t .: ;·'f··\���BJ"·:; :�,: .; �::;, .,.':,:� ,,'" }:.,.. ":'.",. .j."", _.. ,.'��a";.',!." 'r":-"0':.. , .... '.: .�> :: :.' .. ,: .., ..' .� ,�,� �. {y .�.:J"I .\ • w'..Price -; Cents. Maroon salesmen in the recentcampaign (or 'Bubscriptions ma, •obtain their commission ehecb byapplying within the next - two 'da1Bto the'· Business Office, Ellis U.These -checks wili be held only an­tii Friday night and it' will be im­possible to obtain. them at a later,date., ,." .11t. • J " : ,. I �.. "2 19m I. M· -1': ,' .. �" . .:- -, '. .pht-i"PiF h�'.en-Pr*D��;(4w�pt lI.1�l· 'If",' �ar�' th·� ordinarlly,j,opUWr td� dt::�'=====::::::::=:::::' ===' ==. =: = OlSSioi(.' �d • � . aia1 .The Student' Newspaper of· tile· 10 : to'· .' .beI-s .f th . Women'sUnitersity of Chieap n�: mem. ·0 e. .'.. .clubs. Dlrty. rushing is the iossip' ofPublished mornings, except Saturday, the hour. .' .Sunday a�d Monday, d�g the Au- Being. a m�re man we caD n�ertumn. WInter. and Spnng quarters, . . .'by the Daily Maroon company. . hope to understand what goes � be-hind the doors of Interelub; but fromEDITORIAL DEPARTMENT the outside Iooking; in we hazard. theJ h Ash _1:. Thte StaffN Edito conjecture that it .Is not unlike th-eo n ennurs ••••••• ews r .. .' esdRose Fischkin ......•..• News Editor �u�mg proeedure of· every Tu, avHelen Ravitch •....•.•.. News Editor night in the Reynolds club, third floorHoward Beale •.... Asst. News Editor back. There -Greek meets Greek bWilliam l\lorgenstern.Athletic Editor settle' the Schedule of the inlerfrater-· Harry Bird ........•.... Night Editor nity bowling tournament and otherErnest Fribourg .......•. Night Editor ters of grave importance to pan-'Richard Flint ......••.... Day Editor Hellenic life. There rushing rules areHerbert Rubel Day �tor composed and promptly forgotten •.Edward Warul Day EdItor There cases of violation are taken upBUSINESS DEPARTMENT' and dropped again with. tra:dition�The Staff leniency. Every once in a while oneGRA�T MEARS .. Business Manager �f the too many broth�rh�. threat­Henry Pringle .. Advertising Manager ens to �ign, r�o�iders fro�" fea.r ofKeith Kindred ... Circulation Manager faculty interposition, and lets thmgsLaurence Tibbits Asst. Cir. Mgr. go on undisturbed.Robert Birkhoff Asst. Cit:. Mgi-. The only difference we have' bee.able to discover between the fraterni- � ''/' .-" J :'., ."They're pleasingly. different from 'thecommonplace --- and you'll ha ve the".pleasure of knowirig the pattern ofyour .:.choiceis practically confined to you, fo� ,we' carry' bitt one 'or twolengths of .each.'FOSTER' &- ·PETERSQN·Entered as second class mail at theChicago postoff'ice, Chicago, Illinois. ties and the clubsis this: the fraterni-March 13, 1906, under the act of ties set up mild rules and then breakMarch 3, 1873. them Cheerfully and not too speetaeu-SUBSCRIPTION RATES larly; the clubs set up strict 'rules .Called for. $2.50 a year; $LOO a and then howl when-anyone of tBemquarter. . commita- a miner- infraction. PerhapsBy Carrier, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a the reason for this' situation is :theqUi�eMai1 (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50 �act that dirty rushing for.wo�en isa quarter, profitable, whereas for men . i� is not. 'The relative. !danding of"" women'a ... ----------------- ...... ------ .... ----� ........ - ... ---------.-"'9����� �.:� .. m�ucl���ges,o.��th��.t.�=========================�=�=�============Telephone Midway 800 . ,C· Off' ElllS' 14fratern·1·ties·.-Tw·0Iunchda-aw�kcl��W��y�gM��·����������������������������usmess lce.............. � ee I!" ------. ----.----.-,Telephone Midw.y 800 with Ruth or '...Do�hy or Mar�t; Noyes 11411. She.read .from her �l .'�������������� I instead of only· the one allowed by the booJ_cs, "Body and Ra.im:ent" and "Pro- ''1Tuesday, November.4, 1919 , regulations, may mean the rise or fan files f'l'or:? China." . :Th� fonner h� .. ; . �, .. •.. . ,of a club. An extra lunch date_sel- just recently been published. �ccont-: Sn . d' ."" I it 'S' . I·' .THE ROLL-CALL. dom means' anything in the life 'of n ing to the �ustom ,of the club, poeut I . "0" en S": Up' piesThe Red Cross annual drive has be- fraternity. With a few exception.o1, wrltten .. by the membera.was read and, '. .',". 