, =t:' .. ", >':;_,;,y! �"''t�; r, .... "".,.-'j' &. '- r..... -••• : . -... �. --� ..... ,,: •• 't; ...... .." ,.,.� .. "' ,,.. ..',. '/,I ...-.,.at, j amenVol. 18. UNIVERSIlY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1919 Price ; CentsNo. 27VARSITY GETS STIFF IUNIVERSITY BOOKSTOR£ 'UNIVERSITY WOMEN I NOMINATION '�OR CLASS COUNCIL APPOINTSWORKOUT PREPARING ' TO MANAGE SONG BOOK TO HOLD OPEN SING I' OFFICERS IS TOMORROW JAMES NICELY ASFOR, HAWKEYE GAME Third Editi�n of University Publica- FOR ENTIRE CAMPUS (Tndergraduate:;-;:h Year to Meet DANCE CHAIRMANtion to Be Larger Than Previoll8 --- I in Cobb and Kent at Chapel Hour toMcGuire and Jackson Back in Luues-WU" �ob·ablY Be Ready I first Affair of Kind Will Be ;Name Candidates for Student P08i- qlenn Harding and Glady�-Lineup _._ Burnhardt and, I 'for Circulation December 15.. I Attempted Wednesday I tions.• I ' Nyman Are Vice-Chairmen,Halla, day at End. �. I' --,, I - At 7: 30. I ., '._ ',' For Settlement Mair.The third edition of the University I, .. I Tomorrow at chat»el h�ur th,e.�our• of Chicago Song Book will be man- GLEE CLUB TO BE ON PROGRAJ undergra�uate classes .will s:teet the WILL BE HELD IN DECEMBERMAROONS 'SMASH FRESHMEN aged Dythe University 'Bookstore, ae- ___' men andwomen from who� w choose--- di ts hi _1.. h ' .. the class officers for -the current year. I 'cor ng to arrangemen w ren ave 'The Federation of University wome '" , I James Nicely was appointed chair-With the ,Iowa, game only a hal, fa' been completed by the Undergraduate l . • I Nominations will be conducted �:'"- I '_ �I, ., will hold a s.ng open to everyone on t lv bv th diff t cl th' � I' man o� the S4'>ttlement dance :1t a '.\' v eek away, Coach Stagg ran the Ma.1 council,' The song book IS to be larger ' ' ara e � :J e eren. asses,.. , . ....roons through a sti.ff workout yester- than any previous edition and will' the' campus next Wednesday at 7:30I seniors in Cobb 12A, juniors in Kent �eetll1g of the, Undergraduate COWl-'", , ", ..' W· ith th h 'K' cil Tuesday' night, Glenn Hardingday. After, a short signal dnll the probably be ready for distribution In Mandel hall, . est, WI e sop omores m ent.'I, E t d th f' h 'K and Gladys Nyman were appolnted.Maroons and Freshmen fought -for Dec. 15. • This Ui: the first time in the history as an e res men IlL ent. . .,.' ", theater vice-chairmen.about forty-J"e minutes.: The Var- Owing to the complete sale of the of the University that such an affair ', The Settle t d . - I'ty 14 6 " S h ill be held ext k. men ance IS an annua81 won -, old editions of the book, and inade- has. been attempted, Mr, John Min- p� .es WI ,.n, wee ,'charity event held by the UniversityThe Maroon backfield was composed quate methods of handling the sale a ', The jumors and semors Will meet f th b fi f ", ' i1ema a man of experience in leading T d t 12 th ' . C bb or e ene t 0 the University Set-of Tatge, Annan, Elton and Palmer. great many of the old students, at;' '., . h '11 lues ay a , e semors m 0 .l tlement It will be held this year inSeveral cripples of last week were well.as the new men and women at army smgmg during t e war, as 12A, and the juniors in Kent' theater'l th •d k f D' be Th',, I' :-.., e sec on wee 0 ecem r, eback'I'n the line McGuire was at I the University are not provided with been secured as master of ceremony. I Wednesday at 12, the sophomores Will I d d fini d tail ill" " ,, .. p ace an more e nite e I S wguard and Jackson at tackle. Burn- copies of the Chicago, songs. For this The accompanist will be Isaac Van hold their me,etmgsl n Kent East and probably be announced later.hardt and Halladay held down the end reason the Undergraduate council G . " t f th Chi S _I the freshmen m Kent theater. .,. rove, plants or e rcago ym, H Id M ti Too t 5jobs, as Hinkle, Crisler and MacDonald planned on issuing a new edition, and hon Orchestra, Elections Held Next Week. 0 ee mg ay a •are still a little affeCted· by their in- appointed the following committee in p y. Th el t' to be held F id There is to be a' meeting of the• , e ec Ions, nay, hai d ' chai ith hJuri�s, charge: Frank Hardesty, chairman; Club Qu.artet on Program. IN 21 'II be "d ted b fh U. c arrman an VICe- airmen WI t e,.. ov, , WI con uc ,y e nl- Undergraduate council committee-«'�Varsity Attack Succesaful. Jean PIckett and Glenn Harding, University, Blackfriar, and popular it id d hals Th ',. versi y. ai es an mars • ey Charles McGUIre Frank Lon JThe Maroon attack was practically Book Consists of 136 Pages. ,songs will be sung from printed leaf- will take �lace in ,the waitingl room Pickett and Fra�� Madden_t!daye:all passes, two-thirds of which were [. Although it has not been-definitelv lets by the student body, In addition, i 0: the ,d� s office .lD Cobb hall. Class. 