VoL 18. No. 37 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY,DECEMBER�, .1919 Price .s CentsI /'0- .\,MAC DONALD ANNOUNCESSIX SENIOR COMMITTEES TWO LECTURERs OFNOTE WD.L SPEAK.aERE THIS WEEK SIX JUNIOa. .. COMMITTEESANNOUNCED BY ROGERS• .Frederick Whyte and HughWalpole Will Talk mMandel Hall.Bernard MacDonald, president of Six committeeS =- for the JuniorSELECT TEAMS AFTER CONTEST the 'Senior class, yesterday announced EXTRA SEATS PLACED ON SALE' class were annoUnced yesterday by TO GIVE PURCHASERS BUTTONSthe appointment of class committees. , Crandall Rogers� __ president. TheseThey a�e asfollows: --- committees will assume offi-.. imme-Maroon basketball men will play Two lecturers of note will s� at ---. Ticket sales for the thirteenth an-Exec, utive committee-George_ Serek diately and will be in effr-4- until n-their first game away from homE', and Florence Falkenau, .J.oint chair- ,the University this week: 1r1l-. Alex- ' .�" =, "" nual Settlement night-opened Fridayt· the Co rdi C 11 f t .. a' nder F. Whyte will talk today ·at 4 elections are held .. next year.' They fte . di tel fte -moe mg '. nco ia 0 ege ive a EI· A ki W·II· Ell are as 10UOWS •• '·· _. ..;c....... • a moon imme ia y a r mrs,. men;· · mor t ms, 1 Jam is; ,LIFort Wayn�, �n9., Saturday night. The in Mandell hall on "British Labor Un- Walton's tea, where about '125 work-colleze 'fi�:e" } .....,. ,l .... puted to be fast and Perry Herst, Roland Holloway, Buel . t," M H h Wal 1 th disti Executive committee-Keith Kin- rtai ed. Th b"i Y .,.... Hutchinson, Louis; Mammen, Marv. res. r. ug po �, e n- , ers were ente n e uttonsclever, :tt:1d 'Pat Page expects to give guished English novelist, will lecture dred, chai_�; E�en Gleason, Es- which will be given out to all pur-his Varsity men a good tryout. Milligan, Milton Weiskopf. , Thursday at S in Mandel'halL ther McLaughlin, Katherine Sisson, eh . f ick ts ·U be ad �The praetiee �eason is in. full swing Pinanee committee-Phyllis Palmer Margaret· Seymour, Margaret Tuni- di:�:Uti°on �:y a�13. re y orand Harold ·Walker, joint chairmen; The lecture today is a public one Isabelnow, and Page is giving his players and all students will be.' admittedwith- son, Watson, Rogers Combs, This year a ticket booth has been"' Leona Bachrach, Arthur <Colwell, John Hall Paul H hre Chalmplenty of work. There will be no se-·. out tickets. Mr.' Whyte is an asso- ' ump y, er opened in the old check room on theMargaret Clark, John Combs, Gtant M Willi Frank Schn be dlection of teams until after the game .. -.. ciate editor of "The New Era" arid a e a.ms,. e rger an. third floor of the west tower of Har-'tl C rdi I b·'· Mears, William M. orgenstern, ltlarlon . Harold Sippv. .-' .. �.'th ·11 be each'WI 1 onco ia, am no com ination former member of Parliament. He is J. per. This boo WI . openwil� be made �rmanent until t�e con� '::��' Helen Thompson, Hel.en Sulz-a. graduate of.:. Edinburgh college, a Social Committee�Enid Townley day from 11 to 4. Any person who- ference season IS about ready to open. Social commiitee-Josephine Gam- former Leeteur Adjoint at the Sar- and Frank Hardesty, joint chairmen; cannot find a ticket seller from- whomFrom all indications the Maroon' five bonne, and a former special eommis- Eleanor Byrnes, Gene Burtis, Edna to buy, can get tickets at this booth.- wi'U 'be better than the q' uintct which ble. and Chancellor Dougall, jOillt Eisendrath, Dorothy Lyons, Louise Open Booth in Ida Noyes HaILchairmen; Brook Ballard, Edythe. sioner on Industrial Insurance in Vi-won ten straight last season. �nna. andBudapest, McNeal, Coventry Platt, Theodore A similar booth will". be opened in\ Flack, William Gemmill, Frances He1mh 1_ RaJ h KinCapt, Hinkle, Crisler.. Neff, Madden, Henderson, .James Nicely, Mildred Supply of Tickets Exhausted. Ou., p g, Chester Mc- Ida. Noyes hall on the first floor neal"Jackson and Siegal are showing wel1 Kittrick, Harvey Page, Carl Pi�, the foot of the stairs. The Ida NoyesPowell, Frank Priebe, Elizabeth The supply.of tickets for the Hugll H be VerTau.at the guard positlons, and there arc Walker, Edith West. Walpole lecture is exhauSted,. but 150 er rt booth will be open -from 11 to 2 eachplenty-of good forwards available, in- I� ti . L di H· extra seats Wl-·11 be p,..: ... ..;,.J·on·the stage' Reception colilmittee-Doris Martin dave These ticket booths will be in-cecep Ion eommtttee-c- y ra 'l"Ick- IAC� Jeluding Birkoff, Vollmer, Cannon, Cur- ley and Jasper King, joint chairmen; -��r" persons without tiekets.: Th� and Harold Nicely, joint chairmen; charge·' of the various teams �or antis, Dougall, and Connelly. Williams, Emmett Buy, Charles Breasted, Aug:. -Wishing to oCcupy ·the stage seats may Florence Alcock; Beula Bu�ke, Mari- hour each day.' Tickets will also be'Hitchcock and Halladay -are the most tin Clark, June King, Gladys Nvm�n. apply at 'the west ·Stage entrance, and an Creyts, . Ruth u,ve�, Elizabeth on Sale at the Unive�ty Bookstore;promising.o( the candidates for ceo- 'Lee Saunders, Barrett S�ach, Dare- th; first that';eome' wilLbe admitted. Williford, Glenn, Harding,. James and in the School of Edueation..ter.