•,,,,.tOO,•,.•• I(, tOO•· ,..· ,.,••r. ,\� .4",-,• ..oo• I•�, ..•,,•, ;-..,f ". .,.,.,. �lt6'"",Vol. 18. No. 64 ,at aroonUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1920 ePrice Five CentsVARSITY COMEBACKDEFEATS BUCKEYESBY SCORE OF 46-22Maroons Still In Race-Illi­nois Game Feb. 14 MaySettle Championship. Test New SystemsClass Tickets AtJunior Hop.Frlday's game, It was not the score served al a time, music will be playedwhich was so encouraging to the Ma- and joy will, in all probability, reignroon supporters, but the determined supreme, according to reports.basketball they played after falling be-out on top without trouble. The gamewith Illinois on February 14 is the onewhich will probably be the one to set­tle the conference title.l\Iaroons Shntle lIIini Defense.To date Illinois has played fivegames at home, three of them, againstteams the Maroons have met, Michi­gan, Ohio and Wisconsin. Both Chi-cago and Illinois have beaten theseteams by practically the same scores,In the other two games, Illinois play­ed Minnesota and Purdue,fi while the are being continued with a dinner andvaudeville at Hutchinson cafe Friday-, � -_.. .-_...... _. " _- .night. This the first of the fifteenseveral other novel affairs composethis list. President "Beano" McDon­ald gave a definite outline of the ma­jor events proposed, before the socialcommittee of the class at a tea yes-Maroons !\let Iowa twice. once at homeand once at Iowa City. Since the Iowateam compares very favorably withhoth Purdue and Minnesota, a com­parison can be drawn here. In the tcrday afternoon.five games, Illinois' total points To Hold Dinner Friday at 6.The dinner and vaudeville is sched­amount to 188, while the total pointsof the Maroon!' amounts to 179. The uled for Friday at 6 and will last un­til about 8 :30. The best talent in thetotal points scored by Illinois' oppon-ents add to 106, while Chicago's op- class is to entertain the members whopononts have scored 103 points.From the figures Pat believes thatChicago has the shade on the defense,even more so when it is consideredthat one of our Maroon games wereaway from horne. Illinois has the beston the offense. When Illinois andChicazo meet at Champaign, both willhave played seven games. Betweennow and then each wiH meet Ohio atColumbus, The Maroons will meetMinnesota at Minneapolis, and theIllini will meet Purdue at Lafayette.Illinois Game 1\Iay Decide.�tinn('sota, however, is a hard teamto beat on it." own floor. Oss and Ham­mer, who were out last Saturday, willbe hack in the lineup. and will givethe team its maximum strength. hutPat believes that the Maroon-Illinois are present.'I am sure all the seniors who canbe present will have a good time,"stated Hans Hoeppner, chajrman oftpe social committee, yesterday. "Thisil': the first of a series of partiesplanned for the seniors, and it is im­portant to have a large attendance."Announce Social Committee.The members of the social commit­tee who were present at the tea yes­tc.rday are: Josephine Gamble andHans Hoeppner,' joint chairmen; HeI­en Thompson, Theresa Wilson, Eliza­beth Walker, Grant, Mears, BernardMcDonald. ' of PLANS UNDER WAYFOR ANNUAL W.A.A.CIRCUS ON FEB. 27�Announce Committee of Clowns. I University Seismograph ISSUE NEW CLASSRecords ViolentEarthquake.meteorologist, yesterday. "We haveto examine the record under the mag­nifying glass to determine such fac­tors from a study of the character ofthe waves. The' disturbance is cer­tainly stronger than we have had herefor months and a great deal more vio­lent than that during the recent Mex-The clowns' committee will meet the Georgetown observatory. The Uni-iean earthquake."The shocks were also recorded atertson, Helen Saunders, Margie Pun­beck, Olive Koch, Margaret Burns,Alice Hull, Dorothy Newkirk, Henri­etta Bitterman, Dorothy HuebnerLeila Nelson, Bonnie Trainer, VivianSimons, Helen Fleming, and Joseph­ine Strode.A box for celebrities is a new feat­ure to be added to the Circus. "Take­offs" of well-known people on thecampus will be presented by young'Women who have been studying thecharacteristics of their subjects. Jo­sephine Strode, general manager, has(ContiRu�d on fHJ.9f! 4)TODAY'S WEATHERCloudy and unsettled; colder withwest to north winds.THE DAILY MAROONBULLETINToday.Divinity Chapel, t 1 :aO, Haskell.Chapel, Junior College of Arts, Lit­erature, and Science, women, 12, Man­del.'Voman's Graduate club, versity seismograph !s one of the mostsensitive instrument of its kind. Asixty foot concrete shaft