. VOL. XVII. t I •:IJJ����f·?�:>�!··r:�;·::R��S,::"E'.�:�·':�'��:;:':}�:':!:;;��\� �?::.� .. :.� =· '< : '",; .. :;: .: ," - .- '(41 i .'" . ,.'}' .� . � "�' �.'j ,, .,._ .. , �'�,' a 'aroon "�, :No. 34. UNIVERSITY DEC. 4, 1918. PRICE THREE CENTSSENIORS SEEK REVENGE_ IN HOC HOSTESS HOUSE IN IDA HOLD CLASS ELECTION I' . .'KEY MATCH TODAY NOYES Will BE SCENE DURING,WINTERQUARTER,ABOUT 300 S. A. T. C.� Game in Inter-college Series I OF WEEK-END PARTIES' .. - II MEN TO BE DISMISSEDEDclish Statesman Speaks OIl WDI b.e PlaJed TodaJ •• 4 OD" I NomUlati_ UauallJ Made i.. Fall, BEFORE END OF WEEK. "Democracy in 'Englaad aDd G ........ ood Field-Ez� Large \V. S. T. C. Bntertaias SAT C I are '!"ferred by UadergraduateUnited States." Crowd. At DaiaCe on Sat�y � '1 c...mell UDtil Coaditl_ OD Cam·, . . -, I '1;ea on Sunday. t' pus are More FavOI'8ble.lMTEll&STED IN AMERICAN .. LIFE Senior college women are hoping .to retriev,e their fortlmea this after- ANNOUNCE l'l.UIES .OF··GUBSTS - :�t_�� elections-will not be held MAY 0Lord Chamwood will deliver the noon .when they meet the Junior col-I' thIS qu�rter was decided last week at PEN FRATERNITY CAMPSliNt of the WiUiam Vaugban Moody lege at 4 on Greenwood field in the! The hostess house activ.ities will' a meeting �f Undergraduate council. I U· .. . ---Ieet1uea this quarter today at 4:30 second game of the women's 'inter- continue this week with a dance S t ! The date 'M._ll probably be set hOW-I emobllization of. Section A, the. a . •. 'Stud at • ._ Jl1LDdel. He wUl speak on "De- college hockey series. The last game urday and a tea Sunday AI! ever. early m the Winter quarter I e s section of the S. A. T. C. 1 . . . arger i . will start tod d J .,_y an Eugk!.nd and the United resu ted 1R a 1.0 score with the un- number of guests than usual bas been' It has always been customary to ay an It IS very prob-I ._ Statea." Lord Chamwood .is the au- derelassmen on top invited -:lnd entertainment has 'b I hold elections early in the faU but I able that the first men will be dis-I' � f II k Sh Id I een I th .' charged from . Sa '........ 0 a we _ nawn volume on the ou the ,seniors win today a planned. Special patronesses and at was not done this year for nu- i .. service : turday. Ma-,"c: "J> life of Abraham Lincoln. third match will be played to d�lde hostesses have been provided f. I merous reasons. The numbers of th I JO-: Dana expects 150 men to be dis-�u \. It . h 'j or e I missed t that· -.. IS said by those who know Lord t e championships. The last game both days." I Undergraduate council .were greatly i . a time. From then onCbamwood personally that he is a was very close throughout, and was! Agnes Prentice is general chair.' depleted this year and in consequence I ::�,ers wiD �e dischazged regularlJ•__ ;ood speaker and knows his subject unusually we\l played. The teams I man of the hostess house eti itl I no action was taken immediately At Th' I the errtire corps is dismissed .. _"....':., telL lIIe bas visited America a num- are thought to be. ' in even better form' an'd ds assisted by th followi res lone time it was thought feasible to IS .process will take more than a---..bet- of t' d'. at prese t,. d th . e 0 owmg: h th la week loneer. nnes an IS interested in all • . sent.. an e spectators are I Ruth Huey, who has char' e of the ave e c 8S elections in November. :-. .. .\�t. :4Ihings American. It lis �hought that lIkely to see an exciting game. ,'hostesses' Martha S· d gh but owing ,to difficulties in arranz I De�ob]hzatIon from Section B, the(,;,!', be will show the relation 'between the .�nstructors Going to Game. charge of the gU£st:�°Don·ro' thw 0 s: ing a convenient time and the un�" lv50ocationa.l .unit, �'&s already begun,. dUf. rent parts f .. 1.._ '.W . I· ' Y 1 - rtai . men will be d h d Th,�; eo...., British Empire, e are expecting to have a larl:" ler, who bas charge of entertai t.1 ce mties connected with the length· d .. I sc arge ursdayr" _ i. a ..,rt of commonwealth of crowd of spectators." said � ;c.;,th- and Martba Behrendt �DD1o;::.' of time ·that tbe men in the S A Ian. the r,:,,"under of the division"f, ,I> otate. in itself. erine Cronin, yesterday. '·.t{;;;.im- charge of food. ' w 0 s T. C. would be likely to remain a; t� I' Friday. -8tDdeDt of American C_1111I. of �n.troctors and their teams··JI"' I A_ List of Patronesses. University, it was decided to post- Commissioaed Officers Leave."Lord Chamwood bas m�e a spe- eommg out." , . I The patrons and. patrone sses for pon� .class meetings until after tbe' As a result of a telegram receivedeial study of AI1I1erican aocIal- iDSti- The probable lineup will bo: Saturday are as follows: Captain and ChrlStma:o vae�tion. Those students from. "!'ashington yesterday, fourtatiOllll and eonditions, of which Lin. f'""nior College. Mrs, Fairweatber, Mr. and Mrs. EI. who are 1ft reSIdence tben will be the 'comnl1!181oned officers 'n cbarge of .J-coin _ the fint exponent;, .said Mario: lIlesnor .: _ .. _ c bert Stevens and �r. and Mrs. Milli. one� who. can reasonably be expected the S. A. T. C. were detailed to other .