.11, I z,�. '0l�aroon,at� , .,, •• A• VOL. XVII. No. 39.!Hostess house activities in IdaWILL GIVE SERVICE CITATIONS Noyes hall will continue as usual this Four companies, loA,.. B. C. and D GUEST OF QUADRANGLE CLUBweek end, This will probably be the SHAW PLAY IS "..��_ .. ':l'_HE BBILL were demobilized from, the S. A. T.J.ast week that the Hostess house win C. yesterday. Companies E, F, and C�tain Alfred ·F. B. Carpenter \ .... illbe active. Those in charge of the en- After much persuasion an all-star ,G, the rest of the S. A. T. C., wHl !Iecture tonight at 8:30 in ':\landel.tertainment of the S. A. T. C. expect cast for a vaudeville show has .been be dismissed today. fA regimental Capt. Carpenter is of the Br itish navya large crowd this week. brought together on the campus. parade led fb.y the COI'ps' band '\\"QS and is' the man who demolished Z-:::-;As in fonner weeks, a dance willibe hold yesterday before demobilization. brugge as a 'base for German "U'Never before has 'so large a: numbergiven Saturday night and a tea will After t>he parade the men marched boats, He was in command of thehe given Sunday afternoon. Agnes of prima donnas, iCarusos, and Pader- to I�bndel where they were addressed "Vindictive" When that warship ranPrentice is general chairman and is ewski's acted tin the same shows at by I::\bjor Dana, The l::\Iajor read an up :0 the mole and landed a 9:1rtyassisted by Ruth lHuey, chairman of the University. order from headquarters at Wasbing- which destroyed the fi>.attery. Hethe 'hostess committee; Martha Si- The Dramatic olub expects to ruin ton whioh concerned ,the dismissing will describe the British naval expe­social service will also be mentioned. mond, chairman of the guest eomit- the I).fajes-tic's evening performance of the men. He also urged .the men dition which blocked the GermanMajor Dana and Lieut. Ogden will 'tee; .Dorothy ,M·iller, chairman of the .by giving "How He Lied to Her to 'continue military training as far submarine lbase.act as judges at the drill and will entertainment committee and Martha as they would be aible to. Capt. Carpenter arr ived in ChicagBehrendt, chairman of the food com- Husband." You'lJl konw how good d ]1 f hi I'Men Receive Pay Up to Date. ycstcr av to tel 0 • IS exper mon·tte this ad will be when you hear thatrm e. The num!ber of men discharged in- for the Red 'Cross .. He will lectureAnnounce Five Patronesses. E!liza'beth Brown and Carlin Oran- c'1uded 565. All of ,tihem turned in at the Union League dub at a dinner,Entertainment is planned for both dall are the stars. their guns yesterday and received after which he will deliver his lecturethe tea and the dance. .The following their pay up to date. The mustering in .:\Iandel. Yesterday 'Capt. 'Carpen-are patronesses for '(:Oaturday: Mes- Whistle Praises MDc. Lovett. h Chiare anxious to prove its success. u-.;;" t f th 0 . toda 'II be ter lectured at ,t e icago Associa-When people hear that tthere is to ou 0 e c mpames· nay WI' jAward Service Stripes Later. dames J. T. Hall, fRobert Millikan, executed in Iike manner. A notice tion of Commerce luncheon.Dean Wa�lace will read the names Le:onard Dickson, George Fairweath- be a real Russian.dancer in the show, has 'been received from the United Is Awarded Victoria Cross.cf the women who have completed the er, and .Henry \Prescott. The epe- there is sure to be a run on 'the 'box States Marine -Corps headquanters at He received the Victoria! Crossamoun't of Red Cross work and social cial hostesses are Marjorie Winslow, office. There has been much dis- Chicago stating that recruiting for from his government for his heroicDorothy Heiss, Ruth Genzherger, h di . Hservice which they ·pledged on their cussion as to whether IMIlle. Ruth .fhe IMarine rCorps -has 'been resumed deed in t e expe rtion, e wasEleanor Blish, LydiaJlinclcley, Luella d d I' h I h·' hques'tionnaires. It .is planned to make Lovett is an oriental or a Russian by an order ,from Washington, -woun e s Ig t y; . IS cap 'Was s ot. Bjthers, 'Marion Llewelyn, Helen Pat- d hi 1 hi dthese CItations from time to time. dancer. The Whistle says that she Members of the S. -A. T. C. who away an IS ·c ot' mg was penetrate. d I· terson, lHarriet !Woodward and Louise 1· 1{ '11 b hBeing CIte ;.Lor service three times is the hr:mer. The public has been would like to continue training have severa times. J e WI e t e gues,will entitle a 'Woman to a service Swank. invoired to run over to 'Mandel to set- been urged to join the M.arine ,Corps. of ·M'r. Fie1d at the Chicago clubstripe . This mart of the program will The guests for ,Saturday are: tl h di f· If I . f b 'While in the city. Before returnine'NFrances !Port, Katherine Frost, ,Ethel . e t e rspute or ·ltse.. t IS not necessary or men to 0 - ."follow 'the exhibitions ·by the severald. h M K IMany people are surprised that tain release from local .boards before to the east, he will lecture in Mil-companies on the floor Jtllmer, Helen rModOlure, E It • C ey,. .. b· d hi . k1•• sien to the drill·· will be b Ruth Jones, Gladys McWhorter, AI- SUCh. a good show IS be1ll'g grven far they iWiN . e adrnitte to t 15 service. w�u ee.