:��. \" . ':'-:'/'-,,!:��q,�,J>C'ij.. >�....VOL. XVIL No 36. UNIVERSITY OF CH1CAGO. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5 1918 PRICE THREE CENTSI ..." ENGUSH ARISTOCRACYAND tOW!R CLASSESUNITED, PEIB THINKSments.CONTENTS OF DECEMBERMAGAZINE CONCERN WARAlUDl!!! ,M'ontl)1y Includes LettersThe individual playing of the worn­.en was the feature of the game. Thismade an exciting contest for the';specta'tors, but from the standpointof hockey it made a much less fin-NINE COMPANIES OFW. S. T. C. HOLD DRILLNEXT WEEK IN NOYES SENIORS COME OUT ONTOP IN HOCKEY MATCH THREE QUARTERS CLUBWILL INITIATE FlnvFRESHMEN SATURDAYDefeat Junior College 3-0 in Exciting.Game on Greenwood Field-Incli­vidual Starring is Chief Feature-ofSecond Contest. Annual Fundion to Be Held at6:15 at UniversityClub.LordChamwood Speaks on "De­mocracy in England andUnited States." From Former Students in Service, All Wmen Give Demonstration- ,Revised Honor Roll. Number of Ask For Cooperation ofDlustrations, Regular Depart- Every Member.As in former years, ·the Three­Quarters club is to hoM its annualinitiation 'Saturday at the Universityclub. The initiation will be held at6:15 and will be followed by the cus­tomary banquet. Fifty new men wi'Ibe 1nitia ted.Due to the fact that the Scoreclub dance will not be over until 6:�Oand because some of the men who donot get leave for the week-end willhave to report at 5:40 for retreat, theinitiation will': not begin until 6:15.This allows plently of time for allthe men to get down town, and initi­ation will commence sharply at 6�15.All Old Members Are Invited.Because most of the older men arein the service, very few of the Three­Quarters club men are expected atthe banquet except those who are onthe campus. Every former memberof the club will be welcome and willbe furnished with a good meal at theexpense of the incoming freshmen.'Each one �f the freshmen is tobring a box of candy and a packageof cigarettes wben 'he comes to thebanquet. Furthennore, each initiatewill bave with him a paddle strongenough for effective use. On tbestrength �f this, and the dinner thatthe fresbmen are furn�shing, JackFulton has promised plenty of amuse­ment and good food, to any Three­Quarter club man wbo will come totbe University club to get it.Number of Initiates Smaller.For various reasons the number ofinitiates is not as large tbis year asit bas been in tbe past. Only fiftymen made tbe organization. Of tbesea larger number are non-fraternitymen than ever in the past when fresb­,Call Many Fouls for Lofting. men outside of fraternities have sel­The most common fault was loft- dom tried out for tbe dub. Fewering and as fouls are called for this, fraternity men are to be initiatedthe game was somewhat delayed. In than usual because they seem to betbe' ones wbo have been most affectedSEVEN MAROON ATHLETES by the war.IN $100,000 LIBERTY LOAN Divinity chapel, Prof. Willett, RETURN FROM TEXAS CAMP Several fraternities did not sendSUBSCRIPTION FROM SHAH 11 :05, Haskell.men out for the club this year be-4, in France. Chapel assembly, men and women hI have been in France a little over Basketball Hopes Are Raised When' cause they.were not rus ing to ·anyof Junior colleges, and all students I ext t d d'd t h the men orthree months and am beginning to feel President Judson, who has ·been Hinkle and Williams, Former en an '1 no av.. e. .of the college of Commerce and Ad- havi tb did t f 1 't worthlike an old-rimer. We are well situ- adtini' as the representative of the Stars, Anive. avmg em 1 no ee 1ministratlon, 12:20, ·:Mandel. hil I h s: --....... h .... _Aated in the central part of France. in American committee for Armenian W 1 e. n ot er cas�lI-cn w 0 �cThe French club, 4, Ida Noyes t' th �.. did t tay.a new hospital center. Our buildings and Syrian relief at Teheran, has just . Exactly one week too late-to bel ou 'In e negmnmg' 1 no swere not yet completed when we ar- turned in a $100,000 subscription for hall.Coach Alonzo Stagg win Ihf: ia! with it. A numb�dropped out ofrived, ,bUt we are now doing business Liberty bonds. from the Shah of University Public Lecture: "The game of the .football season, the sev- their own $:cord, and otbers wereP . Proposed League of Nations as-it dropped hecause they seldom reportedOn a large scale. \Vhen the camp ersla. en Maroons who were sent to Waco,. d I Affects the British Empire." Lord to roll callhere is completed it. IS expectc �o The Shah made this subscription Tax. early in tbe Fall, arrived in • •••h ld bo .AlI\ 000 t t Th main d' hI' Chamwood, 4:30, Mandel Ch· 1a t . ht The men who re- Fifty to be Imtiated Saturday.o a ut '"tV, pa len s. e I unng t e oan campaIgn, but, as. ... lcago s mg • .-trouble with the place is, that it is funds for relief work were short, V.P��IOS�hY .club,. �I�bamsm vs·1 turned from tbe officers' school FaIlure thO perf0ru;e:� game Sat-rather far ,behind the 'Jines. Pres. Judson borrowed the money J.ta Ism. Discuss�on by. membftM. were: "Beano" MacDonald, Crisler, I urday wit out a_, ate excuseI have been doing a little of every- for relief work. The Shah subscrib- of the faculty. 7:4�, ClaSSICS. Cole, Hinkle, Hutchinson, Dygert, of I for tbe absence dbeebah�ed Tha COUPletf h of men from mem rs lp. e mosthing since we arrived, bu. t or t e " cd this out of gratitude ItO the Unit- Tomorrow. the football tc;}m: Stanton Spccr, star I h f th dD' .. I l' f _. • I common cause, owever, or e e-last month havc been actmg as or-I cd [Statcs, ,becausc of the work Pres. IVlmty c Jape, Pro. Price, 11 :0"" short distance runner, and Bernard . h b.t "'15" thderly to the coloncl. It's not a job: Judson's committee has donc in Haskell. I Nath, of the cross country team; Wil- crease 'In tode num cr 1 h.v.