4,.•,::..�· { ·fj ....4 l, "tII iJ (�: J· , �� ...J4I, J�"I 'I�. {.f,) :i) f;\, "fI"ri\: �. (! �jl,.. Mel'I'jam '" ....2701920 CAP AND GOWN EDlTION,at aroonVol. 18. No, 63 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1920 Price Five CentsCap Gown Campaign Opensand! LARGE SECTION OF ITOCONTAINABOUT ,SCANDAL MONGERS 1920CAPANDGOWN [SUBSCRIPTION DRIVE FOR BIGSIXTY FOUR PAGES I TO GET REAL oe. FOR ORGANIZATIO�Si 1920 EDIT. ION STARTS TODAY. - ',- PORTUNITIES -.' iN-Plan Larger and �icher De-I RAP AND POUND Fraternities Will Have Fourlpartment Than In 1919 I Pages Instead of Two in i "DoCap and Gown. I New Issue. I--- I Ho!-campus scandal mongers! The--- ICOACH PAG.E WIUTES REVIEW 11tap and PouI]d will be with us. as; NEW SOCIETIES OCCUpy SPACE___ I usual this year as the one and onlY! _In keeping' with the policy of enlal'g-l original funny bone of the Cap and! Practically everv organization on I. , •I Gown 'II b' 'I The 1920 Cap and Gown will containmg all section of the Cap and Gown. . the campus WI e represented In the, , . , . ' approximately 500 pages according to, Editor NICely has announced that the J he writers of the Rap and Pound 1920 Cap and Gown, This year the 'T'hi' ion thi '11 b bi } . f ' ti d rt t 'II b 1 the announcement by Harold N icelvat etic section t IS year WI e igger t 11:-; year are amous for their ability ortraruza Ion epa men WI e arger." : '., d ri her I I' h id f I' d' I' th h t f editor of this veal's annual. Thism size an ric er In qua ity t an ever to see the funny �I e 0 ife, Their an more InC usive an ere 0 ore. ",before. The 1919 book devoted forty names are secrets, but suffice it to say Last year, because of the war, numer- means that the book will be almosttwice the size of the annuals of thepages to sports but the coming volume that both are hard and fast cynics, ous clubs were not at all representedwill include twenty-four pages more both have been dissappointed in love while others were forced to be satisfiedthan that. and grade points, both have been with the limited space. SocietiesThe Cap and Gown staff believes ready to assign their selves to the which were inactive during the warthat such a radical enlargement of this hriny deep of Lake Michigan several and new organizations which havesection will be welcomed by the cam- times, in fact both possess those oli-I just recently sprung up will be wellpus, in as much as Chicago teams have gocene sour pickle characteristics represented in this year's year book.during the past year played a leading which distinguish all famous humor-I These new societies are desirous ofpart in conference athletics. Evidence ists. having themselves known and areof a =>!imulated interest in contest", But here's the dope, aside from the therefore choosing a page or two forthey poin: out, is the fact that every authors,-get all the sneaky stuff on Cap and Gown Publicity.football game last fall was played toATHLETIC SECTIONIt !" Is Slogan as Fair Co-eds Scour Quad­rangles for Subscribers-"Lotsof Reasons Why.". It was soon evident that their driveThe first of seven veils was rippedfrom campus mystery today when aplatoon of the University's fairestgirls deployed from Ellis hall, and withpencils for bayonets began an attackon pocketbooks that explained 'WhatWill Happen February 2?' by institut­ing the campaign for subscriptions tothe 1920 Cap and Gown.Col. Carl Piper, business managerof the annual, was, at the head of thebeauty squad. and a corp of masculinepencileers brought up the rear,last two years. .Due to the fact that the exigenciesof the war situation are past.BusinessManager Carl Piper has obtained