<Prof. MeLaughlin. head of. the de- Enid Townley, Dora Kirobenbaum ri' kan. The hostesses are: Franc';" to remain' the rest of the year. places. Captain Cox baS been shifted . ",.-'>DeDt of ffistory, yestercl&y. "The Lue.Ua .Bithe� di! Ryan. Corinne Allen. Frances Hen. 'llake Nominations From FI_ to the Heavy Artillery camp at Fort· ,.:�• . leetun; will he especially' i�� Doro�· Latta _ __ nr derson, lIlarion Meanor, Virginia Lee. Nominations for class officers 'are ress Monroe,. V"� Captain Stotz, who . jfar tma � reaJ1OD •.. �;:�y aDd Marjone Winslow (capt.) .Iw � KnapP. Beth· Upbaus, Kather· customarily made from the floor at � been �I!' as commander of the :J•.. : ��....,OD. of B!"tl.�.)(argaret Foss _ .. _ .. _ : .. eh me Seymour,. �tber!ne Llewelyn �lass meetings called by the Under- econd ba .. taIion. has been .transferred . j./f.:;'tf1,.:Of � . �"'_. _. limy Sa - . Do th ·LO " < •• _..' to the U' 'ty f ..' , .. �., .. �, . .,:� ". � lJeaiIaIe 'Ii(e ymour. Esther lIleLaughlin rh "" y .�L' .��.:b.a.ruI Margaret graduate council. The nomiDatibns Li -. ,�1 - � .. W��."; .:_' ·:,>�.:t��'l""�� M" �i .• _".Amiriea-:are;'�.>Upcni·.tO EdDa Clark, __ ..:.._... '" .. rf TUJ:ller •. ::c.'.'(�!l.'W"':'i:t'r" ,. .... '. for tIU,.c:ouDcil .�-� ..' - •. , eut..· :a.ew.,. _et. - .. : ... .;;�.,' <.k·':::!:·· (�'':jj!d.i'' '.' .. -', .. '. .,.... A>.... .• _ • • _ _ •• _.- _-- . , .; '<l! .�'" • �"'�:;\\, r- ..1....,.. are .. made d� .". , �.... .' ._, ..'" : ..:..�,_...., , .. '""<''''�. . :� 1iDitiO_� ; � ..... : .. , '.".,: " ,'/: ::: .. ;.. . .. The • c.' • "·"''''r-.liie;'' " ., thti:. Wi _ .. .:n...t... '.. ", ... ' .... ,'. ,.r�:to. � .. � �.;,,',;'i·' .."'"_ ����.�� ��.:: ;t�P6Oi1'-1''''�� . "'''t:'£�!':< ..... ",,,1ii"ih��;;:4;.J ... _�::;;;:-�:;� ��'�:. . '., 1.�·· ::_"', ·d� <._'. ",,��'- �A'" .���� .. ,:�,.��:�·.:_for ·�� .. :�>�IL�"':',' ... -.-:. -. ':iud' :':ICt.-:'�- &D.'�'''o.:. l.:-:,-;.·�-':;.t;j}t"tf .'. '''� _ _nee .� .... �c"�.:::��.: • •. - � ��-� ' ... ', ..... ,., � .. ", •. ""li.=..,,_..... _me .... "-",,.,,'." """ .._ .�... �._.... . .. .0 e- . ,.' _ ' ............ -,... ,'. " .'. . ,.ue ..............-velllllJ1lUllllm" t!Ji'lit'<i - .•. - •.• ",",.-�_";;-=-' ��"'"""':. �J'�" . �.. . .,' - -'.' l�. ,.'�, >:�- :- ..... ?-"'. 'Mi .' . 'Col' V. ' . � d ' . was SeDt· to WbaatoD- coU '"�.. ; ,'� . '., ' ... :-'""'r.- _" __ .... .', .. '''' '.' '. . ..' . Leonie .I[roebr .�.L_.;,;.:�.;::.;.�.L .. ,:e r11l1D. e, Irginia' Minson, !leleD 111:" e by 'the rctiriDg �GIIlmissiGD, are .N···· ..... . age," ."c,' . /' f],;�'. 9 'fte � Vaughan lIl00dy fund Alice Jolm8tone ::.:. .. : ,.:_ rI Behhe, Elva Jaue Jennin� Katherine read. Further nominations for all of d "":.that the 8" A. T. �. ;a·to "IM! .' ;J.f_'• :_ .. ' \_ ..me to he ued to brIDg Fl......,. lIleNeal ..• :._...:._ .. _ : .. _ . .Ii ,Wstson, _ Theresa' Wlisoll. Ruby these orgaDiza,tiODS may be made .by baeJDObliized. the hatermty hOlDlell ,:y�.__ � w� ar.:leaders in FlIeallGr Atkins .;:�'-' _ rw Rhodes.c. Gladys Avery, Eleanor petition presented within a stated· ve � a real problem. :wtJ- .. ,.'.,.�.�r bnu before the Unlversity stu- Beth Upbaas (capt.) .:.: _ Iw Moo '" Eleanor Hanson, 'Blanche time. ElectiGns a':' generally beld 1m the iall the, government made ·the· '�,' '::';;,..... aDd to .give such inapiratio� as Hel� Driver _.� •. .:. eh Troeger, F�� ,Becker, Helen Kin- {Coutinaed on 'page 4 ·eontraets �iDg for the So A.I T. .� rece.ve. from comiDg.iJ con. )(abel Rossiter :::.:: rh dred, Gertrude Byrne. lMaud Thomp" ) . c., the .U'U'IIeI'Sity leased Be""" of thetact with ._t minda. Other M� Gladys GordOD, LUcille KaDaUy lh s�. Sara Tower. Lucia Tower, Ade- '. fratermty ho1Jlle8 as barracb.. .'l'lIo.1ectures.. have been given by Alfred coventry. P', la.. tt : '.' � _ Jh I Ialde Scanl� Esther Sabel, Esther BATTLE..8CARR.ED HEROES gove.rnment �ment with the Uni-...,.,., StepheD Leacoc:k, .P,aul Elmer Ruth Hu!>,. _._ _ .. :.=._ rf Davis, Jean 'Burtis. •... GIVEN OI'IPORTUNITY TO. vennt,. pnmded for t1Ie eancellation�, Wilfred W'alscm Gibson, Wit- Edythe � ; ;�:: .. ,,� : lf ._y. Wo_ to he Guests. . ENTER INTO FESTIVITIES' of the eontract at the end of aDy1_ LJOIl Phelps, l1nd John Maoe- ltaehel ·Sheld�.' _ g Helen .Atkinson, Anne Bourquin, ill8rt�r. !Bat ao certain did the COD-tIeId. . .Kathe,,?,e Clark, Franeea Bender- iDorot�y Griffith, Dorothy Crowder. Score Club Selects Rasalie Hall as ;;:':bO� of tht:. wa� appear that thes.