- . � ..•iI,Priee 3 CentsVol 17. No. 59 UNIVERSITY. OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1919," .President-' To Return Tomorrow• t'.t'.... ". , MINNESOTA rEAM WOMEN WILL TRY OUT COUNCIL PRESENTS . PROFESSOR SOARES WILL ENTIRE UNIVERSITY'AND CHICAGO FIVE FOR w. A.'�. ����IO. COMPLETEUST OF SPEAK TODAY IN MANDEL TO TAKE PAAT IN��< ,:� .. -:::;, .: '.LEAo· .co� �.���p'�g •• &p.:����J'« �" -�-cLAs$:.,N.Q��no�i ,��: GiY�_ �.t .��O��Dder _ �� BI� CEi EBRA'DON.�...__._ . ·Positions � Cut Tomorrow::. .... �::;�,":w�,�,�;� ;�:-l._� .. -, , __ .:<.. . pacK or-T. 1L� �-aetainUng. .�. � . '.::.::::_ ,. 1'." .... __ '_.' Thanday Afternoons in. Id& N. otea.4.Seni'<>: '. 'and�: -J . .•. �L. .. Soldier, aD4l Ned War" Is Sabjed 'r1_...: __ .; "T" "'.BOth Have 'Clean Slates-Ma- Hall-l\lanagers to Select. . or.' ,�or ...,�� 'of Diwcaaiou. ,",uui8es To Be DismjUed·' So.roone �lay IllinoiaSatur- ._._-, .Tuesday;, Sophomores and,; -- That Students May WeI-day in Bartlett. Try-o�ts for the 'amnia! W.· A. A. .. F�, i omo�. Prof. Theedore· G. Soares of the de- . come Judsoit.Portfolio will be held tomorrow'. and •__ partment of Practical: Theology Will \ :PAGE WANTS BIG CROWD OUT Thursday from 3 to 5 in' th� :theater, ELECI'IONS .• To BE TllUBSDA-i � today.�· 4:30 in. Mandel: on the HOLD 'RECEPrION IN· �.' of Ida Noyes hall. All undergraduate ' ".. '. .' . ·mili�of"The Re� Soldier.and _ .-- women of the University ale eligible' . ' . . -.",-.- .. , .�. CI will be J. . .' .Big Ten Standing. for the chorus and may try-out: but The Jist of �eea, fo� c:lass offi- ,the Next-·War." ',me lecture"will be _ asses Ism1ssed tomor-Won. Lost. Pc:t. unless they appear on one of. these eers _ is completed, .. with . Several given linder· the auspices of the Uni- row a� 9:45 in o�er tha� studentS -Cldeago •••••••..•.• 4 0 1.000 two days they may not take part in ch8D� f�m th? �:. nO;i.na- verSity Y. ·M. 0-. A. may welcome President Judson. InMinnesota •.•••.••.• 4 0 1.000 the play. tt°thnsdra;' �,_ nolDUl8d•eli gibilitlpe tion, Dr. � re�ed.to the UDiver- the eve�ng Presid�t Judson willN .3 1 750 Th' . tunt' . will �.c:b �. ,w-.ut,· an .m gJ ea.. Th.e &ity about" twO :.1veeks ago... .' He spent speak in Mand.el hall and. af�-_-.J-orthwestem ••••••• • e. a managers . oose � will 'i...-: ·el�-.1 Th-_.1_, I<C.I;WAI'UD. 3 2 ·.600 fro' Yth' Ii ts '_11 th" . to' tak' ou,eel'S. : �,: Q;WU on· ,l&4'DUAy, some time in hnce; leCturiDg for the ·11 hI' ,Illinois ••.•••.•.•••• m e app can AU .Ole e f" 8 30 to' 4 30 •. Ellis' halL" ., . . .-,.'.. WI 0 d a reception for the wJ.ole.500' art· �:.. ., 1 All' ',' h' rom' : :, m .Y. M� C. A. .and ad. dressed l� audi- -ePurdue •••• � •••• � ••• 2 2 pIn· wae pay., wOJllen W 0, . ,.; . ': . -� .: .' . University from' 8 to 10 in HutchinsOnIowa •••••••••• � •••• 2 4 '.833 have no classes after 3 in the':�: , 'DaVid 'Almail 18 LODe No�· ences of soldiers mJJie .Y.· H. c. A.-r, Miehi 1 3 .250 noon' have been requested to·U;:-out::· -" -, ..... :::'..... .' .h��,.O�:�.·,��·'.� �oi-ale.:. He �D&'. gaD ••• �....... .Oll:ft· • '. ' '.;':. The onJy·nommee ,fo� �or prem- was at Chateau Thie"rPv . in the Tow �-·d 't Is N', " .Indiana .� •.•...•.•• '� ••. 1 � o4OUV_. The annual entertainment of:' the ·dent�.waS:· .. David .. AJman.... . LOretta: 'd' .. ' , .• ,' ", . 'ther', secto·:·�·�' The'" cia' ': ... ��� �n .' ow. ill N. Y.Ohio state 0 1 ·'000 W � A.' '.' ted three .,'.. -", t' . an V&nOUS 0.' rs. :y ... .W· � . ' O�-- � r-,,' .000' �,: . '. .� lD8\1&'U1'8 .' � 'Lamb ancl>DorOthy ":Lardner were 'th� � waS :siPed'-he happened. President JudSon arrived 'in NewI8c:O •••••• ;'.... • .go.,_',�o� to tha� time ,the pla� noJnin��':�� vi�d� 'while .to � at t.he:front;;wh�· he had the York last Frid8y on the ·"Adriatic.") -- , had beenkn,J �venth' S8IDlCam-annuallF YlIi,. and: 'D�roth1' �: � J:.�' Gilbert, ibeist" Po�ible" o�ty . Of ob8erv- He is still in ttie East but' he and.. � �, : Chicago 1IDd. Mimieaota � atill were-. own as e pus, 0 es. . and 'SaraJi '�Y � : the nomineeS iD· �. the· wa', 'tJi8' '.leners 'took' the Mrs. J� will reach the' ��oOd","', leading the conference procession, . ',The Portfolio will. be held this year for·seeretary.; � N�th waS the "De��'- 'At Y:Parij 'Dr�' Soares' .wit- statiOD Wednesday at· 9:15.' .. The)'t e.c& having a dean _.alate sO. far. � March. 7 in ·Mandel ball .•. Marion. omy ��, nomjnatalior �or treu- .n�·�; .,RiV8t,: � 'President. Wi1- will pl'oceed diiec:tIy to the CalDpaS ...;. ,1Botb -_� played .thejr tlrst games .. Llewelyn IS ,general � of �e � •.. " .' .\ . '_p.----:- .... F.son'.&D;dJJie opening Of the Peace Con- where the whole UniversitY' body' will ". ':..o� ��gn !�� �. �bniB:y,.� . (Ccmtiftud aiipage 2). '.' ,Henry XeDJledy7.:�·,"�.·�d .,. '" .... ..... ' .' .' �come them . outside of"tb Presi- ,,_' ."S.both �e �ugh 8Ueeesat'�y •• �-: . Warren �.MulroY are·'�e'\;CGbteataDt8 : ,' .. -;, :(C�:�;page�a), .... ,:" dent's house. .:: .. < ...., DOw' caD .'look·�fcirward to'· a . ' �,,'''�',... :'. '. '.. ..... -' " :;' ", '" -'';:-, .... .' . .� In:o'�-� "'-� �'U' 'Ift� L..:_: .: :,' �:.�eago. , .' .. '. '.' :" ' .... THREE QU ... -.mt:J··CLUB for.JUJUor-preaidJ:;;Jdie KiDgiatbit ".,,'. ,"', ,. \' ci '. -,' • , •.. ". ,-"M:r"'�-''''I�.J'UVU". .-". .llAn.·. , '. '.'�lltiIal��F.i.'M:_���*h8 ,.�\-�&�'.1f.:tNtrE.�� '-_.' -:� _, _',-,_ _.r,:_:' ,,;.:. - ".�;,;;/ 'I�� �D�(lfMB.'m+JIOIiD·" �!