I' ,. -·...... "at aroon" ..t. J.1 :'.t .1VoL 17. ,No. 61 UNIYERS:rry- .OF CmCAGO, THURSDAY, FEB 6, 1919 Price 3 Centst ,.UNDERGRADUATES WILL ELECT1919 CLASS OFFICERS TODAY" .t�---'(:".Univenity. Head Is Greeted By Crowda Of �tudents On Finance Chairmen Assign Mil- Candidates For Three Senior Offices Unopposed-TIckets'! Anival At Chicago-:-Holds Lecture and itary Names to Settlement Necessary For Voting Privileges-Booths Willc, � Reception bl Evening. Night Committees. Be Located In Elli.8..., PRESIDENT JUDSON RECEIVESWARM, WELCOME ON RETURN ANNOUNCE NAMESOF TICKET TEAMSIN 'ARMY CONTEST1" . '. ,-..... '. (; TFJ.LS OF EXPERIENCES IN PERSIA AND ARMENIA CHART WILL SHOW PROGRESS THE POLlS WILL BE OPEN FROM 8:30 TO 4:30---President Judson, . ��hl-;�bik W;t '��in Saclcett and C�rl'Ol-M���: .. The candidates for the various class All preparations have been madenight in Mandel, tOld \ of his experi- joint chairmen of the Finance com- �1Hces submitted their clai�, to the for the annual election of class om­ences and of the conditions which ex- mittee for the Settlement Night, student body yesterday and Tuesday, cers, which Will be held today. Theisted in Persia and Armenia during which wiII be held � week from to- and will be selected today in the an- polls ar_f located hi'Ellis 8 and not inhis visit to these countries. After the morrow night, February 14, in the nual class elections. The elections the assembly hall as' was formerlylecture a reception was held in Hutch- Hutchinson group of buildings, have this year promise to be of unusual in- the custom. They will be open frominson. - announced the committee names of terest, Several close contests. are 8:30 to 4:30. University aides andHe explained in his lecture that he the ticket selling teams in the Army predicted by the wise ones, who�k marshals will be in charge of thewas sent to the near East· for two contest. for especially close votes for the election and will act as tellers.purposes. The first one-that of' in- These teams will be represented on Junior and Sophomore presldencies, . Buell Hutchinson, chairman of thevestigating conditions in Armenia and a huge chart which will be hung on In the Senior election there is only elections, has requested that voting bePersia and seeing that the outrages the main floor of Cobb hall. Each one candidate for president, David done as quickly and with as littleoccurring there should not be repeated t�am will take the name of a branch Annan, and one for treasurer. This confusion as possible. He. has asked-was known to most people: His of army service. The following list is a rather unusual situation for the that. there be no loitering in the po1la,second purpose-that of reporting gives the' assigned names of all but Seniors, as their elections are normal- but that students pass out as soonconditions in the East to· the Peace three teams they will be announced ly closely contested. Results are in as they have voted. Efforts will beGroup Gathera. About House. Conference-has bee� disclosed to the some time today. The chart will also doubt for many other offices, however, made to eliminate crowding and de-! � • .::: public only recently. Regarding this 'go up today, probably with the pre- and' the winners will not be known lay as much as is possible, For this• oL' A' .large group of students, - both more important purpose of his mis- Iiminary Sftandings. until all the �otes are counted. I reason students are asked to distn"b-'.,. Dew and old, and numerous facultY sion, he said: ' Expect Large ·Freshman Vote. ute �eir voting throughout the time_ members anxious to see the President Seven Teams Are Assigned. .the polls a' re open. Only those '<Who�al Purpose Now Pisc"losed. The situation in the Freshman class ...., crowded about the President's house The seven assigned teams, ·unth· . t· CharI G can come' at no other ·time should. '1 bef h' ·val· "It was not publicly known that the ..... 'ru IS an mteres mg one. es reen, ,ong ore IS am • Led by Wil- their captains,' are: Aviation, Dor- president of the Undergraduate Co··...I.. _ vote during .chapel hour, because. a'Ii H th' commission I took through the �t wa:. \� am. �ryl'l e students gave severalwas to report to .. the Peace Confer- othy Miller; �nfantry, Buel Hutchin- cil said yesterday that the sale of crowd is likely to collect at the poDseampus ye s. 'Charles Greene, pres- son; Navy, Clarence Brownr.Ordnanee, Freshman class tickets had been re- at this time. ..� .: : id t f th ence. Only now that I have made my ,.