fromthe. Board of Student Publications per­mission to print a Cap and Gown thisyear which will compare favorablywith the annuals put out by other in­stitutions, both in size and complete-ness of the issue. . ( ..Drive Will Be Irresistible.". Staff Spares No Expense. will be irresistible. For the past week,the campus vamps and tea hou.nds and F t iti t h f . the colonel has been conducting classes, , ra erm res are 0 ave our pagesPhi Beta Kappa candidates and save d W 'CI b t 'th The staff has spared' no expense in in salesmanship in the C & G offices,, . ., ,an omen sus wo pages In ePrint Individual ··C" Pictures. It In a little blue envelope till you hear C d G L t f te iti order to make this year's book the and in the opinion of those who first, I ap an OW!1. as year ra rnmesA special feature will be individual the details of the great mystery con- I' 'ted t tw f thei best in the history of the University, responded to the pencil's plea theI'd were irm 0'0 pages or err It has announced that all the "Rea-mounted pictures of the winners of test. t s goo. I I representation. It was found that this fairer of the agents have become ex-. the "C," Fifteen pages will be given ... f . t' h sons" .it claims for itself and which pert in the art of extracting the lOnely' :. ,_amQun" � _ sp� ,�as _no enoug,. • ...,. .;' =: .' •over to�footbal[ There Will be"inore - .. - -: -- .- --: facts 'that'- shoul�i' lia�e 'be�"8"dd�d .lWpear·JnAanothe!"'·.colum�, ..... -eaa-i-be ,dona'r'from its'hidblg ,plaee:"--'�-"'" - .. -_.. .. �.cuts than ever before. Pictures of PROMISE PUBLICATION OF were necessarily left out. An engrav- backed up. The business manager has � Bythe time the profs began amv-'the different players in action and the PORTRAITS OF PROFESSORS ed seal will mark the opening of each told the editorial staff to go and order ing at Cobb to discuss matters of lesserconference games will be in abund- fraternity represented which will in- all the cuts and make any additions moment, these argumentative co-edsA .f th W' in F' Co-Eds W'II H K k r they' want in order to improve the had ded ' . h fi i:.ance. panorama 0 e isconsi air 1 ave eepsa es 0 elude four pages. On the second page, succee In weanng out t e rstgame covering two f�ll pages and Favorite Instructors When Cap and there will be an informal: picture ot book. batch of pencils and ,sales -books andshowing all the details of the captain- Gown Appears. I each chapter. The third page will in- "No expense has been spared," said were stuffing their pockets with theelect's hair will be a ·unique addition ---. II elude a formal group picture of the Business Manager Piper yesterday, potent greenbacks-coherent evidenceto book's usual make-up. Your Prof. .fraternity and the names of the mem- "and we want the campus to know it. of the eagerness with which the stu-A review of the past season and the That monument of scholarly erudi-I bel'S, and the last page will have a Of course �hey wilt w?en they. get the dent body is awaiting the publicationprospects for next has been passed on tion, that �· .. ;�-jnspiring symbol of wis- picture of the local house and the list thev but If they d�nkt sfubscnbe �ow of the book that will record its ac-by the ultimate authority on such will dorn. and serenity, that sovereign \ ...·ho 01 chapters. I theybrunk a c: ns. 0, not gettmg tivities in imperishable type. .be an article by Coach "Pat" Page. h ld If' the h 11 f t e 00 w en It IS Issued nexto s your we are In 0 ow 0 • " 1,000 Subscriptions Goal.Women's Clubs Have Two Pages. �pnngTf;) Reproduce Page's Cravat. his hand, that towering, intellectual,• •. . ..