SOCIAL EVENTs FOR DRAMATIC CLUB STARTS . COL MARR TEU..SSTUDENTS. PLANNED 0 ANNUAL WORK TUESDAY AIMS OF MlUTARY" BY LOCAL Y.· M. C. A. President Cran�Announces Plan SCIENCE COURSES Surprising Surplus of Forty Smickiesfor New Season-Will Select Per- in Junior Treasury and Beauty ofStag Social Tonight Is Expect- maneRt Place for Meetings and Le- Head of Department Explains Frosh Women Spurs Glenn to Toss,.�l ed To Help Freshmen cation for Rehearsals. Object of New R. O. T. c. Party.., Get Acquainted -- At University.�. •. . • The Dramatic club, one of the first ,. Glenn Harding, the hang-over of theJ.,. CHARLEY RIGGINGS TO SPEAK campus organizations to.prepare plans NOT CONNECTED WITH S. A. T C 1921 class, east 8: discriminating eye OPE�ING CONCERT OCTOBER 21I -, • �or the activities of the present sch�__ • •jover the entering students and decided�� '. ci 'ha be I ,. year, will definitely hold their first I rd to t b8.t; raIl immediately upona Junior dance. Of;, �you on t ve to0 onesome, meeting on Tuesday afternoon at -4:30 n.o erh co�c wto lSthgene t Y Course -a Junior dance is a very ex-the challenge the UniversIty Y. M. C. 'lock rdi to th t a nusappre ension as e na ure I ' f hl 0 1 ' 0.. ed th t d ts f () C , acco ng Ell announcemen d .f th ' ... ·I·ta e usrve sort 0 t mg. n y Jumors.- - A. has lSSU to e new s u en 0 mad last 'ht b 'c :I' C dall an scope 0 e courses m w.1 I ry', ed d 1... -. h Id al th f h e rug y arnn ran .i, Sci # red t th U 0 0t and seniors are allow to go, an on yChicago, s ou ape to ose res .t f th 0 ti Th' 0 renee now one a e mversi y,'. 0 . h d f h.:_ .b '11 '1th presi en 0 e orgamza on. IS C I M h d f th d rtm t h jumors, semors, sop omores an res-....... '. men w 0 �ti ree strange on e �- date has been made' definite but the 0 • arr, ea 0 e epa en, as. tte d"r pus, according to Secretary Gerald K. In whleh th . .' .'11 be h Id set forth the object and aims of the ��An a nth' O. thi f thi. '.th. room m W e mee.,mg WI e 0 0 te 0 0th mong e surpnsmg mgs 0 sSml . .. corps 10 an 10 l'Vlew WI a reporter . , "._� -. A'-I al • 1 � 0 OIl be has not as yet been selected. How- f Th D 01 'I altogether surprismg autumn," said. "- n mrorm SOCla evemng WI . th t 0 th or e ar y .I.J aroon. 'GI h 0 f iliarl 11 d 1.,0' 0 ever, e announcemen concernmg e"FO t 0t h to ha enn, as e 18 ami ar,y ea e on yheld tomght 10 Elbs 1, 2 and 3, which 1___ f th ti on be ·bli hed Irs , I as no eonrree Ion w t- b th b 1m his fi t ."th ittee 0 cha ts will JlUM.'1: 0 e mee ng, WI pu s ith th d f ' y ose w 0 ow rs name, se comnu m rge exeec WIso that members of the dub ever WI• oe now e unct Student s the fact that our class has forty dol-help many of the new students to get , Army Trainmg corps, 'Col Marr ex-. ted. J N· 1 Y M C tend the first session.'pI . eel, d alth-- b ft° iall desi lars at the first of the year: It wouldacquam . ames lee y, • • ., am an oug 0 ICI Y eSlg- ,...IIL.i�,: 'A. ld t, d Ch 1 HO·. f Many of the,,1ans for the eommg ted th Be Offi'" Train be revolutionary, you .... ow.' for any,. . presl en an ar es IggmB, 0 0 . na as e serve lcee S - ..&.1.. 1 tbal' I ad '11· h rt year Will be made at the meetmg on 0 d f . th t class to have that much money any• Wle J.OO squ, WI give so. -0 mg corps an or· e presen operat-·. 0 .0II" ( talks Th social'•• ced th Tuesday, Some of the things to be . d the I ti tha time' during the year, not to mention The first of these is to be a vocal .• e 18 announ as e0 mg un er e aw crea ng t corps, 0 0 "&-.&. Y _ C A. t f th d - (Ccmtmued on page 4) °t dO# _.J:' 11 f f f the begmnmg of the autumn quarter. program by Emilio De Gogarza, a bar-DnI.. ..ID.. even 0 e year an ., I Illers ruwC8 y rom any orm 0 0 '. .�t· . ted- that - I be f ilita .. ed to hith rto d The class of 1920, which 18 of course itone of the Metropobtan Opera com-I 18 expec a arge num r 0 . ID1 ry uca Ion e un er- ,0 0 . 0 0 . . .men old as well as new will be on : UNIVERSITY PRESS ISSUES taken in the collegiate w Id, I automatically Invited, 18 coDBldenng pany, Mr. De Gogarsa Will smg' on""'_-d.' , TWO BOOKS ON RELIGION t h ll·t 0 ts' orbs nl te3 the question of whether or notit would Tuesday, Jan. 17. The other special.u.u .. nu -s e , I COnslS In an a 0 u 0 °red di ' .AND NEW GREEK MANUAL ti'f th th ti 1 d tech be beneath Its newly acqw gmty concert is to be given by Haroldsepara on 0 e eore ea an -" 0 0 . 0, 1 f th tical parts fT' to go to this Jumor party, whieb, m- Henry, the plaDlSt..; . 'Sunday afternoon the Y. M. C. A. Professors Barton, Moore, and Botr- DltaryC8 instrurom � e Pr8CB th ust be° � 1- �dentally, will take place this after- The dates of the orchestral concerts·":i :.···k-':.· Wo.··I. ,sponsor a student excursion to the "",on. 0 m given, f ' Ida N hall .man Are Authors 1)f Recent Pub- b t' 'th . 0 te 1 noon rom 4 to 6 10 oyes • are Oct: 21, Nov. 18, Dec. _p, Jan. '18.i:, . .