-a _ League of N._. son, JesSJ.e .MeC.nmack. and Blanehe lPby�l18 San'born, Marion Slm>ecler. Sc:eae of' Pledge Daace SatDrdaJ nit :,ty ren� SIX of the frater-, On ThuracJay Lord cCba�wood will Rucker WIll be the substitutes for the LoUIse Swank, Lulia White Margaret Afternocm. y uses. untlt �uly I, and OBey the1: ,Delta Upsoo h . h .aD "The Proposed League of seniors, and Vera Edelstadt. FaDoy Evans, M,nerva Fonts. Elizabeth Leg. . t.. n 1JIIlIe, wat a I_l!!' as it Meets the British'Em. Hunter, and Helen Palmer for the (Continued on page 3) IMr. S, A. T. C. soldier. you can W leh does not expire until the 6rstpin.. H This � wIll he given at juniors. soon begin your life of revel again. of .next October.4:10 m' Mandel It is a University Florence Owen. '18, will referee;' . THE DAILY KAROON Late to bed and later to rise will soon UDiYenity Staacls by Leases..)IIDb1ie leeture' aDd ia open to anyone Miss Croom will act as umpire, Helen! BULLETIN be your SC'heduie. Why. not begUi Now that the So A. T. C. is to dis·....... ia.iDtereIited. Malcmee, "",,'21, as timekeeper, and I Saturday, is the appeal made by the band the question arises as � whatRuth Dave as score keeper. ! Today. Seere club, for its pledge dance to be the .uni ...... ity will do with seven ha-I given in the _moon. ternity houses for whieh it DO IGBger'COACH PAT PAGE WANTS ,Divinity chapel. 11:05, Haskell. Rosalie ball will be swept clean bas any use. The University willMORE lIEN TO COME OUT ! Prof. Willett. •. of its "obwebs, eollected since the hall stand by the leases. and keeP tlteFOR BASKET BALL TODAY i . William Vaughn Moody Leeture: was inf� by tbe ga!ly clad merry- hou... amiil these leases exPire. ... I "o.,mocraey in .E;'gland aud the Unit. makers of last year. The din of �, �e fear that some of the fra·G_ Oppc>mmity To Make Team' cd States." L.ord Charnwood;· 4:30, sweet jazz music bas long since died temlti •• bave felt of having bou_ •This Year. lien With Esperi. I Mandel. . GUt. But the ring of banjoeo and bray unexpeeti!dly thrown back on theireaee Are Necc1ecL I Local Branch of the American As. of saxophcuaes will again break the hands without enough men to keepI . t' f U silence when fair pledges and e""orts them gomg. I·S G"'I'I ndl '. socIa Ion 0 niversity Professors 0'-' &.ou esseCoach Pat �age' of the basketball! Qinner, 6:45; Discussion. 7:45; Quad� will again invade the ball for three If, however. any fraternity desireaI hours of frolic. to ...... ga. . f .team is speaking: '''We want .ahoui rangle club..' .� I!, _asIan a Its house be·thirty more men with a little life to TGDlOl'rOW.. The keynote of the scene will be fote the lease expires, the Universityreport for bask<.bali practice s�me.1 Divinity cil-apel, 1'1 :OS, HAskell. war i� all its beauty and . gaiety. Over will n!linquisb its e1aim to them attime this afternoon. There is a great; Chapel assembly. men and women .all wdl float the etars and stripes. any time after ·t1Ie demobilization ofopportunity to make the team this I of Junior coJteges -and college �f . .scattered in. among the assembled the S. A. T. C., so that the first ofyear, and lilte sooner the men with Commerce and Administration, 12:20, ,:"el�rs khaki and blue will give an next quarter may find some of thebasketball experience wake up and I �fande1. aIr t� the �ene. Gentlemen·s civilian fraternities back in their houses. Otll-r""lize it, the better will he their I.e Ccrcle Francais. �:OO, Ida Noyes clothmg WIll not be popular as it far- ers of them, however, deem it WIserchance of winning a letter. ! han. . . merly was, it ia feared. Another nou to wait till more men return and will"TlIere are plenty of rather sman University Public Lecture: "The' of war will 'be the early breaking uP not take pOBSesaion of, their prOpert,.men out, and now I want a few bi", Proposed League of Nation. as it c:r the gathering to allow men in servo before the Spring or even �e Au·ones. Small,n,," arc ali right. hut .-\ffects the British Empire." Lord Ice �o pay respect to the colors at tumn quarter.there must be !lome big fellows on Charnwood, 4:30, Mandel. revedle. -----.....:..,_the'team if we are goint to sta�d a Philosophy club. 7:45, "Meebani.m The dance has usually heen field AlumDoe Cl1lb Gi_ Dimler.cJQnce to "in in the conference. V. Vitalism." Ciscussion by members on the aftemoon of the pledging butThere are four practice hours each of the faculty. on account of conflict with footballaftern..oon, and no one should ha"e ---' games. it bas· been postponed untiltrouble arrangin;g his wo'rk so as to / Weatbe� For� after the last game. Tickets are onebe able to report." dollar and ventunome freshmen orFair and somewhat warmer. Fresh(Continued on page 2) westerly winds. ' any upper-elassman may obtain them. from'S-"Ore dub members.fiRST MOODY LECTURE" WILL BE GWEN TODAY-" BY LORD CHARNWOODFour. �ommissioned Olficel-s ofUnit Are Transferred toOther CamPS.t,',. ''t.,\l.: (.tI �.....D.KA,.N W�CE SPEAKSTO WOllEN AT MEETINGlIN I,DA NOYEs THEATER'�. -.' ...-.:. .•. / Dean W ... llace will be the speakerI .f at a meeting to be held ,today at 4:30,.,' _if the theater. in Ida Noyes hall The� .... � ...1Il�eting will be under the joint aus­.7 pices ,of the Le.ague 'and the W. s.• -----T.