I \-V. A. A. HOLDS WISCONSIN BLACKFRIAR STAFFFROSH AS BADGER LUNCHEON ON SATURDAY TO ISSUE- VOLUMES, -----GAME LOOMS NEAR -- OF PREVIOUS PLAYS 1 �;t8gg Field t� Be Scene of Last Mass!ou Xoyc» Sun ParlorS-Beatrice---- ! Session-Stagg Will Speak and�ttn� ks Chairman-Invite UniversityWOl�(>n. Bind Copies of Scores of 1908-' Pike 'Viii Lead Cheers.-_ ) 91 7 Productions for Per- i --i The final pep meeting of the y�ari to be held next Friday night at 7 on.OFFER IS FOR ORGANIZATIONS: Stagg field will be featured by a hugeI bonfire, a snake dance, speeches byD I . --f--} BI kfri I Stagg and the team, and cheering andounr copies 0 t ie ac l'larsl" . -.smglDg. .squad into two teams yesterday. �end- �nme, <ceres for the past ten years are to,' Y M CAl d Ianni t. . . . . . ea ers are p annmg 0ing ore against tho freshmen, and Tickets costing fifty cents are now ne issued end offered by the Black-] k th bo fi f th 1 tI ., , , . rna e e n re one 0 e argesrunning the other through signal on sale by the ticket committee. The Iriars to fraternities, women 5 clubs" fl ti 't d th, I eon agra Ions ever WI nesse on ea-m. The team composed of Halla-I sale will be closed Friday noon. All men's halls, women's dormitories and. -Th b d '11 b p t'" . , campus, e an WI e resen, Inday, Hinkle, Gordon. Swenson, Phee- Univers ity women have b€en invited other orgamzutions, according to an f II t gth d all '11 b_ _ IUS ren , an songs WI eI�"::' �.I�ith and Hrunhardt-jn the line, I b the luncheon. .mnouncement made yesterday. The: rehearsed, Cheer Leader Pike will beHI'_ ,:.:.tg-c, Annan, Neff and Dygert Leutriee Marks Is Chairman. volumes will contain all of the Black-: at hand to take care of yells .. Mem-in the backfield, romped through the "r'ur songs, play synopses, and casts,: hers of the team are scheduled to,"·.··l._1.1'.· .. ion fOI' a :)4-0 -SCOl·P_. III one ef- Beat dec Marks is general chair- 10" the vears 1908 to 1917 inclusive '.,," ) ." . , . : «peak and although no official an-fcrt to hold back the Varsity, twenty- man of the luncheon. The ticket com- The score will be published in two' ,t h t bee made It was.G d . 11 . , ': nouncemen as ye n ,two freshmen were used, but the regu- mittee consists of ertru e Bisse , volumes, the first containing the scores, stated at Y. M. C. A. headquarterschairman; Margaret Lillie, Jeannette for 1908 to 1912. and the second .1913 : that Coach Stagg- would probably at­'After a few minutes of <".' rimmag- Lieber, Eunice Emery and Janet Fair- to 1917, The binding will be of rna '._ -: tend. The meeting will be concludeding, Neff'intercepted a forward pass bank. The decoration committee con- roon buckr�m, staJ�ped. in_ gold.: h�' a giant snake dance.and ran �orty vards for a touchdown, sists of Dorothy Augur, chairman; Scores now -m the possession of the. To Arouse Spirit for Game.Annan missed the tI. oal. The f'resh- Faye Milla'rd, Kate Smith. Louise Gas- Blackfriars will be' used in the vol :�"\. I ",., - ."••• -; The purpose- of the J;>ep session is tomen, using Wisconsin plays. took the ton and Erllss Budlong, The food umes. and organizations Will be asked thusi d f th� n '" " • ".. ... �lrouse en luslasm an pep or e')"'11' 3 .... (1. m ...adc coniderable tI_ ains, but committee consists of Ruth Metcalfe, to pay only the price of the binding ,I.. .' ';,., '. Wisconsin game. Y. M. C. A. leadersfinally lost on downs, Tho Varsi ... y chairman; Adeline 'Allais, Dorothy r." ... dollars a set I... " Y ." ., .. u. : are emphasizing the positive necessitytore' holes through them, ar.d Annan Church, Katherine Sisson and Ana Id d' Sc 0 .. Shou Or er ts at nce. , lor a record attendance, as a stimulusran ... lmofit to the Freshm"n goal line I.ore!lZer. Mis� Dudley. Helen Sulz· I •....... . In ord�r to insure receiving sets,! ior the development of undergraduate",·,'th the hall, but f"I'led to get "cross. bcrr:cr and a representative from Wis- d' ak d t .� ...... organizations esinng to tea van-: �:chool spirit, and as an importantI, I' h F com;in will m., akc speeches. ." Pat ca _c(. HI tl c other reshman team -tage of this offer have been asked to; �tep toward winning the last and• practieing signals, anci·. the twenty- "'\Ve expect to have a large crowd," :�end their orders as soon as possible:. llal'de."'t game of the year .. ,� -two ::l�n linc<) up to keep the Varsity .announced Beatrice Marks, "and to the Btackfriar, office, .Box, 286, i .....-- fror.l scoring, On the second play womenj 'lue urged to get their tickets Faculty E�changc-.· Owing to the·fact: TWELVE MEN TO TRY OUTta�gc ',"ent acrosf.: Annan kicked the carly 50 that they will not be di�p- that there will be available· only a: FOR UNIVERSITY DEBATINGl�.f J.