r•,,ftt1\Ieniam• JIt. \UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1920 Price Five Cents., Vol. 18. No. 66MME. HAMMER TOAPPEAR IN DRAMASOF HENDRIK IBSEN SENIOR MEN BLOSSOMAS CO-ED CONVINCERSBATHING BEAUTIES ET AL. CARTOONIST TO BETO TAI{E PART IN CIRCUS ADDED TO STAFF·OF DAILY MAROON "THIRTEENTH CHAIR"TO BE WINTER PLAYFOR DRAMATIC CLUBEight of Them Orate in Women's Dor-mitories Tonight on the Benefieial ---Results of Attending Class Social Committee Chooses March 5Funetions, and 6 as Dates For AnnualSpiritualists, Freaks of All Kinds,Policemen ;\mong Attractions To ·Be ------Present at W. A. A. Sideshows- Art Department To Inaugu-Announce Stunt Chairmen. rate Immediately-Under--- graduates Eligible.Mack Sennett's bathing beauties,spiritualists, freaks, Dr. Make M. Fat- CONTESTWILL BE HELD FEB. 16 AND 17 terlean and a host of other famous"Hedda Gabler" and "TheMaster Builder" and TwoPlays Chosen. Production.,Eight Senior men will speak ,at din----ner tonight in the women's dormi-WILL OPEN TODAY tories. TICKET SALE BEGINS MONDAYpersonages will compete for positions In connection with the desire of ' The above gives you the reason why "The Thirteenth Chair" will be theof honor in the sideshow section of the all the fourth year men have beenThe Daily Maroon to make a more winter production of the Dramatic clubwearing such a worried, preoccupied to be given Friday and Saturday,look on the campus. It also throws March 5 and 6.light 'on the unusual number of shavesand massages that they are indulgingin lately. Among most of the menthe general impression is that onlytheir looks will get them through.The real suspense lies ill "-l,e identityof the speakers.These unfortunates will urge thewomen to attend all class affairs andespecially the dinner and vaudevilleFriday in Hutchinson cafe. All arebooked to speak three minutes, butwhile most of them regard this asan impossibly long period, a few ofProfessor Nelson's proteges complainthat they'll only be able to get startedin that time.Madame Borgny Hammer, the greatNorwegian actress, is to appear un­der the 'auspices of the UniversitySettlement board in two English pro­ductions of Hendrik Ibsen's playsMonday, Feb. 16, and Tuesday, Feb.17, in' Mandel hall. The plays to bepresented are "Hedda Gabler" and"The Master Builder."The engagement is under the au­spices of the University Settlementboard and is being supported by the'students who showed interest in tnl!'Settlement Night program. JuliaWhite and Keith Kindred have beent ICircus, according to an announcementmade yesterday by Lydia Hinckley, complete campus newspaper a new de-chairman of the -sideshov ' section 0.[ partment will be inaugurated imme­the 'V. A. A. performance, diately, that department to be knownAttractions so far listed for- the hy some such name as the Art depart­freak department of ,tile sideshows in-ment. It has been decided by theelude a bearded woman, Siamesetwins, dwarfs, a 'fat woman, a four- staff that cartoons are needed.legged woman and the tattooed worn- HItherto cartoons and cuts havean. Other additions probably will be been missing from the pages of Themade within a few days. Daily Maroon because of a financialMeet Freaks Today at 3. inability to pay for such work. EvenHelen Palmer and Miriam Russell, now payment for both drawing andengraving would be an impossibility,appointed J' oint chairmen of a commit- who are in charge of the freaks, willbut it is felt that there is enough in-tee in charge of preparations. meet with their workers at 3 today inthe trophy room of Ida Noyes hall. terest on the campus to provide draw-Will Present Two Dramas. . f f ha a campus activAn attraction which, it is believed, mgs ree 0 c rge-- -will excite more than 1�.a1 interest, ity-in a similar manner to the workdone for 'the Cap and Gown. And asThe Daily Maroon bas been fairlysuccessful this year, the. engravers'bills can be met. The choice was made last night byStage director Louis Dooley in collaboration with the Play committee,· anda telegram was imediately sent to NewYork for the playing rights. Tryoutsfor parts in the play will be announc,',,ed as soon as the manuscript is received from New York. Business Managel' Bubbins will put tickets on salenext Monday. Tickets will sell for$1.50, $1.00, and $.75.I., I ." Committee Considers Many.Announcement of the production of"The Thirteenth Chair" comes aftercareful consideration by the HI � Ycommittee of many types of plays. According to the committee "The Thirteenth Chair" is the only play of the"Hedda Gabler" and "The MasterBuilder'! were chosen for presentationbecause of the fact that these playsshow the power of Ibsen as a dramat­ist, and give an excellent opportunityfor Madame Hammer to reveal her i� Mack Sennett's �athing Beauties,who will be trained by Buelah Milesand Virginia Lee.Spiritualists Promised. OFFICIAL DELEGATE WILL many considered which fits the necesBE CHOSEN AT MEETING sary requirements.