5 in the council rooms in Classics. Thesuccessful. The first Varsity score, decided as to which son� will be in- a quartet select,ed, fr.om the Glee club I ticketswill be required of alIt studentsI h" eads. o� the various committees forEl • b T t ' ' I ded the' book 'II ;.:..... f' when they enter the polls. ._' , ,.' ·th 'S ttl nt d 'II 1..':' dwas on a pass to ton y a ge, .on e u, new WI con�� 0 will be on the program. : .: \" e.- e emen ance WI IA: e-'wliich 110ft seered from the 10-yard approximately 136 pall'eS� Ail o_f the .boost tho af I Class tickets Will be placed on sale 'eided 'on,,Y-- "We want everyone to IS -". • Jline. ' The second touchdown was also Univ�rsitY songs will be Included, as, " '• .., '.' by the representatives of the classes An announcement has been made bythe result of a, pass from Tatge to' well as ,�" more important, song<; fai!'," sald Fanny, Templeton, ch81r-1 tomorrow. The tickets will cost 'fifty th«{ council in regard to ,the counter- �Elton-. After this the freshmen toOk fJ.:OlD, the conference �lleges •. S!Jme Dian_of the sing committee yesterday., cents, and will admit the bearer to petition which is being circulated on�e �n �d �lowed �rough th� 'var-I �lI-b�wn ai� fro� the e�ern col- "Th;s' is, the first �ime' th� Uni�ersity I class elections an� social fUBCtious for �e' ,�pus iIi oPP.osition to th� peti­�nty l�e, making a few good galUS on Illites wil. also be pnnted. The com- has ever tried such a thing. and we! the quarter. Owing to the fact that tion for c�ange m chapel hour toforward p888eL With the ball on the i mittee ,is plamiing on including �e want it to be al success. ".. ' i banne� announ�g the elections can- 10:,15,' � fonnerly. The council, offl-'Maroon 15-yiud line, McMasters cir- � songs born the recent B1ac:kfn�r::,' ',I '.. "" ,; 1;:1\.; I not be posted m.--front of· Cobb, 'as daIly aenies that anyone has beencled th�_1eitend for a'touchdo�. �e p��c_tion�,� " • ,', �,.������L����� �,���_,:.:.. ,�� heretofo�, �dents have been _as�ed t8mpering_�itlJ:��h�L���!L.!!!.t�:���-_,�,::>".���Ol .... u.'!'-�tecl.��<of[>at c/�-am' very giad-w�nn"e-ab�'"tcr�. �Posters ,will be put",u�d Three � fot :,_ .,' " eognizonce ·of. the .council. '"this:,�i �>� the �&rooils tb��gh ��te �th �ey�de�c:luate co�· Q��' clll�" pl�\�nl- � an- 9n class elections in, The Daily ,1Ia-: AU Tampering Be Stopped.the -,Varsity bDe� making �,fe\\t;, good d,l In this manner, ,saJd Mr. Tracllt, ,,'': N ti: �: ·11' be' - t to roon.�" '. '�',' ,, • �...I •'W·th 61..e' "f the Uni .� Boo'-..;.4.- nouncements.. 0 ces WI, sen "The tampering has ,not ,the consent.galD8 ,011- J,Onnuu paaaes. . I 'WI manager 0 versl .. " , ,IUU.ure, ". ," ', •" ' ':'bail ,on·� Maroon 15-yard -line, Me- yesterday.' "W:have'long f�t the de- all'fraternitiea and �ubs., "Everyone PROF. HERRICK SPEAKS AT of the council," Fnlbk' Madden �'"Mutel'l ,eirded the left end for a mand 'of, a n� edition' of the book, must talk up' the sing, :and 'every COLLEGE WOMAN'S ,CLUB. cJ8red yesterday_ , "On the contrary,touehdovrn. The "old Man" ealled �d we have bad � ,'great' many, � �m�us man ,and' wo�an mwit co�e." I ' �e council, �as' requested that �?'." -Pi",M.� off at this point and ran for,th. e book from the,' University. stu-' dents �frain from such action. '¥ie,--- , M.embers of the sing 'committee are Pro- f' Hern'ck of the 'English' ..1-' bell" , '�1....t th sed 'to the""the ,1Iiaroons through, 'some signal dents.: While we :'�uld, not.mana� .' \M.- ,eve '.�!," , , 08e OPPO '. ,."drill. ',WJ.ue', the.smmm&'p was go- the publication whi1� we were in the as follows: Fanpy Templeton, . chair- paitme�t will speak before the' Chi-; change' .�, very few in numbO;�adding on' the Varsity,men Dot playing oJd ,store! ,now we a:rp.�ordedl ampl� Pt�; Helen Tho'mpsoli; �Ces, Lang- i �agc) branch of tli� Assoclatioii:�: of, that a,'Jree expression 'of opinion wnf:, �orthy, &nett Spach',\ Crandall Rog-I Collegiate'. AI�ae on "The "Qp\m .� ;th�i,�sest plan, It is evi�nt that', � throueh, si� 'drill' against the opportunity to work with,the stud�ts. '. Mi d" S rda th Coll ..'.' " ',,taddine diunmies, the lineDie� hit- More definite, mowledge as to I the erS,' and J�es Ni�IY. � W�llace I W n,, acltu b YAallt ,2 atd te� � kat;me outsiders 'have been do� �, , , ,, " oman s u gra ua wom_ "th th te titi "ting the dummies on every play size' price and date of publication caDj:"'t .I' 'ad' • ', .'. penng WI, e coun r-pe on....... ,., " ,� '.. :s the .Jac�lty vu;e�. , .have �n invited: ': '1/', ._.' I ' .The field was cOlered witl\ a foot of be obtained when, �e • comDUttee In_ ':' , .;..hay early" this aftemoo,n, 80 _that, it charge of the bOo��lets us•• �oW ex- �.. "-,1 • ' I .', :,IUDGE PAM IS SPEAKE:&,Wl11he iia condition,fQr the game'Sat- actly, what songs neea !'8V1Slott.'