Vol. 17. No. 120 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1919, Price 5 Cents'Alumni Take Campus By Storm!WILL HOLD FINALS FOR , pREDICT LARGESTCONTESTS TONIGHT AT 8,' CROWD OF YEARSAIDES FOR 1919-1920 Julius Rosenwald and Florence Jane TO ARRIVE TODAYAdams Prizes Will Be A warded InMandel Hall-Eight Contestants ToEleven Men and Eleven W 0- Try Out. Preparations Have Been Made-- For Record-Breaking Gath-Finals for the Julius RosenwaldAthletes Compete In sevenEvents-University PlansTo Entertain Visitors.The list of eleven marshalls andeleven aids chosen by President Jud­son for next year was published yes­terday. The head marshall has notyet been chosen and may not be untilnext fall.INTERCOLLEGIATEPRELIMS'TO BEHELD TOMORROW Dekes and Phi Psis To Grappel ForTomorrow is also to be a big dayfor the returning graduates. A din­ner will be given by the UniversityAides at 6 in Ida Noyes, at the sametime that the fraternities will be hold-FLAMES AND SMOKES ATINTERFRATERNITY PARTY PRESIDENT SELECTSNEW MARSHALLS ANDHonors, Green Caps Burn, HonorClass Race, Annan Speak and Ev­erything.ering Of Graduates.men Are Chosen ForThe large event of the week, willbe the Interfraternity smoker tonightat 7 :30 on Stagg' field. The programis so full of big attractions that itsounds like that of a three-ring cir­cus. Senior Honors.association, and the annual "C" din­ner are the first events scheduled for,SEATS FOR SATURDAY ON SAI..E prize for oratory and the Florence--- Jane Adams prize for artistic read-ALL PROMINENT IN ACTIVITIES ing will take place tonight at 8 in "Crt ,MEN TO ATTEND BANQUETMandel hall. Three of, the contest-ants will speak on the present laborsystem; Edgar Bernhard will talk on"Letting Men Work for Themse,lves";Maurice N. Walk, on "A Program ofIndustrial Refonn," and Benjamin E.Jaffe on, "Self-Government in Indus­try." Laurence Tharp has' selectedfor his final speech "The Need for theLeague of Nations." These speecheswill be two' thousand words long.In the Florence Adams prize con­test, Anne McCarthy will read Noyes'"The Barrell-Organ"; James' CarlinCrandall, Tennyson's "The Lady ofShalott"; Charles Breasted, selections(Continued an page 4)Preliminary events in the inter- The opening event is an indoorcollegiate conference track meet will' game between the Dekes and the Phibe Psis for the blue ribbon. The Phirun off on Stagg field tomorrow-- _. .Psis seem to have the edge and ifat 2 :30. The athletes wili- competein seven events, which will trim theentty list to the best men. No admis­sio� will be cha�.The elimind.!ing events to be set­tled' tomorrow� afternoon· are the 100-yard' dash, 2!o-yard dash, ,.aO�yard'das�, 880-yar4' run: pole v'�lt: discusthrow, and ja'velin thro�� Chicagohas 'a chance ol getting men 'into thefinals in everY; eve�t"'aS Coach' Staggs sending a formid�ilne aggregation'agaInst the �st of the conference. ENTIRE UNIVERSITY'Duncan, AnnAb and Cha'rles Crane HELPS ENTERTAINwilli run the l'00-ya�(pdt;b'; Annan, SOLDIER VISITOItS: son.ortiiner HaTHs, CrAii�� aoer-Edward ' j_ -. ,.; � "\ ,.'rUss in' th�1220-yard event; .Cur- --'e_ 'RECORD OF THE MARSHALLS• I �Ris; sl.bton,..�J�JIall" Gi_v� Special Performance Of Edwin d. 'Curtiss is a',�mber of �­a: Heney K�nedy in the 44�yal-d ·'Naughty Nineti��·", Foi�';� 'phi Tau Omega, ih�'-Th� 'Qua�J.s, Captaid ; McCosh, Speer, -G�rg� 1 000- Wounded M�n. club, Iron, �ask, and Owl and Serpent,wIis, Kennedy, and Hall will �pre- __ He played: on the Varsity basketball,'t! Chi�go ·in the 'half-mile run. ANNOUNCE PATIlONS roR SHOW baseball arid track teams and won hise�y Grah�, Annan, and Robert "C" in eahb.irlbtoff 1.:" ered i th I I; ',' ',I ,,/ ' F. Moffat Elton is a member of AI-are ente 10 e po e vau t. When more than one thouSand sol': . \ ' , ,__ t. • .t-ed to . thi pha Delta .Phi, the Three Quartersranam IS PICK wm IS event diers from various camps and hospi-' Ieasijy as he has been going over the club, Skulf and Crescent, Iron M�k,_", 11 - ta!s arrive on the campus todl;Ly'af12, and Owl arid Serpent. He is presidenttwelVe-foot mark in practice, tryc)uts. they will be lavishly entertained by of the Reynolds club and was captainGorgas �8t Weight HJ�.