World Problems Group MeetsUnder Auspices of Y. M.'The tea for Settlement Njght work- Despite' the S. A., T. C. and otherera given by Mrs. L� A. Walton at her C.,A. and League. distracti�DS of the Autumn quarter, _MAROONS IN GOOD CONDITION' home, 5737 Woodlawn avenue, will-be -- twelve stUdents emerged with a SALE OF CLASS TICKETS ON......._, held today, beginning promptly at 4. OWEN SPENCE TO RE SPEAKER straight record of "A" on three or'"-- '')t'is absolutely esse��._�� .. ev: ' .. _ �_- -.. more'�majors eaCh' as comparedrWith' -The Maroons had' little'"trouble �ip eeyone� ,memh8n.,.. --- seven wi1;h the samegrade in the Au- Nominations for class officers willhanging a 25-10 score, on, the;.Ekh&tt' ��minittee members-connected with "The Problem ,of the Near East:' tumn. quarter, 1917. ,Twenty-three be held tomorrow morning duringPark Blues last,�ght in a fast gaMe Settlement Night be there promptly will be discussed today by the World students made seventeen grade- chapel period. The committee on elee­at Bartlett gymnasium. With "Moose" at 4," said David Annan, general Pi-oblems Forum, which meets at 4:10 points: on three majors as compared .tions, which was appointed by theing a good defensive the Ekhart five chairman of the annual charity affair, in Harper Assen;lbly room. The Forum with twenty-one � year ago. Forty- Undergraduate council yesterday, conhad di1ficulty in working the ball up YJsterday. "In the first place, we has been prganized by University men have s�' grade-points as compared sists of Buel Hutchinson, Chairman,the floor "{hile the Maroons peppered must lu\ve reports from every t\am and women for the purpose of arous- with fiftY-one'in the Autmn of 1917, and Chalmer McWilliams and Elinorthe basket at a long range and with and committee. Then, the teams must ing interest in the great internatioJV1l and forty-six have fifteen grade points Atkins, assistants, The committeegood success. plan out some sort of ticket selling problems of the day: Kenneth Math- as compared with sixty-five in· Au- will handle all details of the nominaCoach Page's. men showed the best campaign. Members of the teams er for the Y. M. C� A.',and Anne H�p-, tuuin, of 1917. The total numIrer of tions and elections.defence of the season and covered should have a plan for a big bulletin bum for the, Y. W:'.,L. A. are joint students making an average" of "A"," Van Meter Ames, president of the:fo.', . their .Iighter opponents uft in great to be placed in Cobb for showing the charmen of the organizing committee. or better is thus a hundred and one as Juni�r clas� of last, year, will,be chair-.\ shape at every stage of the game. dm1y-results. Last year they had aA ,Mr. 'dwe�'" E. Pence; jUst returned compared with a hundred and forty- man of the senior meeting •. Buelif '-. Birkhoff plaYe4 his usual clever game advance 'on Berlin, and the previ3us hom fout: years of serViCe and inves- four in the Autumn, 1917. ' HUtchinson, Who headed the sopho-, ... at forward. year an au��ob�le race."• tigation in Southeastem Europe and Exclusive of the S. A. T. C. the UD- more class last year will have c:h.arge.;Asia Minor, will speak first on his ex- dergraduate �gistration f�r the Au- of the Junior meeting. ChaImer Me­periences in the Near East, and will tumn quarter 1918 was 1662 as eom-. Williams will presi�e at the sopho-In a preliminary to the major game, The ticket sale will start the- first then answer any questions which may pared with 2304 in the Autumn 1917,: more nomi�tions. , He was freshmanthe Maroon seconds met some stiff op- of next week at the latest, aeeording arise. The meeting will be open to and the percentage of students mak- -president during 1917-'18. The fresh':'. position in the Ekhart minors. With to the' general chairman. The custom discussion for a half-hour. ing a ,grade of "A" or better is 6.8 as man meeting will be UDder the chargeL " Stegeman in the lineup Chicago ·man- of giving celluloid buttons to tickef;8 Kenneth Ma�er, chairman of the compared with 6.2 in the Autmn, 1917. of Charles Greene, president qf theIi" 'aged to nose out the \Ekhart five by a buyers will be followed out this year. Forum, emphasized the value of these Undergraduate council The seniors" ,1 � 22-16 margin. Tickets will be fifty cents each, and discussians I to the students. "Ool-. Beckwith At Bead Of LisL will meet in, Cobb 12!i, juniors in\() Last night's games proved that the from all indications competition will lege. students," he' said, "have been The liSt 'is headed by C. A. Beck- Kent West, sophomores, Kent East,• MaroOns are � good shape for the be keen �ong the various teams. acc:use8 o� "I).eing, too p�vin�; of with �d ;Valeska Pf�i1fer, each of ,and freshmen in Kent Theatre.,,' '. .t &at road game of the season next Clubs and fraternities and donni- being more',interested in their own; whom, made' a total of'twenty-one... ;�': Saturday. The men are shooting well, tories have been requested to collect n: petty .social"aifairs than in.·�e bi� �e:pomtS on three mid a half ma-,I>, - �aDd the defense'is tight. ..' ,sociological .problems and social needs:,' The class elections have. been d&-'�.: ::\�•. ,spe8cl ia tbe(great 'D� of the � (Ccmttftued Oft ,peg. 4) of their own ,community. The Forum' ,,(Contil'ued on page 4) layed until'this time bee8wie of'the.���_�:-��:':'�:ifih{ -DOW, ..... u·�1;he��:ilve, is ' ". will not only take 'ill theSe problems, ", delay in prep8ring,th� e1igibilitt:-listL�-" ::T�;:':"- PERCY G�A" -mucaoo.;:;_:.._ �� �" ....l1.R�_�i�,' .��� !��'P� O� J�., LlTICS., " �ese,_ howeVer, will 1M; out �. ..,�, ';,�ie;.; , 'ODe of the'fastest in th(Big Ten'or- FLYER, PLANS TO RETURN world probl� This movement suj)!-'" ,.U.bkOtJ:aniG.C�U8·.I�h'_-;,:, �b" -"'�'-ifi�' ':;'�':�".",,' '� . =- �::=ta�n�th:�::;O= TO UNIVERSITY IN SPRING ported a1ready by over fifty Univer-: CQMING ELE<!J'ION 'CLOUD See eitht:r tbe\i;;ii;i:7Of\il:��O:if�Z- that T_ th 'a.;. .... ..:...J_· -- inty men and wQmen is a proof that -- committee, or the Bureau' Of �rcIa·" :' ��.