.) ' ..' .. � ...... '.. "'7'".,Price ; Cents: ',' ,.SPECIAL �S ",0CARRY ROOTERS TO-,GAf4E WITH ILLINIcommittee members. etc, column should tui n in announce­ments of social atfairs to the �a­roon. office before 4 on the day pre­eecting their pubHcalion.FEDERATiON WILL HOLD �'MEETiNG NEXT TUESDAy WALTER LEAF TO SPEAK STUDENT COUNCILMONDAY AT 4 IN HARPER NAMES DATE FORLecture . to Include Description of CLASS ELECTIONS"Mount Ida"-Is Chairman of Large -- '-:.1......Rank and Founder of London Cham- Undergraduate Students 'Willber of Commerce.__ Choose Officers At MeetiDg. .walter Leaf, the English Homeric Thursday, Nov. 13.'�cholar, win give a lecture next Mon-.' _de.y at 4 in Harper assembly room. WILL COMPLETE PLANS TODAYHis subject will be "Mount Ida." Thelecture will include a description ofthe hill and its mythclogical associ a- Class elections will he held Novem-tions. her 13; is the decision made by theMr. Leaf is chairman of the London Undergraduate council at a meetingCounty, Westminster and Paris Bank held Monday, Plans for the �ections(the largest institUtion of its kind in have not heen finished, but will bethe world), chairman of Leaf & Com- completed at a meeting 'of the' coun­pany, Limited, and deputy chairman cil t3night. ..of the London Clearing Banks. He The nomination for the four officerswas one of the founders of the Lon- of each undergraduate class will takedo. Chamber' of Commerce and was place Friday, November 7, duringat one time chairman of it, He Is chapel period. Following this, thealso a member of the London Bank- four classes will meet the next 'I'ues-ers' Association. • day to listen to talks from their can-Women�s Club. �ledges To Be Long Noted as Greek Scholar. didates. While the nomination talks. . A, jmounced At An-. '. Mr. Leaf has long been noted aaa are not compulsory. it is expected&ddition, there will be, trains on the the AdvisOry council. . Miss Temple l' . that a great many of the proposed_ 'DUal Event.· seho ar in Russian, Persian, Latinregular·sc:hedule s. ' .�.. is" the- head of the KindergaI:t;en-Pri- and Greek literature. He is president officers will deliver short �1ks •. �ast.service i�' promised by the Illi- mary department of the sehool"of Edu- lCENW ---.of the Hellenie society, and has Writ- ��arshals to Be in Charge.. Centtai d th team peeial ], '. . •. "'-.... OOD CLUB· IS SELECTED . The elections which will be heldn018;��. _. ..... , an. e. s... cation. The other members of �the :A.d- •.__ ten: numerous articles on the Homerie '. ��f�:�!'.;�r:�ctlunell'�;"�rY··couJ.a�,an;.Dean Wall�;:Dean' -Beore club will bold its autumn andether questions in the Journal of Thursday, No;vember 13, will be con· the; jtud_ .� .. will· carry.,&. luaeh . .., : . '. . ; •..... . ". . ". . Philol�gy and. other learned publica- ducted by the\ aides and marsluUs, aa::-. orO" ;.; •••. ',: ;...: / ...,. •• •. Flint, Mrs..� and Mu� ·�ud- pledge dance on November 15 at the in past yea� . Class' tickets·· ";":11 .becar �,. ... : . .:.�oters may go on elijier ley. . K ood el b Unlik � 13 tions. H� has also written half a Wlltrai .'. . til gul ·tra·ns·f they enw u • e ormer even , books, • cl' din' transl ti necessary in order'to vote. These. n,. �.�. ,�re . ar 1, I.rd Tw. 0 new bulletin. boards, . are." to be of th. e kind,' it Win b.. e .he.ld . in t. h. e GOZen 10 U g a ODs. .h ,'D-und trip fare from 63· . He has' lust ' ted • f .tickets sell for 50 cents, and will be.e oose.�,;,,'A1N . maintained by the Federation. These . Roberts' fi .. reb stra ' J compte a senes 0_: �t ia '7�, and $8.}� from the 12th are to be iD. front of Dea'n Talbot's :;wfng .• �. the' �:Plece 0 e six. lectures on the Norman Wait placed on sale by the'di1ferent classesstreet atati ... . . . . urm.. mus�e..,. -. . Harris Foundation at Northwestern very shortly.. �,".;' ,\�� .'., �ffiee � �bb hall and .�: �e en- Pledging',for the ,,!oinen's clubs .will University. ., . The elections in' the past years'808'"Tieketa for Game SoleL· " t�ce: �f I� Noyes hall, anel will con- take .place on the molniDg of Novem-' have bee� held in about the same tiDie.' 'Th' �_�i' sal' .1 ." "�I:"_4'._�'�'� -; ,�n.·anno�.ents of UniverSitY.so- bei-:15;' and.'Will·be m.hiiounce<I,at'the w . ' l·n No··vember. In 1917 the classese � e e oses WUD �aOOD � � : ' , ' ,,.. . ". . �.. yvern Announces Pled •.. . .• . . ',?'. .; '. . ,. '- �.' . d� events., .:;Q� Nyman has been dance 'that evening. { Score. club will '. .' �g� .'. .' t.. :at.Ji. ,.,k"tar ,800. of);he".��, �_4-.-...I _':!..'