0 . ., •••.• ". • •••• '..:... • ••.•• '.. gun, and it will continUe until ,?ne week 'ev�ry Greek letter sOciety mainWns Cliticised by them as well as. by Mias r .from .today. There is little doubt but from,year to ·year the same position 'Tietjens.. .�. �. Ithat the' Red' Cross has' had its trial in 'the' eyes of the Univenity' 'com-. ..... : , .' . .'by t= and come through �nger munity.· '�ether.or not i� breakS the �HAMPION TEAMS WILL: . .! ' .. Iand m.ore �oved. than ever. We of In¥ratem�ti c:Oun�1 rules bas little .� .. STAGE BOWLING MATCH! "'N . '0 & 'S . � '. H' .� d j'�merica�ha�e.�� .. a�·a�p��;th� .�.�o .. �!h'th�success.:� ·.·in�t:nl:Bhing_ .. -;�:',:\: "�:";�;�:� ,.:".� .�., .. ·�L.i I .. :,. ,. ew·· . econu:··' an.' ,work of�e-:� Cro� but .�er .� ��:: .. -... :: ; .��.? \-- ,:.� '.. � .... ' '.r, :-(�t�ti� limn j,ag� t) ... \.�:; .' 4 .' •.' • , ••'>fuDy as·we have.since the recent war. ·'·:But·:where 'there' is' smoke, on this .'''''' , � . .:. I .": l., T . ..., B' 'k'. IFrom �tb·a·pr8ctic8J. and senumental c:amjua; there·is ordinarily Some 1lr3: Mr., Berger, manager of' the� club: )-'. . ext·· . (1) .S '1'· vi�ints, the Red Cl'!lSS did spleJi- �The' talk about dirty:rushing �'t all alleJ8, is �:of the Greater.chl-·' f· �_ .. " ;'... did worlUn that conflict just cloSed. 'be prOpaganda. against the clu� which cago Alley. Proprietors'. �tiOD,; I ..The citiZeils' of the United Sta� wiD. at any particular mom�t is being ac- founder of ihe Berger Bowling �gue, I I " . • '.' ..:,' 'Ihave, to show, by their subscriptions cused of it. It is deplorable, certaint;y, and��erJ of a set of alleYs.·at GranU. I 'S't . "·t·' , .'.: . .' . .' .-to ,' . ..; '. :'�ed�ro�ve,.�eir app�ation of th� :thselfat �t a �ts'vherSity '::���d·.thlt- �_���� �� "I hope b,·arr&ntwo·gel, " a_ tQ.. ne.::' .. ry._..' .... ,:�., ... , ..... I'\ . .' upon' I. onor .. � .. � e ,lor a�. Dla&&t onc:e every. I '. :. '., '::�,Nor WIll It be memy appreciation University of Chicago has a right to-- weeks" .he·&aid. "University women. I S' , I-to contribute to the Red Cross trea� the� should be any among its most should'be°aUowed to �wl as wcdi as; 1·- ...• :' U'P' 'po.' '.. I eS ;_ury.. . That o�ni;Za�on is not only cOnSpicuous woman' students '\t'bo�".. '. '" .,outhnmg. ambitious and worth-while practice. petty dishonesty in the iD- 'j , 'p� for peace work; it has already te� of th�r local sorority. . . , . .'gone ahead to both re-deve1op' and The 'club whiCh refuses to disobey: , . . '.; E . .,,,,!. A···· hI . -,' C' ... "J. '1- \newly develop lines of work nat ruahingrules (tkere·must.besuchft. ·MIDW S,T'·:: .. : ..... � :t� .', ·e... ·tlC..... �..•. '·.P,... p.. l.e·s.. , .. ·brought on by war, or rather, ·part' of club, So m�y claim it to be) can find ;TYP..'. ESEul�l1NG . .'\V�r. For this work ·they will need comfort in the assurance that the de-�one� just as urgently as they needed sirabie sort of Freshman woman will CO ·M. P'A 1'1 y' "It du�ng the war. not :join an orPDization' that is un-It IS not the pUrpose of the Red scrupUlous. And where is' the fresh- . 510 '.'512�ross � mon�polize the task and Priv� man who doesn't know \ the rushing EAST S�JII THIRD�!�� ��f. finding remedies for socinl rules, with 80 much gossip in the air STREET'J �elr peace work. Rather the' T. F. E. . '.. - . -Red Cross plans to assist eXisti . PRINTERS anda�ncies whenever assista • nged, The'Red Cross . nee IS �eed- GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSIDP_ L�OTYl»ERS; ". late, through local C:e�nres.tD stiulu- EXAMINATIONS TO BE HELD '. essential and reconstap��, the Q10st SATURDAY AT 9 IN COBB SPECIAL ATTENTIONruetive social . '10 IWork of the United States. ... ".. iJNIvERsrry WORKThere are many thin to . . �xamlDa�ons for the annual Civil Ifar the benefit of the ,_ gstj POmt to Government $cholarship prize will be hIaten .t. fte � ...... Isl\ep cal, or dun el .rda . b'L. B • I '.'man or 'Woman; their N' .'. h d Satu y at 9 I�. CO 'U 8 .; Prises I .:, ..' . .' . .'.their Rome Service' wo:�l�:e�r;�' of $150.and.$60 Win be awarded toiI . The' .UM·· eisity." .. ·of:.