• h stupendous-. Women's clubs will have two pages Special Features Numerous.�asebal1 will receive as muc space . ..11 Th 1 t snri And yet-! each, Instead of one page as was the Among the special features of thi�as basketball. e season as spring �. . . .f 1 b t t ith Your prof has his human Side, too, custom In the last two Issues. The year's annual are colored borders withwas not very success u, u no WI -• • • • ". . I . k 'II b ted on ' his little eccentricities, his own char-I extra page Will prevent crowding and an original design fitting and charac-standing htt e In WI e was� on .,.. . ..'" '" "P ts" ti acteristics. You'll be glad enough to WIll enable more information to be teristic of the University. There arealibis. Recko��Jl1ZInhg rta taS rfsu�lelrs 1-remember these things when' the given. Each club will have a section also to be colored cuts to add pep andtion on nec ties, tea S WI en-deavor to reproduce his luckiest cJ?ovat. course is over, when the examination by itself, making the writeup appear kick to the different departments with-As in the past, each minor sport \\;11 (COfttiftusd Oft fHIIIe 8) (Ccmtitaued Oft 'PfJ#. 4) In the covers. The sections have allhave one page which will have on it. been enlarged and much material hasin compact form, the results of the been added to each. Cartoons are tob f d th h t th b k d th rHOSE GOOD OLQ DAYS-mccts as well as' a cut or two, . e oun roug ou e 00 an eSnapshots in Women's Section. An Annual with Reasons art section is said to be of exceptional YOU'LL SEE 'EM AGAINThe feature part of the women's ath- excellence.letic Rection will of course be the HERE THEY ARE ------rapacity crowds,• t >snap�hots which, the editor states,have been well chosen. Some, he adds,are in the nature of �coops. Irving Stieglitz Is Right There WithPiCtures That Tickle the Eye­They'll All Be in the Big Book.The drive, Col. Piper explained, wiIInot slacken until the trenches separat­ing the agents from a 1,000 Cap andGown subscription list have beentaken.And the campaign, slyly organizedso as to interest the general studentbody as those whose elevation neces­(CotatiMIM 011 page 2)SUBSCRIBE FROM THESESTUDENTSThe 1920 Cap and Gown will-'Record accurately all the occasional events on theCampus.Promote a firmer bond of friendship among theclasses.Contain an account of all items of importance Inevery college in the University.Provide for clubs and organizations a permanentroll of interesting data, which will be easilyaccessible.. Perpetuate Campus traditions.Have an original feature section of interest andenjoyment to everyone.Be, infact, a Bradstreet and Social Register of theUniversity.1. Remember when you got home fromFollowing is a partial list of stu- that foot-ball game-cold and exciteddents who are soliciting subscriptions and pretty proud of the old Varsity?for the Cap and Gown. Subscriptions You tried to describe it all to the un­may also be obtained from all mem- fortunate�, who mi!;�ed it-that thrill-bers of the Cap and Gown staff. iTlg nIn down the field, dodgingRobert Adler. through the line, throwing off a tackle,IIDO IT NOW! I. INo matter how hard you are �ving:for the Washington Prom or Al JoiRon Iiyou can afford to pa�� down one dOnalon your suhscription, and thus he as-Isured of a Cap anI"! Gown 1920. The ibook will contain material of interest IIto all. Subscribe early. 2.3.Eleanor Atking,Alvin Baum.Elizabeth Burnham,Harry Bird.Howard Beale.Grace Bennett.Robert Collins.Ernest Fribourg.William Friedman.Burdette Ford.Ellen Gleason.Frank Gebhardt.George Gordon.Paul Humphr�y.