·C. This will be the first of a series�. �of. meetings for women to be heldjointly by these two organizations.14iss' Wallace will speak on some'phases of reconstruction. These meet­ings' are taking the place of the oldchapel hoar gatherings which havebeen caned off on account of thechange in schedule. All women, espe­cially members of the League and theW. S. T. C., have been urged to at­tend this afternoon's meeting. ........ �. . ;. .j'l· _;J, G� of UDivenity Dies.The alumnae club of the Univer­sity will hold its annual Fall dinnerSaturday at 2 in Ida Noyes .. all. MissEl!zabedl Wallace, who' ,.ent sixmonths in .France doing welfare work-among .the children, will speak on"How France Helps Her Children."_ M�ss Katherine Walleston, '13, whoNCeind her 1IIIIIter'. degree at theUniversity, last term, died after a.a.ort ,illness. Miss Walleston was-teachinC in Beloit, Was., when she- �u stricken with pneumonia.MISNUMBERED IN ORIGINAL J. -. ..... ...._ .,; � .... � A ..... --,:, . v , i. ;.;;-:.!;,-:,,:�:.:< .. �.! .. �� -. :�.:\ .. ''\ .·;�,t.i I�t;·./i·���""'�· --·��:)y">�'<.f·::}���.�.. r � • ,""� ':; ,.�,:,'�>�" '-.: :"':'-J' ',-1' ":'f:"�\ :> '-:.-r ... �f "'.�.dI the fliuers �r 'the �b bn'e�oek; by the sum.,..' � ��'� .Hia�OOAQi \p�T ,�AdE �v-A'Nm,• .... .....ubl! alaroon tea dailc:ea ci'Yen by th. 'claMea aDd Panddaughter, the· cwtared' pro,tIp MOaB MEN oro COME OUT' ,� Stude.t Ne .... per of The the more' apleDdid affai,r8. typih4 br of 'Bostonian Mrs. MaDlliDg, comea to FOR tBA'SKBT BALL TODAY" UnivenilJ of Chicq. the Settlement �. the Waahington �ive with him, aad .,plies for ,thel (ContiDu�J from page 1)Published mornings, except Saturday, Prom and the. IfttereJ� Hop.. Im- }kaeition of schoolteacher; so does the ISunday and Monday, during tho Au- agine Hutchinson court strung with daughter of a Gnuad Army enemy of J'at witl be 011 hand from 2:30 to 6mmn, Winter and Spring quarters, colored lights, the' fountain strum- Shanks. Hot words 'between the old to welcome any aspirants for the 1----------------b h D il M' I ... ,If the young man who adverti8edy tea y aroon company. ming a merry tune and a crowd ,of men=-snd Milt tells his story; he was qmntet. Practice games Will start! .I I 'h . I SO extensively in the 'Maroon aa.eI alumni and friends listening to col- a northern spy, commissioned by Lin- next week, and l' e men will need all 'EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT I . . . weeks ago in hopes of finding hisTHE STAFF lege songs and fraternity songs- eoln himself, but sworn to absolute the training tnev can get between '1I d h b h d h d h . .'1'1 I .Eversharp pencil, will call at' c.bbthn .Joseph �r.anaoin.y Editor I an you ave ut t e outwar s aw secrecy. _ now an t at tune. ie COil erence '... -- Information, he 'might learn BODIe-nth Genzbergcr News Editor of the Interfraternity Sing held.in Thomas has taken adventage of the schedule will he arranged Saturday.'U���r<�bB'���� .. ::: .. : ��:: ������ June, when old pal meets old pal and possibilities (originally found in a but the "Big Ten" games will cer- thing to his advantage.R.�sc: Fischkin , Day Editor freshmen are proud to meet campus story by Frederick �ndis). The first I tainly J�ot start until January .. CoachWllham �lorgenSh:rn : .. i: .. ' heroes of times gone by. epoch is absolutely effective; the sec- Paue is planning plenty of practice \---------------P;�d�;�·k \\:i·�t��h�ii .:���I.e.t��. �� .. "" If it were only possible to tell! But ond is leas so because of the time I games for this month, however, and I U N' -I FOR M S..................... Associate Editor do' not judge by present standards; lapse, the ordinary quality of the new the team will get quite a bit of COIll-ask anyone, even residen\s of the' characters as compared with those petition before the championship sea- C I 0 f SAT CBUSINESS DEPARTMENT neighborhood, who though perhaps, of the war days, and that fads We son opens. ! °I!lP ete at Its • • • •Nay Freedman Manager ."'.� I O· v ercoatsnot as enthusiastic as real University already suspected are being presem.-I .'" lXIUt tell more men reported last, Wool UniformsStaf[ Sq_licitors people, will vouch for us. Stay if you I ed and elaborated upon. night for practice: bringing the squad ,II Army ShoesBallinger and Fenner are able, and i� not, stay judgment II Characterization rests partly upon to a\lout thirty men. The work so I Army Sweatersuntil you know. \ author and mostly on actor. :aarry-I far is light, consisting only of pass-!I Hats and CapsI'more does such splendid work with I in� the bal� and .footwork. bu� Page 'I: LeggingsCOMMENT Milt iShanks that others �uffer In I WJll speed at lip In 03. few days when Putteescomparison. Shanks .is as human a I all the men are out. Insignia CordsThe above is so ineffective; if we I being seen on Chicago. boards for a i ShirtsSUBSCRIPTION RATES f t ICalled for, �2.50 a year; $l.00 ,a only could tell . . . But we have long' time� an� never or a mo�en. FRENCH CLUB HOLDS MEETINGquarter. said that before. does the illusion of that keen, kind- ' IBy Carrier, $3,00 a year.; $1.25 a hearted Illinois man waver. The- ---.)uarter. change from a man in his prime-to Graduate Students to Speak on sor-IBy �lail (city), $3.5(} a year; $1.50 i I � h I' I boo d_ t I I that of. an old granulat er eaves I nne an Anatole France. I_ quar er. :Hy Mail (out of town), $4.25 a I 'MORE THAN LIFE;' nothing to 'be desired-it is almost iyear; $1.;5 a quarter..... �rfect. I. The last and most impor��mt meet-!ThomaS did satisfactory work With'llDf: of the French, club this quarter IEditorial Rooms , Ellis 12 "Ma" Shanks (well acted by Bertha will be held tomorrow at 4 on the IITelephone !