i" ����.IAitea�ce �t Hair This ETeDing '. '."'",, • ..•. .'. '. ." . Fourteen �� Named To .-Novel Plan f�r ,.lDcreuiDg Or- Convocation to Be Held Wed- .��:�����t.Purdue Hopes· for· �tber Tnumph But the . Ol� -: Fill ExecUtiVe Positions : :CheetrBI Ef8deilq to 'Jle Employed. �esday ill Honor of Bel- "� �:��t;�': I· r··· �aD" Has H�_:r��to.StOp� � ", :: For 1920 Production. . .' . '.gian Aichbishop .:.�;;::��J'A M E StiR E "sr 0 j)'E S T IFF FIG H T BOL]) FlBSr MEEl'ING TUFJIDAY �f..�:�F=u.::��� PROCESSION WlL� STA�AT 2'" p�¥�At a" m�img of the'� of SU�· sion, weI'! � to keep so many His Eminence Desideratus Cardinal ·"��;�)4'-• • rda 'af members away from the dance that . Malin'· will . th ' ..... "';-:'f 'I' P VJSOrs' of Blaekfnars yeste y ter- n1 th first . d, d thi d 11 MerCIer, of es,. reeeive e t.�...;:FM;Badt in the dim ages, in 1892, � FROSH"L�CB � PE noon the staff of managers for the Of � .� ��� anth r oors honorary degree of doctor of laws :;:���!d�e �on a football �e -f�m '�-' rMEETS SET FOR TODAY sixteenth :show 'was selected. Four- :0u1: ba:e to be �es, e stage- (LL.D.) when he arrtves at the Uni-, ,'). ;!��. Last year Purdue )�n �. �.S. ' > / teen members of the order were. versity next Wednesday. The One -, : .. �._.�;�J to' I th S A lift C --- . the President Jud80D III Gllest of RoDOr , .ed to �" th ti ·ti The roolnS m the club that are not H dred d Thirteenth Co ti '< .��V1C ry over e •• 'J.:. • �, • nam lU& e execu ve poS1 ODS. . '.. un an nvoea on <, �'..t���sebon((time in 24 years that the town at Noon Affair in �utc:hinsoll ��e Tbey will work to produce next 'used for �e danc:mg will serve asot_ the University will be held Wed- <, ��,��. i th 'banks f th wabash had a -Rally Comes at '1 m Bartlett. .,., 1& " " cheek rooms. Two hours before the -cia t 2.30· Ma del hall ! his .:- ,,.:.;,o� e. 0 e. .. spnn6 spy. dance and' two hours afterwards will nes y a • m n m.' 1.,.8·ebance� ee:l����, �ue eomes._to . ". -.. -, -I' . Keith Kindred, ''21, was named for . • honor. - . ,:.,�t�- p·el� 'to'" .'.... 'L hopes' "or' One hundred' men Of the c:lass of th perty ,..;"..,., � Geo be set aside for cheeking. The other Th C di al d lte will '. " ��-&5 1 u., morrow, Wl'wl ... ', . . . e pro mana6'IIM S U.Lut:e. rge . .' , earn an SUI arnve " . ;';;.. uother'� triumph, �but the �aroODs 1923 'will� get togetb� today at �fOO� Stout. '20, will be hiS assistant. Allen .baliests-ho�r �.... betoconsumftndfri� dsby �the at the UniverSity at two-fifteen. If -: ',1/{,: ! : £1.. _ � •, .. "':.- in Butebinson eafe,m the.first 0 a . ." gu m .. A.1AUg en � . • :..t.::'��, b*ve mtre -l'V 'lD, "'"'? ,same. ,',. , .' '. ch Holloway, '22, will be costume man- h th h changed dan • the weather IS favorable, the parties " ,�, ,r...,!-·. " r '. ri f i FreShman lun eons, w om ey'" ave et c::mg .", .�!.V'., �aJe� wiD; .hot . eetebrate ·tomor- se _. -. 0,• ager, with' Homer Kline, '22, for as- :. . It' has been eed will leave their autos at the south .� \���".. n;v nig¥, �f the lIaroou get�, planned by the Y .JL�.A. President Sistant. Lewis Fisher, '21, will' be engagemen• ann� door of Harper library, where the ,;: i.:��'. mid there seems to be no good ea� �� Pratt Judson WID be the guest publicity manager, with Robert Un- th�t punch will be :se� as usual, Cardinal will be met by President -.. ;�::{j;• th 11 ·.. _m_ to start. of honor .• Fred ·ek which meaps lots of things. . d . f .._ .... � " -r..':¥�i for e aroons .I.AUUlg. :,' � •. 'seld, �, as assistant. en ,. . Judson an a COmDllttee 0 �Wt._._ - :":l!:I �omoriow's game � be a fl�t;aD -: "Ita" M�t Attead LUlleheoD. � Manter,.- '21, will be. 'sc:ore manager, "Moff. � Large N�bers. Will Form a Processional Harper: , " .?;,1�· the wav *=cGrdiDg to Director Stagg . ·th Chester GftV' '21 as assistant. . The, customary crowd will be here, ., " .r ':;�,, I', ' "The Three-quartera club has at- WI -I" h " said' � - t Elton hi h . I· ed b th ' ,:�l},�I mid the � must Work. �. ' .",' � of The chorusmaster for the· production we. ope, �oua., g A procession will be . .I.orm ¥ •. e ' . ,�:��yBlat �., ·Old·'Man" has �·team t.hIa �ys �� the. strongest .sup� ; . wiD be- )(urr&¥ Vickers, '22. Barvey mogul, y�y. "I advise· every- University Marshal at the north doOr : .. � ;{:�"yea;,?'tha� 1�' bi�hard ;'f.o' .stOp,' ad the �,bmcheon" Idea" .�. Page, '21, was named as program on� to � his. or her or .th� hea,,?, of Harper' library as foll��: � � ,:�:: :�·�:U.frmia·the ��"eJeven:,�rbdi_1Ut. Kayto�,� ��, and this year �., The press manager wiD be .sh� W� h�e that �es � University, !4arsbal,- the Umver&lty ,:,;:�,:���"'. -;'a!..s.·· ";L_ .v� :1I�' t�'" _:..;.;...._. \�l be.DO �ption. .Members of the.. ._. B B.rd '22 be sUgb�' The WODien will-have the Bud, President Judson and the Car- ,�.;).?{�:",. &&&aa&� 'ua .!' ...... " __,.� ... ,'---" f::-_'ty''L._. ..� .&....::...·cl b to _.. .... - LeRov·Owens,�. &r'lT I, " .. '.�' �. �.the �_ .. ·Ctit_ wDl:·.le;JD the ,:"::11& .�ve UA��;�', u• a ..... .,.,..Will be hiS assistaDt.· The box office n�vel·experienee·of trying � reeover dina!. the president·of tlle � �f . '.;:":.. :{?�.