���: 'i""snai:e"i!Cwe!eoDrlDg :the-:·.Pie8ideD.�·;:�-·1""'-��ijij,j: 'c:Ome��t �. Play'�ficht�:a last �-." . GIVE �� '. '. r���resid�CY� �d Phyllis P�er TtlYOUTS . FOR' }tARTS IN· all University classes wiH be dis.. - ":.���ditch. battle with the Maroona. ,OF YEAR FRIDAY AT 8:30has withdraWJi. The nv oJiguw}lom- .' WINTER PLAY TOMORROW missed �morrow at 9:45. A celebre- . :--:'�� Coach Pat Page is wOrrying over . -- �ees 'tor juni�:r�, Doris' Mor-:. -- tion such as W8!l held several __,,. Membel'll to Meet, Tomorrow at 5 On ..... \ .d G· "Se K to Bald ,,---the ,prospect of'the team'a getting ton and H.-n Thomp',ion, have with-. Deci e to I'Ve yen eys. - ago when he, returned from China.. Third Floor of ReyiloJcIa . .. "'D W· 0--..1 cliolittle' sUpport in the, coming' game. Club. drawn, leaving Mildred Powlison, pate . ;r or mter IC''''''U D will be) staged . on ,the Midway jUstThe.DJini have always brought a gen- who was nominated by petition, as the in MaDd� .'. outside of hia ·house. 1 The UniVersity�U8 �zed' bunch of rooters with -ol)ly eandidate. 'BerDard' McDonald -- band will be on' hand to furnish thethem, and ·the alumni of the down- The Th�Quarters club will give and Gale MoultOn are ·the two candi- After·ten YYS'··diaeuSsion, the Play music.,sch 1 ha eel t· 1 its first dance of the year Friday at £.. couimittee. of the Dramatic club de-'II!� __ �te 00 ve tum ou marge 8:30 at the Reynolds club. This is �tes or' JUDlor treasurer._... � -- eDOugh numbers to drown out· the cided . yesterday UPOD "Seven Keys to�eers of the Chicago crowd. A ca- the' first big affair to be given by the Sophomores· Keep First List. Baldpate"· as the winter play. Try_". .., d will be rtain �'L:_ tim 1922 freshmen, and they are planning W·th· ti th �- list outs for the cast "":11 be held tomor-pao .. .;r crow ce wwt e, to make this dance 'oite which will lone acep .on, e .en� W�.c:e . the .. Maroons: are leading; the of Sophomore npmmees stands as at row at· 4 in Cobb 12 A.league, and there is a chance that the :!s!:rth the envy of the up�r the nominati�n: This is Osborn! The Play committee is composed ofcrowd may not be boosting for the Kaull, who was declared ineligible for Carlin Crandall, chairman; Glen Mil-MarooDS. The dance will be an elaborate one. treasurer. The list includes Chester lard, Sarah Mulroy, Franees Hessler.The entire second floor of the ,Reyn- Guy and. Glen Harding, president; Several plays were under considera­olds club will be turned over for the Coventry. Platt and Fannie. Temple- tion; of these the mOst popular withuse of the Three-Quarters members ton, vice-presiden�; Eleanor Byrnes the committee were "Yellow Jacket"and their guests. Only members of and Esther McLaughlin, secretary; and "Seven Keys to Baldpate." Thethe club, active and inactive,' will be aDd John � for treasurer. latter � the final Choice 'of the com.-admitted. Boroff's orchestra will fur- The. Freshman presidential candi- mittee but beca'tJse of copywright dif-nish the music for the dance-. and fic:ul· • uld be d finiteI. ._, dates are Wendall Johnson, and ties It co not e y an-refreshments will be served. Charles McGuire, who was Dominated nounced until �ter copious cone-Dean Flint and Associate Prof. and b titi J Neff riginal' spondence between the members ofMrs. Edgar I'"�.� will be chap- y pe on. erome , an 0�� the club and Cohan and Hanis. Ar-erones at the dance. Members have (COfttimud em page 8) raDgements for �ts production werebeen u� to introduce their partners finally completed last Saturday.to the chaperones as there will be DO WEATHER FOBBeA." The dates of the production haveformal introductioL been set for Friday, Feb�Q� 28, and"Of course every memlM!r of the --._"cl b ·11 be � th dan " ·d F.: ..... d p"':"'L-b'- colder., m.-..l--te- Saturday, March 1. The play will, as Y. M. C. A. TO GIVE DINNBau WI out .&.or e ce, S81 __ ..."'IM a.;r uuc.I'. usual, be given in Mandel hall. Tick-Lewis Kayton, president of the club, Jy soat"westerJy Wincla. ets will very soon be on sale on the FOR COUNCIL AND CABINBl'yesterday. "The Three-Quarters club NEXT FRIDAY IN COMMONShasn't done muc:b vet on � big sCale, campus. The seats are to be reservedJ - TBE DAILY IIABOON and reservations may be made onlybut this dance will show the Univer- BULLETIN. The Y. M. C. A. plans to give a din-bl d . when. accompanied by the money for ner for the Administrative council ft-dsity what we are capa e of olng· •__ th CW&e tickets. Student cabinet Friday l·n Hu�-'L:nsonPrograms, music, refreshments, etc., '-CIUPUBLICITY· COMMITrEE TO win be of the best, and I feel safe Today. As the date of. the play is only commons.. The dinner is for the pur-MEET TODAY IN COBB 12 A in predicting that this dance will ou� Divinity Chapel, 11 :15, HaskeU. three and a half weeks oft', the club pose of getting the executive officers__ class any ever given before by the Chapel, Junior coUege women, 11 :20, expects to begin rehearsals immedi- of t�e Association together for prac:-The Publicity committee for the Freshman men." Mandel. ately. Tryouts for places in the cast tical discussion •Settlement danM! will meet today at Club members have been asked to Y. M. C. A. lecture, 4:30, Mandel. will be held tomorrow' at 4 in Cobb Prof. John M. Coulter, head of the11:20 in Cobb 12 A� It is essential meet tomorrow at 5 in the third floor Biological club, '1:30, Quadrangle 12 A. Only members are eligible for department