Yesterday was hardly suited to af_L.-� baseball game, and the two teams-anda handful of spectators shivered� oj- through nine cold inningso The gale• of wind that � blOwing carried the�. high into the air, and there were�I � . ..r numerous outs from flies, as well as:; '<�"�Jauty.:of Mernb1gly_, good ,.hits that...... were blown over the foul line.. "Fritz" Crisler_ demonstrated yes-terday that' he is able to go the fulllimit, and pitch· a good game all theway. With the weather against him,and up against a team of heavy hit­ters, Crisler allowed but five hits, andevened matters up by striking out fiveothers. Only in the seventh innmg didthe new hurler weaken, when a hit,two walks, and a man hit by a wildpitc;h allowed the two runs to score.I Sera Able to Make Third.Serek got on in the first inning, witha hit, and then two errors allowedhim to reach third. Elton broughthim home with a bingle. Vollmer andSmith scored a couple of innings)ater,a pair of singles, a steal and fly tocenter bringing them in. The lastmarker came .in the eighth, when El­ton came in on a single by Cole.PHOTOGRAPH OF OXFORDFORMS FRONTISPIECE OF• h APRIL ALUMNI MAGAZINEI!I;� I e ,.,'._I �: "1 !., : .",.... t �;\,; :.;. '.;,at· aroonVol. 17, No. 91 uNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1919 Price 3 CentsMAROONS WALLOPSTEW ART-WARMERNINE IN CONTESTWord has been received that JacobFrank Scudder, '10, died of pneu­monia, November 5, at Kenmore, N. D •Frances Hessler Will Direct. '�NEW LEADERSHIPIN NEAR EAST" ISSUBJECT OF TALKInternational an'd Cosmopolitan ClubsGive Performance April 25 forBenefit of. Fund for, Rebuilding ofInternational Federation of Stu­dents. Coach Hamilton ColemanPuts Choristers ThroughPreliminaries.CAMPUS ORGANIZATIONPRESENT THREE PLAYS JACKSON WILL LECTUREON MOODY FOUNDATIONMASCUUNE WOMENDISPLAY GRACE ASFRIARS CORYPHEES Columbia Professor To S.,eak NextWednesday, Th1U'8day and FridayIn Mandel-Will Talk On PersianP Harry A. White Speaks Atoetry.-- Weekly Meeting of WorldDr. A. V. Williams Jackson, profes- P�oblems Forum.sor of Anglo-Saxon and Indo-Iranian,in Columbia university, will be theTO HOLD CAST TRYOUTS TODAY fourth William Vaughn Moody lec- Ul\TJVERSITIES WORK :r.."EEDED, ,_ turer of the season when he speaks _The chorus "women" of this Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of "The New Leadership in the Nearspring's Blackfrairs show, "The next week in Mandel hall. East," was the subject o! Harry W.Naughty Nineties," showed Coach The series will consist of three lec- White's talk at the weekly meeting ofHamilton Coleman for the first time tures, the first of which, discussing the the World Problems Forum in Harperyesterday afternoon how they could "Beginnings of Persian Poetry and assembly room yesterday. Mr. Whitedance. They skipped and they waltzed. the Great Epic" will be given Wednes- is a foreign worker of the Y. M. C.That is, some of them did. The others day; the second, "Persian Mystic and A. and has seen service in Egypt,will learn. .Lyric Poetry," Thursday, and the final Asia Minor, India and China. HeCandidates for the cast will report lecture on "Romantic Verse, Including worked among the British troops inthis afternoon at 2:30 on the third 'Ballad Poetry of Lands to the East Egypt and Palestine for two years,floor of the Reynolds club. They will of Persia," Friday. during the war, and was elected anbe given extracts from the play to Prof. Jackson was a member of the honorary captain in the British army.