v Vel, l8.'.No.· 13 UNIVERSI1Y �� --CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1919 . 'Price 5 Cents._ HOLD ANNUAL·IlA.LL�1N '.: ·n ECT WESTBY ANDwlTHFROSHTEAM .- - BARTLETT FRIDAY NIGHT" HOu..OW.A.VTOFILLFOR PURPLE'GAME . -'. , . COUNCn. VACANCIESY.M.c.A. aDd Y.W.C.A. te 0. a.-ale : .'.ill Big Pep MeetiDc· toT ... · PIMe ' .''-,��' Beceptioti ,to' U���t;es BeIgianCardinalWillBe�deDoctorofLaw.At.. Sackett and ·tvan8. Ceremony In Mandel-Distinguished Visi-UNIVeRSITY ,GIVES HONO�YDEGREE. ,TO MERCIER TODAY',' ,'VARSITY PRAcnCES',,... Eour Regulers Kept Out ofPractice - Freshmen Try:, Northwestern PlaY8. The� annual rally. of the ·.Y.IL<;._A.. MAROONS EXPEci STIFF FIGHT � Y.W:.C.A..lrill. tab P"·Frida,. 'pU,. N' FOB AcflVlTlES REFORM,/ '. . ' night in Bartlett. ,AU tJtudeDts and--. members of -the faeult,- an. bmtecl. .�.;....r.a_: ... �Y A. C.againLunde. .�1._ '. The c:hiet purpose �,'the nIl;"ia.to �_�'22Westb"�1:':.°ted'and _All�.�ol- STUDENTS GET UNCLAIMED TICKETS.;x.ua_u-.se was on ww pro- Id .' .I �'I.._ "d IMway, , were aa; to the UDder-, 1�'_":' . pl'OYl e a m.ua �or·...., JDfJD. an . ., .gram yeste�y at..Stagg field.. Afterwomen � the University to mf.et;·bUt te_ C01lD� �t a. meeting· ��the usual signal. �, the �ty, and this year, a.pep meetIDg is to ,bit __, �, at 9 m. C�cs ,10. These The Cardinal is famous as th� de- His Eminence Desideratus Cardinalfreshman t:eams lined up agaiDat each bined W1� .the:.oCtat side of tIMa af- � were elected to flU plaees vaeated fender of Louvain at the· time of its Mercier, of Mapnes, will arrive on the. other '�n the far �e1d: the fot:mer be- fair. The INmd is to be pr-at in lull � .spriDg • : Tb�.coanc:il is also plan- bombardment during the German in-campus at 2 today for the one hundred -ing WIthout the serviees of. the .four :'0-. _,_.I a half '1.., __, •• 1_ .... , J_ to ,DlDC. on reorganizing.. cam. pus. organi- vaaion of Belgium. He has been",1 ._, .... JlUIU'. ,110 _.., .. • • and thirteenth convocation of the Uni-. regulars, namely:: G�,,:Bu.u�r, be devated to..8ODP 8Dd ye11L . l� sati�e.An a�pt· will be malle to passing the last month in the UnitedReber and McDonald. With this· � ',� '. ''. . . d!ange the. dass time at the Univer- States and during that time has been versity. An honorary degree of doc-vantaie· the freshmen kept whaliDc i This dab: ,18 Dot an �tiOD, for sit,. to the sehed1lle 'of pre-war da>'� honored and feted in all of the lead- tor of laws (LL.D.) will be conferredaway at the varsity line, at arst,mak- . t, has beeG .cust0m&r7 ..for the�.IL weStby was elected to fill the place ing eastern cities. Many universities upon him.. ing a few su;stantial' gains �� .�� ,uad Y.W.C.A. to hold a � of'� Sackett, who died following have alreadJ' bestOwed honorary de-. . All classes will be dismissed from 2the left side. of the Maroons del .. ,' -,aon � honor of the Pres£dent, and hisan. iDJ1I1'J' which he' received. l&st grees upon him. He is now an hon- .b later makin thin t an -L wife. KaDJ' c:haDps. .however,· have' • r. iD.-..I�-:. I..-':"'-:ball »octo' f La f Prin to until 4 so that the students may seeut. . : grno g a wpeD ',"'�' __ .1_ in &-1.._. ".P"_�._ ,.this .. _ •• sp� m an MU"�.1CDII&t,. � orary rows 0 ce n,the line sti1fened and held. �--�:beeD � � Bollowa,. � chosen from the Brown, Yale, Columbia and Wesleyan the Cardinal. All members of the Uni-· The Freshman team tried quite & ' . 5�� - '. • Sophomore e1ass ·in plaee of Charles univerSities and TrinitY college, and a' versity will form in a double line. from-. . few forward passes, most .of which f�, tJ��:.I�it.--ft1�Iof_!� No� Evans, who left for HarVaid this faD., Doctor of LetterS of New' York 'uni- Harper to the south gate of Hull court'• ._�_ �.... wua ua I&L\OrllllU, as all The el-�_..2·ty and thence through Hutchinson court.either·went wrcmg or were lD�� .... 'th8r . " ,..: .: taDltY wiD'- be men were ""...:g by the p�t ·versl 'f-ed., �a1mer e8�t OD�. ear)J' � the :.. f��=�'the Presideat. �embers of the co�eiL ••. During.the w� ,the 'Prima� came �ar��ald:� :!sa �:n!lth���;. gam.; and tum� :.the.·� into ,a :' tt8ht-.� � be Mrved. Plan to �gamze A�111be.. Into, 'public ,notice .:t�ug�. �s de- this line at 2:15 .. �uc:h� �'�' � .� _� bGt:'�.wm;;_'- ':da:DCm Man • The �ci1 is � making P� to fense of the people and mstitutions of_ ,�d-6� �"H:'Di� �. � ��.,r..&ttifta .. tOi�tb c �.� �rgamze the campus' activities. �t his nation. Beca� bis �tivities in President Judson in Line.�t :D� �'�,_;_ � .�, - aat"i.y r� Is ti��t thatththere, are se¥hi�' orgam- bringing the attention' of the Vati� With him will walk President Jud-" am_..; �, �.._ �YV ad ':y ... U'. te.deD � an ecmIdent � ons on e cam�us v: ICU are un- to the .. actions of the Germans in thethe eye aDd was .�J"�� b(� ,.an � aDd 'eater- desirabl� �t tile UmveI'Sl�. �ere are occupied dis�et8 of Belgium, authori- son, the president of the Board of. Exped StW G .. e' ....... � .... , ;. " •,'. ', ' also SOCIeties, sueb as Umvennty Glee ties' place him .the most heroic de- Trustees; the University marshal, the• . .BeportS. 110m. 'the' , No�, . �cate � �� ,", ., ' ,club, which would' be �y� ad- fender of mistreated people .in his- University band, ArchJ:)isbop Mund&-c':, "�t the battle here Saturdq.-:.m be. ,-:-.: :. .,' • vantageous to the eampus life. These tory. lein, the Trustees, mem� of the_�:.:: l�«ei:-than ". � ne:� MAROON PLANS ,TO. organizations will·lMi plannes aDd fos-. • • ..' Car�al's suite and the Chicago com- '. "!--,.�;�{�t.l'.�'."coaeh;,�.,the,.--"t .', ':JSsiJE suPPLEMENT .tered: by the Undergraduate council German AuthontJes,Arrest BUD.�. mittee. �t the entrance to Mandel. � '��.;,l�f,;��t'I�j�;:w._o.w_��._��;�_�__ ,�:�._.�, .'�',��. ' -;->-C ... ·· .: •. �-.rr... "n':.': .... �'. y '�"',,� � as l»_uible.' . - ,',: _' '- ,.Early inl�,15 his famous "message�' h� they. �.' join tho e-usual conv� .. , .<�,;.:�lIoi"·_.;,··� .". �"""'I ' ............ Ia:<� ... , .' -�;I...&� . W� B ' "01.4-1..- '" .' ..2. 'th ch cb f'Belgi ti' hich will'be #�, '-'"/'· ... ;: .. t;�:�..,_� ......... �_';_I(�yt.--�. ;');');;>'i��"�����:.")·.:".:.l.":'''''''''",,:,,,'''';T:·�'·'''_'�:l'''· . ,'/8CIfQ-., �:atroDc'deaire on:the .was..L.� In: e Dr.. � 0, um., on· proces&lon,.'w__ . " . � ... �::. ":�'iii::-'-;l�al�����SI��etStS�1i:�.��'�.$uf��iJ����), '. ';�:.The .NoiiliWe.tem� -tackles' are.'reo- -._., --: ,. .'. '. M' ;thI�·, ..: �: ._. _ � .' aad.pnaeIl� t,O;th8 .UDlveftity·guard and, impqsoned' many' prieStS. friendS _of·.-tbe :Umveriiity •. : ,-No>',seat " "':--::"'�"',::$;.'8�;�;to lIo!:�,��� de' ,'. .• <�. ,� ?\ ' - ,: autMrit.ioL It �-�that plans In �twerp � d,ean and eh.ru oi 'WJ1i be'-r�·�rv'·f�or,�'�:# ,'. �;:{g,i�''::r,r���:�� ��:�t,.�·.�.Utt1� riBST' :NUMaBa" m:.NOVRM_. of '!JUa,:"p!titiOll:����be- .�eed the',city'ceam� int:o·.conflict .with· �� ��.'