\lidway 800, Local 162. A ,Review of ,·'The Copperhead" at l1\lann) J{)ey and Orandma J>erleY'j! second floor of I ita Noyes hall. Mlle. Army &: Navy Equipment Co.Hours: 1l:!O-11:50; 12:25-6; 7-8. i ,'Eugcnie Woodwnrd� �ins rthe last Rouet and MI�. Grandjean, the two II 37 West 125tb St .• New, York Cit,.Business Office Ellis 14: the Shubert-Garrick. I .. ITelephone Midway 800, Local 162---+- mentioned !lart by .hopeless over- women sent to the University by the 1',=- _Hours: 10:20-11:50; 3-5:30. By Skel. I acting. 'The sU'j>porting c�st, to be Franch government will talk. Both II general, could have been better. B�t women are graduate students in Eng-H tv I the btl' f pi ,Thomas and Barrymo, re-the combi- lish.•ones y IS es po ICY or ay-. '. bt d t 11 b t h nation is a distinct advance in every Mlle. Rouct will 'speak on the Sor-wrdlg an ac or as we as u e. ersense of the word. ,I bonne and ·Mlle. Grandjean will givean baker-though here. the analogy I readings from Anatole, France. 'Mariefails because butcher and baker now-. Dreier will sing several, Franchadays are, well . . . . That the I'd fWith demobilization comes the I M KOECHLIN, COMPOSER : �ngs an re reshments will beaforementioned policy can produce a . I",questi.on of leaving the University AND CRITIC. SPEAKS OPr, serv.ed. AI.I. m. embers of tb� club.!. . splendid play is proved in "The Cop-of Chicago. From. an obramable sta- perhead." The �nclusion of one who "MODERN FRENCH MUSIC" have been lDvited to come. Itistics, practi�ll� e�ery former stu-, witnesses the performance at ,the Gar- I "The meeting will be a. good one;'11dent of the lDstJtullon plans to re-: rick is that Augustus Thomas, who said William B. Ande�n, ,presidententer as a civiI�an. Many of t� new I' wrote the play, and Lionel, Barry- L�ctUrer· Shows Dev.dopmeDt-. of· Dif- of the club, yesterday. "We wantmen are financlaJJy unable to return; �ore, who acts the .part of Milt, ferent Schools. . Comparca'Art every one to -com� as thiriS'the lastsome are going to other colleges be- Shanks both ho t d' I of France' and .GenDan7. ", meeting this quarter. 'Students �houldcaUSe "the University of Chicaf.to is, -or allare• fa nes,';: eoslllcen:;1 0:, �', I ",\ derive inspiration for the futdre All favorite features combined ino � d'd' easy as r,as e pper- stud f Fre h literatu f ill one llandsome writing maehine ofsuch a rf?tten 'Place." n t I 'Ihead" is coneenied. And any effort A lecture on "Modena Freneh YO' nc re rom �" I'� " '",,:-,"" ". " ,_. ..tlhey base their decision was the that makes one believe is art. Do Music" was delivered 'by Charles speeches of Mlle. Rouet aDd Mlle. the finrt quality.query; oh, haven't I, been, here atm09t Inot misunderstand: I do not say that Koechlin at 3 Yeste-rdai,iD Ida N,oyesl:'===============three mouths, was the u�al Teply. I this tale of the man who sacrificed theater. lMi. Koeohlin is -a 'memberConsequently we advertIse that the II more than life for his country will of the French' Educational Mission�U· 'ty f 'Chic�go has not been . H.IJ�.H •••· •nrversl 0 0• • Jast 10Tier as masterpieces go, but cer- and is. a �n known compOser and ' •die University of 'puc:ago smce Oc- 'I tainly Ws newest effort of Thomas music critic. _. ., \ - ,'- - -' _, _.tober 1, 1918, as far as Student Army contains a definitely artistic, worth- The le<:ture showed' the develop-, A S C HER'STraining .corps members are. con-I' while element. . mentof· French. music through the Icerned; even for ch'i1ians the 'atmos- Theatrical gossip circulated loe 11 ,various stages to the present time., Frolic Theatre, .was uncomfort-' " a yphere of tbe campus, left the impression that -I'be -COp- A biographical sketch of the most fa-Ibl d'''' t College life? College '. -a y lueren..' perhead" was propaganda. Ina cer- mous composers, together with t'heir't d· ''jI Col1e�c-the Umverslty of. I ll!ed esd n�� be 4 19185 U les. '. tam .sense perhaps it is, because the work, was also given. Mr. Koechlin � n ...-ay, u.:\.�Rl r ,Chicago?... Not thIS quart�r. 'story deals wit1h 'the relations of a pointed out the characteristics of theR· t'U' coll�e beIng near to Iezng S l.an "... human with his country and with various periods and then illustratedII d finds Jt dIfficult to.. 