who are eligible to favor such a series as we had back int's going to be some' party-the �I te f ffi d1 Conde wt1l be the prindpal speaker. done-at least in our day. Melo- '·0 or 0 eers an women who are 1908," he said, "but this whole matterast social gasp before �inations. d .... 'YWOa, perhaps, is to be censured in doubt about their eligibility may is one for President Judson and the(Since the Editor is writing this "edi- The names of faCulty members who &_.uult h .\ , - win speak win be announced tomor- when it tries te seat itself in the cons ere A�etic Board of Control to decide, }� . torial oplnion" can be ruthlessly em- d .' e:��� ... ployedj ... ,Every�.h8�raueb a gor ... �.: . __ .. '..... _..:.::..�_ ... __ ._ . select.�e_.�Lmtenectual.�� '" -,:DoI'othy-L:JOM-WitMrawa' all approv�. - ,. '"q --r .• ·.-·-�-geouS, .time . (pun not originaily m- ""Thi�' dinner· is, in. many respects but. � �nstructed niel� IS a Dorothy Lyons has withdrawn her No Rules Against Playing Gametended) at the iast. sup;er that a t1Ia � Important event of the 'year l�gttimate form of �ntertainm�nt. We candidacy for the office of secretary- "I do not think that there are anyrePetition was demanded. The �ts for the Y. W. C", A"7" said Kate once sat next to a bterary .geD1US who treasurer. The corrected list of.nom- rules against such an opportunity be­are going to be good, and the enter- Smith, ptiblicity �hairman for the picked his teeth in public. He sneer- Inees is as- follows: president: Marion ing accepted, We have a rule thattainment better. Tomorrow and the Madras drive. "Every member of ed at melodrama. Meanor, Katharine Howe, Josephine limits our team to twelve conferenceC' 'next day the Editor will ten you about every MadTaS team is expected to be M�e La Grange Well Done Strode; secretary-treasurer: Frances league games in basketball, but' m�stthe entertainment.' on band, as there wm be absolutely Miss Elizabeth Brown gets ace- Lerch, Margaret Lillie, Helen Palmer; of the Big Ten schools schedule a fewAfter the supper and the entertain- no disclosure of the victorious t.a.am higb . bonors; Madam Rosalie La recording secretary: Gertrude Byrne, extra games of local interest withment those present wt1l either go until. then." .�range is the best thing she bas done Ruth Dixon and Mary Caroline non-conference institutioDs."across the hall to the Reynolds club (outside of, perhaps, that part she Taylor. If the series is approved by theor across the campus to Ida Noyes I REYNOLDS FORMAL (Continued on page 3) , The new offiCers will be installed board and faculty it will be played en-hall and dance merrily until 11:30 or POSTPONED AGAIN Thursday at 1 in Ida Noyes theatre. I tirely during the sp�g vacation, andthereabouts. The whole party, in- TODAY'- WEATHER W. A. A. members will eat luncheon there will be no interference with. thecluding the supper, will cost seventy_I BY STUDENT BOARD Warmer today; partly doud,. and first at the round table in the cafe- spring classes. � University .offive cents and if you should ask me,U . .. southwest winds. teria. A "hike" representative for Pennsylvania offer specified the firstI'd �y it was going to be worth the Recent Ruling of mversity the advisory board will be elected at .game in Chicago and the second inmoney. Body Prohibits Dance THE DAILY MAROON this meeting and reports will be read Philadelphia, with. a third game, if"In Other �ords"---SaY8 Ed. Scheduled for Friday. BULLETIN by the outgoing officers. necessary, �ged on Saturday, Man:hPrexy Beano wants those who ean't 27, either in New York or at Prince-come to the supper to come to the Tecla,. HAROLD HENRY UID • ton, where there is a fine" court., " MAY BE HELD NEXT QUARTER .........