��y. � But �P�� ��'J;�,;::�:;:��,�::�f';'.Io!4'eam:'here,'as both·mgma'"and:Jle- .'... ......, .. �'" ," .. ' ., .' ':. . very .... �, ':,��:' -.. ';;; . -:.- I ;.' . German authorities •. General von BlS- InVitations are still commg m·.to the ,. ';:�-,:Mt\i:-;.:'���..-��t'.to. �e:·.:��, '>A li� �pl�t·� tbe�:6ani .' ;',.� Meetmp ,��.��', .... sing '�"&t:that' time the�GermaD' �ident's .office and unti(nooil �, .. , .<:-:{tj:: ':-:'-.�' ��-'��, �� is 'su�', toO, M�D will be iSsued _ ·d�. � the' �- ��ergraduate';eomi� '1!ishes military �VernOl\. '..' day no tickets.wi"p be giv� out to the '. i ::_-·t��!.t..� ;.�' K�� •.. � ,p�'s _. �eDSiv. earl,. pU-t of November. 'l'h8' 'I' to. &DD9UDee for,. the �etit of its Cardinal Mercier is' the author of �dent body. . At � that time any¥y, . �.. '7'/��', ,:,p�efr��"�lllbe�� ment _� take.liP �. work :,p� �. that �:futurun�cs.will "Manual and-Mode� Scholastic Phil- �a� obtain a ticke� by requesting it,' :.���" �._� minimum �� the �g·�t former Chi. Literary 1I�tbi,. and be. held ID' �� .10, UDIess �. p�- osophy," reView� in' the New York until.they � all gmm out. .. � �':,H�···tIle. '�&IOOD, '� ,made .��Y wm'eoDaist of stucllDt __ CODtributionS, lous anno�ent IS made to the con- Times.: ·His .'European Donors 'in-' Ask RepresentatiV& Bodies. .:.<�.' � �e Purdu� team.. ,'., on any subjeCt: fietiou,':poetry . esSay tral7. elude: Awald of the Prix d'Audiffre ... -;j}.::�,". �I�'���c �g �wd. : critielsm.'. ... '.',. '. .',,,_ . b� the Academie d� Sciences Mor- Certain '. representative bodies in ,,�,�y,�a1 � .� being ereded A tentatiVe' staff wiD -�.be, formed CONFER �v.r �AL SERVICE rales (Mareh, 1917), foreign associates th� student ol-ganization have. been ._ at th? 8011� and:no� ends �"Stagg within. a' short time to direct.the ' :'-. 1.' '.- -"--..' of the French.Academy (June, 1918), specially inyited and will be given re-.fteld.m expeetation of the a�� poliej ,of the suPPlement. This',staff y.,'!.,_c. A. eo..ltt� �eeta With honorary member of the Spanish served seats. Among theSe are meJU-O:f the Chi�Northwenera �e, will be separate from.t-.he·Il'UoOn,-80 . II .... Wadclell to·.� Work. A�emy ·(May, 1918)� bers of the Undergraduate' council,,'-, .whic:h,· PlOllU8eaJ to, be very. � that the month1,. 'Supplements WiD in •. . . '. the Law council, the Medic council,:;. :: � fW. are hopiDa' to. be� �e to reautJ' earI'J' on �y the same Sort . The Y:W. C. A •. �. service COID� the Divinity .�council, and the Senior.-. _ � ,.an all�obl1e' �,_, from of 'Won[ as' did the old _ Literary mittee met Monday. for a '-4:0nference WILL BOLD UNIVERSITY SING fellows of each of the departments of, EvaDston� throu� the city, � the KonthlJ', wJu1e,it will. be'� 'from with MisS Sue'-Waddell, general sec- .' Arts, Literature, and Science..�chr&!. :. the fiDaDc:ial .wOrries and, ctifflcu1ties .'_ . , <eo.� � fllJl/e' 2) .'. - Federation of Women Nuies Program The COnvOcation ceremonies will .�,.: ; ,._, . . .''. of publieatlon Which beset'the 'fcirlner ,. Committee for Novel A.m. be simple and' brief •. After the usual· DARTMOUTH.: . BREAKS RECOR� monw,.. . .....,. A.':'· - roDA Y'S WEATHER inv�tion President Judson will an�.,'-�Sapplelll_t fa for �t&... . A"UniversitJ' Sing will' be held, o� nounCe·the conferring of an honorary .,'::.' EDroIhneat I. Fraluaa. 0UIi Ex- . . . 'Fair .toda,. and. eoatiD1Ied eooter. Wiednesday, Oct. 29 In,,Kandel hall. degree On' behalf of the Unive .ty, '. . '.' The supplment will DOt be in any . ,1'Sl. ,'. eeeda 'ftat ., BUYIII'd. . ' --... : ..... "--"'P ' - ..- 1Ir •• Geo- Tenny of Lewis .lnstitute Senate the candidate flor th h n" e. '':. "'. _.. seD88 & au&&IV&VW ,Work,.DOr wiD it "0- ,e 0 orary. < ,�� � :,.; cm.tt&in artie1es of an,.·Peat Ieqtb. THE DAlLY MAROON wiD direct the sIDgjDg. The Federa- degree· will be presented by Dean�rtm�uth, �nep .� .. b1'O� � The ataDdarCrof.'�tiDc wiD of co� BULLETIN tion'has announc:e<l the fo1lowiDg c:om- Small. President Judson wm then�lU"Ollment reeords �,�. A. � be '. cletemiiDed, bJ".' the qualit,. and. I mittee in c:harge of, the program:. confer. the -degree. If it, meets the, tal of 17� has b_een reached..;, � IS quantit,- Of mateiial' sUbmitted.· For TOday' Helen Thompson, chairman; :Miss pleasure of the Cardinal he may thenmore tbata '200 in ex�' Of its maxi� tIdI raacm an' ·students who are lD- DlriDit, daapel, 11:51, BukelL :tlizabeth WaDaee, Mr. Robert W. make a brief address. The AIm.mum pre-W8:l' IlUendance. �,.-e- te.r.t.d. in JiterarY' work or, aD)' �rt Chapel, Senior eoIIeae-, .eII aDd Stevens, Famde Templeton, Francis Mater will then be sung by the audi-.�rding to college·officials, is due pri- are urged k eemtrlbute.. Malaaerlpt. WGlllen, 12, MaDdel. Langw�rthy, James Niee1,.,' Cran� ence. which will remain standing· marDr to the phenomi� size of �e should be JW.ded in 8s _r)y as pos- One B1Iultrecl aDd Thirtee.· cADYO- Rogers, and. Barrett Spaeh.· ddring the playing of the Star Span-�terinrt. class, which, with a total of sible in order that the COPJ' ma,. be alien, 2:3,' MaDdeL Belen ThompSbn, �iman of the gled Banner and the Belgian Na-about 710, is one of the largest fresh- reacb'. Jlanusc:ripts shouldllbe marked Commerce c11lb, .:15, Harper. eomimttee, says that this sing witl tional Anthem. After the benedic-,nan elasses in the East, exceedin� "supplement" and � to Box 0, Junior Mathematieal dab, 4:30, mark the beginning of a -new tradi- tion there will be a reeessional. Mem-that. of Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. Faculty Exchange. If sufficient ma- Ryenon 37. tion and that the firat one must be a bers of the Chicago Committee andThirty"nine states and seven foreign terial is not reeeived the project wiD Philologieal society, 7:45, 1228 East success. All campus 'organizations of the Cardinal's suite "tIl T'C3S-countries have representatives in the have to be abandoned, 80 that It is 56th Street. have been urged to come In groups semble in the Reynolds Club and willcollege.: The most significant fact in Important • thAt an . those interested and the eo-operation' of every student enter their autos at the Mitchell�e distribution is tha� about 40 per take. part. Tomorrow has been asked to make the affair:1 Tower en�ce.cent of �e total registration .comes There are to be teyouts for the Divinity chapel, 11:50, Hukell. big one.places outside of New England, in bOard of eclltorB of the Dew' 81Ipple- Chapel, .Conece of <'Ammerce ami The Dm open Coundl meeting ofspite of the fact that Dartmouth is es- mat. Those who have lIad aDJ' ex- AdmiDiatration and Collece of Belaea- the FedeTation of University womenaentiall,., a New ·Engl�d college, and perieDee or."" to. do Ipecfat WOTk tiOu, men and women. 12, Mandel., wiD be held Nov. " in Ida Noyes hall.its traditions bound up with. those of should � with' the JIIII1IaIIDg . PIIbUc: leeture, 4, Harper. 