'co ege ays, one·. I hIS famIly. We find war spies flags the different styles by playing and1 . d d i'1 what a splendid ' ,exp am an escr)e. and casualites, ·but no hist-histing, no singing the most striking of the com-I h t lac for work and fun 'pace, w a a p C c· Cohan spangling of the banner; positions.h U· 't" In the matter of -t e mverSI y 1�.., ',' . Thomas and :Barrymore are not pro- ,M r. Koechlin mentioned in parti,cu-eourses offer�· 'by the"faculty there fiteering .in the patriotism business, tar the work of the French 'school of. l't I e-.1 to' cf.a,borate· common1S 1 t c n ICU 'tb which is at present still well above music. This institution Dot only hasknolwedge tells that on the sou "developed ;the .great modern com-.. ide of the cit)· of Chicago there is par., . .,d ff' 'ent insti-I The only fault--If It IS large posers and musician,S of France, buta t.horou�htly mo ern, e ICI. '.. '. h be t there is to enoagh to be so termed--Is the lapse has, also spread its jnfluence through-tutl00. offermg t e s lof. d t 'ning Grad- forty years between the first epoch out all of Europe. particularly in Italyoffer in educatIon an ral ." .• 1 members' caTeers I and the second. Mdt Shanks. hVlDg and Spain.nates and -,ormer . 11 Ill' '._ 'th L: -:.1 "\1lre fi d h "'d ". hI .... men in the S. m a sma ' lDOlS "'"'"II WI IUS wue, ,y n, owever, sal ·.Yl·r ..:.peak tor t emse\cs. , ':.\. T: C. :have �ecn t'he equipm�nt ba1>y girl and sixteen.-�ear old son, Koechlin, "that t.he Germa�s ha�cf b 'ld' "nd nece .. saries refuses to enter the CIVil war on the I done the most wonderful work Inas ar as U1 JO�S ... . . J"d 1l0rthem side. !He j{)ins a "pro- the way of music. The works of� rf' concern.. . I .' ,Now for the tife: often the Univer- south:' !,acifistically inclined organi-I Mozart. Schumann� and the .0theT"oity has been chan�l·d with a lack of I zation called by the nativ�s t�e Co�- g-re:!t co.mposer� fa.r. �x-cels an:: otherschool spirit. .., t ti:11e", we were. in- II perbeads. Joey,. the, so�, gal�s hiS I masterpieces. TheIr Influcnce IS truly Id:nCfl to bcli('vr it, until the regIme mottle%"':; consent to go, SlDce MIlt re- I a happy, one. Iof the military when there really was, fuses to volunteer. During the rol-; "Therc has heen a �reat change inno spirit. Natura1h' this is a r.lther I lowing two years Milt loses the reo thr �tyle of music f:-om the eighteenth \Ve servecosmopolitan in�ti:uti()n: the c()l1c�(! I speet of not only friends and neigh- century to the prescnt day. In the thing.rtoc" n'lt make t;�(' town: there are I hors. but of his wife; Milt had been eighteenth century the music wasnlllncr('11S 01cier ;"\I(tents to tone I a good citizen and husband, He is � largely that of the masses. The com­do�"Tl younger ones. Rut come' hack: sentenced to hang for murder be- i posers paid great attention to the suf­n('xt quarter anci hc;:r a real y('lt. see; cause of a somewhat mysterious af- ferin�s of the tower classes. Latcr'la real Vars-ity perform. listen to a \ fray with Copperhdad antagon.oiN. however. we find a quick develop- ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�frw .Chicago son�s. Therc i, spirit; Fi�t the sentence is commuted to ment to the present type .. Gounod ! iand there i�: lov<", love for somethin�! life imj'lrisonment; then a complete wrote music that was far in advance I S. A.' T. C. AttentioD! Ione c�llnot plac(" concretely hdore I pardon, nnd Milt returns just as the of his times. This great period has, . AlterbIc, ADd PreaiIIC. :-----E.t--.-bl-lS-·-h-ed-.-l-S-go--, --- ...you, love for som('!hin� we call our,' news of Joey's death at Vicksburg also developed many kinds of music.! � PrMapt Rata Ra-.ble. JENKINS BROTHERS.'\lma :Mater, love that l'trengthrns arrives. Heartbroken, unfor$tiving The symphony, the opera, the com- 10 PER CENT OFF TO YOU Dry Goods aDd .d. �_;t .. y(,ar�,go on. 'toward her husband. cOMa'"� Shanks edr and many other types of music Fa ... u Tailon & Cleaaen Ri�." U���And tbe fun, that is here beeause die:., Forty yean later we find Milt were all characteristic of the c:hanges 1305 But 55da Stnet. IticIIt TnatlHllt .youth is here. Memories brin� ba�k still in the minoia town and' hated of the peTiod."Ent.ered as second class mail at theChicago Postoffice, Chicago, Illinois,March 13, 1900, under lhe act. ofMarch 3, 1873. •I,I'IiI I!1I Wednesday, December 4, 19ULAN ADVERTISEMENT55th and Ellis AveGRANT W ASHBUR."'linTh� Gyspy. TrailalsoGraumont NewsChristie Comedyc .. CORMANY'S!HOME LUNCH ROOM IThe Old ReliableHe-adquarters for UniversityStudentsthe best of every- !Promp Service.Try Our Special SundayChicken Dinner.1313 E. 57th' Street �Jean. Nat quarter the at.1l­'denta' will take • more active part iathe �edinga of • elub."ClassifiedSheepskin CoatsUniforms made ..measure.Military InstructionBooksSend for CatalogNo. 10Satisfaction or Money Back."A RemarkableTypewriter"I WOODSTOCKTYPEWRITER COMPANY23 W. Washington street, ClaicapPlaolle ee.tnl 5563AThree Million DollarBANK1204 East &ani Street·'NEAR&ST BANK TOUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOARROWSoft COlLARS..Y coy FGpcrior in fit and wear.It p::ys to nsk for Arrows.r.U .."'E1T. PJ;ARODY & 00 .. INC. IlAXEBS.... , RebO'IsttE�of..... 1gotwewe:..