··.Chieag··'." � 'BooksI;-r,".'.' _.. '�,.aster Relief, their F'rst 'A"d • IS- the best two· c:empetitors.. Any. stu-,.ti• . I 1 Instl'1le- d h bas been • 'd t thon, their Junior Red C ent w 0 .an rest .ence a e.' 1 ., 58020';-.� E' " ._1' -IS" A'VENOE" .'bll. But is it neces rossto' and 91) University at least three quarters and ._ � -sary argu� as ..tha ajto why anyone should b' who has not more n 12 m ors ,_ T I����? �fu=�����b��b���Cb. �"�' t �I�.-.�.·-.. ������-�·;����·�·���-�����··��������·������bUt such argu�ent h .;ate y yes, necessary.....ti 11 8 OU be Pl'8e- The p.xamination win cover matenru &: Sa • Bank Iea y unn�e�sary in a university th"l' � .f th U ·ted .'�m�nU� rn���e�dC�g 00 eo� �ernm�.o e.m . �, . , ._. _and just as libel"alJ . h ., States, or roughly the material In �o- ' DANC' IVJG 'VISTA CARD'" ENS'when the German y as l� t e days litic:al -Science I. It will last three • WOOD- A. 'WN A.. 'VENUE ..... l-,l .'· .. caUse ooked suc- hours. Further information may. � ...,.... A I' .. � "�iIE ·ONE SPOT TO DANCE'�C�ssfu1. Be In truth a patriot. obtained from Prof. Merriam, or Mr. At Sixty.Third StreetKingsbury of.the Political Science de- ;.....0-. I. ,47.th�.and C9�g� �rove Ave.,.parbne..,t.·.. ' EverY Tueaciay, 'thursday·and Saturday EVeD-"��:-- . .'. · .. ihg'�nd S1DicIay 1\fterJIoOftS .• · '. " -: .rUlliYersity. of CIdap. : This a� Will be '�cCepted f�r �e FREE admisSiOn. on any,..' . . Tu�y e�ening .. or Sunday .aEtem�. d�-. . ..' (. ·"ing·Novemlier. LETS GO I ,•• . .Corr�' Dr��s. ··of .. Young Men7th Floor Republi'c Building' ".. -, State and Adams Streets:, ...\ ''..•• 'r '�.. '� , I ....' .;1 .'. ..,. Cdr�I)a�' T.ypewri�eFS '. Ii' �r. Sale�'t • ." • ,! � .Ty�writers Tp l�eiit'",- .'. ..'Leather' ·.Ca�rylng . Cases'Ir·.:· . � .", " e'.. I .. :5££' THE ·�·BEST., .ATDIRTY RUSHING.That's what they can it. And that'sall they want to talk about. Confer­ence football, the League of Nation!,the coming Score club party, theThree-Quarters club, the Moody lee­tu re about Mount Ida, the coal strike, EUNICE TIETJENS READS AT ,MEETING OF POETRY CLUBEunice Tietjens was the guest· ofhonor at' the meeting of the Poetry. . • I" ., . "',,,' 'I ... � .� .. �:.�.�\.. .. ", .''''�' v�.'t .... �. ,_", .\l"st�..01If:.. ' sfl� VE;t . VEsttoS:at" IaCllthacortel81o�S\�illm�.. ,s.,I�Pe"'. 0'1:ti.I!I�tl1'1'c,--Ile.. , .-: II•, f .;Jj, � �'.j118tI1.:ttCI••i�Cl.... i'1. t·'The Y. W. C .... A. 'finance campaigncame to a close en Friday 'wi� an un-· prccoocnted sum of $l,Q60 collected.<AtheriD� . Moore, chairman of. the. ." ciunpiap;. anneuneed �\" she was�. . \Vell\,pl� With tltc' �sUlt!lo: . Thej "eommittee, consisting, ,of Savilla.:. Mil-, '1%7-0;, cl}ai_rma� F�orer.cc Walk�r,. Ger-·trude Vogclcs. Carol;ne Thompson,· Deveraux Jarret� ,Lucille GOlds�i�.Nillie GorPs, Ni�8'CoheD, M�ga!-"!t�l�'��� ¥!r�iLilJiS .�b�� � '�_. '.::.. ·�A.�'the lai'gcat number of t;O�tributioD8. .�.Th� �ams lieacw. by' Me.be1 ,Masten,·: ,· Helen', COndrop';" and ;,.R.ith� ':��oUr -.: "'-:���c;1���:;:;:���fi:::'�iI:., came in next.'. .... .;: -e� .': Ann ElizabEth' 'i'':yiof, local. �re- ". "'.; �' .��. of 'the���� W.· c: +.: ��.:ieater-· = =========="==:=:;;::::======:=�====;:=:::::::=�=;::::=:==::::::::�====:;::::::::::::::�::!::::===r=;========:=::::::::===:==.' : �. d.y;' �i wiali'..to·� ev�,���ber ·PLAy'·BEETiiOVENts:· s. ,'._:' -�'. NEW'DEBATING 'SOciETY�MEETS . 'TIus"is' th�·· fint :n;guiar discusSion!'cbrter. members and '�embersmp" is.I r. ,of th� co�� �f.�l� w:� :w�o. �.' "TBIRD.CONCEJri'·. ,-' ,', . ' "."� � , Ito be h�id 'by' the Gavel debatUig � o�n'� all Umversity men who 'aJ;eI' :.-: �� �t p'osai��e_t�r �.to.��lze � , \. �. AT:-CO��RT .TODA�. rJ\�;G,ve1 ��nH�d �t D��n ciety� whicl1 bU �n formed by'eem-'I in�rested·in debating. All Univel-srtyag»lendid .contnbutio� �ro� the .wom.. __ ". -.,' ,,;', .. I." . ,Tomorrow at .• �'" �inin�' �� .�ld �hideb .I¢� F��-�. ��n'are inyi� t() �be discussipn to- .1��· � �f-ib� �niVersi��ra!t. �:�:: . (¢oj&tir&u.ed fnnn p4g_� .i)<.�<,.'·: .. -,-�:. .\ cieties< ��i.ne���ety �ow· has 7� morrow.