of Botany and chairmanof the Reynolds club. The proof of club. competition for parts. Copies of the of the Administrative CouncU of thethe picture taken last week will be Christian Science 8OCiety, '1:30, Baa: play will be on hand at the tryouts Y. M. C. A. win preside at the dinner.keiL d Ion display and members Wlll have the an any member may read any part There will be short talks by dift'erentopportunity of orderin� the number TOIllOlTOw. for whic:b he wishes to compete. members of the council and the cab-of copies which they desire. No or· Divinity Chapel, 11:15, HakelJ. Euuly Taft, the president, said yes- inet. Others who will be present areden for pictures wiU be taken after Chapel, Senior college., 11:20, Man- terday, "I hope that every member Dr. Ernest D. Burton, Rev. Charlestomorrow. Plans wUJ also be dis- del. will try out for some part in order W. Gilkey, Dr. E. J. Goodspeed, L.cussed for the "get-together" party Y. M. C. A., diacuaion, 4:10, EI1ia 3. that we may have plenty of material Wilbur Messer, C. R. Holden andthat is to be given. soon. MeDora !IOdet" 4:30, Harper. �rom wbich to choose." Prof. Theodore Soares. .�-,'.,.,.,1, II ,of,a.:'to,'. :1� •. · .' '�.; ..Speaks in 'Mandel Tonight.�uec:eas Depends On Rooters. Tomorrow night at 8 President Jud­son will speak in Mandel hall to allthose' who can crowd into the build­ing. He will tell, brie1ly of his tripand will make � an opportunity ofspeaking to ·the many new studentswho do not as yet bow him.Mter the meeting in Mandel hall,a big old time President's receptionwm be held in HutchinsoD commons.The President wishes to take this 0p­portunity of meeting inf01'lDAl1y, themembers o� the University. All mem­bers of the University have been in­vited to the reception. At this recep­tion the marshals and aides wiD re­ceive as in former years. Refresh­ments will be served.",."The hardest part of playing agame a�y from. home is the fact thatthe crowd is not for you," said PatPage .yesterday. "It 'makes a tre­mendous difference. Dlinois will be�.', at DO disadvantage on our Boor at allif Uie' _'81Umnl outnumber our rooters,and it is nAceasary to have all the ad­vaDtaCe �po881"ble. Chicago must. winthat Pme� or drop out.. If the crowdia pqDiq fOr us,' it is going to �.aWhole lot easier for the team to win."".: Business Jl8iaager Merriam report­ed ¥ the preliminary sale of tickets.... rather large, and that all indi­catiou pointed to a capacity crowd.Early buying of tickets will be Dece&-,. .,I"._... 'I.. "' .. that everyone be present, the chair­men state. Those on the committeeare: John Joseph and Lyssa Chalk­ley, joint chairmen; LucUe Kanally,Warren Mulroy, Roland Holloway,Helen Patterson, Charles Springer,Margaret Haggott, Fred Manter, Eliz­abetli Wheeler, Nonnan Wright andJas,er King."•, .. �· .�,�· ...!.,.. -r Ir't'. IuI!.f'.. I'flI'f!t'!'It'�r.I .", ..., t' : .. -:_ --:'i�.:.. , :: _, ,i:' ,,'- '.<.'; ;;� ':'''' '�,;: 2; � .� {:"", � '-, � :� . :._,�:�< :�r: ?"r;;-'. ; � ,�(, ..,, 'I 1" TBa·DAlLY MAROON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4.1919mitt I ail It if arn n, It with beds and food. The visitors-r � might be plaeed in the heated co.The Student Newsp8per of tileUniversity of Chieal'OEDITORIAL DEPARTMENT-THE STAFF1."," ��",I BUSINESS DEPARTMENTMay Freedman ..• Business ManagerGeorge Serck •. Advertising ManagerFrank Fenner .....••...•. AssistantEntered as second class mail at theChicago Postoffice, Chicago, Illinels,Marcli 13, 1906, under the act ofMarch 3, 1878.SUBSCRIPTION RATESCalled for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 aquarter.By Carrier, $3.00 a year;' $1.25 aquarter.By Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50a quarter.By Mail, (out of town), $4.25 ayear; $1.75 a quarter.Editorial Rooms •••••••••••• EDis 12'Telephone Midway 800, Local 162Hours: 11 :00-11:50; 12:25-6; 7-8Business Office .•••••••••..• Ellis 14Tel�hone Midway 800, Local 162,Jiours: 10:20-11-50; 8-5:30TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1919BASKETBALL TOURNAMENTThe athletic authorities gave the:first basketball tournament for thehigh school and academy players inthe Winter quarter of the year 1917.Last year the war led to the eancella­tion of the tourney. The coaches arenow confronted with the question asto whether an annual basketball tour­nament should form Part of the sched­ule and,' if so, whether the contestsshould be resumed this quarter.II� I,II,I'.tlI,tIiIi:',11;,.,'rt:t�,",'�l,1,� were interesting, to the spectators, thechampionship of this particular sec­tion was decided, the players receivedthe variOllS advantages to. be derivedfro� clean, healthy interscholasticI contests, and the sport of basketballbenefitted from the comments and un­spoken opinions of those in attend-�.,t.I anee.The Stagg Interscholastic and thebasketball tournament are not cOm:petitive events, but, on the contrary,work toward the same common goal.It is not giving away secrets to saythat these two athletic contests aregiven for the sake of the developmentof the sports and the participants, thedeciding of the championship, and forthe prestige to be gained for the Uni­versity of Chicago. The Interschol­astic is a proven sueeess and is nowa national institution in the athleticworld. Every year track and fieldreeords are broken because of thekeen competition and the quality ofthe contestants. If. the tournamentcould be held next month and in thisway