"'- ,.C'I ....j�, ".�'c: '��'':�.,'/'-,"I\...,,__ · "\.eVol. 18. No. 83, ,at aroUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1920 Price Five Cents131 STUDENTS TORECEIVE DEGREESAT CONVOCATION'PRESENT "THmTEENTHCHAIR" TONIGHT AT 8BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIPHINGES ON WIN TOMORROW MUSIC CONTEST FOR"BARBARA, BEHAVE!"CLOSES ON SUNDAY Production to Be Best of DramaticClub's This Year, Says Dooley- --Tunes to be Played by Com- Fraternities and Clubs Attend in Greek, Philipino and MexicanCoach P�ge'8 Five Primed for Fight to Settle Big posers Before Judges in Groups. Among Those to Gradu-Ten Title-Minnesota Team WiJI be Reynolds Club. -- ate March 16__ The Dramatic club will present __Hard to Stop. NEED PROGRAM ·'AD-GETTERS" "The Thirteenth Chair" tonight at 8 READ TO DELIVER ADDRESS__ in Mandel han, and again tomorrow-, MusI'c f "B b night at the same hour. 0or ar ara, Behave!" the ne hundred and thirty-one stu1920 BI kf' h "Dress rehearsal was more than en- dThe first basketball championship in ac rrer S ow, will be select- ents wiI receive degrees at the 115th- ed from the tun bmi d couraging," said Louis Dooley, stage t'ten years hinges on a victcrv over STAGE HOT SCRAMBLE es su mitte in the convoca Ion to be held Tuesday, March.J contest closi S d director, last night. "Every member 16 . '"th, e Gophers t, omorrow night. Coach I . mg' un ay. Compositions ' in .. Iandel hall. Prof. ConyersN MADRAS CAMPAIGN will be pl d S d of the cast is in fine trim for the RePage's team is primed for the fight, __ . aye un ay, begining 'It 2, ad of the Department of Historym the Reynold I b bef h first performance, and we expect the '11 d Iiand with the five going at its fast T Ca s c u ore t e judges WI elver the convocation addresseam ptains All Determined to Win who will k hei ' achievement to be the best of thepace, there is Iitfle chance of a de- Ra ma e t err decisions then or and Dr. Frank W. Gunsaulus, presice-Elizabeth S ton e's Te a m in doubtful cases, after a personal Dramatic club's work this year." d fleat unl th M t h t T ent 0 Armour institute, will preach.L' , ess e aroons ge c es y. urns In $900-E\"erybody is Hap- .If the Chicago team loses tomorrow py It Seems. exammation of the written music. Tonight Is ·'Campus Night" the convocation sermon.th '11 �_ I Mr. Edward C. Moore, musical crit- Tonight will be "campus night," Among the graduates WI' II be aere � � one more opportunity -- .IC for the Chicago D":ly Jo' urnal and and the various clubs and fraternities Greek d M' b th f hto take the title, but that game must. PLEDGES' TO DATE. d Q4 an a J. exican, 0 0 w omI JU ge of three previous Blackfn·ar will sit together as they do at the recei th b h I r'. d dbe played against the strong Wiscon- Total amount thus far...... $1,200 contests, will act a hi f . d A e.�ve e ac e 0 s egree, an asin five on the Madison floor. I Savilia Millis' team 260 sistt h' . I s c ie JU gee s- first night of Blackfriars. William Filipino, who receives the degree of. . . . . . . . . . . mg rm WII be H ld S b Gubbins, business manager, reports d t f h IMinnesota has finally swung Into! Ruth Metcalfe's team......... 173 and James Shee aro tans ury oc or 0 p i osophy.. I an co authors f a rushing business at the box office, 63 Candid t . Arts Coila wmning stride, and with practical- Frances Crozier's team 1"6 "B b B h ,- 0 a es In egeI . .. .. ... • ar ara e ave!" but there are a few seats left which I h Ily the same team that won twelve, Dorothy Ahrbecker's team 144 L' N be' n t e co leges of arts, literaturestraight last year, will be a hard team: Elizabeth Stone's team . . . .103 "A alrge um bei Enter Contest will go on sale tonight before the per- and science there will be sixty-three. . . . . . . . . arge num r f b formance. didto stop. The Gophers lost seven __ 0 men, oth un- can I ates for the degree of bachelordergraduates and alumni h . di The cast which will present "The f rt hil h • • hstraight prior to last Saturday, when Every team captain for the Madras ..... ted th. • ten . ' ave In 1- 0 a s, p IOSOP Y or science; In t e, _. err m tlo11 f b ·ttin Thirteenth Chair" follows: II f d dthe Minnesota team tripped up the drive is fighting to the last ditch to one' 0 su m) g co ege 0 commerce an a ministra-sUo W· • te d 'th 0 brt h . or more tunes for the sho"" so Madame Rosalie LaGrange....... tlon twelve candidates for the de-ng rseonsm am, an W1 S8 rmg orne the greatest number of that hi h I.....' Ia g qua Ity of music . . ..............