aroon•Vol. 17, No. 102. Price 3 CentsUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1919TONY HINKLE HOLDSLAKE FOREST NINETO SINGLE WALLOP WILL HOLD EDUCATIONALCONFERENCE NEXT WEEI{Thirty-first Edueational COnventionto Meet at University Next Thurs-day and Friday - Expeet ManyStudents to Take Examinations. Represen'tatives From Clubs-- and Fraternities Meet atThe thirty-first educational confer- 3: 30 Outside of Mandelence of the academies and high schoolsin relations with the University willVARSITY GETS THIRTEEN HITS be held here Thursday and Friday ofnext week. It is expected that thisconference will bring more than oneThe Lake Forest college nine found hundred and seventy students from all"Tony" Hinkle a stingy twirler yester- parts of the country, who will com­day afternoon. Coach Page shifted pete in examinations given by thethe big star from' his regular short- University, 0stop position to the mound and Hinkle In this year's conference, specialemphasis is to be laid on the adrninis-Page Switches Shortstop toMound Yesterday andWins 10 - o.dished up such a variety that file trative sessions with principals andnorth siders were able to touch him superintendents. Charles S. Chadsey,for only one hit, while the Matoons superintendent of Chicago schools,were slugging the ball for a 10-0 will speak on "Some Problems ofModern High Schools," and Henry C..: count. Chicago's offensive was toostrong for Morley, the Lake Forestpitcher, and the varsity collected aneat total of thirteen hits" and ranwild on the bases.Hinkle's work on the mound wasthe best fe�ure of the contest and hemay be used in one of the Micliigangames on the strength of his showing.Morley was the only Lake Forest manto nick him for a hit, driving out atriple in the_fourth frame. His blow offered to the successful contestantsdid not break into the run column as in each of the following subjects:Vollmer cut him off at the plate on a English literature and, composition,peg from Curtis. Chicago's defensivc Mathematics, Latin,' German, French,is sho�g improvement with eachpractice game and both the infierd and,the garden performed .. without an er- "FEDERA-nOWPJ::.ANS­ror yesterday. ,, MEETING AND TALKEaeJ:a Maroon HjtR Safe Once FOR ALL MEMBERSMorrison, assistant secretary of theConnecticut State Board of Education,will speak on "The Necd of thc Dayin Higher' Education." PresidentJudson will preside at onc of the eve­ning sessions, and Dean Angell at theother.Prize Scholarships OfferedPrize scholarships of tuition feesfor the college year 1919-20 will be(Continued on page 2);. , Every Maroon that remained in thelineup during the entire kame hit safeat least once. VoIImer found the LakeForest pitcher to his liking and. sentout three hits out pf �our times to theplate. "Bobey" c8hn continued hishitting streak by collecting two cleanblows while Mochel, Elton, Curtis andHinkle also gathered a pair of hitseach. Once OR the bags, the Mat-o�nswent around the ci.rcuit at ease andCabn once stole second on the walkReports from the Michigan camp'are that Coach Farrel has hopes ofhanding the Maroons two defeats onFriday and Saturday. Parks, his sen­sational find, is slated to appearagainst Chicago in one of the games,and the Maroons win face some l"C31pitching. Parks recently whiffednineteen men in the Indiana . game,and the Michigan fans already havethe conference race doped out as be­ing be�een Illlnots and the Ann Ar­bor school. DIinois haa a fast teamand a wonderful pitcher in "Mickey"Ryan. Ryan recently pitched a no­hit game against MiUiken University,and the state school appears to havethe edge on the rest of the conferenceschool. If cLicago defeats Michiganin both games, Illinois will be the onlyteam of strength between it ann' theiitle.Yesterday's scores:Chicago, 10.� The 'first real acti�ities of the FC'l­eration of University Women will be­gin next week with a general councilmeeting on Tuesday and a lecture onWednesday. These events wereplanned at a meeting of the executivecouncil held last Tuesday.The meeting next Tuesday win bepreceded by a dinner in Ida Noyeshall, to which all University womenhave been invited. The dinner willbegin' at 6, and the general meetingwill be held at 7. The speaker hasnot yet been announced, but there willbe a special talk to be followed bygeneral discussion by all the womenpresent. Twenty hostesses 'will assistat the meeting, and fifty students havebeen specially invited as guests, butall University women will be wel­come. Activity cards may be "andedin at this time.Miss Helen Bennett to SpeakFirst General Council Gather­ing Will Be H�ld T ues­day in Noyes.HELEN BENNETT �LL SPEAK.,:rM iss Helen Bennett, head of thecollegiate bureau of occupations, willH speak at the open meeting next2 Wednesday. Miss Bennett has spoken2 on the campus before. She is con-2 sidered an authority on vocations for2 college women. This lecture is under1 the auspices of the vocational guid-1 ance committee of the federation, of2 which Beth Uphaus is the chairman.3 The subject of Miss Bennett's talko and the time and place of her lecture1 will be announced soon.