--- "I believe the Thirteenth Chair wilI:'Staff Position Is Instituted.For those who wish to communicateexceptional ability, according to those with the other world, a number ofin charge of the presentation. spi ritualists will be secured. These,Madame Hammer will be supported it is proclaimed, will fall into trancesby Rolf Hammer and a company of upon the slightest provocation. Thistalented players who will also appear sideshow will be in charge of Helent'l in an extended engagement in New Saunders and Neoskoleta Tiffany.i..-; :,.i; �ork "at. the eompletion of the .t:.o:ur julia' White is making arrangements....�::��.:*!'A': Jniddle:-w_-l1Il�ch��as ... �. 1'Or�i;;'·sP'eer8I-sidesJrow;-the ·�aet""iig.:�t .., ; , ,r_ansec:l ... �or . ��� and. universiti� ture· of which is being kept secret.'Which have appreciated the public de- -For 'wom�n - �h�· are _dissatisfiedsire for a presentation of i1bsen'splays. A staff position as cartoonist will W. A. A. Members Convene Today at appeal to the campus," said DirectorL.! instituted with all .the benefits be- 12 In Id, Noyes. Dooley. "The. play is full of dramaticlonging to a staff member attached.--_ moments and is just the kind of thingTo determine the man or woman The official delegate to represent the our members can do well. It shouldwhose ability and interest warrant Women's Athletic association at the be even a. greater success than 'Sevensuch a position, The Daily 'Maroon annual mid-west conference of the Keys to Baldpate,' produced last year.'�'�It C!\����� _�_.����.t., _¥ty_ �_��r_ w . .A._.. A.. which - convenes. shortiy. at ' ... ,of the. undergraduate body is eligible. the University of Missouri, will be KONGO THIRTEEN CLUB TOThose interested should see either chosen at 'a 'meeting of the members HOLD BANQUET FOR STARRGrant Mears or John Joseph imme- today. _with their present weight, Dr. Make diately. Office hours are from 19-11,1\1: Fatterlean was obtained. Dr. Fat- 12-12 :30 and 4-5. •..,"'f, \All W. A. A. members have been Famous Society Originated on Fridayasked to meet at 12 for 'lunch at the -13, Plans Celebration for Honor-round table in the refectory of Ida ary President.Noyes hall. The meeting proper will ---be bela in the theater. Detailed dis- The Kongo Thirteen Club, an organicuss ion of swimming, which was re- zation formed at the end of summercently made a major sport for women quarter of 1909 of which Prof. Fredis on the program. erick Starr is honorary president, willThe arrangements for the Circus hold a banquet Febuary 13 at 6:30thus far made by the various commit- at the La Salle hotel. This club wastees will be sketched by Josephine organized by thirteen members ofStrode; general manager of the event. Prof. Starr's class on "the Peoples ofthe Congo Free State." Since it wasoriginated on Friday, August 13, andalso because of the significance to pri­mitive peoples of the number thirteen,the membership was set at that num-ber. 1Program Committee To l\Ieet.Prof. Meade, president of the Uni­versity Settlement board, says thatthis is an exceptional opportunity towitness an interpretation of the bestof Swedish plays.The committee in charge of the pro­gram will meet today at 5 at Cobb12A, according to Prof. Mead. Atthis meeting the price of tickets willbe determined and the purpose of thepresentation will be discussed. terlean will 'demonstrate his painlessmethod of putting on or taking offflesh. Louise Mammen is in chargeo� Dr. Fatterleau s act.Policemen To Keep Order;To keep the crowd in order, Fran­ces Langworthy is organizing a bat­talion of policemen who will patrol theregion around the sideshows.. CircusLarkcrs with an inexhaul'table supplyof .persuasive language will be sta­tioned in front of each sideshow to The suggestion made by The DailyMaroon is that- the