��lTY �F CHICAGO, FRIDAY, 1l0VEMBER 29, 1918 pRiCE THREE CENTS. '... : � --: . .... .Minneso� . ,-TO GIVE PROGRAM 9FFRENCH ;'MUSIC TUESDAY, ,..' � . . .I.' --_..�� �� � �d1Jd� Un­luelly y�, Wit., V�,Over Mbuiesota. Mr. Koedaiin CoDapoMd ADd Critic oitParia. WiD LeCture iia Ida No,.eaTheater Before'S,-aphoD,. 0rdae8-tra CoDteS'" DRAMATiG CLUB WILLGIVE FOUR PLAYS INEMMONS BLAINE HlLL.The Chicago Symphony Orc�'. � ., -\ , � ," �,� .��� �"='��d COJ1F� � ��TEAll 18 NOW IN GOOD SHAPE seaaon on t� eampus Tueaday at 4 EIGH�' N�W ACTORS APPEAR ORDER DOES NOT AW�'t_ . .TO.�-IIBN--..JJi " NAVAL UNIT �• - -. - �.- ". (.- OJ ••• � .'_'", � ' .. _. _' .'. '.. !- .. J...._.I""�.,J>- •. __ ,_� _' •• _ .... "n° •. _,# ,in.Kandel; under �,au8,pices.Of. .:"'. ,,'" '-�.,_ _'. � .- ...... .;�. -,�.'.- :'.rr: "�'·Orda�····' '. ti The �al1 �Iays-� �:·Dram.��IC elub I>. .D1,,��tA • .J, .,'" aas�Ja, o� wm; be presented ,tbrligbt at 8:3()' _in HEAJ)QUART�RSThe program will be made up en- R 2m E .. BI' h 11 '. STJJ.DENTS' .4RMY 1RAI�tNG�irely of music b;V. � cempoeers, 00: f 'hi mmonslds·. al�e '. a , ID-��.;, -;Ch· hr' »_\._":..1' C!,;.:� 'Sa' .•nd stea '0 t e Reyno 'club theater. UNIVERSITv OF CHICAGOa lel', �1oHIoIoN, �GU¥" ens a Ad" HI b . b . •. . . 1 �i>u� �g �1.e concert M. dmJ'hsslo�ckw ; e ., ¥b Indi.vltatl(:�n on s. 'r"I 1 '8. , , .�.. an t e tl ets will . e stributed by . l'l ove�� �. .?l .Koechlin, t!om�r and musical critic th . her' f h .cl'-'- .th Bulletin No. 19.of .paris, a �ember Qf the Official e mem so: r e UIU to' osewho' theyfeel will take an acti� and ·pENT$' ARMY TRAIWIN,Gfrench, Educational. �ission to tbe critical Interest in the character and CORPSUnited .states will l�e on "Mod- the quality 'of the acting displayed. --- ,.ern French uusic.;' Tb'e �cture which T I hi .....IR "A great deal' of ��time aude-effort 1. e egrap IC instructrons re-,,"11 ,be given �t 3 -in Ida Noyes thea- ,has ibeen spent on the production of ceived :thiS. day from. the 4dju�antter, is to be a feature· of the program these 'Plays, and we expect the result General of ·the Anny -order Ithe de­fOl" .tbe afternoon and all patrons of to 'be ,good," said -Emily Taft, presi- mobilization of the Students' Army uniforms for three months., Theythe c�ncert� 118. v. e :b.' ee. 'n invited,' to at- . "'re,;nl'ng' .',. ......... 5.· will 'be under the obljga tion of 're-dent of -the club,' yesterday. ,uMuch � a& �Vail I�"'" '. ••••••••••.•••••••••• � .Ie tend f • . .' :2.' Demb'bilization of Section liB" turning ,their uniforms :to the 'nearestEnke • . .......•..... : •. ;-. .• �."'" � .It .... _ Ste-eus 11"= __ Lectn- 0boo,the credIt is' due to ·the coaches, (vocat· a' 1 ec":'on) w:11 ,j\..-gl·n De- quarterma.· ster station after that time.,. . -lYU". .._ .. , '� .. � .... _". vi are, and have been, working tire- . Ion· s U' . U .U'C�. I Rloos Ig IMr Stevens muSl'cal dl'rector of the 1 her' 4 lRl8 Involves Y' .. 1.:_ of Records.•. . • ;.. . " . . essly •... ·T���:�9. .D!u� l>e ·�tend- cem ,:)I. ....�,\OWrioalJ,ace •• � .•• �. �' .... � ......•• : .. � �c Unl· ral·ty �o1'ftSl...;lv ooIives concert 3 � b·l· at ......... · of Sectl'on' "'A" The demobilization of the entire" . '"�". �"�.I __ '. ed t��.F�� .Q'IHara, '1'5, wtlio .has :'.: �1U0 1 IZ nl� •. .��' • � .......•....•.... rg lec�rs preC�ng the Tuesday Sfter- assi�¢ with t}1e. directing of ""Op (Collegiate section) will hegin .. De- S. It\. T. :c. will take at ·lea-st two I.'Warnok. . ;. � ..... : .•...... : ....•.•. rt noon coneertS, and' win continue to do 'O'Me Th�mb�'''' '.'. cCmher- 4, ,1918. weeks. It involves the m�ki?g 0;l �r��n '.: .. �.�.' .. : •.• :�.·.�� .••. �.��:.�.re sofortherestof·thQyeu. 'New Kembers ClJe to �p�. 4. Demobilization"'�nvolves the thorough physicill'examiila:tions an(l't Lampi .. 'qb Th . . fo """' __ .3_ ':_-'00 . - .'I!. ......a1. h '1 . of numerous wri·tten records for ev-�. ., .. ".: ....•.•....•..•...... �. e program r .&.UCliIUAy·.lJJCJ es ;Eight members of the Cfls� ��Jl making.o1 thoroul$ .... p ystea 'exallU-�r� �erg ...••.. '.' ...•.. '.' ... '....•.. �h foUr n� in aidition' to tbe. ,star mak� �qeir :�,p!ti�� .appear�ftce 'b�fo#_e nations IOf and numerous written rec- ery man 00 'be discharged� lMeanwhile,.:} Miriers � •..•.•. � •.... rh, Spangled &!mer. They are: Mareb, 'the Univ�rsiiy. 1)pblk' tOlJlorrow� an� OMS for every .m�n :to be discharged. the routine will go forward as usuall .l5in��le�. ;. • .