�:"__'_.:_. f"1... ·_'-:"';::_1 cal "hI .. ' : ...... :., ' 1..." '. The· Wyvem club ann. ounces ·the Chose theIr officers,Novem�r 15. Ow, '.... • �f .. -' '." ',:,.�' y' .. . � .' �pl"'-'ualoGU CDaIrJJ1BII 0 witt �. - probS y arrange . �cr CIMMl woman I .. \., . .' -' '.'. . .• . . ..' ...•.:.'m.ve � 8OI4-,'.and I.J�esa.· �. "'�';'�,;:. . ...... -:!'::: '. _1.:" '.. ��-. �.- ..' '- •_,.' -' �f' :" '.' ;.. -;_'�. �e 'pJedgiDg'of Bermea Stone of' 111.:_ 10g to the .�ar:,�o�c:li.t.ions 1ast.YeJU'I.!�_._. _ ... _.-:::· .. w _. �=u . , ,t.......� en _ "8msted.�.-.tot�.,naea"r.u��i1aeh- .. :-pre- .: �--'-"."":-""'- ---- .. -:-.,.-;-.--- ... - .. --��. ""_'-.• �-"'. -�:"'�:"-'��'-.. �-, ----- --�'Me�:.. ·to'.aeH .;1afi1GUV b lI, l"'-T�d'" .�� �d Do'-\t1i"�CJi'reb ,,' '. ; "be . _- ...• , .. ;.. .. cago, and Nadiiie 'GoWdy of St.. Jo- � 1Il?-possIble to"hold tbe.1:l8ss eIee-'<;�ore:·��: . StUdents �4 'a1UDini ean . l" d�:;a . 'PaJ�:an . ' �._.�. u =ti: heI;�' S�each�� seP�, :Mieh. ' ...I tions d�' the. ��tUinn quarter. Con(Ieeme':�'�"ts for"c;o;. �:eenta.', To,. �D.. �n. fi�":.· ;. d th.· . or p�e .. gcs � , ,u . sequently, no class leaders ·were. . ��. '.:.'i ' .., an eJr partners. . . '.. ' dAy' Wip;�� the J8st. Cnauc:e)�' � ", . :.. '.' . .:' _, . Coat I. 1.50" W T .' UNIVERSITY'S GLEE CLUB chosen until February' 8. ....•.tiCkets ��fWs rate, and anyOiic(�ho �MITORIES. WILL ��:. .., .SeO d' h' '.urai �d arall.ax.field . REOllGANIzED wrni FIF1'Y Seek' Change in: Class HoUrs.· � .'. ·cWm.·· Ce of getting a tiek�t' at '.: S�ES �F: ��KTI� !JO _'. '. ·�tie�ulL':'." rs a�, � .. '.I.. I. MEN AT FIRST. .BEREA. RSAL The:re.� has been sOme delay, how.• : .-: ) " c· ".' CELEBRATE BALiAWE'E'.N 10 nan but the· members thE •. • ' .•Cham�,��wi�l p�l!:· � -disap- , '... .: ear be1ie� that tliliJ' lace is im- - ever, m th-: program for, this year,·�Pobited;:.'."'Uae-the Illil�rh���m- .' -' '__ ":�: • ti�' ted'··.1· ._i. P.'... 'd�ch" .. Club.Plans toT�.Utah·and Colorado owing to,the fact '\hat the. council is'. ,J"" . ..,. \' •I qua .I.or su :m event 3D ose' , . . . .ing wi1l:� every aV8l1able sea�. W ,.' • '.' ;,'.. . .th K 'WoOd clUb' ·th·' Od' .d Duri�g Christmas. or Spring p1Jnmng on a reorgamzati0X? of cam_ �<.;;:;;. .. .:.: .." 1 o��n. I :ualla .Entertain �Id .. and e.• � � ,a III �.�� V�tioD. pUs activities. The members of the... .!;.�;.: ... --.. -...... . . . ,Ne" Resfdeata Tomonoow "/and spaclous floor_ This faet and �� fact b' d· .th thin I. smi�''''eather'yeste�y''put�m� ", ·Friday�bi .. Pro��· that the dance·will be held at\\ight, Fifty'men tUrned out to the first ? y �re, �O�gu: er. :. p�.• ..... .' �.-i .".' .... . • . ..' : which is more �ve-, makes it ..... . . nmg on ClrcU a gape ��pep lD� � fresh,men, who Preeeeded.....;..;.._ - � .' ." .. . . '. . rehearsal of· th� �i-gamzed Univ�� change the present class sch'edule toto'tear'��gh the:V�itY fl'9m;'�eir .. The' spirit'.: ofi Hallowe'en.' 'has in- necessary. for the ti�ets to cost. $L50 sity Glee club' last Monday. Plans are the hours'of the pre-war days." �ore, m:yant.Uoe for a ��down:� Th.� VMC(i" the _omeA's 'haIls, ��:in eam plus �� tax.• being _mad. e whereby the, club' 'Wli1' defi�ite announcements of "�s' pl&n.,1 '.' '.' • ..' • .. • .' "WIth all the lDlprovements tha� .. . . .1 . wp.,.black � TImme at full, � and domiitoty·the event Will �"e8Jeb�ted .'. . , make a. tour 'of 'ColoraClo and Utah" will appear lit a later edition of The- M�.at.:halves, aDd FrYer at qUar- with app�priate. parties .this��eek.. : '. (C� Oft, fJGg�. �) '.' ciuriig 'the Christmas or Spring vaca- �Daily M�roon. .'ter,:��;. up a drivin�. combinatio� . Gree�;1i8n will be. the ftret � " . . tion.· I ._ ApmS� �e MBIOOns. �lI�me. m�e a .all�ounce :the arrival of Hallowe'en. . 'TODA Y'S WEATHER· ,The rehearsals of the club are held NINETY· �ANDIDATES ARE·bUhc:h ,Of,',:spectaeular' plu�ges' '�d nu;wnew,wD��D'intheballdi'enter- � "�." --- ,. ,in . Mr. Stevens's offi�':in Mtichell OUT FOR CROSS-COUNTRYseemed_�;� ... �ve no trouDle in opening tilit�:th� �ld girls"at an adv�disement C�tin��"��ir:,!od�,:.�,, .' .tower. Tryouts for the club are stm .'the ��.,Jine . for gQOd gai�. �·�e party·.tomorrOw. Dinner wfu� served ,. .. being held and M�. S�vens is anxious Tom Edt Sa;Ja Chances ·Are Good- .flnal �re�·.Was: . Varsi� 12':-'FreJ!b� at ·6,'.to. wI_lich tb� Wonen ue to come THE DAlL'I'IIABOON � �''.have every me who can sing come· Squad ,t� Compete ih Meetmen 7.': '::.� .' ''( in' codum�: . A �Prize will .� awarded .... .� BULLETIN" tci See him this week. '- "'�t Friday.. On'. the . defense the freShmen also the cleve..:.est 'imi�tion of'� ftPre seen .r It is the plan of musical "director •---.put uP. � .