__..... '-�.milga''thEmilantintoeesdu·1sW_, '!' ]COl8Wl4- am1I(mI.,.�,,,-• __ 1- pal.... � nothEthEtel-,PI1MOJ:,SOl1-' L,1�(.�, ... � H:,�,.f ..i.-_L\ DON'T ten a soul, but we think wegot paid last wght, --"We'll know whenwe re-read this whether our thoughts, were . straiglht� T:o!o=, quality-un-equalled foramootbDea. anl­formlty of gnIdiacand dIll'8bW�.11 . black degrees,from 68 80fteat toto 98 budest, aDdhard' lind medlalD(indeUble) CDfW­lag.� for 1M Jislinc­u. VENUS jinlJaJ,I!.��:wltII flye VENUSDnwle. PeDdla.Holder aDdVENUS Kruer.eat free. Willef«it.Bstulisbed 1870( Phoae: Harrison 970QUALITY UNIFORMS· Private Dancing LessonsIn a course of am lessons (S5.00JDe can acquire the steps of the Waltz,· One-step, 8ftd Fos-trot. Single les-· soas- if desired.LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIO. •1541 E. 57th St." Hyde Park 2314(" , .. Made in our OWD workshopALSO .ALL' EQUIPMENT,".\MARCUS RUBEN,MEN'S WEAR, ._ 'Hats -' Gloves - Neckwe.!lrt··, r: {�M!;�5!-S��d��! I.,« B ILL I A R D S'ka��a�-�IL __ � � _625 SOUTH STATE STREETSELECT _\:90UR OVERCOAT WHILE THE' PICKINGIS G®D.:··::' .'�.::"ULSTERETTE, DOUBLE BREASTED OVER�OATSAND WAIST SEAM OVERCOATS IN ALL THE NEWESTWEA VES AND COLORINGS.LYNCH & FESLERREADY-TO-WEAR·II�FII .... (l1 CUSTOM MADE..30 to 60._ �-- �. 35 to. 70.CORRECT CLOTHESIlarriSOR 6073REPUBL�C BL�.9th Floor State &lid A�s•. ; -', �, . '....... .... � .. 0, :" . ,>7:7: :'1�;�t""?j:�'�1W��'. ,'t �.;t"",,,: • :'''Y'':''''' .... : ;> .. �."",.. \''''P�l.......\ ,II!,.-----HAVE YOU SENT .IN YOUR1 SUBSCRIPTION TOL_-- . �---------I THE DALLY �ON?Have you notked tbose yellow sheets beside the piJe.of 1\-1 A ROONS a Ellis, Cobb, and Ida Noyes?Every �ubscriber's/�ame is on one of them. If youwant your :\tAROON at another place, notify us and we'll.change your name to the correct list.If your name is not down, it's time tbat you Bah­scribed and anyone on the MAROON will be glad totake your subscription.:"We are pleased to announce that the management ofCap and Gown '19HAS APPOI\ US THEIR .Official Photographers. ,.THE SPECIAL RATES A'RRANGED FOR ARE TO BE. :). . .' "GIVEN NOT ONLY TO THE 1919 GRADUATESBUT TO ALL ST1.JDENTS OF THE U�. OF C. AND MEMBERS OF THEs. A. T. C.•DAGUERRE STUDIOJ OfficialI Go '17, '18 a..t '19photagnlpb�rs for Cap and wnTOP ,}t'LOOR-McCLURG BUILDING218 Sooth Wab3sh AvenueCHICAGOTel. Wabash 527 for appointmentsBANK WHERE,' YOURACCOUNT IS VALUED_.11111111111111111111 ,THE HOME FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' SAVINGS111 III 11111111111111Central Hyde Park Bank55th Sf. and Black.tone Ave.HAVE YOU SENT Dr YOUR. ... SUBICRIPTION TOTHE DAILY MAROON? ,I'-i. �'t.1,Jl,I.,.:; -.'�-.�,:1',11F:_?:'·7:·· ",��. "'",..--j','II .. ',-, .It,.III!i1I,;.'ijt­LI1I.II�I'.,t.!I;ok,'f.t"�t;:. - :t .. •.;'tA \ •,I, <:: 1: -", 5�-:- ��.'"THE NEW DINING HALLFor Dances, BanquetsSIR: If I were not a person of .! and Parties, Tl I 11' . - Play Captain Ball Tournament.temper almost angelic, I might go re nterco egrate comrmrtee I of i SOc-Dinner a Specialty-50cabout uttering opprobriou:s cries rel- the L.eague will entertain all. inte. r_1 • .. . J 57th St. and Blackstone Ave.ative to the o�y of your �inter: collegiate women of the University ] 1 he intercompany captain ball tour- . I1lis habit of printing bath the phrase I at dinner a week from tomorrow. I nament will �e played Friday at 4:30and the ee'ho -thereof is uaive and I The dinner will be held at 6 in Ida m the Ida Noyes gymnasium. AllICher amusing; but 'wby should be Noyes hatl. �ickets' arc now on sale' who are interested have been .a�kedadd ·'t" to "trifling," or drop an on the campus for thirty cents. I to come. ."0" from "oeconomy!" However, ',What I meant' to say was: All sor­rows are swallowed up in the gloryand honour of·the last line; if 'You'had left my punetuation my eestasywould have : been insupportable! Ishould like that line again today, butif someone else needs it I shall beeoutent with the head of ,the colyum .BRING ON TH� CREPEYou hearA camtmS maiden sigh.You ask "Why!"Comes, the reply,"I'm so unhappy1 can hardly see.Soon we'll loseThe IS. A .T. C." .WE read with amazement of MissLovett throwing a pleading eye atthe expensive bosom of Mr. Breasted,and only hope that the unladylikeaction did not tmpare the 'value ofthat article of apparelDEAR Whistle: Since my expe­rience with those atrocious strawticks. I 'believe I know when! thestraw came from �at broke thecamel's back."Josiah.Jo goes on to', explain that hethinks two excellent titles of popularIIODgS that musical .s. A. T. C: menmay compose are, "Cosmolene Blues"and ·'Wipe that smile off your face";and he asks only a slight :royalty onthe finished, product.,'l1lere was once a . person,.' Who strow with much mightTo eminent be. . or'Egregious,. qu�.W1}.en they said: Tho� shalt be,At the 'head, without fail,He knew he'd be putAt the end of the tail. _�w! md may I repeat, Whew!Q. E. D.