--� 0. e Undergraduate council, . David Bradley; Artillery, George kabl 1 Th will d btl .Cthen .welcomed the President home. report to Colonel House, may I dis-. mar y arge. ere ou ess annot Vote Without Ticket.11 ._...l - close the fact. I am also allowed to Martin; Engmeers, Elinor .. Bums; be a heavy Fre'shman vote whlch may' Bell H'tcbi .. .'I. .. ..: __ ..J the. Fo oWlIlK' this President Judson made Cavalry, Ma. rgaret Delaney. The '.. . U U nscn - emp��_t.' . . , disclose .the 'fact that scores of,similar "J result In the eleetdon. of .aome of the im. portan '"", of brin gm. g class' ":_'-_6-(. : a '.� ;in :whieh' he . Said. that a1� •• . Quartermastek', Signal and Medie&l "dark horses," _. 1oU;AC..,L"' ....... ·.,.'·�.: .. ����he��tmvelecJ far '�d wi� eo�ons . are reporting to, the h t to be .--.1' ... ,..' The '; 1ist·ot- . ...:_..J:�;;.&.�.;:, hOD" 0- .18•. _;,_ to the ,;p_OD:s-' "�bsolutely DO atudtmta; .... 7� ,._ 4'. ',.- •• , ., • American conferees on conditions all corps ave � .' asSl6&&��among CA&IUJ� ... ", ...... �"'1 hA an". . " .." •... ::�.;_�'.";.�::-�. '(�"Jlume!'0U8 -lands· and. had·1!let. �ver the -��rfcL' -I�-P8riS' tbe�"'�--a 1he·�te8D1S�� ··�eir�,� -pniitea'-Wftn-:-sevetal4:mmor' � _'��J!��!-�te .� ... "" ;�;-.:;,�t ... ..': lIWly mteresting people, the .most .in- • ... . Jean Pickett and Edgar. Terhune. and additions: - ticket, he BaId yesterday. "Student..I. ". teresting place in the' world was hanspecldl� bwlding used' entirely for the 'Tieket team captains have been re- will be checked up according to the• �., Chicago. mg of such reports. -, . Senior president. David Annan, posted eligibility lists. We' wDI-e ... ;. ,"Turkish and Russian Armenia will quested to get the "I Bought O�e" the only candidate, is a University� �,: The President eXpects to make a .. buttons from Edwin Sackett. A but- check up on the names at the door,, -, I . . . be welded. into one state known as Marshal, member of Owl and Serpent, to id d Ii4 • .,. •. - e_omp ete report of his work to the ton will be given to each purchaser. . . avoi up . cations and other con-•. -" Am· P . ReI' f ",",iaen the Republic of Armenia; Palestine and Delta Kappa Epsilon, a etc" fusion."encan- ersuu� re -eo ...... �on They are about the size of a dime, k I . d chai\ l).�': in New York next week.' This will' will be created an independent state; trac man ast year, an rman S te ball ha beenl 'tel d his Greece will be given part of Smyrna; half in·maroon and half in·white, with of the Settlement Dance committee. epara ots ve printed, '., con u e services and leave him th� words "I' Bought One" on them. for the different clasSes. The oftlc:ial\ ,I .� free, as he expressed it, "to give ali (C�ti"ued em pall8 2) Those who have already purchased (Ccmtiftud Oft fJGII. 4) ballot list as announced follows:-}.:-: �. my time to the University of Chi- • .tickets should ConsUlt those from SENIORS.". eago DR. GUY WALTER SARVIS whom they bought the tickets to re- POSTER BY ELIZABETH� i k_5;' I WILL SPEAK ON EASTERN ceive a button.: WHEELER IS CHOSEN IN. I I.FOSTER WINS SWIMMING MEET QUESTION TODAY AT 4:10 ANNUAL W. A. A. CONTEST Vireo President-___ Give Vaudeville Performance.--_ Loretto Lamb.Beads Other Balls With Score Of Famous Lecturer and World Traveler The Ente�ent cOminittce, head- Drawing Made By Meredith HanleyTwent,.�Three Point&-Hilda To Talk Before Worl� Prob- ed' by .Loretta· Lamb· and . William Meets With Equal Favor WithLieber Star&. \ lems Forum. Henry, is hard. at work: on aD . all star Campus Judges.___ vaudeVille PrO&Tam� some .of the ---Dr. Guy Walter Sarvis, Dean of features of, which were ·announced. The results of the W. A. A. Port-Nanking university, will speak at a folio poster contest' have been an-(Continued on page 4)meeting of the World Problems For- nounced. The decision of the judgesurn at 4:10 today in Harper assembly WEATHER 'FORECAST was a tie between the posters ofon "The Democratization of the Pa- Meredith Hanley . and Elizabethcific."· .. Wheeler, but the final decision was'�I want to point 9ut that Japan' has Fair; not much change in tempera- left to the printer, who decided thattaken advantage of the war to gain ture; moderate variable winCls. t�e latter poster could be produceda foothold in China," said Dr. Sarvis. moSt effectively and most economical-"If the United State!z intends to en- THE DAILY IIAROON ly.