�. front. Strohmeier .broke :n current 8dvertiseme�is. ' t��r din- .. � . TOday S�eDs to form a large campus g1� CbaJttes fo;" a . cross-country cham'. up �illa�'p1ays direeted to thi ner thel"fl.wm be original.stUnts 8nd DiviJUty'Qsap'e1, 1:50; Haskell. club whieh will be composed ofgradu- pionship are very good this year, ac-.left,' .ad ·:.'aueeeeed4, in throwing a dancing. -The committee iD(� of Chajel, 'SeDior c:oJJege men aDd ate as well'as undergraduate studentS. �ording.to the latest reports. 'Therenumbei'�'�f\runs for losses. '. While it the affair is :headed by J�\i\Nol'8e. wUaell, 12, II..... :t'he club will, be in readin«;&S to sing ·is a record squa4 of ninety candidates., ,was stiU: 'light enough to fol�ow t� At Foster halL the H81iowe'en par- DiTiDity acIiool lectare, 4; B ... ell. for any ,campus activity where its Among them are many veterans from·ball tlii'JlarOons got down for .only ty will be given Friday niKbi;:;· After St. .ltir .... .-w,., ... Nort .. ncep- support is needed. -whieh to fonn the nucleus of thetwo sc:O�,.lUld those only �� of din�er Vaudevl1le stunts.�1 ��ven. tioa rooaa. lei. NOYeL ' From this �mpus glee elub mem· team. '.'· long plu'by 3'atge. This party �11 also be � �bration Le Cerc1e-'FnDeUa, .t. 5810'Wood- be'!'8 Wll1 be chOsen for the University At a recent trial five-mile race in·.,1"1"=_ ��.{::= 'and welcome to the n�·Cirk.··.: i.' 1&W1l &venae. of Chicago Glee club •. This smaller Washington 'Park, George Otis came- ..... ��, _. :'�� �h�t Bali." W�laWD � WJl1�e��daiB to- M.thematieal dub, 4:15, Ryenaa organization will consist of twenty· first. The follo'!ing finished in order,.WheJl"�.Uibecame.dart tbe "ghost morrow night, ad .. wOmeD who .for- IT. I fi� lllen, eighteen of whom wnt be named:Moore, Jones, and Bowers,ball".. � p�t' ����ay ��� �ig�� � "'1.� Illtf h�uae 'ha�., been '. • --.. chosen for their musical ability only; Two. promising candidates, Cox and.on the east stand'�re:'t1imea 9D till InVited., �At- er hall the social TnaGn'Ow, the remainder for their ability as en- Cowan, did not compete in ·this trial..inake up for the loss" of dayhg�t cOJn�iitee, �hlclt 'consists of .Helen Divinity chapel, '11:58,. Haske)�. teitaiDers. Speer, captain-elect of this year'sQUsed by -the change of time. CoaCh Klinger, Elizabeth Fisher, and PauliJie Chapel-Assembly, college of Edu- At present a trip to Colorado and track team, ran a mile in .( :58, andStagg is overlooking no chances to Boi80t, has planned .' party for Fri- cation an� the college �f Commerce Utah is being planned for either the then jogged several faps, but did notperleet the' machine which goes day at Green hall. The ,women have aDd Administration, 'Illen and women, Christmas or Spring vacation, �he compete in the race.apinst the Illini Satulday. been asked to. come to dinner,.in cos- 12, Mandel. definite arrangements for whi�h are Next Friday an opportunity will b�While all of the first string men �me, and afterWards there will be Public leeture. 4, Harper u&embl,. pending the development of the club. given to get a line on Chicago's teJrn. were not in .the lineup yesterd�, the games and dancing. The social com- room. The University of Chicago Glee club for this year. An invitation meet willfreshmen showed' that there is still mittee of this hall have planned a Physics club . and K��t Chemical 80- members will not be ehosen for two be held at Washington Park in whichroom for improvement in the Maroon dance for November 8. ciety, jOint meeting� 4, Ryenoa .s2. weeks. This allows time for more try.. Chicago will run a team of seven.line. , Cole, Graham, Higgins" and The committee in charge of the Religious Education ,dub, 7, B"�I\ ::uts. Mr. Stevens wishes for more men. Hebrew Institu�, Swedi�h"Iiall&day were all taking -It easy. If Hallowe'en party at Keny hall, which reception room. :tenor voic:ea. American A.C.� and several other ath'the freshme� keep up their showi� Wl11 be given Friday iught, consists Sodo1olY'dub, 7=", Cluaics .11.· .. " The next· meeting wnJ be held next letie elubs will enter one man eachof yesterday tJie Maroons will get. ot ,Virginia Rinard, JLois LYSOD and Chicap Theological Semillal'J lee- TueSday at chapel hour in Mr. ste- while Logan Square Athletic club will; genuille �rko.ut. this ,week. ' Ellen Coyne. �� 8, 5157 U�nit� .ma1l� . veDS� .office in Mitchell tower. enter two men. .ANNOUNCEMENT...