:" �' .. �... .,.. .,at aroonVol. ) 8. No. 18. J UNIVERSITY· OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30,1919' Price 5 CentsNEARLY THOUSAND HOLD THIRD FRESHMAN FRESHMEN pLAN TO 650 C. AND A. STUDENTS THREE QUARTERStiCKETS SOLD FOR LUN(1HEON ToMORROW FORM COUNCIL FOR l TAKE PSY_CH_O_LO�Y TESTS' "ITS" PERFORM FORIUlNOIS CONTEST -- CAMPUS'ACTIVITIES �-alllm· ationa Are Held Tu--.l-w to MOVING PICTU.RESI .. President J uelson Will Probably Speak r..A aMUI"-- at Y. M. C. A. Afrair-John Joseph - - Dete�ine Intellectual CapabilitiesPreparing For Saturday' 8 Con- Will Talk on Aetivities Gf The New Students Hold First Mcet- of Underp-aciuates-Dr. Richar'daon Chapel Hour Activities Includetest-Varsity and Fresh- Daily Maroon. .ing To Organ� Class Directs Work.. Proposal, Ducking, and. I Scri --' Of 1923 - Wild Chariot Races .men n nmmage. At the third Freshman luncheop in Six hundred and fifW students took__Hutchinson cafe tomorrow, President --the psychology test at 1 Tuesday in TIN CAN DAY KEEPS MEN BUSY"RED" JACKSON MAY NOT PLAY Harry Pratt Judson wiD be the guest BODY TO BE aEPRESE..�TATIVE Cobb halL AU were Commerce and_J_of honor.. John Joseph. will mve a -- Administration students, except thirty- M· ., talc •e· .• f F h lass ovmg pictures were en yester--Football Specials- short talk on The Daily Maroon, and Organlzatlon 0 a. res man e five who had to take the test for ad-Leave- Chicago (12th Street): cheerleaders will help "pep up" the with the definite object of participat- mission into the University. day ot the daily, activitit!; of theTeam Special ...•...... 7:50 a.m. freshmen with Varsity yells and ing in the social and �th1etic fields of The object of the test was to give Three Quarters club. This is the firstStudent Special ......•.. 9:00 a.m. songs.' campus life w&.$ promised at the first Dean Marshall an idea of the inte1- time in the club's history that fresh-, (63rd Street) . President Judson was expected to meeting Of. the �e,:lY fo.rmed Fresh- lectWu capabilities of each student. man "goats" have posed for a film inT S�'al 8·15 a. m man council last -night, m the Reyn- F1 R·chardson plR7chotoft'Veam ......... 1 •••••••• •• • • be present at the first luncheon, but . Dr. orence 1 ,_"J 6". campus setting. The pictures wereStudent Special. ....•.. 9:� a. m. owing to his �ng called to New olds club.. C lecturer for ·the School of Commerce.Leave Champaign:, York, he was unable to attend. He The council is to consist of repn;s- and Administration, had charge of the taken by a representative of the PatheTeam .Spedal .•..•..... 5:30 p. m. wiD be at the luncheon tomorrow, entative delegates. of the Class of test with nineteen assistants, who company, and will be shown all overStucjent Special. ..•.... 6:.t5 p. m. Secretary Smith declared yesterday, 1923, from the fraternity, women'swere psychology students. Dean the country in the Pathe newsI -- and will probably speak a few words elub, and non-fratemn: �ups and Tho�dike, head of the psychology de- features.The ticket sale for the Illinois game to the men present. the class officers. In all It wiD number partmelit at Columbia University,1..":: t thi� fi stud ts Th Ian Many new and original stunts werehas bee� extended until this 'evening, Tickets for the luncheon tomorrow auu:U HJ- ve en..' e p compiled the tests.unless the, rem,aining 175 tickets left are being sold by members of Score is to give a series of nuxers and Tests Meaaure. Mental Agility. staged by the Freshmen pledges; forfrom the allotment of 1,100 are sold club, which Is supporting the plan. smokers fo�. �reshmen only, to bring The test was divided into four whom the day was a series of exeep-before that time. Business ManageJf They may also be purchased at the the new studen� together. and• to get parta, The first· and second were tionally unpleasant and censpieuous• them interested. In the lInlverslty ac- tal mJjhP . tests. . while the th,rdDavid Merria� decided to risk sellitig Y.M.C.A� office, Ellis 3. Tickets cost we1f -d tr8dl . men ae-"J, activities. It was "tin can day" and' 50 cents and will be sold only until tivities, are an.... tiODS.. and fourth were tests of ability. inthe tickets left over when the, s:ue 12 today. No � wiD be admitted FreshmenthIna�gura�e �Ian. f th studying. The second part_ was sim- all the "its" were compelled to dragclosed last night, instead of sending without a ticket.· '. The plan for e orgamzation 0 e ilar to the first and was given merely large pans behind them on thethem back for the use of Illinois. . All_ �reshmen class.. � first brou�t for- for the sake of testing whether a stu- campus. Rumors had been circulating, . . ;. :ward by five freshmen followmg ad"" ''w p " th sr 'tha h···Gtudents and alumni can �uy the $2 W. A. A. PLANS CHICAGO NIGHT: dent woul "wear ou .. or .