�----- ..-_. _.. •. . --!Y. Derta"'StliiSOD; ·'.Helen C6c)lC,-lJle1en .daaIity_Some,'�w·"'that ..EuroUment. -4n-#be ·!Marine·ICorps· is --. _At. .. least.-a-..tOOusand.,--'SQot9 "s'Wep�-tICket only. As the space an the gym.-. . tickets cost: only .twenty4iv� 'Cents now open. across the decks of ,the "Vindictive,'". ·U be J··ted d t Walker, EdI�h West, 'Myra Kimba]l, ,..ro Ca ""Of' II h�aslum WI very mu , ue 0.. 'COuld not !believe their eyes. At the saId rvapt. I r,penter.. atethe large nmn'ber of women who will Gladys Nyma�, ILydIa .Hmckley, Hel-Y • crew, after we tha.d put the mole �_,'DI-1 Ph II· .p'-' n l·H . iM. 'C. A. and the ,League 1:ommlt- CHRIISTIIAS VESPERS TOtake part in the drill the "':c,k.& sup- en lCilUmer, y loS .umer, real" en-'. . "1 f b .d f h, .��"R h H·cks HI h B other tee meeting yesterday 'It was an- BE HELD BY LEAGUE ON tica:.a y out 0 . usmess, an a ter;t eply is not large. Several members de.rson,. ut 'I , an<: e r -d th h h SUNDAY. IN NO"'ES 'l:r.ATL na'Iibor mouth Ihad been blocked wiothRuth Ki dred J h· G b1 nounce at anyone ,\\1 0 opes to .I. �of the faculty 'have !been invited, and ton, '. n ,osep me am e, ... . Katherine. Carpenter Edythe .Flack, oIbtam 'be'tter than standmg roomfnends at the W • .g. T. C. offICer:a 't b th f h . ISt ' Helen iDunning Irene Kelsey Eleanor mus uy em soon or.t ere IS on yand the D_t�bers of ,the udents '.' Q limited nutIiber leftWar Activities committee. Houston. !Eleanor Lyon. Jean Cooper,Anxious for Success of Drill Alice Johnstone, Jean IFalconer, SarabTh d rt t f Ph . 1 Ed Mulroy, Ma'bel Rossiter, Ru·th Har-e epa men 0 YSIca uca-•tion .is especially anxious to ,make (ContInued on page 4)this drill a success. The W. IS. T. C., �MILITARY DRILL WORKWILL END TODAY WITHEXHIBITION IN NOYES, r,- ,� ,',t •. 1 Nine Companies of .W. S. T. C.WiD Compete in Big- Con­test Today.�-. ,I.,I1.1I., The first quarter's 'Work dn militarydrill will culminate today when allthe mem'be.rs of the W. IS. T. C. willtake part in a !big competitive drillat 4 in the Ida Noyes gymnasium.Everyone of the nine companies inthe Corps has !been working over­time, praoticing the tactics which willmean the success or failure of thedrill. tCitations for Red Cross andselect lthe winning company. Keencompetition is expected as every com­pany is eager to Ibe 'the winner, MiH­tary drill was an innovation at theUniversity this year, and the women. r(.• I ., has !been more or less of a experi­ment, and the gymnasium instructorsfeel that much depends upon this ex­hibition. Matters of tactics, forma­tions and discipline will all be demon­strated.�, ;'�TUDENTS REGIS'DER MONDAYWinter Quarter Opens January 2-First Day for ConsUltation.• I t !has been 'Of.ficially announcedthat registraflion :for the W�nter quar­ter wi� be he1d lMonday Clod Tues­day. Regular classes will be ·held,lfonday. Final examinations tWil oc­cupy four days, beginning Tuesdayand ending the fuDowing ·Friday.The \Vinter quafltor 'Will openThursday, Jan. 2. This day, how­ever, will !be used for 'I'egistNtionand -consultation. AU 'classes wiHmcet Friday, 'Jan. 3 and Saturday,Uan. 4... UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1918 PRICE THREE CENTSFamous Sea Hero Will DescribeDaring War AdventuresTonight at 8 :30.WORK OF HOSTESS HOUSETO CONTINUE THIS WEEK REMAINING COMPANIESOF S. A. T. C. DISMISSED CAPTAIN CARPENTEROF BRITISH NAVY TOLECTURE IN MANDELGLORIOUS GALAXY OFSTARS IS ASSEMBLEDFOR BIG VAUDEVILLE Hold Regimental Parade Before De­mobilization.-. Major . AddressesUnit in Mandel Hall-Urges Mento Continue Military Training.w. s. T. C. Will Give Regular DanCeSaturday From 7:30 to 10:30 AndSunday Afternoon Party in IdaNoyes. Mysterious Russian Dancer FiguresConspicuously on Program atCharity Performance.crafts loaded with concrete, we leftDr. Gilkey Will Speak at Services- the mole with only twelve mem'bers. To Be Final Event of of the crew lying w4ere they fell.And the 'Crew numbered five hundredAutumn Quarter..Asks Women to Return Work. to begin with."The -lecture tonight is open to 'thepublic. A'ltJ University memtbers andneighbors �ave been invited Iby theQualClrangle club 10 attend. The loc­ture '\\..rll 'be .jJ}ustrated...M.rs. Thompson of the 'Red eTOS!,has asked all women who took sweat- The Christmas vespers service un­der the auspices of the L�e wiHbe held Sunday a·t 4:30 in Ida N'OyeshaM. The progr.am irrc�udes a talkby the Rev. Dr. Gilkey, IChristma�,stories and .al musical program, ofWlhich :EJleanor A.tkins is in charge."We hcnre not 'been Qlble Ito have Classes Unite Last Meeting.The recreation and social dancing'Cla'Sses w';l1 -combine their meetings-tonight at 7:30 in Ida Noyes theater.This meeting concludes both !Coursesfor t!his quarter."SUOCESS DEPEN.DS ·UPONINDIV1DU AL'S A TTlTUDE," ers ·to !finish -by Dec. 1 •• to retur.n themSAYS DR. ·MARY C. HOYT at 'Once 'Whether they are ;finished ornot.Speaker Tells Qualities Which Suc­cessful Women Must HaYe.Lecture Given By 'LeagueAnd W. S. T. c.. Christian Scientists to Meet.the .regular vesper services· �rough·T·he ·Chrnstian Science soCiety will 'out the quarter," said :Agnes Prenmeet Tuesday at 6:30 in