� Institute, to . which all men are in- lieati�Book Be-issued.. u given 10 elf' appropna p aces. Theresa (or Theresa;.it may be pro- ·Feb. 10, Feb .. 24" and April 18. The.·t.· ��. The party wiU leave the Uni-. Subjects Are Technical. nounced either way) Wilson spoke, concerts always begin at 4:15 after�all. Varsity at 2.'. Three '- __ 1 __ ba be' tl "A large number of the subJ' ec. ts: speaking for the class, to the effect that classes are over 8. nd end before 6.A b ' tin • be' 1 ed new """&It :ve en reeen y_. usme&8 �ee g 18 10g P ann ·issued by the University Press. They pertaining to Field Artillery a� tech- she liked to danee and was Students U�ged to Buy Early. ��r Tuesday mght. M.embers of last·• "Th Reli 0 f th W :ld" meal. and are adapted to presentation attend she didn't care what anybody -.; �' ..._.,., "Pro ti F "ft° fare. e gIODB 0 e or" .,.. 1 th ';.1- S '.' �o on orce, 0 leers 0 'b' Geo A. B .. � f by class room or laboratory methods: said. This speech of Theresa's which The concerts are given �or e bene- ..;.� •.� � local associati.ou,:and all other men :blical 17 arto� �:so� 0_ or by lectures and conferences. Th� she- spoke speaking as spo� for fit of ·the students and faculty of the ii:... -....__.-.}��res�, m. �)!-� �f Y. }L C,, � .� in t;�tureMas:r .college; "rr:e are to. be_ �dled �t. �y.' Havi�g the-:�'is expected to insure a large Uni�ersity:. But residents of tb� Uni- _.:,:.��::�.f�- �� �e1���":'l�le . meetiDg Spread -Of Christianity in the Modem aa educational -value, the. University crowtt· . .'.." . j verslty nel�hbor�ood �y the, ticke� , 'l<'k·::·,wDl-::be;·held· m!.Ellia_.8,�at .:8q:-; -The � : �' �.. .. . '.. '-' .. � '"ta·- ".a m ':'ita' c:urrieu-:' iSever.t· -Frealmwl .: 'were ap-: and �or_.� �n. tb�. co�� m,_ . ,'f/."i/. " ..... ��lMi:'q ..M. .. ,.�� -��-���. 5\.t. -'.�;.�. �..aa·8ivea;��� .' iiehid-_ tIIie"'��b�DiostOf . �'�\��fl�:�that�jtli':::�����;"" ��'�.�;,)·t�f�.r!': >. ".�.' •..J�.f�.�'�·:..i.,.:��Vf.;"�".'.'7.';''''';;.�.-�.J �··;�_.tCtc�)ieif�a;��eJit;/�··" .. ' �::.: :;z;: ... .:�._�f� .. --�·.�·,:l:£:� .,':'d tba� ·d�rits· who.:wisid�so� tiebtshBhould .... , "·?i:�.·�:"''<.c'''$��'''''''''' �':;";t."Ci< ,.,r .. : ... , :-:. •••. � ...... ':< ihi\:"bl�!:�··,i�t1I11V�;':-· .. I, .. , .• _� \�,.","';'-'''''_?Y·o ...• , ;'8Spll'eS.: ,:J1IIl sway. ·,AJU:.. ers S8l. .... .... ." .. ,. :. .:' _ • ".lr�l'.�.#".�.'.�.' a\...... �.'_ /.j.�,.-_ ·;;B.<>·�.:·":_.t�:·;·G· ·.��·.·b··.:"··t .. "B' '"' .•... -:-;:-��, :D':':':a.:���_.",�': .. ..;:.;.�".'.I. o·..;!;.;;.:..�.oiat:!···n�.- ! the�.. · �:.��t --- ... t. �';'·tal'- -"'--'use' the' buy.them. at.once before they are all -:� ::'0', �-" � ",�\ .... � �": .,�,:��; ., ... - ........ ,.. e'r7-1 - ..... :.� 7"- orace· . .ft.o 'nuu� UCUIIt ALIU.�I .UIJA"', _,..._.. I UlUU ft-.. IN' .... � .' .,, .c: . . .. .::-.. �.\'�:>; t� .. ".l& .. heId:.aa.1Ul executive H-' -'If' .1 - f··- Greek" t In·:di. JUlPV from the ,p-Atical·-and .J:_"':pli' ..-v·it·-ould .vwwo .... ·out m' The "'aroo'n sold to outsiders.. . - .. '�.';-I .�.� .;;: .�_,. ,��.'�.. ,-' ';-: .'_. .... , • 0 JDaIl, pro ... essor 0 . a. - ;"''' ... , ... _ UlIMa - • ... -I� . ft' ----- �.ID,.'" ,. "::,f:.';" ��.fl.'" '.. '_;. '. 'U •. ' .� t:' pary standpoint, are not a ·part of the! woUld qUeer them with their English· Members of the orchestral 8S8OCl8- _":;::�{--.'� 7:!< - . Co1mHIlor SJBteaa Popalar. _ ana mvOl'Sl,..._ 11"ty'cut'd . , '. . 0 .. �ion which i�cludes anY 'holder of oile. �:�:.::, ,'. _:-: '. -. - ''Th Religi of th W rid" , • mversl cum urn an ,are gIven ,1 iDstructors.- . • . . -.:)-�_ ,,::' .. :�The: "upper-c:faas counsellor" 'idea e ODS_ , e, .0 r � ain summer camps for stUdents who "The wisfd ones will come early to of last year's sea8O!l tickets, are e�- . '.,:��.� . -,. "':-" .-°th .' 0 .. '. complete study of the religions of to-.. - titled to th fi t ch ' f tick ts. r�;". _<-�WlUch Secretary SIDl_ 18 directll�g, JS .0 o. '. elect to continue the CQJlrses to com- be dolled'up for this fro1ic," said Doc: . e rs olee 0 . e : <�J. : "", ... :_:__. strength 't 1 ed day and of pmmtive times. It was � . !Ii .', . Each membe"'s old seat 1.._"; been held ... ;',., .' � .. � m· , 1 . was earn . 0 0 pletion.-· Bratish.. '�e rush has been so ,. �. 'l-.;,,"',;:. "J. 'e. M freshm first lSSued 10 1917, and a second edi- ., . . .' 0 , \ .0 for him, and he may obtain it by ap- .. :-�t:,�",,-:'.' .- Y,�. y. any. more en ti has tI been. blished. 'The courses are flexible but blDlted great tHat I have only a few haircuts ·.·:f:j;=.: �.--haVl pplied.for counsellors and have Cha°n te . reeeJld Yted' eachPU f th 'in number during anyone quarter ow- lelL" . plying at the orchestral office, But ::';�>. :t:' =� :::n.�,;,: !"..:.:�u:; :::� �en::� m!:em �;��� :���':�lB.III. T;'�; m'::"":��!:=:� :::':'!:t::O�!:w!':lda:!te:e..