become a regular, yearly event,the indications are that the contestwould, likewise, gain national prom­inence.But one very important obstaclesconfronts the authorities. The fundsin the tre'asury are especially low atthe present time due to the financiallypoor football season and the givingof the basketball tourney involve; acertain amount of expense. Frater­nities objected to the housing of thevisiting athletes two years ago andthis year under the present conditions,the various organizations may be un­able 'to furnish the prep school men crete stands, but still tile impressionc:reated would be decidedly bad. ItThe League social service work isnot confined to the University settle­ment. Almost all of the settlementsin the 'city are open for it. Some ofthose open are Fellowship house, theBohel'iiliin seittement, the Stoek Yardsday nursery, the University of Chica­go settlement, Burnside settlement,and Davis Square settlement.There are almost unlimited types ofwork to be done, Under the .beadingof recreational work, Girl Scout lead­ers, piano players, military dn11 lead­ers, supervisors of games, such as bas­ketball and baseball, folk-dancingteachers and girls club leaders are de­sited. There is also need for typingand'filing clerks, legal aid workers,sewing teachers, cooking teaChers, andassistants, dramatic coaches, Englishand French teachers, Sunday schoolteachers, kindergarten supervisors,chorus leaders, visitors to clubs, old la­dies homes, etc., and story tellers forthe story hour. There are opportuni­ties for tutoring c1u1dren who are intheir work, for United Charity workin visiting homes, and tOT assisting atthe Rush Medical school clinic. . Here's a chanceto make real money with a liveproposttton.A Big Businessof you.The Businessyou about it. :' Concern-,men -wants onewould ,seem that the only solutions toPublished mornings, except Saturday,Sunday and Monday, during the Au- the housing problem would be the vol-tumn, Winter and Spring quarters, unteerine of the fraternities to eo-by the Daily Maroon company. �operate with the authorities or elsesome sort of assistance from Univer­sity funds other than of the athleticCharles C. Greene .. Managing Editor department. The InterfraternityJohn E. Joseph •.•••••. News Editor Council should at least take up theRUth Genzberger •.•••• News Editor question of the tournament at theWilliam Morgenstern ••• Ath. Editor next meeting.·John Ashenhurst .••••• Night EditorHelen Ravitch ..•.•••.• Night EditorHoward Beale .•••••••..• Day Editor DILUIATIC CLUB GIVES TEARose Fischkin •••••.••••• Day Editor AND MUSICAL IN IDA NOYESHarry Schulman ..•••.•• Day EditorKate Smith •••••••• Associate Editor Ail Members Invited-Plan DaDce Be-Harold Stansbury •. Associate Editor fore End Of Quarter. Office can tell,MOCHEL AND RUDOLPH VlcrORSclose matches."'Rifle Club to Eled 0Iicers.The University Rifle club will holdits annual election at officers tomor­row at 4, in Botany' 13.MINNESOTA TEAMAND CHICAGO FIVELEAD CONFERENCE(Ccmtitlud '""'" page 1)sary to get a good seat, or even ad­�ittance to the game. In the pastthe Illinois game has been the bigcard of the season, and it will drawan even .bigger crowd this year.Moose Gorgas Scoring Star."Moose" Gorgas was the scoringstar of. the game Saturday, makingThe new members of the Dramaticclub will give a tea and musical pro­gram for the old members Sunday ev­ening, Feb. 9, in Ida Noyes hall. Theold members will also present a pro- UNIVERSITY CHOIRS AREgram of a variety not yet disclosed for ORGANIZED ON PRE-WARthe newly admitted students. This tea BASIS WINTER QUARTERhas been arranged to give an oppor-tunity for all the members of the club The University choirs have been or­to become acquainted, and is therefore ganized on the old basis this quarter,to be attended by them only. and a large number of students haveBefore the winter play is presented, responded to the call for singers, andthe club will give a dance to which the allowances have been practicallyeach member will be allowed to bring allotted. As yet no plims have beenone guest. The organization. hopes made for a concert. The following isthat this affair will arouse an interest ,a list of the choir members as theywhich will be the foundatio� of an ae- nOw stand: .ti�e support for the p�uction which, Women's, choir: Corinne AIF, �.will be presented the mghts of Feb. 28 :Booth, Eleanor Burgess, Leonore Dil­and 29.� This play will be a long toDp ,Lillian Davis, Dorothy Deck,piece of the more popular order, and Elizabeth Den� Jean Falconer, Lu- ,all members are urged to come to the cille Havlick, Louise HoStetler, Alithatryouts when they are announced in Kranz; Lucile' �binson, May Rumi­order that the club may be composed mer, Libuse Tichy, Nona Walker,of the best talent the club has at its :Gladys Williams. 'disposal.. Men's choir:: George.. Brill, Mat- Private Instruction and Coaching 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!5!!!!!!!!!!