extends un­derground to bedrock. At the top isa small brass beam at the end ofwhich is a small mirror which throwsa shaft of light on a sensitized paperwhich is later developed. Thus theslightest earth tremors are recorded.5472 STUDENTS REGISTERHERE WINTER QUARTERFigures Show Increase of 1800 OverSame Term Last Year - 172 LessThan Autumn Period.Registration figures given out forthe Winter quarter show a gain of ap­proximately 700 over that of the lastnormal year, 1917, and a gain of about1,800 over that of the Winter quarterlast year. The total registration forthe Winter quarter is 5,472, which is172 less than the number enrolled forthe Autumn quarter,Registration figures for the variousdivisions of the University are as fol­lows: Graduate school, 702; Seniorcollege, 931; Junior college, 1,354; Un­c!assified students, 120; Divinityschool, 163; Medical school, 212.Law School Has 304 Students.Law school, 304; School of Educa­tion, 216; School of Commerce andAdministration, 545; University col­lege, 1,203; Colleges of Arts, Litera­ture and Science, 3,107; and the pro­fessional schools, 1,440. TICKETS FOR RESTOF YEAR TOMORROWThe efficiency of the system of class Issue Call for Rehearsal of At the time The Daily Maroon went Ar� Necessary to Vot� mtickets whereby the possessor is ad- Clowns--Sideshow Com- to press last night no report had been Coming Council and Hon-mitted to the function in question by mittee Plans Features. received concerning an earthquake, the or Commission Elections.having a stub on his ticket punched --- shocks of which were recorded at the ---will be given its first test at the dance WILL CAIUCATURE CHARACTEns University weather bureau early yes- TWO QUARTERS - "FOUR BITSnPLAY AT MIXNESOTA SATURDAY to be given by the juniors next Friday __ "....__---f 4 t 6' Id N h 11 terday morning.T W L Per rom 0 In a oyes a, Preparations for the Annual W. A. Class tickets necessary for votingeam •. . Class tickets will be out tomorrow The first irregularities on theIllinois 5 '0 1 000 A. Circus, to be held Feb. 27, in IdaAt in the elections next week will be is-1 ".,..... ••••••• , according to Cran Rogers and all Ju- record were noticed at 5:42.CHICAGO .. 1 800 Noyes Gymnasium, took definite from d t 'Th'.. , .... ', . . . . . . • niors who intend to cavort at the af- 7 :40 a very violent shock was noticed, sue omorrow mormng. IS yearI di 3 1 .750 yesterday when Beth Uphaus, chair-n iana •..•. ,......... fair Friday must provide, themselves and at 8:10 when the record was re- one ticket at fifty cents will sufficeIowa 3 3 .500 man of the clown's committee, issued....... ,. with the pasteboards, An imported a call for rehearsal. All women who moved from the machine, the tremors for the two quarters, and will be re-Minnesota , .. ,... 2 3 .400 d 'II b h d d till t" ith .2 3 oorman WI e at t e oor instea have signed up for places in this sec- were S 1 con mumg WI some VI0- quired for admission to the thirteenWisconsin ".....3 :!�� of' the perhaps kind hearted Morty tion of the performance ,were ordered lence though they seemed to be de- class functions to be given by eachOhio , ...• , , 22 .333 Harris, a Junior treasurer, and the to report for practice. creasing, class, between this week and the mid-NPurdhue .... , .. , ,... 11 3 200 social committee guarantees that no There is no way' of telling where the dIe of June.ort western........... , Lydia Hinckley, chairman of theM . 0 4 000 one will know him and thus get a free earthquake is or how far distant it is,"ichigan .. " ... ,.,.... , sideshow committee, announced meet-"admit" to the dance. id I U'ings of her committee to be held Tues- sal Mr. A, E. Donne, mversityThe dansant Friday will be for ju-Demonstrating in convincing fashion day and Thursday at 3 in Ida Noyesniors only, nay, as we have said beforethat they were still a powerful team hall. At this time all the suggestions.