--' SevCJity-fi've Women Will Attend FirstCoUncil Domer' and Meeting ill .. Ida. Noy�' Hall��I�t AdvisorY' Q;Qn� .cil Members. Th& Daily Maroon will inaag,,:­rate a change in news policy totake "effeCt·' in the issue of nextTuesc4y. In the past .n soc1aJ:.,De.ws oC.fraternity and club events·has been kept from the news f[M!C­tion as • matter of policy, b�t .. inline with the extension programit . has been deemed advisab!e· toinclude sum news in The DailyMaroOn; An social o:-ganization8inteiuting to take advantage of this: .:'Time Schedule Is AnnouncedFor Trip ToChampaignOn Sat�rday. , The first. open council. meeting �ddinner of the Fede�tion' will be held--c--FR�HP,tEN SCRUUIAGEVARSITY �xt Tuesday at 6. in. I� Noyes hall.Seventy-five wOplen will be personally-:-F�tball S�ials-�, ,,�Leave· Chic:aio (63rd Street):Tea� Spe�al .......•...... 8:15Student stecial ..., ..•...... 9:25Le�ve Olampaip: ':� :I Team 'Special . � ........•.•• 5:30Studerit Special ....•....•.. 6:45 invited, and sponsors of' the Fedora­tion will act as hostesses,.. After �edinner an impromptu discussion willbe h�l� in the library of Noy�s hall.A dinner will be held on November18 for all women who have worked fo�the Federation, including sponsors,AUTUMN DANCE OFSCORE CLUB HELD. ON . NoVEMBER 15'Elect New Council Member.Twci special trains have' been sched-'v- • ". \' ..,uled for Saturday in order to accom-.....inpdate .the 1,�OO Maroon rooters whowill make the trip to Champaign. .In The Federation has -announeed theelection of Miss Alice Temple to fillthe place of Mrs. Ror>ert Peattie on"""...t':.�'."",: _;. .... '.. . ." � : ': ��i�ft '': '! � • -" " ,- ",' \ . ,> " ,, � '::": !:, ;'-:� ".-;:::'�'>:' � " , ;\ ':, �;1,;',��r' ; .?I."�': ��7::'}:;�;:���:��'�;,�:�:��C�,�;::�?�:'i�,,:?�:�;�,�:�?i·?F�i:,?�J�"�?��I:.; � • ',2 19 . � 1 ., 'lfl" ')" ". ,........ .����������������!"!!!!!�.. �����;;��������=;;;��� . � .. , . ..,',;:.' :..:; ... .::. ,.�.!.-� ��;�� . .-. . .. �� ... -�-� ... �� .... �� .... ������fI!!��� .... ��-..!��i!f!!�!IIPII� ��I!MII�iIII'" ........ ....r,_..."',mlfr IhitijJ:i.arO_·�1, ·.<������:·:::'i�·:/·��, .�.�.,. "y.� .. v- --� •• ,.".,,�. )' \ •-; "The�=;�..::�-·;a�!:S��:t�: .��, ;>i_j�;:' -;:����C',i�;��'�':/'" ,:���:;;:.�.Published mo=, excel?t Saturday, fraterpJty and club oce�tiODa. The .... .. '..... .' '. .. '. . . .' ,",. - ;.,''. >jv<;;'",:�. ��!:�!��::£�s���: �:!l!�':::::��::��{ .' O�·:'· -u:l:';�R ;��l:E" '.\-vi "\¥7;r;. 0·: ;L"E':' �N' s '��EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT' scope,andthe�.ialhasbeenneg- ., .� .. "�. ····1� -: :'·,W'· .� �-, W·".V' .. '_:' :,'. " 'f -:.;I.:t�The St.. . lected. . �d ih a :f�)ines about your)John Ashenhurst News Editor next party. IRose ·Fischkin News Editor ,Helen Ravitch ..••••..•. News Editor COM M U N I C A rr 0 N S J' HOward Beale ..... Asst. News. Editor .L_" { '.' '.WiUiam Morgenstern. Athletic Edttor '- .' .Harry -Bird ...........•. Night Editor (In view fir-=ftle.'.fact that' ti!_e .���Ernest Fribourg ..•..•.. Night Editor muni�tion .column of .the -,' DaiI,.: .M.­Richard Flint .....•••••.. Day Editor 'rooD is mabatained as a clearb.g h�'Herbert Rubel ........•.. Day Editor for stud�t. aDd. f�cult1 ophlicm,: The. Edward Waful. .....••••• Day Editor l\lar�n ·ac�pt,.. �o,: ,r';'pOnsibiJit,.:-for. the sentimentS·. therein ,expreue4,BUSINES�h�:!�RTMENT co��uni�tio� �.:�el�mect .bY the'GRANT MEARS •. Business 1ri8:"nager �itor .. and�hould be signet! as. an eli­Henry ·.Jnngle .. Advertising Manager A�.� �_�f ,�.' faith, although t�eKeith find·red ••. Circulation Manager n��e �II: n.Ot(� �,; p�ed witlaOutLaurence Tibbits Asst. Cir:Mgr •. the �rater's. consenL) .. ':"_,c,. .Robert Blrkhoff Asst.·CiraMgr. ." _" __ •. ,-",''- .. _.Entered as second class mail at the [;.�. much ��n� and irritated.:Chicago postofi'ice, Chicago,' Illinois, and presumably : :everybody else is,March 13, 1906, under the act of that the.' th�t of which, you' speak inMarch 3. 1873. th� issue o� .()ctO.b.er �nl..ahould: ¥veSUBSCRIPTION RATES oceurred er. could .occur on.�e.prem-Called for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a 'ises ,of . Ute : Vniye�itY. '.It·is.�quarter. fo� ,'deep : regret" and:. �y : callsqU:�e�arrier, $2.50 a year; $1�90 a for. �en�on •. but I yan: not understandBy Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50 why .��u.. used'. �.e. hO... norable. "wOrd'la quarter. ��hospitality" in comleCtion with it. '." �.'� '- '. :. . � ...� �. . �,- ' O ..··--------_EE . ... . __ .---.-�......--\-----. -�F�-----!-----.....-��.......---....Ji� ....L. Ell It. -�.� .���r hosp... i.�.