-' I the Blaekf'riars, the University, and of the 1918 football team and has wonI ', various student organizations. The his "C" inl this soprt two years.In the weight tryouts Coach Stall'S! entire program for the day follows:• I I to...... Roland Holloway is a member of,p ace his nopes on "Moose" Gor- At 12� the' soldi�rs will be met at:J t, Frank Schneberger, Colville Sigma Alpna Epsilon, the Three Qu�r-, the University "L" station by autos, ters club, the Score club, Iron MaSk,ackson, and James ru;'6er: in/the dis- which will bring them to the Midway" and Owl atid Serpent. He has been onland Challrler McWillrariis� -Jaek- Luncheon wI·II then be se rved" them in .... ,.. the Undergraduate council and wasn� Bernard ��cDonald' and Charles Hutchinson court by the University, (Continued on page 2) ,.ernune in tHe javelin toss. Reber M embers of various women's organi­d iGorgas aIi! the 10gicaI winners ineir events. zations on the campus, headed byJ I Frances Henderson, will serve theBusiness manager Merriam has all. soldiers and pass out cigarettes whichgements �or the meet completed �ill' be furnished by the Reynoldsd tickets a� now on sale in his club,ice. Invita1ions have:' ooen' sentt !to Goverrtor Lowden, the presi­d; of all the con\�i�hg ::- seh�ls,·Ii!ary oft'icl&ls at' � Great" Lakesav8J Training s�tibii t arid Fortet'idan to aiiend the meet. Major�raI Leonaltd Wood and his staffvJ also beim invited. Governorw�en will n\hke the medal presen­tion speeehedto the winners of theenb. The Alumni reunion will open to­day, with probably the largest num­ber of alumni that the Universityhas ever seen. As a "home-coming"celebration, the gathering will be-es­pecially significant to the University.For this reason, preparations have,been made for a record-breakingcrowd.Hans Norgren succeeded in makingthe boys stay _in last night thechances are good that they will cop. The Marshalls are Edwin C. Curtiss,Yrank- Priebe' stiilCd-last rifgTit;-now:' F� l\!ofrii(EIton, Roland F. Hollo�ay,ever, that the prowess of the Delta John' E. Joseph, Jasper S. King, FrankKaps is not to-be pooh-hooed at. Madden, James M. Nicely,' Edgar: B.-Redmond Withdrawn·�From-Race. Reading, Robert Redfield, Edwin Sa�k-/The big feattire of the evening will ett and George J. Serck. ,be' a relay rac;e between Score club The eleven aides are Eleanor AtIdns,and Skull and Crescent. Tom Camp- Leona Bachrach, �arth,:l .Behrendt,Edythe Flack, Margaret Haggett,Frances Henderson: F��ces Lanz­worthy, Phyllis Paln;��;' han P�ck�tt,Mildred Powlison, and Helen Thomp- A dinner of the Women's Athletic(Continued on page 3) I ,the day. The former will be held inBASEBALL CONTEST Ida Noyes hall, while the latter willFEATURES ANNUAL rake place in Hutchinson commons.Many of the old .. "C" men are ex­W.A.A. FIELD MEET pect.ed to attend the banquet, which is/ �,open 'to all emblem men. In the eve-Senior College_p�f�ts: J�n-, �ng;:ail the men w�o ,are attending''ior, 17-i 5-Large Crowd the reunion have been invited to anSees Gymnastic Events. Alumni smoker, which will be held___ • i . - .OLD FOLK DANCES ARE SHOWN in the Reynolds dub.I! Tomorow Will Be Big Day.The annual field day of the W 0-men's Athletic association held onIda Noyes field yesterday was feat­ured by an indoor baseball game be­tween teams of Senior and Junior col-lege women. The Senior college teamwon by a narrow margin in a very iog their reunion dinners in the chap­close contest, 17-15. ter houses, At 8, the annual Uni­The athletic meet was a success in versity sing will 'be held. Tile fra­every way. A large audience wit- temities will group and march intonessed the gymnastic events, which Hutchinson quadrangle, singing theirwere performed by the various class- marching song. Contl'arY to formeres. Many unique games were exhibi- years, they will remain in the courtted, as well as a series of folk dances after the song is finished.under the direction of Miss Stiles. The After all, the groups are gathered,University band of, twelve pieces University and patriotic airs will beplayed at the meet. sung by the entire assemblage. AtWastry! Boisheviki Triamph I I 10:15, the last Reynolds dub infor­The team game section, under the mal of the year will be held. Thisdirection of Miss Patterson displayed dance will be open to all the alumni:.csome interesting games. cCNewcomb" and active students of the University.ball was won by the "Little Giants,", •=============="long' ball" by the cCWhizzies." Fol-lowing these games'a track meeet was Ida Noyes hall. The program is anheld, including' the javelin throw, dis- elaborate one and will consist ofcus, basketball, running high jump, speeches, the presentation of cupshurdle race, and dash. The winners and pennants, and dancing.were awarded W. A. A. points, of Dorothy Lardner will act as toast­which the Bolsheviki got 20, C. V. B. mistress. President Judson will make15, Olympians 14, Marathons 3, and the speech of welcome, and Dean LinnTurtles and Spartans 1 each. will speak on "Bats