- .. , for frugal and prudent juniors whoth 1\1 k' th � for the sideshows will be discussede aroons opt In e conrerence have procured their commutation so- and the best acts selected. She an­race by defeating Ohio State 46-22 in cial tickets, Refreshments wilJ be nounced the appointment of HelenPalmer and Miriam Russell, as jointchairmen of the freak depaitment ofthe sideshows.fore Iowa. SENIOR CLASS TO HOLDThe Maroo�s are now ready for the DINNER AND VAUDEVILLEevery day this week at 5 in Ida Noyessecond road game of the season, at --- hall. The committee includes the fo1-Minnesota Saturday, and should come Members of Class of '20 Make Plans lowing: Beth Uphaus, chairman;For First of Series of Fifteen Novel Gertrude Bissel, Jeanette Lieber, Ma-Social Gatherings for Year. bel Rossiter, Lois Van Alstine, Kath---- ryn Watson, Melvina Scoville, EllenSocial activities of the Senior class Gleason, Dorothy Lyons, GertrudePfeiffer, Janet Child, Coventry Platt,Ted Kirk, Beulah Black, CatherineBonp, Lucy Neill, J. __ C. Caldwell, Ha-.zel Schmidt, Helen Fletcher, Maud ===============social gatherings which have- been Cameron, Helen Hoffman,Doris Mani­scheduled for the year. gin, Ellen Coyne, Leonie Crocker, Ve­ra Surz, Katherine Wyatt, Addie Rob-Dinners, vaudeville shows, teas,dances, smokers, theater parties, and Nominations for the Undergraduatecouncil will be made Friday, Feb. 6,at 12, at the respective class meet­ings. The Freshmen meet in Kenttheatre, the Sophomores in the Eastlecture room of Kent and the Juniorsin the West lecture room.Will Publish Honor Selections.A t the time of nominations by theclasses for the Undergraduate coun­cil,' the Honor commission will an­nounce its candidates for the com­mISSIon. After Friday's meetingsaddi tional persons may be nomina­ted for either the Undergraduatecouncilor the Honor commission by apetition of fifteen signatures.The elections for both bodies willbe held on Friday, Feb. 13. For votingthese class tickets issued tomorroware necessary.Tickets Are New Departure.The tickets will be of a differentsort from those sold in the past. Theywill be "like meal tickets," with a listof the class functions for this quarterand next, and a place for a punch op­posite each function. Then at eachclass party, the treasurer will standat the door and punch the ticket asone enters.The council adopted this new kindof ticket in order to enforce its newpolicy of giving class functions formembers of the class only. The sys­tem will exclude any members of oth­er classes, and any person in the classgiving the party, who has not pur­chased a ticket. The class officersexpect thru this plan to sell manymore class tickets than in the past.One Ticket-Two Quarters--50cAnother feature of the new plan isthe elimination of class tickets forthe spring quarter. In the past tick­ets have been sold at the beginning ofeach quarter. But the tickets on saletomorrow will entitle the purchaser13 participation in class activities forboth Winter and Spring quarters.Sterling Freshmen Lose Hair.Five freshmen of the Sterling, Ill.,hieh school arc now minus all theirhair as a result of hazing. The "bar-business FOR�IER DIVINITY STUDENT bcrs" were arrested and placed underOF 'trXIVERSITY TO PREACH bonds of $1,000 each. They will be triedSTAGG R\CK, RIIEU.MATIS�I meeting, s, Ida Xoyes,CURED, READY FOR ACTIO� . Psycological .TournaI club, 7:Hl Psy­choleaical Laboratory.Christian Science society, 7::10. Has.. -kell.New Testament club, 8, Ha!'kell.Tomorrow.Divinity Chapel. 11 :!iO. Haskell.Chapel Senior Colleges of Arts, Lit­erature and Science. men and women,12. ;\Iandel.Puhlic Lectur� "Japan in China,"4, Harper.Zoology duh. 4 :30, Zoology 29"�Iathematical club, 4 :30, Ryerson37.Director A. A, Stagg returned tog-ame will he the decisive one of the tthe Univcrsitv last Friday, after w�season. The fact that the Maroons months in Florida. The "Old Manhan' developed into a good scoring , thatis completely cured of rheumatismmachine in addition to being one of ' . b ttertroubled him last fall, and is 10 etho best defensive teams in the Con-health than he has been for years.fercncc, will improve the chances t theH� arrived in time to speak a.against the leaders. h hSkull and Crescent dinner for .)g=============-=====- �chool foothall stars Friday evcDJ�g,The Junior class picture will he and also saw the Maroon defe .. t p .... l),k.� m to purl'111Ptaken without fail today at 12:00 at and then lead the trac �afthe east entrance of Ha.qkell. on Saturda'y for the opening meet 0the season. The University preacher for Sunday,February 8, will be the Rev. ElijahAndrews Hanley of Rochester, N, Y.)11'. Hanley was formerly a Divinitystudent here, graduating in 1910. Af­ter leaving here �Jr. Hanley went toProvidence. R, I., where he was rectorof the First Baptist church. He re­mained in Providence until he was'called to he presirlent of Franklincollege, Franklin, Ind" a position whichhe left to a�sum(' his present office asrector of the First Baptist Church,Rochester, N. y, XOTICE.All men. seniors, juniors and sopho­mores-who have been helping out theSaturday morning prep sehool trackmeets are requested to be present atan important meeting today at 3 inthe "C" room of Bartlett gymnasium.Any other men interested are in\'itedto be pr�ent.Charles HiJ:J:ins,Colville Jackson1============================,''';'... ''..: (\ . �r •.l.t'�.J.