j===========================By Pelitieus . .. IThe managing editor having ap-Ipointed me expert, on campus elec­tions, I went out on the campus to,get a scoop. I 'found 'that every one I\�:hen approached on the subject Iwore' a blank expression. blanker than Iusual. I also found the peculiar sitUa-1• ' tion of no rone running for, office in II� the Junior class, and stranger than'J all th�t, no Chi P�i, taking_ the stump.,it I met George Serck shooting Kelly�j, pool in the Reynolds club.� "Hello. George;" I said very cor-.., . .� ... _ �lly, "1 hear y�u. � running for,. ir;:- Senior elass President. .. ,'� �. uy �h,", said he. and th��, �ng his• � . ,!�j,�)!��rie!l.t:�-!�"�!,�.�.!_� .a iood, claar!', I took the rope and,thanked GeOrge. .,"I'm 8Orr,: .I'm not a senior," I re­marked off-hand..."A..,.. ,';" '� .....�'. . . / ,i. ,', ." . ," _,'... 1 ... :' '"""II'y'f ....... " ,I", ,'r:-, ii;, 'C aroonr� ,Vol. '18. No. 28 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14,1919 Price 5 CentsHawkeyes Are Next For Maroons!UNDERGRADUATE NOMINATIONS AT 112 IOWA BRINGS STRONG TEAM·, ,NOMINATE CLASS OFFICERS COUNCIL DECIDES 0N I FOR GAME· HERE TOMORROWDEC. 13 AS DATE OF IDURING CHAPEL HOUR TODAY, SETILEMENT NIGHT Varsity Is In Best ShapeOf:ear With McGuireI Chairmen for Nine Sub-Com- and Jackson Back In Lme-DopeDaily Maroon Election Expert Gets Scoop On Nom-, mittees Appointed to Indicates Great Battle.inations-Presidential 'Bees- Not Swarming Assist .. ,In Junior Clasa---Serck Treats Reporter. -TO BE HELD IN TOWER GROUP TEAM TAKES ONLY LIGHT PRACTICEThe annual Settlement Night will If.ELECTION TO BE HELD NEXT FRIDA Y be held Saturday, Dec. 13, in the Chicago and Iowa meet on StaggTower group, according to the plans I ,PREVIQUS IOWA SCORES. field tomorrow afternoon at 2 in whatmade by the Settlement committee of,' will probably be the feature game ofthe Undergraduate council yesterday. I 1894. Chicago 18-lowa 18. ' the season. The Maroons are in theUndergraduate claaes nom- Chairmen were chosen for nine-SUb-1 1896. Chicago 6-Iowa o. best shape they have known aU year,inate their officers today at the committees to serve at the affair. 1898. Chicago 38-Iowa O. and Iowa has a fast eleven that is re-chapel hour. - The Settlement Night is the annual 1899. Chicago 5-Iowa 5. garded as about the best in the con-Seniors meet in Cobb 12A. entertainment given for the benefit" Of,' 1900. Chicago O-Iowa 17. ference..A battle that will produceJuniors meet in Kent West. the University Settlement. The en- 190.f. Chicago 39-lowa o. great football should be the result ..Sophomores jp Kent East. tertainment consists of a vaude�iiIe 1905. - Chicago 42-lo�a O. If the Maroons, lose tomorrow they ,Freshmen in Kfnt theater. program, a dance, an!l n�erous '1912� Chicago 3�I�wa 14. will have nothing to offer as an alibi.Nominees will speak before I a!�us.-cment and refreshment �b.ooth_s. /'1 1913. Chicago "�Iowa '6. The "Old Man" has his team drilled to-:their res�tive � elassee ned if 191.t Chicago: '7':'_Iowa o •Previous to last year, the a �1Jr was the .highest possible perfection, andTuesday an'd Wednesday� and held in Bartlett gymnasium, but last Games won: Chicago 7; Iowa the eleven which takes the field to- 'eleetiena win be held next Fri� d "d- old ·t· th '1 Games ti...l 2-, year, it was ecide to hIm_ e . . � morrow is probably the best Chicagoday. • , Tower group .. Owing to the war con- team si�pe 1914. The line is workingClass tickets are on sale to-' IC th'ditions of the S. A. T. . year, e I well, and the offense is smooth and re-day at the University Bookstore -N· Id be h Id THE GAME'S UP YOU'LLSettlement Ight cou not e.. liable. Everyone on the squad, .withand will remain on sale antil until the W.inter, quarter. This year, . �N"OW �MORROW NIGHT the possible exception of MacDonald,Wednesday •. On�y par�. ,however, it.w&$decided·to go �k to. '," ,---.• " lis ready !O�pJaYr,>.'" '. .of the dus �eta :wlJt � ell-. the old custom' of:holding the affair ,And_IlY._:I'heir .�� .. Will"You :Know '. _�;-- . -, '. ;-, _��I!��!..!o....v�:.����!ic.Jt����t., .. � :n�r--the- �':�:�tte-.Atitumn\quartei. --_,-The�Tlley'II"AII-'Be �t-·at .c.· .. '-:.�.��,��.!.���!_..!)!.!�� ..__ , __ ..·arty cents-each. CIaaa lists are Th I 11 • '''- ··ttee ch ... Irme n I the Score Club Hop."· The Iine-tomerrow will- be stronger" e .LO owmg" ComJDI CIU. "• •. also �ed today. were appointed yeSterday: Reception, than. at. any time this year. .J'ack-Additional Dominatioas ina� Roland Holloway and Helen Thomp- Tomorrow night will be a. -great son IS back � tackle, and �t �eans. ,be, made up to Monday_ at 6 by son; finance,' Buel Hutchinson and night' for lovers of mystery stories. the h.ole which meant the IDinOlS de-a petition of· ten votes of t� Eleanor Atkins; ticket, Grant Mears Instead of going to the 'movies to see feat IS. safely plugged. McGuire willcandidate'. clB88. All nominees and Elizabeth Walker; entertainment, who m_ arries Sadie, the beautiful gov- ,Perform as a guard, and his returnIn ... t hand in a list of their H means added strength The otherBernard McDonald and Frances en- emment spy, in, the last reel, or stay- . .,activitiea,' majors, and grade derson; decoration, Warren Mulroy ing at home to read the latest Conan guard will be chosen from Stegeman,points, to Glenn Harding, or to and Phyllis' Palmer; -refreshment, Doyle, they will flock to the Kenwood Pheeny,' ot:, Swenson., The Daily Maroon, Box 0, Fae- Frank Long and .Edith West; pub- club to see which club the frosh .ladies The backfield which will start theaJty e'xdumge. licity, Harold Stansbury and Florence taka unto, themselves, or visa versa, game will be the, combination of Gra-Falkenau; music, Gerald Westby. A if you wilL . ham, quarter; Hanisch, full; Eltonnew committee, called the alumni sup- • and Hutchinson, halfs. Stagg hasTICKET SALE �OR· The occasion i� �he hop which ther I, port committee, will be headed by perfected his old offense until it is.Score club, the members of which arebud'" \' ' CHICAGO NIGHT IS Lyndon Lesch and Helen Adams. ,. .