- ,, ....Vol� 18� No.-21 UNlVERStrY OF CHICAGO, WB:>NESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1919 Price' 5 Cents -4 t-\•(-f IT'S SPEBCB WEEK! MIND SrAGG.AND TEAM"'YOUR pt. AND Q'., BOYS DINE' TONIGHT AT,'-'-.---Look Oat f�� .�� UDderpwl �ITY a..UB, .. ' .' �. WIIo:GoeS �'BelpiJll tIle�. . -.. -."-".y�� Battles·· Fiealuneil·.·in ". WOman'. Club �ter A.� Affair 1.\ . Given . in HonorI Effort to Overcome Slump � .. :. . Ceeeh $.tqg 'and Var ..� Still W�.�... '.. lily t eUn. Mr.· Sam Berger, lessee of the Rey-. ' .. Since July.i;Do Withoutdubs have noldsclub bowling alleys, is planning\ ..., .; --. -'.' . become �pular thro�out tb.e GLEE CLUB WILL ENTERTAIN a series: �f s� e�ents .for .this ATHLETIC TROPHIES AWARDEDroACH 8T AGG EXPEcrS VlcroRY UDited States. But this' week a new year. ADiong them will be a mixed .-. -,-.. _.kind of Do Without dub bs being ili- -- dAubles tournament. . ...· The Maroons b&tt1ed the freshmen ttOduced into factories and eduea- The aDnual Alumni football dinner Ih this 'series each team will be The Annual. Panhellemc dance will�: their OWD·. slump' last .. night with tional institutions auld ouMr places �f will be IiYeD in honor of Coac:h Stagg 'composed of one' man and one wom- be held the night of Saturday, N�v.cinl7 fair. sueeess. �etber the � iDc:lustry. The new Do :Without dub and the Varsity team, tonight at '7 atan. The matches will probably take 22� at the Hyde Pa:k hotel. Definite� continue to .slip, or. �hether It has for its purpose th� elimination of the University club.' Seniors who have plaee on Friday nights, since these' announcement. to this e�ect was made�ll come back 18 uncertain' so far, _,..;.:.... .' o-f ammar careless- not as yet made their reservations ladi" hts' th I b S. by Frank Priebe, chairman of the!)ut the next· two days villi definitely IUiIIIg, errors gr '. sJlould phone Harvey Harris. .1Ie- are es.rug m, e.c u. mce dance committee, at a meeting of the· .. ness .of enunciation, and other faults � 1900, ,bef� tonight. � th� alleys now. conf�rm WIth �e regu- Inteiiraternity council last night. .deelde the ehanees ' against the' Wol- of ne�. dav Ilfteeeh. . , . lations o.f the Amencan Bowling Con- Each fraternity has been allottedmnes. Director Stagg is working '.."." -r• reservatiODS must be :made �ore this.Jlard to instill the needed fight, and .. SJnce thiS is the National Amenean ev�g as the. atteQdan� is .limited � hjgb scores will receive regular ten tickets for the affair. These weretie has high hopes of his team present- s� Week, '� ente?rising young to only, three .llundn,!« aDd fifty. m s sad other Pr:izes. given to the delezates last night andiDC'him with a dean cut vietotY·over colleguln. took 1�:\l�tofoUDd. '!>re:sident Judson .will .a�· the 'We are"goi�g to have a beginners' it is requested th�t those fraternitieslIiehipn Saturday. '.. a Do .WlthOUt club all his own., .He bm.lquet.�d � members�of � City class, too, S&ld, Mr. Berger. "So�e Which do not use all their allotment� Weakness in the line cOntinues to be �t about the eampus correcting th� d�b will � p�t. , .: M�� of. the �s are likely to roll a big game tlie return their surplus tickets to Frank.;.....t ;apparent. . Some, of the speedl of su.� studenta as ,he ,was. �UDlJli will apeak.,�t no.set � �,�e the� try. �any others want Priebe as soon as possible so that fra­freshmen onslaughts ·through center able ·to- underataJtd· at:..alL --:One, .& have bep p1aJmecL A dou�e �.� �g. NlDety-mn&. per - cent of temities desiring to send more thanJieaUtered large gains. To increase �usky footballer; toolt,�on � thiJs f� .the. qlee. club wi:ll p�t a..f� bowling_ skill is in footwork, and I ten men can have a chance to use thethe strength of'the forWardS .one. or batcrfe�ee: ,with: hia:� tongu.e sOng. n�ties. The :d.inner ,will � li.ke �·see a fellow handle ,himself extra pasteboards.two changes were tried. MaeDoriald, Qd exp� himself m this wise: � a �la� ngbt.. Trophies Given for Contests.innkle and FouChe played on the Inq�'�' Came St... Dinner �ea. for .. P� � .Four hundred dollars have been "The Pan-Helenic hop 'should be a'in .. while BaJ1ad.Y' filled in at taekle "Where_ do '.yqu. get that .stuff! I. �e ban�t .. tJlls ,ear is the first spe�t in refinishiJig and improving the big success this year/' said Frankduring the whole l111188ion. Cole' and ain't DO hip-falutin' tonpe-tIe1der � � beld:;afteJ; .the �.of� � f�t,. a11�ys. �ey � in perfed condition Priebe. "We have a bigger dance'�aeJdIoIl , ' were., taldDg·'.a . :yaeatkm. .DOr I ai��t DO': :wor1d-��', faney:" �. hostUlties. . It .� .also. be in the an� absolutely up to standatd, accord- floor than we had last year and thustlaDlKh' 'b sutrerinC irom' a slipt phraser, :ibul you get .w!18t I meaD �re of:-a PeP �10r tbe,lIichi- big to .Mr. Berger, and will be -kept there ;Will be no danger of a crOwded?:' "!r.du� of tbe.. DOee, bu�J. �Yering� �heD I �t, dOll't·you! You folloW g&Il .. � �hieh':1..... ���,:three �t way· .. ,. . diLnce, even with the �ter number.V1�1' f.'; ,� �. :�':. � .. " 'I.: ,1Dy"drif�.· :Y� � pta.�utlide dap,,Jater. �.. ' .. ,are � , The bowling �� to take place to- of fraternities sending delptes this .' .. '. ·i¥OMBN'S. ROUSBS TAKE what·I'm �vI�c at. You're on. th� to Ja�v� a. �,�a�:ftJ'4'!"D:,?\ .. �t the mght'in' the �ub 'will be fought be- . (Continued on page s�.) . ,,1 .. �. : 'PART IN Y.W.C�· SHOW I (Continued·OD.,pap I), J ,��� this�, �a:Jr�:.B-- tw�lel�;ted D.len �ui ;�� B��� ,'.�"_:'"'�'.r �:. .. _ '.' - . ..,.Wtel" in ebarge of the sale of tleketa. ��. .�d .. ,��c foU�g �: ARRANGES PRINTING AND ' .. _ ... ; ��';'�t.:lIlter�BaII V...... PEP;MEi:t"min:�y,'�' .. :". L·· �·�bera,·� tJai·:� .ciab.:-n- JfDiDly· �'.� �anno, Doml.- PHOTOGRAPHY CONTRACTS .•. '.:,'-, I - ••• �� ru. .r ......... ;· �-" .' 9"et��.:.;J'� ... Wblta aDa.D1ad1eJ Dick. �.to�, Lo� ��e, ;�d Algy FOR 1920 CAP AND GOWN '. >�(�'����·�: .. r��·;�;.':SI,� �� � .•. ··WU:.L.,·STAIlT:WlTH , .. 1 1..up; _Ant'MDoI';1 KeautIl ltlehard- Carmic:bael •. 'Two of tlaese men are . . ... '::�,-:��j;,:!i.�� _.,��<U����:� 1!�; .; , ):.._Tt\D� .DDI··.· - . •... ,aDd J ��. teDcW; w�c( �j��,.�r8.�ty� state: ad ; ". .-.. --, . ;.-�:�·�},:t�j..... < <:. �:.;�� .• � 't .'!"� ' .. ' ;s... �,'!'f"�;;:!, .. � ' .. _ �- �' .. l· '. -- ,,", � .. ,' "..-,'J' "i: I' \. : ." _.. ..� .. : -.'. .. '" • Carl ��,.�lans to Have Y-ear, �k '»�"�:1�. '. ,"t, ','. �'';' �.,.l�;"'�·I:'_'.:�: "., to '-f'-. .•.... '. .' '. ;"; '. '.' .. '. ,.���.:�� •• ;' ....... ��PilTiit'e11 .. ""1irO'jnii�iiial<·��"'::�!�• Repr-ntatiftS,from aD tile' .... Y�:M�:C. A. Planilibg .. UniqU� :::�,:��"=�:r' and .' -',.'.. .' ., :. '.r '::�. ":_� .. ,,'..:. �ad�-m·May�.f '.:' , " '. �. �-.�{: ..:.... � � ���!eampQ8 � tab pUt Affair Be�re,�me With f- 'Wul ,Gift, ""e," Nina... 'CURATOR OF INDIAN /.':III die !Y.w�'. �� . _;-.< "", (, . .u:.L:..:..;.� .. 7" " � J ;...._. __ ..w. __m •. UD_.u .. ·.1..e ARTJVIU..·ADDRESS· Carl Piper, b�iness man�ger of the�:��om;� �t 'at�'7r:SO lD' -�, . . "t�_._ ,.., l �;;,����-;::;Ar:. ..".".; :Ei6�·AlciQ·1:�·a.UB 1� Cap and Gown, has mSde sr-.· b.· ·the,,�.,of��� � .... nhaD. AD BOLD.SB8810NdN ;·BlO cmcu: L.me.": : .. A· .. ·wJdstUDg .UOWJtY ::b)' .".: ��_._'_'.'�.. .... ..rangements for the.prin�ngand.