��'�.•,'< IoU game..&II e �lUUAy �e, Downed German Plane-Reeommend� S .' I W • In . U d -� ", , , '\,.� ,� Jaowever, there will be the' double ban- the time has come when students are peaa nter ternew8 n eraa_,- before Wednesday at 4 P. M. st1identa -... .eel For Croix de Guerre ad ,. bel used to ..1..1 diti 'd Date Celebrities Concerning' their are advised to tha 'dieap of a for:ei� .6001' '� a fast Distm.' -n.h-'..I, Se"";- ,,___ mg aro wo ... � con ons an see � they are prop. .', e-- ICU • "."'" "1'VINIe are sensibly cOnsidering'the big p � J Political Ambitions-Modest erly classified in the liats. ,\ � --- le�'of other Peoples and nations,ro,, Candidates Sil�L Nomination speeches' will be made.' Marocma Baye WinninC Spirit. Flying has no attractions for Lieut. '" , '-- by the candidates, early ne%t week.Percy W. ("Red") Graham, "who' N East De8e"a Attention. By PolitiCWI. IWith � victories behind them, reached Chica esterda after 6 _ -.". ", ", , ,', " ',: �ey will be held at chapel time, adthe Maroons have the WlDDJD"·'.g &pl·n·. '. .. ·th' go y battlY f Yd -',; �'No people �eserve,'our attention 'at :',The �pus bosses are blossominf the days will be arranged so that lit-, .., mg. on, e westem e ront an '�. '.' ,, ' , I rth .' all th· 1 Alth h Iwhich will be some ad�tage to Chi- d '. Ge' achi Graham-' � time more, than the oppressed na;.LO m elr gory. oug t e inconvenience will, be caused to. ownmg a rman m ne., tional"ti of the Near East" Co tin-' the official list of candidates bas not anyone.�eaao· The team 18 troubled at pres- was a student at the University at the .'"- I es" ' .,'. n, been, publish, ed,- manv prominent men8Dt bv a Jaek of good bsti'tutes d ' ' uea Mather. ,"In, the diSCUSSIon we J •J,' ,au., an time he enlisted in the spring of 1917, ,.' ", '• • h _'I. th fl·' th . tend to Vote On Week From Th--..a- the extra men may be badly needed in . I.' , ,want to give' all of tliem falr coDSld- CIlosen e 0 Ices ey In U&""'J�':', ' and 18 p annmg to return to the 'cam- ,.• • ;. I fill d yesterdav I set about to·n Th'L._., __ ";".�e game. There are only three men eration,\mclud\Dg, even the unspeak- , an J 1 - e,elections'will be held ThUl'BdayJ"-.: "'__ ,' out 'for the team. besides the regulars, pus. able Turk', himself. 'Mr. Pence's terview as many as possible on their of next week, and the hours will runand more eould be used. Other squads "I am through 6ying for good, and talk is going to be interesting enough hopes. ,throl1gh'th� day, so that everyone willin the conference are well fixed' for so are the fellows in the 49th pursuit in itself, but the meeting .will be even I approached Dave ,Annan and be able to vote� The marsh8lls andgro' tip," said Graham. "FJving· is too __ 1 hI th d b---'I.ed the -;";'·'I.·ect t "I' ·d ill '.substitutes, and the extras may eam1y J. more VAIUB e if e stu ents will con- ,.IViICIl ,BUIIJ a �nce: un- al es WI 'assist iJ\, the , nominationsbe the m� of deciding 'a game. , risky a business; the flyers in' my tnDute their own ideas to the Forum derstand, Mi, Annan, that you are �and elections. ' .All the' teams which have�'Played groups 'Yel'e nervous, grouehy, and and participate in'the discussions." running 'for senior', class I president. ' I Students Who'�.to vote at 'thehere thfa IeUOD have had:ascpOd men wo�ed all 'the time, 'because of the, Prof. BreaSted.of �e department of Have you any ,statement to make?" elections must buy--class ticke� Theyon the bench as'" those piaying, 'cape- strain. Forty per cent of ,the 'group Oriental Languages and Literature Annan (at the time we: were in Cobb)' are for: sale by representatives of thedally Iowa, which bad Cotton, for- were �lled inside. ./ of three months. said yesterday: "There is no "part of· unbuttoned his fur-coll� coat, �k various, classes for fifty' cents. ciassward, Pyle, center� and GDfillian at The solid ground �s good enough for th�: wo�d of more strategic hDpcnt;._ �ut his 'keys, ol;)ened, � box' in the tickets are neceBSarY. to a�d _.. theguard. Purdue had �I, a first' those who are le�t. ,.. .• ,.'. , "FacultY- Exchange; aDtl':f�und, as we nOmination. and' elections, and .iso,string dent:er Ball forWard and Cof- Graham receIved his prebmlnary ,', (Continued em fHJfI' 3) both expected, that -it was! quite any clasS function. Fonnerly theflng at gu&rd nlinoa�bi �ell fixed .�ning in Italy, and l� February WEATBEil FOREcAST empty, before he replied, "Well. I am classes had the plan of c� classwith Fteteher and Koopp of last years was se�t � France. �s group � __ . a member of "the , � team, the honor dues, but this was found imprac:tic81.· ,team Bucheit at eeatft' Ud Probst at gan 6Y1ng 1D August, and was active· 'commissi()n, Owl and Serpent, Delta� Any ODe of ��'iDen can be up tm � �istice was sign� :�n- se!�::eStCOll:� m���' t�mperat1lla; Kappa EpsiI�"put into a game withoUt '"ewnin,r other, Umvemty man was. WIth hIm, 'Couider Poaible Oppoeition •the lfD� " " . ' John Seerley was in the group, and 'has six planes to his credit. Graham �Y es, yeS," I said, politely breakingTHE DAILY 'MAROON . "b t d tho k ·11Madden Bu Good Proapeet. was ,recomnlended for the' Croix de _ In, U 0, you 1D anyone WI. ' Guerre and the Distinguished Service BULLETIN. ' have the ,temerity to oppose you 1"At present it looks as if Frank 1tlarl- Cross, as was Seerley. __ "I have heant that Dutch Gorgasden would be the extra man to make 1..... bee • ·ted t 1 ran butGraham sawall the University Toda,. .� n lDVI 0 a so ,the trip to Madison. Madden has bet!b . • ,....:., w"members of Hospital unit 13, at Lim- Divinity chapel, 11 :15, Ha;ekell. rumors are rumors, you &110 •playing a steady guard an season, and I "'ext cam across my friend Jlooks'to be the best of the subs. Con- oges shortly before the war ended. Chapel, college of COmmerce andW f·,�"l ef h I kcCJ 'th . Phi. Gamma Announce Pledging., Charles Higmns, "Tiny" Hart, Gene Administration and School of &tuca- ,arrcn,lYAu roy, 0 W om as enelley and Dougall are' the only f()r- eo babl' 'd·d I •• IRouse, and several others, were all t·on 11·20 ' d I pro e can 1 ates .Lor JunIor c asswards out,·but at prese�t'with Birk- I , ., �1 n e. ·d t. H bl hed beco . 