� , �. upperclassmen available for freshmen ehaftpter th co:m�dina ne; � 'd:a the required English, the University for fear of se&nng away the crowd. which last year's ticket holders have '-:-�����bo would like to get in touch with : f God � o� .:.m 00 : � e 1� oft'ers English 1M, which is the � failed to renew will be sold to 'new .someone familiar with the workings ,0 1_D e gIons o. e wor. ' �urse as English i and which with "' people. ,. �:.; .:_ Of tbe University. - "The Spread of Christianity in_ the M. S. 1, constitutes a maJ·or 0; M.�. AWARD Z40 DEGREES AT Stn'tlents Get S�ial Rate ,,_- Mod W rld" b Prof. M - : SUMMER CONVOCATION IN r--.� .�:, . The �l!per=cIass advisers meet with em 0,': y, • oo� I� a 1 may be elected and English 1 still.' their freShmen individually and fur- survey of DllSSlOns Blnee the begInrung carried An entering.student nonna1- MANDEL HALL AUGUST 29' The University makes a sPecial rate'. . .iu81nJ\(�;,mr�nnation as willhelp the .of �e mode� .. era. It sets forth the ly ca�g three majo-rs would ther: Professor WDliam Lingelbad Speaks to any student in college this quarte:-,� _ beginning students througn the first .mation of Dl18B��nary endeavor, to con- have three and one�, Whether or' on Peace Conference-Make 71 ':J'he boc?k of tickets for the ten con-�,. . few weeks. It is hoped by oft'icials ,�mporary political, commel'Clal, so- not that involves extra fee will' be de- Honor AWards. certs sells to people outside of the"':_1 and m· tell��ua1 d'ti Th - . , University for $3.75, $5.75, or $7.75,diJ:eeting ·the �ovement that many QAI,. ., �" con I ODS.. e tennined ·shortly. An. entering stu-more freshmen w,iU take advantage of �k IS �Vlded lDto two parts, a gen- dent might logieally elect M. S. 1 and Two h�red forty degrees were depending upon the location of the. the� pJari." Secretary. "Smith also an e� outline and a lPs�� Of. the Chris- M. S. 1 (a) (Field Artillery Ordnance) awarded at �e One . �undred and scats. But University students may. noim� yesterday that be would be tian mov�en� wi� 1OdicatiODS of the for this Autum� quarter, thereby ob- �th Conference, which was held obtain the seats .at $1.50 pe� Seat less� glad' to register more upper-elassmen ,resent�sl��on 10 d!�erent lands. A taining a full major credit and pursue �n MUldel �l on August 29th. or for '$2.25, $4.25 and $6.25 respee-�'. 'as volunteer co�Uors. .eomplete list of reference works is a� no course ill MOitai-y Science during' Of these degrees, two were Baebel?r tively� In order to_ get this special_. ;� . • '.'" the winter, though registering in the �f Arts;: fifty-three Bachelo� of. Phil- rate each student must present his tui-:_. .... ..... Bigelow Bas Lea.,e of Ab8en. ce . ·.The third. book" 'Everyday Goreek,. department for that quarter as a mat- osopby 1_D the college. of Li�ra, ture; tion receipt when he_buys his ticket. .•GOt b et i til d ti � rty Bach � f Phil h - the The orcheStral association offiee isF-' . � ._- - �&ves a, n course n e ��va on ter of form only. This resupposea"'o, e or 0 ,osop y In,� . -.' Prof. Bigelow of the Law schoOl, has ?f �Ish works of Greek onglD, It that- the student has .only two' other college of '�ucatio�; thirty-one, Bach- in Cobb 11A, It is o� eve? day.ex-,. -:,,'bee ted 1 f bse . Be' .18 demgned for students who alread- aj - elor of' Sciaee m. the colle- of cept Saturday from 10.80 tIll 12 and�.- n gran a eave 0 a n� 18 J m or courses. _ . e- " ,": .. ·.;travelin,. in China, Japan, and the �ow �me Gree� and �a1so for those Aa M, S. 1 (a> (Y. A. Ordnance) is Science; two, Bachel�r of Science in 2:80 tm 4.�Pbi1ippines. who WIsh to acqwre a direet route to a liven this quarter primarOy fo Sopbo- .the college of Education; three, Bach- --------------.' knowledge of the language. The book mores of seco d rstand- �Ior of Philosophy in the college ofis not intended as a substitute for a. 'l' ibl � n 'taYti�r Th Commerce and Adminiatration; ten,IMPORTANT NOTICE TO SYTD G k d''-: mg are e IgJ e "or eqm on. e ., th DO .• h 1.UP- ree l"",onary, but to prepare the U. 'ty th'tj Master of Arts m e IVlmty Be 00... Assistant Prof. Samuel N. Harper,SCRmERS. I Dlversl au on es express com- ,. 0 .student for· a more intelligent use of � te ill' .10. f il·ta ... � h forty-five, Master of Arts m the Grad- Assistant Professor of Russian Lan-o pie WI Ingn�.... aC1 I W" C angcs .the dIctionary. . • trati ·w F h uate schools; nmeteen, Master of guage and Literature, returned un-Th ill' 'd d . In regiS on perml ng res men0 .. ere m. eXIsts a .mlsun erstan. -. Du�ng Oetobe� the University Press to undertake M. S. ScIence m the Gradua� school�; expectedly from Washington, D. Co,mg concerrung the dehvery and mall- ,wnt Issue the sixth revision of "A ' twenty-eight, Doctor of Philosophy JD yesterday. Assistant Prof. Harpering of The Maroon. Due to an entire .Manual of Style," edited by the staft' , Not Separate fro� Conege• �he Graduate schools; two, Doctor of will conduct two classes in Russianabsence of an records during the sub- �, the University Press, and also re- 'Look at the Mlhtary Science Philosophy in the Divinity school; and during the Autumn quarter, Elemen-scription campa!gn few papers are be- prints of four volumes now sold out: cou�s: not as work apart from th�t six, Doctor. of Laws. There were tary Russian at 10, 0-1-16, and Ad-ing delivered 'or mailed. To make "Great Men of the Christian Church," pertainm� properly to tbe �emlc, seventy-one honor awards. vanced Russian at 11 .C 1-18. These.f' ki d1 b Will'. Wal . but as beIng nonnal and lOgical sub- .. 