·ty. ,or .inh. OS-I ." . '. . . �. ','. .Editorial � �ooms............ is 14 tal =============::=:;:::===;::;::::=======================�. Telephone Midway 800, PI .Ity. -. �It .was. not -an. aeti9�· ofBusiness Office ••.• ·.: •.••.•.• Ellis 14 .the .U¢:ver:sity, but a c&ae;of common Start of. Bifte Oub :DeIayeet. e.. . Telephone MIdway SOO . �sncak .�ev��. The: ':University, .. as ._.. .' --.-. .�, is �t., i:esponsibt� .for it. 'Pre- "," Dday in con:�ru,c�ng the �ew rifle'. Wednesday, Oct. 29, '1919 .8'm.lably .:the: ,authoritie"'I"m f�Uow m:nr�e has po��ed_ �e start of thethe c8se:Up, and I &In: sure' that they :Riflc club .until �e JDlddle of'Novem-·RELIGION BY FORCE. ; ·aim .. t.ail.ti�)to �:against aqCh' ;ber. ·The range is to be moved as weD�esterday the· new system of tak- OCC1:1rrenees as much as 'poSsible.. .'.' :�. as 'enlarged and will 'be. under theh{g attendance in chapel.was put into . It. is, .true ;that in a'semi-public in- ��a£um at the south end... effect. For the present, at least, thi� stitution � la� and � �iversified_ '� .... _�.�., ._ . 'e' .. :·11 be I ed Sl· .. as the Unm�rSJty.-there IS altogetherl· "Prlntlng �'Se""'l�e'system WI emp oY.· IPS are to __ 'I.. ....... ... :t· .1'- ·tbi·.' �_.'. • ":,9 � :. . .. , 0 mUQ1 :OPpol.loUUl Y .Lor e'Ves . IoU ,.' . '. •passed out after, the students have operate: "It _.mwst· not '�be \assumed, . E{f'e�ti.��� .�ccar.�� : ·PiqaaPt._'��m �ted a_nd.�e.,��.,I ��::-d; �¥'r�e�!;��... �.. :.:t#�y�.� ... �..•. t�U�.. ���..• \.::� i. : ....... �.:...·.I· '.· �.,. !I'hvered that IS, when the exercLSes sit;y �c\4pltS' they.·mAy or-.may not De. ,. :., �, ,have been practicalJy completed. .: If detected they are � ,:be. �t' with· ,. _, "o' • ,;�Religion by force is' rath'�r naive,' aeco�g. to law w�ether �tu�ents or . .'.�'" .';',• .... not, and. It goe&:Wlthout saymg that .. ! . '!,<,.-.;.. •liut uDde�raduates had It commg to· stud t d �_-&'_.1 .... _u .. ..:..··· dis- .. .any en . e�""" a�.18 ., , '. ,.ti,l�m. The lenie�t_��od of takin�; �.in����.the ri�ve� .·.CO.LoNIAL·�HIi£SS;attendance·was shoc;kingly abused;.the Slty. Wlthout pnvilege of returJL .".. ,.._ '. . ;'.Whistler had it jU'stabout right'when � ".:' ":'�' :F.:J. G�.·"·. ,�:'. 1510.�···� � ,;: .'J', ·�O .he said ,that the Reynolds club .as ,. . . ," .'. i" •I Ibuilt. to. house our cam. pus' blades who GIVE CIVIL ®VERNMENT PRIZE � .:.. .11had cut chapel. but whose attendance _. -' -" .; : :.' II�OM was spotlesS. '. HoId'ADD�I'ColDpetitin EuiDiDAtioa .It;. is some�:hat amazing, though :November 8 in'Cobb Ball •. , �.I.-.r:n���� .:o�:!y.r justbl� amazi�gly 'thih� ... ,A�ua1 �� ·.. �·nij�t:i�n�'.·,.�: '. ..1' W.uat n.o� e and petty. �e� .the - Civil' Gove . .t -,� : ,',men and women wm go merely to es-:, prize � .be· i.:':'lA�.8:j�,Cobb.BB. . .. :; -'l- ... ,_ C' I.'cape so�e little d�ty or �k. Our Any· student ;;0 .�: '��iD' '.�' -. ". p,- -:·:-�Lc;.fjLlL�chapel hars, who m real �lfe,. 80 to dence lD .tbe.l.Tni'ftJ'SitY &t, ie8st three t-::=. ===::;:;:==:::;::======speak, are of our most respectable . ',' . -: .' -.' . , .. , ,. ' ... :." ��Tb··.)'e Com 1:'_. �n"e :1 :'.'_ . . . quarters, has .DOt more than . twelve _ �QMI_.and respected students, are larger in majors, ��, and, has .. an average NaiioDidltRnk" ..number than one ,,:ould think for •. ' �e of: C or :�,"is ·eli�e·� .' . ;O,·cmCAOO' ,Now the>: are beln�warded, and cODl.pet;e. .A, ft�t 'Prize ·o.f �100 � .' ,.�,:eJ:! -Nv. '000'those who have been ��I� sheep are be giVen the .winner , and the secon..i . . �1"9P'�1 '.also reaping tbat rewarM· �e ,DailY best paper will �;e 460.' ..' �4 Profib.�.&O,OOO,�,·Maroon is most sympathetic,[ �ut of The �mnination' will cover material b tile "�ge.t .N'�!Baak .. die�ity can make n�'other d,�en� �n'�e'a-riI ��et:nDi�t.of 'th�.U.p� ···.��P)�,:.��:·· . :' .than we told you so. S�tes, or TOughly ,the ��al in With I � ��� ���t======= ''. PoliticalSCien� L AD :students de- UDder Peden! � ;• .. • '. ) •• / �. •" '. . . . ' • , : .' •",. ,,' ": . ,. • \' � I �; , ..... •_ .DON'T SROVE. . Slnng. further.I��nnaUon h�v_e. been I � .. ��;�. La1 � �:��In Cobb baI�, �twecn ,c� the asked �. see. -e�er �f�.�.�� �r.. ;.BriagiY-r�8&'_"".U •. ;'�ngesti�n is very bad. The stair:way Mr. ���u� of tl,le �oliti� _Sci-Open SatUtday �'n mdn 8 o'c:IoeiIS uncomfortably crowded. . It takes � deparbnent.. '. " ..,.. �. '.. ;. •. ,';. " .. � :: '. J . .l six minutes, by actual count,. to come. from the fourth to the gI1)UDd ftoor.Which fact is not". such a startlingone, nor a particularly tenible one,The Daily Maroon realizes, but itSeems as· if there ought to be someway in' .which the congestion couid be.relieved. It i�'t very pleasant tofight your way through that crowdwhen speed is necessary.,Nor can The Daily .Maroon otTerany constructive criticism, unleSs per­haps that the �rse escapes might 'belet down-at least the one on the• south side, which would not be in theway as would the one, on the. northside. Students who are. J)ot afraid of .chilly air would much prefer the fileescape to the mad. mob on the stair·""�\: .1(. •• :"'flI «,� ...'