(Continued Oft -pog. ') �kirting the ends, But you couldn't�om('how, 'Vord� won't, Only theeye ran appreciate hi�tory-making in­cident� likc that, You're tickled todeath to ha\'c seen it: you hope youran remember it: you're might sorryfor tho�e who couldn't have seen it.You needn't worry. You can sce itall again and so can anyone. You cansee it clearly; you can keep the sight;you can ha\'e the th'rilling epiRooestopped and held for you, Wouldyou like a remarkable gtatue of "Red"Graham getting by man after man,I (Ccmtinu§ Oft page 2)4 .5.6.The Daily :\Iaroon Sl1J:J:cst�uOf Cour�e, the Cap and Gown ig arival of The Daily l'faroon," said JohnE. JOReph, editor of The Daily Maroon,!admittinr: a rcporter, into .hi� sanc�um IIlong enough to obtam thiS mtcn'lew,"Nevert.hcle�:-, The Daily Maroon sug-lg�� ili��u�b�ri�toilieC�II�������m�����������m�����������1and Gown, It'� grand!" i ��������������������!!!:����:!!!::2!!����7.?,� .I.' .c.'.I.I' THE DAILY MAROON. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1920 j2Your Benefit-c-Don't :Uiss It._arDon Kill Kwaint Kows' for KoversOur- Little Girl Reporter Interviews Doomed ' BeastiesDaiItly Dairymaid'- Dares DangerBY CARELESS THINK--------�The Student Newspaper .f tileUninrsity of Chicago===========::::.:--Published mornings, except Saturday,Sunday and Monday during the Au­tumn, Winter and Spring quartersby the Daily Maroon company. scribers, but it will also havea scoopon every other annual in the country.No such pictures have ever been taken,but by the new process you can havethem-If you'll "Do It."in town. "Girlie," he said to me, 'Gir-' "Buy it even though the .!!!- 1_ ?-!!!lie, why do you moo?" bowling results won't be in it," said,"Why," I answered. "I DID IT." "Hank" Moreno, during an interview."You WHAT it?" he whatted back.:\lusic Charms The Savage Bovine.EDITORIAL DEPARTMENTThe StaffJOHN E. JOSEPH .. Managing EditorJohn Ashenhurst \ News EditorRose Fischkin News EditorHelen Ravitch News EditorHoward Beale Asst. News EditorWilliam Morgenstern, Athletic EditorHarold Stansbury . , .. Feature EditorHarry Bird Night EditorErnest Fribourg Night EditorHerbert Rubel Day Editor "Oh, I'm just thinking about the,swell covers on this year's Cap andGown." I answered, picking up a tiredant and stroking it on the back."l'Ioo," I said to the city editor last "Covers ?" he interrogated, anotherFriday when the staff was getting hefty tear rolling; down his cheek andthis crazy sheet out. falling with a languishing thud on"1\100," he answered back, removing I the assiznment sheet.his hookah from his mouth and jovial- "Yes, real cow, half inch thick andI�' slapping. the managing editor on Maroon in color."t ne desk. "I never saw a maroon cow, J never")100;' I reiterated. "is right." i -" began the editor, standing on theThe city editor chewed up several I other foot for a while and a rest.pencils and looked pensively out of I "Boola boola," I answered and wentthe window. He has a dear little wife lout and sneeked into a moyie.Moo, 'moo, moo, moo.BUSINESS DEPARnlENTThe StaffGRANT l\IEARS-Business ManageHenry Pringle .. Advertising Manage)Keith Kindred .. Circulation ManagerLaurence Tibbits Asst. Cir.MgrRobert Birkhoff Asst. Cir. Mgr. 0 YOC SAY YOU RE:\IE:\IBEI�- the cost of last year's wafer annualTHE:\ WOULDN'T YOU LIKE was two dollars and this year's chunkyTO SEE IT OYER ,AG ... \lN'! one only three.To put a bit of pep in the proceed­ings, it was announced as the co-edsswarmed across the quadrangles with, their teasing eyes and pencils that aSUBSCRIPTION RATES' You remember that game with wi:--l free subscript.ion will be given to theconsin last Novernber ? I first person who collects and bringsCalled