'A dinner' wiD preC:ede the meetblg. Chi Psi announces the pledging of·th, East. Dlinois has the largest rep- edltar' of the Jrfarocm In his' Offtce In .Di"riDit,. .d.ool lecture, .., HaskelL More detaned' announeement wD1 be Howard Sloan, Chicago, and Rcrbertre8entation: of -all �e· western statea. Ems �i", Preferab� � 8 aDd 4.. IM.dPles- UIIe .. 1»I,., 8, Haskell 26. made later. Maxon. Milwaukee, WiSe, . .� . tor Won'Fame In War.'\ ., ... .:..:.'Chi Psis Announce PleCIgin�. ",.. .. (.·::,t;. ..�'.'';t,i:;_ w :��';':.;-_ � .. ,,;,'-.��'; �';�: .:. �;�� • .: . ';�' .. -/.� .. "" � .... .,\_,�. <;���:/, .fi"J;t-.(,,1I! .t!.t·1!.': ....:t:l'�:'� :-"-':' .,'2 . ',:�. �'7 ::,"�. ":. ':� '�'\. ::',' .. �, ,·ct::.', ! '·;'fT:0.:'�:\: :���'!:' '::' ;<:? 'i;::':' ,'.' ' �;<:r,: ';;-'.r :,t:'�{.;�,5 ",�' f2�" JCi�:7�:r�\rff�21f[L...' . · . " .. .r: 2�,;THE.DAIi..V MAROoN� WmNEsoAY,'QtrOBER22.1.919 "f ':�:..-, .,......The Student Newspaper of theUniversity of ChicagoBtTSINESS DEPARTMENTThe Staff'GRANT MEARS .. Business ManagerHenry Pringle .. Advertising ManagerKeith Kindred ... Circulation ManagerEdmund Eichengreen. Asst. Adv. Mgr.Laurence Tibbits Asst. Cir. Mgr.Robert Birkhoff Asst. Cir. Mgr.Entered as second class mail' at theChicago postoffice, Chicago, Illinois,March 13, 1906, under the act of CONFER ABOUT SOCIAL SERVICEMarch 3, 1873.A DISTINGUISHED VISITOR.Today we 'will be honored by thevisit of Cardinal Mercier, a manwhose brave humility in the face ofall that was brutal wrong, won him aplace in the list of international men.The University of Chicago hopes that,in its small way, it can show to thatman how much America, aiong withthe other nations of the world, admires"his bravery and nobility. The Cardi­nal proved himself truly a man ofGod, a champion of the right.LITERARY SUPPLK\IE�T. (Continued from page 1) , u. CoNKLIN is the Ploaeer' '.SelE8111n6 &l with 20 Years '. u Leadenhlp back oJ'u.-Dd •• �.JJ,.• £or 11me.h1ed Dependab�-­. S1mpl1cUy aDd, downrigh!, Comf�l in both Filling aDd, � it baa Afteer heeD Equa!-I ed· no. DOl even ApprOachedRightRere -,is the chief reason for the CONKLIN'Sluperiority�tbe "Crescent.FlIler"· isthe heart and· soul of the 'pen.THE CONKLIN has. le�f-fi.IliDi devi� that iswhoUy "iffwtnJ and "istittdiw-thlt " utterlyunique in construction and P9Sitive in action.Iu operation is in'stant and unfailing-and it is 10simple (has on1t two parts) that it can't iet out of ,order. Moreover. it prevents the pep from rollin,:off the dak. rNON-LEAKABLE 'To All Students-The. ,UniversitY of' Chicago(Alumni) Magazin�is a month­ly 'review. ,of/1:�e . activities' ofour alumni. . In addition, it re­views the more important U oj­versify aiJairs. �, This is a record, well illustra­ted, that-every . fraternity, club,and society at the Universityshould follow; and 'keep 'in its'files., .... .Parents of students here readit 'with much interest aad pleas­ur=-subscribe for them.. now.Subscription. is' :$2.00, 'No­vember to July, inclusive. Sub­scribe in time to start with theBox' 9, Fa�ulty -Exchangeml.t I.ailn _arn�ti. for the'paatyear and a half we' have SCHOOL OF"CQIIMUCE '. ,4r:J only had The Daily l\larOo� C� 'TO GIVE MEN�� TESTSquently it was thought that The Daily '.. .,.. " E�am�atioD8 Set ,FOr 1lae8daJ: Fro�Maroon, with a financial and editorial 7:3O.to 10 in Cobb 12C-PsychologyPublished mornings, except Saturday, organization. sufficiently strong to Students to Aaeiat Miss Richard-Sunday and Monday, during the Au- .. . ... 'tumn, Winter, and Spring quarters, weather the storms which beset pup- SODoby the Daily Maroon company. lication as a pastime, so to speak,• ---EDITORIAL DEPARTMElI.'"f could Lest foster some sort of literary Following a custom of former years,The Staff effort. At least it could start the ball the school of Commerce and Adminis-JOHN E. JOSEPH .. Managing Editor to rolling, If the time comes-as it tration will give psychological 'testsJohn Ashenhurst News Editor . to all students who have not takenRose F· hkin New Editor should corne-when a separate publi- th 1.._4' The tim . t' f thISC 1. .. . . .. .. . ,.s I em ue&.,ore.. _ e se or eHelen Ravitch News' Editor cation can, stand on its own feet, The examinations is Tuesday from 7:30 inHoward Beale Asst. News Editor Daily Maroon will be only too glad to the morning to 10 at night. TheyWilliam Morgenstern. Athletic EditorH d relinquish its literary work to that will be held in. Cobb 12C.arry Bird ... 0' ••••••••• Night E itorE st F ib N· ht Edito publication. Five hundred and fifty members ofrnes rr ourg ........• Ig I rRichard Flint Day Editor We must have workers and we must the Commerce school will be requiredHerbert Rubel Day Editor h . t Th I ts to take the tests at the time designated- D. ave manuscr1p. e supp emen -.Edward "aful........... ay Editor ' above. At the request of ExanunerHarold Stansbury .... Features Editor are not going to be "highbrow", nor Payne, thirty-five students not in thearc they going to maintain .a mediocre school of' Commerce will be examinedstandard. We want the best and the by the school. If they do not passtruest that .the average undergraduate the tests given them, they will not beadmitted into the University.can produce. We want to be -enter- Miss Richards6n. Is in Charge.taining but respectably literary. Read The giving of the tests wiD be inthe story on page one and act accord- cha� .of Miss Richardson, a' memberingly. of the department of Psychology. Shewill have fifteen' assistants, graduate,students and instructors of the Psy­ch,oIogy department. All the tests willbe given at one - session and' will takefrom 'three to!' -three and oh�ha1fSUBSCRIPTION RATESCalled for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a hours.quarter. retary of Y. W. C. A. work in this The eXa,minations· have been 'pre-. By Carrier, $2.50 a year; $1.00 aquarter. city. A new field of social service pared. by Prof. Thorndike of Colum-By Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50 work was mapped out for tliis' year. bia University and will be on'the or­a' quarter. It takes in work with smaller clubs der of those :reeently· given to stu­Editorial Rooms .......•.... Ellis 14. ..'.. . dents of Columbia. The tests will re-Telephone Midway \ 800 which are formed In the vanous dIS- quire' bigenuity in 'the interpretationBusiness Office ........••.... Ellis 14 tricts and high schools in the city as and use of WOrds. The results will beTelephone Midway, 800 .well as the settlement work which has filed and used to eompare the actualWednesday, October 22, 1919 previously been carried out so snc- work of .the student with the factscessfully. The work of the University shownIn the tests. The �tions.' . . will. fumish a means of' eomparingY. W. C. A. SOCIal service comnuttee Universi .