- The federation has decided to set16 aside Sunday, May 11, as an officialRCahn, 2b 1Mochel, 3b •................ 2Curtiss, Ib .•............... 2Hinkle, p ..•.........•..... 0Sproebnle, rf 2Cole, 58 :•••••••••••••••••••• 0Elton, If .... .e •••••••••••••• '1Vollmer, e .........•....... 1Serek, cf .•.•••.••..•.•.••.. 0Smith, ss ••.• :.............. 1·1Total ••..................• 10(Contiwu4 Oft fN'ge 8) (Continued on fHlge 2) The sale of Victory loan bonds onthe campus is still progressing slowly.The accounted sales still fall short ofthe $50,�00 mark. Dean Miller, man­ager, of the campus campaign, hasgiven out -a list of the subscriptionsby different branches or' the Univer­sity. It is:•The faculties, $16,450; UniversityHigh school students, $13,200; Uni­vcrsity Elementary school facultv$3,250; women atudents, $6,700; m;�students, $3,200; University Press,$3,000; the Administration, $900.Buildings and Grounds office, $650;total, $47,350.Men Students Are Far BehindThis table shows the men studentsfar behind on their share of the loan.Allowing one fifty dollar bond to eachman, it is estimated that only onestudent in twenty has subseribad,This Dean Miller considers a verypoor showing, considering the numberof men on the campus who are able toafford more than .fifty dollars apiece •., The returns from only four frater-'�ities hav;e been received. Following Il� the list of sUDscriptions: Psi Up­silon, $1,600; ·nelta .Kappa Epsilon,$900; Delta Upsilon, $350; Alpha"Les Femmes Savantee" I to' .Delta Phi, $100. This leaves only' #:Feature' New Woman of, $250 subscribed by ,noll�frate�tymen.. The hope was stated at cam­paign headquarters yesterday thatthese figures would stimulate the fra­ternities to make representative sub­scriptions.cents.Lower boxes:Containing six chairs, $13.20.. Single seats, $2.20.Late-Comers Get No Seats f Open Up Booth in CobbSpecial care is being taken in get-'.' Judging from the way mail orders' . A booth � thting together" the costumes for the or e sale of Victoryhave been coming in," said Nath yes- bonds was opened in Cobb at noonterday, "I should say that late-comers �rench plays which wi�l be presented yesterday. Ellen Gleason will havewill be disappointed, in ge,ttirvt seats. tomorrow in Mandel at the annu�l charge of this booth from 11 to 12We arc not going to sell seats from Soiree Moliere. The program consists every day. Arrangements are now be­which it is difficult to see the stage of the fifteenth century farce, "Le ing made fpr other women studentsand so who is lucky enough Maitre Pathelin," and scenes from to serve here every secure a seat will be assured of a A large poster, of thc "thermom-Moliere's "Les Femmes Savantes,"good one." e.ter''' variety, showing the subscrip-, F th fi t t· tel h has Miss Henriette=Ruat, one of the two tior e rs nne, a ep one . ons, secured by each canv;lSsingbeen installed in the box office. After French women sent to the University team, has been put up in Cobb.the seat sale opens on Monday, tho by the French government, takes the Prizes and awards for faithful workorder can be reached by that tole- part of. Guillaume in "Le Maitre in the campaign have already beenh Pierre Pathelin," and she is to wearpone. . announced by Dean Miller and hi�a costume strictly in keeping with the managiJlg committee. This commit­times represented in the play. Her tee ., It was stated late yesterday, ishead dress is said to be elaborate and I ki00 mg toward a general speeding upan authentic copy of the style of that of the whole campaign, with betterday. This play is a farce wliich has results at the end,been presented �ith success ever sincethe fifteenth century.TWO LECTURES ARE ONLEAGUE PROGRAM TODAYDRAW LOTS TODAYFOR BLACKFRIARS'FIRST NIGHT SEATS Arthur P. Scott to Talk on BalkanQuestion at World Problems Forum-Professor'l\lcLaughlin Will Speakat Chapel Meeting.Two lectures under the auspices ofthe Y. W. C. L. are scheduled for to-day. The Geneva committee will giveMUST PAY MONEY IN ADVANCE a supper today at 5:30 in the Leagueroom and the campus community com­mittee is planning a Sunday eveningsupper for off-campus women Sundayat 5 :30 in the League room.Mr. Arthur P. Scott, of the Historydepartment, will speak today at 4 :10in Harper 1\111 on "The Balkans 'andthe Adriatic Situation." All Univer­sity students have been urged to hearMr. Scott, as he is considered an au­thority on the subject. He was an in­structor in the Syrian Protestant Col­lege at Beirut for three years. Thisis one of the regular World ProblemsForum lectures given by the Y. M. C.A. and the League.Professor McLaughlin SpeaksProf. McLaughlin will speak todayScale of Prices Published at 11 :15 in Cobb, 12A at the regularTickets will be sold to the general chapel hour meeting. The subject