-roaI. . l)ointed. A - -good dinner wiD be limited number of the sets, it is im-; _ TEAM ON MONDAY NIGHTJ' ·:�rved. and ·a :grelrt deal of 'pep' will '1.: Y_arsit.y_ (_;ains Against Frosh. portant that these orders be placed! . -----.&-{!h�i;��::����:U:''; ;�7���i;:��;b:�;�� �;��';;J!��lW-��*-W::=t,��t!:y::�i f.�1 ._ lcic1d:�g 'Doth goals. The' Frosh w�re !>p':en I. :-'lllr o. �go �en: " to t�� JiiS�ry"�' the' University·· in I iliL;,:. wh� "-the qu�io� of 1lniversal�.. given the un :n midfield and with a __ - _ .. considerable .degree _during the �ix- i military training was discussed. Try-.),new set of backs carried it to the "FA' ME AND' POET" '. teeii'years 'of their'existenee," the an-: outs for the 'University debatUlg team. ::1ouncernent 'reads .. "A' :number of: will be held-before the club next Mon-"� Varsity. ten.-y�rd line, where they .'WIll BE OFFERED their. songs have become·' Songs of the I day' night. in Harpe·' r . Ass�blY room.fumbled. After a few gains, Annantoo)( the ball and �ran seventy yards BY DRAMATIC' CLUB campus; a" great many of their aetors, I Tti� teams which win speak are: af-through the entire yearling team for :-.rtists, mid'directors have �n iead-.! firmative team; A':':_Montgomery, Son-a touchdown. Halladay kicked . goal. . ers on tJie campus and elSewhere. for i ders, Robe; negative team, A-Ponitz,At this point th'� "Old Man" called Make Change m Program to these 'reasons the Blackfriars would, Laswell, Schiff; affinnative team, B-the. scrimmage off, and ran his Ma- ,ee Given Friday and ·like to- see. a pennan"ent record' of the I Mac�uliough, Hillman, Ladrer; nega-roons through a snappy signal drill. Saturday. successive produetic�lDs placed in thE"I tive team, B-Robbins, Horsefield,The Maroon coach is 3nticipating a campus and fraternity libraries." 1 Mills •• hard contest against the CardinalsSatut:dt'.r, nnd is working his men attop sI!,eed to keep- them in condition·· ..for the game. Lord Dunsa ... 's "Fame and thePoet" will be given by the Dramaticclub Friday and Saturday _ni�hts inplace of "A Night at an Inn," as pre­viOusly announced. This announce­ment was made yester!ay after thefire marshal condemn� the scen�ryfor "A Night at an Inn." The clubhas substituted a second play by the�nme author."'Fame and the Poet' is equally a.�good as the other play," said StageDirector Dooley. "It is a newer playand far less known. ,It. is bound toappeal to the audience. Rehearsalshave been very successful and we ex­pect to �ee a big turno'G both nights'."Pre8ent Two Other Pia,...The two other plays to be given areleThe Pot-Boiler," by Alice Gersten­berger, and "The Lady of the WeepingWillow Tree," by Stuart Walker.Alice Gerstenberger is a Chicagoplaywright of considerable note. Shei� the author of "Overtones," whichwag one of the most successful shortplays of recent date. Stuart Walkeris the originator of the Portmanteautheater.The Dramati� club will give theseplays free. Tickets may be securedAlumnal' room, Ida Noy�. from club members or from the Pres-...MaH..� Meeting, Organization of ident's office. Admittance to the playAmerican Legion Chapter, 7, Kent. will lie by ticket only. The p1ayg �11Romance club, 8, 20 Classics. be given Friday and Saturday night.�Philosophy club. 8, 21 CIas.�iC8. at 8 in Mandel haD., ', (.:\-,.' .., ...',.+:l' .,-.j' .I, IJ�·�.. )... .1'' .. !', •'. \ i �.; r ;j"�'a".:1'.. � .... '. '�,.i' .,'vei. 18. No: 30 Price' 5 Cents" .UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, \VEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19� 1919VARSITY WALLOPS----: .I .-j FINAL PEP MEETING TO OCTET IS FEATUREBE HELD FRiDAY NIGHT OF UNIVERSITY SINGIN MANDEL TONIGHT t22 Men Fail rt Hold Regulars-Squad \Vorking to Keepin Condition.A :.-�l('(' dub octet will be a feature ofthe program of the first Universitysing, held tonight at 7:30 in Mandel.Ten University women were selectedas ushers for the affair, which is being held uud-. t- t he auspices of theFederation or Uni v ers ity Women,The octet is composed of l\Iereuithn-m, Ear! Rand:tll, Kenneth Richardcon, Jackson Moore, Dudley Jessop.Paul Cebhardt, Nijah Bowers, and.