�A meeting of the new members wfll ,thew Bowers, �erett Collins, Horace in� held �y at 1 in Cobb 12 A. This'1>awson-, James Dolliver, Robert Gad-• STENOGRAP':IYIS very unportant, and aD ten have .erer, ,Leo Gm bil4 Haiold Hanson, MISS Laura B. Cnstman_been asked to be prese!1t.. ;Dudley Jessop,!' William Sassaman, 5410 :University Ave., )obn Sonquist, iBarry Staples, Mark Telephone Blackstone 6089, Tapley.' l [BOLD OFFICE HOURS FOR. Fnderiek Wil\terhoff, �d Foote, Read The Maroon for Campus News IWOMEN INTERESTED IN !Edgar :J01mson� James McCartney, =============SOClAL-.SEJtVlCE; WORK !Hasel-..MeComb, Donald Falconer, and .6M-----------0,Jmnes MUDD � reserve members.Committee. Of W. S. T. c., w. A. A.,The first series of �es was char- And League Amlounce �OpporiuDi­acterized as a su.ccess. The matches ties For University Women. THE OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERofCAP AND GO W N, '1 9Special rates to all' U. of C. Students iii•\� •- "• •218 So. Wabash Ave.DAGUERRE STUDIOCHICAGOTel. 'Yabash 527 for appointment.Trial s...- .6V EN us Jt.aiIIIad � .......--. ........-��erieaD Lead Pellcil Co.FIfth Aftllu •••• Y.sixteen points. in his exhibition of 'DIrpt.how to ring them in. "Bob" Birk- lliiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiii_iiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilhoff and Capt. Hinkle devoted their==============energies to some steady guarding, andtheir work was just as effective inbti�ging victory. Williams madethree baskets, and Stegeman one.Pat gave the Varsity a hard work­out last night in preparation for thecoming Illinois game. The fiveworked with _ one squad of freshmenfor thirty minutes, and then took onanother team. �U the players werein good shape, Birkhoif especiallyhaving a good night with the baskets.DREXEL LUNCH910 E.' �5th StieetBetween Ingleside and ,,DrezelStudent Trade EspeciallyCommutation TicketsThe joint social service.committees Team Defeats �llard and Fribourgof the W. S. T. C., the W. A. A. and the In Bowling ToumamenLY. W. C. L. have announced that thereare still opportunities for social ser- Mochel .and Rudolph defeated Bal-vice in the city settlements. They feel 'lard and Fribourg in the finals inthat there are many women in the Uni- doubles of the Reynolds club bowlingversity who would like to do this kind tournament by a margin of 1032 toof work. Beth Uphaus and Rachel 816. In the singles there are still left .. ------------0Sheldon are in the ,League offi� from Bushnell, Nicely, and Rudolph.11:30 to 12:30 daJ1y to consult with Bushnell and Nicely will play Tues­those who are interested and to place day, �d Wednesday the winner willthem in the type 'of work they wish to meet Rudolph in the finals. Bushnelldo. holds a high score in the singles with592. -nus is the best touranment wehave had in years," said Arthur Col­well, maDqer of the bowling touma­ment." Seldom before have we badso large a number of entries and suchWOMEN WILL TRY OUTFOR W. A. A. PORTFOLIO(Continued from page 1)Portfolio committee, and MargaretHaggott is chairman of the publicitycommittee.The play this year is to be a re­sume of campus activities duringwartimes. The S. A. T. C., the W. S.T. C., the "flu" epidemic, our variousand many tag days, the signing ofthe armistice, and other events on thecampus calendar are the subjects ofthe various acts of the Portfolio. GET ABAYSTATELEATHERJERKINTo Keep Oat W-mcl aDd ColdBARGAIN AT $6.00 POSTPAIDMade of aenuine aheepakin, Jmedwith real moleakin, windproof.�eleM �n.jadcet. For 1110-torulg. lolting. �a. IIlOW­.boeing. 6.bing. bunting - anyoutdoor spon or work. Hiah orlow Deck for men. V neck forwomen.McmeybacJt if Dot .. tia&eclSent c:aniap free,1IpOII receipt 01 ttlLYONS MANUFACTURING CO.F'RAMINCIIAM.IIASS.READ THE DAILY MAROON .. ! ,., IIBe" lulpoell:retbjurepal,hi:�tathstevth, .., .aminrabeStbEto01·ih�St. tilIIIas'.fP' ,�!at-,eCII.-JaJtbplB... .,P:"••.. I ..,'\r- J'.', ........... ht·j",•".,. ..'.:".''.• feJlhihIalferrhotc# ',i. , '.,• I!t., !�, '.t ,.handicap -committee is composed of MEN'S W EARBenson Littman, ebainnan; Max Siele, Hats - Gloves - NeckwearCave Ottosen, and Pa� Willet. Prizes JAMES E. COWHEY'ference there. Be also met President will be given to the winners and those,making the highest see re and average; S. E. Cor. 55th St. and Ellis Ave.Judson in Paris and conferred with '"him on the latter's work in Persia. At the end of the tournament an ex- , B'I L L I A It D SAttitude of Soldier IlDportaDL -hibition match will be played by pro- Cigars -. Cigarettes - Pipes"The most absorbJng question of fessionals.the day is the eft'ort, whi� members Damaris Ames bas withdrawn fromof the Peace Conference will make 'vice-presidency, .leaving Katherineand the safeguards they will adopt PICfURE· SCHEDULE CHANGED Berkhoff, Jean Knight, and Ruth Sey­in· the attempt to make future wars ,mour as the remaining candidates. .impossible," said Prof. Soares yes- Cap and Gown Gives Revised List For Jean F�coner and Catherine Tunison.terday. "I believe that the attitude . - 'Fratemity Sittings. 'are only remaining nominees for-:of the returning soldier, .who bas been ;freshman secretary, as Belen Condron 1in. the,.thiek of the fight and has this Several changes have been made in �Margaret Foss, and Ed Eiehengreen ;war .business first band, will be a very the Cap and Gown picture schedule, ,have withdrawn. The freshman can- !'. , ' , ,'dlifiaite,:� .. in the formation of .and the list now stands: .didates for the treasury are Wilmer:public opinion with regard to militar- Saturday- Jenkins, Clark' Kessler, Robert Kew- ;ism and future wars." Alpha Delta .Phi-9:00., ley, Theodore Rosenaek, and J •• Earle :, :Prof. Soares in his trips'in France Psi Upsilon-l0:00. Wooding. Austin Bennet and Frank Ihas picked up timely infonnation and Phi Kappa Psi-ll:00. 