....,;;",:' ,-",.'at" amen� �" .,., T:�>�:�" '. :'7;:}j.����f:.r·�:<,• � .. " �• 4"'�. '. r: ;:����'.� ... � � "...:.& � �� •\i),''":,..VoL 18. No� 9 I., UNIVERSITY OF carcaco, WEDNESDAY, ocr. 15, 1919 Price 5 Cents---' DRAMATIC CLUB TO GIVEPLAYS NOV. 21 AND 22Date Is.Set -for Submission of'LibrettQs -for AnnualProduction__I_ The annual fall plays will be pre-ALL UNIVERSITY MEN ELIGIBLE sented by the Dramatic club on the S .nights of Nov. 21 and 22 in Mandel • A. E. HAS. LARGEST NUMBERhall. This announcement was madeyesterday by the Play committee, No That this year's rushing. �eason isadmission will be charged, the per- one of the most successful ever expe­fOrrllances being invitational. rienced on the campus is evidenced� Three plays have been selected by by the fact that nearly two hundredthe committee,' which is made up of men have been pledged by twenty,Ruth Lobett, Louis Dooley, Charles fraternities, making an average ofBreasted and Glenn Harding. "TheMaker of Dreams," a fantasy by Oli- ten to. a fraternity,pliant Down, "The Pot Boiler," by Sigma Alpha Epsilon leads the listAlice Gerstenberg, and "A Night in with fifteen pledges. . Psi Upsilon and�n lim," by Lord Dusany are the plays Sigma Chi come next with thirteenso far chosen. men pledged to each, and Alpha Del.' stage Director Louis. Doodley was ta Phi's list is incomplete.;;ery enthusiastic about the prospects The fraternity pledge lists follows�f the' club when Interviwed �esterday: •Delta �appa Epsilon-Blair LaughThe Dramatic club this year is dis- I· Chi 0 b R b' �- Chi-. .un, ieago; s orne 0 erts,playing more life than ever before. , '.the Abbot and Manager' of the 'order. . its hi to ,t h ·d· "W a' re mv cago; David Meacham, Hinsdale, Ill.In I IS ry, e Sal .' e o. -...They will be given copies of the man-. ing these fall plays free of charge bl '�o� Gue�n, Chicago; �rthuruscripts on December 1. As soon' as; ord'er -that the whole' campus may .Wltzleben" Chicago; Raynor Timme,they . have made their separate deei-' (C t' d 2)' Oak Park, III.; Harold Woods, Cbi-- '. . . on tnue on page .'sions they will meet to decide on the cago; Jack Harris, Ottawa"Kan..'i. w. C. A .. CAMPAI� winning play. -.. - ; M'NAIR RE-ELECTED Phi Kappa P�rge Yardley, \- All qtieago Men Are �h�ble TO DIRECT' ALUMNI .' Oak :ark, Ill.; WIlliam Hol�en, OakFOR �ERS TO Any present or past undergraduate; . ..., Park,. B:uce Bell, O� Park, RobertInjured Men, Appear on ·Field_ BEGIN ON MONDAy or graduate men of the University ,is. COUNCa FOR YEAR McConruck, St. Lows, Mo.; BarrettThose' on the 'injured lis; were. ac- _- -. -- eligfble to submit a manuscript i� the' . --- _ Enderson, S�uth Bend, Ind.; .Boward. ,. \. '.. I I . hat he t' . . Cooper :Moline TIl· Byron Russell,·..ti�e ,'yes��y, Pat._�age_ .. appearing, Edythe' Flack Chairman .of contes�. �e o� y.� es t e.�us PierrotTo Continue as Secre-.€ lI' Ia. •. D' 'd·'F ". . .. ' .' . '... .. - follow are that his' play be plaInly.. ana, , aVl, eyer,. Chicago';:���}�e}���d.�th.�,��,.�� l�.�odel Driv�ven, ��tt� : uuirkedWith his �e and'address, be; .tary�ets Will Retain .... Frank··Lindett, Chicago; John 14cIn- ;' �:��;�erutche8;.-��,.:;whor� .. 'laid .. up' '-To· SecUre Su�Ds' . . .... r :... 'b:' .'. '�d' of:th'-'., '-.:', ," ,·.Offices inBody,'. � ,'. nis, Chicago; Danforth ·FaJlow Chi '. ',".tl��,{·<;�::����:"·-<���-ijM���ri��.���;�.��;,:r·4�R!!,.��-.s:;:; -��I�:i��'&.��������;"����� i,.����/:':' .. :� .��>�,��:··.:.:;.::I.<:,���.�·,::_;I;�:,>.:·;· eap··"·�,Larish-:-,;rn.t-�� .- ,,�,;;-_-', __ -_ ... _w:-..__ __: I. _ _,.�� ._ ,,_ . � ... ' ... "",.� _-- .......... JI<""<�� .-d·'�' _�)O�.�. ,.- • • �": eIlDIy"L�lDe(L'l" -�-��� .. _�:e.,....A.r .", •. : .- '_). �-.. -. -.-.. -" ....... ' •• ,'.' . .'. '. .;. �v,. uJs··::----.',·.'.�:.::.�:.. ·�.l.;�����:�b"i)\{t�)��·;.·:�ctbe·� .: ··CHANGES .. ··I�t ctJ�· ':J seiiPts'enmi�ted"by ih�' jU�. rii �ms.c:uSS:)·F1�ANCtA�· 'PROGIlAlI'Norgre� CJii�: ... '.. <_ .. _,', .�: .. eertained�· '''the'' .�g��' dummy'" '., �.�,. .. ';. � �� to'�' .-autiicmi' �� '�':-(�"� .. �., .� ��:� .'... Beta Theta,.PiLJobn PagWjll, MC-. _; ·:".:'L·.'�'l'eckec(b1,�{m�� on'Mo��y .'. The �nw(m��p)rive "will ��er'}l�gemenf.is made betWeen Fra�k·1tf��'.-'08�:w:as re-el� Gill. Nev.; J�es �. Clare, Chicago; ,: � ":'Y:,wu Still disabled.:· .. -4 ,:" be begun by. i;be . Y; .. w. ,C� A. next th�m 'individually>and th� orcl.er.: No president. of, Ue 'Aiumni. Council, at Wallace. Lannigan, Des Plaines, .IJ!.; .-��::,:' '.' Quite evidently -the Big Tell is not Monday �d will con1inuE; .�ughout �es,' �n' be published . excep� �a� ·a"t m�t��.: A.':G. Pierrot, '07, Edw�r� �� Chicago; W�terMtlw-' ." )j�gqing: to be a· peac:e-coDferenee this th� �eek .Ed�e Flack is c;hai� of �e wi�ing �utho�.) .. � who.'acteci'_�,seCretary··and-editor of �e.r,• Chicago; Paul :Mil�o, .\�. , ... ,.;�rall� Loud "�rtions. ot<conftdence of the �paigD. . . .� ... ":':_ '.. The, manageinent .of B�kfriars the Alwmii �gazine'during the past C4i�go, . George Mulro�J' Chicago;.. \.' . .:�',:.��.. re· '��ing frO� ·.�l tpoints � � Big Seven 'teams will work in the .ea!:n� hOPes that � :number of. plays will be year�' was �leciecl �retary and treas- Maxwell Recker,. In�polis! .. ��; .. : ::\�.,Ten.- Illivois haS a 'squad, a!m� all paign, and there wi,lI:be keen;,-inter� submitted both by ipresent' $1dents ure� of ,th�. COuncil. At a prev(�lls Edward.. �tarbuck, Goslielf, � L �»;.of whom played ,agaiilst the Iftrong � rivalry .to·see which·�'· can BtDd those ';ho are nol�nier m resi-" meeting, Mr. Pierrot was elected' sec� �Ipha Delta Phi-Malcolpl, Bruce, .t. :.:':i.�,· 'iowa team last year and exPeets to get the largest- number of sub$cJ::ip. dence. It fee�:-that the problem ot' retary �d· treasure'r of· the College Chicago; Franklin :Carter, Chica�;· anticipate the triCkS' of the IowanS. tions.· The eaptams in eharie of the �leeting a play-for producti�n next Alumni .AssOci�tion.'· William. Gleason, Chicago; John'·Iowa of cOurse is much eDCOU� by ·committeeS iire:ie� . Falconer, l?a� '�pring is 'one .that deserves a vast TIi� mEm '�bo' served as chairmen Holmes, Chi.:ago; J. D. Hammond; "'itS: showing m defu';"""; NebraSka. maris'� Ames,�··Ite.ne� Ke�1,' Hazel �ount'of cO�d��tio'n, and one;that Chicago;.Arthur·White, Chicago.