for Women."The parade contest was won by the There will also be an alumna speakerJunior college basketball team and the who will speak on "The Comeback.""Bally Batter," who received five and Dancing will be held in the theaterthree W. A. A. points respectively. after the program.Katherine Howe was elected baseball Pennant<; and cups will be awarded.chairman for the W. A. A. at yester- tonight. Miss Dudley will presentday's 'meeting. the basketball pennant. Miss Patter­son and Miss Marshall will presentthe baseball pennant, and Helen Sulz­�rger will award the tennis cup."The banquet is the biggest W. A. A.,affair ()f the year," said Ruth Hueyyesterday. "The program will be ex­'tremely interesting and nQ. one canafford to miss it. The eats are goingThe annual Spring banquet of the to be very good and there will be lotsW. A. A. will be held today at 6 in of them, too."WEATHER FORECAST.I IPorbably showers; not much changein temperature.THE DAILY MAROONBULLETINGuide Soldiers About Campus.From 1 to 2, members of the 'men's Todayorganlsations will escort and guide Registration for the Summer quar-the soldiers to different places ofinterest on the campus. This ter.,.J ,Divinity chapel, 11 :15, Haskell.part of the entertainment will' be incharge of William Ellis. After being Chapel, ,College of Commerce andshown around the University, the soli Administration and college of Eduea­diers will" hear President J udson '�n; tion, 11 :20, �fandel.Dinner of the Woman's Athleticat 2 in Mandel hall beCore the per- Associatio�: 6, Ida Noyes.Athletes, �rrive Tomorro-. formance 'of 'the '"Naughty Nineties" I,... 'fe" Dinn�r, 6, Hutchinson Cafe •.I • • • begins. '.Tne athlete� from the schools are ' '�I,nal COl'�testS. Rosenwald al.d Ad-e"' ... ....L ... --" to _1'. l.h; .. :,1, _.,, At 2:10, a compJete perfo_rmance of am� prizes.' 8, Mandel..... ..,ectea arrIve on 1. e campus 00-1 th UN ht N· t· "'11· 'L __ L e aug y me leg WI be gIven Philosophy dub 8 Classi- 20morrow. Arrangements have been ' , '." ". " " �. Id ;.... ,- \ "to the soldIers. No features of. thIS .\Iumni Smoker 8·30 Reynoldsma e to entettam them whllf! they yea" BT'a'ck-/f' ,.', h <,', ·'11' be . , .,I "'1 ' r s rlars s ow WI I bare at the Umversity. . . cu.,omitted. The twenty-piece orchestrawill pley, regular ,costu�es will beworn, and the hall will be darkened.for the occasion. Tomorrow. 'fRegistrat'ion for the Summer quaJ:"-ter.Divinity chapel, 11:15, Haskell. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION TOFraternity DinnerS and Reunions, 6, HOLD SPRING BANQUET INChapter Houses.e NOYES HALL TODAY AT 6To Give Pia), 'For Prof. Hale.t .... ,THe CIassics'-a�rtn1�rtt, 'Of the Uni-'versity will give a play 'l1ft11' �pUontoda� in honor of ProfesSor Hale, thehead' of the Classical department. Theplay'win be given in the School of Ed­ucation and_ the 'rec�pticSn wm' be- heldin Ida Noyes hall. Stu'dents Asked To Loan CarsThe patrons and patronesses fortomorrow's show are: Major Lewisof the local R. O. T. C., Col. Bisphamof Fort Sheridan, Lieut. Col. Darbyof'the 47th St." hospital, Miss Kath-(Cantin'fled on page 3) University Aides' Dinner, 6, IdaNoyes. Elaborate Program Planned-Presi-University Sing, 8, Hutchin�n dent JuC:lson and Dean Linn' SpeakCourt_"r • " 'IInr��af 'Daric'e;: 10:15� Reynoldsclub. � " r, ;I"- ;"..l,•iI{• 2W�t laily :lJRarnnnThe Student NewsPaper of theUnlverslty of Chicago.Published mornings, except Saturday,Sunday and Monday, during the Au­tumn, Winter and Spring quarters,by the Daily Maroon company.EDITORIAL DEPARTMENTThe Staff.John E. Joseph .... Managing EditorJohn Ashenhurst •..... News EditorRose Fischkin News EditorHelen Raviteh ..•..•.•• News EditorHoward Beale .... Ass't, News EditorWilliam Morgenstern . Athletic EditorHarry Bird Night EditorErnest Fribourg Night EditorRichard Flint Day EditorHerbert Rubel Day EditorEdward Waful ....••..• Day EditorHarold Stansbury .. Features EditorViola Roth Associate EditorReportersJ. C. Cekan, Maxine Davis, RozellaHirschfeld, Darwin Johnson, RoseFrances Kramer,' Irma Lundburg,Mary Milligan, Jane Morganthau, R.S. Starr.BUSINESS DEPARTMENTThe StaffGrant Mears ....