'Wolff have withdrawn their names iamusing anecdotes, some of which will Delta Kappa Epsilon-ll :30. from the nominations. 'form part of his lecture today. He Chi Psi-12:00. All the J\ominees have been asked 'met many returning soldiers on his Sunday- to leave the list of their I:.etiviti� l!IIiiiiiiiii5!li!iiil!lE!!!i5!iiililiBiiIiliiii!ii5ii!EiiiiiiiE!i!5!il5ii5!5l!llhomeward journey and so will be able Delta Epsilon-9 :30. in the Maroon office not later than 3to tell much about them. He also Score club-l0:00. this aftemoon.will discuss the association of nations Skull and Crescent-l0:30.from the standpoint of the soldier,and will tell what such an associationwould mean in the history of mil­itarism.EmRlES TO BE BANDED IN ,COUNCIL PRESENTS'FOR BILLIARD TOURNAMENT COMPLETE LIST OFCLASS NOMINATIONSMAROON TRACK TEAM TO. STAGE MEET AT PURDUEEck's Runners wm Probably MeetBoilermakers at Lafayette Weekfrom Friday-Tom Campbell' andJoe Stout Go to NeW' York. .Definite assurance that the Maroontrack team would open the 1919 in­cIoor conference schedule with a dualmeet at Purdue was given yesterdayby Coach Tom Eck. It is highlyprobable that the contest will bestaged a week from Friday, althoughall the arrangements have not beencompleted.Coaches Page and Eck are workinghard to have the Maroons in the bestpossible condition for the meet. Theyexpect to be able to place some goodrepresentatives in every event withthe possible exception of the highjump and hurdles, Coach Page hasrequested that all men who have everparticipated in these events report to.him some afternoon at 4 as soon aspossible. The middle and long dis­tance events should prove up well forthe Maroons as they have several'stars who will compete in 'theseevents. Followers are also expectiJigthem to take the relay events.Send Stars to Eastern Meet.Coach Tom Eck yesterday receiveda,communication from J. J. McGowan,manager of· the Melrose Athletic clubin New York City, completing ar­rangements -that will send Tom Cam­bell, University freshman, and JoeStout, graduate and former star milerbere, to compete in the Invitatlon meetto be held at Madison Square Gardenson Feb. 24. Campbell will run in'the special six hundred yard eventagainst the best athletes of the UnitedStates while Stout will compete in. the one mile and a half run. ThelIleet will be an international affairas several foreign stars wJ1l Partici­'Pa� It i� probable that Tom EckfPirnl:":"make. £be-,mp�-With' tlie�iUnnerS:! "Both Tommy' Campbell and Stoutare in the best of condition -and are� to run the best races of theircareers,".said Coach Eck :3esterday., "They' liave been' working 'out dailyand will be able' to stand up againstthe best runners that the east canproduce." Stout wm compete for the, Bodney Wanamaker trophy.10',., ..,.PROFESSOR SOARES WILLSPEAK TODAY IN MANDEL(Continued from fX!116 1)rJ, ..•"""I. MURAD''TURKISH CIGARETTES,ARE MADE ESeeCIALlY FOR THE,, '',QfSCRIMINAT1NG AND EXPE.RlENCeD'SMOKER OF HIGH GRAO.E'TURKI.S_t! 'lGARETIESThe l)Iendin� �is exceptional, . -. -- ' � IGHESl wOE TURI(ISH-A""MAKERS Of _;�HGE'G"RE"Tt'ES 'N THE wc)tlIJ)EGYPT'AN . �"2-0Cents•Theylike •�e JU$t•meetingyour Best Girlface to' face . -:. �REMEMIiER-There are nootAeT8 .like your ,CC B. G. " --�-�FROUC THEATRESStla,Sb.t ami El& ,\Tuesday, February 4Bryant' :w ashharnandAmaa Q. tfdsSOD "A RemarkableTypewriter" 'in All favorite features combined inone handsome writing machine of,the � 41Wif.y •"Yen. ia the East" ,ALSOSCREEN TELEGRAMLYONs-MORANCOMEDY WOODSTOCKI TYPEWRITER COMPANY23 W. Washington Street, ChlealOPhoae CeDtnI 5561Iron Mask-ll:00. Private Dancing Lessons ,1/jEa!!!!!!!5!!55!!EiiIii!i!!i1�EIiiiEi:��la a coarse of six leuons ($5.00) C. CORMANY'SStudents are advised that no one -one can acquire the steps of the I HOME L1:JNCH ROOMwill be admitted to elections without : r:� °i�d�nd Fox-troL Single The Old Reliablea class ticket. Class tickets will be on �' Hea.lftuarters for University1·1 oon at the in for- ' LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIO �sa e unti tomorrow n.. 1541 Eo 57th St. Brie Park 2314 Studentsmation desk of Cobb. Voting WIll take We serve the best of every-place in Ellis, on, Thursday from 8 :30 thing. Prompt Service.to 4:30. the Sophomore wm have their speech-Speeches Wl11 be made by all the es at the same time in Kent east. Themen nominated. The Freshman Juniors will meet Tuesday in Kent,speeches will be held Wednesday at while the Seniors have their speechesChapel period in Kent th�ter, while ,in Cobb 12 A.AU 1\Iust Have Class Tickets.Washington House-ll:30 .., Blaekfriars-12:00.The billiard and pool tournamentwm. start next Monday. AU entriesmust be in by Thunday, and a fee offifty . cent. paid to Mr. English. The .candidate was declared"'\ Try' Our Spedal SundayChicken Dbmer.1313 E. 57th Street(Continued f""'" fJ4t16 1)ineliglDle.,..'01:, '_1I J I,EVERY time we seat ourselvesdown at this typewriter lately (andthat was twice last week, hang oldQ. E. D.!) we sigh and recall the hap­py days of the S. A. T. C. Perhapsyou, dear reader, remember it withpain but it was a paradise for TheWhistler. Time was we tore into theoffice, read the contribs, and, afterrecovering from laughter, typedthem; and that was all. Truly, itwas the Renaissance of wit. The col­yum was full of funny stuff, but bar­ren of Whistlerian humor. No doubt,it would be rash to ask for contribsnow; the campus is too concerned, with other things; or perhaps, (Darewe breath it?) we are not so jovial aswhen the campus soldiers were withus.It would � interesting, would itnot, dear reader, to attempt a reviv­al of humor' on the campus. If per­chance you feel that way, too, youmight drop the extent of your inter­est into the Maroon office any day,addressed The Whistler..";tP,I,I'.