�/- ' -BROWNSON' CLUB TO,�IYE I MISS ELNORA THOMPSON f ,': i, FOR' ZIONIST' SOCIE'Q',�rda,.. Befor.eveniue the rest of the . '" " DANCE TOMQRROW IN NQYES WILL LECfURE TODAY AT, AT MEETING YESTEilDA�,gr_o�d:-as frozen'�. It is a.cere- Vi�t ,to 'a ,sCout trOop m�ting. ,The • ---' " IN HARPER ASSEMBLYNoted Jewish Justice Talks On Hia-�nty ,�t both Hinkle and �sl-:r class 'is > to 'be orgaiUzed·as a seout Catholic stud�ts, }..:til elect office� I 'WIll be read� Saturday" but It IS I troop meeting., The text tiook will 'be of �e BroWnson cl�, h�ld a dance, I To Speak On hblie. Health, Naniagdoub�l w�etber IfaeDonald will be "The Boy MoVement' Applied by the and otherwise amuse the!l14lelves to- In Sixth of Social Senieein the game.' , '" I church" by Richardson and Loomis. morrow from 4 to 6 'in the Ida Noyes 'Series. '. II Comple� in, �.orm.ation'may be oJ»tained, theater. 'Rogers Combs will furnish Jlldge Hugo P� spoke y�y, - �t a meeting of Pte 'Zionist�etj,at the, :Y.If.C.A.- office. ' ,', the music. Election of the officers wm MISS Elnora Thompson, of the de- hi bj-� bei til h·sto . Of th, .� ALSH IS INSTRUCOOR 'th d d II C th I' rtm t f Publi Health . t s SU�" nl' e 1 l'f' 0 eIN ANNUAL Y. 'M. C. A. BOY Hyde Park churehes have been' fur- p�e. e anee, an a a OICS pa, ,e� 0 � �� a American Zionist orPnization.ad Its,, '. 'nished the llames of visiting univer- are inVited to be present to express J the Chicago School of CIVICS and 'th I to PaI':-':SCOUT LEADERS CLASS", h' ch' Philanth h '·U I toda pro� WI .reJ.erence �wne.-:. ' . -sity students by the Y.M.C.A. com- t elr Olee. '. rop y, WI ecture yat , "There have- beeD; separate Zionist"t mittee', on chureh etH)peration. The 1m Harper' Assembly I"OGIIl. Miss: . ti f,' th I 25 "Field Exeeatin Will Be in Ch I ' Th ' leetu "Pub}' Health' organlZ8 oDS or e astI years,• arge resultS.,aIthough not speetacular, � , TODATS WEATHER 1 ........ o�P� � th r-:xth°n f IC. f: he said, "but recently 'a national so-., tke St�dent I unquestionably important from a re- jl'nlrstn&, IS e Sl 0 a senes 0 • • '· I ., I':'� hich . b th· aety was organized. There are nClw.', G�p. ligious stan,,dpo, int, aeeording to, Secre- �"ures w are given y e, • ti hich rt f th- Fair and: continued cold. . Phi). th . Se • divi' f th : many �e es w. are p� 0 e'. tary SmIth' an rople rVlee Slon ,0 e Dati a] • ti' " Tb'· d--- .'f' . on organlZ8 on. e JU ge" . Field Seout Executive S�rt P., The colMllittee has furnished the 'SCtj hool of Commerce and Ad��, IS�-: spoke in praise of Justice LoUis D.' ., THE DAILY, MAROON onwalSh will 'be the instructor of the names ,of mote than one thousand uni- ." �raadeis of the United States Su-annual, Y._M.C.A. scou�r C:O,urse.1 vers�ty ,!,'en of va�ouS ��iversity de: • BULLETIN.: Miss Thompson has had varied ex": ,·lireme court, who is the founder. and'The Jeetures 'are to- be given' In the nomanations, to nelgbbonng churches, pcrience in the nursing field. She p�ident of the movement. .aseoeiation rooms Mondays at 8: Five I which have set' their machinery in Today was secretary of the Dlinois society "That the Jews have something tolectures, beginning next Monday, are motion to welcome the men of their Divt.ity chapel, 11 �O, Haskell. for Mental Hygiene for several years. contribute to civilization difFerent andschedUled. The outline of the course �tive creeds, and to renew their Chapel, college of Commerce and During the war she assisted in oceu-' above that which has already been ad.�ll be posted on all .the bulletin religious connections. .I Administration, 12, Mandel. pational therapy, and the re-educa- vanced, is the opinion 'of Justiceboards, and men may, register imme- Most of the churclles have shown a I &»ciology club, 7:45, Classics 21. tion of disabled soldiers, She is now Brandeis as well as of all the Jews in-diately at the Y.M.C,A. office, keen interest in the residential stu� II Spanish dub, 4, Ida Noyes. e director of courses in �u1)lic Health t�rested in �ionism, They are alsoAlthough any man enrolled in the c:!en'ts, and are developing especial Public ledure, 4, Harper. nursing. eertain that the Jews can 'demonstrate'University is eligible, the cou� is I programs to interest university men, , "Miss Thompson is well qualified to to the World that they can support apIanned by the Y.M.C.A. committee and to keep them from breaking con-I 'l'omorrow. speak on the subject of public health gQve�ment of their, own equal toon social service especially for 'men nections with the church and 'aU it! Divinity chapel, 1, :50, Haskell. nursing," said AsSistant Prof. Bur- that' 'of America, in ,Palestine," thewho expect to take up social service stands for. It has been emphasized' Czech club, 7, Ida Noyes. gess yesterday. "Her subject is one judge declared.work either during their university in many ways by Y.M.C.A.' leaders I Brown80n club dan� 4-� Ida which is receiving attention from 'SO-' The University Zionist society willcourse or after gTaduation. The gen- that the Y,M.C.A. is not advjsing or I Noyes. '. ,cial se�ce workers eve�here, and I meet next Wednesday at " In Harpereral basis of the course wiD be similar in�uencing men to go to -any definite I Square and Compass club lect��. 