-. ,DlVel'Slty members with students' ofwill be to furnish women for advisors other, eolleges.to these smaller clubs. Ask StuClent; te:Be : Prompt •.Miss Waddell will address the so- Dean MarShall in letters to an stu­cial service committee in open meet- dents to be examined 'haS emphasized. Th d 0 tobe 30 . I th 'y' the fact· that, ! because of - . the : 'larceIng urs ay, c r , In e • _.,,'_ ,.... '. ' ....... �,;.,_�. ,� .. '" ",. . . 'number 'of studelits-"'eonbel'llOO, theW. C. A., room In �da Ndyes �1. �he program e8nnot be shifteCl to meet· in-will talk �n Women's Clubs; what: dividual-eonvenienees.· Students· havethey are; what they�;have (lone during; been aSked'to be prompt 'and"to bringthe war. . a�'least ·two pencils,:Hull House is asking for worke '. . ". I tary . f 4 to 6 Y. W. C. A. PLANS SERlES"OFIn e emen sewmg rom. SEVEN' DISCUSSION 'GROUPSevery afternoon, and assistants in' TO· START ,NEXT 'TUESDAYItalian and Greek clubs from 3 .r _. ',4 :30 on Tuesdays and, Thursdays. M�Laa«hlin, , Scott, . ,S-all, ' M�&eI"Coialter . and SoareS COiadllct GI'811)111,�ive party Friclay:America has not only to present. Cardinal Mercier with honorary titlesand laud him and his nation by enthu­siastic receptions. America has toprove to Cardlnal Mercier that Bel­gium has a right to believe in' our MEN'S STUDENT COUNCIL TOnational· nobility, in the personal . CONTROL AFFAIRS AT K. U.'rightness of each citizen. The annual discussioil .group underShipioads of flour and numerous To Enforce Student' Traditions and the auspiceS- Of the Y.W.c:.A. will be­relief commissions' in time of stress Conduct College Activities - Take. gin next· Tuesday, aeeordmg to 8n�and trouble are not proofs of a na- Majority Vote. '- 'nouncement made by Florence Falke- November isSue.·tion's ideals. They are the duties of 'nau, ahairinan. � The 'meetings iue to THE ALUMNi' OFFICEthinking men and women. No doubt Plans are being perfected lJy a cinn-, be continued one' -day a week for. sixthe Belgian people appreciated the mittee appointed by the chancellor of weeks. Completed announCinent haslavish hand of America, but that hand the University of Kansas, which 'Will not been made for aU ,t.he groups, 'butmust be proved the living part of' a result in a, transfer of the control of the following definite' plans ,have beeD the ·Rev •. GOkey, of. �e 'Jiyde Parkthinking unity. We often meet out- strictly student a1fairs from the Uni- made: ,., '. / '� ,,,',....rageous scamps whose hands' are lav- versity Senate to the Men's' Student Prof. McLaughlin, head of. the '..de- Bap� c:hureh; Mr. ..Lyon, of theish.' council •. The establishment of. stu- partment·· of History. Win conduct a school' of Commerce �d A�-I B� Your Savings To Us .' .So the University of Chicago, as a dent traditions, methods of enforcing group on Tuesdays at 4:30 in Harper tion;. Prof. Judd, of the dep�ent Open Saturday Even'gS unti18 o'clock.tiny unit of the United States of them, the conduct of rallies and ,pa- E4L" His subject will be Ameriean of EduCation; Dr. Matthews, of the .===============America, must show to its distin- rades, and other student' actiVities Political Problems." . Associate Pro'f. Divinity school, and, Prof., Lovett, of ... ------------�guished visitor, Cardinal Mercier, its will not come under 'the jurisdiction Scott, of the History' department, wiD the EuglUh departm.ent. , -high purpose and the will power be- of the Student council. �ave charge of a group that ill to dis- . Florence F�t�a� has �oun� · F I 'S K C ·A F Ehind that purpose. The University Heretofo�. the Council has only cuss "Contemporary Con1liets." ·'qle th�t a Balo�e'en party � be. given _,' .., ,must show such things not only to- made rules, and has Dot had the members of this·· group' will meet Friday from 4, to 5:30 In. the .1o�ermorrow, in the enthusiasm of a spe- power to enforce them, since the Tuesdays at 4 in Harper M19. . gymnasium of Ida Noy� h811.. '.'1chI occasion, but on all days. Thus CoUncil nmnquisbed the power' fIVe Prof. ,Small, heAd of the department AD, women who � in� .. � Iwe can prove to his excellence that years ago. The present proposition of Sociology, wiD speak on "Vital th� disc:ussi�ns groups a1'e urged to,' ' "our talk comes not' only from dle to return certain powers to the coun- Social QUestions." His' group will come and sign up for one of them. '�ET US' �HOW YOUtongue, hut from the heart and the cil along with the right to enforce meet in Classics 10 on Mondays at 5. '.brain, directing those hands which regulations and 'traditions, is due' to Assistant Prof. Merrifield will have '.�3\'� so freely. recent agitation canied on by the stu· as his subject, "The Student and His POSTPONk W. A. A. INmATION .dents, who fclt that they did not have. Convictions." This group' will meet AND PARTY TO NEXT WEEKenough voice in their own govern- Wednesdays' in the Y.W.C.A. room.ment. Prof. John Couter, head of the de- The quarterly initiation of the W.The Daily Mal'oon calls your atten- In order to get thc opinion of the partm�t of Botany, has announced A. A. has been postponed until next . MEN'S FURNISHINGStion to the announcement on page one majority -of the students as to what as his subject, "The Future Of. He- Tuesday. All tickets for the event I "Hats, Caps and Neckwe� .'conccrnjn� it:; literary supplpment. they want in the way of powers the ligion." His group will meet: Tues- will be good at the banquet and en- C·o .... .: THE V' JC:!"Now is the time for all good men authorities will give every. student a days at 7 in Green haD. Dr. Thea- tertainm�t next .week. . A program t. ,w � , ,�(and women) to corne to the aid of chance to suggest what he thinks ,the dore Soares will also conduCt a group, will be giv� by the in�tiates and. the. STORE FOR MENtheir party," in other words. students should have. These sugge.:;- bu� as ,yet this subject pas not been an- older' W. A.' A. members. I Southeut CorDer 55th-Ellis ATe.Faculty memhers and undergrndu- tion$ will be considered by the com-, nounced. I BILLIARDS,ates ha'·c felt the need of some medi- mittee, and all changes approved by A seventh group will have different .Cigars-Cigarettes-Pipesum for literary expression. The col- it will be incorporated in the consti- speakers for each meeting. The men Subscribe to " the ,�Y &laroonlege newspap�r can not do this, and ·tution of the Student council. who will lead individual meetings are:,1.-, or' The' Corn' ExchangeNational Bauk' 'OF CHICAGOCapital, Sarplu and UDClivideci Pl'oIt.$10,000,000.00' ' .Is,the Larcesf Nati��al Bank in the, .. . UNITED STATES.f' IWith a SaTinp' DepartmentUnder Fed�al . Sa�oD .N;. W. Cor. La Salle and ACtaala St&.1309 E.' 57th St.•Open'7 Days a WeekRead The Daily M�n J�(I']t··,...:... . �. .� � :. ",:., I.. ,:.04 1"1 I J t ',," :�,;t�?':�"�r>����; -.