� thiS .spirit of eo-ope on•. : ... , � ,. I�£j\;,.: �. '.G .I 'II' b' Id 'ta' fi' t d' . ===;::==========. . IC 'A . rk the ..campus. is The PrOgram is as follows: .!;,'�:' ..... ,. 'The, �ve � 0 1., rs l1�C�- .) .,".j. y. W: .. bte;O - on'. ;' .': OvertUie ."FiDpl�8 Cav�": ....• �'1fd sion tomo;""'w �t 4.. in�Co�b 1�. The Priv�.t�. PANCI�G L��sons. H9rue'y Orttbestras�;I�';' " �e� � .'. . •.. � : .�"'."'�'" .:.- ... ·.• : •. MeJid �; s.P�ject�orco�de�ti�n,1S, u�lvCC\. In a COIlI'&e.of Ive lessons (SS.OO) W,I ."r - ."'�:, :. " ' ;ro···. " Sjmp�ony �� '3, "ErlOca," E. F1a�?�;_: th.'· at. I.re.·.. l��d he �ve. n.. � .. �h. er .indepen.. d-. ;!tt.� u:rF':��oU� 190 North Slate Street��:' .tR��SOR SLAUGa:MATi<i - ,Opus 55 BeethOv�n, ,ence�" , �f�re th� .d�ssl�n·. �� danCIng dus Mondal-Eve at 8 P •. M. Phone Randolph One .. :. ADD�ESS M�� u:nNG. � Allegro con ,brio .... \ .the \:'lle!pbers. ���r,�g: � poS1t��n �o� LUCIA. HENDERSHOT STUDIO .' ., ./t "" <;LUB A'T SECOND M. Marcia funebre . .' th� de�ting team. 'wllt�'Y fot t!iClr 15.1E.·57�� �t. ' 'Hyde Park �14 .. or J� �ch Cragun, Repres'tative�, ".;..: .._ •. � '. '. �t;I" Sebene,.·· ...' .'. positi01!S iii', the )��liminary tryout to.- rt' .j ...... ��f·i,Slaugbt of thc:�. secone:· .Fi�aie :. '.' .'. be held' Friday. '!Tho�"membei's not( .1 '4e�ent� wil� add�M:-e�tiC8 F�r 'Old Fl� Songs ••••• DeGreei �le_� to· be ':p�nt, � .��is m�ti����C.. of.; the : ��o�, '... '\ ". Overture to � "Tannbae� � • Wagn�l' . are asked to send a. proxy. .· dub tomo"rrOw at 4 in R�,87. He '. '.',.... '�ll sPeak on 'methods, -Of. � eount.ing, ,'. ... . .' '. . '. ,'. ,'.... :.. -" ::! ::�or::: = ::a�= .: ONIVE.RSITY '. CAF-E. '1beuanB;- JIrs..Lopdon;-ot.the..Jlathe- ..' 1·1 . •• . ." .'. '.' .•�._ :. �tiC8 departm81Jt,·.�.�·on, the :� ...... ; ... '.�... UP-TO-DATE: ._ <;jpeeiai.ilumber Systems: . >'. . '. '. :�,,", .: � : A social �JDeeting will' p�. the. .... . '- SerVe th. e; Bea. t 1'4�1�. iOn: �e ��cy' :... '·prol-ram. at wbich·tea·wi1l.� �rved " A Tnal Wlll'�nV1l1Ce YO.ll.. I 'and the m�bera' win �. acquainted.• -.JfM e1Ub;_� oriaJ\ized a\' a. mee�. . We I-lav�: Co��ut�ti�� t��k�ts�,� .f.�� '�'r.�1.:held::� •. :�eeb: .... �·in o�r. t.o.� .;". ;., • ' 5' '7' O"6'-,·,�' L.L'·,I�S··; ".Ar' �VE··N'. "U' E·.' I• .1li8h' 'an .1'PIlitation: for. the diac:�' ,sio�' of 1DOJ'e elementary �athemaUcs .; Oppo�i!� � Snell Hall r . �'Uuin are diseussed 'bY" tlte s_e�or I'M�thematic8 ,club. At this meeti�� .. -=!ii!i!!Bi!!!!i .. __ IaII_!!IiIiIi!!!55Ie&!_iEi!!Ii!li!iII!!::!IIErn��._Zeisl�r'!"� ',e�ected president: riiQDWS H J S Ito,tJia:.·��YDEN WILL SPEAK":·" , :University. Pharmacy' :�. " T,O .-STUDENTS TQMORROW 6lat STREE't..HI £I J IS A � I ."Th� Value of ih� Study of the Hii- . DRUGS" STI A T.ONERY SODA�ry' of Relip,ns" win be tl!e s�bjec� ." '" �: ��. " .'• _· �f a i�ture to·.be d.l(vered by Dr. SANDWICHES .· �yden �f Uae_'Divinity. sch�l ��o�. � . . '. � CGARETTEStww· at 3 in .B�eli . �blY· .��;. ' . rtL\GAZINES '� ·leeture 18"the ·fourth of a senea . i.. . . ':-. -�ONEY ORDERs,dn "Oppol'tuiutiea (:iD the "'DiviDitJ,,.,:.��l .... � to tlae�o.� �f �� ·=t,.Slackstone·,144&.-1448:.� .i.try .." �>". . "",'" : I ••·•· -••'_.•.•. _. _. ..� �'i�, APPOINTED.�·TQ:.: ,, .� ASsiSTANTSHIP: J\T:-ilAaY.�D.��,,:'. .. �. -' -.' -.,' .• ���. .:>, .; '.'SoD of Prorw. ltmet St1ltbfP.a, �,.. ). .:t Dod�. Degree in HWol-y' � IW'; ': �yard U�iv�t,.. ,: : :'.' ' '. �"t\ . B�r�rii L; W-lp-e-t'-;;., "�f' the ..�.� of 1911, has been' appointed �to an as-�1 sistantship iit bist-OrY at Hit.rv&rd U�� .,if versity. ,.1• ..' �ti.3r ·his, grad�ation from �e. Uni-· versity· of Chicago 4 in ,1911,· Willet.studi'ed .. year in Pam and then went·.tt to the P��tant coliege. in Beyrut. '�. . Syria, }Vbere he' taugftt j:nglish, and( .at : the same. time . studied the Semitle� - • '. "J ••,1< language.' -. � t'•After siX· years ill �e�t, �U1et.carne hack. to. Chicago, mfLrri� and� 'ethen during the remainder of t�e waracted &8 heacJ..or Uie "C1ii� districton Syrid aDd Armenian reu�f:'Willet is now stud�ng for' his\doc-.tor's degree at Harvard, where he -is .an instructor in histOey.:· Hei'is'a sonof Prof.' Willet of thei'dep.�nt of._Semitic languages. hi" this UIllversity.While in the University; he:Was activein the D�tic club. He �'amembert" of Delta Tau DeltB....'