Wednesday at 7 at the Universityclub, given by the Alumni association OVER 1,000' MAROON R90TERS MAKE TRIP TO CHAMPAIGNfor all alumni and senior men.President Judson will attend the T omorrow the Maroons meet the Illini, and the Chicago chances for a victory are betterbanquet as will the entire football h Th Chi d h h helminsr victori d he Illi .•who will as committee ch�irmen. squad. Harry Hostetter, in charge of t an even. e, icago recor sows tree overw e mmg VIctOrIeS, an t e rm s seasonT�ey were elected at a meetmg ?f I the sale of tickets; expects a large I stands so far with two scant wins, and a defeat. ' ' A. A. Stagg has been d, riving his team hardthe' W:A.A. board held yesterday.1n attendance of alumni. all week, and the Same eleven .that defeated Northwestern last Saturday will take the field atIda Noyes hall., . ",:. .,, ch'·, ,I ted '11.,1 ,No Set Speeches, Planned. �hampalgn .tomorrow ready to pla,Y::==============The airmen e ec are: J.J ary , d I I ' I ., f od 'GI d - HI' b- No set speeches have been 'arrange ,.' I good football.��grich, °hin Sa:: aw ey, pud but a great many of the older men I The Maroons are confident, but notli��;, JOSCnP ell tr. ek, PtsrograFram, an will' be back this' year and some of I 'conceited, and on the basis of theirMlnam usse, tlc e. nces I . ', . ' them will have plenty ,to say. The I ' showing this year they should win,-Henderson -was chosen as toast-mis- I'b ' t ·11 b . th t f'. anque _\VI e In, e na ure 0 a I unless 'injuri�s cripple the line during,�. pep session for the Michigan game. ' fhe,game. The ' Chicago backfield out-, ,.,,:Bold Banquet.In Ida N�yes. The dinner will cost $2.50 per plate. classes that of . the Illlni, and the line:'�e' �vent will (��e the form of a 1 Reservations ma� be. m:de throug� I � rates better than the downstate for-,:.�9uet to be held. in the Ida ,Noyes I Harve: L. �a�ls, sec�tary of t�e I wards. Chicago .has not been pushed ..... ·gymnasium., According 'to. custom the I alumni assoctation. HIS address IS .this year, and the frill -power of the�iught' before the WisConsin game has 11349 W. Thirty-fifth' street, and his, I ,team has .not been shown, while· the-been selected as the date. Tlie pra:.1 telephone n�ber M,c�inley 1900. , IUini have been forced to 'the limit(, gram ,will -inelude talks by fa�_�lty Reservabons--C1ase-Tuesday. { to win.�. .members and students and the� �ill �e�e��tions � be m�de. through . .- Thousand Rooters \yith Team.� .be singing and 'ebeering by the:,a�di- Mr. 'Harris .. until Tuesday nlg�t. Bu� . More' than '.a thousand' MarQOnV" _ -: -���:' ���o_\l��;:}�r .. th�tposi�ion ,of, ..r�''-�tS���� ..o��,.fin�,����e_I���-� .:� 'll,roo,_,��"wiU-.fC?�ow�e teamto m�ois,I ><... ;�cheer ·l�����i}I�i1�.1ie�1i��;- -;-:-�'. ":tha.!�he· .t:1:.': ���;��r. '��8' �� .•� .'._ tomorrow.-.-��,:erow-a_:wm,"The cOmmittees· are" 'planning _ .. to guarantee him aplaee if he J�st ��n;tes- .. "'00 'a 54,:"pi� b�d;' an'd th� 35, _��::,make this the most suceessfulChicag» to the University clu!», witho�t a bers ()f-t;he Fremm�t�m:. Busi��c;,·'·Nightt -in 'the·, liiat�ey' or" W .A� .. " reservation. ,.. " . ". �., ;. 'Man'agar Day,id ,Memam, has 200 rail-said-6Iabel' RoSsiter ye�rday. ,ciWe I �e banquet will be especially:in-· ,, road. tickets for 'sale at his .office at'-e�ei to have 'good foo_d and an ex- teresting this �e�r,-'says ,�r. Harris, .. :tthe u_sual,ra�'.o� $7.78 a round ,trip.'eellent. program. , The names .of the I because o�· the tJuccessful,record the ;' I The, ticke� are good f�m the 63rdspeAkers will � announced later. All! team has made this y�r and because I ' ' , streetstation, on any tram. Mr. Mer-Uni�ersity women: .whether members it is the first postbellum banquet. ': ., riam has also 100 tickets ,W the game. of W.A.A. or' not, � invited to the . .on sale, either to students.and alumni ', event.", ,COUNCIL ACT1VITIES at 50 cents' each, or ,to outsiders at$2 each.Pubiish History of Event. INCWDE' BUILDING An, .alumnus of the university has--Ch:cago - Night was instituted in I OF, ALUMNI CLUBS I -, arranged to supply megaphones to the11m; . anc;l has' been an annual event· .' --' ", I'- � students on .the special train for theever ,sin,cc tha� date. Fo�erl� itt Dean Butler Will, Speak at, �; I cost price of 10 cents; and the Maroon .::was held in Lexington hall, but since! c· Or'· . , fl· support·will be able to stand a chance,the erection of Ida Noyes hall, the I Ity gamzabons 0 .with the' 'rooting of the downsta�new building has been used. All Uni-I ' Ex-UniverSity Men. crowd. ..versity women are invited to the af- I. -- Itiinois has won but on'e game. fromfair, which is one of the biggest fea-I SUGGESTION FOLDERS ISSUED "Red" Graham Chicago on its. home field in the lastturea on the W.A.A. program for the I ' , .. .' � ten years, and Stagg has the teamyear. "Among the activities that are' being Here s the man the 'Ilhru WIll watch prepared to down the mini once more, Captain Charley Higgins, is, the de-The date of the'��,ning .of the �ckct t"Cnew� �y the Alumni, co�ncil, is in tomorow's. game,. �use the me�- before the homecOming crowd. The fen.�ve h9.ll-� the Chicago line, andl?: and general campaIgn WIll be t�e bwldmg of new ,alumm clubs ory of the way "Red fooled the Ilh- "old man" has worked hard ibis week 'Ii' f th' 'th M H Id • team· 1916 till kl E I' one of the star nesmen 0 e con-, ounced 'soon. t.'