(orc.e the 'open door' policy there she BULLETIN. Elizabeth Wheeler's poster is inmust show firmness, although so far __ black and white and scarlet and de-we have used words only. Thi.s con- Toda,.. picts an old fashioned girl standingcerns the welfare of Australia, Newl Divinity School Address, 11 :15, in Ifront of a curtain. Reproduc�onsZealand, and the Philippines, as we I Haskell. wi 1 be distribu� on the campus,as our own country. If a world throughout the city in hotels andChapel, college of Commerce andleague guaranteeing the autonomy of Administration and the college of Ed- shops and Meredith Hanley's will besmall nations is organized, this mat- used on the campus. Miss Wheelerucation, 11 :20, Mandel.ter wiII take care of itself, for we World-Problems Forum, 4:10, Har- was also winner of last year's contest,have every reason to expect that her poster being an oriental dancer.per •• !apan and China would join such a Philosophy club, 8, Classics 20. Try-outs for the chorus of the Port-World League." ... . folio \\;11 be held again this afternoonDr. Sarvis is' a graduate of Drake Tomorrow. in the theater of Ida Noyes and alluniversity, and holds a M. A. degree Divinity Chapel, 11 :15, Haskell. women who ha"e no cl� after 3from the University of Chicago. He Mathematical club, 4 :15, Ryerson have been asked to try out.is ·on the campus this year as a l!lpecial 37.lecturer, on furlow, after seven years Czech club, 4, Rooms B and C, Idaas Dean of the College of Arts and Noyes.Letters in Nanking university, China. Public lecture, John �U8kin Cente-Previous to his work in China, he nary, 4:30, Mandel.spent two years in India, and on his Y. M. C. A., dinner, 6; private din-way home' made a trip through the in�-room, Hutchinson.Cosmopolitan and Internationalclubs, 7, second Boor, Ida Noyes hall.When President Harry Pratt Jud­., . son arrived at the University yester-., .... '-,.. ,day after having spent seven monthsin the Near 'East as director of the'I 1 American'-Persian relief commission,he received one of' the warmest re­ceptio� eve� _given a University of':ficial.The party, including 'Mrs • .Judson� .r.. who met, President' Judson in NewYork, and Dr. and MrS: Wilbur Postwas met at" the Englewood Station by-s- • Mr. La Verne Noyes, Dean Angell,Ii I.;.:, Prof •. Judd, Dean -Small, Associate;. � " Prof, and Mrs. Robertson, and Mr..'. Sevor Arnett..: �'...1�./'J� -----f .The interhall swimming meet took: !: �: place �rday in tJIe Ida Noyes tank�. .-._.... with the following results: Foster, .' hall-23 points; Ida Noyes ball, madef. < up of ofr-campus women-21 �ints;!., .'. other haDs-4 points. The meet eon­· �ted of six events.�e ·relay race was won by the Idaf .• .. Noy� group.' � style, forty yards,· was most closely' contested. It waswon by Hilda Li�ber, with Ruth· Dix-� r -. on second and Eleanor _Growman,· thi� The breast stroke, twentyyards, was won· by Hilda Lieber, with• ,L. Meta Lieber as second.Ruth Dixon took first honors in·diVIng, followed closely by LucilleHa:vlik. and Katharine 'Frost. Thebackstroke, forty yards, was won by., . Katharine Kitchen. Margaret Longand Ruth Cummings too� second and- 'third places. In the plunge, HildaLieber, Ruth Moore and' Katharine, . -Frost won first, secOnd, and third" places, respectively.t. '(CemUmced Oft fH1118 I)Tryouts Will Continue Today. Foster Is Author of BookieL. ,Tryouts for the Portfolio will bebeld again today from 3 to 5. in Ida· Noyes hall. The committee in chargehas requested that all women try.. l. out.. - "The Function of Death," a bookletreprinted from University of Chicagosermons, has recent� been issued bythe Press. The' author of the book isthe late Prof. Foster." .)�_-" President-David Annan.Secretary­Dorothy Clift'ord.'Beatrice Gilbert.Sarah .Mulroy.Treasurer-• Bernard Nath.JUNIORSPresident-Henry Kennedy.Warren Mulroy.Frank Long.Vice President­June :King.Secretary-Mildred Powlison.Treasurer-Gait Moulton.Bernard McDonald.SOPHOMORESPresident-Glenn Harding.Chester Guy.Vice President­Coventry Platt.Fannie Templeton.Secretary-Eleanor Byrnes.Esther McLaughlin.Treasurer-John Prosser.FRESHMENPresident-Wendell Johnson.Charles McGuire.Vice President-1Katherine' Birkho1r... ', c�, ", �"r,Il.'�I . .'J ',��" -... : �.... ' ",•��T8B,,.DAILY MAROON, TBURSDAY, FEB 6.:Wt2, formed, that former students of them�t 18ilD: _arnau University loyally entertaiDed youduring your visit in Paris. ADd, DOW,The Student' New.paper of tile this iDformal gathering and the ODeUnivenity of Chieal'O in Mandel hall tonight are, likewise;for the purpose of indicating in asmall way the respect in which youare held by the University members.On all sides, you are deservedlygreeted by voices of reverence."But I have already said too much,when -you undoubtedly have so muchto relate after your' experiences inPersia, a country crying for such im­mediate relief. I want, however, toexpress my confidence that the samefriendly relations will exist in the fu­ture between you and the students ashave existed in the past. Welcome ....Published mornings, exce�t Saturday,'Sunday and Monday, d�nng the Au­tumn Winter and Spnng quarters,by the Daily Maroon company. 