-memorize before next week, when the American-Persian Relief Commission He spoke on the opportunities forreal tryouts Will take place. of. which President Harry Pratt Jui- service in the Near East, especiallyson was director. He is a public Iec- in Egypt and A!::i M'. Webster Pleased With Chorus. --ea mor,"I I ks k turer of note and has traveled for re- Mr. White pointed out especially thet 00 Ii e a promising chorus," .search in India in 1901 and' 1911. Insaid John Webster, '00, one of the au- ' splendid field for service in Cairo,1903, 1907 and 1910, he visited Persia E hthors of the comic opera, yesterday and Central Asia, receiving splendid �t, were the University Y. M. Cafter rehearsal, "and the Abbot tells- A. is to aid the work. He deserfbedme that the list of men who' are al- (Continued on page 2) the city as having a population of,three-quarters of a million, with thirty�ady known to be candidates for ijlecas, t is likewise promising. The Sl· .... e TWO UPPER CLASSES TO thousand students, practically unMEMBERS OF DRAMA T1.. C ,. t h d b It f h I ful •CLUB WILL GIVE DANCE of the men who will'probably take the ENTERTAIN EACH OTHER ouc e y any so 0 e p mstituAT 8 IN REYNOLDS CLUB part of girls in the chorus and the AT REVEL IN IDA NOYES tional work. "There are 11,000 studancing ability they have sho� are --- dents in one university," he said�"""�cu1arly suited for the' kind "f Presence Of Prominent Persons "with no place to obtain exercise orTen PaD Final 1'r7o�'-Pla,.s Must, y-w U pra ti thI ti d thin to k "musical, nUmbers we, are', g�iDg' 'to, Promises Pep To Pleasant Party c ce a e cs, an no g eepBe In For Contest By Friday. have.? JI'-Prophecy Pretentious them from immorality and idleness. ��':1. -�eh' -�f't:» -ti8,�Cto·�':Jb12'��-thg!veRe"��1'ds�' �.\����f.i.-=-cj��:���,,��. j '.:, . Pro�. ��a::.�: A�::ci:d:=::ti:::' ': ':".;�torug t rom m e yno smgmg 0 � .. 'anu caoi'us agam'-:wii5' ._Th' e ""se'm-:o-rs-': ani d ��'o· rs: -are'"'to' 'te"- ... _" '[;egged �orso.DU!·Sort of-,8 'bunmrir�J'!" ." :.:-.:�club. The mUsical numbers. will be year. " "-1- L'\, '!'organized by Nat Wills. The members Program To Be Elaborate. sichorate today frOm 4 to 6. Dave and 'social service in Cairo. ;-1admitted to the club yesterday are . Frank Annan,' the dreadnaught president of Educatio.n. Progressing WelL "Madden, program manager, ,eligible to attend. ':.- has announced that the programs will the upper form, will grace the pres- "The progress of education in theAt the final tryouts for membership be more pretentious fO,r this show than ence with his affair. His voluptuous Near East has been wonderful," heYesterday, ten pe' rsons from the thir- curls will flow gracefully up and down t· edin previous .years. The ,cover design con lUU • "Where five years ago theteen -who passed the judges were ad- will be of an artistic natu�. the stairs and blend amourphously government had to pay students twenmitted to assoeiate membership in the . After five weeks of rehearsal, "The with the surrounding murals.' Ah, ty dollars a month to attend the trainclub. They are: Rachel pennis, Flor- Naughty Nineties" will be given May yes! The "affaire de pied" is to be ing schools, it is now able to chargeence Falkenau, Faye Millard, John 16, 17, 23 and 24 in Mandel.·' held in Noyes hall, onomatopoetically one hundred and fifty dollars a yearAshenhurst, Vio� Roth/ Robert CoI- speaking. tuition, and is swamped with applicalins, Irene Jungk, June King, Ehrma, University Dames to Meet. Arline just called up and told us to tions. The trained teachers are far tooLundberg and Daniel. MaeCallum. ,be sure and to get this on the !ront few to satisfy the demands."The dance which the organization The University Dames will meet page. She also said that the- music These countries are looking towill give tonight is the first dance the Saturday at 3 in the north reception would be by-whom did she say? america for aid and instruction, Mr.Dramatic club has given this season. room of Ida Noyes hall. Directo� Judd Well, �ny way she wm;ts lots o� pub- Wite asserted. The MohammThe officers hope that it will make of the College of Education will speak. licity and we are all out of ideas prejudiced as they have been bY:::'for interest in. the club on the part already. We told her so. But then ty y'ears of Gennan propaganda, haveof the new members, and also stimu- Aeouth Will Meet Saturday. you know Arline. She just pumped already found the difference betweenlate activity for the onginal play �n-. us full of clever little mots about the the German-Turkish methods and thetest which is pending. Each member Acouth club will meet Saturday at facts of the affair-where it was to be, British and American ideals. He deis entitled to bring a partner' to the 7:30 in Ida)loyes hall. All members who was to be there, and all those c1ared that the appeal of the president'dance. He is not expeeted to bring have been urged' to be present. little' hilarious things. of the new Arabian state of Hedjazzanother club member._ Loretta Lamb probably will be pres- that America be its sponsor duringThe original play contest is a y�!'