VOL. , XVIL No. 32. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. TUESDAY" DECEMBER 3, 1918 PRICE THREE CENTSLORD CHARNwOOD TOGIVE'FlRST OF MOODYLECTURES· THIS YEAR /M. Charles KoeehIi.n, Member of Edu­ca� MisaloD, to Speak OIl Mod-In. ·ern:FreDeh Music at 3 in Ida Noyes.Will' . Speak on "DemoeraeyE�d and the Unit�, States. LECTURE BY COMPOSER . I REVIEWER CALLS CLUBWILL PRECEDE CONCER� PERFORPt1ANCE FRIDAY"LADIES' NIGHT IN 214" , .BASKET BALL PRACTICESTARTS WITH 22 MEN.Women Carry Off Honors In 'Four Short Plays PresentedThe Chicago Symphony Orchestra . In Blaine. ' With the foofball season a thing ofwin give its second concert of the �he paSt, ''bIasket'ball took the stageseason today at 4 in Mandel. Instead• I .Yeste�day afternoon wath the fim EXiPECr OW STU DENTS' AUTHOR OF LIFE OF LINCOLN of the uauai lecture gliven 'by Mr. � GENERAL ·RESULT EXCELLENT I ;practice of rthe year. Not all the ;. " BACK--- Robert Stevens preceding /the eon- -- I ,men who are expected to try out wereThe first of the 'William Vaughn cere, a lecture on Modern French By Bartlett McConnack. pn �lI�.nd, but there !Were twenty-two I' As a resul� of .an order received.I.. �ood.v lectures this qua. rter will be Music wtill 'be given at 3 in Ida Noves 0 hed .1..:- r' men passing 'the ball 'around and the from the AdJutant General of the\ '" ne approac Wll� yea s per-I' , ".. .. .Kiven tomorrow at 4:30 in :).I.andel. by M. Cbar'les Koechlin, musical mt- formance of the Fall plays of the ,squad is expected to grow larger. army �ednesday, the demobIllZatlOnt 1 Lord, Charnwood wi11 ·talk on "De- ic and comeoser of Paris, and at pres- Dram ti lb' t' .t· Pat. Page has dssued 8 ca'l1 for a hun- .of the S. A. T. C. started yesterday,-r a c e u In no very QP Im.IS IC , ith th V • al . ""•_. mocracy in England and -the United <pnt'a member of tJle French Educa- f f' d th di t' ct I dred men as he dntends to keep a WI e ocation section, B,� _. - rame o mm ; ra er, 11. IS m un-,.' " .. �.:t.' States." On Thursdav Lord Oharn- tional} ;Mission. All patrons of the � ,t lU ... d th 1 b large squad elf twenty or .twenty five wbieh IS the unit of drafted meehan-- J easmess JWaS presen. � e c u - ..� J . wood will 'lecture �n "The Proposed concerts have "been invited at attend. heroically managed to salvage from men during the season. ics stationed .in the old telephonet: . League of Na1ions'; as it Affects the The program 'Wfill include numbers' a wrecked campus enough 'individuals. Nat one' of the men who played I})uj.ld'ing on Dorchester avenue ...r""British Empire." This will be a Uni- ;by the French composers Chaibrier, with fire to put the thing' �cross? regularly on last year's team was. Units of Secliion B have been un-1· :�ersity public lecture and will be giv- ,Rabaud, S&iDt-Saens and Dukas, Ra- Play's need men. Where, oh where pack yesterday, 'but a few of them dergoing training in the High school'shops since early summer, and the. en .at 4:30 in Mandel. baud's Symphony No. E ·Minor. will __ ? Would he 'be served with a :are expected 'black �n a few days.Lord Charnwood is ·the author o'{ pe one' of the leading numbers. M. course or two of these "war plays," H!nklc,. forward on the 'team last �rd'er rto demobilize was heartily wel­a well known volume on the life of ,Ra'baud, who gained his mwneal ex- with perhaps a sliver of conventional year, is reported on his way home comed by them. The men lin the Vo­l ·Lincoln. He has visited and lectured I tperience !in Paris, has had consider- :drawing room comedy in between the from Waco, Tex., and Pat Page is II'cational section were sent in from·1. in America several times and is in- a17le "sneeees as a conductor. ' 'He dri- f he P . ff' d hOPing thlit the -repoDt is true. There draft boards of Chicago and outly-, curses 0 rt e russian 0 reer an , . di tri f.. Th' tra' .·tt te.rested in everything American. The ·Jreeted concerts of "I4'-ftch music in th lad f th ''t . 1 is a chance that Bryan and Bloeki. mg IS c.,.. eir mmg' 1WaS. tor , ..... u;u� e g cry 0 e· ypIca young. . ba red ..J: •,. Royal 'Society of Literature has ap- IRome and Vienna until '1908 when he Yank" as he: jerked the full-lipped j 'ptembers of last season's team, wiD " :v: cove. a period of eIght weeks ..11:·'.. ··· pointed a committee for promoting ·was the condaetor of the orchestra nurse' from Indiana onto Ins o. d. pe � a�so. . �UftD.g which t'ime the men were lnan intellectual entente among the bf Paris. In 1918 M. Rabaud was b "1 Th th' New ·Men Have Big ChanCe. ithe shops or classrooms for six hours. osom • ere was even e POSSI-. . .. each dRy. In addition, they were giv-. friendly countries. This committee tsppointed conductor of the 'Boston 'bility that girls would be used ex- There IS a great chance for new.. .• -..I b itt � 4.... b k : ...... t en mIlitary drill for one and �)De-ha1f- bas appointed a su -comrm ee 'on re-I ,Symphony orchestra. elusively, Indeed it JWaS. to wonder. _men IN rea an on me eam, ac-r' . .. h A' . f hidh Lo d" . -.3.:_ to lD..t P E h hours each day. On Oct. 15, 150lations, wit. merrca -0 WI' r To Play March by Cbabrier. However all. this .shivery specula- C'Oru.lug u:-a age. very'One w 0•.wood' hai " '.' ...a.·n 'b' .h to members of rthe unlt left for furtherCharn IS c aIrman. Ch'a'brier:'s uJoyeuse Marelle" was tion came. to nothmg, for we who. comes oU' .. WI e gIven a .� anee .. LeCture Well. Wo� Hearing. not conceived originally in the form really love, in � way, and believe' in 'play on the Varsny, and anyone with !training in cantonments.; ;' :.: :-: "The 1ecture tOmorrow will be well that &t now 8tands. Wdth the 11Ssi� 'the Dramatic club as one of the two ability wiD: be retlained on the squad. University is �nient to .Men.,.... :.��' i.-ort· h' hesmng,'" Said- :Ass. ociate Prof. anee of a. "ew .of his students he �- 'Four ;nracbice bours have been. ar- Because the military reqturemeuts� '...� oL' ... � woDthwhile organ�zations on the eam- 'r}",;·fR��. �£'tthe'depa��tcl E�g- � .