ofpublic, beginning Monday at 10:15. his lecture is not yet announced.The scale of prices, including war tax, The Gene�a committee will give ais as fonows� supper today at 5:30 in the LeagueMain floor: room. This supper is given to interestSection I-Center, $2.20. women in the, Gencva conference.Section 2-First 12 rows, side, $1.65. Lydia Miles, who is at the head of theSection 3-Remaining rows, side, Geneva committee, said yesterday, "IFraternities, women's clubs, andother recognized campus organiza­tions will draw lots today for theirorder of choice in buying blocks ofseats I for the May 16 performance of"The Naughty Nineties," the fifteenthannual Blackfriars comic opera. Thedrawing will take place at 3:30 at thebox office in Mandel, under the direc­tion of Bernard Nath, ticket manager.The organizations will be obligedto pay cash at the time of the draw­ing for the seats they wish to reserve,Each fraternity or club will send arepresentative to draw lots in' its be­half.$1.10. (Continued on page 3)Balcony:.Seetj�n, ... ��ir�t$1.65.Section 5-Next 3 rows, center,$1.10.Section 6--Remaining rows, center,83 cents.Section 7-First 4 rows, side, $1.65.Section 8-Next 5 rows, side, 83cents.Section 9-Remaining rows, side, 554 rows eenter.]: " " .,_ -<,.,.'-� .. - ': SPEcIACArtENnON·P� TO COSTUMES• FOR)FRENCH PLAYSMoliere·s Time.,TICKETS ARE STILL ON SALEHold League Supper SundayA supper for off-campus womenwill be held Sunday from 5 :30 to 7 :30'in the League room in Ida Noyes.Tickets will be on sale in the Leagueroom until tomorrow noon. Give Two Scenes From PlayTwo scenes from "Les Femmes Sa­"antes" will be presented. This, too,is in a humorous vein. In fact,comedy is to be the keynote of theperformance, In fact, the mottowhich Associate Prof. David. has se­lected for the evening is: "Le rire estle propre de l'homme.""Los Femmes Savantes" deals withthe "new" woman of Moliere's time.Mlle. Henriette Grandjean, also aFrench student, plays the role of Phil­iminte, a scholarly character. RuthMallory, in the role of Belise, fur­nishes most of the humor of thoWEATHER FORECASTProbably fair; moderate shiftingwinds.THE DAILY MAROONBULLETINToday:Divinity chapel, 11 :15, Haskell.Chapel, eellege of Commerce and,\dministration and college of Educa­tion, 11 :20, Mandel.World Problems Forum. 4:10, Bar-per. piece.Tomorro';.Divinity chapel, 11 :15, Haskell. (Coftti" .. d 071 ptJII. 4) LOAN SUBSCRIPTIONSTILL F ALI..S SHORTOF $50,000 MARGIN .�,.;., '�Open Booth in Cobb-Put UpThermometer 'Poster­Speed Campaign.MEN HAVE ONLY BOUGHT $3,000 j.... ;:.4;;... \. ..��"( .,::�<iSTUDENTS VISIT OGDEN PART{To :\f('et 'at 7:1;) at Hyde Park BaptistChurch.A social service trip to Ogden Parkwill be made tomorrow by membersof the University. They will meet at7:15 at the Hyde Park Baptist Church.As, a special inducement to bring alarge crowd, the park management isarranging to give a party for thegroup, and have dancing and refresh­ments. All members of the Univer­sity, both men and women, who areinterested in the work, have been in­vited to attend. Mr. Corm on, assist­ant pastor of the Hyde Park BaptistChurch" will have charge of the trip •. ;,\ .:�'1... •2 "ITHE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, MAY 1,:.i919m':� m�il�t _arnnn military protection and intervention I WILL HOLD EDUCATIONAL&�:J are sure to arise. I CONFERENCE NEXT WEEKAnd why not be prepared? Unpre- I,r., i;�'i: i The Student Newspaper of theUniversity of ChicagoPublished mornings, except Saturday,Sunday and Monday, during the Au­tumn, \V inter and Spring quarters,by the Daily Maroon company...! EDITORIAL DEPARTMENTTHE STAFFCharles C. Greene .. Managing EditorJohn E. Joseph News EditorRuth Genzberger News EditorWilliam Morgenstern Ath. EditorJohn Ashenhurst . Night EditorHelen Raviteh Night EditorHoward Beale Day EditorRose Fischkin •.....•.... Day EditorHarold Stansbury .. Associate EditorBUSINESS DEPARTMENTManagers)Iay Freedman Grant S. MearsAssistantsFrank Fenner Keith KindredHenry Pringle . Herman McBrayer.J erome Neff Allen HollowayEarl Wooding Edmund EichengreenEntered as second class mail at theChicago Postoffice, Chicago, Illinois,March 13, 1906, under the act ofMarch 3, 1873.SUBSCRIPTION RATESCalled for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 aquarter.By Carrier, $3.00 a year; $1.25 aquarter.By Mail (city). $3.50 a year; $1.50a quarter.By Mail, (out of town), $4.25 ayear; $1.75 a quarter. \.Editorial Rooms .•.••..•...• Ellis 12Telephone Midway 800, Local 162Hours: 11:00-11:50; 12:25-6; 7-8Business Office ...•.•..••. ,. Ellis 14Telephone Midway 800, Local 162Hours: May Freedman .• 8--9 A. M.Grant Mears ..... 