�llo-,,; .••• � of tbe.-UDi.nnlt)' ha�r� " 1, '.' , ,_._._. , .. .' ,. .' • ,..... '....... : . ..• . .�.; II. �_ . invited· to. &tteDcL. ..AD &4ImiaSIon fee'. . '.' . . .. . .'. '_'. j W�e�. ,aDd .•. piaDo. :DCJ'felty. Ananda, . Coomaraswam. y W.. ill tography of the year book. �e siped, _ J.6 .��.� A '-ta' �n be ehai'-"I ''J.'h8, A .. ton1aUIht parade; fol101Ncl by � by.!{athaD LawrtlllCe .• ,Uo_be pn- Lectu' T .__ �_' t.8. . a coni�t recently with Cartel Pierce�. � � cell W.u& a-:- foothaD pep __ OD,,�� f .. ...ted.. .:'. � UC8WlY. � . JIl Oshkosk, wU;.� for printing, and wiihi:: � wiD be as foUows� Friday'Dlpt at '7 b1 the Y ••• CAe � .... '.. �r � II. Daguerre for photography. The'� � ,L ���. lint ... , �.Act., b, ptthe ��ftl8itsr,--.aDd ....... " WILL, GIYB ;Um'IATION SUPPBR books will be ready' for distrib�tionSo . ." GneD haiL [.' pther to &1'01UI enth1llllUm for· the . 4. SOCIETY TO HOLD ELECI'lONS May 11.I �,if . CbaneterI: PriKUla . Sanborn, Jtatb lliehlpn 'gaIne.' 'J.'he'tJDivenlty baud. I Members. of·the WOJDeD'. Athletic All seniors must have their pictures�I r4. �urnbam, Louise Hostettler, � wID be ,on hand,'to; lead the�"" asaedatiOD..:wlllgive a· supper.Mov. Hr.'. �da K. �raswamy, .taken before C}Jristmas if t�ey wish- Hawldns, � '.�- JI�, and to tUl'DlaIlID� for S. pep � 12 ·.at 6.:SCl bLt. suD.'pUlor of .the curato� �f Indian &rt of the Boston them in the Cap and Gown. Onell�.:;v. Houser, AiD_·Waiter,. GladJ'B Sela- Bkm lafte� hl-·the big eaJIlpUa Ida ·Xoyes halL Initiation of DeW M��,of Fin� A�, willlec:ture be- dozen fraternity pictures will cost $24� wOrth, Mary H,rdy, Geol'lia Lin .. - elide. .'. ', IIMIIlbera:.wiIl,_ held attenrarcL ··AU fore the . RenDaiuanee 8oc:iety 6f the .and nvo dozen will cost $36. ·Clubf,tt, lIargaret Shart,.LiWan Kimball. The parade wDl be formect at ., in. 1DeIIl1Ien ... Jaave been, aa1red .to 'be Unl�rsiti. next Tu.eSday'at 8 in'Ha�- pictures will'be smaller, and $15 ,\;11\1' iL: H'" She 111 ... ied, .by) Bee" IIatchlnaoD eoati, and wiD· Inelacle preamt. per ,.Aas8Dbli room.. ..be charged for them., I haU. UDiveraity men aDd WOJD8n. An stu- .Ticbts will.be GIl. sale, by .• �com:- Mr� eo1l1al'88wam)"s leeture wiD be The campaign for subscripti�ns, for; ;. tbJUters: .. ; ': .... have been invited to PartIcipate. miUee: beaded.� Damaris Ameso The ,em ."1�dian Paintings. and Art" and the Cap and, GoWn will probably startHeJ.oJne •••••••• Harriett Woodward KeD are requested to 1mnc l'eeltorch price:will be tbirtY-av. .. ceata a.plate. will'be m�.'·He is the author in the Winter quarter, aCcording to:� fJlArrtett �",AIiCe ,Law� lIPta' and wamen JapaDMe lanteiu FredaeD· wiD cook aDd· eene : the .of: � .�ks _�d essays on' Indian BU8ine�' Manager Piper. Sub�ribersSulton � •••••••.••. Pauline Boisot, for the proeeaioD. The toreheI and npper, . for; .. bleb· thq' .wD1 '. reeeift ait �d' UteratUr,. knong his best must pay $1 down and $2 more when-'�f� JIarrboD,·�:,·Barri� 1.1aDternswIDbe8Oldbythe'Unlvenity thbty.pointa. · WritiDgs are:·."Tbe Arts and Crafts they receive the book in May. Those,:' �.� : -': '.' .�pmaD, All� � bOObtore.. TODAY'S·WBA.'I'IID 'o.f,.Iii�'an� �lon'," �Indi� an� Hin- who do not subscribe \\;11 be charged�Udi·�!�r •• f.���" ..... � � : 'rTo Mardi 'I'IanqIa � ...., � :'. � : du, ,v�en A�" "�ro.nze from Cey- $3.50 when the book is Dublished.· III liI��:. la ..... Fna. . Leaders of the parade PIa to F-!- ._.:� _&� __ ,�. f'�1.. to __ Jon,'" "Buddha and �e . � of• ��:-� \'. ...areJa the � all a1Mm the quad- .' IIU' '--��: RIIII .w_1 Budc:Ihism�" .and ,"Buddhist Primi-". -- .� -.. raDgl& The line of march wID .. HItIa ,� tives." DR. WELLS TO SPEAK TO CLUB�..aDo· fna HirteJdw ... eoart, through Ban ..A� thiS meeting of the Rennaissance�. � •••••••••••••• �ath �11 �: .Caart to IIIteiaeoek and.SmaIl haD8. TBB DAlLY.IIAJtOON �ety eJeetiQDs of. new office.:s 'W111 Harriet Glendon Is Elected ChairmanPiemtte .••..••••••••• �,. Ia.a 1/;" '.' BULLBTIN .:be . hdc:t 'The present. officers of theLe Pare •••••••••••.• MarIoD CamaiD past Kent to the DIvlnlty donaI� ...-;e ..... are' •• Pro' ·f·. Wal&'-"':' Sa-t of�.J .. ''; _. BeIeD ,.� aM thea eat' aDCl put tile WGIDI!IU -.. ,,� ,loCI' ·0--Cbo��atb: n�el.tem, Katb- 1WJa. It Is apeeted that addItiGIUI 1WAy the-·aeliOol of' EdUcation, president; .mne Wrav, .,.. rjorie' Etlls,':-leaette wOl.be made to the parade at eaeh DlTiDitJ chapel, 11:51, Bu.elL Associate Prof. baVid Robertson, sec- Dr. H. GIdeon Wel� o.r the depart-Fai-"- __ L '#.• of these atoppInc p1aee& . a.a� Seaior eelIep, .• eIl aDd �taey'; and Mr. Charles L.· Butchin- ment of Pathology wlll speak tomor-�I&o The pep 8I8IIoD wOl be held .. IIOOD w-ea; 11, MadeL son, a trustee, treasurer. There has row from 4 to 6 in Belfield hall toIV. Matt �ad Je., by »mel �as the parade reaehea the efioe1e in the DlYbdtJ.·IICIaeoIIecture. 4, Buireli. been a large increase in the number members of the Home Economics club.v •. The Vft'1t Nabd 'BoY .. by � eater ,of the. � �r eo..1!Ift dR, 4, Harper. of Uniftrsity students in the club Friday the Home Economics club. haIL .Pike aud asslstant ebeerleaderl wID ]lIldor Mathe.atical dab, � Byer- duriJ)g the past year. elected Harriet Glendon chairman .,VI. A Girl for Raeh la-tile Year, b, be there to tab eh&rge of the .. � .. 21. The aiui of the society a.c; stated in The following facts were reported:., . GrenwooCl hall. IIlC. AD the scmlS and yells wID be its constitution is "to provide at the Ruth Henderson and Edna Mohr ofCharaeten: ,. gone thnMla'h- ... Kaaben. �_ the.. Var- TomOftOw. University such material means and the class of 1919 are employed by theMiu lanuary ..•••.• Buel Nystrom aity. f� team. haft pl'Glllbecl to DirillitJ daapel, 11:50" Bukell. personal Influences as will contribute Infant Welfare as dieticians. Mig"Miss February ••...• Theresa WilIcm apeak, and Coach � fa erpeetecI to � ,CIa.pel�A"''', ....... ., Edata· to the eul�OIl of the arts, and the Lydia Roberts, assistant of the HomeMisa Mareh.· ••.••• ':.WIDlfNd·�Bralda make a mort talk. ' . .� :ad, collqe ol"eo..eree aM enriellment of the Ufe of the com- Economics club, who 'is on leave ofIlia ,April ••, ••••••••••• Helen CaIb7 "We are expeetIDc a pod a� :AtI.bti.n�" .• ea .... ' ."eD, .12, molty." The socl� often holds eX- absence from the University to work'Jlls8 .ay. � •••••••••. � "LadUe 8adtIa uee of both ... Del WflIfte," de- MaadeL hibltions of iae1a obJeet. of Art as the on problems of nutrition with U. RlOa June ••••••• 1Iart' ,Loaise LoiaIIe e1are4JOeNI4: Karr SmItIa, T.K.c.A. ,RMIic-"lectare, �.1IarJft ........ , University 'JMllles_�' aDd �res Cbildren's_ Bureau, is spending sc,me10_ July •••••••• �. '1'b 'lip.. 811!Ntary, ,..terday. � �daee .,..... /� apeakers to address the: time iD Chicago in connection with�__.;.r_:__;'- : ',:. .:, ..:._). (C_'I ••• '·· .. ··,.,.·.) PbiIGMpIIy. ela." 8, CI ••• � 21. elu6 GIl the art&. ' " her WOT1c.(�IIIUCQ OD ,... --. . " .. .TEAM woRKs'HARDTO GET .BAcK FORMTO MEET MICHIGAN TOQI'DaIIleJIt for Men'. and Women's. [Teaiu to Be BeldOn Friday Night. ' •of -BeIhuaUa' CI ... to Be Organized. Committee Selects Hyde ParkHotel as Location for In-UYNOLDS CLUB. ALLEYSTO HAVE; MIXED BOWLING ANNOUNCE NOV. 22DATE FOR'ANNUALPANHEII ENIC DANCEterfratemity Affair., '.of Home Economics Body.1 ,_ 2, , ....... , ..