'eft'<?rt is 'being made 'to put a, pUblic'l" M13 to elect officers. A,n thOse con­to that giveu last spring, and will in- church, but only to go somewhere, I Dr. Julius Kline, � Harper assem- nurse department into every country neeted with the University ,and inter-dude field wo�k, • special hike, and a! preferably � their own denomination. � bI7.· an� city in the United States. ' '(CmJtimud Oft ptJge 4)t09' of the' AmericanOrganization."" -�':'2 .' -, .,J'.. ¥ ( ,THE DAD...Y MAROON, THURSDAY,.NOVEMBER 1.3.,1919m�� D,_Hl-l!J • -\" --.Ifl& s�P� �o� �t:�"erto � given� t:olW&P� �'" Rlaronn thOse present. while Alma Mater 18==============! being sung. Nor 'is the process ofThe Student Newspaper of the 1Unh'ersity of Chicaco i distribution a noisy one. The Daily. I Maroon suggests that either two orPublished mornings, except Saturday, I three minutes be allotted, right afterSunday a�d Monday, du:ing the Au-, th talk is over or that the slips betumn, Wmter, and Spring quarters, I . e. .'by the Daily Maroon company. dist ributed during the last two orthree minutes of. the speaker's re-EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT marks. 'The Staff I.. JOHN E. JOSEPH .. Managing Editor I At any rate, nothing should � doneJohn A'shenhurst ....• ! . News Editor I to cheapen the signi�cance of the.Rose Fischkin, News Editor i A�ma. Mater,. and pas�mg out �ha�elHelen Ravitch News Editor i shps to be Signed during the smgmgHoward Beale Asst. News Edito'r! c[ that song is certainly disrespectful.William Morgensterm Athletie Editor I We would not allow such a thing toHarry Bird Night Editor I take �p}ace during the' singing of theE�"Jlest Fri?ourg Night �tor i Star- Spangled .Banner. The AlmaRIchard Fhnt .....•...... Day Editor t M ...... Ie' a similar place in ourb R b I D Edit ' ater �up 5, IHer crt u e .... . . . . . .. ay or I Uni it J'·f th t' I thEd . _.J \V· f I D '"�t ' mversi y I ease na rona an em\ .. aru au ay.r..w or i .l.===::::::;============ I does in our American life. fBUSI�ESS DEPARTl\IEl'.� I, The Sta� \ I , HEAVE HO!C:RAN1 �lEARS .. BusI.n�ss Manager I The ger.tlemen. behind the proposedHenry Pringle .. Advertising ,Manager! tu -of-war to be indulged in by theKeith Kiadred ... Circulation Manager I gT - 'I'ibbit A t C· M I Freshman and Sophomore classes are I.uaurence I IS.... •• ss. ir, gr. . W d IRobert Birkhoff Asst. Cir. Mgr.1 peddling a right neat Idea. e 0 1,. I not have enough of such events at the IEnterod as se�ond cl�s mal. a� the I University. Class dances and mixersChicago postoffice, Chicago, Illinois, ... .Mardi 13, 1906, under the act of I are all, right m their way, but theirMarch 3, 1873., way is admittedly not a very good one=============='. i for 'getting acquainted. Those whoSUBSCRIPTION RATES I are in are, all right; those who are n.ot iCaltIed for, lS2.50· a year; $1.00 a I in seldom attend after the first try. ,quar er." IBy Carrier, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a But a tug-of-war grves the other Iquarter.. . I fa(t:on, the non tea-dancers, so to!By Mall (City), $3.50 a sear; $1.50 I k' h N d bt there are Ia quarter. spea , a c ance. 0 ou. I==============.,1 plenty of tea-dancers, too, who will iEditorial Rooms Ellis 14 I, be interested. Of course, being a pure- I.. Telep�one Midway 800. :ly masculine affair perhaps t�is pro- iBusiness Office .....••.•••... ElllS 14 sed t f ··s t enresentative �Telephone- Midway 800 po ug-o -wai I no r y . tenough,,",o merit eemmentIn this col- iThursday, November 13, 1919 umn. Anyway, it 'will be a good idea Ito see this tug-of-war through. If we IDEAN LOVETT'S "IDEA,LISM". like 'em we can have more. Certainly IIn case there should happen to be the event will do more good than evil.lany misunderstanding "in the' matter, ,, ' 1The, Daily Maroon wishes to· empha- CHOOSE l\IANAGERS AND I'size ,the point that the censored Ideal- CAPTAINS FOR WOMEN'Sism and Utopianism referred U) DY, _. - CLAMJ' BOCKE\' SQUADS IDean Lovett iit Senior college chapel iyes1irday as havin ; appeared in tliis Announce Names of Teams and Stu-I�,,� paper was printed, in the communica-, dents Who· Will Head Them Ition column of the issue ot' Friday, This Winter. I· ...... :).