(Continued on page 2) Divinity ebapel, 11:50, BasbIL (Continued on page 2)The Reynolds club dance which was Chapel, Junior Colleges of Arts, PLAY THREE CHOPIN.JUNIORS AND SENIORS TO to be held next Friday has been deft- Literature and Science, w .. ea, 12, COMPOSmONS TODAY SECOND CAMPUS CLUBFIGHT FOR TITLE TODAY nitely postponed, according to an aD- MaDdeL DINNER TONIGHT AT 6 :30nouncement mad� yesterday bv Geo. Recital by Harold Henry, pluaist, 4, Noted American Pianist ToWOlDetl'. TealDS Meet at " in Second J M--�-· M Geo Sh b _.lI Ca M'Serek, vice-president of the club. UIUCL\. Give R ital At"4 15 r. rge er urn auu pL an'Game of Seriee-Upper a ..... ea Tb-e caUse for this action on the Worlds Pr'Ol,.e� fGl'llIll, -rile eel,: Will Atldress Non-Fraternit,. Mea-Winnen iD First o.teat. Needs of Brazil," .. � Harper. In Mandel. Resenations M-_6 Be M-.lI- "11'.•part of the club was given as the .... -- ��,-recent ruling of the board of studeDt Psychological JOIII'IIaI dab, 7:15,With the University championship organizations. This decision prohib- P.,.cholollc:allabontory. 'to PRESENT '·ARIED PROGRAl\fat state, the J'unior college basket- its any· further social affairs being Graduate Classical dab, 8, ClasBiaball team will meet the Senior college held in the Reynolds club until the 20. Three famous compositions bywomen today at 4 in. the, crucial game policies of the Reynolds elub are Tomorrow· Chopin-the Prelude, Opus 28, No. 13;of the series. The Senior college 'Di'riDity c:hapel, 11:50, HaskelL Etudes, Opus 25, No. 29 and Opus 10,changed. Nteam defeated the lower elass squad OaapeJ, �or Colleges of Arb, o. 10; and the Polonaise Opus 40,37 to 15 in the first contest played May Be Held Nen Qaarter Literature aDd ScieDee, IDC ami No.2-will feature the piano recitallast Saturday morning and if tIley The formal dance was seheduled women, 12, Mandel. . to be given by Harold Henry today atwin again today, the series will be for Dec. 12, but owning to the fuel Junior Mathematic:al dab, f. Ryer- 4:15 in Mandel. The Chicago Sym-theirs. ban was postponed. This is the sec- SOD, 37. phony orchestra will give a eeneert onDuring the. first half. of ,the �e I ond �stponement of this dance. It French club, f, French House. April 13 in Mandel 'hnll.the ball was m .the SenIors temtory will not be held during the present Phi Beta Kappa society,S, Classics :Mr. Henry is an American by birthalmost constantly and the period' quarter. 20. ,and receh·ed his early music:al sea-ended 25 to 8. The Juniors braeed "It may.seem that this is a rather History Club, 7:45, aas.ics 21. demic education in this country. Hein the second half and held their OJ)- inconvenient time to make this an- Philologieal society,� 6132 Kimbark made his first concert appearance atponents to 12 to 7, making the final nouncement, but it was impossible Ave. . . the age of ten years. He studied Last Meeting of Qaartertally 37 to 15. for us to make a definite announce- under Dr. Ernst Jedlicka, the friend I "This wi)) be the last get-to-getberHelen Sal�er Stars ment any earlier," said George Serek ebestra musicians. However,' as soon of Nicolas and Anton Rubinstein and of the quarter," said PresidentH�len Sulzberger proved. to ,be the I y�terday. '''nUs action inconveni- as it is possible for us to hold the �f Tschaikowsky. Wilflam Morgenstern yesterday, "andseonng �r of the Senior college i ences us just as mueh as it does the dance the same preparations will be Has Played In Many Plus it is imperative that as many men asteam, ringing the basket for eight students. We had already engaged made for that danee as for the ODe Mr. Henry returned to the United possible tum out. The dinner willfield and two foul goals. J'osep1liDe a Harvey orchestra whieh contained which we expected to hold next Fri- States after spending four years iD not last long, two good speakers wiD(Continued on pa.ge 2) some of the finest of the a"rver or- day night." (Continued on page 3) talk and amusement will be furnished.. ,.t e 9"'n .-at aroonVol. 