. 1_Y • .w.' c. A. CoLLECTS $i;�IN ANNUAL FINA�CE DRIVE�r�tary and Chairman A�' Pleased·Witb.·Re8ul�villa�ma8'. : Team Win,' Contest.' "• �1I(' ..� .. "'; All the�world:r'. . ',\.' ·loVes a.: :Ibver·�.'.. ,'.� . . � ....And all' discriiiuh .. ,' .,," . '.. , .... atmg.'loye�$.; of .cigarettes loveM·· -. '_.1..: .uraas-'�. �_ ,BeCaUse �urads' are- pure "T urk­ish. the worL;l's moat famous. tobacco. .,'for cigarettes. .. ' �. ,And.�··F�e of Murads i!QW9� gtOws and �0W8-they are 100. Per oent ·-Tuikish� and '�ey � 100pel' cent po�uIar With' �DDoiSseurseveryWhere. ':It' is .,·trQe that· "ordinary":. : ... cigaiette8 coSt' a: trifle: lees, \,, ..,... J •..,. ,, . i •, .' \: ", . !" '.. Ja4e.l(,r y�ur.8elf� I.. '. . '.�:. - � �: " ... :�. ..�; .1.,- •,"" '. .: " �'. :' ', .. "-'.•P�mpt Delivery'# ... ...i !""': �" ,'. � "" !' �, ... ' .......... ,., .1(...' r . "IL ,-', \. � ),. ,,,,._ , ; • -r, ,f ..... ',',' ..,' ." '.; .*. :'" .•••WIIr,! I. ,I'� �,� ��,.J,� \. -. 4 , .' � �I.�:' _�, .' .. /:<.. t:.: :'� " .<.j:;" 'I:�, ', i�,",� ' •. ���: .�'.: '-,;.?7;�:�'.�":.�::"r:,�:'�:� ,-: ,-. ��.;";�' ,-='" ' • • " .: j... '� •• ' • _ ... � -........,.' ',;' ': •. .'• I.' ' ., .: ',.. �...- �•. ,. TH£�I'DAltY' :MAR60N •. 'TUESDAY�·NOVEMBER�4;'lr919.:::·.;:;;( .. :;•f)(�i,.:t, t'l't .. I1:.cl ��I�·ifI�r.;�'ll��'�.,�. IIc- .f'0:.;" /�" . • '4_, ,.:. ...The CaII'pUt with, a ·�ooth.� .... :�.�, TRACK,�.·�� �,:t�>. 't� .. ;�\�lurll. '\.',,:', . �e�" �; .... ��y���,- .. ¥� ::'" ·tHAN�\iN CROSS: .'.�.!?. ." sttetch� c{.�eo�rete and solid .��.. C'QU�y' �ONTES!:Mileage'-"'f '..' . . '.�r''; . 9 :15 Start".from Stagg�. Field, Old � ' ....' fa' • ht. " " Nearly One Hundred"�,Can(lt;:,. . . Man. r ng ,......=:.urm.. __ ... .... _ ... 10:11 Great'lAikes; s�iht t}trough, dates Report .. ·. Daily to -: �WELL, QU�o�����-vous FOR, lis, ofte�uiS';4esirecL .'. '" Coach Toip �k. "'","Are club girls all like Chin..men;" !�;!: ;:;�:;;t���Z� end. TEAM; W�L�' Go" � C�LU���SA i'reshman asked of me; ". and .b�· ';:'�,:. ,-��;;:;E���!!:!!:����:2;:!!2::\:;�:::;:.::�"I've been on all their rushing dates 10 :31 CaltiiOJl' ior .�; -avoid Jlurik The Cross CountrY squad is begin- 6:w4 I?' .... --e (;rQve Av� . ' - · . EnglewoOd 5135A���ey���� ·n·o-.. ti�.• ', 'Ii • '=���=��=·=�.6.=.=====����==�.�===�===� Ding to develop into a possibi ty, �pr.,� '. � ",l\:l:.�, "l1�.'.".a.,� �.��.'on for over-co.n- the Conferen. ee meet which :wm � Elizabeth Laird,. of Mount HOIYOkejl "-Eveninc . Clothes a SPecialty"It must be rather bothersome-.. ',.. �deDce' straight through, hit· del b Ohi NovemhAi" ', '. L. iOr so it seemsto m�, '. , --:- . -i: ". ." .' hel at 0 um US, 10",.. T .... cptlegc, ,will 'speak. Her sub�ct s" .,'•' tin�.�.�,�1 �even. . • .� 22nd. There are 94 candidates out �n' "The Minimum Potentials RequitedTo be de�ri:v¥ of wholesome. food ,11:8 'PasS �4ichlgan; • caution ... or Th' . tb test num- '. "And have to nve orr tea," . . 'Peed .... .' _ ".,. -the team. IS l� e grea for -the' Production of X-Rays."THE topic of discussion among the s.' trap.• '.. \.�'. � . , .z > ': ber in: the historY, of the college, ��1, . .; .,' ...... .11:15 Jog left- .. and ng�!� throdan,ugh range. in theway fro�' 100-yard:.dasli ", ':Ttbe C�ch ciub'�vill hold an o�gani.-lunch clubs during the past week has'. Iowa' avOid road to .. te ce. , ' il' try run. ..' . " v,been the question of how fast twiee l ' ': '".: hl .,." W· men to :five.m e c�ss eoun. '.,. ,zat:on on. Friday' ..at. 4. m. the Northas slow is. The ge" De. ral con census 11 :22 En�r Champl�n� Ip;. vla� '. � ners, 'and among them are manY'like1! R�ption roo';;� '�f._.lda Noxes. ball., , .. cons"_l avenu:,.e, gas" �tion L'1. looking traek men. .'!' ' . :" . !. =.' . '" "seems to be that twiee as' slow as five, cheering sacti!n., Old 1IIan, far 'Eck will select his team for, the" ,'-" ' ,,1 MAD' � TO' ODDE�miles an hour is, forty miles an hour. right· everybody . else ' far '. b try' ts .4.1..: . W. A. A. Will hold office hou� � 'a. '&Which is proved by the f�llowing '.�.' ," "" .: �:feri.:: :::':.iU;:'t.o.Z 'mclrro� and �richiy, .cro.m 12:15 to", ':".equations: .' 