� rthur White. The ushers will beGladys Hawley, Frances. Crozier, Mina:\'iOi'l'JSO", Lydia Hinckley, ElizabethWilliford. Ruby Worner, Kate Smith,Virg inia Lee. Lucille Kannally, andCatherine Nellegar,Name Leaders of Program.The sing will be in charge of Mr.John M.innema,.a leader of a�y sing­ing during the war. He will be ac­comp:mied by Mr. Isaac Van Grove.pianist for the Chicago SymphonyOrchestra. University, Blackfriar, andpopular songs will be sung. Fann�:Templeton -is chairman of the singcommittee, assisted by Helen Th�mp­:'O!l, Frances Langworthy, BarrettSpach, Crandall Rogers, and Jame�Nicely. Dean Wallace is the facu�tyl�dviser.The sing will'laSt ab()ut an lioUr.1.n:"­vitations have been sent to alL the fra­ternities, clubs, and donnitories, andt is, hoped that a large crowd of Uni­� .. ersity students will attend the sing.manent Record. Announce Ten Women asUshers _. Event Is Spon­sored by Federation,The annual Wisconsin luncheonwill be held Saturday at 12 in theIda Noyes sun parlor, by the W. A. A.This event is planned for the Wiscon- PROGRA�tWr:ST ST.'\NJ) SEATS ALL SOLD TO START AT 7:30Coach Stagg divided the Varsity sin women who come down for thelars scored anyhow.ANNOUNCE HOCKEY TEAMS�IDA Y AT CHICAGO NIGHTJunior and Senior Squads Will BeNamed at Event to Be Held inNoyes-Ticket '·Sale Gloses Friday.;,;.{"EMBERS DISTRIBUTE TICKETS Junior and Senior College hockey1�ms will be announced, on ChicagoNight,' the ann,ual W. A. A. event\vhich will be held Friday at 6 in theIda Noyes sun parlors.Only two more days remain for theticket sale. Tickets are on sale in th�foyer of Ida Noyes during the lunchhour and may also be obtained fromthe following committees: Mina Mor­rison, Theresa Wilson, DorothyArbucker, Margaret Tunison, l\Ial-STaylor, Merle Irvin, Ruth Mallocy',Margaret Lilly, Katherine Wolfoke,Martha Grossman, Marion Norcross,Gertrude Byrne, Louise Apt andJeannette Stein.390 Wom('n Can Be Served.COMPLETE ACTIVIT'" LISTS.OF ALL CLASS. CANDIDATES.' f(Co)!tin.",.rl an PR!7(' �l•TOJ)AY'S WEATHER ,Sophomores and Fre,bmen Meet In Kent TodayFor Nomination Speechea-Council An�F:!:r with moderate tem'per:1ture;r.�ccc!'nte nm-thwest winds,' becoming'I":: r i::ble. nounces ChangeS'ln LiSb.THE DAILY MAROONBULLETIN . ELECTIONS TO PLACETAKE FRIDAYTodayDivinity Chapel, 11 :50. Haskell.Chapel. Senior colleges. 12, Mandel.University Ledures, 4. Harper; .), The list of aetivities of the candi- t a mistake in the list, the name ofdates for class oftlees has been com- I Grant Mears, who has withdrawn hispleted. Speech� of nominees fo� nomination to presidency of the Junior. . clas.�, was printed in The Daily Ma-officers of the JUDlor and SeDlor terd It' also ced, roon yes ay. IS announc)as.� were made yesterday, and the I that the candidate for Freshman vice-sophomores and fresimen will meet I president is Ruth Bowers, and notfor this purpose today. Elections will Ruth �wra as\ p�viou�lY stated.take place Friday. The hst of nommees IS as �llows:The Freshman and Sophomore I SENIORS.c1a.�se..� wiJl meet today at 12 in Kent I For President., tEast and �ent Theater for theIr nom-I Bernard MacDonald, 27ination speeches. Class tickets will be I g. p.required at the polls in Cobb Friday. (Member of Delta Kappa Epsilon,It has been found possible to extend Skull and Creseent�' Iron Mask, andthe sale of these tickets until Thurs- Blackfriars. Football team 1917-19.)day noon, cccording to announcement George Serck, 27 mjs" 103 g. p.made by Glen Harding, chairman of (Member' of Zeta Beta Tau, Ironthe elections committee. These tickets Mask, Owl and Serpent. University��y 'tiC proCUl"ed- from the class rep- I -m�ahaIL president of the Honor com­resentatives, or in the Book store. mission, ViC;;'p�icient of the Reyn-Slight changes in the list of nomi- olds club, Baseball te"a�.f�- -_nees were made yesterday. Owing to (Continued on page 3)I!yeff'on 32,Conme:'cc club, 4, HallK'r.CC:'Man COO\'ersation dub, 4, IdaXoy�St. Marks Society, 4, Ida Noyes,Zionist Society ... :15, M. 13 Harper.ZO'llo�y C!ub. 4:30. 29 Zoology. The number of women who can b\!served at Ida Noye5 is limited to threehundred. A hot dinner " .. ill be �en'erlpromptly at 6, The price is scventy­five cents p�r plate,The following womcn have beenadded to the cOmmittees: Ticket com­mittee, Leila Eichber� and EdnaEiscndrath; publicity committt'e.mjs., 72 .Jeann�tte _Sh:lpiro.TomorrowI>h·ir.ity chapel. 11 :50, Haskell.Chap<,l, C. and A. coll('ge. 12. Man­del. {Cnntimu'fl ()fJ paf1t' 3)l�n.iver8ity lecture� 4, Harper; 4,32 RY<'f80ll.The Graduate Woman's club, 4,c()ntinuou� riancing..� .--2 • THE DAR..Y MAROON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1919m �r ilail!