18. No. 84 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY, MARCH 9,1920 Price Five CentsMaroons Cop Conference TitlePREXY BEANO GIVESAU.. SENIOR DOPEABOUT FESTIVITIESMr. George Sherbum, of the depart­ment of English, who was rec:ently ap­pointed faculty adviser of the Cam­pus club, will speak at the seeondCampus club dinner tonight at 6:30in Hutchinson Cafe. Capt. Marr, headof the department of Military Sciencewill also talk to the men.The dinner tonight wt1l be limitedto fifty and it is therefore necessarythat all Campus club members desir­ing to come make reservations earlytoday ,through Faculty Exchange.care of The Daily Maroon.,... ;;-2 "THE DAIL� ·�ROON�\U�O�y. MARCH�. 192�' �.'m a. t I a i ly _ a r n nit' $240 will keep one rescued girl for belong to any of the basketball teams�f one year. have been invited to attend., �'only$500 will pay the' freight 'on 100 100 can be' served, it is impera­tons of flour (350,000 tons are needed tive that those who ,wish to be pres­in the Caucasus}. ent buy their tickets at once. Tiekets$1,000 will get old clothing from will be on sale at forty-five cents byAmerica to 5,000 people. the various class team managers and$5,000 will equip an orphanage for also from 12 to 12:30 today ana to-100 children, exclusive of buildings. morrow in the foyer of Ida NoyesWhen the time comes for you to hall.waste a little money take a long look Immediately after the dinner, let­at the above list before you act. Help ters and numerals will be awardedis needed most desperately. Qm't to the successful basketball players.you help? .A song contest has been arranged be-tween the various classes and teams,and the squad producing the best teainsong will be awarded a loving cup.Howard Beale ..... Asst. News Editor Pennsylvania Challenges Chi-'Villiam Morgenstern, Athletic Editor cago Team to SeriesHarold Stansbury Feature EditorHarry Bird Night EditorErnest Fribourg Night Editor --P-e-n-n-W-in-s-S-el-'e-n-tee-n-G-a-m-es--Herbert Rubel Day Editor Pennsylvania is one of the best ofthe big eastern schools ,and the Ma­roons are the best in this section, asthe whirlwind game Saturday showed.Penn has won 17 games straight,beating Yale, Columbia, Dartmouth,Cornell and Princeton, among others.Pennsylvania was also a leader lastyear and Page's team won 10 straightEntered as second class mail at the last season.Chicago postoffice, Chicago, Illinois In 1908 the Maroons won the na-March 13, 1906, under the act ot tional title in. two big games againstMarch 3, 1873. .Pennsylvania, the scores being 21 to18 at Chicago and 16 to 15 at Phil a-The Student Newspaper .r theUniversity of ClUca,oPublished mornings, except Saturday,Sunday and Monday durini the Au­tumn, Winter and Spring' quartersby the Daily Maroon company.EDITORIAL DEPARTMENTThe Sta.John Ashenhurst News EditorRose Fischkin News EditorHelen Ravitch News EditorBUSINESS DEPARTMENTThe StaffGRANT MEARS-Business ManageHenry Pringle .. Advertising Manage)Keith Kindred .. Circulation ManagerLaurence Tibbits Asst. Cir.MgrSUBSCRIPTION RATES (Continued on page 4)delphia, a third game being unneces­Called for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 asary. The following two years thequarter.By Carrier, $2.50 a year; $1.00 aquarter.By Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50a quarter.I Editorial Rooms .........