- certain to get gains, and in addition•• •• i ."":' .: "the . foremost of the Sophomore sodal 'H�o;alk:.�rwardS, I·' e�countered I opENED BY W:A. A. All the committee chairmen except lions, give atmUaJIy in their honor. he has prepared a new assortment oCI on the alumni support committee, are Needless to say, the eelight will be plays for this game."I spose," I said; after asking him I "---, .: asked to m�t today at 4 in Cobb 12A: h d I 1· Iowa. I. Strong Combination.for a ega, reUe," "You will run one of I Dinner. ,Will Be 15 Cents Per on an tofe icitate or to condole theThey should bring with them a list of choice of the frosh ladies. Iowa is a strong combination, andthe good-loo�ng Beta freshmen for Plate-Open Booth. m about fifteen men and women that th )1-" Only after June Roberts' 'delectable e aroons will need everything theysomething. No es they want on their committees. ha 'to t th d ..N " h red d ·dedl Y • orchestra has dl·�used' a "ew dream' ve_ ge e ecJslon. The centerII 0,. e answe very eo y" . The Settlement Night committee .L'songs and the cro�d has wanned up of the line, with HeItz at center, Bun-. ·'but we're going to run a mighty ---rented Box 279 Faculty exchange, and-':'1 L! C!.._: I treasure" FACULTY MEMBERS TO SPEAK and" some of the men have been WI'lt- zelman and MOckmore at guards, is as�vvu- oolUn« �or .lor.• r. I ' , any, �ommunication or suggestion"And b • ht that be'" I '.. ing with apprehensl·on will the com- strong as the Maroon middle section." W 0 illig . I .' should be sent there. '.··ed • plete mystery be cleared u' p. Then Slater at tackle is about the best inquen . The ticket sale and general cam-"I won't tell you," he unswered paign for ChiCago Night, which will special dan� win be held and the the wpt, who is dangerous to any lineturning red, aDd running' llwittly be held next· Friday, started yester': ,TOD", Y'S WEATHER pledgeS or eaCh club will rise up with play. The other tackle is' Block, whoaway. k yellow sweet peas or red o-1..I·ds ·on is said by Page to be a clever playerday and will continue all next wee. Fair and slightly warmer. �UI b t h' ·11 hAmbitioas JaDlon LaekiDg. The price is seventy-five cents .per their bosoms, and the suspense will u e WI ave nothing on ·'Red"II scoured the . qudrangles thor- plate.. THE DAILY MAROON be over.." �acbon. �e :nds, �lton and Beld- •oughly looking for Junior candidates, "'ri�k�tS will be on sale every day BULLETIN . Th� members of the Score club are I � -: the ila�V;: �=. no decidedbut j,., vain. NODe of the inner clr- at Ida Noyes hall during the lunch ,.'! peddlIng pasteboards! for' the thingdes'bad chosen'anyone, and au that I hour. They may also be obtaine<:l Today!' for $1.65, .�nd repott a rushing busi- h AUbi�h D;;in�, quarterback, i� thecould get W8f a �or that a prom- from any 01 the following women: ness. When you are approached I ope 0 ,e· a\\keyes, and he WIll beinent Zeta Beta was going to run on Divinity chapel, 11:50, Haskell. the subJ·ect don't say you h on the man for the Maroons to watch .. Mina MOrrison, Theresa . Wilson, . I ' ave prom- ' '.his own hook. However, the Chi Psis Dorothy Church, Dorothy Al'bucker, Czech club, 7, Ida Noyes. ised someone el�, because tickets, not �e has speed, and runs the ends andmay put up in opposition James of Margaret Tunison, Mary Taylor, Square and Compass club,.s, Harper. promises, are fo't" sale. hIts through tackle for big gains, andthe club as a dark h,orse. Southern club, 4, Harper MIl. S b t' k t, d in addition punts consistly for goodMerle Irvin, Ruth· Mallory, Margaret 0 uy a IC e on your usual '-'-d •In the Sophomore class, little diffi- W. A. A. meeting, 6, Ida Noyes. t' I th Bdl' Ie distance. E. De\·ine his brother is aLilly, Katherine Wolfoke, Martha T . IC, app yean 0 me, take her and . ' ,culty was eneounlere<i in making the Grossman, Marion NorcroSs, Gertrude omorro... get off the ear at 47th St. and Lake f�1T hal�k, t a�d h Parker liS abo�tcandidateR talk. Louie Roberts had Byrne, Louise Apt and Jeannette Stein. ' � Park Ave. It's tomorrow night a�erage. ap .. 0 man, fu !bac� ISthrown his kelly intO the ring several . University 'tilling bodies, general . a good ground gaIner through:thEl Alne,weeks ago but was worried. . Faculty Members Will Speak. administrative board, 9, Harper E.fl; and an adept in backing up'lhe fine .• 'My right 'wing is almost broken," Dinner will be served promptly at faculty and conference of the Divinity Southwestern :Students Receive. Vanity Takes. Light Practice.he mourned. .'1 extended the glad 6 and a program will follow. Mem- school, 9, office of the Dean, Haskell;band so much in the last two weeks, �rs of the faculty and students- willi faculty of grad nate schoo1s of, Arts, Thc former "stUdents of So�thwest.that now when I need it most, it's give talks. Singing and cheering by Literature, and Science, II Harper; I ern University WIll hold a reunion i- going dead on me." , thf audience are featurts of the pro-i Board of the Christian Union, II; Har-I Ida Noyes, Friday, Nov. 28. ThoS:Hud Moore, another candidate, re- gram. Song sheets containing all the! per, En.' wishing to attend are asked to sendfelTed me to several club women. Chicago songs will be �c;� out. I', Football game, Ch-icago VB. Iowa, 2, their name and address to Charle\(Continued on page 6) (Continued on page 6), Stagg field. Schrepel, 6653 Dorchester Ave.t4'{ ou aren't r" shouted George, andfainted. - -� ..'''Why Are Yoa a CaDCI�"te1"·'Why are: you running for Seniorclass president?" I asked Beano Mac­DOnald. ··BecauSe I am a believer in .college traditions. L8st yeat- DaveAnnan started one by ha�ng a Delta�Kap for that office, and whcl-am'I tonip a perfectly good tradition � ,theThe Varsity went through only alight practice yesterday evcning. Foran hour the Maroons drilled atbreaking through thc line and bl�­ing, sending and taking passes, andreceiving and running down under(Continued on paee aix.),H�, ,.i�, »:�, ',.: .. ,'�', : ,-,,',-;' ::.2 •p.THE DAILY MAROON;;I}RIDAY, NoVEMBER 1., '1919'NOMINATIONS. .n lIuna-'roday �t the chapel hour al� {ourare to be m�de bythotioJlS mon of IScl:Jsses, In another po. I ...... asdition you will find partlcU a, .. ··1 . 