� '. last year ,.were re-el� to serve for· and :tbe fur should fly in' saturday's .Sclunid� Elizabeth Mann, �rie Nler- .is 'worthy 'of 'the Cf?mPetition of 'every th 1919-20 .season. These are: F. Sigma. C�ames Carpenter, Ak-... game. , �, ,. Bea�ce . Marks and'· Claire s1JJdent .With playwritillg abillty�. �t Anderson, AWetic committee; Harold �� Ohio; Ansell Conarty,. Hammond,� SmIth. ,The �Il�.' will meet to- therefore �ks and· encourages the H. Swift, C1�bs;- H.- E. Slaught, Fi- .I�; Burtro�'Grahquist, Be�, m;. , �� morrow .ate.2 in.�e�. W. C. A. roo� submission of manuscripts. Stu- nance; and Harold·D. Hostetter; Pub- Eugene Granquist, -Berwyn, III.; Ru-· M'HVGH CAPl'AINS >GYM TEAM �n I� Noyes.haH.-� ... ' >., .dents who know.·of persons eligible to lication committee. 'Frank McNair �rt Grunden� Muncie, Iud.; Oscar", . -.,-- - All Women. M.t: Sip. Up -. to compete wh�are D�t likely to �eam was 'ele�ted chairman Of the 'Funds Harris, Dallas,. Tex.; John Hill,' V�­· 'Sqaad Expects to Meet wi.coa.i.·aDd .' Beca� of' �e new filiJig " syste� of the contest are asked to supply the comntittee. A(' this m�iing, the new ita,. Okla.; Hilger, j Jenkins, Chicago;,� .. minoi. ThiIi-W""l�.' it'Will be neceSsary,for old memberS Blackfriars'Witlt,their iuunes. Al1lmni 'association 'of the School of 'Frank Mechb, 1a.; HeJiry Mosher,.' �'. .':' " .� ., 1tt6. �gn'. up as �elI ,as. n�� oil� "'!8� �- (��� from. f?a.ge 2) Education was represented..· ' Chicago; .. Gui1.fo� Re_ad' �cago;'. Me�bers 'of .the Marool!' gymnutic �,eft'ort ,.will" be made. to' make: the \ '. . Charles . Shannon, Chicago; Rollin,.team:-CIeeted John-McHugb,' a sopho.. 'me�bers�p as eOmplete_as.::Posaible TODAY'S WEATHER Discas8 New �. Ca .. pai� Wagner, Stonn Lake,IL'J:Ilore, .le8cier of.�e·squad last night. this year, aifd to make the drive the . I The .CpuncU· diseus� the coming' Psi Upsilon-Robert. !lamey. Oak.' � Hoft'�r has beeD·wo�ng �quiet- lI!ost suceessful in 'asaocla�on �ry. UDsettled' an'ci Colder, possibly rain. Alumni Fu'nd Campldgn; For this p� Ill.; Pierre B�u, Chi�go,· I,.·on a team tor . the. past two quar-' O\v_iDg to the remgnation of Mildred - �PaiP, � McNair � ele:cted ill.; 'Paul JacObsen, Chicago, TIl;.ten, and. expeets to tu� out another POWliaon as, viee-pn!sicient of the ,Yo _ THE 'DAILY MAROON cbinnan; William Lyman, seeretaPy; Harold Lewis, Oak Park,.TIi.; CharlesstrOng aggregation. BeeaUse' of tbe W. Q •. �, aevei-aI dumps . have , been BULi..ETIN and LeO Wo�se�, attorney. The Loeft'el,' 'Sioux "CitY; Ia.; Jacksonwar, the Dmnasts did not' have a.� 'in'. � 1l� cabinet &bth� .;- --- plan is ·to· have three fonns of life Moore, Si�ux City, Ia; William Mur-8ehedule las� year, but in ·.191� the .Flack Juur�·.apPOinted to take·.Miss Today _ membeGhip; one a Life .membership phy, Chi., . Ill.; Ehyood' Ratcliff',"'Maroons were the intercollegiate POWUSOh's. plaee.. Genevieve ,Blan- 'Divinity chapel, 11.50, Hwell. at $5(); a sustaining me�ber8hip, Oak Park, Ill.;' Kenneth Richardson,champs or the counttY. Wisconsin chant replacing 'of .t:�dia Hi�ekley, Chapel, Senior c:oIJeg� men and from $100 to $1,000; and an Endow- Johns.�wn, Pa.; Horatio _rs,and Illinois have been scheduled .tor. who has resigned as �irman of the wome� 'Mandel. ment membership of $1,000 and over� Evanston, Ill.; WilHam Shillington,· this winter, and it· is prObable 1 that campus and com�unity· �mmittee.' Faeulties or School of Edacation, Various names were reviewed as St. Louis Mo.; William Swett, Chi-Michigan and Annapolis will Wl:ee to . Two New Cab�t Membel'll 4, Emmons Blain� 2;14. members �f Campaign celhmittees, cago, ill.; Henry Smith, Chicago.�t the Chicago team. . The. members of the· first Cabinet Mathem�tical club.' 4:15, Ryerson the#' object being to have � many Delta Tau Delta-Robert Chides-Nine experienced men are on the now are: Frances Henderson, presi- 37. good �,"orkers aU o�r the country' as ter, Chicago; Locke Douglas, Chicago;squad, and there will be a strong rep. dent; Ed�he' FI�� . vice-president; Tomorrow :. possible. William Drennan: Chicago; Carltonresentation in each event. McHugh pharity Buddmger,' treasurer; Jean'" Divinity chapel, 11:50, Haskell. The pUrpo!e of the fUj1d is to bring Englehart, 'Chicago; Walker Kennedy,is' 'able to perform in everything on Pickett, finance; Nanihe Gowdy, �em- . Chapel, college of Commerce anet a fixed income into the Alumni office, Ghicagoj Rudolph Knepper, Siouxthe program, and there are several bership� Esther �ayer,. "book ex- Administration and college of Educa· so as/to put the magazine and Alumni City; Loyd Kohier,· Chadwick, Ill.;. speciali8ts on the squad who should change; Louise MammeD, upperclass tion, men and I women, 12, Mandel. affairs on a pennanent financial basis. Robert Moran, Chicago; George Ran-take care of the horse and parallel counsellor� ThereSa WilsOn, " inter- Public lectUl"ey .t, Harper. the project Was taKen up at a Spring kin, Chicago; George \Rochaster, Ma-bars. The men on the team are: collegiatf; Annie May Kemp, soda! Saint Marks Society, 4:15; Y. W. C. meeting last year. and was presented rion, DI.; Harry Shaffer, New Hamp-captain John McHugh, C. S. Kessler, service; Esther McLaughlin, meet- A. room, Ida Noyes. to �lumrii at tbe reunion dinner in ton, Ia; Otto Strohmeir, Chicago;k Scbuh, R. G. Hummel, R.' A. CriPe, ings; Enid !rownley,. social; Florence "Sociology. dab, 1:45, Clauics 20. June. From' all re"pons a�lable, the John Tate, Boise, Idaho; KennethF._ Schneidenbach, G. E� Morris and Falkneau, diSCUSSion groups, �nd Kent' Chemical Iodety, 8, Kent project was received very favorably Tobey, Chicago.Henry L B. Pringle.,I ��a Clark, publicity. Laboratory. by the AllDDlli. '(Cotrtiftued on pa.ge 4)MAROON MDI HAVE- STIFF SCRIMMAGEWITH .FROS}'I TEAM Y. M.' C. A. Baa Charge of Football-- Rally in· Bartlett Gym... on OCtoberF reshmen show. Real Fighting IT-Vanity 'Football Men To HelpSpirit and' Hold' Back 1 Stir Up EnthU8ias�.Varsity Line ---" :. An indoor pep meeting' un�er thePAT PAGE ATl'ENDS PRACfICE auspices of the University Y. M. C.' A., " will