••. Ellis 14Telephone Midway 800 Maroons again won the western titlebut were unable, to find an easternopponent. The 1908 team that wonthe title include Coach Page ... then astar guard; John Schomer, WilliamGeorgen, Fred Falls, Art Hoffman andBob Harris. "Chicago Forever"The New Varsity SongA Spirited MarchA Catchy One-stepEverybody Can Sing"CHICAGO FOREVER"The entire song is harmon­ized for men' s voices ormixed quartet.Get Your CopiesThis Weekat theUNIVERSITYBOOKSTORES PAY YOUR SENIOR DUES AT THE MAROONOFFICE BETWEEN 12 AND 12:30.DO IT IMMEDIATELYBabson InstituteFor Training Men to BecomeBUSINESS EXECUTIVESUnder the direction of the Babson Statistical Organization.Intensive one or two year resident training for young menwho by inheritance, ability or other circumstances are to oe­cupy positions o-f authority, responsibility and trust.Our men learn by doing while they are studying-smallclasses or the �nferenee and laboratory basis.Practieal Economics and'the handling of Commodities.Financial Management and the care of Property.Business Psychology and the infltumcing of Men.Personal Efficiency and the control 'of one's sel],Courses include manufacturing, financing, banking, me�chandising, domestie and foreign trade, investments account­ancy,business management,labor problems,written and oralex ..pression, individual effieiency, and specialized research work.The School Trains for Leadership.Only a limited number accepted.For catalog of Babson Institute or information on other .features of the Babson Service for business men addressH. LANGDON PRATT SecretaryBABSON INSTITUTERoger W. BabsonPresident 365 Washington St.. Wellesley Hills, Mass. Ralph B. WilsonVice-PresidentBusiness Office Ellis 14 P B G· All Se =;:===========:::::::Telephone Midway 800 rexy eano rves nior .,Dope About Festivitiesdance, and those who insist on tearingout after the hour of eight p. x. to besure and make the supper. In otherwords, get yourself going or coming.One other thing our little dekens(long e) of a president wanted wasthe announcement of some new andimportant committees. Here theyare: Class Week committee-James �"' .JThe report of a relief worker re­cently returned to America containedthe following statement: "Conditionsin Armenia are unspeakable.' Thereare hundreds of babies who cannot re­member tasting milk. I have seenlittle ones sleeping on the blackenedbodies of their small dead companionsto keep their naked bodies from thecold ground. This is a disgrace to thecivilized world. We cannot refusethese youngsters across the seas intheir desperate appeal for aid!' kins. Class Song and Yell commit-From other sources most of Us have tee _ Harold Stansbury. chairman;learned of the conditions in Armenia Gerald Westby, Austin Clark, Eliza­and other near-eastern countries. The beth Brown, Janet Lewis, Ruthvenrecent war is primarily resPonsible Pike and Marion Rubovits.tor such conditions, and we, as p.r- The Editor doesn't know which isticipants in that war, must not dis-rd the best committee, although herega. direct responsibilities. One thinks it is the one that seleets theof thoae resJ)onsibilities is a contribu­tion to the Near East Fund, rd gift. If it weren't for Grant Mears.ably' voluntaril,y but eertai PI er- But this is enough for today.'" J. In Y onsolicitation, A list of what varioussums of money wm do has been Juniors and Seniors To Fightworked out hy the Near East k For Title Today.\IT bmtt . Wor ers. (C ti .. _.3 from '""g 1)., e su rm It for yoUI' perusal: on In� y- e$5 a month will provide food for Strode led her a close race with sixone orphan. field baskets and three fouls. EdnaIIrI.1I Tuesday, March 9, 1920HELP NEEDEDWe have called your attention be-'fore to the appeal of the Near Eastrelief workers who are now engagedupon a drive for funds. The quotafor Illinois is $2,032,169, of" which$.770,669 is to be raised outside ofChicago.!�'I\iI!I,. IiI I!j�III;I ,: 1I ISl� a mon.th will furnish f�od andclothing for one orph an.$15 a month will take t'en Ire careof one orphan.$20 a month will keep a girl irescue home. n a$25 will r>To"jde b d d 1 .f e an c othmg01' one -refugee.$50 will give an adult one warmmeal a day for akitchen. year at a soup$75 will pay fOT a bed in a hospitalfor one year.