�e. �ece a� arranged.1it 'P�.look� upon the plays presented ranged, at '2:30, 3:30, '4:30, and 5:30, �ered g;rea'tily with scholastic, '':;�Jisb.�,yesterdaJ'. , "He, is,,an 1Dter�g for, the Grchestra._· The � in its lFriday evening. in ,room. 214 of � ,in order to give everyone a chance to .work of the men in !the S. A. T. C.,:r..:*- :f' .... -; � dOs,ely ;n touCh :With things; 'piuent� to .) .. -l' 'the· ftrst 9{ � '.' and 'found :tJl'- '�ce. I', • , .the Uliiver8ity �1iloriti�IF hkve r 4e- -_. . �'�;���:�::�H�ls1eeti�ti;·�e-ma��· :.:� ��;;::t�:,�!!'��;f·' �.��i'7'-' g�:!� W� ��� thrilled at/ � ,; A �� �f ;U'ib� �ndik�;��; :_�ed-to : be' ��'m��·�'tc;-�;r-·�·::�:�.. �reases himself beaUtifully." .' . '.ments to diseo\"er. that� by George, (Continued on �JIe 4) wo�. A notice �as, sent out FmdayI .�_ '4Lord -Ghani-wood wsl1 probably . to lnstructors whltCh stated tbat menI --.. , .L'E't .... GU.E FORECASTS' JOY ,the good old club was carrying on in ul dro, snow the' .refatiOn between the differ- � .such treat style. the Kaiser notwith- co d p all courses when it seemed..:. CDt parts of the British' Empire, OF', HOLIDAY SEASON BY d. Y. M. C. A. WILL CONTINUE 'almost certain that they would :faiil.... stan mg J • ITS DRESENT AcrIVlTlES.-« .-\ which is a sort of commonwealth· of ' \ ROLDING YULETIDE S�L�· '.'. ") �c ;' t.l(', in them. �y dropping the subject8 .. �; X states in itseH," said IProf. MdAugh- Women Distinguish ThemseIYes. AFTER DEMOBILIZATION in IWlDch they are deficlent, the 1neB", .f ... f H' It was ladies'· night, ffi'riday even� nd _111 .- their �, �.li�, .head 'Of the departmelrt 0 15- Gay .I"L�..6 Cards Galore are De- may spe AU VoL uuue on coursesat ._,- I ...,aKUN.IIUIO ling, the 'girls coming off best in every Tilden,' Stein and Barg. er Will Play that they ... �. Ito pass' • In thetory, ye9terda�' "He might, S? �e 1:-ht of Shoppers' in Ida . -.t-"''', . 1 f Gr t U5 play, though iMr. Carlin Crandall and for Y. M. C. A. Stunt cases where the student's work for,up the actual �� ems 0, ea. Notes B&1l. iMr. Charles Breasted worked hiu:tt '.'Britain, which .are also the problems· Night at 6:30. the quarter tills been a total failure,.Il.n and 'Well, earning much clatter by thro h :1.._ d h· ......._of the world. These same prowems ug causes 'ucyon 18 couwvl,� .be d' . d' "he peace con Comes the harb'inger·:;d Christmas, ,their good acting in the two best The Y. M. C. A. has announced the. University may 'be wilTIng to can-may lscusse In L' �- .'."�, �' . .'-1 t1 real one, just as real as Christ- plays of the lengthy bill. .The other .t�t at win continue activities in spite eel 'the record if work for the next.'Ierence. . . be .• 1....: Th' f f be' bad b t -Has Made Study of ADf6ica. maa IS goll� to .' IotUlS year. is ',men were. �r rom' mit I ;' U of the d�obi1i2f&tion of the S. A. ·aueeeecijng two quarters is 6at'is-" ."We 5'hould be especially interested! year there. IS no sham about Ch_!tst-I the girls dId capture the bono�, an� i T: C� :factory.�, -;.! in Lord Charnwood �ecause be has II mas, sbop�ng, no f�ed e�hu:nasm they· �ust have. fel� an esoteric sa:-I "I want to assure e,!eryone inter- Many of the men who were 11ent'Il1ade � special study of American so- � Christmas happm�t 18 go- I lisfaetlon in tihelr Vlcto�� too, for In I ested in the work of the Y. M. C. A. tG Officers' Tr.admng camps are ex­,. cial institutions and conditions' 'Of' ing to be the most"rea1 on'e, 'in many I the� days me� are pulhng off such that we shaD ��nue,", said Prof. pecl.ed to return some time this week.b· h Li 1 th fir!;t exponent I ways that we ever knew-or ,.-�ver yallant stunts about the globe that, Goodspeed of the University Y. M.II They will probably continue their,.,.-.;:;;.; p IC n-c:o n was e - '" '., h f ",: -,r; 1\braham Linco1n i' now quoted in w:m Know. . the: gIrls don t occupy as muc �"C. A. Admiinistration council. '"The w:ork here next quarter. Several who• G. reat Br.itain per.ha�s even _more than I. The League is Sh.owin� the first �v-... ,the calCium. as beretofor�. Men}\Ave i wO.rk wii\ be changed to fit condi-jle:ft the University voluntanly to en- .'the British> statesmen. The study and ' �dences f6. the a!)proachi� Yule -wtith 'mo�e of tell than ,not pUlled. t�e I GODS.", I list in the arm� are also expected toI� . eo�ension of British democracy lts annual sale of Christmas cards. strings tbat moved the D�atiC I . Ccmlpa.ny Bible classes WI,.1 con-, return .in the nelar future. LBloclai� :. f' � at moment 'because we Worlds of ea.rd.s, card. s of every shape� club to dort. tinue as long as S. A. T. C. men are and Bryant of the Pier UDlt situated. IS 0 very eo' e r'. . d'·· B F14A • """-+h �., .: here in America are called upon to' ,Iof �ve� �i�e, of e,very escriptl0�: . ct - _,_ay �v"!nmbf" �re was �I� here. Each class Win meet on Mon- at the Del Prado, !intend to come back�. �, k .' tell' ently and'to sympathize cards for soldiers, -ear� for sarlors, Taft, cthe' pre.�ndent:o t e organlZ8-. d&Y nights 'in their respective com- and 'they, together With Hinek1e, whot. .1" �=� :�:. ;!;tish conception of de- c:ard& for every mem·ber of the flam- tion, fluttering about like a' mother ,�ny ban1acks.· About ten men an it is said will return, will probab'ly, !', mocracy�;" ily; �s for one's instructors. even, bird over. its nested of dYOUln&,sed'and �s eaeh company have expressed their make a vat�le trio of the basket-,\. '. cards for. every �e friend or the curtam open an c 0 agam. intereSt in these meetings and bave bal team.\.' t SOCIAL ORGANIZAnONS 'ARE kinsman.: There are tng' cards and �here were, first, :Miss 'Betty ·Brown, volunteered to conduct them. I I -It is rumored· that as a resut of'ARRANGING CONVENTION OF 1i:tt1e cards, cards th'at eaSt a penny best of 81l the many good actresses, .Tonight there wm. be another the discontinuance of the S. A. T. C.��. COsMOPOLITAN CLUBS HERE and some that cost twenty-.five. There (Continued on page ,3) "Stuqt Night." The headliners are. neJDt quarter, the R. O. T. C. wl11IJ' .... : '..