- Black Bonnet Meets Today. ent in all her black eyed splendor to its early years is significant of theIy occurrence in the Dramatic club. Black Bonnet will meet today in cheer for the Chi Psis-Oh, yes. The general attitude in the Near East. "ItEach spring plays written by students Cobb 12 A. Pins may be obtained seniors are inviting the juniors. is a challenge to America," he asare presented to the play committee, at this time. Jap King and Warren Mulroy (�ty serted. "We have struck a � death'conSiSting this year of Carlin Cran- cents down and a dollar and half when blow at autocracy, but we have notdan, chairman; Frances Hessler, Sar- WEATHER FORECAST the big book is out) have decided to yet made democracy secure. We mustah Mulroy and Glenn Millard. The -- -respond to the invbtions not only in bring to these peoples the message ofplays must be but one act in length Fair anCl cooler; diminishing winds. spirit but in person. Warren Mulroy world fellowship. The universities ofand must require only: a simple set- did not say yesterday, "I will not R. America must furnish the means andtinge Those whose plays are accepted THE DAILY MAROON S. V. P. But of course, I'll go. If the leaders to carry out this greatare given an active membership in the BULLETIN the music is all right. task and make good our pledge of,organization, are permitted .to select__ The board of decorations is ham- friendship."their own cast, and to coach the pored by unfinished business fromsketch if they so desire. The plays Today.· next year, and so was forced to con-must all be before the committee by Divinity chapel, 11 :15, Haskell. fine to activities to securing goodY. M. C. A. dinner, 6:30, Hutchinson weather for the dance. It is hoped,Commons. desired, wished and anxiously c1am---- ored for, that a sumptuous attendanceTomorrow. be granted.Meetings of University Ruling Bod-High Wind Makes Fast BallImpossible-OpposeNorthwestern.The members of the InternationalPLA Y JOLIET TEAM TOMORROW and Cosmopolitan clubs will presentthree one-act plays for the benefit ofthe fund -for the rebuilding'of the' In­ternational Federation of Students, onthe night of April 25, in Mand�l hall.The plays are, Lady Gregory's "TheRising ·of the Moon;" Chekov's, "TheMarriage Proposal," and an originalChinese play by C. W. Luh, fl mem­ber of the Cosmopolitan club. Thislast play was written especially (orthe club.With Crisler pitching steady ball,the Maroons had little trouble settingthe Stewart-Warner nine down with a4-2 defeat on Stagg field yesterdayafternoon. Cold and a high wind thatswept the field made fast ball impos­sible, but the Maroons displayed afairly good attack and a tight de­fense. Timely hitting in the pinchespy Elton and Cole brought in theMaroon runs.The 'trong N orthwestern collegeteam win be the opponents of theMaroons this afternoon. They will bethe first college nine the Chicago teamhas played this ye�r, and a tight con­test is expected. Tomorrow the- Jol­iet team of the City League will ex­hibit in the afternoon, unless theweather interferes.Day Not Limited to Baseball. Frances Hessler, who played thepart qj' the widow in the Dramaticclub's production of "Seven Keys toBaldpate," will direct two of the playsand Mr. Luh will have charge of hisproduction.The students who will take part inthe Russian play are: Libby Rosen­thal, Paul Humphries ana Jesse Feld-(Continued on page 2),l,Number Also Containa Portrait OfLate Professor Williston-G1VesWar