• Business ManagerHenry Pringle . Advertising ManagerKeith Kindred .. Circulation ManagerEdmund Eichengreen.Asst. Adv. Mgr.Laurence Tibbits Asst. Cir. Mgr.;'IIIIIIrIII.II., Entered as second class mail at theChicago postoffice, Chicago, Illinois,March 13, 1906, under the act ofMarch 3, 1873.SUBSCRIPTION RATESCalled for, $2.50 a year;quarter.By Carrier, $3.00 a year; $1.25 aquarter.By Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50a quarter. _By Mail (out of town), $4.25 ayear; $1.75 a quarter,Editorial Rooms Ellis 12Telephone Midway 800, Local 162HOUFS: 11:00-11:50; 12:25-6; 7-8Business Office Ellis 14Telephone Midway 800, Local 162THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1919SHODDY WORKRumor has it, and quite definitely,that the 1919 Cap and Gown will notappear until after the close of thequarter. Unusually favorable cir­cumstances and herculean labors arethe only things that will get the yearbook out even on Friday, June 13.It is too bad that the 1919 staffhave a failure on their hands because,generally speaking, a year book thatdoes not come out until after Convo­cation, until after the undergraudateshave left the campus, .is a failure.The editor-in-chief will have to takethe entire responsibility for the fail­ure. He is the captain of the ship,the engineer in the cab. The DailyMaroon happens to know definitelythat the managing editor has notlived up to his responsibilities thisyear, Plnancially, the book is sound;the business manager has got all theadvertising necessary for a substan­tial bank-book. Subscriptions havenot been overwhelmingly heavy, butthey have been satisfactory. Con­t racts provided that all editorial copywas to be in the hands of the printerfive weeks before date of issue; yes­tr-rday there were two specific ex­amples of missing copy, names underccrtam organizations that will neverhe in the book. The Daily Maroonl-as the ' .... ord of staff members of theCap and Gown that all advertisingcopy was in at the specified time. Evi­rlr-nce points a pretty steadily accus­ing finger at the editorial staff, whichis headed by the editor-in-chief.Displeasure will fall upon every­one concerned, naturally, but it looksas if ther-e had been loafing on thejob. As said before, it's too bad, be­cause the Cap and Gown is one of theimportant things of undergraduateIifc, Certain circumstances, such asi I' ,. -... , I··.· -."/THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1919the war, the expense of publication,,the unsettled condition of the cam­pus, might have delayed the appear­ance of the Cap and Gown, mighthave kept it to, small size, but cer­tainly present conditions indicate neg­lect on the part of someone. Quadranglers, of the first cabinet ofthe Y. W. C. L., vice president of theUndergraduate council, was an officerin the W. S. T. C., and an actress inPortfolio, a member of W. A. A., andchairman of .the Madras campaign.Mildred Powlison is a member ofNu Pi Sigma, vice president of thePRESIDENT SELECTS League, vice president of the Juniorclass and a former officer in the W. S.NEW MARSH� ANDAIDES FOR 1919-1920 T. ��len Thompson is a member of theSigma club, of the Sign of the Sickle,of Nu Pi Sigma, manager of the W.night editor of the Maroon last year. A. A. cloister carnival, and formerHe is publicity manager of the 1919 vice president of W. A. A., a formerBlackfriars, a member "of the Honor member of the Honor commission;commission, publicity manager of the president of the Federation of Univer­Prom, and on the first cabinet of the sity Women and. general manager ofY. M. C, A. the Y. 1\1. C, A. - Y. W. C. L. recep-(Continued from page 1)John E. Joseph is a member of Kap­pa Sigma, the Score club, Owl andSerpent, the Dramatic club, and Black­friars. He was publicity manager of1918 Settlement night and is man­aging editor of The Daily Maroon.Jasper S. King is a member of BetaTheta Pi, the Three Quarters club,Skull and Crescent and the Honor tion.Freshmen To Sip Tea Sunday.The Freshman class will give a teain Ida Noyes hall Sunday afternoonat 3:30. Refreshments and entertain­ment are the attractions. PresidentMcGuire extends an invitation to all DEPENDABIUTY-As to the length of life and resili­ency of the fabrics, and as to the"construction-IS WHA l' COUNTSThat' s why we put all our knowledge intobuying the Right Sort of Fabrics and de­vote our ubnost skill in tailoring.Prices $40, $45, $50and Upwardscommission. He is in 1919 Blackfriars members of the class of '22.and is managing editor of the Cap andGown. Subscribe for The Maroon andFrank Madden is a member of Del- Get All the Campus News=============================================================Edgar Reading is a member of Del­ta Upsilon and property manager ofBlackfriars,Robert Redfield is a member of PhiGamma Delta and one of the foundersof the Poetry club. 'Edwin Sackett is a member of PhiKappa Sigma, the Undergraduatecouncil, Iron Mask, Owl and Serpent,first cabinet of Y. �. C. A., and secre­tary of the Interfraternity council.George J.