-lroughout e country. r. aro I nOls 1D, S ran es. ar y to whip the team into the best' of . . �.'Swift, '07; chairman of the Alumni in the third, period of the Dlinois-Chi- �ltape"and last night 'it looked as if ,ference. The Illim are figunng onELECT GERALD WESTBY Clubs' committee� - has been taking cago game at Champaign the down-. he had su$Ceeded. The defense ig sending their line pla�s where Higgins, TO CHEER LEADER JOB hold of this wor�. I?ean Nathaniell �te team was f�rced to, punt fro� �ght, and, t� '" offense . looks .good isn't, because the Maroon leader has'Butler, of the UniversIty college, Wl11l1ts own ten-yard.lm� . The punt was enough to crack the Dlini wide open. smothered everything sent through�ndl 'Makes Lew Kayton an As- assist the council. New clubs are � II high, 'and lacked distante, but it hit Stagg bas a brainy team this year his side of the' line this season. Hig-aiataDt-Glenn Harding Appoint!"" ing established, and �hose already (Ccmtinued on 2) that plays football aU the time, and gins has played against the miniChairman of Elections Committee- £ta� are being repaired and made I ,. any break in the game shoUld go to twice before, and was of the import-Circulate Lunch Hour Petition. cor.slderably larger. ! TODAY'S WEATHER the Maroons, because they are in the ant factors in the 20-7 deleat passed_ A schedule of trips to the various I game every minute. The backfield is out to �e Illini in 1916. In 1917 Hig-Gerald Westby was appointed as-. clubs has been made for Dean Butler., Warmer today and probably rain. last and clever, and with proper sup: gins played in the backfield, and madesistant cheer leade� at a meeting of On October 24, he visited the Tri-City I port \"Jill be good for gains most of big iains through the Illinois team,the Undergraduate council Wednes- club, where an enthusiastic meetingi T�E DAILY MAROON �he time.,· Ibut this year "Hig" expects to lea� hisday. Glenn Harding WkS chosen by was held and to which a telegram of BULLETIN Whe�her or not there will be .any team to a victory over Illinois tomor-the organization as chainnan of the congratulations was sent by President changes at end is uncertain. Hall a- row.election committee for the coming Judson. The foll�wing schedule will day �nd Hinkle worked last night at ==============class elections. be carried out as arranged thus far: Today one wing, with McDonald at the other. -Football Specials-Westby was cltosen from among a Milwaukee club, October 29; Pitts- Divinity Chapel, 1:50, Haakell. and from all ind�cations Hinkle will Leave Chicago (12th Street):large number of aspirants, to assist I burgh club, October ,31;. Washington Y. M. C. A. third Freshman lunch- start at th� game. Graham will pilot Team Sped�l 7 :50 a.m.Cheerleader Pike direct the yells for club, .November 1; Des Moines, No- eon, 12, Hutchinson cafe. t.he team, and Hanisch will start at Student Special. 9:00 a.m.the games. Lewis Kayton, one of the vember 5; Columbus. November 8; full, with Elton at half, and either (63rd Street)other candidates, has been retained as and Indianapolis, November 19. Tomorrow Cole or Annan at the other position. Team Special.! 8:15 a. 8S81·Stant.' To Meet at Omaha November :;. University rulina bodiea Board of That makes a backfield io be feared, St d t S . I 9 25f'> � � en peCla. . . . . . ..: a. m.CI ... EI�IUI Herd Nov. 13. On November 5, there will be a Admissions, 9; Board of Student Or- because it is well balanced, with speed Leave Champaign:Glenn Harding, as chairman of the meeting of the Omaha club; at which ganiution&, Publications and Exhibi- and cleverness mixed with the neces- T�am Special .....•.... 5:30 p. m.elections committee, will have �om- Director Judd of the school dI Educa- tions, '10; Boards of the Junior and sary drive for short gains. Student Special 6:45 p. m.(COtltimud em 2) (Continued on page 5) Senior colleges, 11, E41 Harper. (Ccmtinued on page 5) ,.', .-.. 1 .� ', .' ., },., ." ,.� : '.. � ;.,"� ,at ,.aroonVol. 18. No. 19 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 19,19 Price 5 Cents"F ollew The Team To Illinois!APPOINT CHAIRMENFOR CHICAGO NIGHT., TO BE HELD' NOV. 21 COACH STAGG AND TEAM- TO DINE WITH ALUMNI Stagg's Unbeaten Eleven Will FaceConfident Downstaters TomorrowM� -!k08siter, Head of An­',miafW.A.A., Event PlansElaborate Program Senior Men Are Invited to AttendAnnJ,lal "C"·Dinner-President. Jud-son 'to Be Guest of Ho'nor-Expec�.'Large Attendance. :Hard· - . Week '. of Practice; Fits Chicago Squad- for . Gruelling ContestWith Zuppke's Indians-Barid and Yearling Herd MakeVoyage-Illini Fear Graham and HigginsDirector Stagg and the footballteam will be the guests of honor atURGE ALL WOMEN TO A TfEND the annual football dinner next.Mabel Rossiter, general chairmanof Chicago Night, the annual W.A.A.event to be held November 21. hasannounced the names of four women"Charley" Higgins,J)";'",i, ;I i! , "'tn" •• '2 ]HE, DAD..Y MAROON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER.31., 1919'm�t' }lhlilg .arlflltt' ::':;i;�s��:;��:'��D!t�. by The Daily Maroon to allow :for').the Stlldent Nenpaper of the, comment, but no coubt the 'matter! willUniversity of Chi�lo be more thoroughly 'investigated 'nextPublb;hed mornings, except Saturday,' week. 'On the surface the plan of theSunday �d .Monda)p, du:mg the Au· freshmen seemed most excellent' andtumn, Winter, and Spnng quarters, , 'by the Daily Maroon company. practical, More of the Freshmancouncil later., TALK.licks to advantage.ALUMNI DINNER.Another brief notice concerning thedinner for alumni and senior men andthe football team "to get" Michipn(as the advertisements put it). TheDaily Maroon strongly urges that 3.11senior men plan to be present (forparticulars see, page one). Furthercomment will appear next week.ELEANOR ATKINS WRITES SONGEditorial Rooms .••••......• Ellis 14.Telephone Midway 800Business Office ••......••..•• Ellis 14 "Keep It Rolling" Is Name of NewTelephone Midway 800 ,Hockey Ve�.: ; I ' •����_______________________ � __,; ..;..... .._ .....,; __;;,_;__-...:.__.._:_'_.... L.1_... ', ... �,EDITORIAL DEPARTMENTThe StaffJohn Ashenhurst ....•.• News EditorRose Fischkin ...••...•• News' Editor 'The Young Men's Christian �so­Helen Ravitch .....•••. .News Editor elation' of the University has outlinedHoward Beale ..... Asst. News Editor plans for discussion groups. Com­William Morgenstern. Athletic Editor plcte plans have not yet been formu­Harry Bird ..........•. ,.Night Editor lated, but thus Jill' the' Y. M�' C. A.E�est Fri�ourg .•.•... '. Night �tot is to be encouraged. ' On� of the fea­Richard Flmt ....••.••••. Day Editor 't"" . 'to' Ii I' 'd' -: II,.h I dis 'Us'sl'on'.' ures 19 mc u e '" e cHerbert Rubel ..•.....