4-5 P. M.THURSDAY, MA Y,1, 1919., R. O. T. C. UNIT.Announcement has been made thata Reserve Officers' Training Corps....unit will be established at the Univer-sity at the beginning of the Autumnquarter. But there is an additionalfact that also brings joy. The Uni­vefsity and the War Department inconference· have decided that thetraining offered on this campus willhe for the development of Field Artil­lery officers.College men proved admirably fittedfor artillery officers during the past'War. The collegians showed much in­terest in this branch of the service,possibly due in part to the discourag­ing and dismal pictures painted of in­fantry life, but more largely due togreater aptitude of the average stud­ent for the more technical work re­quired of artillerymen. The results ofthe recent war clearly disclose thefact that artillery courses can readilyand effectively be given in the col-• leges. This branch demands certainrequisites along mathematical andscientific lines.It is a wise move to install R. O. T.C. units in the different schools.Wars and disturbances are not entire­ly of the past. Although the majorityof people believe the League covenantwill accomplish much, yet' they alsoknow that the day of miracles. isover. Even now, with the, memoriesof the awful struggle with the Aus­trians and Germans so fresh in mindand with that fear that the CentralPowers might not sweep on throughto Rome as they had done in Belgium,Roumania and Russia not so long agodispelled, the Italians are defying theConference on the question of Fiume.Again, the Japanese only yesterdayon the threat of withdrawal forced thegranting of temporary control overShantung. Nationalism is still in­tense and powerful. Nations are notso sick of war that they will entirelyforget the benefits of independenceand liberty. Emergencies requiring great interest to all federation mem·1 take an order for. one and deliver thebers, also. Miss Bennett understands I pin or ring.the problems of th� college student Margaret Delaney is the chainnan'(Continued from page 1) very well, and she IS sure to tell us of this committee. The other mem-paredness leads only to unnecessary something important." bers are Marion Llewellyn; Elizabethloss of life and additional expendi- Spanish, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, - Doty, Gertrude Makowsky, Winifredtures. The organization of R. O. r. 'I and American History a�d Civics. '1 SENIOR INSIGNIA NOW ON SALE, Goodwillie, and Hans Norgren. AnC. units in the colleges is an excellent Departmental conferences will be --- ! order for a pin or ring may be ad­method for the development of future! held in Art, Biology; Commercial Ed- Orders for Rings and Pins Taken by I dressed to Margaret Delaney, Box 281,1 d rrh U' it f cu ! ucation English, Geography, German, Committee. I Faculty ea ers. e mversi Y 0 1-, '. ... ". Greek and Latin, History, Home eco- --- i The price .of the pms IS $1.65, ofcago m securmg a unit has performed i nomics Manual Arts, Mathematics. Senior class pins and rings have ar-l' the plain rings, $4.82, and of the bam-a national, even an int�rnational, I Oral E�pression, Physics and Chemis-I rived and are ready. for dis�ribution. ,meted rings $5.25. The rings mustduty towards the preservation of the I try, and Romance. ' I Any member of the pin committee WIH! be fitted and ordered's future peace. And Field Ar- ! 'ld t ... .t U h '.,I Ma( en 0 ."ppom s erstillery courses are easilv given in COl-I i. Ushers to show the reprcsentative31leges, especially at the University ofh hi h hIt . ] cc s, of .t e Ig sc 00 S 0 varIOUS praceChicago with its excellent laboratories! on the campus will be appointed by I'and instructors. Frank Madden, who is council repre­sentativo as assistant to Dean Butler.jThe lists will be published in tomor-!rows Daily Maroon. iMuch interest is being manifested Iby the students over the Interfraterni- i FEDERATION PLANSty baseball games. The panhellenie i MEETING AND TALKcontests are the closest approach to ] FOR ALL MEMBERSintramural athletics offered at the I .1!niversity. The present indoor base­ball schedule provides that each fra-ternity play every other fraternity in "11' I" f U' 'ty womenca mg (av or mver'st , •the league. Thus, the loss of a game T· h 'I· . . t ourage. . " I e counci IS anxious 0 encdoes not eliminate, as the winner I� • t f vi iti F ty. . the ancient eus om 0 VISJ mg. ordetermined on a percentage baSIS. 'II t II' 11.1 d.' women WI ac as ca ers. •• ore e-The games provide much amusement, I 'I hi 1 '11 b' t. tai s of t IS P an WI e given ouand also are of considerable benefit Iboth from a physical standpoint and Il�,ter.from the development of better rela- I Activities Ar� Well Under Wa� •tions between the different campus 01'- "Next week WIll see the federation sganizations. The contests are being activities well begun," said Helenattended even at this stage by fairly Thompson, chairman of the executivelarge crowds and, from all indications, council, yesterday. "The generalwill be a complete success. While f'ra- council meeting will give every womanternity men naturally enjoy watching an opportunity to speak on the phasesthe games, the average student will of campus life which :rre vital to fer.also be amused andinterested in these There will also be a good speaker.friendly exhibitions. Miss Bennett's lecture should be of A Visit Is Invited to any ofBASEBALL CONTESTS.our three stores for the critical in­spection of the Wealth of NewMaterials now in display-Fabricsof the latest weaves and patterns.