� u. to e el�ect t t IS timeworn eus-teboards for 50 cents.' pledge �oker last Sunday" a� the The picture tests were compiled for tom, as well as 'several other Threepas. .' --Beta Theta Pi house. Frank LInden, II h ha betterStudents making the tnp have been Board Meets Today to Elect Chairmen B C9_1....... Geo Jlulroy' A sake of stu ents wove.. Quarters traditiorut, would be discon-ad ised b U :M • to h any �I.er, rge ,. r- visual powers than word baJidlmgVI y "Ar. ernam pure ase Cor Comlnitt- • th MeC--'-en and Wallace Lan- '.. tinued this year but It is evid nt from _their' railroad tickets before Saturday - .. ._. ur flKA," powers. The tests for filling In words ,Ie,.,. I be nigan drew up the plans and sent re- d m letin meaning were to test today's occurren�es that they have nomorning, as the I. C. o�fic:e wIl not. The W. A. A. board wili meet to- eats that each fraternity send a an co P, .g.. • .:» _able to v, accommodate the rooters if, qu. a students ability m filling in read foundation.• .. -.. •... day in Ida Noyes to elect chairmen of delegate to the meeting wbi� was in betWeen the lines." The technical .they wast �til Just before tram· time.th . 1H: ittee hieh held last night. Sixteen fraternities ' g. '. Chariot Race Staged with Pans.'The rouad trip fare is $7.80 from 63rd toehavanouschar'su, °f�Chl. S WN. h� &_.1', .• iilfo�tion tests were for the purposeAt afte 1'_:_ .. -.and 6 f '12th treet. - ve :ge 0 lcago Ig", were represeDMIUe .. of giving the d� an insight as to ,noon, r a pre�3 run •. street". $8.l rom.- -�. . the m:muar W. A;. ,A. ente�.nment, . When �. pledges fo�,�, ��. wha� .. tedmi� subjects'a student is ning_ 'Y.o�u!.._��c!_ �e�_ ��! a.Both a .diRer and �,lunch �,wl'l,,� 5bida 'fiJlh�� 'a.� aM -=� 'U" I. �fir- .. - .. � ·",·���'�7::,�!'..· aiiiriot i8ce was'staled With ihe-:Pa�&. :\:�;----�'.�.·���'.-�t"·�i��"A "her'!I.; '�'�-:" :., "', :-;',';'- j -: ••• � •••• �.• � ...... P��.-Uk.'��������_';'aiae, ri .. Q' �·'�t.' Co.,· 1_.\ -,,'as:vebicles. Several.. p�Posats Were·./ - luDell '-ear" Oil' UIa • .uu.::.u ·s�· , ... ., " , . . . -.. , '. -.. tiD' . the FresJmuan' ..,.. ':,,�.",: . (''_ the' �l':scliedul�tleav� �� Siiiging_�and ;�ee�,ng, m,- f":O"'be· ��. rep� g .. \:. •. . ·.. These testS:were'·recently giyen as publicly�, and a youthful Maroon.. '� :::. 011at; .:<16 ... ; _ features 0( the eV�8 program,,,,, members. WlieD � e1Ua; 0(-, (C� .. _. 4) _ "reportereaa" was :audibly kissed be- ;',. .... •.. Co�ing· to Mabey Rossiter!. ,chairman. tears· are � :,�. will_ become.· fore the camera by a blushing "it."� '�.- Sell· JIaroaa : lI\ep"nei..' .It 'is expec:ted. that the. names of tliose members of .�. eoUIfdL, .. Ncm-:frater.. The . feature perfoniumce, however,'�- . �n'" ,�phone�· ��th'; white wIi�' have �e the }ft)ckey teams Win' Dily groups Of freshmen, such. as th� . JULIA· LOUISE DICKINSON, waS the ducking of several ''its''. in��I_"C" �Wm':be 'Sold' on the ·,two:�sPecia1 be announced.' -other unusual.detal1s ,dormitories, �en'8 haDs, .and �y LIBRA�Y ASSIST� JroR" the HutchinsOn court fountaUL-.All'. trains at 10 cents e&cb •. the cOst price. at:e bein� dise�. ' ... $dents •. wID:also:be asked .m.name QUA�R �ENTURY, DIES of these -acts, including �veral spe-:, '.:,r�: . .&re· �teed:, to::.� ;'one representatives � �re geJlainely in- cial "close· ups" of individual "its", ., : roote�' sci�d like �� I·:'Y. w. C. A.. FiN�NQ: DRIVE , terested.in the .moftmen� the. organ- Came· to University· in 1896.;_ Was in various contortions, :were pictorially, . ;, ,VarsitY. aDd. freshmen we�t ·at· the NEARS· CLOSE;· WITH HALF � d� In thiS way· the council :� Order and ··Acqaisitio� • recorded. recorded. The film �ll' be:old . fight· again ':yesterday af.ternooJi. _ OF· WOMEN SUBSCRiBING, Win be. made representatiYe. of th� De�meDL . shown first at the Woodlawn theater�' freshmen- continued. to . display -- :Freshman elass, they say. ., . in the near future. .'. �m�"of the' �e; 'b�d �f ·footbal� campus Organization Needs Tho� PDt Proposal �ore Coma� .... IUsa lulia Louise Dickinson,aD as-shOwn on Tuesday. With Timme Dollan' to, CaITJ ThrooP . The' .�� organization of �. �t in the' University libraries for. keeping �p his line bucks, �nded by . Work of Year. Freshman dass was. � � been the past iWenty�� years,' died ·at TRYOUTS FOR .TRlANGULARCOUiU,' '�Y· are' : qUickly �owing ·up .-- b�ught up. at the .�ting � the Un- her .home Tu� evening, foDowing DEBATE TO. BE HELD. BY.. th 11 I· Although the finance dri. ·ve of the dergraduate eouncllth last�.� a brief illness.. Tbe. ·funeral will be NEW. SOCIETY �N NOV. '1 ... any weakDesses in e, &rOOD lne:.. .. it was expeeted e pl.V� wuu.au _ _,- .. __ 1.. ":AltbOugb the, Maroons· did not ·allow Y •. W: c. A: •. d� �moEl'Ow., SUb- find' hearty support. The fact that held today at 2:80 from the � at_.. .the fi�year team any scores, Coach scnptioDS are commg In slowly. Out such a movement has been attempted �Di�· eel eated. th "Gavel" Is NaDI� Chosen for DebatingStagg was ,ar from pleaaed wi� the of. 670 members of the Y. W. C. A. .• � .-ISS. was u. In e Club-Change Date of Prelim-exhibition. The lUult was 14-0. oDly 305 have'subscribed •., ' (Ccmtimucf otI�. 4) graded and bigh sehools of Chicago. inary Tl-yoata. 'By giving the· freshD1en ten downs Catherine· MoOre,\ who' is in'cbarP ,.'