••_ .. :.:. �. � .. � .•••. :: � . "J'oueuse," 'by Cbabrier, Babaud's Jt is �u�. '�(�,� new t�lent' th�t This work will ;be .prosecuted as except insofar as, it .is i�errupted by. .� �. �1�!� �. war, rl�dled team �I�l SympHony No.2, E. ,lMinor? Saint the c}ub·h86.departed.frOm its -u�ual 'speedily as priLd:icable. At =best its the necessary work of'demobilization .. �. wiJ:ld �p, �e s�.ason �omor�o\V 'O� Saens' Symph. onic .�oeu;t.' No.• 1,: �Le, practic, e r_,-.-.. �r.. di�·· tho �. '.fuI.I, ,�"'. 'a:'.y�. accomplishment� :will" require frOOl !Major. Dana w.ishes it. emphasi2;edP}t'7 .'. ' ;':".,field. play. in. 0' �he. Go. phers. ! ·w.i, th. .. .. 0. �- that T ta d" r '11 be .. 11). - .., Rou""". ,'d-oDl-lo..... 1- .J _ • -:","u.d, D. ukas .lU'_ �re6.A..·, roo r:."" -1·t. ,1.._,� alw. ""ys gl·v...... ;.I·.S "w' 0 to ,"hree' .weeks' time. .Mean- m1 1 ry 1SPP me WI" mam-<, .. � .. -:.. r...r::.... :!:-..·ft� 1·•• C.·�D�.�.fo·.,.. _,.r"'.a· .:,I,,!i�ory:'., � If tho e.. - .a.ou-�. ·�-tr �'U" 'T' . � .. y....,..� L'... .... � .. � _ �.-'C:: �\ .. ':�. • � ,��,-_�U�pp��_�.'!-":. -._:',' au�� .produ�t� UrP-aiJl n���- ,while, except' inSofar as interrupted tained and the men at all times shoul� ;;�ij '. �" "., '.ie' .'"t... - ���., '. •... .," -:-" WH,� __ · .� .. :j.,,;,¥��i�E���"i'i�' '-.. "j.4ic�JSaa�(lf:demobi\i%a- bear in.min4.t�a:t unt�l actuallY'dis- :; :,:�-\-'�. �!id' ·'o·lily . ��f�fenc�"VictorYroc;":�f'��h�' th� ,appearance ,.91l",..the: �1IS.,. a ter,. �eCa"se of 't'he '.war C()ndilioiJ�, &�\tb�;- �tUie �f"1h��ifu;t:;.rili�� �cfiney�ri:S01�iers-milie.'ttiiit���'�-:• �.� 'Y�&I', an� if they lose 'k -9riIHie 'tlie w�k·from .. Tueeda.. , ¥": .. ·-'lb!,membera,. of th'; orP�i�tk>ii ��nsidered' '��t 'it f��ant"as ��uat �Mi1itarY d_!scipJ.ine -ed -States Anny and are 'sUbject 110,:,_ :,':��' ���g�� (f�f�t; '·r�e'�taggtP.� , gbui -sch il' aU rules and replations govemir:rg' . -,'�:-..jre 'J:..oDfident, boW�r; 11,ta� ��Y" the".�(�� ��.��:� �4) . 00 c�uld glif'v� its P�liuctions �� �::t � .' (Oontin�ed on page 3) then t.hings will end a.bruptly."·t'�t going to lose., .." "",n"U&\ftN 011 �ft _'. �::O�dS If�::v�tht�:. gratis m .!>:,.� ·S •. � T. b. -vETERANs MAY '"T.he� will be no letting dow�," '.:.::��� ''I'ber� never: 'ha:s been SUCh. a ���- �RE OLUB COM.'E8.UP �h� pia" and their .casts ar�: . REVIVE mSTORIC' CUSTOMS (M�jor' ;Dana said yesterday. "The ' ':) � as the �aroons ·ha�!t. gone ' .. '�, ·.IUNG TO ANNOUNCE "B� 'He T: ua'to Her Hus-L.":_..I" .0''1:' ... V"I'O'D'I:'LLIU- TIMES usual routine �.i11 be continued un�i1 \. .}.. ':.',�,!.f" nu:ough, and in .all '1>ro'bability th�re .,', I ANNUAL PLEDGE 'DANCE ' .... _ "...�..,. '. .!�. .!.I:' .-. �p. .� .. - the day for diSbanding comes;, and' :��'will never be another one 'as bad� '. . By. ,Bernard Shaw. .- - -,... .' .en thinks will end aibruptly'.". :',rwith' the. d..issblu. tion Of. the .�,�',.A... 'w:.� n-... ···ea. DI-A __ .,�. -e To Be Ro-U," He •.•.•....•..••.•. Carlin· 'Crand�l .F.P'OJIS COOb CI�' �ay APi�. be Rating to Appear on Discba, rge. ..T. C., athletICS, m common wltlp�l1 '��i..�'AI Nen Saturday :t- � She .•...•••••..•.. :Eliz3Ibetli Brown �.�� .. ' ��� P� W�-�� .The men will be formally dischar�-I. " other ,college activities, will return �C? � . Ro8aHe BaIL Husband .•...•..•. 'Cparles Br.eas�ed . .' �� of J,oy .ed as soldiers. A rating will appear!. :r.;' 1, and strong teams win tb� tpl' ; , Carlin �nd�l1, Director. <on' each soldier's discharge as .to his· - --- .. ,"�Op '0' IIIle Thumb." caUnd� the. eI� at 10:15.", , b; e' once more. Football on the 'Mid- Alas the! S. A. T. C. in spite of all character as a soldier. "In' deter-tl� way this sea:s�n has been ,of the w�r- its efforts has been unable to tbrO� By Richard Bryce. and Frederick . 'Th�e words, so ,long banished from mining I the rating to be given, til� ;t time variety, and Coach Stagg 'hopes ,.. <' , . ".' ., Fenn. tJle cUrrent eampu.s wcabulary, will man's conduct up to -and incladin,r'j .t;J,"tharancLt'he flas seen th� last of - tha� 'co1gestd eWBveternt.lOi °fntbthe,:�:lransas seenfor. tbethrobuiggh- Amanda Amide .•••••••. Ruth Lovett sd� a, reconstruction before many the time �f discharge wiU be con-."V ,,-..- Horace' Greensmith Charles Breasted d he fuss'n .i the' eyes' of' caJilPUs' butterfties. The . more mopns, alJ t. . ers WI Bidere4. .... '12_:__ to 'D-__ .T· •... H' Celeste .'1/' � •••• �. iFern Broadbent come. into' the.'ir o�. again. Squad� "The rating �. the men will mean..,� .IU:u'OODa�.".