·hast kCf 'E k '11 d . h' . general ex us to camps, w IC . 00·that requires any great amount 0 : Persia. c WI etennme t e exact course IIams of the basketball five, and \·an- b _ h I'. . several of the cst .l"I'CS mcn. nbrains but it kccps me Ibnsy, at least. i 10 time for the meet. Thc Maroons ous other athletes.h fif '11h b ! '11' spitc of all tis, ty men v., appcarOne can not say vcry muc a out, INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC AGAIN WI run over the ground sevcral LmC5 ; Thc hopes of the llaroon basketball . .. . d T'I..-h ._1..' ,.' 1 at InItIatIon Satur ay. �e menour work hcre because of t c StrIct. PREVALENT IN HIGH SCHOOL next 'Wl.__ to become acquamted wlth team soared with the arrival of'censorShip prevailing, and so must II --- I the course. !. Hinkle and Williams. Hinkle was the areK: S' •. E ·C . W'l. . ,� " -' . '. appa Igma. u�ene ox, I merconfine myself to gcneralltles. .,0tICC:, scnt out trom the school of i Schools whIch are expected to send star of the qumtet last year and is . P 1 H'11 d H H11-d .. 1 I 'Jenkms, au 1 nn arry ar-i4"rance, or as much as I havc secn I � ucatlOn show that a sccond epl·. tea� are the University of Chicago, I almost certain of leading the team • Ch' P '. Le" K -t dof it, is certainly a pretty country. i <fcrnic of influenza is prc\'alent amon� I University of 'Wdsconsin, University in the conference this year. Williams Agrdealvbesrt' 'B 1 �ID' ItWITS aD� °ltn �nLt h d d h' . I lee auer, e a au e a. •Their customs certainly are a con- t c ·gra e an I Igh school pupIls .. of Iowa, Ames university, Purdue uni-' was center on thc team last year and , H ld A dre D V .h h be f . I ' I •."-. 1> ennan, n w erIes,trast to those in the States. T eTc nurn r 0 cases has Increased· versity and the University of Illinois.' will make a strong bid for the posi- J h W lte d Robert Voiland.h d l' Th k ... 0 n a rs an ,buildings are all -old, .and 'the met bO s gredat:: 'dsm.ce �n sglvmg vacatIon There will be a score 1>r more club; tion this season. Speer will be a Psi Upsilon: Charles Evans, Browerof work for the most part cum er- an rIg'! inspectIon by the authori- runners from the Dlinois Athletic club, I great help to the track team as he is U-II d r ld F kl' D Ita" I' nCi an �na ran 10: esome. Of course, though, many bes has been enforced thiS week. Re- the Chicago Atbletic elub, the Logan a cracking good 440 and 880 man. Upsi1�n' Louis Roberts Robert Kew-parts of France are quite enterpris- strictions upon .all public gatherings Square Athletic �Iub, the Illinois Steel Natb was runner up in the tennis ley and Robert Kem�; Phi Kappai� The FrencTl people seem to haft and visi'tors in classes are again ob- Company AthletIC club and tbe Greek I championships last spring, and will S· • J hn Herlehey. Delta Kapr,.d 01 • A bl . lb' Igma. 0 " l'"CoDtinaed OD pqe 3 serve. ymPIC t etlc e u . be tbe only racquet wielder in school. (C t' �.J 4)on lDU\:U on pa�e'WILL LECTURE AGAlS TODAY-_, •The December number of the �IAJOR DANA ACTS'"When England went to war :n Alumni magizine is scheduled to ap-1914, the aristocracy and highbrows pear on the campus early next week.of my country decided that rather In accordance with -the plans madethan go to heaven with the Kaiser, by the editors, made last spring, thethey would prefer to go to hell alone magazine continues to .have a war­with their own slightly lower class like aspect, Since the United. Statesand slightly dirty abble." �ntt�red the war the monthly hat>That was the way Lord Charnwood been devoted largely to accounts ofexpressed the social unity of England Alumni and students of the Univer­resulting from the war, in a lecture sity in the service, land has been sent� given yesterday at 4:30 in Mandel on to these men and women."Democracy in England and the Unit- This month one of the features willed States:' Lord Chnrnwood will be a revised University roll of hon­speak today at 4:30 in Mandel on or. Letters from alumni at thec'The Proposed League of Nations as: 'front will .probaMy be of unusual in­it Affects the British Empire." terest because they show the changeReviews Growthof 'Democracy� -in affairs in Europe.The .growth of democracy in Eng- Has Review of Alwnni-M'eeting.land and this country was reviewed Other special features of the mag-by Lord Charnwocd, who also diS-1 azine are a review of an alumni meet-.cussed the present status of demo- ing held last month at the home ofcratic g�ve�ment. "The King �f i llr. Vanderlip in New York, and anEngland IS little more than a PUbllC,' account of the Association of Univer­servant," he said. "and just as soon I sities in Paris.as tbe line of kings ceases to be ser- A th '11 t ti . th··ki hi mong e I us ra Ions an ISvants of the publi�, then the mgs IP; number is a picture of Capt. Chanleswill cease to exist. The House of I J 'I' f f P l't' IS'. h h k ..l' errram, po essor 0 0 I rca CI'Lords constitutes a very shg t c ec I ence who recently returned to thison tbe will of the people. The aver-' . .A .' country after mVlng seen serVlce forage Englishman has .a .pnh�e in thef I six months in Italy. It was Capt,upper bouse because it IS IS way o. . . ..' 