Haskell as- tice, vice .. president of the League,semMy. Everyone !has lbeen cordially yesterday. "The hostess house a.ctiv­invited. hies have ;been in 'Order on Sunday''nle first prerequesite to successis the right attitude toward it,''' saidDr. Mary Osborn Hoyt yesterday .in atalk in Ida Noyes theater. The 'Iec- 'ture was the first of a series to be afternoons, and vespers' were a.ban­doned for the duration of the war. Christmas Party Called Off.The Christmas party which wasplanned £.or tomorrow for the chil­dren of the University Settlement hasIbeen called off by Dr. Rec:d on ac­eount of the epidemic of influenza.Announce Pledging of Huge.But as a last University and League'Phi Kappa Sigma announces the event .before final examinations andpledging of Stewar.t T. Huge of tChi- the holidays, we aTe 'Planning vespers�o. for this lSunday. lLa'st year the serv-"h cannot 'be made too impormnt Examinations for the Autumnt1 • .11 we especially wish all new wom- quarter will 'be iheld according toen to attend the service Sunday. And tthe folrowing schedule:if there are any 'women 'On or off 8:00 o'clock classes, Tuesday, Dec.Today. campus who have not yet gotten in 17, 8 ·to.- lil.Divinity eha'pel, 11:05, Haskell. toach 'With the Lea·gue we wiSih othem 9:05 olasses, \Vedncsday, Dec. 18,'Chapel, mcn and women of the to take the last opportunity that this 8 to 11.Junior colleges and thc 'Col1ege of quarter offcrs ()if finding out \\;hat 110:10 classes, Thursd"y, Dec. 19,Commerce and Administration, 12:20, �e League is doing and of gett-ing 8 to 11.::\lande1. acquainted 'With League memhers. 111:1'; classes, Friday, Dcc. 20, 8Y. M. 'e. A., popular lecture, 6:30, "Very interesting plans arc ,heing to 11.Mandel. made f.or the program," -continued 1 :30 classes, Tuesday, Dec. 17, 1:30Tomorrow. :\fiss Prenti1:e. "The fact 'that Dr. to 4:30.Divinity -chapel, 11:05, 'Haskell. .Gilkey will speak should be sufficient 2:30 classes, \Vednesday, Dec. 18,Ghapet1, men and 'women 'Of the to draw oa 'large crowd. Et'coanor ,:\,t- 1:30 to 4:30.Senior colleges and the ,College of kins ,has promised us interesting mu- 3:130 classes, Thursday, Dec. 19,Education, '12m, �lande1. sical numbers, and Christmas stories 11 :30 to 4:30.St. Illark's society, 4:30, Ida: Xoyes on the order of those. that feaotured 4:30 classes, IFriday, Dec. 20, 11:30hall. 'the program last year wi11 he told." to 4:30.THE DAILY MAROONBULLETINI�J!· " '''��.I .. /j'i.'I)1-1,II'•:irii{r-1, rl'1i.jJ�.j./'1i;,.�:. � ..:-;/.If,i,r;,f�i'Itt· ...·r .�J.I.:i''I ..Ir" �,.�,;t::I'II11�".'.lt1 . \ � :," ,'-. -J THE D.A1L'Y MAROON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1918.eye on the ball. Follow through. PERMIT S. A. T. C. MEN TO.Play .t he game l'iglht and play in to NAVAL NEWS FJNISH QUARTER WITHOUTThe Student Newspaper of The thc nnish.' Of cou!'se they won. P�YING TUITION CHARGESUniverslty of Chicago T·hcy couldn't lose, ,playing the tragic 'p �I A.TES " ..1_ I ---In. � ... .. , twas a dark and University Will Give Dismissed 801-Publi h d mcrni t Stud I gams of war ,that way. stormy ni rht J t I . b .IS e morrungs, excep a r ay, II,;. us· lOW rt . egan IS diem Privilege of Rooming inSunday �Jjd Monday, du.ring the AU-I . X ow there is a parallel calling for a long story-it's -enough tQ state I Stadiu.m Barracks Free.tumn, ,\:. tcr and Spring quarters, the same method of 1>la,'.., that Co. D was iholding a feed behindby the Dailv Maroon company.· University men who have enrolled• The American. Expcdirionary Fore- dosed doors. We thought that that in the S. A. T. C. may finish out the�DITORIAL DEPARTMENT es went abroad to fight, -to be wound- was rather unsociable-to excite our ,!uartes in the University, withoU't-THE STAFF ed, to be killed, if necessary-s-Iully imagination with visions of pie and out 'Paying tuition, according to theJohn .101 eph :\1.aIlagin� �d!tor determined to carry out their pledge cakes and apples and then--oto 'lock statement made at a meeting of S. A.Ruth Ge rzbe rger N ew.s Editor If' , _I S.tIelen H witch Xight Editor 0 victory.' tne uoor on us. 0 with .good-na- T. C. men, at 6:45 yes'terday in Man-Ho\\'ar� Beale : " Day Ed!tor \\'Ihat W:iS the direct pledge of the tured sport we marched up sta-irs and del. They may also room at .theRose F ischkin .: Day Editor., . invited ourselves to the party. S di "h h\\'illiam Xl orgenstern American people to those men The ta lUDl aor t e rest of t e quarter._ Athletic Editor contra-ct was not all on the shoulders But Co. D was obdurate and Those men who desire have theFrederick \\'interhotI of the troops. The nation had to haug htily answered from behind the..................... Associate Editor. take one side of toile contract. The door that .their party was Very ex-B�SINESS DBP ART�lENT I American people assumed .the sol- elusive and that rowboat 'cadets and'lay Freedman :\ianagcr I cmn �bligation to back up the fight- gobs were as unwelcome as the au.Staff Solicitors I er s WIth money, ar�ls, su�plics, medi- Well, that was adding insult to in- time for the payment of this fee hasBallinger and Fenner c�, nToral and s�lal malntenanc� jur�and as the arnlY �c�n1e