-g_ �.iI,I;CI. �.IDX- even... t ,which Wl.·n bring forth ye de'- CI G-"l' 1M' D' '"� �--. . em .... �w�y •..•.. aXlDe aVI� rig� aDd ��.left 'Will give waf a great deal to" them in their future� .-- The Maroons will fight two things ca. te .Pink pumps and... elite· gentle- R 1 rd ,.. '11 C d •. b� .-- ose . 0 an •••. 'J.uarJ a' u wor� .to �IS m�tarY but �re warlik� Jives," ,said Major Dana •. "It will'on 'Stagg ,field tomorrow-a fair-ly men's .ppare} is the Scene. club dance, Mada' J . !'Ill' N I/., me eanne. · ...l arte apo eon movements,"'when lfr. Fusser mee� belp them·.in the business world laterJ 1 !ood foo.tba�l. �am. �n� a fo�i4able to be held o� :the eve� afte� De Gallifet Didier .. Ruth :Mallory 'Miss Fussee Under the w. k. clock on and will also aid them if they'1 � .:Jlnx. J.bnnelOta has a stroAg team; of Saturday, Deeember. q at � J. . <,Ruth lLovett, Director." and has to �tter a cr�d of. rivals s'bould ever 'become soldiers again.", ',and one that' will certainly give Chi- hall , " �Qootinued o,n page 3l , ..' before the'eol�:Vleiiattio�'is in order. 'Seilors Fill Out Applica�ons.I� <ago a terrible scrap. 'rhe jinx is .' Khaki and blue will be pOpular this It's a'lmost the millennium at last This order of the demobilization of� � on�. o. f f.our years� stanCling, lbU.. t it ,"'ear. �"'one 10 fOrtunate. to .pOssess THE DAILY MAROON .... '. 'f" J . for wearj and war-wo� veterans 0 -the S. A. T. C. does not have any." _has,• �en _ •.in og.. ood wo, rking order .all a nAir ..... -.. _11 gold or �Uver bars. .'JSuu.:&TIH.. _.,i:" _ . -- V4o- IIIDa&1 .� the S. A., T. Q. Instead of getting reference to tbe Naval unit. Tbe.1' .Its mort hfe. It concerns the .�i1lt! will cali forlh special attention. All ,.--- t . unearthly h of the mom release of .the men from acrual duty1 -:. of .MinD�. 10.. trampl� on 'Qiea- eare will be east ui� o� this day, �oday. up a an. our, -, � DO matter !how ltad the Gophers -'--'U be f Thanbgiving ·day-Univ. ersity' hol- iug to �J' �my, the erstwhil� in the Naval Reserve Forces will· i� ......., _ .'. army � WI scraps 0 paper, soldiers ·Win riSe at 11 to loU around probably be accomplished 'by applica-�, .. .1I�ve �n the � of the' season. and the w�. Ft.. �ve1lWOl'th unin- iday.the campus and enjoy ife once m�Il!' tion to the Commandant of the�':";'» 'Janxes are .nothing to the scra�y teHWible.". All will'be joy and great T�"". , . .'..... �.. h d f h _- Central As:"..wo: .. tl·on of Science and in the goocJ old�fashioned waY.IWeek- N�nth, Tenth tand !Eleventh' Naval dis-j. '.� .unaroons t IS year, an most 0 t e mirth-until reveille. �,� ,,,: 'players believe tbat Minnesota is go- a __. '..I --1._. .'. 'equal I . �. Mathematics tea�hers: Gen�ral sess- enda-oh '8lorious thoughtt-Wlll � tricts through t�e commanding offi-.ing to lose.' . � �t 18 ! Im�rtath ntfa� ion, 9:30, Ida Noyes theater. Depart- one's own to spend as one wilt. No cer of this unit. The sailors in the'. "l'-' -_. ' T'h-" b' .t t f th .. andeed, It IS not more so, IS e � �_,. . I E more 'Will the &ar of K. P. or C. Q. Naval unit have already filled outc rg es 0 e game .. s gomg m'l:Uw.J sectIon meetmgs, ,. mmons .C, I ·to come in the first quarter of tho that .this is � be a �E DANCE, Blaine batl. ' oppress �be timid like a dark clou4. these applications for discharge and� .. '1game If Chicago caD bold tbe W one of the most splentlid and far- Chapel, Senior colleges, 12:20, Man No, the borizon of the former sol- it is very probable tlaat· the}: will be, .tiams; eleven without a score in � famed annual fundions of this splen.- del. unspotted blUe, darkened by no dis- accepted in a few weeks at. the most.,'� ,opening period, they will stand a fir did and far-famed organization...It University Public lectures: tressing fears. As a result of the questioning ofI !Chance to win out in the last part of is given, as one �igbt infer, in honor "France -of Today and Tom'or.row," And the women! No longer win the men Tuesday, it was found that1 t the strug.gle. Minn�ta scored a of the fair pledges wb� names bave Lieut. Louis Cazamian, 4:30, Harper .they have to step oft'the sidewalk in 47 'Per cent expect to remain at col-• touchdown against the Pier team in recently been append� to t:be mem- assembly. order. to let a long string of khaki lege while S3 per cent will �iscon-the first five minutes of play ,last Sat- bership list of the womens' clubs. c�perieiices of a French Surgeon clad figures pass. Never . again will tinue University workI, urday, and rthat.