Service List. ....;',,iI,An airplane photograph of OxfordUniversity, England, forms the fron­- tispiece of the April number of theUniversity of Chicago magazine. The, photographer was Arthur K. Powlin­son, a former student at the Univer­sity, who has been a member of �heAmerican Air forces, which weretraining at Oxford at the time.A portrait of the late Prof. Willis­ton of the department of geology andpaloentelogv; is also included in thismonth's number of the Alumni maga­,zine. Prof. Williston was a memberof the National Academy of Sciences,and at one time held the presidencyof the society of Vertebrate Paleon­tology. "The Letter Box" contains anumber of letters from alumni whoare in war service and of the men Baseball Class Is Friday."The committee requests," said Car­lin Crandall yesterday, '''that any per­son who is writing, or who intendswriting a play for this contest shouldturn his name in at once and eensultwith some member of the committee,Completed plays may either be turnedinto the Faculty Exchange, labelled'Dramatic club', with the name of theauthor attached, or handed to somemember of the committee, or to EmilyTaft, the president of the elub," A new baseball class has been organized and will meet Wednesdaysand Fridays at 11 :50. All universitywomen who are not already registeredfor baseball and arc interested havebeen urged to join this class.Student Volunteers To Meet.--;The Student Volunteer band willmeet Monday at 7 in the League roomof Ida Noyes hall. Charles Bromleywill lead, the discussion. The subjectfor this meeting is "The Crisis in theEast."ies.Faculty 0 fDivinity school, 9, officeof the Dean, Haskell.Faculty of the Colleges of Art",Literature and Science, 10, HarPer E.n.Faeultes of the Graduate school!',11, Harper E. 41. Alumnus Dies of Pneumonia.• (Continued on fXJge 2)2 � �DAlLY MAROON, ..,uDAY, APRIL 11, 191tBlackfriars and spring football sions.seem to have one result in common. A list of the women's organizationsCertain men are kept out of the lib- on the campus is. contained in therary and the "fussing" is somewhat. magazine, giving the officers of eachstopped. 'club and their activities •. The regular:departments of athletics, UniversityUnder the system in effect this year, notes, news of the quadrangles andthe fraternities and balls are obliged jottjngs of 'class and association activ­to have lunch at two different "times. ities are given space.But, still this scheme ·is better thana proposed one which would do, awaywith the chapel hour period. It is bet­ter not to eat with some of the broth­ers than not to be able to chat with. .mitt maily _araan tion now has funds derived from thePanhellenic dance, and will also havea eonstitution within the next month.Perhaps in the future, the body willbe influential, since money talks.I,.." The Student Newspaper of �eUniversity of ChicagoPublished' mornings, except Saturday,Sunday and Monday, during the Au­tumn, Winter and Spring quarters,by the Daily Maroon company. Two fraternities on the campusstrive to be different. They practicethe so-called pledge-off system.Under this plan, the most promisingof Freshmen may be left entirely outin the cold, as the relationship estab­lished is purely conditional.EDITORIAL DEPARTMENTTHE STAFFCharles C. Greene .• Managing EditorJohn E .. Joseph ....•..• News EditorRuth Genzberger News EditorWilliam Morgenstern Ath. EditorJohn Ashenhurst , .....• Night EditorHelen Ravitch Night EditorHoward Beale ........•.. Day EditorRose Fischkin Day EditorHarold Stansbury .. Associate Editor Thanks to The Maroon, the goodfeatures of the Green Cap, the de­funct Freshman publication, and theChicagoan, the former literary month­ly, have arrived. The Daily' Maroonhas decided to publish a supplementcontaining poems, stories and essays.And, then, the Green Cap is with usevery day in the Whistle.; ; FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1919(Continued from 'P4IJe 1)BUSINESS DEPARTMENT!