--.THAT OUGHTA BE GOOD.'FRESB!IfAN reporter's write-up01. the Ffeneh club program: "Sour­bon and Anatol Fnmee will speak."FAST LINE AT IJEX.JlN'GTON"Hey, a 'bean slipped off your Iplate." ."That ain't a beaJt. That's my::,',:, onmge."ADVICE to military authoriti�:"Do your Christmas demobilizingarly." A ....ROSALIEMUSIC HALL5700 Harper Ave.FOR RENT FOR DANCES,ENTERT AINMENTSETC.H. C. E D M 0 N, D S203 S. Dearbom St.Harrison 8183p"...----------------'.__:,.__._,HAVE YOU SBNT IN YOURSUBSCRIPTION TO'THB DAILY IIAROON? ..•A ..J.- to',.;,,.... .. .JJ'" _.L-'" -7:r��.,.. .. "/./"t .. �.-SO,HIIORB IIBDICS TO�.ERECIPIENTS OF 'HOSPITALI'tymeat of SwimmiDC Feats.Freshmen baae ID�tatioIIs To DUlceSaturday at • III Ida NoyesHaD. one week from the time of the 1lNIi- .-Beecher hall wiP give a feculty din- nations.Del' tonight at Ii. Ten members of It is ·�ted that the CoucH,the faculty will be guests of the ball which has charge of all elections. willat dinner and at the' entertainment be able' J, meet regularly next q .. -which 'Will follow. 'Bishop McConneH ter, and make plans for the �will be the guest of honor and will student activities of which it has Mdspeak after dinner on "Intemationa- 'charge in the past. The question ofism." giving the annual Settlement daJIce,This talk will take the pface of the Washington prom, and the In�- •Beecher's Usual discussion group this class hop will 'pro�bly be takeD. 1Ipweek and all students \\410' are inter- early next quarter.I _'_.Lo, the Freshmen Medic!'O have :hit! . .upon an innovation in the interclass Tryouts for swimming will be heldparties much to the delizht of tb tomorrow at 4:45 in the pool in Ida, "0 e hI .sophomore, at least it should be to Noyes a.1. eolnts .for W. A. A.their delight. For they, the sopho- mentbershtp may b�, earned by try-. t at h' . F' .mores are to 'be the guests of honor 109 ou l' IS meetmg. I'Ve pointsat � Freshmen-Sophomore dance Sat-1' for ea�h o�. the follo�ing feats areurday at "8 in Ida Noyes hall, offered. ahlllty to swim one strokeA d I h 1 .d t (choice of breast,' side. crawl) unin-n not on y as t lc-secon year . . . ested in the subject have been in- -=========:::iiii:==:::iiii:==;;;;;;_1 be . .d . h' terruptedly for sixty feet; ability to vited to the hall at 7:30. Other din-c ass en mvrte. to enjoy t e Ja�z change from one of these to another. .of a four (4) piece orchestra but ' bi . '. . ner. guests Will, be Prof. and. �rs.. . on command; a Ilitv to Jump feet, .invited also 10 partake of refresh; fi � fi' Ie d ' .. ' Judd, Mr. and ·Mrs. .� Good-, rst In water ,v. e eet eep: abllify a'peed-' , Prof. and · ... rs. Breasted, Mr.ments, yes, actually, refreshments. .J.Q.What they are to be is not known, to float or tread water for fifteen and Mrs. Elbert Stevens, Miss Kath-seconds: ability to 'Pick up objects and ,Miss Louisebut undoubtedly they will be healthy from bottom in four feet of water erine Cronin Pat-and in keeping with the spirit ()f terson.(tltre� trials); ability to do rhythmicHooverism which Ihas not yet 'depart- ........breathing at least 'fifteen times.ed this life. • ,,'�NORDLING.BE YOURDRUGGISTAdditional points may be earnedBut the music-about that there after the first twenty-five for: eachwill be no conservation. It will be additional stroke mastered (fivenoticeable in quantity as well as in . ) . I '1' d lai f. •. pornts ) ; ani ity to' 0 p alii • rontvolume, and when It comes to quality! di d I .fi ints) ,,,� ". .' ive or goo p unge ( ve points ..1 he dictionary falls one at times. !. ..J I.A h -h--' . Swimmers are t:hgmle for the teamsny ow, t e most Important pornj h th h .., ., I w et) ey ave won thirty - fivehas been made, to Wit: that, tne I . . S. .. -. pomts, wrrnnung meet., between thesophomores Will be the guests of the I J' d S . .11 '11. umor an ernor co eges WI befreshmen. and that there will he r e , I h ld t Tl .freshments. e nex quarter. lese meets are! annual events and are held in theI Winter and Spring quarters.iHAVE YOU SENT IN YOURSUBSCRIPTION TOTHE 'DAILY MAROON?THE HARVARD-, ,A Home-like Hotel forUniversity People Make tais store your' head- 'quarters., Everything in Drugs,Cigarettes and Candy.SnIJ..P08tal Station No.' 218Parker Fountain Pen Agene1,Cor. 55th and Ingleside AYe.Chieago,TtI-rh.v BJde Park 340NORDLING DRUG CO.Prescription Druggists.A. J. NORDLING, R. PH. G.BEAUTIFUL' NEWPUBLIC ROOMSCommittee Will Give Dinner.HAVE YOU SENT IN YOUR \SUBscRIPTION TO "THE DAILY MAROON?, e120,CentsThe blendin�is �cepti0Jl81HIGHEST � TUR,KI5H AftOiMAKERS Of THGE'GAREIfES 'NntE WORLDEGYPTIAN _ ./ They are Plat. like' meetingyour Best Girlface to face.REMEMBER- There are 110other. like your ·'B. G. ",1/- r •" ,\ ,'" I,- j •\ \0• ,E],..(tt...• a\.....e.) r.I!-_, .'� E!.,4114:4:12!1"�,.' 1-(1.. /.,.,1.i - t. I ..,c'" ::.·1 •.......W'. ,��, � •.. iII,l!" 'Ji. ."11� �' . -