(Continued from page 1)Three Stores: 314 S. MichigaD Ave.71 E. Monroe St.Prices $40, $45, .$50and Upwards,\wailor for \Joultg SItu7 N. La Salle St.20CentsTURKISH CIQARETTESARE MADE ESPECIALLY FOR THE·Dj_SC�'MINATING AND EXPERIENCED,SMOKER OF HIGH GRADETURKISH. ClGARETIESThe blendin�is-exceptionalMAKERS Of THE HIGHEST GRADe TUR.KISH AftlJEGYPTIAN GlGI\RElt'ES lNiliE WORLDTheylike •are JUst, .meetingYour Best Girlface to face.ItE:MEMBER_There are noothers like your "B. G. "l 'I I.)(tlpFoj4ahoc:nil,. ,.1...)(,.).; tlotlb.CI0:"'c fitiiTt1,.01.,'ir01�mot " m.I p:\V'h� c).... wci·1 , ��.· S(51J\ =" �'.• "..'\: ...........�".'•.1(. �'l�'.. )..' ( \.. ',THE DAILY MAROON� THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1919terviewer on the Maroon for Score' "The supper on Sunday evening-at In order that they may attendclub dances had better be told now; , b:30 will be an unusual and interest- meetings, members of the Commerceso it will be. That is. consequently.J ing affair," said Frances Henderson, club should buy club tickets for fiftywhat we will tell next. On account of � president of the League. "Prof. and cents from the following: Grantbeing interviewed' by Harold Stans- I Mrs. McLaughlin will be the guests Mears, Paul Schwartz, Helen Northup,bury the other day for Blackfriars and; of honor. Prof. McLaughlin will Eleanor -Hayes, Adolph Brungardt,on account of getting nothing out of r speak. The supper is being given un- Harry Smith, Michael Markovitz,it, why, Doc. Bratfish got sore' and: del' the auspices of the Campus Com- May Freedman, Dorothy Lyons, orsaid he didn't see why he had to be t munity committee and is especially Florence McNeal.interviewed all the time and anyway;'for off-campus women. Tickets at aif all the beards we� going to be in [,cost of thirly-fi;e cents �us! be pro-I Issue April English Journalfashion he would be needing money , cured before Fnday evenmg. I ---anyway to buy hair polish for his The April number of the Englishplace of business. So he came to the I Journal is off the press. Among sev-Maroon and knocked at the open door DODECANESIAN STUDENTS eral articles, it contains one on "Theand was admitted by the copy boy, SEND CABLEGRAM FROM ! Value of Measurements" by Flora E:who happened to be in Just a tittle A THENS TO UNIVERSITIES I Parker, and one on "Charting Er-while after Doc. had been standing --- I rors" by Margaret Merrill of Western'there for some time. So Doc. came In Ask Americans to Help �estore I 'High school, Washington, D. C.and asked for a job and gave as a Islands to Greece - Pralse Ibribe that he would part Charlie Allies' War Work. ! Journal of Economy Issued .Green's mustache in the middle every, ---" I ---i day if he could have the job, so, con- A cablegram has beenreceived from I The April number of the JournalMajor Moulton worked in his office! The Senior class will give a tea sequently that's how he happened to the. �odeca�esian studen:s of Athens, I of Political Economy has been issu�din Washington, studying the theory; Sunday from 3:30 to 5:30 in the Alpha have got the job of Special Inter- praismg this country for Its work dur- by the University press. It containsof shell explosion, and finally sug-: Delta Phi house. An entertainm�\t viewer On The Maroon for Score ing the European war and asking the I a number of book reviews and noticesgested several changes that m_ight b� ; will be offered and refreshments, will Club Dances and, that's why he got students of American universities to I �nd an article entitled, "The Indus­made. Shells were made for experi- i be served. All seniors have been in- the interview which we published use their influence in giving these i trial Outlook," by H. L. Reed.ment, and were tested at the Aberdeen I; vi ted to attend. above and wouldn't have been able to islands back into Grecian hands. Iproving grounds. There the results, if Doc. hadn't of waked up Glenn with r Th� Dodecanesian group consists of: Phi Gams Pledge Harry Vorieswe� carefully computed, placed on a i Cosmopolitan Club to l\Ieet a pair of clippers, in his 8:10 that was, ! twelve islands that were taken away i _chart, and sent to Washington. It i The Cosmopolitan club will meet to- and got the interview. 'i from Greece by Turkey. During the I Phi Gamma Delta announces 'thewas from this chart that the final de- : morrow at 7:30 in its clubhouse at The interview was, as we, or rather I Balkan war th.e islands were taken I, pledging of Harry Vories, of Chicago,cisions were based. ,! 6043 University avenue. Reports of Doc. Bratfish, who is now Special In- from Turkey by Italy, and are in her 1m. 