• th - . 'c' ,<.. - Sheean, Perry _ Herst, John' p. rosser, From 12 to 1 Grant Mears and rEIiz..y Spink, Theresa Wilson. ".... dern Bni l' h N elists"· thPlitt te I littl aLO ern ng 18 . av 18 e Walter 'D_. kless.· ._ ___.,y' h Id ffi ho .age as a emp ( very I e as ' Publicity eommittee=.Susanne Dil- subject of the'WimaDiYaughn Moody tA- ��tb Walke� WIll. 0 0 ,ee Drs'�·et i,�e way of team work, and the. vis and Frank Theis, joint chairmen; lecture to.be giv�;�by Mr. Hu� Wal-. FiDance com�itt�Mortimer Har-' eacb day m the check �m in Bar-drill has been �nfined to guarding, Dorothy Arbe_cker, H�rman Bausclt, pole 'Thursday ,'.Di�t.·[ :Mr •. WalPC;le ns,' chairman; E�, E�drath,:� per.' Eaeh ticket eaptain and team�voting, passing and various kinds of· Hans Hoeppner, John Joseph� Lucille \has been making a: 'leeture tour eanor L�e,. Carol Smith, 'F�e member must report ·every day. to__ ,·'shots_.at.the basket. An effort will be Ken nally, Katherine, MeIhop, George th" b" t th U-"ted stateS f. the Templeton, ".Jadt Fulton, Frederi� either Mears or Miss Walker the DUm- . .:"_. '�<�.'�e·taterin,the\veektofonnateam' ,{c t" d '2' _�Ugou., e ;,�, �3-. ,:' (C�oiL�12).J' ..... � beJ:,..(,)f ti�et�dl&-m:s:-Bold,�-,·aa�. ,�:.-f{,- .4' .. ' a.:' '_: . ". u, _:_:....._. .. - ,._..,. ' .• -. _.on t7l.!'�����._ ..... v� ,. f -l;�--�:'!.Y: �,::''':-�''''f\'-; :j��:.!:�77,�.� .. !'�'�:"�t':;'. �;"j':::�"':., M' 't" ibse-tfc:k ts'-lrin be turned " .;·::�;·;j��:��i�t�.JI�,',-:�q�*����·:.i;i�':,: ; .. :k� ·nov�!D .. �; �»ii:;wIUTms ��:�,:,; ��:�:�=�=.::. '1;-. SpVAJ[ EF MUD..." . WaipOJe, SerVecI�'With 'Bed C ...... < FRIARS' ""'.Prrc!t'P'(�O'· ..".,' . ... ',' . � ,,_B QJl�-,CO .. �a9E· -./COMMI1TEES FOR- .. : .'. ..... ,........ ¥_ :'-'Vl�.I�.I' .I;' .... : .,.:'t� standings will:be 8imo�ced <::.:,.�;''-: .... ,,�·����.TOMORROW-AT" .! '_ ( . AMERICAN 'LEGION H�gb -,wai�. � . born :iii�is84 ,! .. :SUBMJr'" PLAYS'�NOW toino��or Th�Y:n1' The.DanY· '.'�,"/'. _'�._.' .' '.;--. ----. . -_... __.. �,f}{ .-' .. -"'. . � __' '_. _' .'. �d-is 'th�'�n;'�f�ih� Bishop of'Etb-' ,-' ;-:.' ·:'7 - ,. ," V' ,, d af' te' -tba' t wiD ... : in -j- . -. - - b gh' ."F .. ,. '191'4 to 191' 6 h' -� . .:.. '. ';"'-'.W:--.�. k .... '.. ,.'_, • .ID... aroon an. r.' appear /' .Second Friday Dance' Will·. Be � Held . J '" -" .-' .: • ur.· ro� :, e �n"" Co Ie' .' 1" ii:' .. .. --'.' . . .: dit(,' " . -'�t' .. �� �eek i.� I� �o,� -'_ '��ee .qroups .. Se�lected Jor with the .�US8ian':Red, cioSs' iii the . mp � ,�rettos Should every:��. "This year.we�ten. "" - <T�. .:I'heater. . ... Dlrectmg 'Work of Post-,· EurOpean:·war.; He'is a �Uate'of . Be' Turned' I� at-' bn�,' �l .mo� .. t:ickets �an. �er� bef� -.':_i .�- 'J-'old MeetingT�inoiTow. : ; Emmimue) college,' Edinburgh. .He' "_'M�� �rino�C:es� ,.... :dti:a::m=���= e:! ..'. ;. -Floyd M. W.ftkIy,"'lS,-employnient I . is the author of the toDOWiDi'books: ,- . , .. '.� . � --' -' "Th� Wooden .Bo-:",� ���Fortitude,f". ". -, .... - -.-.-. -.. -. -we h&ve made- the ruliDg that DO prom-.'JJUUUiger of MontgOmery: Ward &: Co�, JOIN NATIQNAL ORGANIZ�TION' ,,�, TO D�E:�. BY DEC. 'i7 'ises may be '�,e for �e . Ute ,of. will . lecture :on "PersOnal Work';'. be-' ·"Maradick. at .Forty,"i.·"Tb.·e -Pre1u�\-' tickets.; Each· tick�t seller bas been� fo� the Coni�e�e club tomo� at Three committees -have, been ap- to' AdventUre;", ''The· .Gol� � 'LibrettoS- for' the. 1920 Blac:kfriar inStruc_ted to ask no promi�� to sell". in Classics' Assembly ··hall. The pointed by, Norman., Ha, rt" temporary' c"?w," "The, . Dark Forest," "The � production must �··�bmiited· at on�, a ticket or let it go. i SO sajing y�u�e'·Co·' d'- b' will h ld :ts d' Green Mirror," . and "Jeremv.". ..' " '.mmeree. u. 0 1 secor commander ·.of the new· American I.e- . ," . '. J'., ac:cotding to· an iumouDcement made promised means you're ·onlt stalling,Friday aftem'oo� dance, Fiid�y from gion. Post �t-th·e. UniversitY, to .take \.y tile �r yeSterday.' All pres- and it won't be accepted as an .ex-�. "'to 6 in ida:.Noyes theater. Only .ch3.rg� 0(: the ·:.. \vork 'of selecting" a - --. ent or former studeDtS of the-Univer-· cuse.""��rs of the"club have been in- r.ame for the. post. organizing its·.�c- TODAY'S WEATHER S!� who �ve Written pbLys aM� Buttons' will be distributed tocbLy toivit..�_, .: .: th��tieS and incTea�·T!g th be·' - ,-- . to bandthem in ·.·soon as po�"le. all ti""ket sellers.who"':11 m· 'tum eftnWeald· al f th C ....' '.'. t.· e, 'mem. r- Snow' today moderate DDrth to eMt '. '. . " wau. e-. "".. Y.IS an umnus o. e om:- ship> A ·nl�ting .of the post will be .'