•.. Day ,Editot ', ' .' the' ' ,:, 'ti;' ! talk t' frd Waful ,' D Edito groups in e meal- me a ra-Edwa . . . . . . . . . .. ay ,r,.. :" 1 ' : ,'terrtity tab es." This would be prae-'I tical 'and 'WOrl�l while: no additionaltime would have to be employed byour busy Greeks, and their table talkwould' doubtless be improved. TheY.' M. C. A. could also get in its goodBUSINESS DEPART�IENT'The Staff,GRANT MEARS .. Business ManagerHenry Pringle .. Advertising ManagerKeith Kindred ... Circulation ManagerLaurence Tibbits 'Asst. Cir. Mgr.Robert Birkhoff Asst. Cir. Mgr.Entered as second class mail at theChicago postoffice, Chicago, Illinois,March 13, 1906, under the act ofMarch 3, 1873.SUBSCRIPTION RATESCalled for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 aquarter.By Carrier; $2.50 a year; $1.00 aquarter.By Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50a quarter.Friday, October 31, 1919OSKEE·WOW·WOW.�omorrow is the great day, thereal test of the seaso�, The Univer­sity thought last week" t�at there'would be a test game, but somewhatunexpectedly such was not the case.Chicago is going down, to I1linois todo or to die, and Illinois is waiting forChicago in the same spirit., There is. no doubt as to the spirit of the: varSity; they are there, if we' may'sink to slang." Nor: is, there much,doubt as' to the. sIi.rit: ()f those for:'tunate and loyal undergia�uates who, Iwill accompany ,the team.· ;,But The Daily Maroon urges those" un"dergraduates never to: ��t, �o�", for' a ininute, the necessity of var­. bally backing the' team .. '!'he �entllref the University into the camp of'th�:nemy is a cri�� pn�." "'rh�. Dail)'M�� ,urges, and pleads that the! dergraduate body give such suP"": unrt as was given at .the Northwest'"!PP only in about triple force.eJ1l game,;atld energy.. ',== '_'----=THE GllSATSST M��1l.SundaY, November 2, the ned: NextWill start its annual dJiV'e totCross t driV'e lasting until � ovent ...flltlds, thaA ....... istice Day. The Dail)'11- 1·'- tbbet calls your attention to ;e}f9>roon uggests that you p.rep�re �fSJCt, and SgoodlY sum to that. �()st. h�d out a w:anization of p\"aCtl�lUent Or6�- .ef.ce d aid." 'mercY anCross has sent out, thetfbe Red. "Of cours�, YOt1. mesSage· II. 9 L':.folloWlng NoV'ember 2, 1.,1 , ue""want to hel!. est eampaign t�e Red...ttls the blgg undertaken. Ou:t' 'handS6' h eV'et d •croSS as out to help the sQnennl,e stretched 'OoD pledged to tb�t-but;a,' we a .....• erseas- r h of progt�SS we arco� b' rn3 c " h. the Ig.l erican doors Wlt thelJJ • at �m .}dloCkmg r he�lth, better s:1ntta-torY of bette ortunities nnd betters. better o�p SPREAD Tlt£tlo11' dit1oJls,.... g conli�I" " 'N�WS! aily Maroon will. spreadSo The V certainly you, won't bethe ,neWs: the appeal of "tho great-d . .-gardltlg, ,ISJ� '" ,t mother. �es �, 'H�IAN COUNCIL.FR£S •there ha� been some.Appar�ntl� concerning ,the advisa­disagrccmen ropOsed Freshman COun­bility of th� in the columns of thiscil as repo, "K�ep It Rolling," is the name ofthe new hockey song which was writ­ten 'by Eleanor Atkins. 'The wordsare' written to the tune of th,e ,Marchof the' 2nd Division Marines of theA.E.F .: All women wh� are inte�estedin athletics have been asked' to Iearnthese words:"Bully off": I :,There' be- uick' .Ground sticks, ground sticks,Hear the click, "Repeat: I "",And ,the ball is rolling wong"! To the wing-in and out,'Through the, full-back'! is the shou:.Repeat: And the ball is rolling along,Hi' Hi' Hee"For the good old game-hockey.S�oot, out your places, loud and,s�g.Goal' Center'Hear the cheerAs the goal post draws nearRepeat (Spoken):, And the b�lf is 'rolling, atongKeep it rolling ,And the ball is rolling along."VAUDEVlLLE STUNT TO BE, GIVEN IN IDA NOYES HALL.A vaudeville performance will begiven by Y.W.C.A. Wednesday at 7 inthe theater o'f Ida' Noyes hall. Gene-I 'Vieve Blanchard, ehainnan of theCampus' Community committee, is incharge of the progTam. Women 'wholive in the donnitories will provide tlieentertainment. 'The "pro� win beannounecd later. ' All women who areinterested have been inVited to attend.,': : I ,�, 'ARCHIBALD R. JONES IS'CHOSEN AS CAPTAIN OFCROSS-COUNTRY TRACKAl'chi�Jd �. Jones was elected cap·tain of the cross-country team yes-Your attention is again called tothe fact that on next Tuesday andthereafter The naily Maroon willpuhlish a column of Rociety news,consiHting of notices of the activi­ties of social organizations on thecampus.. All fratemiti� clubsand other social organizatj"nswishing to make use of the .d·vantage this column afFords shouldhand in copy before 4 of the daypreceding their publication.' �- ..-. ',,A SPECIAL SHOWING_ ,IOF WINTER SUITS AND OVERCOATS-$45 to $75These Suits and Overcoats possess the graceful,slender lines which are so much in vogue withthe college men of today.Ou� comfortable display, rooms together withthe most courteous attendants makes the selec­tion of clothes a pleasure. •ATCLWF JACOBS CLOT� SHOP16 WEST JACKSON BLVD.Second Floorterday afternoon. There are only three"C'� men .in the cross-country bunch,t ,and of these ex-Capt.· Otis was theonly man to vote at the election. one of the Illinois ends in such a way JJones, who was on the team before the as to roll'paSt the centerof the .field, Iwar, is 'the logical selection for the eluding the players of both, it is said. The team will stage Seeing the ball hit their own man.its first meet tomorrow in an invita-] the Illini lost interest, and though ation five-mile practice eventIn Wash· few of them walked down the field to I�n Park., where the ball lay, most of the plaY-Iers started for the .spot where the ball ICOSMOPOLITAN REVIVAL had hit their end. Graham and Hig-,COMES AFTER INAcnvE' gins went down the field, giving the ,PERIOD OF MANY WEEKS Zuppke players the laugh, and ,tellingthem what would happen when theball was put in play close to th� Illi- ClwU.PIGbod,tCo..i"e..1'ro•• N.Y.Committee on 'Organization Secures nois line.