} _arunnThe Student Newspaper of theUniversity of Chicagoj'.f�i1IBVSI�ESS DEP ARTMEXTThe StaffGRANT l\.lEARS .. Business ManagerHenry Pringle .. Advertising ManagerKeith Kindred ... Circulation ManagerLaurence Tibbits Asst. Cir. Mgr.Robert Birkhoff Asst. Cir. Mgr.Entered as second class mail at theChicago postoffice, Chicago, Illinois,March 13, 1906, under the act ofMarch 3, 1873.SUBSCRIPTION RATESCalled for: $2.50 a year; $1.00 a«uarter.By Carrier, $2.50 a year; $1.00 aquarter.By Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50:1 C}uartc:-. ' new, some�i�g, for the University, PROFESSOR DE BOTBEZATunusual. Reference .is made to the OF PETROGRAD LECTURES. .community sing, which begins at 7:30 AT SMOKER MONDAY NIGHTand which will be : held in .: Mandelhull. The Daily Maroon suggeslci'that 'h Dr: 'Geoi·te IJe BotIi&t, professor§in the Polytechnic Institute of Petro- :=33grad, lectured on' "Thinking and i!Struggling RuSsia" at a smoker given �by the. Quadrangle club, Monday �night. He described the conditions �which, he said, exist in Russia today �and related many experiences which ���.�ad while escaping from that coun- ���=:;���iwar, particularly, the idea was em­phasized to prsmote a better commu­nity spirit, to get the people 'together.The community sing is a method ofbettering standards without indulgingin the fatal "highbrow" process.Many complain because there is solittle opportunity in this Universityof- ours fo!' truly democratic gather­ing" together. Admitted, but -here isthe wished-for opportunity. You donot have to be a fraternity man ora club sister to have a good voice, orto enjoy a community sing. You donot even have to have a passable solovoice to enjoy and partake in a com­munity sing. All you have to do isto be present and sing.Again The Daily Maroon suggeststhat you be present and sing. Thesuccess of the plan depends upon theaudience that ap-pears. If you thinkthe plan is a good one, worth the timeand energy, you will be present. Ifyou are indifferent you will not.Editorial Rooms Ellis 14 WATER BASKETBALL TEAMTelephone Midway 800 WORKING lIARD. FOR GAMEBusiness Office Ellis 14 WITH ALUMNI ON DEC. 3Telephone Midway 800Published mornings, except Saturday, you attend.Sunday and Monda).', during the Au- The Federation has conceived atUI!1n. Winter, and Spring quarters,by the Daily Maroon company. worthy idea in the proposed sing.Community singing is not such an old-EDITORIAL DEPARTME?\"T fashioned or tiresome process as someThe Staff of our more modern students would.Jonx E. JOSEPH .. Managing Editor be inclined to think it is. During theJohn Ashenhurst , � . News EditorHose Fischkin. _ .".News EditorHelen Ravitch News EditorHoward Beale Asst. News EditorWilliam Morgenstern.Athletic EditorHarry Bird Night EditorErnest Fribourg Night EditorRichard Flint Day EditorHerbert Rubel Day EditorEdward WaIuI. Day EditorWednesday, Nov. 19, 1919 "Doc" White IS working hard withthe Water Basketball team to get itCONCERNING SIGNED COMMENT in shape for the game with the alumniOf late considerable questioning hascome the way of The Daily Maroonfor several pieces of signed comment'which have appeared in the editorialcolumns. Although there is nothingnew or unusual in the fact that signedcomment is placed in these columnsinstead of under the Communicationsheading (for The Daily Maroon haspublished initialed editorials) per­haps it is better to make brief ex·planation for once and, we hope, forall.The main reason for including com-ment not written by the editor in the. to the editor so tospace belongmg ,k . because such COJllment ex­spes , IS.. ,.tly the opinion bf the ed-presses C)C- ••. and because he conSIders It �itor, d itb communt-I ortant to be place Wltn� f r which 'fhe DailY Marooncations, 0.bility whatsoe'\'er.taltes no responsl •. I in a waY, personThe' editor �s}a s£o, the material that11 nS1b e or da y resp? ed.torial . columns, 2J,J1appears IJl tbe Ik to the limit anYwhile he rJlay �8C I eed in those col.cornrne�t that l��:eS to distingui:;humns he alsoJl1eJlt he himselfbetween the comthe comJllent otMl"Wl.jtes and betweenstudents ¢ite. thel' reason. part1'here i5. �so a�� ch 'the Daily l'da"of thc tral111ng VI I:....J to . incl1Jd�'s SllPJ'°s� alrOOI1 offe� I osition of editorit· .... the comp . _, ..praC Ice )I. l1tb vaflouS me .... 1 Cortseque ·11 11"materIa. If h�ve ano wt eo.. bets of the s� tter for publica'tribute editorta1 m�tl1Ci! Initials aretimc to tl . .tion frorn . �eh persons thell"appended to gtve .just due. dro...,S J10t wish to.1Y Marootl V" �'"The Dal •. f sccrec�· or ""h 'J11presslon 0 itJtiV'c t e J.' of te�ponsibil1 y'. - �ll1ftm� tIhtl1nate a d.tor�l commen--{Of initialed � Jd .4\ the editorial•5 pubhshC I,.Whatever J.1tY 'Vouched for bY.- persona "Icolumd�l;; I: and the :-;tafT of The Dat Ythe e ItOI 'crd.:; all commentn Tn other \\ . ,.)lllfOO .in these columns IS athat appcar� '1 �IaroOn policy, andrt of The Val Ypa editor writes such coJ1'l-whether t�eh will not be initialed) ormcnt (whlC • 1:ber of the staff wnte� sue.