0------------------------------------------- -----6e tc 'the p�l Yto the meeting rooms, e.. the�f:Jroon wishes to cmph3Slze t-necessity of attending these meeingS. Lo . tt had toTo apply what Dean v esa)' in chapel concerning the v.0te--;although he probably was not pnma -'1 ' thinking of such small matters asI �JJcO'c elections-would not be a ha.lfco � 't' hlPbad idea. In theory the CI izens.rights of college student and Amen-11 citizen arc the same. Those whocaf hei . htsdo not take ao\'antage 0 t err ngarc not only depriving themselves butdragging back the welfare' of theircommunity.Talk has often been-and is--con-ccrning the wicked autocracy of thisuniversity (that is from the under­graduate management). In fact, the- . .I" . 'al�r mailS fIIlaroun'The Student Newspaper of theUniversity of ChicagoPublished mornings, except Saturday, iSunday and Monday, during the Au­tumn .: Winter, and Spring quarters, Iby the Daily Maroon company.EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT IThe Staff' i.JOHN E. JOSEPH .. Managing Editor iJolin Ashcnhurst . . News Editor iRose Fischkin .. , , News Editor iHelen Ravitch .. , .. , News EditorHoward Beale., ... Asst. News Editor iWilliam Morgenstern. Athletic Editor IHarry Bird Night Editor iErnest F'ribourg' Night Editor iRichard Flint Day Editor IHerbert Rubel .. " Day EditorEdward Wafu!. , Day EditorBUSINESS DEPARTMENT 1-The StallG RANT MEARS .. Business Manager IHenry Pringle .. Advert.ising Manager iKeith Kindred ... Circulation Manager !Laurence Tibbits Asst. Cir. l\1gr. ,Robert BirkhoIT Asst. Cir. Mgr. iEntered as second class mail at the iChicago postoffice, Chicago, Illinois, IMarch 13, 1906, under the act of I�March 3, 1873.SUBSCRIPTION RATESCalled for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a Iquarter.By Carrier, $2.50 a year; $1.00 aquarte� . IBy Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50 Ia quarter. _II,Friday, November 14, 1919 ICORNETS AND FOOTBALL."The Daily Maroon is in receipt ofconsiderable complaint concerning thecornet solo played by the band, orrather by a member of the band, atthe Michigan game. Not that ,1Jierewas anything particularly the matterwith .the solo, but· that such a. solqwas out of place at a football game.And The Daily Maroon is inclined toagree with the complainants.Admittedly the piece of music playedwas of popular motiff, and shouldtherefore please any crowd. But cor­net solos, any kind of solos for th�tmatter, scarcely go well in, the chilland open air surrounding a footb�1field. . What the spectators want. issomething lively and noisy, s��ething. keeping with their own spmts. The10 • bei d featedlively wiII cheer those eJDg e.a�d spur them on to victory; the nOIsY I,.. ict 'OUSwill drown the' cries of, the VI on •IAnd so on, and so on, • gThe band is making a good sho\\'Ulthis year, but it should strive to pleasetht· its purpose �t ethe crowd. Tha JS J d. to please the crowg:J-mes, anyway. thusU1s1... d keep the rooters in an enth .an. A d robably etiC frame of mind. tl pd bybest please the crowb9-nd can t solos orrJlething other than come .edsothe""""e of composition planOallY 0 r .. " t' • t 'for the intellect or for quiec- ,.Editorial Rooms ; .. Ellis 14Telephone Midway 800Business Office Ellis 14Telephone Midway 800t-__----------IPROF. GEORGE DE BOTBEZAT I AUTOMOBILE "SERVICEWILL ADDRESS PROFESSORS I_- '!Prof. George d� Bothezat of the IPolytechnic Institute of Petrograll,:who is to' speak to the Physics club!next week, will also be the principal i Our W ork Always First O�speaker at a Smoke Talk next Monday I. and Guaranteednight at 8 at the Quadrangle club. I Work called for and delivered.Prof. Bothezat's subject '\Vill be! Cleanlng, Pres.lng, nyeln, 'aDd Bepalrina"Thinking, . Struggling Russia." The I WE lL\KE A SPECIALTY or �wt· '11 tak th I f til I �F.W SUITS A�D REMODELINGmoe mg WI e e p ace 0 e . " .'regular Club Night which was SChed-11007 E. 61st St., Near Ems. �Ve.uled for Monday, Nov. 24, and is 'ormembers only. l, Read The Daily MaroonF'inal Results On the .Day of ·the GameOn Sale Throughout Chicago After 6 P. M."The. _.'A Story of Chicago's UnderworldTold by the Man of MysterYTHRD..LING---READ· IT NOW, , - ,.Conunon "TheLa "w Man WhoRobert W. Chambers'GREATEST NOyELNOW RUNNING DAILYGet all the' News 'F�st--Chicago' Evening Atnerican..above id�a is the basic theme of the! dissatisfied �wake to the fact that they. Irecently formed non-fraternity organ- i will have to work to gain (or regain,ization. Consequently, those who feel, I whatever the case may be) their dueor have felt, that campus honors be- share then perhaps they will gainlong to a closed corporation should I their due share. Not until then.attend the class meetings today. They! The Daily Maroon would also likecan not expect to receive their, right-I' to appeal to the sentiment of abso­ful share of whatever they consider lute good citizenship, good citizenshiptheir rights unless they make some j from an unselfish viewpoint. There isattempt, perhaps fight, to get that small need of elaborating on theshare. One way is the nominating 'of point; everyone knows what good citi­whatever person they consider able I zenship is, and how it can be appliedt� fin the officerships. . 'j in the University community.One reason for the dosed corpora-, 'tion tendency on this campus is the Kappa' Siga A�tno'unce Pledging.lact of interest. Even the stockhold-j ---ers. so to speak, of the corporation Kappa Sigma announces the pledg-arc uninterested at times. When the ing of Hayes Kennedy of Joliet, Ill. SUBSCRffiE FOR THE DAILY MAROON fo.C}hafirrmIradeonelia,aUhhthtIa<th4gehebi.atgr:hishe;WI00teJtludlestcmay01ga1ofW�mepn• "1:� �.( �i1'" �••rf...-- wasaiYowh"'bebeiispelSOlgle1811dietbi100eaJdntheI ,ancnot,peJ'Wo.orterC8IalIhwooa I. �.. ,'\r,,:_ ...onrnoingetdoCOli�aw.tutancmb� forwh,onatwalMAX' BROOKTailor and Cleanerrestheestleg, .