. , Her higher education was completed__t;l. which to. iDake - their. � aDd of, the; c:ani�gn, sta� that b Sum TODA Y'S wEATIIEII at Dearborn ��, �eqo, froiD Tryoub for the' annual triangular'keepiDg the Varsity on the defensive, of $1,000 m� be � for - wldeh she 'WU gradu8tec1.m 18'10. In debate, between Chicago, Micliigan,Coach Stan is woTkini to weld the the salary 'of an ·assistant secretary, .. Wanner and coatinaed doaclT te- l�.sbe d��� for h"�ti· and .Northwestern, have.been }lOS\-forWards' into a strong . line. "Red" and $500 for Leaguf! work.. She 81ao day. .wora, aD• __"'.l'� a � 0:- poned until �riday, Nov. ''i, accordinttJ� � "'taelde, 'II_l:&y be J;Ilissing wishes it. to be mown that· this bas -. as a8s1staDt In the. UmVl!rsity Li· to a decision made· at the second meet-fIom the Illbd game, as his injuri� � ��oimec:tion with the ·membership THE DAILY MAROON braries. � �rked CODtinuously in ing of The Gavel, the new debating�p�W � .p�g' � night. drive which endecl'1ast.week. .c BULLB:nN the Libranes for almost .... quarter of society. The trials were first set fOt". "Wf: must get !bat sum by tlie aDd -- a eeDtury. For the past nine y� Monday, Nov. 3, but owing to objec-Ca,t. Ri,ci- N,!t'iD Practice. of t�e ·wee'k," said �therine- Moo�. T,uy' she had been in the Order and. Aeq1U- tions raiSed by some members of the'COle IDaDqed a neat run compley "�t ma!7 even be necessary to .,ask Dimity chapel, 11:50, HaskelL sition department, ha;mg partieu1arly club who are �ng to by out,ill&' ... � and eh..at!ti a half dozen plus subseriptions f1'om those w. Chapel-Aaembly, eoIIep of �- to do with Masters. and � poach Atkins has promi� to havefreIhmeD players even after they had have already subscnDed. In view of catioa· and tIae eollece of Coal.see theaes. I.the trials later in the week.their fiRgera On him. Hanisch showed the fac� that there are no dues to the aDd Administration, .en ad WOIIleD, Not AbRDt a Day for '� � ears. \The de'6ating society has decided. power in-dragging through the fresb-' Y. W.·C. A�, I see no reason why the 12, Mandel.. The eare with wbieb "ISS, Dickin- upon "The Gavel:' .. as its name. AI-, men line OD plunges, and Graham ef- Univ�rsity women are so slow in con- Public: led1ll'e, 4, Rarper UHmbly son worked endeared her to her as- though several other names had beenfec:tively piloted the Milroons early in tribhting at this time. But the cam- room. ... sodatea., Until September, when she submitted the one chosen was finally·the scrimmage. Capt. Higgins was an paign wiJI positively close tomorrow Plqaic:a clab and Kent Chemic:al so- left the hDrary work beeause of fail- decided � the most suitable. The clubonlooker· during the practice, which at noon and all subscriptions must be ciety, joint meeting, "" Ryerson 32. ing health, she never had 'missed a is a combination of the old debatingaccounts in part for the freshmen in at that time." Religioas �acation dab, 7, Haske)) day. Miss Pe�e, under whom Miss societies, the Chideb and Forum.I gains.• The following women are in charge reeeptiun room. Dicldnson did a . large part of her Because of a conflict with the Y.M.• • Rain and the' premature darkness, of subscription committees: Isabelle SocioloU clab, 7:45, Claafe. 21. wort, said yesterday "Miss Dickin- C.A. business meeting, it was votedare handicaps in .rounding the Ma- W,tson, Ruth Seymour, Edna Eise� Chicago Th�lo&ieal Seminary lee- son's memory1s stiD fresh with us be- to change the' hour of the Gavel meet-'roon machine for Saturday'e. game, drath, Elizabeth Burnham, Florence tare, 8, 5757 UDlvenity a.-mae. cause af the faithful and coJl8Cientious 1ngs. President lIms said tha� thebut they will prepare the tlam for Aloock, Helen Cotldron, Savma Mi1lis, -- manner in whleb she performed even �,time will be announced as soon as Mr.any breaks in the weather at U�na. June King, Jean Knight, Mabel If� Tomorrow the most c:ommonplaee task.. We who Atkins can be consulted on the matter.The "Old Man" is out on the field .nd ten;.GIadys ,�cWbolter, Helen' John- .., Divinity Chapel, 1:50, HutelL worked with -her honor her for her The next meeting is to be held Tues-driVing the men in �pite oC every- son, Geol'gina Burtis and Sara Lind- Y. M.· C. A .. third . FresluaaD lundl- .fidelity aad Jo,uty to her position and ,day iii Cobb 12A. The time will bething. say. eon, 12, 'Hatelduori cafe. � her friend8." .announced later •••, I, j r;).; :i��h��;·:'��� '�t,!: '��,� ;:;i/:�I e .I'"'",. � ":, �.,\" '.1 � 2; ,"'I. ; -,�;�.'�\'�'m�t laity _ardonTl:e quality of Our Food :May Al­, ways be Depen_c:ied Upon. ' It SOCIAL COMMITTEE PLANSThe. Daily T�: notes with Membe:O ::�:=::�::: Ex'·::O::�ODR:::.. �"11pleasure that the Glee club has re- ' , "I,;IHypnotized To-' '" .vived. From all reports it looks as if 'the club's resurrection was going to nigh.f. ,�'. Private DANt:;ING Lessons ]be d Th nsu MIn a course of �6ve lessons ($5.00) Ia success, an e ar y aroon The Social committee of Greenwood on» can" -aequire-: the steps _ of the Isincerely hopes that such' will be the hall has planned a series of social W�!ltz, One-step, and Fox-trot. Social i Ladies Invited Meals, Lunches, Short Orderscase. . even��to be given this 'q' ua�r. An daI�:ucicnlgAclasH'EsN.1\fDOEndRaSYHEovTe'astT8uDPI·:oM·l ' ft.' Tria. wm Convince You'That O� �ds A' reo 'the' Best",."