� � ot'ab�: '!'b'lIDe �/� lIMP � � ��_�use It would WiD be in Charge. of Perry Herbst, 'their-Wraps' fro� the billiard room, Trustees and Archbishop :M�delein;- . '��A:r-}i. ·thAt � iac1dng a.�,.�,aDcl. � � �t,:we ,were dolQg.som�� '20. M8rk Temple, '20, was named where KeD! �l �iDs WI?! be han�� the Trustees �d members of� � :' i?�:�."".. hIicb ar.e�'to run eireIei � ��cti�.- �� � head usher... out for cli�," and tho men will Cai-diJial's·suite and-members of:._the .X{}��-.L'Ll'·Bon�· .-' .' " ',:'-- " e!u� u. alwap tbe:heBrtiest .suppo�: _", '.• • choose the eoats they.like from the as- Chicago committee. " ..'. '::�-.}�it�. - ',- -- .' of au Freshman aetivities." '. One New P081tiOD Is CreatecL rbn t· th 'L�lin an ; . will 1 �1..' ",�. . .,1>':1! " r.. ..' -. .:. .. ", '. . ." . . so en m e uuw g eys. ,.' The processIon' .LOrDI. nonll., , ' �,: .��;;O:lf'. - :} ��. � ... ���e, Tea .., ,�:. The: ticketS· for the 1� today ,'. On. e new �tion � created, that . "Stein wiD "__:_'L. :-'tbe -";e. In.; thro' gh' the quardran'• g'l""" to the so'" �i.:: ":,;�����A�•T" - ... t"�,"�'4 4"{ \ , a 4 ..Lu.r� A&&UG.&. D .,;ioQI UWI. r\t oJ .ii-'.'.... - �ue �. '�.��-�ting '!,dd� � ·�,.a1e in.��, y�� �ce..i�, of �� to the publi�ty manager. � of having �,pianos � 'the gate �f Bull Court, eastWimt. � .. B� >���;��{'��:. ;:''_ "_'.�� ... �/� the, � � �,}I�� .... � ..:�. �y ,_�: I�.:�, felt .��• � .� ,enough first lloor;.three .violins on 'the· �d, �n" Court, . enterlng:);b�;, �vi:i� � ... ���'.¥;':li.'\�\�Jrj Chiciaao,--ta,� -- teDiL .. �tai are��C8D_.a4· __ , WOrk,c:mmeeted·Wlth.� �t 'd,_' 'driama" the'· .' lJteiD" ": .":' . ': ' -., .. �.:..,��,�}: ���:'I!'.���:...:'O�: .-, :.0.... ." ,.,," '.������r.�·!;it:?��� ,.- .• A ....• 'J., •. "', •••. ". 1�.�,·�·pf�'I .. ;'_"'�_:" �.��:.:�;.,.�_' �-� �:-:". "..... . -t,....) �� �,,�, ��'.�. ". � - --. ' .. ';� __ ..... \. ," '. lUIS ;:a1l .. �as.:� the: cloister and .. Reynold$ .club, '.t1le. . <��j� ... t�:·�loD'.f��,Jbde�� p..�:,.�ch,:��·; ��t 1Da!!.���,��<:�:�':",,;< ':, ';' .�t'bY'�'th�:wm.1M(a��o;.·CO�vOcation.'p�on-.Win':'�·· _.�':�!..-t.;�:'" : �H�··at, f1IU,' ,is.' �" ·mabl· ludsOJi' �_rgive'� �� �af �� - new ·.. std"·�" managu:s: � a"vi� 'aDd':." chum:on eaeh' ftoor. have.'formed, ,1�U!l�l�: oi" the" faCuI.:' .. �{y* ..'. '�_iJf the,'�beea�r'�. �c:omer.�c!;.I'raDk:�IIaddID"� meet with,� �.,an� � This pIan;'I,fee1 sare,.:.nl � for ties 'beblg, assembIEd.fo� the"p� : I>·'�l��!'��11areat ptmaJing ability, 'aDc1;the � .qMU � the jwort ,of the, UDder- '1I�y' m.,:the. �ar ofIl� ·better�·1Ilwiic ·than�the :other·would.� at,:2. . The:. TrusteeS, ofAdat' PeStS ' 'J '\���t�!..''.':J'::�';i�\<��tt:� :����:;��. � �;.� •.. �,� .. will ��'�4:- .. ;',:\ H '" ... :\_.: .�",.� ",:'., ".-, ... :. "". ':_ ";. _:" <·��i::preSi�{Judson;.an�. the�·c.r-,'. <>?J�:' " ;�L'� '��,t� ��\� bi�.� fD.�' �,� 1 ,O'clock; "'� _;- .. _> ", , ." ' '" "'. "FROSH-SOPH,�MIXER '.dinal Win take ,:their plaCes in-_ the . >�:�;:��.::�i��J;��� �uncI,�� ���,� �:�'. '<.' ". : .. :'. K�ly:�aiJ��ID:.��: ': ',tiPEctm ··.To HAvE '. Co�voeation .P��n.· G� .�'. 'i"':'>:�\tr��:',:,!aquestJ�,:,wh�.'�.,��,'_.B�)��.f.ep,.,MeetTo_p.t.·! .. ;�:.:�" �,�_':�."' .. '" ',' ", ',." '.' .. are:n�t·tD.be.mthep�� ,."�'-/'�1:,"an.'. stop;., the: J�.,• ��.,�,.�. ,';.' .', " .',_,� ",,�. 'Y.,,:,_1�ft' . � ."•. ', KellY: Ball.. ,wi)l'-entertain. its 'neW '�." �� '��ANCE be 8ssiped . .a. ts', in'. the auditorillli-L . '\' >�)j:" ". _��r _" 'L._U is" wteraD wbo eaD � 'PIaDs, for the fuvWIIUI pep meetiDg ,., .... ,'" ' ' , . '.' mr..:,:, ".'.' ,_',_. _:. " ..... , .:.." .' .' ... "".:. �CbIU.---'� ... �, .. , '.'... . .I.'" .'. _" '.'1: .'. 'D'_.:.£ .. � .....:.:.-e. 'L.---:. . women, . tOmorrow . m.-gilt at 8� � Am, n_";';_:..Ient WDI Confer n..__".' '. '.' ,":;;.' ,:t '., ... " de4 "," 'bOt" . Other twO ... or men,.... m' �wc .... Day' ucaD . .' ' '.' ',' C&'ataU ....... 61l� -.,1 . ,i� �.1 upoJl'" tD:. ,'.: ,'.' I eomp1etecL . The �ting wDl � lett' .� .�� �� ��.' o� ,stUnts reqQired' ndergradullte; Council ',Intro-, The Convoeation ceremonies Will' . \, ',�.);;• �,,!,�, �,��� .Re"� b;-eJaeedeadmiwho -ril do·their � of�·the_: D� �men was �:,�on,. �u�'Cla8s of-192� t� Uni- be'�ple and bnef. 'After the usual .� ,/�!� . -.- ;" .' -,' .:'. :. : to stir: uP 8DtImsIasIIl ad instruet the W�� - � . ,�eano:r O� en� . versi.,;., SOcial Life Today. '(COft� 0., fMJI16 2) . ":SCI' Chicago wl1l �e an "'., .... �, • Erma Qmrk.'.' '. .. ". " ,.-:J , ... ,:J:�-' K_"thaii: the' ODe 'Wbleh ".who do,DOt bow tile Uidftrsity 1 'B tettamed all f, ,. _'-' _." : �4:��-.'UA....-� < cheers.' Older men are urpd to come Drexe.,� ouse en or- DANcE IS FOR' NEW, STUDENTS SIXTEEN SUCCESSFUL IN .:_ � A• tOok � �� � ��r·' � 1iDe ._.� �_':_1.. . the .s.-..:�_ U'."'- mer members. at an.aniversary party '. 'TIC' CLUB TRIALS ,::�l,_;": lias. hAd,=:t1i8'�tiP or an extra lUlU UnmA uP'Oft �UA5 .� last Saturd&Y'niaJit. . ., ., '_ ' '. '.' . DRAMA; '> ::,j��" •• Week:1or'.p�-iad the,roqh��e.f��,�,menGD�" ". ..... . / . A.�.�d1S�.at�e, . ,-- :::!.:'::.,�� .'� 'Jiaft"been worked GIlL . Capt. Val'Blt¥�. � � ,.The meet- '. �: '.' ..., .:' annuaFFreshman-�phomore mixer" Only Seven of Tweaty-three CancJi-.' .. :-''j'" .:�.,.