•.. '"# •• ' '.THE"1M.ItY' ·'MAROON. FRlDAY� NOVEMBER: 14;· 1919 .'".1Ir D.O.DGIN:G 'T·ME ··G·A'RLANDS.By Tom..Eck 'It is quit:e elJlbarrasaj.q to,'be,.takenlfor the President of the 'University of "REVELATION OF JOHN"• Chicago. But that honor has been TITLE OF RECENT BOOKhanded to me several times. The BY DR. SHIRLEY J. PRICEfirst occasion was when Binga Dis-"mond won the great one-Q,wuter mile Copies of New Book By Professor· race at the SecODd �.unent Armqry, of Early Church Biatory ODdefeating Ted· Meredith, the world's Sale Today.one-quarter mile record holder, LeRoyCampbell, and several more. It was "The Revelation of John," by Dr.a great victory for Dismond. Natur- Shirley 'J •. Case, professor of Earlyally I rushed over and congratulated Church History and New Testamenthim and walked over to the edge of Interpretation is published today bythe track with him. . the University Press. Copies are onThat night after the race some sale at the bookstore today.ladies and gentlemen coming home on The central theme of the book is to·,the Elevated noticed Diamond. One' explain the meaning of Revelation asgent said out !oud enough 'to be its author intended' it to be understoodheard: , by those to whom it was first ad-'UThat's Binga Diamond. He won the dressed. In other words, this volumebig race tonight. He stands in great ,aims to tell us exactly what Johnat the college. The President con- meant to say.gratulated him" �d escorted him to Prof. Case has written· �s latesthis dressing room." book with the firm purpose of makingTh last t· I taken' f th a popular volume which any layman Ie nne was en or ehead of the U. was last summer. I could understand, to show that thewhole �long tale of a world calam-ity at the "hands of God is a purephantasy built on nothing more basicthan misapprehension of what John,"I think today," said prof. Case,"that part of the unrest over th�I�!:""_' • __• __ • • • 6. . . . . . . . __. . . . . . '--_I __. __. __. __I __. __.--'-�"i'g���e�ahlli.�mil�M��-I�=====================================�ple to settle back to work in their old � ...orderly pursuits, and their speaking Iafter spiritualism and new sources of I 'F'I S 'K C A' F Emental consolation is due to nothinl{ , ;:,;,\more than the recurring of the oldhaunt�g deSpair of the human soulto w�ch we have applied the term, Ipremillennialism."There are three things I have al- Prof. Case, in his preface, says: "In Iways said I never wanted to be, . a the treatment of the text itself a sim­�or, a soldier, or a ne�per � pIe method of procedure has been lYou· are away .. from land too loilg adopted. The contents. of the book IIwhen a sailor•. ,Life is' too abort to have been, analyzed into paragraphsoJ be a soldt�P;-You'IOBe-wo'much sleep wiiii--deSc;rip-tive -captiOns' werted to --_' '-------_' ...-'_' ..being a newspaper � . But , there exhibi�,the p,rogressiOD of the author'sis aome good material for a DeWSp&- thought. For those who may al80per. man among the 'college ,athletes. use this v.olume as a work of .reference�. aomDalllbulatora in this ,collepl a full list of passages has been in-cl� in the table, of contents." IOther books ,.,y Dr. Case are: ,"The IHi&toricicy of Jesus," "The Evolutionof _Early Christianity," and "The Mil-,lennial Hope." •I 13()9 E. 57th St.'W_bingtOD ,Boase PI�ge& _Washington House announces the MARGUERITE GRACE. Prop.pledging of George 'Frederick Brand01 LoraiDe" .ohio.There is going to be a great strug­gle for the, poRtion of holding thelantem and eScorting the, young la­dies ac:rosa the � OD the Midwaythis winter. There are seven good­looking candidates and one homelycandidate, and 'the winner will bedrawn by lot. I am to superintendthe drawing. But· don't fret, girl&.I will see �that he is a good lookerand right on the job. But he shall ===========================not have any assistants.We have, 8OJI1e wonderful writers inpemnanahip .fn ,this eoUege. Theywould make peat P�ts of banks.or cheek signers. No one could coun­terfeit their writing. In fad, theycan not tad it themselves. U I werea girl and • fellow wrote • letter thatI had to get an interpre�r to read, Iwould send it baek and advertise for• gent �t 'I �d reM his writing... They ,are going to pad the, .merson the dining-room· tables in the Com-mons. Some;Pf the football men are============================. in such a hurry to eat that they for-get bow to turn a eomer. 'iJut what.. do they care for a Cbar;y horse, ascompared to a big �eaI!A young - student who llad -beenaway to a training camp and just re­tutned rushed up to Jimmy Twohigand shook 'him by both hands for fiveminutes, and said, "I haven't seen you IIfor a long time, Jimmy." Jimmy, .who was very busy spreading the hay ion the field, said, "Take a good �ook I'at me DOW, and it will do you for awake." Iwas sitting out in front of the liWebooth wJ?,ere the' tennis players regis­ter for a court. I was aI,I dressed upthat day. A gentleman and three.la.­dies drove up in an automobile' andstopped in front of' the booth. TI.temarl called-cut, "Hello, Judson! Canyou ten me how to: get over to Michl­gan boulevlUd!"I told him how. There is DO useof . disappointing people that know.Well, I am satisfied, al\hough I nevermet him, that we have a good-lookingpresident. I. must hate myself. They're pleasingly different "from thecommonplace --- and'. you'll have thepleasure of knowing the pattern of yourchoice is practically confined to you, for.we carry but one or, two lengths of each.OUR "INSPECT".,NEW WOOLENSFOSTER & PETERSONCorrect' Dr�,r. of Yowig 'Men7th Floor Republic Building State and Adams-StreetsTelephone 8216 Harrison1309 E. 57th St.Open 7 Days·a WeekLET US SHOW YOU �Ilij,, .. 'UNIVERSITY: HAIRDRESSING: PARLOR , Another Shipment'Just ArrivedSWEATER· COATS._--Telephone Hyde Park 7904T HE same' identical all-wool .�eaters .for,, men, that created such. spirited buymghere last week. Shown in all college colors instriped combinations. Quantities are limited:t;!n:: I::� ���� .. �t.��.� $6.95Phone Jbde Park 2433. Makers 'of'CHOICE,CONFECTIONSandICE CREAMCHICAGO , Other rme Sweaters.$6 to $20Woaien'. Sweat� $6 to $25Fifth Floor11-33 E. 55th StreetThirty-two nationalities are rep­resented ,by the fOt'eign students atthe University of Itllnois. The great­est- number are' registered in' the col-lege of EagiDeering. 