- For at least three years, perhaps ' • ',I '6hl�oo,�hyp������15·1�5�hSt.' Rd' Pk�l�SM�gm'a �-�+�i�M__ '�._� __ � 4����longer, the Glee club at this institu- eo' �. �" n, , year � � EO --tonight by a professional hypnotist. ." .1 ============================::::::::::::�=�,:n�e1�f;: 5en� :�����=eO!:���::� p' E�:i���;=th::s;_,.,:-,'llt,I""I!I"8J .. ·,I8I1··u@8®m'·V' ersl·ty· #piHJ@.. �, 'ann*ri a'cybut says· that he. is successful in h� Ineglected-a phase of 'college life in k' d estupor. wor , an .' that. he -promises to hyp-,', .,. ' I' "61at STREET and EJ I IS AVE.notiz� everybody jn the .hall, The ex-. Ontaide of the delightful side of the hibition will last about an hour. I' DRUGS, ST' A 'no�,D :V'" SO'D' Awork in and for the Glee Club there � M� .. �Helen Condron win be in charge o!is another thing to be considered. A a tea Nov�-8, following the Michigan. I SANDWIcHES ', good glee club is a splendid advertise- . " . " ' , I, CIGARE��game. Emily _ Hartman will be in ,.I .I �ment for any institution, and in it.; charge of the annual birthday dinner, The Perfection of, detail . MAGAZINEStravels about the country it can brin� Nov. 13. All. former house members I MONEY ORDERSita particular college before the pub- t h a, t distinguishes .jer- 'Ihave been invited. : A 'tea will be' givenlie. So that from an aesthetic or from after the Wiscon�n .game, '�ov� 2:t rems'! ailoring assures I Blackstone 1446-1448 Prompt Delivery ,ab���ssb�P�� wMkfurfucT��ocWfu�&�winend'with� , � __ a a_._�i�# __ � ���§�'�#ig#waM�Glee club of this University is worth hall .dance, to be give'n Dec. 5. you of Clothes t h at arewhile. 'Mo�t undergraduates are notoriousfor their helping hands and. for theirdislike of work. An old and estab­lished and .finn-founded institutioncan be sure of an overflow of aid, and.the struggling and 'weak-hea� es- 'tablishments can be jUst as sure ofa famine of help. It s�ms, however,'in 'the case of the, Glee club that, atthe offset, it is possessed of a goodbacking.'Nevertheless, The Daily Maroonsuggests that those on-the-fence per­sons, who are not quite SUre of thesafety of the Glee club, offer their�uPpOrt to 'that organizat�on.for it. It is hard in a class of forty 3peak to him and make an effort �Jor fifty' for ali instructor to rernem- know him the c1a..� will grow moreher every member or it, but if the coJlgenial J\nd a � greft deal of thatstud�nt.'I ar�, ,more careful to- always stiff formality will soon be lost.'It -! Daily'M�n� StudentS must' 'step 'upand ap�ly; '. they, must Show s1ifScient 'interest in their pet activity to wfr.:rant a corresponding interest on thepart of those undergraduates who-The Student Newspaper of theUniversity of ChieagoPublished mornings, except Saturday, manage such activities.Sunday and Monday, during the Au- So, inactive but interested studentstumn, Winter, and Spring quarters,by the Daily Maroon company. can greatly aid by "going out" inearnest. They cannot be expected toEDITORIAL DEPARTMENT, be propelled into any particular chan-J) A 1 h Thte Staff N' . Ed' nel of work. This, of course, 'applies• 0 in S len urs C\\ S itor . Inose Fischkin News Editor particular y to freshmen. Those wish-Helen Ravitch News Editor jng to know the possibilities shouldHoward Beale .•... Asst. News Editor consult The Cap and Gown, andfhenWilliam Morgenstern. Athletic Editor get busy and make themselves known.Harry Bird Night EditorErnest F'ribourg t v ; ••••• Night Editor HOLD VESPER SER\;'�CE SUNDAYRichard Flint Day EditorHerbert Rubel. Day Editor New Wom�n' Im·itei to Meeting 'inEdward Waful. Day Editor Noyes Theater.nU�IXESS DEPARTMENTThe St�fI' A Recognition Vesper Service 'wiltGRANT MEARS .. Business Manager be held Sunday at 4:30 in the IdaHenry Pringle .. Advertising Manager Noyes theater for the purpose of in­Keith Kindred ... Circulation Manager teresting new women . in the SundayLaurence Tibbits .. : Asst. Cir, "I\Igr. Vespers. ,All women who are inter-Robert Birkhoff .A�st. Cir. Mgr. ested in the Y. W.C.A. have' been urgedto attend.Entered as second class mail at theChicago postoffice, Chicago, Illinois, Esther McLaughlin is chairman ofMarch 13, 1906, under the act of the committee in charge of the serviceMarch 3, 1873. and Margaret Haggott is her assist-ant. Plans for future services will beSUBSCRIPTION RATESCalled for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 aquarter.By Carrier, $2.50 a year; $1.00 aquarter,By Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50a quarter. ' announced later.Geology I. Textbooks Wanted.Because of a strike of 'printers, Ge­o�gy textbooks are not being pub­lished and second hand copies are nowin demand, The University Press de­sires to 'purchase all copies of the bookavailable.Editorial Rooms, Ellis 14Telephone Midway 800Business Office Ellis 14. Telephone Midway 800Thursday, October 30, 19 J 9tf.f, I.'" t,·1'" f�: t '"(," ;•, t.� r I<,.'IfI,IIrtf!, What College EditorsThink, 'VALUE OF IN�ORMALITY.