�;wm:-·)!ob8b.<:·''. iy: 'pk."¥"" •. :Of� �.·ft.. wiJl._hobe.-=... _""..........��.. trthe,Of�a1.�. �t���.:= W6�ehBawillrtlettbeG,he1d toda.• Y.�TheS:SO.• �' dateS'Aft Elimiiui$ed in Final 'b:r�' .. ': ,.ftD8i ,tackle, ad .mer __ the de- �"''''. . WJaII "" ."t.CIIU \ »IC��. ,'"" • "'. : • lJl ,ymn&8lUDL �er, outs Before Organization Yesterday. "��- .�. ','_'. '':'i.'':' 'pI"'_;' �.� dub dance"or other aoeial dam to to avoid��ets: if the namber o� will be'ih 'means of the Und�.' -Others Become As8oc:iate Mem-: I ·f�, WIth. Reber at ,WW .,vw r- ".. ,,',. ". ' .licants.� waiT8Db. the ehange. ',' . �..' . ., . " ' ' .'.' ·tioll-��")las the'J,aD.· The do 80.' -... ..: a��.,;.. .' ., �' "�':"';,;! uate eounci1 mtrodueing one of the hen.. ' "..,," ��:�""\�l_"'" .pIaY.':: . of�.' " ,.,." , � �o have DO� �gn��� the J&rgSt Freshman cl8sses in the Uni-" __ '.' � ")':'f< �:::1t���.,,� a� Y"w�'c.APREsFNrS- ,� .' DdIi�.,·eoa� 's' .�:f�:�t ��tyhistory�bitO'UDiversitYUfe. �:. � trYouts �f the D�tie club', .. :�'1Ut._ .. IThe·OtIier·tack1e· '·_-.FROLic, ... �oald_aee<a>lIarrae:theDOrthwest . �e·�an�fOrthenewsta-, W!.re h�d �,�y afternoon InJ . -ia�laebap, �:.BaIIldQ.� �p� '" .,' � : tomer,of Eius haI:L. dentB." said Glenn�. � Xen�th��� From the.tw,ent¥-�. :Dcmald at -..:} ),i I �':� �: •• ,., :��. 'T�; Il.', � ", ., of, the �a1 ,c:omi� '''The �ci1 students -who � �eeessfal mf . �_. . ,.: c .�,�;, I\..; :-. .. '�.- '" " .•• '�." .'.- •" TODAY'S WBATJIBa,. has beeIi�, plans sinc:e the. W�esdays, trials sixteen were. )1' �.' ·���.�,A�t. � I • Su�., At 6,. ,And Lantern ._ gi�g.of,�e ciaarter'for � event, ebosen as associate mem'ber$ of the.. As uaal' � �d.� DOt be, .... ,. :p� W.'. ill Precede Fair'and aatiD�ed atIder.. and t�. san., that, th.eir.. efforts wJll club. ,The suecessful-ones are: l�h�Im� antil � � �;"��' " pL. A 7 3"0 be .�ed. .This affair is ODe of Betzman, M�on Jaynes, Leila Eieh-\ .� ...... to'be the: � ehoiee, _,. aay. t_,: .• , TBE,:DAlLY MAROON the beSt daDeeS' �f the .,ear, and;we berg, Riebard Evabs, Margaret lar-. '�Wltk BaDiich:atifu11; and ,� � ,.' ." '-o.;......;._,' � BULLETIN are' anxioUs that eveiT .one shOald 1IWl, Warren Wilson, DoUglas LeiSh�,, "baeb pleted from CoJe,· AmIaD,. or PEP SESSION ADDED FEATURB tum oUt., ,.� , .. : IIWI, �ris:MeManignl, Beulah Miles,\.E1tcm. 'Eltoil wili probabb:.start,." ; .. Today , "I want, to impress upon the minds Judith Strohm, Lennox Grq, Frank'�eanse he is an 'Uped'.m the·� � The ann�'Freshman Frolie, the DiTbdl7 chapel, 11:51, BukelJ� of the new students that this. is their Miller, LeoDa Fay, Devereux Jarratt,;,darJ'defense, and' ean � in ,the ·entertainment pnmded' bY the y� W. Y. M. C. -+ . . dance. We are' giving them an op- E�e Kohl and �les Beckwith.'proeess ,of .stopping Bafftne, ff, the C: A.. for Freshman' women and their Fralmaan lunehecm, 12:00, Batehp'" porlunity· to 'meet the University "1'he material this year is very� Boilermaker slips a1;V&¥ from BiggillS counsellors, wiD be presented tonight ... ,people, an� the test of their' knowl- good," said Carlin Crandall, president: and his ma� ". at 7:30 in Mandel hall. An added Pop meeting, aeD,', .,,·,Bartlett. edge of. a 'good thing' wiD be the of the club, y�rday. "It is quite(COfttimud Oft page 2) feature of the Frolie wiD be a "pep" . Tomorrow number of.-Freshmen that come to the up to �he usual standard. The new. �============= 'session, whleh is being held at the Meetinp of 'the UDivenrity nJin, mixer.". associate members are urged to at-Nquest of Coach Stagg. 'bocIieL The danee is an annual affair given tend �eetings and to take an interest'''The Seventh Wlsh,'! �the play to General Admin�tratiOD Do a rd, for the benefit of �e Freshman class in the work. They win become aetivebe presenW' tcmfaht,.1a tlie wart of Barper "l� 9:GO. b7 the Undergraduate �eD. AI- members after their first appearanceMarie'NIerPrtfa. ; The parts·wiD be Board of UDiYenity. Prea, edI� though_ every student in the Univer- in a Dramatic club perfC?nnance."taken by eazDpUs ,women,' who ,haft � It. sit¥ may' �d, _ �e �, is . pri- .":The· type of people who. werebeen worJdDg 1IJld�r: the dlreetion of Boud"ef Chriaiaa U� Barper �riJY 't?r tile: �en 'aDd the taken in today," said Stage DireetorEnid 'J;'cnmle.,. �The play � begin �r�ce. Foot��· Parde; I, Sophomores, � are'apeetecl to fn.: Louis �ley, "shows that the dub h(COatiaud _,'_" 8) "t� �1: Staal �.' ."' __ ',� '����� �.Ufe." QJl,�ts .way to a briDiant futaJe. ..'. �,,�TryOuta for tlte· ...... tion "of ..." BietaDt eheer ,1 __ YD), be heldtoday lit the· ...... �lni. Cheer­Jea\Ier Pike aDd 8eftI'aI a'.1Ui will", he tlte ,e.a.�itlee· to'�;" '\beehoiee., ...,-.. • ,.0; •• ,_.. .._ " _ ....... ';..,,.'-".'. ..\:.<:','"- ,tI.,_. r... �i.....�i �... � .�. ,-;- ... ":....... � .. ,-� ...'"- ..." �... . .," • • • ... �. 1...;� .. :t:�:'!�.;::�\ :�i':';�;"�'�: � t�,,:�.<>.j:.��:··,::·:";:,:.,�,'iE,.;..:·�, .. ,' ;.>�,. ;�:: �, ,'� '�;'. �'. l, ", .... ': • ., .' /;,:�.l.. J� ••• :';. ��·.:.Y!:_�·>,_:,�;.;.t� .� ����'���';:�kr��t�.:}� lot '�,:�� """?