1·r planning to return ·to, college when World· Problems Forum, 4:10, Har� pres} en e us mmg y.ho� and Wfllianls hitting the bukd 'Inn. h· h "I --.....I h·sthey received their dischanNl CID_.J" per ""y, er- a, a- a&GD�}regularly there is small chance for ·e.......I\oeU •h d "Are' II ., GJ d to halso saw Frank Pershing, and the lat- Kent Chemical sOciety, 7 :30, Kent an; you rea y. a earthem to pull down a regular job. it." But' wh�& he heard that he wasLineup of the major game: ter said that he intended to return to 14. talking for publication, h� becameCHICAGO-· the University. 'Disciples' club, 8, 6119 Woodlawn.• WhUe at' the University, G�m avenue. horror-stricken. "Now, reany, if youBirkhoff ••• � •••••..• '.••• '•• � •••.•. rfwas quarterback on the football team, Tomorrow. write anything about me; I.shall bustWOliams •.•••••...•••••••••..•.• .1f your head. You see the regular canGo spri�ter, pole vault and high jump Divinity chapel, n :15, HaskeD. ,-rgaa cman, member of Delta Kappa EpSlilo'iJl didate& are Frank Long· and HenryY. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A., �(C....., 'Oft pt¥. 4) • and Skull and Crescent. ',,.-"..,,'_f.I .. 4,"i ,.�.,'... '... ) I 'toIt•f�- .,),.1 I�.. '1,',�, .", aroon •VoL 17. No. 57 UNIVERSfq OF CmCAGO, THURSDAY, JAN., 30,' 1919 Price 3 CentsMAROONS WALLOPEKHART.PARK FIVE ' NOMINATE CLASSOFFICERS FRJIjAY.AT CHAPEL HOURMRS. L. A. WALTON GIVES EASTERN QUESTIONTEA FO� WORKERS TO�AY .TO BE DISCUSSED'AT FORUM TODAY Twelve Undergraduates Have HighestPouible. Record For Autlimn Quar­ter-Show Better Work Than ThatNUMBER OF STUDENTSMAKE AVERAGE OF "A".. , IN SPEEDY CLASH Ticket Sale Start8 Next Week-Ex-.,__ peel Keen Competition Among -TeallJ8 - Committees ..Asked \ToChicago Men Win Easy Vie- Come.tory With 25 to 10 Meetings In Charge Of AmesHutchinson, Me WilliamsAnd Greene.Done Lut Year.,Score.Scrubs Clash Before Game. ,Ticket Sale Begins Next Week.Delay In Eligibility, Lists. .\ -/BI�e . Bottle Pledaes Toda,..'Blue Bo�e will have another pledg�ing today from 3 to the northreception room of Ida Noyes hall.Freshman who did not attend the firstpledging are urged to come.Phi Gamma Delta announces thepledging of Alan U;May of Auroraand James Simms of Locjport.Commiuion Gives Tea Toda,..The Freshman commission will givea tea today from 3:30 to 5 in theLeague room in Ida Noyes. All Uni­versity women have been invited toattend it. "cep�i� 8, Ida N�Yes hall. � (Continued Oft ,fHI{/8 S)..� '- .'_ ""�Y;'���':,�!:�.:-:f�.. �,-.,_"'r�"':-.��-:""·�'-'�·�'·��"''''�'l--V�'''',�- ...;��··,·.. �;: ... ��!I!i:,[II,II!I:\·'��·"'���'··f�I!I:��·.�·."�·:��II!I�:II!I�:··!!I!I;:1I!I!I3·i·�:.lI!!Ir·.�II",:.II<·:",:)....IIIII!.�!II;'·'l.,,l.:.�.�,,II:'·';·,�II!!I;�·:.�,,��,·�'!II�·\·I!I<�·.,·'·!;I!I,�f·�·.[I!I.:"��II!I�\"�II!·�I111,�·:-:·��·,��··:,,·;III!)".�!II.i�·��·�·�':1I!I������,::.��II!I_��;IIII_.!III·,.;I!!!��'�:P.t"-III!I!�·�/��'.III!I}I!!I!'��·:�!I!I.��·:!II·,�··�II!I?II!::�I!III:�_9I����"'?·r!l!l�':.!II�·.�II!I��,"'·��·.r!l!ll·:,·�"'.. �.�-"·�·'r:"'�IIII!I;r![lllll!:·:�I!IIII;� ...:., ..��",,�:..,,�I!I!I.�!III.J) • .r . . . ','�t. •• " Lr: t2 , ., . 'l'IIIt DAILY IIAItOON, THURSDAY, JAN.' 3Ot' Itl,ion of nuniac. It is beeauae ,tJ.e' em­phasis in:that profesm-. bU. iW-D"80 1greatly.altered by the ..... � I tab .it up again with.·,oa.; '.: " ' " :; .Several thinP' baTe- cOmbined te :L" AWbring' abou� the � �f. which I .speak. The democratic ideals' forwhich the war was fought hAVe madeit imperative that the opportumty forhealth, as the basis of other 'oppor­tunities, be made equal to all people;the dependence of the armies upon thecivman population has empbasiRd theimportan6! to the nation of the healthwhich means the productive' efficiencyof every citizen. The work of thenurses in devastated countries' and in' �the cantonment zones here at homehas illustrated with ne}V m� the'possibilities of public health nursingcare, while it is organized on a com-mwiity plan.It is natural that the outgrowth ofthis war for democracy should be the '"public health nurse,' for she standsfor the socialization and equal dis­tribution, according to need, of nurs-:ing care, and for the maintenance ofhealth by the education of the peoplerather than merely for the cure of'disease.M a result of these changes, there'. SUBSCRIPTION ,RATES is a' demand for public health nurses;Called' fo'r, $2.60 a year; $1.00 a. which can be met only by the same:quarter. ,By. Carrier, $3.00 a year; $1.25 a ready response of women for this na_'�r. ' tional service that they gave to theBy Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50 call to the war.a,guarter..By Mail, (out of to�), $4.25 a The United States Public Healthiyear; $1.75 a quarter. Service is planning a development 0(Editorial Rooms •••••••••••• Ellis 12' its work which, according to Surgeon!, Telephone Midway 800, Local 162 General Ru�rt Blue, will call for a�Hours: 11:00-11:50; 12:25-6; 7-8 least one nurse in every county.Business Office .....••••••.. Ellis 14Tel§lhone Midway 800, Local 162 The Children's Year Campaign of'Hours: 10:20-11-50; 8-5:30 the Children's Bureau has shown the'THURSDAY, JAN. 30, 1919 need of many more visiting nurses.'Miss Lathrop herself declares that. if: 'PUBLIC HEALTH NURSES the lives of the mothers and babies are: GYM ': SUPPLIESAttention is called to the growing to be saved, there' must � 'more spe-'demand for members of a new and dally trained public health 'll� tot,promising profession. The belief that care for them. The Children's· Bu-:." '. reau 'has. , in fact, a biD i� Congiesslthe 'public health should be safeguard-ed in �veri possible maimer, brought which, if passed, � demand '�arge!about in part by the natural drift of numbers of public health nu:tBeB' for� ==::::;:========================================���p������ty��������to���il�--���-��������-----------�.ted� witho�t, doubt; b;r the War,' has state. ". -, ', i fumted in service and in1Iuenc:e only:SPread 'to such � eXtent· that innum- Sec�tary ,of Labor Wilson stated that threaten life. " ./ . 