\ianagersMay Freedman Grant S. MearsAssistantsFrank Fenner Keith KindredHenry Pringle Herman McBrayerJerome Neff Allen Holloway.Earl Wooding Edmund Eichengreen The Dramatic club announces adance for tonight. All will remem­ber that new members taken in yester­day were invited to the affairthrough the columns of The Maroon.Sort of tough on the new ones tostart expenses so quickly.Entered as second class mail at theChicago Postoffice, Chicago, Illinois,:March 13, 1906, under the act ofMarch 3. 1878., SUBSCRIPTION RATESCalled for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 aquarter.By Carrier, $3.00 a year; $1.26 aquarter.By Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.60a quarter.By Maii, (out of town), $4.25 ayear; $1.75 a quarter.Editorial Rooms .....••..•.. Ellis 12Telephone Midway 800, Local 162Hours: 11:00-11:60; 12:25-6; 7-8Business Office .••.•.•••..•• Ellis 14Telephone Midway 800, Local 162Hours: May Freedman .• 8-9 A. M.Grant Mears •.•.. 4-5 P. M. every one else in college.. The Three Quarters Club announcesa subscription dance for- -the last ofthe month, Possibly the profits ob­tained will be ·used to purchase greencaps.DRY COMMENT..' 1 �, , The Honor Commission is being re­organized, if reports are true. Thenew plan proposes to increase thenumber of members and to excludeunderclassmen, The conubittee incharge of the reorganization declaresthe new body will have more respectand will receive greater publicity thanthe present Commission. Commend­able! In the past, students often con­fided in Commiss\On members. In thefuture, only the foolish .will commitsuch a mistake. man. Those who are in the Chineseplay �rc lone Weber, Swen Wikingand Hamilton Brown. Th4! cast of"The Rising Moon" has not as yetMeen selected.Tickets will go on sale today. Theywill be fifty cents for downstair seatsand tJprty-five for the balcony. Thesetickets will later' be exchanged forreserved seats. .They may be obtainedfrom any of the.members of the club,and from Frances Hessler, the direc­tor."Each member of the Internationaland Cosmopolitan clubs bas pledgeda certain sum for the purpose of send­ing a delegate to the European con­vention for the Rebuilding of the Fed­eration of Students. The Chicagochapter delegate is Dr. Nasnyth, whoCAMPUSORG�AftONPRESENT THREE PLAYSYes! The class of 1919' will givea dance this afternoon in Ida Noyeshall. Such a sudden burst of energyoverwhelms the average student. But,then, you must know that the duesare four and one-half dollars thisquarter instead of fifty cents. Thefew contributing students. are able todo something after all, as the indi­vidual sum assessed is large enough.." The Interfraternity Council is as­suming real powers. The organiza-COCA-COLA is a perfect .answerto thirst that no imitation can satisfy.Coca-Cola quality, recorded in thepublic taste, is what holds it aboveimitations.Demaad the genuine by full 'namo.---,..".._ -nlcknamea encourage IUbatitution.THE COCA-CoLA Co.ATLANTA, GA. leaves next month for Europe," aaidFreida Romalis, president of the In­ternational club yesterday. "This isa cause that should appeal to everystudent and we hope to sell a largenumber of tickets. The plays will bevery interesting, as they representsuch varied types." .JACKSON WILL LECI'UREON MOODY FOUNDATION(Coatim&ed from 1)(Continued from page 1)who recently received their commis-t MRS. MARY TAYLOR-LIGGETr,Specialist in· Voice Building and·Artis-,-tie Interpretation.For'informatiOn address6033 Ellis Ave. Phone H. P. 9190.Private'Dancing LessonsIn a course of five lessons ($5.00)one ean ·acquire . the .tepa ,of . theWaltz, One-step, and Fox-trot. Sin&leLessons if desired.� LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIO1541 E. 57th St. �de Park 2314Phone 'Hyde ·Park 2433DeliVeries MadeWILLIAMSMAKERS OF CHOICE CON­. "FECTlONS a: ICE CREAM1 133 East· Fifty-fifth St. eA man instinctively feels at hisease wen he is conscious his clothesare absolutely correct-- tailoredin the conservativeJerrent's WayPrices $40, $45, $50and Upwards(r- ._ - _.