. ttL -, Although, th� _pbi.y�contest· cloSed them out to every,PUrch8ser. AnYoD";;',�merce sdlool and' has -8, message for' held· tomorrow.at 7 in' Kent theater 108 y�y,.p1ays' which -are submitted w\lo has already bought a ticket:may .,the' 'stu(lents�_;�f the -school of Com- to complete the steps nec�ssary for THE. DAILY, MAROON .today':·� tomorrow will be.considen!cL 'pt a button:fron\ the person who sold_merce and Administration from the affi. liating'wittl ··the natl·onal ... � .. ftIOl·a- .BULY �,' • / This was d'ded '. rder to· the .ti:"'·et. "F'rom tomo'- o-,F. S8l·d·,!OJ '�al�i of the.sch�t, During th, e war _-x>"" uoa .. .L'. ec:l upon m 0 'g1ye CA ........ .., '.uf]'- 1�on - 'i . th_ who have completed mamaseri ....... iI- ....· "l·t's buy a ticket or'show voUrhe was coanected with ·government· ,; . -,-, -''_ _.. . r- -WI J. The . com. mittees appoin� are: . TOday. but',lI&ve -Dot· turned' theiIi . in;iD time buttoil.",personnel work and is familiar with . _ .... - .. -- - . -,. problems of. iabor management,;being Name committee.i Charles' HigginS, Divinity' q.a�; 11:51, l!�keIL to do so. .W-:iters �hO\.�ve 'flDished To Hold 'Mus Meeting Later.·-manager of th� employment depart- cllairm:ua;' Charles McGuire;. Harold Ch8peJ, tUDior coIIece wet • ., 12, on-:'ad or.mo���fa.p1ay_may.enter "'Later in the week' a mass meeting'ment of Montgomery Ward & Co. Hulls, Edwin .. Dy�rt. A�vities;�d alandeL·: '. � part o� their.wo� provided that wui be held in lei, �oyes 'f:1aI( 'TwelveTb� h� for the dance will be �1icy comm,ittec, ,Carl Strode1, 'cbai� .' Universit,,"Pub&e Led.re, Alena- 'the renuuDi ... iseompl�ted._as soon � children from· the University. Settle-·Mrs. Gerald Karr Smith and Dorothy man; Honnl -Wakefield;' -William .def 'Wh� '01, MaDcIeL possibl� .'.., ment� will be there.,. Schmidt.. Mr. Albert C. HOdge wiD_ S;nytbe,·. Irving, Reynolds. Finance Y. M�.C. A. Lecture, AttorDey � 'To AD....ee Wiuer· Dee. 17. '-be there to represent the·facultY. Mu- and membership committee, Prof. Ru- Ebert, ,:so, EDis·L, Results- of·· the. pia,.: cOntest willsic. wm be furnished by Glenn ·'Hard- dolph Altroeclli, chairman; 'Earl Ball- P81cho�1 - Joanal dah, 7:15, probably be UIDOUIlCeCl Dec. 17, it wasing's band. "The dance is being held inger, John' Nuvecn, C�rge Bowden .. Psychology. '-said yesterday.' There&re five jud�for the purpose of giving the mem- To Join Natiomil Organization. The ChriStian Science society, 7:31, each of whom is to -�' each playbers a good sendoff before the exami- The purpose_ of the meeting tomor- Haskell. separately and then meet with thenations and Christmas vacation," said row is to take up the b�sfness'-Per- Semitic club, 8. 5743 Maryland ATe. cithenJ to decide the"Winner. CharlesMay Freedman, chairman of social taining to national affiliation and a.�- Collins, dramatic critic for the Chi-comm'ttee. The members of the so- �essments .. Royal Munger," tempo- Tomorrow. cago Evening Post; Dean Linn, Deaiicia! committee are. May Freedman, racy vice-commander, said yesterday: Divinity chapel, 11:50, HaskelL Boynton, and the abbOt and managerDorothy Lyons, -Edward Soukup� "The purpose of this post is not to Chapel, Senior colleges, men and of ��ackfriars �-. act as judges.Wade Mitchell, Sander Cohen, Paul derive personal benefit.c;, but rather women, 12, Mandel. Plays. may be submittecf either withSchwartz, Eleanor Hayes and Elea- to bring honor to. the University Commerce club, .., Classics 1.. or without lyries, preferably with.' If orum.'"nor Groman. through good work. The Ameriean Junior Mathematical club, 4, Ryer- l)frlcs are Dot included, the manuac:ript ==============:The club has plans for a stunt party Legion i� not a skyrocket, but a�bal- son 37. . shoUld illdicate.where the lyrics are toto. take place sometime next quarter ance wheel. It is a patriotic o�i- Divinity Khool ledure, 4, B .. keiL be pJac:ed. As soon. as ·the play hasand anyone. wishing to make, �.- zation' that believes in .the futUre';f Public Lect1lfty·.t, Harper. been �ded upon, the ccmtest for mu-tionS for tbf! prognim ca� do 'so by the countrY and in the p�se�' f�nn St. Mark's society, 01 :15,' Ida NOYeL sic writing -wiD. be begun.;' ,.ADj- Uni-·communi�ting with, May Freedman cf l. government in opposition' to any _ Zoology dab, 01:38, Z001o.,. 21. venit,-' student or alumniaa is eligJDleat the office of the School of Com- �o�shevjstic idea.;:; tha� may be ad- Pltilologie&llIOdety, 7:15,5536 Kim- to' enter -the .competitloD 'for musicmeree .and Administration.. -.·anced." ,bark Ave. . C writing, aBel eo,.. Of. ... 17ries willTeam toMeet Concordia.Col­lege in Practic� .Game atFort Wayne .. " SELL TICKETS FOR 'THIRTEENTH ANNUAL� SETILEMENT NIGHTBASKETBALL SQUAD'PLAYS FIRST GAME'. OF -rEAR, SATURDAY George Serek and Florence FalkenauHead Executive. Body - JosephineGamble and Chancellor Dougall AreJoint Chairmen for Social Events. \Keith Kindi'ed ,Beada Exeeative<:roup-Enid Townley· and FrankHardesty. Social-Chainnen . WillMeet Today. at 4. Entertain 125 Workers at TeaF ricLly-Open Two SalesBooths., "�:'I,.All those connected· with the busi­neSs staft' of the. Cap- and Gown havebeen'. requ� to be pre&eJlt at a' •meeting. today at 3 i� the Cap andGown office in Ellis hall. 