���,"J,',,"'_ - ' ," , ''!.t. ", ; ... :� ,-, �3.'" �::�" rr: -',- ....,•THE� DAD...Y MAROON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1919 lIlT' -. -,""r I62nd and Kenwood Ave.Direct EDtr�nce on 62nd StreetJORDON ON FLU COMMISSIONWill Bead Chleap DiTialoD to Fi,htRespiratory DUIeaaeL I-Prof. E. C. Jordan ,of the Universityhas' been given 'the direction of theChicago Division of the' RespiratoryDisease Commission. Elaborate in­vestigation will be made of the fac­tors influencing "colds" and the rela­tion of various germs present to theseconditions. The work wilr also serveto co-ordinate varying conclusions ofthose who worked on the" influenzaepidemics last year.Members of the Commission else­where are: Prof. M. J. Rosenau ofIHarvard, I\t Boston Dr. G. W. McCoy,directors of the Hygenic laboratoriesof the U. S. Public Health Service,at Washington Dr. Wm. H. Park, di­'rector of the New York Health De­partment's Research laboratoiies; Dr.Lee K. Frankel, president of theAmerican Public Health, ABBOciation,and Dr. A. S. Knight, medical directorof the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co,.at New York.Th� organization of the local divi­sion is being completed and the entireUniversity will be called on shortly toco-operate in this, investigation. Thescope of the work will include other­institutions, but the intensive workwill be 'here. •',e 0 1\1 M U N I CAT ION S(In view of the fact that the com­munication �Iumn of t�e Daily Ma­roon is maintained as a clearing hoWlefor student and faculty opinion, TheMaroon accepts, no re&RQnaibUity forthe sentimen� therein expreaaed.Communications. are welco.-aed by the�tOr, ami should be BipeCl as an en-, denee of good fait, although the' .. _.;&me will not be itllbl!ahed wit�ou�, the. Writer's conBellL), , ,--�,.._-:--'�4 .; �_t_-:-:,7.--::' .... -- ...' ... ,: .. '- ., "'.-�:c'- ;--1' have:: �- witli"' Intereit ��u�' em­tori&i paragraph � October 16th,' ad­voeating a University poSt of theAlrieri� -Legio�,', It would .be anadmirable'thiQg,:to have-such an or-ganizati�. ��ly" -the object jonwould arise in many mindS' that itcould at· m� . c:ontiriue only a fewyears because of 'the 'constantlyehanging personnel of the studentbody. Nevertheless, it would .be worthwhile, to have it, as long as conditionsmight permit,We .have now a great many men inthe University, both members of thefaculty and students, who were in theservice of the nation' during the warand every legitimate eirort sbolJ)d bemade to emphasize and promote thespirit of , loyalty and of the highest'civic ideals. Not being eligibl� to _thelegion, I can not make any move to­ward an organization� but I sincerelyhope that those' who can do so wntundertake the task..F. J. GURNEY. -, �. I � ,:�j:,� ',:,. -,........., \ ITS my "Murad that speaks to.'me and -comforts mel-it's 'not thesweet music that so delights melJrulge lor yoaraell";""/', .Muiads Could not be 80 refreshing-so, deJicio�if they were not made, of tOO%pure Tur�h tobacco:-the world·s most- famous tobacco for agarettes. '.It is true that C1ordinary" cigarette.'cost a triBe lesS. ,Gladstone HotelCafeteria DeLuxeSipa Chi Amaoocea PIeclaiD ••We Invite Your Patronage SUBSCRIBE- FORSigma, Chi announces the pledgingof James F. Lehan, Chicago, and Ed­win s. MeMready, Wic:bita, Kan. UJ4r lailg !larnnn."Breakfast.6:30 to 10;00 Luncheon'2:00 to ';30 Dinner5:30 to 8:00-MIDWESTTYPESE'lcIlNGCOMPANY510·512EAST SIXTY-THIRD'STREETPRINTERS andUNOTYPERSSPECIAL A'ft'BNTIONTOUNIVERSITY WORK Excellent Food Prompt Service READ THE WHISTLEREAD THE CAMPUS NEWSREAD THE ANNOUNCEMENTSModerate Prices•GLi\DSTONE HOTEL $2.50 Per Year$1.00 Per Quarter__.........__eI_'fte_DIdIT_.....__ .. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAILY MAROON i All the Campus News jn the Daily Maroon·1.. _-''''''',p ... -: ��:�{ nCar trll�" .1\' . ." \. ';[ . I ! ','1BALL ROOM A T'HLE'TESBY TOM ECK,athletic teams, which include FootThe annual trouble-making seasoncommenced Friday afternoon for the FORMER UNIVERSITY MEN'COLLABORATE ON' BOOKBall, Cross Country Running, Basket IL R B Id ·d--'l-l d H·II e oy a rl ge, ., an I marBall, etc. The first D�nce was 'on! I Baukage, '11, Publish War Volumeand when the Band strikes up for a Called, "I Was There"-Harry Han-two step or the latest (Whizz) every sen, '09, Writes Recent Review.athlete forgets what time it is. It'salways just four o'clock with them, Capt. Le Roy Baldridge, '11, has,plenty of time to go out for their I collaborated with Hilmar Baukhage,event right up to supper. Then it'c; '11, in the publishing of a book of thetoo late." I will say there are some A. E. F. in France called, "I Wasstudents that must have tutors to There." The book consists of draw­make alibis for them. I even took in ings by Baldridge and verse by Bauk­the Dance myself and it's wonderful hcge.what a lot of good dancers come out While at the University, both menfor this class. But they don't register were prominent in campus activities.up the distance covered. Five miles Baldridge was a member of Lincolnis nothing in a, ball room. House and was 'president of his class.I don't see why a fellow wants to He is now on his way to China, wherehave .every dance with the same girl. he will study Chinese art. When heWhy doesn't he give the girl a chance returns he will open a studio of histo dance with some other fellows, so own. His home is now in San Diego,she can see how silly they are also. Cal. Baukhage is a member of DeltaAnd give the other fellows a chance Upsilon and is now doing advertisingto step on her feet. I don't think it is work in Washington.fair to the girl to hold your arm or Hansen Writes Review of Book."f body so no one can see her face., Somefellows arc awfully .afraid some onewill see his girl. And we have thegreatest number of good looking girlsthat ever came to this college. Butgirls you want to figuse on a manwho will be able to produce threegood meals a day, with the fixturesthat go with it. No matter how goodlooking he is or such a wonderfuldancer. It's too bad some of the fel­lows don't have a chance to set! them­selves .dancing in a Moving Picture so�ey could see how graceful they are.We have a few superstitious ath­letes on the teams. They don't comeout when the spell is on: And thespell works generally from four tofive: times a week. And these fellowsalways want the best locker, and usethe most tape, . But I am no believerin superstition. When I found out'John D .• Rockefeller takes m�ney onFriday the 13th, I went right out andwalked under a ladder, and I am stillalive. and h�y.