- score .put so much Due to the football game, the dance on Different Fronts," Dr. Etienne they � told that they can't do this,. af h . Volunteer Band Meets Monday.I • -pep into the Gophers that for tlJree- could not be given as soon ter t e Burnet, 4:30, Ricketts. and . they can't do that on accountIf'" quarters of the game they held the announcements' of the pledges &;I is "The Reoal France Revealed in Her of the S. A. T. C. Never again wiD I Paul !C.I Metzger will speak at the\.J\ \. gobs helpless. They 'are likely to (' customary. But, listen! ·that only Seenery =d Peoples," Prof. Emll1an- tbel be called up at the last minute meeting of tile Student Volunte�".; the same tbing tomorrow if they get gives the Score clobbers more time uel de Martonne, �:30, �os�wald lec- to be told by a penitent vpice that band lli'onday at 7 in the alumna�� �._ : a chance, and Chicago's pl�y in the for Preparation for the "ig event- tur� room. "they ean't go to the Garde�s tonight I room of Ida Noyes halt. T'be s�firM Period will probably' seUle the The price' of the tickets is one 'dollar; "Martyr Monuments: �eims, beeause he just found he couldn't get I ject of the �ddresS' will be c4A£rica· � ga�e. they may be obtained from &117 mem- COlX,. A.rras." Lieut.-Col. Theodore leave." \.�wakened 'by the War." All stu-,I '-. ,(���!�!!�� ��.P.�i� �) her of �� �o� ,���: ��i!,�c", 8, \hndel. (�ntinued on page 2) &uta have been invited to attend.ijr ..I _,1".. ,.. _ • .' ����'i:th"t·fi<4,.,,:0, �"t:'" ;,;;.;,'�:_'::.:�-", .. ,. �:.." •.. �.-;' .•• ..;:'.-.':" . .:- .. President. is :p� With Be- .Process to Begin Monday for Voeational Section. � Mr�es-sults-:-Admissioa to Prodae- -c. '.• day for �egi&te 'DivisiO�Will Probably •ti�1Uf �y ��t8.t�� . ..Tak� ,-,,"0 W�.. /DEMOBILIZATION OF.S.A.T.C. WILL BECOMPLETED BY �ND OF QUARTER ,�4�G'� M� TQ f���GOPHERS TOIlORROW III,$�SgN�' �Sr QAMEI.Harris, IMt-Cuaig .• � ...... " .. � ••... rgStegeman • . ...•.••••••••••••..•. rt.. Bradley .• • # •••• _ •••••••• , ••••.• :. reTays;' 'McComb, Wrtzleben' ....•. qib-"!feme' )�, : e" •••••••• '.lhElton ··(c), �.: .v.,'.; � ••••••••• rb.Hermes .: : '- fb tion "B," which is the vocati-Onal sec­tion, will begin IMonday while that. of the collegiate section, "A," willbegin Wednesday,The men �iU be paid up to dateand will !be permitted .10 . wear theirThe Adjutant General of the Armybas ordered the demobilization of theStudent Army ,Training corps. Theprocess will begi�' 'I¥onday and willrequire from one to three weeks'time. The demobilizariono of Sec-Cbicaco.�1iday ., : •••••• �Md(;uire ..•.....•....•.. : •..•..•• ItMiller, Swenson .. : ...•••....••.. JgReber • • •.•....••..••.•...• :. ..••. c,.',)''"' t'. . �\ -'.",,' .. �.... _,'. �� '... -:_.. � �, ... ,'. �'I' '411J',';,. . ;�activities until such. time as .he . may ,'�me eliit-ble; 'with the fuU� under:-We pride ourselves on t�e fact standing that.iE-be does not ·becomethat we have. refrained from .writing eligible such withdrawal and adu­one of those "let us be thankful" dOD shall 'be pemianent.Pabisbed mornings, �ept Saturday; H ' Alpha .Eps!'on "-Ita of r;t.: 1':)"'1..Sunday and Monday, during the Au- comments. owever, we can t re- ".uc ".'" s:�tumn. Winter and Spring quarters, sist calling' attention to the proximityby the Daily Maroon company. of Thanksgiving and demobilization STAGG'S MEN TO PACEorders. A stimulus to several al- GOPHERS ,TOMORROW INready sharpened Thanksgiving appe- SEASON'S LAST GAllEtites, we would imagine.GOphers are Heavy and Stronc.(Forwards of, the Gopher team asusual are heavy and strong. The endsare very good, 'according to Pat Page, Jerome Fisher, '17, former captainwho saw' t'he team' in action, and they of the track team, '17, who has beenstop most runs around the wings. in France for so� time with Hos­The center is the heaviest man in th.conference, wIho mereJy 'haas to standstill to' block any dive. The wholeline will outweigh that of Chicago bytfifteen pounds to the man.In the backfield the Gophers have _ Eugenie Williston, '18, has enteredtheir usual classy quartet', ;�lDd. the 'the army nurses' training school in songs.'backs are all on a par. 