'tl "Labor' nstructi :I 'erable 'agencies are 'clamoring for the recen y. . s reeo_ on pro- But the profeSsion offers as much as:early production of an efficient corps gram must mclude � �ully fo�u-; it demands.- It":ho�ds. high adventulaof trained nurses. It is ap�t to lated plan for re�nng the phYSIcal for those who follow.. it, often the lure;�d- that' the' opportunity thus fum- waste. and destruction of war by the! .,. .' It' _" 'fMnl f'au ',.'. i 0,. pioneermg,, oilers a posIT- 0 ,mhed to serve the cOIDIDunity is an un- conse�tion �d renewal of natio�· in1luence in the' community, aDd the'equall' ed one' f,or the "'oung women o. f health.. Public health nurses enter' --'::ty I ad'. '. . �.' So.1 • .... OPPO,u,1.UU .lot', �en..;. ' ..the con7'l�. mto such a prosmun m many ways, lui 'ek1 • the "';";.,;' f·..... .-_ .... J • .al .. J d inf elf: qtll y IS e �6---OD 0 1I� ,lJIl-The�various colleges have responed md� , V1SI�ng an ant w a�, porlance growing, in th8, p��': mindlcall aided th service. To bnng to every worker In' that th . bli health' . ' '., to this new and have � e, this kill . e pu e n1Jl'8e proJmSeS', cause in one way or another. The Uni- our country s ed care many soon to beeome-a public official of tJie'more pub.lic health_nurses. m" ust be put sta+ .... _ .,., '. '"versity of Chicago o'er.;l a well-se- '_,Ieeted group of courses in the funda- to work 1D the commumty." It is, iD sho� a pdfesiioD for the:tud t To meet these demands there were: .II' trained d 'th _Imental scientific branches for s en . . . co ege woman, an e.n:.a.ore', at the begmnmg of the war SIX thou- \ .nurses.' The sub;�. offered were d bl' health . . this'· we appeal to college students.".. . san pu lC" nurses 1D ' '.• 'decided upon af� consultation WIth� her that has bee d Very sincerely y01ll'B, ,the authorities of tlte Training School ��.:� 'ba. num.' "IT t, becan .. Ella Cran. dall,.. , . � y war ge1'Vlce. " oX e use , . .'. for Nurses of The Children's Memor- th . de d. . '. eed _. th �tive Secretary,·. affili ted e man expresses a n V.l e N tiona! Organlzati '� Pubria! "JiIoSPital� ��� is noW 1 a people, a part IOf the effort toward a aHealth, N' on or IC'with the Uruverslty •. '!'he courses are _ _.. 'd' ·t ust' be urBlng., . more pen�" emoeraey, 1 . m .so presen� and of �ch a type as to met. . The NatiOnal O�oD � for : • .". ------be . valuable no� o:ttly to the young Public :Health" Nursing is dOing 'tw� CO� STARTS NEXT. WEEKwoman who desIres to enter the nurs- W·,·· . to k:t. ', ... b th h ngs . mae,,-&ing profeSSIon ut aI$o' to ose W 0 T' I�' tb • edi te 'Jl' eed. f'l 0 BU� 'Y e J!DDl a- 8fIwill presIde over home and aDU y ·dl. . ibl th· n.;....,._:zati"'". rapl 'Y as POSSl e, e "'&6� ",D�ps. • • haS voted ,to'raise a cons"rab1e fundAn excellent le�r on this �ublect f � seh ,_';"1..: 'to' be' •• . -.:._ 0 money .lVr O�IUPS gIVen I:receI.'ved by the Edito\' from the .I:M.-to I '. miJ· _:,' .• '__ ..I. The In�rtrati!mity bo�g tourn�-• nat nurses eavlDg 1 ,;r .. servJee aIJU' ,eeutive Secretary of tile NdtiQ Or- to be f' . cl' .' • boa- ment will Start Dext'week, aceording. . " Publ. n __ 't!t N· mem rs 0 88DlGr � ,m ', '.... ftlzatlon .lor IC QeiU UrslDg.tal trai·. __ 1.. 1.. 'of' h to the .decision ioeaehed Tuesday even-6-• ..,. pI rung BQIOO..., many, . W om \is quoted In full below: had pledged themselves to. enter War ing at an Interfraternity council meet-·To the Editor: service, to enable them to t::ake post- ing. No 'definite date . has been set, ...In these times of flew opportunity graduate courses in public'he&tth work but it is � to have the workfor the reconstructioA of our social and enter at once this new field �.na- under way by'Tuesday or, the desire is called forth in every- tional servke. Dr8wings were made at the meet-,one to contribute strcllgth and talent To ensure a supply of nurses for the ing, ,atuf, are as' follows:-Fir&t set:to the future of the country. It is futu,te, the National O�zati�n, in Kappa Sigma, Delta Kappe Epsilon,safe to say that no 10ung woman is co-operation with the National League Beta Theta Pi and Sigma Alpha Ep­following her college work this year for Nursing Education, is urging the silon; second set: Delta UpsUon, Sig­without considering for. what service revision of training courses in hospit- rna chl, Alpha Tau Omega and Phishe is preJ)tlring herself, and· for this als, in order to make room ,fo� public' Kappa Psi; third set: Delta Tau'reason I am ventulint to lay before health work and to give eredit f�r Pre:- Delta, Sigma Nu; Psi UpsUon and·you the, demand in l'eCOnstruction pro- paratory courses taken in colleges and Alpha Delta Phi; fourth set: Chi',grams for many mote public health universities. Psi aJld Phi Kappa Sigma.nurses in the hope that you will feel Public health nursing is a ealling At the meeting it was decided' to'�������ooto�����al������an��ty��=�==========================students in your college. by the wisdom that is biought into it. will probably take place some timeMuch has been said to you in the Those who seek to bring health within in Marc:JL It was also deefded to ad- Read'last two years concerning the profess- the reach of all men a11d women,must npt Zeta Beta'Tau to theCcnmc:D.\m�t laily, ilarOOdne Student Newspaper of theUnivel'Bit7 ot ClUca�Published mornings, except Saturday,Sunday and Monday, during· the Au­tumn, Winter and Spring quarters,by the Daily Maroon company., EDITORIAL DEPARTMENTTHE STAFFCharles C. Greene .. Managing EditorJohn E. Joseph ••..•.•. News EditorRuth Genzberger •••••• News EditorWilliam Morgenstern •.. Ath. EditorJohn Ashenhurst ••.••• Night EditorHelen .Rayitch ••••••••• Night EditorHoward Beale .