11:23 Avoid campus. vamps who did l' k.,b "0 babl be. George Otis 12:45 In th� trophy room ]DIda �oyes .. N!_i.....:ll',S. "Q' u i e II y.. h ' I .. urn us WI pro y '. ". All .t' rtai' to' K:I1U11'I.. as slow as 5 mI. an our equa. not 'noti.., you before ,you, lM>- Ari:hle .1"'; ... Hastings Moore. Walter ,Mil.. '. qltes ".'ns pe m�., , Cor r t!,: t" .TaiIoriuc10 mi. an hour. famoUs .' S B . C d hikes of memberships to office Will be I' f.came/ .'. : Bowers� . Stanley peer, en o�, an '.. '. , '. .• 1- .••_ mu-es'you that air 0 m.'2 equals 4 times %. .. A •. P. S.· B rd Co an The first four nameJ �!t1swered by .W: A .. A. mem� 1D I ·dOl:yt".duality -·_.that DaIO- .2 tim • .- or twice) !lS slow !lS 5 mi. ' ---+- r1: a fast �ri� Friday over the Wash� 'ste�d ,,�' :the fhysical, Educati� de-jI ._,..--,and hour, therefore, equals 4 ': ",i'HERE' d' �',,;.. s Ma ... jan .liv. e·".. ·' cried . partment e • s a r y, peI.oDa1ity�n us:;... ingto, n Park mile.and-.-qua.rter cour;:-e. . ..' .,; I.. a.L...;,t .. keeps --_a's Aft..times 10, or 40. '. . 'B rtky I UUI -V�-r-' . an' inquiS1tive. '. for;,fOur and one-half ,miles�. . ...' '>'" �.-.. -.-. ::. • ' L..-: Iu.:-_T"ice as slow as �)lli. aD hour is '"In, Lansmg.,'lIIichigaa" the fast fieshman• paeed them the The Interfraternity coaneil; WIll, ' peanIni:e, nuJD, ...,....40 mi. an hoUr., "';'Why so far a"';'y!" __, firi.t' IlUle ,in 5:11 secoad.' with ;,Otis' m.et -today at '1:80 in' �e ,ReYllolds ! "Conimcinp�.' "It. isn't:' far away' when' �ou're l�ding th� rest at the mile and J.o�es, club.' AIr mem.�� .arc:.asked �.�.to. bel .' �.!.�:a_.and n__....:.... .WE take this 'opportnuity ,of in- there." llloore and Bowers following b( the !,,,,sent on time." ':........ ..,... ........forming Prof. Scott that unless he can .order named... .�:1. .'s· 5"0' .SSS.get his copy in j,y'the time he agrees -WE""; .the� recipient of ;ioimtlesa ,Otis Leaels in PraCtiee R..... 'CLASSIFIED, ADS! '��' .", " ,: ,upon We can no longer .zetainbim· OJ! I�tters' thanking us' for oDiitting, this At two and one-h8If miles CtisJ.�. ' • ',,- aua Wardthe faeultY of our new Correspond- department' on Friday, ,: .' out .. a Uttle �as�.r.,_ �wers began} to ,These o.'re' now at Ute' Info�tion 1-;': <I' .'<'�. ". u�· '. '.��::'��:,:::::';,"::""::'!'ra�!; . DON'T, thank, . Us; �, �, ,censUS- pick up. on tIH. I"�"" Th� I�:mil� ,D��. Press' BII,ildinil' ,.' ;;- i NICOLL:tnui'taii'6r• tak�� ,�.�; ,: : :.' ','.�' ;-' ". Wl!" ,qmte fast and � m.t:o,," LOST�SaturdBy·aftonioon. the.18th.1 _", " '. .. ,on that facnlty. Think of the,�, ' ,-" '" Gariea. "good nU;e betWeen If.oore. Bowe!:, an�, a small black .am;;., locket o,i. gOld , W!! Jerama',Scms'.. 'bated company he is in .. AnyhOw.. '.' '�,; ::', �". ",;, J'-.:.-:, .• ,�..".: JODes.�.··Jt· Was. nip, �d tuc�',f�r �e. chain between 59th and Bl�.nel'·' Clark·,... ::'-"L':"'..I.A'... ..I_�_. c!..:::.. .-_.:.__.:.:........_ .while, waiting for Artie to bring' his •... <. ," ;'. ":. ' ,,''half mil �1.._ rs passin'" ',._ \ .. .auu UIIIIIa �• .' -" .. '!!'II _. - - _ - _._. "!iii- •. last ',e, WIC � runne.. b '�d Stagg Field. This, is val� as j ..... ._" .. "," '. ' :,first l�son, we subnut the �olloWlDg. ' v: . ',':', _: h p'. O' R'T'JS .�·��er' seVe� times.· But �ers ,an heirloom. • Re�ard.,' Ret� "to: ' . _'. . ' . ,.".' -- _.' S H Q,� T. ,,� "_, '.' _clition told' and he �,the Informlltion:liesk; hess Jlldg� (19) I P , d � .' "t '& K�HOW'TO RUSH YOU;asEI .. F. '��. '_, � -�- .. - ,- �. - II. r"� elo'"ngated "Hasty" JJr abOut 4 seeond1. ,,' . ",' ::_' __',.�,:";, _ l .... ��� ... erg� ';) ,'. ,ey.� ,(In six lessons and two lunch dat�) GIf any, of �e, Maroon�. �. to J�es: � 'a remar�bly f� las� lap, LOST�Monc:lB.Y, the' 201h,; sn_aooth- ;',:, , DruggISts . "_� , .Lessoll Nllmber FinL m&ke� the all-W:e.stern. they will :ha'!" p.irilJig, as much, as 12 """"nels ,on, ,tit", ......t . blaCk to.mtmn � witii' PI'!'" Ls: E. Cor. 'IiriI'St_'and',W�� "" :Stand und�r the clock or, .near on,e tO�: � j�T)on'.t;h� �r�f �e �'\.���� ��:;,� ���o��. ...Jeetion �n the eil�.�o�-fiUi�.' �� �'Ir.�, I .�- ..' CHICAGO' ',:' � .. �. _�._ .of th�. b.ulle� � � � doesJl � �� !il-'.C., p'a�,� �.