( ',�'#'�.�;,,;,:,,.•�:,,;� .�.•:::-.,-:,-;�:;:.'���.:-� ,:-:'".' :r:.�':':'-:.,...�\.::�:-.7i'.>;-:""::-:::'.::-� �;-:::-�;,.�:/:::":7.,�-:-:••• �. ..,�;::-., -,:';t':""'. -::• .;..::•• -=-:- ,:,:",.. ';':.,_,":":;. '-::"'" ".:"''" ...... �,.'X�'1'�1 .�.�,.�'" �,�. �:---.�.�.�"!"'.. �., ���•. �.. �5�1 �.fI,�'�' £P'".�. ""�."'. ��!�.�, -,!"" -�'''_�---------__''''''j .",._..__,....-�, C 1. � .. � "t" "-...rl � .. , '\f�".i,,�r/··· .....' · .. . -.: '. ;" : -,'. :. ,- '" ,�,..·.�··::.:·,����::�.. �J,I.t�.-:.;�\.< ;�7��.,': .• ."� \�:r.�:�,;\,;,\\ ��2 ;{,��;::'�.y�I·;.:t:·:;.·�l..:·r,::;'� ����\:'·:.I�:>�.�·� ���!:�:'J.�.:;�! ..'·-.. h;.. ·:7:, �';::�'��:;: .><�;r��t;·)��,:���(f::�;:';:'�' >' . - ., . -' - - ) . -� (..:. '.',' ',.;: :',:, j;:>,'_'::::��:��: 2 . ,.'., , ........ ilWLY. .MAIU)J)N; FRm4Y.'OC'l'OBER 1'1, ... , •... ,.. . .' .�':, ,··., •.• 2:;1:,),; .• :" ., .,.T •••'t��.<�· ,. m.. ltrr II. 8. HU. "_arnll" �� a·cfta'.�ce �;���'�£e' ·UNIVERSriY,"�. .r: :.�·� .. ,�::··.:·�"r>.�,.}<!; "':h S d 'N' .'.- ... :.� ��� �������t �-:. :"-"WILL"B��GIYE",�': J.I'" . e. t� ent. ewsPII,er Of t�.· . .' '.. '.:.<�i.' '..... CARDINAL a.rD�i�"'>- UDlverslty·.r Chioap ,_.. � are:eBger f� p.� in'UlUver- .. .... ��t ��_ sity life. However, can they be ex- _. --" '. '"- Published mornings, except Saturday, pected to do' much when... t.. hev, are '(Continued If'Mli fJG(/� 1)Sunday and Monday, during the Au- J.tumn, Winter. and Spring quarters, made to feel foolish and �tterlY:Usa- .by the Daily Maroon company. less? .I 'invocation' President JudSOn Win �-.'EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Be a reservationist instead: of a nounce the conf�g I an honorarfThe Staff prohibitionist in the matter. of our degree. On behal(. of the' UniVerSityJOHN E. JOSEPH .. Managing Editor revered and much criticized Three- Senate the candidate for'the honorary:John Ashenhurst News Editor Quarters club. That organization degree. will. � 'presented by Dean'Rose Fischkin News Editor should stay with us, but .not m. the Small. President Judson' will then:Helen Ravitch .........• News .Editor ch� of a slothful, grinning boob.' confer the de�. If .·it meets �:· Howard Beale ..... Asst. News Editor Which it now is, if you are honest. . pleasure of'th'e Cardinal. he may' thenWilliam Morgenstern. Athletie Editor' '. make a brief address. The:AlmaHarry Bird ............• Night Edi�r ; Mater will then be sung'by th� audi-� .E:nest Fri�ourg ....•... Night Ed�tor Conference' Season Opens. ence, which will. remain standingRIchard Flmt � Day E�tor' • during the playing' of the star Span-:Herbert _ Rubel Day Editor Tomorrow On Stagg FIeld led B .d th· Bel' . N'Ed' d . .' . . g anner an e glaD a-war Waful , .....•.... Day Editor ti nal A th .Afte th �edi .Harold Stansbury Features' Editor (ContiftUed frMTi. ptJ{/6 1) o. n em. .r �.. c-.. , .. '.... '. • •... 'Viola Roth Associate Editor . tion there will be a recessiorial. M�-.. . . bers of the' Chicago Commi� andBUSINESS DEPARTMENT Chicago IS expected to play a of the Cardinal's' nUe will reas-'The Staff sparkling game on the offense, 10-: semble in the ReYnolds Cl�b arid ·wiD, GRANT MEARS .. Business Manager morrow, as the Maroon backs are fast enter .their autOs at the KitchenHenry. Pringle .. Advertising Manager and tricky. Stopping Annan, Cole, or Tower entrance. .Keith Kindred ... Circulation Manager Graham, is no easy task if any of thei '. ..,. ..'Edmund Eichengreeru Asst.Adv, Mgr. trio once get started, and .when the; Invitations have been �t ·toLaurence. Tibbits Asst. Cir. Mgr. Maroons need a few yards, there' will, �rus� � mem� o.,f .th� �acu1-Robert Blrkhoff Asst. Cir. ?tIgre be Hanisch, or Elton to d .: ties, l!lcluding assoClates, m�· of .sen over on Chi E' ti C . ...· Entered as second class mail at the a plunge. But the main reliance "i .cago. xeeu ve ODlDllttees, rep­Chicago postoffice, Chicago, Illinois, the Staggmen is'exp� to be, open ��tatives. �f the student body, in­March 13, .1906, under the act of field plays that wiD • th �,cluding marshals and aids� the Un­.March 3, 1873. ' give. e O�.1: dergraduate 'Council Law council'half backs a chance to si1ake down' .... .' • . . .'. .• ..'SUBSCRIPTION RATES the field. . '. . '" ...., DiVInIty .co�eJ), Medical council and.Called for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a Merriam Has Student' Ti�eis. i the S�or Fellows of. �eh. de�a.rt- .quarter. B' . MM. '. _ ; ment of Arts, Literature _,and Sc:ienee., By Carrie.r, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a usm�. anager � .. �! It is greatly to be' regretted . thatquarter. . student tickets on. sale for this game: .. ..;:By Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50 at $l,and"C" books, which Sdinit to: th�re IS no auditonum 1� enough.a quarter. all ._�. �� � .160' ....; : to accommodate the entire student==========' ==== CO.lUerence spO'&""'" .Lor., • .• ' .�: bod··Editorial Rooms ..•..•.....• Ellis 14 du�,has B:large.num�r cjf·aI1lDlDi'in;.. Y •.. _. " .'. � _ .. '_, Telephone Midway 800 Chicago, .and will send a b�g '�d' of! Di�I� . �aases From 2- .to 4.·Business Office ••......