·ebruary 7. PJ:he Daily Maroon does: .not stand responsible for anything ap- Women's hockey teams were 'chosen'; pearing under the "Communications" this .week and captains and managers:,.1ieading, and would appreciate very, elected. Marion Meanor is captain,�ch if distinctio� were ,made be- of Junior' college hockey and J�ph-'�e� the policy and' ,bet1r�n signed .ine Strode is temporary manager.co�inunications when reference is, 'Fran� Crozier" is Sophomore' cap­��de to either type o� mate�. '�D, and Marr-�et Lilly ,is Freslunahcaptain. The Junior college team will., ,T 0- n-tt be picked until after the Fresh-I'THE ALMA MA ER • -: So h' , - . man- p omre game.' ILast week, when the new system of The captains and managers of thetakin.g.chapel attendan�e was definitely+ �cl� team uhder Mi� Campbell are:,put _ID� effect, the, slips were passed, Hit-Its: Stella Klauber, captain, and I .. ,out during the singing of the Alma, Ruth Dixon, manager; Whippet: Bob-I. �ater. As th� Alma l\I�.ter .ma�lbette Goldberger, captain, and Sybil Ithe elose 'of chapel exercises It was Kemp, manager; T. N. T.'s: Mariai"also necessary to fill out those' slips Lieber, Captain, and Mary Hoke;,during'the"singing of the Alma Mater. manager; Bro�sbys: Ruth Brown"The, Daily Maroon strenuously ob- captain, and Ruth Galinsky, manager;jects:-· If it is irreverent to pick up Fair-Bangersr Janet Fairbank, cap-beoks �d put on coats during the tain, and Louise Bohn, manager. ===============:=;=============================Si�girig'.:of our �ollege song, it is cer- The captains and managers of the, �yan� m�ager; team .• :, Viole; l' ...tamly Just as Irreverent to pass out teams which have not yet been named I Fifer, captain, and - Harnet Shanks, I The Wholesome and Well Cooked Foodschapel slips as they .,are no� .being are: Grace Leemin", captain, Alma. mana�er; team 5: Louise YiehOff,fl Low Pnces and Courteous Treatment at thepassed o�t. Some change should be Gowdy, manager;' Kathryn Heller, captam, and Amy Wolan, manager; "-E:1' L L'I S .made. captain, R�tb Drake, manager. team 6: Helen Pekny, captaU!, and,The distribution' of slips does not Miss Bums' teams are as follo.: Ruth Proudfoot, manager team 7: Itake more than two minutes. Last Team 1: Erma Quirk, captain, 'and I Hele�' Stein, captain, an� Virginia f RES�Atm·l i1T AND'.' LUNCH ROOM,week all the slips were passed out be- Emma McDonald, manager; team 2: �Stram, manager.' . 11 ,Ul\lUllfore the audience had completed the Sylvia Regent, captain, and Carol I ===============second "erse of the Alma Mater. So Sheph�rd, manager; team 3: Eliza-I Get All the Campus Newsthat ag a time-5aving device, certain- beth Verder, captain, and Florence I Read The Daily M�n'A La Carte Chops 'and Steaks, &Sc. '75c Table D'Hote Dinner, TAe�a�fA)�� r�� ��©(P)"11 0 �OOT R WABAS'-l AveNue•, jJ., �j-: eI ..'\LUNCHEONS11:eo "0 2 :30 O'Clock!,SECOND FLOOR'; YOU can throw any kind of .light on' Murad, and findth ern 100 % pure Turkishtobacco, the world's most famoustobacco for. cigarettes. It is thisfamous tobacco that makes Muradthe famous cigarette.,"You can't make a silk purse out of aSow's ear." Neither can you make a realenjoyable cigarette out of any other thanTurkish tobacco. .' ..People I-listen Ito this talk-it's all foryour good. It's your money you're spending., It is true that "ordinary" cigarettes-costa triBe less. '. .JudgefoT youTself-:!, ' JR�N MELLAS, Mariager' , (942 E. 55th S� (Opp. Frolic Theatre)Commutation Tickets, $3.25 for $3.00; $4.40 for $4.00Ladies Invited Meats, Lunches, Short OrdersA Trial'Will.Convince You That Our.G90ds Ar� the BestI II' �rendergaat & Keefey ��:e�=::Z=I Druggists . I ft· andS. E. Cor. 6rd St. and Woodlawn I .. Students' Casesi CHICAGO 'I· Demand the originalI I for you r protectionPhones Hyde Park 482-483 I' LEj\THER GOO D SS . t St d ts 0 Trade Mark Guaranteed To GiveervICe 0• u en ur of Qnallt7 Satisfactory ServiceSpecIalty. I' At All Stores WhereWe carry complete stocks Of I' . Quality RulesJohnson's, Apollo, LovellI!LL- Mf Co. 'N v�_._Correll C�tes .... 'uuD I. -:- ew. VIa. i - - _o _ r; � cnIl1r its1�,tciII'\1JI11J8I'( rg"'- :ftJ �'F" \> l'la..b· ie8'.' .�'.' .', . ':"',,'".-.';" .\... ,··it· .. · "THE. ,D�Y ,MAROON,' THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1919:robe adored' cor-·.redIy - you . caDDOtuk �you fre..... enlly get IesL .Nkon �tive"taiJor:iD.i. .. , m e 'a D S·qui e t . Correctness,constan,t , atteDtive­nesS to the· lea., 'men of '0Ucag0.Suits and OvermatsS4s� $50, .$s�The Maroon Mandolin club has been and UJJWId'4revived. Officers elected at the or- � ..ganh:ation Monday are. aUf' follows: NICOLL nte'Thilor.Maurice Lomansky, president;' F. F.Stansberry, secretary and treasurer; � JerftJllS'Sons 1442 EAST 57th ST.. P. J. Riehmo.nd, librarian. One of the Cuk and Adams Street. CLEANERS AND DYERS Private DANCING Lessonsnovel features of the new club Is the 1============ •admission of women students to mem- . All Gannents :WilI Receive the In a course of 'Sve leuoJa8 ($5.00)Best of Care and be Pressed' one can acquire '�he ate,. of thebership� Waltz. 