'Ekberg is the base hospital at Camp Grant, T.HREE _ QUARTERS CLUB. TOclever open field runner, and if Friday. Her application. for rhe ENTERTAIN SPECTATORS ATThe following' statement is author- '!breaks away, there will surely be a school '\VaS accepted in september. FOOTBALL GAME TOMORROWized by the Chairman of the commit- score. Miners is another fast rna She expected to receive orders to re-tee on fraternities, of the Board of and usually furnishes the interference port Oct. 1/ but was not caned until The Three-Quarters club will giveStudent organizationsj for the tricky ,Ekberg. Capt. Kings-! Nov. 22 because of the influenza epi- a performance between the halvesThe local chapter of, Chi 'Psi re- ley is a veteran, who has been the demic, She took care of a number of of the tMinne510ta game tomorrow.ports the initiation of an ineligible plunging manstay of the team for I influenza eases among the; University The "Its." as the verdant ribbonedman. The man in question' entered three years. Lampi has also played 1aculty and elsewhere for the Red members are called, will attempt tofrom another institution with three against Chicago at quarter, and hi, Crosaduring' October. amuse the spectators. What the per-majo rs .credit. Under a misappre- wo� -was largely responsi-ble for the 'formance is to be remains to be seen,hension of the rule governing ineligi- 'Maroo� defeat bst year. MRS. BALE TO SPEAK ON for in accordance with, the traditionsbility he was initiated in his first Chicaco Team StrengtbenCd. PR&C;ENT ,FOOD QUESTlON of the club, :the subject is being kept,month of residence. :Wben. ,the. at- . ill lL_ ed �.MONDAY IN NOYES BALL secret.'Chicago WI uc represent , by the '"tention of the c'hapter was called by f h f Jack Fulton, the vic, e-president of. _, • h' IL h f rut h strongest Iteam 0 .t. e con erence sea Mrs. lD_-tri- 'C'orbes_'D-'be�on,Its aiumm to't IS :ureae 0, es, t e '11 th I . h � ...... r' nu 1:'1.0 the club, said, yesterday: "We areh eel h son, as a, ' e p ayers are In s ape Hale, wen-known le"';"''-t and war� apter at once report t e matteThe line wi1� not be as weak as it was .I.' .uu� putting the "Its" on their mettle and:to the committee. of the 'Board of 'Worker, will speak Monday at 10:10!.ast Saturday, bo� because the, reg- it is up to them to, put the show!Student organizations. t... . !1.1 s, t d b h in �be Ida Noyes hall theater. Her through. If they don't they wou't"'"he "f f • .• h urars Win. oe presen , an eeause t ( � t '11 be. � 'D...-__ t N:-..I.'.1.: 'belle 0 the committee IS t at • th forward 11 'U b . su.,,,ee WI • .I.ne S:.n:BCn �. make the club."Owing to., the fact that printers and that violation of the rules was not meodn Inha' eA' wha IWII�' he 1J• A Message From the Food Admini-""hel'r assistants, like housemaids, are go s pee gamst t e 101 t ere ---ti "M 'Hal; lof 616 The grand banquet is going to be.... &d deliberate. The' committee has there- D".lA on rs e IS one �'aetting more independent daily, T·he " ,were ·two or three men who bed _: .... 1 .. _... •'- n:_�_ - held at the University clUb a week• fore requested that the- badl'e of s... pl. b' �,_ will teen ,,�t:nt sent, out U3 ...,u�wr from lSaturd y Each pI d IbDaily, Maroo, n ap�. rs ·todiy instead ,';u1\S1ness " aYlDg, at· SU\;ilI. not ', • • , a.' e ge asmembership iq the �fraternity b,e 11.._ h t 'Th b' -.II:: "·11 Hoover to explam the unportance of been told to bring a � of candyof yesterday, as previously an- iwithdrawn .from the initiate, and that I)"l1;O t e � omorr��. e illlUS Wi the fOod que.aon 'at ttie present time. " "'tA '��ounced- 'he' be ,"-luded. ·from, ,aU. '�ternity 'be Elt�n 'and Fauche, with, Herro, All�..I· t' 1._" been' in' .... :-..J to some cigarets and a! paddle. N� poor .I. ,."""'... .lUat full: 'T:he' quatter'writ' be: pick: .,' . . .. "uueD • uave - Ylwu a� brands IOf any of 'these' 'cOinuiOdilies ')i�activitieS until" sUCh t'i�e' as 'b� 'mayfro W·� T' 'd Me<: mi- tend he:t leeture. will be taecepted." .become eligible for membership, un- m 1\ . n. a!s all 0, F '�·der:the regulations of the University, � ,Do Your Christmas ShoppiDc Now Do Your � ,ShoppiDg Nowand that the local cha.pter offer a pub­lic apology for its action in initiatingan ineliiible man. 'EDITORIAL DEPARTM,ENTTHE ST�lohn Joseph .... : Manag-inlt EditorRuth Genzberger News EditorHelen Ravitch ...••..