••.•.• Ellis 14 te to th '. . jTelephone Midway 800 roo rs.. . e. game to })u1l.-f6r: an-: In order to make :it. possible f.�. all: <. ":: ::other victory for the town' 'en" the D.1embers of the Uni.�ersity at least '�FRmA Y, OCTOBER 17, 1919, banks of the Wa1?ash. . .' .� : ; to see . the. Cardinal;.the foregoing 8Z'-':.. ' .. ' . .. : rangements .. have' been made· for a!'THE ORCHESTRA. ·SENIORS·-ro:·uAvE· .. CLASS ;:J[()P; procession. Xi the weather is 'fa�r-This year looks' like a victory year -- .' . t _. - : ! able and if the Cardinal's strengthfor the University .Orehestral asso- James Nicely Says Upperelass Affair: pennits, the proposed line of marchciation; practically every seat in the ; . Will Be Exclusive. ' : will' be arranged. ': . .,house has been sold for. every concert. . �.. ." . .. ., .' .. Classes will be. �� . between. -Whieh fact, if you are unfamiliar James Nicely, ehairman of the ex-' two and 'four� 0" � _. '�l" -! '1 ���Jwith other years, is most unusual. ecutive commi� of the senior class, . '.' , ... I 0 �• ,� ••The campus is.to be eongratulated:.on yesterday.announced that ·the class' Readfl1tfrDiilYI�n; t .,;":.. tU1izing a;'gooci thing when. it sees. �,� hold a dance, probably ia: . . . :: ;':'f-';.. • ;, �: • '1..., •.one.. '. �" .�.'! ,�. } .• � :. J�a Noyes hall, n.�:�J'tida,.�!,!.�,,A1;-· h ··��.J!t ���!!!���!!!!:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!��:���E:E;;:::�;':i��: 'ISJ(;�dIFE; .ri.. �!:::=>=I='H=,··=:=�=t=:":=·!=I=-'='=·:l!=·=�=�·=·S=·'=w.=·=:E=:'=·£=·;r�':=/:;:AND=,:=,._=;=·... =";:.=�=;=.='=,T�<;;;S=··=""=·.='·=.:·=p=,=,:�,;.:;::pn'ce, at whi··ch. those. goods w''ere.-sold, dan.. ce.n.ext., _. week._ ,.W.:!.e.. : ha .Ye,_:..._.- '.en,•. ": 9.� ".!;.!,� . �;'-i.ir:-· :'! '�': ; . . �'.' T I ph"'. '. Mi�-�' '120' 7 . .. 1 .� ..•. 'I: -• 'I �,' :' I':! ���. �··;':-�71:· 309-.... ' ��< S· 7'�.i. St.' I.e e one: away'. . .... oj .:::., .. "Iwere absurdly smalL The �pus ��neYInthe����� r;��i"'�· . �'i �:t :.�)�. " .'!;\ ·.9.940·E.0'SlVTVnDRD· , . _". I .• !.·:. '.-;.:-�'seen1ed un�re �f the splen�d-'pro- �� �.out,of��.��, t.h�� ad-r �./ (.�rJ·, ?:�iL:�'�l:��; , �' ... , ::- . t·;, .�.: .�.�. '_';"; "';�\(_"'; Y. :";T'grams played:evary sO oftenin;lfan':" lIllDIstratiO�:� cont!roT. WhY not!.! '" . ,. �_':ve You' ·T·n·':'� n..._..:...: n-.:._ ....... '.' __ ..::,_1....._.:..!.'DS' ... ...;....:..:.:..1 'up. ':.:.n�.··!.: .. ··:·.: : .. o.._ •. ,. ":"You ma7�.be S1lre," Nicel . c:ontiD- • r.JB·1 < ego '-lUI' &lCUlUy J,..l,UlCIICU aua. wcudel ball It:/ was,:discouragmg .. w�* ", �. -;-.,'. ..c f _� �.' 1 ·1.ET·Uc:. SHO'U' YOU 'A' . · ' __H',\�_, _ _': __ ) - '," .for the association,. not oDly.··sPiri� �ed, 'tha� whenever this 8.1f&1r·eomes :. .... ;" ¥.: .. �' .. '�',. . . r_ : .... �., . �.' .', .. �'����.", ':0;;-:" ,;', I ",: ';.'.. ually but financially,. bet:8use "'th� �, it wiD, be' for seniors only. Net· I. Lunc:beoa.ASc.: . ·Dinnen, 40c and'6Oc .'was so ofte'n a deficit toplte up at one .else �.� admi� und�r any �-J Sanda .��-- .... .,I:._ . d·6S .: ..the close.of�the Season.·-- �nS1dera�on. , I hope this statement ��rDa� a Week .' �. y I.IIIIDCI", .1�aD � Ct,� ... , ..But for the 1919-192<t season thei may inereiise the "':'!iP' attepdan.e." � ,. .� .. �i� f.,;.,f U��; ,�: ;�;:have sold every seat. The associa- . . .'. . .¥ .. , • , • . • t- �, .tion is to be COngratulated;' virtue is ,66 AUTOBIOGRAPIDC MEMOIRS AUTOMOBilE SERVICE ;;�i:; -� - For'I'���ec Te� in ad��: �\::.having is rewar� in matters mUsi�.. AMONG � HARPER BOOKS :'�:� W�·AlIo <:any ... � � of"� 8D� ,I��¢reamLPERENNIAL TUNE. ., Among the'books on the new shelf ··�':·MAX(·.BRooK fiU"��',:(,. SPECiAL ,·dor FUnGE�:;SUNDo;"2oc""nu: Three-Quarters club has; be- �::..= M:::n � o�th�� T:aiJQ� and ci�er �-'7'; ::;�f�'!-,.. .� ,/ :;. -.: · ,;:� . �,,, .' . .gun Its season,. and as always Tb:e H· Th • Our. Work Always.)Ust. Class . -.. -. ' ..... ' . , ... ' .Daily Maroon �anll(�t'resi*tb� temP- ��r::o:i- :!je::::����� �, . ·?·!t:··�:·Ud�aUaateei�, .'_.' _.: �-.·.·sp.�·{Aai_-�o·n· Gi·.�:U __ •.• ·T.. · o·:;�-..1':"'-�� �A,!{" '�·etao tion. to .·comment. -A. ma.j.�:r �remise' ·tw·� ... �:·'1·.·�&f�·an·.'·-. � '�91':�.:,'''...'''''''.''.�'·.'·"�.·;:-.;:_:i_: •. ur.9.Trk··:' ··�.'n. -�::;or·.··-��-.�· .. �:..�:..ered.. ' M�&U,,� ;I� �acaUJ' � -ID., 'l'Wn.. �..... oo.&. Q...... V .A..U'f;�. """ .... � '"'" �1I::U.&.I.iIDU . ¥.::&A v' I .• ;'. ;� .• :.: •. , .<' _'1..¥.{. ,!¥A�.'" ".�,'" .... �. ..... :�:. ,�:.IS this: :tbere shoula .. be :a_··'.I.nree- . Jo{ ••. � ·.4't�· \ ". '. "".' .• ,;:. . ,.�. <, ". . .. •. .�. ,'Quarten c1�b (as' there;'__�d 'be ':&e���'Z'� � �:e�F.='= .':.' '. '::MERIT� CAREfERJA'· ;). ':;�a League) but there shoulu oe/changes �g:U.• _1.. bisto�!. \ ,,: .�,:J .. '. . �" ". '>ft'" .. ;�.. '. j' _ ",., , • .. " J. . (_. .� �... ; •• - r. . !:In WUl .. " •.. ", 1007 .raS ... :-4....G.,:,·,N· EDlsA . r_:';' ..t.'� � '" . i;.' . ; \.� :�.� �. '�".".\.\"��: _: :·.f :';;.-':;: lJ· in its organization. ·.In other words, 1lr ".� '. ··..:'··:h·· 't:'�:;'_ tbi .� ,� ����:..�.... ve... �'\"_ .f : �.:.U.L....---li. �.. .l Date t .. ".