\(t')II (From The Daily Kansan.)Does it pay for the instructors toknow th:ir students? Many studentsremain in a class for an 'entire sem­ester and at the end of that timewould hardly feel free' to walk up totheir instructor and talk 'to him on ;\friendly topic. This is partieuiarlytrue �n large, classes. Where thereare so many members the teacher haslittle time to give, to each studentindivid��lly and thus does not 'learnwhat good anyone person is gettingfrom the course. This fact is alsomore evident in lecture classes thanin the more infonnallaboratory work.Most students prefer to be in smallclasses where their instructors holdpersonal interviews and give them in­dividual' aid. By doin1' this they be­come acquainted v .. ith one anotaer, theteacher learns where he can give helpand the student feels freer to askACTIVITIES AGAIN.<<. concerning the question of gettinga larger number of undergraduatesinto activities, a question which seemsto have been' rcvh'cd recently, TheDaily Maroon has been led to com­ment several times. One commentwas on the method of advertisement• by the organizations themi-;elvcs; theother side of the question, that of self­advertisement, so to �peak, of the me!land women interested in lining upwith campus organizations.That trite and familiar quobtionabout "God helps those who helpthemselve9" nat1:1rally occun: to The..I '�'INSPECT'�.WOO·LE·NSOUR NEWThey're pleasingly different from thecommonplace --- and you'll have the'pleasure of -knowing the pattern ofyour,choice is practically confined to you, forwe carry but one or two lengths of each,FOSTER & 'PETERSONCorrect Dressers of Young, Men /7th Floor Republic Building State and Adams StreetsTelephone 8216 Harrison, ,..... ,. __ a_m' __ • __ I_i_r_._a ••• 1 __ 11_Er'APRESS Q' UICK. LUNCH! �@ffi1iN"M#ignwrnn>mo'itt#M#ffl®W)f#I)W#¥@R}#'§fJW4'"I ,The Wholesome and Well Cooked Foods'S�06 ,E. 63RD STREETJOHN MELLAS, Manager ,942 E. 55th Street (Opp. Frolic Theatre)'"Commutation Tickets, $3.25 for $3.00; $4.40 for $4.00Low Prices and Courteous Treatment at theE L'L I SRESTAURANT AND LUNCH ROOMboth smart and individual.Put pep into your pencil work -. Use a ,­'smooth, long-lasting responsive leadthateasesand quickens your pencil tasksand makes them more pleasurable-Clothes that will give fullmeasure . of satisfactory ,.service, ISuits and Overcoats,$55, $60, $65, 'upwardsBe prepared for the Season'sGaueties.Order Righi No�Your Evening Ck>tMsYour Cutau'ay FrockFall and lVinte� Overcoat SOLD BY GOOD STATIONERS-AT SCHOOf. AND IN TOWN 'Wk��*������41::ni!:!!i;�AMiI&�_=F5'E'I========================��========================I TONIGHTI "OUR DANCE' COMESOFF" c. CORMANY':SHOME LUNCH ROOMThe Old Reliable�Tailor for Young, MenTHREE f 7 North. L�Sane St.STORES. ') 314 S.Mlchlgan Ave.. l71 East Monroe St. Headquarters for UDiversityStudeDts 0 \We serve the best of every ..�hirig.' Prompt ServiceatHARPER HALL, 53rd and Harper •____________ �. Cope Harvey., ··Piano"======-==;.;,:=====. Conchar --Sax··Verhoff "Drums"$1.50 per Couple Try Our Special Saaday. ChickeD Dbmer1313 E. 57th StreetI Read T-he Maroon 101' Campus New$ I Patronize Maroon Advertisers- -...Qt eb• eff14;to:i1nntsbnPtl"ilPfnat­el8101"'�:tl84a'81,�S4...,qF"• ='.()==I•1.J....'0 I I'd.JIof ...... -"." f �" .,', .. , , "/ .�: ".{ .;}." ',' 'TH£;,;DAlLY'· MAROON, . mt:JR8Il)A.Y, OCTOBER 30, 1919'�t�l�r�T��=. =�='=I�·���=I=.��M=G=�='=E=�T�;='�=:=':L=��j'd"J, !.. It looks as though there will: be sev- She could just put w' fa'o\ � ofera! railway trips for' tlle. football" the other. I thought she was tr)iDcbasketball, track team', and' erese to' walk down the wbi�' line· thAtcountry runners, to other colleges this '.. ".fall' and .winter. Every athlete. looks � the track. She was Vflr7_, wo�forward to these trips. A great many bly. I thought she should have aibal­iook through a- microscope, and its ance pole. But when' she came tlOM;vonderful w�at appetites so�, ot up I· could see it was the ti�ht s1d�them-develop In a few hours. May and I asked her what kind of a traekits the change of air that causes it, or 'h' la • 1. Shmore likely, the colJege changes. It'o; S e w�. ytng ou e, gave �e anothing to gain 4 or 5 lbs. on these look-. But, that afternoon shethadtrips. But a man must build up his on a real dress. It\ dicbi't t;ake a tirieksystem once or twice a yea� anyway. She' could just put one fot ahead "fSome of the boys ask for the . long when she went by. Girls tumble muchberths and wonder who gets up in the quicker than boysnight and shines all the shoes. I SUD-, • •,'pose the freshmen wiU have to do ·it �t s a great Job to be in the door of,. this year. But the main thought i�: the Varsity football squad .during the"What time is dinner ready in the din- game. 