for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a No, not the score. Of course every I to the Cap and Gown five of the 'Whatquarter. loyal son of Maroon has forgotten thatl Happen:' February 2?' posters thatBy Carrier, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a long since. But the rest of it - the have done so much to flavor the open-quarter. crowd, one of the largest that eyer ing of the subscription campaign.By Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50 paid its way in to Stagg Field; the ',.Another Way to Saw.clean, crisp air, with' just enough tingin it to make you full of life and in-Editorial Rooms Ellis 14 terest, and not enough to make youTelephone )[idway 800 shimmy: the level gridiron, flanked Noyes hall on Priday afternoon.Business Office Ellis 14 with piles of hay; tne husky players; I� I'-"ery coup e attending the sessionTelephone Midway 800 and all the rest. will be gi"en a number, and then willdraw numbers from a bat after allhave been placed therein. Certain ofEntered as second class mail at theChicago postoffice, Chicago, Illinois P f P T B R II d Fanorama 0 ep 0 e eca e 'orMarch 13, 1906, under the act ofMarch 3, 1873.a quarter. Another chance for free subscrip­tions of the annual will be given thosewho frolic at the Junior dance at IdaYou remember the huge walled en-Monday, February 2, 1920 closure. crowded with tiers, idle tiers,of spectators, You remember the anxi­ the couples holding certain numbersely, the tenseness, the hope and fear of will leave the floor, and the coupleyourself and of the crowd. You reFollowing the custom of many Con- that - to remain fox-trotting longest will re-member the shouts rent the ceive a subscr-iption each.ference newspapers The Daily Maroon h d heavens, an ec oing down, roared Another 0. fthe veils now shadowingit; offering a Cap and. Gown edition on an,d thundere.dr a�ross the big field and I the remaining stunts evolved by thethe day that the year book managers lost themselv es In the angles of Bart- clever staff will, it is promised, beopen their; subscription campaign. lett and Hitchcock halls. pulled from its supports shortly.What better time to talk about sub-CAP ANn GOWN.Of course you remember it all. You Shhh! You'll Know Later lwouldn't have missed it for anything. No whisper of what will happen whenC That scene, anxiety, action. thrill, I, the final veil is torn away has perco-Last year the ap and Gown met .. Ysuspense, has been preserved, With I lated to the uninitiated. but it is in-with many misfortunes, but The Daily lifelike reality it has "been caught by I timated that the final sensation wilt beMaroon is sure and has been assured th m It' 11' bi Ie ca era. IS a In one 19 PIC- i in the nature of a real surprise.'that the 1920 Cap and Gown will not ture : crowd, stands, field, players.]repeat in any way the mistakes of the even to the yard line and goal-posts.j THOSE GOOD OLD DA YS-book put out in 1!)19. Whether or not And that big picture, that panorama'i YOU'LL SEE'THE:"I AGAINof pep, will be a part of the 1920 Cap Ilast year's annual was mismanaged or Iand Gown, the subscription campaignmerely the victim of "unfortunate con- for which begins today.ditions' is neither here nor there; the ----------------1920 staff has made up its mind that " with the background cheering. loyaltythis year's book will meet the approval CAP A ND GOWN maddened grandstands? Or wouldof the campus. CAMPAIGN OPENS I you prefer a still of Elton hurdlingover the back of a Wisconsin man?scribing ?