'L.� • • Merriam _ who, aecording to ASSOCiateabowing honor _to a man Wuv 18 ex-•_odd· ba f bli Prof. IClark, wbo recently returnedpected to do the ]0 0 pu icfrom Europe, was one of the fore-service. most Americans in Italy, and an im-. "England was expecting serious la-portant factor in Italian successes.'bar troubles at the time tbe war broke....h f II f t· nited Another Illustration IS a picture ofout, but t e men 0 a ae Ions ufl h G d th war went' Capt. Harold Goettler, '13, who, wasto g t ermany, an e. . .f· -�1 I tId' ti'nct�ns It recently killed 10 action. Capt. Goet-ar to eve cu e ass IS &.,.•nas done tbe same thing bere in tbe tle.r was Q member. of the champlo�-United States, althougb tbe results ship fcotball te�m 1D .1913. Ea�l�. Inare not apparent as yet. The victory the .war he enlisted 10 the avrationof the war was the victory of democ- service.racy, and democracy will bold tbe I The regular departments of thecontrolling vote in peace." magazine, the Letterbox, On theQuadrangle, the athletics reviews, arealso included this month.MAROOIN WAR LETTERThe following letter has been re- PRESIDENT JUDSON SENDSceived from Clifford '�[anshardt, '18,who is serving ·in Base Hospital No. In an exciting game on Green­.wood field yesterday afternoon theAS JUDGE ;;enior college hockey team defeated.the Junior college by the deoisiveThe nine companies organized un- ",score of 3-0. As a result of this sec­der the W. S. T. C. will hold a com- .ond game each team 'has a game inits favor, ;FEWER MEMBERS TH�'i USUALpetitive drill next Thursday at 4 inthe main gymnasium of Ida Noyeshall. fMajor Dana and Lieut. Ogdenhave been asked to serve as j.d�The department of Physical Edu­cation and the W. S. T. C. are work-ing together in Ian effort to make ished game than is usual with ad­this 'drill representative of the best vanced players. \Vhereas the play­work of �he companies. �t th� end I ing, in the first contest was noticeableof the drill, a demonstration Will be for the open play outside the strik­given by all the women on the floor: ing circles, nearly all the play thisafter this, the judges will make their time was around the goals. Thedecision. The demonstration will be juniors had better tearn-v ... ork thanin the form of an impressive cere- the seniors, but this was probablymony, the exact nature of which has due to the fact that the seniors werenot yet been revealed. unable to hold any practices this. Hope to Have All Present, week because of weather conditions ."We are hoping to have every Displays Spirited Fighting.member of every company present," There was a large crowd out, whichsaid Miss Stiles of the department of felt well repaid, for alJ.though thisPhysical Education, yesterday. "The game was not as well played as thecompanies have been practising faith- first contest, it was a display of swiftfully and the officers have worked and spirited fighting.unh.mgly; but the drill cannot bethe success we hope to make it unlesseach private does her share. Wewant to show just how much thecompanies, as representing the' w:s. T. c.. have accomplished. Mlilt- As the scores now stand the sen­iors have a slightly better chance towin the nexlt and last contest whichwi11 be played next Tuesday after­noon. The juniors won the firstgame ,1-0, and the seniors have a3-0 victory to their credit.ters of discipline, of military tactics,and of formation, will all be demon­strated. The judges will decide ac­cording to the showing made by the �early everyone did good work inthis second game, so that it is diffi­cult to piok those w�hose' work wasthe 'beSt. Beth Uphaus, Alice J ohn­stone, Florence McNeal, and EleanorAtkins starred for the seniors, and:\I'ary Seymour, Vera Euelstadt, Dor­othy 'Latta and IMargaret Foss for therespective companies in matters ofWeather Forecast.Probably unsettied, with not muchchange in temperature; moderatenorthwest winds.(Continued on page 4) juniors.THE DAILY MAROONBULLETINToday.i·, ,jTHE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5 1918 .. -.. ... ,.. '"_.-"'7"cerning the c.al.WM professor are_ WHAT COLLEGE EDITOl<Sthat (1) he is a 4IM1l. ..,,&<1 theoretical THINKThe'Studelit Newspaper of The personage; (2) that�.a :wild-eyedUniversity of Chicago raving aKitlator, forever ''!'':lving the 'CFrom the University Daily Kansan)Publi hed' t S d ted flag on high. Last year we re-IS mornmgs, excep atur ay, ISunday ap'l Monday, during the Au- ,member reading something in thattumn, W. ter and Spring quarters, boubtful publication, The New Re-by the Daily �Iaroon company. lpublic, concerning the dull professor.EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT 'Not long since that Kansas philoso- The unexpected, decisive, and com-THE STAFF J. lpher, Howe, wrote most convincing- plete end of the war brought aboutJohn Joseph 2\fanadn� Editor jly on the bolshevik dealer in learn- the death of the Students' ArmyRuth Genzberger News Editor ling. Training Corps. Termination of hos-Helen Ravirch Night Editor '1 . dHoward Beale Day Editor Professors aren't dull any more itt ities rna e the organization notRose Fischkin Day Editor than they are wild; they're just hu- only a useless thing but a positiveWilliam �lorgenstern l' Th f menace to the efficiency of tl du-'_ At�,letic Editor . nan. e name 0 .a .man or woman . ie e u-Frederick Winterhoff .. Ion any facalty payroll is not a guar- oational institutions of the country............