'IWINTER CAPS•IEDITORIAL DEPARTMENTTHE STAFFCharles C. Greene •• Managing EditorJohn E. Joseph .•.••.•. News EditorRuth Genz�rger •••••• News EditorWilliam Morgenstern ••. Ath. EditorJohn Ashenhurst •••••• Night EditorHelen Ravitch ....••.•• Night EditorHoward Beale •...•.••••• Day EditorRose }<1ischkin ••....•.••. Day EditorHarry Schulman •••••••• Day EditorKate Smith •.•••... Associate EditorHarold Stansbury .. Associate Editor TH 0 USA N D S of Caps, representing everypractical style desired by men, are to be foundin our exclusive Hat Section.A most excellent assortment of Winter Cloth Caps;with chamois, fur or cloth inbands, is offered from$2 to $5.FurCaps, specially made to our specifications of everyworth-while fur, range in price from $8 to $50.First Floor , v.,, '-'jhome!"PRESIDENT JUDSON RECEIVE�W Aibl WELCOME ON RETURNBUSINESS DEPARTMENT ,May Freedman .•. Business ManagerGeorge Serck •. Advertising" ManagerFrank Fenner ••••.•.••... Assistant (Continued from pegs 1)Special Note: Advance showing ofdistinctive Spring Hats and Caps.and there will be three Arab statesunder the protection of European gov­..,ments.Comes Under League of Nations."Constantinople and the straits willcome under the sovereignty of theleague of nations-which already hasestablished the unlikelihood of futurewars. The United States must becareful in accepting immigrants- tothis country; each immigrant mustbe scanned with a microscope beforehe is allowed to land; Gennans andother undesirables plan a peaceful in­vasion of our country."The President then went on to ex­plain the famous work the Britishhave done in the N�r East. Herethey have gone to preserve order,establishing peace instead of turmoil,COl\IEDY OR TRAGEDY justice instead of tyranny, sound fi-f ti . Th "l7 The Dail'll Maroon for Campus NswsPublic speaking .courses may re- nance instead 0 exac ons. eo1ceive a great deal of criticism, but if have built irrigation worl£s and in­the writer' had taken a few oratorical duced nomadic Arabs to· settle downIessons before the informal reception upon farms and Industries,_ Theof �ident Judson yesterday mom- whole country rejoices in its escapemg. the .ercwd of ·faculty members, from the Turk.StudentS and friends of the University Explains Terrible Condition&nught 'have heard an entirely dift'er-President Judson told of the awfulent and much better speech. conditions of famine and pestilence,'The Editor -had a prepared address lael- of railroads, and devastationof welcome �d had committed the wrought by the war in . the countriessame to memory. But when the he visited: There are no definite sta­President and Mrs. Judson stepped on tistics but he estimates that therethe porch and as the multitude breath-were over a million deaths in 1917 inlessly awaited the joyous words, the this country due to stal"Vation andOrator of the students did not. forget diseases. In Teheran, alone, therethe prepared speech but he. did con- 35 000. deaths on account of. . tb were,�hder for the first time that e words famine. The women and children%re far too UlIDatural for the oe- died in the streets of the city. .DJX()N"S 0�ion-so he s� .out in a reck- After leaving the University last EUiiC, . ft -. nless J_Danner anQ sud jast what came June, the President went first to Eng_· .. . : OKlUl�m�'In. land and from there traveled to -,nIa,t r. What was really said at the hther- dia, Persia, Armenia, Turkey, and ..., .....4a� peRCltlg was the following: after investigating conditions in these"On behalf ot the studel1ts. 1 'Viah countries" made his report to theto welcome you. Presidel1t JUdson, Peace Conference at Paris, and fromtrom Your duties as Cbainnan of the there came home -.Committee of Relief in the :Far East.1 am Sure aU are glad to � )ou. POSITION OF BOHEMIA TO1 have already said too much and BE DISCUSSED AT CZECH\1tldo�btedlY YOll ba\1e so :much DlOl'e CLUB MEETING TOMORROW� say. I thank �ou." ..And what � to have been said is The Czech club will meet tomorrowthis:at 4 in reception rooms B and C of"president JUWIon, MR. Judson, Ida Noyes hall. \ As a part of the or-atld Students. On behalf of the stu. 