•• �• .;� •. _� .••• --:'�, �'t .... :,.�: --.':\�'.�":.,��� •• "'�"�:-'.�""' .... -:":' • to "1-;·(�lf.'1��!'''''''''.'-��\''' �... .�... • -� ........ r,·;:.;.r, ... ii .. 1 -ijJ,J. r laily ... arnnn! "08, .�AY",:��� y:�u,,�,� .• fe�'w�:,�!� ��;�;d ',8J�.��.: • /���i��h�;.� �I- � � ,-, � � ��:":. '�i� f::�.?t�- -�� ,� . ' '�-'Daily' .. _ ..... _ . A, ....... Nov.22. J,.!:A. ... ,:., I�, ...... ''1,;'., ',' .,:", 'r'" -.� - I,� �',l<: "'-'rr-, " ..... < .... �. ....,,�n IS ,JIl.\.'r:ner,Ii.�' ... ' , ;. � .... ..�.�'. ',1':';" '�'" ,�:..... l.. • .��' �I "�;,-.,? '.. -r., .',i., ./! _.t ", .. ': ." ,==T=h=e=St=u=d=e=nt=N=e=",=.=pa=per=,=o=r=.==:'= C:eipt '.O""'ComDiunICationa;�... ':.t ; eve�' '::;T�e .final. 'bli�.a.�o�, W1II.,_ '�.� '�.," .:�i�'�f'c.",;:; »: � .'"};.";1 ,l\�""lTnh'ersity of Chicago, ' imacriDable t� of·...,_rsO� 'Ahd en�':":' thc!'following-week it tae U�venuy , �' '�?�." " .,'.:' .;e· J� '/I"'" . .,.... 1"'" • • ••. 'Po f' ·b'.! .... :' .l;',,:·'" r.'� '. • ... -, Jprise.:....even � Tempe�' .oeietie. ,�u�. . Aft4}r �e>¥�».Ort:�� .. "� � �. '�'i. "''';Jr.-;:.:�: � '-'. to •(Published mornings, except Saturday, are still in fuil'swing-bilt the over2 nt�� wi� �� ¥.� .�f :tbe ,eJub .. �" :.{'o s-: ". ,- :��. , ' r ',!Sunday and Monday, during the Au- . d el t L\.' e . '. fli' 'whelming amount at the. �sent �";'e an. ee Uleu" own 0 eers,tumn, Winter, and Spring quarters, r·... �uby the Daily Maroon company. comes from "loyal Amtridms.": Loyalcitizens of capitalistie :leanings aret.· •• 1eager to tell the �rl� just why eap-ita! is all' right . aHd� labor· all wrong;the Natio�al City B�k of New Yorkmust have' a: very p'�gb printing' 'bill.Even' : from' China �me voluminouspress sh��:, about that �onster Ja­pan, an� ijtist' �bat Japan has up itsdiplomatic. sleeve for these UnitedStates and it is not�a box of choco­lates, according to .Cbina)<. One of the most interesti�g rec:eJtt­ly received is from Mr. Miles: Poin­dexter, one of' the m�st �romi�entsenators of the entire >'fi-oc:k-coatedcrowd of legislators. Mr. Poindexterhas 'decided that he. would like theRepublican nomination for the presi-dency. ..,: EDITORIAL DEPARTMENTThe Staff'John Ashenhurst , .. , News Editornose Fischkin .. ",., News EditorHelen Ravitch ..... , News EditorHoward Beale .. " .Asst. News EditorWilliam Morgenstern, Athletic EditorHarry Binl , , Night Editor8rne;; t Fribourg . . .. ,.,. Night EditorRichard Flint. .... ,.,., .. Day EditorHerbert i1ubcl."", Day EditorEdward 'Ii: aful. , , Day Editordexter was the utmost hi loyal citi­zens. 1.:here is a little bit Qf every­thing. starting with the. rights of�an on down t1i�ugh. tb�: ��r, S¢ttle­ment a.nd labor aiitation.· One: of therno: t startling', sbitemenb; is .that"pc:!ce sh�u�d' be dcCla.��(f· �th " Ger­mn.'1y at : once." Which will no doubtg�t Mr, Poind�xter' th� nominatl_on.Three �hee� for �mbition.: : 'Oh, 'yes,: . I' .and the' Un.ited S�tes. -. : .� � .., :....','m:SIXESS DEPARTl\IENTThe StatTGR .. \.�T :-··tEARS, .Business !tanagerHonry Pringle. .Advertising ManagerKeith Kindred ... Circulation ManagerLaurence Tibbits . . .. , .Asst. Cir. Mgr.l!oh�:·t Birkhoff, .... , . Asst. Cir.-Algr. PEP MEET;FiUDAY';; l�' 1 "wna, sTART,:WITlf. l-" TORCH' PRoCESSION��"" . ;,(Continued from �e' 1)will sh�w loyalty ,ef' ibe. stlloent , bQdyto ,the,�, an4,,�li',iive .tliw� "lot of ,.®.�·fi�enc:e;·' Vf;:�al)y��.an�the men to.eeme provided with'tordlesand the w�inen ;ith la��rn��;','--------, ,l\IANUSCRIPI' EXHIBITIONO�' ANCIENT FA:C-SlMILESOPEN TO' ALI; STUDENTS'--,_,_, ..An exhibition or" f�-si'nii1es I of an':dent manu�npts' haS bee� put 'on �_.hibition in' the Chl�;ics buildih:g: andwill be ope� �,students during' the�aii\d� . p,t; ��, w�" �T�e, exhibitconsists 'o� the reproduction 'of'manu-scripts dati,ng from the sixth to thefifteenth century. Some items of in­terest are the reproductions' of Mero­vingian �ting, taken from the boob .written by St. Augustine and, St­Germain i� the ,sixth and seventh cen­turies. There is also a fac-similemade in 1827 of some music writtenin the eleventh century.. "There will be a series of exhibi­tions during the coming year," statedMiss Clara L .. Little, librarian, Yf 3ter:­day. "Some. of the c:ollections shownwill· be of medals, of the Swedishemperors, Latin. grammars, ' printingpresses, �d relics from Chotse�an . ancient city of Asia." ,� in�te· topic <Jf the 'Con&bP.AAI J iNsoNS .: .: l�r'SdkSdeLwcethe §rat wai:d, the last' word and' the belt wont in the,: ;. " ..... of aa1b. . .' .'. H. R. ·MAulNSON·a COMPANY. lac.. .'"J'7w it_ SIh"..·-I,: ... :� ... ;...... 31atSa.t � NewYolitEt!t(')'cd as second class mail at theChi(':.1�o post office, Chicago, Illinois, Our campus aspirants for politicalMarch 1 :�, 1906, under the act of hcr.ors would do well to pe'ru� Mr.Ma.rC'h �. 1873. Poindexter's four pages of' -re��ks.They cor�tain the most remarkableSVBSCPJPTION 'RATESCalled for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 � set of promises; a sort of intoxicatedf1ual't('}·. oath of allegiance. One could neverB:,>' C:!l':ier, $2.50 a year; .$1.00 a doubt for a moment that ·Mr. Poin­qua.rter.Br Mail (city). $3,50 a year; $1.50a quartrr.Editor:al Rooms, ..... ,", .. Ellis 14Tdephone Midway 800BlIsir:es� Office.",., .... ,., ,Ellis 14Telephone Midway 800.Wednesday, Nov. 5, 1�'9THE ,'FOOTBALL DINNER. .-.��. .. -'A, tiOving picture featuring: the' c;omplete evol�tio'n �f•, ._ � .•� • :+ : ....'.., .• - I,'• '.: �.....•, i'., ..': .,' .. 1 __ -TI!:5 is comment for senior men,and pelhaps, because of such brevityof appc:!l, not for these columns, but IT'S SPEECKWEEK! MIND··The Dai1y 1\Ia.roon can not resist the YOUR P'S AND Q'S, BOYStemptation. Tonight, at 7, the Alumni V.' W. C. A. NAMES MEMBERS .(Continued from 'page.1) ,. . ....club will tender its annual football OF FRESHMEN COMMISSION .dinne:r to Mr. Stagg and !Us t�, band wagOn. �ben I'm warbling. Ain't \:-a.....- ::" �;. ;,.'�":'( ,: : .. ,''', : ." . .' '.and, incidentally, to itself. The place it so; now? Well� what·s the big idea Twenty-t..t� Women Will Sen,e _', ; " � : :Frida/' y; 'NoveDlberT• 7th,· .t.'_ '�:i:is the University club. Senior men of bawlin' me out, �then? If I Shove . COmmitt�ive Dinner .To- ,!. . :: , .. - .are the only other undergraduates be- my dope aerost, what's �e odds!" morrow ·in No:r� • '., .... �' .:'':.' ,'. . ... to 5 :O'clock �. . :. '. ..-sides the team members invited to be The '�iSsionary 'of. correct. 'diction --' - ",' A'''t a"..arpe< ; t-: -r' ""'& �_:-.-·'bl"'."'. 'M' ,1'1:.;''present.. WWJ �ocked-&1most eleetrqcuted. He The 'first' :cabinet of the Y.W.C.A.: � �J � ,Therefore The Daily Maroon urges tOOkthe grid hero to'task and pointed has appointed' twenty-two' women' .•... ,': . -' .'. '. . '., '.,out to· him the sort of lan' guage in from the eIass of 1923 to BerVe on the, :. '. I. This p" icture .further preaen.. 'ta Mallinao.· it SiIb,· de ,Luxe. ,':;senior men to take advantage of, the .which he should have eouehed "'is.' prO- Freshman eomirlission for ·the coming: in the cos. tumes. ·which· furnish. ed.