cartoons. pertainrather to campus events than inter­national ones, and that such cartoonsbe "live" material, not for a payortwo but for five or six days, so thatduring the time necessary' for en­graving work the pertinency of thesubject will not die out. Underclass­men, naturally, have better opportu­nity in that they will be in the Uni­versity for· a longer period.Editor Explains Importance.John Ashenhurst, news editor, saidyesterday: "This position of cartoon­ist is a new one and an important one,The man or woman chosen will' begiven an absolutely free hand to de­velop his or her idea of what an Artdepartment should be." The Daily Ma­roon has felt the need of a competent, \", Iinduce the spectators to patronize theCONVENTION DEL�GATES MEET tents. F ourth Veil Of MysteryMeans Free YearbookFor Whistlers(Continued on page 3)Mr. Field Will Be Speaker At BanquetTonight. ' Juniors Invited to HopBut-Must HavePasteboards . .There was an unusual amount of in-terest manifested in the lectures onthe people o.f the Congo, resulting inthe formation of the club, which mtni­rested its enjoyment of Prof. Starr'scourse by gh'ing him a banquet at. theWellington hotel before his departurefor Japan. The club also planned tokeep in touch with Prof. Starr luringhis absence and on his return even af­ter the graduation of the members.The banquet planned for February 13In other words, a free yearbook, an- is in the nature of a revival of the or­ether free yearbook, will be given to . ganization, so that the mcmberc mayt he person who succeeds in handing. in once more meet with Prof, Starr, whothe best take-off on the Campus Whis- was very enthusiastic over the inter-1 le, erstwhile renowned funny.column est shown by the club in him and inof The Daily �laroon. his work.Wowf Bang! Biffy! BOO!"Mama, what is all the merrimentand jubilatlon about?" one of theyounger members of the Undergradu-ate body was heard to remark. '"Why, my darling --daughter, thefourth veil' in the Cap and Gown cam­paign has been gently wafted heaven­ward by ICdrl Piper, the benificent,"� ito child's mother answered.Delegates to the Student VolunteerConvention will meet in the HutchinsonCommons tonight at 6:10. All theUniversity students who were at theconvention at Des Moines during theholidays have been asked to be pres­ent at the meeting.1\Ir. Jay C. Field, organizer of the"Republic of Punta Chica" will be themain speaker of the event. . Mr. Fieldis engaged, at the present time, in ob­taining recruits for work in foreignfields. Mil'S Hawey, who was an­nounced as a speaker in yesterday'sissue of The Daily �Iaroon. will be un­able to be present at the banquet.Delegates who can not be presenttonight are asked to notify GlennHarding or Ruby Warner, so that re­servations will not be made for them. Junior class tickets will be on salethis. noon and forever after, even up cartoonist, so that the opportunitiesto and including the .Junior dance to- for hard workers are numerous."morrow from 4 to 6 in Ida-Noyes hall."We don't care whether you shakea wicked lapel or not, we don't carewhether you get your marcel on intime to be prettied up for the big TODAY'S WE�TBERWarmer; moderate east to south­('ast winds.party of the year � not, in fact wodon't care what happens as long. asyou provide yourself with one of ournew fangled class tickets of robin'sq�g blue before you come to the por­tals of the $2,000,000 hall for women,"Them above words is in quotes be­cause Cran Rogers said them in ex­horting the Juniors to buy the paste­boards necessary for admission to thedance."There is t\ big surprise in storefor all those who attend," said Frankand Enid, social chairmen, yesterday;"We art, going to have some omelettedances that· will - � genuine ey;openers." THE DAILY MAROONBULLETINToday.Divinity Chapel. t t .sn, Haskell.Chapel. Colleges of Commerce and ous or otherwise, just so it is funny," The Randolph :\Iacon Alumnae clubof Education, men and women, 12, said Carl yesterday. "Make it as dif- will give a supper tomorrow from 4 toMandel. fcrent from the present column as pos- !) in Ida Noyes sun parlor.Public Lecture, "Japan in China," siblc, Letters, snaps, and other in- ---4, Harper. criminating evidence may be used to The Social Service committee of theZoology dub. 4:30, Zoology 29. complete the toot 'n' scramble." Federation of University Women \\;11!