-Sanetien for Renewal, of Club­ Graham Makes Touchdown.Graham reached the ball firs:,and picked jt up and, with the Illinois IAfter an inactive period of more men, started back down the field. The Ithan a ��arte�, th� Cosmo�o1itan club referee's whistle had not been blown,has again come mt;o existence, A and Graham watched for his oppor.1rommittee. o� 'or��ation, consisting tunity to sfip tow�rd one side of theof Sven Wlking, president; N. Maron, field. � With the way clear, "Red" sud- Isecretary; and Pro�� E. W. Bu�s denly tore :for the goal line, and got Isecur� ,the sanction of President safely across before the Illinois team IJudson and the Committee on ,Student woke up. IOrganizations. for re�vin� the club. There was a"p�test, but the touch.,.Th� first meeting, which. Will be of, an down was allowed, because the ruleintroductory nature, wlil, be held to- says 'definitely that the ball may eithermorrow n���t in Cobb hall. be declared dead where it was touched�he purpose .of the Cosmopolitan by the kicking side, or else can beclub is the discussion and promotion picked up and put into play by theof international and "supernational" receiving side. That play broke the Iquestions and principles. Its imme- Illinois resistance and the Maroons Idiate intellectual platform is indicated won the game, 20.'7. :1by the folowing resolutions adopted lIIini Fear Maroon Players. Iby an infonmil meeting of the club on Will Graham repeat tomorrow? If IOct. 14, of this year: ( there is a slip that can be turned into I .,"The Cosmopolitan club stands for I another score, Percy will be ready to 'loyalty to the -University, and adher- take advantage of it. Graham has zations. For this reason the �uncj}·�nce to its regUlations governing stu- directed the team with excellent jUdg·1 is issuing a petition � have-the Ch�pe1dent organizations. Cosmopolitan ment all season, and he has been a big hour' changed' to Its former. time,stands for the principle of humanity factor in the Chicago offense. That is 111: 15. The petition is in charge ofabove all nations. \ Since it is the pol- another reason why the mini fear the Charles McGuire.icy of the club, in conformity with Maroon quarterback. CouncU Circulates Petition.provisions in the, constiiltions of the The administrative board of th:!local and national organizations, never ELECT GERALD WESTBY University promises that if enoughto take a position on partisan ques- TO CHEER LEADER JOB signatures are obtained, they willtions, the applicati('n of this principle take the matter up bofore the Boardis left to the deliberation and judg. lof Student Organizations. The head,.'(Continued from 1)ment of each individual member. ing is as follows:Cosmopolitan stands for free speech, plete charge of the class elections. "In order to promote college. spirit,but �ot for propaganda. Free speech The nominations will beheld Tuesday, and encourage campus activities, we,in\."olve.'l·�the representation or: con- November 7. These will be followed the undersigned, petition that. th\!flicting viewpoint.'l. It is limitcdonly by the speeches the following Tue�- 10:15 chapel period be restored. Thisby considerations of tact, good taste, day' Elections are to be held Thurs- paIn will offer convenient time forand th� appropriateness of the situa- day, November 13. meetings of different clubs, clas.qes,tion. For the club to engage in prop- The council is also circulating a pc· I and. organizations, which are nowaganda, would be a limtiation upon tition for a change of chapel hour. I· handicapped by a lack of such a ,freefree speech. Because ·of the fact that the chapel period. It will provide time for theCosmopolitan stands for tolerance hour,�t the present time, is held dui.-, students to meet one another and en·and respect for the convictions, ideals, ing noon hour, it is very inconvenient joy the associations and friendships ofand personaJity of all its members. aq a meeting time for campus organi� I col1ege life.""RED" GRAHAM.(Continued fr6m 1)ARRO�7'R.gY eTAILOl@DSOFT COLLARSFIT WELL-LOOK WELL-WASH EASILYFirst Meeting Tomorrow.No better pencil than'BLAISDElLPARAMOUNTIt alway. makes a 'c1C!ar impres· 1sion and never tire. )'our hand,no matter bow long )'<lU writewith it. The lead i. smooth andgritless-it doesn't break when'you sharpen" it; the wood i.straight grained and, cut. even I,..Made in four degrees of bird·ness. Round or hexagon. Tipped,with loft rubber eraser. .BlaisdeU Colored Pmcils IDa.IEon anythinc. lIade in 14 richcolors. 10 cmta each every­where./3/aisoe//Pencil COVlp�ny ., ' PHILADELPHIA'..,rutlroad ;" bear lett puaslng atatlon.· 49.34· co rlu'rll : turn ldt with poles. Gl.0 i­eoruers ; turn rlgbt. ::'1,8 �tt hand road:turn h·Ct, leuvlng poles, 501.4 End ot road:turn rlgbt: cross rullroud nnd turn �k�lllllg uloll&: ruilroud. Pasa grain elew-a­tor ut iatJ..2:•• ' rAts �CH'sEIl)EJt--4-corllers, Just below�. rullrOIHI crollsillg: stutfou on Il·tt. StralgbtChl�.co to Champal�D, ilL t brough: crORS Iron bridge lie,,'ross Kankll-o Mll,·IJ-(,.'HIC,;\(JO-l1kbigulI _Ild J'llck-1 k,�' rho,'r.Soil boulevurds, south 011 11lcbh:lln aveuue, tlO,3 LAK.� \"ILI.u\G& - f·cornerll:3.", 33d st reet , Turn It,n, 3.3 lSoutb I'l1rk I IOtrllh:bt through. 6&6 4-COrnl'r8: turn&vt'aaut', stone l'1aurch 011 rlgbt; turn rigbt,! h·rt with travet. 09,6 4·corll(>rs; turn lett.3.6 right und l\'(t onto Grund boult,,·:trd.! .0.:) IUJ:bt bawd roud; t urn rlgbt: pllU402 J'Ulit bt'tore elevated t urn lett on 0l1k-1U'Illt'ft'rY 011 rigbt.wood boutevurd. "-•• CrOIU'1 trollt')" lind° 70.0.lJ.\UOCC0--4·\.'Oruers: Just one be­b.'nr rigbt onto l)r"xel boulevard, 6.1. for" rullrllll,l stutlon' on right stralgbtHrt>Xt,1 square : turn It'n Ollto Hyde l·urk'lllI'ougb •• :',a :t;lId ot road; jog rlabt andbouh·,'nrd. Go under rl\llroud. i.l IUgbt h·Ct with poll·s: t'ud of roud. Turn It'ttblong "dg,' oC .::lIJt l!:tld Jlurk. :-;t11l 011 uerusa rllilroud and turn rlgbt ,,'Uh poles.Uy,lt· Purk boult',ourd. 7,S J'lld�80n Purk ; �,� .\IH·:-J.:ud 01 road at brick scbool;at toud ot tlrh'" turn "-Ct eurvlug . right turn It·Ct. �1.3 4-cornl>rs; turn rigbt 81.9ulong J�k,' llh:hig:tII, Avuld roud to tigbt j 1..(.'(1 bnlul rOlnl; turn I .. Ct cODlln� onto -ltbIlt t'll'ld Mlhlt'um, Kt't'll close to lukt'., st re.. -t , "Crolili stolh' britt;:t" lI\'oldllll: drh°c" �o r!ghl'l &",:1 KE�'l'i._"SD--l-corllers at rtlilrolld:HUIIUIIl&: Ulollg YUdl1 harbor, U,_ Cross t uru rl&:ht ilion.: trucks. 00.8 -l-cornt>rs'stOIlt' bridgl' uud I urn h'CI. 9,6 .At dr('h-,: t u ru h'fl ucross rllllroud; crOB8 trucks Inwith tlluttlulll hi l... ·ult·r. curv« right und ] out sktrr» tiC UAUll; I:r4l�1l1 rllilroud atIt'Ct our o( JlIlokJo;l)u JI:lrk, kl'l'llitlg ulll';ld' FIU-:Je:LA�H und lollow 1)01l'tt ROutbOil �oulh Sbor!' l1rl\'l'. }0,1 _\t t'!ltr:l!1\� to! IllfuU&:h 1.l:��I�t;'j'O�. It)tU "'-corut."rtI'�out� �hor� Coulltq' UU�. t urn It'Ct, :-;till: t uru riJ.:ht, lO'.j 4-l'orllt'rs; turn I("'t.011· Sou�h :--hor,· ,tru','. �url) riJ:ht �vlth I 111.t l-:tl(l oC rll:1l1 lit r .. Ilrond, Turn right.rontl. Cur\·,· riJ:ht :lgrOli8 •• llb st reet , 'Irol-. 