•..... Betty Brown gree of bach 1 f h·l h dill the lineup the team compares fa-I contributions, according to the fevered sured" . d R I 18 as- e or 0 p 1 osop y; anvorably with Dlinois. protestations of the publicity chair- day 'Msal h °hand Holloway yester- Helen O'Neill Ruth Lovett in the college of education, Dine forW'th I fi d . en w 0 ave entered the com- Inspector Donahoe .. Charles Breasted the degree of bachelor in eduCation,Lineup SaDie Against Badgers n;.an. I on y �e ays �eft before petition have been supplied with cop- Sergeant Dunn ColvUIe Jackson making the total for the college, 84.The Gophers will present the same !h: :d of �e �nve, eX�ltedmenht. in ies of the lyrics� which were written Mason .............• Carlin Crandall In the divinity school, one studentlineup that started against the Badg- it h am ra s as reac e a Igh by the authors of the show. Mi�s", Standish Margaret Clark will receive the master's degree, twoers, with the exception of Arnold Oss, PIEcl: beth St th bo' In order to assist the work of judg- Standish ........•.... Ralph Steffell8 the degree of bachelor of divinity, and'. lza one rewa mb Into ing the ··t has P 11 k n-d] Jwho WIll be at one of the forwards. head uarte b " mUSIC, 1 been requested 0 oc ......•........ u ey essop two that of doctor of philosophy. InHis mate wiD be Arntson. Both of $900 �sh;: y a!�g �th o;:r that music be written in score form, Mrs. Crosby ..•...... Elizabeth Stone the law school one student wiD re-these men are fleet and are accurate --':�t," .ed°WDCath· . e Mrace Isbto he if possible, with both tune and bar- Mr. Crosby Robert Lanyon ceive the degree of bachelor of laws, owu. en enne oore reat - mony b ttl· E stwood Eva 'bMkat-touerLand lrilLkeep_tbe�IIa-. -lesaJ: aa-ahe--daahecl ' _' u a east WIth the melody a ..........•...... Kohl and six that of doctor of law. In theroaD Pards busy all through tI¥t eea- a y,• -past ,the'� -mdicatecL.. "I� � in whieb it is dif- Miss Erskine _. June King graduate schools of arts literature� BiDJde and Birkhotf ..tol be gent. Demans Ames � found In ficult to decide betw� two or me Trent·:'�'. : ::-" .. �'i: � ;:. -.-.IAMiiox:(j� �ahcr Science there' �i111)e '�wi!dtj"ea-. .�;::. �of�=-= �::a:1:t;�"W= =�� ;rp;d� � ::��.��.��=dISWeotbi �orf� ����.��(�'���I�uu. t:1Ift "N thbi sto " ,. ee1SI0DS may not be. JId)cmald at c:eDter is an unkncnm. ,. �. g can p us. reached at once, but will be announced ,VERY ��ATlFYlNRDE. GW·"A· FSUL,AYSm.. STAGE IS SET FOR -">:,'r...�:,1.�,���,�,]m. first real appeanmee as a � ., Foster Bas Ropes 'before the' end of the quarter in all DRAMATIC' C L � B'S· "_:",. pber,wa. apiJmt Wiac:oDBm. ba w1Udl ��., Foster was next ap- probab�ity. , .' -- _. \, ':��gam�:heatarred.;rith ma' basket riDg- proac:hed by the faithful p. a." Sbe May Use A.y Instrument First Issue Sold Out Yesterda,., Be- WINTER PRODUCI1ON9ac aDd clever Boor work. He lias was Ulimatedly checldng off dollar . For the trial playing Sunday COD- port Indicates-Plan New Fea- ---repJaeed Hammer, who held down the bills wi� her �aithful assistant, testanUf may play their tunes on a tures for Apnl Number uThirteenth Chair" Will Bepi� positiOD earlier ill· the BeUOIL Loaf. APt. "One, two-don't inter- piano, which will be provided, or OD -- \ Given Tonight and To-.• buiesaU � Put rapt, �," she cried. "Three, four any other musical instrument, which The entire issue of The Phoenix N--eomebody in Greenwood gave must be suftplied by the entrant. (Pi- was sold yesterday by noon, accord- m�rrow ight in Mandel_ :.TIle Minnesota guards are both fast $2.