'Major Moulton also aceomplished ] committees and constitutional Changes terviewer Of The Maroon for Score I possession now. The people of the i 'some other valuable wor'k along th�'! will 'be considered- Refreshments, Club, Dances, have 4 said before: I islands are Greek and want to return I Announce A. T. O. Pledgingsame lines. The artillery men needed i will be served, "Some party, brother! Some party!" I to Grecian control. The cablegram, I����������������i�.��������������� I�����as��: I ���������!.4 TONY HINKLE HOLDS I "The Dodecanesian students of the l pledging of Harry L. Bird of Chicago,LAKE FOREST NINE University of Athens, expressing I ID.. TO SINGLE WALLOP great joy at the defeat of militarism.and-imperialism by the allied nations, �having fought for peoples liberty for 1which many Dodecanesians fell in b�! Mortar Board announces the pledg­tlefield, address, in one voice, brother- , ing of Sylvia Taylor of La Grange, Ill., IH ly greetings to the students learning Io tr.u�h a�d. virtue at allied and neutral C CORMANY'So Universities, and pray ardently to· -make heard their voice in favor of the! HOME LUNCH ROOM� establishment of their unhappy coun-I' The Old Reliableo try by its indissoluble union with Headquarters for UniversityMother Greece." i Students� i We serve the best of every-I thing. Prompt Service.I.)::., [" .\'1"'-. ):LJ,, PROFESSOR MOULTONADDS THREE MILESTO RANGE OF SHELL range tables, but these lists were farfrom being accurate. Consequently,Major Moulton produced a table thatequals, if not excells, the lists that, were computed by the French.o b t' a ins Excellent Results I Helped by University FacultyWith No Increase of I During his war work, Prof. MoultonPowder or Cost. I was assisted by Prof. Bliss and MajorMacMillan, both of the University ofMAKES ONLY LITTLE CHANGE I Chicago. Major MacMillan was the___ man who produced the range tables"Three miles added to the range or! for the anti-aircraft guns, whichthe guns of the United States Army" I fOj)led the Germans for a long time atwas the announcement which accom- l the beginning of the war,panied a statement or'the work of!' Prac�ically every �it of the work inP f F R 1\10 Ito " th M . I' ballastics was carried out throughro. .. u n, In e ay Issue. , .of Mcdlures. Prof. Moulton, or 1\Ia- : Major Moulton, and It wa.s upon himjor Moulton, as he was in the army, i that - the accuracy of firIng. on thet· h d r th di . . r b I ; Western front depended. HIS wovkac mg as ea 0 e rvrsion 0 a - I ..,1 ti bl th h I I' affected not only the shells with whichas ICS, was a e roug c ose co-fi 'th' d' ffi "he worked, but also added to the rangeopera Ion WI proving groun 0 - icials, to produce the shell with its 1 of other .sized s.hells, a�d modificationmaximum efficiency, without its cost- i was carried on In practically the sameing a cent to the government. I way.Official Report Follows:The change Prof. Moulton made in ,the shell was very slight. The nose . The official report of the experi­of. the shell was slightly sharpened; mentation reads as follows: "A longthe base was altered, and the copper series of experiments in modifying theband was changed. Thus, with no in- standard projectile in machine shopscrease of powder or cost, a shell. was I in Aberdeen was carried out in 1918,obtained that fired three, and later, � with the result that the range was in­five miles longer, and had 'several; �reased 4,000 meters, and the .dispers­times the accuracy. Another result; mg decreased to about one-eighth orin the change is that the scattering of : its original value."the shells was reduced to less than: 'one-eighth of the original amount. ! SEXIOR CLASS' WILL GIVETEA SUNDAY AFrERNOONMoulton Suggests ChangesDo you as a University Student realize the advantages ofthe modern typewriter in connection with your work. Itslegibility, insuring better grades, leaves a permanent record �for reference at any time.• If you are one who have failed to avail yourself of this ad­vantage, or having availed yourself have selected a ma­chine that does not meet up the Highest Standard,The WOODSTOCK will appeal to you, it being the last word Iin typewriter construction.Improved-Simplified-Modernized.STANDARD SINGLE SHIFI' BALL BEARING-LIGHTTOUCH-QUICK ACTION-SIMPLE-QUIET-VISIBLEDURABLE-EFFICIENT ••In no other typewriter have eo many of the best featuresbeen combined.Our extremely liberal terms to students make it possiblefor you to own a machine that you will be proud to takewith you, later, into your business or profession.Mr. Clarence McBl;de, your fellow student, is representingus and will be glad to meet you in the library at HitchcockHall afternoons between 3 and 6.Woodstock Typewriter Co.Phone Central 5563-5564 MASTER SCORE CLUBBER 1 TWO LECTURES ARE ONBLUBBERS ABOUT PARTY: LEAGUE PROGRAM TODAY ASK MEMBERS OF CLASSOF '19 TO WRITE SONGS\The Senior Song committee -is de-sirous of obtaining class songs. Allmembers of the class or 1919 