'After the first half they alling ear?" and "Will we eat our sup- march in through the door with a bigper on the train?" $2 steaks are very bunch of followers who are for usfashionable th� last few years. But from head to foot. But it spoils it allmost of the boys . who stay at home ' ,and don't make a team will fill u be- to have � guy tome up and say, "Tom... P . th· h th Ma dress- "tw� meals. wi� pop corn, peanuts, IS. IS W ere e_ roons,. ? , 'ebocolates, ete, They don't think theirstomachs need any rest. fl.IjO W�MEN JOIN Y;. w., Co A., I said in my last letter that theCheering would be 'heard past the ;IN ,MEMBE�HIP CAMPAIGNBand., Well, it was very good at,theN'ortJtwestem game. We have some Results. of the �embership eam-'very graceful c:lieer leaders, one a paigJi of' the Y. W •. C�t A. heidi last�gu1ar. ballet dancer. GoOd stuff,boys, you have worked hard, anyway.. I notice, that we are selliDg to- agrea� many ladies, tickets for th� foot�-.n games. Nothing like having good-�king male clerks. ,They never be-c:ome tired, of handling money. In Demaris Ames' were' next in �um­tact, that is the only work I know' ofeli ' her.that, on't make you tIrecL, 1. never smoked ,untn I was '82 yeatS 'old, . and I have often asked myself, Giv� Hallowe'en Party TocIa7."Why do I smoke?" and after 30 years ' - '�f it I have'come to the c:onclusioD Tla! Fleshmim women have beeIt in-�t 'I, �oke' j� to have some one vited to·� a HalloWe'en .party, to be�.me IolDgJt.. It's only a habit, and ..' wader th '. • of th .F.i...�ha poor habit at" that. , But-� young given,• e a��, e �-'Students On �e.' campUs or" grand �"CammJfmi� �y,. &:�, to (;:80,,stand are DOt, satisfied with Some one m- the sun parlor of Ida, NOyes iWL�th�;.·they·want.everybody to There wDl·be.�_.��ent:and ",lei) .them' do it. ..' I . ref�ta wD1 be �ecL _::�:::: ";t �..:"'t!t'=. MRs. L A. VAN "D.ustBt •��: they '.are • cigaMtes.;, boose; and ' .'.,. ,...., '. ' ,�om� You,c:annot beat'them; they �o�erly; with � Field IQ Co., "Jiave,� alwa,. won, aDd 'alwayB wm. ,It",. _:..:.-• '.. ':C&-,':sen, ··it· seems ham· to, 00', Without A'UoUtuUII ....... • them., ' ' . ,_ .,I was laying out the, crosS' c:Omitry Minet:Ya Yarna"f U .... , . Exduivel,.quarter·, mile track 'at WaslrlnBton '(Parle last' week, when a 'young ladywfth· .. very nartow skirt Pa-!d me.. .... .., .week show that over 650 women havesigned up. ��. team, ,captained by ,'Beatrice Marks' -tUmed, in� the mo�t�subscriptions, :while tJlose' led, byMarie Niergarth,. H8zel 'SclUnidt .and'LessOns .: �., _. � .. a�.. ;.. ._., �reiiclergUt &. K�feyDruggists. S.' E. Cor. 6rd St. and' WOodlawnCHICAGO,Phones Hyde Park 482-483- ,f} Service to Students OurSpeciaity.· ,We cJrY complete" stocks 'l)fJohnsc-�'_'s,' ApoUo� :J.,oveu·Correll ·Chaco.tea,"MIDWEST TYPESElllNGCOMPANYP r i n t e r san dLin 0 t-y per ..510-512 East Sisty-t,bird'Stnet :WE 8PECI41ZB IN 11NIVBR81TY'• .1 PBDrI'INGPrinters of The Dally Maroon a-o-,NeaiestBakto the ''VDlveral� oi adeapI , •.' .' 'justenough•ITurkishTHE only ciprette above the cheapest brandsthat, ha$. ever won a tremendous, nation-widepopularity iS,Fatima.Fatima's sales nearly equal 'those of all the straightTurkish' cigaretfes 'combined; and DO other cigarettecosting as much aB' Fatima' has one-half of Fatima'sannual sales,.The reason may be that Fatima contains moreTurkish than any' other TUrkish blend. This - wouldmean, in other words, that instead of containing toomuch Turkish as straight Turkish cigarettes do, ortoo little, as. in the poorer Turkish blends, Fatima'sfamous blend cOntains just mOlllil Turkish - just-. enough to taste right and just enough to leave a manfeel!n� ri�t even �er !:!:lC�:!:lg more than usual.•FATIMA.4 Senstble Cigarette_'..• ,. ..*. f '0' � ,;; '.' .. •.. '. . .• ..Special Attention Given To .Stu!1ents At The. MERIT CAFETERIA£,OATS, . ...._.00 aDcI' UpBeautiruI SilvertGDe8 and'Bolivia&. Nearest Up-to-Date Eating Place T�The Ctinpul.Breatfaat-8:so to 9:30 A. .. Lunc:h-ll:80 to 2 P. II.Dbme� to 7:80 P. M.SlXrv·nuRDST. AND GREENWOOD A.VE.DRE'SS'ES$18.00 and UpBrief Cases, M u. i c Folios Tel. Mid. 2633.e . and,Students' CasesDemand the originalfOl' your protecticm -.1442 EAST 57th ST.LEA TRER GOO D S. ,._, � .. urtft� ,r .... e .ark Guaranteed To GiTe � ... � AND DYERSef Q8Allty, �tiafadol7 Seniee All GarmentS Will Receive the�t All Stores Wh� , Best of CaT� and ,'be , Pressed : '. Quality Rules !. By 'H� Only.. ,Sub.c:ribe - ' Matooo aDdLet us c:aI1·for and delfver'YcnD"WO!L' Get AD tbel:- ·Newa._Lifton Mfr. Co. �:. 'New York Sped.r PrIes to. fl'lderDllJ ......KRAUS BROS__ LOEWY CO.Mer. 1. Roven&. DANaNG VISTA GARDENS, "THE ONE SPOT TO DANCE", 47th'and CoHage Grove Ave.Every Tueaday, Thursday and Saturday Even­ing and Sunday Afternoons.This ad will 'be accepted for one FREE admission on anyTuesday evening or Sunday afternoon dur-ing November. LETS GO I 'Satiris, Georgettes and VelvetsWonderful aelectioa to c:JaooM from.1371 Eat S5tIt Street•• •..•./I> I' .... � . . � ..,;,<' •.;':"\',:! _.P·,��)Y-�'"' '.\t 4 I� '11-1£ .DAlLY·MAROON, niURSDAY.OCTOBER·30.191� .'��: �����������������������������������������������������������������������������.these tests in.judging..8tudents . .are,en�, -\�Jhat.College· Editors�.1hlrikthusiastic, it is said.t.u" ' f'-':���'!.';;;.:.�'·__;....------ ....... iiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiii-.-iiiiiiii- iiiiiliiii·liiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii __ iiiiiiiiiii=_iiiiiiiiij; ···.'