· the' _'.wn L_",,,re.' of the'·,invitation and be present. Dlinois is fA Y_"- &�U- 'test. When c:onec:ted, the pikskin year. ,The old eommission will give a ·;�rece.' nt exhibi,··tioD held i,n Chicago' by the FashiOn,",'. ..;.,....... _,,;'" e -.gone and forgo.tten as far as defeat JS . din �u\ tossers' plaint sounded like this:' .ner tomorrow at 6 in Ida Noyes of-AmeriCa� . . ,.......,' ; . , ...,' Iconcerned; what the University bas � Refectory fo rtbe new members.do noW, in the words of the cit:CU1ar, Oil Applied to Lowbrow T.lk.. Tb� new c:ommi�on is 'eomposed .of. "to help get Michigan." Those who "I cannot understan4 whence eame :!;;�����������;;;�;,;;;�;;;;;;�;;;���������;!IS . f. .. 1 Katherine Emmiinger, Helen Me:-t�������o�r������ ��-u1) u '�----�-�-"-'---�-'-�---------- -wen d . deed h to • . 1 III. en, .�1:U"8bel Jerems, Margaret -:-. - - ., 't ass' ting powers at least an l� , are. nClan, nor yet � a Lilli'· E ... , E 'spin '. IS_ 'f '. 'ed hI···' e, r UDlce" mery, Maude Came-, T' hh f otball d'nner IS one method. of ar-fam. p raseo o�, yet" not- 'AI' Go ...... et e? . ,I : withstanding, I'" 'am eonVin� that l"OI!� � ",:,""3' Gwendolyn LJewel- .. (arousmg SPInt. h I peak' 'reb d' Iyn, LUeJl1e DIck, Eleanor Mills, WinJ.Active undergraduates can -not �; wen: SD you, eot<fmPy' en dmy fred Brown;:Eigne W.ennerblad, Em-th pe" r meanmg. 0 you no. ou un er- .. . .. '-pect thc alumni to have e pro stand my discourse. The c:onvolutiO�' 'ma Mac:Doual�, Katherine Strawn,S' pirit if they the undergraduates, do� b al ' hat" Charlotte Coolidge, Ruth Metealfe.,,- bl . II dfO 0_ my cere r organ eneompass w . •not sho\v that most deslta e 'co e".- I to Y breast ,Elizabeth Nye, Gertrude B,isse11, Ger- ,.,., ..at" M' h-_n purpose express. ou are '" tru'd Vogd Y.-I';" Ca R th .virtue. The last pre-w Ie l&� my train, of thought when' 1 bazar1l e'. es,,� IT, U Lewis.Jinner induded 275 guests, and tJt ks f rt .oth I·t and SaVlDa MIllis. .(I, d' bl h t- rcmar 0. one so or an er. s 1 TbAlllm"' dUb wants to ou e tea t ., Wh t, th •. th -)·w . e purpo8(! of t!te �ssion is.. '. no so. a en, IS e ! ogltendance this year. good to'be realized: from draWing to to Pl!l�' closer .relationship' ':be- ..COJ1sequ�ntly the seniors can assi$t my' 'attention matters of' sue.li slight tween. the women of th� Freshman' �..th d't1- ' . ' class and to stimulate, mel tigreatly by being presen� at e.. consequence? If 1 m&ke my meaning. '. :. .. . pa pa onTh alSO assIst by urgtJJg pe-eet} pe1l"d h t 1 't . L"l actIVIties' of the Y.W.C.A. ,ner.. ey can" d C.I' Y ueJ�. w a �p 8ln can;111 thclr. alumnI ac:9ua�ntances (atJ: be advanced!" "..in the �c of fraternIty men th�J� AU kidding aside, however, the Chi- LAW SCHOOfrSMOKER WILLbrothers) to :lttend the footbaU dlll cago Woman's club is making an ef- ,'BE HELD·NOVEMBER 12 AT 8 •th 'SJJ'tner tonight. Of course, ere I fort to better American �. by. uch time to work up all attendallct!, taking part in this week's nation-wide'In 'd te .but the I�t minute retrun ers a campaign agai� earelessnesS in' itsoften of m-eat help. use. It' has �ppeaJed to students ofFrom the purely mereenary side the Univ��ty to· encourage ,�e fm­�lonc this dinner will be worth tile provement in the way Americansprice. It is somewhat �f an bonor to talk.'t down to dinner With Mr. Sta�g:�d his ...·arsity. Thcn, there will t>e THREE QUARTERS CLUB 1"0other celebrities present-the per�o�- FRISK AT WISCO�SIN QAMEnel or the 1905 team that �at Mlc}1l-gan 2-0, for example, Th�se gen�I�- The There Quarters ,clu� annual ex­men ou�ht to ha"e an lntC're�tltJ� hibition is to be given this year be­�tOry to tell. tween the halves of the WiscOnsin . The. Law &:bOo1 council announces. . .that a: snappy program. Can be ex-pec+..ecL The '�al quota of cigars,cigarettes, arid refreshments will be S . b' ··b' M Off· .at th�· disPosal' Qf the audience.' A. U SCrl e at the aroon.· lC�Freshman' �rcheStra and the LawSchool. Follies of 1919 are on the pro.The': annual Law school smoker willbe held. :Wed��y night, November12,· at 8 in the Reynolds club, thirdfloor .. :': -:,' '.'g�,me oJ'! Nov. 22, President. LewisKayton announced yesterday. He· alsosaid that plans were already underway to make this year's stunts �cially good. Some more tricks, suebas have been seen on the campus thisfal1, win be put on during the n�xt r� ,I •The' p,",ce 01 admission has been re­<tJced. f�m seventy-five to fifty cents.TicketS are sold 'by class officers and 'members or the collncil.. The proeeed.of the smoker, after expenses arepaid, win be used to buy newspapersfor the smoking .l'OQm and the wom-en's �� ,�f� A. ',�' ': �'�d:;i �.. ,.:So no matter what the appeal is, 110matter when you would like to :Jt­tend from a feeling of loyalty or fromthe (Iesire for entertainment, be pres·ent. The Daily Maroon not only rec­ommends but strongly advises seniormen to tum out tonight.. - {. . ':from 'the :c�ltivation 'of' the � tliIk ',��� through d stages.of spinnin&·'warping,. weaving�' dyeing, hand .block print�.ing ,a�c:I 6n.i,shing will be shown on .(. .:., .: :t·· ".. •.III ' .•. .DailY-.Mar�on.: :' ...•. -.':"ts . it: consistent -.ith'the.'. ;,; �. _", r .' �honor sentitnentto ,"-.:01- �this' U.nive�sitY�·Jor'.' Y9u: t�, re�d' ij::'.���P�'.j t.. · , � .,.. .. '. •. . '\ � . . ... OJ • • .... -e. ....... '... .'.• ,r,. its:benefit, :apd KOTSUBSCRiB�l':" �:, .'1• to,•• •• �: .. :", i:Pay';' :your sub$cf��. .' '. -: . �ti9n fee:' arlq'bave' '�a:1'.:. ,conscIence.�. ',! •. ,. . ', ..'-, .'$2.50 per year• I,:SUBSCRIBE FOR .THE DAlLY"f.Wt�:)�.·"'Read The Whistle Read·the campu8'.N��: � the Anrioun_i.;. ' <;. i' >" ., ' ..',�·P Year; , .tOC)·Per�� t, ,'. ,... '.' I ... , .... ,-.rM'·· •••.• , .: ..., I •".t., .(,�\1 .. ,,�.1. :.H:.:.. ;..�, i{,f '��. lteof I., I .... '10', �,.....4.... '':':�' �.. � ..... :',.. �.• _ 1: ••• �. .., .:,- ., .. -, �"' .... '. ',.r •nS.·DAILY MARQONi, WEeNESDAY, ' NOVEMBER 5,1919,'_ • 'p'r"R""II!BI!!IiinIilWIjIUlUlIIMIII""ip=,lfluIIlIIIJIWlIIIIIIDllllllllllUllllljll!lIIjlw",.,...wg"_'I!IIIIfI_ •� CALJ,S 1'0& CAMPUS PHaros",,', TO ','ILLUSTRATE PAMPHLETS �D0N7��QWYOUR TONGUE jlnrtrtg· ·iruubCLarHES FOR YOUNG MENAND MBN WHO STAY YOUNGDavid A. Robertson, .wreta.l7 totM.- 'heeident, has issued a call torphotographs of the University, espe­, claUrbt'-the"c:ampus' OIl' special occa-1 siams such as. the Visit of CardinalMeraer.: Be·1risheis· to use the- pic-tu� 'in reVisiou' of the mustr&ted .SUInDIH uarter' Quarter CircaJar. the: ilIUtrated Cireular of General Infor­'mauon and. the University GuideB� , A Review of "The Muterof Ballantrae" at theBlackstone.By Job Hawle,. Roberta.Amid melodramatic SDOW-fIak8ls,sardonie lauPter, and amorous dia- 'logue Mr. Walker )Vhiteside &eta hisway romantieally through a dramati- 'zatiOD of Stevenson's "The )(aste� ofBaDantrae» and finally' departs thisworld with many a gasping gurgle bythe dubious means of swallowinc histongue.. To those who love It; L. S� and havesat late reading his tingling tale ofwoman's love and brothers' hate, theproduction now current at the Blaek­stone Theater is a disappointment.Mr. Carl Mason, Who has ascribed hit;============= name to the revised version, has de­filed the charm that we might reasqp­The Corn Exchange ably expeet from a Steveuon play.National Bank with too many theatriea1 affeetationsOF CHICAGO and dramatic n�ties. In order to'Ca ital ,� 000 000 eonfine his stery to the Durisdeerp " �, .' Castle' in Sc:ot1and, he baa twisted the: Surplus & Profits, $10,000,000 chronological sequenee of the plot., 18 t�e Largeat."N�tio�tBank in the Th� duel be� Henl'J and JamesUNITED STATES Durie that should take plaee underWith a Sannp DepartmeDt the moon with the eandle f!ames bum-U neler Federal SUperviaioD ing bright and straight in the airless: N. W. -cor. La Salle and ADm. Sts. �gbt, is made the climax of the lastBring YoUr Savings To Us act and is execu� iD � great ball. 0 en . &tu�y Even'gs until 8 o'clock of the eastle. This episode, instead, pe. of preeeeding James Duries's wander-.ings through America and the Orlen"'\ ;T-::';� ,"'. �'--'.