'The Philologieal Society will meettomorrow at 7 :45 at Prof. Wilkins'home, 5536 Kimbark Ave. Prof. Wil­kins will speak on "Genealogy of theEdition of Boccacio's 'Genealogia De-be sent to all who wish to try_ out.Manuseripts for ·the play contestshould be' addressed' to· Box 286,' Fae-'ulty Exchange, or to the Man�ger ofB1ackfriars, 6540 Kenwood Ave., andshould be typewritten and have theauthors name and address...•:..c,. : •: • I., ........... l � _. • .. <If" .';' ........ � �. ,�,:.... .. �j.:����;� ......... ��.� _.._, .......�.;. • ::-:' .,..·_� .... "4�-...t;:.:�i t.� .. _;.Oo4�� ..... �',-, .n';·,,'": .2The Student New,paper of ti.eUniveraity of· �Published mornings, except Saturday,Sunday and Monday, during the Au­tumn. Winter, and Spring quarters,by the Daily Maroon company.EDITORIAL· DEPARTMENTThe StaffJOHN E. JOSEPH .. Managing Editor.J ohn Ashenhurst ••.•••• News .EditorRose Fischkin News EditorHelen Ra v itch News EditorHoward Beale Asst. News EditorWilliam Morgenstern. Athletic EditorHarry Bird .....•....•.. Night EditorErnest Fribourg Night EditorRichard Flint Day EditorHerbert Rubel ........•.. Day EditorEdward Waful ..•........ Day EditorBU�INESS DEPARTMENT'The Stair .GRA�T MEARS .. Business ManagerHenry Pringle .. Advertising ManagerKeith Kindred ... Circulation ManagerLaurence Tibbits Asst. Cir. Mgr.Robert Birkhotf Asst. Cir. Mgr.Entered as second class mail at theChicago postoffice, Chicago, Illinois,March 1:�, 1906, under the act ofMarch :J, 1873.Editorial Rooms Ellis 14Telephone Midway SOO .Business Office ........••.••. Ellis 14Telephone Midway 800Tuesday. December 2, 1<),19j3 AGAIN THE CHAPERONE.In regard to the comment on chap­erones published in The Daily Maroonof November 26 a letter has been re­ceived in which we are informed: ofour "extraordinary ignorance of se­cial conditions in the University."Apparently The Daily Maroon was inerror when it stated that chaperoneswere required at dances and partiesbecause there is no suehr rule,. merelY.• a prevailing .policy formulated by thefaculty, the students and offici,a! bod-.ies as such. These persons have,agreed on certain methods of socialprocedure which have transformed . warthe old-time chaperone into a hostess.three or more hours �anufac:turingconversation? How many membersof the party know of the reeommenda-The Daily Maroon acknowledges its,error, but wishes to comment, then,on the "social procedure." Even inextraordinary ignorance there seemsto be no direct answer as to the pur­pose of the chaperone. Perhaps. thereis none, except' in the specific casesmentioned last week. Students man-c aging social affairs have received sev-• en definite recommendations, all ofwhich they' have f�lIowed to a c.ter­tain degree of accuracy. Hostesse3are invited by letter or call and notvia telephone, hostesses are providedfor the entire period of the party,hostesses exceed one in number, hos­tesses . are escorted to and fro, hos­tesses are presented to the group di­rectly responsible for the party, hos­tesses are presented to all the guests(at about one out of ten affairs), has­tesses are comfortably seated (that is,if a dance hall is considered a com­fortable place. for non-dancers)' andare generally entertained by "new ac­quaintances" and "in other appropri­ate ways."But do those recommendation",even when adapted, change the fun­damentals of the case. Hardly.What are "other appropriate ways"in which a hostess may be kept fromperishing with ennui? Does the hur­ried presentation of three hundredunfamiliar men and women aid muchexcept as far as exercise and thirty'minutes out of three or four hoursgo? Do personal calls, escorts andintroductions break down the barriersbetween young people and adults orgroups of adults sitti.ng together forII. e-.. ;:.: I - ,E �',�' . '.:' -v•Mathematics Teachers .held last Fri­day and Saturday. The program Fri­day consisted of papers on the .reor­ganization of bome economics, and"Economics of the' Home." by MissRose Biery, representative of the Uni­versity elementary and high schoolMIDWESTTYPESETIING·C·OM'P,ANY510-512EAST SIXTY-THIRDSTREETPRINTERS andLiNOTIPERSSPEC� ATTE�ON'TOUNIVERSITY WORKPrlaten of Tbe DaIl7 JIarooaCapt. Frank Ebpert. attprney fo�the Illinois Anti-Saloon LealP.le,. wil�.lead the Y. M. C. A. Fellowship Disicussion Group today at 4:30 in the eY. M. C. A. lounge. Captain Ebbert ,CiSittioze'.nSPSheaipk."on "Law Enforc�, ment. of •, ' .. "Prohibition in Its Relation .to .� .This program should be a�:'·eSpecial. • . .attraction to all students !n_ta!_eSted.i '. 