•......... Associate Editor lantee for dullness or agjtation. Na- Had the war continued, as was ex-.turally there are exponents of both pected when the Student Army wasplanned in 'September, the S. A. T. ,C. Iwould have become an all-important Ibranch of the service. The extension Iof draft age limits made necessary animmediate source from which officers Icould tbe drawn, and the universitiesand colleges of the country were paid It he high compliment of being selected'for this purpose. Her e would begathered the educated class of thecountry's young man-power, un­touched by the selective draft, andOF SAD UNDERGRADUATE. given an opportunity' to show their I--- I ability� or ,thei� �ack of it. TransferFailure to Announce Schedule for to officers training camps, to army IWinter Quarters Causes Stu- cantonments, or permission to remainin school and continue technical!dents to Worry. work, were to be the ultimate pur-I--- poses of the organization.The frivolous freshman, the silly But with the termination of hos-sophomore, the jolly junior and the tilities and the beginning of recon­superior senior are going about with I struction, th S. 'A. T.IC. died a natur­countenances overcast lYith gloom I al �eath, rather prolonged, accordingn�wadays. The reason is not, as one I to rts mmbers, but still as speedy asTHE COUNCIL might suppose, that the weight of army red tape could make it. The___ studies and examinations oppress the inconveniences and tliscomforts efAnnouncement was made yester- f. f., the s. s., the j. j., and the s. F., barracks life were endured withoutday that the Undergraduate Council no, the reason for the undergraduate a murmur during the days of the war.]would resume activities with the perturbation is a more complex af- but with the signing of the armistice,opening of the \Vinter quarter. The fair. the rigid discipline and restraintsstatement 'is only one of the indica- ,This time the pucker upon the schol- placed upon the men 'became irksome.dons of a real interest in "recon- arly brow is caused by this queer The morale has declined in spite ofstruction" work here; consequently and unusual doubt: "Will the Un i- the efforts of officers to keep it up,it is gratefully received by the cam- versity of Chicago ,be in existence' for the very natural reason that thepus, but •• There is � certain next quarter? 'Has something hap- men felt their: work was useless,danger which concerns the Council pened to endanger the future of th What would have !become a pow-and the elections -to membership. old gray-walled institution?" erful instrument in helping the nationIf th m -J\.. f th win the war now seems to have been. ere are errroers 0 e un- Reason (or Fear is Simple. ,�dergraduate body who do not know The reason for this seemingly un- an extravagance, but it must be re-t11at the Council is the chief controll- founded fear is simply this: Never membered that the S. A. T. C. was. t rn of the campus .... hev planned for war and not for peace.Ulg srs e ,'L J are before in the history of the Univer-...n.. tified and w ned to The eleven baracks built 'by the Unit-\he('OuY nO, ar use sity have the schedules for the next.discretion in '\'oting when the time quarter and the dates for registra- versity will 'be useless, the equipment,11 Th U derz d issued the men cannot be used .sl1"3 come. e n gra uate tion been withheld for so long a again,,council, like all other organizations, time. !Always at this time the sober .and the government has expended a I',La'" been greatly depleted by ..... ar vast amount in pay and for mess-'IU 01 W young student has been poring over'-o"ditions., there will be Oldy Qbo .. e • contracts. The founders of the c.. A.Ir.; .. ... his time schedule confronted by the 1? IIfour m.....,.,.bers in residence .... e---+ I T. C. built wisely for war-times, but11;;"'" •• Alt. so emn problem of whether he shouldtoo well for tlle days of pea-ce. I'take Pol. Econ. 1 or English 2 at4:30. Always heretofore the deans'offices have been seething with men SUPPLY OF ARTICLES ONand women waiting to get their little SALES DAILY BY LEAGUEcards signed. IS NOT YET EXHAUSTEDcollege professor is pictured as heEntered as second class mail at the really is-human? Public educationChicago Postoffice, 'Chicago, Illinois,March 13, 1906, under the act of along the lines of myth-makingMareh 3, 1873. seems to have .been overemphasized.m�t laity _arnonBUSINESS DEPARTMENTlfay Frcedmar. �IanagerStaff SolicitorsBallinger and FennerSUBSCRIPTION RATESCalled for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 aquarter.By Carrier, $3.00 a year; $1.25 aquarter.By Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50.. quarter.By Mail (out of town), $4.25 ayear; $1.75 a quarter.Editorial Rooms Ellis 12Telephone Midway 800, Local 162.Hours: 11:10-11:50; 12:25-6; 7-8.Business Office Ellis 14Telephone Midway 800, Local 162Hours: 10:20-11:50; 3-5:30.Iqtl9rter.