�Serck is a member of ZetaBeta Tau, Iron Mask, and Owl andSerpent. He won his "C" on the Var­sity baseball team, is president of theHonor commission. and vice presidentof the Reynolds club.RECORD OF THE AIDESEleanor Atkins is a member of Eso:oteric, former president of YellowJacket, a member of Sign of the Sickleand of Nu Pi Sigma, a member of W.A. A., in the cast of the Portfolio, pub­licity chairman of the Federation ofUniversity Women, a member of theUndergraduate council and captain inthe W. S. T: C.Leona Bachrach is a member of theDramatic club and was on the Honorcommission.Edythe Flack is a member of theMortar Board, W. A. A., Sign of theSickle and Nu Pi Sigma, and the Capand Gown staff. She was in the Port­folio and on the Honor commissionand played on the hockey team.Margaret Haggotf is a member ofPhi Beta Delta, W. A. A., publicitymanager of Portfolio and the Fresh­man Follies and secretary and formerpresident of the dramatic club.Frances Henderson is a member ofQuadrangles, president of the League,a Hop leader and former vice presi­dent of the Sophomore class; took partin the Portfolio and was a captain inthe W. S. T. C.Frances Langworthy is public ser­vice chairman of the Federation ofUniversity women.Phyllis Palmer is a member of Sig­ma, of the Portfolio, of W. A. A., vicepresident of the Honor commissionand a former officer in the W. S. T. C.She plays on the woman's baseballteam, was program manager of theY. M. C. A.-Y. W. C. L. reception andacted in the vaudeville in connectionwith it.Jean Pickett is a member of the wailor for 'oung Slru7 N. La Salle St.314 S. Michi,aD Ave.71 E. Monroe St.Three Stores:?1rlSTORE.for,MENta Kappa Epsilon, the Three QuarteJ'sclub, Iron Mask and Owl and Serpent.He is president of the Undergraduatecouncil, program manager of Black­friars and played Varsity basketball.James M. Nicely is a member of PsiUpsilon, the Three Quarters club,Skull 'and Crescent and Iron Mask.In his' Freshman year he was presidentof his class. He is costume managerof Blackfriars and president of the Y.$1.00 a 1\1. C. A.Cf.{ew - &clusi"e - CJJistindiYe!Straw Hatsfor MenDURING war days Japan and China evolvedmany interesting creations in straw brakk.Made up the American way, the resultant SailorStraw Hats promise to become the popular vogue.Descriptions are futile, but men will, in time, recog­nize these Hats by their new names:Pap • Kobe • Barklilllll • &0,11 • C,,"", �BalinuJc • Osaka" • Miruulo .• NagtlSlJnAs interesting a display is found amOng the softerStraw Hats. On the head or on the Iult-rack, theyare the mute advertisements of the refined taste ofthe wearer:PatulmllS • teghfnns • MiktnsBang1to1ts • MadtifUIWSTitians Balibuntals. MadtlgasamFlRSTFLOORII4BSIIAIl_JIDD $ aJ.MIMr1BIi SlIIUJ IIBIIBIJIf Separate SloTe-i" a Separate Building�I: HflW y,. II 1'''' Employment Bureau (or Soldiers, SaJ10rs and Marines, 120 w. Adama St. ........ 1MCUST'?M Snv.lca d.ac .,_"to aaamgmm m �Shi�s. Suiu. �u, SItoaSECOND FLaCa" "I.THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1919 a '1'rFLAMES AND SMOKES ATINTERFRATERNITY PARTY(Continued from page 1) HALLS HOLD DORMITORYFETE ON MONDAY AT 5CASTILLEJO SPEAKS ONSPANISH SCHOOLS TODAYAnnual Reeeptien To Be Given OnQuadrangle Between Law Schooland Halls-s-Unlversity To FurnishMusic.Noted Educator To Lecture On Pres-ent Day Spain At 5 In Classics 10-.. bell is the only good runner thatHeads Leading Castillian Universl- Skull and Crescent has and since hety. is in France, the rival club will prob-ably win as it has several fast men.Mr. Jose Castillejo, of Spain, will President Evans announced at a latebe the speaker today at 5 in Cla�sics hour last night that Charlie Redmondwould not compete. Charlie is fast10, at a meeting arranged by the but not' on the track.Romance department. His subject Major Lewis has seized this chancewill be "Political, Social and Educa- to talk to the men about the R. O.tional Problems of Present-Day T. C. unit which is to be formed. ASpain." He will speak partly in rare tre�t is in store in a speech byEnglish and partly in Spanish. Dave Annan, who, it is learned, isMr. Castillejo is making a tour of I president of the Senior class. Theinspection of the leading American audience is requested not to leaveuniversities,' and will be at the Uni- while Annan is speaking as thereversity today. He is secretary of are some good events to follow.La Junta de Ampliacion de Estudios, Make It Hot For Green Caps.a privately endowed educational foun­dation which is seeking 1f> extend andbroaden the field of university teach­ing in Spain. The society was or­ganized because the state