\Iath.ematical club, -1:30 Ryerson 37. Here's your chance, embryo Whis- meet today at 4:45 in the )t. W. C. A.Christian Science Soeiety, 4, fda tlers .. ·.-Mnybe.you'll even get-the eov- ---N�.- - -eted j�b ·on.ahc Maroon when,..st8.ns� The Freshman commission will meetTomorrow. bury is wafted somewhereward, And tomorrow from 5:30 to 7:30 in theDivinity Chapel, 11 :50. just think of a free Cap and Gown. League room of Ida Noyes hall. '"It rna}' be true or untrue, scandal-Crane High Students Strike.Students of the Crane High schoolzoology class went on a strike yester­day because of the removal of theirold teacher who had been with. theschool for twenty years. As soon ash� was replaced by a younger man, aserious objection was raised..,2 .,THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, FEBRUA�Y 5, 1920m lut 21 a' 1�t1�r rdia' rn:nn' 'po duty'rather than a� enjoyment T�e Germa� club will meet � The Iron !\Iask will hold a meetingl The Publicity committee of theW .p� 'XI 1� aI cheapen or lov ... ·er it. at' 4 in the Ida Noyes theatre;' All �riday at 2:30- in the Reynolds club. Senior class will meetr today at 12 illSo that the 'question is not of re- members have been requested to' at- All members are requested to be pres. I Cobp 12 A. ,�ll members are request-formation but of consideration. The tend. ent.' ed to be present.==========================================natural reformers are, by some kindPublished mornings, except Saturday, act of fate, few and far between. Re­Sunday and Monday during the Au- formation is a poor, illogical and tact­�n, Winter and Spring quarters less method of getting results. Whatby the Daily Maroon company. The Daily Maroon tries to do is tobring about the consideration of eventsand facts in campus minds. We areThe Sta. greatly in need of more considerationJOHN E. JOSEPH .. Managing Editor and less criticism (constructive orJohn Ashenhurst News Editor otherwise) and reformation. The DailyRose Fiachkin News Editor Maroon does not wish to jeform theHelen Ravitch News Editor world. ,Howard Beale ....• Asst. News EditorWilliam Morgenstern, Athletic Editor ===============Harold Stansbury Feature EditorHarry Bird Night Editor ==========================Ernest Fribourg Night EditorHerbert Rubel .........• nay EditorThe Student Newspaper .f theUniversity of ChicagoEDITORIAL, DEPARTMENTBUSINESS DEPARTMENTThe StaffGRANT MEARS-Business ManageHeBry Pringle .. Advertising Manage}Keith Kindred .. Circulation ManagerLaurence Tibbits Asst. Cir.Mgr" Robert Birkhoff Asst. Cir. Mgr The All - Chicago Liberty DeinonstrationColiseum, Sunday Afternoon, 2 o'clock, Feb. 8.,Protesting Against Raids, Deportatio�, otherInfringements of American CIVIL UBERTYSPEAKERS :SENAT9R JOSEPH I. FRANCE, MarylandDR. JUDAH L. MAGNES, New YorkJOHN FITZPATRICK; SIDNEY HILLMAN, New YorkWESTERN STARR, W��on , D. C.,DUNCAN McDONALD; PROF. scorr NEARING, New YorkOfficial NoticesThe following men will meet thechairman of the Publicity committeetoday at 5:30 in Reynolds club: CharlesHiggins, Roland Holloway, FrankMadden, Bernard McDonald, FrankLong, George Serck, Grant Mears,James ':Nicely and Moffat Elton. COUSEUM, SUNDAY AFTERNOON, 2 O'CLOCK, FEBRUARY 8The Graduates will give a tea to­morrow from 4 to 6 in the Alumnae ofEntered as second class mail at the Ida Noyes hall.Chicago postoffice, Chicago, DlinoisMarch 13, 1906, under the act otMarch 3, 1873.SUBSCRIPTION RATES The Stu'derit Volunteer Band \\;11meet tomorrow from 7 to 9 in theLeague room of Ida Noyes hall.All Prom committees will meet to­day at 12 in Cobb 12 A.,Called for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a Mr. Merrifield's Discussion groupquarter. will meet today from 4 to 5 in theBy Carrier, $2050 a year; $1.00 a League room. Junior and Senior wo-quarter. men are invited to attend.By Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50a quarter.Editorial Rooms Ellis 14Telephone Midway 800 Miss Strahan's Sunday School classBusiness, Office .•......