$100 will COver the payroll of asmall fa�tory employing fifty Women.,$180 will keep an orphan for a year.I •It, II I, IIIt I, I . (Continued from page 1)"Nicely, chairman; Florence Falkenau,Frances 'Langworthy, Leona Bach­rach, Grant Mears, Bradley Hall andFrank Priebe. . DORIS HAT SHOP1151 E. 55th StreetNear UniversitySnappy' Spring StylesNow'Ready ForYour InspectionEd. Announces CommitteesClass Gift committee-Frank Long,chairman; Isabelle Watson, Jun�King, Elizabeth Walker, Perry Herst,John Joseph and Paul Moyer. Class jiiiiiiii!!!i!l!!!!\iiiiiiii!!!!i" -.-!!!!--.- ••!!!!il_i!ii!!i!!l!!i!!!i!iJewelry committee-Edgar Reading,chairman; Brook Ballard, Jasper King,Mildred Powlison and Eleanor A�------------- ---- Private DANCING LessonsIII a coane of ave leaoD1l ($5.00)one can acquire the steps of th�Waltz, One-step, and Fox-troL Socia)dancing dass Monday Eve at 8 P •. M.LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIO1541 E. 5'1th SL Hyde Park 2314�14 COLORS INBLAISDELL PENCILSThe next time you buy a col-'red pencil ask tor the Blaisdell.rhe smooth, grltless lead writes!asler, .harpeR. better and lastsonger.Colon are blue. red, green.black, ye))ow. white. brown. pur­pIe, light blue, violet, light gr@eIl,orange, medium blue, pink. \I For enl'7 �Ioftd �U par-I PORe ase BlaIsdell Coloftdread ..... l. eeats at .tatlo ...eTe�ber.. •HOWIESONMODERATE PRICEDHATSFOR THE COLLEGEGIRL308 Se. Michigan Avenue THE F·AMOUS�Get the Touraine Habit! It is the best habit to getlNow on sale at theReynolds Club and University BookstpreaHave you tried one) If not, 'd�they are good ! -' ,... _�I�l.�..• . 1, ...�Cooper, also Senior college, played afast game as running center. AliceHull, captain, starred for the Juniorcollege team. Edith Rasmussen, run­ning center, worked well for theJunior team.The Sophomore class team willmeet the Juniors at 3 today, just be­fore the two college teams clash. 'Thesophomores were defeated by thefreshmen, 28 to 12, in the openinggame of the inter-class series.Give Annual Spread FridayThe annual spread for the collegeand class basketball teams will begiven Friday at 6:30 in the sun par-lorofMaNoyesh�I.An�m��o �������������� �����������������������������HAVE YOUR PICTURE TAKEN IN YOURPROM CLOTHESA SPECIAL 10 PER CENT DIS­COUNT ON PRICES OF ALLMEDIUl\1 AND LARGE PHO­TOGRAPHS ATDaguerre StudioThe Cap and Gown photographers everSInce 1917218 South Wabash Tel. Wabash 527CHfCAGO- ".. " .THE 'DAILY MAROON. TUESDA VI MARCH 9. 1920w. v.MORGENSTERNATHLETICSEDITOR' I_arDon �port 'agi I NEWS ANDCOMMENT ONCOLLEGESPORTSStage Direction GoodAs a whole the stage direction wasgood. Lights on Friday night werebad, but Saturday that fault had beenerased. The stage business (andthere is a great deal in "The Thir­teenth Chair") was well thought outexcept in the case of the knife. Also,someone should have stopped up theholes 'in the set, particularly sinceCAPT. RIES WINS TWO RACES "The Thirteenth Chair" is adequatelyprovided, with dark scenes. Such de-By beating Wisconsin at Madison ficiencies . are to be expected andlast Saturday, 44 to 24, the Maroons heartily damned in Dramatic clublaid by in generous style the third . productions. They are minor details,d�l meet of the swi�ming season. but they are most irritating; theyChicago came away WIth all but twoseparate the amateur from the pro-firsts and was victor in the waterf . I .I essronar.basketball, 6 to 2., "The Thirteenth Chair" is a decidedCapt. Ries displayed his usual good advance from what the club did withform, 'wining the 40 and 10.0-yard and to "Seven Keys to Baldpate" last The gentleman of the flue?t pe�,races. 