1 ��----�-------------------- -J• (I, "lllial ,Repraeat, 32 Nations. Not Sometimesbut AI�aysPERFECfin every degreeAm .. ric-.an Lead Pencil Co.215-Dl. F.. Aft. New York State ,aDd JackIOD-OD the N. E. ComerDANCING VISTA GARDENS"THE ONE SPOT TO DANCE"47th and Cottage Grove Ave.Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Even­ing and Sunday �ftemoons. .This ad will be accepted for one FREE admission on anyT ueaday evening or Sunday afternoon dur-ing November. LETS GO I 1,IiI,j'T-r�, '\nl£: 'DAILY MAROON: FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 14: 1919NEW RIFLE RANGE UNDER 200. Miss Reynolds' score' equaled theSTADIUM TO BE FINISHED record score of the club. She securedWITHIN NEXT TEN DAYS twelve more points than are necessaryfor qualification, as her total was 152Will Be One of Best in Country- points.Rifle Club to BeginPreparations have been made forthe construction of a new rifle rangeto be built just south of the old oneunder the grandstand on Stagg 'field,The new range, which will cost ap­proximately $1200, is to have ten tar-, gets, and when completed it will be oneof the best in the country.It is expected that the constructionwill be completed in not later thanten days. Bulletins Will then be postedannouncing that the club is openfor membership. Membership is notlimited to the students of the Univer­sity, but is open to any citizen of theUnited States over twelve years ofage.Members of the club will attempt toqualify as sharpshooters and expertriflemen. Those who have alreadyqualified are: Clare F. Cox, J. H. Hos­kins, Albert G. Wood, Jacob A. Rinker,Daniel E. Dunn, John Mesick, A. C.Von Noe, and Paul J •. Sedgwick.Those who have qualified as expertriflemen are: J. B. Watkins, Daniel E.Dunn, John Mesick, Wessely S. Hobbs,J. S. Hoskins, Paul J. Sedgwick, andLillian G. Reynolds.To become an expert rifleman one Here's what Noah W�bster saysmust make 140 points out of a possible about it:Wyvern. Var. of Wivern. (Obs.)! ,Acth·ities.SomethingChattyAboutRobes·"Let's have somethingchatty about thoselounging robes," Mr.John S. Capper said intalking over this adver­tisement.· Mr. Capper wants ev­eryone to know aboutthem.It's hard to think.ofanything better to givemen than loungingrobes like these.There's a flatteringsense otaserene and lux­urious elegance about areally fine one thatsoaks into the bone.(Some fine ones are aslow as $20.)At both stores: Michi­gan at Monroe and Ho­tel Sherman.LONDONCHICAGODETROITMILWAUKEEUINtlCAPOLISTWO CHICAGO STORES)lichigan A venue at Monroe StreetHotel ShermanClothing Is Sold at theMichigan Ave. Store Only UNIYERSITY RIFLE CLUBHOLDS MEMBERS SHOOTO� FT. SHERIDAN RANGEmemded."The ranges will be 300, 500 and 600yards, ten shots being given for eachrange. A, Band D targets will beused. No time limit is set for .300,500 and 600 yard range of A .and Btargets. One and one-half minutesarc allowed for 10 shots at 200, yardsat D targets, while two minutes areallowed for ten shots n;t 300 yards.Prof. Charles J, Chamberlain, secre­tary of the club, asked that all mem­bers, who possibly can, attend thisshoot.THE WYVERNS WILL GET YOUNoah Webster's Definition Scares YouInto Buying Dance Tickets. that it will help the rustic population,too. All you have to' do, men, is togo to Kearney, pass a physical test,pick out the lady, marry her, and set- _tIe down for ten years on a farm, andat the end of that time the colonelwill give you a $25,000 farm. .The in! t· 'orma Ion office in the Pressbui�ding will furnish the dope abouttrams to the West, fare" etc.Strict rneasu --by the Uni res are to be adoptedcommission Ive�ity of Illinois honort· agaInst Offend V' I. Ion of the honor syste'll1 . e�. 10 a-Into a seriou . " IS developingth s SItuatIon rdie president f ' ac�o mg tomission 0 0 the l�l hon�r com-.' ne man has be . .and SIX, have b en dJS1DlSSedd' ,een ret>ol'ted .,late consid' for imme-k erabon. C 'bb''vee ly qUI"' ri 109 atzzes IS ret> 'Peci:llly wides ol"ted to' be es-Pread.He:reafter th '" " ose fou d '1"101ation of th n gui ty ofonl b e hcnoi- System will ty e recoin d 1 nofrom the uni men ed for dismissalDiVersity but thwill be pb r h .' eir narnesu IS ed on th fithe Dan'> nu " e rst page of., lnl. They .among th t WIll be knownhonor, e s udents as mell without,�PROF.nOYNTOND£rl -SLA· r'ENlJSNG IN TALl{ BEFOREKNOX COLLEGE STUDENTS. Vivern, n. (ME. wivere, a ser­pent, etc. See viper.) 1. Her. Afabulous two-legged winged crea-ture, like a cockatrice, . but having Prof. Boynto --;-the head of a dragon, and without p rt n 0 the English de-a ment SPOke to some of the ad-spurs. "anced students in English at KnoxSomehow the description doesn't COlI. ege during the ,. nf,-0 erence heldseem to fit the arguments for eo-edu- there recently His Ie' tu• .' c re was oncation which we know by the name ,"American Speech and Am" C I", encan u-of Wyvern. But Noah WE-hster �as ,tufe," in which he traced the develop-no dummy. He was _a mean lexico- �ent of Ameri�n speech from thegrapher in his day. He knew. • Revolution up' to ,the present timeSo don't be fooled by the pulehri- illustrating the different periods withtude of the women who approach you questions from early writers. In dis­with tickets for the Wyvem alumnae cussing the question of slang, 'Prof.scholarship fund dance. Remember Boynton said: "I should be sorry ifthe definition and remember that they ,the day ever, came when we had aare all Wyverns at heart. generation of boy and girls who didYou may enjoy arguing with a two- not use slang," , He went on to ex­legged winged creature with a head plain that some slang is absolutelylike a dragon's. .If so, refuse to buy without sense or meaning, but thatone of these tickets to Dorothy Fay's some popularity coined words were ofparty, which will take place Friday, great value to the vocabulary.Nov. 28, at the Hyde Park hotel. If ==============not, fork over your smicky and a hall --- .