'ganization's campaign to acquaint�ents, 1 welcome you from youI' 'Work students of the University with the� Cllainnan of the Committee of Re- newly-established· republic, Czecho­her in the Far l4st. The Uni�ersity 'Slovakia, Mr. Mathew Spinka willWell considered itself honored When give a short talk on "The Position of)ou were selected to this imPortant Bohemia in the Great War."�sitiotl. When you left the �sPon_ Mr. Spinka, who was born in Bo­Sibilities of the hl!�titution to �sPond hemia, is a graduate of the Divinityto the call for service abroad, the �hoo1 of the University, and a fel­tountr}> was plunged into war. and, low in the department of Church His­bow, after the accomplishments of tory. He is now doing graduate workl'our tasks, you return with the Jllorc in the department of History. AllSettled international conditions to re- those Who are interested are asked toSUtne the leadership of the University, attend the meeting."1 remember at an athletic ban-quet last June when you first SPokeof your intention to accept this chair-manship that the announcement met The Mathematical club will meetwith warm applause. The alumni tomorrow at 4:15, in Ryerson 37.and undergraduates showed at the Prof. Bliss will Jeeture on "The Dif-time their approval. I am also in- fcrcntial Corrections in Ballistics." 1 •••• !l!I!IDD�i3i1iiilIJLiEntered as second class mail a.t t!teChicago Postoffice, Chicago, Dlinolsf,Mareh 13, 1906, under the act 0March 3, 1878. Marshall Held 0 CoSUBSCRIPTION RATESCalled for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 aquarter. 1 25By Carrier, $3.00 a year; $. a�Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50a ���. (out of town), $4.25 ayear; $1.75 a quarter. THE STORE FOR MEN.I, �" Events of Interestto All Men:Sale of Suite, Overcoats, Bltu:k Ho­'fiery; Special Selling 01 Silk H08sand Underwear."Ii Editorial Rooms •••••••••••• Ellis 12Telephone Midway 800, Local 162.Hours:· 11:00-11:50; 12:25-6�-814Business Office .•••••.••••.• ETel�phone Midway 800, Loeal 162Hours: 10:20-11-50; 3-6:30 •..THURSDAY, FEB. 6, 1919 l . '�.. -r FIVE GOOD REASONS; " ,.f'WHY EVERY STUDENT SHOULD OWN ADREXEL LUNCH CORONAFOLDING TYPEWRITER910 E. 55th Street, ,Between Ineleaide and DrexelStudent T� 'Especiallyi .rCommutation Tickets ·,:.CIIIllI,lIi ,i"I IjI , ...• : .(T ; ...,\.�, ./,I, iP' r,".;: _...,... ....We hade themost criticalcritics i nmind whenm-adeEl- 1. You ean do YOUr OlVn Paper work In half the tIIIleon a CORONA.,, , ,2. Your papers will ..e better &ad .,.....'wiD get better grades if YOU Use a CORO ... ,. masequently JV-,4, A.3. Your instructors � eo 'the time if they are CORO�ATYp�. Your papers .. half'4. . CORONA is 80 �ItlPaet 8bd 'not require a spedaI desk or- table to eollVenieDt tllat it doesbe easily put out of the Way whe take eare of it ad am 'Il YOll are through usIag'lt.5. CORONA �mplete Weighs 'be shipped safely In YOUr trunk OllIy 9 pounds, ad amCORONA with you. • 'YOU am 'always takewe'Dixon'sdorado. . ,. ..'». 'And it hasr e c e.i v e dtheir un­qualified ap­proval. .. ,CORONA TYPEWRITER SALEs CO12 South La Sane •Phone Pr •• )tUn Street4992-4993We Rent CoronasPr�ressor Bliss to Lecture. '.17 tbgrees.at all stationers, ',.•, ..-'-- _ _ - -_T � 'I i Ii._ •,'. \.,�,.1' •_._ ".. �.... -� .....)� '/f '1, '." '_�.'" -". -I '!1 � ., ....� .�.. -" '.e":,(,.r ,/_"L. '. ",'4 ... '' .., -,».. t..,, .. THE DAlLY'lIAROON, mURSDAY" FEB 8, 1911 ",8PRESIDENT HARRY PRATT JUDSONWho returned yesterday from Persia, after six months' absence.(Conti""ed from fHlll8 1)DR. GUY WALTER SARVISWIL� SPEAK ON EASTERNQUESTION . TODAY AT 4:10 for broadening his vision. The ques­tion is whether she or he, after thewar, will again be a mere spectatorof the sun rising and setting in Chi­cago or will take �ital interest in thewhole world and humanity beyond theheart of Africa. The only white present horizon.".