'sure 0 procunng your paper n y. Y lIn leer; "Second-Year •. • William Ezra Lingelbach Ph. D. courses were not announced in tbe, 11 tEll' h 11 ti be· ... th � 1 jects of educational mterest and value ..". •r: . ca a IS a any me xore noon .IDa emallies "or Secondary Scbools," Professor of Modem EuTOpean History Time Schedules as Prof. Harper was!:. . or �t Ida Noyes before 10 a. m. No by' Ernst R. Breslieb; "How the Bible � th? ave�ge �l1ege m� and they at the University of Pennsylvani&y de- expeeted to remain in Washington for�.�. ill be ... t t Le • gto G "b Fra are Vlewed 1ft theIr true bgbts." ... . --'»�: .,,� .. papers WI pen o� a JOn n, rew, y nk Grant Lewis; and livered �he Con�tion address. �is several months longer. EnTOnment.• :� .:. ': haD.. .' _ 'The Story of' the New Testament," TODAY'S WEATHER. Subject was "The Peace Conference in for the two courses in Russian is open.£��- . by Edgar Johnson Goodspeed. UlUlettied; cooler.' the Light of HistOry." ...-'t- .(. -' 1 . ,�'VoL 18. No.3 UNIVERSITY OF CIlICAGO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1919 Price 5 CentssELL ORCHESTRALCONCERT SEASONTICKETS IN COBBDANCE MADE NECESSARYBY VARICOSE CASH BOXSpecial Rates Made To Uni­versity Students Who Pre­sent Tuition Receipts.Season tickets for the Universityorchestral association concerts arenow being sold in 'Cobb 12 A. Theopening concert of the year is to beheld Tuesday, Oct. 21, in Mander hall.This year the series of concerts will "be ten in number as in the past •.Eight of these will be given by theChicago Symphony orchestra with Mr.Stock conducting. The other two willbe special concerts by individual ar­tists,'. ,Emilio De De Gogarza Will Sing.• �""Schedule Sanday Exeursion.PROF. HARPER RETURNS" • . , ... :.." "):."!�' ;.. ..._ .. :.. �-i__ ', _"'1r1 ':'!..:-=� .::.,., �.. �'... , ..... ?'.��';'?.... �_ ;"1>. �::�-..,. ...... :"_ !I' _- .. ,.. � .... __ ... � -�- _---� •.._ .... ._ .... �:. ...- ;.�!-,_ .• -"'�:::t-:.:�'·-=,,- .... ::·:_t': .• f: ".1" ..'.J,��.�.��,'\o-,':�,,�:'�� ".,' . .. .... �".-��' ���-���-�;..:_=:�. ���_"""_:t��:"""""'_�·�·""< -_:._...... '_._. _' .-.--.;_....-......_;.....:.;..;.,.....,.;::.���.o.-;.���; .. '..:II'··I�•lj1I 1i'III,i...1;i't! • The Commerce club is a new organi­zation, being organized last year byvariousmembers of the school of Com­merce and Administration� Its pur­pose is to get the members of the busi­ness school better 'acquainted witheach other, and to co-operate with theFRIDAY, OCTOBER 3,1919 school in the matter of giving the stu­dents actual business experience andFOUR AND SIX PAGEs the privilege of hearing well-knownWith this issue The Daily Maroon speakers on vocational subjects. 'reverts to its usual size-for the p�_ Last year several business men gaveent. It is the intention of··the 1919- interesting and educational talks on,1920 ata1f to increase the �n to a topics that were of special value to'aUsix page paper as soon as possible, but business students. This year this sameat the present this step is Dot feasible. ·plan is to be. carried out only in a b�g-....,,.. The main di1ficulty with au imme- �r way. The Commerce club is opendiate expansion is that the staff of -re- to' all members of the school of Com-:pOrters is absolutely _ new. A ,six- merce and Administration an� .�page paper will take up the entire those interested 'are welcomed to join.time of the editorial staff, and until A notice of a general meeting will be,the Dew men and women, can be announced' Tater. 'trained Suffiqently' the four-page edi-' .: Old Coundi to Meet Monday.tion will have,to do. The Daily 1Ia- The fol1�wing members·ofl.m·qua�·l'OOD craves your indulgence in the ter's council will meet Monday at_12tnatter. in The DaIly Maroon office: GrantFrom time to time, however, a six- Mears, May Freedman, Florence Me- r:,page issue wUl be printed as a matter Neil, Maurice Brody, Earl ,Wooding, �:-- � "' �_.",_.