'J" Dne can '81�ays .. �tellmodem governmental �b��ms� .. �· : "�a· man.of.g�od· taste.cording to Secretary 'SlDlth-:: CaptaJJ� ..' , . ..Ebbert i�' known as, one, ;of the 'fore-, by a ',g' I a nee at hismost authorities on. the ·l��. _aspects, . .: Clothes. ..of prohibition, ami has-a ·Wide·reputa-. ' ,tion He was in the army during the, 'lHE.wOJ\lLY 'MAROON. , TUESDAY, DECEMBER:2. ·1919CAPT. EBBERT TO SPEAKON PROHIBITION AT Y.M.C.A.DISCUSSION GROUP T01>A Y--'_FEDERAL BOARD MEETS TQDA Y'Organiza*ion For Disabled Soldiers to,Discuss Its Affairs.The Federal Board, an organization:for the disabled soldiers attending theU niversity, which 'Yas formed at a·J11eeting . last Tuesday, will meet to-:day at 4 in Cobb SB. Harold DeBaum,president of the Board, said that every;member is expected at this meeting;as it is very important..The constitution of the body will be,voted upon. the organization discussed:and. a tenative program outlined. Aiplan for the reception of new members:will be formulated and �rrangements"in be made for the handling of thenew members by the downtown office.Two national officers of the organiza­tion visited the local society yesterdayand were shown around the campus..INSTRUCTORS AND STUDENTSAT TEACHERS· CONFERENCEMembers of the faculty and stu­dents of the Home Economics depart­ment attended the meetings of theCentral Association of Science and Buy Safely-Buy Wisely-BuyJerrems' ClothestiQJi\S, �d if �'do 1Iow lnUy adopt�'em!, ', ,The .'DailY . MWOOD ·,d� �t want.to ap�r �. of custom, but whenthat·GStoJll tis -.edlessly ti�g, 'wl;aenthat custom makes for embarrass­·ment, it· feels·, the . necessity' for pro­test. If there .must .be, Chapel'ODeS,.or eourses,rather hostesses as the 1919 term putsit, cannot something -be done to hu­manize the situation? Reeommenda­tions do not help very much, partic­ularly when they are merely para­phrases of what is known as commoncourtesy. Nor can rules help. Eitherthe students-and it is not only incolleges or schools that the poor chap­erone has to suffer-:-will have to useimagination in applying the reeom­mendations or else the hostess willhave to be relegated to a comfortablechair at home. The Daily Maroonbelieves in the latter because it canfind no logical reason for or methodof applying the former, and wondersif the hestess-poliee �� �� 1919, dan�� ;is not a leftover from. 'the Victoriarjdance, which was an entirely di1fer�ent fun�tion. This is not an, age ofcourtesy for the mere purpose of be­ing polite, nor .an age- when, dancingis considered dangerous. If youngSUBSCRIPTION RATES people, have to be watched (and TheCalled for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a Daily Maroon does not deny that theyquarter, h IdBy Carrier, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a .bave tobe watched) watchmen s ouquarter, be, secured and paid: for their serv- ,By Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50 ices, .not drafted under the pen-namea quarter.of hos� or·�perone. 'They should not de­viate o n e h e i r '.ebreadth. fro m thestandard of the day. but conform to all thelit t l e conventionali ../,ties tha t gi v:e the'w_earer dignity andstyle.We take special pride _i n tailoring clothesthat give the wearer.individual distinctionclothes so correct indetail that they put aman at his ease at alltimes."How about your ev­ening clothes"Suits and Overcoats,$55, $65, $70,upwards.TaiWr 10f' yo,,,,g Mm.,THREE {7 North LaSalle St.STORES' 314 S.Miehigan Ave.. 71 East Jlonroe at.• ____ '.. _._22ZL!2===:s&.SeroecI like champa�e.wherever good drinksare appreciated. � �Harp�r Hall53rd and Harper Avenue.. .DANCINGHarvey OrchestraCollege NightsTuesday-Music by Phil GoldbergSpecial Students Tickets May Be Obtained FromFred Manter and �llen Halloway For $1.25UNIVERSITY pHARMACY-�- 61st Street and EIIia Avenue'·:DR',UGS.·: : :. ST A TIONER YCIGAR:ETTES24-HOUR FILM DEVELOPING SERVICE ��Blackstone l446 Prompt Delivery..IN . PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THEUNITED 'STATES· ARERENOWNED FOR CLUNLINESSPURITY OF· FOODAND GOODSERVICELPrivate DANCING Lessons IIn a' course or five leaaons ($5.00) Ione can acquire the steps of theWaltz, One-step. and Fox-trot. SocialdaDeing class Monday EYe at 8 P. M.LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIO1541 Eo 57th St. • Hyde.Park 2Ut T. C. SCHAFFNERDress Suit SpecialistDress SUits to Rent130 N. State St�A High Class Op­.,_ tical Service atReasonable PricesS. F E INS TEl N, Opt. D.OPTOMETRIST - OPTICIAN1132 East 55th Street Harvey Orchestras190 North State SinetPhone'Randolph Oneor J. Beach Cragun, Repres'tative I Ic'{�,-=yAdlojtlt1'tln,riCCaalfiS"SIiI • flfS1'1Uneilf11111IfIIt=• I •. '..... '.I ��'�l!,�:�:::�.;r�,�?�:.�f���"' .. ' '.>�:�':"/ "> .: _,' ?:�'-'. :''''��j: �:' �'����//� -, �" .' ,:��.,�{." �'.<.�>.';.I':'" '( .'•• I,J.' I "'-·1HE.,DA1LY:.MI'..ROON�· TUESDAY. DEC£MBER�2. 1919I... �I.-- , ",ri\i, I I ..(.(.. \_ ..I.1'1";_,«; . \" ........ ' .......... ' .... . ',. ';..; .... :;; .... .,.".. .... "'" .' " .. , ,," ,. ,'" ·'1...., THIS is a new-fashioned'world, but Murads are the"old-fashioned" tasting Turkishcigarette. 