�omc mcl11 . ·t· 1 d) th.t (which will be 1m la e e<,ommen h'. to be considered t e �ame.content 1:-;����""i· Dec. 3. ' Arrangements are being com­pleted now for a contest with. theHamilton club to be held December 10.is com-The team, as it now stands,posed of:Moulton, goal.Ries, C. F.Yode, R>F. "''':'''.Goldman, I.. F.Humphrey, L. B.. This ""team is to play a team com­posed pf freshmen and ineligibles nextTuesday at 5 and the practice is tocontinue daily thereafter. All thecandidates for the team are to getout immediately and get in conditionfor the Alumni game, as it is prob­able that more men than those namedabove will be needed.The men awarded the Minor "C"for swiming last year were: Piper,Allison, Whitney, 'and Gordon.BROWNSO� CLUB ELECTSOFFICERS LAST FRIDAYA business meeting of the Brown­son club will be held Friday after:noon at 4 o'clock in the north recep­tion room Ida Noyes. All Catholiestudents are urged to come. Piansfo, the social events during the .com­ing year will be discussed.At a meeting held last Friday, 14,the following officers were elected forthe coming year: President, EdwardO'Brien; vice-president, Mildred Fa­hey'; secretary, Harriet Handsely;treasurer, Harold McCarty.==========================�MIDWESTTYPESE'IufINGCOMPANY510 - 512EAST SIXTY-THIRDSTREETPRINTERS andLINOTYPERSSPECIAL ATrENTIONTOUNIVERSITY WORK Lorado Taft will give an illustratedlecture before the Quadrangle clubFriday, Nov. 21, on "Rambles Withthe Doughboy Through Burgundy."MADE ,.0 ORDERFor the hard wearwhich a school suitmust withstand thereis no material so sat­isfactory as the Wor­steds we are showingin new colorings andweaves.You'D be Wishing fornew clothes soon­why not order themtoday?Suits and Overcoats$45, $50, $55TRA LA:Tonight the Federation of Uni,:er- Prlnter. 0' The »all,. lIIaroen Open 7 Days a Weeksity Women will atUlmpt somethIng I 1&!!!!E!!:5I!!!5i5!!ii:====;';;::::============:::::"'1 ... ..an� upwardBe prepared to 'enjoythe Holiday Gayeties--0 r d e r your Eve­ning Clothes and Cut­away Frock,"NICOLL "rb.eThilor� Je�ms'Sonsaark and ·Adams StreetsStrengthens, InvigoratesAthletes:Restful and RefreshingAfter Study"Horlick's"The OriginalMalted MilkDrink it at the fountain.Keep a jar in your room.A satisfying quick-lunch.Grateful whenever tired,hungry or up Iate at night.Get the Genuine"Horlick'. .-costs n� more than in­ferior imitations.FIS� CAFE1309 E. 57th St..LET us· SHOW YOU __ ==::m: __ �- ---_. �-.-= iWfS!!- % +¥---$'t.-.'IT D C Pip�s are certainly a man's smoke. They bringl'l ihe srnokejoy which every man seeks. It's in themellow French briar, which is �ll:lranteed against cracking orhurn:n� through, in qualiry cf b:[ and band, and ID workman­.s."lip �nd design. Select several shapes today at' any gooddealer 5. Smoke a cool one every time.WM. DEMUTH 8t CO .. NEW YORKWORLO·S LARGE:.ST r-�AK::RS OF FINE PI P £ SNationallyKnown inKnow TimeBevo has become the bestfriend of. food and fellow-Iship.Drink it for its purityand deliciously appetizingflavor.At the soda fountain orwith your meals •Bevo must be served cold.ANHEUSER-BUSCH, ST. LoUISIt must belee eoldAR.GON·NEA���\.'.f..n.KKOWflrm,-:/1t·COLLAR lJENKINS BROS.t DRY GOODSandMen' s Furnishings. 63rd St. &: University Ave.Established 1890r Right Goods Right Prices� . Right TreatmentThe Com ExchangeI National BankOF CHICAGO========= i Capital, $5,000,000MEN'S FURNISHINGS I Surplus & Profits, $10,000,000H t C d N k IlK the Largest National Bank in thea s, ape an ee wearr UNITED STATESCOW !-I'E V' S'I With a Sa,·ings Department• • STORE FOR MEN. i Under Federal SupervisionSoutheast Comer 55th·Ellis Ave. I N. W. Cor. La SaJle and Adams Sts.BILLIARDS Bring Your Savings To UsCigars---Cigarettes-Pipes I Open Saturday Even'gs until 8 o'cl�kC1uet�Peabody&Co.IDe. Troy. N.Y.TI'e name "AflrO'Ine·· Is " ... <t I.,. cOtJrt ... y .. II!'�Ar ....... _ :;Uft c-., . 1'1-;· ... ' ... ··1." (t. .�, .u! \ C(•I0.1fiCt,flciI�' �. ��J• , I m'." wFh(cc, .IrDfrclC:• it:. .'� ,,.. ,. " cnicoScI/ clEB'tebE:-m"""Q', .'-.._- _../- - �-- _-j( ..• t. � ,\ �., �;:.rl(. ..., - \1HE DAILY . MAROON. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19,1919 3f'riars, president Interfraternity coun- ming team, Freshman commission, Y.cil.) W. C. A� committees.)IComplete' Activity ListsOf All Class Candidatest· (Continued from page 1), . For', Vice- Pretdcient.Lydia Hinckley' (no information re-.ceived). 'Phyllis Palmer, :31 mjs., 102 g. p.(The Sig�1a club, Nu Pi Sigma,University aide, member of the Honorcommission, Portfolio 1918.)Elizabeth Walker, 25 mjs., 102 g. p.(The Mortar Board, Business man­ager Cap and Gown 1918, memberfirst cabinet, Y. W: C. L. 1918.)