• Night EditorHoward Beale ... _ ...•.. Day EditorRose Fischkin ......•..... Day EditorWilliam Morgenstern ........••••_ .....•.....•......... Athletic EditorFrederick Winterhoff ... : .....•..•� ..... _ ...•.......•• Associate EditorBUSINESS DEPARTMENT14ay Freedr.nan ...•......... �anagerStaJr SolicitorsBallinger and FennerEntered as second class mail at theCllieago Postaffice, Chicago, Illinois,March 13, 1906, under the act ofMarch 3, 1873.SUlBSCRIPTION ftATESCalled for, '$2.50 a year; $1.00 aquarter.By Carrier, $3.00 a year; $1.25 aqaarter. .By Mail (city), $8.50 a year; $1.50A quarter.By Mail (out of town), $4.25 ayear; $1.75 a quarter. 'Editorial Rooms __ _ Ellis 12,Telephone Midway 800, Local 162.Hours: 11:10-11:50; �12:25-6; 7-8.Business Office .. � _._ Ellis 14Telephone Midway 800, Local 162Hours: 10:20-11:1)0; 3-5:30.Friday, November 29, 1918.ANNOUNCEMENTOrders received fropt 'Washington�dering the demobilization of theStudent Army Trainin.g '(Jorps, aslei• other co1umn� of this issue,·to In h.L_ .been rec.eived w�th joy by t e.u4ve ,. .• 'ty onf men in the organlZCLtlOn.maJon ..., ,.xeturn to civil ·life, to. college as J.�uld b ..... mes;,as a relief becausesho e, '"'".... no .longer defirute oppor-there ar�k.!'t' wIor,tunities in mlW�. T C.Q the face of it, the S. A. .na. glorious' success,ot Ibeen 1:>!has 'D ·za.tion 'has. 1 because the «)rg&Dl"maID Y. . _.1 'Strictly' speaking,had fair trJ;;p. •• hnot .. f Chicago upn ' asthe UniverSity � b ly over a. eratlO11 , are'been .In OP. ld 'be started un-month. NothIng co� ducted Indue-were In •til the· men ft'Oftleted until dle. were not CO .. ·ytlOns f October.latter' ,part, 0s .the usual delay o'b-'. Then there � Our :American. supplIes. ·d stainlng ffair" .be5l eb a large a ,ArmY is suc � rightfullyross seas wthe men ac'd ration in all mat-given first conSI el"max eame theters. To C2P :th� c Iwhich del2yed·_.lIueD%a epidemIc, d' refers. The�IJU lans an 0carrYing out :Successful item in th�only really uh combination 0was. t e operprogram . . duties; the prtudy and mIlitary . a aJthoughs ot obtalDe ,balance was nbt bat that .a moder-there is no douh dule could haveed sc e .ateJy corr erimentatlon.ch 4 after eXpbeen rea eTC. must carry. the S A. • d .Men In. .'1 the final ay.on their work u:t�Jackif1.g. Jf notthere mus.t ?e1en of the thing, for thefor the pnncIP . wiIJ "set landvery fact that offlcer� as a whoJe.d" companIesset har �n. . k wilJ be :nO,DcmobiLzatlon worin• '11 be particular·1y heavysnap; It WI. . I ConsequentJyadministra'tlve c�re �:. wen to beh'avemere privates WJ.lI ss�ble;nd to 'help out In any way poha gentle on t eheavy work is not very d 'fSo hoJd fast, an Ibest of nerves. '.h rin-t be a man throug pyou caDDO .h ke of. I 1.- one at least for t e saCJp e, I}'II;others about �u.�. \...... '�':. f' �;, t'r t:,•. :. I. If.)" ;;:r;-_. Ii,""�';I�'� _ ...,., f:.f� COMMUNICATIONS(In view of the fact that the com­munication column of the Daily )fa:­roon is maintained as a clearing housefor student and faculty ,opinion. TheMaroon accepts no responsibility forthe sentiments therein ezpressed.Communications are welcomed by theeditor. and should be signed as atevidenc� of good faith. although thename will not be published withoutthe wri�. CCIII"')I 'OON�RNING INITIATIONThe AlPha Epsilon' ·Delta of Chi!hereby publicly' apologizes / for theinitiatiOn on Nov. 3 of a man ineligi­ble for me1dbership 'in the chapter,and formally announces the with­drawa� of hiS' badge 'Of �embership;and his exclusion from all fr;lternityWhitman's Chocolates - ,famoussince 11842-vyith a weilolJ)rintedboole (by standard authors) ineach !box. Blue and gold box,handsomely embossed with insig­nia of t.he. Service. A gift equallywelcome to or from .anyone in theservice of Unele Sam.$1.10 the box (with bpok) at:McANANY a FINIGAN,1201 E. 65th SLPhone Midway 708.B. J. SCHULTE,'1501 E. 55th SLPhoae Hyde Park 206.DREXEL PHARMACY,901 E. 55th St.PhODe Midway 1410.VAN De BOGERT & ROSS,1000 E. Uni SLPhoae Hyde Park 25t1518 Hyde Park BlYd.Phone 0ak!aDd 68001465 B. Ani, SLPhone Blacbtolle 3272800 E. 63rd SLPhone' Midway 3200A. J. NORDlNG,933 E. 55th St." I S. .A. T. C. VETERANs MAYREVIVE ·HISTORIC CUSTOMSOF ANTEBELLlU� TIM.(Continued ,from page 1)For the Jut times taps sound. Forthe last times the soldier abiDes hiaNumber 10 E's in anticipation of in­spection. For the last ·times thewomen in Foster spend their Fridayevenings dateless. The S. A. T. C .