1 00% pure Turkishtobacco makes them taste that way.That's why thousands and thousandsof men demand them.They gratify your prideand satisfyyour taste-and when you take themout of your pocket in any companyyou have noapologies to make. You know what we' mean IIt is' true that" ordinary" cigarettes cost a trifle less.Judge For yourselF ...... !�,IY. w. c. s. TO GIVE SUPPER I, FOR OFF·CAMPUS WOMEN!Affair Will Take Place After Vespers I',. Sunday In Ida ,Noyes-Campu8Women Also Invited. ' .. We Cut Your Hair To F\t U,WILLEMSBARBER. SHQP803 E. SIXTY-THIRD STREETN ear' Cottage Grove...Immediately after vespers next Sun­day a supper will be served for alloff-campus women. Those living inthe • halls are also invited, althoughthe PU�. ot the .&upper Js ..to..,gS..1the ·women :of·�be· u'ni��rsity:,b&tter'lacquainted. '�Tieket.c:; are being sold (or tw�nty·five, eents by Allegra Nesbit, JudithStrohm, Marie Kramer, Clara Ja­neueh, Cathleen Davis, Elizabeth Har­rison, Adelaide Allais, Helen Barnes,Geniveve Hipp, Marie Niergarth,Catherine Watson,' Helen Hoffman,and Mabel Maston.'Members of the faculty and theirwives will be the, guests of honor. Thesupper will be served in the Y. w. C.A e . rooms at 5 :45 in the east end of IdaNoyes hall on the'seeond floor.MIS.'! ROBERTS, OF ROME I'EC�N�MICS DEPARTMENT, IWITH CHILDREN'S BUREAUMiSs Lydia Roberts, assistant pro. Ifessor of Home Economics, is on leave Ifrom the University for two quarters. IShe is with the U. S. Children's Bu..: Ireau. She is starting a survey of the Iundernourished children in the 'rural Ineighborhoods of Kentucky, jn C(H)P- :eration with the schools. She is mak- Iing house to house canvass te get in- Iformation about the children's food Ihabits, hours of sleep, and general Ihealth conditions. Miss Agnes Nelson,:U. of C., 1919, graduate student in iHome Economics, will work with her Ifor the remainder of the quarter. Miss iRoberts is the author of the Children's I The QUaker ()afs Q»m,_ay���_�.��b���I====================�===�=�='=�====='==�'====�====. -, . Prendergast & Keefey'1 s, E. -Co�.�:::!!:�WoodJa";-CHICAGO-----_. ---.... ....Wheat Bribbles-And How We·Create Them Phones Hyde �ark �-483Service to Students OurSpecialty. :We carry complete stocks ofJ ohnson's, Apollo, LovellCorrell Chocoates'===================I r+!II-B-la-c-k-s-to-n-e-,T-e-rr-a-ce- .....Candy Shop- ,Puffed Wheat is whole wheat steam exploded.The Iarrner sends to �>ur hoppers the finest grains he grows.\Ve seal those grains in guns, thqn apply' an hour of fearful heat., When all the wheat. moisture is turned to steam, we shoot the gunsand the grains explode.. That 'is Proff Anderson's process. The purpose is to blast everyfood cell so digestion is easy and complete.But the result is also bubble grains. thin, flaky, toasted, with anutty taste., The three Puffed Grains arc in this way made the most enticingcereal foods in existence. . 1425 E. 60th StreetDaily LuncheonsPleasant walk across Mid­way (no waitlng.)•. Shot from ·GuniPuffed--to 8 TIDl�'Normal'Size'. These airy, flimsy Puffed Grafns are 8 times normal size.They taste' like food confections, But they are grain foods' ,_;_ two are whole grains - fitted "for digestion as grains 'neverwere before.Serve with cream and sugar. . Float in your bowls of milkMix in every fruit dish. Crisp and lightly butter for childrento eat dry.' .'There is no other grain food which children �ove so well. c. €ORMANY'SHOME LUNCH ROOMThe Old ReliableHeadquarters for UDiftnityStudentsWe serve the best of every­thing. Prompt ServicePuffed 'Wheat 'Puffed Rice. CO Puffs'Abo Paffed Rice P FlMI'A Ne. hlle4 �Also Pancakes Now A Puffed Rice PaDCab. Flour MatureTry Our speci8J SundayChicken Dinner1313 E. 57th StreetUNIVERSITYHAIRDRESSINGPARLORMUST REGI�TER TOMORROW I,', J'ects will be assigned at 3 and the Bin·ef ""---- M'u • ··C· �olios� �, I JrlWITH NELSON FOR LOWER I speeches given at 4. The contest is'1 e . and IJUNIOR SPEAKING CONTEST' open to all Freshman students who I. Students' Cases-,-- have 'not more than 12 majors credit IAll Freshmen students who wish to and who arc eligible for public ap- Demand the originalenter the lower Junior college extern- pearance, The prize is a seholarship for yo 11 r protection ILEATHER' GOODS, poraneous speaking' contest must reg- I for one quarter, r .... e )lark G1Iaranteed T. Gt.eister with AS!;istant Prof.· Nelson of! ==============E!!!!!5!============i5!!!!!E of QuIlty - Satta,,,, SenIeethe department of Public Speaking i ' .-- . At AlI 'StOres Where 'through Box 14, Faculty Exchange,! Subscribe to the Daily Maroonbefore : 6 tomoTrO\V. Preliminaries I '• will.be held Thulsday'fn Kent 16. Sub- 1309 E. 57th St.Quality �u1a 1 MARGUERITE GRACE, PropLiftOIl_:Co: .:. -New'York Telephone Hyde .Park 7904•I', ..",' ,"' __ -."( ,''-0.,.' •• ",i'/4'Tlw Caanpu., Wlunz..Q. ���THE Score dub is busy makingplans for its Settlement night puppydog booth. Skull and Crescent, on theother hand, has 'disbanded' for theyear, according to unofficial reports.Why not? Its annual -work, that ofinducing Jimmy Tuohig to decoratethe goal posts, is over.l :i �i',;\ '1I Make Your Own Analagy.