--- "are lots of' band-tinted canis-rare Louis Tilden, who wiU 'P�ay the ac-l again be established at the ,Unlver- .• ��"eD to Be Represented in Con· articles ;n these c)ays.. ( Today. cordion, and JUles C. Stein, who wiul sity. Training in this diVisio� .is not,ift . gress for First Time-Plan Ex- 'Besides the oards, there ure seals Divinity chape1. Bishop McConnell, play the Vliolin .. Both have had vaud-l compulsory. .f., �l. " teasift Program. ........• .• ....• fa:r Christmas packages, very festive 11 :05, HaskeD. evi1le experience. Other attnlctions! \�t' . � � seals at very fta�nab1e prices. And . UniverSity pubI� 3ecture-"Modern will be George S, Mulfinger, at the I!HOLD ANNUAL BANQUET ,}.' l' The' .Men's and Women's CosmO- besides, if there are any handker- French Music," Charles Koechtin, 3, piano; R. W. Barger, with the xYIo-l. 'FOR ALL HOCKEY PLAYERS'poIitan clubs are now making plans ch'iefs or pretty silk bags or da'inty Ida Noyes rtheater. phone, and Theodore Gilbert on the i·.. i .for a Natiional convention of Cosmo- lipen that anybody would like to seU, Concellt, Chicago Symphony or- alto horn. Women on College, Class or Color.poutan dubs to be held during the commissiops will be given. by the 'chestra. 4, ·Mandel. Tomorrow nIght 'Assistant Prof. 'Teams to Dine in Ida Noyes Next".' �; Christmas vacation. This will be the League for these. Christian Science society, 6:30, Merrifield's discussion group win Tuesday-Wilt Award "C's" to• '" 'first time in ·the history of, the Uni- The sales are ;being held .tOday, 'to- Haskell meet at 6:30 in the Reynolds the- Players.� �ers1tt7' that the club will hold its na- morrow and Thursd. ay in Ida Noyes Tomorrow. t Th sub� WI'fl 'be "Immoral-I (' '" a ere e F"''''1. !J tionai' convention bere. hall. DiVinity chapel, Prof. Willett, 11:05 ity." Prof. Merrifield iWill give a brief . The annual hockey banquet for an'� �. • "A. �t honor is being ,conferred . There is an old, old slogan, worn Haskell. talk after which qu�?ns will be I women who have made college, cmssI.! {. upon us in having the convention with· much usage, which in spite of William Vaughan Moody !ecture •. answered, and the meeting W1'"'H Ibe ,or color. teams will be held next Tues-'t �ere," said Secretary Worth of the the many times it has adorned the "Democracy in England and Ameri- thrown open to diSC'1JSsion. day at 6 in the large gymnasium of'Cosmopolitan club, yesterday. "It lis newspapers, &s a� good 'as It ever was. ca," Lon!' Charnwood, 4:30, Mandel. There win :00 either popular or re- Ida NoY8 hall. This hockey banquet!� ( :also th� first yeN' that the Women's Wa'the motto of the League for. the Local 'branch of the ·.AaMriean As- ligious teotures Thursday and Fri- was inaugurated several years ago.{/ ,Cbimopdlitan clDb 'tfas been included present _.e-a short and simple o.ne. �on .Of ·University professors, II day �n the &yno1ds theialter. The 'The banquet win take the form of '.. in the cqngress. !We hope to have "Do your Chmstmas shopping dinner, 6:45, �ssion, 7:45, Quad- program for these win be announced! spread this ye8T.('l (Continued on page 2) early." rangle cla'b. ' ISlter. . •. (Continuecl on page 2):�I f rage Expects Big Squad to Try Out.-No Veterans Appear-Review Fi-nal Football Game Last Saturday. University Authorities Give MenIn Unit Permission ToDrop Courses.DEMOBIUZATION OFSECTION B. S. A. T. C.IS NOW IN. PROGRESSf,J,. ,,lt:LJ:MISNUMBERED IN ORIGINAL). "" ,J ••• r,'... I. ;J�������������������,_�,��,��D�AI�L���'�MABOO�·��N�.�TUB8D���,����.�.D�BC����B�BR��������;��_����'��-�������r�'��--�'�"-�-'7"�-�������...... - " .. " -: . ,N�r� NEWS• Plana are wen 1ID<fer way to makethis a memomblie' oceaaion. There.1 be several aunts, epeeebes by the�oacbes and the 'awarding of the "C."frhe hockey spread' is intended as thel!ast get-together of all women who',have been' working during the sea­SOD to make the fall spoI¢ a success.•Committee ill Charge of Food."Last year," _d Ali� Johnstone,head of the ticket and publicity com­�ttee, "each 'Woman brouglft aome \VlE �ILlL THOUGHT that Tildon�rticle of food as a conttfibuUion to was after "cooties" when 'he wentthe spread, but this year the food through those contortions 1ast night�ommittee decided to, take entire in study 'hatt. But we were wrong hecharge as ·it was thought that this was merely mopping up Q fountain­�ould be a more satisfactory plan. pen fun of ink that "Happy" !Strousetimes. . The tickets are twenty-�ve cents and had spited down his back. At leastEntered as second class mail at the There is still something to be done 'th,e women ars asked to buy their I that's what' be told the Lieut.Chicago Postnfiice, 'Chicago, illinois, as far as men returning to the Uni- Iticketa as soon as possible." _March 13, 1906, under the act of 'versity are concerned; with the oth- I Each girl bas been reques'ted to pur- ,BASHlFUL "Tenesee" Rucker sureMarch 3 1873. . '- rei Ill h hI.' ,ers an actual percentage rec:o ;'WI chase her iicke't from her team cap- did put one over on t e woe com-SUBSCRIPTION RATES �.not count to a great degree. bin. If �the captains have not yet pany! While most of us were con-_---------------:Called for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a 'obtained tickets, tthey may do so by tent with turkey or even roast beef,quarter.Wb Do With Christ ,applving to Alice Johnstone. Those Rucker was dining ,a,t the PotterBy Carrier, $3.00 a year; $1.25 a at to 1 mas. J'"quarter. l Now �t ThanksgiWng is over we �n charge of the af:1'air are: general I Palmer home when eV'erything wasBy Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50 th'ink of Chrdstm, as. Are we goin,g chairman, Gladys Gordon; stunts, 8avor.ed with wine or'lhoney; even t,he• quarter. f rd t the da 1 Beth Uphaus; food, Arline Falkenau; I serving girts were imported from.By Mail (out of town), $4.25 a to look or.wa 0 IS Y mere y . Iyear; $1.75 a quarter. for what presents we hope to get gymnasium, Marjorie Wbtslow; pub- 'Paris for the occasion