�- 'man in his party was Dr. William "And again, though college educa-Edgar Geil, well �own for his writ- tion is liberal, the confines of our• i:nga ,of vavel and exploration. The, courses are, of ten very narrowly lim­�o men practically "broke the trail" ited; so we would .welcome a general. that Roosevelt followed on his famous student participation in the WorldAfrican 'expedition a few years later. Problems Forum. Of course, if you. They entered the r Da,k Con�ent. OD 'are" in Prof. Starr-s ,an�i)Ologythe east coast, a l�ttle':above :the zUt- course, ,'you -Iearn everything anyway,besi, w�rked in through what wa but unless you are in that o�­ihen - Ge�an East Africa, crossedUganda, and came out at the mouthof the Congo on the lower west coast.In appearing· before �e,; Wor��Problems Forum, Dr. Sarvis hasagreed to "jump in where the angelsfeared � tread," and discuss somerather delicate questions, such as theChina-Japan controversy, involved in "China is'nt much of a place, youdemoerati�ing and �fYi\,� the P�-' know.: It's only a fewthousand yearseific. After a half an hour lecture, he old and has � mere "handful of a pop­will be ready for questions from the ulation, but it is larger in territoryaudience, and will welcome any rea- than any other country but Russia,_ senablc argument from any source. and we'll come to, Russia later."� Concerning the' importance of the ',World Problems Forum .Kenneth Delta Upsilon Pledges RandalLMather, chainnan of the men's com-imttee said: "The college student is Delta Upsilon announces the pledg-blessed with .freqaent opportunities ing of Earle E. Randall of Chicago.�ion or some similar group, you areexpected to come and help nin', theForum in the way you would like tohave. i�_ One half-hour key to ·thePacific, with Dr. Sarvis as the key­note, the one-half hour of questionsand discussions, Harper M 11 todayat 4:10.' .Baak -Where. -YourA�c:��t 'Is ValuedTHE HOME FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS'SAVINGS •Central Hyde Park Balik55th St. and Blackstone Ave.\. Memory Book,Yau will enjoy it all your life. Those at theUniversity Bookstore are especially attrac­thee. They contain pages for Autographs,Athletic Records, Theatres, Entertainments andSocial Functions, also pages fo� Clippings, SnapShots, Programs, etc. Handsomely bound withCoat of Arms in Gold on front cover.Begin now. Get your•Memory Book, atThe UNIVERSITY BOOIST,OIEMIDWAY TEAM DEFEATS, LAKE FOREST COLLEGE.'THE -WHOLESOME .f\ND �OO� roons,Low Prices and Courteous T reatment at theEllis RestaurantARONES BROS. aad PETER TRABARIS942 EAST 55TH STREETOpposite Frolic' TheatreMEALS :: LUNCHES :: SH9R.T .O�LADIES INVITEDA trial wDl c:onviDee you ;tllat our goods are the best.COMMUTATION TICKETS$4.4� for N.OOMaroons TroUDce North Shore Quin­tet 23-16-LocaI Players Make GoodShowing-Urge Students to BuyTickets for llIini Game.Chicago defeated the fast LakeForest college five last night by a23-16 count at Bartlett gymnasium.The game was the last practice tiltscheduled before the decisive Illinoisbattle here on Saturday night. TheMaroons showed a great improvementin their defensive battle during lastnight's game and Coach Page is nowready for the IIlini.Coach Page started several secondstring men in last night's game in anendeavor to locate some good substi­tutes in case of injuries to the regu­lars in Saturday's game. Madden, ata guard position, showed up unusuallywell, caging two baskets besides play­ing his forward to a standstill. Hisclever handling of the ball in theearly stages of the game marked himas the choice as the substitute guard.Stegeman showed improvement in hispassing game.'Birkhoff and Williams Star."Bobby" Birkhoff and Williams,Chicago forwards, played steadygames last night and the IlIini willbe forced to outplay this pair to copthe conference game. . Both mencaged two baskets last night duringthe second half and, continually tossedthe ball to "Moose" Gorgas underthe basket.Tickets for the conference gameSaturday are going fast and BusinessMgr. Merriam is urging the studentbody to purchase their reservationsearly in order to secure good loca­tioru;'. The Illinois �uate club ofChicago has made plans to attend thegame in a body and Coach Page is'anxious fo� the Maroon fans to turnout strong and offer some organizedcheering to offset the' Dlinois yen&.Uneups and 8c?ore Are Given.Chicago, (23) \ :. Lake Forest (16)�o«� ,If. . Marsh, rf.William,' rf.- • Sumner, If.Gorgas, c. McCornack, c.Maddel\t 19. _ Rees, rg.Hinkle, rg. Eddy, 19 •.Substitutions--:ste�man for Mad­den; Crisler for Stegeman.Baskets-Birkhoff 2,· Williams 2,,Gorgas 2, Madden '2, Hinkle, Stege­plan, Marsh 2, Sumner 2, McCornack2, Eddy, Bees.