111,. 1.t.ft huml rO:ld: turn !t'Ct aCrOB8.rUn­It'y. 1:!.1 I-i3d Nt rl'l·t; lurgt." bril'k l'iaurdlj rund inlo011 I"CI; turn It'llIt two blockB, joining trol- I •. " '>' , •It')" 8nrlt.)" :"'t'nue' lurn right with trol-' l11.S A�llll.\-I.iHr� stuble 011 lelt,Ie),,: CrosH rullrll:"i. "�lId of str,,,.t; jugt !U.�tf� h'CI, l'roHsiug ruilrolld lit Btation.I"ft wit b t rollt')' oull) Sit h KI rt't't 1I1It1 Im- 11_,. hut! or roud: t ur!\ right •. 113,4 Turnn liul ,I)' right 1110 Hutrulo 1I\'l'IIUt.. Ih'CI wit h 11U1t·S till dirt rondo 114,4 4-cor-li�)9 SOUTH CHICAGO-Turn It>ft with lwrs: turn rh:ht, h'u,'lttg 1)01f'S; crOB8 rall-'troiit'Y on V"d I!trl�t cunohlg right across rU:III, rUlllliuJ: unto grnvl'1. 121.1 TurnmUroll,1 nn� Irum 'brhflgt' o\'er Culum"t I rlJ:ht, Collo�\')n.: grun'l; cune l�tt witbrh·t'r, ruulling unto Ewing Ilvenue, cross I r(I�I.�;'l 1I00PE�TOX-Strulght ahl'8d onruUrond, go ullI}l'r two raIlroads. 13,9 II --- .... ,f)II dlaunpolls a,· 'uu," jU8t utter going Ilt'nll sl rt't!t neross railrolld. 123_ End ofu�der rnllrolld b:':lr 1�'Ct wit It brancb trol- ro�tl; ,I u�n right ac�08s rnllroad. 123.71 -' (.'r ss rnllrold switch trncks. 16.1 ;,_14.corlHrs, turll lett "'ith poh,·s. 126,9 .lot�)r; ("rso. bt'ur rl�"t .".'itb troll,,), cross rnll-I riJ:ht It 1111 It'!t; go under railroad; curve��n� s\\:1tch 17..& ucross l.nke eGorge. 19,9 r!J:bt 1�lld It'ft with road. 133.6 and spinJ.'lrst -I-c n t'rs' t urn left on' Goslin street 139.0, 1H,6 J'UB� atter crossing railroado 1b ', I ht til. ont' mil,· to the Il,ft Into(20.3) COIUhl III u\enut', turn r g 0 0\\- ]4i- 6 PAXTOX-1Inrket and Pells street·ing rond south ncross numerous TUllrond I .. - � ·croBsings. 23,:1 Prominent. 4-corut'n just -(Conttnued on page 4)bt-yond "rnllrond strnlgbt through. 25.6! ==================4-\.oornt'rs; jog rigbt. nnd kl�lling uhe:ul;cross rnUronds. :!9.0 Jo:t'nd ot rand at milljust bt>,)'olld two rnllronds, turn right andat station bpyond turn Il'lt Der088 other.raUroad •29,4 DYEU-Strnigbt tbrough.33.3 KREITZnUUG-Entl ot rond at su- Iloon: turn It'ft ut Ilext right bund road Iturn right witb poll's,38,0 BRUX�WICK-Store on right; turnIt'ft In tront ot saloon.39.9 HAN OYER CE,STER - 4-co�ners" straigbt through; crOBS rnilrond comingalong t roll('Y: JUBt bt'lore ("ud ot rontl turnIt'lt ",·Uh trollt'y; 8barp right turn andrallroatl beyond; roud folloW8 along CednrLIlkt'. 42..1 End or ron(l; turn rigbt Witbl'gmv("1 and It'll just beyond. 42.9 Crosssmnll brldgp. 4s.:! Coming onto Pllrkstrt'et. '.48.8 LOWELI.-End ot strpet: turn right Ion . Commerciul avenue tork just beyond IFor the convenience of those stu­dents who intend to drive to the gametomorrow The Maroon is pubiishingbelow the best auto route to Cham-U' ,I· i� �;.lk �-. ' .,THE· FLAUOR LASTSSO DOES· THE PRiCEI•,: ,.'.. 5"e 8: P8ckase .', ,'. ' ' durins the wartIf·If; \"I ", !."l :,: It,� .i "". tII�f'� 5e a P8eka!e.. NOW- ',�o.'\ .��� ._;Ii •'., IShirtsof Imported Scotch:1},fadras .'f��========================================================================,.'...A � "maCL; of ,a. fiDe quality sea isIaadcOtton yam. . .0Refiued, � paaaDlThese Shirts are made in .•',.OWD work.rooms and compare' �v�f.ably ,with �custom-made garment, �.50 ,,�Other imported madras . Shirts" I' eadL.Domestic madras Shirts, _,"'to ft..50 each. .. - .PI!lST PLOOK ° �'t''.....UNIVERSITY"CAFEUP-TO-DATE,. ..,_ .Serve the Best Meals in the City'A l)jal Will ConVinCe You.We !-lave COmmutation Tickets $3.25 'for $3S,,7.0,6,·'ELLIS AVENUE"Opposite Snell HaUTHE EI.I,15 SWEET AND TEA SHOPTelephone Midway 7�07938-9:40 E. SIXTY·THIRD STREET..Have You Tried Our Dainty Luncheons and Well­Appointed Dinners )Luncheon,4;c Dinners, 40c and 60cSpecial �nday Dinner, 75c and 6ScSpecial Orden ArraugecI for UDiversity Parties.FoY' Prompt Service J'elephone in advance.We Also Carry a "Fine Line, of Candy and Ice Creams.. SPECIAL, HOT FUDGE SUNDAE, 20c '��l,G:",:',•MEWS' FU�HlNCS° B_ ea,. � NeeJnrearCOWH.E'Y'SSTORE lOR lIENsOatheut'Coner 55111- .. AYe.BILLIARDSCJpra--6pretta Pi,.Printi�, ServiceEffectl ••..... __ . -_ �- -- . c.-�.,I .COLONIAL PRESS1510 East 56th StreetClUCAGOII t'1,1CI14Subscribe for TIle Maroon- andGet AU the Campua New. 11tta11No ManNeed WaitFor this.Capper & Capperstuff is anambition in the life ofmany young men.But it is somethingno tnan has topostpone.We have, smashing things foreverybody, andCapper & Capperprices, are much lowerthan many expectto find here. It's ourstanding with menwho enjoy dresswhich makes some ., people infer that. w� are high. ', TWO CJlICAGO STORES, Michigan :A yellue at Mcmroe StreetHotel ShermanClothing .Js. �ld 'at theMichigan Ave. �tore. OnlyTeL. Mid. 2633.KRAUS BROS.· LOEWY CO.Mgi-. J. Rovens.1442 EAST 57th ·ST.CLEANERS iAN'D· DYERSAn �ents' 'Will-JReceive the: Best of Care and be Pressed.By Hand Only.Let us call for and deliver your workSpecial pri� to fraternity taoUse.. •••���4 .� • �/. • : t, .. '. ' .'1:""-' . ,. ,,Pi8i 8 1m fHh8f8'8IjJ8DlIji'NxDriAAl'ijI#iij§@Mgmnmr@#!ifimH@llj IIndiana: Beginning .. n�xt Wednes- .day, Indiana University will start atag campaign for funds to equip itsband with new uniforms and instru-ments. The campaign will not onlybe centered around the university butwill be carried all over the state.' Afixed price of 50 cents will be chargedfor each tag. 