•••••.•••• Day Editor.Rose Fisehkin •.•.•••.••• Day EditorHarry Schulman •••••••. Day EditorKate Smith ....•.•. Associate EditorHarold Stansbury .. Associate EditorBUSINESS DEPARTMENTMay Freedman ••• Business Manager_ George Serck •• Advertising ManagerFrank Fenner •••.......•. AssistantEntered as second class mail at theChicago Postoffice, Chicago, Illinois,March 13, 1906, under the act ofMarch 3, 1873. 'J ••;," BOOKS ;. MEDICAL, BOOKSUNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS\ SeCond Hand and Newand Students' SuppliesWOOD·WORTH'SJ 'BOOK STOREI•.. 1311 East Fifty -seventh Street..Bd1»een Kimbar/t and KenD700d 4. 'Venues. Oll�n' Evenings. ,,U. :OF C. JEWELRY.the Maroon for campus newsBank; Where Your: - �Account Is Valued·I J•THE HOME FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS'SAVINGSI. Central Hyde Park Bank-''-55th St., and BladrstoDe Aft.C01meD .AIIDoaDeee �e ;or .�­inc' Iaterfratendt,. BowliDg ,,r�t. .'ElD:friO• .-78d .*t�Your enthusiasm for thingSAmerican will begreater than \ever,after you have.used an"Eldorado/.� at all�#. ,statiOners'"·A . '.,",.... to'" • �extGeclrie'l-bel'1his'AmT, babIlUjlin&:ryIt ubentwo,andtrasmosDtheSOlDfonBar:met:no (tist,thecheeion .hisLau:Wo&PeaIy, Iisg!WODlof t1givebrilllMr�"."· , ,�j• •,..•, !-6.-, .,'11.'.f r�• I",I' .: ...·.a'• \...;'" I�,. '":1• -.�, �,� �.� I IBLA.:1. .� .,,'KeiuIfyc• �';�. ' . •'; 011" ''(. lOBe,• J.I. aske(, 'IDealthey�I � .. .thiQ]r;yea,". '. "Win't. " treas• ;, he'jllHo• ,,,,. politi• ", noneflee; :, D.n.� � .. ,. SoI un.• ... , WOlDt!� - thelr� a hail• '" to in-lacliei1# ., afut," .,... (�"" � ':' 's.(Il " ,• .,"�: ... ,........ �. t '.41". - THE DAILY MAROON; TlitJBS))A.Y, JAN. 30, .1919 ,. , . ·, �"':.5 '� ; �\. '>,'?:: - <"',' ." ":> :��:�1� · ... 1.... � 1"!�;". '_ . ..(---4"Ii�: �,.� [� .. ����.-]\.. ' ,.. Review of "'-rile MoUue" ad "A Well-RemembereCI Voice" at the1 r ,Blacbtone Theatre. \:.� I',�'a,I BY JOHN JOSEPH'After rather an unimpressive but who liad lost their boys and their lov­extremely pleasant evening, ,Mr. ers.George Arliss put on Sir James Bar- Mr. Arlin, I.s always, is splendid.rie's one act play CIA Well-Remem- 'He �y looked the part of Tom- bered Voice" and thereby added to Kemp hi "The Mollusc," but he eer­, his reputation as an artist of the tainly acted it., It he was splendid in'American stai-e. the comedy he was superb in the Bar-The double bill is not an American rie pl�y that followed. He has cork­habit, 80 that the Barrie playlet came, ing good support, too. Viva BirkettI W4»n't say as a shock, but as a thril- gave a clever characterization of theling twenty minutes after Hubert Hen- mollusc Mrs. Roberts, a very wishy­ry Davies' three act polite comedy. washy lady who was finally cured byIt is understood that CIA Well-Remem- jealously (and not her brother, Tombered Voice" is thrilling without any Kemp, aswe had incorrectly prophe­two hours prologue of amusing talk cied) of her tenacious activity in doing. and splendid psychology, but the con- notl!,ing., Philip Merivale was quitetrast between the two .offeringa L; real as the wooden husband, and al­most effective. ' . though' not visible for Sir James" Ia-Disciples of Sir James did not miss test, very jolly, though over-loud. Andby that I mean that he should havethe famous whi�y, but they foundsomething else-a message, straight- aimed at a conventional, whisperingforWard, deeply sincere-something delineation of one who is dead. MissB8rnesque but rather more serious in Olive Tell' is a beautiful woman, and amethod and style. There is no plot, good actress. I hope before Mr. Ar­DO one-actor punch: Mr. Don, an ar- liljs leaves the Blackstone he will havetist,. talks with his son Dick, killed in a man's size audience, and that thethe war. And Dick has a message ,of impossible paper flowers and Lillianeheer for his father. First impress- Walker's. picture (for an Englishion was that Mr. Don had DOt miesed country home!) will be replaced byhis boy as much as Mrs. Don and less disconcerting properties,Laura, the sweetheart, had, but justWore 'the well-remembered voice FINALS OF DOUBLES INsPeaks out (and it speaks out so clear- REYNOLQS CLUB, BOWLINGIy, so cheerfully) we know Mr. Don TOURNAMENT SATURDAYis grieving perhaps more than the twowomen, for, fingering the fishing rods Fribourg and Ballard Are Vict�rs Inof the dead' son, he mutters : "I won't Second Round-Make Scoregive in.� The well-remembered voice Of 929.briDp eheer and comfort not only toMr. Don but to those in the audience/'to, �j•-. Special SellingSuits and OvercoatsFABRICS that will prove agreeable in any com­pany; workmanship without a blemish, andstyle that adheres to fashion' s dictates-these are thenoteworthy features .of the Suits and Overcoatsmarked to sell at less than normal.They are especially' made to suit the whims of theyounger man and youth, as well as the youngsterwho is about to step into his first long-trouser Suit.And the most cheerful news is this: These Suitsarid Overcoats of first quality are �ffered at substan­tial savings because we purchased a manufacturer- s ,surplus stock at a surprisingly low figure and havepriced them accordingly.Range $30 and UpThird mul Fourth FlooraMarsha}lFle1dtJCoTHE STORE FO� MEN. •'!</1" t�.� �'J.'j1 e11J;' EYezab of Interest to All MeaSale of Sh� Shirts, Pajamasand Night Shirts; Special SellingSuits, and Overcoats., S ilk,Hose, Cravats and Underwear. :� :".. �The finals of the doubles of the Rey­�olds' club bowling tournament will beplayed' Saturday. In the second round ',BNSRROlJDING CAMPUS IN Fn"bourg and Ballard d�eated Gobel �STER� ��ON .,.. COMING �ON CLOUD ,mid. May, �d Rudolph and Mocel de- TO BE DISCUSSED, ' ,• -- 'f� GOodyear and Willet. The high- ' AT FOR� TODAY"," : (COft� I""" fNl46 I), eSt ,scores that have been made so far. KeDDedy. ,Pm just the dark horse. are 1�5' by Rudolph and Mockel and (Contin1Ud from fXJI16 1)If-you'ever mention-'" 929 by Fn"bourg and Ballard.ance or of more interest to Americai .Alpha Delta Up and' Doing. ,'The singles will be comple� a week than the Near East. Controlling. asfrom Saturday •. Only part of the sec": it does-en the one hand the riches and:I saw that it was time· to leave; so ond ro1D!d has DOW been played. The2a.. ! I went to see Clarence F G Brown trade of Russia by means' of the Dar-;' ••. highest scores so far are 549-- by Ru- I d'th F . East b 'f'I Ut' "The Alpha Delta," said Alphabet, dolph and 549 by Nicely. danel es an' e ar y means 0r:s ' �arei-mmmg Glen Harding for sopho- The committee had hoped to finish the Suez caJial, the' N� Eas.t oeen-:'" _1n��', president..