&0. WeD, who'd have thought? aDO is prefetftd.). The music writer ing to Business Manager Sherwin. ---aDd fit in perfectly �th the 'whirl- EIght" 1liDe, teD--G!ar me, is that may play his work himself or have "The first consignment of 600 copies CURTAIN TO RISE AT 8 ,SHARPwJ8II otreuift which ,iIm»hIes thie aD? If Jean KDight would hand in it plqed by a substitute of his own was placed on sale at 7:50 and by --� team. Capt. Lawler and Kear- something bigger than 5O-eeDt COD- ehooslDg. In any �, the music must 9:15 every one was gone. This prob- The stage is set for the annual wiD-.; tie both speeders aad are equal_ tn"utloas we'd wiD. But, we wiD be the CO�B own work. Only ably establishes a record at the Uni- ter production of the Dramatie club,lf�:einer ill. dribbliDg the entire win." men who ,have attended the University versity for seDing publications," he Bayard VeUIer's mystery play, "TheI.'-of the fioor. Jean Piekett"JDaDaIer of last JUl"s or who are now in· attendance are declared. "The second consigmnent Thirteenth Chair." The· set for the"';1Iuocms wiD be in tiptop shape drive, has at last admitted that, the eUcible to write music for'the show. arrived late in the morning and was play bas arrived and was set· up into�,� the title: A few of the men drive is going better than hera did UDdergraduate. men who wish � exhausted within an hour_ Mandel in time for the complete dressweie'lIaDged up slightly in the serim- last year. Franc:es Hendencm, pres- aolidt advertlsiDa on a eommlssion "Nearly everyone on the campus rehearsal, given last night.mace this week, but thq will ,.n be i�t of the usociatlon, also � basis for the pngram of' "Barbara, bad a .copy of the_ magazine, and those � All three acts take pJac:e m theread,. for the tipoff tomOftOW. Tbe her approval of the"'7 the eampaip Behave!" are requested to meet with :who did not have them wanted them." drawing room of the home of 1Ir.usual IIarocm forwards aDd guards is going.' JIaJoge:r hp, propam 1DaIIIIPf', DUt IIr. Tra'eht, manager, of the book- Roscoe Crosby, MilliODaire.·wiD start, while the .c:eJIter positiGB Tuesday at 12 _ the aeeond floor store stated last night: "The phe- Good Seats StiD Leftfa still doubtful. The dw'M'" are U. OF WISCONSIN TAKES UP of the IteyDoIds dub. It is desirable nomena} sale of The Phoenix made it Ticket sales are progressing fa-that Halladay, who starred ill the 1Ia- BOXING AS LATEST SPORT tbat tIIe7 be' able . to begiB work b7 DeeeSSary to tum many people away •. vorabl,.,. aeeording to tbe report ofroaD eonquest of the IDdiaIaa Jut the begbming of the spring vaeatioa. We could have sold several huudred Business MaDager William Gubbtas.week, wDl be at the poeitiOD. Aa- '!'be Dewest iDDcmLtion at the UDi· more eopies if we had had them." Many good seats are left; �other performanc:e like his of laat � of Wisc:oDIlD ill tile line of TODAY'· WEATHER "It c:ertainly is highly gratifyiDg in all seetioDS.. Tbe priees vary froU:,walt DoaJd auure the IIaroou a atb1etiea is a bosbIc team. Prelim- s.o;; and co ... .; north to BOrda- to the staft' to have the magazine 80 '15 cents to $1.150.�. iDa1'7 tryouts are now beiDc held 1I1l- _eat ....... \ weD reteived," commented Edward The curtain wID rise at 8, 80 tJlat� Receive CIIalIeac- der tbe direetioD of Coaeh 301m Nea. Waful, editor. "We apologize for students may atteIKJ tbe Dramatic:The IIarocma have reeeived two All stadeDta of the UDiftl'Slty are DAILY MAROON the shortage of eopies.. The \next club show in addition to other week-ehalleDges from the west. The Me- ellet"le for the team, ad Bumerals BULLETIN number wiD be nt'the first week in end engagements. Tbe show is aboutbrut. five and the Walla Walla quia- will be awarded to the sueeesaful men -- Ap�, with just as many features and two hours in length.tet of Wuhington have both.J.,mftect who make tile team. A contest be- Teda,. stones." AllDOIIIIce Patro1leSM8their desire to comllt the MarooDS. tween the various colleges of the =i- Dhinit, �"pel, 11 :50, Bukell.The list of patrcmesae& was an-Is little probabU:'- of either of venity wUl be held em Jlareb 18. CReh club, 4, Ida Noyes .. n. . FRATERNITIES EXCHANGEThere"'1 GenDaai� clab, 7:"5, with Prof. FROSH AT NOR. BWBSTBRN nounced yesterday. It is composed ofthe e1lallengea being KCepted, how- Cutting, 1228 East 58tJa St. __ Harry Pratt Judson, Gordon J. Lame,ever, as the CcmteftDCe rulinp are de- Announcement was made in yater_ To.orrow The fratemities of Northwestern James Weber Linn, Percy B. BoyD-ciddly·apinst post-eeuon pmeL day's DaUy Maroon that DO regis- University buketbaD lame, CIlia· University have iUugu1'8ted a plan ton, Lorado Taft, Robert )l0MI Ln-tration �in the Col1eges of Arts, IJt- 10 VB. 