! \,•IFor Secretary.Theresa Wilson (no information re­ceived).For Treasurer.Hans Hoeppner.Hat'old Walker, 28 mjs., 69 g. p.(Beta Theta Pi, Iron Mask, Black-JlT�IORS.For President.Rogers Combs..Keith Kindred. ,(Alpha Delta Phi, Circulation man­ag-er Daily Maroon, Blackfriars.)Crandall Rog-ers, 18 mjs., 61 g. p.(Phi Gamma Delta, Score club.)For Vic:-President.Marion Creyts, 18 mjs., 60 g. p.(The Mortar Board, W. A. A. com­mittees.)Doris Martin.For Secretary.Florence Alcock, 17 mjs., 36 g. p.. (The Quadranglers, Class and Y.W. C. A. committees.)Mary Seymour, 19 mjs., 39 g. p.(The Wyvern, Sign of the Sickle,Freshman commission. Junipr collegehockey team, class and Y. W. C. A.committees.)For Treasurer.Mortimer Harris.(Member of Skull Jd Crescent andI ron Mask, Track team.)Paul Humphrey.(Phi" Kappa Sigma, Iron Mask,Dramatic club, Swimming team.)Frank Schneberger.SOPHOMORES.For President.Allen Holloway.(Phi' Kappa Psi,' Score club, Black­friars, Undergraduate council.)Edward Waful, 9 mjs., 30 g. p.. (Day Editor Daily Maroon, Scoreclub, ,Blackfriars, Associate editorCap and Gown, secretary non-fratem-• ity organization.) .For Vice-President.Damaris Ames.The Mortar Board, president BlackBonnet. Siin of the Sickle, Fresh­man commission.)Nanine Gowdy.(The Wyver1'\, Black Bonnet, presi­dent Sign of the Sickle, Y. W_.'C. A.first cabinet, Freshman commission.)Helen Palmer.(The Sigma club, Sign of the Sickle,Captain sophomore hockey team, ju­nior college hockey team, W. A. A.committees. )'" F�r Secretary.Florence Cameron.Janet Child, 7 mjs., 14 g. p.(The Mortar Board, Y. W. C. A.Social committee.)Virginia Kendall, 9 mjs., 35 g. p.(The Wyvem, W. A. A. Portfolio,class committees.)Clare Smith, 9 mis., 31 g. p.(Treasurer Freshman Commission;Executive Committee Freshman Class,Black Bonnet, Y. W. C. A. commit­tees, Chairman Y. W. C. A. Mem­be r ship team.)For Treasurer."Hud" Moore, 12 mis., 26 g. ,p.(Delta Tau Delta, Score club, fresh­man football.)Louis Roberts,(Delta Upsilon, treasurer ThreeQuarters club, Score club.)Theodore ,Rosenak.FRESHMEN.For President.Logan Fulrath •.Walker Kennedy.i ,"I� I1.', I... j. r'�'.11'1.:, .. _...- ". ,� .,. ,", " •(Freshman Basketball)Kenneth Koaeh.Guilford Read.Irving Reynolds.(Delta Chi (pledge), freshmanfootball.). �- _,--,--Barnett Silver.Robert Tiffany.For Viee-Presideat.Ruth Bowers.(Women's Glee club, Y. W. C. L.committee. )Julia Lang.Margaret Lillie.(The Esoteric (pledge), Freshmancommission, Captain freshman hockeyteam, Y. W. C. A. committees.)Eleanor Mills.(The Mortar Board (pledge),Freshman commission, Y. W. C. A.committee.)Elizabeth Nye.(The Quadranglers (pledge), Swim- •••••••••••• lIIIpl •..,ma"lII.wy'UIIP'II...fll"'IUIIIII'IIJIIWPWlIIwnS·,,"'P_IIUH'IwuumiuallulwUlYWIUIWUUlWllillllllllllWlHIIIIIIIIHIMlUBlIIuunumulli1CLOTHES FOR YOUNG MENAND MEN WHO STAY YOUNGFor Secretary.Marabel J errems.Doris McManigill.For Treasurer,Meredith Ackley.. (Freshman council, reporter DailyMaroon.)Ralph Kalowsky.(The Gave1.)William Keith.Frank Linden.Clark Millikan.Ernest Samuels. 'INTERNATIONAL CLUB MEETSTOMORROW IN' IDA NOYESMiss Landazuri Speaks on. MexicanSituation at 'Firat Gatheringof Year.The International Year club willhold its first meeting of the year to­morrow at 7:30 in Ida Noyes hall.Miss Elena Landazuri will speak onthe Mexican situation, a musiea1 pro­gram will also be given. U�ivvsitywomen have been invited to' atten'dthis meeting, especially the new Fresh­men women of foreign birth. AllUniversity women are eligible· formembership in the club.On Dec. 6, the International club,in conjunction with the Cosmopolitanclub will bold an International night,for which extensive preparations arenow being made. .The International club is publishingthe national organ of· the AssoCiationof Cosmopolitan clubs, "The Cosmo­politan Student." 'This _i� a publica­tion dealing with the problems of in­terest to Cosmopolitan club membersthroughout the country.The officers for the coming yearare: President, lone Weber; vice­president, Ruth Finekelstein; secre­tary, Dora Kirschenbaum; treasurer,Freda Romanoff. . I •In this age of reconstruction there are big jobs ahead formen who have the "sand" and education to undertake big things. "Sand" isconfidence and good dothes inspire it. especiaI1y clothes that have the style andthe tWoring that give you entree anywhere.. Society Brand C10thes rank in highest favor with men who don't want "second�best." Due to the fine hand .. ta.iIoring every garment receives, the style �nsuntil the &bric wean; out.' J\1ways all-wool,ALI'2BD DEcJta& • COBB ••• bra1aeu.Ja. socmrr BBAND C'I.O'I'B:D. LiadtedChicago New York �ontraJI��mJql�@A. D. AC.HEN Rye. L Y T TON & SON S, The HubState and Jackson, on the N.'E. Coiner.AND ALL LEADING CLOTHIERSVarsity Wallops Froah AsBadger Game Looms Near(COfttmued from ptJg'- 1) •• IIIWIIR dIililIIiDIliHHUIIIIIIIWIUI4IDIlIUIIHW.vmmunuIIiIRIRIIIIIRlMJlllilJIDIIIIIImmrnmJIlIlfnmtmftWest Stand Is All Sold Out.It was announced yesterday that allthe seats in the concrete stand hadbeen sold, and that the only good seatsleft far outsiders are in the comerbleachers and on the Wisconsin side.Students possessing "C" books Wiilbe permitted to purchase one seat inthe student section, provided �eybring the book along. If Wisconsinrelinquishes any of its share of theseats, as is probable, three or fourhundred tickets for the east stand willhe put on sale this morning. Harper HallS3rd and Harper Avenue6!�\J�ountain Pen�-l£NCA8l£Fni. of ChicagoBook Store5802 Ellis Ave.DANCINGThe ··CfTUnll·FtllH- is n:ll on'}!he p-eneer �If.nlhna device bUI IIJt\II lad. Ih. tield in StTfnltth. JIm·,,1.('>1')' _1'10.1 ·'work·abtlily •.It " fas,l,. I:ft·a!.ab�. milan! andposinve In action and dOftn'l Inlerfrrr.. uh rhe hand when "'ntlnlt, It alsopre'tnn the CONKLIN trom,olhn& olf Ih. dak.Harvey OrchestratCOLLEGE NIGHTS'Tuesday-s-Music Phil GoldbergWed.-Randstead University Trio IrI I'I I�I ' iIJAnnounce Hockey T earnsFriday at Chicago Nighten," Uid Mabel RoRsokr.cchairman._ g,t We Cut Your Hair To FitInvite All University WeiDen. Chicago Night. "All University wom- WI L L EMS"There still seems to be some hes- en may attend this affair. We expect BARBER 'SHOP .itancy as to whether or Dot Chicago it, to be a, great success, as every eem- 803 E. SIXTY-THIRD STREETNight is restricted to W. A. A. worn- mittee is 'working .hard." • N eat Cottage Grove •i'j.1 l;rin� t he Children.A dramatic drector named LouIs �t:lg'ir�g a drama or two;If that young- BelascoForgets for to ask you.Your own invitation will do. f tJay�."'i . •• Buy a ticket to SettlementI �-:.!:7Lt. which is conducted in behalf: (),' lhe L"ni\,f.'l"sity of Chicago SetUe­; '�:(';�t. which carries on charitable work'i uf all kinds 'back 0' the yards', from: Americanization to furnishing Christ-THE way the tickets are going, if mas dinners!"We are to believe Frank Priebe's sob, :duch can be said of the foregoingthe pan-Hellenic party at Hyde park both in praise and in censure. Theon Saturday will not be the battle second, for example, is good. but itroyal it was last year. The Quad- offer; rather weak bait. The troubleranglers must all be going to stay at. \':ith the fourth is that the "L" standshome to »ntertu iu the Wisconsin sis-! for "living." Knock it out, if you like.ters. : btlt "Iiigh cost" will still be there.: X,l!LLe:' fi v e seC::1S rather short. Num-"D ' btL' seven, on the other hand, althoughSA YOS a Maroon headline, can'. T k F (._. } T I : co .. .p: cher s.vc. seems rather long.LII!n to axe on • ree .;,peec 1 or ay , ." ,. '1 C " D', . G " 'S,l,ncllo\'; it. lacks the snap and theII. 1. .t. • • .". l:scusslon roup., Id h.. .' r'l:;;ch that a good slogan shou ave.This IS nothing 11(,\\' for M r. Linn, hut: "k .b 't• : \\"(' I:U!V l.o mista en, ut we canit muv gw(' the Y. :\1. crow,' 3 startle. ,.h t..': ill ilJ fu:l:ng- that it is not the sort t a: \'::!l become n by-word, forever on theSINCE the 13th annual Settlement; t:p of the campus tongue .Night is going to be on December 13, i Judges in this contest will beit has been suggested that the Pub-; Ik:.,tl';CC Marks. 'Jimmy 'fwo?ig, Ade­licity committee, instead of meeting i lir e Allals. and Hank Marmo. AllThursday at 12 in Cobb 12A, as it is � l!:�ro,mcripts should be addressed orNanning to. should meet Thursday at; l::;!:::a�h!lCS�Ctl to' the Contest Editor of1:1 in Cobb l:�A. : the Wh;st}e.i.�iJ1. "Take You!' Gi:-!ie to the Anim ..ato­graph."Spe�king �f Settlemen� Night; this Our Htle g:rI reporter just turneddepartment IS today opernng a slogan in th.s. about the Freshman commis­contest for the ticket-selling cam- sion : "After the meeting the mern­paign, The first prize will be a hand-I b '11 I' f d' ,to the. . . ers WI a( Journ or mnerembroidered shaving mug, o�, �f a: Gladstone hotel, after which theywoman should ullefpeetedly WIn It, a I '11 tte ! the ei "I WI a tenr e cinema.bottle of sure-fire. bella donna, guar- iunteed to entice any undergrad un-]'cler the dock when dropped into the: ACCORDING to the latest reports,winner's eye with,a fountain-pen filler. ! there ar� still three !reshmen who areThe following slogans have been en-] not runnmg for office.I1. "No coal, no heat." I BUT nobody knows \ .... ho they are.2. ,"The Settlement is the poor, I Garcon.ICONTEST.tered in, the competition:0-1_1- I •'.