�_'__"""" ""0e4__. --- .... ��f praeti� _ A literary suppleD;lent to 'and Dorothy Lyons. -(, .appear monthly is now be,ing, devel- -, '_ .oped; �ore definite ari�ounCements OVER TWO HUNDRED WOMEN�DcerniDg this· feature will be made ATTENDED W. A. A. RECEPrIONin about ten. days.The Student Newspaper of theUniversity of Chieace President Joseph Thom .. Now in Col­orado-Former Coundl to Call aMeeting' for Collection ofSoon.m� m·l .. . NEW COMMERCE CLUBw�f .]pat !J .. arnon To CONTINUE AcrIvlTlESPublished mornings, except Saturday,. Sunday and Monday, during the Au­tumn. Winter, and Spring quarters,'by the Daily Maroon company.EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Although Josepb Thomas, presidentThe Staff of last year's Commerce club, is not. JOHN E. JOSEPH .. Managing Editor attending the University this quarter,John Ashenhurst News Editor the club will continue its activities. ARose Pischkin .....••. � . News Editor meeting of the members of the councilHelen Ravitch ••........ News Editor of the club will be held Monday to dis­H�� Beale ..... Asst. Ne,,:s Editor cuss plans for a t;eshman welcome andWllham Morgenstern.Athletic Editor ti f I ti. .. a no ce 0 a new e ee on.Harry Bird ••.•••••• � •.• Nlght Editor Thon " C 1 d d '11Ernest Fribourg Night Editor omas 18 now In 0 ora 0 an WIRichard Flint ...•••••...• Day �ditor not return to the University until theHerbert Rubel ..•...•..•. Day Editor winter quarter. In a recent letter to 21.Edward Warul. .....•.... Day Edit6r member of the Commerce club, he said:Harold Stansbury •... Features Editor "I most sincerely hope and �eel thatViola Roth Associate Editor the chances. for a successful year ofthe club are good, Even way out hereon the other side of Marshall Pass, theclub's success is the one big thing onmy mind. Neither wrangling, ranch­ers, striking workmen, nor frostymornings can' blot it from mythoughts. Please do your best againto get things started and keep themEntered as second class mail at the moving. Has the matter of vocationalChicago postof(ice, Chicago, Illinois, iaIks been .osed of by the faculty '1March 13, 1906, under the act of If so, and if those talks will be givenMarch 3, 1873. d cl bun er u auspices, a good deal of fa-vorable attention will be secured fromBUSINESS DEPARTl\[ENT'The Staff •GRANT MEARS .. Business Manager• Henry Pringle .. Advertising ManagerKeith Kindred ... Circulation ManagerEdmund Eichengreen.Asst. Adv. Mgr.Laurence Tibbits Asst. Cir. Mgr.Robert Birkhoff Asst. Cir. Mgr.SUBSCRIPTION RATESCalled for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 aquarter.By Carrier, $2.50 a year; $�.OO aquarter.By Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50a quarter. the underclassmen."Club Is New Organization.Editorial Rooms •••••••••••• Ellis 14Telephone Midway 800Business Office •........•...• Ellis 14Telephone Midway 800Prganization Plans Several Larg�'SJlREDS Event.-Will Bold "Chieago Night"It YOll � to send an amusing half, Next WedD�a)'. -hour listen to two radicals tell' each -- .other why' Mr. R. willard lost his fight. More than two hundred women at­� \Vby the World Series tickets are tended the W. A. A. �ption yesterday�AFTER they have sewed El- aftemoon in the theater of Ida Noyeshert B. Gary, the Union Pacific. and hall. . This was the first event planned./other capitalistic gods over the soup for the W· A. A. year. The programud the roaet beet. One may get POOr opened with a short talk by the presi­food in a Fifty-Mth Street restaurant, dent of the W. A. A., Helen' Sulzber-but good entertainment, is never, lac1t- pr._blg. . ''We hope to' make ,this year.a me-JII'---- morable one in the history of theWhat is a freshman to do When be Woman's Athletic' Association. AUis »led� to two fratemities at the entering women' should become inter­same time '1 Such a case reached The ested in the organization and shouldDailY M31'Oon today. And still the work to become members. We admitln�rf'raternity Council venerates, Yea �embers according to the point system;wo)"Ships, its air-tight rushing rules. one hundred points in three quartersOut' suave Greeks seem to belieVe that are necessary to admit women to thethe spirit of the laws is in the violat- association. These points may be ob­ing. tained from hikes, major athleticteams, perfect attendance in gymna­sium and committee work."LA VI SCJlOOL BA� LARGEST W. A. A. plans to give several veryREGISTRATION IN HISTORY large social functions. "ChicagoNight" will be held next Wednesday.- The Law school bas the largest A circus is being planned for winterregistration in its history this quarter. quarter, and the annual banquet, atThe number of students enrolled far whieh � awards are made, wUl beexceeds that of the quarters previous held in spring. Notices of the hikesto the war. Thp increase is noticibly will be posted on the bulletin boardstrue in the Freshman e1ass. of Ida Noyes hall •• University Text- - - Books:..... - ....'1Medical. Books, I. "WOODWORTH'S, . - I " • ,i .: .. �.University _.... . .-, , ... • r .. ..,.1311 t:. 57thStteet, "Near Kimbark- Ave. ..... :. ,Two Blocks North of Ida Noyes Ilall Two Blocks East of Gym �'. ,,':- ...