·J''''.':,"ill' Iii tu.; �,: \I I; I� !, j; ", .'t �; !(IIt·! .-..The: C&ln�u.,�nI..Q• �-=',-:1• oquests, as we always are, we have. founded a Correspondence StudyCourse in the Campus Graces. Le3-sons will be prepared by prominentcollegians on various subjects aboutwhich they know more or less. Forinstance, the curriculum will includethe following courses. (The profes­sors have not yet been engaged, butmost of them, particularly the women,have hopes.)1. How to Be a Man-About-Cam­pus, by Dave Bradley.2. How to Be a Mortar Board, byCliFck Breasted. (Open to f'resbmcn.)3 .. How'to Write a Whistle, (cap­able instructor not yet 'discovered.)4. How to Be a Vamp, by MiriamOrmsby. (Lab. fee, lunch at, theBlackstone. ).5. How to Get Out of Cobb in Caseof Fire, by' Jim Reber.The first lesson of this series willappear tomorrow in this department.Prof. Artie Scott is going to be askedto prepare a course in dodging. If hefinds it inconvenient, Annabel wintake up the job. lqo" PURE TURKISH-THE WORLD'S MOSTfAMOUS TOBACCO FOR ClGARETTES�"Judge foryouTsell-lBelow are printed some representa­tive questions. Rearrange .these sen­tences: "are and beans good both sandfood. the the the more bigger buysit dollar." Indicate .by underseOring:"The number of a Hottent: .. 's legs aretwo-four-six..-eight. Pongee is adance-food-f�bric-drink. Venezi­los most famous in science-literature=-pclitics-e-muslc," (Continued from �ge 2)FRESHMAN DUTY.'(From the Univet'l;ity of Washington• Daily.)We ai e more or less amazed andshocked by the announcement that the�rosh will decide whether or not they*.·m don the green caps this year. Ifit �is true that this matter will bevoted upon we wish to state now thatthe newcomers are laboring under a-deluaion, •MURADS are -as different from, ordinary Cigarettes .. morning' is, from'midnight. .If you want· to economize toU'd better doit in lOme other way thah>by 1lD0king cheapcigarettes. .' .The trifling addJtional·cost '�f Murada wiDbring bigger returns iii Quality than any in­vestment you' ever made.Because Murada are.RESPONDING to countless re-Tests Cover ')lany �l:4.em_8.Indicate what you ·would· -do �. the'following: "If you are in dange-r ofsunstroke would you drink whisky,take off your shoes, get in the: shadeand wet YO\l!� head, � or• ru�' ,� �: hos­pital. If you inherited $10,000 wouldyou invest it safely and draw interestto live' on, divide it in ten part� andspend' Qne part eaeh year, gi� it allto someone who would .know how tospend it, or bury it in a safe place inthe woods." .Indicate whether the foTIowing sen­tences are false or true':· "Bereft ofsight and hearing his sole pleasurewas to sit and watch the throng ofpassersby. Marcus Oliver .was marriedthree times, living. with each wife U:l'7til she died. Encircling the giant oakwith both arms he pinned a target, �n'the' topmost leaf." . The wearing of green caps by thefreshman men is a university tradi­tion which is far above the �wer ofthe freshmen to change. The onlyreason that there has been any discus­sion of the custom in the past twoyears was because of unusual wartimeconditlons upon the' campus.N ow that the exigencies of warhave . disapepared, we expect that alluniversity traditions will function asin the old days. That means thatfreshmen shall wear green caps d�'ing their freshman year and only beexcused from them during. the severewinter mouths, The usual custom wasto omit them during December, Janu­�ry and February, at which time theseverity of the weather made themmore or less unreasonable and �ere'were no outdoor sports at which theycould be worn.We ha�c no desire to urge the slip­·ping of anything over upon the fresJi­-men, but we have an intense desire to�unsuccessfully before at the Univer- 3Ce the biggest freshman claSS in theIF. you don't believe that Caryl sity, leaders say, only makes them this history of the Univei-sity fulfill �ll old­Frink, the Herald-Examiner's little more determined to "make it gO thjs time �raditionS., The' freshman classgirl reporter, visited us today, read time." this year is composed of men and. the following bona fide contribution The .delegates at, the meeting last \vom��� Jro� many di1terent placesfrom her: , _ night' �8'�d, the, fraterniti� they �p:.-, and of var:�g ag�s. M.any �f them.'OUR LITTLE GIRL REPORTER' resented were: Arthur Wliite, Alp� are unfa�l�l�r WIth university eus-HAS NEW JOB. Delta Phi; Kent Martin,' Alpha Tau toms and It.U the duty of the .older.