be - held on Friday at 7 in Bart;.;Afte'r a day of light practice and lett gymnasium, to which all men ofthe University are invited. The meet­gentiomanly scrimmage Monday; the ing will be for the purpose of instruc-Maroons settled down to-a stiff ses- tion in the college yells, and to stirsion yesterday •. Coach A.' A. Stagg up enthusiasm for the Marooll team,deserted _ his �ew and shiny electric �hich plays Purdue on Stagg field thebuggy for the observatiod .tforni at .following' day: .Secretary Gerald Karr I Smith an-the back of the east stand, so that he ced . terd th t th t··.. . noun yes ay a e mee mgmight better oversee the operations .. would be held in spite of :the 'otherHis megaphone was obviously on: hand events scheduled for Friday. Theand in good working order. Freshman Frolic, which com�s theStarting the afternoon by posing ;same� evening, is for women ,only.for the camera the Va�ity then sub- while the Reynolds club informal willprobably not begin until after themitted to fast backfield workouts, and . t. . . , '',. ... pep mee mg IS over. .finished the day with. a battle against . .Varsity Footbali Men To Speakthe freshmen. The first year team Besides the supervised cheering,came forth with true fighting spirit, which' will be the chief feature of the'giving the Maro�; genuine fight for :m�ting, it is expected .that' several:. ts Th f' h-' to h les 'In varsity football men will give "shortpomts, e , res men re 0 '(Continued on pailS 2).. ROOTERS HOLD INDOOR.. PEP MEET FRIDAY AT 7._ BLACKFRIARS 1920PLAY CONtEsT TOCLOSE I)ECEMBER 1 Annual Fall Production Will Include�he' Maker of Dreams," '-rile PotBoiler," and "A Night in An �-.--Rushing Season One of MostSuccessful Ever .Experi- .enced on Campus f :. Inn." TWO HUNDRED MENPLEDGED TO GREEKLETIER SOCIETIES '_.- J._._Monday, December 1, has been se­lected as the final date for the. sub­mission of manuscripts in the annualBlackfriar play-writing' contest. Be­fore this time all librettos 'for consid-eration for· production as the' six­teenth musical !!omedy_· of the ordermust be submitted to the Blackfriarsthrough Abbot Priebe. or ManagerHolloway, or Box 286, Faculty Ex-change. ,A board of five judges has been.se­lected to· make the decision fromamong the submitted plays. It willbe composed of Deans Linn and Boyn­ton, Mr. Charles Cillins, dramatic edi­tor of the Chicago' Evening Post,. and· the Varsity line, and, the forw�· must brace considerably to hold Pur­'due.., .v ..,('.......... '".. , ....,',:;'- .. � .: ,"!-'. ••. -': ';, ._ ��;.,�: ./ .. -,, 'a "·,,·:i ...\ r ) S� �.: ' •• : tl>�1 �< ":; �'\., "�. ,? .. ':,." .?' :.' " {:;:' �. :�� _:"�:' : �: �t:}:;'V f: �,� �:.\�'::;�;;>f/') .. ��'.\, 'I8IQlEDS.' mJMILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY,·OCT"-15,.l9la.A general mass meeting and singWEDNESDAY, OCT. 1�, .1919 will be held soon for the Universitrstudents, aecording to the plans whl'chhave just been completed by the Fed­eration 'of University women. Manyfriday afternoon, in BartTett gym- other-plans were discussed at the Fed- students at the University of Wiscon­sin is about 900,'while the num�r of,nasium, the annual Fresbman-Sopho- eration meeting, and a- seal, designed �pplications, filed Was 2,826. The ninemore mixer will take place, and The by Elizabeth Fisher, was' adopted as 1 '024 Eas' 6'3' � S .normal schools, of the, state have' B-; , t. ru treetDaily M3ro'on Wishes to'-urge, all' �e ofti�al emblem' �f the o�� soldier. bOnus attendance .of 128 as'freshmen 'to appear. There.iS no need' tion.,. ' , ....:- .. :: �m�' with 820, appliCations. A� ===============Although defini�. a�tS .the pri"'vate colleges of the state � , ' ",about the sing have not been made; it bave registered' as compared with '802 Subscribe tor The MaroOn andWill prob&bly take, plaee. Wednesda, y,' "na1 li'� .' ' ', .' , " ..ongt .1iP cations. Get All',the 'Cam' PI'S Ne�OetOber 29 in 'Mandel hall, Every Ul � ,_ gstudent in·tbe Universi�is invited to DRAMATIC CLUB TO GIVE ';attend, 'and the �ttee in elWgebepes ,to make the· sing a big U�ver- .sity affair.�e council adopted - the Federationseal at a meeting held Monday. Sev •eral suggestions were turned in, butthe one made my. Elizabeth Fisherwas finally voted as the best suited forthe purpose. The seal is in gold an�brown- colors, and represents one. ofthe·arches in . the cloister of Ida Noyeshall, with a lighted eandel shiningfrom behind. it .. The seal will appearon all the 'Federation stationary, an­nouncements and posters.A general' eouneil . meeting will beheld in the near future. AnnOllnee­ments of the date', and place 1'f meet­ing "ill be '�e this -w:eek.The Student Nriosp.,er of UwUniversity of Cbiea.. .BUSINESS DEPARTMENTl'he StatfGRANT MEARS .. Business ManagerHenry Pringle .. Advertising ManagerKeith Kindred ... Circulation Manager• Edmund Eichengreen.Asst. Adv. Mgr.Laurence Tibbits : .. Asst. Cir. Mgr.Robert Bir'l\hoff ' .. Asst. CiJ.:. Mgr.Entered as second class niail at theChicago postoifice, Chicago, Jllinois,1riarch 13, 1906, under the act ofMarch 3, 1873.SUBSCRIPTION RATESCalled for, $2.60 a' year; $1.00 aquarter.By Carrier, $2.60 a year; $1.00 a: -quarter. .By Mail (city), $3.60 a year; $1.60a quarter. .Editorial Rooms •••••• � e '•••• 'Ellis 14Telephone Midway 800Business Office .••••••.••••.• Ellis .14Telephone Midway 800 'THE MIXER.. .of urging sophom�, juniors and,seniors to attend, ·the upper classes'win be there to keep the'mixer' mix-,-ftlg�'; Nor'is it particularly n�i• to bring the mixer to the attention of, �.traiemity freshmen, becaue they willreeeive ins�eticms as to 'their attend;anee at the annual affair. .'. ;This comment - is ecnhposed ebie1lyfor non-fraternity :freshmen, and' fo�freshmen women. Doubtless, many. of them are lonely; the mixer is thefirst and the best opportunity , aftord�ed for acquaintanceship in the Uni­�+v It is an absolutelY informalve��' , •. aft'air, �and anyone wlro wants to ge�, t·3cquainted can ge �cq_wunted. In�troductians are unessentIal on Friday. g,fternoon.v.. 1.Bow-ever, it requi�s a certainamount of effort on tI_le part of eachindi\Tidaal if he or��e �ts to'enjoyhiJYlself or herself. There will be toomanY present for the �Ption eom�mjttee to take care of, and Probablth�se men and women Who stand off, jn the far comers of Bartlett will be. allowed to, stand there all afternoon,jf theY so desire. A small percentageWl11 be encouraged out, on the dancefl�r, but the encou.