- I do' DOt, kODW his the other to�ents bdore the in- pies a very si�cant position. I hope�, ·�pPimeDt, but 1 feel certain that he terfratenrlty coptest should be started, that students wl1l·be aroused to the,:"m come through. " As that question importance to America of the Near� �'� __ closed, I bowed and Wl·thdrew. I but as the singles will not be over un- �l "�-. - til Feb. 'I, the interfraternity match Eastern prou �:.__ ��.l�ed"ho�ever, �t Chet .Guy, will start Monday. The program has Take Up Pertinent QuestioD&,I, ..-.a '. weII.:..known PSi U, had announced bee . ..; b th In "i �. _ '1Us candidacy. " n arrana� y e terfraternity Some of the' queStions which ther .', council. " .Forum will.�take up are the rectis-', 'pt , ,.:', Jerry" Nejf ,the. only present con- "Billiard fans are going to. get aI " '.' �der for freaJunaD boss waS DOt to tn"bUtiOD of' Turkish' territory, the fu--,..t_ treat," said' William Hen�, president ture ' ershi f Co-�-tinople theI ':"f; :, ':l»e found, but the opinion was 'current -J own p or. WtWU£ ,of the Reynolds clu!;, yesterday, "To- . ti f f ture ' such'4\ . . '�t he Wll1 easily cop. preven OD 0 U massac:resWard the ]� of Dext' week a pool and .I. Arm ·a dun·ng the':..;. It was apparent to me that few' as '-"'Cyc...-.::u m embilli&rd tournament will be held, and t th bl f the MoI��\, " "ere amdou. for the office of class presen war,. e pro em 0 '. -some, Saturday soon we hope to have a h edan J-.J:":... d Chn·stian re- r '.,�i' �.:. �ui r, which seemed qUite para- amm , UUAIO" an, .. .... .... ..� , maD play an exJu"bition game that will li· . th N East, the effect on'\ '_. f:. :��eaL Bernard Nath is the strong- glODS In e ear '� ... j _-pretender for, ehancellor of the open people's eyes." the war of the Allied failure at the. -" , Dardaneiles, and the future of the STIEGLITZ To LECTURE TODAY" -.dar exebequer.� ';�. ,': � !'appa Sip Modest As Unal.' CHEMISTS S,EEK ANSWER TO Turkish-American frien�p. •" . ' . : �. PROBLEM OF MUSTARD GA.�'· Gov. Frank O. Lowden of nIinoisf((, '-.' Once during the da�I met John" ! has a strong indo�ent for thel' ". loseph, and by way of eonversation, I' ," "AnythiJ.I. aaJredt if the Kappa Sip intended to ' The chemical. department of Ohio World Problems Forum: ng.. • '1Deak '011 any fat jobs. He said that State univerSity is tl'ying to solve tM wbidt will give the army of studentsthey had so many punb� he did not question of hoW to dispose of the mus- glimpses of the new world emergingr- �.. ,thiJak so; unless he himself ran. "Oh, tard gas now stored in the govem- from this war will also greatly helpI." h8," he 'remarked, as an aftermath, ment arsenals. The problem is either in the work of )econstructi0ll· .I wis�,�. "Win Jenkins is up for freshman to find a means of destroying the gas the World Problems Forum all POSSI-,III �r, and with a name like' his, or to discover some comm,ercial use ble success.":" he just pm't' lose." " for it. -----Howard Beale, . the D. U.=s foremostPolitician, stated at a late h�ur, that 'Done of his brothers were seeking of­fice; not even any o,f the sixty-threeD. U. pledges.So that is the political situation asI understand it no� Most of the1tomen's clubs bave not' yet pickedthe1r·C:Udidate&,· but 'as � as I geta hireut and a massage, r Shall beginto interview many of the' prominentl-uea, and discuss the possibilities in.a future article.BLACK PALL OF PPLi?'Ics$3.25 for $3.00 , "Low �rices and Courteous -T reatment' at' die" ,· Ellis Restuarant�ONES BROS. �d PETER �ARIS'942 . EAST 55TH STREET, , ,Opposite Frolic ,TheatreMEALS .... LUNCHESLADIES INVITED'·... .. SHORT oRDERs.rA trial wiD.conviDce you that .. oar 'goods are tJte.iJ-t·. ., .....-COMMUTATIQN, TI�," U.4C): tor $4�oO; ,- ._ . ' . ,, �::",,I ,.... ;-:School for Blind Established. .Wendt to Talk to Chemists.'t,"Chemical Warfare Work."Fenn Is University Preacher.International Club to Meet..,. ,.�- ,- ....• • :'.L , p.� "A RemarbbleTypewriter". . ':All favorite f�res combined in'one handsome writing maehfne �the first qualiW. .. , ,WOODS'J'OtI[ ·TYPEWRITER COMPANY'2:4 W. Wuhinaton Street, a.kapPhone CeIdraI !Sa,',..The University of Tor&lto, Toronto,The Kent Chemical society win Canada, has opened' a . school for themeet today at 7:30 in Kent. Assist- blind to be run in connection with theant Prof. Wendt Wl11 lecture on regular university work.•Dean William Wallace Fenn of theThe Intemational club Wl11 meet to- Harvard Divinity school wJ11 be themorrow from 7 to 9:30 on the second visiting minister Sunday at Mandelfloor of Ida Noyes. . hall • WiJI Be Fourth in Extension Series­GiTe Program for Coarse.'The fourth leeture of the seriesgiven under the auspices of the Uni­versity Lecture association at RogersPark center, is to be given tonight.The subject is "Chemistry as a Factor 1I".Iiiii;:::::mEk=:::IIiI[IIIi;::�.in' Modem Warfare,''''and the lectureris Prof. Stieglitz, chainnan of Ute de-partment of Chemistry and' presidentof the American Chemical society.On Feb. 6 Prof. Coulter, head of thedepartment of Botany and also presi­dent of the American Association forthe Advancement of Science, will lec­ture on "Science and Reconstruction."The last fane in this group will, be giv­en by Dean Angell. Dean Angell alsohas been working with the committee,on Classiflcation of Personnel in theAnny, Adjutant General's Office,The subject' of his lecture is to lMt,"Psychology in the Service of theArmy." ,".,I ,r�p:!;t�1":-;'>" ;'.