(Continued from pag� 1).Just because the campus was notsatisfied with the Cap and Gown is noreason for turning down SUbscriptionsolicitors for the 1920 book. The man­agement this year is quite new, andfrom indications thus far is quite aliveto its job, The Daily ::'\raroon has seenthe work done thus far. and it is will­ing to vouch for both the spil"it andthe ability of the J920 staff.As the various articles in thi� edi-tion t;(>stify the 1920 Cap and Gownwill he an elahorate and "old-time"hook. For the past two 01" three rearsthe annual has he('n of necc;;:sity �h­breviaterl in size. The war, the rle�lreto consen'e in timr" of a paper �hort·t· rht financial condition;.;. a "waragr, Ig . I. .'t." ... 11 that marlf' for a essunlvcr:-l > -... .1 k 1'hi:; ,'('ar, ho\\ e' er,elahorate 1)00 ' •- I n('d the fonnerthe manager� han' p an �.1 hook particlllar� of whIch arcarge, . .." .... ttercd through thlC: pape). ,::--._... . he' '(,T"ltvSturlcnt.� inter(,:-,tecl '" t e 01\....k I h('rc will he wJlhngand the wor cone -. hto han(1 O"cr "he price asked fOl t eCd Gown to the solicitors. Thoseap an y.' • d wn themse]\'eswho turn �OlICltOI so.f 1 'n" campUS-in­to the ·u<.:picion 0 )1:1,.,'ff :--t' Anrl for college stuclent�dl eren.that is a camp\l;'; 'crime. {COfttifttU<i fNJlm 'PGge I} How would you like to see a collectionof views of that powerful Maroon rna­sitatcs their pictures in the annual, chine in action-e-stopped fOI" your con­will �xplode ��w features. daily until! "e�icn('(' while yo� abso:b every de­the SIX rernammg mysteries revealed tall of pose? Action, did you say?and the co-ed pencils return to notes I Well, rather. that's our middle name.an (I themes. I And for you, if you want it.""'e'll Show 'em"-Piper. \ For' all of these remarkable photo-"We're going to t1")' and show the I graphs have heen collected into a fas­campU!'; how much it needs the Cap and I C'in'ating hi�tol�· of the year, the 1920Gown," the bu!'iness manager inform- Cap and Gown. the Annual With Rea­cd intcresting questioners. "\Ve've I sons. There are pictures from e,'eryworked hard to make the 1920 book I foothall game. chosen ones, as thetil(' he�t evcr, and expect the !'tudent I staff had a great nllmber to selecthody to hack us up with suhscriptions.1 from. Each showl" some pal-ticularThe year's acth'itic:, will he fu!ly I'e-: feature, some sp('cial rleerl of pl"owesscorded in the hook by means of para-! of a "C" man,�raph;.; and snapshots hitherto un-! The pictures arc not the ordinaryJluhlished. The staff has contracted! college annual sort. Mr. Irving E.to c1('lin'r a g-reat book; it's now lip to! Stieglitz, many year� an experiencedt}l(' campus to accept the hook, and I hanrl at taking action pictures, fur­look O\'er it� ·t80 pages." ni�hecl the Cap and Gown with moreIt was pointed out that, in order to and het(,l' action pictures of th(' gamesinsun' the acceptan�e of th� hooks by I than have ever been had. With a newthcir suhsc)·ibers. one dollar will be arrangement '\7hich he hu." inventedc1eposit;(>d this year instead of fifty he will take action pictures of thecents as formerly. basketball games. If they are suc-Get :'\tore Valu(> For . .\mount. ccssful (and of course they ,,,,m be)But thc pcrcentage of deposit willi the Cap and Gown will not only pre­he the �ame as pre\"iou�lr, inasmuch as I s('nt something \'aluahle to its sub- Jimmy Lauds Yearbook."Begorra, ivry sthudent in tha Yoo­nivarsity shud he,' 'wan," declaredJimmy Twohig yesterday when askedas to the value of the 1920 Cap andGown.Do? I'd Ju�t Love It."Subscribe for the Cap and GO\\""!Do, do!" John Ashenhurst, news editorof The Daily �1aroon said yesterday.He is a member of the Phi GammaDelta.Wc Got LiJ.:ht From Starr."In all my travels through the landsof the Samurai and