'Minnesota, 8, Bartlett. whereby the Greeks' "trosh" are ex- ett, James N. Cralldall, Honee Hor-Delta Upsilon will gift a !loue erature and SdeDce would be held Trip to the Cllea,o Tumael Co.; changed at weekly periods, for a din- ton, Henri C. E. David, W. A. Nibe,IUDeIleon toda,. at 12 at the Chapter ,..aterday or today. This was ami .. laft the C beBda at 9. ner engagement. The idea is to ere- Edith Foster Flint and Miss Elizabeth...... 5'147 BIaebtoDe. ��. take, as registrattaa_ ..... held during Satanta,. ate a more fratemal feeling among Wallace and Miss Dorothy PeTI.,. � .. 7::'" .': , �. recuJar O«iee Iaours � .. '. Y. JI� C. A. eseandon to tile C.d- the variow. riTa) fratemities.Beta fteta PI wm it"' ............ � be toai, bat DOt during_ ...... 'aIIII .c.. ..... Sa'" aMDleht at 1:30 at tIM Soath SMn aftenIoaa. ManlaaD FleW a Co., )aft � ...�eh& at I. ,The Commeiu dub wiD gift aDelta Tau wiD give a daDc:e today danc:e today from .. to 6 ia the Idaat 8:30 at the SissoD hotel Noyes tbeatre.2 ,THE DAILY MAROON. FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1920Published mominp, except Saturda,.. 'Beginning and Intermediate Squads toSunday and Monday during the Au- Play at 3, 3:30 and ..tumn, Winter and SPr1nc, quartenby the Daily Maroon eompaBy.John Ashenhurat News Editor �inning Champ. SeriesRose Fischkin Newa Editor PI daye Lost WonHelen Ravitch News Editor Ch 2amps vs .'.. 0 2Howard Beale ..... Asst. News Editor Sh h t 2arps 00 ers 0 2William Morgenstern, Athletic Editor G ingers vs, 2 2 2Harold Stansbury .... Feature Editor W f 201 Hounds 2 0Harry Bird Night Editor Beginnl R U• D.:' mg unners- pErnest Fribourg Night Editor M. A. B.'s vs 2Herbert Rubel nay Editor .Lucky Strikes 2mitt lailg flarunnThe Stacle.t N ... paper .f t_Unb'erait,. of CWcapEDITORIAL DEPARTMBNTTIle St ••tjrI IIf(IIIi�. j� BUSINESS DEPARTMENTThe StalfGRANT MEARS-Business ManageHenry Pringle .. Advertisin� Manage!Keith Kindred .. Circulation ManagerLaurence, Tibbits Asst. Cir.MgrEntered as second class mail at theChicago postoffice, Chicago, IllinoisMarch 1�, 1905, under the act otMarch 3, 1873.SUBSCRIPTION RATESCalled for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 aquarter. sible. It is the wish ot the commis­sion that ,I present the details here­with for general consideration.At present the Honor Commissionis a body of fourteen undergraduatesduly selected to conduct the routinedetails connected with the fosteringof a sentiment of honor among thestudents. To these few persons fallsthe duty of judging such cases ofdishonest work as occur from timeto time, and the greater, though moreindefinite, task of spreading the ideal WHYS AND WHEREFORES OFof honesty. CAMPUS CLUB BANQUETIt has been suggested that the hopesof those working toward this high The Campus club will hold its din­goal might be more quickly and com- ner Tuesday night instead of .Mon­pletely attained if the Honor Com- 'day, in order not to interfere withmission were expanded through the fraternity meetings any of its mem­creation of an auxiliary body. It is bers may want to attend. In casethought by the suggestors of this plan all the members of the club join somethat one hundred or more students Greek letter society before the nightmight be made associate members of of the dinner, the affair will be calledthe commission. These hundred could off.reacb further into the comers of the Dr. Sherburn will speak. His sub- Beta Phi Pledges Two l\lencampus than the fourteen present ject, although not yet .announeed, will Beta Phi announce the pledging ofmembers, and could make a stronger probably be "How to Belong to Two Sidney Schiff of Chicago and Johnshowing to support the ideal. Fraternities and Still Be Invited to Roche of Chicago. Iwe draw the line at force. Apologiesprofound.CLASS TEAMS TO PLAY TODAYBeginning and Intermediate �om­en's basketball class teams will playtoday at 3, a :30 and 4. The followinggames are scheduled:Series1 12 02 02 0Aw Gwan's vs....... 2Gargoyles 2Intermediate Champ. SeriesFirecrackers vs. 2 0 