•is about to be demobilized.IlAROON WAR NOTES .. Word ahs ,been ".eceived from :JOse­phine T� AlliJl�'�, that she is :'ex;,peeting to'SO 'Overseas about the firstof the �ear with the Red Cross, work­ing to' establish relief work amongthe civilian population of devastatedareas of France.Beth Lingle, 1900, is with t'he Y.W. C. A. doing canteen work inFrance. Charlotte Foss, '16, JeannieYoung, '16, -Fannie Thompson, '14,Unity Wilson, '14, are also overthere in war worle. Frencb Women On Program.(IContinued from page 1)The French club will meet wea­nesday at 4 in Ida Noyes hall. The',two women sent to the University bythe French government w.ill takepart in the program. Francois Ruetpita! unit 13, is now in an Officers'training camp for Ii�ht artillery.somewhere in Prance. Paul lMac­Cready, '17, is at the same camps. wiH give a "Causerie sur ].a Sor­.bonne" and iHenriette Grandjean willgive '�Morceau Choisi d' AnatoleFrance." '�iss Drier. will sing Frenell,ROSAUEMusIc�HAli,5700· Harper Ave.:'. . ... ;FOR RENT 'FOR DANCES,ENTERTAINMENTSETC.We are pleased to � that the managemeat.�IL C. EDMONDS203 S. �St.Harrison 8183 ,Cap and Gown '19BAS APPO�D us THEIROfficial PhotographersAThree Million DoUarBANK """"""", .THE SPECIAL RATES ARRANGED FOR ARE TO BEi ' "GIVEN N()T ONLY roTBE 1919. GRADUATESBUT TO ALL S'NIDENTS OF THE U;OF C. AND MEMBERS OF THEs. A. T. C.,1204 East rUni StreetNEAREST BANK TOUNIVERSITY OF OHICAGO ..." " " " " " "DAGUERRE STUDIOMEN'S, WEARHats - Gloves .-. NeckwearJAMES E. COWHEYs. E. Cor 55th St. and Ellis Aft.BILLIARDSCigars - Cigarettes - Pipes Official photographers for Cap aDd Gown '17, '18 aad '19TOP .FLOQIl-MeCLURG BUILDING218 South Wabash AveaaeCHICAGOTeL� Wabash 527 for appobat�etds. ./., . 1'jJ'.{',�1,,�J�,T• • t,j •":\.{ �L�,;, �Jf>t �""" ��--��'"'I '1 � -"\� '1j. . ':'6 ..;'-,..•• ":4- i' �" / 1(.:� ,�r:...yi .. ,·\r.:'I.�:r� .t::l� ?-:��.!,·,::,.r.'.!\;'i-1:r.";:-t�{:-��"��<.;!'�t2,;\1,:r�'�·�r:�'��;����-;��:-f.-V��'\�(�·::Ji�·:�.'). /:\.·(:;:t '{ .... �(��.l�\',:"" � .'. ...:�., j ,���� I, ."�� �' .. � . .': ",-:. .... . �. ') .. (, ":.'.':- ,. ". ."'t.' : :�.I' .. :., :.;: �."" '{�"�}.�:t��t" " ..{:';���rf:',':���: �tf �lti���?)IJ:tf.�;�¥:'����::��:1ir;�!��?:���1��") ,��. '::��i{!,(::;f::··::' >: .:�. �j/:',� : :< ;:. ':. ::.;< : " :') ," ./')' '. . <. :r ::" _� ?'�;i���J, .,_' '. ,.... ,.'., ' ".� "." ". " : '" TBB�DAlLY':JIA8OON;' FRIDAY.; NOVBMBBII ... '18,.,;. \ .. ,.� .1 .. '.�., . .; :> .' ._ .. . . : ._: .... " ,: : _.. " .'" .. '.'. .-. J�);, ,. :)IIAROON WAR-LETTER 'unless th�y volunteer to speak to us- GIVES·UP PJUDAY ACTIVITIB8 .. -':.(CLABI[. GJVJis �J!!8 "the blue birds, as we're all called. .... ". '-:, . :�";OF ARlIT OVER THEREY. 11.' c. A.. CaaceJa IlcetiDca f« ':,, ;. The following Ietter ,has be� re- 'It is funny the distinctions around. . .:here A-..I when MI'ss W.n;"'mso. � of Jewish Welfare s.r.t.eewed from 'Eugenic Williston" �18, 'II uu _wllo haS just entered the army nurs- comes·in everybody 'has to jump U1 The Y. M. C. A. intends to give-uPes' training school at Camp Grant: in a burry. 'I Friday' activities in Reynolds club"I found four other girls at the We have bad a few orders. \\T, theater in order that the meetings UD�station and we were met by the am- meet the big colonel tomorrow and der the auspices of the Jewish Wel­balance and broug'ht out. We are in wiH probably be sworn in-we have- fare board may 'be held in that place.the wooden barrcks-rooms -'>out :the n't been allowed to put on our un i-Mr. Ziff of the biOafit, who is helping�ize of the one I just left-lovely forms yct." 'Mr. Stevens -two days a week in theand new with a little pine desk built work for the IS. A. T. C. men, willinto the waH and an open box ar- MUNICIPAIL PIER ELEVEN IS take charge of these meetings.rangement to hang our clothes in.' STATIONED AT DEL PRADO I The speaker today �m 'be JudgeEverything is fresh and tpiny-clean '---'. Harry Fisher of the'IMunicipal court.boards and we arc just on the outer Sever.al For mer Maroon Stars All interested have 'been invited toedge of camp so that we can see off Amon, EDBicn Players-To Be attend. "This is a geod example ofon the few hills, The air is gor- Mustered Out Soon. the close relations and spirit of co-geous, operation that there is in all the Warh hav , t rk t The IMunicipal Pier. Naval Train- . . M ST