�-: '�", in the .lay follows the prodipl's re-¥�n�enS;·'��orates 'tum, and, becomes an incident in his�- -:_�� Athletes- plan for proeming his father's estateand his brothers' wife. At' college, in society, in business,everywhere-Society Brand Clothes for father and. "'800.-' . They' are" authoritative in' style and propor'tioned to' fit all types -of men without tedious. measurings and', fittings.·Restful and Refreshing.:�StUdy"/"a.JWt("j'�' The feat -of. tOngue awaJIo)Ving, per­.. fOnDed by IIr. Whi� is almost :too'much eveD fOr us .sophisticated :�o3'erns: W1IO '�haM� in the 1 .r :': ", ... � til. JDOVi- to �.tbe most :bizarre extremetles. -We are treated :· to ODe· ahiltitloD, of_ this i mirada in :the seeond aCt 'when,,� -Dass., played' a Ja nne danseuse euptienne·by, Mr. Maurice Banett. proves toJames Durie that OIle may' appear .dead to aD,ecmeemed'hy simply stiek- !ing one's finger into· cme's nea and .: toreiDg a ,relud:ut taDgue down an ;'equIly reluctant � throat. . A spas- �· moctic and expeetaDt ehaf"mC of the :'�'r:-, ��. hands wiD briDC� thWI prematurely." .:, ', " '. ,;., ,, , bora de combat back tD the realities :�:nf):��- thaD in- - ' of aisteDca We are told' that It ,ferior imitations. works beaatifuDy ill IndiL FoDowing� 'eveD_t advice, IIr. Whiteside,m, the Jut Set, wIleD aD'ls lost and the' .... _- .. semi-inebritade lady has dise10sed hishect¥ pat, eaays the miraele andpaSses oft into a state of apparentdeath. -But it- ma,.' be that the air ofScotland Is too 'rigol'01U for a miradenatiye' of IDcUa, or perhaps Kr....._ is· eQDVeDtionally diabolicalWhiteside swallowed more than was and to me hia � are 'Operatic; but4 iDdieated in tile preseription. At any howeftl' t!lat � he bas portrayedLET US SHOn7 v;OU rate,� .... Durie releases his tongae � passion�bot-blooded adventurer' I.' , .. · 'JUJd his Ufe in the same gasp and the '·tb - ..... tiOil and vividness. It iscurtain fllDs upon a story thus provi- ·":e....t/te 8Dd pare romantic drama I• ., � ... ,"":i "dGtiauy brought.to a close. Pat '_,_£, partiallv oft'setting the riot.,.... '::r�-:1-Da a Week aaIlI" J�.��, 'J; .. - � ':-.' TJaere are several GImoua stage of lUQi. farea that have been so.... ----------- .. ltAlta that should have � cleared � earnat in OQI' theater. MiJS============= up du� a. tlaree weeks' tour on the sum-y' AWds, as Alison Durie, the----EiEi-------1i � If Mr. Whiteside must cheat � J81IIlg wife beIond by her brother-ill-M I D ,W,E·S T carda, pray let him be JIlOre disereet Ia.,. is .ective at times and looks�d remember that cards' protruding dIanaiDg ill her mid-eighteenth cen-_�-TYPESETIING irma tbe baekIe of his bee breeches tuI7 froeb. Good aeting is done b�are as apparent to his opponent AS Iii.. May Buekley, as the drunkp'!l. ,C ,0 M P A � Y they are to the audience. And let him lady who appears at the psychologicalrealize, too. the diffieu1ties inovlved in moment and disdosee .U!e vil1ain'sa duet in which the two voices and past. It is at this point that the POOl'the piano perionn in three keys not, man nraBows Ids toagae.WeD remotely related to each other. ==' ===========The wonder Is that Miss Shle1ds andMr. Whiteside. to say ,JlOtbiq of, the ', 0,' survive the ordeal. '_ Tbe�. Maltecl· MilkOr" : r..�:.. ��! � 1� I.. � ::- ��it .. ;af·-:the'_!fountain.-'Keep�aJjar: in: your·"room�·A satisfying quitk-hmch ..Grateful whenever tired,_hu� or�1ip:Ia���·Dight.�t ,tb�:��ine -rhey express-a1�ess and are made to retain theirstylish' lines until the very fabric wears out.Always all-wool, ,ALWRBD DECKER II CODN ••• ker.ill c-.da. SOCIE'rY BRAND CLO'I'B88. LIIDltedChicaio New York MolltreaJ!i�STYlE HEADQUARTERS :'1� ·\\f:h;r �Llcidl\ i!1tallu ([l(ltbl\�; :.' ,�\�:l �i).1"", ,,�,= ", .,� - _- ·,:':Ce,'·: .. '�""-"';" ,:t:!!}.,HENRY C. L YTrON & SONS, The Hub, State aDd Ja�,on the N. E. Comer, and allleading clothiers.FlS:t'�CAFE..\ .. �!!.J.:.�!, '�2 0,,:: ..... ---:' l� i309'E� 57t1i·St.. ""MOST meG prefer the pipe to any other � of S!D0kin2. 'There's comfon, contentment, real Atlsfactlon andeconomy in a good' pipe. VI D C Pipes give yo� this, andmore. A special aeasonin2 process makes th� genume Frenchbriar bowl break in sweet and mellow. Pick a 200d shapeat your nearest dealer's, at YDur price.WM. DEMUTH Bt CO .. NEW YORKWORLD·S LARGEST"MAKERS Oil' FINE PIPES510-512'EAST SIXTY-THIRDSTR.F.E'n'�lUNTERS aDdr�UHOTYPERS . ,MEN'S I'URNISHINGS!We..(law .... �""'eere·�'"H.EY�S,STOD PO. lIENI�"" c.n. �'Ia-ElU. Ave.,BlU.UBDS, But the ..,._t Jerival of romanticSPECIAL ATtBNTION aetinC shoald_receive Mr. Whiteside's.. -" " ,-0 , ', ContriltatloD�. Be. has sur-pNIVERSITY , 'won mounted the difftRlties of his vehicle���'.� .�......_ through sheeP edUag tIbility aWed by,.. ![1111111 ... �1� paarve10us vofce; His ·vi11anous SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAILY MAROON\1 ",,�,L :_,,;;,,:�, �,;_).' .� __ • I"..,--_,' ............... � .4 lHE DAILY MARooN, :,WEDNESDAY, NoVEMBER 5,-1919.. ." .'jii 1I!.).! CIRCULATE COU!\TER PETITION I the original petition, 'but on investi­I bation by The Daily Maroon it was1\Iyst('r:ous Parties Ask for I�l'tl'ntion! leamed that the counter-petition wasof Old Sch('dull'.· I entirely unofficial, and consequentlyits removal has been ordered. No traceThe petition sponsored by the un- can be found (If the parties circulatingderrrruduatc council for changing the the counter-petition and only a fewchapel hour hack to tho old time has I names have apepared on it.met, with opposit ion 0:: the part of I The opposition document reads assome oi the student body .to the ex- follows:te-nt that a counter-petition has up- "We, the undersigned, express ourpearcd. Copies of the latter had been I (":L:l'l' satisfaction with the presentposted on the bulletin boards under «lass schedule, believing it to be theFellowship-in college orout of it-flourishes bestwith good food and whole, ..some drink. Ice .. coldBevo-s-unexcclled ' amon�beverages, ir; purity an��.h ealt hfu lr.css=-ds mostsatisfying as a drink byitself or a ·relish withfood that makes a hap ...pier repast.ANHEUSER"BUSCH, ST. LouISIt must beIce eoldSelf - FillingFountain PenNON·LEAKABLEUniversity of Chicago Book Store5802 Ellis Avenue.