----------- - '_ .. - _like a little man. 5' a Plekasebefore the war5t a P8ckaeedurine the war5c a P8ekaseNOW.THE FLAUOR LASTS'SO DOES THE PRICEI•Clrutt. P#GlJodIl t Co •• '"c.. Troy.N. Y. "Quietly Correct".The University Rifle club will holda members' match. tomorrow at 9 atFt. Sheridan. The National Rifle as- ILLINOIS HONOR COMMISSIONsoeiation course will be shot. It pro- PLANS STRler, PUNISHMENTSvides that "any rifle may be used;any sight, peep, open or telescopic. State Univ.ersit---: 'The peep sight, however, is recom- Dractic Me Y DeCides to Enforce. . asures to ' PreventCribbing at Q •'IIZzes.DR. KLINE ADDRESSES MASONSSpeaks to §quare and Compass ClubT�ay at 8..Dr. Julius R. Kline will address theSquare and Compass club today at 8in Harper Assembly room. The sub­ject of his address will be "Citizen­ship." Every Mason is invited to bepresent.Dr. .Kline has been an instructor �fpsychology and professor of law forseveral years and is also editor of the"Voice Review." During the war Dr.Kline was prominent in war activities,being associated with General Crow­der in organizing the traini!1g of theanny. He is Past Potent Master ofthe Lodge of Perfection, Sovereign ofthe Red Cross of Constantine and is a33rd degree :Mason.Hats, Cape and Neckwear FR THEATRECO' ... THE' ¥'S::! THE oueA High Class Op- V V .:::. DRUG STOREtical Service a t STORE FOR MENReasonable Prices Southeast Comer 55th-Ellis Ave.BILLIARDSBeHer' . than moat fivecent pencil&-'BLAISDElL MIDAS-and you eet two for a nickel.The Midas writes' smoothly.sharpens readily. and there'. alot of work in every 'point. Askfor it next time. Made in roundand hexagon shapes. Tipped witha soft robber eraser. At all sta­tioners-twO' ior 5 cents. A'RRO�'T'R..gY 'T'AI LO�DSOFT COLLARSFIT WELL-LOOK WELL-WASH EASILY MADE TO ORDERThe, Spirit of Serviceis the predominantkeynote of oUr busi­ness.We tailor clothes toyou r individual re­quirements.i They are' atylisb.They are made to fit.We guard your in­terests and suft yourpersonality.We are anxious toconvince you of our• superiority in T ailor­ing Service.NICOLL L.neThilor"W!! Jeti2mS' SonsClark and Adams StreetsA BUXOlf WIFE AND A FREEFAR;\I AWAIT YOU, FELLOWSCol. Watson of Nebraska Will GiveYou Both on Application. U Ie Blaisdell Colored Peacila.MaeSe in fourteen rich colors.They mark on aJl)'tbiDE. 10cents eYer7Wbue./3/aisoe//Pericil Corrrpe.rry _• PHILADELPHIA..Private DANCING Lessons'In a course of ave lessoD8 ($5.00)one can acquire· the steps of theWa1t7� One-step, and Fox-trot. Socialdancing class Monday Eve at 8 P. M.LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIO1541 E. 57th 'St. Hyde Park 23',4,Buy your ticket to Kearney, Neb.,now, fellows. Col. H. D. Watson,agricultural commissioner of Ne­braska, has hatched out a plot tomarry 200 husky youths to as manybuxom farm girls and give each cou­ple a farm worth $25,000.The colonel is one of these fairy. -==============god-mothers de luxe. But be figures •S. F E INS TEl N, Opt. D.OPTOMETRIST - OPTICIAN1132 East 55th StreetPatronize Maroon Advertisen., MIDWE.STTYPESE'I=I'INGCOMP,ANY510-512'EAST SIXTY-TIURDSTREETPRINTERS andUNOTYPERSM. J. Coner, R. Ph.Courteous Attention Paid ToUniversity Students.Cor. Ellis Ave. and 55th StreetAdjacent to Frolic TheatreTel. Hyde Park 761...SPECIAL ATrENTIONTOUNIVERSITY WORKPrinten of The DalIT MaroonMEN'S FURNISHINGSCigars-Cigarettea-PipeaSubscribe to the Daily Maroonand Get All the Campus News , AIT�Toll--PIchMlhohohohoCtliaatnM:H�to:TIcllTt, D«thanfaNt,,.1. foId!'u... ' _..I• rochit�. ' f10atF'J,to:atM:.. I :,. ".• . .t,I, ,: Nthabte:19·'bbrtuaJ1tilWI' · -.,.... "f. ," ..... : , ....1--?IusrosrforMENf" t: He's a grand old Stagg, .�hough we don't like to brag, .ADd his worth we will prove to yousoon: .He's the idol of the team we love,Who fights for the dear old Mal'OOll�Rah-rah!�Ne will stick by him, thouah we Joseor we win,. And our faith in him can't I�g;Though other coaches may be good,Take your hat 'oft' to "Old .!\Ian Stagg."SOCJA.L NOTES, , An informal dance will be held byPhi Gamma Delta . tonight lat thechapter house, 975 East Sixtieth St.Mr. and Mrs. Hargrave H. Long arehost and hostess.Psi Upsilon will give an informalhouse dance tonight at the chapterhouse at 5639 University Ave. Thehosta and hostesses 'arc Mr. and Mrs.Charles Bent and 1\Ir: and Mrs. Wil­liam Mackracken,Delta Chi will give a dance tonightat the house at 5125 Kimbark Ave.The hosts and hostesses are Mr. andMrs. Arnold Barr and Mr. and Mrs.Harry F. Morris.The Score club will give a dancetomorrow night atfhe Kenwood' club.The dance is in honor of the women'sclubs pledges and will be infonnal.The hostesses a�e Dean Flint and, Dean Wallace. ... �The board of Medjcal atfairS_' invitesthe students in' the �edical coursesand their families to meet the medicalfaculty at a .social tQnight at 8 in Ida,Noyes .!tall. :The Brownson club will. hold an in­'fomuLI dance ·today from 4 to 6 inIda .Noye_s theater, 'Roger Combs will!'ul�nish the music.Delta Up.sHop willgiv�.a.-,.tea .tom(J�row ,attcr the football ,pine �t the�pter ho�..at 5757·· Blac:Ja.;tone Ave.The hostess is'Mrs. WnLH. Mooney.Chi Psi,' will giv.e' IL tea after ijlef • I .'Iowa came tomorrow, at: the �Lodgeat 5735 University Ave •. Mrs. E. D.Frost is the., hostess. 'I <:' .:. p� Gamma D�ta, will _�,ve .� �atomorrow· at· 4 .at . the ehap�' \ heuseat' 975 E. 50th St. , ';l'h� hostess is\� Ir-1-"�. ;i•�t:t : ... ", .t ,·1� :,'-) Mrs. A. J. When:i�Kappa Sigma will give a tea to­morrow after' the Io�a Pme at .thechapter h�use at �' Elif, � Ave. Mrs..Joseph Cpo�b� is' the 1l��. 'Green hall �ll giv� a � after theIowa �e tomorrow •Nominate Class OfficersDuring Chapel Hout Today"The Delts don't have'to talk aboutthemselves. ' The whole' campus talks.��.