0ae4tep, and Fn-tnt. Soda)President LomaJlsky has issuec! a Read'The Daily ,.,aroon· BY.Hand Only. dancing:eI ... MODday EYe at 8 P. M.call for banjos and guitars. Othe� in-I Let us call for and deliver your work. f LUCIA: HENDERSHOT STUDIOstrumems are al80 welcome, ,bowever. . -- Special prices to fraternity h01IML I 1541 E. 51th at. ,,&7de Park 2114.. 1 $5&0 SubecribeCi to Red CI'088.·: ;�' f : ••'Maroon Athletes Win Twelvequt' of Possible Twenty- Five hundred dolars was subscnbeclone Places. Co' the Red Cross -by students of the'Univers�ty in the recent drive on theOTIS WINS.lN�l1AL HONORS campus. 'OveT·a hundred �ll,!rs,,,:as, colleeted Tuesday when the driveThe American. Legion" Annistice ended. Ida Noyes hall secured theDay meet at the Sox Park yesterday ,largest ��� of Red ,Cross Pledges.at 2 was a walkaway for the Univer-sity. entries. Of the seven events andthe- possible twenty-one places, theMaroon runners ran away with six .fi� and a tital of twelve points., The road 'race was won by Mellorof Logan Square, with J ones andBowers of the University second andthird. Morgan, a freshman at theUniversity, won both the hundred andthe two-twenty yard dashes. In thequarter mile Bowers won and Joneswas second. Otis took the half mileand Bowers finished third. Otis alsowon both the mile and the pursuitrace, with Bowers secondl in bothevents.Otis Led in Individual' Points.Otis led in individual points with .fif�n. Bowers had thirteen, Mor­'gan ten and Jones six. Cups for eachplaee were donated by various or­ganizations, Spaulding &. Co .. present­ing a �a;ge cup for the winner of thepursuit race., # �,t,:' COSl\IOPQLlT AN CLUB WILL.�'f ,�IVE RECEP'fI?� SATURDAY.(. '. Alii Foreip ;StU'cteD�'lnvited t� Atr.�rfat Club' ( ROa.e -.Me�ber:wJiip,e, I Drive_NOW Qn/ . Woodlawn JruSt, -:Th,e Cosmopolitan club will .give a ��1'_". CL'�,.,:. '.' . D�.'"1. -....rycep_�on' Saturday.lor'aU students of' • aliI.YUU;jJ DiUII\ .."\ foreign descent, at the Cosmopolitan;� club house at 923, East Sixtieth St. A .' . . _,...--.; ; '-' "., i-" "'-,-:"r muaiCal pro� � � arranPd by " ,WOODJ.:A� :A VENUE ': ,,�,::�-t��; the· clUb.��:wDklni:1tmi In.� ���., :�tAtSiij.tnUnl�' .. -__o;, '� .. ;��; vited all .men _ and women, of �foreiipl .... ;:-'. j.;." "", - .' .� _,' , .�.:: ',":�',. 'deseent to 'attend, Whether 'they" are . .. � ". J:":','., .�. \. "-:,,..,1 , " .' ,":,' "members of the elub-er. not, The mem- .. N:ejUpt BaakberPip campaign -drive is .going on ";:'� th8.. ' . .now and is being pushed with vipr. ' :> . .;,;. ..,'''We are eonfident that we can have University o� �'" ',: .... , ". '. ."')'''' .., ," , 1, '.the: biggest membership i� the history -; ..' �. ". ': ,: ..of the d.It:'," try, 'a.D(i .. we .are leav- ., I; .:: : ��. c. . ;,.,:ing· no stones untamed in our efforts, to make th� �rive ,�ul," Wilting =========:::c:======::::::::. said yeSte�, He' wishes special .: ':.-: ',: . ,�.;->:emphasis J8id.on the fact that.Amer- Order RiPt,' Now+Your Cutaw.y •iean students· as well lIS foreign stu- " .dfmts are asked to' joi� 'the o�iz&- Frocks' an�, �ftniDc,��th�.: :,,tio� .. � The drive',cubniDates Nov. 21 ,,' I• '.\0with a reception in hon� of the· new ,;. �.; � .meDlbers. -costs no more than in-ferior imitations. .Strengtheits •. Invigorat�sAthlet� �Restful and Refresh�gAfter Studr"Horlick's"The, OriginalMalted MilkDrink . it at the fountain.Keep' a jar in your room.. A satisfying quick-lunch.GlC\teful whenever tirecl,hungry or up late at night.Get the Genuine. "Horlick's'. ' • f .' ••.' ,I. _ _.GUENWoOD -HA'iL' WILLCELEBRATE ANNIVERSARYl�� AT DINNER AT , TODAYGreenwood hall will entertainfOnl)er house members and, friends ata dinner tonipt at 6. 'This i� the"',tenth birthday of the ball. Mrs. Logs.;don, I(ousemother, will act as toast­mistres&,· 'and the following' womenwill respond to toasts: Elizabeth Nye,Marie Nierga� Luc:iDe GillesPieand . Ly(lia Hinckley. The guests Ofh'onor will be Mr. and Mrs. Beekman,Dean Potter of Northwestim Univer­sity, Dean TaI�t and Prbf. �REVIVE OLD MANDOLIN CLUBFor Farther Activities.• ,: . .., �""Criticism and CitizenshipIt is the. plain, public duty of everycitizen to criticize proposed government" measures believed to be harmful,. '. Swift & COmpany is in a. better position.perhaps, than others, to understand themeat packing business in all its relationsto public and private interests, eventhough the' 'others may have beengiving the subject a great deal of sincereattention.Swift & Company is convinced that' interferencewith its legitimate business function by goyemmentalagencies, however well intentioned, would be an injuryto every man, woman and child who wants meat toeat, as well as to the men who raise the meat andto those who dress and distribute it.... 