�- 2 THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1920m � � II a i In mar a an event, and part of the duty of this McKinney will talk to the Accounting IW .p � � column is to call \lttention to activities group on the subject of "C. P. A.'s." i,worthy of support.It is for no ulterior thotive that the ARTHUR HOFFMAN. '10 DEAD IExecutive Council has arranged the OF PNEUMONIA ON SUNDAY Imatches between Kieckhefer and Mo- •Published mornings, except Saturday, ISunday and Monday during the Au- rin, because the smoker is free to the Was Star �laroon Athlete of 1917-10 Itumn, Winter and Spring quarters members of the Reynolds club, and -Captained National Champion- Iby the Daily Maroon company. for this occasion guest tickets have ship Five,been issued. Rather it is to show theEDITORIAL DEPARTMENT men of the campus that the club is Arthur C. Hoffman, former uni\"er-!The Staff hying to do things worth while. The sity of Chicago athlete, died last Sun-IJOHN E. JOSEPH .. Managing Editor club is 'a place for recreation; doubt- day from an attack of pneumonia. He IJohn Ashenhurst News Editor less the Executive Council would ap- was prominent in athletics during his IRose Fischkin News Editor prove such a statement. But there college years, especially in football!Helen Ravitch News Editor are many ways of taking recreation, and basketball. He played guard and;Howard Beale Asst. News Editor some of them go<!d,. some of them tackle on the Varsity team in 1907-08- iWilliam Morgenstern, Athletic Editor no good. Never has the Reynolds club 09. played basketball on the Chicago],Harold Stansbury .... Feature Editor stood for senseless, loafing recreation, squad in 1908-09-10, and was captain IH B· d N' ht Ed't and the matches Friday are one way of the basketball team which won the:1arry 11' •••••••••••• Ig 1 orErnest Fribourg Night Editor of demonstrating the stand taken. To national intercollegiate championshipHerbert Rubel Day.Editor read a lesson into a game of billiards in 1908 by defeating Pennsylvania.might be construed as going a little He has been a Big Ten official in both IBUSINESS DEPARTMENT far, but after; all, there are lessons football and basketball for several:!The Staff in all things. years. L.------------------------------.GRANT MEARS-Business Manage If the Reynolds club has gone toHenry Pringle .. Advertising Manage) the expense and trouble of arrangingKeith Kindred .. Circulation Manager this exhibition (and it is an expense Subscribe to the Daily MaroonLaurence Tibbits Asst. Cir.Mgr because the club's sole income are the and Get All the Campus NewsRobert Birkhoff Asst. Cir. Mgr quarterly dues and it is trouble be-The Student' NewspaPff .r theUniversity of Chiea�ocause the gentlemen who are to ex-Entered as second class mail at the hibit their skill are famous) it de­Chicago postoffice, Chicago, Illinois serves the support of the men. TheMarch 13, 1906, under the act of success of this smoker will determineMarch 3, 1873. whether the club's new policy alongthe line of entertainment will be fol-SUBSCRIPTION RATES lowed up.vwhether the 'club will haveCalled for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a other famous men and women alongquarter. other lines of work to entertain itsBy Carrier, $2.50 a year; $1.qo a members.quarter. To The Daily Maroon such a policyBy Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50 seems a worthy one, especially in aa quarter. community which stresses the ideathat recreation should not be minusEditorial Rooms Ellis 14Telephone Midway 800Business Office Ellis i4Telephone Midway 800'Tuesday, February 3, 1920=SETTLEMENT NIGHT •.Collegiate activities judged from astandard of efficiency and business­like results are on the whole very laxaffairs. Elaborate programs andplans and campaigns generally reduce� themselves to hit-or-miss last minute brain-work.CAMPUS CLUB WILL HOLDBUSINESS 1\IEETING WITHSMOKER TOMORROW AT 7�oci�lI Committee Plans Entertainmentin Reynolds Club-Zimmermanin Charge of Arrangements. .,The sociai committee of the Campusclub has announced a smoker to beheld tomorrow at 7 in the Reynoldsclub. The smoker is a combinationtr ansactions. Great plans are moreoften mentally outlined than actually entertainment and business meeting.