�ot reflecting in the least on thebDtlesty and abilit:y of those in of­'fiCe, Dne can truthfully predict th t. . a'a strong attempt wil! be made by va-'rio�s "political factions" to gain con-It(ot of the Cotlncil, and unles5 care1a11<f judgment are exercised Ib:y alI.. o .... cerned, the weakness of the, v o�19;1tJiz:ltion plu: the somewhat C.ha-otic campus Will rrJak_e for one �itted,,t;otl-democratic lea(Jership.l'olitic:s is 311 right in its pl. I'f th . ace)(PlJrUcular y I � gallle IS P1a:Yedsa\1arely) but on th� campus has b,tftc source of much <liscomforlt. � �t�n( h � lS�tflanagCmertt o. t � Council �t ti. tne511M t11eapt the rUlJl of various aCt, •tie, because, as said before tVI�. • R ' theCOUnCIl has m ueltce. I n this e,." . re-cot1stru<:tlon penod ;tble leadersr .. ir leaders must he cho�en if �ndh a.ny-thing reatly wOrt \\'hile ;5 to be�oJl1plished. ac-----­SAME AS OTHERS--:every so often one reads an a .rtIclcon ,the college professor. To �•• <:01-�egla? t>arttcu13rly th.e profeSsor, weImagsne) these �enodical treatises.are somewhat II"rteresting, rath" eramusing, at tJmes irflitating. Andwhy? ,Because, for some rea-son or other, certain authors, Illostauthors, t6il to see the professor ashe is.Two very common theories con- this: "Oh, gee, :\fr. Elasymarker isn'tgiving Trig. thIS quarter," and""Wha.t�U I do? 1:\ly Sanskrit andPsych.. conflict," etc., etc. But this There �re stilI· many cards at the I H !l�_§_�rayear-why, we haven't even been giv- League Christmas sale, and there areen the opportunity to witness such beSides these ever 80 many noveltie�tragedies. in the form of knitting..jbags, sta- �--------------�Schedule Not Yet Completed: tionery engraved with the UniversityThey say that the schedule has not seal, toilet articles, and Christmasyet been made out, that rthe registra- boxes. Tbeyare arrayed on the tabletion plans are not complete. Why? in the League room, in much stateOh no doubt on account of the war and beauty, and there is only one dayor the SI" A. T. C. But fOi the bene- left in which one may buy them.fit of the worried undergraduate, we We object to giving too many wordshasten to assure you of this: The of waming-we think them not only 1University 'has not fallen nor will it unnecessary but annoying-so we willlfall. The winter quarter is a reality. give a little narrative, drawn fromThe schedule has mcrely heen de- our own experiences. We ourselveslayed-not abolished. ,Therefore ap- paid a visit to the League, in a frameply your littlc: minds to your coming of mind which, we confess to ourexams, and leave the matter of regis- shame was skeptical, to say the least.tration and progr.ams to tthe deans.l Judge then, of oar surprise, patient II reader, when we beheld the most trulyTo Enterta· NCo· . wonderful bargains' in Christmas IIn ew rmnmuon. cards that it has been our pleasure to ----------------�The new Frcshman commission ------------- Pn·vate Dancm· g LeISOD. .feast our weary eyes upon in many I MEN'S W EAR twill be entertained by thc commission months. Such very channing cards Hats _ Gloves _ Neckwear In a course of six lessons ('5.00)of last year 3't supper today at 6 in at such very reasona?le prices� such I JAMES E COWHEY ne can acquire the steps of the WaIu,Ida Xoyes hall. The new memhers unusual stationeTY, (1t really IS un- • One-step, and Fox-trot. Sin,le 1a-will be given instruction as to this usual to find in these times, sta-I S. E. Cor 55th St. and Ellis Ave. sons if desired.year's plans and will ,be formally ini- tionery that doesn't take a WhOle! B ILL I A R D S LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIOtiated into their work. month's allowance). Cigars - Cigarettes - Pipes jl541 Eo 57th St. Hyde Park 2S14,Harrison 8183DEMOBILIZATION OF THES. A. T. C. Christmas is three weeks distant,and mails are going to be very crowd­ed this year with late packages andletters and cards. It therefore be­hooves the prudent and far-seeing tosend their Christmas packages andmessages early. Avoid the franticcrowds at last-minute bargain coun­ters. The League is giving an ex­cellent opportunity for Christmasshoppers and University women should Ishow their interest by patronizing the Icounter in the League room.FOR THE LOVER OF GOODCHOCOLATES ANDGOOD BOOKS.scbcols, but how long, we a�k you,do they remain afflicted with univer­\sities and colleges?\Vhen will the day come when theWhitman's Chocolates - famoussince 11842-with a well-printedbook (by standard authors) ineach Ibox. Blue and gold box,handsomely embossed with insig­nia. of the Service. A gift equallywelcome to or from anyone in theservice of Uncle Sam.$1.10 the box (with bpok) at:MeAN ANY & FINIGAN,1201 E. 65th St.Phone Midway 708.H. J. SCHULTE.1501 E. 55th St.Phone Hyde Park 206.DREXEL PHAR.MACY.901 E. 55th St.Phone Midway 1410.VAN De BOGERT & ROSS,1000 E. 63rd St.Phone Hyde Park 2541518 Hyde Park Blvd.Phone Oakland 68001465 E. 63rd St.Phone--Slackstone 3272800 E. 63rd St.Phone- Midway 3200A. J. NORDING,933 E. 55th St:UNCERTAINTY OF FUTUREBRINGS PUCKER TO BROWASCHER'SFrolic Theatre55th and Ellis AveThursday. December 5, 1918The Squaw ManWith an All-Star Castalso:Always we have heard remarks like With Christmas Looming Up in NearFuture, Y. W. C. L. UrgesWomen to Shop. and ComedyPathe NewsROSALIEMUSIC HALL5700 Harper Ave.FOR RENT FOR DANCES,ENTERT AINl\IENTSETC.H. C. EDMONDS203 S, Dearborn St. AThree Million DollarBANK1204 East 63rd StreetNEAREST BANK TOUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOLETNORDLINGBE YOURDRUGGISTMake this store your head­quarters. Everything in Drugs,Cigarettes and Candy.Sub-Postal Station No. 218Parker Fountain Pen AgencyNORDLING DRUG CO.Prescription DruggistsA. J. NORDLING, R. PH. G.Cor. 55th and Ingleside An.ChicagoTelephone Hyde Park 340"A RemarkableTypewriter" 'All favorite features combined inone handsome writing machine ofthe first quality.WOODSTOCK.TYPEWRITER COMPANY23 W. Washington Street, ChieapPhone Celltral 5563Try Our Special SundayChicken Dinner.1313 E. 57th Streetc. CORMANY'SHOME LUNCH ROOMThe Old Reliable�eadquarters for UniversityStudentsVVe serve the best of ever,y-thing. Promp Service.We Cater to StudentsThe Frolic TheatreDrug StoreSit in a Booth with Your Girl959 East 55th StreetCor. Ellis Ave.Tel. Hyde Park 761 '?'