more ��������������������������������. The army in France took Q. con- reluctant we became more insistent.Entered as second class mail at the , tract to fight. .Then 'Came a ,ORASH and 'throughChicago Postoffice, Chicago, Illinois, I Tl . h the jagged hole in the door, pies, ap-'III h 13 1(\06 d th t f ie arrny at lome took a contract <Q.I.' arc ., OJ , un er e ac 0 I I k d hMarch 3, 1873. to pay the bills. pes, cake an 01' er tempting mor-The righting Americans -have made sels were passed out to us-and pass-SU.BSCRIPTION RATES good on their contract. ed out to us with a vengeance! ThenCalled for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a followed a lively little scrap and ibeds,quarter. X ow it is up to the people at homeBy' Carrier, $3.00 a year; $1.25 a to pay the 'bills. .... book, pajamas and suitcases got rntoquarter. . a. jumble with each other, and withBy Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50 I �h�'t ·IS why l':le Treasury is selling the-army and navy in general, so thata quarter: anticipaned cer-tificates covering next in a few 'brief moments it looked asBy Mat! (out of town), $4.25 a I year's federal taxes and discount-year; $1.7" a quarter. . '. though a Kansas cyclone had maderng' the subscriptions to the coming a short ibut expressive visit to theEditcrial Rooms Ellis 12 Fifth Loan. .All the money raised fourth floor of Hitchcock.. Telephone l\1idwar 800, �cal 162. on th� previous four Liberty LonasHours: 11:10-11:,,0; 12:25-6; 7-8. h b It was all :good fun ad good fellow-B' Off' Ell' 14 as een spent and the ibills have·· :usmess Ice IS I sbip-c-unril 'the QMJ1y decided uponTelephone Midway 800, Local 162 not been paid. IH rhe ·inspiration of one of their pluckyours: 10:20-11:50; 3-5:30. Nearl a'll oth A' ldi.l.' y 'L e mcrican so ers Ibut foolish boy scouts-c-that the Ibuttare over seas and it will 'Cost many end of a -rifle makes a pretty goodhundred millions to bring them ·back. ·b ill y. Tihen rwe did ·get 'Peeved andlfeantime, they must be fed and kept after a, 'Couple -of our men wereup ·to -the scratch in appearance, <banged up and one fellow 'had his. One of the bright and shining Lealrh, morals, spirits and every obh- hood nearly smashed-s-well, then wespots for those unfortunate souls er way. did go to it-man for man-and luckamong S. A. T. C. men who did not : There is only:one way to do .it. wjth the fellow who had 'harderhave week end passes was the HQs· Thi .t..' akIS paymg .ousmess t . es grit. fknuckles. Oh! 'but things did fly, andtess Bouse maintained in Ida IX�yes Every American must go right Q� doubtless the poor army wished ear-hall by the 'V. S. T. Co �he varIOUS saving as bard as before the armis- mestly that they had invited us to the'nments ihave provided diver-enterta1 . tice. feed. Then came the end�swi.it and. fo" the men who otherwIseS 00 4 Sa.ve very nickel, ev�!'y dime, rerri.ble for one .of the army athletes1'1d have -spent 'rather an unhappyquarter and do�la!r that can !be spared had scaled ......tthe fire-escape, and 'hadwou d Sunday every so often. f . summon·ed the aid of the entire m 1':1 I' _Satura�y �n �t1'vitieSo of .the Hostess rom hving exp·enses. ;Put savingsIt. main a..., into banks, or buy' Thrift and War tary staff, and as quickly as 1Ihe bat-T·ue . f Saturday af;ternoonconSist 0. SaVlings Stamps. ,tole began it subsided and soon theJi'Ouse . d3nces, Sunday teas and good ship 'Hitchcock was -gently rOck-Iand evening house at .. a11 hours for �hen 'WIhen th� rtime 'Comes to sub-e(8l open _II' of .the men scribe for rhe Fifth Loan -everybody ie�, and sa.fely alK'hored to the Islea gen d rC',atIVeS .'11 of Peace.(s a.n 1 y but ex.treme- WI be ready to 'Carry out the con-Illotbea tJlodest aut a �;lities which tracts we have on ·hand.b be! �her poss T 1 .�al' (thy; ov' }louses have been he so dlers won the peace Ibyb· -v;o '0 tlo,tess y '1 C A figh.ting.oJ tIP. the. &." • •Qre file of"_Y d from the dances . 'We ha.ve the job of paving for the�a't'e tturoe :i!taken h 'Ie t' {,orable reports- ,pea: e.I' (efJ 3 witlJ. �\ m .going nexi'l lSave aoo prepare for the Fifth.,J. AS • gIrl5, QLt�"" lliCe h women de_ oan.and titJle, uently ·t el'•• od r n5e4 . 3.gine that 'here -,---------------go vO ,e un d" 't' �a woman aD.c- F Ii D • A dtime- �redl' s \\�hen h ro C oemg ca emye tif1)e 'f., ,c. w ose a17 .se'('l tteefl S. \.-\. weighted -down 55th and Ellis Avenuehe IV �o et area"l i,h tf ie hought of more Classes Tuesday and Thurs-• ..-I 1 fl'Is; ha5 th . dE·Ing ,� u c" "I,d .t e enter_ ay· Venlngs.J ( hO to dO, ...fe3.:VY.tiJY s· illg� h{ul young gentle.. Receptions every Saturdayh �(" t tP ,.f)3.5 S\lpply vaSt and Sunday Evenings, 8 :30y A�lfJ of �.. �nteed tot 11 30�1 r 11 t 1,1.. 0 : p. m.ta�1'1f'Je oot .� Come and hear the BestJ j� ,---tU this &othic Dance Orchestra' in Chieago.1031' fro T' .:Ilg- ., ..... y NLlmng PROF S L. LOBELLjo1' a(·t, d "t ....... 1"...f • •pn $' 6'" e ,\\"oIl1ell 0 the _. .so t'J1e 11"� w;�irting ,so:ps .�or. f11f'l t� Jellt d entertaIning On� � sttS i "n'to(p �J1 lt�PPd5:Wd'/PUse1' e1' }-I:f STViFF .... (1'",.,e -\,JU' Cl'11d .s01dlcrs·.u" A"� jneSI)o�t �,. l�aT tal daYS on t>hefl n10r .'rj� �ee_ ThierrY agaInSttfJc tJJ" teaU "G;.. {Or IC"� s of the e�n\.. 