'tC Maximum service that cannot monopolize becauseof keen competition 'and lack of control over sourcesof supply is fur nished at a minimum of profit-a frac­.tion of acent per pound from'all sources.; � � �... . \. Therefure Swift & Company Is taking every legit-imate step of citizen�hip to prevent such interference._, .'• .... I _ '�.,.'� T�es'e�' advertisements" ai-e intended to help you,· '" . andto help Congress decide what is best to be done.. ��:'. ':;�:.: _ ... _takes are costly. and apt. to be harmful in these ':: ��:�;;; i�:�S.· . � , '.. '." '".:- '; .. ' Let us send . you�.a Swift 'IDoUar."�>:�. ..4ddAsa Swift a Company, ;'�-'\ . � Union Stock:Yarda, Cbicaigo, DL'\ :'" ,SWift. & Company� u '8. A.o_, •t I �• ': • t�� �. e:.' ,I;i'. r,.) �D.IXON'S 0'LldJoRAD .�auter�peIIdrA man is judged by thepenci�1 he 'l��ps.A well-sharpened Dixon'sEldorad� ,is a friend to beproud of!' .JO�F.PH nIXo� CRUCIBLF. co.l' .. acil De;>t, Jersey Cit,.. �.J.C....,'- P .. mt, .. :�.&. L :: . ..,0-21111 " c.. .. I,W.T_Mc. CORMANY'S. HOME LUNCH ROOM .,, ... The Old ReIiahIe'H� for' Unhersity· '�StadeDts· "We serve the best of everx­thing. �pt �ce. .Try Our Spedal Suaday .,CJakke'D DiDDer .' I1313 E.-57th Street====1'Tel. Mid. �633. """ .. t,.., LEADSKRAUS BROS. LOEWY CO. .J ��! ;', I,.-)!gr. J. Rovens.We Cut Your Hair To Fit UWILLEMSBARBER SHOP8031�. SIXTY-THIRD STREETN car Cottage Grove•4 .,. .", ....... ', .:f. ."',_'. ;rHE:'oAILy MAROON. THURSDAY. NovEMBER. 13, 1919'l'�e C &.n:pu�Wlt:nI.A meeting of the DOII.fraternityThere's the letter you get from the council \\'111 be held Friday at 4 indean, Ellis 3.That's always in yellow or blue,There's the brown one you get from,�.,�,THE COLOR BLUES.the Press,With a pressing bill' or two,There's the long white letter from dad,That leaves you greatly distressed;But you get the pink note from thegirl,And gee, you forget all the rest.Kazim.;J, . The Honor 'ComBlisai9n will meettomorrow at 3 in Classics 10.The Southern club will meet tomor-row at 4 in Harper MIl.Hockey players 'will entertain thecaptain-ball players tomorrow at, 4 :30in the upper gymnasium of Ida Noyeshall. Invitations have been sent tothe captain-ball captains.SA YS Anatole Fraace, "D� momies A meeting of the Freshman eom-ran gees tout le long de I'anti-chambre mission will 'be held tomorrow at 4. ,.vous faisaient accueil,' The last in the Y. W. C. A. rooms in Ida Noyesword in welcomes. hall.TO FRESHMEN WOMEN. All women who expect to attend theW. A. A. initiation dinner to be heldtomorrow, should report to DamarisAmes or any of her committee at once.Inasmuch as it is definitely againstthe policy of the women's clubs to ad­vise or inform you, we .feel it our dutyto do that service, in a small degree,or-rselves, In the first place, thoughyou'd never guess it, you have beeninvited out to lunch so often since youcame to college because you were be­ing "rushed." This kind treatmentwill not last. "Rushing" is a system The Graduate Woman's club willby •which m�mbers of the different entertain at a tea in honor of Deanclubs get a close-up of how you dress -ralbot a week from today at 4, in theyour hair and what kind of dorine you alumni room '.of Ida Noyes hall. AUuse. They haven't been polite enough graduate women have been invited,'to buy your lunch for. you because •there's a rule against It.: They madethat rule themselves and it's-the only S P 0 R T S H 0 � T Sone they never ,break. The system •• _ _ _ _. _. !IE'- _works very well from their· point ofview. They get a six weeks' stare "atyou without binding themselves to· in-·vite you to join anY'of their 'societies.Tomorrow is so-called silence day.All the knowing looks you receive onthat day are not knowing looks at aUbut wondering looks. Or they may beargumentative looks. On Saturday Anyway it's boosting pie ticketmorning, if Mr. Burleson does his sales, Business Manager Merriamduty, you will receive, or else you reported about 7,000 sold up to yester­won't, an envelope- or two, �r maybe day; exclusive of the downtown· sales.more, through the mails. Special de- He estimated a crowd of 20,000 at thelivery stamps will be used, just as if game.the contents were important. 'Answerto suit your taste, but don't say "Yes". to more than one club.:: A LECTURE is announced on Purdue has not shown so much''What We KnOw and What We:Don't speed on the gridiron, but it outspedKnow AbOut Fat&" What we know Illinois in a eross-eenntry- run ,laStis that they make good football een- week.ters and Blackfriars ladies of weight.Ask those cross country stars, Jonesor Otis or Bowers, about the AmericanAt the Non-Greek Meeting. Legion' run on Tuesday and see themA discussion of possible candidates blush. They had better alternatewas on at the non-fraternity smoker, .running and work with the weights soPringle's name �as mentioned.