� Throws-Go� 3.ANNUAL EXTE&IPORANEOUSSPEAKING CONTESTS WILLBE HELD IN ,NEAR FUTURELower Juniors To Compete For Schoi­anhipa February 19 InKent Theater.The Public Speaking departmenthas announced that the annual COD­test will take place within a fewweeks. ' The winners receive scholar­ships' r .. ; the Spring quarter.The first of 'these to be held will •• ....be 'the lower Junior contest in ex-temporaneous speaking. This·is open'to all members of the Junior collegeswho have not more than twelve ma­jors in any of the colleges and whohave not won a scholarship in a low­er Junior contest of this sort before,and who arc eligible for public ap­pearance.Those who intend to enter mustregister their names with the deanof the Junior colleges before noon,Feb. 18. The preliminaries will be­gin ,the following day at 3 in Kenttheater. The subjects for discussi,mare assigned at this hour and the con­testants are allowed one hour in whichto prepare their speeches; the try­outs taking place at 4.From the number of contestants the four best are selected for the finals.TbP final contest is usually held ODeweek later but the date has not beend .... finiteJy decided as yet. The judgesfor the contest are chosen by the Pub­lic Speaking department. The stu­dent ranking first in the finals isawarded a scholarship one quarter.The Rev. Dr. John McDonald Mc­Lauchlin, of the church of Our Savior,will address the Divinity school- todayat 11 :15, in Haskell assembly. Thesubject of his address will be "A Pas­tor's Reading_n Important Ministryin His Parish." FOR CAMPUS NEWSREADTHE DAILY MAROONMcLauchlin .WiII Speak Today. c. CORMANY'S'HOME LUNCH ,ROOMThe· Old BellaltleHeadquarters for UniversityStudentsWe serve the best of every­thing. Prompt Service.Try Our Spedal S1IIIdayChickea Dbmer.1313 -E. 57th Street4 .'. 'I . ( .. ,.'.' l"��\'� \'. .� .r- r �.. THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, FEB 6, 1919At the meeting of the Dramaticclub yesterday the parts for the win­ter play were discussed, and it wasThr J. R F Pr id t decided that the party which is to beee umors un or HI en • given Sunday, Feb. 9, will be. held atJunior president. Henry Kennedy the home of Howard Beale, 5819was a member of the track team last Woodlawn avenue.year and this season, and a member The parts of the winter play, "Sev­of the 1917 football team. He has 21 en Keys to Baldpate," which were ex­majors and 56 grade points. Warren .pected to arrive today in time forMulroy is a member of Beta Theui Pi tryouts for members of the east,and Business Manager of the 1919 failed to come, and therefore CarlinCap and Gown. Frank Long is a Crandall, the stage director for themember of Chi Psi, Skull and Cres- organization, outlined the characterscent, Iron Mask, and was on the 1918 in the play. There 'are eight or ninetrack team and 1919 cross-country men's parts and four women's, hesquad. He is a member of the Un- says. It has been urged that alldergraduate council and has 19 ma- members come to the tryouts tomor­jors and 48 grade points. row at 4 in Cobb 12A in order thatGail Moulton, candidate for Junior the club may have the best talent attreasurer, was a "C" man in football its command for this production,in 1917, captain of the 1918 water .. which will be a very ambitious affair.basketball team, and a member .of It will be presented at Mandel hallDelta Upsilon. He has 22 majors and the evenings of February 28 and81 grade points. March 1, and it is hoped that theTwo !\len Up For President. University will give active support toSophomore president. Glenn Hard- ,this, for the' Dramatic club, uniqueing is a member of the Three Quar- venture.ters club, Score club, Dramatic club, The new members of the organiza­and Alpha Delta Phi. He Is-a mem- tion will give a tea to the older mem­ber of the varsity track squad, and bers Sunday evening at 5 at thehas 9 majors and 29 grade points. 'home of Howard Beale, Instead of atChester :Guy is a member of Psi Up- ·�da l{oyes hall �, was first planned.silon, 'Seare club arid Three Quarters �e party.is .for �the members alone,, club. He is a member of the �- and although the program has beenming team. 'kept secret, it is expected that it will. Coventry Platt, a candidate for be most interesting. All membersSophomore vice president, is a mem- who are to attend have been requestedher of Morlar. BOard, the Junior col- to pay forty cents to Howard Beale.. lege hockey timm, and was a member before Friday 'night, or ,no provision� of last year's Freshman commission. will be made for them. StudentsShe has 13 majors and 33 grade I have- been asked to note this and topoints. El�or Byrnes, Sophomore pay the required. fee promptly, or�didate for secretary, is a member much confusion will result.:: ,of.. Wyvern, �ptain of a SeWem�tDance team, and member of the Ge- ANNOUNCE NAMESneva conference and the Ho� OF TICKET TEAMShouse food committee. She has 27 IN ARMY CONTESTgrade ,pOints for 11 majors. Esther. McLaughlin, the other candidate for (Conth.ued from .page 1)secretary, .was a member ot the" Freshman commission, the Junior col- yesterday. Th� compJete program� . lege hockey team, and the Sigma will � ready in a few days. It will,club.