• � .... Ellis 14 wlll meet tomorrow from 7 to 9 in.Telephone Midway 800 parlor C of Ida Noyes hall.Thursday, February 5, 1920REFORMiNG THE WORLD.A 'Personal Comment.Often there has come this remark:"Well how's theMaroon getting alongwith the work' of reforming theworld?" The reply varies with thepersoriality 'and mental attitude ofthe questioner, but as a general querythere is this to be said:For very obvious reasons the re­marks contained in this departmentof The Daily Maroon � never writ­ten with any such (with any, in truth)idea1-' in view. Once in a while, of"Course, there comes what may besomewhat humorously termed theGreat Idea _;_ something exceedinglyinteresting to the writers of editorialcomment, something rather close tothe best beliefs. But that �appensvery seldom.Rather the idea of an editorialcolumn-at least in this paper-is toemihasiz� the points of the day. Inthe case of a college paper, it seems,the points of the college clay are morein place. There is no denial of an ob­viousness of editorial comment, no de­nial of its general lack of appeal. �emust have things pointed out and dis­cussed for us no matter who or. w�atwe are, and the aim of the edl�nalcomment is more to start a senoUSconsid�ration of the problem or prob-lems for the reader.Such a statement does not meanthat the editorial column of any �ews-. t be taken without faIth orpaper IS 0 Iwith mild and an cyewinking to era-tion. Far from it. As a personal mat-t no doubt nine-tenths of the worlder, 'd h com­ld never write or rea sue::�t for cnjoymcnt of any kind. B�tthere arc duties (or if that wo�. I.S. f 1 call them responslblh-dIstaste uiti en good or bad,ties), which e"ery Cl IZ ,. tten·d to We would prefer tomG5" a 0•ter our conversation on art, or Iife,cenbas ball or the opposite sex, per-br en .. dito ialh bUt the other thing, the e I naps,h to comc in" tor Its share.�mm�� �,0 ad the fact.iihat it comcs In SNor oes ..The follQwing women of the socialcommittee of the Federation of Uni­versity women will. meet today at 5i� the Alumnae room of Ida Noyesh811: Elizabetll Walker, MarianCreyts, Helen Palmer, Ruth Bowers,Josephine Gamble, Enid Townley,Marion Amy, and Marcella Graham. ,:/, , ..-Fo'd��''0 .. ' .�ICJ '''FA' .• :�--�...... .............The Czeck club will meet tomorrowat 4 in Ida Noyes hall. Prospectivemembers have been invited to attend.The clown committee of the W. A. A.circus will meet today at 4 in the IdaNoyes trophy room. This will be theonly meeting this week.There will be an Intercollegiate Wo­men's dance tomorrow from 8 to 11.0:30in the Ida Noyes theatre and sun par­lor. .i e ffial ghif¥J. as SUr:e as you liveD.-I!! : , � The reason for. Fatima·s poptlI� It or not-it a a ract. Jarity is " JUS TEN 0 UGHThat simpIe., soft foil Fatima TURKISH."package is today Amenca·s most Instead of containing 100 mumfashionable package for CIgarettes. Turkish as do the � straightMost fashionable because rOost T urlcish cigarettes. Fatima contain!widely used by those men whO jiut enough Turkish-just enoughIcnow II what· s what" in smolc� to ltule right and just enough to•leave" a man fuJi", right. evenAt the btg. hotels and dubs. at when he smokes more than tJSUaI.smart reSorts such as Palm Beacharid Adantic City-even at New ..port itself - the Fatima packagenow holds the prestige formerlyheld by the fancy. expensive paste­board box.The Sponsors' of the Federation, ofUniversity women will have suppertomorrow from 5 to 8 in Ida Noyessun parlor.The Interscholastic Publicity com­mittee will meet today at " in Ellis 3.The Janior claSs will give a dancetomorrow from 4 to 6 in. Ic!a Noyestheatre and sun parlor.The Chrisfian Science society willmeet today from 4 to 6 in the Northroom of Ida Noyes hall. All studentsinterested in the Society have beeninvited to attend. Yec, too, wiD be proud ofFatima·s package as soon as youtesr Fatima's qua&ty.4�J-(£,All active and associate membersof the Dramatic club will meet to­morrow at 4 in Cobb 12 A.The Marshals and Aids will meettoday at 3 in Cobb 12 A. FAT IA Sensible CigaretkA meeting of the Britisher's clubwill be held tomorrow at 4 in Cobb12 A. All Britishers on the campushave been requested to' attend thismeeting, whether or not they are mem­bers of the club. /'- jast erW.igli TUTkish'� �0'• t111� . \R�KI, • I /•� /(:1· I rnaBacluplytothegivpacgrewi!!Jwitfri4berref, r•2-ClgieModis]meime:inordbillpa�l'rIo11thobeeallqUE• .l ' smtSmC'1•'JPI1t:'1Wefor.ed.fro:parIaplderSidHo]tul'1aerdevren\L.f • �tI ',,",.• I .. ) .• \ . ') "an)of iit fThEenl;pin!. &cozin4tiortheTpulltutitionAPleenipa)wh4An:ingscriJosMa:J• � ,• I,, '\ ,,':, Awillatic•- -:. ., -. -- -� - - _ .. ' - N' THURSDAY FEBRUARY 5 192011-IE DAn.Y MAROO , , , , .