� - --------------- logical one and most aatisfactoty to grades. The student will. not boy' shall be grateful for a membership. of 'all. We respectfully petition its re- these psycho�c;al grades,'until after I forty or fifty, but we hope to inc:rease 'tention. commencement. The . faeulty believes .it to our former number of one bun-."It is assumed that the 'morning's that this system will' pment instl11e- dred members."scholastic work is. the paramount con- tors from giving marks too high orside ration and should not be inter- too low.rupted and disarranged for a twenty-· .,Reorganize Old German Club. ITh'e old University Gennan club .was reorganized yesterday at a meet-I'ing held in Cobb 12B. Professor Cut­t:ng gave a short talk on the history I,and aims of the club. The club ex-Ipeets to hold meetings every week in I.Ida Noyes hall. .The next meeting'will be a business meeting. ' Officersand a program committee will be t:elected vthen. Mr. Guno said: "We I'All registrants' at Ohio 'S�ti!�tini­versity will be" required to take psy-chological examination!. �e.e'�,_.., -.....,. "'..,.If'will be carried ,out. along .,the samelines as ,the ,well bowD army �Students must' take four exauUnatfo�S'before graduation'. ' The grades wilfbefiled with the,' reP1ar dacademieminute recess, serving, it is believed,a very small minority of the studentbody, and having relatively little dif­ference on college spirit, etc."COACH STAGG TO SPEAK ATFROSH LUNCHEON FRIDA YY. M. C. A. Will Give Fourth Affairat 12-Urge Attendance ofAll Freshmen.Director Stagg will be the speakerat the fourth freshman luncheon Fri­'day. It is scheduled for 12, and will'be concluded early in order to allowample time for 1 o'clock classes.The freshman luncheons have beenremarkably successful this year, from'the standpoints of attendance, spirit,and oratorical' personnel, accordingto Y. M. C. �A.-Ieaders: The desira­bility of a continuance of this recordhas been urged by members of thecommittees in charge, who emphasizethe great advantages derived fromthe meetings by entering students.Unique opportunities are provided tothe freshmen for meeting each other,developing class spirit, and coming incontact with the leading men andinstitutions of the University: Thepositive necessity for all freshmen -totum out and show their unflinchingsupport, of Coach Stagg has also beenemphasized. Tickets will be on saleat the Y. M. C. A. office until Thurs­day noon.COMMUNICATIONS(In view of the fact that the com­munication column of the DaUy Ma,,:,roon is maintained as a dearing hODeCor student and fa�lty opinion" TheMaroon accepts no responsibility forthe sentiments therein expreaed.Communications are welcomed by theeditor, and should be signeCI as an en­dence of' good faith. altboucb thename will not be published withoutthe writer's consent.) •Editor Daily Maroon:Dear Sir: Are our Men interestedin the University's winning the West­'tern . Intercollegiate ,Cross-Countrymeet at Columbus, November 22 '! Wehave' the nucleus of a good team, butonly four candidates have as yet runmore. than one mile in practice andthe season half over.' -The faithful'four-Captain Jones, Otis, Moore, and'Bowers-frequently run ten rlliles ina single practice. The four are not.enougb, They need at least ten oth­ers with whom to work regularly fivedays each week and from whom Coach-Eck may secure � other fast' menfor the trip to Columbus.,AN OBSERVER.ROBERT BEACH WILL SPEAKTO CQ.MMERCE CLUB TODAYRobert Beach, business IIUUl8ger ofthe Chicago Chamber of, Commerce,will speak before the Commerce club .today at 4:30 in Harper 11-11-. ,Hissubject will be "The Functions of theAssociation of Commerce in ModemIndustry." All students of the schoolof Commerce and, Administra�i,01'ihave been invited.REQUIRE PSYCHOLOGICAL'TEST OF ALL STUDENTS· .AT OHIO- STATE UNIVERSITYtI'; • ", ...... :. ,.�-. ' : r··�:,"':" . .: ... .:,..� -':::::T. e:::::;;'_ ._r::;,...;:::-, __qjig LYON&I1FATY·• ,'I • • -ANNUAL SALE". ". . .,. .. . :' .. '.' ... �• �. • ., ¥ J •• • .. ';':; fJ �!- '•• -:.�. :.: .. : ";;.:. s..\ . '"Pianos ,Retumed frOtii� Rnttlt:· �.in' Summei- HOme$1� �rl�lT" HE itistTumentS '��ered ffi�rfud�:TDi�y. late productions ... 0£ 'our .own. fact6ri�, !atdh i.l :".. also instruments by ()ther well-kaownmakers; <.\ 1Numerous 'exchanged p�os also-shown, ':.� , ,.__ ,:"-. !-'Co�e I1I, o1ld I»SjJecl,:i/Je., ::,;,:,�,,�.' -�at1y Remarlll"le,.K.al!I��i }-<�f. ,�• ••. i'To make a complete clearance,' following c)ur,� ees- }:,tom, we have still: further reduced the price of a number" f-of sterling instruments.- These pianos(�la.urlY';n�',�-· '1some of them having been used only a few moDths��:�,: ',.::,:' � �,"" ,lEvery piano guaranteed by-us: Such an Opportunity. will_ '_ '_ � '1·"ilot OcCur'again for at least another ��:' " .::',.' V/Jridts.-Gronefs:i!!f!in:':-·':)You· will find here the best selection p� �I � 1,: have ever displayed. All in splendid order, including 1., ,Stein�J', Lyon & Healy, -Weber, K1ff�,�'�P.�f .:. ' Chickering, Conover and many othets� � tv.. '_' '. �'- '. -;" ..' _.'... .... .., -_ -TE�S:...;..�onth1Y �ts to s!Ut .:, your convemence tJ:lay �,���.� �:' L�, iJrn. ll. OrahoodREASONABLE rRICES Arthnr T. "Oraboodpn"ONB IOOW A Y .'71&1�".'- I.'"F',ASH I 0'", NT'::"�".Yl X��� ·;-?A�=!,.... - ...... � �, ,: _ ' .. "l.�' /{ , ,,<"The'A;meri�"R:���ant���arW:�. , '. ':' , '. 1 004, East FiftY .. Fif.th Stre:et .. i "" ", ,'. Q�i�kS���a�d E�e�� �e,.B�t·", -1-, .',' ", ' � ,,_ ',' .' . , ... ;:"/ It ": ii" ,.l.'�'� !'.�'. ; Open AIl, Night'�1 " ', .., .:', ,00II)m\l��o� T��kets_-rr:an, manager •.the beginning captain-ball team - ._.- _.- - _IS ._ ••are: Kellogg's Fiakes: Evelyn Kel-' S.P O.:R T. S H 0 R'T Slogg� captain, and Elsie Mayer, man- •• - - - - - - - -:'ager; the' Bum-'em-up�:'. Ruth ·Bum�·· .: .' -- ..'ham ca. ptain. and J Ii" T ,Ii '" .". ,Members of.' the �9P5 Maroons. will- 'i,,' . :. -'ll�E ,__� .. �! ���.�f!:··� ·8hai�.:,th. e :'!Ji��;''With' the presentager: the Husq�: �P�. Major, _". -. .'. �'���""'. 0'.captain, and BeUlah Miles, mariager;' teal:! at �t�.�.�·:football DmnerS . .,"'" . . " at l.h� Upi..-e1-sitY Club tonight. The-.' tinganes:. ��o��.���._'�e· JflDi �-;"1·�.�Wiit'::-' .i;�:- ' .captain, and RUth WeinDerger� Ill.- ;�I��, = : ,h�lr' .�.rector Stagg.get •z ". . .,',' ", L his, -eleven in flgptilil' trim for the .&geTrh· J 'ttl Fi���·lb·' I�'" :&�". �. � :H': .. ·' .:' • WoJ��.'�iiies Jby. ��\the. story of the. . e ... 1 e s:: AlexJDB" arnng, .... _' ,.' . '�,� tar 'd li;{ .. 'ifePib···· .' lalr.ona �o -game·of·.'1905.�p n, an. ".e � ,, .' mapger; .... "',' _.''_., ,__',�the Tigers:" Llllfai\.: NelSou, , captain, .' . . , ..' ,ud 'EdrJ��W' }" .. �, ... , .... -, ;:".� .� th T'" '�:idligan',;�_;�ore to the old. ",lIIPaa. manager, e • t' . ".' 'In" .' 'd . ' -.!N. T.'s: E1izabeUi"BQI�han(c:a tain . Jm��, .... �.' lno.�;_ .oes to the pres-,JlJid Chloe C..a�.:��r';P th� :cn�:�����:· .. �. in 1905, �llin�j8 ...... } .W·ld-": Li·n.�� -';";':'. .I'! ..:..!_". ': . � a+.oilti :f.be- same posItion on .'"'. rr »1 ..-8'. � r- J.AU&Ue��t,.C"1l� . �., . �. '.' ... i': .. ' �" 06_: d 1:'..1-,_ •. �.'" ,_. "". ,. .':.'" . ." . the . scli,' edule�. t Purdue now holdSI .-&n, an �'·yavuu .. ::�. • r ." . .' . '.' � , .The adv�:clus'\;'ilieh�' �ta at :m�.\�e-�i� team, was the o�e'.. t.. ... ..,. m�. 'b·" ·Val· ... 'f L!'hj' ',. 'clth �I "I.. 10, wfll have to'�t:member8 from .. Jg n.... 0 .:��gg � ,. e mar;oons.· .._;" t. " . \ ,� ... , ....., :"".' <>: .••. :;.:' .