- .•, -��INSPECT" - �: , .... , '--.OUR NEW ; .:: �.�" -",;::L:·!t��, .They're ,pleasingly different from the­"commonplace-c-and you'll' have ithepleasure of knowing thepattern of your, choice is practically confined·tQyotl, for.we carry .. but one or' twolengths of each. . "..... '..-:-"- ";' ... ..}...... 1'-t!1«1tf'., .. FOSTER & PETE'RSONCorrect Dressers. of Young Men7th Floor Republic Building State and Adams StreetsT elephone 8216 HarrisonJI .Utilizing electricity to.:propel ships at sea,:- 'marks':''=the'" advancement oft=����������� another' phase of the elec-Figrua that tell the trical industry in which theStOT), . ·oF Achievement General Electric CompanyLength-624 feEt is the pioneer. ·.or equalWidth-97 feet .Displacement-32,OOO t()ns importance has been itaFuel capacity-a mUlion gaI- part in perfecting electric ."Ions . (fuel oit) .Power-28,OOO electrical horse- transportation on land�'-- 'S;��21 knots' .transforming the potentialThe electric..• generating .energy of waterfans for useplant, totaling 28,000 horse-. in electric .motors, develop-:. . poWer� and the propulsion equipment of the ing· the posaibilitiea 'of electric: lighting and. . ii'e8t 'super-&eadIlaught were built by-thc ." many: other similar achievementa, , . <",.. - . 'GeDes:al�ectric Company •. Their operation'," 'As aresult, so general are" the.appliCationsbas demons�ted the' suPeriority �t.�lect�c of electricity to the needs cf mankind that_pro�ulsion' over old-time methods -�d a .. scSi�y a hom� ·or..individual today need. wider application oFthis principle' ht the. '. 'be with��t the beiiclitS of Generaf Electric/;<:'1:: �:��.. is�tf �� �-:: PS� .�... ��. " .... '.. : _ ::". '. ". .: ", ' .", An,ilij,-;'trlahtJ:�;;i.dt;scdbi;'g jbe '6New MeDea." on'titl-iJ """ ,_",,_,-J&o= -- � .., t. *",,,.� �.- ::� ...... -�.�;:: .. ;."';:- <> ..... "': -.. ....... :'. -:; -,.' ;•• - ..... �. .., .. -... � -�. .. " ;5. -\' .:. '� ,., . • .. ... ' � ':,<:"�' � ''..q.. :":. .�:{.'-: ,TJ!e-EJectrjc.:.. :Sbip, II. Wlil bo sent: r:;xJn reques!. 'Addrefltl·,'i.! .- .. i�"_.. �;1.4 J� ...... _ C r, ..... .:-� .. ..)o".. ..... �'-:--' ... :,.-:.: .. _.� l,;* � •• � .;' ..... "::r-- .,. v '_' "J�." � ".r .", .... ', ..... ', . .",•"�"J.' "�.'. .,," " •.•. ".' ,.,--,:�- •• _ - "_,' -,.,.·v-· ,,', .. ,:, ..; ... - '.:-� .. ,-,_. -._: GeneialEJoctricCompcny,·DoSk44,SCbeneotady,NewYork. .;'�;\�?I�:··���{t::·f;!;;�:�7�J-;:'�:>�·:.;.�:"�.":::·:��-:'�:";><:"��-<>�- .. �".: '.- .:.- .' -. .. ,' .. : .,' � . .'; ��;�-:.; . .---., .., '.'_ ...... -_ ... ---- ........ - .... ----_ ... _----- ... _ .... _------ .... , .. '., :\�.':�, : ..'��1;f -��:pi��-i2s2�··. · �' -WE-SroREFURs ·-)<'·i�:enet�eElectric�i;;J:; . �.:,.�.:.�..c.:�.<.·.·.·.�.t-·.:;.�.'.�,·���p;.�.. �.�.i.-.�.��.;.D,-:�.��>.;WEIN�;.•......�.. --: ';'_'� :.' ;�. S.,:�I.·�.'E.'--·.····.I.N:-,.·'.' ��'. " �.���.jl_'.�, . ��. :.�.'.'�; (��" :��:�� .. :�':t�.. �.�� C·.·· :O�,.·:.. '1.1.. fl,. P a. n.·.. I'V, �_f.1!rge:.. Off�e� ....,.,.� '0::,roRRlmS AND iAoiEs� �TAILOR .. .. -;-\ >'._ < .'� - . '. :.:. .�.� �::;�'�··�··i146:�·����· � --.: �������- -��������������ti£f > - �.'. '; N._�. JiSth - and univerSity A�entie GJtnDasiom Ou�its I ..'.,;;?ZI:�:.�_,. WOodworth's UDivenityj ."f.�:��:rf. '.,.. ". . . -'BOOk St .1',��?�)�u�'P���·��:B�KP�I_i· ,�� sJi�.� si��:f!>r��n �e.�el�.'. '�: _.:. -", .... °f�' .... ,-_ :;. '.;:';; -: ... .;..::·���ORI.t\L}�!B�llY . ARE . low sb�:�':l �)ledge •. 'These-boo� '1311 r_'-t J:'1&&w._ th Stree' t11· .� •• - • PRINTED FOR' FRESHMEN " . r..aa .-ul.y seven;,� �;:>. -:�.:. :". -_ " -' '. ,_. .are due at 9:16 the following mommg. ' .� .. ;;�.?,-.�_�;�'--�;�; ... :.-:�� '. :.� -.. '. No�ls on.��!inay be d�� f�r Two Blocks East of Gymnasiul!t ...�' ... ;...�.-�.-:'." .. �.. -.I!.��e;Boo�·-���� E �l��h. tworu.:ys, not i;'cluding:th� day cii-a� I'.. !;.�<::." _ .�':-:' __ Watda,. ,.:. ". . . " '. '.' .'. .... OPEN 'EVENIbTGS.��:�:; :;. ... :- /'/�1AaD sehedala.- _. or_��� •.. · AlI_�e_books �or.the �- - '.:!_�. """� .:" '.,' ._. >�. : �.::- " __ •serve library should be returned in the ...: .. I .!'.£.��.' t�.�/�:'''-·. � ._: .-;', �'.. ' '- .. -ch�� _ of �ihe E n· door •. Fi-esh-' �econd' Hand' UnIverslty I' . .-'! •.: - "..�• 'l'h! Harper .Memori&I library bas re- . : :_. .:-., : -.- . T B' Its . .-� �.�. -.�.··ithe �I . _..... th··· .. 'boo-''�. men are u� to watcll·the schedules· ,", -. ext 00, .._. }�'r: l __ .. � .. nues- 0... e reserve '...,,' .,' - &5�_ . � .. _. .'� ... :' !:::"o).-;,'tiae·:benefit··ot'tJie<frUIunti who and prevent fines. . 1.. :-�_ . I. '�-.�;��'. ���.'�.·."ted with the _- .... 1.. \ ,�J.tlODi. .:.' .'. .- '. '��<�:�A:tC�e<' 'Unde�ua� ReserVe CLUB�WILL_RESUME A�vmES CLASSIFIED ADS.. :: :;boob are fo�d in-Hau-per library, first�--� ftoor;·e8at towe�, in room E'l1. 