�'. . . Harry Hansen, '09, a former Warand Peace correspondent for the DailyNews, and author of "A Peace Con­gress of Intrigue," and "The Adven­tures of the Fourteen Points," haswritten a review of "I Was There'� ina recent issue of the 'Daily News.Parts of his article are printed be­low:"When I first saw Roy he .was lug­ging a portfolio of drawings acrossthe campus of the University of. chi­cago-ah, several college generationsago. Men who lmew him then willtalk to you by the hour-but notnecessarily about his drawings. .Theywill' tell, you about his honesty, hiscandor, his sense of democracy, hi.unfailing good humor and his faith Inhis fellow men. He started to drawthen, and he drew for everybody whoasked him ,to-the college .dailY, themonthly, the students' annual-jus�for the joy of the thing.Lived in Lower Building' Room.-"He sat In with Chiea.go art classesIt, looks to me as though we will at odd moments and grew in tech-have more college �pirit this season nique and forcefulness,· and thenand .next, We have so many great there came a time in his career whenHigh School Rooters who 'have COme he lived in a room, high up, .in thehere, and if they can only learn this Tower building. QD 'Mic:higan . boule­coll�e yell we, should be able to be Yard and .drew ,ads, for garlers and. heard past the Band anyway_ Just brands of bacon and such like. Itlisten to the lung power of the' other never brought him .any money and hecollege rooters that come here. A never pushed it hard, for he was sat­you�g man walked up to the gate isfied with a sandwic:h lunch whenkeeper and said, "Pass me in I go to other men with more meager talentssehoel here." He couldn't think that were eating lobster stew. He was su­it costs money to run a foot, ball �premely happy about his .work-andgame. l no one who saw-it could fail to shareI,his optimism,I "Then he went to' New \ York; andJUNIOR MATHEMATICS CLUB I when the war came he tnunped upWILL MEET TODAY AT 4:30 and down Belgium and drew a fewpictures about it-just as one mightThe first meeting of the Junior make a few notes in a book-andMathematics club win be held today then the injustice of the thing, gotat 4:30 in Ryerson 37. ,The club will under the skin' and he enlisted tobe organized for the year, officers I drive an American ambulance inelected and a program committee France. When we got into the warchosen. The subjects for the rest of he just naturally became Baldridge,.the quarter will be discussed. Af private, infantry, and so he signedfreshmen and sophomores who are his pictures.interested in mathemati� have been II "I have talked with Roy abouturged to attend this meeting. ,these drawings' in P�ris-in his Uttlet,: .!I'�I I",rriiIII '''C i"" ;1 � -... -. 't--,,1 -; - '.' �'.';;_��<- ...... ,.;;; ._.. __ ... .:;:; -_. , 'l1F, ·c1OpF============================�������R�m��3ti� W���b������'����h���ehouse far out of plumb on the lIe de people-and if we \et greed come in back from that meeting and remarkedla Cite, where he could look lown our way now we'll fail them-and we with that odd touch of sincerety infrom his easement window on Henri won't be able to look hnybody in ,the his voice: 'That was- the most won-Quatrc in bronze, and the Pont Teuf, face.' derful meetirig I, was ever, .t, Harry.and the pale blue reflections of gas 1- Only Doughboys at Conference. lIt was wo�'� the whole �rlights In the �rling, edd�ng Seine., "And then 1 remember how Roy to h:mr WJ1son read �t c:ov�U!t.I have talked with him across our f and . Baukhage,. another former Chi- That s what 1 eame over he� for �dsandwich meal of Duval's-the Childs cago man who wrote for The Stars went into the �ar' fo�.' ",.: ,of Paris-and heard him say: 'Gad, and Stripes, and who has written . 'if I can only make the public see some real lyrics for this book, werewhat war is-what a dirty, low thing the only two doughboys who got into Subscribe for The Maroon andit is, and how brutal it makes men, I the velvety carpeted hall of the peace . '. 1 •fine, clean men-then they'd fight to conference on the day that President Get All the Campu� New. ithe last ditch for the league of na- Wilson read the covenant of th�Ira. Il. Or:lhoo(] Arthur T. OrnhoodPIIONE :MIDWAY 7!6tFASHION"The American" Restaurant and Lunch Room1 004 East Fifty .. Fifth Street'"Quick Service and Everything the BestOpen All Night Commutation Tickets .: .. ,] ,\ '...... , •• , .. elkD •CLOTHES ·POR YOl1NG MEN'AND MEN WHO STAY YOUNG•j'Society Brand style, like a triangle, ..has three 'dependent, sides: lattractiv� :pattems woveninto 'fine all-wool fabrics, the � design of the model,, the tailoring of the clothes.' 'Each side is perfectly developed to meet the other: two;�t"s why the effect is -3.. finished-whole,ALPIlSD DSCJtBIl • COHN ••• tera"'ep.dII. aocur:rr BBAND a.onma. UIdIdCIlicago New York Ilona.!�R� , �W�.r.-u.::...�. �:�.� STYLE HEADQUARTERS I� ,\q�f;;; ?l1cielt\ 4"l1ritnll ([l('lthl'�; '\fil "tli!' �� , . �,:..�:�f1.���.'0,"'��---:_"'::.� .. ,� ... _� .... , .. ' ._��'r"r'r';,��.�$!;;:"1-�,.Su,�y.\;t-'�. �t,�t\;y::�t�·,";)< If:':�: 0" .�:?:;:i �;'::: ";' � '; ';J<y-:.' ", ;:.;:.'��?r: ::' :c�� ;,.,(s;;:�,i'''' ':: t:'?::�' ',;,: ;,", "�"":'j' .. :: .' �; ,, ;, "�'�' ",'. . ,. �'. " ";(\" �. ,.�. ' ::"'-'f�:1�1?�� �y: �., f",'�. ,..... ..: J .. " ;. ... � ... .�:' __:- ,;"':1HE:-OALy,',MAROON; WEDNESDAY, octOBER 22, 1919 .IS' '_"�,_.,:, _'.������������������������==�������������==��==�==��� ..KEN'I:' CREMICAL CLUB MEETSTwo lectures yet remain in tlie '.fleld' , --Assistant Professo.r Terry Addr�of the series of four, given by the &tudents on c'CoIloids and ColloidUlnversity Lecture association this Chemistry."year. �arles' Zueblin, Edwa� How-" Assist.,P�f. Terry of t1].e chemistryard Gn� Piof. IIcLaughbn �d, department addressed a reCent ineet­Prof. Goode' are each delivering one ing of the K�t Chemical society heldof the series. . in Kent laboratory. She spoke onOf the lectures by Charles, Zueblin Colloids and Coll�id,chemistry. Afterof Boston, the � subject, of the ·talk the election of officers for. ' which is "World Visions, and Re- the next two quarters was beld. Mr.�J 0 S E PH I,N E visions," two,have been given. ,�ese DeBeukelear was elected president,. ',' are:, "Education: -, "CcmveJi�ona1 '. ',�r Heleh .Eiehel�, viee 'president,MILLINER ' Creative,n, on OCt. 28; and "Fai� � and' Marie.' "Farnsworth; secretary-. "Afftm..A��'�, N £ > �'," '-_,�, ��� ..._ .. ,0, _,�� � �_ .��_� '.��I_�_.�����������������������������, "-": Easl ,63 'do, "5' <:'. _,' . 'The �;of th� six lectuJ!S by'llr. _, lWaDy'inte1'eSting speeim� of col- =1024, ,t _ _.r - t��t· Grigp, is "The poetry and Phil�hy lOid cheDustr:v Were. -used ,as demon-. ;;:. 1=.'===::;C===::;::::==i ==== of BrOwiung.". He divi�es his subject sbatioDs,.':' and a steropticon ftasbed l§,,�hODeB.:a::i.=,=.r.Nigbt�.:m.�.::e;r;:,.'