universi­ties in Spain were not employing themost modern methods, and there werenumerous restrictions connected withinstruction. A group of universitymen organized the society, therefore,with Mr. Castillejo as its secretary.The society has a splendid modernuniversity with a large library andequipment, of which he is president.The latest educatlqnal methods areemployed. The Dormitory Fete, annual re­ception given by the members of thewomen's halls, will be held next Mon­day from 5 to 7 on the Quadranglebetween the Law school and thewomen's halls.Miss Grace Storm, head of Beecherhall, Miss Marion Talbot, head ofGreen, Miss Elizabeth Taylor ofKelly, Miss Myra Reynolds of Foster,Miss Bess Martin of Woodlawn, MissFannie Simms of Greenwood andI Miss Elizabeth Lang of Drexel housewili receive.Paul Randall will render some Eight Ushers To' Be. Chosenmusic. (Oh, yes, Paul plays things.) Eight ushers w'm be chosen" fromThe management announces that he each hall, who will see that the guestswill not pull the bennena cake line., meet the heads of the different halls.The final event, the crisis, as it were, The ushers will serve on half-hourwill be the building of a colossal bon- shifts,fire into which freshmen will be al-lowed to "toss their green caps andanything else they care to.The dope sticks and ropes will befurnished by someone, probably theInterfraternity council, and HaroldWalker, president of, that beneficentbody, promises a huge time to allwho attend. The off campus halls have been in­vited to receive "with the campushalls. Greenwood will be the guestof Green, Woodlawn of Foster andDrexel of Beecher. Invitations havebeen issued to members of the facultyand each hall member is allowed threepersonal guests. The UniversityBand will furnish music during theafternoon and refreshments will beIs Stuilying American Methods. ENTIRE UNIVERSITY served.The society has sent Mr. Castillejo HELPS ENTERTAIN Give Committees In Charge.to the United States to study Ameri- SOLDIER VISITORS The committees in charge of thecan methods. He has already visited I reception are as follows: Invitations,(Continued from 1JlIge 1)the leading universities in England, Edith Ruff. and Thelma Tompkins;France and Belgium. At the Uni- er'ine Pierce of the American Red iversity of Leeds, England, he was Cross, President and Mrs. Judson, The Corn Exchangeasked to establish a Spanish depart� I Fort Sheridan aides, Mr. Grant Mit- National Bank .ment, which he did very successfully, I chell and Mr. Percy Hammond. OF CHICAGOHe hopes to be. able to place studen�1 More autos to take the soldiers fromin American, universities in exchange the 1eL" to the campus are still in de- Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profitsfor American students who will go to mand by J." Alton Lauren, who is in $10,000,000.00Spain. charge of the transportation. All Is the' Largest National Bank in the"Mr. Castillejo is reputed to be one students who have machines at school, UNITED STATESof the grea.test ide-!ists an� educa- I today are urged to offer them for less I With a Savings Departmenttors. of Spain today, \ ASSOCiate Pro-I than an hour. I Under Federal -Supervisionfessor Northup stated· yesterday. I N. W. Cor. La Salle and Adams StB."He has worked wonders in the I Yellow Jacket To Meet At .t. • .•Spapish educational system and his All members of Yellow Jacket are Bnng Your Savmgs to Usk. Open Saturday Even'gs until 8 o'cloclecture should prove one of great. asked to meet today at 4 on the fourthpractical benefit." I floor of Ida Noyes.NORTHWESTERNUNIVERSITYLAW SCHOOL6142 Langley Ave. Phone Norm"aI 3049 Announcesa Summer Term, beginning Thursday,June 19, 1919, and concluding Satur­day, August 30.Courses in all subjects offered will bcompleted during the tenn.Increase in requirements for admiss'o..and graduation:Admission: After September 1, 19J 9.students entering for the first tjmewill be required to submit proof of th,satisfactory completion of three yearsof college study.Graduation: Four, yea.