1£1 $t t(ooP. the moment fhe I(Ie 1'e d (1\lIt ·eti�I#( ick�d theY oC'ck and tn tothe l' VI .• Aled '. ') X 0, they Went1vP·.s' In' •�rr1:'i'�n5 to ulB'he Gcrman rearr1f1 l<'Cc ing t'1 hGc 'f' t:ght them untl ·r c rc_J � n I' -'rovefint 0-<"1 cy (J despcrate TOtn,t'ig'f1 J,1 into a.1'0' I1Cd . ht on chaSing them,�u.:J tU( rIg�t J.;cpt nd then another All favorite features combined intrc tf1ci oint a ,And t orlc J1 c1�ancd them out ofone handsome writing machine offirst .�hcY had 'Jeuse and that ior_'J t f -tile '. the first quality.urrtl lJc)'.o nd the tOWn of :se-I,,� I1C' oathe i _o\t'�on the Gennan surren_�st 0 'Ca1T1C .'fhcn bjcct oand rushIng falIdan· "'e rnost a Idcr-tJI . Is of warfare.the Slnn:l .in all 1.ain .language, the Amenc:\l 1In P -<ypcra.ted on the good Amer-ItroOPS15 of the game: "Keep yOUr .:- _�n�e ,Thursday, December. 12, 1918.HOSPITALITYHAVE YOU SENT IN YOURSUBSCRIPTION TO THEDAILY MAROON?ASCHER'SFrolic ThalTe55th aDd Ellis AveLILLIAN GISHI'THE GREATEST THINGIN LIFE"alsoPATHE NEWSandCHRISTIE COMEDY"A RemarkableTypewriter" We Cater to StudentsThe Frolic TheatreDrag StoreSit in a Booth with Your GirlWOODSTOCKTYPEWRITER COMPANY23 W •. Washington Street, Chicago 959 East 55th StreetCor. Ellis Ave.Phone Central 5563 -Tel. Hyde Park 761- -.._-----�-�---- ... "':'�:-- -�---- .. ----- charge to the student for the room,but the student �itl have to Ibearthe expense of his. board. Com.pe­tent heads, who have an interest inthe men will ibe in charge of thestadium. There will be some rules \Cor "Iights out," and dosing time,and guards will have to be establishedto protect the men's property. Notime for reveille will be set.The men of the S. A. T. ,C. may re­main in college for the rest of thequarter, without pay.ing any tuition.However, in accordance with the uni­versity rule the men will have to ;paythe regular 'matriculation fee of fivedollars. This fee is necessary if thestudents desire their grades enteredIn the records of the University. Nobeen set.privilege of rooming off the campus.However, any 'man who has not anoff -campus room may stay In 'thestadium barracks. There will be noATTENTION!\ .,• Ii>6 r".."The Pen of the Army". Do you realize that whenever. you write your "papers"in ."Longhand" you are miling twice the work fo-r yourInstructors? Your papers will be better and your grades willbe higher if you do your writing on aCORoNA• FOLDING TYPEWRITER. .....Let us demoIJstrate this wonderful little machine to youat your convenience." .University representativeMEDGAR POLSON, 14 Hitchcock HaDCORONA TYPEWRITER SALES COMPANY12 S. La Salle StreetPhone Franklin 4992-499aNOTICE! � We Rent CoronasBANK WHERE YOURACCOUNT IS VALUED·111111111111111111111THE HOME FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' SAVINGS111111111111111111111Central Hyde Park Bank55th St. and Blackstone Ave. It I'tt'-,(r •..\ /.� ;I, ..�;��c" LC\:�,�.'.....l-I �•..1l- e:• a•.. 1\� ;)£ 4'� .-.,"I.." , .I1AIf".t.• .''.\.----- _._-------'_ .. _----_._"""--- ..•.... '. < .�_ .. _. _..._ .---- -_----.. ,., .,..I'�� ."I..,A,,�..'....\.. " Dear 1::\1r. Whistler,The other day I wasf\Valking donw the streeti\Vi-th a friend, and I-Remarked to him that IWar going to the barber'sFo�'.a shampoo ,and he said"'"\\Thy don't you go to thatElectric shop across theStreet?" And I didn't getThe joke until I saw rheSign th�re t,hat said"Vacuum cleaners."Darn tim.\DID you read B. L. T. yesterday?He's getting pretty hard up! Heprinted a wheeze ·th�t was Tun in the\Vhistle three months ago. But 'Wedon't fblame him. .\Ve know how itfeels to run Q. column every day.M. T.NO gobs at Score club! The� story�laH-kelled, SO we can't tell you why.You'd 'better read it in the DailyNews. It isn't censored.Favorite Myras.Ad IMira.::\Iyra of the Frolic .Sextette,:::\lira Scope. .I'F the JWhistler (Not us-e-the S. A.T. IC. fan who usually toots the line)ever goes off and gets demobilized- again, -and, without a word of warn­ing, "eav�s tthis job to us, well-\ l1HlE tOOPoY 'BOY OOMIES To ,BATIN A PINIOH. '::":" ,,",,� � • ;--r' ". ::::3' '" ":. ',' "; .� . : ';S", :�::;:;: ",!:;>:�:!'17:W?.'. ,,:, V' '; ";:t��':• .,�. JTHE DAlLY MAROON, THURSDAY, DECEM·BER 12. 1918Last night the walk ,in front ofHitchcock was a glistening array �fbayonets. The ship' was stronglyguarded. In the distance were lurk­ing a group of revengeful dischargedsoldiers, but it is probable ,they at­tempted nothing. \Ve hope gettingout of the army has not made themutterly .foolish; that row of deter­mined gobs and sharp bayonets has aforbidding appearance. WHEN you buy a pipe bearing theVI D C trade-mark, you have thesatisfaction of knowing that your moneycould net have bought a better pipe. TheW D C is strictly American made. You canchoose among a multitude of styles, sizes andgrades at the best shops-$6 down to 75 cents .The ohair is square'I t has .roar ieet ''But it a!in't no good'Vithout no seat.One of 'last year's reporters camein rtonight and said, "Instead of cig­arette butts's on the floor now wefind lhairpins."This is Deep.One of the editors was singing inr the office last night, and when shehad finished, she said to the -copyboy, "[How do you like my voice ?""P}etty good," he said."I have a voice ·like Galli Curci,"said she. •",Galli !Curci has a good· ?Oice and50 'have you, but I th ink I like yoursbetter still," said the copy boy. 1"--, ....IJEALOUS GOBS WORSTE»IN,BATTLE WITH ARMYSavage Soldiers Successful in Scrim":mage with ISailors- Tars Put toSwabbing Decks While S. A. T. C.