• ) ··:�-',:f!.J�· .' ;' .." '; : .» , fSOme of the'� teams, as tbere . -,", . :.,;:;�,.;: m" �.:' :-. .' .._ � �re not enc)\�gh members I to form: a Iilin�.s . �i ; haS: p1ent�· of :tioub!e::team. The namea i,f tb th begi �_ .ah�nd.. The Zuppkea meet MinDesi�lung teaDii;! wbfclt iDeeteat :,e are�' '�t !\Ii�eapo�� ���1;!�d a.� ! .'; , .-' .0' .. ' :;� .._.bayennes� 'the Sc:rappera,ud .. tbe. Ho\ �e:>s. wo�d. be �t � Jlophers will� .' '. . r' .', � .�'. .- '.'bop. " � -,�. � � ". '.. , .. : '''. �'. �!e: �e 4� team one fiDe. ,. I..:,. . \.-- triJruniDar. '._../.. ;' �'..1 .r.. ! . • .� "'.; �. ; : ... '., • ,:'- . � !� .. )' �).. . . .. ;' {' :.t'WENTY..;.o)lI$' 'PASS ,TRYOUTS, -,. : .... ,��, ....... , .. :. '. . _._.-: .. t_ ,I I: ..... ,:�. ',"�;. '. •. . '_Iowa w�lrstep Into Northwestem at .- _ � �:: ;,'. =:':. .' < � • _ EVautoa. aDd • ...__ Dh_1 " has I . .':W_eb .·Mq':·StUt "T.�Re«i '.Cr.,M " ';"� t .• , ..... ��"'�"'�'_'. iWe- :',':;_ ...• r ., " ':..L '.' . ,clumc:e .of atoppmg the �y Bawk- '.'. ... ._ SWia.laa Tata. . " .. '. .." , '. . ," '.' .' '. , ,t..• .• .� , eyes. A team.,�� has a 13:-2:1ead ! ' •• �:... Tw' .._ "ha passed'. i .' ·w�th. �ne' mi�utea', to. CO; . and : stiil '. � '. '. en .. ,,�ne women ve' . a ' " .' ...- ..large �tage �of tb8 tests.. which �OteS th� game woq.�! WlIl mauy �:were 'held'Jast' weeki for lhe America JD. tbe� .c:o�ereDCe.'� �n. .Red .Cross WoineJi's\ Life Saving· ". '.. ;-'-'-. .., •. . • .... , • .. ...... They say that Slater the IowaCorps. .� __ 'LI ... ., Th Board f E---: • �ted' . WM:&Ie,·, wean �. 16 shoes. : That'se ,o"'r �ne�.,appom. - thi .1 1f'1_ ·H· • .•��y Dr: ·Gentles. �·of.�el�.� .:::; . .,�:-,�r.�pt: I�n« � th�nk,1n Chicago, will judge the contestants 1· -. .'nes. t Friday, There is stiU • eJUmce N 'rth' ,_:,,:,,_. ..' ' ,• , ffia 0. �'fa�""�,!O�r91lt.��.hCi: ... ,0,. -.���� �����,� pre-�.; Jl . l '/u'to 5:i'L�; ,:-.'�,(. "'�. !.�. --: ,:,;��\'.:'��:- �����:,,�, abcJ·._1s talking .. ,". ;','. e '. ' - -.'. �. ·rlfJ·,.M. "'��..:;j� ..... �.,..:..i�.�' ..: ':. , •. ':'. jI�y.- of, afbic:Maa-:'1Wt ��nfere.a,., l�:��. .:. .. ,"'.:.� ...�J .. �lt,,�; 'l'" il.��r.·· �iD -� .. ��1·� __ ,,_":_1who staDd""y. _enaDCe 'ot-- � - 'i ' -t� '�' •. \&� ,utMC&"�'-::::;::::=' =' ="="�==" ==i'::' ='::' ='::':::"::::"{ - wJaieh'N weatem-,· '--�_ l'ts Ii.... '��7r't,� .. _v�� �,' ;. ... UDINIIg� ).-." ,:" �, .' _.' bopea'iDeJudes Jimmy Heyn, a young- as " nV n C' y' OU ·,10::"brotherrl·d,·OfWm.p���,ratedu, .. {.,. _. '.'_ : •.. :.'.,. �".�U l/ � -. I.',' '.' VV,'� , wo • greatest ... ---." . diver. ad \. "'.' 1 :,,�': ;:. '<, --..a.er WeJa,\ former iDter8eholutic ".' '.�� atro� .�pioD. ,_In additi�the Purple boads •.. � or 'mo� ";". "'men of known ability. "'...' � . i ___:_:.:. '\.� Ttae aeata· ill .u.e telDPorary stands�'se1liDg at ODe dollar and' one dol­" Jar aDd a half, ad the box seats areU��==�====�W " tbNe,'foUr�Ud 'five-dollars each. OIl ..Saturday standlDc room will be sold� •• =��==_��==�. ,at .seventy-five cents a head •.J' , .:.5Not Sometimes.but Alway��EZYECt·in every degree .A�('rj('an �a(" Pe�cil Co.US-DIG F"daJa Aye. . New YorkMAROON. � .:.I,:f.',I'.'. ,:', .,.. '.. '.......: .,: , �• ,; j', � .'•·t\ .:, . .;, The ieason fri' Fatima's p0pu.­larity is··· JUST ENOUGHTURKlSH.-Instead c:I containing too muJ,T urIcish u do the expa asive StraightTurkish cigarettl!s. Falima containSJ- enoagla T uricish -just e:noughto ,ale right and just enoUgh toleave -a man foJing right. evenwhen he smokes more than usualYou. too, will be proUd ofFatima's pac:kage as soon as youtest Fatima's quaftty.�j;I. • .4.. '. _. '.' Me. �!•. because mostwidely . used , by those men who. mow ·�what·. whal� in smokes. '.. 'Ai N bi hOtels ·and .dubs, at. IIDUJ raorcs such as. Palm BeachAnd AdanIiC City--even at New ...port" .... �1he Fatima padcagew;JW' holds the. pratige_. fcnnerIyheld by the fancy,! expeIasive paste.­board box.(.,;Much interest wUl � centeredaround the playing of Dunne, end an ''the Michigan �.' TIi" player ,is'S.product of Cllieago and is the son �fthe fonner governor of Dlinofs. Sofar this season rus playing' has beenquite a sensation, and many Michiganrooters in the city are:1ooJdna. to him. to take ear:e of the Chic:ago ends Sat-1trday. ,.. .... : ! . ". , .-�'''.'' FATl,oA Sensible�¥1arelk:R.GONNEARROw.. ····CPm-:fl,t . .. OLLAR.a..tt..P..MbGfCo.IDC. T�.N.Y.na __ ��""'=:"thI!'A:r:i"""'co. .. I'!- I .. •)'Tleketa for" �e CauCaaro-Mic:hipupine -SatUrday at Stagg Field havebeen lOin« lib bot � .• When theotftea of the·' athletiC ci�t . fit , jIuI.. . " '79�_I...'. . - � � IJ7JaIIJ.... �. .. .: .: 20 for 23 cents"I\ 'e,� ...!' .ij -j! 'j..I,,rr, 'i ,I ��" '" ',,' ! .. ' ....._ �".'6ANNOU�CE N,OV. 22, I plays, wliich are·1o be WcI·NOY.-:21 dollS and �wae aPPointed CbainUa. of mt $�y; �moon iii • car louedDATE FO� ANNUAL, : and 22. ''In!itations will be'�,for the Nlief �ttee. Later be:-� to hiin.1rt;a.hiebd;,ayouzagladyfrieDdPANSELLENI� 'DANCE distribution to the members' on appointed ebairman' o� the trade of hia ... with ��. They went outThursday. . ' board of Bart 'Sebaffner and Karx.1 intO the cOuntry to see, the beaUtiful,(Continued from �. 1) ,, ", Mr. MuUenbaeh Is the author of many I autumn foliage.year. .We're going to have the best JAMES'MULLENBACH TO articles which have appeared in var- At 75th Street and Central Parkmusic we can get and we look forward I .. ECl'URE ON INDUSTRIAL toua trade joumals throughout theI A venue fo�r men .topped them andto a happy affair." MEDIATION TODAY AT C co, :try." , j' t,ook the car,' and $24, ��viD&' themBesides completing arrangements ' r. M�enbac:h s speecb. .v.:ru d�l 14 cenb for ear fare, although a earfor the dance, cups were awarded the Noted Social Worker to Tell' of Arbi- mainly WIth the� problems ansSng 1n line was several miles distant. Vanwinners of the interfraternity COD,- trAtion Method BetwHn Em- Indua� relationa, and th� methc:»d Velzer was in residence during thetest h ld It· D Ita Ka I.!oyer aDd ElIlplo,ee. by which � tra�e � operates In Spring quarter, and was prominentseas spnng. e ppa adjating. cWrerences between employ- In Urilvei'alty social activities. He isEpsilon was giv�� the relay cup, Phi '. er and' employee. The greater.. part' " '•Kappa Psi the baseball trophy, while' Mr. James Mullenbach, chairman of of his' material will be taken from a member of Beta Theta Pi.Alpha Tau Omega and Phi Gamma the trade board of Hart, Sc:ha1fner instances within 'his experieDCe.Delta were awarded the tennis singles and Marxp wi� deliver a lecture em 'The lecture is for the benefit of theand doubles p�zes. "Industrial Mediation," tomorrow, at students of the 'philanthropic division,Call Attention to, Rullng& , ; 4 in Harper assembly room. ,This ,Is but any others who may be interested . ,�ttention of frate;niiies and:other It�e sixt}l of � series Of, l�tu� on the have been ,invited to attend. ', I J EN KlN S BROS.SOCIal organizations on the campus ,FIeld of Soelal WOJ:k, �ng �ven, un-,was Called to the council rulings made !der the auspices of the, Philanthropic VAN VELZER, EX--21 IS ROBBED I' DRY GOO D Sby the Board of Student Organiza- Service division of the school of Com- '" ,. ,�tions relative to social functions. In merce and Ad!1linistration. These lee>- Fomier Student Rei, Up on' Count..,i Men'. rUmishinpthe