havebeen urged to write lyrics which maybe parodies on any familiar tunes, Allsongs should be submitted as soon aspossible. They may be handed in toany member of the Song committeeor through The Daily Maroon, Box 0,Faculty exchange."Some Party, Brother!" Is All Special: (Continued from page 1)International Correspondent fOl'G�boon Can Worm Out of Ole hope that a big crowd of women willFriend Glenn. : come to the supper this evening. We: want to have about fifty delegates"Some party, brother! Some pa�-: this year at Geneva. The routine, thety!" Glenn Harding, the Score club- , work and the play of the conference atbist, consented to awake from his nap: Geneva will be explained tonight. Anyin his 8:10 class yesterday long: one who goes to Geneva 'will never for­enough to give the above statement to : get the experience. There is a spiritDoc. Bratfish, the Maroon's Special � up there that cannot be explained."Interviewer for Scor� Club Dances. IWill Give Supper on SundayThe reason why Doc. Bratfish is in- : Commerce Tickets On Sale:,;.lJ"'.(Continued from page If Club Pledges Sylvia Taylor")I.;Lake Forest, O.R'.'���� ..?,,'.�a_��,""��i-..,.�j:-!,.;'t":,':,J.<;1. �l�. �i,;..- ..(.f"Sumner,2b 0Treble, 3b " .. "........ 0Morley, p 0Eddy, c : 0Neff, If 0Legner, 'lb 0Eichoff, ss "" 0Maplesden, cf 0Chipman, rf "" . . . . .. 0 o To Sign Up for Tournamento Try Our Special SundayChieken Dinner.1313 E. 57tli StreetCandidates for the Kent ChemicalTotal 0 1 society tennis tournament have been'asked to sign their names, not laterthan next Wednesday, on the bulletinprovided in Kent for that purpose.'Only members who have paid theirI dues are eligible.IStruck out: By Hinkle, 15; by Mol'­ley, 5.Bases on balls. Off Hinkle, 3; offMorley, 5.Three-base hits-Cahn, Morley. *****Patronize Maroon AdvertisersJi.Ji.Ji.��The staff regrets to announcethat theLiteraty Edition,.will not be published tomorrowadvertised but on May 9,Frida y of next week. asMidway-May 1: Latest reportsNUY that the movement for self deter-minutlon of small intellects iN gaining'I'll Eln:'� not hing like a peppy despite determination of faculty tosturt, to HU('l'PS!', aN the two-day old form L('agu(' of Professors. LeagueClur .. rH'l· Brown !-<uid whr-n he chewed !,\('pmN to have advantage because ofhis nursins; "oUI" to bits. Hence, why inl"i:\lf"1("� on the maintenance of fullnot comnu-nc« with a nice little spark- strenzth army of grade points.Iy comm II IH' from ---, no other:,4,I'.. !'IiI� .. t han CHII' 1Il0l'(t famuul'H!sl commuter.D .. nr Al4hip:I shu] l II 11 lI't II.,,' cluring litis \\'C'('k-­HIIWIE..JOIlN,I"I,IN'I'nndl�. II. FLACCl1�.I:.: t hr-r .. an�' othr-r nnme , mightndd ?Your dutifulQ. E. n.,',I';VJDENTLY Q. Eo n. luis henrd off.·c·"',· inhihil inn IIf tl'lII1'I"·..,f �C)It,: Denr q. E. D.-Office hours2 to .i. ChUOKt' your wenpon, you holdhird.-.Jcthn.l\I Y t.'acht'l· is u Bolshevik,I write him 1.:l11t'1'S "V(,I'Y week,I J{l't ":\" on rnbid themesAncl "D" 01' le�� on suncr dreams.A NNOlTNCEl\IENT DE LUXE."f.TIlt' �tafr of till' Whistle wishes to WELL, U!4 the stafr says, .Ashie,you're J{('tting ussinine,�o wr-'] l quit with our' usualOh, yes, wr- got ('\'CI'Y girl we LiJ.Anon,SPECIAL ATTENTION,PAID TO COSTUMESFOR FRENCH PLAYS(CuntiulLed from "age 1)St'uts Sell for One DollarSeats for the performance are one11011:11', and the money goes to .th\:!Fatherless Children of France fund.AU of the boxes have been sold anda g'l'('at many of the main floor andhnleony scats. Two boxes have beens:I\'('(1 as prlzes for the man and wom­an who sell the greutest number oft ickots for the plays.The casts for the plays follow:LeN Femmes Savantesissue a Litc!I'UI'Y Supplement tomor­I·OW. 1 t will not he called :1 LiterarySupplement, however. I t will becalled somothiug' .. lse. But it will bevery literary und very supple. Nomisspelled words will ill' toleratedand comma blunders will be absolutelyannounce to its rending and 110n- Trissotin ..... , ... Abraham RosenthalI'l'luling public that the Whistle will Chrysale , .. , Herbert GrantPhiliminte , .. Henriette GrandjennArmando , Marion Rubovitznl'l ise .....• , Uuth MalloryHenriette ,.,', .. , Frances RyanMartino .. ,.,., Carroll Masonmissing. Maitre Pierre PathelinPathclin .... ,., ..... Carlin CrandallGuillaume William AndersonTHF.SE Whistlers in Blackfriars Le juge ............•.. Harry Lutherhave an advnntagv 0\'1.'1' us-but we L� berger .. Associate Professor Davidhave one consolation. The censor Guillemette .........• Francoise Ruetwon't let them print :\11 of 1\1. Cole-At a I'CCCnt meeting of the Wom­an's Administration council, DeanTalbott was given th� power to canu meeting of the council whenevershe deemed it neces.._�ry. Pending thedc\·t'lopment of the p1:ms of the Wom­nn'� F('dl'nltion, th� council will post­pon th� election of its officers. "Ifwe find thnt thc Federation makes11l'\')\'i�ion� in its constitution for thework W� are now doing." said K:lth-IF Clli. �l:lrl' only had an .. �" on . F --lI' h "1 'al,ne ro�t �'e�h�Hla:r, ·t e noman St1,,' "u,\ ,'f hi� I\:mw Wt' would nmke Admini�tmth'� coun�i1 will probablyhav(' to disband.i 1:1'1:,� f man's jokc'�.Communteatten.1)1':11' ,Cha rlie u1111 ,I ohn:Don't, ,'\','1" send a womnn to report11'('h'1'\'� hy actors any mort'. 