· She has 3 majors and 14 grade contain not only entertatners. ofrOts I th ti -'- has' bee • campus fame, but several professlon-pom zor e me DUe n m . �. °th U· 0ty J hn Pro th a1s who have tendered their serviees,e mvel'Sl.· 0 sser, e·. o. ••_1· didate I So h treas- This vaudeville WIll be given 1D Man-olUY can ror p omore· ..urer, is a member of Delta Kappa Ep- �el. Settlement Nig:ht, starting some-silon, Thlee Quarte.rs club; SkUll- and pme between 8:30 and 9.Crescent, and the 'Undergi'aduatecouncil ESTABLISH FRENCH TABLEJohnson Freshman Candidate. .IN WISCONSIN RESTAURANTUNDERGRADUATES ELECT,1919 OFFICERS TODAY----L(COntinued from 'pag, 1)He has 27 majors and 61 grade points.Bernard Nath, sole candidate forSenior treasurer, is amember of PhiBeta Kappa and Zeta Beta Tau, aUniversity Marshal, and captain ofthe 1918 tennis team.I;!11.,iFreshman president. Wendell John­son is a member of Sigma AlphaEpsilon. Charles McGuire, is a mem­ber of P.hi Kappa JPsi, .the varsityfootball team, varsify track team, andThree Quarters club. He has 2 ma­jors and 5 grade points. Wilmer, Jenkins, one of the candidates forFreshman treasurer, is a member of• Kappa Sigma, Three Quarters club,and the Y. M. C. A. publicity com­mittee. Robert Kewley, also a candi­date for treasurer, is a member of theDramatic club, Freshman basketballsquad, - 1918 football squad, ThreeQuarters club, and � Delta Upsilonpledge.,IALL PREPARATIONS MADEF(jR ANNUAL ELECTION(Continued from page 1)Jean Knight.Ruth Seymour.Secretary-Jean Falconer.Margaret Tu�son.Treasurer-Wilmer Jenkins.Robert Kewley.Clark Kessler.Theodore Rosenae1c.J. Earle Wooding. DRAMATIC CLUB PLANS.FOR WINTER PRODUcnONAND PARTY NEXT SUNDAYWill Present "Seven Key. to Bald­pate" -Supper to Be GiveDAt Beale'. Home.In a restaurant at the University ofWisconsin a table has been estab­lished at' �hich only French will bespoken. Nearly all'stud�nts who aretaking French have signed up forlunches at this table. Only eight canbe accommodated a:t one time. Achange will be made -each week so asto give everyone who signed up achance to sit at the table.Cosmopolitan Club Meets· Tomorrow.The Cosmopolitan and, Internationalclubs, together with the Northwesternchapter of the organization, will meetjointly tomurrow at 7 on the secondfloor of Ida Noyes hall. Prof. Sche­vill of the department of History willspeak on "Italy and the League ofNations."Committee Will Meet Today.The entertainment committee ofSettlement Night will meet with thechairmen, William Henry and Loret­ta Lamb, today at 11 :15 in Cobb 12A.Dames to Meet Saturday at 3.The University Dames will meetSaturday at 3 in the Ida Noyes the­ater. Prof: Coulter of the Botany de­partment will speak. LAW' BOOKS MEDICAL BOOKS·UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKSSecond Hand and NeUJand Students' Supplies ·. ,WOODWORTH·'·SBOOK STORE1311 East Fifty-seventh StreetBetJVeen Kimbarlt and Kenwood Avenues. . Open' EveningsGYM SUPPLIES u. OF C. JEWELR.Yy oOng 'Men's StYles.WINTER 1919MnJTARY UNIFORMS SUITS AND OVERCOATSWith that, decided suap that young men want.CUSTQM MADE35 to 70READY-TO-WEAR25 to 50. 9th FLOOR-REPUBUCAN �UILDINGState &ad AdamsTeL HarrisoD 6073 TeL Harrison 6073CLASSIFIED' ADS. raouc THEATRECOMPETENT Ttn'O�(Y�ung manor woman) wanted �ediately.Who can and will give claSsical Lat­in and Greek Lessons eveninp andSat;urday afternoons for D� sixmonths at aceommodatiq yet rea­sonable charges. Here is a chanceto, render much needed help as tu­tor and earn nice pocket money forsix months. Reply immediately toG. K., clo Maroon Office and statetelephone number in reply. 55". St,.., ",." DB. -LAST TIMESGeraldine Farrarin "A RemarkableTypewriter"" SHADOWS" All favorite features combined inone handsome writing machine ofthe first quality.Vale Announces Recent Gifts.ALSOYale Unh'ersity has announced re­cent gifts aggregating $128,000. Ofthis, $80,000, was from Mr. and Mrs.Howard B. SpaUlding, J. Ogden Ar­mour, and Benjamin H. Throop. Theamount from each was not announced.Another gift was from Mr. and Mrs.Gifford Pinchot to the Forestry school. WOODSTOCKTYPEWRITER COMPANYBig V Comedy II23 w. Wuhinllon Street, ChlcalOPhoDe Ceatral 5561PA THE WEEKLY--. .1 .� rA-._I I :. .•• :. "..........,-.... �je­, .'., .• ;�-i_:" -','"�.•'1r •f\. c.., ..... ](I11e\1- ·1"�.�����,J·efi.: 'ftJyk,11t4... ,...._.'-.V11Cfi,B:....l\litk.51IIs. -: . G�01aItI.Jw. 'a _..' � . Mg1n:Befeb�inb\ef.� v.1 '