----- - wailor for loltttg .rn,Three Stores: 7 N. La Salle St.314 s. :Micbigan An.71 E. Monroe st.A well known professor at the University'of ,- Chicago once said in a 'chapel talk beforethe Graduate School: ."Before I pass judgment upon an ap­plicant for a position, no matter what his recordmay be, I must see him,: I must witness' hisW!ly of expressing himself, his deportment,his manner of -dress. Dress is too often disre­garded by university .men. You owe it toyourself to dress in good taste and .as well asy� can afford."We· know the professor practices what hepreaches .�ot we make his clothes.'WILKIE &' SEIJdERYTailor.Stecer·B1iildiDg, Jacbon Blvd. aDd ·Waha.b Ave.TEUa'HONE HARRISON 7- - --_" INSp·ECT"OU,Ro, N1E'W WOOLENS, They're' 'pleasingly different from thecommonplace-r-and you'll have thepleasure of knowing the pattern of yourchoice is practically confined to you, forwe carry but one or two. lengths of e h' ac.FOSTER & ODVVARDCorrect Dressers of YOUR .6. g lr.. en7th Floor.Republic Building STelephone 8216 H . tate and Adams Streetsarnson , J �•6i )0..1..1 �.-l.,: ., H, 1 •'\ ..It, ,-",'0,.�" H.:Beh.:-rt "." Tuesday, April 15th will see the re­vival of an ancient custom at the Sen­ior bench at 11 :15. Coach Stagg firesthe pistol whcih starts the hair grow­i,ng on senior upper lips. In otherwords, the senior mustache race is on!McCosh, who promised a reporter ata late hour last evening not to useUtopia (guaranteed to grow hair on adoor knob), will be given a two dayhandicap.Henry, whose upper lip already'looks cloudy is suspected of stealinga lead. Norgren on account of previ­ous experience will start at scratch.Nuveen promises to wear pink neck­ties to match his cerise misplaced eye-brow. Breckinridge, in the bantam-MOSER weight class, gives promise of a real--- -- ... struggle guaranteeing five on a side..Martin has been accused of collabora-tion with the estimable Doctor Brat-S H 0 R T HA N D. fish to produce novel effects in land­scape gardening.COLLEGE Brown, whose ears are just peepingout_ of the shrubbery, moved for afull beard race. (Come out of thebushes, Clarence, we know you!)Greene earnestly hopes that Herpleidewill produce better effects on his up­per lip than on the top of .his head.Other dark horses are expected to fillthe paddock before the final gun isfired. Already Moose Gorgas is heardchamping on the bit. .Formal guard mount and 'inspectionwill be held daily at 11:15 A. M. onthe "C" bench, Doc Bratfish officat­ing, After careful. consideration anda thorough canvaSs of the countrysideTom WALRUS Eck has' been chosenofficial trainer. Fourteen policemenhave been' hired to keep back thecrowds at the opening ceremony. Thejudge�' stand will be filled with Sen­ior women whose names' are beingkept secret to avoid bribery.IAlulD,llU Dies of Pneumonia.H Mit h II Merwyn M. Palmer,' '15, died of'arry- c e pneumonia on April 7, at. Portsmouth,:Va., while serving in the United'States Army.I I �... 'j.: ..2 ', .-, ,\ ,'� We Cater to StudentsThe Frolic Theatre'Drug StoreSit in a Booth With YourGirl!959 East 55th StreetCor. Ellis Ave.Tel. Hyde Park 761Very superior in . fit' and wear.It pays to ask for ArroWs. 'CLUE'lT. PEABODY & CO .. INC, . MAXERSThe Secretarial Courses ofthe Moser Shorthand Collegeare complete and thorough., The Moser Shorthand Collegeenrolls only high school grad- .uates. I t is the only school in'Chicago with such a high en-.trance requirement..' -:. <. ; .• � .For particulars regarding Sec-..,'retarial Courses write, tele­phone or calionPAUL MOSER, J.D., PlI.B.Proprietor12th Floor Lake View Bldg.116 So; Michigan Avenue,(6pp. Art Institute)CENTRAL 5158SUITS MADETO ORDEROnly $35.00Harry Mitchell16-18 E. Jackson Blvd.Ltw •• a' Stat. aad Wa�, Claicaa� The �arriage is announced of MissTO HOLD DAILY INSPECFIONS. MerIda B. Orr, '17, daughter of Mrs.J. T. Orr of 4259 Grand boulevard, toGeorge H. Bowen of Higbland Park.SENIORS WIU.. 