�gernent game isboth difficult and tinng for the com­mi�, in charge.. They want every­one present to have a good time, butthey cannot see to the matter person­'ally except in a limited nU�ber ofca5CS·Therefore, the matter resolves it­self down to this: freshmen Who Wishto meet their classmates' will attend,and' if they do attend they Win makesome effort on their own part to besociable. The mixer is designed forthe express purpose of, getting thefreshmen acquainted with each otherand with the upper classes. If it d�velops into another sort of an atrai�but the freshmen should come aroundand see that nothing of'tbe sort hap-pens. ""- Blackfriars are getting busy/andpl�nty of power to that organization:The Friars have the reputation ofchanging from cheap polities to themerit basis in the matter of elections;long may they thus wave. Under­graduately speaking, the Friars wonthe moral vlctory of 1918-1919. Whichis something to brag-about, and to be,-emembered.FEDERATION WILL STAGE·MASS MEETING AND SINGIN MANDEL OCTOBER 29Council Plans Events. For Year .andAdopts � for Organiza-tion.BLACKFRIARS 1920. PLA Y 'CONTF8l' TO ., .CLOSE DECEMBER 1(Continud from fXl{/8 1)Give Rules for -Writing PI.,..The plays may be submitted eitherwith or Without lyries, but preferablywith. Should the best play have nolyrics : 1Ieparate eontest win be heldto seCure them as was done' lastspring. Two or more authors maycollaborate in writing a play if theydeRirc. Their names must both ac­company the work. If separatewriters, have pl'09ided lyrics a state­ment of that fact must be submitted.The successful play will be set. tooriginal music by students who eomeunder the same eligibility bounds· as-the authors, and will be produced fourtimes during the coming Spring·c:iuar­ter. It will be the·sixteenth·play tobe so produced by the Blaekfriars.. 'r.'' •. ROOTERS H�' INDOOR:�EP M� FRIDAY· AT 7. (Contimud from pag_� � . SUBSCRfBE ·FOR",mqt llhlily :!Iurnnu•READ THE WHISTLEREAD �HE CAMP.US NEWSREAD T�E ANNOUNCEMENTS$2.50 Per Year$1.00 Per Quarter.FI·SK' CAFE�1309 E. 57th St.• OF CHICAGOAR.GONNE.. A .:.:s��vT.n.KKOWC' form-:fit, OLLAR'Cluctt..PcaLody6lCo.IDC. Troy. N.Y •The Dame "Araoaae·· Is "wd t.; cnurtrsy or'IMA ....... Shirt C.... I"hlbtl .. lphbSOLDIERS'SLOW TO TAKEADVANTAGE OF BONUS ATWISCONSIN UNIVERSITIES LET US SHOW YOl)Wisconsin soldiers entitled to sharein the benefits of the educational fund,provided by the Nye law have been .._------------- ... slow to take ��tage of !heir op­portunity� Of the 7,224 soldiers whohave expressed a desire for an educa-tion only. about 1,600 .have appeared'at the bistitutions, according to a re-'port 'of the state board of education.,The attendance of soldier bonus Open 7 Days a Week�elephone Hyde Park 8669The Corn Exchange.Nati�nal�JOSEPHIN·E.Ca}tital, SU'rplus·and Undivided Profits$lO�OOO,OOO.OOIs the Largest National Bank in the"UNITED STATES:With' a' Savings Department .;.. U�er '. Feda:al S".J»e�jOlf� ..N. :W. cOr. La �lIe .�. A� Sts.'Brjug Y�Qr.savibp To �S"Open saturday' E�en'gs Ulltil 8 o'clockMILLINERPLAYS NOV. 21 AND 22 .' • fhave .a ,dlanee to judge the merit ofour rejuvenated o�zation, and thE?production. will entail a great outlayof, money and .labor. We '�t awie attendan� and f�l confide�t� this move will put the whole ,tu�-dent body. solidly behind, us. .STUDENTS OF ·COMMERCE,AWARDED-SIXTY.FOUR OFNEW :NOYES ScHOLARSHIPS- ,Sixty-four La Ve�e ,Noyes scltolar; :ships' have .been awa�ed'" to .. ·Com! ;!-\m'erce �students.: This' is twenty' pe� ,ieent of the number of Noyes schola��ships awarded aDd' is �arieIy out ofproporti�n to the relatively smallnumber of Commerce students at' theUniversity. .'Due to the unp�Dted enroU­ment of this quarter' the beginning'Political Eeono�y cla'Ues are all· over­crowded, averaging fifty students toa class.May ,Freedman has been electedgraduate mem�r of the CommerceClut, Executive Council, by the under­graduate members of the ExecutiveCouncil. Election for president ofthe Club will take piace some time.that l1)Onth. All Commerce' studentswho have not yet .joined the Club areurged to do so, next week when tick-ets will be on _Ie. ' •.. ' ... IYoarwr;ldaa _ 1Dac:b -� ... -,\) •kDOW_leclse: dete�l.ea 7GUI' ' A ·eoftklln caD D .. ' ..... leak,cIaaa ataDcllDg. '. Mot .. ecratcb. FIlla III. Me-. fYau caD', belp but wdte.JMn! � 12.5t aael up� with. CoDkUD.'University of ChicaKo, Book.tore "'r- Jl71l t.Read ,The Daily Maroon.'," ,.-.\•- '«�.�t�.�,.,�.,. '..',.'_'t.,1 ':"'Y ',., '"., . �• , . \.,THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 15, 1919, ,MARSHALL FIELD & COMP ANY•THIRD FLOOROpening Monday, October 13, and continuingthrough the week, will be given an animated and, .. �phl� picture of the making of American ,Bo�ks ,. -i� pro� and its' product-, accompanied by a,' 'host of fascinating, mementos of those who write.. ,,-' .Men, women and children who have the 'habit ofreading, . and those who desire' to acquire it, areinvited to enjoy our Book F air, which wj.ll bear theatmosphere of the editorial sanctum, the Havor ofthe print shop and the intimacy of authorship.,Louisa M. Alcott 'Set of four character dolls-s-dressed -in the exactcostumes worn in the book "Little Women.:' ,"Meg's" Wedding Bonnet. ' 'Doli's Dress (called a "pelisse") This is one ofthe doli's dresses made by, 'the girls and is de-t'Jcribed il\ uAn Old-Fashioned Girl." Doli'sTrunk in which the doli's dresses were stored bythe girls. , 'Poniard or Dagger, used by Miss Alcott as cl, 'paper cutter and letter opener. ,'.Copper Tea Kettle, used by Mias Alcott whileworking as � nurse in the Civil War. "Describedin "Hospital Sketches." .First page of original manuscript of "Jo's· Boys."Page of original manuscript of "Jack and Jill."Letter from Miss Alcott to Mr. Niles (her pub- .lisher) suggesting title for book, "Little Women."Portrait of' Louisa May Alcott from .. dasuerro­type, made when she was 18 years old.,�'Frank' Doubleday's personal collection of this .author's mementos" including original manu­scripts of "The Light That Failed" and "If."Also a special exhibit of the rare work of the'French binders employed by Doubleday, Page &Co.. which includes these first editions of Kip­Iing ;Nativity.Pilgrim's Way.White Man's Burden.Ware in the Mountains. The Neutral.Schoolboy Lyrics.Great Heart. 