'If the Gndllate 1list0.7 'Membfts Plan Pro- AN .AMERIcAN studen� at the Uni:-��:"-= tiooc is ctemred for nay use, a pirilc slip gra .. -Profesaor KDos to Speak.". � should be filled out. _These slips can', .) -. be found on a led� near the window. The Graduate History club will re­On the reverse side of the slip, the fol- sume its activities in the near future._ . lowing ,schedule 11\ ,printed As yet, no definite program bas beenDrawn before 11, due at 1. arranged, 'but it will be announced asDrawn between 11 'and 3 :30, due at soon as decided upon. Prof. Knox of4 :SQ; Kings College, London, who is makiligDr&WI\ between 3 and 6, due at 7. - a trip around the world, will address. Drawn after 6, due at 9:30!' the club: on some' historical problem.If the boot is desired for ove"",,;tpht The club is open to aD graduate stu-"- .• 'L.:�-·cal Have You Ever Earned Money1 We will pay. for every one we use •• !,: .:-.' .use, 'it maV' be- drawn at 5, or at. te�, dents who are inter.ested In �""n.. ., Th tin S d 'th I These ideas are wa' nted for u...... IOncl {: ,�. ,providing. that there are two or more problems aDd events.• e mee gs en us e �acts and figures as to .,....':.- _·.... cOpies 'Of the· same "book at the library. are featured by th� � of papers the best scheme for earning money preparing a series of articles, "How'! at' that time:' At 9 all bOob .may. be �d by tp1b giv!_Il by vanous meDl-: �at y�u ever worked during your to Earn Money Outside of S�ool,":: draWII for ovemirht-Ose.· �ndgbt -.,era Of the dub. grammar and' high school days. now being published in 110 of the- I"� r ,��>/5ta :�aC=:r��, . -. Ja 'PBekaeldunne the. war�-� �-;��,�.��:.:.. ��;�'­� �� .. i:.c' � a packaee. .. .:U' '. 'NOW ....-, -. TAE . FLAUOR LASTS'sO �DOES·.' THE PRlCEI.' "\-• -.,.. ......... r»'. �• .... 1'_-("I -:.� -, :J .�".• -.The .. ��titution" of· T�ay-:Eiectrically PropelledT· HE u. S. s. "New Mexico�" the firstbattleship of any nation to be electri­c:a11y propel1� is one of the most Importantachievements of ·the scientific age. She notonly develops' the maximum power and,with electric31 control, has 'greater flexibilityor maneuver, which .is a_ ·�t�· nav81 -advantage,bui� giv� greater eeon­omy� -. ·At 10 knots,' herno� cruising speed, she.Will steam on less fuel thanthe best 'tnrbine-driven Shipthat preced� her .. Six auxiliary General Electri� Turbine-Qen.erators of 400 horsepower each, supplypower for nearly SOO motors, driving pumps,fans, shop machinery, and kitchen arid laun­dry appliances, etc. • ,j.; ;�",.",. :.."'.-leading newspapers of the UnitedStates.BOYS' AND GIRLS" NEWSPAPERSER�CE,, 36 North Dea�!D, Cbi� _.YourwrltiDa - _ada .. to­kDowled.:e detenialD .. 70Grc1au awadiDg. .You am", beJp bUt wrlte'hl!ter with. COaJdJD.·· . A ec-kUp c:aa ......... leak..aot DOl' ecratcb. FIlla Ia t Me­� .z.H .......v�rsity desiring to converse inSpanish would exchange lessons inEnglish or other subjects for theopportunity of speaking to a Span­iard or South American at times ,,University of Chicago Bookstoremutually convenient. Communicatewith the .Manager Daily Maroon,Faculty Exchange, Box O • JI711 AWe want ideas rather than essays....... �.. � .".�....... :..� r1l��i¢�;�·�·�gi;,:�;;;�:�"iL�:;,1.�-;:�d�i;�,i;�;,{0ii1�f;��if; ����.i�.;;��� .. :._\;;,� � .. : 0 .�.{�, ":;.:�;.,,:: ��- ·c,(� :.\:-! �� .. � ..•. : ._i- .. �: ;,� " .: , ..,. �, .,.. ...... , - ." .��,�, �.:� ... :�.J'.,.� .•. :., �_ .. �: :�,C"'" :':,,",�.-:;,� ; .... ,,�� .... �_ ,,_'I: _�::� :: . ......... -.� - .� ,THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER,S, ·1919 r "FREE DEMONSTRATION·. "SHEAFFER PENThis is SHEAF­FER PEN No. MC.Large UK gold nib,with clip.$3.75 Choice of Students EverywhereTHE. SHEAFFER PEN Is the Students' pen be­cause it is the world's most perfect- writing in­strument. Anytime, anywhere, on any subject, theSHEAFFER PEN writes the moment it is put topaper. It never skips, blots, leaks nor scratches..Before you buy a fountain pen, you should knowabout the patented' features found only in theSHEAFFER PEN. When you see the demonstra­tion you will know why this is the pen that "AL-,WAYS WRITES ALL WAYS."/See the demonstration at our store any time thisweek. Select the size and style 'that fits your hand.We fully guarantee every SHEAFFER PEN. If notentirely satisfactory, it can be exchanged here or atthe Sheaffer Service Station, 504 Consumers Bldg.,Chicago.$2.50 ANDUP• BEFORE YOU BUY' A FOUNTAIN PENSEE THIS SHEAFFER 'DEMONSTRATIONThis Is style No.2MC-gold mountedChatelaine PeD,Priced at$6.",. :' ....University of ChiCagoBookstore 5802 Ellia Ave.Chicago, m. �'Kodaks:"�':F� :':�... ' M��ziDe�> .