'GROWCERISE AND MAUVEMUSTACHES IN RACENext T uesclay Will See Reviv­al of Time-Honored Ante­deluvian Custom.Announce Graduate's Marriage.The marriage is announced of SarahE. Radebaugh to Herbert WigrenGranquist, '13.Picture of the Chicago packageof Chocolates by one ofthe -old masters.FAMOUS SINCE 1842Buy a box for YOUR sister.McANANY " FINIGAN,1201 E. 55th St.Phone Midway 708H. J. SCHULTE,1501 E. 55th St.Phone Hyde Park 206DREXEL PHARMACY,901 E. 55th St.Phone Midway lUOA. J. NORDLING,933 East 55th StreetVAN De BOGERT 4: ROSS,1000 E. 63rd se,Phone Hyde Park 2541465 E. 63rd St.Phone Blackstone 3272800 E. 63rd SLPhone Midway 3200 MENORAH SOCIETY MAKES at" night. The next meeting will beANNOUNCEMENT OF PLANS held the night of April 24, probablyThe engagement is announced of, in Ida Noyes ball. This afterncen, atJohn Leonard: Hancock, A. B., '05 to At the spang quarter meeting of 5, the Menorah Study circle on theMargaret L. Campbell, S. ;8., '11. Mr. the Menorah society, held Wednesday "Hj.story of the Jews,'" will meet inHancock 'is at the University of Ar- 'at 4:30 in Classics 10, Judge Hugo Harper M 17. All members who havekansas, Fayetteville, Ark. signed up, for this circle have beenPam spoke on "�nvincible Forces AI- 'urged to be present.fecting the Jew." After the lecture,GraCluates Will Be Married.Chicago Alumna Is Manjed.announcements of the plans of thesociety for this quarter were made byEsther Jaffe, the president.Owing to the fact that many of themembers have classes at 4:10, .severalof the coming meetings will be held First Class Hat Cleaning andShoe ShiningLADIES AND GENTS10 Ccnt. G Slain.University Shoe Shining Parlor1017 East 55th Street Blackstone 2115Hill Is Associate Professor.I. B. Hill, who received his Ph. the University in 1913, is now anassociate professor in the departmentof Botany at the University of Penn­sylvania.WE announce our e xt e n s i vespring assortment of exclusive-patterns for young men andmen of mature years who ,de­mand distinctive clothes indi­vidually tailored.AThree Million DonarBANK �.The Richard W. Farmer Co.1204 East 63rd StreetNEAREST BANK'TOUNIVERSITY OF CmCAGO 16 W. Jack.on Blvd., ChicagoYoung men make this store their styleheadquarters because we know sowell just 'what they want,· IT'� easy to please the yOl,lpg man whim a store studies his Iikes, and -dislikes as we do' here We talk his own language in .clothes;we understand 'him and he understands us Right now he wants a�air of brisk- smartness in his clothes W'e have it for him, both in.suits 'and in overcoats, em bodying the .individ ual style distinctions�'Featuring Hart Schaffner & Marxexclusive confined style clothes"Beautiful, snappy models in single and double breasted types;close fitting types and military types High welt-waist models withthe newest lapels, flare skirts and curved hips; .new two-button ef­fects with ultra-styled pockets ; .the latest in all patterns and materials;rich colorings; the finest you can buy Solid value and teal wear inall of them$35$30 $50 $60$25 $40Open Saturday· ev�ning until 9 P. M.L RothschildGood clothes; nothing elseSouthwest Comer JaCksQD and State ChicagoMinneapolisSl PaulMoneycheerfullyrefunded'�� !� r·,i11l;J!t 4I.,.""1 \ �, �-�! ��'i,"t, SINCE we taught one of the uni­versity ladies how to light a matchwith her finger nail, she's been run­ning around hollering, "I want amatch." To date she has not met hermatch. Once when she got awful in­sistent, we shouted back, "Ain't theygot any matches over in Greenwood 1"Then she chirped, "Naw, they use elec­trict lights and they don't, needmatches for anything else." Now ifsomeone would confiscate the electriclighter, they'd have to use matches. .DID you see how the Phi Psi guysup at N orthwestem were put intoprint yesterday? It seems that theymade their neophytes enter publicplaces and say, "Cuckoo, cuckoo."Here it's different. When we pass thePhi Psi dwelling, we say', "Cuckoo,cuckoo."B. D., who has left out his middleinitial for a change, points out aunique feature for the new C. and In order to be in the forefrontof co-educational activities, it has, ifwe are to take the word of yesterday'sMaroon, announced as one of itsstanding committees that of fiancee."More power to it," ejaculates B. D.,as he or perhaps she hastens to addhis or perhaps her name to the ros­ter.WE are trying an experiment invers libr; we endeavor to produce thesounds of nature. If nothing happensto us before tonight, we will call theexperiment a success. ·Its called... 