2Ball Bearings 2 0 2Rubber Soles vs. 2 2 0High Ban 2 2 0The following teams will play ifchallenged: s� at the ,CampO: Club Dinner."The other guest of the evening will,be Capt. Marr, who is expected totalk about how' gentle th� honesreally are, in spite of recent reportsabout runaways.President Morgenstern will sit atthe speakers' table, not because he isin the law school, but because he ispresident. Policies regarding theReynolds club elections will be decidedupon. It is believed that the dinner 'will take place near enough to thetime of elections to prevent the clubfrom supporting any candidate whois contemplating deserting the foldin favor, as it were, of a more secretorder."Wh)' is the dinner being held?"Morgie was asked yesterday."Well, we have to eat, don't we?"was his interrogatory reply.The big problem 13 to decide whatthis larger body should be requestedor empowered to do. Can it exercisea regulative influence, and at the samethne not become a polic body!The' Honor Commission sincerelyhopes to receive suggestions for thisIllan, and for the questicns put forthby Mr. Nicely yesterday.ROLAND F. HOLLOWAY,For the Honor Commission.Ever Sharp vs. ..... 2 0 2Shooting Stars ...... 2 1 1Jazz Band ys . ... ... 2 2 0Kill 'Ems ........... 2 2 0$2.50 a year; $1.00 a E�LARGE HONOR �Ol\ll\IISSIONBy Carrier,quarter .By Maila quarter, Editor or' The Daily Maroon:(city), $3.50 a year; $1.50; T bezi h "'I N· I I ft ifo egm were .I., r .• Ice yeoThe Daily Maroon recommends tothe secretary of the Senior class thatwork be commenced at once on thecompilation of an address book, suchto be corrected and sent out everyone or two years. In a way objec­tion could be raised since the' Alumniassociation publishes arL address bookof all graduates every four years. ===============But if the class wishes to acquire anysolidarity an address book would be.. of great value. At numerous timesSenior classes have projected such abook, but as far as The Daily Ma­roon knows a failure has always re­sulted.. Other classes would do wellto plan 'address lists for their ownuses.Our new magazine, THe Phoenix,as Mr. Starr would say, "We wel-===============come you! But The Phoenix, if onejudges from its first number, is notin need of any patronizing welcome.It is sufficiently lively and sufficient­ly literate and sufficiently equippedwith ideas. Some of the material,such as the mu'ch-advertised scandalsection and the "sophisticated" verseabout women is rather to be regrettedin an otherwise well-tempered pub­lication. Most of us are not equippedwith clever or sharp tongues, and un­less we are. . Well, the moralis plain. Send "On Dit" to' somehigh school journalist; it would bemore appreciated. The Phoenix de- ��������������!!!!!serves the support of both financialand manuscript contribution, and itcan do great good for the Universityof Chicago.Misguided enthusiasm on the partof a business staff' member resultedin the following- from a letter datedMarch 2' that was sent to campus or­ganizations: "If your subscriptions.are not taken out within a reasonableamount of time, however, we shall beforced to discontinue the publicationof any news regarding you." It isplain that The Daily Maroon neverhas and never shall adopt such tacticsin the matter of subscription raising.We do wish your subscriptions, but iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.Editorial Rooms Ellis 14Telephone Midway 800Business Office Ellis 14Telephone Midway 800Friday, March 5, 1920I-l, ,I· ·1IIIIIi��I' in his communication, relative to thepolicies of the Honor Commission, letme present a scheme which has beensuggested to the commission andgravely considered by it. That 1;Itere'are possibilities in this plan the com­mission is sure, but that the studentbody may not favor it is quite pos-Private DANCING LessonsIn a course of five lessons ($5.00)one can acquire the steps of th�Waltz, One-step, and Fox-trot. Socia)dancing class Monday Eve at 8 P. M.LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIO1541 E. 57th SL Hyde Park 23UBRIEF CASESMUSIC FOUOSSTUDENT CASESGuaranteed Goods are YourProtection.Insist on the original.Sold by all reliable dealers.Lifton MEg. Co. : New YorkDORIS HAT SHOP1151 E. 55th StreetNear