� �weiM�f���;; I,',', " ra'''; "Ma:me 'aDd ,th8 Spirft: 'c�;:bt ture".iJl.the, �i-se of whicll Dr. Bar- �Fraternity �Re8taOran" t,- Vogler'''� "The Study of 'PexsonabW: kina tOld 'of, a plan to li�ld joint meetr �• Andrea ,del Sorto'''; "The TragedY ings' in - the. near future ,with: the ss'.'" of the,' Pursuit 0(' Knowledge: 'par::. Physics club in �rder to' discUss topics _=== �-,(;000. Meals for the 'People ee}us'''j' "Browning's PhilosOphy of which wert! of 'sufficient il\te� both - IIWho Care Art and Life:' 'The Ring ',and the to physicists and cheJnists. '== IBook'''j - and "The Crowning Revela-' • = •"1144 ,East Fifty-Fifth Street, ti� of ,Life: 'Caponsaechi;" One of BLACKFRIAR Plcr�ES ,DoNE �==these lectures wiD be' delivered every § ==Tuesday from Nov. 11 'sn Dec. 16. Four, Photographs Were T�eD of § / I�PrOf. MeLauPlln, head of the de- c'NaugJlty Nineties" Production. :: AW D C Pipe is 'the birrgest value that the World's §SPedaI Prices �o, �tudeUts, parbnent' of History, will 'give 'the Be-.,' --'- == Largest Pipe Manufacturers can put into a pipe. The �Telephone �idway·1182. ries beginnipg immediately � ilie The Blac:kfriars announce that the � W,D C is a good. _iisfying smoke, and bound to break in g§Christmas vacation.,· Bur ,general pietures of last Season's production, �, sweet and mellow everytime, Highest 'quality of bit, band IMIDWAY .. BEAUTr topic:is"The Developments of the' c�The Naughty Nineties," are now _�_�=,:-=�_=:�: and bowl; craftsmanship of the highest order-that's what �American D4PDocraciy.".. Tlie. . first available for those who ordered them. �_� we mean hy higgut »alue. _ A9k any good dealer. '�PARLOR. f§1� ·of the series will be given on' Th�: are f01lr photOgraphs in all, �_;1' """'. 0 E M UTH Bt CO.. NEW VO R K §, SAINT GEORGE HOTEL - ,Ian. '8 and the 1� on ·Feb., 10. Bis taken as they were produced on the �� w 0 R L o·s LA R G EST. M A K E R S 0 F FIN E PIP E: S I6007 BIacladone Ave. .Subject are ''TJle, �grom;td of the stage in "Mandel hall.. ,� •.'. ' . ' Revolution' and the, Early Constitu- There are pictures of the Esqui- �!-:':::;??-;::C�-'�:::�--�-"'-E_ =�-::",���������,�����-�-,����_�-��, ��,-��Open �esday, Fri� and Sat:- tional �od," "ldenon' and ;reffe� manx num�rJ the .Igorrotte numberurday Evemng., sonian Democracy," "laekson and and the Egyptian number. There is ably responsible for his being the careful as to what he says, but therelac:bonian Demoeraey," "Democracy also a picture of the entil1!' cast of most beloved of American& is a lot in the man who says what' heand B�t;ari8.ns," "The Deevlop- seventy persons includiJJg the' c1l0r- He had his enemies buthe had his thinks is best and shouts it out. In�menta of Modern Democracy,'" and uses. friends also, and his enemies were�'I>emoetaey Today." AU those who Ordered the pictures �oSe wh,o could not be his.friends be-Prof. Goode Gives La.t G_' or' tJloee who were in the production cauSe they did not back up to thoseLast of the 'lou; groups is the -se- and-desire-to have them and have not �deals for which "Teddy'" stood.ries . of illustrated lectures by Prof. already ordered them may - get them Rosevelt was' 'a man of, action. HeBoode, of the department of Geog- from Roland Hollo�y or at the of- bad his mind set on \ every questionraphy.: IUs leetui'es given ,every, flce of the BI.ackfnars. , of the tlay. He -was ,not a fenster.Tuesday from Feb. 17 to March 13 When he was asked an opurlon on anyare to be on the topie of """'"e Great Wh' ColI Ed subject, he expresed it without.& n at ege itors.World Powers." His individual sub- Think stamping around with attempted di-jects are "Britain, the Ruler of the plomacy. He was straightforward inSeas," "France, the InVlDClole,""The DON'T BEAT AROUND THE Busif 'giving his opinions, and he almost al-Rise of :Modern .1 apan," "The Ger- :ways took the right side.man,'Dream of World Power," "Rus- (From the Minnesota Daily.) What about the student of the Uni-sia and Its Crisis," and "America as • PfOb&Iy' the most stirking feature ,·ersity or'Minnesota? How many of, a World Power." Each lecture wfll in the'life of the late Colonel Theo- us are liable to be perched on the P�f. Millikan, of the department ofMARGUERITE GRACE, Prop. be, given' on a .Tueday mght at 8 :at dore Roosevelt was the fact that he fence in an effort to appear tactful or Physics, delivered an address on,the St. lames M. E. chureh on. the believed in hitting the line hard when in the fear of public opinion? And i"some Contributions·of -Science to theTelepho�e Hyde Park 7904 Comer of Ellis Ave. and .c6th St.. . he was right. .where do we get when we arc on the War" at the last meeting of theThe cost of the entire four series This is n�t a treatise on the life of fence? Going farther, where would Quadrangle club. Prof. Millikan wasSuL_-L_ f The M 'd to an outsider is $6.00, bat a stucJent T�eodore Roosevelt b yany means, but we be if every one was-afraid to ex- a lieutenant colonel in the Rdearch, tRK;DDC or aroon an may buy a eourse tfeket. for haIf-prlc:e the fact that CoTonel Roosevelt hit the press an opinion?, council of the U. S. A. He is presi-______________ or $2.50. Tlekets f. only one group line hard when he was right is prob- There is a lot in the man who is dent of the Quadrangle club •University Agency'MR.PENN5735 Uni"!ersi� Av-:nueHout:S 1-6 o· clock, �.M.Telephone Hyde Park 8669AppoiDtmen� by' Ph�e .UNIVERSITY-.,, .HAIRDRESSING, " ..PARLOR1309 E. 57th St.. ' . :,.. ... ' �. ... � , ,LEARN THE YELI.s.'LONG YELL. _ .. CHICAGO.,Chi-ca-go, Chi-'ca-go,Chi-ca-go, Go,Go-Chi-ca, Go-Chi-ca.• ,'.Rah�rah--raJl-;.-rah (slow)Go-Ch!--Q-goRah-rah-rah-rah (faster)�---ca-go --..... Rah-rah-r�h-rah .(still faster)Go---:.chi--ca-goGo-Chl-ca-goGo Chicago, Go Chicago,GO! Hello-BelloChicagoRah, rah, rah, rah, rail, rah, rah,Chicago, .YEA!Go-Chi-ca, Go,Tea�n, Team,' Team .YEA!HELLO!_',-'_SEVEN, RAR'S.Rah, rah, rah, rah,rah, rah, rah,Team, Team, .Team,YEA! ' SKY ROCKETSls-s-s-s-s-s-s-sB-O-O-M!,(Whistle) .AH-h-h-h-h-h (Everybody'stand up)•',.THREE. BAH'S.'Rah, rah, �,Team, Team Team. C-H-I-C-A-G-O!FIRST LECTURE' SERIES of six lectures cost, $2.00, with theOF YEAR IN PROGRESS, same reduction of one-half for stu-, dents.UniverSity Lecture AModaUoD An- 'Tickets and fuller information maynointces Three Others by Edward be obtained at the -, lecture bureau inHoward Griggs,' Prof. MaLaughlin Cobb hall.and Prof., Goode. I. ',', . NationallyKnbwn inKnow TimeBevo has become the bestfriend of food and (ellow­ship;Drink it for its purityI' and deliciously appetizingflavor.,II At the soda fountain orI . ..� _ with your- meals.r r Bevo must be served cold....�, ANHEuSER .. BUSCH, ST. LOUISIt must heIce eotdtegrity, 'that word used so' much byPresident Burton, combined with theimpregnable power of action is neces­sary.' 'The University of Minnesotane&ls men and women who are notafraid to express their opinion on af­fairs. Let the 'whole world know howyou stand. The man on the fence is n 'coward. Are you in that class?PROFESSOR MILLIKAN GIVESLECTURE AT CLUB MEETING• ...""';'''. "..,., ...-'y.. }"r�����t\A l\ULlTARY L.ETER.Camp Cobbi' . Oct. 22, 1919."�.. .From: Scout (good). .(. '. To: Commanding Officer.V: Subject: Reconnaissance.0." . 1. The star freShmen moved off in. ., a colu� bf quads yesterday, much tor:.' 