'The Scholars.•Roosevelt CoDectionOriginal material, including some of the lettersto his children, and his Chicago speech.Original Roy Baldridge CartoonsSoon to appear in book form in the volume, "IWas There," a collection of, war material fromthe army newspaper, "Stars and Stripes.", Earl Reed Etchings. A showing of 'this artist's interpretation of thebeauties of the' dunes of Indiana; a collection ofpictures that have won renown for their exquisite­ness and beauty.•',\ , \ � Artistic Book' Binding,An exposition of the ancient art of binding booksby hand by Chicago craftsmen from the Monas­tery Hill Bindery of Ernst Hertzberg & Sons.Examples of the finer 'bindings, books in variousstages of completion, and the raw materials used'will be exhibited.' .. ' 'Mr. Hertzberg has graced many Chicago homelibraries with examples of. his finest workman-ship.' I" f,Other famous' binders exhibiting are:Riviere. & Son.Sangorski & Sutcliffe.Cedric Chivers.Zaehnsdorf. .The C'Ol1e�ion here is rich, impressive and note­worthy. It includes full levant doublure, full levant 'of various colors, jeweled bindings, and rare.manuscripts and autographs, as well as othermementos. Among the notable volumes are:Admiral Nelson mementos; jeweled \lirtting,with miniatures in ivory.Roosevelt manuscript of his Chicago speeeu.Book of Common Prayer, jeweled binding.Lamh's Essays, full blue levant, silk doublurc;first issue of first edition.Kclrnscott, "Glittering Plain," full levant dou­blurc, richly tooled.""'Carroll, "Alice" and "The .Looking Glass/' fullblue levant;' original cloth covers, bound in1866-72.Keats, "Lamia," jeweled binding, full levant,'with miniature doub1ure; first edition.�'Queens of Song.". two volumes; full blue levantbinding, with sixteen original miniatures. origmaI Manuscripts and -�ttersJames Whitcomb RileyEugene Field.Louisa M. AlcottMark TwainKiplingRcoseveltHawthorne, Emersonl\farkTwain-Original manuscript from the Lon­don Times.Algernon Charles Swinburne ....... Autograph manu-script. 'Outer and Inner, by George Meredith.Lord Byron=-Family and 'Friends and His-Father,Capt. John Byron.Roosevelt manuscripts.Bret lIarte-The Reformation of James Reddy.Several Rudyard Kipling manuscripts..lames Whitcomb Riley - Original manuscriptTennysonLongfellowDickensByronSwinburneMeredithBret HarteRiverside Press ExhibitCommercial Book' Binding "Out to Old Aunt Mary's," and Valentine Letter,three pages of manuscript.The only known complete set of Riverside lim­ited editions; some of the finest Americanprinting. .With this exhibit, Houghton Miffin Companyshow these values mementos:WHITTIER-Portrait and letter framed.LONGFELLOW-Portrait and letter framed,OLIVER W. HOLMES-Portrait and let t e rframed.J. R. LOWELL-Portrait'and I_ter framed.EM ERSON-Portrait and letter framed.DICKENS-Portraits and letter framed.HAWTHORNE-Portrait and letter framed,TF.�NYSON-Portraits and letter framed.Complete book h.dery, installed by the HillBinding Company. Ten skilled workmen show­ing the complete process of making popularcopyright fiction for Grosset & Dunlap. Thisexhibition should be of particular interest toschool children and technical students. BiblesThe Ferrar Fenton Bible, unique in two ways:It is the rendition of the Bible in the words oftoday, and also it is the translation of the entireBible by one man who was engaged fifty yearsin the work.The Mite Bible is the smallest Bible in the world.and it is not printed from type which is set byhand, but is reduced by photography. May easilyhe read with the aid of a magnifying glass. foundin the flap inside the back cover ."The Young Visiters" ExhibitLetters from Daisy Ashford to her Americanpublishers. George H. Doran, as well as lettersfrom Frank Swinncrton, and other interestingmaterial bearing on the authenticity of theauthorship of "The Young Visiters." I'I'I'j.. 'I.-I'I-I,III:"',IiiI!:'iIl• f1..... -,, '.. .(\'. .-,.or.- --�, .•'THE' DAlLY 'MAROON, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 15, 1919, ._111.; Kenneth Oliver,·Chieago; W. Er­nest Orr, Witchita., Kans.; Olin O.Stansbury, Ligonier, Ind.; Oliver H.West, Seattle, Wash.Sigma Nu-Alfred Craig, LongBeach, Cal.; Maurice Halgren, Chi­cago; Laural Hull, Napoleon, Ohio;Denton Hassinger, Kewanee,. Ill.;James Lee, Peterson, Iowa; 'FrankLuscher, tElkhart, Ind.; Ruford Lus­cher, Elkhart, 'Iad.; Lewis McMasters,�owa Falls, lowe.; Harold Moudy, Na-poleon, . Ohio; Robert Porter, Ft.Wayne, 'Ind.; Carl Tazke, Lincoln, lll.;MiI�n Traznik, Chicago, III..i\lpIra Tau '�me�a-Arthur Brun­-nell, . Chicago; iKenneth Dukes, Spo­lmne, 'W�h.; 'Cecil Lambertson, Os­ceola, Ia.; Thomas Long, Billings,I �lont.; Kent Martin, Shenandoah, la.;. William Renstrom, Chieago; lHenryT:tbets, Chicago.Phi 'Kappa ·Sigma-F. iBeatty, Chi-cago; Hubert Curtis, Chicago; Wil- r�ternities 'have been a�ked toOUl' Hatch, Chicago; Paul Leather- send' four .delegates. to 'the �rst Three­man, Te.tra .Haute, Ind.; Paul Loeser, Quarters club meeting which will beTerra Haute, Ind.; Dean Macomber, held tonight at 7 on the third floor. Chicago; Robert McMurray, Chicago; of the Reynolds club. Non-frater-Frank Miller, Chicago; Frank Mor- nity men may also try out for thegan, York, Neb.; Joseph Plunkett, dub. 'The first ·of these who comeCPicagd; Paul Rhoades, Terra 'Haute, around will 'have ·the 'best chance 'toInd.; Wilson Shoret, Davenport, Ia.; get in.Bruce stroBi, Chicag�. At the meeting tonight, freshmenDelta Sigma !Phi-Herbert H. Hol- will be' lined up and will take thelandswarth, .Gilman, Ia.; Leroy G. Three-Quarters club pledge. Promi­Klicnfelter;: 'Mendota, Ill.; Wm .. D. nent speakers have been secured byRigall, HuntiDgton, W. Va.; Charles President Kay ton, and the meeting isD. McColl, Creston, Ia.; Floyd F. to be made interesting to Alumni ofStansberry, Gilman, Ia.; Elmer G. the club as well as pledgees .. FonnerSteffen, Cathams Ill.; Wm. H. Winner, members should be present at 6:45.Campus activities will begin tomor- ,row during Chapel period. Pledgeeswill be treated according to fonnerThree-Quarters club, customs at this............. _'1�II Hi'II m111'1I III(1- i'll�; ! I�I,I IIIIIIII,I! I \Ill{i(I·1Ij!l·1,I'-I.