UniversitySnappy Spring StylesNow Ready ForYour InspectionPROTEC.T vou aPARENTSagainst loss, in the event of yourdeath, of the money invested in youreducation. The only medium' throughwhich this can be done is LIFE IN­SURANCE.Phone me for appointment and de­tails. If not in when you phone, leaveyour name and phone number.C. C. WHITEHill..SPECIAL AGENTNew York Life Insuraoce Co.Pl\one Central 550130 NORTH LASALLE ST. The Swift Year Book is OotSend for Your Copys'Wift & Company was, a favOfite topic of conversatioolaSt year. . .. . u·gated it, commISSIOns attacked it. lawComnuttees mves emned .t.makers threatened it, many cond I,t1 1 began to think about it; began !o realizePresen y peop e. .·ft & Co was perfomung a necessary service in athat S� mpanb yto wonder whether it could be done asbig, efficient way; egan '.well in any other way. ..Read what Swift Ik. Company did last year, �d �hat it. th �':"t &. CotilpanY Year BQok, Just issued.meant to you, m e .,WUI ..', Ii . . narrative-simple facts m Simple words.It S a ascmating d for it. .There is one ready for you. Sen, "Address Swift It Comp�y, Union StoCk Yard.l, CbicqDSwift & CompanY, U. S. A..: ..... .' =, I:••:11 ': �, ,. TIiE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1920SPORT SHORTSDo you think any "apologies" nec­essary?I follow the geese.In their highest leaps­Although in Kelly poolI can really run.-Exactly the "Old Man's" OPlDlODsometimes. - A bird of an adjective.• Always f�llow. -What's a mixedmetaphor in very free verse!Honk! l Honk! Make way for'thePhoenix, and its athletic department.Track Practice(With Notations by F. E. G.)Like flocks of 'Vild geese­Strong youths wingRound the track,• Puffed in the wind.Whoa, there!.They knoek over the hurdlesAnd swoop From those blue shadows underthe eyes of the Phoenician lady (yougather our drift?), we should say. she's sadly out of training.I With pleasure out o'f the way, weDown-On their craning" necks.• She Will Applaud Your GoodTasteIf you send-The colors and seal give the righttouch and the chocolates are worthyto be your gift. You might often treatIf t a box too' Why not i'yourse 0 ' .The Big War made chocolates a realman's food.For Sale by'DREXEL PHARMACY,901 B. 55th st. 'Phone Midway 1410B. J. SCHULTE,1501 E. 55th St.Phone Hyde Park 206McANANY & FINIGAN1201 E. 55th St.Phone Midwa,. 708 VAN DeBOGBRT&ROSS1000 E. G3rd at.Phone Hyde Park 2541518 Hyde Park Blvd.Phone Oakland 68001465 E. ,63rd St.Phone Blackstone 32'12800 E. G3rd st.Phone Midway 3200Special shoe valuesIF you' re foresighted youwon't buy . one pair ofthese shoes at $10, you'll buytwo or three; maybe more.They're a genuine calfskinand are wonderfulvalues atOther shoes $7 to $20Maurice L RothschildSoutlrwut CornerJDduon tmd State can now get down to business, re- MAROON NAT ATORS: minding you of the atheletic events BUCK WISCONSINfor tomorrow:Basketball-Minnesota at Chicago. IN MADISON TANKTrack-Illinois relays at Urbana.Swimming-Chicago at Wisconsin. linois have each been downed by gen_\erous scores, owing to the exce1leDtshowing of Meagher in the plunge,Ries, Allison, Piper, Keefe and Cohenin the relay dashes, Brunbart in theLast Dual Me�t of Swimming breast stroke, and Yegge in the backSeason Will Come Off stroke.The Maroons intend to clinch the Tonight Meagher Lowers MarkConference basketball championship These men will be to the fore inwithout further ado. Why put off BADGERS MUST FIGHT TO WIN the Wisconsin duel, and later in thetill next week what you can do to- Conference. Meagher has �adymorrow! And at the same time Chi- In the last dual meet of the swim- lowered the national intercollegiatecago natators will move one step for- ming season the Maroons will encoun- mark in the plunge, and Ries has beenward toward the swimming title. ter Wisconsin in the Madison tank toying with the western record in theI -- tomorrow night. To give Chicago even 140-yard dash. In the lllinois meetIn the Interscholastic basketball I a fairly close race the Badgers will he bettered the Conference time bytournament on the 18th, 19th and 20th have to display greater ability than' one-fifth of a second, but Conferencesome of the best prep teams in the they have in' the earlier meets with records