.',\\ .' \ .They're .plea.s�gly····"different 'from' ·th·�;�. commonplace-» and . you'll. �.ha,v.e�'·,the .. ; .. ' l:'.:'·�·• -' ,". • ". I '. .' � '..' I I" /, I'.. pleasure Jjf- knowing the .. pattern of. your .._ .' ._ '. '.. . � It..choice is. pi:cicti,caUy confined to you, for .we can-y;butoi1� �r' twolengths of each.. 't ',14 ••I, ;,":.;� .:.....· I.,•";'!' .;. � .''.. :'.:-�-. _;- _,.. ]•I1· J; j:]]].J- •. .' r, �'l L_ '.• '.: '.. ."_·�ect, Dresse .... : of,:.Young·, Men ,..,.7th· Floor Republic Building ., . �... . :. -� I . .:." - . - ..'. '_':r�l�phon�a� t6 Harrison, .' S�te and'.. Adain:S Streets .',.• t.1.�. -, �.''.//(). ,:. , . /.way. .1 ,'.'.', I _ MEN'S.- .FuMlSliINes I p!I�_;..-_;��.. _-_::-_.-...._ .. - ..... -�II!WII'. _: :��,'eaIr .... "1'1.- ..CO"VVH.EV'S;" � ro.'-IIEN .,;'Soiith�'� .' . ;��Eiu. ATe.:. .' 'I,. ...... · .. ' ' ,I' 1.. . BILLL\lU)S' .,,�PJpI. ..'LETus.:.SHOw'�t, _.·\1_£�t$7tbSt. �'. ". •• J,.._ ... ..... � '. .�Sat.ri_·.to.!tIie· Dally ........ 't'O, . t,,'.."· Opeit� EM,.- .• WeA!... - -;." ..' --.,_;..,,;. '.. : � .' !. :.��,�, ,!!..,�.��.��.. �-. --,-L�-·---�-_-._-���_�.----�------�---- .. ·r_------. , . \.,. .. . "...... 'J. ...._' �, ... "'_ : .... ;_. ,�� ••• ' \"'•• '." ...... ---::11;...,:" • f. >:� .. ' � � : : .. ",,� . �." I.'" �.�. ..,'� .. - ..... .- ....�,I;, ::1 "'CLOTHES POR, YOUNG 'MENAND .M'BN WHO STAY' YOUNGI ',i'_ ,-:..-'•, ::. r '". • . .'. If. � I •.: ,.h. .college, 'in society, in business,"' ', .evOQ:,where�Sooi�,,�Bran4, Clothes for ;father and .���_; __ �They';m.:,�o�tative. ,iI:l,�le andpropor­.j�;�,rto :fit '�'. ��s. :.o�· "men' :�vithout �te�ious,,:� �,,�,t$iQ�� , "' ,'� : ','-: · . ': :�t�.aIertness.ana are inade to·m:3in:theIr, '-,}-��,:,:,��USh 'ties. until the .very fabric' �;w�ars ,o�., , , '" ,_"�. � �,,�,all'WooL' .. \ .:: � ',', J" ,, ...........'.'.-'AL •• &. "&C"'.-6'-coa8 ••• ku.tIa�.8OmKUBUBD CLOIIIII8" ........:� '. NCw'Y_,' -,. 'MoatraI.,". 10-. ._•:'·�'Tbe'�c.r."'�R��ant �-,�.Room, " ,-)-004 'East Fi� .. Fifth StreetQuic� Service '�d Everything'the Best"O�.AU�Night I Commutation ·Tickets. 1.' .,University Pharmacy'. 6ist STREET and EJ J IS AVE.'r , SANDWICHES 'aGARETrEsMAGAZINESMONEY ORDERSPrompt DeliveryDRUGS, 'STATIONERY, .. SODA,:,.. -.. -.. " . '""... � ..... 1' , . �_ ... - _.�..t, ';1_��1'�Y" " �.' "'. '"',. -.. � "_','::. «; :'.�' .. .: .... : ,".> .,,·.i''2?�' i��:3<�' i -: - ::�- ;-:::�:;�;;J.l:i ,:', ��:::' .':,.�'::; ?�: �}�): �4 �������������TH£��D�AIL�'Y�'�MAROO���N�'t.�·WEO�'�N�ESD�·A�,Y�·;�QCTO�·�.;;!;B�ER�:2�9�t�t�·9�'19�· �' ���!!!!!!!!!!!!�������.; . ays be approached with the spirit TJ'&(� :�-!:.rday.'., �he�'�·"··�ce to H····· >,: � .." u .. ri�_.� ... ·�: ,:" ' � �=. �� :<>' :.e� t�::;:tet=ts�!.:; : ;O:i�:e:W:'�:�: =,�::ei��' ,:_8V6.:aOn·�vcr vW.Dt:U. a"• � � sho1_1l be accepted with • questicn dre: 3y box tied ·:;With. � pink ribbon� mark.. Only with. this attitude, of.' and she'll, �Dk . t1ieiTe from Wein:'mind '11 the student emerge after hoeber's or:LaD�;s:.· � .. 'four Ye4rS of training· with a .mindthat can 'blaze the way through dark SCI:OOL OF ED{)CATION HAS •IF the next few football games are paths without leaning on other minds PLANS FOR TWO PARTIESlike the first ones, we're going to save for support.our money still Spring and go to reg- In'structors are. useful only as theyular track meets. direct the mind in the proper channeland point the way for individual re-IN recognition of Ashy's ability to search. . They have a capacity forpick up things, the Dramatic club has certain' fac:� .whieh ·they transmit: to .. T;!e School of Education is to havemade him a property man in one of the student who 'is" -willill� to grasp two Hallowe'en parties this week,the forthcoming productions. Now he them, but these facts are usef.d 4nly one tea, and other a beach supper.is staying up late leuining his lines_! as they are the potential material ior 1.'b • .college of Education is giving aboth of them. the students' further thought. The Hallowe'en � tomorrow 'at 4, in .thebest. student is_ not the one who Kindergarten :roo� Both graduateabsorbs' the most facts but, the one and. undergraduate studellts are in­who thinks 'his w.ay through these vited. 