and the batlerthen? If we are, we shall not fee! Hm:ty, Alice .lolmstone. �ore a. suit of red velvet with solidEditorial Roo�s - --.Ellis 12 "the real spirit of the day. _ Name Women to Sell Tickets. gold ebuUons. Ruck Staid be f�t 1ike'Telephone MIdway 800, Local 162. Every year thousands of people en- . The c:apbains of the teams who arc: the enchanted hero of a fairy tale.Hours: 11:10-11:50; 12,25-6; 7-8. .' h . k • d f who was lost in a palace of Happi-Business Office ., _ Ellis 14 ter into the work of trying to give ' �on tt e tic et 'COJIl!Itittee an romTelephone :Midway 800, Local 162 people Ia real Christmas who are less ;wham the W<lmen may get tickets, ness.,Hours: 10:20-11:50; 3-5:30. fortunate tth!an rthemse'lves./Through are: FreShmen - 'Mar,raret Foss;Chicago newspapers Ibusiness men Sophomores--lHelen Sulzberger and OUR lMiESS Sergeant is cert:a.in1yhave aided lin tl::hiis work. 'Carol' 'SmIitb; J'Illliors---Helen Sulz- a resourceful guy. The other day be­ing in Q hurry 10 retum to the !fuipIf these men can give their valu- jberger and Marjorie WinSlow; Sen- he haled a .fine looking black Iimou-able time, it seems eto me that we can iors-:Aiiee. Jo1mstone.,. ."MAROON THE Co.LOR GRAND" . sine. Willen rt stopped he found todo semthing, especially after vaca-. 11:'50 color teams: Green-Eliza- his ,horror that he had Wed a blackmon starts. Itf; as not a question solely. beth iMBnn; Yellow-Ruth Dave;! hearse! Did be ride in it, you ask?of money; ta few dolPars win break up Cardinal-Grace Joy; Maroon - Ma- We're honour bound not .tell ,but askthe gloom in a poor family. It is a bel Masten; lBlue--a.lary Gingrich. Vytlicll. !be .may tell you.qaestion of some people '-getting o� 10:10 coior. teams: 'Red-Eetber I , •__land dOing the �rk themselves_ And .Hicks; YeBow�oin� Pitt; IlJight 'MA'NY of -the Army men have com­I am sure -that those who enter 'in preen-(;l1lU:e 'Dixon;' Dark Gften- mented 'favorably on ,.:he good wollkthis kind of work will eat their :Mary 'Hayes. of the 'B:and. 'Of course it was good,Christmas dinner with a f�ing � didn't you notice t'ha-t the dru-m ma-they have entered into the spi:cit of jor was � Na.vy Man? 1-------------.--the day. AThree - Million Dollar, BANK' .,-',TIIANKS',The Stucleat""Newapapu of Tbe The helpiag baDd extended to JQeIlUaiyenity of.£1tIcqo "'. pf the Student Amly-Trainmg CorPaPubHshed mornings, exeept Saturday, with regard to scholastic worn is m-Sunday and Monday, during the Au- . ditumn. Winter and Spring quaners, deed appreciated. Thell' stu es areb, the Daily Maroon colllpany. in a pretty ·bad shape, and the duly===========::::;===== ·authorized discontinuance without'peJUlty. of a course wiH be of value.The question of scholaatic standingJohn .J oseph ....•.••• Moilna�inl: Editor at the close of the quarter is still un-Ruth Genzberger 00 00 .. News· Editor .Helen Ravrtch '.. Night Editor ·solved. Even with the dropping 'OfHoward Beale Day Editor �ne eonrse, many men are going toRose Fischkin ....•..•.... Day Editor be unable to pass creditable final ex-William Morgenstern '._ 00 00 Athletic Editor aminations. All men of the twenty-Frederick. \Vinterhoff � I.' •year old elass will have !tWo and one.... oo_ _ •• Associate Editor.__ �half lI1lajors to finish shculd one sub-ject be stopped at the 1)resent time.�May Freedman Manager 'and twa and one-half majors. allEDITORIAL DEPARTMENTTHE STAFFBusn�ESS DEPARTMENTStaff Solicitors more 'Or less in a decayed state, arenot to be sneezed at even m normalBallinger and FennerTuesday, December 3, 1918..' The VarsIty of the Universitycompleted its 1918 season last .satur­day !With a unique rec:ord-a recordof six defeats and no vic:tories. Ne'ft.l:before has there gone into the an­paIs of Jthe University such statistics__.u defeats.;, But never 'before has Coach Staggworked under oSUch terrific:iilly dis­heartening and impossible c:onditions.To be brief: at the opening of thisquarter the materiala for a real COIl­:f,ereJ1ce team were at hand; thesematerials, that is most of them. left,onder military orders, for officers'training camps before the first game;]tI.r. Stagg was just gathering. newteam together when the iJlfIuemastepped in; no SOOner had the Udlll-'enza departed for other Parts whenmore members of the team weresbipped to camps; the baclting at thestudent body was �; practiteJ1011fS were limited_'_.There is a st� for y�, but n()� 'SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS AREa story of self PIty., It 18 a story; ARRkNGING CONVENTION OFof facts. What cornes out of the� OQISMOPOLITAN CLUBS HEREfacts! First and forward, that m,- (Continued from page 1)rooD" is still the eal.or �nd; .e, theUni'Versity, are Proud; aefeats ha�eonte, but victories shall COUle--aAd,soo1l- .Then, credit to .Mr. Stagg for '\Vot-le­_. g li1ce the Trojan be ds. Hardly aIn • .'Word of complanlt 'When th� 'Wel'eoppOrtunities galor�; just a steadyplug and a display of his ability inImaldng some, so"t of a t�a� out ()fpoor material. Faith, enthusi�atld results ar� three things Mr.stagg never falls to give 'liDS eachyear. ;"The men themselves have done well;'tbeY have tried their best to upholdforJDer standards. Freshmen. green,somewhat flighty, J.."llowing their de­ficiencies. have gone out on the fieldand shown much more actual fightthan regulation teams in days goneby. :Men from last year and the yearpre\-ious have stood by-not still­'and put (!Very ounce of energy intohelping make a winning team.,All of ·them-from the highest tolowest-have shown splendid spirit;they }mve don� their utmost and wecan still believe with them that ma­'roan 115 the color grand. S. Eo T.COM14UNICATION&(In view of -the ,fact that the com­munication column of the Daily Ma­roon is maintained'as a clearing housefor student and faculty opinion. TheMarooD accepts no responsibility forthe sentiments therein expressed.'Communications are welcomed by theeditor, and should be signed as atevidence of good faith; although theDame will' not be published without·tbe�. ca_ .)Weather Forec::::ast.General1y fair and coldet"; fresh tos-trong winds. • HOW ANNU'� �QUBr ., 'FOR ALL ROCKEY PLA�(Contm'�- �� Page '1) PINK Ipltl.JLS AND DUTY is be-,. I ', ', - ,co� , the 'eSot:abtia'hed cure 'Of 111sick sailors, especially 'those that aresea-side: 'Or drill sick.' SONGS POll THE TIMESThe Debt Unpa,abie.What bave 1 given,. Bold sailor of the MIa,In earth or heaven,That you should die for me?NRMiY ,ATTlEN-SH\UN! Our Bas-ket Ba'll Five is waiting to meet youin 'Bartlett Gym any day at four­thirty p. m. They promise n�t totreat you too rough and not to scoreup more than One-hundred-and-onepoints, So be sociable and come out. o 8Oldier. leal and brave,What can I give,Long as I live.To 'P8Y the 'tile you gave!What ltithe or partCan I retum to thee,Oh stricken heart,That thou shouldgt break for me".l'he wind of DeathFor. you has s'l8lin life's flowers;.It withereth(God grant) all weeds dn ours.�. W. Bourdillion.,"A:LLI'SO:w' P.· H. W�jtzman wasparticu1arly attentive at the lecturegiven by Dr •. GaIllaway_ We wonderwy. "A RemarkableTypewriter"All favorite features combined inone handsome writing machine ofthe 1li-at qua1ity. ..WOODSTOCKTYPEWRITER COMPANY2S w. Wuhington Stnet, ClUc:apPhoae Central 5S6SHAVE YOU SENT IN YOUR'SUBSCRIPTION TOTHE DAILY MAROON?I Why.I Ready -. Made Clothes. � \When, .:. ,.you, can buy a .uit from us thati. made for' YOU, from 'a selec..,tion of over 500 patte�l, DOtwo alike, for abo�t the SAMEprice that you MUST PAY''for ready - made clothes?. -Ask thee, boy.; they will tell youwhat kind of clothes we make1204 EaSt,' 63rd StreetNEAREST BAN'K TOUNIVERS� OF OmCAGOEtltablished 1891-JENKINS BROTH�Dry Good. aDd Melia FlII'IIiahiDp63n) SL aDd UDiYel'Sity Aye..Bielat Gooda "Right PrieesRight Treat..-t· .,ROSALIEMUSIC HALL5700 Harper Ave.FOR RENT .t-uR DANCES,ENTERTAINMENTS ,ETC.H. C. EDMONDS \'203H�::a St. I FOSTE�t���WARDMEN'S WEAR IHats - Gloves - Neekw�JAMES E. COWHEYs. E. Cor 55th St. aDd Ems Aye. _BILLIARDSCigars - Cigarettes .. ' PiPes '- ...III. 7th Floor, Republic: Building State and Adams Street �CHICAGO, r � , '•• ' ... J, �,I.,f.J.��,"" t.(.. 1 i:6�. �t.:1 IL. 1 I:, iI" II -[81'tllm�t!II.'iscl:pithe co-:operation of aU 'the students'in entertaining the guests and in at­�tending the meetings."The progmm includes an open'!"- """: II'meeting at which ASsistant Prm.Burgess of the department of Soci­ology, and Prof. George iFoster of'Oberlin college, wm speak. These'men have been 5nvestiga'ting condi­tions lin western Europe for the gov­'emment and know a great many de­·tails. The pragram contains a sight­seeing e�tion conducted for thebenefit ·of the guests. M'iss JaneAddams will speak at a banquet givenat Huli House.Secretary Worth has announced'that there 'Win be many interesting'numbers on the program. He has�sked all member of the club to con­sult :wlith him about carrying out theprogram at the meeting. I,': " '--�. ,ingE8'11.. ei1",�J, .HI(.e Cl r ,;.' 81I frinti�is....\: eI\ ow:t ,� Li�':-:.. �r10'. fllh'alfi,tiljomU](. R,at" Im< .. � .tilm.thi6' lit�,-'�r a1tITtil'.. �I� --."dlP."r pl;�t III�1'l- �,h.,g.\ ; !r'W�!: �(2,A. ..•,_;", ,,..,.>.' �.,.,,�!I���'I�����;;:;;:��========�':':":"'-�':�':':'�'�:'::':':'::::��"�'�"�':-��' �,.��:: C;!:;!==��!E. Z:��'2:'i:�'�"'�(��"�-�':"Z:Z:��'��'�'�:��' ':'·:·:"'�":·:2":',��':':·'�,':;!�)�V�v·���·:·'�;;·i'��;�J�"�iijj.:'�T���j�;n���,i���'?· :i�\·�?{;{��:���.Tt·· "'f":f: �?t,�:,;-'T ��t' c: '�,\;,' ?�};:r! �.<�: ': �;t.:� •• �� :._):: / ': > . :, " .::. , .. �.' .'; . . .. ".... ":.'� .'" ,.: ',' ':'Pt· Z:� ;�>�:?;. :,��t�����, ' I' , !.r-:�!:;J_- ::' -:', : . '_ :...�", n ,. ,'-.�;- -:.,1" >,�' . � ,., .. �\�'-�'." , ,::.�-: ' "�.,, -'l .' " " ," '.- '" - "TBB DAlLY,.JIABOOJIf; '�Y.�DBC.aBR' a.. ltd , ",.:,: ,7;'���====��======�==�==��==���.��==��==�����������������������������.,�:,,��, :5- .I I � .. �� .. ��." " "�, of·l,gd�.�'� h��,"� casual and�e Fowier,�, and � thankless job I �tie Club d!'goin for� plOd':" OOLUMN OF COMPANlE8." PERFORiMANCE. FJUDAY pat �pcm the back there, aDd to that it WM, too .. The seene was PractiC-! tion·of ";'rth-wb'ile pla)'s as neva, "LADIES' NIGHT IN 214" ODe a eaustic curse,' and heigh-ho! ally dark throughout; ahe bad to do. before. With the talent at its �-- the ttmag ..... doDe. But time miDgs- her aoting without leaving the pallet tpoul ,th'e clUb bas a futun. I ..WOlDen Carr,- Otr BODOra in ,Four a pvapeetive;, the inclination to pass 'to wltich a broken knee-cap had eon-: .are 'it wiD go far. And ending, IShan fPta,.a Preseatecl about .the mappy epithet pa:ues. fined her; aDd though abe worked I iwish that Lieut. MIllard could haveLIEUT. OSborne decided that the ID BIaiiae. How� then, c:&D one hope to write hard and well to satisfy the lines the Ibeen present Friday evening; I knowarmy was his rtrue 'love in spite of (Continued from paie 1.) happily of evel'JODe wben eveI70ne iUuaion faMed. .M1as Hessler was,; he would have 'been pleased, as we. th� piping of peace. ·So, a't the com- lperformed' 80 well! T.be repozter I to us, 8 girl. Had the lines been: an were pleased, to know tlurt themand of the powers that 'be, be left heels the MiMes Ruth Lovett, Fran- must be content to touch upon the changed to have her a girl in the I .Dramatic 'club was carrying on 111yesterday for Lewis Institute. FlIODl of the evening, an:d close upon her high-lights of the evening. (!fiss play things would have gone much! such fine style.there 'he goes someplace else and cis Bleasler, Fern Broadbent, Carol Brown, because her work was even better, for MisjJ tHesSler bas power, I-==============­from that Place Ito flDother place; Mason, :Marilla 'Cudworth, Ruth 'Mal- throughout her play and because that inteHigence �n readqng lines, and:we c:an't remember. Our new C. 0., lory, Olive Scott, and 110 on down the work was excellent, was the Mazda technique. 