'Northwestern: 'Gladnews from theregistrar's office has been received bythe student body. The system of"cuts" has been revised.' The amountallowed has been doubled' in allcourses. In a five-hour course ten"cuts" are permissablet in :I. three­, .hour course, six cuts ;: in a two-houreourse,_ four cuts, 'and in a one-hourcourse, two cuts.Minnesota: Total, sales ,for .the a11-university concert course to be givenunder the auspices of the universitydepartment 'of 'mu�ie amounted, to. $3,000. Madame Schuman-Heinkewill open the course; while four dateswill be fi)led by the Flonzaley Stringquartet, the Minneapolis SymphonyOrchestra arid Ossip Gabrilovitch, the. noted pianist. -,Michigan: All wearers of the var­sity'''M'' who died on the battlefieldsof France will be honored by a fittingmemorial to be erected on the campusby members of the M �lub throughoutthe country.N eow Y OI'k: .N ew courses in fire in-surance and public utilities accountinghave been added to the curriculum of, the department of extensive teaching.The department has an enrollment of,- :: ",000 this year. ., y,. Oklahoma: An innovation· in ' theuniversity world has been introducedby Oklahoma through the establish­ment of relations with business ·fi.nnswlwreby students will be able, to ob­tain summer employment along spe­cial lines of work. Opportunities willbe given students this, year' to visityarious. eoncerns in 'the.state.'w· study' ========================================='=. =,.==actual working conditions.' ,. ,-, Oberlin: At' .� meeting attended by325' men . students: resolutions de­'nounci�g the rule· prohibit�ng smOking,among the students were introducedand unanimously accepted. ,The, res0-lutions have been taken to the dean'soffice to await his consideration. 1,.Colum.,ia: Columbia University isto again join in. the chase of theelusive pig-skin pennant, , From 1905(Continued on page 5)College' BriefsCHAMPAIGN AUTO ROUTE.;, . .(Continued from page 3.)turn It'ft ncrOSH raUroml. 1-1:..1 Jligh 8choolon rIght: turn right. ,onto VermillionRtr('('t. '146.2 ·Emll of ronil; Jog right andhaft with travel, runntnjr along trolley torshort dtHtnnCt': crORS railroad. ,liJ6.1, 4-eorne ... : turn right. li.IR.1 IA.'ft hand rondoturn Ie-ft. li,R.8 lUght hund road ; turnright with brick across tro11t'y. '.,1;.0.3 n2\.�TOUI .. - Ilnilrontl station onrJ.rbt. Curve It'ft. -and then right JURt ·be­yonel 'with trnn'l awny from railroad.]00.3 Turn lett through crosaroads. ,161.1:-;.rnlgbt through eroesroads. CrosH mil·ronel nncl troll ... s, 161.1 End ot rond; turnright. 161.1; l.1-oIl8 trolley (don't croRS rail·ronel). Turn'lt'ft along trollf"Y. 16.'l.:! Turnrlgh." Int� Rlng!e road (brick). �TrolJeystntren on I"'t.). ',1Wi," TIIO!'(ASnORO - End of "treet:turn I .. f. nlong rnflroad. 16.'l.7 Endot ronel;turn' ,right ncrORR rnllroncl. Kt'e!l witht rnvel. 167,0 Turn Ic'ft tbrough croRsroad8.16R.O ..End of roneI: turn' rh:h� 168.-1 Turn- r --- It-fl Into �h,gl(' rond, 100.1 �trnlgbt throughCourteous Attention Paid To cro8srondA. ]70.1 S.ralght. through er08R·5 de rontlR. 171.1 Turn right into fllngle road.University tu nts. J72.1 Turn It'ft through croRRroncJA. 173.1CO....r. Ellis Ave. and 55th S�. �'l":1igbt through crol'lIr\lnclR, 17-1.1 �tralghtW.IW�" through crosRronffA. Im.S) Uonel IH>comlng, .. lflll'k"t "'I"4'C". ]76,6 Enet of st reet ; t urn" Adjacent to Frolic Theatre right on Wnll}tlngton .. t.l"4'C't. (;0 Ollt' hlo('kand '"1'11 It·(t oil \YIlJnnt st rt ... -t nt. lumberTel. Hyde Park 761 mill on I .. n. 176.R .f-cortll'rs nt • roU«-y.TUM. right on �fnhl ,,'rw'. Go t wo hJocksIn 171t!) CIL\:\II',AIGX. •I' •THE FROUC, THEATREDRUG; STOREM. J. Coner, R. Ph..MRS. L A. VAN DALSUMFormerly with Marshall Field &. Co.. KDit�' Shop,'Le�ons, �� s :Minen8 Yams Used Exclusively1 5 E, Wash�ng�on, St.4th Floor Venetian Bldg... '. , ",.. �. . �Phone Central 78238.. Root for' the' U of CtlGET ACHICAGO· BUTTON'.AT THEUNIVERSITY· BOOK STORE·5802 ELLIS AVENUE •1 :�., 'r;BijIijf#CJDJO$#'#'ifibd1n#j#uu#p&# MIDWE'STTYPESE'IUI'ING, CO'M'P,ANY .:510�S12EAST SIXTY-THIRDSTREETPRINTERS ailcIUNOT'YPERS·SPECIAL ATTENTIONTO •UNIVERSITY WORKFin!, ,'Special Attention Given To· Students At TheMERIT CAFETERIAN�st Up-to-Date Eating'� ToThe- Campus.'Brealdast-6:30 to 9:30 A. M. Lunch-ll:30 to 2 P. M.Dinner-5 to 7:30 P. M.SIXTY-THIRD ST. AND GREENWOOD· AVE.-ie 4#1University Pharmacy-' 6ISt SlREET and EI 115 AVJ!.., IDRU�,. STATIONERY, SODA,SANDWICHESCIGARETTES ,MAGAZINESMONEY ORDERS I F'ISK CAF·E1309 E. 57th'St.Blackstone 14�6-1448 Prompt Delivery LET US SHOW YOU•Open 7 Days a Week. ....DANCING VISTA GARDENS"THE ONE SPOT TO DANCE"47th:and Cottage Grove A-ve.·Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Even­ing and Sunday Afternoons.This ad will be accepted for one FREE admission on anyTuesday evening or Sunday afternoon. dur-ing November. LET'S GO! Private DANCING LessonsIn a course of five leuonB ($5.00)one can .�uire the ateps of theWaltz, One-step, and Fox-trot. Sodaldancing clan Monda,. Eve at 8 P. M •LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIO1541 E. 57th St. ,Hyde Park 2114Harvey OrchestrasSUBSCRffi! FOR THE DAILY_MAROONRe�d The ,Whisti�'" �. ", ·�i· " 190 North State Street "Phone Randolph ODeRead ·the Campus Newsor J. Beach Cragun, Reprea'tativeRead the Announcements,$1,.00 Per Qu.arter........ � oJ' � 1 ." .: ,'.$2.50. Per y�,. . . Read The Daily �aroon ,.�: - .Twelve faculty members have I:ieeninvited to attend the first generalcouncil meeting of the Federation ofUniversity Women Tuesday at 6 InIda Noyes hall. Seventy-five' womenhave also been extended, personal In-'vitations. " .The dinner at 6 will be followed bya gberal discussion at 7 in the li­brary. All women of the Universitywill be admitted' to this meeting,whether they receive invitations ornot._�i·I:::.· ' ...•. ,: " •INvn·.I!i TWELVE FACULTY""MEMBERS' 'TO ME�G(.. Federation Will Hold Dinner andMeetinc in Ida Noyes' BaI�v­enty-five Women Receive SpedalInvitations. :", :' ,.",."1919the .Vennont �ub at: Montpelier, vi.The results. of the Chic:ago-Dlinoiarootball game will be. wired to otheWashington club at ita meeting to­merrew, The resulta of the Chicago­Wisconsin game will be' cabled to thePhlllippine elub at Manilla. Therewill be a joint meeting of the Chic:ago,Yale: Harvardt and WiscO� clubsat Manilla and the results of the foot­ball games played on November 22will be cabled there the same day.Folder Beine Sent to AU' AbllllnLA dub folder ·is . being sent toAlumni throughout the country, ex­planing club OrgaitizatioDS, their pur­pose and functions, and. suggestingpr�posed constitutions. A few of thesun-estions in the folder follow: (1)That the; clubs be simple in organiza­tion;. (2) That the clubs shall be rep­resentative and all students of thedifferent departments of the Univer­sity shall be cordially welcomed "andshall take 'part; (3) That at least twomeetings be held each year, prefer­ably one in the Fall and one in. thelate Spring, if possible, as' near ourgeneral reunion the first week in Juneas may be practicable,"Some of the suggested activitiesfollow: (1) Bring about closer fel­lowship among the alumni former stu­denis and friends of the University; .