are made only in Big Tencountry will show their wares. Northwestern and Illinois. championship meets.The match should conclude a sin-We wonder if it is the Phoenix gularly successful trio of meets, pre- Pi Delta Phi will give a dance to-which has called down this sudden I paring the way for the Conference at morrow from 8 to 11 :30 in the Idawrath from heaven-the weather, youl Northwestern the middle of this .Noyes theatre.know. month, Captain Ries and his crew. make up a star aggregation, and arePLA Y FIRST GAME TOMORROW to be rated highly in every branch ex­cept the fancy diving. Iowa and 11- Delta Sigma Phi will give an in­formal dance tonight at 8:30 at theChicago Beach hotel.Stage Three Contests to Decide Wom­en's Basketball Contest WHAT ABOUT YOUR EYES?The first college basketball game Do they tire, blur, or feel strained when reading) Are theywill be played tomorrow morning at sensitive to light i' Do you have headache or dizziness i' If 80,10 in Ida Noyes gymnasium. This is consult an Opthalmologist, one who has made the eyes a spe-the first of a series of three games·al Op hal I . h - h- h f ht d ·d th h . hi CI ty. t mo ogy IS t e SCience W IC treats 0 t e eyes,o eci e e c ampions rp, their defects and the relation of these defects, as causative fac­This year, according to the newruling, there are nine players on each tors, to human ills.team-three forwards, three guards, DR. ANNA W. CARTER.two side centers and one jumping cen-ter. This necessitates much better Ophthalmologistdeveloped team work than was nec-essary with six players, Phone Hyde Park 6044. 6133 Woodlawn AvenueAdmission to the game is by tick- Hours: 9:30 A. M. to 12:30 P. M. Other hours by appointment.ets which may be obtained from anyJunior or Senior college player at Eyes carefully examined and glasses scientifically fitted to correct de-.the gymnasium office. feds of vision and to relieve headache and other symptoms of eye strain.DRINK,peen• R£G.U.S.PAT.O�1v-eUlb c)NAPDV LIM� OOINt(GREEN RIVER is different from any other drinkyou have over tasted. It has a distinctive flavorall its ow.n-one that pleases and thorouShly satisfiesthirst. 'Served with either c��tl or p�iE- water at all sodafountains.Y ou'Il Iike G. N RIVER. �K lor it today.SCHOENJ;IQFEN COMPANY·.CBICA�/.. ..-------4 THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, MARCH S, 1920Twenty teams, forming a roster ofthe best track talent in the WesternEDITOR EDDIE v .. ears the pro- Intercollegiate and !\lissouri Valleyverbial smile that won't come off. If I �onferences and i� �he mid�le. westhe doesn't blossom out in a new prin- In general, have slgnified their mten-temps suit, we miss our guess. I tion of participating in tae third an-__ nual relay carnival at the Universityof Tllinois tomorrow. From the east- ========================================================ern section Georgetown will probablyAlthough himself a Greek, our cor- be th I tat' rd'.. e on y represen rve, acco mg'respondent, O. Howie Heelsafter t resent' d' ti Th Po P In lea ons. e enn re-Dope, sneaked into the Campus club I team who h h bee 'f Iay , IC as n um orm ybanquet, which was held next Tues- ·ct· . th t ha beeVl onous In e eas, s n un-day night. He had removed his fra- able to enter.ternity badge and substituted there-for a "C" button of the variety sold Coach A. A. Stagg has already sentat the bookstore. President Morgie!1 the Chicago entries to Coach Gill ofwas mastering the toasts. nIinois. Frank McDonald will run"We have with us tonight" said I in the dashes and hurdles, Charliehe, "Mr. Hans Hoeppner, one' of our Higgins is registered for the shotsocial chairmen. He • .." I put, and �hneberger and Phillips �reA member at the president's el-I entered In both �ad and hIghbow pulled at his sleeve. i jumps."Hans has deserted the bond," he I Publish Probable Entrieswhispered. The probable relay entries are:"That is to say," continued the pres-ident, "we have with us tonight Fran­cis Zimmerman, the sophomore repre­sentative. . .""Pst!" insisted his neighbor, "heis DO longer ODe of us.""What I mean to say, of course,"went on Morgie, "is that if there isany officer of the Campus club whohas not yet heard the call of the wild,we should like very much to hearfrom him."Mr. Dope, despairing of hearing anyspeeches that Dight, up and left. STUDENTS: Your spare time is worth dollars, SellAccident and Health Insurance. Liberal contract. Full timeOne Mile--Harris, Cowan, Ken- proposition if desired. See Mr. Baker.' 