�." .Holloway Forced Into Race.Mien Holloway. aDIlOUDced hie in­tention of ru�ning "for president of1922-. '"1 didn't want to," he answered, •"but·· the, Phi Psis and Score Clubbrothersmade me. I'm a . mere crea­ture. of circumstal\ce."I found that the Delta were 'full ofambition. For instance, they are put­tlng' up Hank Kennedy's kid brother,Walker, for frosh president.I ,)I ..f "He'll win sure," said Hank, "he'sfrom Hyde Park."Other Hopefuls Appearing.The Phil Gams evidently are break­ing into Politics again because theyare running Bill Kieth for treasurer,and have hopes, although Bill has Dotgon�do Hyde Park for several years.Another hopeful ia FJ;ank Lyndon,whom the Phi 'Pais are making j"to asecond Cassius GreeDe. Undoubtedly the non-fraternity men I ALUMNUS PRESENTS FUNDS tice of law with ex-Secretary of War,will nominate a prominent barb, and if FOR FELLOWSHIP IN LAW Jacob M. Dickinson, and being at pres-they do the Greeks had better declare ent consulting counsel for the Chi-all bets off. So much were the .start-I Mr. Roy D. Keehn, J. D. '04, has pre- cago American and the Chicago Her­ling facts that I unearthed yesterday. sented, to the university, funds for the aid-Examiner.Only tomorrow can tell more. maintenance of a graduate fellowship ••I in the Law School during the current We Cut Your Hall" To Fit Uyear. Mr. Keehn, who also look hi8 WI L L EMSAll freshmen trying out for the degree of Ph.B. from the University, is I BARBER SHOPCap and GOW'lfwill meet today at 1:30 a prominent lawyer in the·city, having 803 E. SIXTY-THIRD STREETin the office of The Daily Maroon. been �onnerl� associated in the prac- f N ear Cottage Grove, -...- - . - -- ... �--�---�---- ---- ---------- - ----- .. - .....,,.Windproof .Coatsfor Football, Fans• i . ..Hereare tw:> stylesthat-aee just 'right for Foot-ball weather. : . .. .. Lamb-lined Coats: with . opossum collar-of" .tan, brown or gray moleskin-'. soft and warm�$40� �5, $50.Leather Reversible Coats with g�bar�e .or. tweeds in various shades. Short, three q�ror full length. $40 .to $175. .Coats . impenetrable to wind: and �ther... .�:MARSHAll FIElD $ COMPANYTHE SrORE FOR MENcA Separate Store in a Separate qjuildingSOUTHWEST CORNER WABASH AVENUE AND WASHINGTON STREETI.CLOTHES JOT Hunting. Fishing andfOT every aUla- �utdoOT need are in. OUT Men's Specialty Clothing SectionI=OUfl1"H F�OOR••'.�I�) �.:"; .., .... ..0'''6 1HE ·DAlLY MAROON. FRlDAY, NOV£MB£R 14, T919!l:;'. ::t';;', ,�;! 1 ,.·f'w.m�W�I��qt;�onf a� �e'���'club party? - - .,... .THAT'S a question lots of personsworry about.Garcon. G.I:FT.S• � pHappy birthday to you,Happy birthday to you,Happy birthday, dear Greenwood,We're glad to see that that old flatbuilding has lasted 'so long with­out caving in or being- �ondemnedby the city inspector. Official NoticesThe Honor commission will meettoday at 3 in' Classics 10.The Undergraduate Classical clubONE way to avoid the disrespectful will meet today at 4 in Classics 21.act of passing out chapel slips during The meeting will be for business pur­the Alma Mater would be to distrib- poses. Make an Early Selectionat theute them during the talk, when every­body is wondering what to do with thetime, anyway. University of 'ChicagoBook StoreAll medical'students who have notpassed the efficiency examination inmodem language must register forthe test at the Medical office beforeMonday, November 17. The examina­tion will be held Saturday, November22, from 9 to 11, in Anatomy 11, andPhysiology 25.Triple Play.Bud Combs (at Phi Psi Freshmansmoker): If you Phi Psis will giveus back the Delt fence, we'll returnthe Psi U. owl, and then the Psi U.'scan return the Phi Psi sign. 5802 Ellis AvenueA meeting of the non-fraternityTO1\! ECK came into this office. council will be held today at 4 in"Where's that article I wrote 1" he Ellis 3. �asked. "I want to correct a littlemistake I think I overlooked." FINE ASSORTMENT OFChristmas CardsIT looked like the early days of thequarter in front of Cobb yesterday.Paint was scratched off a number ofMortar Board cars which were rubbed A meeting of the holders �f Noyesscholarships who wish them contin­ued during the winter quarter, and ofthe new applicants for the Noyesscholarships for the winter quarterwill be held Wednesday at 5 in Kentagainst by other Mortar Board cars. theater.The traffic was so thick that Kayton, ._stood in the middle of the road and The Maroon Man'dolin dllb will meetwhistled crossing signals,. one l?last 'in 1tfa��i hall at 4 Monday. Studentsfor north and south and two bl�� sho�ld" bring instruments .. �.' �for east and west. The Wyvem wentoff on foot, the quadranglers en masse,and. tile Esoterics in a trance, It wasthe last day. We could see it was thelast day. As soon as we looked atour pocket calendar we knew it wasthe last day. The clubbers were all. what you call palped. Today is the.day of silence. Tomorrow will be theday of judgment and the lack of it.With all the sobbing that will beheard it will be anything but silent. Chicago buttons, and maroon caps,,' SENOR ARNADA CASTRO IS REV. CHARLES W. GILKEYand will have megaphones and any SPEAKER AT FIRST ANNUAL GIVES ADDRESS AT URBANAother noise-makers they can scrape up.l MEETlNG OF SPA'NlSH CLUB. .... -: _._ .."The organization will meet tomor- "'." --- '�8 W. Gilke�, minister of therow at 1 on the second floor ,of the I Senor Arnada Castro was the Prin-I Hyde Park Baptist church, spoke thisHOLD FUNERAL SERVIC�S OF Reynolds club. It will be fonned into I cipal speaker at the first annual meet- week at .the "all-university service"PROF. HOPKINS OF ILLINOIS,. a permanent body of boosters to stim- �ing of the Spanish club yesterday' in of the- University of Illinois at Ur­AGRICULTURAL AUTHORITY ulate freshman ·interests in sports. 'Ida Noyes. Students from S.,.in. ban&. Dr. Gilkey, �ho is remembered,'.Central America, and the Philippines here for several talks delivered un-Funeral services for the late Prof. were present. der the auspices of the local Y. M. C.Cyril G. Hopkins, fonnerly head of S P Q R ,T S H 0 R T S After Senor Castro's talk on the A," spoke on: "Faith lor ,Our Times."the department of Agronomy at the .Philippine question, a dramatic reelta-} � 1 ). . ,..,University of Tllinois. were to be held. tion was given by Miss' Viola Roth. _��1!1."/-"""'��111!'!'!'!'!11���!1this week at Urbana. Prof. �iftdPs ;Shorty," .Dygert. II This was followed byl a solo p�nt-died, at Gibraltar on his way home__,,_, oed by Senor Rafael Golondrina. 'Thefrom Greece, where he had been en- ; .. �. 'meeting was an unconditional sueeessgaged �n important re�onStruction We �a111ze that. this SJ_»Ort Shorts from the standpoint of attendance and. otb, e�� (lope) column rrught degen- "t, according to Eleanor Lynesel"VlCCS..