'Brunhart took first In the year. May the club continue to pro- author of the above, w� nght Inbreast stroke for the third time this duce better pot-boilers-if such they part. But if he bad said that Patyear, and Yegge captured the back wish to do-and then perhaps our Page developed Halladay,. "m�e"stroke. Meagher lowered the tankmore exacting critics (and heaven him in fact, instead of discovering�ord in the plunge. in :174-4: Rub-, knows they take a rightful stand) willi him, he would have been nearer themkam, star fancy diver, who IS c°n:t-I he able to view the sew-saw position truth.peting again for the Maroons aft�r I of the Dramatic club with more com-service in the army, placed second In. Pat Page has been a big figure in. passion.the fancy diving. I two basketball championships, rather.With th� exceptio� of the relay, Harold Henry Will Play Three widely separated-ten years agowon by Chicago, the fimes were slow. Ch . C Y T da when he was a player, and today.The water was murky, making it im- opm omposi Ions 0 ypossible for the swimmers to followC· d f .-. 1) I We think he deserves the trip to the(Continue rom, page .•the lane lines closely. . Orient, which confronts the MaroonEurope and has since played in all baseball team. Wonder if he doesn'tparts of the country. He has been I�have need of a press agent, or a c?n­soloist wit hthe New York Symphony I nosieur in the matter of purchasmgorchestra, the Chicago Symphony jade idols and cloisonne, or a bat boyorchestra, the Minneapolis Symphony -or even a bell-buoy in the wastes oforchestra and the Chicago Philhar- the Pacific? .,had in Arthur Baer's "Gardens" sev- monic orchestra. He cancelled alleral years ago) in her truly effective engagements for the season 191� and I Carl Johnson of Michigan came'eareer around this Gothic seat of enlisted in the army - and was In anaway from the Illinois relays ��'learning. ·The part itself is rather officers' training'camp when the war'three gold watches. We hear thatnicely conceived. but Miss Brown Went ended. he was tied with Moorhead of Ohio'Bayard Veiller two or three, better. Mr. Henry was. chosen to play the for first in the bigh-jump, and thatPractically aU her words and gestures D miaor concerto at the MacDowell the winner was decided by the flip ofadded to the efficient realization of a Festival at Peterborough, N. H., and � coin in favor of Johnson.c:haracter of dignity, shrewdness and at the eleventh convention of the' _tenderneM.' A 'piece o! acting worthy National Federation of Musical clUbsl Chicago need--;;;; be dissatisfiedof the loop. held in June, 1919, where he wasJ that it could ww no more than one ofAs the police inspector Mr. Charles asked to present the work because of I the four relays' in the Jlllnois Carni-Breasted was' rather disappointing. his ability to interpret MacDowell's I The races were distributed.'.·ti va..There was nothing particularly ong- works. One of these compos I .ons ap-among four different teams, Chicago,.ina! or non-theatric in his portrayal pears on the program to be given to-Illinois, A�es and Georgetown. Thatof Donabot. He was too neat, too de- day. team which was able to place in theb"berate, too much like the brain-chU- Publish Complete Program large field entered, � no slouch.dren of Reeve or Roche. It Wf-SBreasted, not' Donahoe, who, was try­�g to solve the murder. Doubtlessthe part itself was not partieularlyinspiring but we have seen Mr.B�ted' do better work than he didin "The· Thirteenth Chair."Confession Is ConvincingMAROONSWIMMERSAGAIN VICTORIOUS INMEET AT WISCONSINChicago Natators Place FirstIn All 'But Two EventsIn Contest.-;-THIRTEENTH CHAIR"(Continued from page 1)To Mr. Carlin CrandaU was allotedthe part of the murderer, PhilipMason. For the first two acts Mason,along 'with the majority of the play­ers, is a minor .suspeet, and in the·. last act he bas his brief bit. Mr.Crandall did well, although be is stillinclined to follow the explosive schoolof dramatics. The direction in :�COnfession scene, by the way, was.• hI id and convincing actmg.mira e-rapl •. . portant..Other parts were unlm.Miss Ruth Lovett as Helen O'N �Illtook care �f the ingenue role, which.She felt toowas unsuited for her. ImUch thc necessity for fragilc ap� ,for sweetness and innocence. er.. I rty faulty,�stures were particu ad.