� �·::4··"'· �� 'f-':�' -. � .; -- (---� ',' /�. :� .,: .....k : .: ,t,r •,We dtmeed at Kelly last yearWe'd like to dance again,That's why this little ad we writeWith mercenary pen.STRIKE ONE! As the Bolshevikssay. Now we will go on with our hallpopularity propaganda. We publtshbelow (at the reader's expense) apoem which has the wit of Milton, thetechnique of Clement Auer and thebrilliancy of Browning. We don'tknow who wrote it. We hope it was awoman.LA.'l\fENT IN D FLATIt was an ancient Marooner,And he stoppeth one' of three:"By the long grey ash on thy cig­aretteWherefore stoppest thou me!""I fain would know," quoth the an­eient one,"Why the' campus 'maids, so fairOnce on a time, we now do seeWJth tousled heads of hair!"!'''';." "And ten me pray, why each maidshows, Such harassed, fretful mien!""HUmph, No sabe 1" Says fair Lyssa"We've no mirrors now in Green."But we can't think of any today andwe didn't �:;, in �me to gO to ourEn�lish 40I",'?FAMOUS LAST LINESPerhaps next time!-;_'.,.'. ANON.MRS. L. A. WALTON GIVESTEA FOR WORKERS TODAY(Ccm.ti1lued from page 1)I dime from each member, in accord­ance with another Settlement custom.The money is useOin buying candiesand other fOQds which win be plaCed, on sale in Hutchin80\l the night of thedance. Collections should be sent toEverett Walker. Y oung Men'slStylesWINTER 1919, '.jors of registration. They were close-ly followed by Mary J. Daniels' andLouise Leiter, each with twenty and ahalf grade-points on three and a halfmajors. Mr. Leiter was a member ofthe S. A. T. C. as were also DavidHirsch, Walter Reckless and Wifi!amVyhnalek, each of whom made seven­teen grade-points on three majors.Four other members of the S. A. T. C.Harry L. Bird, Jr., Benjamin Herz­berg, Lionel I. Ruby and Isadore Walt­ner made an average of "A-" onthree majors each. The total numberof members of the S. A. T. C., com­pleting at least three majors each withan average of "A-" or better, is S.The following is a list of studentscompleting work for the Autumn=•• =. ===========================================quarter, at least three majors eachwith an average of "A_It or better.Eighteen grade points; Junior col­leges: C. A. Beckwith, Erma Brown­ing, Mary Daniels, A. C. Findlay, Ber­tha Evans, Valeska Pfeiffer, RichardRichter, Ruth Westland.Senior colleges: Cecile Wiedman.Education: Addie Bettes, Lillian,(Continued from pagel)Tel. Harrison 6073 Tel. Harrisoil 6073MIUT ARY UNIFORMS ISUITS AND OVERCOArsWith that decided snap that young men want.LYNCH AND FESLER9th FLOOR-- REPUBUCAN BUILDINGState and AdamsMAROONS WALLOPEKHART PARK FIVEIN SPEEDY CLASH The University lias the distinctionof having Chicago's youngest majoron its Alumni roll. Major LeRoy Bartwho liVes at �741 Drexel' �venue !pusCrisler .........••.•.. 0 •••••••••• rg the honor of being the youngest numHinkle ..•.....••.••...... "..... � :lg' of his rank from ��go. He rec:e1vedEKHART PARK- his Ph. D. degree at the University. inCrebon ..•..•...•••..•. � '.......••. If 1916 when 23 years old.Schone .•..•....••.••••.•...• 0 ·.·rfREADY-TO-WEAR25 to 50Edythe Flack, Richard Ji1jnt,. Virgin- one of interest to the women and willia Hibben, Emily Hollewell, L. M. be pertinent to campus life. The meet­Kaplan, D. H. King, Eleanor Lyne, ing will be held in Cobb 12 A at 11:15Marie Niergarth, Elizabeth Roberts, and will be over in time for studentsDorothy Sugden. to- reach their classes on time.Ed. Note: We got this contribution Senior college: Ramona Bressie, The committee in charge \ of thetwo -weeks- ago and we noticed today Herriet Ensworth, Elsie Plapp, ' chapel hour meetings 1ee� that theythat the Greenites still look as though . .thy Roberts, Elbi Smith, S. P. Meech, are of sufficient value' to attract a.they had no mirrors; � we' thought M. Steinberg, G. E. Wakerin. large percentage of' the University _. _ \ ., ,t�·'· we'd better print it in the interests of S. A. T. C.: Daniel Hirsch, Walter women, This will be the third meeting HONOR LATE 'GEORGE FOSTER, =============;::�>, �e _publie., <: ." Reckless, William Vynarek. of the quarter." The other leaders.' Sixteen grade-points; Junior. col- have been Assistant Prof. Merrifield Dean Fenn and Professors SDiith and",� .. :�. �. _,', Shshsh! Etc. A new girls' honor leges: E. Andetson, Ina Bartelb, of tpe Divinity school and Prof. Ho- Tufts Speak.�::�;t i.»: '.' '8Oclety is' to be started on the cam- Blanche Boyer, Frances Crosier, Fran- ben, also of the Divinity school. The . ..�.!:"'�;: �'� - "PUS by the girls who eat at Foster. ees D'Andrea, D. Gordon, Flora lIaDi- meetings will contmue' every Thurs- A memorial service."for Prof. GeOrie��� _\�. ': It is to 'be called "Skin and Bones." mitt, A. L. Hillman, Ethel Holmes, C. day throughout the quarter.' Speak- Burman Fdster of the Univ��i�}L':\ '., r, �'.' �t 'of' arms, knife and fork �JNUlt J. Merriam, Miriam Ormsby; Vera M. ers will be people f� the University Theologic:8l seminarY waS held _ yes-�;�..:��_:, ._ on plate vacant '. Pierce, Alma. Prucha, 1. Rappaport, and from outside. .-_, terday. TnDute was paid to him by�'�;�'-:�" _ . .Mary Robb, S. K. Sehi1f, T. T. Sehift" A member.of the meetings cOmmit-. Dean Wmiam Wallace Fenn of the:t-.�..,,;_;' -:" I-. T. T. Schwartz, Laura Thompson, Ot- tee wd. yeste�y "',rile chapl hoUr Harvard TheologiCal seminary, Prof.I. If Bess w� in ��en� �s we. to Thurlimann, J. J •. Toigo, Sarah meetings. have been a tradition on the Smith of the Divinity school, and Prof,,�,, ' might knoW" something interesting Lower, Adelaide Werner, Margaret Campus. Last qu8rter, since various in- Tufts of the Philo�phy department..; about Greenwood but as �t is; the �y Yates. . terruptiollS: and - the. war conditions Prof� Tufts . spOke -on: Foster as a_' \ thing we' can think.about is what a Senior colleges: Madeline .Cohn, made 'it impoSSlDle··to continue them, man. .Among other things he said��. 