�i::'1..rI. 1i"·r ( /I,NINE cases out of ten, ,the·.manwho once smokes a W D C Pipebecomes a life member of the W D Cclub. He can't help it, because aW D C is certainly a man's size smoke.It's as sweet and mellow as carefullyselected French briar and expert sea­soning can make it. Not only . materialof the first Water, ·but craftsmanship ofthe highest order; and designs that aremost pleasing-all combine to make-theWDC Pipe a smokeof peace.content­ment and satisfaction. A man's smoke..� .Any good dealer . will confirm this.WM. DEMUTH & CO .• NEW YORKWORL.D·S L.ARG�ST·MAK�AS·O. �INE PIPES«..'j� iI,I"II.j:ttl Satisfies "the nationaldemand for a whole­some, pure and appe­tizing beverage-at thesoda fountain or with -your meals.Bevo will more thansatisfy your thirst.ANHEuSER- BUSCH.,ST. ,LOUISIt must beIce eotd For the convenience of the studentbody, The Daily Maroon publishes be­Iowa copy of regulations made by theboard of Student Organizations April5, 1919.1. "Social functions may be heldonly in University buildings, includingfraternity houses and in . private St. Marks Club will meet today athomes except by permission of the 4 :15 in the Y. W. C, A. room in IdaBoard of Student Organizations, Pub- Noyes hall. A· president will belications and Exhibitions." ,elected for this year. The ot,her oft'i-2. "Social functicms open to others eers are Ann Rimington, vice-presi­than members and personal guests of. dent; Phyllis Taylor, secretary; Cath­the organizations giving the enter- erine Harvey, treasurer. Mariantainment, must, be authorized by �e �Vogdes will tell her experiences at theBoard of Student Oraganizations, National Student Council meetingPublications and Exhibitions." \which was held in Ann Arbor last3. "The Dean of Women may ar- .wee� All Episcopal women haverange with the department of Phyai- �n urged to attend.... . Wilmirgton, Dela.Tau Kappa �psilon-Clyde Baker,Passaic, N. J.; :James Dyke,' Holland,Mich.; Arthur Hoffman, Burksville,Ill.; Earnest Sulkers, Holland, Mich.;Thomas Testin, Joliet, Ill.; BenjaminWilliams, Texarkana, Ark.; Paul An­derson, Kewanee, Ill.Delta Chj_;_Evan Ausman, Wess­ington Springs, S.· D.; ArUe Boswell,Anna. m.; Scott BurPee, 'SiOUx" City,ia_.; Arthur Frazier,' Paris, DL; 'Rob­ert McBri�e, Joliet, Ill.; William Mc­Farlane, Greenwood, Ark.; Irving C.Reyn.olds, Chicago.Washington Roue-Laurence, Ac:lt­ley., Rock Island, m.; Louis D�ger,Chicago; Wayne Flora, South Haven,Mich.; Harold Hayes, Cmcago; Rich- Iard Lagerquist, Salina, ,Kan.; 'WAlterLaves, Cb1cago; Judson Munger, Chi­cago; . Merlin Muth, Grato.. S. D.;Francis Nixon, Chicago; George Wak­erlin, Chicago.Zeta Beta Tau-Nick -Grossman,Chicago; Louis Peskin, Sioux City,Ia.; Sam Litman, Coft'eyvnIe, Kan.;Daniel Cohen, Chicago; Jerome Mor­rison, 'Yaukegan, TIl;' David Gross­man, Chicago; Ralph ,Kalowsky, Wau­kegan, Ill.; Henry BI�mberg, Wauke-gan, Ill. . .Pi Lambda Phi-Edmund Egar,Chieago; Lester .Bambu�, Chicago;Eustice Benjamin, Los Angeles, Cal.;Sidney Cohen, Chieap; Julian Harris,St. Joseph, Mo.; Arthur Frankenstein,Chicago; Milton Weiskopf, Chicago. : .eat pulture and Athleties for the-hold­jng of dances following basket ball .games in the Winter Quarter, thenumber ..not to· exceed three. Noother dances niay be held in BartlettGympasium with the exception of theSettlement Dance, Washington Prom-• I •enade and the Inter-Class Hop, unlessspecial permission is secured in ad­vance' from the Board of Student Or­ganizations, Publications and Exhi-lfl tions."FIRST THREE-QUARTERSCLVR MEETING TONIGHTAT, 7 IN REYNOLDS CLUBJiAch .Frate1'llity 18 Asked to SendFour UelegAtes-Alumni UrgedTo cOmetime."I want all former Three-Quartersmembers, out to meet the Freshmentonight," said President Louis. Kaytonyesterday. This year we will have asmany if not mQl"e,freshmen tbaJr ev�rbefore. The campus will know that,we have woken up this quarter."Each pledaee is requested to bringone clean handkerchief to the meeting'tonight.PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS AT·BROWN U�VERSITY GIVEN ITO ALL FIRST YEAR MEN .Brown University has publishedsome results of the Psychological testsgiven the first' year men. Thesetests require ingenuity in the' inter­terpretation and use of words. Themen tested showed a wide range ofability. _ The lowest scored 34.6 andthe highest 91.� on the basis of 100.A majority received grades between65 and 70.There was a close relation betweenthe marks· of the students in the tesb!and their work in the first tenn. For'example, out of eighty students re­ported during the first term for un­satisfactory work, 53' receiv'ed scores:�f �r and very poor.'Considerable infonnation was �ed 'conceming the ability of men goingout for different degrees, The-A. B.'sreeeived an average grade of 73.7,the, Ph. ,B.' men �.7, the Sc. B. men66.11, and Specials 65.21. This istaken to indicate, that the A. B. dl-'gree stiU attracts men of the bestintellectual ability.ST MARKS' CLUB TO MEETTODA Y IN IDA NOYES HAI.L'TWO HUNDRED' MENPLEDGED TO GREEKLETT�R SOCIETIES(Conti1wed ff'Ofn pag� 1)Chi Pis- Phil Church, MortonGrove, Ill.; Maurice Cope, .Chicago;Alvin. Dietrich, Indianapolis, Ind.;Frederick Frost, 'Lake Geneva, Wis.;Henry Hardy, Chicago; Harry Hos­'kins; Whiting, .Ind.; Frederick Norder­gren, Davenport, Ia.; Heney Ricketts,Chicago; Robert Tiffany, Chicago.I Delta Upsilon-Samuel Andrews,Chicago; Roger Co�or, Ogden, Utah;Joseph Falck, Ogden, Utah; Lee Jan-sen, Ogden, Utah;' Samuel Mun�r,Chicago; Donald Read, Culver, Ind.;Robert Seymour, Chicago; Burl Sher-.rill, Crawfordsville, Ind.; Samuel Wal­lace, Chicago; Merle WettOn, Chi-tcago.Phi Gamma Delta-Walden Bal­com, Oak Park, 111.; Luther Bang,Hibbing, Minn.; Franklin Barber,ChICago; Francis Bitter, New York;Carter Cox, Huntington, Ind.