� �� � ��;, �: � eitJiel.. on table at ehd of H¥Pt:r :,: pilOn';;; -H de Park 482-483work. engage a Phi, Pst In ,_versa- � �,� � /0"' �� � iDlnDte'!' lis.l'Ji, seeonas;, lll00re" � _' library, or dropped between 'Harper '; • y _.. '," .'tiOIL, Just ,�, seen ��. of :�i ��t� �.� "!li #i�&\' � ��; -!�\ 35 E'llte. ';, �a fda N� c Valll!id-.,. aD,heIr- i; Sem�.to St:ud.�llts,Our '.�that broth""hood' �d re<oJIJ!Dend :h�;,�;� � �"u.7',� � •• � ,.' ' .,/ •. ". .'" " , IOmn..' Finder; kindlY return, fA> i� J ::;_.",.,. !S�ty:., ...... ' :'"_".you. .If you,""." drop your'..,. .... flO �:_S� .. �;!l�.and. ·Thi��,�f�r��nto; ,.to��,iI!,'� �g�f;' "/.r'" .' .'7-. I, :."r .• '�:,.�;. I". o:ver to· Jean Plcbtt· or Bef+u Wi1Ii- "C1..·-..J.M,Jt.. �"Higgmsv. were.. .'·prominent ....... 'I'""ate·.our and II half'. niiJe,nm �� '0 __ .rd. ' ."" '(2 •. )' W. e .. carry. complete ... _ ... .� .. :_ .. "":I 1UI& .... ,7. . .' - - - ..vu .. e•. . .I.'. . . '. ,... �wa .. "'. I '...,·.20bna0' "Ii n .' I.c:iVeI1 ,.... _ford ('depen«:ling on your choice of or· among the earlYl,candic;Jates, �� �th, .� ,/a�ut ,� .days .Mo,,�en, ';.' ". �, .' .. ;:' .' .- '. -\ .. :' 1".': }'�" Co::di"�_ .. " ... ��� �_'.ganization) and put your foot into have a good chance still. ,,' ., .. PrmeetOn won. .. _., ! "', L8sT--:-� ,leaf' leather note ,book., ',' .. 1 ...' .•.. _ .". _". _,her pocket. Invite,yourself to lunch. ".: - . ,.. • '. '.. �. -Nani,e �o\1lback' Cover.; Retui"r\ toj' } ..• � _'.' : '." '�:'."This is not improPer. Inasmuch as .,seanIOIl·S Boilermaker. team ...- HOSTESSEs ARE cliosEH.'� ;: ' �atoon offi.e_· Rewar4·; (36) j�, .�;��u"iicC"OIWr,-,you have to pay for your own meal Ohio State next Satdnlay; and the' in- IfE�ERATION "DIN]'It:�' TOD.AY .W ��E�Young, '!ley Wjth· �.q fl" .1_ / ,,:: "��,,, .', � ,�,,:'anylto�. When you are seated. �t' a dications ,� that. the ,\�uckeye' ,� ". ---. _ ,...... . <OxPerience in' selling inUsiC?' �d ·1, Students- � ,ea.-.,'table In the Gargle Tea Room tie a will add anothQr game �. the. ngb� �ent�-fiv� Wo�eD �re,l�vi�J 10 '��"hon&grapbs. for holiday trade. I ' '.,' .. ;�, 'Ii ..napkin in. a love.lmot around �our e'J�� ... A�.. �_agam. .'. the� maY.·Dot, . '�� ,in Ida .No7ea,�all. {, ���gs •. ,6:to�. ;iii.Kinley M1b1ie ,"'>' �-a�be��throat or else your neck. If you. are because Pu.rdue �. a.. �rong defeD�. ".,. --" -. ��. 'PhonOirraph Dept., 1507 E. 55�' '.. LEATBElt. -G 00 D Swith M!)rtar Boards. .' don't order con- ive team,..and showed a .. pl'.·.ce· se��, �r� , The '1011;�wing. w6m�, ha. v. e· been. ��St' Tel. 'Hyd� :P,ark"2515.· (86) ! �'� •. '� ,!':' �uiteeid." 'f. GiYesomme and be sure that you keep one line plays in �ning freln the Ml.�I- cli� to serve as b� at. ,;tb� �, � , ' '. I ., �� '::, �,ta.f�, I �.hand below board. YOur conversa- gan Aggie. Sa�y. " I1'Oden.ti.m , dimier. tompt; 1II.a.� :t;0R'RENT-Well !'ghted. roo.m fo�I '_",: At:� Storec. �tion, even more than your mannerJ, ,..' . , Fake, F�eis Crozi�r" Ruth .W�mer, stu�t. 6026 ��bs. �ve., 3rd .ft"t.,": Q�'uali Rules' , ;,should depend �R the gang you are Ohio is usually .....uted with but Kate Smith" �betl>� .Oford. Call, Hyde Park 5'139. (40).1. '. " '.,",,' ty,. ", .guesting yourself with..' Th� only two good men, 'HBrtey and Stinch- �therlne, Nalll&1!l'. Katheryn Ue1fl'l- ;W ANTE�A few ambitious "men l � Mfa. Co. �:-' Ne.r y_�neral rule. � can be given IS that eomli. but two men never made a reaI IYIl. � Ha,,:le�. Luc;me K!mnaUl'., with' sales or cau� eXperience: . . " ,", .'.' '. 'lD any case lt will'not be n�ry to football team... The Ohio line is a good Virgl. m.a Lee,. ,L. y� JIinle.. " Ma�a. .J,'. . t ."'. time. A't.;.-" .. TUI:',. F.ROUC �.�taI1_' tell' t1 If ·th th ', .'" ... :-:;........ "':1..J_..2 to'Tepresen us ln spare .'V!" & • +""- RUG �ORE' r,rm. 'gen y.. you are.w> • .e one, and gives the baeks f!'al support. G_an. ''':- _ornson, ..... ..."..two qualified ,to manage' RJi ,� :',.' "' D, OJ � ,.' '.,Esotencs, carry on In a fashion Slml-" .' PowliaoD_ Martha �rendt, Jrlargare.... t .. ....r .• '.' � ... : .... " . -,_, .�� I'" .. .. '.. _.. _, __ .....' ',' .. ". .',' ·za&.lon ... �r In-.enSl'Ve camp-.sa .. ·� .. . '.. M "'J . C' <'.. R" Ph . -lar to this: ; " �' HaggOtt, . Marj Seymour· ,�c!:, �!l� .