'iWhy not cast her in ,a! --------------:is lJieut •. Harvey Ogden, who has' lis�1 eeting witli real ability, ease, of this particular show. And ne,ct- role where her assets might be utili-! ����ma�����!!charge of the rather brief medic com- and an absence of the thestriealisms Ab, there one must indeed tread zed! I. W. Dupree, a newcomer topany. nearly always evident in amateur softly. \ the club, played Ohampemoune. Heperformances. A charmi�g aggre- To 1Mi",�uth Lovett was intrusted evidently bas had experience at act-gation. and a ehanmng evening! the most difficWt role of the even- ing, 'but mumbling- of lines and .bheThree ,Plays Well Ch08eft. iug. A dainty,' delightful aetress a1- fadlu� to forget that 'M"'1SS Hessler,The plaY'! presented' were four: ways, putting into her work an air of was a girl registered· against his:"How Cupid Came to EarJe'e Court," �antasy, IMiss Lovett's job was to work. Direction was lacking in "Theby Cosmo -Hamilton, better known for make us believe 'in the 'little laundry Snare and the :Fowler."his snappy fict"ion in the Hearst mag- girl in "'Op-o-Me Thumb," the rwaif UJIow Cupid Came to Earle·sazines; "'Op-o'-4Me�Thumb," a dainty of Sobto, London, whose yearnings l.court" was crowded with p>ersons,bit of !Barrie stuff by Frederick 'Fenn for star-dust romance lead her tongue who were forever getting in each oth- !and Richard Pryce"; ''The Snare and iDto fairy-:like prevarications. The er's way. iMiss Carol Mason and:the Fowler," a tense episode of !the play itself was the most successful iVorIies Fisher controlled the situation IFrench Revolt ion by' Beulah Marie performance given; not 'One shoddy' there, both doing good work that 1Dix, who wrote "Moloch"; �nd-to 'bi� of acting marred its general .m\1st 'have 'been better for intensive I "The Woman Who Gave"send the crowd home with a jag of smoothness. 'But Miss Lovett's job direction. Mr. lFisher needs repress-jjoy- '4j}Iow He Lied to Her Husband" was hard. She is young, and her ion; Miss Mason's voice training and :by 'Bernard ,Shaw. The first play work was not sustained, 'but patchy. technique. And by what hand, may Inamed seemed �e8st successful, and At times she fell out of ,the patt, II ask, was the Chicago Tribune in-I'since !.our plays are too many for entirely; at other times her pathetic! corporated into the furnishings of aone 'evening anyway, .it might have eagerness for moonshine brought the I London sitting-room? It seems per-I Ja1A�.sa�.sa£a.�Ja.1Abeen. left out without noticeable de: irritative lump into our throats, good tinent, too, to in�uire if 'Mr. Resenak I �!5IC§(5!!i1:!!Il!S'lr���!.!I[!!iiC, tractIon from the success 'Of the en- acting. Of Mr. Charles Breasted, at ever smoked a pIpe 01£ stage?IT h� 'been 90 long since Company I deavor; The other plays we�e eho- whose exPensive 'bosom iMiss Lovett's 'SllDlDftng up Friday evening, oneC bas had any pulmoity that it ds I ..2: --------------,. �n aptly; their positions on the pro- p ea. UIlng eye was thrown, the same would say that the general result of .about time for the campus to hear th be' d Ge ran h h d n SAT C Att tie ,f th· gram 'Was as s.hould have' been; and ' ,1Dgs may, sal. ne' y, e teen eavor-was exce ent. The Dra- • .' •• en ODei:o:e �ost talented organi�ti'On the direction expended upon them wal llid' excellent work, but overeager- matic club scored again. The m·ain Altering And ·Pressing.not as it should have' 'been, being ness t� pro�e h'is C9m�nd of ,C�k- fault 'to find, in the performances, I Service Prompt Rates Reasonable.ai� at times and often altogether dey English and an overconfidence in think, was iack of careful, sympa- 10 ,PER CENT OFF TO YOUabsent. 'his abla'ltty tu hold. the stage threw tbetic direction, and a too short I})e- F Tail & CIThe Sllaw play carried with it ;Miss clinkers in the cogwhee'l. The othe�s riC)(}" of time for rehearsals. The sets', am��:5 �tO��h Stree��enIBrown, who played the wife; Mr. in the castiWere carefWly placed and were as good as 214 end the limits .;_ .;...__..;Crandall, deliriously funny as the their work was without faul� ,What of the club allow. The audience waslove-s'ick, yvungster; and a Mr. defects the thing had did not bother appreciative, and tbhe acting was ,,1Humphrey. Shaw, of C011;lR, is al- the audience, who voted it the suc- a higher level than bas 'been the case HAVE YOU SENT IN YOURways' Wfckedly clever. IF'riday even- cess of the evening. 'Careful diree- in most previous performances. One SUBSCRIPTION T,Oing� -with Miss Brown and Mr. eran- tion would have eliminated all n�d hopes that With the retum at tbe THE DAILY MAROON?dan' to POint the . linea ' by good I act- for criticism. e:ampU to normal conditiOnS the Dra-ing, the play was, a acream. When Frances 'HessJet: Shows Abnity •.theSe,two had the stage to themselvea OircumstaDces placed Miss Fran-it- was a riot.' The Shaw play, though ees lH�ler, a �ry. pretty girl withlast on the 'bill, is positioned here the alulity to act, In the role of· abecauae it, is my opinion that '�Misa .boy. She was Ywain in "The SnareB�wn gave us t�e best sustainedacting of the· evening. Dl as she --------------waa, (Miss Brown went on and earned C. CORMANY'So� the bon�rs. You know the play. HOME LUNCa. �®.�.WeD, Miss Brown was such 'in the The Old Reliable� that could the' author. have Head'l�rs for University,'Perched upon a chair in 214 I'm sure " �StudeiJ.ts·be wo�d have c:ried "Bravo!" or ·We serve the best of every,;.'"Ripping!" or whaltever U is Shaw thing. Promp Service.cries to. indicate exeessive, pleasure.. . This Bettj is. an aeC.rens; "·lOph. Try Our Special Sunday'tiication complete 'WaS here, and-it Was. Chieken DinDer.jaat the sort Of air that women 0·, l_3_1_3_E_._5_7_t_h_S_�_ft_t ____the world use to la880 youngsters _the like of Mr. Crandall acted so 811C- P • D • LessoCORP. Gump of the first squad and eeufully. Kias' Brown's ;-WOrk. was .nv�te. anemg, OShis trick shoea are on exhibition in . ,. I ' - of • 1�__ �-)always &.ished�.;su8ve, DeV� tbeat- � •. �. am __.. ,.�,, Room 20 of the Psi U aback. ric. . She-Yaeted- 'eVery� minute.· R&. De can � the steps of the Walta,-- - •.