� ,,',I: �DRAMATIC REVIEW-THE YVODVIL AND FEEDBird, the office mascot, comes acrossWith the hot stu1f. He was going to�te a WhiStle,' but changetf, hismind and gave it to us; We extract:,Our idea of the height of innoc­uity is .lohn ,J'oseph employing pro­fanity.,(Gotta keep the girls entertainedyou knOw, Harry-J. E. J.)Several freshmen were complainingthat they were nominated for treas­urer Friday. Their wail was, "Ev­eryone else, why not we 1"The theory of the thing� Adolphus,is that when you part your hair inthe middle, you have weight equal­ly distributed between right and leftfeet.A piani8t was engaged to keep upthe boys' spirits while calisthenica­ting in Bartlett. He lost his job whenhe began playing the "Dead Marchfrom Saul" as an accompaniment tothe push-on,1I He whom the armistice hit most se­verely was the alleged humorist whohad a stock of war jokes which he wascounting on as filler for the next yearor 80.While we're on the subject, tho,we can't forbear to remark that if theS. A. T. C. was a fizzle it at least " • '�... :.... j �"('" J •• " ""TBB BAILY IlAROON. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1919,KEEP AMemory Book,YOU will enjoy' it all your life. ThQse at theUniversity Bookstore are especially attrac­'tive. They contain' pages for Autographs,I Athletic Records, Theatres, En°tertainments andSocial Functions, also pages' for Clippings, SnapShots, Programs, etc. Handsomely bound withCoat of Arms in Gold on front cover.Begin now. Get yourI •Memory Book"BIBLICAL WORLD" CONTAINSARTICLE BY DEAN.MATHEWS at : IA_istant Prof. M�e1d to SpeakTomorrow at 4:30 'on "Democra- \tization of Religion.""The Democratization of Religion"will be Assistant Prof. Merrifield'stopic at the meeting of the Y. M. C. A.discuSsion group tomorrow at 4 :30 inEllis 3. The discussion is open to allUniversity men. All who are inter­ested have been invited to come andtake part in the discussion, which willlast for half an hour, and will comeimmediately after Mr. Merrifieldspeaks. The discussion is the fifth ofa series on the general subject "TheConservation of War-Time Ideals."Assistant Prof. Menifield has saidin regard to the subject, "Religion istoo often controlled by autocraciesand oligarchies. There seems to be awidespread though unorganized move­ment under way to restore the ruleof the popular majority in religion, atleast in Protestant Christian circles.This is true not only in matters ofchurch government but also of re­Iigious beliefs. Practical methods ofwork, the relations between variousclasses, and the claims of democracyare being recognized. May not re­ligion prove to be one of the greatfactors making for a pennanent worldpeace?"wm�NeWR.o.T.CA new R.' O. T. C. will be estab­lished at the Unf:versitY of Pennsyl­vania, with Major' Charl� T. Griffithas head of the 'department and pro­fessor of military science and tactics.The government will detail additionalteachers selected from the UnitedStates army to assist the major. Thecourse will be voluntary. IThe UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE5758 Ell IS AVENUE"•sale there.The sale is one, of a, zorieS beingheld by the League. All members ofthe League are privJ1eged to bringarticles of any description to be soldat. a 'reaSonable commission.· Allsorts of attractive things are on viewat the present sale. Among the bestsellers are UniversitY,. stationery,lmitting bags and many hand madenovelties of all kinds. Temptingsandwiches and �kes are also forsale."These sales sh9uld prove enonn­ously popular with University wom­en," said one of' the 'managers of thesail yesterday. "VIe have any num­ber of good bargains here, and theyare going so fast that the early birdis likely to catch the best things."PROFESSOR BUCK WRITESARTICLE FOR JANUARYNUMBER OF JOURNAL, The January number of "ClassicalPhilology" issued by the Press con­tains an article entitled "Words forBattle, War, Anny and, Soldier," byProf. Buck of the Comparative Phil­ology department.Prof. Buck maintains "that everychange in the instruments and prac­tices of warfare leaves its mark inlanguage, and many of the new termspass from one language to anotherand become internat:!0nal." Be alsostates that the additions to vocabu­lary resulting {rom the present warexceed those of any preceding period.Zionist Sodety Meet. TOday.taught some of us hew to find our DISCUSSION G�OUP WILL MEET , .. ------------------- ...... --- ...way around Hutchinson kitchens. 