- Frances Zimmerman, chairman ofthe social committee, is in charge ofthe arrangements."The social committee promises agood time to every member in attend­ance," ,said �immerman, yesterday. "Inaddition to the smokes there will be re­freshments and a program that willexhibit the entertainingtalent of 'Someof the Campus club men."_ President Grant Mears urged aCredit is due to everyone connected large crowd to be present at the enter­with the affair. To be very general tainment. "I am _ anxious for a fullthe management should, be lauded. 'attendance at the smoker," he saidA pparently the executive work was yesterday. "We have some very im­very carefully handled. The financial portant business to put before the clubside, as the total profit has demon- and every member should feel it" hisstrated, has never been taken care duty to be present."of in a better fashion.Settlement Night, 1919, deservesthe honest eongrntulafions of the Uni- COMMERCE CLUB GROUPSvcrsity, For a change we have had ST ART DISCUSSING 'l'ODA Yput into effect.Consequently it is always apleasureto discover, once in a while, an under­graduate activity which is "developedand consummated successfully-thic:;year's Settlement Night may beclassed in the genre of true successes.Financially, first of all it was unusualin result; in other ways it'seemed tohave met the approval of the campus.a campus success.BILLIARDS.Rather a peculiar subject for a col­devoted to "reforming the world," buteven the method of a man's leisurehours, the way he takes his entertain­ment, is an index to his character. Allthc gentlemen of the world, they saYaplay billiards because it is a gamethat requires skill and brain cxer­tion. A very general statement, butcertainly worth consideration as such.The Executive Council of the Rey­nolds club has gone to the trouble ofarranging an "affair," a smoker andJLn exhibition of billiard-skill for nextFriday night. This exhibition de­serves the serious attention of under­graduates, in this case just the men,just as much as any undergraduate Advertising and Selling Sections Meetat 4-Students Are In Charge.The Commerce Club will hold thefirst discussion groups this week. RuthPlimpton and Harold McCarty willlead the Advertising and Sellinggroups respectively today at 4 inClassics 10. Walter Spiess will leadthe group on Foreign Trade today at4 in Cobb 108 and Frederick Winter­hoff, the group on Factory Manage­ment at the same time in Cobb 11 b.Joseph Thomas will speak on Personneltomorrow at 4 in Cobb 8 b and FrankAnderson \\;11 lead the group on Bank­ing at the same time in Cobb 11 b.Nira Cowan will lead the Secretarialgroup Thursday at 4 in Cobb 15 b, andLloyd Flora wiJI speak on Accountingat the same time in Cobb 10 b. Mr. HOTEL CUMBERLANDNEW YORK CITYBroadway at Fifty-fourth Street."Broadway" cars from Grand CentralDepot.Kept by a college man.Ten minutes walk from theatres.Rooms with bath, $2.00 and up.Special rates for college teams andstudents.HARRY P. STIMPSONManager.The Cumberland does more school and college busi­ness than any other hotel in New York. Headquartersfor Chicago.Buy Your Prom Tickets at the Maroon OfficeHours: 12-12:30; 4-5:00,Yo U can throw any kind oflight on Murad, 'and findthem 100% pure Turkishtobacco, the world's most famoustobacco for cigarettes. It is thisfamous tobacco that makes Muradthe famous cigarette."You can't make a silk purse out of asow's ear:' Neither can you make a realenjoyable cigarette out of any other thanTurkish tobacco.Peoplel-listen to this talk_:'it's all foryour good. It's your money you're spending.I t is bue that "ordinary" cigarettes costa trifle less. 'Judge lor y�rself-!��4!� , .1.. e.• ,,,.. ,e••..•••. '.,••••, .",., .,, .•.. ..•· ...• ••. '-1••4 ")••, '10,•,. -, �\., ., THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1920 3FEDERATION GIVES G£NERAL.COUNCIL DINNER TODAY AT 6." The Federation of University Wom­en will give a general council dinnertoday at 6 in Ida Noyes hall. A dis­cussion on "After College, What?"will be held in the library. A singwill be held "Tuesday, Feb. 10, underthe auspices of the Federation.Special invitations have been sentto one hundred women, but all cant­pus women have been invited to at­tend.VARSITY TRACK MENEASILY WINNERS INMEET WITH PURDUE Plan Discussion of "After College-­What?" At Meeting Tonight­Hold Sing 'Next Week.Get Seven Out of Ten Firsts-Charlie Higgins StarsIn Shot Put.MAROON SQUAD TAKES RELAYTaking seven out