·"-"°?laie"-"; "T: .,. (" "'-'"_ . . Dl.r •. �arnsoll· as pu 'uvwu e· 'l'':l -',' ""< .. ; 1-...·, .... �, .. -..._ .,.., .. � 0The Daily Maroon is a reservationist:. .. .� ; ... ".... '\'" . "'; " _. .... v, .. .-. <. ,,' -". 0 '...Fn:sla�eneed'part!dc:al_*rly' at '�s in- :=; ::rhi:!;!i;,,�,;:::::, s.w;, ij;�;� A .;�:1.i�;; FoliO. c - :�; _ :_ .<.'.' ': .. :: .... �� �., � •• 1',. __ '-c - _t;:._ c:> _". �stitutiOD, n a ..... tIed puslung to- inent- mOIL ThIi'bBbit which h� formed • '�!',:;.;: � Uj.,...... . . . u.eakf�:SO t!> .9:30 A. IlL. ; : .: \; �liiSO',ti; ... KII. .ward fonning m:quaintances. In this .. :I 1.6 . f" �_ .d 1 • • . • • - -:.. • .:: .... ,-" . • o· • �• " •,: ; •• In ear.lY' 1.I.e·o PU"wg own hIS ex. :t-:- .. '!' .• � •. '>"�::"" �. .•. . ·TV�";""''';__ J:: to 'l'�eft�U .,' �,the. Th.ree-Qu.. arlers clu.b.",._lS. a Justifi- pe·rien-. ' ";d��.. m·. a.te·n..·.al1y m· the sat- '.. =.. ;StiJckiD._.. ',,',., •.... ts, ..., .. Cues., .': . ... '" '-0 • o· � " ,,!�. �,. .cation In Itself. �ut do. fresh�en, isfacto;: :;letion. 9f)his work. ""'. ' ..Dem.' -';4' :ihe ·.. OriiUW: .' slxTY�tHiRD ST. AND· GRDNwOOD :' '.have to be made Into 'foolish, sad-. • ..... .' .. . .., . ".' .. fer "t.o'. r : .\iiotedioa .... ; .. : - '. .. : -'.. ' .. :,'-. : ... -, '. - ';: - , . .I�v£'_ ,eyed high-school· boy-a to get ac- ". ... ." LEATBER:j'G1)ODS·I�� __ IIIiI --------------�����th���� I�no�� .. ,����o�����: ����e.��������������������������§§�We of this University, who are so 'RFARONADJ.'£ PRICES of QaaI)\T' S.tisfac:tor,-: �civilized, deprecate loudness .and PRO::m.)(JD�AY '1%62. At;A11 StoreIiWbereloutiness, but we a�plau� tb� Three- F 'A: S H 1-0 N ,.' . � '.. �tY.<��. tQuarters club for mdulgmg In those 7· .. ,:' :: ..... r .'.. '. :._.very things. L001:cs as if there was "'The American" . �n Mfg.,CO>'�:i,,; ·:New York . Malnri ofa flaw in policy' somewhere. Our It . ' aDd' L . ..' . . � ',' .".,. -; . CHOICEBilly Sunday methods of converting estaurant. . �ch Roqm .. :,�', ..':' � ,��","::- '. '. .�ew. members to the "Spirit" of.' the. 1 004.�. FiftY;fifth St. {' ;:1'. '�H·�".. "" -e'"y 1L..L·es.'�L- I ·CONFECTIONSInstItution are ages too .old. Per- . .' .. ... UI ',I. urm IU'�' .: 8nct. . ...h h . .0 -Qt)ICK SER,\"ICB ·.A'ND EVEa�G·· . '.' - ,.,;, . . . . : . -.. .::. '. .. • .aps t at IS why we J:tesitate to, TIlE BEST .� ' '.'. '.�;�'.t'M.· :U�....d..:.' .'C!L_A.- � • ICECREAMchange. - � . ". '.. .; .. '� pu l� �.� .'B t . OlW"n All Nhrbt .' CommntnUon Tk!keta- .: ' 'PhoDe1taDdolpla' �'ODe l' 1·33. r .55thStree·. t . r, .:-U we ought to ebange-some. . '. �'. , ...� . � . , .. CHICAGOway. The Three-Quarten 'club could Subscribe to the' DaiIy'Maroon or j. �� Cragun.. Repra'tative '-_��; ... _' -..� �<_:"'_... _:_"I-t_. ._.. _._,_. _._.._.. _. "JIi1-0,i.,.,- . !( '.':.... ,...•• ""',,1,., .. \', '5e B"'packlee.'.' ·�NOW: .. THE ·FLAUOR.· LASTS 'I'SO· DOES" THE PRiCEI'..' I .. ;.'.' '!.:;. ..', �'.I. ; •• ;." "�'I _,. .' �',:: .- -- -----------'Phone Hyde P� 2m •... ;.......... _.,..-- '"- ,_ - ._ .... __ .+_ ............... ...- - ............. . �_____ � - _ _.... J _L._ ·_ .. ,l_ ........;._;_j.,,._,__� .. .:. .....- __ .;.:.;... "_..;...:..,'.;;._,.•• ;.:;;"' 0 '.' - ',: �,���,.;,��::� �h.;.�:.;� _�,_'_I:;.)�·:.:,,::,,·:�:.":�_:;'�/��_._'.':J" .,�:':'·A���.�.···':1 arse;. 'be�byWI'ml\ ith'.':101::al"t··th4�Tb:)rc·me'shl·.as"ba,.ba:·;lW;'an,:Th':it I�stiishl;ac1:'Yo��.�sIlc.:euliae:�ono�:Bu:beJ96;�;1�lGnithE�liJo�I .1;ccn'. �.)VI<COl'eta" ,.;mg�loe.,.';.�·1IlO�.� .. ffUt'.. ��troo ,.:'hoc'.' :\:fee�';-�toll.' �))OI;:ianc. �: .. wh';.�': tbi,�......".. ,:',:�"�):"<."� , ",," ',' . ,< " �tr"'DIBlDDLY��;'��:OCp�:t"'191'�,.� i • . .: ,'�:�._.� ••• � •• �.�.�� �' ���������������������������:�t, � Xt:'< .l,��ON:�AND :HO��·'.,$���.·;�·'� " J_ s : � •• � •• ·•• � •• ·-,.J .. ·KaJaht .II., ,/' , : '.. BY TOM,ECK .�' ,'.:, .", . '1IaJoa' .:� •• ;.� LuciU8,�it(,b: •. : : .• ' .'. ," ..,.' ",' . .t.'.' 07pq girl ;;. ••• Bath: Lcwe� II :. '. . . ' •. ' .' .'. '. '0".". woman Bett,. Brown». . .'� have beeJa';askecl to write up.oiDe 1Iave; to laY.on to be'� Th&"-!'oiDO ••... ; ......• : .•• Hele!l· CoDcbeoarticles on my eiPerieilee and ;o�· �. of the �points on how to judge a JUmades· ••••••••••• Phyllia Palmerse.rvations while at the U. of C. To boy's home briDgmg up.' That.would . . ..' '.. 'begin with, I always size up a student be great stutr at home on a couple � BONOR COMMISSION DOES.by his actions here. It shows ·how he twin beds With DIee white bedspreada. HONOR TO STEWED FOWLwas brought' up at, home. I might be A boy cIoa't shOW � horse ·senift ..'mistaken :.on 'this -poiDt once in a or �ption wheJi'tlte �bes over to Meets at Dean Lontt'. to Make P ....