-nee anover-emphasizcd as to ". -. thepertinency. Mr. Ralph Steffens m .ng­. had an amUSlrole of Mr. Standish id ad-two minutes, and he took rapret1\1. Margavantage of them. ,85and Mr.Baggott, as Mrs. Trent, tteriaedJas .... tn�. v:ng· as Mr. Wales, a. •",,&,,'JIU , .• properto th� �ii1�-9tming businesS l:as. no- .• shapt.' ,Mr e , �raJd Westb� of Willticab1Y .• �.su��, to the pa . ... Crosby. '.. .:,;';;:.�).. ".f -a: ..... ;". .... �J. � The program follows:Preambule and Minuet from Partitain G-Bach.Intennezzo. Opus 117, No. I-Brahms;Impromptu� Opus 90, No. 4-SchutJery.Keltic Sonata_:_MacDowell.Prelude, Opus 28, No. 13-Chopin.Etudes, Opus 25, No. 29; Opus 10, No. From the less" conservative mem-10-Cb0pin. bers you might be led to believe thatPolonaise, Opus 40, No. �opin. ! they helped with the spring plowing.The Dancing Marionette - Harold I .==============================Henry. .1 Irish Reel-Cyril Scott.. .Ballad, Opus 65, No. 5-Grieg. 0 Petrarch Sonnet, 123-LlsZI.Reflecti�ns in ·the Water-Debussy. I CapriCf Espagnole-Moszkowsky.SPORT SHORTS"The Chicago five, with luck break­i'ng even for them, are deserving ofthe Big Ten title as much as anyother team in the race. The Maroonsstarted the season looking like only amediocre team, but the men developedfast and there is no doubt about.thefact that they now have a high classcrew, one worthy of holding the Con­fer�nce title. Halladay, the sopho­more center, was the real find of theyear. Page did not discover him untillate in the season, but when he didget a chance in competition he showeato be one of the most valuable menof the whole Maroon oft"ense."-DailyHlini.Captain Ries and' the swimming'scuad which subdued the Badgers ati\iadis�n Saturday,' 44 to 24, announcethat you need not yo to Mudlavia ·forf{u�ky 'baths.DELICIOUS AND REFRESH INGQuenches Thirst­Touches the SpotTHBCOCA-CoLA co.ATLANTA. GA,',.:_ ....... -,.. , .. ,.,' ', . Not just leather.PEL TERS aren' t just ordin-ary leather coats; they·reible Scotch tweeds,reversi .b-Donegal homespuns and gaardines on one side, the soft­est and finest sort of leatheron the other. They're fine formotoring; for anything.$27.50, $35, $45, $55,$65, $75.Maurice L RothschildMoneyCheerfullyRefunded Southwest CornerJackson ond State 3. ,)for Out-Doors and In-DoorSALLINSON·S'M Silks de Luxeare the invariable first choicefor the girl who appreciatescharacter. style and quality.The silk inspirations for 1920are:-INDESTRUCTIBLB VOILE.PUSSY WILLOW DBW -KISTI •• ,. nl.,.. fiN ...,Irl.,.KUMSI·KUMSA DREAM' CREPEFISHER·MAID NBWPORT CORDKHAKI·KOOI. KLlMAX.SA TINCHINCHILLA SATIN THISLDUROSHANARA CREPE'(AU lnuh- .. rt .. ..,)B; tit, ,lIrd lit lire 6nl Sili D'jkn1.ftI�­I. '''lIri''l IIppllreldl lite 6.n" Gil"".,De/HIrt .... ts IIU Chus sa,.Th, ·"II.e "ALLINSON ."til .elf1tJl. ffUlrft lie ,n"i".H. R. MALLINSON & CO.� Inc.·'Tiu NnII Silh r",,"1 Madiaoa Aveaue-3lat StreetNBWYORKNot Sometimesbut AlwaysPERFECTin ev�ry degreeA m;'rirnn uad Pencil Co.215-DI0 ytMa Aft. �cw YorkStmsCRIBE FOR··THE DAILY MAROON.---�-.:.:�::,:: ..... - ..... , - - - ".! ''I '.,4The C .. unrUiWluJtk THE DAILY MAROON. TUESDAY. MARCH 9. 1920, I; iI, I, j EVEN the punch was charged forat the pay-as-you-enter party the:!tlortar Boards gave to help' theirscholarship fund, scholarship appar­ently being a commodity they werelow in.I; : Adv.Sealed tight, kept right-yellow no­tices.Eventually, why Dot now?-gradua­tion.Stop and shop-Fraternity restau-rant.What do we live for?-Vic Spoehr.There's a ::eason-Vories Fisher.Copy this sketch-Billy Holton.A skin you love to touch-sheep­skin.Everywhere. Why?-chaperones., ,, r, ,i (I'1\; tpi II.I ;; f. t •i�"\ .I \, .II ANOTHER of the inimitable classtsuppers is going to be held by theseniors Friday night in Hutchinsoncafe. Beside,i the usual president'saddress, there will be dancing.I, , Thirteenth Chair Post :MortemOllie Lodge should have been there.