of ten firsts, theMaroons overwhelmed Purdue in thefirst meet of the indoor track seasonat LaFayette Saturday night. In ad­dition, Hall of Chicago tied with Ed­mundson of Purdue for first in thepole vault, and Harris tied with Reed "The subject for discussion at to-in the quarter mile. The score was night's dinner is a very important one,54 1/2 to 31 1/2. especially t� the women of Senior col-Charlie Higgins featured in the lege," announced Eleanor Atkins, pub­meet with a shot put of 46 ft. H4 in., licity chairman for the Federation.nearly ten feet farther than his clos- "Martha Grossman, chairman of theest opponent. In the quarter mile, Vocational Guidance committee, is ar­Harris and Reed made a close race of ranging for a series of lectures to beit, finishing in a dead heat Furnas of given by prominent business womenPurdue, who was Otis' chief rival in of Chicago. 'Ve expect that campuse the Conference cross-country at Co- women will derive great benefit fromlumbus, was outdistanced by the 1\Ia- these lectures."roon in the mile. Captr Speer and Ar-chie Jones captured first and secondrespectively, in the half-mile. Th; INDlVJDUAL EVENTS FORMaroons won the relay in 3:54. GYM MEET ANNOUNCED,)lacDonald Takes Dashes. Department Post Schedule of Points-, The forty yard dash and the forty to Be Awarded Classes in Contest.yard high hurdles were both won byFrank McDonald, the fast sophomore Individual events, which will countsprinter. who gives promise of devol- toward the number of total points foroping into one of the best dash men in -each class in the gymnastic contest atthe west. The time in these events the end of this quarter are now postedwere .04 4/5 and .053/5. in the main gymnasium of Tda NoyesA summary of events: hall.Forty yard dash-Won by w. F. The events listed are as follows:McDonald, Chicago J. P. Butterfield, Rope climbing: 8 feet-l point, 16Purdue, second: J. R. Rohner, Purdue, feet-1 point.third. Time,:04 4-5. Horses: Front vault-l point, FrontFour hundred and forty yard dash vault in form-;L point.-Po E. Reed. Purdue, and 1\1. R. Har- Squat vault-l point, Squat vauit inris, Chicago, tied for first; B. D. Cohen form-l point.of Chicago, third. Time, :55. Boom: Window vault-l point, sameEight hundred eighty yard 'run-Won" }ri form; r point," -by S. S. Speer, Chicago; A. B. Jon�s, Ladder: Swinging travel-l point,Chicago, second; A. N. Young, Purdue, same in form-l point.third: Time, 2:07' 1-5. Climb and descend rope--l point.One mile run-Won by G. L, Otis, Running high jump: 3 feet, 1 point.Chicago; C. C. Furnas, Purdue, sec- Basketballe 1 out of 5, 1 point; 2ond; L., R. Dooley, Chicago third. Time, out of 5, 1 point; 3 out of 5, 1 point... :33 2-3. Balance Beams: High knee bendTwo mile run-Won by Walter Bow- walk, 1 point, same in form, 1 point;ers, Chicago; H. J. Moore, Chicago, Leg rotation, outward walk, 1 point;second; S. S. Little, Purdue, third. same in form, 1 point.Time, 10:11 4-5. Flying rings: Reverse hand stand,Forty yard high hurdles-Won by 1 point, same in form, 1 point.F. W. McDonald, Chicago; M. M. Swimming: 10 points count as 1Smith. Purdue, second; S. B. McGreg- point; 20 points as' 1 point; 30 pointsor, Purdue, third, Time, :05 3-5, as 1 point.· (Points now made onMile relay-Won by Chicago. Time swimming schedule.)3:54.Running high jump-A. N. Young,Purdue, and H. H. Bendixon, Purdue,tied for first, 5 feet 6 inches; PaulHarter, Purdue, and F. R. Schneberg­er, Chicago, tied for third, 5 feet 5inches.Pole vault-C. B. Edmundson, Pur­due, and ,B. T. Han, Chicago, tied forfirst, 11 feet; S. B. McGregor, Purdue,third, 10 fect, 9 inches.Shot put-Won by Charles Hig­gins, Chicago; 46 feet.7 3-4 inches;C. R. Fouche, Chicago, second; 37 feetU inches; R. S. Miller, Purdue, third;36 feet 1 inch. COMMERCE CLUB TICKETSFOR QUARTER NOW ON SALE. Commerce club tickets fox: this quar­. ter are now on sale. They may be ob­tained from the office of the school ofCommerce hnd Administration andfrom the members of the. Finance com­mitteez Theodore Janowsky, MauriceBrody, Robert Ballinger, Ruth Plimp­ton. Lloyd Flora, Robert Anderson,Mary Budde, M. Livingston and Mari­on Hewitt.PIPER LIFTS MYSTERIOUSSECOND VEIL IN CAP ANDGOWN ADVERTISIN� PAGE Woodlawn Trust& Savinfs BankThe second veil in the Cap and Gownmystery advertising campaign waslifted yesterday when Business Man­agcr, Carl Piper 'announced that a freecopy of the 1920 yearbook will be giv­en to the person who hands in the besteight reasons for the superiority ofthis year's Cap and Gown.] Thc firstseven reasons were printed i!1 thespecial Cap and Gown edition of theMaroon which appeared yesterday.The eighth reason must be handedin to Box 280, Faculty Exchange incare of Car�Piper. 