• rt f Whistl " spin ,Prof. Hopkins was regarded as one erate into a so 0 er.s dog. 'd t. I th cl b, So to keep up the semblance of 8th- presl en 0 e u.of the. foremost agricultural authori-ties in the United States; and his letic .news in this paragraph, we'll TICKET SALE FOR CHICAGOreputation was worldwide. 'He Was jus�, put, in a word of publicity. for. NIGHT IS OPENED BY W.A.A.g�!���;E :;;n O::��::;DB w::W ha::1 D���:::�: ::> Dean1. ,����!l�ii:� .. �self-supporting.. . . the gridiron. • '. • - .Flint, �Mrs. Goodspeed, Miss Albright, I When You Want A High Class'.Miss Dudley. MiJlS. Marshall, MiSs,' t;!, .. :/ � Cut'go toTo get back to hard ground-and it Stj-les, Mum Bums, Miss Campbell, G 'E O. F. A IKE N'S,,�II' probably be frozen Saturday., and Miss Johnstone havebeen invited Barber Shopa battle royal is looked for between as guests of honor.�' 1153 EAST FIFTY-FIFTH ST.Jacobi of Wisconsin and Harley of �� A�oGnces ·Purposes. . Near U niversity Ave.Ohio. Sta� Both are .s�? in theit, "AU' University women have bee� ===============�Icular fields. Jaeobl IS perhaps invited to this atfair," announced Ma- ===============as powerful a pIUD�r as there is in I bel ROssetter,. chainnan of Chicago H n....L .....the Confere. n�, while HarI�y can n�t . Ni�t.· "This' event was conceived mey ur�1rasbe 8� 10 open ·runnIng.,. with the purpose',of teaching th� Cbi- 190 North C!&-.a':" Street '.,." -:. I � women songs and 'cheers, and iOJIAU:. ,The Io� eeaehes gave their. line a instilling in them the Chicago spirit. Phoae.Jlaadolpla 0-stdl' 'practice y�rday �nst a Tickets should be bought as soon as or J. Be,Ch Cragun, Reprea'ta�freshman team· USI� the Maroon possible. We expect the affairs to be' ==============plays. They are laYIng Dluch stress a huge success." .' CLASSIFIED ADS4i on line work, as they figure that if •Cheerleader Pike an his aSsistants they outfight �e Maroon line they wiD '. . ..have ,�ued�aL�1 for fifteen more. � . IOWA BRINGS STRONG TEAM., I ,Freshman men to complete the "Roar- WID.,•. • _ I._ I HERE FOR GAME TOMO�.OWing Rooters' of '23." Noisy and am- ' .. '. .Mich. igan will � out for revenge.bitious yearlings should sign up in (C01ltiftu€d from' r,age 1)front of Cobb today. $aturday to get back at the DUni fori . ,... .....-fusiDg a post.-season game I .. ..._�ear" . LOST-Tuesday afternoon on campus,The Rooters will have seats in the &" -,,- J kstudent section. They are to wear t9 decide the Conference ChamPion-I p�nts. - They .concluded �helr wor black bill folder containing $16 inship. A victory by the Wolven'nes With snappy SIgnal practIce for �e bills, receipbr, etc., and name ofMaroon or white sweaters, annbands; would be a sad blow to the Orange two squads. I Edgar N. Johnson. Reward if re-and Blue championship hopes. The freshmen featured for the after- tumed to irifonnation office. (45)noon. Pat Page separated his blackH· k'l rominent at hI te .' and' tan warriors, dubbed them Pitts- WANTED-Position by lady withm e, p e , receIVed· t..._ • � •II W envelope 'tresterd' '�" burg and Washmgton and Jeuerspn, girl of 5 years, as companIon, ora ye 0 J ay, and was . I d' '-ed h t h' all ts ... 'te a scare unt'l be respectIve y, an SIC� t em a . eae caretaker of sm apartmen .lorgiven qUI . I openeJ i"l De . FlExld found it contained a cha 1 .... other. It was a'�keen battle. VIne the winter. Box 0, acu ty •81 ,. pe notice. starred for Washington and Jefferson change. (44)-with the first touchdown, 8nd Stroh-Coach Stagg's maroon Milburn elec- mier showed well in defensift worx.tric didn't ,.shoW up for Praetice last Timme was the bright light of thenight. In I� place was one of those I Pitt .squad, evening the &core with anobby DetroIt cars belonging to a f�l- to�hc:town., Final score, when Pittlow na�ed Ford. , '1cicked - the ball over the fence, 7 to 7.WE have been asked to announcethat anyone wishing to use the cardcatalogue of students' names at theinfonnation desk should first ask thepennission of William Mather, self­appointed director of women's activi­ties within the Press building,WE drank so much water in thetank yeSterday (thanks to friends)that we were able to walk out at thedeep end. 'PEN��YLV¥IA MEN NJ\ME ' �-- THEIR FAVORITE CIGARETTETHE Settlement dance will. not beon Friday the Thirteenth. �t will beon Saturday the Thirteenth. Gosh,watablow. ..A straw vote to detennine the fa­vorite b�d of cigarette of the Uni­versity of Pennsylvania men was re­cently conducted by the Pennsyl­vanian, the University daily paper.Regular election booths were put upto accommodate the rush.T-WN. T-P-CS.R-th L-v-tt has opened. a studiojust in time to wind up the rushingseason in fine style. A studio is not� place �or study,J-m-s N-c-Iy, who objects to see­ing his name in T-WN T-P-CS, hasbeen made general chairman of thebig dance next month. Make yoursettlement early. CHEERLEADER PIKE ISSUESCALL FOR MORE FllESBMENFOR ROOTERS' ORGANIZATION, " ". :',LOST-Waterman fountain pen with:;-out cap. Return to Foster·:or.�Infonnation Desk. (45)The elevator in F-st-r h-ll went �utof repair yesterday. Gentlemen call­ers (we are told) now have to waitlonger than ever for their pasteboardsto be sent up.e-tty was slow enough with me-chanical aid, but now. . . . . ============El-z-z-th W -lk-r, authority on cam­pus people and affairs, has found herscholastic work in the. colleges sopressing this quarter that her in­formation indexes have fallen sadlybehind date and may require the em ..ployment of an am-n-ens-�. ""THEY say Iowa has sand," writesKazim. "It is our hope that if theyhave it's mostly in their transmis­sion." FOR SALE-One new set Altenederdrawing instruments with knifeblake attachments· on all pens.Price $35.00. Apply to R. E. Toms,1169 East 6l1t St. (46)• • J;�� �"":'...,..-��.t'>f¢�,�l�,el'� .1 '\I.•a"utltliJ(eII"IitIt11dIi�t(It" f·i.0( i�!., ." j ..�-I, ',. v0:tl:...�,.. >. ·hI"�5?�:, t·; � .. ,.� : 01-(.,.. Ul,p,.',"• _I ...• f( ...."' .... b:• 111, ;,D.....I "r� ',J':,A , n:4. I : 0-:j. . 1; r-:IA � : \.:'\'.1: tiltowinIEUI1t� �',sobe:-�� teal'. ben)TlBlJEn.• \ . ,.J I ..r arbeIs:�, ... ' caacI ve-." ,\ ", �\ al1dtlyeco'ur