} JohnGlenn, Huntington, Ind.; James Ho­mire, Austin, Minn.; William Keith,Chicago; Russel Ward, Colorado. Springs, Colo.Sigma Alph Epsilon-August An­derson, Chicago; J. Faner Anderson,Hull, la.; Frederick Barber, Warrens,Wis.; Robt. C. Dearborn, lit. Sterling,m.; Floyd Frye, Petersburg, 111.;Frank C. Gebhardt. Erie, Pa.; Ken­neth Kodch, Chicago; William Lever­ing, Petersburg, Ill.; John M. Mac­Gill, Montezuma, Ia.; John Mesick,Hudson, N. Y.; Wade R. Mitchell,Beio, N. Y.; Lawrence J. Spiker, Gary,Ind.; Richard H. Thompson, Bedford,la.; F. Hugh Todd, Elgin, 111.; LorenzH. Westerberger, St. Ansgar, Is.I Kappa Sigma-Alvin R. Clauser,Bridgewater, S. D.; C. Elmer Gart­man, Denver, Colo.; Arthur L. Higbie;Boone, la.; Warren W. Howard, Chi­cago; Everett D. Knight, Rosiclare, PUBLISH BOARD REGULATIONSThe Dail,.· Maroon Priata Cop,. ofStudent OrpDization Hales•• "'. i. .>. -"... � ", ·4".'1I=•.... 0'ff'....t"� =" P:...._.",JI.11 "=E• V. ,81.11b.e'crJ1rI•;1>' IIIv I'. ,v. ,' .. �-' �.�-.''%1?7�:I,!�:��p (�;:,"i:"r ';�, ::', '};ri: �� '!/� :/:,? ',Y :,'�, �: ''':''':' ':; . , Y�}r�} j: r:" ';�,;'} �;L ' ;: I ". �':;? "�: ,'� '-:' ";:' ,,� , ":.'� , "".' ,,- :' ;n.rJ!:·D�"'-:lJ.JJQON, WED�SDAY, QCT.lp; 1919' . ,, :� .. ·. .:,r �r"'�'. " : r., 'J'��7:::':,;:;�:: ::: ' ,,·/",.1 '.... '" '.-, .".. ,' ..•",".' . '- ... -- .-- -.- ..HON()� COMM��IO� A.S�SHELP OF ST,UDENT BODYIN, P1!BLICITY CAB!lP�IGN'I•--0-- 'Nearest BalIkto the, University of Chicagories. Theory,".......The houses are also �ted to re- "WoOdlawn 'TnISt,\ That the Honor commission Iis, a&, Sa-s Bank preventive rather than a penaliziDg, " � ., aD6 ', " organization is the big point brought" out in the publicity campaign of thatWOODLAWN, A. VENUE �ody thls. week. Members ,of' theAt Sixty-Third street commission' are Kheduled to talk 'atchapel every day.The camp�ign is for the purpose of,gaining the co-operation of the stu­: dent body in its work of making theI University an honor institution. AtJunior college chapel Monday, George• ISerck, the president of the commis-sion, asserted that no cases of dis­� hone-sty were recorded during, theSpecial Prices To St��� I �prjng quarter ���t!O�.MIDW A Y BE_AUTY' I EXPLAIN PLAN ;0 SENDPARLO,D I EXCHANGE STUDENTS TO. �' If' COPENHAGEN / UNIVERSITYSAINT GEORGE HOTEL I ":'A__•6�07 Blackstol;l�' Ave. '.' I Informa�o\� re���, the ��shOpen Tuesday, Friday and Sat-l plan. for exchange students at,the Uni-da E . ' 1 verslty of Copenhagen has been re-ur y vemng. I . '1 ,'-,,, c�y.�d !�� �h.� .&��l Danish ega-Appointments by Phone , tl(�n �t Y! ��l��!l·==�=========! The "Studenterraadet" is the Rep-. " ... 'I resentative Council of the Danish stu-Phone H. P. 1979 Open nay" Night d ts ' d' if' 'all back d b th- • 'I e!" an IS 0 ICI Y eyeManolis &: Lalousie UniveiSity of�o�Dhag�n. A bureau• .' . of ����tion ,� ,��n ���li�t�Fratermty Reataurant to i�prove the understanding betweenDenmark and .,�th.er �ount\i�s by an ..,_��,�, �,-------------------------- ..... ------�••Good Meals for th� People inte�h:plge '.0(' university s�ude�t:s� =;:==:=� =:=.. ========:=, ========:====================\111,. , � , All information can be obtained by of the' Chemistry department will ad-.... faO , e writing to: Studenterraadet, Uni- dress the society on "Colloids." All, ,ryrsity , ,pf CoPt;�a�n, �. Studies- chemistry studedts have been invited� 144 East Fdty-F.Jfth Street I,t���' C�,�nh��en� K, ,Denma�k, to attend.Chicago Europe.I , "The .Uni���ty Dames will hold anBEGIN NEW SYSTEM � T. KANS4� t : , ' .. ,� ," .� �'" ','," , .': informal meetinJ1\ tomorrow from 3 to-- . I 0 f f 1 C I'a I ,N 0 tiC e s 5 in reception room C of Ida Noyes. Women Will Live, in ,Co-,perati:!, I, ,r .I' .., ,\ h� , .,• '" I 1 �all. - .'Houses at U�ivt;rsity - I: The Current E�ent�- �IQb" �li I.D�t ============, tomorrow at' 7:30 in Harper M, 13.,�-operative ho�ses",�ve just been Dlseusaion will be tin the steel stn'ke.-started for��omen -stu4�nts at the ,-- -. - '. .. ',,'._ ,�� ,. ,. '1:"�DVDO'DV.trniversity of �. '_The women . fte'�viql .dQb.',wiJl.,��i'" ,��Y���:,� ,,' :-�� e , : ... ".. will-d� all of their o�)vork in �n-l �i..!�Ajlp i.�·p.Ji�!l_�7. ��� . _' ",READ'"" .. S·,'flection with the maintenance of the! sor S. Kakeya, of the Toboku Impe-hcuses.:' IUs intended',·t.hat this will 'I ri�/ij�_y;�rsi� ,Yf;�p��i't�a�, ,�ll':effect a)'grea� saving for �tudents who � on "Maxium, Maduli of' Some'cannot afford' to live at {the dormito-. Expressions in tile ADalytic �nctionlieve the con jested hOUSing conditions. The .. Kent Chemicai �et,. will heldA chaperone is provi�� for, each a JP�tillg l to!!l9�w �t. ,8 f �enthouse and a faculty committee' wiD theater. The, same program. which'mwge and co�trol the"dairs of the was prepared-Afo�' '�t ��ti;dai'�:'houses." ' ,."..,,' m�f�� �ll .be ���� ,Dr. Terry, , ," ' ,�"",;"",);...'�� __ ...o DiiWfiiiiiiii'l"'ffl'Ciiiiiiiil_.'Miic:_st�.riidrtlii""iii'TrR_�iiinol_-B_Bgg '_ ,_......., i,' ePut pep iQto your pencil,work. Use�'smooth, "lpng-Iasting _ ���J><?p.�iye �_ ��� thateas���pdquic�eti�;-�9Yrl>�9�tl ��,; 'f.. 'an� �� the� m������c;��� �,; .. �EtD�oo, '; � ..-r'W"'lJMIIdF:•":.�:� •. ;1 :, •. } SOU) BY G()()D ,P'ATIONERS'�T SCHoOi AND IN TOWNTHE 'DAILY MAROON ANNOUNCES. ., ."""'�TCoach Tom Eck has been secured at' fab��Q1IS �x­pense to write special articles on athletics, �ety,- and other topics of interest. Mr. Edt will write ev­'ery word of his articles; insisting in his contr�ct thatnot so much as a comma be changed. His first ar­ticle, "Horse Sense and Other College Needs," wiDappear in an early'iuu�.SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAILY MAROON ','IN-SPECT," .OUR, NEW WOOLE,NSThey're pleasingly different from thecommonplace-i-and, you'll have thepleasure of knowing the pattern of yourchoice is practically confined to you, for, ,we carry but one or. two lengths of each.•FOSTER & PETERSON'• _..• I •I • . •"t. _-, ".1....... I'-,., J .....� ,I:. r. �;.,j,...Correct Dressers of' Young Men7th F1�or Republic Building State and Adams Streets.:.... ';.j' ...',The".... ',"_Maroon" gUT',·WHOSE'1Jf . �'S ,wortrtl)lEADING-' -IT'S WORTH .SUB­·�:��G FQR •.'.;H-COME�·AC'ROSS-... . .� ,. �TODAY'- '·510-512EAST SIXTY.THIRDSTREET1 PRINTERS andLINOTYPERSSPECIAL ATTENTION,TOUNIVERSITY WOU, Telephone 8216 Harrison...