• t. , oVER 1000 TICKETSDISTRIBUTED FORBILLIARD MATCHKIECKHEFER TO MEET MORINJO'Tickets for the exhibition billiardl;,.,r· .I match to be given tomorrow night inBartlett gymnasium by the Reynoldsclub are going rapidly and the sup­ply is nearly exhausted. Accordinzto Moffat Elton more than 1,000 ofthe 1,400 available tickets have beengiven out and undoubtedly the ca­pacity of the gymnasium will not begreat enough to take care of all whowish to witness the exhibition., tAfter the exhibition, the club roomswill be open to all members and theirfriends who are not eligible for mem­bership in the club. There will be norefreshments or entertainment, butsmokes will be, given to everybody.Smoking will not be allowed in the.l ' g}-mnasium.World's Champioris To Meet.'",.. .�.,,I<"1jJor .(l �,_, PUBLISH FIRST ISSUE OFNEW COLLEGE MAGAZINE"I'he Collegiate World," NationalMonthly For Undergraduates MakesAppearance-Will Publish Contri­butions from Universities of Coun­try.., The first issue of "The CollegiateWorld," a national mOJlthly magazinefor the undergraduate has just appear­ed. It is to publish contributionsfrom the college publications of allparts of the country.In this first issue of the magazineappear contributions of Fremont Ol­der, James' "Red" Weaver, John M.Siddall, Dana M. Evans and De�olfeHopper. Included in the best of fea­tures are articles on football, boxing,aeronautics, basietball,. and sectionsdevoted to humor, cartoons, and cur­rent topics. ITo Publisli College Articles."The Collegiate World" wJ1l pu"lishany article, human interest story, itemof importance, cartOon or humor thatit feels will interest the Colle8-e man.The editors will accept nothing ofonly local interest and no fiction; clip­pings froni col1ege papers wnt not be, 'accepted. But the staff of the maga­zine is eager for original contribu­tions. For these the editors wm paythe authors.The business department of t�is newpublication is canvassing the insti­tutions of the country for subscrip­tiens, A subscription for the March,April, May and June issues costs fiftycent.'. The management winpay forty percent commission to thosewho secure these first subscriptions .Anybody who is interested in canvass­ing the University of Chicago for sub­scriptions, iR asked to apply to John.Joseph, managing editor of The DailyMaroon for particulars..�'•,.:, ,. � \,Te Give Free Copy of Annual.f'I" A free copy of the Cap and Gown.will be giv�n to the person or organiz­ation tuming in the five best snap-I" WASHINGTON STUDENTS SELLEGGS TO PAY FOR TUITION M1DWFST TYPESEt liNGCOMPANYshots �f the campus life to the �an-I PROPOSE FEDERATION Ofagement of the Cap and Gown. All 'ALL UNIVERSITY WOMENpictures should be either brought tothe office or sent to Box 280, FacultyExchange.Residents of Hitchcock hall. willgive a dinner and smoker next Tues­da.� in Hutchison cafe. Following thedinner there will be a program givenby men in the hall. Mr. FrederickThrasher will give an exhibitlou ofhypnotism,' a. quartette from the Gleeclub will sing and Jacques Grassin willgive several violin solos.The affair is a variation of the usualquarterly smoker of the hall and, ac­cording to Hans Hoeppner, chairmanof the social committee, will be a suc­cess. The next so�ial: affair of Hitch­cock hall will be a dance February 27, U· I Ba ked B M L di Several University of Washingtonmen s e y any ea Ing •.Ed t . A' B 't' h I students are paying their way through, uca on m merlca. - rl IS ers.R�ynolds Club Exhibition To- in United States Make suggestion. school and providing �hemselves Withmorrow Night Will Fill HITCHCOCK WILL GIVE SMOKER pocket money by selhng the eggslayed by their prize chickens. TheBartlett Gymnasium. Residents To Dine Tuesday-Program .Prof. Caroline F. E. Spurgeon, Dr. idea was started as a necessary moveWill Follow Dinner. Winifred Cullis and Mrs. Ida Smedley to refund the University the tuitionMacLean, three distinguished British which was advanced to them. The deUniversity women are now in the partrnent of Agriculture reports thatUnited States to propose the organiza-I the students are keeping chickeJ.tion of a federation of all the universi-. around college. ,.ty women in the world. The proposed Ifederation provides for an interchange WE BEG YOUR PARDONof professors and junior lecturers! ' 'among the various countries, and I In yesterday's issue of The Dailyeventually an interchange of students; Maroon