�n. Gain Freedom,''Cmsh 'hang! Splash, and another,bang! 'Glass smashed, fire cxtin­guishers spurted, pots of white leadcrashed to the ground, with a thud,and objects of every descriptionfrom shoes to chairs whirred throughthe air. The campus war was on.In celebration 'Of their return tocivilian life, -Cornpany 0, quarteredin Snell hall and 'the upper floors ofHitchcock, was holding a spread just.before time for taps. The naval unit,jealous of the more fortunate army,and angry he cause it had not tbeeninvited to the party, decided to breakin unasked. Trouble ensued.'Twas a Sorry Sight, Indeed.Those who chanced to .pass acrossthe campus just after .the playing of.the .Alrna I::\Iat'er night before last, de­-cided that the S. A. T. C . .must beseeing service after 0311. Tihe disturb­ance began when the gobs in a body,outnumbering the navy �five to one,crashed through a: glass door rightinto -the midst of festivities. Whenthey left after a protracted .jbattle,there was ilitt1e else left in the halls.REViEW OF THE SEASON"SUCCESS DEPENDS UPONINDIVIDUAL'S ATTITUDE,"SAYS DR. MARY ,C. HOYT(Continued from page 1) wsr, DEML"TII &. CO • N.:w Yorkn"orld's [Auf/est Pipe .J[alluf(lC'�urerto Dr. Hoyt, are good taste in dressand neatness. A pleasing low voiceis also essential to one who wouldsucceed. Dr. Hoyt cited a number Jof examples of women whose lack oflone of these qualities lost them goodpostionL That prospective em�oy- ������������������������������ers pay particular attention to minor I'details of appearance and mannerwas emphasizedby the speaker.������ I�---�-------------------------�'':Accuracy is another attribute � � A � � Ja � � a � �which every woman who hopes to � !!!ilC s: !!II:: 5 � �gain success must have," said Dr.Hoyt. «Accuracy in little things goesa long way toward this goal. 1-:' isperhaps the most important of theirdlvidual requirements. Mental dis­cipline is rea!:y the essential part ofcollege life. A.: the :book knowl-Boy, page Santa Claus! But army rifles used from above edge which the student I acquires hasFirst prominent 'Club woman: oroved more effective than .good ..t' not hailf �he value of the trainingWhich do you like best, men 'With looking uniforms and the gdbs were which his mind receives. The acquisi-splendid pasts, or splendid futures? forced to k.a.ve. mon of the power to concentrate and'Second ·P. C. !W.: N eil'her-I ,like Back they 'Came in renewed force to assimilate facts is the importantthe 'Ones with splendid presents, and thus the battle raged until long conrtibution of college. The studentafter gobs and soldiers should have who applies himself only to his books..been safe in bed. Lieutenants and is not necessarily the best student,ensigns were of no aI\'iilil in restoring �e business world is not 'Yetorder to the awe stricken- campus so ideal from 'the standpoint of �he col­rudely turned into a famous battle lege-bred woman," continued Dr.fie1d. Fina'lly Major Dana was Hoyt. --rhe college graduate is stillreached, He started to the scene of so new in business' that the employerconflict but still the balttle raged. does 'not know how to regard collegeFight is Fierce nad FrightfuL women_ in his business. Often he, :;....; -He reached University avenue and. does not. realize that college womenthe -gobs were winning. He entered have already learned how to organize,lHuoomnson- court and the army seem- to Jearn qwckly and to 'USe their initi­ed to have the advantage. Hoe 'strod� a.�ive. Wom�n who �duld succeed'across the bridge over the botany must 15m to be open-minded regard­pond and fiercer gr� the'- fray. He mg c.riticisrm., Ibut should !be carefulpassed through Hull court under the about .themselves criticizing without Ivery sbadows of lofty Hull gate and ample reason."the campaign grew more desperate,lAs he 'finally strode. up the gang­p1ank ·of old. IHi�bc()Ck, 'the fracusapproached a decisive point. At thismoment a pot of white lead fell rightat the iMaj�r's feet, The bomb was,however, defective and did no dam­age beyond bespattering Lieut. Oli­ver's puttees so that yest-erday theyg'3IVe one the impression of a newlywhitewashed Ioosball,Gobs Disappear Suddenly.Queer, .;but not" a gob was to .bes-een at this time. T'hey were scarcerthan they have Ibeen around thiscarrspus in many ra. day. Strange, butmost of them angelically s1eptthrough .dl ,the mighty 'battle as df4the majority of s�ldiers in ISnell andHitcbeook; at least they wet'C slum­bering When the !Major took com-Has �nyone seen Q. E. D. lately?We Ihaven't heM'd from hi,n lor aweek. We aren't sure 'W'hether .he mand.has the flu-or whether he started to A sorry looldng �ot these gobs andsoldiers were yesterday. Today ,th'eread one of his ,themes