'The 'students of the Kinder.facts to some sort of. a 'logical con- garten':Primary department will re­clusion. It is worth while to' form eeivc and serve.the habit of thinking for yourself. T:�e HomeEconomics Club, which iscomposed' 'of 'the students in that di­vision. Sltd which already has a mem­bership of over three-fourths of allmembers of ,th'e .. department, is givingthe other pa� � : 'This is to take placetoday, s�i-ti�g from' the main en­trance 'of the School of Education at5:30.Tickets· 'are now on sale, and costfifty cents. They may be purchasedfror i Elizabeth Deno, Francesca Shot­well. Agnes Hegge, or from .... the li­bra: 'ian, Educational 'School librarydesk •.THE DAILY' MAROON'S OWN Officers' 'of the Fre�hman., Law'SIKE TEST. school were elected at a. meeting. held(;Each member must pass the test last Thursday . in the.. Law building.. or he will not be allowed to resign Theodore p�. Nutt was .'.' made presi-from the staff.) dent; Charles .'& Lyon; . vice-presi-1. How old are you and why? dent;' and . Adeiene J anes, -secretary-2. Are you a moron? If so, why treasurer .. L. C� Luskpresided at thisnot? meeting. . ". r ';.: . •.3. How many Mortar Boards speak .�. At a m�etfhg held >Mon(lay, theyou? various' conu¢ttee chairmen. were ap-:4. Count toten, and .farther if you pointed. WiIUam Gemmill' ilnd MarY'are able. London . we� appointed')oint chai:r;-5. If you were invited to the Phi men of. the social committee; Glenn E.Psi house, would you carry a package Norton,' finance; Howard ·D. Rhea,of cloves? music; Alison Reppy, 'publicity; and6. Why do the Quads make the David Larson was. appointed his- L00T-Watcll�EIgin, gold. Fob­Whistle so often? (Do not use the torian. The. council elected at this '. � O-yd. run :P1edal• Lost 'Physiologyword Stansbury in your answer.)' meeting consists of Franklin P •. Searle, Lab., last Thursday. Return' to In-7. How many "F"s are there i� -chairiDan,·- James D. Brunner and . f�l'JIlation Ofti� (28)"Wyvel"n? What does this indicate? Paul S. McNett.. . . ."President Nutt announfed a meet-LAST night' Lou Dooley organized' ing to' be. held next TueSday at 2, thea raffle in the Psi U house, the win- place to be announced later. ..ner to ride free to' the Dlinois gaine.' ', .. ,. . ..'. 'Lou held the bag, and the winner was. PU�LISH BOOK ON CHI�SE ARTfound to be Lou. "NOw," said Nicely ,.. --. -, " :..'.' :',.'to Lou, "do one of your card tr;icks." University, Press to Issue Wo"k.. byDr. Fer�D. .. �����:I"". until the first of May in the neigh- .' rbc rhood of University for a- small ';", .p ·ivate family.· Inquire or write J.C., 1230 Tribune Bldg. Tel. Central I'1�25. (29) I�',I;W J.NTED.�:Y quni" wom:an to do light I ' '�' ; �: .. : ''__L�:;:�::::::C:=: I' ..... ����tT�:���··. c:-.sed. black ·fo'ODtain pen with pro- I " . ship. of the Demuth' worlers... ·and )'911'11 not woDde. r th3t we .j�cl:i�n ott" th� .en� fo� filling. n � J; . claim pre-emineace iu .Jibe qUaltr)" of our. �i;>c�(' � . Ask .an, ."l�ft elther on table at end o�:�rper � . Rood dealer.• r'''' .. '; � "or: -'. ., ". ';:'i.lihrary' or �rppped �tween �r 'I WM. OEM UTH" �&' CO�;:' N E W'VORK',_ a:1c1 Ida N oYes. Valued as �"heir- .� . .' . . .-' ... ,"Outlines' o� ,Chinese Art,'" by· Dr. : Joom •. ,.Fjnder, kindly·re�m:.to. in- .,_.: � .... w_�\�:,��.�. LARG.�. ST "M A K'C �'$ .. Of' FIN E .PI.P E S'John Calvin Ferguson, official' ad- formation desk in Press Bwlding. . �§ . -:,�.. �.;.\;;;;;;;;�;.;*'_§:Q ,.'",, viser to ;the Chinese government, �. is R��ard. (26) ,:' �I:!�' -���������-;' �������������������an extensive' treatiR.· ·on .. i ; Chinese Iiartistic development, ·�hich.' wui � LOST-Saturday afternoon, the 18th,, . .,.. � ·�:��·small blac:k cameo locket on'. goldpubli�ed .��. the_: .UniYe�ty'.'.o'�� �ii: '�·�·.chaiif between' mtiii'�im�:�necago'Press In November.:. . ......Dr. Ferguso.ii � sPen�·:.mo.re. than. ·.�aDd Stagg Fieid. 'This is valuect as. �;:' aJdleirloom. Reward. Return tothirty yearS in China as aD educs.t9r; ... I�ionnation Desk, Press Bldg. (19)a publisher, adviser to the government. . .- . ,.. . "." .officials, member of imporbirtt' com­mittees, and Secretary of various de.partments. of the Chinese gov�eD1; ..In his book Dr. Ferguson has giventhe world ,an authoritative represen-'tation o�: ChineSe Ai:t,: He discussesSf.ulpture,' bronzes, and ceramics asweD as \ Painting and calligraphy. Iti� the first attempt to present stan­dards .of art in ..determining. the rela­tive value of her artistic products.DRAl\IAH.Scene: The Beta house.Pledges lined ep in' the parlor.Others stand before them and admitcthem.Mulroy: Magawd, ain't they' hand­some?Porter: Just look that that one's, FRESHMAN LAW SCHOOLELECTS THEODORE. NUTTAS PRESIDENT OF CLASSeyes, Wunnerful.Piper: Yeh, an' this one has a wavein his hair like Van Velzer's. .Colwell: Yep, he's a regular little , "Charles Lyon and �del.ne ·James 'AreChosen V�ce-President .. andSecretary- Treasurer,ocean.