\V e heard the foliowing parablefrom one J. Vincent Sheean:Once upon a time there was a Rab­bit. This Rabbit was very proud.His tail, forsooth, bristled with Jlrid�,he was so proud. 'And why, you ask,was this Rabbit proud? He was proudbecause all his ancestors had beenRabbits for many generations...�, - _"",-"' _",OUR CORRESPONDEN€E STUDYDEPARTMENT.1;'II!1 iIIjIIt,It- .­.r�J...... ;It?'··I,! ART BAER, former editor, sent usthe following hea.mnps, .vhic:b he hadclipped from' Saturday's Maroon:'�. R. P. Emerson Gives'Leeture OnFeeding of Children fO,r C. and A.""They, eat 'em alive," commenbArt... ,... ..!-, .. ,I : "'. �-,-tl.t" SPEAKING of the Hyde Park, themodem musie there sounded like aWyvem eaI1ing' to its mate.THE tieket salesmen are on, yourtrail."MAKE the 13th luciy!"GarCOll.Official' Notices--­,---The Reception' committee of theSophomore class will meet' today at-1 in Cohh t2A.=., The ,Settlement Night. t,ams willmeet Wednesday 'at- 4 in the, trophyroom of Ida, Noyes hail. Miss Mc­Dowell will speak.at' the ,meeting:is-;. �'Resolved; That the.plunt PJaD-lIe.Adopted.;', ,'.The first.'de- .�te .Is to be in the near future, andso it is, desired that, all members bepresent today to discuss the matterof attendance and other details. R'OSA'l.IE,�.USIC HALL� �:�. '�::�::�: .. ' �=.:.vl:·I� �� ��::���,�":':: "':". ',��� ':'�P"�'�)?/X�:���::7:�: , .. ; ,', ·, ,CRANCE DOUGALL is oat • quar­ter. 'He 'gave" one , to- a pOrter who'brought him \ an· \ unimportant notefrom Beano at the' Hyde Park Satur-day Dlght. .J •'" '. 'SNAPPY CLOTHESMade,. By UsA University of Chicago Student once dressed byus always remains our customer. Our pastexperience in serving the UniversityStudents is our criterion.Our garments are made and' fitted to you and giveyou individuality and class.Foster & Peterson:-". ., .Correct Dressers of Young Men'7th Floor Republic BuildingT elephone 8216 HarrisonState �� Adams StreetsIO .. • ......- ..__.�_I_--._-- F --... -----------------..............--....-------- . . -..,-_. Cej. _' .. " .... />- "_'"".:""""--I . 9"(. � ..... :::_-, - ...... ,=,Alpha Tau 'Omega Pled«es One.Alpha Tau Omega announces thepledging of W. E. BateS of ' Chicago. 5700 Harper AvenueFraternities, women;s clubs, anddormitories wishing to order sets of8lackfriar scores' have been asked tonotify �an:1ger Holloway,' care Box28G. Faculty Exchange, at once. Thescores will' be' bound in two volumes,and will contain+all of the librettosand music for the years 1908-1917, in-,elusive. �ts 'are five dollars for theTHE bureau' of records was to two volumes. to· cover the cost ofblame in the first place for .blurrina binding.Lydi,t Hinckley's name, on the class • I' list, . but that doesn't � the Cap The Freshlll.an-' -La-w- class will giveand Gown freshman 'whO: wrote it a dance Friday at' 8:30 in Ida Noyes.like this: Lydia Hi�dklWY. Prof. and .Mrs_ Meachem,. Prof. on--- " phant, Prof. Hinton, Prof. Judson, and,,' .. T,RE, S. A. E.'s have:made a unique Dean Hall, of the .Law School Facultybet with' the Phi Psi'�.':' Tonight the will attend. "Plenty of music is prom-• chapters bowl againSi �ch' other. The ised by the committee in charge, 'butJoser will set the other gang up to a no refreshments wilt be served. )dinner in the chapter house. We sus­pect that the Holloway brothers werethe promoters. They can't lose.How to Write a �Iackrriar's Play. ,!Inasmuch as the Blackfrian;,through free space in this journal,are making a plea today for plays, � , ' , .f we think it is time to open our course The Junior Mathe�atical ,dub \\'illI,' ,in "The Drama as Mutilated by Col- meet tomorrow at � in �yerson 37.r lege Youths." By- using the method Mr. Gokhale and Mr., MacJ?uft'ee willL� __ _:__,� _:_���lined in . our Iessons, most any un- speak.,, dUgnid' 'who )mOWS' 'how to rhyme'"blue" and "you" and "true" should ,SL Ma:rk's �ety will-;meet w.mor­be able to tum out a sixteenth an- row at 4:15_ in;theJda NoyeS Alumnaenual college comic opera over night. room. Robert A� Kemp "of- B006e' uni-In the first place, forget everything versity, China,' is:' the �peue� ���you know about plot construction, Iy- uled. -, ',' -r::ric poetry, and characterization. ThUs ._', '�'_negatively equipped, you are ready to --The non-fratemity, executift ,COIa;- .\tACOONALI)' �-\NNOU�CEStake typeWriter in hand. ,Never lose mittee will meet todJL� at 4 in, Ellis' 3. SIX SENIOR COMMI'M'EES,' 'sight of the p�perties, with which_you have to work. Remember, that The Christian Science sOciety Willthe FriarS have a new ripple machine' meet tonight at 7:3� ·in �el1 As­which must not lie idle four nights of sembly room. 'the year. Remember that your 'set Mills, Florenee McNeal, Geraldmust include a ferris wheel or a moon A miniature nt.