·.. (or 36months) of residenre study is requiredEXCEPT that students entering theLaw School with a bachelor's degreerepresenting a four-year course in anapproved college, may complete thecourse in three years (or 27 months).For detailed infonnation, address theSecretary of the Law SchoolNorthwestern University Bldg.,Lake and Dearborn Sts.,Chicago,OI.GRACE BROTHERSEXPERT RACQUET STRINGERSThe Daily Maroon has kindly consented topermit us the u� �f their offices' as a cl�in�house'. Racquets brought to Ellis 14 duringthe day will be delivered in from 24 to 48hours.Special. Rates to U. of C. Men and Women.ALL CANDIDATESwho wish to tryout forposition on the businessstaff of The DailyMaroon come to thebusiness office ·tomor­row between 1 and 3• refreshments, Frances Henderson and row at 5 in Jackson park. This willMiriam Simons; ushers, Be�trjce be the last meeting of the two clubsGeiger, Grace Foley, Mary Knapp; this quarter and, as elections for nextdecorations, Helen, Eichel' and Mar- year have not yet been held, the vot-tha Lanier. ing will take place on the bench.All members of the clubs are urgedCLUBS TO ELECT OFFICERS to come and are promised an extraAT BEACH PARTY TOMORROW good time ..The Cosmopolitan club will alsoThe Cosmopolitan and Internatlonal hold a business meeting on Sunday atclubs will give a beach party tomor- 2 in its clubhouse, 6043 University Av.We have a "daily," "weekly," "monthly,""regularly, "Why not "paydayly?"A very useful word in saving because theonly time we can save cash is when wehave cash to save should be in every­body's book.Let's use this word 'by buying ThriftStamps and War Savings Stamps "pay­dayly" -and whenever else we have anymoney that needs to be rescued fromfoolish-spending.w. S. S.Paydayly'.1. �!',)Do you as a University Student realize the advantages ofthe modern typewriter in connection with your work. Itslegibility, insuring better grades, leaves a permanent recordfor reference at any time.If you are one who have failed to avail yourself of this ad­vantage, or having availed yourself have selected a ma­chine that does not meet up the Highest Standard,The WOODSTOCK will appeal to you, it being the last word I'in typewliter construction.Improved-Simplified-l\{odernized.STANDARD SINGLE SHIFT BALI., BEARING-LIGHTTOUCH-QUICK ACTION-SIMPLE-QUIET-VISIBLEDURABLE-EFFICIENT. .In no other typewriter have so many of the best featuresbeen combined. .Our extremely liberal terms to students make it possiblefor you to own a machine that you will be proud to takewith you, later, into your business or profession.Mr. Clarence McBlide, your fellow student, is representingus and will be glad to meet you in the library at IIitchcockHall afternoons between 3 and 6.Woodstock Typewriter Co.Phone Central 5563-5564, ITHE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1919-, .. � .'" <: -"f ,,- '".and Winifred Louise Ward were theA MAN who claimed he was a fine leaders for the Florence Jane Adamstenor and very interested in music, prize.I applied for admission to Score clubyesterday. His score was a home run.WE have seen the Beecher fish- The Undergraduate Classical clubelections will be held tomorrow at 3:15faced pup! We are now content toin Classics.R. I. P.1\ly breakfast is sticking in my throat CLASSIFIED ADS.It feels like ground-up glass. ON E of the best jokes of the yearIt took me two minutes to make my is the challenge of Score club by Skull LOST-Gt-een change purse in Cobb8:10 and Crescent to a relay race. The Tuesday morning. Contained moneyNow the prof. didn't come to class. competition would be a little more and card reading "Miss Jessie Hock-even if the two engaged in some social ins." Return to Cobb InformationWE saw a happy freshman (mixed) pursuit-say tiddle winks. desk.MUCHA DISAPPOINT'.group lounging on the new lawn theother day near a "Please keep off; Geology 8 is killing us'newly seeded" sign. They were sing- Louise did wildly crying "The Wearing of the Green." I'm afraid Enid and I have began t'tanIT may be a little late, but B. L. T.'s So we both are ready to die.remark about the "Welcome Home!"signs on the undertaker's window re­mind us strongly of the "Wake Up;Your Country Needs You!" signs onthe Princeton cemetery. Classical Club Will Meet.P:FiW ANTED-A man who is a leader tIJorganize a team of six to travelthis summer. An unusual oppor­tunity for hard workers. See theEmployment Bureau or phone ,1\11'.Lansinger, Wabash 1029. wTtrac,nig)the.disc: thecom-at :Itom1\1880,thefairCHANCE REMARK. FOR RENT-Furnished Apartment, 4(At dress rehearsal.) rooms, light and airy; near L., I. C.Korn, don't fritter away your time. Jackson Park, University, $55, 6106Dorchester Avenue, 3rd Apart., Mrs.Well'! Urn, Perhaps, Brandenburg, 6106 Dorchester Ave.Jake-I'm inc 0 m p l e t e in thatATTENTION-Need a good type-writer? We have it. The small9 1-2 lb. National Combination Port­able typewriter, very durable; hasback spacer, two color ribbon, tabu­lator and is visible writing. Willtake paper 9 inches wide. Sells forless than $50.00. Special price tostudents. Also all makes reb, uilt Itypewriters at right prices. Sendnow for price list. Dearborn Type­writer