\ ithouaancf times.' No' more: 'w. have the �d at a. football _ fw I F.ut� Bat Not-' .some wond,rful: students here who say betWeen Chieago 'and North� f�� ·Put.... ;are becoming highly educated. But em, and asks, Wlrlc:h is the Maroons T.. ,they lack bone JeDSe ad guuipti� 'What wotdd dean �Tedd, Lynn ·thbik ADother time--honorecl'tradWoa was. ,. .. ,- '� ,. ' " .. . .:This is an 014 Saying handed' down of that kind of' a feliow T tulfillecl last Dieht when' Dean Lovett:)rom geJ;1.ra�n' to P,DeratioD, � ':. '�ted the Honor commission to tbJie.. .means, Don� hitch the horse in 'the" y. W C. & PI';'·I:'�I:'.rrS honored . �cken at his home. Theshafts with his head to the dashboard, • r : A.e. � .. • I chicken was stewed.:aa be can Dot go veey fast going ahead FRESHMAN ROUe . Th�' dinner was an alumni dair·.'backwards. 0'1, for instance, a foot- TONIGHT .rlN MANDa Whieh. �. Lovett gives to the com.-; ball player has aome skin peeled off _ .Daission in Ql'der that that bod, mar';his leg. He grabs some adhesive tape _(Contimud.lrOm page 1) eenvene in pleasant surroundings and: and puts it right oil .the Sore . '8PQt. aiaeuss plans· for the betterment. of .. � Then he takes some gauze and wraps promptly at 7 :30 � of at 8, as ita sYstem. And the, members c1aiDI':it around bialeg to keep the tape from was previously amiounc:ed. '.' that. the system. helps to better the'stiCking to his pants. Gumption means . Serve S . ··m N HaiL QStem.-ahrewdness, .,Get up and think . an� upper. OYe8 The- meeting was, of course, secret,;act quick':':"Dot aCt and then·thiDk. Supper will be served at 6 in Ida as are � 'the meetings of the Honor::You're too late. then.. We have. some �oyes ball�p� the:play. After commission, and- it is beli� that�gre&t soap :,.�, arotmd- the tb8 ��. the women 'will form'a Georje 8erek, president of' the o�.�sIlower room. In fact, if .they could lantern parade and.march to Kandel pnisation, spUled the beaDs � he.eurve a baseball like they caD. throw hall. Lantern parades bave been • coDfided to a. Maroon reporter that '­Ia cab of soap and put the same' Curve part of every Frolic heretofore, bllt good.. �e was �oyed ])y aD. Tb�.�on th,,! ball as on the sOap they �uld they have not always- been suceessf�, Honor' cOmmission. is not .. sup� �_�w a salary OD a bi£, league' team. and if. the �de todaY' does not � ,�oy: a.good tim& . . :·lIut they lack· hone sense and wo�d off well, the custom wiD be d.isc:clIl-:be �mr.i:dO� Then we'��e senne tinued.' JIargaret� has.c:haqe . "'_"m Ka .... ,Sipaa.Liat..J.96:per cent of'felJDwJf who'-=- use of �� p� toniaht.. .'. �. an error,. the name 0'l�� to#,�. tho ei(.�.h�· �_ to.' .Bef��.�the-.•.. .'.pIay.... '. talbwill.be givea. o� Stic:mey, Chi� .m, :wa$i� .� ._ !-"im.d, � �p�� � by ��. ��� for the. y� -r" emlited fl'OlD ,WedDescla.r.s list of�n tbt·�:to.1iWid·on·&bd'a18O wipe C. A.",B�··�Ompson for the·F •. Kappa Sigma pledges.. "'. I·jtbe!:"-�,":wif.L;. "How �'''Qaq' �tl0J4:� �.·��.:SUkberger f�r, ,. .llike to, ",vi�.me ·to' '�eir I house. aDd W. A. ft:..' ·�eth· 'P'p�U8 will haft· MIuTARY DEPT. NO'I'mh .wouict'Wij,e �,.:8hoe. on."tbe plaD� � of tJl�,lfeP �GD, whic:h � " Horses for tile Military depJUtmeD�;'Cover ·m\d�·i#.�.tla_.··:-�·th��:��.-'.� :��d 'ot: �-'�.",i&tIItL.. � >. � arrive by th� end of the .. weeld...· � .:)VP� .��;���D1!'.b ':itl�'t . '.:':�: .�� ... ����: ;': � in· Equitation, borse:���. el�er:vt,.�,� ••. SoDl�.oDe :'. ��. � ;�?'b&ve ,)aD bliag"wjU,start'.ext Monday,.;� pays ��:,1�" � some 0: � ��g" bard 'at '�. �uet7l��I=:�.... :::;:;===�==:::;:=�=======?===========::;::::===========; must. have �·�ple.�f to� In their said: Enid TowiIlq· �,.. "TIle+lockera, in � ... it were. The� . : -'�..bue.,� .. ';;'1� ...�. • .:t' _f,�""�>-::�'_; . -r," I C"-I - , •• :.�� �_7' -. D,,'·1 •• Jt';.� � me�·���;:�·be- � �;:and' we b.·::8Nri � .. .r,,� 'n� ",.';�I'@ towels. J�}�der .���.� '�.t1Us to.be_�of the 1IICJ8t.,.,.. :. ".: � \': ' .. .���:,f�!.a_,-��p���.��� CiisNl:trolics·in tbe··.hlataz7.,ol. � .. _ .- '!futQri.···:Some of the students _are .;..,'.. , . - . - �: •..J ..• ' .•..• ' .. , .. , ; .••. ': J1� •.. ,:WearedolDg.�· . � �trOubl", "or hAve 'syuipt0m8. of' t1Ie to' m&b . tb8 .affair enjo,able.. Umen . ". .- t:iboo"",�; They ��v«f :;tJaat-.·. tired. �'.U8iatf>wb� 'thi �'.� \'.� ,�� �teellDc··atter a� bathe. <ft]I.:tiWte � deL'· U· � Ue stin __ .fresIa;. . ",. ':�.tomary to ut ·doWJl�,CI!D·: �'.� Who·.aw!DOt''';provIdecl f�,. �;�boa:rd � put;;.,�. w�.�� �:� �.� �'�tt.ed to the ped�'·: ::. '�other rubbing' � &lid' iest ·well .nee free of cb&rae.". . >�:'. 'While; ��. �l�' off wi�','�' . The. east for the pla7 foUows: . : ..> �:' N, is a w� <�.Anft& ;:·.'.;;�· •• -.-·.PanD:V TempJetGD <: ;.�, t*SICAPPY·U�E.lJJIDIK ,::.::.�for�,�tlJatotherJDell �;Gid..:.::'.:� � :.�m�� .'. fiil�rr;�'1:,��. :.. IIinena •• : ••• .; ••• ;'1'hereaa � �.� jiavcev�tasted. Se5ved. - r j ::::m�t ...... -�.... . . -> .. with: either charged or . . -::�::: '.'•. ' " �-.� •. :. '.�. .'. . :' � pIain ter·. . -' •.. " ": •• oJ., '�:' �- . : �,t ";' .\isO·delicloUS In i«.,;I • . �� ��wxfsodas. :. fcr.:six year. oIds- or�.. �-� � man at'·, ' thc.,foun� .�COMPARY'.��.Sold by 'le:lcfiDR. .. tioner..-it "echiOol.aDd ....... . :M·ID,W·E·ST-· :-n1'.ESElfllNC­C,Qftfp'AN;'Y"510-112 .EAST SIXT.Y'�THIRDSTREET'·-­UNOTYPERS'�':A�N'lO�, -.l.t�·�j\ _' __ ............. :---- ......., ," ....... , - _',,--,... ',"';'''r :'; .....'Of �"�." � 0 ,;�� ... ••••.... �PlCTUJm 8J!' CIIIOAG0'8 FAVOBI'l'B8WJ!ZT8 Dr 0_ o .. �_�OLDIU8��.For Sale by ..DBEXELPBARMACY, .VAN De BOGERT & ROSS. 981· R 56th St. 1000 E. 63rd' S�.Phone Midway UIO . Phone Hyde Park 254II. J. SCHULTE, 1518 Hyde Park Blvd.1501 E. 55tJa. SL �ODe Oakland 6800Plaone B�de Park 206 ; 1465 E. 63rd SLMeANANY. FINIGAN, Phae Blacb&oBe-32n'1201 . E. 55th st. 801 \ E. 63rd· st.Pho_ Mi_�,. 