•.. .' , 0ne-ateP, and Fox-trot. SiD&Ie 1es-OORP. Grossman received honor- P�OD, a, diffieu1t·lft1mt, ,.... h� aoaa jf deairecL . '.,',able mention lut Friday far having too. .Wbe�-tlbe·waved her lumd � LUCIA RBNbERSHOT STUDIOthe best table ill mperv.iaed 8tudy. the ·Jangwd ease 'so madl a pa� of 1541 E. 57th St. Hyde Park 2314Three men remained awake dUring ShaW's.· irritated ladY::ODe f.rJy ... ----------------------------.the �Ie period. shouted "A-ha!: Good stuff!" GeI- ------------�. ..---------------------------tures are, essentiall), theeatric. Miss.Brown· g� naturally, effectively., She enunci8ted. 'She sighed. SheBY unanimous consent, yesterday's hBd a ..tash in her eye. And-sbe Wasdrill was the belt' 'R have bad. es- 80 m she could hardly &tand.pecially in Voiew of the cold weather. (Bett,. Brown Does Good Work.'!lie like the'Speechmaldng, fine. This mentioriing of individuals-avery neeessary portion of these re­views-presents difficulties. At onetime in the not 10 very distant pJatit was easy enough. ·A paragraph.COMPANY AA!LAS! the opening of 'the opel'3season bias inspired 4ur companySingers, and men not .on pass 1astweek shivered at the sound Of. &Ilexeeeding'ly sour rendition of 1111 Tro­?atm."! SGT. Garber in stupefied study:"You're making too much noise there,Wede1es!"'SGT. Wedeles: "I;m 9Orry;' hope. I didn�t wake too many up."• ,�_ x, : IT was Pvt. Jack May, sound asleep, ,in study. He was requested withgentle ferocity to wake lJp. "I wasn't8'1eeping," be compla'ined, "juSt ;re.._ citing poetry."'0COMPANY C,.. ONE of 'the big litems of conversa­�on at'the !Phi, Psi and Psi U h01JlleSIS �e farewell !banquet wbieh / thecompany ds giving at tire LaSa1Ie aweek fram. this"Saturday night. Itwm be a 'big affair with seven 'Cours­es, speeches and eveeything. Tapswill be,at 2 ... m. 1t is rumored that� .� Lie .. lDady will be the pest of hOn­�:::.. �r, but. the aergeama, iif they are Bl-lowed to c:ome' at aD, will have to pay. full p:ri�: 'I.JAST week Corp. Stagg extractedtwenty cents from almost every �'aDd rented the Delta piano. !Four orfive huskies then caaied it over tothe IPa'i U house. I The eompany re­joices in having such a good bU9fuesaman as Stagg as be no doubt cleanedup a handsome little sum on the deal.IT' was quite amusing when �Ross . turned of:lo the top-�rgeant's, alarm clock Jut W4!dnaday� aud' themen craWled out for reveille just asthe other companies were going to\t.' I� ....mea.&'I� --•. \BlOW ean it be that we must soonpart witb our trusty rifles which wehave �red fM so ten4erly 'before ev­!!ry Saturday �nspection. "We hate� lose you," but lit �u'nds like going _,home.. OH, th.-t party! Somebody sug­. gests enteJ:taining the - neighborly,gvbs, but :we 'OJ)me that a ,scrap:would not be 81l. app� ending,.or our happy mftitIary days,. ,We Cater' to StudentsThe Frolic TheatreDrugStoreSit in a Booth with Your Girl959 East 55th Street'Cor. Ellis Ave.J Tel. Hyde Park 761..:...---------HAVE YOU SENT IN YOURSUBSCRiPTION TO,THE DAILY MAROON?" ASCHER'SF relic Theatre55th St. and Ellis Ave.Tuesday, December 3, 1918NotedEVELYN NESBIT-in--_also -Lyon-Moran ComedyGraumont-GraphicTHE PLEASURE OF· . XMAS GIVINGEARLY-Right in your neighborhood.EASY-No bustle and coafusion.EXCELLENT SELECTION.Gooks, GJft Cards, Stationery, Calendars, �College Insignia�WOODWORTH"S 'BOOK STORE57th·,ST. and KIMBARK AVE.Open Evenings.'--LETBANK�YOURACCOUNT.m VALUEDINORDLINGBE YOURDRUGGIST'Make this store your bead­quarters. Everything in Drugs,Cigarettes and Candy.Sub-PGBtal Station No. 218" ' THE· ·HOME:FOR!UNIVERSITYSTUDENTS' SAVINGSParker Fountain Pen ACeDc:1NORDLING DRUG CO •PreseriptioD DruggistsA. J. NORDLING, R. PH. G.Cor. 55tIa &lid lIleJeskte Aft.OaieapTelepIaoae BJde Par� 340 Central Hyde Park Bank55th St. and Black.tone Ave.• .,-' ',:.��"- ....l� : ... f.. ' , ,,.'",«> " '.'" _" '-: ., :�} ,,�, ,', '.' ": '.: _.'< ;, ':, ::�." , ": .' ?' < �: :> �j( ,� ':' " �, ': \(��:r.;;:,�;;·;:"!?: �:' ::,:i"j:tf��� tf����)�i�r�::'THE 'DAILY JiABOON� TUBSDAY, DECEMBER a, 1118'� \.. � , ..� r>.>. " ." .', �. \,"",..\�ETBALL PRACl'ICESTARTS WITH 2Z KEN'(Continued from page 1.) ..... -_ ...'beat of the 'MUon, ,'and. the Maroo'naplayed real football. Elton' Was ,eas.'ily the star of, the team. Fa�hedid some good ·work. especial1y on thedefensive. Stegeman, Reber and Mc­guire plaYN a fine defensive gam�in the line.ances of, etc, In 'Other words, thanks. LECrURE ,BY COMPOSER. Yours, WILL PRECEDE CONCERT(Continued from page 1)Lud.I To get disgustingly punnish; we,admire your spirit; we'd 'be the last time' at a Lamoureux coneert in Pa- .. Fe'bruar 16 1890 Th . the Varsity team wi11 be held thisi person :in the world to llalnPer 00. rlS,. y,. e piece evening at 5 in' Bartlett gymnasium.H. J. L. noticed the subhead in which \'WlS only moderately sueceas-I T ' I II 'be di sed,Friday paper. "Maroons Have T-o ful at first, soon became popUlar. Itt, he 8easo� spans w(i, lSCUSwas dedicated to a friend of Cbs- and Pat WIll ten what he expect� of 22 MeD Out for Basketball, the._ . The liSt of basketball men out ""'es-·b..!: d dt rt the· ·t of th plAyers. .,.llJe� an 11 po rays spm e. • terday includes: Forwards-.Phillips,carnival, Minnesota W"lDS 7-0 Battle. 11'I\!.1d' Seh B nto H rho • H 1• AID en, ox; er, en, a r, 0 -The remaining numbers on ,the pro- The football season ended for the t n U'.nd Park..D F'. I • C'l-�urda h M· I,oway, � e ,om. ortgram for this afternoon are the Sym- year � y w en Innesota won W • Ce te "O'':tch k 'Rib'b.layne, n I'S-.na eocx, mg,phonic Poem No. 1 by Saint-Saens what was 'the best game of the year 'U' • Co 111 H d Pa k' B tenb th c1 f Th G \ .. mnn.; nnouy. y e r, u ,and the Scherzo "L' Apprenti Sor- y e ose score 0 7-0. e 0-E 1 od B h 11' H d P k'. ng ewo; us ne, year·D'ya want to make the W·histle? eier" by Dubs. The complete pro- phers scored an the first quarter. but. 'S ..1"" rd- .C'l_L-. b Oak·, -.J ... 