aloud, andchoked. •Tlhe word �ist is low­The 'V·histler's gonc­I,t's dinner time-ISo here's ·for Anon. soldiers at"e -civilians once more and.are beyond all· army supervision. Thegobs, however, :are still �n shipboard'and spent much of yesterday scrub­bing the decks of !Hitchcock and thefloors of the now deserted army ,bar­racks. The ,foe aTe making dates atFoster and arranging to take thegobs' girls to the Score c.lu"b dancePERFUMEFOR CHRISTMASLilac, Flor' Amour and Spring- Sa'turday.. kiss. Better than any and Alas! No Shore Leave Now.cheaper than all, 65 cents per The gobs, 'l11oreover, have for.feitedoz. bottle. l'he right 'Of shore leave for a 'week.50 cents bv � dozen bottles. AlIas! no leave Saturday! i�aginebottles. , scrUbbing decks and doirrg K. ·P.30 cent& a.Faace Powder box. while the fonner ar.my heroes areAgent wanted. for dormito- satisfying th:tt Ilong pent up dancingries. emotion at Rosalie. But cheer up!Write If any more tr�uble arjses the gObsTHE C HOW D H U R Y have the 'Promise of three moO'ths'__K_e_D_t_C_h_em_i_C8_I_Soe__i_et_'y service art Great ·Lakes. rt.j�tri;�_��Look at the Uncs of this one. The,.0011·. a dcU;:bt to the eye. from the richbrow!l of Ihe Io'enulne Fre neh L.lar bowl,t}lroul:h the ster:lnl: sheen 0: the rtn .... tothe Jet b�ck 1l:Sirc of the vulcaalte bIt.MORE CELEBRATINGBIG MAROdN' XMAS EDITION.._. __ •• ��lilUKE THE GOOD OLD DAYSOUT SOON�-.------.-HAVE YOU SENT IN YOURSUBSCRIPTION TO ,HAV'E YOU SENT IN Y.OURS�SCRIPTION TO\THE DAILY MAROON?, __•THE DAILY MAROON?Men's. Dress ShirtsFor All Socia� ActivitiesIN view of the happy ending of the war, holiday festivitieswill doubtless resume full sway. Many men have allowedtheir dress ac'cessories to become depleted. The opportunity,therefore, is offered for the giving of one or more Dress Shirts-decidedly useful gifts DOW.Dress Shirts--Specially made forus, with bosoms and cuffs of fine,imported pique, body material ofan ext$ quality plain cotton fa­bric, $4.Dress Shirts-Pique bosom andcuffs; made to open all the waydown the back for the man whoprefenP to' put studs in bosom be­fore dressing, $2.50 . For Informal Occasions-Whitepique Shirts in assorted soft plaitswith soft pique cuffs to match,53.75; semi-stiff pique plaits withsoft pique cuffs to match, $4.For Day Wear-Fine white SilkShirts; weighty plain broadcloth,$7.50; Shirts of imported silk, ourmanufacture, $12.First Floor.\THE STORE FOR MEN-.. � ."..... ,,,,1i �rlIIIi./! 't'I .. ' THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1918COLLEGIATE BRIEFS.Kansas-The Gr&k letter societieswere excused from their .barrackslast night to hold Irater nity meetingsin their chapter 'houses. Hereafterthe men w ill be excused every �lon­day nigh' for -meering until all of theS. A. T. C. is demobilized.McGill�Christmas holidays are tohe shortened by four days, 'owing toloss of time entailed by ,the epidemicquarantineWisconsin-The entire S. A. T. C.is again under a general "flu" ban.An order was issued late todaywhich will temporarily quarantinethe Student Army Training 'Corps.No passes wjll 'be granted. The menwill be prohibited from ,�"'Oing with­out their company limits.Knox-e-Knox is practically assuredof having a Reserve Officers' Train­ing camp. A 'communication fromthe War department at Washingtonthis week states that if a hnudredmen at Knox will enter, a corps willbe established here and a hnudredand 'twenty .. five men have alreadyl signified their desire of joining theorganization. Training ,is not com­pulsory, but has �been made a require­ment for graduation and will sup­'pklnt work in the gymnasium. Train­ing will consist of a two years'course of ddl) and military instruc­tion. As far as military disciplinegoes, there I\viH not be any..MIichigan-,The war activities ofthe local Y. m. IC. A. will be con­tinued as long as the military unitsare on the carrspus, the .National Warcouncil having sent assurance of ,itssupport. The "Y" is planning a se­ries of parties during 'Chr.istma's weekfor those who 'remain mere over theholidays: Fd1lawing the vacation theactivities will he the same as thosein vogue with civilian students, al­though some of the special featuresof the military work will be retained.Washington-With demobilizationof the S. A. T. Ie. assured and a"real, old-time college" next quarteran acknowledged fact, t>he 'regular 'Of­ficers of the student body are now .ina position to take up their duties. Amammoth yell 'rally has been called.for 8:30 next Tuesday 1n the gymna­sium, and every man ,'is urged to at­tend. (Speeche,9 Iby prominent stu­dents and descriptions of the collegedays rthat the freshmen have yet toknow is promised. Real, old Wash­ington spirit win obtain and the yellsand songs wit! be revived with theidea of 'l"ecalling the University towhat it was before the 'War.Toronto--t�t Q recent meeting of, the alumni, ';t rwas decided to erectsome IlaTge and fitting' memorial tothe Va.:sity :heroes' who died in-France. A committee of the alumniand faculty members ,,,,,""3S appointedto decide upon 1he most desirableform for this memorial 10 take.c. CORMANY'SHOME LUNCH" ROOMThe Old ReliableHeadquarters for UniversityStudentsWe serve the best of every­thing. Promp Service.Try Our Special SundayChicken Dinner.1313 E. 57th StreetEstablished 1890JENKINS BROTHERSDry Goods and :Men's Furnishings63rd St. aad University Ave.Right Goods Right PricesRight TreatmentHAVE YOU SENT IN YOUR'SUBSCRIPTION TOTHE DAILY MAROON? Par Page'sbasketball teamNORDLING DRUG CO.Prescription DruggistsA. J. NO�LING, R. PH. G.