S. A. D. Boggs, who address­Who will be representative of their j ed the Wodd Problems Forum OD "The Icolleges. It is hoped that the proposed Peculiar Needs of India," was quotedfederation will have an incalcuable as saying that the population of In-Ieffect on the understanding between, dia was 'composed of "Barbarian"countries. I' tribes. The correct statement was IThe Association of Collegiate Alum- that the peop�es of India are organiz�dnae hopes that the Federation into many tnbes that can not be said Iwill interest college women through- to comprise a natio�; It is. unfo�un�out the country and that it ate that the phrase barbanan tnbeswill not be long before it becomes a was used in the report of the lecture.reality. The' federation is backed by =:::=::=::=:;;::c==============::=:=Sigma Chi announces the pledging many of the leading educators in BATHING ,BEAUTI;ES ET ALof Edward Dorley, of Chicago. America, including President Mary TO TAKE PART IN CIRCUSThe exhibition will be a 50' point, C lAS S I FIE DAD S. E. Woolley of Mount Holyoke, Acting2-cushion caroms match between Au- President Taft of Bryn Mawr, Dean (C01Itm..d from fH14. 1)me ,H. Kieckhefer and Charles R. Virginia Gildersle�ve of Barnard,�-----_b· A GRAPHIC SUMMARY OF AMER- 'thMorin, as well as a twenty minute President William A. Neilson of Smiican Agriculture used in Geography and others.display of fancy shots by each. Both I. 3 and 5. Please bring all suchmen are world's champions, the for- books which are for sale to Maroonmer holding the record of 150 points Offic� 93in 132 innings. Morin holds the rec-ord high run of 18 points at 3-cushionbilliards. Everyone should bring thepage of diagrams which appeared inMonday's issue of The Daily Maroon.Members of the faculty as well asthose of the Quadrangle club havebeen invited to attend the match andall who secure tickets have been re­quested to use them. in the breakfast room.Sigma Chis Pledge Dorley.The program committee of the Cir­cus will meet with General ManagerI Josephine Strode today at 1 in theMaroon trophy room of Ida Noyes hall.I . , Printers andLinotypers510-512 East Sixty-third StreetWE SPECIALIZE IN UNlVEB8IrYPRINTINGPrlDte,.. ot The DalI7' JIarooDStrengthens, Invigorate.Athletes 'Restful and RefreshingAfter Study"Horlick's"The OriginalMalted Milkbrink it at the fountain.Keep � jar in your room.A satisfying quick-lunch.Grateful whenever tirecl,hungry or up late at night.Get the Genuine"HorliClC.�sts rio more than in­ferior imitations.Read The Daily MaroonSubscribe to the Daily��������==,���������==_. '..__,I. �._ ,_- . (. '" ..: .. \..", . '"1I�.�I!t::.u.r.�t:..��."'���...'..:.r���tiJ(Ij���'b"'o�.·'" �� ���. • '\b-o .. ��,-7�,;,00...·t-t'.��¢..,IW;�II<:.0." Look ahead now, if you will, to next winter. You wi want a� new overcoat. You Will want one excellent in quality: Buy it now!t:� Some new overcoats have' just . arrived here--unusually fine--soft,� with a great quality of -warinth in them. They are made of imported�i� mafena1s--lnsli� SCOfcll ciiid EngIisli weaves. We' believe these rna- ,� terials are exclusively ours; �ey represent unusually fine quality- �.��Ij and relnatkcibie vaitie. We believe the threatening shortage will make :v:� such overcoats still more scarce next year-aDd still higher in price. It F ����.'Y.,,'. would be a creditable act of foresight for you to come in soon and see �.�.� th �.�,. � ese overcoats.,. �� �i�� ��� . xi' . �� O�ilv."ie & H,eneal!e.· Z�� §", e �,'; " "-, , �.,.T. dine LINEN • a-in'e NECK"W"EA� ��;l J7;v. �ine CLOTHING .,.·tr � t �� -��7 ��.¥;.t'. EAST JACKS,ON �oulevaTd Suits here now-medium in� ......·V· weight, tailored in O. & H. -_... - C"��on.J "'007 I all d t.t)�, • ..J� .. , " T'j Spring mode s, are equ y e- �w,._• /.sirable, and for the same rea- ��-..�.t.t..Y'_ / Th d f· .. ��.:; sons. ey are me, e or im- .a.� 4: Ported cloths, and we believe ¥� • next year will find it difficult �A��.) to duplicate them. . • Ire� ��i' ��'.' ,�, __ ..�.I�mijjiijjij������������'��!jj������!i!�'!'i��r�J "l ••• P§�P�PJ'�'..:..�.�'�".��l. ��Jt �,����•�.�.I!=}.�� .".. �. .. � 4 --.. .�. •• .':.J�� -.6 ••• "'- "-�.�..,. ",.,." '-lt� , � ,.� ... �..... �.P....• "J MEN's'To men who 'are wearinglast winter's overcoatsTHE DAIL.Y �AROON., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 1920SENIOR VAUDEVILLE. at t�e corner of 57th street �d uw-I reporters for downtown dailies.Those members of the famous class versity avenue. '__," of 1920 who .feei '�eI(�ough,\�iif re- " §. Edith \yeSt: �ln ��he *etl"" , {.:':' ", !"