Phelistians I havenever seen a piece of literature of itsequal. Class, subscribe to the Cap andGown, for it has a good name." Thiswas the opinion of the renowned lec­ture)' and traveller. Prof. FrederickStarr. JUNIOR PICTURETUESDAYHASKELL12:00 SHARPHey, You! C'rne Over Here.""Any student at the University whodon't buy a copy of the book showshe hasn't any bringing up: It showswhere a young person was raised whenthey won't do it," was Tom Eck's wayof putting the situation.Better Than Bennett,Professor HCITick was speaking. "Ofcourse you probably have not subscrib­('d yet, but if you really desire culture,I strongly recommend for your peru­sal that highly artistic piece of work-the Cap and Gown. My friend, 1\1 r.Piper, has sent me the advancesheets."R�gistercd at the Offlce,,."It is customary for the women ofthe University to support so worthyan institution as the Cap and Gownhas shown itself to be," Dean MarionTalbot was quoted as saying. SENIORSANDORGANIZATIONHEADS:\Iearl-i Approves Campaign."If you have money left after sub­scribing to The Daily Maroon," saidGrant Mears yesterday, I would strong­ly advise you to come across for theCap and Gown." Must have their picturestakenIMMEDIA TEL YBE SURE TOWEARYOUR "I DID IT"BUTfON /i'It }\(I,. :,,...'.\.. r JI ",.... I,�. ,• i ,.," .. ..�'\.� '.Ie-..,. �.j .• , •"" . �J...."'tC�• � (#. ".\.,1. I)� '\"'.,It- .,'.. ,,. •..."�.. � ,_.. \ .' ....'.'.. r JI ',\,... I. j �'1".r"."<,"",\ THE DAILY MAROON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1920 3Tbe C(Unp ...WhinI.-"It is inconsistent with the honorsentiment to use a thing and deriveprofit from it without contributing toits support. Subscribe and back theHonor commission," George Serckurged in commenting on the 1920 Capand Gown campaign.LARGE SECTION OF1920 CAP AND GOWNFOR ORGANIZATIONS better come across with the money,"said Harry English, when asked aboutthe wisdom of subscribing to the Capand Gown.Freshmen. LeRoy Owen.Phyllis Pickett.Coventry Platt.Robert Porter.Hellen Ravitch .Herbert Rubel.Crandall Rogers.Mary Seymour.Edward Waful.Harold Walker.Cherry Wilson.H. R. Willoughby.Ruby Warner.Julia White. .Francis Zimmerman.. Chorus: "What is this Cap· andGown thing we hear so much about 1"Fraternities.Phi Gam-Bowlers and poets. Ver­satile, you might say.D. U.-Entertainers of the campus. more dignified and private. Phi Del­S. A. E.-The big three, Higgins, ta Upsilon, a new women's club willHart and Holloway. be represented.Clubs. Practically every women's club,Campus club-Less political than fraternity, honor society, class society,expected. campus club, governing body, publica-I tion literary society, musical and dra-WHY PRA�ICE AT ALL. matic club, and religious club will oc-IT will be a sight for sore eyes, a To the Whistler: I see by Friday's cupy at least one page in the annual •Cap and Gown that is more than half edition that the clowns for the circus I The pages will contain write-ups ofan inch thick. Just like the old days. are going to bezin practicing this I the organizations, names of the mem­week. Whaddyemean? -Circus Fan. bers, pictures, and a history of thesociety.