• By Caeyl'·Frink. ;',_. Omega;' Geo�'-MulroY"'Beta Theta students to .see that they understand�'I've always. wanted to work on a .Pi; Robert Tiff�y, Chi Psi; Harry matters aright. . No real freshmancollege paper," I told the city editor Sheridan Delta Kappa .: Epsilon; class' has' ever' gone through the uni-9f The Daily Maroon. "Have you got Harry .Schaefer, Delta Tau Delta; ·:ersity without receiving. and' profit­a job for an ambitious young re- Merl Wetton, Delta UPSilOIi; ,Oliv'er ing from a certain amount of disci­porter?" .. West, .Kappa Sit:ma;' Frank Lin�"'1, pline •. , It is'to the interest. ;of theThe city editor took his gum out of Phi Kappa Psi; F'rank Miller, .Phi university ,that they do· so.; .his mouth and put it on the back Kappa. SigIna;:. Richard Thom�n, In the . light of these faets we have.spacer of the Maroon typewriter. . Sigma.. Alpha E}»Stlon; Guolford Read, no doubt that thc freshmen Will un-"I- always keep mine on the_ back Sigm� 'Chi; Robert'Stahr, Sigma Nu; derstand their duty in the matter ofspacer," he explained, "because the ,Paul Anderson ... ·"au Kappa Epsilon; green caps. We hope their spirit willshift lock belongs to the mal_laging Samuel 'Littm�, .z�ta Beta Tau. be as good as their numbers. Workeditor, and' we never chew the same. �nsSell Kershaw,' a �non-fraternity for .Washington and be _a real: freah-kinds. I si�ply hate licorice and he. man, was_ also present. Delta Chi; man class! .can't bear tutti-frutti-" Delta Sigma Phi, Kappa Alpha P�l,"But have you got a job for me." I Phi Gamma Delta, Psi' Upsilon, andInterrupted, taking a bite out of the Washington_ HoU;Se, sent no delegates, CLASSIFIED, 'ADSdramatic critic's apple taffy. .'. :':'-�.,"I used to keep my gum on the '1'," .. • '" .hewent on, "but I had to keep moving 0 f fie i a I Not ice S W ANTED-Modem furnished' bouseit-I always write in first person-so1-" �RESHMEN PLAN TOFORM COUNCIL FORCAMPUS ACTIVITIESWE see b'yesterday's paper th�tour mime has been moved from thestaff list on the second page ·to thiscolumn on this page. That's what .weget for not coming around' to censor'arul's stuff. {Continued fnrm 'pGge 1).0,":'"All right," I said, "If you want t-l A reception will be given by thebe mean, don't answer me." AIU:IDni club in honor' of the womenBut the city editor of The Daily who have done overseas service, Sat-M�on had dozed off. urday, on the second floor of Ida,. -=---- Noyes hall, from 3' to 5.' . -. until the firSt of May in the'neigh­borhood of University for a smallprivate family. Inquire or Write J�C., 1230 Tribune Bldg. Tel. Central1825. (29) • .. ........ �. 01� .. � .� .: ',: ;I ••• •. .&... � INVE!!.�DAY,.. .RED CROSS ROLf CALL'It p.,. c:_aci_ce tile .�.eat. cIiftcIeM' OD AmericaaiaalCapital '·.NqUind-Your: "Dar.'7MII' ....... � ..... M'''' oftile MDUoa V.laateen &em No-naaber •• .: aall to eDtIa (AnDi- .aticie Da�) .....T--l7 MiIliea.· __ '" __ to' tMI:OIIlPletioa .,. 1M t task'.Ja,oad ... 1M ewe" ,., 0118� .. an-t.t...... .__,EaIiat a.w ,_ ...... wItIl7OUl". . local a.ap_.DUTY CONFRONTS YOU.•. ANY ONE who.·is interested in. ob-. tainil:.g a .practic�(l �Jq"C ,bowl-�. : ):.'.�,of.'·�Y��:;".fletThe Finanee committee of ithe expert . instrueti.�� by. �pplying toFreshman Law cla� will meet tomor- Mr.;.caStro,·in c8re of the Daily Ma-row at 2 in the north ·room of the �n, FacultY ExCban�, Box O� XLaw sehool.' . class is to be foimed at some hour= convenient' to �ve students.. WE are reminded that the OIlly The Social committee of the Fresh- This class,would be of espec:ial belie-thing left with a kick in it is football. man La.w class will have an impo�nt fit to those _...Penoni" inte� illGarcon. meeting today at 2 in the North �m. foreign co�me� .or·to those whofor any other reason are really ear-liest in' their desire to' convene illSpanish. (14)THE man who was scheduled tohypnotize the women in Greenwoodlast night evidently doesn't know that. the housing bureau had to hypnotize. them to make them live there in thefi rst place. ---: ,.';-. ,6,,0 C. AND A. STUDENTSTAKE PSYCHOLOGY TESTS Thc Freshman commiSliion willgive a iIano\ ... ·e�en. party for all �rstyear women' today from 3 to' 5:30 inthe Ida Noyes sun parl9r. . .� FOR RE.NT _... Furnished student'sroom.' Steam heat ·and electriclights. $20 per month double; $14per month single. 6511 DreXel Ave.,Apt. 2. Blackston� 2632. (80)(ContilJucd from pagp, 1)entrance examinations at ColumbiaUniversity, and a mark of 60 �as re­quired for admission. Students whofailed were advised to take up voca­tional work, as their time spent incollege would be virtually wasted. A ---mark between 60 and 70 indicated _ The School of Education will -fijvethat the student would have to work a Hallowe'en tea today at 4 in -the"� very hard in order to succeed in get- Kindergarten room. An graduatesting a degree at the E!T'Id of four yea�" anrl undergraduates in. EducationDeanl\. at Columbia. who have used have 'been invited to attend.-:' .... - .� .-The Alumni of Randolph: Maconcollege will celebrate Hallowc'en �t arlinner Frirlay nigh� in t1te Ida Noyes Isun parlor. . AM OCCUPYING 2 light, well­fumished . front rooms within twobloc, ks of campus and L station; INVITE CATHOLIC STUDENTS in Ida �o� hall. Freshmen and newTo FRIDAY ENTERTAINMENT stu'd ts d both d'.�steam heat, eleetric licht. Want 1 en , an �en an women," or 2 �ates b, �- ex.;en� -- have been urged to, attend by the eom-Rent is reasonable. see my I land- Catholic' students of the UniversIty mittee in charge. .Refreshments wD1lady, Mrs. S.ndberg, Apt. 'S, 6181 have been invited .� attend a Hal .. be seryed, i and eniertainment in theUnh-ersitg A� (31) lowe'en �rty to be. gjven by' the form of music wiD be provided 1»7=============. Brownson ,club' F,rid • ., from·':& to .' �Bud" CaI8bL. _._ .....