-'--:\t_.�::'fVera Libr Entitled: Autumn.The dry leaves are falling:. Henna leaves, .Titian red leaves.The air is becoming chilly,Soon the Alpha Delts will have towear hats.WE hereby offer our servi� asd�wnding man in' .the coming lifesavings'tests for women •.ELSEWHERE in this paper, re8dabout the' Score club pledge dance inthe offing. With its many departuresfrom former custom and· from thecampus, it will be unique.ASK a unique girl �ow.• 'afuLAUTUMN DANCE OFSCORE CLUB HELDON NOVEMBER 15 PRESS, RET�ILlNG RARE F�RA(Continued from pag�'l) Thrifty Romeos Have Chance to Makea' Fine Imprnsicm.bve been made this year," said AllanHolloway, who is in charge, "I see noreason why the party will not be thebest the Score club has ever' held .. II •. -I; Boss Tracht of the Press. wish'es futell the world that the bookstore hasin stock a supply' or' rare flowers fromthe hot-house: next· door. Mr. WilliamO'Carroll; late of Dublin, Ireland, hassuch a prolific yield from his plantsthat he could not dispose of them all,, even to his lady friends, so he decided=Wh===C==11==E=d====Th== to p�t Jhcm on sale.. at 0 ege itors ink. Chrysanthemums which retail down-town for $5 per dozen �ay be boughtfor 10 'cents apiece. Other handsome(From the University Daily Kansan.) flora may be purchased at a likeA University student should have a scale.mind of his own. His work shouldwould advise all the University mento ask some women now, preferablybut not necessarily, a freshman.Tickets will be on sale next week bymembers of the club."THINK FOR YOURSELF.,"Come on, you .;Ro!l1eos," �jd BosS, FOR ;RENT � FUniiahed �jtu'dent's .t'OOm.· Steam heat '.' and electric P r i n t e r san' dlights. $20 per month�doub)�;.$14 L'i no't-y:p e,r s· ,.per month sjngl� 6511 Drexel Ave., 510·512 East �Sixty-third Str�tAFt. 2. Blackston� .2632,. (80): ." "'E' 8PECLu.BE 1N''D1fIVBUlriPBIN'rING1\lel.lbe!·s Will Hold. Beach Supper'i,'ocby and Tea Tomorrow toCommemerate Hallowe'en. .'. Avoid writing. troubl�',./ with 'the 'alway. dependable(CONKLIN., 1t'''lUperiori�,is, proven by the fono�g ta'cts:I '(...;.�(,,7' the orieinal self�fiUet and RID the leader.. with 2.000,000 aulfied.users.';;::'it i. the GDly peG tia\iq the famoua �'Creteeai-.."iller.'� : �."�it baa the'ItrOIla-:and limpl .. fillilll deric:..c-it. will Dot leak. blot DOl drop- ink. ,.'-it will not "balk "-writ .. at the fint auob.--it.will not 1CI'atcb.:-pesS acUoo i.·lIDOOth and euy.-it wiU nor roll Oft.the de.k-�CretCelk-Filler··: prevelltl it.\ . ._ - -. •. ', , :-it'. backecl by the .tone- aDd broad_ ewraAltte.' in tbe fountain pen field.. ..'�t!tere" � ..�klin poi.nLto iiuit _every . .,1e of'��wnu� ,:rryl :�D�� \fOda�d' 'yoU'll)'�'ev�r( 'be � witho_\lt l..y_.O.!1.rI�NKLINf .�University of Chicago..� Stor�5802 Ellis Ave.'.,,/.1 Self - FUlingFountain PenMQH"iMM&E'.. :.ANY. ONE who is interested in ob­taining. a p�ical speaking knowl­edge of �ve1"Jday· � ',may get· eX-pert .. iDstru�tion . by .' �PPIying toMr .. � iD-� of thefDaity Ma­roon, FacUlty.� Box O. Aclass is to be' forified' at some hourconvenient 'to prospecttve. students.· This class.would:.be�ol ��fit to � pe1'8ODS'interested in:foreign comme�,. or to thOse, who:for any other- �n,.are really ear-.nest in. their 'd�ire' to copvene in· .,Spanish. : . :. .., ., (14)LOST-,Brownish�. ����I,".: �1l� �n­taini'Jig about five' doUan- Dr, ch8Dgeal�ng' With. other �rticles- � it.' \'Ida'N�y� or Mandel Ball ot�_� . .;theWay.;': Finder kindly retul1l ,to' theoffice of The Dai1y��aroon. :�·(24)• I " ._ --_--- \.;" .,. -... : .(ol-� , .1..,.... -- ... --- . ." ..•.. �.-.-.-- .. Gl�dstone· Hotel.� -"',�.. t··:.;. . .•• ".'!. - 4, .. '.• � �",... .,',�. Cafeteria·�]jeLuxe·· ... ,�r�akf�st.. ,: 6:30. to,JO;OO .', .Lunehet,n··. "i;oo i� 1:30 I Djn��r:, .. S:30'to 8:00' \•, "Excellent Food ��orji.pt �ervice>,, Moderate· Prices..,.\. GLADSTONE 'HOTEL':620d aDd Ke��� Ave "...... ' .Direct Entrance on 62nd Street. •I•� ." ..MIDWEST TYPESETI1NG MRS. L A. 'VAN DAlSUMCOMP�. Formerly with Marshall Field '& CO.Knitting ShopPrlDten of, fte D.lI� JIaroo.1-5 �.' Washington St.4th F1oo� Ve�e�� Bldg.Phone' �tr8i 7823. Lessons FreeMine"a Yams Used Exeluivel,Readthe.D�y.�n·./