1nedy and Hall, with Bartley, Mason, ISpeer and Brickman as alternates. MERCHANTS UFE & CASUALTY CO. ITwo Mile--Speer, Jones, Otis and W. Room 959-29 South La Salle Street. IBowers, with Kennedy, Bartky and ============:================================Brickman as alternates. Four Mile--W. Bowers, Moore, Jones and Brick­man, with Otis, Dooley and Hardingas alternates. Medley--Speer, Har­ris, Hall and Otis, with W. Bowers,Jones, Bartky and Moore as alter­nates.20 TEAMS ·TO TAKEPART IN RELAYS ATURBANA TOMORROWWestem and Missouri ValleyRunners Entered In ThirdAnnual CarnivalCHICAGO WEATHERIt's foolish tQ write about spring'Because, like as not, it "ill snow TO PICK OLYMPIC CANDIDATESAs soon as they print the old thing,And that makes itvIess apropos.THE C. C. DINNER -LOST-Wednesday, March 3, briefcase, containing library and textbooks, in front of Cobb, between 3and 5:30 p.m. Finder please returnto R. E. Corcoran, care The. DailyMaroon. Reward.SOMEBODY remarked that foY:' themanaging editor to have a specialspace penned off for himself wasrather piggish. Of the entries, Otis, Moore andKennedy have run in at least one ofthe two previous annual relays. Thismeet will be especially important insingling out men and teams who mayrepresent the United States in theOlympic games to be held in Belgiumduring the summer and autumn.MEMBERSHIP in the Eyether club ====================is growing. Prominent persons on LOS TAN D F 0 U N Dthe role at preseDt are Eyedythe .1Flack, Jeyemes Shine and JosephyeneParker. Chize and crackers will beserved at the initiation banquet.GOPHER the Gophers!Complete . IntensiveStenographic CourseThe next complete stenographic threemonths' course will begin April 1. Onlycollege graduates or undergraduates areeligible.Ijll .I!II.i An unusual opportunity is afforded by thisintensive course to get a complete steno­graphic training in three months.The environment of the MOSER SHORT­HAND COlLEGE is appealing to the col­lege student-oDly high achooI graduateaare emoDed.\III.. Bulletin on request; no solicitors em­ployed.Moser Shorthand CoDegeEaroOiDg om,. High School Graduate..Twelfth Floor Lake YIeW BuiJcIn.116 Saatb Michipn AftDaeCeatralSlS1Paul Moeer, J. D., Ph. B. 111�Ian "OI<EH" .ARRowFORM.-FIT .COLLARCLUETT.PEABODY'ltCo.I'Rc.JfirArIThe Official Photographer of CAP AND GOWN, '20Special Rates to U. of C. Students.DAGUERRE STUDIO218 South Wabash Ave. CHICAGO, ILL. t.'7l!l1Srei. Wa�ash 527 for Appointment.Blaisdell Colored Pencils. Always make their mark-Th(>8o ftn(>. richly colored pen.ella work on an)" surraee withWltst pressure. The marklnl: neverIImt':1 rs, rubs off or burns olL.·(lr class-room or laboratory UMt bt·y nrc Intll.p('>n8Ibl�JU8t rlehttor un)" colored p..ncll purpose.Easy to sharpen toO-JU8t NICKand PULL the ribbon of paper.Your stationer has a complete'Unt> of Blnl8dt'1l Colored I'end ...Blaisdell 1:;1 Blue 18 used moret han allY ot her blue p('Dcll. Other«,nlors are red. Tlolet, light creeD.r:r('l'n, Ugbt blue. medium blue,black, yellow, brown, white.orange. pink, and purple. Tencents ('ach.Why Be a Wall Flower at the InformalWhen You Can Easily Become a Graceful Dancer inthe Course of a Few Lessons.Scientific Teaching ! We Guarantee to Teach You HowPrivate Lessons: lOA. M. to 1 0 P. M. Went. 230MIDWAY SCHOOL OF DANCINGSixty-Second and Cottage Grove Ave.I No ... te lD .barpeoID� BIala-Idell ColorN peDel .. , NotrOUble to �et • polDt ID ..InataDt,/3kisoe//I?encil Corrrpe.rry:PHnAOELPHI�'SubmartDe deteetJoa dmc_X.ra� tllbe lor medlc.1 ...teeRadio telephone aDd telecraPhmec:tric .. ldIDc and appllcattcmaSearehU�hta fol' the Ann7 and Nav7JDectrle fumacea fOr pn .h�e.. ..,.to lnaQlatloo lor all' ...... c.Deto .. aton _ ftbmart ... adD_InceodIa1"7 aDd amo •• bombePl.atiOla of aitn. ..9u�tat .. .". materlale • Cl.ta}.Jlt:I,I�. (-g.( t«n.t: al, ! c . ,tlru0 I""" tI:-;.... m- ...J :t acOJh�tilcIfh1'«m,coJ1W.tatba:weoffa37lasWilthe]thealnencinPOItall1seoteafiel.