_MA'..' • takena whthat._ to thMore... has tcto the:1_, day Itthe .lI.,celebrliveralli�, >binteretle FIwants• .' the trself vday.is a .datingthink.I\�any sfound..... bcross" 1\' namefials, ,f; aIr. 5,', "U."\ leachil.--inrr�ol:,......-: -..7. ,; II ;be''-'__''(111Y fr.. TWO1.t.Mlle:the tw• by theat·th.todayNoyesand DFrenclber1s aeated ].M11esurla.. will giio ., FraDC4al Fn�i ular J:/>1 servedSciThewas fe.! been d., Herealservice•. Cen'tral' bash a,.''.....Annethe m�• to Ed�.; 28. Mthe FitTrainiI". _Taylor, chargee,�, armsticganizatYoung.\_ avenue·t· Th�i'� the Le:, from tc• .' ..who atl\ I- ets will',( for thi\.: w::.. and st1quam(.:jThe Pageant of the Four Seasons inH uIl Court. #Snatches of Conversation from SnellHall in 1908 and in 191$.Decorative Details in the Architectureof Hitchcock Hall.The Gargayle's .story. -Cerberus in the Physiology Build­ing.GUARDS should at onee be posted Seen from the Minstrel Gallery inall around our campus, because there Hutchinson Hall.is a reward of $5,000 (according to The "Alma Mater" of Mitchell Tow-our c:ompany bulletin hoard) promis- ereed for the return of ex-Sgt, Walter Mural Paintings at the U. of C.Our Museums.Kohn. I"rom the general. trend of Makin "Pi�'-A Visit to the Com-events we suspect that friend Kohn • gRoom• a1 . posmg.Mlle. Rouet will give a "Causerie �8 rea�y on �� way to Chili (or is The History of the Printers' Devicessur ]a Sor'bonne" and Mlle. Grandjean It Peru.) to lom the army. When on Harper Memorial Library... will give"Morceaux choisis d'Anatole last seen. Kohn 'had promised us some Symbolism in the Architecture of Ju-"! FraDCe." lJIrIari,e Drier willaing sever- dope on the �ganizati1>n of the army. lius ·Rosenwald Hall.al Forench song's. Following the reg- We are haunting the telegraph office. The Relation of the U. of C. to theJ.,,: ular program refreshments will be City's Boulevard System.served. ' A surpnse rifle inspection was not An Animated Reverie in the Loggia of,.l particularly welcomed this morning. the Classics Building.However excess docility of nature was_ The Official Guideworked off in the ibayonet practice By David Allan Robertsonwhich, girls, was iterrifically fer-ocious. Gives a complete history of theUniversity Buildings with interestingPlCTURES taken recently of our descriptions of the distinguishingcompany were placed '()D sale today. points of each. profusely ... iIIustrated f FOR GOOD CLOTHESMuch excitement. with weU-chosen photographs. Go toGet Your Copy fo� oDly 25e JOHN KRAMERIF the ladies will pardon our pro- 310 E. 55th St.fanity (for an army story is not real- THE UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE Phone OakIaDd 590_.' Seniors Announces Marriage. istic without the stuflt we have a 5758 Ellis Avenue '"- ..Announcement .has been made of little drama to unfold. It appearsthe marriage of Pauline Vislick, '.19, that Pvt. Wojnowski, of our c:ompany,• to ErIe Fiske Young, �17, on Sept. saw our newly appointed Sgt. Austin.'.; 28. Mr. Young has been attending So he 'Slapped him on the back with athe Field Artillery Central Officers' cordial ccHow -the bell are you, oldTraining school, at 'Camp Zachary dear?" Sgt. Austin, who happened to; Taylor, Ky., and was honorably dii- be Lieut. O'Keefe of Company lB.,'I -charged following the signing 'of the turned around and inquired gently,,;" armstice, and ,the subsequent reor- "And who the hell are you?" but Pvt.ganization of the school. ·�Ir5. Wojnowski had already left for partsYoung will reside at 6121 Woodlawn unknown.'\. avenue.lo� MAROON WAR LETTERPowerSOCIETY MEETS TOMORROW in Bartlett Gym, and after oar teamgets through with you, we will pres­ent you with a vote of thanks formaking our team happy again.•To Hold Third of Lecture Series inIda Noyes Hall.(Continued from page 1)taken a liking to the Americans asa whole, though they do complainthat we do not pay enough respect'.. to their well established customs.More than one young French soldier'" has told me that he expects to cometo :the States after the war. It takes- .'. .,\ very little imagination, in many of, the communities around here, for oneto think himself 'back in the feudal�. .,age. '�bny an evening I have seen... 'r' ,the seOtting for the "Angelus" rightin the. fields around here. The old',. churches interest me very much.,Most of them contain relics datingback for centuries. The other Sun-I: :�L;::��::l::�:�i:;:a�:se :t:��I liverance of the city, from the Eng-\ Hsh, by Joan 'or Arc. We had a very� interesting time. I can talk very lit-o tie French but manage to make mywants known all right. George Otis,.' the track man at the "U," and my­self, were over 10 --- the otherday. \Ve had a dandy time. Thereis a very nice cathedral over theredating back to the 12th century, Ithink. Itt was 'the first cathedral ofany size that I had visited, and Ifound it very interesting. I. ranacross a "Y" man over thare, ,by thename of Smith, I don't know his ini­tials, who had taken work under botht: air. Shorey and Mr. Bonner at the,� "U." I believe he has of late beent leaching in Hedding college a't Ab-o ."';n':!!9n, Ill. ./-... -,�\ �iI ih�lI !be .glad to hear from any of?,"y 'friends at any time. WE were quite taken back, whenthe Lieut. announced that hereafterthe fire escape was not to be used asa means for "jumping sllip." Asthough 8ny man in the companywould ever think of using the fireescape for such a base purpose!St. lInks society will hold thethird of a series of lectures tomorrowat 4:30 in Ida Noyes hall. The sub­ject of the talk will be "The Churchand the Reconstruction." All -Epis­copalian women of- the Universityhave !been urged to attend, and toacquaint themselves with the aims ofthe organization.These meetings have been heldregularly since the club has joinedthe National Student council of theEpiscopal church. In order to keepin good standing with the council, itmust follow a definite program ofactivities in regard to worship, reli­gious education, church expansion,p,!rsonal service, and meetings. Wellknown rectors of Episcopal dhurcheshave 'been conducting the meetings. The l:30 social dancing class for,I women will not meet tomorrow on ac­!WILL GET SERVICE STRIPES count of the inter-company captain­-ball competition.Dancing Class Will Not Meet.carried out their _ pledges is said tobe very satisfactory, and it is ex­OF FRENCH CLUB TODAY 'peered that stripes will be given to�many.W. S. T. C. Members to ReceiveSleeve Bands for Fulfillmentof Pledge. WHY NOTUSE THEU. of C. Official GuideTO GET SUGGESTIONSFORTheme Subjects in EnglishA few suggested below:1':12 Campus ir 18!)O.T.· e Buil �:"r� of the 'J. oftheir English Prototypes.Echoes from the Cloisters.Shades of the English Office.Subteddanean Passages-TheHouse.Memorial Tablets.Service stripes are to be awardedto those 'V. S. T. C. women whocomplete the arnountof work forwhich they signed up on ·their ques­tionnaires, These stripes will prob­ably take ithe form of a narrow band'to be worn above the W. S. T. C.�)rassard. Different colors will be c. andused for the various forms of service.The stripes will :be awarded nextweek to those who have followedtheir pledge faithfully . I t is plannedto give these stripes quarterly to the'Women who fulti'll Itheir pledges. -Sofar the nuniber of women who haveTWO FRENCH STUDENTSTO SPEAK AT MEETINGMlle. Rouet and rlUl�. 'Grandjean,the two women sent to the University• by the tFrench government, will speakat - the meeting of the French clubtoday at " on the second fioor of IdaNoyes hall. This meeting is the lastand most important meeting of theFrench club this quarter. All mem­bers and all students who are inter­ested have been asked to come. COMIP ANY A. ',.' Service Office Discontinued.The Home Service office, whichwas formerly located in Ellis 3, has.� been discontinued by the Red Cross.Hereafter any soldier desiring thisservice has been asked to call at the.- Central Division office, 1'80 N. Wa-... bash avenue. �STMAS. this year. because c£'-' e�tin� worldly conditions, willwitness 11 decided chanAe in �fis.Universal sentiment dictates that allspend wisely and purchase useful �tswhich will endure.Electrical Home Comfortslor convenience. economy and utility. will findunanimous C.vor as yuletide tokens, They arevery useful in tho daily 1lI. of tho home, Rhotime and labol' SIlvinj�.5« Our At:ru-:!i�-.e HoIlJay DIJ"IQIPCOMMONWEALTH EDISONELECTRIC SHOPSPRICE for price, grade for grade,there is no better pipe madethan a W D C. You can get a pipewith the familiar triangle trade­mark in any size and shape andgrade you want-and you will beglad you did it W D C Pipes areAmerican made and sold in thebest shops at $6 down to 75 cents.WM. DEMUTH & CO., New YorkJVorld'. Largest Pipe Manu.factuT'C7'Here Is a pipe to beproud of in any company.Genuine French Briar.carefully selected. beauti­fully worked. superblymounted with sterlinlrband and vulcanite biLBANK WHERE YOUR.ACCOUNT IS VALUED111111111111111111111THE HOME FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' SAVINGS111111111111111111111_ Central Hyde Park Bank55tlr St. and Blackatone Ave.HAVE YOU SENT IN YOURSUBSCRIPTION TOTHE DAILY MAROON?Mrs. J. E. Steams,' Prop�etorNAVAL NEWSGive Intercollegiate Dinner.The Intercollegiate committee ofthe League will give a dinner a week; ing a set of sighing and sorrowingfrom today for all University women I spirits, and it's all the fault of thewho attend from other colleges. Tick- ! Army. We have invited them, chal­ets will be on sate at Ida Noyes hallilenged them, and implored them to Ifor thirty cents, I come out and play us a game. But:either they have declined with a shud-Ider or they haven't been reading this ,Icolumn. Naw dear Army would-be ibaketball champs, read this appeal-Iing invitation and show, up tomorrOw _OUR ibasket ball heroes are beeom- 1155 E. Sixty-Third St.MIDWAY 567TEARNMEANSERVICEWITHINCERITYMen's Suits Given Special AttentionRemodelipg a Specialty Goods Called for and DeliveredTHE column is .hort todV becausewe have all been attending classesand studying fearfully bard for thequarb!rlf' examso CLEANING AND DYEING a· '''; .... 