(as he might have been, according toprevious announcements) to see the.dead man take a seat in a box for thesecond and third acts.Bob Shillington, who took the flow­. ers up to Elizabeth Stone Saturdaynight, gracefully took two or threecurtain calls.Business Manager Gubbins provedhimself worthy of his title when hemoved his frat-club brothers down tothe front row seats,After Betty got through raising thetable (and letting it down again) themanagement decided it would have tobuy. that piece of furniture.We wonder how much the Stetsoncompany paid fgr Red Jackson's derbyadvertising.I •EUNICE EMERY just came in 10say that she didn't know any jokesfor this department but that she knewon� for the Phoenix. 'I.I!III .: III'\ :, t �!, .I'i:: I ., ,: I� ,; 1i j,If !1 :I t, tt. ,I I; II I, II fI, I,! i ' THE campus social lights will be!able to study for exams now. TheReynolds club formal has been calledcil again.THE IMPROVED EXAM.This department objects to the or­dinary lort of examinations and sub­mits below a list of questions thatwould be much more satisfactory, weare sure, to the students:1. What is your name?2. What did you have for break­fast?3. What grade would you like tohave in this course!4. Who is Charlie Greene?, 5. Do you like to go to chape}?(Each student must answer the firstfour and choose one from the rest.)If we understand the purpose ofeducation, it is to teach the studentssomething. If they can answer theexamination questions perfectly ian't. 'that proof that they have maSteredthe subject? Well, then, give themquestions they can, answer. (Theclass m logic meets at 8 o'clock nextquarter.)IT'S funny how popu)a� the librarybecomes on Saturdays along aboutthis time each quarter.WE didn't know there were so manycommittees in college untl' we readover some of the Cap and Gown, Senior activity lists.IT ALlAN primitives this week inClassics.PAINTINGS, not people.-GarClOll.,j l CORNELL INSTRUCTORS GET C LAS S I F l E'D . AD' S' LOST�One blaCk satiii ladies' danC-I', . A LIVE 'JOB FOR· LIVE MEN-2S PER CENT RAISE .' •" ing slipper with jew�lled buckle; For paying summer work see lab-. ' .. ,I lost on �March 6 between 57th and i bitt, 5506 University Ave.-MONEYWANTED-A 'man to .aell trucks 'fill' 56th'k�et,:Unive1'8ity aveliue; lib- IN IT.. '" ' 'spare time�for a large corpora,tion; 'eral reward for return or 'iftforma': -LO-'-S;....'T-�--ew"'e-I-ed-P-hi-· -,Ka-p-pa-G-amma--good money and a future; state tion leading to return. Return to Fraternity Pin at the Mortar Boudqualifications. Address applications Maroon office. (107) Dance last Friday night. Please ra-to Monter, care The Daily Maroon._(104) tum to the Lost aad Found BureauFOR SALE-Full dress suit, good in the 'PreSs Building.FOR SALE-Full dress suit, good as as new, has extra white silk vest.Owner has outgrown it. Will sellcheap. Look it over at 707 MaIlersBldg. Ask to see Mr. Baker's dressA raise In salqies' for Cornell Uni­versity instructors of 25 per cent, ef­fectively immediately, was announcedyesterday. The new advance raisedthe instructors' salaries from $1,1*17to $1,458, but provides for no increasein the salaries of professors. It isproposed, however, to raise salariesof professors to $4,500, which is about$900 more than they are now reeet- new, o\\�er has outgrown it; willsell cheap. Look it over at 707 Mal­ler's bldg.; ask to see Mr. Baker'sdress suit. A. T. O.'s Pledge Robert LaDYoaAlpha Tau Omega announces thepledging of Robert Lanyon of Chica-go, Ill. .suit.1 00% pure Turkish tobaccomakes Murads "Worth. more than'they cost-for Turkish is the "World'smost famous. tobacco for cigarettes.Murads please you whenyour best friend does not.You are proud to have theGovernQr of your state see youdraw the Murad box from your--coat' pocket. 'I t is true, "ordinary" cigarettescost a trifle less. "Judge for yourself-! .' .. "1-:f1 'or.(-'f''t