\1. �. .... .." Banners'New ·and SecondLaw, Medical and\Scientific BooksJ iIT ext Books of All ClassesNotebooks:\':.'" .. PaperPencilsStationeryAthletic GoodsF ountain fensCollege Jewe�Pennant�I• ACCORDING to latest dispatches be required not only to write but alsofrom the front (of, Cob1_J), Ruth ,to dress in "�aroon style."Bowra is pressing Janet' close in the --race for the office of so-called star of ESTHER' McLaughlin has presentedthe Frespman class. her resignation as a topic for Whistletreatmenl:. She admits she needs. Advice to Freshmen. treatment; but. not that kind.' .Freshmen should not enter the Rey-.nolds club without first scraping the IT loo� like a.hard winter, men.mud from their shoes on" the Univer- BETTER take soft courses.sity seal in the door under Mitchell Garcon.tower.'s that your excuse ,_ It's mine,I 1f upperclassmen are occupying the DRAMATIC CLUB STARTS . "-.-, ", --, - ' "e" bench, a freshman has the privi- , . ,' ..... : �ATHLETES brag that they aren't lege of asking them to move over' or ANNUAL WORK TUESDA Y �ames B. Ostergren, Donald Gray, are planning a meeting ,Tuesday Dight �:/:,:�.dancers, but Cole, Graham, Elton and even to get up in order to make room 'Carl A. Dawson, Robert A. Chaman, at 9:30 in their clubrooms. They in-�' .�.;.,;,'Rouse should knock' 'em dead at the for him. (COfttmued' page 1) 'James R. Shaub, Ernest- Harer. tend to get better �nt.ed·aDCl· to,'>. �.:'JuDior class frolic in Ida Noyes hall Freshmen should keep away from . . '. "discuss their social' pmgram. to� -�..; ��.;.: ��today after practicing Coaeh Stagg's the squirrels on the campus. You co�ldered will be the seleetion of a year.'. � 'p' .new shimmy all week. , can't fool a uilrel �tisfaetory and permanent room for OJ fie i a 1 Not ice s' -. . �- ... , -;:_ ,"sq • the club's meetings, and also the '., �- . � meeting _of all members of'the ,- '\:�WHEN the Qriadranglers moved THREE young ladies are said to be' choosing of a loeation suitable for all Phi Delta Theta will meet tonight at Business St •• of The Dally Marooa . �';';away from the social center in front coming from Beverly Hills. Their �hearsa!ls.l alThe bedatesd:__ ��:_� thet ftahll ,1:30 in the liDrary of the Reynolds wm be held Monday at 4. AU' appU-'of Cobb, toting the, pulchritudinous sumantes are Young and Shanks and p.a� WI 80 u:K:� a e ;club. ', cants for staff positions who have al-prospects of the 1923 class with them, Jaynes. Shuffle to suit yourself. mee�g next week.ready applied to the Business Manager';'enough space was left for parking Re- MISS Marga, ret Haggot, the secre- The Cosmopolitan and Intemationalf th D' 1 b for appointment are requested to beber and Dedmon. Society Notes. tary 0 e �atic e u , is very clubs will meet tonig!it in Ida Noyes present. ....anxious for everyone with talent to be hall at 7:30. Foreign students are es-Hap Hazard has a new suit. He Is h f 1present at t e tryout. A ter the tria s .peeially invited to attend.wearing it every day during rushing have been held, those with abilitywill 'Don. Franklin: "I want a pipecourse." season as a sacrifice to the chapter. be admited to membership in the club.Afterwards, however, he will have to Acacia has secured its old house atDean Gale: "Why 1" II besave it for Sunday morning Bible (1-4 5719 Kenwood Ave. There wi nDon.: "I don't want to lose any maJ·or). 'ti toni ht t Dr Fuller's ...... Sl·REPORT LARGE ENROLLMENT ,mee mg omg a ." a'l;;-more hair over my studies." T lJI D h te Aony Hinkle is expecting a big so- IN DMN1TY SCHOOL RANKS uence, 5643 ore es r ve.cial Beason th h t th�IT is reported that seve 1 f roug ou e current. - ra 0 quarter to mak f th 1Georgina's old gentleman-friends h. e up or e ong pe-ave nod of basketballreturned since she came around in her The Phi Ga· .'. new Overland She has almost·. ms are rushmg M. Gras-• ID- SID reeo dedduced pater familias to tum it in 0 tb' U . mmen by their chapter atn e nlvemty f P .a larger car, a Dodge, say. 0 ana.Lady I'epOrtel'B on the Maroon wmOb, Tel, Me Why.We went to classes yesterday,Just why, I can't divine,Perhaps because they made us go,,(..r:" Latest in Excuses. GET TH� TODAY AT5802 EIJJS AVENUE'Open Evenings First 'Week o� Quarter, ' __ ;"...• .J.- ."'-The Annual Com�emorative ChapelService will be held in Leon MandelAssembly Hall Monday at 7. Attend­ance of all members of the Universityis requested. _'PreL[UBI, aDUu. telBe)theeelScWSt: . �gI,8(1:wla",,_lUI.-'t[,y� <'�:,!":_�.,;:,,1pi'" ,..1",til1M1M�.;;!...iuDCth�Jd, kcDCtilaJel1MojBE'Dl" . ��AIn81be1Ilb:t(alt<wsldiUjJiIE'0b;n:,$:The ADDUal Faculty Dinner WIll beA large enrollment is reported in Band tryouts will be held before the held in Hutchinson Commons Mondaythe Divinity school this quaric"('. rehearsals in Mitchell Tower next at 6. Attendance of all members ofany men who have seen service as Monday and Thursday. Regular re- the faculty is' requested. Reae�-Chaplins in France and in this COD- hearsals are held at 5. tions should be made with, the �.try, have retumed to schooL Among \ tary to the Pres!dent not later thanthOB:! retuming from service are: ! Stude1)ts living at haD Monday nOOD. _II -1 ,.