'I , SPRING •The birdlet sat on a treelet,"Peewee, peewee" peewee," peeweedthe birdlet.The wind' roared through the baredfoliage."Rooooooaarrrrr," said he.Then the rain pitter-pattered on the 'landscape."Hel-" held the man opening theumbrella.As if he was going to say, "Help.", '� I"jt--.-THE Y. M. C. A. will hold its nextprayer meeting in the Psi U houseSunday. Deacon Martin will lead incongregation in bymns and DeaconReber will give all the freshmen a ridein the dumb waiter:FAMOU� REDS.The Bolsheviki.The Red Book.Esther McLaughlin.t .. THE Daily Maroon announces thatsome day next week Q. E. D. willwrite a Whistle. The business offiCethinks that it can cope with the largecrowds who will demand extra copies.IN THE editor's sanctum next doorwe -can hear Cassius pounding outDry Comment; a new plan for theHonor Commish, a knock for theDekes and Alpha Doodles, and what­not. He wants us to let you knowthat he isn't trying to be funny. Butit's a good thing he's getting all thisdry stuff out of his system beforeJuly 1. If he tries it after that date,he'll just wither away and blend him­self into the atmosphere.CHARLIE has just proposed BoscoMcCosh, Bill Henry, and Brad Smithfor membership into the Order of theDesiccated Dromedary.WELL-KNOWN FINAL STAT&­MENTS: (Also proposed by Cash)"Just one more."'afol. , neC.lwTI. pl:, caancbFrin-crm'IIsh,eVIe- ,- soTh.,cal_,.- hu:� ,.- wi]- fOIy:Jj�'� rig;:. j Pel.- -.miltheI/ -TBB DAILY MAROON. FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1919CLASSIFIED ADS. Ccok1ll� Utensil cs, 68 East Wash­ington St. Randolph 3327. Cooper-Carlton HotelW ANTED.-Several clean cut young H y d ePa r k 80 u leva r d at F if t y - t h i r d S t r e e tmen for high grade sales work. Full Excellent Facilitiea for Dancin, Partiel, Luncheonl, FiYe O'clockor part time. This is an unusual Teal, Dinn� Partie. and Weddin,.LOST-A gray Hart, Schaffner &:Marx spring coat, with belt. Re­tum to Room 37 Hitchcock balland receive reward."WILL men about to graduate see merelative to affiliating themselveswith an old, well established insur­ance office as salesmen."-Chas. R.Gilbert, C)J 7 Insurance ExchangeBuilding.opportunity and offers a splendidfuture to efficient salesmen. Call oraddress H. D. Lapp, Suite 511Peoples Gas Building.Tel. Wabash 527 for appointment.W ANTED-Man to sell advertisingfor The Daily Maroon, 20 per centcommission. �,���9rClPycfJTHE OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERofCAP AND GO W N, '1 9Special rates to all U. of C. StudentsWANTED-Several energetic youngmen for pleasant and profitablesummer employment. Work digni­fied and strictly educational. Nobooks or magazines. Salary $100per month to start with liberal com-mission besides. For personal in- .terview see G. C. Buxton, Room 2002 TYPEWRITERS TO RENT - ByMallen; Bldg., Chicago. week or month. Ribbons, bonds,papers, second Isheets and ete.,Woodworth's Book Store, 1311 E.57th St. DAGUERRE STUDIOWEAR-EVER SALESMEN of 1915,1916, 1917 and 1918 we have an of­fer for you good until April 10th.Call, phone or write, The Aluminum 218 So. Wabash Ave. CHICAGOPatronize Maroon Advertisers\J::'OR real enjoymentC and delight, one boxof Murads is worth· adozen packages ofordinary cigarettes that"lJlerely smoke. "�.Maroa are Pure Turkish!100%Buy a packageofMurads: If youare 'not more,than satisfied,return half the'. package ,to' usand get all yourmoney back.We are notafraid to makethis oHer­MURADS ARETURKISH - theworld's most-famous tobaccofor cigarettes.Judge 'loryourBell-! ATt=., .I.�'=. , .. ,:..,ly,batThlgnha(teabelaytra(andertheDignigTo)l1DlStoreomilend1,0«fift:II ..''1:.... .)M\.. "." ':;".-4 �.j.. � ' .StheG-burvall440sensenmnyarin tin 1in 'thhseccthilfou:Kochanthene\1lTwasandtheSpe;.J. I-"�Il, : 'e,._." j_ a:_'*