(CcmtmtUCl from fHllle 1)Honor Man Urges Support.No Extra Charge For The Button.Vou want a Cap and Gown?And you're willing to admit it,Then pay a dollar downAnd tell the world: "I did it.""Tony" Hinkle Subscribes. I PROMISE PUBLICATION OFPORTRAITS OF PROFESSORS"Come on boys. Let's go," declared ---"Tony" Hinkle, famous orator and (ContmtUCi from JMge 1)president of the I. H. club, yesterday."I'm a subscriber. Why shouldn't you is handed in, when everything's saidand done-!OUROWNRAPANDPOUNnYour prof!"Come on. brothers, be gentlemen. I See his portrait in the 1&20 CapI want to be friends with you, so you'd and Gown •THIS red type (we hope it is red,now that we've mentioned it) makesthe edition look Bolshevik. All itmeans is that the Cap and Gown wantsthe capitalistic student to share hiswealth, that's all. Announce New Organizations.Among the organizations to occupyspace in the Cap and Gown whichhave never done so before are the fol­lowing: Acacia, Campus club, Com­merce club, Menorah society, Phi Del­to Phi, Phi Delta Upsilon, Pi LambdaPhi, Southern club, Spanish club, andthe Student Volunteers.(This book is respectfully dedicatedto the well-known political combinewhich made the University what it istoday. We hope you're satisfied.). Faculty.Freddy Starr: "Why did I burst in­to that outburst?"Seniors,Helen Thompson: "The reason theCap and Gown is so thick this year isbecause they had to get my activitylist in." be?"You'll be glad enough to have alasting remembrance of your prof.That's why the Cap and Gown hasprovided for a special section, contain­ing not oniy a complete roll of all thefaculty members but also pen portraitsof" famous profs, done with unerringf�ithfullness and understanding bythe best artists on the campus. Theseartists have made a special study ofthe profs-they have watched themin their classes and in their moreplayful moments-and the results aresaid to be worth while.Gurney Strongly Favors Doing It.THE following is a quotation, nota fact-s-yet: "1 have been at the University sinceits founding and it gives me greatpleasure to record my observation asto the benefits to be derived-from theCap and Gown. It is a splendid vol­ume, and I should strongly urge everyyoung undergraduate to become a sub­scriber," F. J. Gurney, assistant re-I corder, said yesterday.English Advises Subscribing."I DID it." SUBSCRIBE FROM THESESTUDENTSGarcon.Juniors.Harold Nicely: "I don't see how thespecial Cap and Gown edition of theDaily Maroon went to press with mesick that week."Sophomores.Glad Rainer: "I hope that horridold Cap and .Gown hasn't gone andput my picture on every page." Doc Is Staunch Supporter. (Continued [rom page 1)Allan Halloway,Samuel Isaly.Homer Kline.Louis Kay ton., Esther McLaughlin.Ruth Metcalfe."I hear one of the fellows talkingabout the Cap and Gown. It has beena valuable aid to me in my work, andI can recommend it highly," said Doc IBratflsh, sub-chairman of the Reynoldsclub yesterday in a personal interview. I•.. '.:'1• Ii...i ( 'Ill( '.! .,:,(� t" ·1.:; .. �� .\:r.�� .;i �'·1- 4 THE DAILY MAROON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1920TRY THESE ON YOUR VICTROLABring this sheet with you�:2-Ato the /�[//Reynolds Club Smoker.• 14...0.0. � ....... J �..... .� .... ! .,..., -,_ ....... ,........,, ,.(1.. .....•• , ",_ ••• , : ,_ "-.Friday, February 6at 8:00 P. M. Sharp '-H/-1 : ---------0• �..;.�,":.�.:.r,I":""''';L.�.-.I _. ........111 -·4��.1��..::....�· . .!- �-... _ _+_- ... IF rank Dickinson Bartlett Gymnasium., 1\., , t."' ..........1 ,, .. ,. _, , •• �-. .\ 2-£KIECKHEFFER AND M·ORIN WILL' SHOW YOU59 POINTS, 3-CUSHION CAROMS, AND 40MINUTES IN EXHIBITION OF FANCY SHOTS(" .... "- .. -<-� •. ��:! �;;��M".:t!:= =:..:. ....... ...A/� j'-8 .f'-0 (.:....n....-(_ ................... ,_,... ..��.��� .. �=�..:,-*--:_ ' �. , \'.', . -�,.- .., , ·-�,.·.__..�_._.I";�;:� .. ;:.;:;-. ,_ � -to- '-I "'-'� ::�',:',�.":y�., :::.��:-.:�..:.��:;:.� x no"..... ;�_..:.:::,,:' .... u .� ....... , ... �_,_.t""""--�i·.3-.J ._ � ",4� I, ,t•("•, ,., .I. �."•�• �• ."(•t6• ,.�• ..••• d�t. ,\! "4-� ,.,• ' .f ....•1#.) ..• I •�• ��••, ..••� �\f �AI,•� j., ' .., ..• .,. .· ...t ,., ..