1.._ d f the half Chi I wenson, 'Una �uw:a,'\\�OX'T someone write a poem on Of course, Q. E. D. had no intention gram follows: towal'U WKI en '0. icago Park; Rennert, :Mt. Olive; :Stucker.Demobilization now? Y'know _ 'Of bribery, in foact, he would have no The Star Spangled Banner started oa great dnlve, Coach Stagg, 'M Pa k· Bo d U H' h. Goo'"re ., . fta hed read � tba ood I OO'g8n r, y, . 19, WJ-habiliation rhvrnes with it. 'I object in so doing. but anyway he 'I March "Joyeuse" Chabner s a new sp pay t st IL.. :a.; -. Hi h· A Cal et.oJ..., • • '• 'hm h . C vms. uuO.l "on g,. very, um,, sent a litfle candy offering wrapped Symphony No. 2 E Minor .... Rabaud the Non en '0, n 't eir heads. ap-:& -= Ka'�- . M dd H dI ' . E1 'th "h 'd'� th :aUD",n, 1'IuImzoo, a en. y e. in a contrib: One of them may in- 'Anegro moderato ,tam ton. WI, 'l. e ai VoL e new, IPs k' d H 1 'So h ChiAXOTHER big s1ump 111 contribs. I •irotI de'rf __ l d t' I r, an ea y, ut reago.I terest vou as the other did me. Andante I',ay, gave a 'Won w. emonstra Ion 'IAbout time for another S. O. 1.5. call I oJ ,,. Scherzo and almost unaided, carried the ballI SIR: Some may object that this Finale to 'MIinnesota's three yard line. Here j" To Give Series of Lectures.S�EAKIN'G of the Score club: is de trop in'this aera of economy, Symphonic Poem No.1, "Le Bouet 'Minnesota held, and Elton was un- Associate Prof. Boynton of the de-dance to take place next Saturday I when all of us are engaged in the d'Omphale," Opus 3L .. Sa'int-Saens able zo force the barn over. partment of English ds giwng a'se-:lftern.�on ·��e c:teemed :\layr.une I the g.lori.fication�. pro�aedeuticalion,; Scherzo, "L·Apprenti Sorcler" Dukas � Immediately after, the Gophers l'ies of three lee'tures for the Dramasays: All \\ 1111 be JOY and great mIrth t resn:cltatlon, re\'1\"lficat.JOn, :a?d prop-, A number of season :and single took the ban and pushed down to league of Chicago on ''The Nativeuntil reveil1e." I agatlon of our an�estona11hnlt, even, tickets are still on sale daily from 10 :Chicago's ()ne foot line, 'Where ·the I iStage and Early American Life as\--- some one ,ha� said: to the adumbra-I 'to 12 and from 2 to 4 in Cobb 11 A. 'Maroons held for four downs. The IShown in the Drama."As a w. k. p.ara�rapher would sav: I tion or adslmulahon of comoedy; I Th . f ti ket '� . I others, with -great adlachrymation, e pn:e� or seas�n e s are"It will be quelque party." 1 that it establisheth a parlous praece-I $3.75, $<>.7<>. and $7.7.,.dent to pass down in saeculis saecnl-IAN eminc. nt VISitor on ,the -ca.mpus I dnt to ,pass down; in saeculis saecul-. EXHIBITION HEJ..D IN CLASSICSyes�erday. was Ilas: year s \�.hls:ler. orum: bu't I entroot, agree not with I '. _When asked to wTIte a contnbutlon, such' I A h·b·t· f ·11 .d.n ex ]I 1 Ion 0 1 ustratlons anhe cryptically answered, "Can't. I'm I !\. triftling gift,-or bribe, we'll, I d tat f 'h Ch hI ." • ' •, co ore p es rO.m t e ,otse 0:\llarned. One of the lady edl'tors say I bl· t· b D V L C .. pu lea Ion 'y r. on c OQ IS'Suggested ,that he got that way as a :\Iay I ·have the last line today? b· h Id' th h.. , .. . now cmg Ie, m' e museum on t eresult of wntmg the \V1hlstle; which Anon. f"'h fl f CIa· Th· II. .' ourL' 'Oor 0' SSICS. IS -co ee-lS oil 'Plausible explanatIOn. Look us\\iE are just recovering from deaf­ness _!>rought on by the terrific deton­ations at the garne Saturday. It wasAnd We Like Cigarettes, Too.enough to stir the stoutest heart tohear the multitudinous shouts rise Face Jinx," and wrote to inquirewhat position and Quality of game heplayed. Of course, he played elevenpositions and figured strongly in eachplay, 'from the throats of the enthusiasticthousands gathered there (hie).-over, girls.. PRICE$50.CORoNAFolding Typewritertion is especially for. those who areq 1\ VE YOU TRIED ADVERTIS- interested in eastern art BuddhismING IN THE DAILY MAROON' I ", .or colored p�otography.1 -:-----------------:- "Fhe book was named ·for :an an-Will you convey this message of I cient city in eas-tern Asia. Dr. Vonvital impoI't to all men who consid- I' THE HARVA· RD .Le Coq moade exca\"at�ons in the Tur-ered the signing of the armistice a II fan oasis in 1904, and uncover.ed 'this'grievous personal insult? .city, which prObably flourished fromA Nico Quiet Little War. I . A Home-like Hotel for the -fifth .to die ninth centuries. T-heUnusual oppox:�nity for ambi:i?us i University.People people were of Indo-European stockyoung ·�en ,to JOlD an enterpl'lsmg I and got their culture from the West-organization, for purposes of -engag- BEAUTIFUL NEW and the Southwest. ,Buddhism wasing first class, private war. Company PUB LIe ROO M S .01 dominant' influenee. P-ersian influ-now 'being formed. Will sail soon for ence was felt in the fashions of theChiie, the zone -of 'Operations. All, clothes and 'textiles.'men with full Quota of arms. and legs I THE NEW DINING HALL "The te�tures' of � linens and theeligible. Satisfaction guaranteed to For D�nces" Banquets silks are so accurately reproduced inthose imbued with the 'proper spirit. I and Parties th� col�red plates that the peopleApply to \V. F. Kohn, Co. A., Re'l SOc-Dinner a Specialty-50c really fee1 them," 93id Miss Little.'cruiting Sergeant or W the under- 57th St. and Blackstone Ave. who has charge of the exhibition. Ansigned. 'exhibition 'showing the excavations isAccept, Sir, the renewed assur- placed in on� of the cases.I,\\DEAR Sizzle:; -� .. ',. 'MAKE YOUR, ·WRITING A PLEASUREFor further information write or ,phone.COIONA nPEWmTER SALES COMPANY12 s. La. Sa1Ie StreetPIaGae FraDIdin 4992-4993\ 'University Representativ&-M. E. POLSON, S. N. T. C., r,...::.. ,� my flight from state to stateI find Murad everywhere!-WHY?I"'� •,tCI&ARETTE ",.�• ,t; , ".. .. :!�I '"l., "--vcRIIw.Iinled-IDOl. Statho'. life\_ lClue'&OCI/-:'-'�----b:er"iJhe'dHr..,histat'" � t ":�!.;; "�:,�. '.�cia)tali"'eohPro,pari" "leet.. �Ilthei-itU4ltactIectlM'oJ••tilmfieldQ=pin4:10pDb1.. ' ,wtao"'DB.\ ,at ar...! -iJ t1/".... � ..... �e/pice. --'T.,{,. "'-of· I�,,_�join'IfpUliogschalbeelchalclalJW.tend4yItt04. \ �.:.l�!.,: ,(MnIeeiUni1MOJ-teac'w",.,_"_._ ,'_::'t-- ..lJ