!,, : 1', '. r . :,� =::==.="=' '=' =' ==�=' =====," l't ':",.th " ,t._,F 'd' . ht �f 'the Native" " ';,\ ,""'MACK SENNETT'S·.bathing beau-� mam a .... er e supper rl ay DIg • �r..1 '. [. ',•to witness the vaudeville. The' pro- '4. Jasper King. Actobat. ' ties at the W: A. A· vaudevj1le.grnmh�n�b���noon�db�� � &" Brn�y �d C�� =====�=======�=============1 have a hunch it will be as follows: Breasted. Trained seals.THOSE QUIZZIES. 1. Tony Marvel Hinkle. l\ionologu� I Do�'t be surprised if the �au��vil1eAir-"Sweet Kisses." entitled, "The Game of Basket-] doesn t turn out �s above Indicated.Those quizzes, uncanny affairs, ball and Later.". ,.. I It may be refined before Friday night,Those quizzes that come unawares", 2. Ralph Max 'Steffens. 'Char-' '--I sure despise the finals and term: pa- I lotte's only rival. lit an act on the EINSTEIN'S theory that space is Ipel'S too; I ice. Mr. Steffens practiced yesterday limited is corroborated by the campus IThey don't come unexpected, but the 'quizzes, they do! =========================== IThose quizzes that pull down theThe C ",ul-uS, J W.l,�nl..: .t. i.: .;'. '. -:.. �'""'j'alumnus to lead the sing next Tues­day night. We may get a chance tosing some college songs instead of that.good old prohibition ditty, "Drink To::\Ie Only With Thine Eyes."IRONCLAD GYMS will stand all the pounding of fouryears GYM work, and then be ready for more usage.grade,Those quizzes make hopefulness fade, IOh, kind professor, hear my plea,l'm working hard for my degree,But I will fiunJ:: if you keep springing.q-ulZZes on me,Those quizzes that come unawares.Sol. IroncladGYM SHOESALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO WEAR THEM OUTr ,A Comfortable, Light, Gymnasium Shoe ThatWE'RE glad to hear that the fed- i Fits the Foot.eration has found a good Chicago iUpper of heavy black Duck, or heavy black Leathers, madeto fit the foot, and hug your ankles.Soles-of IRONCLAD Chrome tanned leather, flexible andlight,with a low spring 'heel.A FREE Cap and Gown is offeredfor the best Whistle. The question is,Is it worth it? Yes, '.... e hear you say, I-to have a funny one.1 Suited for either Outdoor or Indoor'GYMNASTICS.Boy, Page Mr. Merrifield.Alberta Searles urges us to print I'this:Mr. Myers-When a boy, I was Itaught in Sunday school that I should I The BRUXSHU BALLET- SLIPPERS and BRUXSHUlove God if I wished to be saved, but, . BATHING SHOES are other sterling BRUXSHU prod-in my own moments, I knew that I! in widheld no love for Him. I uets In WI e use.Bill Gleason-Well, you were in the I 'wrong church then. •I ··BRUXSHU" Gymnasi­WALTER BOWERS has lost a half I um Shoes, made in Phila­grade point for not attending chapel. I delphia,are on sale atHis explanation:_ "I was in the Quality of the highest grade. We know of no better GYMSHOE.choir."U. OF I C. BOOKSTOREWOODWORTH BOOK STORE, 1311 E. 57th SLMARSHAlL FIELD & CO., Loop ,THE rushing season for BlueJacket, Black Bottle, and Yellow Bon­net (or Black Jacket, Yellow Bottle, Iand Blue Bonnet--either is correct)ended like the famous season of last I' Autumn quarter. Some freshwomer; Iwere left out. This time, however, 1the error was clerical, not deliberate.------------------------------------------------------Makers: BROOKS SHOE MANUFACTURING CO. OH, splash!Garcon.Patronize Maroon' AdvertisenWhy areflavors like thepyramids of ·EayptlBecause· they areIons-lasting. 'And WRIGLEY·S is a beneficialas well as lone-lasting treat.It helps appetite and d!:Iestion.keeps teeth clean and breathsweet. allays thirst.CHEW IT AFTER EVERYSealed Tisht­: III Kept �i2htA10.�IF Turkish tobacco were not the world's verybest tobacco for cigarettes, Murad would ,be justlike any ordinary cigarette-and worth no more.Why live and die without livi�) Muradis living. They are so good. They are sodelicioUs. May we not say, they are justglorious? They are not expensive.' They arelike diamonds. which naturally cost morethan rhin�ones.I� PURE TWRKISH-I� rIIOrltr.,,_,/arrrous loIJoa:o /or �Ua. 'Judge foryourself.-/'� ,I;�i ..4 •I .III "• I, .tC-I--\r� ", J ..\• rr .� ;JI t• • -1 �t ;'/ f..::c. .- •'�:-��_1lE·1 C: t:"sas" p/II"tlIsh.1 FetfcnUstF· ;t81fafan(lju'elElM:,G,GIPsPiE1114• I ...