1 ......... �.: ...._':,.a • .,..1111�11iII,!t:I"'- �• THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5 1918Dear Whlstler :\\" e girls agree with Pat Page."Small men are all right, but theremust Ibe some large men."Jane.Gee, Jane-you make us glad thatyou are big!IF anyone wants to know what thegobs did in the great war, we'll beglad to tell them. They fought forliberty over Saturday.ARE you going to the Frenchclub today? We are. We want tohear about Anatole, IFrance. It isnear Vivela and La Belle, isn't it?Or is it between \Varridden andSomewherein?EXlGLU5IVE Interviews with Ex­clusive People. No.1. Q. E. D."Ahem" we ahemmed, "We wishan interview. Is it in accor,gancewith the etbics of your jour.isticprocedure for the interviewed tocome to the interview?" He smiledcoyly. "Well, yes," we admitted,fidgeting under his scrupulous glance,"but anyway, what do you considerthe greatest contribution of the con­temporary poets to poetic litera­ture:" We expected such an answeras only an authority on the subjectcould give, and we were not disap­pointed. He got a full grasp o n hismaterial and star-ted. "I n view ofthe many vicissitudes of .. * * ono­rnatopeia * * * connotation * * * re­ductum ad absurdum * * * self-classi­fication * * * bcte-noir * * * psycho­analysis * * * hoi-polloi * * * om­niverous." "Exactly," we agreed,Thereupon, thinking the interviewclosed, he did a 'backward hand­spring through the door.iitI1ii· FRI'END Anon:-Here comes thelast joke oi i� type. IXOW that theS. A. T. iC. is almost over, may Inot call attention to the fact that inGermany, K. P. stands for KronPrinz? L. O'P.Under the circumstances you men­tion, that passes.",MORiGEY says, "One of �Ir.Stagg's football heroes just came inand promised the niz ht editor a "C'sweater. 'Sa big chance she will becold this winter."We wonder how Bryant Mearslikes Fortress Monroe. Anyway, nowthat Lucy and we have finished thisWhistle, we are going to patronizethe advertisers and see Grant Wash­burn at the Frolic.FAI�IOL"S LAST LINE."The bearer is hereby honorablydischarged." Anon. THETURKISHCIGARITHREE QUARTERS CLUB SENIOBa COIlE OUT ON Alice '}ohnstone •••••••••••••••••• ri (Continued from page 1) .WILL INITIATE FIFTY TOP IN HOCKEY MiATCH Florence McN�1 ••••••.•••••••••• Ii pesonal appearance, posture andFRESBllEN SATURDAY (Continued from page 1) Eleanor Atkins •••••••••.•••••••• "" stanJ1ini: position, obedience to the(Continued on page 2) . Beth Uphaus ••.•.•••••..••••.••• lw commands of officers, rapidity of ex-I Epislon: Arthur Witzleben, Homer the last quarter of the game the Helen Driver ••..••..••..•••••••• ch ecution of commands, and, ArnaUy ..! Kline and Everett Walker. juniors came back strong and time (Mabel Rossiter ....•........•.•.. rh general famAieny with military dis-I �hi Psis Bav� Four Members. afte.r time, �rrie� the ball into the !t!LUcilte Kanally, Gl�dys Gord�n .. lh c�pline.There was a young man of Score I iPhi Kappa PSI: Charles McGuire. senior striking' CIrcle, 'but the ball Helen Sulzberger, Kath. Clark .... rf For the -remainder of this weekclub . Philip Stull, Richard Westerschulte: was sent outside each time and went I:Blanche Rucker .............•.... 1f and next Thursday, strict attention"'ho lived for two months on war and Robert Dwyer; Alpha Delta Phi: back to the twenty-five yard line, Hele� Fortune •....•.........•... g i on the part of all the companies hasgrub George Hartman, 'Marshall Pierce and I where it lay when the final whistle Allee Joh�stone made three goals; been urged in order that plans mayHe will dance most heavily Richard. Flint; Bet� Theta Pi: Nor- iblew.. for the seniors. I be perfected. The officers have madeUntil time for reveille man Wright. Franklin Wolfe and Roy I The lineup was as follows: I Before the game the teams had' announcement to the effect ·that nowAnd then the barracks he will scrub. Goltz; Sigma Nu: Joseph WoodiIIg. Junior �oUege I their pictures taken for the trophy- is the critical time and that unlessI Edward Shalifoux, Richard Van: Marion 31eanor ......•..•......... c room collection each member of the ranks puts forthI ' I'Dear Whistler Arnam. : Enid Townley ••.................. rt : her best effort, the companies cannotI've worn mv cotton umrorm for The non-fraternity men are: Frank' Luella Bither •.................... Ii: �---------------. make a creditable showing nextfour weeks. Last night when I went Fenner, Richard Unselt, George Beat- Helen Palmer, Mar]. \Vinslow .... rw S. A. T. C. Attention! Thursday.to bed, I stood it up in the co: ncr. ! ty, Herbert Rubel, Joseph Rivers.. Coventry Platt, Dorothy Latta •. I\\" Altering And Pressing. Issue Two Hundred Ticketsas usual, but this morning I was Herman Gatzert, ·Clifford Rosenach. Margaret Foss eh Service Prompt Rates Reasonable. About two hundred tickets will beg reat ly dismayed when I found that James SZOtu. Robert Canman, Arthur Mary Seymour •.......••••.••••. rh 10 PER CE�T OFF TO YOU distributed. Attendance will be re-it had fallen to the floor an had :'Iletcalf, Harold Lundy" Frederick Vera Edelstadt Ih FamoDs Tailors & Cleaners stricted on account of the limited ca-cracked in three places. \Vhat hall Weiss and Wiloer Guggenheim. Ruth Huey, Fanny Hunter , ..••.•. rf pacity of the gymnasium. If there areI do? s I! Edythe IFrock ••••.•.............. If 1305 East 55th Street.any students, however, who are de-Imploringly yours, HAVE YOU SENT IN YOUR Rachel Sheldon •....•.......•.... g HAVE YOU SENT IN YOUR sirous of attending the drill, hut whoJ' ! 'SUBSCRIPTION TO Senior College. \ SUBSCRIPTION TO are unable to secure tickets, arrange-_ I osiah. II THE DAILY MAROON? Leonie Kroeker ••..••..•••.••••••. e THE DAILY MAROON? ments will be made for them.Give it another chance. After allfour weeks is only four weeks, andthree more days at Lexington willfix it all right. .. �:. :.-. �.- �c��'"1;. U••-tiett1��af.�(,II11-cut. .. 'i__ ..