'the embarrassment of our troops�} � .' who tried to intercept them but found:. \\��:; . it impoSsible to bring up the heavy� ff. artillery (names censored).I" 2. It bas been learned that Pvt.:', l; : Boyden of the opposing 10"""" •clio-� Ii:}. ,�!e:�the�� ':�DD:'t·I��).. . -: 'tion because they are detained in the�". �::}/.:.' ,horse latitudes. .'_, � ,'v." _ .":. . ",!:'::f"';' . '" 3. • It is repqrted that two atroci-�. r:�::t , ties escaped 'from the cellar during:,� i:t' a recruiting .ampaiga. A detail wasi( ,.' assigned to stand guard over them in... �:��.;.-_, a comer away from the prospects., '�i': Elizabeth Walker.'i��· HO;�� ::0::::;.. /��' :., nabel to make the Whistle- after' fail" �.::, ing to bring her around is more �����,:,�' we can see._; I:: WHICH reminds 'us of Ruth Huey''; favorite joke. She is determined to... ,"'"tell it repeatedly until the wholcampus has heard it. We want tohelp out. Listen:"Have you a Klaxon horn on youcar?"•"No, but I have a sign on the fronthat says, cDod� Brothers'.", �;.�� .1I•l.i'li",i.'t,t_., .ir; .I . THE printer was not to blame be­cause the above heading did not ap­pear yesterday, but he was to blamefor most everything else that wentwrong. Several, prominent Campusgentlemen made the Whistle by mis­take who could never have made itany other way...WE see that the Delta Kap propa­ganda man is at it again.' His pub­licify has now extended to the bookstore window,Sounds Like That Kappa Sig Fresh­man.,McComb (looking at the' green andwhite button): Are you an A.D.?Hamon: No. I'm taking a Ph. B'0 course.A Y.M.C.A. sommons sent out yes­terday to committeemen asks the ques­tion: "Did you know that the Uni­versity of Chicago won a red silkbanner for having the largest delega-tion at Geneva in JUne?" .,Wonder who was awarded the fur­lined suspenders and the folding mrebath-tub •Overheard at the Bruiser.Submitted by R. S.Charlie Green: "May I squeezea dance, Polly?"Pully Lerch: "Wen, there's a lotchaperones around, but if you thinwe can get away with it, I'm game.DOC. BRA TFISH fainted as DoFranklin came into the barber shoyesterday. Don wanted a haircut util he learned that on account of tdiscovery' of six new ones the priwas advanced from five to ten centThen he took a shine instead.PUT your name in tomorrow, MiBardon. No more space today.--WILL the yniversity give the cadinal.a degree?OR, Mercier yes.Garccm.. , pI10IIIwt�hvUIfrEtittm0ntite.tRtiA,•--ser•tinofk"npn-hece'3.ss1"-Official',. fDelta Sigma Phi announces the 'Tak "edging of Harold W. Doty, Wate� 'e.0, Iowa; Ralph Lundgren, Roek:ford�.; Henry Wilhelm, Men�o� m . PicturesFORYOUR===:.. �, Book ·The Y. W. C� A. will give a Hallo­een party, Friday, from 4 to 6, ine lower gymnasium of Ida .Noyesall. All members have been invited.The Y: W. C.' A. will hold its firstesper service Sunday, November 2,4 :30, in the Y. W. C. A. roo� ofda Noyes hall. ,Skull and Crescent will meet tomor­ow night at 7:15 in Harper E41�lections will be held.SEND 'THEM TO THEAnnouncements concerning applica­ons and renewals of applications forhe LaVerne. Noyes scholarship forhe Winter quarter will De, made at aeeting to be ealled about the middlef November. Applications for re­ewals should not be made- until thatme. THE. uNIVERSITY . OF CHICAGO BOOK STORE, ,5802 Ellis AvenueMembers of the teaching statl' ofhe University failing to receive theWeekly Calendar through the Facultyxchange should send application, forhe copies due them, to the Assistantecorder, All Staff members are en­tIed to the Calendar without eharge. ·tCLASSIFIED· ADS Developing and Printing-s-Two-Day ServiceNY ONE who is interested in ob-taining' a, practical speaking knowl-.edge ot everyday Sp8nish may get.expert instruction by applying, toMr. Castro, in care of the Daily Ma-roon, Faculty �change, Box O. Aclass is to be formed at some hourconvenient to prospective.,students. ==.====:====_ ========...=============. =:::;::==, =========.=,-=/ ==_This class would be of � bene- �ranklin ':Pearce" E. N. «;;ardner, J·lmembera 'of the committee Will kindly f' r··.·n·· ,t' ·I·D' g' .-S'e·rv:·" 'ice ..Lewis, ·;PJiu. Salzm,;,n, Robert Thom" mate a' report of' ibeir p� at.fit to' those, persons interested in W. A. Phillips, and JOhn ·WDd. Other that tifne.. '.' , .'. 'foreign commerce, or to those who . " "'. . .. � r. ..,' .:.', -:", .�" .for any other reason are really ear-nest in their desire to eonverse in IISpanish. (�4) ,L. C. SMITH and Monarch typewrit-'.ers for sale. Machines in gOOd con­dition. ,Apply at The Maroon office, .for further particulars.. .(3) COMPLETE :LINE OF FILMS 'jI,t,COLONI4,L' ·P·RESS '.1510 East 56th Str8etCHICAGOWANTED-Men mid women to solicit •,during their spare time. Live witebusiness enterprise for student withpep.. See Mr. Arthur Hauschner,care The, Dagiterre Studio, 218South Wabash �venue, �tween9:00 and 5:80 for further informa­tio� (8)WILL the person who advertised asBox 0, Faculty Exehange� last Fri­, day, kindly call at �e Maroon of­. fiee and handle replies to his adver-tisement? (10) 1. 1T_ walk m- c...pa.. L C. R. R. Seatio.. .ret.' MId. 2IIS. .KRAUS BROS.' LOEWY CO.'liST. J. �veDL1442 EAST 57th' ST.a.EANERS A·N D DYERSAll Garments Will Receive· the'. Best of Care and be' Pressed '.. ,By Hand Only.Let us eaJl tor and &liver 7OUI' work.Special prica to' 1ntendt7· ._.. IttII(IUNIVERSITY WOMAN BORNIN PALESTINE' ADDRESSESZIONIST SOCIETY MEETING •t. .,r..... - .. AVORIft. PICTl1RB 0" CBlC_uv..,,8WE1CT8 BY.old OF orBS,OLD MA8TBRS-WJII'I.'IIAl'·The Zionist society met for the firsttime this quarter yesterday in H�rperM16, at 4:30. Twenty new memberswere present and work for the comingyear were dicupsed. .Isaac Schoin, president of the Zion':'ist society; Meyer Halushka and Miss·Shaulamit Ben-Hurel, a native otPalestine, who is attending t\le Uni­versity, gave short talks. A commit­tee to arrange for a public lecture onZionism was named. Meetings of thesociety will be held every two weeks. For Sale by. AUTOMOBILE SERVICEMAX BROOKTailor and CleanerOur Work Always First Class'and GUar8nt�Work called for and delivered. .Cleanlnc. Preallnr. D,.e1nr and BepalrlDcWB MAKE A 8PlW1ALTY 01' KBWNEW 8VIT8 .L"O) ... ODKLorO '1007 E. Gist St., N� EDis Ave., bbsIIt:VAN De BOGERT a ROSS1000 E. 6SnI SLPhone" Hyde Park 25t1518 Hyde Park Blvd.Phone Oakland 68001465 E. 63n1 St.Phone �Iac:k.tone 32'12800 E. 63n1 SLPhone Midwa), 3ZOODREXELPBARMACY.901 E. 55th SLPhone Mid".)' 1410·H. J. SCHULTE,150i E. 55th SLPhone Hyde Pa_rk %O!McANANY a FINIGAN, •1201 E. 55th St.Phone, Mid".,. 718 Q1\Iear's Team Should Report. "The men who are to canvass thedormitories for the Y.M.e.A. driveshould report to Grant Mears, cap­tain, today �tween 11 and 12:30 inEllis 14. The men who are to receiveassignments are: Logan Fulratb, W.E. Bates, Bert Dugan, Paul Johnson, Read The Daily Maroon••. I•.,( . .. -,