(2) Induce the best student in the .local high school to come to. the Uni­versity. Perhaps you can furnish ascholarship as an inducement.OFFICIAL NOTICESA recognition vesper service 'Will beheld Sunday at 4:30 in .the of Ida Noyes hall. All womenwho are interested have been �viiedto attend.J I 1'1""·' Tli�""Conquering Hero]• i I' :. ,.-. -. -:•• t9 ' . .this regard than are ,the Maroons, but� RevieW' of "The Five Million at �he it is' II question as to whether his best,• Princess Theatre. match up with the best that Chicago• can show.By JOHN E. JOSEPH. " Zuppke. wiU probably spring littleThe first of the'plays about our re- that is new in the way of an o1fense,turned soldiers has come to town, and but will rely' on the old foolers, thatit is not a half-bad comedy by Guy. haye been serviceable for years. TheBolton. (who haS' been an' &$'istant in downstate: backs' lack the clevernessmany of our, best muslea! comedies) that::marks Chicago backs, and it isand Frank Mandel entitled "The Five reported. that the backfield standard· Million." It is about one only, of is not up to that of fonner yea".course, of that host of young men that The line is h�vy, but in' its gamesMessrs. Bolton and Mandel have writ-, this year has net worked effectively.ten, and he is a certain Douglns' The Line .. up:Adams, of the Naval Aviation service, CHICAGO.,considered long since dead by hili Ie Halladay, <�link1e. .sweetheart, and other more or less in- It JaCkson. .. Invite Twelve Faculty Guests.timate personalities in his home town Ig Swenson. The faculty guests who have been-Cedar Falls, Ill. c Reber. invited are: President Judson, Prof.This DouglaS Adams, who is so ad- rg Stegeman. McLaughlin, Dean Lovett, Prof. Sar-rnirably and sincerely played by one rt Higgins (capt.), ' t D L· D So. gen, ean mn, r. ares, Deanof the best and most' appealing young re Talbot, and the advisory council ofAmerican actorS, Mr. Ralph Morgan, qb Graham. the Federation ,which consists ofis much sinned against, and he finds, Ih Elton. Dean Wallace, Dean Flint, Misson His unexpected return, that the con- . rh Annan, Cole. Temple, Miss Dudley and Mrs. Good-quering hero's life, at least in his case, fb Hanisch. not at all what our J' ournalistic 'en- ILLINOIS. The following students have been.thusiasts would have us believe, and Ie Dople.,� invited: Katherine Prosesr, Florence, that' .though strong drink is gone he It Ingwersen, FaIkenau, Dorothy Spink, Perry Kim-has plenty of kicks coming to him, 19 Petty. ball, Edythe 'Flack, Elizabeth Walker,.' kicjcs from every one; 'and' most par- c Schlaudeman. Alice Johnstone, Katheryn Llewellyn,· i ticularly from his sweetheart, .rg Depler. Kathieen . Grant, . Francis . Hendersor,; 'But in spite of all his .. tony' luck I .: rl . Olander. •... Miriam Simonds, Lucile KaJinally;iPNAt1�p ,enVl'·ed Mr.' Douglas" Adamj:z, re .. Mohr. .0--:- J Leona Bachrach," Madeline Cohn, Jo-,an�' 'I'iJ:.:viager Ulilt ;the" rest ,of the qb Bob Fletcher" sephine Gamble, Ruth H1Iey, Janetauaience laSt ni'ght di� toO •. What jf Ih Carney. Lewis, Florence McNeal.Ids'sWeetheart. had 'proved of, shallow. rh Walquist.fb C 1- Invite Seventy-five Women�aft"ection-didn't� he get the best girl rangn:.anyway? What if.bis reputation was ============== EditH'West, Ther� Wilson, Louise�eared---didn't he 'come: out on top? SCORES. Mammon, . Jean Pickett, PhyllisWhat if the' flat-footed coward (who -Score- Palmer, Pauline B�iso�; Gladys Ny-made hay "while the dark clouds of Year. Chicago. Illinois. man, Esther McLaughlin, Elizabeth. . 1893 12 28 Williford, Elizabeth Mann, Louisewar hung over France") was an aw- . " .OS •••• " • • • • • • • • ,- 0 McNeal, Florence Alcock, Mary Sey.:. The HODor commission will meetful catJ--,;didn't Doug have a lovely 1894 ............•••.• 1 \ 6. . 1896' 12 0 mour, Helen Su1zberger, Elizabeth Wednesday in Classics 10. All mem-· time thwarting the' yellow 'fool's petty ...•.•••••.....••Villainies!" . i897 ...• � . � ...... � ...• .18 12 Stone, Donna Binkhorst, � Margaret bers have been requested to eome.In other wO�' "The 'Five-'MiUicm" 1901. •••••••• �.-��,.. •.• 0 - 24. ,. Ha�; .. .Josephine StrOde, Martha '. -� r � -'" ,�.�:-� 'of the popular e1�erit.,. It re�ds i902 '.:. � ..... ;.... 6 .� 0-" Behrendt, Mildred Powlison, Charity .The 'Bro"...on eluh. will; Bive' a-ODd of that old favorite "The Fortune 1903 : •••• '.•• � ...•• 18 6.' Budinger, . Rose Fiscchkin, . WihM Hallowe'en. party today 'from 4-' to 6Bunter.t9 But the authors� the pro- 1904 ••. � '••. ',' ••.• � .; � 6' 6 . Mentzer, Ruth Mallory, Mary >,Fak� in the Ida Noyes theater� . DanCing� d�r8 'and the actors 'of 'the comedy' 1900 .•..•, ..•.•.•••••• .44 . 0 Helen Klinger" J:larriet' Woodward, wiU ,be one of the.clrlef features: of the1.._ ' 'lished thO 'd' ';£-""tj '" 1906' .' �o 0 LysSa Chi .a:Jkey�..·lrIary c&rolin� c ,Taylor. program' . All Catholic stude�ta ,ha"'e:.�ve '.po up e 0, ,m"UA ODS, ••••••••••• ';'•• � '•• �' ,0','the old 'characters and the old lines In 1907 •• '....•.•....• � .'. 42 6 Margaret Strawn, Dorothy Adams, been invited.,. , Katherine Howe, Ruby Worner, Eliza-. ';a -JDQdish and respectably clever way. 1908: ,:' •• 11 6, , ... ., beth Brown, Katherine' Me]Jiop, ISa-There are, I. admit,· �era1 moments 1.909 •..••••..•• � • • • •• 14 I, . 8 ,'.belle . Watson, . Lucy Sturiiss, Luey 'The Intereolleaiate coamittee of· which offr-=-.1 sOmewhat t.._-use of 1910 •.••••.•.•.••••. ,. .0' � 3 . ,the' Y W c.'A. will' en6.-�-:-· allI:l&\& ua;a Sturgiss,' Louise Swank, Florence Dix- •• . �:their age' and 'their mecliocrity,. but 1911 24 '0 .' on,' Francesca . Shotwell., Margaret campus women" at a tea today fromth, Gsa." moments are few. and, barely 1912 "' ..