'WooDLAWN AVENUEAt Sixty-Third Street�Nearest Bankto theUniv�rsity of Chicago• SENIOR WOMEN TO LUNCH Woman's Club Pledges Two.TOGETHER EVERY TUESDAYIN IDA NOYES REFECTORY Phi Delta Upsilon announ�s theI pledging of Gladys Boethcher ofSenior women are to eat lunch to- Adams, Wis., and Genevive Hipp ofgether every Tuesday in Ida Noyes ,I Oak Park, Illinois,hall. The round table in the cornerBuyYourProlTITicketsGuaranteed Goods are YourProtection.Insist on the original.Sold by all reliable dealers,Lifton Mfg. Co. : New Yorkhas been reserved for this purpose.The purpose of these luncheons is to Subscribe to the Daily Maroondevelop class spirit and promote Ifriendship among the women of theSenior class."All Senior women are urged to Private DANCING Lessonscome as often as they can," said Flor-I In a course of five lessons ($5.00)once Faulkenau yesterday. "This is lone can acquire the steps of tJie. . Waltz, One-step, and Fox-trot. Sociala experiment, and those m charge arc I dancing class Monday Eve at 8 P. M.anxious to make it a succful one." LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIO1541 E. 57th St. Hyde Park 2314BRIEF CASESMUSIC FOLIOS iSTUDENT CASES DORIS HAT SHOP1151 E. 55th StreetNear UniversityattheMaroon. Office Snappy Spring StylesNow Ready ForYour InspectionPatronize Maroon AdvertisersIIHours: 12--12: 304--5 :00The Official Photographer of CAP AND GOWN, '20Special Rates to U. of C. Students. ..DA'CUERRE STUDIO11�_2_18_S_0-.ol!!U_th_W_Ta_e�_.as_w_ha_:_aV_s:_·_52_7_f_or_c_A_:_PO_Iin_�_A_en_G_t._O_'_I_L_L_. ___Quality ClothesFor College MenExpressing the highest ideals of the distinc­tive dresser.Fabrics- which' will gain individuality foryou at any gathering.They are pleasantly differentcommonplace-s-and you'llfaction of knowing' thechoice is confined to you for we carrybut one or two lengths of -each, from thesatis.the'ofhavepattern yourFoster & Peterson. Correct,. Dressers of Young Men-7th Floor Republic Building State and Adams StreetsTelephone 8216 Harrison,".I!"2' ,"J \J.: . 4 THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1920•The Ca1"pul,..rl.i,,--t!:,SURPRISE.Oh, what joy was oursTo learn there would beAbs'Iutely no flowers,By official decree.We thought the committeeWas trying to doSomething clever or witty,But, gosh! It is true. is done. Buy your class tickets early.Elections are the 13th."TRY these on your Victrola," ad­vertises the Reynolds club, and showsbilliard diagrams.IS it reasonable to call 'em "recordshot ?"Garcon.Official Notices__'_A meeting of all Cap and Gown sub­scription solicitors will be held todayat 3 in the Cap and Gown office.The World Problems Forum will beTHE managing editor has got the addressed today at 4 :30 in Harper As-blues. Everybody he meets asks him sernbly room. by S. A. D. Boggs onhow he likes what Percy Hammond the subject, "The Peculiar Needs ofsaid about his "Tiger, Tiger" review.What makes John sore isn't the factthat Percy Hammond talked' aboutsome other "pupil of Dean Linn's" andnot John at all but the fact that hisfriends had read his stuff so cursorilythat they didn't know that Percycouldn't possibly have been talkingabout him.Somebody Suggests "The Lady or TheTiger?"Eddie Waful-Ruth Bowra and I India."SPORT SHORTSDartmouth and the University ofWashington have scheduled a footballgame for November 23, when the new$500,000 Washington stadium will bededicated. Buy Your Prom Ticketiat the Maroon Office II"Join an Eastern University, and seeare going to tryout together for the America."Dramatic club. What vehicle do yousuggest? Nebraska and Minnesota are bothBelasco Dooley - Beauty and the to have new stadiums, in the popularBeast. horseshoe shape.SPEAKING of Waful, he is seeking aname for his new magazine. He feelsthat he should not call it the Literary Superstition even here?We wonder that some sport writerMonthly because he himself is one ofthe contributors. This department, hasn't spoke of basketball as the Ma­roon's "long suit." We could comeback with some breezy repartee.with us.WHA T has become of the enthusi­asm so long supposed to be an attri­bute of college youth? When twoyoung things advertise in this depart­ment for twp young undergraduatesmen to take them to the Big Affairon February 20, the male student body,except such of its members as are al­ready signed up for that evening,would he expected to be startled outof thc conventional seven year'sgrowth in a stampede to be first inanswering the ad. Arc the require-Iments too stiff? Is our good judge­ment being' impugned behind ourback? What is the reason that theseyoung women, who have probably notmissed a prom since coming to thisUniversity a year ago, will be obligedto do the Alice-sit-by-the-fire through­out the late evening of February 20and the early morning of -February21 ? The ad is st ill unanswered, Why,man. can't you sec opportunity knock­intr ? Can't you hear her waiting atthe door ?ALLF.