future the official desilPl&,�on for tures are, 'under the' Supe�on �f Road-Walks ROllle. '. ". •those persons acting as chaperones Assistant Prof. E. W. "Burgess. I 63rd St. eft Umvenity Ave.will be host and hostess instead of According � Mr. Burgess, ., .r. A, former student of the UniverSity 'I ' EStablished 1890,chaperones. I Mullenbach has had a wide and varied figured in the news columns this week'�The organizations were also re- �r in, �odaLwo� For several by reaSOn of 'a unique robbery. Her- Right G� Right Pricesminded that at every functions every years he was supenntendent of the man Van Velzer, ex-'21, waS out ,'driv-I Right Treatmentcouple present is to meet the host and municipal lodging house. In this ca- ' , " -hostess preferably in a formal way, pacity he acquired knowledge whichsuch as by a receiving line or some has justified his being called the lead-,like method. Campus societies desir- ing expert on the homeless man. Dur­ing to hold social func:tions off the ing the Cherry Mine disaster, he madecampus must petition the board of a special investip'tion of the co�di­students . 'organizations, which· m�tsPte,��.&turd8yaof everY.mo�ih, ftir 0 F Fie I A L NOT ICE Spermission to bold 'ih�ir' aff&tr �utsfdethe University �pus."Squigilum.Why does anybody-It's a mystery to me-­Evcr try to studyIn Harper Libraree?OF course what T. F. E. meant tosay was that the difference betweenclub women and fraternity men isthis: the women take themselvesseriously ; -the men don't.DR. AMES received a postal cardwith "Confidential!" written in largeletters above the message. And it hadcome th rough the faculty exchange,too.HAIR-RAISING HYMOR.Chet: "Just get out of the tank,Don?"Franklin: "No. Why?'",Chet: "Your hair is standing oncnd."Midge:Don." "That's a compliment,FRESHMAN girls should apply toOhalrman �ames Nicely for compli­mentary=-ch, "so complimentary­tickets to the Senior party Saturdaynight. The best-looking will be fur­nished transportation as well _-�-The Chinese Students'· club will; \.:., ., ,,' meet in the Ida Noyes theater Friday:WOl\f}�:N'$;HOUSES TAKE 'I ': "_ �"., from 7:30 to 9:30.. ' pART IN Y. W. c. A. SHOWA T the Federation dinner there isto be discussion of the topic "HowStudents Can Assist the Faculty inTheir Own Education�" Whose, did «: :,' II "-, _. -,, . The BODOr commission will meet(C�tinlUd Iron:' PGg8 i), ,: today at 3 in ciassics 10. All mem-M�ss A��.�:' � � ..•• '.�el�"·�� I hers have ben requested to be present.The Theatre. MISS �ptember ,Io;oe. WilSon : 'Miss October'� ••.•••• ·� XAth&e n�irt The senior da.. will hold a danceThe Velvet Lady ....•. Sylvia Taylor ,,': ,'.' , ., "Tumble In Georgiana Burtis ' Miss November •.•••• L�e GiD'espie in Ida Noyes theater Saturday night, (and her Overland) Miss Deeember; ••••.•.•• �u� '-Tuman froin 8 to, 11:30.D�ddies.Jay Chapell and Milt CoUlter Pj�o "accompanist •••• ',!.Jllian Davis ===, .." Violi --�....' R th P--'- The CommerCe dub has engaged theSlle's a Good Fellow ••.. Jean Pickett· I 11'. accomp� .... ,.". U acAerThe Five Million. '•.•. Cobb at 11 a.m. ,VII. Look Backward, by Kelly haIL Ida Noyes theater and sun parlor for;Girls of the ti. S. A •.• Jane Delaney, Charaeters: Beth Uphaus, EDen a dance next Friday from 4 to 6. :Adeline AlIais, Florence Cameron Coyal, Harriet Van Nostrand, PauUne 'and Ruth Bowfa Hughes. CLASSIFIED ADS "IIYOU'D better po�sh up your VIII. The Cock Fight, by Woodlawa•"ain'ts." This is the National Amer- hOWle. LAW STUDENT deS1re8 one or �iean Speech )Veek.' Roosters�, •. Loretta Ready an� liar- 'room IlU!-tes in a double room =�garet Orr. 2 blocks of campus and L.OUR CORRESPDENCE STUDY ,are on 2nd floor; clean; well-light1DEPARTMENT DRAMATIC CLUB TEA WILL, ed; steam-heated; adequately fu:lHow to Rush Younelf. _ BE HELD IN IDA NOYES BALL ,nished.' See Mrs. �dberg, Apt. �1Lesso� 2. 61�1 University Ave. '(88)i____ ------------------1Your attire is a very important Appoint More Students to Assist Pro- TO �EliT�28 Stony Island Ave.Jconsideration if you would join one dudion of New Fall PIa,.,_. .t\pt. 3, a wen kept" homelike �of the exclusive lady organizations on Invite Guests.. jn Sman p�ate family. See KisSthis here campus. Just as it is neces-_, ' -:--. _ .1., :--" Brown. ,� (22)\sory to own a derby if you Would be . The Dramatic �ub. �U "'lhave a' •a Delt or to wear a wash tie' if you �riday a.t 4 in IdANoyes parlor. Thewould pledge yourself to Delta Kap, �a will \se�e �. 'introduce the Dewso it is necessary for you to look, well m4t��rs "o� �e ,.. �ub, "as well as toto those gannents with which you stimulate interest in the Coming pro-Mom yourself and to the manner in du�ons.,. " .which you dress your hair if you . Every 'member", o( the ·Dramatic. would become a clubber. Ob, indeed ctu� active or'" �ate. is invited to '��.J"S' ,8' lOUSES'you must be well-groomed and weD- attend and bring twO guests. The \jIJ(L' ..coiffed if you would get, by., Miss speaker has not as yet been an­Kennedy can fix you up wi� the no�eed.Davies balloon-style marcel so pouplar Additio�al appointments were' madethis season. It's sure;-fire stuff. Don't for the fall plays at a meeting of theexpect any lunek dates if, you haven't, ,new m�bers Tuesuy. The new ap;a new twO-sided leather coat, either. �intments ·are as follows:.. Josepb Made at f Modente PricesSpeaking of lunch dates, when han- Herzman, lights; Charles Beckworth,dling the cutlery, don't do so in such seenery; Margaret Jorden, prompter;a careless way as to butcher yOUl' CharleS Loemer� properties. . 'neighbor, no matter -what she look.'I Finn! plans are being made· for the Telephone Ravenswood 2291like. Such conduct will. not arguewell for you when the ballots are castin secret session. Reverting to thesubject of attire, we are now lookinginto the subject of lingerie. Lesson 3wm d_eal with that important matter.Order your copy early.you say?LOST-Red fox fur some place •tween Psychological Laboratory ad��, . .WooCllawn Ave. Reward. Finder''notify Leonore Keith, 5630 WoodJla'!!_D � Je.: �FaDC 'J, aDd Tailored,�,of Distinction• Read The Paily Maroon. "WE thought that the increase inMaroon sales was duc to the excel­lence of this department, but we leamthat the Vista ad, granting admissionICon any Tuesday evening or Sundayafternoon during November" ,wa.c; re­!q>Onsible. Harper:: Hall53rd and Harper AvenueDAN.CINGSEE you there. Haivey OrcheStraCOLLEGE NIGHTSTuesday-Musie;- Phil Goldberg,Wed.-Randstead" UniversitY· TrioGareon. S·h'ir·t's for "HisMajes.ty the American·Citizerii'+·the .;.kirigwho's'.ba�k :.on:the!'job.'A particUlarly wide ,choiceo£.-Waah.• . ington, ' Libel 'Shirts -'COrda, -: silk,�,l!i�'M�� �ibre Si!k'S'S)'OO'and Silk Stripe Crepe, , ". 'Other ';·'·W�ri Labd·'-":,Shirts pri��cr $1.S0 to $13.00'WAf.HiiiIPIIft£.i·:,II,LQ.. YI1,. ·,FO\j··�·' L:o'O,P STORES '� ...Jackson and Dearborn 'Wu.hin�on and D�m_"Madison,and La Salle 'S8',East'MOnroe'Stteet'�' _,. � : -.•,:"-Gladston� Hotel.Cafeteria D�Luxe '.: -. :,:Breakfasl6: 30 10 10;00 Lu'ncheon'2:00 10 1:30 ., ,��nner5:30 lo'8�Excellent Food �})r�mpt ServiceModerate PricesWe Invite Your Patr�nage,GLADSTONE HOTEL'62lid a.� K�wood Ave".Direct, Eatr8Dce on 62ad Street .....t :,." �I: �, '.1( i'... �l'j'It, I11ilJa;. IIf! S:E.... ,.a I,4.�'