-Cor. 55th aud IIlgJeside ATe.ChieagoTelepIaoae Hyde Par.k 340 noon are: !Mrs. Wilbert Carr, Mrs.Otto P. Koppius, Miss Goorge Cham­belain and Miss tElizabeth Lang. Thehostesses are: Katherine Frost, MabelRossiter, Dorothy Lyons, WinifredGood'willie, Gertrude Elmore, ViolaMerriman and Winifred oW ood.Announce Women for Sunday.The following are guests: CordeliaEnos, Elizabeth Allen, KatherineBartholomew, Esther WitHams, EdithPowell, Katherine iProsser, BelleKempes, Mary Gingrich, DorothyFischer, Grace Joy, Minette 1Pitt, RuthMeyer, Miriam Withrow, JosephineWells, Hazel Wagner, Evelyn Stem,Lucy Meil,' Paula W.j]de, FrancoisRouet, Henriette Grandjean, Alice McInnis, Aletha Kranz, MerednhHanley, Nellie Gorgas, Corinne Eddy,Ruth Mallory.DOrothy 'Hough, Katherine 'Moore,....Mabel Masten, IM,,:,-rion Robinson,Pauline Louderlback, Evelyn Burke­holder, Ethel !Richards, ,Anne Riming­ton, Blanche Rucker, Elizabeth Scrib­ner, Esther Tappan, Beatrice Teller,Louise MacNeal, Enid Townley, oAbnaHudson, Helen Johnson. Lillian Daves,Leonore Hyman, Marie Dolese, Fran­ces Dorr, Corinne Anen, Elsie Stevensand Miriam Orton, The dance Satur­day will be from 7 :30 until 9 :30 andthe tea. Sunday will be from 3:30 un­til 5:30.LANE TECH FIVE FAILS WORK OF HOSTESS HOUSETO APPEAR ON CAIUPUS � TO CONTINUE THI'3 WEEK(Continued from page 1)Disappointment ..at Not Seeing Prac­tice Game Together with Approachof Exams, Causes Reporter to Try rington, Louise Mammen, DorothyFree Verse. Dorsett, Esther Marhofer, EmilyTaft, Ruth Lovett, Marjorie Winslow,Vera Ede1stadt.Name Guests For Saturday.Frances Lench, Dorothy Church,Pauline Boisot, Helen Bennett, Doro­thy Adams, Elinor Hinton, ElizabethWilliford, Virginia Lee, Viola Merri­man, Pauline Haven, Gladys Gordon.Marion Meanor, Ellen G1eason. Ruth,Teuscher, Carol Smith, Helen Cleaves,Edith Coldwell, Katherine Nelleger,Florence Fake, tRuth Genzberger,'Orleatte Healey, Leonie 'Kroeker, Es­ther Ladewiek, Mary Maxwell, EdithNorman, Evelyn Pierson, BarbaraPorter, Helen Roe, 'Sylvia Regent,M�na Robinson, Florence Rennely,Marjorie Stevens and Helen Thomp­son.The patronesses for Sunday after-was supposedtoplayapracticegame withLane Techlast night butLane heardabout thegob-soldierrowand 'refused to come to such a'rough place. AndPathad to missapractice because Lane didn't come.IHe - felt pretty goodthough because ROSALIEMUSIC HALL �STMAS. thls year, because of\..... �� worldly conditions, willwitness a decided chan� in �Universal sentiment dictates tr.at allspend wisely and purchase useful Ailtswhi� will endure.Electrical Home Comfortslo-r comrnUence, economy and utility, will findun.aimous favor a. Yuletide tokeN. They are,,_,. ue£ul in the daily li£. or the home. alsoCiJDe cd labor aa�s- Oar AUNd/ec HoIiJ� Du"J1ZIPCOMMONWEALTH EDISONELECTRIC SHOPSn West Adam. Stnet=:=-�..._ '�g==-:-WhyReady - Made ClothesWhenyou �an buy a luit from UI thatis ma:�o. for YOU, from a selec­tiop ,of over 500 patterns, no'two alike, for about the SAMEprice that you MUST PAYfo.. ,ea.dy - made clothes?Ask the boy.; they will' tell youwhat kind ·of clothes we makeBryanand,Blockiwere out on thefloorthrowing- a! lball crt the ringsand they hittheai r: -;"f'!'"': � ;-; , ! .occasionally ;.;, ..:.��:..� �which is a blamed sight more thanany�elseboas done all 5700 Harper Ave.FOR REN� FOR DANCES,ENTERTAIN�NTSETC.H. C� EDMONDS203 S. Dearborn St.Harrison 8183FOSTER & QDWARDCo,!ect Dresser of Men7th Fl�r, Republic Building State. and Adams StreetCHICAGOseason.When1hesetwocome back to school,jf they do,Pat 'Will havea very good start for a team, hesays.: '1'" r.i I!I�I:ll:(!!�U;;!lJiIf 'Lake . �-ForestAcademy has enough nerve andcarfare thel::\Iaroonsmay playa'game 'this afternoon. LETNORDUNGBE YOUR. DRUGGISTMake �bis 'store your head­quarters. Everything in :prugs,Cigarettes and Candy.Sub-Postal BtaUon No. 218Parker Fountain Pen AgeneyMrs. J. E. St�ms, Proprietor - 1155 E. Sixty-Third SLMIDWAY 567TEARNINCERITYMEANSPat says he hopesthat his teamdoesn't.get beaten very 'bodly if they play.Therewas not any more sports news,and besideswe '(that's editoriaq)have two exams 'Coming nextweek andwehaven't studied allquar-ter, Private Dancing LessonsIn a course of six lessons ($5.00)ne can acquire the steps of the WaJtz,One-step, and Foz-trot. Single 1tl1-sons if desired. .LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIO1541 E. 57th St. Hyde Park 2314MEN"S WEARHats - Gloves - NeckwearJAMES E. COWHEYB..-E. Cor 55th St. and Ellis ATe.BILLIARD'SCigarS - Cigarettes - Pipes. Men's Saits Given Special AttentionCLEANING AND DYEINGGoods Caned for and DeliveredYou kndwwhat thatmeans. If I flunk them !boththe IMaroon 'wi'll need anew reporter, andeven 'bumones are scarce Ithis year.MAROON WAR LETTERERVleEWITHRemodeling a Specialty- - .. . __ ... _ ....