ce, 525 S. Dearborn st.Found-The following note on thefloor of the corridor In Ellis hall.Owner, can have same by calling forit at the office.Light of my eyes:My dearest, darlingest Sweet. Ifind that I love you more and moreardently, and, I feel that I will makeyou the happiest' girl in this greatbig world when you give me the rightto do so. Tonight I am coming formy answer and I shall die if you sayNO. So be prepared with "Yes" andkisses.Your devoted and lovingClarence. course.Rake-Oh, you mean the flesh iswilling but the spirit is weak.Jake- Yeh, that's it. I sit thereand my brain goes out the window andsits on the grass.FAMOUS LAST LINES.To takeB. & O.Anon.WILL HOLD FINALS FORCONTESTS TONIGHT AT 8(Continued from page 1)IF we were Charles Lamb and notsimply the office goat, we bet we from Tennyson's "The Passing ofcould make a very humorous little Arthur"; and Francis Hessled, Robertessay about the account rendered of Frost's "Mending Wall," and Whit-man's "Over the Carnage Rose athe Bible Reading contest by ourProphetic Voice."Two Prizes for Each Contest.freshman, reporter.WE see by the bulletin board that Two prizes, of one 'hundred andthe Esoterics will be at home in the fifty dollars, respectively, have been_Ida Noyes gardens, which leads us to offered for the Julius Rosenwald con­remark that it's quite an achievement test. The prizes for the Florenceto feel at home there. 'J ane Adams contest amount to seven-ty-five and twenty-five dollars.OUR star campus newshound, the Last year the contests were verykeen-nosed Mr. Faist 'of the W. G. N., ,close, and the decision of the judgesclaims that the two young ladies smo- ,was made after much deliberation.king on the Midway last Tuesday Harry Cohn and Rose Eunice Libmanwere Bolsheviks. That's what comes were chosen as winners of the Rosen­from his being raised in the south. wald contest,' and Anne Steele BeckI'----MOSERSHORTHAND. COLLEGEADDRESS ....•..•.••.•...•.••.•.•.••••.•..•••••.•..•••.••.••(DM)"The Business College with a University Atmosphere."The Moser Shorthand College enrollsonly high school graduates. It is the onlyschool in Chicago with such a high entrancerequirement. .lbe Secretarial Courses of the MoserShorthand College are complete and thor ...OUsth. Thev are of a character; that will ap ...peal to university students.The work is taken with young ladies of university qualifications. Avery large number of University of Chicago students have been enrolledhere the past year.PAUL MOSER, J. D., Ph. B.12th Floor Lake View BId,. 116 South MichiraD AveDueOpposite Art Institute. Central 5158-------- -------MOSER SHORTHAND COLLEGE,1206-116 S, Michigan AYe.,Chicago, Illinois,Without obligating me in any way, please send full informationregarding course checked below:D COMPLETE (Ten Montbs) SECRETARIALCOURSE (Beginning September 2, 1919)D THREE MONTHS INTENSIVE COURSE(July, August, September)orD (October, November, December)D REGULAR SIX MONTHS STENOGRAPHICCOURSE (Beginning any Monday)D ACCOUNTING COURSE(Beginning any Monday)NAME ............................................................ Will we get to our big Opportunity'and be able to cash in on it when wecatch up to it?Yes, if we've got some cash-the bestintroduction to Opportunity.Nothing is a bargain if we can't buyin.w. S. S. and Thrift Stamps holdmoney ready for Opportunity and makethat money grow while she is approach-ing. \•SENIORS I Hotel CumberlandNEW YORK CITYBroadway at Fifty. fourth StreetCalastcagomeetmenferel1and IOur 1919 Reunion will bethe largest and most sig­nificant in "Chicago" his­tory.We urge every Senior tojoin with us in making ita worthy tribute to the"Chicagoans" who servedin the war, many of whomwe will welcome homeat that time. ' "Broadway" Cars from Graad", Central DepotKept by a College MaDHeadquarterS for" Stadill'taTen Minutea' Walk fro.. 41 TiIeaIr. .Room., with Bath, ..........Spedal Rates for CAIIIegeTeams and StudeatsFor "Chicago" --I WILL. HARRY P. STIMPSONI The Cumberland does more Sehool and College:= than II1lT vtJIo .I er hotel in New York Headquarten for Cldaip----------.TheAlumni Council..Chibe c" INSPECT"NEW WOOLENS edge,ing �takeHanHallnedy,eompde(etOURThey're pleasingly different from thecommonplace---and you'll have" thepl�asuie of knowing the pattern of your­choice is practically confined to you, forwe carry but one or two lengths of each, SpMar(]travEcount'I be UIup 1'hamwin IsiblyOt)be f(Cosh,on ththe noriteof th4and nwhenon totrimnalsobumiFOSTER & ODVVARD7 Correct Dressers of Young Menth Floor R epuhlic BUilding Slate and Adams StreetsTelephone 8216 Harrison·r