+ INVEST TODAYlNTH&niBm'" -.:RED CRO&$ ROLL CALL", '\'. " �_', ,4. ", ""i,�'. �:,• II, •=========================J_',:..=",� .\' '. "Will All, Salesmen..� ...- .. .. t, \ TQday .j-SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAILY MAROON)Read The Whistle , Read the Campus NewsRead the Announce��nts_�� ��-:.X� . $1.00 Per Quarter.....I. �. . -'. ' \ '.:... -}:z.�����:-�::' => ::'" :: ..,,�-n-���.)' :':;�( � '. I���.' ':.} ,».t •. , i' I' - t ' • '., .f,':?C',:. �6��====�·��====�===�'�C�t�A��===S�IFIED��===·=·�·ADS�'t�H�B�·D�'��U='t1:Y�o·'=nMABOO���'�-..II.�ReN=ward='�WED�·to:�·'���._BS��_r��.··�A�:�',!!!;ocr�LO�ST·=·1=5=·F:'="!·o'lun=9=1tain���'=p�e�'n�o"n�' ��I'b�'-�"-!!!;"-,�, =ri=b-���"!!!!' ����������" CAnl &IIMW ac- UM;A . �t sight Lead." t_eeL .. PhOD� "!:;i .' tum to �Iaroon office. '. \1 bon :With W�l1ealey' RaJ aDd key or �write f�r an appointme�t. C. A.'!' '\ ait.ached. Return to. Maroon office. '. Hofhelns, Gladstone. Hotel, 62ndI L C. SMITH and.Monpreh typeWri� LOST-Black cameO ring, either in Re\VarcL • and Kenwood· Ave., R'oOm 4,19.II, :• era for sale. Machines in good eon- Emmons Blaine or Ida NQYes. Re-. <tition. Apply at The MBl:OOn office .. t�m to Maroon office. Reward.• for further particulars.. . LOST-Pearl Ring set in' turquoise;LOST-Purse in Harper Library Oct.1 'valued because of its ass&.iatlons.8, containing keys and identifiea-. RetUrn to May Freedman, Cobb 6 ·B.IiTHE Psi 'U.'s had to go down to theAlpha Delt house to eat Monday nightbecause one of their freshmen mis­laid the can-opener.RONALD McLeod, who made thedrawing that now heads this column,has made two new cuts. The Whistlewill therefore soon have a new head.Which is your cue to say that it needsone.RECRUJTING SLOGANSRecruiting campaigns are beingconducted by .the Warlike Wyverns,the Martial Mortar Boards, theScrappy Sigmas, the QuarrelsomeQuadranglers, and the Energetic Es­oterics. Sorae of their slogans are asfollo�s:The Sigmas-" Remember. .The in­fantry won the war."The Mortar Boards!-"As the manwho owns one.""The Quadranglers - "Treat 'emrough."The Wyvems-"They shall notpass."The Esoteri�"Let's all be Amer­icans now."The Whistle's war correspondent,�thout a body-guard,· interviewedGen. S�ze Davis in the only orderlyroom in Foster."What we want most of all," saidthe general, .poring' over a map ofHarper hall and vicinity, "is recruitsfor the intelligence department."iiI.Iil!fjlI:fROM the Daily Kanson ot Oct. 6:'·."Freshm,aD Hurls Deft at K. U. CapTradition." .From the same of oc£ 7: "SaysHe'll Wear Cap After Being·Duc:ked.". :l1tiversity of ChicagO fresmn�- Jdlidly observe.' ,;L.).,ii..:':_11.·�" .iI .i r: .'1f;,: ',� CAMPUS WHISTLE AN·�r.;�··· � . NOUNCES'TBATi:· -,,'it '.: . ..Prof" Harry English has been Be-It �:� ..... cured :at fal)u!oUB expeDSe to write! ,., . articl� on banking and drawing and;(. other.. topiCS of interest to indoorl' , sportsmen.. Mr. English will write,:.j r-. every word, -comma, and paragrap�l! '. . inde!ltation of his articles, insistingIf; in his contract that no so much as. a'j II' exclamation point be changed. His,I . :� first. article, "�orse Sense &Ad Other'1 � . - Stabl6 ' Products," will appear in. anearly Issue, (Since The �n is amo�ng paper, it might be supposedthat"e,:ery issue came out early.), ,1, .t..MARIE Niergarth, author ot "TheSeventh' Wish," has consented towrite" a -Freshman Frolic book to beacted by men. Here's the east:Anita (the heroine) .••• Jerry Westby. Pat ••••• � ••...•..•. Pierre Brosseau, College girls:-Minerva ••••.•.•.. Cliarlie HigginsDot •.•••...•..•.••• Sap HazzardJean ..••.••.•.•••.• Bill McGuireMarg Swede SWeD80DGypsy girl. Dolores .. , .•• Joe JanottaGypsy woman ....•.. Red McKittrickTonic Paul HinkleRamades ..............•.. Jap KingScenes will be shifted by ShortyOwens, Red Combs, Roland Hollowayand George Serek.RALF Spangler 'reports that Mr.Reckless and Miss Wilde are in hisethics class and that the discussionsare expected to become racy.,-.NO dope on the contest for the of­fice of s. s. of the F. Co ., ", - .... � • 1•• \- '- --.r'.;_: .. ��� �:"" 'A-':.�.� ."WANTED-A good opportunity fo'r LOST�Purse in Harper Library, Oe-students who' have spare time to tober 8, containing keys and ide�ti-earn money, clean, up-to-date. prop- fication card. Reward to finder..osition with class. that sells itself Return to Maroon office..I". The Mission of, .�wift, & CompanySwift & Company has become one of'the large businesses of the world throughcontinuing to meet .the growing needs ofa nation and a 'wbrld�Society· bas a right to ask how theincreasing responsibilities and opportu­nities fOJ; usefulness which go. �tb suchgrOWth are 'being used by the men whodirect its affairs-and the men have theright ,to answer:./ 1 To promot�'I�e. production of Ii� stock � �perish:a:1?1eS and �crease the. food aupplJ;, . � . / .T� reach more 'people ·wi�. more _and �.meat;To" make a fair competitive profit, in order 'to �reimburse the 2S,OOQ' shareholders for theuse of th�' capital, and to provide for �futUre development�of the businesS; "<'. :' �:To reduce to a minimUln the CQSts ofpreparirig,;.«'---and diStributing· meat and to divide the'- ;, benefits of ·efficiency with _'produper an�, consumer, -To live and let Uve, winDing greater busiDess-' _,only througb great�usefulness,.wjthinjury ..� to nothing- but incom�tency,' inefficiency.. lind waste; to deal justlYI fairly, and fianklywith all mankind. .• t:' . " t"", ,l " -Th� are the ,purposes_ and .motives· of the men who :'dir�t' the policies and p�ctices of Swift .& Com�y.Swift & COmpany, U. S. A"• .I••,.. • .-to:'.�'.J ,.I,,*,, � -, :;1 ••'..'.j, '�',.....• ,J. •," ,�,''' •" ...or .. "I"; •.. ' •.. , _ nouthathi!andposcer1.... .;0'-thiskeeseaJ.�10to]Mi(doDiringthedefas.'E•.., HI(1, ,\\.•"Ca� Iher;&WE- eac]did..•on'He'pl'elmeE\ "Ato'thav,'.. tion•�\ . .'" -....... - ... -------- ... .. ..... .;.... .....';,;.- .:.::;,,._. ...;-�• ......;;...;.._..;.....:......:..._�,..:;....:• ..:..• .:,;,•. _.....;__;_...;;,.�..... ��;..:.:,.:.,_;.,,___.:.,;. _ _.:,_•• �........ ::........_.....:..L.---=-.'_._'_,:".t'_��� .�.r _·.'f ;.. ��,.�: �\f' .!..,.], :.• '.