� HOLLOWAY comes for­ward to socond the nomination of)Tariall Daly for the title of so-call edstar of the Frcshma� class. )11'. Hol- The Illini are preparing for a heavycampaign."Felmley had the flu, and is so weakhe cannot walk, Wilson has a twistedThe downstate teams start pavingthe way long before they get in� ac­tion.They said the same thing before theOhio game, but they won that one.Birkhoff is crowding Carney of theIllinois team for first place, with atotal of 79 points to Carney's 83. Hours: 12-12:304-5:00 'e',--�""".. ',,'Business Success andGood Clothesgenerally go hand Inhand.There is a certain in­conspICUOUS smart­ness about Jerrem9sTailored C lot h e sthat grves you thatcomfortable feelingthat what you haveon is "RIGHT. t9 •Plans Under WayFor Annual W.A.A.Circus on Feb. 27(ContinlUd from page 1)promised that this section will be oneof the best parts of the Circus.Plans Reported Well Under Way."Plans are 'Well under way for theCircus," Kate Smith, chairman of thepublicity committee, said yesterday."Posters announcing the various feat­ures are now being made by the artdepartment of the School of Educa­tion. Rehearsals are being held allthis week. Each member of a com­mittec who is not informed as to itstime and meeting place should get intouch with the chairman of her com­mittee. It is not yet too late forthose who are interested to sign upfor some part of the Circus." Psi Upsilon Pledges Hartung.Psi Upsilon announces the pledgingof George Hartung of Joliet, Ill.Delta Sigma Phis Pledge.The Delta Sigma announces thepledge of Karl 1\[. Guyer, of LaPorte,Indiana.Divinity School Scores. Victory.The Divinity school defeated theMaywood Theological seminary Thurs­day by a score of 24 to 9. Davis of the'home quintet starred, scoring five fieldgoals and four free throws.MIDWESTTYPESETIINGCOMPANY510 - 512EAST SIXTY-THIRDSTREETPRINTERS andLINOTYPERSSPECIAL ATTENTIONTO�IVERSITY WORKPrtntflna of The Dan,. Maroonforever to somebody's rescue, uninvit­ed, suggests the folowing. He cantake his pick:.Waful's-Hot off the Grill.Erudite Eddie's Edifying Edition.The Campus Cosmopolitan.Anybody's.,The Revue of Revues.The Saturday Evening Tea-Dance. knee."The Useless Companion.Other suggestions '\\iII gladly be re­ceived at this office and turned overto the embryonic magazine editorprovided he is still on speaking terms Suit and Extra Trousersa t$60, $65, $75and UpwardsGarments for all occa­sions.!ijIIItIII IIII,--____,;;.__------,,Tailor lor Young Men(7 North LaSalle St.THREE 314 S.Michigan Ave.STORES: l71 East l\fonr� St.Get the Winning Silks r�lALLINSON'S'"1'9' Silks de LuxeThe College Girl is assured offactors that win fashion's favor inINDESTRUCTIBLE ·VOILEPUSSY WILLOW DEW. KISTKU�ISI·KUMSA NEWPORT CORDDREAM CREPE FISHER.MAIDTHISLDU ROSHANARA CREPEKLiMAX SATIN KHAKI.KOOLCHINCHI�L'\ SATIN( � II TrilJ,·,'llIrj NII""stB, tit, ;yard at tit, IUSI Silk n,partnunts­i" ""tirint appar,1 at ,ht' better Garln,,,'D,portm,"ts and Class SI'ODSIoway is a man of acknowlcdrred tastein such mattr-rs and g-i\'es his endorse- A �,:\'or:\'CF. prBLTCITY :\'F.�mont without reservation or much FOR BAS){ETBA LL TOURNEYthouzht. So sure of himself is he thathe does this without even knowing Membe-rs of the Publicity Committeewhether Miss Daly is a member of for the Second Annual Basketball In­Kr-nny Moore's Cl11h or not. Molly tcrscholastic were announced vestcr­Clark has heon rl,.leJ!'atcd to question (lay hy Harry Willinrns and Williamher as to her eligihility for election ��loJ'gcnstel-n. They are: Harry Biro,to that society. Lennock Grcy, Arvid Lunde, Herbert:\Iarion Amy. the original so-caned Rubel, and Francis Zimmerman.star of the Freshman class, is giving The committee will meet this after-this candidate daily lessons in how it noon at 5 in Ellis 3. TI" Ifart1r.11": 1.l,INSON " ,. -.',· r .I••• ill, ,.. ,: -.. ,, . "....• t •,•4 •,._''.