-=-&m88 Bazaar' 1.S Westby., i'-<IU'IIIR Athletic com.ittee -James Reber tor an. �levator or some other deviee being- held .In, the Y. W. C. A. rooms .and John Sproebnle, joint chaimen; Ifo� glvmg Warren Mulroy and the' this week. Christmas canis, powder,' Robert Connelley. T�' Cprtiss, �of­Beta. freshmen employment so that stationery and other suitable Christ- fat Elton, Percy Graham, Charlesthey can see the show from behind mas' gifts are on sale; Higgins, Paul Hinkle, Gale Moulton,the scenes free of charge. Provide a 'two hundred and fifty pound part for --- George Otis, Ruthven Pike, .. StantonThe Psjcbological Joamal dub will "--- Wilso a..___ 'Jimmy to play. - u�, , n ��� ,meet tonight at 7:15 in the Psychology" All members . f the --;tteesLay your scene any where not less 0 �.a&laboratory .. There WI'1 be a reVl,·ew of n amed will meet 'on Tbursda�' at 12than a thousand miles away 'rom tile JMarr's "Psyshoses of the War" and, . Cobb 12A "Th·s meeting WI·II beUniversity. A tropical scene is most In • IMcCurdy's "Psycholocpv of War"- bv p_1:--:_a--to"a :'-- ... _1 _,_-- meet-I'desirable. Your hero must be a col- OJ J n:aunu1.J . 5�- �J. U. Yarbrou-i.... ,_"', ". t th d f the -"" ·d Belege man who is cutting claises for :1 511 109 a e en 0 w�, sal r-day or two to do some globe-trotting. nard )(aeDonald yesterday, "and it is .He must wear white flannel trousers The SeDletic dub· will meet tonight essential, that every, member be p1'eS-and a dark blue coat. This is im- at 8 at the' home" of Dr. Allen, 5743 ent. The meeting wiD be short, butportant. But, if you are, unable to Maryland' A ve, _ fOr 'the .,purpose" of plans for the, c:1ass activities of therecall enough of the traditional trav- electing officers.' A�istant Prof. year will be disc:ussed. 'I want alleling student plots to fashion a new Luckenbill will ,speak on "Plans ad committee members to formulate plans Ione, your next best bet is not to make ProSped.c; ·for ReRarclt in the Near and present them before' the meet-the time of your action the present. East. " ing." IThis scheme gives an opportunity for, Ianachronisms, and anachronisms' are Saint �Iark'" sOciety I will meet to- SIX JUNIOR COMMI'M'EESthe 'kind of jokes' an ar.ademic audi- morrow at 5:15 in the Alumni l'OO� of ANNOUNCED BY ROGERS('nee i� supposed to like. By all Ida Noyes hall. _ A busineSs meetingmeans avoid making your show any- will be held at 4 before the regularthing like a real, honest-to-goodness meeting. It has been requested thatdowntown musical comedy. Last of those persons who have filled out ques- Manter. Norman Nelson. Kennethall, choose an alliterative title, like tionaires, bring them to this meeting Newhall."Ko-education al Kidding" or "The or give them to Theodora' Young inKnowledge of Knelly." the ,Y. W. C. 'A. offiee not later thanFriday. roa RENT FOR DANCESENTERTAINMENTSETC.,{Ccmti1lued from 'PGI/8 1, .H. C. EDM,ONDS203 Dearbom StreetHanison 8183(CcmtinlUd from pag6 1) ... � , .... -:::.-Woodlawn TrUst,I & Saws BankWOODLAWN, A�,At Sixty-Third street-0-.Nearest BaDk, .te theUDlvendty of'aliaigo"Pointed"'u quicld), as )'00 can sa)' it. )'00can sharpen a Blaisdell ColoredPencil. Nick and pull the ntnowribbon of _paper' and there". apoint that writes dearl),.on _)'surface.Blailldell 'Colored PeaciJ. comein 14 fine. rich colon. inc:ludincBlaisdell lSI Blue. the woriel".blue pencil standard. Other colorsare red.- riold. liabt peeD. .-reeD.light blue, medium, blue. black.yellow" brown, white. orange. piDkand purple. Stationen eTer)'.where. 10 cents.Let Bladdel1 ParamoaDt Arp.Da1It aad Mida be':JOG!' ataDd­areb wbeD bayiaa cedar peadla.The fim cwo- M11 at fift CCIltaeach,. the otber at two for hec:eats. Decrees of bardaeu foraU aaa..�/3/aisoe//Pencil Compa.nyPHTLI\DFI PHI1\Publicity committee--John Ashen­hurst, chairman; 'Dorothy Cunning·ham, J ane De1an�y. Rose Fisebldn,Ruth _ Huey, Lucy Sturges, RobertAlexander, Howard Beale, Edwar.:JCQpe, Harold McCartY, Robert Stur-man.Athletic cOlluaittee - Harold Ha- Harris, Paul Hitchc:oek, Gene Rouse,Perry Segal.The chairmen of all committees-wiDmeet today at " in' Cobb 12A� Plansfor ,the year will be discussed, andCrandaD Rogers, president of �e lu­nior class, has asked that all chair-men be preae.t., .IThe 'Gavel will' meet today at 4 in l'Ii!dl, chairman; Duncan Annan, Rob­Cobb 12A. The'subject to be debated 'ert Birkhofr,,'Robert Cole, Mortimer• LOST - A Parker fountain pen,smooth barrel, With gold ring inI cap, Tuesday, November 26; in Cobb _'.l.,ball. Kindly return to MaroonOffi�-, (�)THE return of the notebook and per-sonal papers contained in the hand­bag missing from �m 15, Lexing­ton Hall, would be deeply appreci-,ated. These articles, which are ofrio vah:e to others,' are inValuableto the owner. (64)FOR SALE-Dress suit, good quality, (size 38; made for medium heighirna". Apply Maroon office at onee;a bargain. (56)LOST-A loose-leaf notebook with•name Harkless Dunn on cover.Finder please leave at Maroon of-. fiee. . (�)TO LET-Two rooms em thircUloor.at5800 Maryland Av�. S�itable lorrooming or light housekeeping. Im­mediate possession. Apply at once..(.) - .• �,". 'l�" . :�,�' ".1 ,,;,', '.�,.,.\�, .t