• that they can carry the �ilverware"He's been heard from around the home.�pus," put in somebody. "He play�in the band." ".,, .i}. i".,:, -.! . ��:---... , NOW that it is verbeten to adver­. tise Friday'si nominations by hangingsigns in front of Cobb or by pinning..... , .$• .� tagg'>l()n' Three Quarters club men, weare pptting it in the Whistle, where�, • ' j everybody will see it. 'Not handing'\ our own department anything, 'of. I:.'!course.P. C. Stands for Pin Crashers.Sir: Doc Bratfish suggests that PCcredit be given the indoor sports whonow take their daily work-out in thenewly opened ba..';cment gymnasium inthe Reynolrls club.F. E. G.DON'T forget to go to the Sigmaparty today.WE hear that some Freshmanwomen have been invited.Garcon.• An important meeting of Skull andCrescent will be 'held. tonight at" 7 :30in Harper E41. All members are re­quested to be present._____ . .. _a.The ne�spapers' are smeared thesedays with Iowa. propaganda. We'llconcerle-it'maY'have mere basis ·thanNorthwestern:S pre-season's victories,but how much inore? -, You know whathappened to N�rthwestem._'--Don't forget to order your 'lap robeearly.A Iittlemcre downtown publicity,and they, ought to � able to run forcampu.'l . offices.(No, madame, the Whistle is •couple of aisles over. These are, thesporting goods.)..'i�_!JUDGE PAM IS SPEAKERFOR ZIONIST SOCIETYAT MEETING YESTERDAY(Contifnud from page 1) ,'. .ested in Zionism are invited to attemlthe meetings in which this subject isdiscussed by .the members. 1 Prom­inent men at various times will' speakto the society� No dues will be re­quired either to obtain or to maintainmembership.It is the desire nf the preseat mem­bers that every Jew connected withthe University join the society. Thisorganization is national and similarones are to be found in many of theuniversities of the. country. •. .Judging now by the War facfs--�.- The American Smokeis a" cigarette...... NOTonlY because they proved' inent citizens,tbe cig&retteismoresuch a necessity with our popular· than cigar or pipe and as'fighting men on land and sea, but highly respected 8S either., also because they are the mildest , -. . .form of smoking cigarettes have OneClga�eUlpa.rticularseellls,at last come into their own. . astbefollo�lDgfactssh0"Y,tohave" . won a position 8S Amenca's firstToday t among young men 8S choice In smoking, East and West,well,as Old, plain men and prom- ,>,North and South- nation-wide.��l!-and one cigarette in particular:. At '\YsshingtonA' fact: E .... day the N.tiOD'. capitol lees • DewthroD' of bi, profeuioaal .oct bpPDe ••mea from every ltate ill the Uoioa. TbeaecQqiu, huadred. of meo bUf- lIIoreF.tim .. than any othe,. oi,arette.� ',..,:.:"\ In the -�y At the bi.· ... my.�. campa doriq .....war, were thouaaad. of loldier. froDl .cia.A fact: Stale aDd Territory. At every ooe of,(-'.71:,··· '.. ,�'."'��'.','.," Inthe�.Nfil:ldavy: ":o::�:=::�::'-,.... from evcr:y, put of AlDenca. Of all dieci...-ettes aold ill Olice"" Me .. throqb-•. oat the wh;ole Navy, ov.r 90" .... F.d .....,','. ' .." .: wiih',pur NC ., The 15 Amen .. 'DIeD -- I .. o-r die... �. _ 4 .Ocean:Flier.. NC-I,' NC-3 ,aad Nc.f·hailed· petUpa. from IS diJl'erent .tatea. Of the IS, tw.l ..__frJ._CCa_" /. o -' ' �'fat:l: =.Fadmu forthatl�,IoaeI',�\.i- '\._p-- t'". ."Just enough TurlcisIJ"MEN keep nri�from ,tni,aat Turk·ish oi,...."" been .. theyooataiD ,.. _., Turki ....ney .eem over-ricb adheavy.Mea keep Iwitciaiq toFatim .. heCa .. Pati ...ooataiajul .... "TDI'ki ..";-jaat CDOU"_ to". ri"'taad ju.t CDOU"_ to Iea.,.e amaD /"U., ri.ht, CT ••: whea he .lDOk •• · Dioredaaa URal. ..Are 'you .mokiaC too·· ..... Turki .. PFAT I�A Seniible Cigarelte.6344 Cottage Grove AvlDANCING ========'-=' = I: " Get Your SandwichesilndWho Doei . Your I ' Coffee across the streetLAUNQR,Y? I MAROON LUNCHST � 71 5650 E;lIis Ave;.",' "-We_Wl)l'please YOUI. A High,Cla-. �Q • I S d ticar Service. a t. ...,pecta - - tu ent R bl' Pri'·" -p . easona � cesnces •S. F E INS TEl N, Opt. D.·Engle'YF 5035 OPTOMETRIST-OPTICIAN===================== 1132 East 55th Street•VISr A GARDENS I CLASSIFIED ADSI .'."THE· ONE SPOT, TO DANCE". .47th and .Cottage Grove Ave.Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Even- .ing and Sunday Afternoons.This ad �ll be accepted for one FREE admission on any'Tuesday evening or Sunday afternoon dur-ing Noyember. LETS GO r LOST-:-Waterman fountain pen with­out cap. Return to Foster or PressIntormation Desk. (.&6) .LOST-Tuesday afternoon on. campus,black bill f01der containing $16 inbi1ls, receipts, �tc., and name ofEdgar N. Johnson. Reward if re­\iarned to infonnation office. (46)•., ...f! ...-- I, � , .A �l.. ( �.J.\ .�),01 .'":' .}1t- J!f