� I; � :!;, �JiII Nothing to do thisweek-the boysbought their Socksat. the WashingtonShirt Co.-not ahole in any of them.IA corking goodpair for SOcOthers 30c to $2. SO.FOUR LOOP-STORESJackson and DearbornMadison and La Salle Washington and Dearborn58 East Monroe Street Your Thanksgiy..;ing Dress Suitis HereFULL DRESSCoat- and Trousers, faultless in style, fab­ric and fit-coat and trousers fine unfin­ished worsted satin faced lapels and fullsatin lined hand tailored. See if 'it is {lotby far the most remarkable value in Chi­cago. You tn find suits of this class else­';where running from $7.5 to $10.0. Ourpnce-$60TUXEDOS •The newest style expression preferred bythe smart set-silk facing-hand tailored.Trousers and coat-iIIIIIIII $50Full Dress Coat and Tuxedo combinationwith trousers $100.Full Dress White V�ts, $3.50 to $5.00Black Silk Vests, to be worn with 'Tuxedo, '$7.50Save at least $10 on busi­ness suits and overcoats.45 Doll�r all wool hand tailoredsuits and overcoab. . . . . . . $35Others at $25, $30, $40, $45, $50, $5� and up.Four Cornerstones of The Joe Beeson Co.$101234 SAVINGCorrect HatsFlexible Felts, $3.50 and $5.Derbies $3.50 and $5.Beavers and Velours,($12 values). $8.50. Daylight salesrooms. Low rent.Cash policy. No bed debts.':\11 wool stock bought before riscoHand tailoring bench work at whole-sale cost.=============== � o,"lda Noyes hall. This class is under:Off i c ia I Not ice s .: t'h� supervfslen of Miss Stiles, and is===========::;::=== open to every woman of the Univer-The Philosophy club will meet at 8 'sity.in Classics 21. Prof. Judd will speak� , . . ._.10Th S· tif �1 �. Ed "The seeial service committee of theon .... e c.cn mc c ovement In u- Y. W. C. A. will meet tomorrow atcation."___ 4:45 in the League room, Ida Noyes!,. A High Class Op-'The German club will meet today, hall.. I tical Service a tat 4 in the north reception room of Ida: Th' C = I Reasonable Prices'e ommerce club executive eeun- :Noyes.; cil meets at 12 in Cobb 6B. ! S. FE INS TEl N, OpL D.The Publicity- co'�mittee for Settle- :-:--- , OPTOMETRIST - OPTICIAN. N' ht 'II t to t' 12 Freshmen tryIng out 'for Cap and I' I 132 Ea' t 55th S-- t:.'ent J. Ig WJ mee morrow a. S ueein Cobb 12A� : Gown meet m the Cap and Gown of- .., flee today at 3, and of the art staff ITh Fr h . .. - '11·: tomorrow at 3. The art staff has been I CLASSIF, lED ADSe new es man commISSIOn WI '• •1...1 h' ti ttl asked to bnng samples of picturesho 'I a .,usmess mee mg omorrow a ,_ .:-.00' th Y W C A Afte . they. have drawn whether done In FOR SALF.--One new set Alteneder.,... In e . . ." rooms. r. ith kn'fh ti th be f th : high school of elsewhere. Freshman thawing instruments WI I et e mee ng e mem rs 0 e com-. . ." . '11 di f di to th j snapshots should also be turned In as blak(', attachmen� On all pens.r.11i-SIOn WI a Journ or mner e, 'bl I'ricc $35.00. . A pply to R. E. Toms.Gladstone hotel, after which they wi11 : �Of>n as POSSI e_.--=I . .t , 1169 East 61st St. (46):ltt<'n( moving pIC ures. The social committee of the Col.: ----t : .. :,��c of EducatiGn is giving a tea to! WANTED-Roo�rnate to share largeI The St. Mark S sOCIety wIn meet to- all students in Education today at 4 i double room In apartment. Allday at 4 in the Y. W. C. A. room ofI ::1 �hc Kindergarten room. Members! mo�cm conveniences. See .Ja.�, L.Ida Noyes hall. Dr. Thomas will be 1 .,f the department of Home Economics; Skerritt or MI·s. Gaylor, !)G27 Dor-the speaker. i '.':ill serve and receive. : che�tcl'. 47I i---; I FOUND-A Waterman fountain penThe Spa,ni8h club will meet tomor-I, (�HAPLAIN OF ·'BLUE DEVILS" : d I th � book h bee. .,., nn a ea er nOl.e ave nrow at 4 in the north receptIon room I SPEAKS IN MANDEL TUESDAY itUi'nd in to the Maroon office andof Ida Noyes. Ii Ib h d 'f'd t'ficd 48may e a I I en I I .= -= I On Tues�ay .. Nov. 25, Abbe Caba- �-The ,Int���t,io�a..! club will,..meet riel, chaplain of the "Diue Devils,"; REWARD for information leading to"'hursday at 7:30 in the north recep-: will sn,eak at 4 :30 in Mandel. Abbe: the I"eCO\'e1"Y of a tan sheep-linedtion room of Ida Noyes hall. i Cabanel, who is visiting Chi�ago un-1 coat with fur collar. Lost in=-= ! (�er the auspices of the Fatherless i Hu�hinson Commons Saturday,The clus in social dancing will meet I' Chi1dren of France, is speaking under I Nov. 8. Notify Information ortomorrow at 7 in the lower gymnasium the auspices 01 the Brownson club. i (6t) 'ggr, PU1!PI'P.O ;luot{dC. SCHAFFNERDress Suit SpecialistDress Suits to Rent130 N. State St. r.a, I. ....I, ! • c.·, L::, 6 �• ! ,. ..� �.:,,'" .1::If .._. •F ',... ,