'funny dinner bell they liiLve there� Nellie M. Conger, Dorothy Crowder, the freshmen' have not bad the oppor- that Prof. Foster stood for a generousI � Jesse Feldman, D. M. Halfant, Frances tunity to unde�d the significance and liberal' spirit of Christianity, and��. We'jJ.lst have more dem fun print- Langworthy, '\ Leah Libman, Lucy of this enstem> But the older stu- that it is' only through the work ofC ing jokes which we are afraid wo�'t Markley, Josephine Moore, Bernard dents have' thought· it one of the suck men as Foster that the Church isget by 'the censor, Niederman, A. I. Rosenthal, Marjorie nicest tt:aditions of the�niversity and enabled to keep step with the �.�" L. Royce, Helen Turner, Marian Vog- are trying to re-establish it." Prof. Smith read. several Ietters o'fdes, C. S. Yeh. � .,I -appreciation from former studentsSchool of Education: R:uth Ball,TO VISIT .� S��E' Y. �. c. A. and colleagues. Prof. Fenn spo�e onHelen Hillman. •Foster's ehapc:ter. He --said that .withFifteen grade-points; Junior CoI- - - F..: .... -r's mighty .mind was asso<:latedLeague Members Plan Exeunion To �'-C. \'." leges of Arts, Literature and Science:Industrial Department Today: the soul of a' child.. Well the upcome and �e outshoot of H. F. Binswanger, Esther Davis, W.the' whole �air is that we donate this J. Hatch, Margaret Houser, CarolynWhistle to the caUse 'of the girls' halls Hoyt, Minnie Kline, Elizabeth Leggettand announce that this is the first time Hazel, Mattick, Mary Mattick, Maryin bistory this' has been done. And 'Maxwell" L. P. River, T. Rosenaclt, I.that's all. Sehour, A. E. Schull, Carolyn E.Qli Pm Annou.nce Pledging. cl b '11 t today.. Mortar Board announces the pledg- The Disciples' u Wl mee.lOng of Man·on Harvey, of Chi-IPft, at'S at the home of Prot. Willet, 6119. Chi Psi announces the pletlging of _-WoodlaWD avenue.Charles Crewdson of Chicago, DI. Dl URGE UNIVERSITY WOMENTO ATTEND CHAPEL HOURMEETING TODAY IN COBBDean Flint ,To Speak On Subject Per­tinent To Campus Life-HoldGatherings Weekly. (Ccm.tinued prom page 1)Stevenson. All University women have beenS. A. T. C.: Louis Leiter. urged to attend the League chapelSeventeen grade-points, Junior· col- hour meeting to day. Dean 'Flint willleges: JoSephine Ardrey, E. I. Eger, 'be the speaker. The subject �ll be Bennett ••..•••.••.•••••....•...•. cZimmerman ••..•••.••.•...•...•.. lgCOChran .•.•......•.•......•.•.. r�Baskets-Birkhoff, 3; Williams, a;Gorgas, 4; Hinkle, 2; Schone, 2; Ben­net, 2; Crebon. .Free Tbrows--Gorgas. 'Ref�ree-Phil1ips.Thompson.Senior college: Helen Bennett, EvaBernstein, Margaret Cummings, LuluDaniel, Susanne Davis, Ceetle Dore,Winifred Franz, Kathenne Frost,Katherine Gerhart, Katherine Green,Gladyqs Harrington, Ethel Johnson,Alice Johnstone, Anna Jones, S., L.Kean, Helen Loth, Florence Mason,Sara Moore, Julia Stebbins, C. G. Van-. nest, C. Y. Yancey.Commercial Administration: SerenaAtchi�son, R. II. Ballinger, Adah Lee.Education: Florence Fake, AgnesGeisbush, Edith McEaehron, Anna A.Olsen. �S. A, T. C.: Harry Bird, Jr., B.Herzberg, L. I. Ruby, I. Wagner. I An excursion . to the West sidebranch of the Y. 'W�' C, 'A. 'has beenplanned for tonight by ,;. grOup ofwomen in the League. They .111 makeobservations in the industrial depart­inent in order to understand what isbeing done for the girls who work inthe factories and Bhops on the Westside 'of Chicago, and will have di�erwith the industrial girls.Different groups of these girls cometo the West Bide Y. W. C. A. roomsevery night except Wednesday, whichthey say is e'beau night." They playgames and have roller sleating. Thesocial service committee in the Leaguehave announced that University wom­en are needed to help in this work.Twelve women have signed up forthis trip. �y one who desires to gohas been requested to sign . in theLeague room. The group expects toleave from the League room at 5. The Cosmopolitan magazine, whichis to be published for two years by theChicago chapter of the Cosmo�1itandub, will be out next week. The firstissue will contain a full report of theconvention held Dee. 28, a� the Uni­versity. .,The magazine is a_ thirty-two �monthly, apPearing nine months Inthe year. It circula� throughout t�elarger universities and eone� It �edited by Lo� Wirtth of this UIU-,versity.postpone Menorah Meetin« •.The Menorah society which wasscheduled to meet yesterday in Har­per assembly room at ":30 bas p0st­poned its meeting until Feb. 5. Prof.Ames, who was to � y�rday,Will speak then on "The Jewish Re­ligion aDd Social Idealism.",MAGAZINE IS O� NEXT· WEEK-First Issue Of Cosmopolitan RecordContains Report of Convention.Mortar Board PJed«e Harvey._, Disciples' Club Meets Today......-.. " .. CUSTOM MADE35 to 70�hicago Haa Youngest Major.Wyvemes Announce New �lea�..'. /Wyvern announces the pledgingof Theresa WilsOn, of Chicago, m. IREAD THE DAILY MAROONCLASSIFIED, ADS. 'FOR SALE-An un� oPPOrtuJaity, '. "to possess' a heaptiful' set of LONG-, .', -.FELLOW'S POEMS. � '..,u "sell, at a sacrifice a set of Iix .01- 'umes bound in. Morocco .... �tically illustrated wi� steel ��-ings. . Address all .eOmmmd�tJOIlato Bualness Manager of The' �y , ,Maroon.FROUC THEATIl�S,da Sf,..., ontI EJs.Thursday, jan. 3�Wm.' Favenhamin" The Silver liar n"AlsoPathe News ' , :'.'LATEST CHRIST,IBCOMEDY.-Private Dancing LenoD.In a course of six le&lIOIlf (15.01)one ean acquire the ate,. of theWaltz, One-atep, and Fox-trot. SballeLessons if desired. .LLUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIO1541 E. 57th St. Hyde Park UUMEN�S WEARHats - Gloves _" NeckwearJAMES- E. C01HEYs. E. Cor. 55th St. aad u. Aft.BILLIARDSCigarettes - PipesCigars�'t- '_ , .. l.;,;.,' (chiMilNo)PulDlillowMicIndObiWit:.JI... , ,,.¥:'.' COJ1Jof 1thewillteal:sinwillthe]anddefE11• ..'ce' t'·.·.eI: .. }-, ....•.,WtroDthat;.', 'mu'e 7��8Dd, ableear.MUc:atC.sev.'" mov.. .�.,� . .:: ' .,.,,, mielI. �;a at� "",',alao.. " -�c:ent;.. ': GoI1him.enID':waft.'".arm��1i�'lie1fa' •• ····8eC01'1) and" ter,paris prwill;��,.<r "ThshowI.,..•