•• 10 O· , 4 to 6" th LeaPort, Dorothy Van Pelt, Margaret m e gue room.perceptible . except to. the'" exacting 1913 28 7 'I _ . . \· , ., ' ,- .' . Shook, Lei a Lydon, JUarion Lydon,entic. . And you Won't'· be exacting 1914 ......• '. � • • . . • • . • 7 21 Th So th d h will h d .-, " ." . , Flora Hammitt, Marian Vodges, CoV- e u em a 01 its firstafter you get to the second act. 1915 ..••••...••• �.... ,0 10 . :_,' rmal dan to ' . h. . , entry Platt, Mary' Gingrich, Gene uu.O ' ce .morrow mg t at 8.: I ''The Five llillion" boasts of a very 1916 ..•••.••••.••.• � •. 20 7 • Do Bel Lo . Ida N hall 'C I' .'. 'BurtiSs� FranCIs' rr" � wrie, In. oyes •JOod' 'east. J, Jiave mentioned Mr. 1917................. 0 0 Ruth Mosser, Agnes Long, Doris liar-·RalpJi Morgan, but I eanot �ram 1918-S.A.T.C •.• � .• �. 0 29 .' a ,� ." .t.,....;...m sa'ving' once' more'tba' t �ou Wl·U Dl· tiD, Nona'W�er� an \Jlartha G�1'"-4'" 01& 01 Total in points: Chicago",355;" 1-: .........ute·. biIn ve'P'll' �uch. Op' ftftCdte him' . 181' '.uA8&&I-01 �& nOlS, •... ,;plays' . Miss Beatrice Noyes as the TotBl in �es:' Chicago, u;; mi-."-.:1.' nwe p' al" whose worth youn. " . 6 (T" 2.)5� «> nOls,. �. Ie, ,,AdAms finally, recognizee!;', I think �u-..m approve of.MisS NOyes, too. Forftial : �tion Mr. ChanOsA��as GrandpOp Adama�. takeS the�ureb.��:We'�ven't'had such a splen-_did "old 'man"-sinee Lionel BarT3Qllore .to 1915 a stop was put to football be-· did· "The �pperhead." : :.. :. ,- �use there were, 'then' ImaDY 'objec-. .' . tionable featu� in the � In_ . There are others, toO, I might men- •tfoD;but �othing is duUer 'than a e:ata- 1915 football was. re-estabUsheci but COUNCIL AcnVITIES··togUi·:of n�es. Nene of the acting f��m, � engage in �ye �� INCLUDE. BUILDINGwas.�r. although 1 found Mr. Percy t.ltl0n.w� a set of restric-OF ALUMNI CLUBSHeltoD 'u:'Grant 'Adams a little bit tions �hich were deemed n�Off-eol� a Httle bit gush;� Don't iniss by the universil>: eouncil. . Now all· �e Fi�: Millions" beca�se though it restrietion�' have been' removed andis - obviouS eomedy you wiD enjoy it. the � IS ready to accept engage-,, '� , , ments with Yale, HarVard and otherconferen� teams.FOLLOW THE TEAM Cincinnati: Enrollment this yearT 0 I,L LIN 0 I S at the University of Cincinatti ex­ceeds that of all others by a largem�rgin. " Approximately 4,000 stu­dents have been registered in 'all ofthe colle�. Several hundred ofthese students are those who left theuniversity to enter the service andwho have returned. The enrollmentin the night college has also increased,the number of stud�nts totallingabout 700.Kansas: "Movies" is the newestform of amusement at the Universityof Kansas. The first film was shown The next meeting of the Glee dahwill be held Monday at 5 .in Mitchelltower. There will also be a. meetingon Tuesday at 12.last Friday and itS showing was a bigsuc:eess. The price of admission tothe movies varies with the eost of the The W. A. A. teD-aUe hike to therental of the film, being ;nougJi to Pay ,Sand Dun�, ot:l�;y planned fore:xpenses. . This innovation is the re- tomorrow, has been postponed be-sPoDse to the desi� of many of the cause of b8d weather. 'students for more opportunities forentertainment. I . .tion· and Prof. Goode of the depart- CLASSIFIED. ADSment of Geography will be present.On October 9, Direc�r Judd addressed WANTED-Modem fumished house AUTOMOBILE SERVICEuntil the first of May in the neigh-borhood of University for: a smallprivate family. Inquire or write J.C., 1230 Tribune Bldg. Tel. Central1825. '(29)I AM OCCUPYING 2 light, well- Our WO:d �:=�t Classfurnished front roOms within two "•blocks. of �pus and L station; Work called for and delivered.steam heat, e}---=c light. Want 1 CJeaDIDC. Pl"eU1D�. DyeiDC aDeI Repall'lDC�"u \VB JlAKE A 8P&C1AL1.'Y OF ...or 2 roommates to reduce expenses.. N1CW 8tilTS A..� REIIODELIXORent ia reasonable. See my land- 1007 E. 61st St., Near EllIs. Ave.lady, Mrs. Sandberg, Apt. 8, 6181University Ave. (81)=============f ReGd 'I'M Maroon 1M' Cam".. �... ICOLLEGE BRIEFS...... ,(C01I.ti?"ued from page 4.)., (Coatiav.ed.from page 1)(Continuea. from fJ4g� 1)The mini are a stronger team thisweek than they were last Saturday.They are braced with Cranglc a� fullthis time, and Crangle is the offensivedar of the team, and he hits the linehard for gains. I Walquist �ll be ableto" play also, and Olander, a goodtackle, wm be another man to returnafter a week's absence. "Zup" hasplenty of, subs, . and is better fixed in.. (._-�....- � - I \.Ruth Agar, 'It, wl11 talk on her ex-perienceS as" a - eanteeD worker inFrance at the meeting of the y_People's societ, of .th�, Hyde ParkBaptist chun:h SUDday at 6:46. Acordial invitation baa been extended. 'to all Unive�ty studen� -.':"'--:::� .S ... ' , r.,r'·'m'",UNIVERS '.'. ",HAlRDRF$IPARLOR__ ---'� ... I1309 E. 57th St.MARGUERITE GRACE� Prop.Telephone Hyde Park 7904.,/Eveninll Clo.:lcs a Spc::.:altyThe Perfection of detailt hat distinguishes jer-rems' Tailoring. assuresyou of Clothes t hat areboth smart and individual .Clothes that will give full, lmeasure of satisfactoryservice...ISuits and Overcoats;.�55, $60, $65, up�Be prepared f� the Season's'Ga.yeties.Order Bight NowYour El1enmg ClothesYour, ,c.utaway FrockFaU m&d Wi1Jter' Overcoat'�'. . . - ., .... �. -- .'. -....._ T, ,--: •...','�:'.Tailofo 1M' Yonq M_THREE G North LaSaDe at.ST, ORES. 3148.Michigan:Ave.• '11 East Monroe St..' Strengthens, Invigorates-�thJetes .. Restful and Refreshing, After Study"Horlick' a"The 0rigiDaI. Malted MilkDrirdt it at the fountain.Keep a jar in, your room.A satisfying quick-lunch.Grateful whenever tired,hungry or up late at night.Get the' Genuine"Horlick's·..:......;OOstS no more than in­ferior imitations. IMAX BROOKTailor and Cleaner.: 6 ..........'.' \' .. .... , THE' 'DAILY MAROON, FRIDAV,..OCTOBER:3( 1919'. , , ',, : \«:'�'�:"�' �',:, � .: ':.�": .,'. '. . , . .,. '. � .... ..: ," ,ti.. ' '"� r: •" ,',' , :,': ,!:' "0:':.:, «r:. �..�� ��. .�S�. 'C01Pptete llf! ,tl\�.D6Y o"AeGctme -.,,'......... A... _ __ 0' -----.... .�" .. " -,------- .. -- .... �--. _- ._- .... ,-_.THE CHICAGO EVENING AMERICANhas made special preparations to give you theFINAL RESULTS .of the FOOTBALL GAMESIN SA TURDA Y'S FOOTBALL EDITION ON SALE THRU�OtJT CHICAGOSATURDA Y AT 6 P. M.l�------- -- --- 0$ e