'A summer session of ten weeks wmBARGAIN HUNTERSI LEAGUE' be hela by the Law school of the Uni­IS HOLDING RUMMAGE SALE versity of Wisc�nsin, according to'plans just made by the faculty. ItPlace Articles On .Sale Daily From 'Will � so arranged that the students12 to 5 In Ida Noyes may earn the equivalent of one-thirdHalL ,of a year's crOOi� during the summer.The program �l be laid out so tb8tstudents who entered the Law schoolat the' beginnin 1 of the second termthis year, may mplete a full year'Dwork before the' opening of the nextacademic year· the fal1·of,1919.Watch for this bird's song in thefuture.NOW who isn't selling S. D. T.!ANON.SWIMMERS WILL HOLD 'MEETWomen to Compete Tomorrow at 4:10In Noyes Tank.Tryouts for the interhall swimmingmeet, which is to take place tomorrowat 4:10 In Ida Noyes tank, were heldyesterday. The following contest­ants were successful: Margaret Long,Marjorie Winslow, Louise McNeal,Katharine Frost, Janet Lewis andHilda Lieber from Foster, hall; Elea­nor' Growman, Pauline Boisot, HelenGirak, Theresa Wilson, and FrancesHenderson from the other halls; andLucille Havlick, Nannene Gowdy,Ruth Dixon, Nellie 'Gorgas, MildredPowlison, and Katharine Kitchinfrom Ida Noyes, a group consistingof off-campus women.The meet consists of six events:breast stroke-twenty yards; freestyle-forty yards.; back stroke-fortyyards; a relay race, plunging and div­ing.W. A. A. points will be awarded toall those who made the teams. "ItThe League room in Ida Noyes haIIhas been temPorarily cOnv�rted intobusy bargain market. . Beginning �day the room will be open all weekfrom 12, to 6. to �mmodate, shop­pers who may wish to make pur­chases from am�ng the, attractivestock ,Of articles which, are placed onThe January number of the "Bib­lical World" which. has just been is­sued by the - University Press, con­tains among other articles one byDean Mathews, of the 'Divinity school'.The> article, "Some Ethical Gains ofYALE HAS UNUSUAL NUMBER the War," contains a discussion of theOF MEN OUT FOR SWIMMING basis of national morality, and themoral tendencies in national life asrevealed by the war.The Menorah society will meet to­morrow at 4 :30 in Harper assemblyroom. Associate Professor Ames willspeak on '''The Jewish Religio� andSocial Idealism."Yale has more than 250 candidatesout for swimmiDg this year. Thenew Yale policy, compeling every stu­dent to take part in some fonn ofathletic activity is largely responsiblefor this large increase over p��ousyears.TRYOUTS FOR FRESHMANDEBATING TEAM WILL BEHELD WEEK FROM FRIDAY .Tryouts for the Freshman debating� will be held. a week from Fridayat 3 in Cobb 12B. ,The question fordebate will be: "Resolved, That Chi­cago should adopt the city managerplan of government," All Freshmanare eligible and may try out by pre­paring an eight minutes speech oneither side of the question, All con­testants have been asked to hand inmeir names to Mr. R. L. Lyman, Fac­ulty exchange. Menorah To Meet Tomorrow.Biological Club Meets Today.The Biological club will meet to­day at 7:30 in the Quadrangle club.Mr. H., M. Sheaf wi)l lecture on "ANew Method for the Quantitative De­termination of Minute Amounts ofGaseous Oxygen." Dr. George K.Link will give an illustrated talk on"The Pathology of Fruits and Veg-etables in Transit." .. 'Under terms of a rule recentlyadopted by the faculty of the StateUniversity of Montana, credits to­ward the degrOOs of the universitymay be granted for service in theanny and navy of the United Stateson certain conditions prescribed bythe committee on admission and ad­ministration.Press Issues New Publication.The "Journal of Political Economy"recently issued by the UniversityPress, contains among other articlesThe Zionist society will meet today] one on the "University Schools ofat 4 :30 in Harper M 11. All persons Business and aNew Business Ethics."interested have been urged to attend. It also bas several book revieWSo', Give Credit for Army Service.t , Christian Scientislli'Meet.Tilden and Stein! They're mean, is hoped that €v�ry one will turn out UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSINthat's all. They oughtn't to. be al- and support the teams, as we want LAW SCHOOL WILL GIVElowed. the meet to go off with pep," said . SUMMER WORK THIS YEARRuth Lippert, who is in charge.D. U. Foote, of Whicrutaw, in achalk talk: 'Maybe his chalk did talkbut he .didn't say a word' until theeasel fell over. Then unless you satin froD� as we did, you wouldn't haveblushed, ' ,Lois Cook::There'3 a beautiful riDgin her voice and on her finger.Mignon Schrieber: She has aFrench-German name and she readswith a fluent Gaelic-Swedish-Spanishaccent.Crandall and Palmer: In case younever saw The Follies, we'll tell youthey �'t like this. When theystarted to play Bean Porridge Hot,though, it Iooked 'as ,if there wouldn'tbe a Whistle today.Feed: Par' excellence. After the, plates ran out, we held the glass inour, hand and put the cookies in ourpocket. Ni� party, said we. The Christian Science society willmeet today at 7:30, in �e Harper,Assembly room.CLASSIFIED, ADS.CO)IPETENT TUTOR (Young maD,or woman) wanted immediately.Who can and will give classicalLatin and Greek Lessons evenings,and Saturday afternoons for next.six: months at 8c:commodating yetreasonable charges. Here is achance to render much needed helpas TUtor and, earn nice pocket mODeey for six months. Reply immedi­ately to G. K., c/o Maroon Oftlceand state telephone number in reply.WANTEP-First Class FratemityCook or Housekeeper wants posi­tion with one of the hoU1e8 Jar'the University. Call Midway 208.FOR SALE - Spaulding runningshoes, in excellent condition. fa.OO.Inquire at Business Office." �KI2I"ARRowCFORM:-I'ITOLLAR,25 CENTS EACH�Kca_.". . -: '." ... .'\,t'-6MJ• It.� ,'_ .v»..Un�\'BA'11agalettforCoathestn!wee,. .. areend.be ia, �• thecanmwGO);coltSblat." ,iDlE.��::':::.:aU",' a -�tea:J,���._ t&IDboa• ;. ' 'IspHthe23-!andAncSODtheerapleltheWOIareIde'praEPIthecouBeDWClCODlastfteltwatbeeanti,theDiD;las1J8stCosfu.� ...... I ..f': .4 hf·• 1",.I ,.� � ,,,": ...,.II'I ..I.t' i.,(, �4•... " ,,.", ... :".',f ....... ,l.