708' PIloDe. Mldwar �2�(."- 11/'" ,-.,, .• �:- _ . .••. .1_ ;.•o ,•• ,,�, ,.... ,,. .. - .\ \- :_ ..."- . ,.'..'1,''. ,. ·.�l....t. -;-�,. .' ��-:�'�t•'.�.-.!\�r·;...- <.c-.:.. '."�J��{t���:�":': I���-: <: i'_ ���':� .�}�. �-::.� .� '. '-, ;)�:' � "': :.::.,:��>;. '<, ... :. '.:_ '., �:� � �� _f. �.' ', \ . ":�:. ) ?>-'.::7:r�:;;. ���: ':; f(� ?�.·:·��.. :'·�:�.'f,;.. �.�.��.�,·.'l.:.,.·'..\.��.:.··.:�:I .....�.··.�._� �}·... ;,�;,�:�.....;;.'.5.i.:.·�:Wi.·,:�r�;�.:�w.�n;{f�ij:��;j:: \\���t�i!i��:�.�'" �.�.��:'�r:�:�-i��;!§���:" · ' · "," _".. '.;';;TBB:DB:���nuD�:r.�17�'lill� .. ,.·."�'_�I.i;';�'- ..'�-� ��·c�aw��;.·· '2'�"�"��-�·--,�.,��-��--�-�---�---�����-������� r Tlut �. . . DRAMAnC JIEClTAL 'SUNDAY � pIeue retUrn flo \lui IIarOoD• ,::;'Y!' :jf.: ',: �_ 2 ';' _:;. � < '> 1 .:, ." ,'" ,� :,,</ 't-;;?- ";:"'" :. . .' . ., ',_:' _'--. ,." .� . 'office or the dDforiDation. 'desk-, in .�. -J .' '. ',f .'. .... .e�;···: · -!J. SUbjeet -. Ia· ... �Yid... Cop�eI,!,��o :·the�B�.�"" �" . (.12) ... � < '>,,"r':" ' ... � ··�· ·IJ·.\ .•• ..;::-:. � -<I Present J 0 h n Drinkwater. . �. . _ .... , ,. . � .. ,..... .. " ..[: . � Abraham Lincoln, H N�Y. %.'. .WILL THE PERSON'� 'wtlo lost'. a � , _r �, " .blaek cameo ring kindly. call at th.e . '. f' .' !.... . . .r�···' .Prof. S. H. Clark will deliver his Id '�i:.i.- - •• office of Th� Daily Maroon to i en� 1: � : :- The above looks like an illustration fi t dramat' ··tal °xt S cia' t\' rs IC reer ne llJ!. y a tify said article between tlle. )loursI-r.\.�.: of a man whistling the Quadrangler 3:30 in Recital hall of the Fine Arts .of 11 aIld·l2.· (9�.:.1. marching song, but it isn't. It's just building. His subject is to· be .Dick-r:,· one of the new heads for this depart- ens' "David Copperfield." On the Sun-. LOST�Three �e)'8 on a small· riIig� ' ....)". ment. Watch for the other. Two day follo�ing his subject Will be Mac- Finder'please'return to MaroOn of+Ii. heads are better than one. .. ; fice aDd c1&im reWarcL· .� (10��:�. -'. .:.. ..;: ..;r:: .' Call For Us at 7:'9 Until the Cadillac LOST-Lady's ·sman· gold ring witll'., Is Out of the Paint Shop. : yenoweci pearl .�'. ReW8.rd..': Bel.; 'Dear Mr. Whistler: When your � � to· Maroon o�ee. '. . I.f esteemed column was started, I w� LOST"':"'Platinum, diamond. and peartr: . mentioned. occasionally; last year I ring in Iu: Noyes .�� �m. 0*� did not subscribe, and was not re- waShstand,' 4 p. n.· Wednesdat,.·: ferred to; this year I decided to sub- Iteward._ � Grossman,.' 572.I� scribe, was mentioned as soon as the Kimbark. care. Villars. .Hyde Park�, thought could register, did subscribe, 6236.:' . e •••, � • (1'0),1 ana have impinged the Whistle. ever·since. Seryice, I call it. Now thatyou have .mentioned her, I beg toplace my Twin-two Super-Fordmotor.:.ca� Annabel at the disposal ofthe Whistle for official business. Re-spectfully. A.P.S. L�: c. S�TH and ��nareh �wri*ers:for·we.. -, MaehiDeS'in!iOOdl�.'. dition�' . Appiy at'-The·Mal'OOll o�'for 'further pm.tleu1arL . "� -. -':(3J;.:....... - � . ,.: ' . - ,-" - "�ST�Black_ .cameo,: ring;. either .. f;.' Emmons ·B�ne or Ida. Noyes. .Re:'. tUm to Maroon office. Reward. �IIi1t·�".I)I.ll:�,.f'�.1'.:.....::��":l.;·".. ''�i .: ,. � • '. V�" ,AN i�ch isn't muc},,;' but 'o�: ,the.... .: . end of your nose it's a-lot, Il>. .·MA.. '. I• �" •, j , � ,1_ ", '.•. • .'.:;. • ';, -, ..It. , .. , ..I � e-," f� � "', t.lt ��.. ;... J. �.'. • " I. .", ." J�.�th�re .is tJl�t·�:irld.�ba�I�::·'. . . quality called . uS�le"_'.. "Individual.';'�i1.n�on':�that .mekes. so. DlU�·difference. in-clothes- ...•. '\t .. �.'.......,... VarpFORCh16-0,'-'an IIversi-to Wand'the 1day.Tbfromof awasthatSeanteam. bette:ping" 'That gives' a man that look of qUietdi8tirictio�that :irreaiatible force 0:£ - .M;Tl1tercfieldIt�Shifta. well 'groomed: man-c-''; ,':br;' 'if �dnn� or ��erdOne. marks 'a' .. 'I :;; ,'. ' .�an as conspicuO�ly. ill-dr�. : ,: _ , ,}.- • � I '. . ..!' ':.: :; 1 '.. � 1 :.. • l" � • ' ,, " •Our specialty is in makirig ClotheS .;, .,, .' � ," ..'. ,': :;:I·�forme��lio.know,thevah.ie,9f¥� )" .�,._: weir .· .. tlr���m.�n· : ��� �pp'��i��e � ..';. the quiet .�rrectness and individual: '�',..... scyle�' we pufirli:� clothes. .,. . . - .' "· ! .L� !' . � < : _; ;.'. ". . ...... ; ,�.. : J.• / •..• " ;; " ,,"Order 'YOfW Et1�i"g.- ClotheS, . your;· . CutawlJy.: Ji'ro�Il, your Fall and . Win- i· ter' Overcoat now. ', ....' � , ' .... � .) . : ,�". , : somEonlygamtreap·scon- �'"11•• :; ... ���I��.�'··'t--:�d"""K.·�;:7h'd.',' � �; .:.:pWli:; ......... ·'in':at-' '. ··that;;� .:-Bim-". "'that':':othe"'pOrt.'. ;." :C]. ,minnot:is 1.Zap]. bec:atb�. Illin:res1JseeD'rlwas;"repcl. teamOmthe'of 8·tlie·'l100cDawlr �Tmst&� slvfurs Bank Tllowitel'"cocldcn1andtreagan:amClAllHit4-: .."W�DLAWN AYENuEAt Sixty-Third Street.' ", .._ ..'Ne8rest BalIkFpleclEat!•