•... .. '.' ." .:, ; "_ ;. .'.. '7 ' '.. oner, � •' "Yes, I think I shall go in for dm- ClIARLES ZlJEBLIN DELIVERS Gingrieh:." :'.; ". ,.�. '.,,':�.':,: ,; •.... �p .. r:�ct ��Y..."rO��.��. �,� Lp, .. '.: _ <�', _._._.,,; '.': .matic or esthetic dancing. Monsieur. LAST, OF LECTURES TODA Y Se:venty�five . womeh ha:v� been ·.m- " �lh. 32bo ;,���,� 9 .to 12, �d I �Urteo!l8 . �ttentioil �akI � �� .", " .. .' '. 2 to 5 For appomtemDt otherllours " Umv� .. Studea�'-;I-"(here mutter gutteral syllables;".•• " .' vited to the dinner � 6 iD }da_.No�es , ".,.,.,. .:..' ..• '.. "(3'1) 'J .' ,.. 1.', , .. '. ",' ... _: ,',.:, ;,;,: . '.' _they' I pretend to understun�) has Noted � P_otI�'caJ Aa� �I han. FoJ!cnring the dimier th9:.' pJione. Douglaa 141. . Cor. �'A_ � "� Stnet,promised to take a personal mterest Talk �. "FAIth. AfI�.t� '1»6' an impromptu diseussiOD at ,the , '�" .'. AdJacent. to. Fr�I�" :Th,e&tre .in my work. No. thanks, I prefer my. :. � y_ .. " .. 'topic, "How Students caD � � J ',: , ", , Tc:l� H�de P� 16.1 ..own."" :. ". ,,', FaCulty in! Their� '.Own Educ:at!oll.. {.If with the 1II0rtar Boards: 'l'Iie last' of the "Wo�, Visions and AU ........... , n� to � to. t;h� Fda __,. �UI'm so disappointed in my new ·ReviSions". series. of . �.l�res by, meetip' g' whethe.-r," they have. receiwd ..'n be ..'. �. .BIaU,·1CIeJI. '.' A........." _ut.. ·gown. It's such an od� shade that �, .Charles-. Zuebli-:t.: of �n''''!_ inVitations ,or .�t.; ., '.�ISVcan't pun:hase a motor �r to match given by St. James M. E. chu�, ElUs I ==========�==:::::;:=it. Jsn't--�that perfectly ghastly?" Ave. and 46th St.;tonight at 8. Mr. O' f fie i a I : N o:'i"i c e s.,We should like to reproduce the Zueblin's subject is, "Faith: Affirms-proper' sort of con:versation to use in tions of Youth." .the company of Quadranglers or Sig- The lecturer is a publicist of note The Freshman Law' ClUJ; will meetmas or Wy:vemlJ,- but our printer has and the author of se:verat books �n today at '2, in Law north _', ;run ouf of hier�glyphics. .political subj'ects.· He �es �he viewf;> 'that the vitality of nations can beProf. Scott ha.'i brought in his firr.t preser:ved .in this world only by theinstallment just in time to keep from leadership of the virile youth. .getting fired: N ext w�k a new series of lecturegHOW TO USE THE BLUE BOOK. by Edward Howard Griggs on the• 'Route 1919. poetry and philosophy of RobertTo Championship, :via Conference. Browning �11 start. The lirst lectUreThis popular route should be at-· on this series, "'1'he Life of Brown­tempted' only· in the Autumn, though ing. The Positive Message: 'Rabbiat ,that 'time the road is Ukely to be Ben Ezra," will be given on Nov. 11· The Phvsies club, will meet t9mor.c�wded. It should be attempted only in the same place. row at 4:30 iu . Iiy� ,32. ,Prof. " "'" !. • '• t\,,'t >-. ·We will please you.. .�, .Special Student.PricesTrY Our Spepal SaDda,.CldSeD' Dbme.- •�313 E. 57* Sbeet'--:- '.' . "T,he n�:xt time you, buy a pencil •ask for th� Blaisdell A�onaut.The I'mooth, .. IfritJcas lead, writci�aKi�, sharpen. better ana lut.10nR'cr, .. . Bbisdell A.onauts, round and, hc:JuCont aft made in two d�. '.of' h:anfnnl, Tippee! with.' 110ftruhher eraser. At �II ltatiQJters-S,�?t ... / ..... '. . ' c. ·,CO/.RM:A'NY.�'S ..HOME' LUNCH 'ROOM'·, " The Old RelIable .i . Hftulq1iarters' .for .. U.nltyI '·Stu_ts·. ", 'We serve the best of every-'; :/� thing .. Prompt Service------ '-.The Honor commi .. ioh will 'meet·tomorrow at 3 hi: ciassics 10. ' Anmembers have been requested' to· be,., • l• . .present.. 'For CYer)' colorOcs 'Pdcil pUrpoHale BlaisdeU Colored' Pend __.made in 14 rich .colon. "10 ceQu''���'�:' ','• SuitS', r, Coats, GowDS ': Made�I· . Rem9<ieled and'Repaired:) .Furs'rehned and altered'. '. MeDdinc1'.- .. :- 'c)f"all kinds: TeI�,afd1.; ""::-��6018 KeiI�·AftDUe.' Secon4i Apart�_ .• f ......The Christian Science society -Wl11meet today at 7:30 in HaakeD �,sembJy �an..... • ,\'" .• ... i';"� /3/aisde//Pencii Comp�ny;->HI:.r, nEI PHI}\.------. ,J '."'..... : ... , .. ,.I: :.". {. . .', -. : . '. . � : ,.,.. �"'l :"'.�_