'V�w:\stcd half nn inch of hluc pt'ncil cut­t iug llut l"fl, .... 'nt"'� to hi� e�'t'; and:;0111 la�t lii�'SIl'�·.Night l-�rl,,'t'tIll' }",:o:t j"k,' nhll\lt UtC It O. '1'. C.H \:1' t he'n. h",'l' \\'t' J:\l. makin�.")k,'� :\h\lut t ht' It O. 1'. C, b,,(\\1'\' itt'\"(\n :-:tart$. Thnt Stmnds l\lO 1l\\I('h1ikt' tltd tinlt'�· to 1", ll."\triotk. we'n'luit. ll('rhAp...�nt'T Wf' w,lul.i like' hl �C'(" �I:\j,)rC:\rl�'ln ,)ll :\ ht)�t'.It:\ \"1-: Y"U :'('t'n th,' lat('�t (,:\lnl'u�pIny "Th,' Wei,l},': QU:ld � ••1 "Yilt t,l l"(',i :\t 1':11:" t��t ,'nt'.-\ rod "'�t' f,lr �n �: '1\',1 .. �rril'ti h'-T l",,,,'k� fn'm l�w t" (",hb.�'"W l'W'n' �ht' ('\'m('� a�inTHF. f:lm\\�I� 1¥lA1W�' �i�l'� ,,-illnt''Iw f�w\r \1.� with tht'll" \"(,T':'1a,:,\ ,'f,"}��as. � GIVE DEAN TALBOTT POWERTO CALL COUNCIL MEETINGSCLASSIFIED ADS.,LO�T -Sih'er'{'l' fountain pen.},least' n'tum to Cobb. ))1 0The fine urn­form textureand unusualwearing qual- �ity of the 8lead, make �I S·ELDggfo;more eco­nomical thanthe averagelower pricedpencil.SENIORSW e congratulate youon the excellent workyou have done.Your record as a classconvinces us you willkeep up the tradition ofof former classes by join­ing and assisting the Al­umni Association of yourAlma Mater.We will be happy to wel­come you.The Alumni Council(Alumni Office. Cobb 4D) MATINEESTHURSDAY andSATURDAY. 2:15 SHUBERTPRINCESS EVERY NIGHTat 8:10Subscribe to the Daily Maroon PHONE CENTRAL 8240"Chicago Will' Like Mr. Hampden." A�������WALTER"Hamlet is a lood .how. Let'. CO"·H A M P 0 E N -Chicqo Tribune."No counterpart on an,. '�Ie:"-N. \. Globe."Hil actinc is unparalleled."-Baltimore Eve. Sun.r" INSPECT"NEW WOOLENSOUR "Actinc of the h!ibest erder,"-Chicaao American"£aliI,. the unisue event of thednmatic year,'-N. Y. World."This is he, Hamlet the Dane."-Wash. Post.l.(\:'T. :'TR.A YEn. OR STOLES-A I�-n,,'n �lip-<'ln :m-t"stt'r. u.,ft onh'nni� ('\)uT't $unds.r e�t!g.T'lNl ..� N'tum to R,'I(\m � Hitd1�hsll. and �iw l"t'wani. ... ..-� ...... --------------------------------- ... ---."A grcat performance,'"-Chic:aao- Journal."Beat Hamlet of a ceneration,"-�. Y. Eve. Post."Hampden's Hamlet real humanbeinc."-l'hila. Public Ledger INOPl'ORTVNITY for two t'ntcrpriSingl'"nll'n in oil busine�s to l('am fromground up. Write fully qualifial­tion:o and pen-onal futu� ()utlook. 1Mid('\) Oil &ll('s COnlJl."\ny. Box O. i�""<ult)· Exch .... 1"'. ILOST-Corn) pt'nti:mt, Friday ni�ht. ,THE ,',':l:,,'In tlwy ,':11l th,' u�ht'� 1\lf l",twt't'n R�yn\'ltis dub and Com('ll ,tl'I' F''('l�''h l'l:n.':, ""ll\"'1'U�(',�" t ....., .. 'L.. R --lI n 111(1'(- n\"t'llUt'. t'\\"'3nl. ,,,t'hlm to "':\- ,,':ln�' Ow Ff'I.'n,·h ",'Iu"n'n�t'�" nn' 'I"I.",'n ,,(t1C't". I'w,'rll ,'Ii: :l('fT"'l'��":- :Hhi th(� �w'!lhn't'"lW� :H"I'1�·f. �\' : hI' '1:\'1''''''11 Slr�. U,)�T, -:'i�':l Pin, Pl"8.-4, .... 'tum to I iThn:'� "hy .-Jul' \\"1��1':' ":�11 tht' w,'m- Ct)l,h Hnll. inf,'rmati<'n rll'�k. ,f':� in 1':l�1'1" .·h:b� "�:111i,':,," Il.(,\�:T-An Alpha KnpJl."\ 1\.apJl."\ pin *�I't in }"':lrl:,. :\I'1'il :!,-�d. Pl(,:L�'" ,f'I.'tum h' �laT\""n "I" 'P. Eaton. ,Tl'l. �lidw:\y fl7:lS and n''''eh"t' n'- I IW:lN, ' "Greatest livinc Hamlet,'"-Clayton Hamilton,"More power to HamleL"--Chicago Herald & Examiner."Finest Hamlet of the time."-The Be llman. HAMLETWith Notable Cast. Including ALBERT BRUNING.MABEL MOORE and MARY HALL.Prices 50c to $2.50. Mail Orders Filled in Order. of Receipt.WE .announce our extensivesprmg assortment of exclusivepatterns' for young men andmen of mature years who de­mand 'distinctive clothes indi-vidually tailored"The Richard ·w. Farmer Co.16 W. Jack.on Blud., Chicago==========================�==========================�JOSEPHINE MILLINERY !Salvage Sale Before Remodeling I1024 E. 63d St. The Corn ExchangeNaticnal BankOF CHICAGOLatest Hats at Reduced Prices.You are invited to look them over. Capital, :�urp:us and UDdiYided ProSt.$10,000,000.00Is t he La!'�cst NdioDal Bank in theUNITBD STATESWith a $avinp DepUtmentUnder Federal SupervisionN. W. Cor. L:a Salle and Adams St ..Bring Your Savings to UsOpen Saturday Even'gs until 8 o'clock,NO TILE FLOORSBut you will find Well-Seasoned,Home-Cooked Food atThe University Restaurant61at St. just East of EllisThey're pleasingly different from thecommonplace---and 'you'll havepleasure of knowing the pattern of yourchoice is practically confined to you, forwe carry but one or two lengths of each.theFOSTER & ODVVARDCorrect Dressers of Young Men7th Floor Republic Building State and Adams StreetsTelephone 8216 Harrison• �.,�" , ;.,- r "r• e- ,�tl1IttsllIf4,I#.. �(I.. ,"....,-fIiS2Ptlo�. ef:'I: S'SaatlhVt.,'- Aa'hcitlflcitl�slfefe'Itcb