ey aven t put us 0 wo ye -Work organizations," said � r. te-lL_ S d f ff ing' fo�tbail team, which is consideredwe '.uave atur ay a ternoons I() any- vens yesterday.way. The little .girl next door to be one oft the 'best in the countrywalked out around the edge of camp and which defeated the �aroons 14-7,is now stationed at the Del Pradot.,.'r; �;I11.,"1J;TI '• • t,1 ',••,•l\. "What encourages us more thananything else," said Prof. Clark. "isthe fact �hat at last France and Italy.have discovered America. Our boysin Franee have given Europe aglimpse of the real American. The with me' this morning. We can seeItalians worship' the Americans. the river from our back porch and' hotel. lBioci, quarter of .the team,There was nothing we could ask for are only a block from ,it. and Bryant, halfback, were studentsthat was not instantly grantea. Any "The food 'here is strange and -wOn- 'here last quartet and starred in ath­man wearing the' United States uni- derful=-we eat the way �U the' peo- letie activities.' The IEnsign playersform could have what he wanted. ple in the army eat, and grab for ha!e been 'Practicing on Stagg fieldWherever one goes in Italy, one finds what we want-napkin-rings are a for the past-few nights in p.reparation-DEMOBIlizATION 'OF S.A.T.c. portraits of Wilson beside those of the 'farce. 'Last night we had some kind for yesterday's game .with .Camp'WILL BE COMPLETED BY Italian king. The reason for thiS of a wield mixture-a cross I�etween 'Grant,.END OF QUARTER 'Worship can be Been in the state�t lrish stew and saur kraut, with lots, The unit of :the U. S. N. R. F .. IS(COntinued from page 1) of the leader of the - Italian Conser- of onions in it. And �ft�r a 'big din- under the. co�nd of. Ensign'--- vatory of tM118ic. After making apol- ner on the train I somehow wasn't CharIft; !Shick, actm� .executtve offi-will be maintained and men at all og.ies for the reasons why Italy, hungry. They say we'll get 'Pret� cere �here were orJ.g1�ally .t20 mentimes �l1·bear.in mind that u�til a�-lFrance and other nations entered the gtood stuff at -Thanksgiving. Every- preparing at the DeI.P.rado, but;anytually discharged they are soldiers In war he said: 'You alone have come thing ,is pretty good" though, we had more have recently �m�. Th m�nThe United IStates Army and !lre sub- for DO other purpose than helpful- gingerbread and apple sauce .last have made out a�hcauons for dis-ject to �11 rules and regulations gov- nes.' . night and the good old prunes for charge as the sailors .at. the Greateming the conduct of men in service. "�erieaD Not lkaggart&" breakfast. W d eat off our tin dishes 'JLakes thave done, and It IS expect�& Attention is directed to the fact "Anothel- factor which makes our but ·don't thave to. wash them. that they Will Ibe one of the first dl-tha� upo� the �ritten discharge of boys Iliked over there," continued c'l can't wea.r �ny insignia for four :visions of the Navy to 'be musteredeach soldier wrIl appear a 'statement Prof. Clark, "is the fact that there is months-prtdbation. We have.' a out.as .to.his character as a soldier. No little or: no 'bragging among the ""hole suit.:.....o. -D. blouse, nreeehes, .... _man should Ipe satisfied with a rating American soldierS. They know. quite ,t:raps, overseas cap and overcoat is- Private Dancing LessonslOwer than "Ex.ce1lent." In deter- well that America saved t}1e day and sued very soon. ,We may have:to tiuy In a course of sis lessons ($5.00)mining._ the Tating to !be 'given, awon the war, but they have learned, army shoes M> drill in. They issued De am acquire the steps of the Walts,man'6 ,.cOnduct to and includin� the through. cloae �iation., with· the sleeveless O. D. �weaters to us this One-step, and Fox-trot. Single 1es-time of discharge will be considered. ,French, _ I� "and. English, that morning an� I ,happened to ,be given SODS if desired. '6. The. instructions �erred to in _lftDl.jt.DOt �or the .AUMta there woUld the, 'best'Jooking ,one in 'the tbunch;..;.. . LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIOthis' Bulletin': have no reference to have been DO day Ito save.· _ "soft, silky, heavy yam. 15fl E. 57th St. Hyde Park' 2M4·the Naval Section. The release of .cwhen � aoldiera Uked what we "iW'e aren�t 2!l1� to b\lk to- any Do Your Christmas Shopping Now .L- ��f�-��d-��.N��u���m��·I�����(����fu��_�������������.�����������$��_!ReserVe FOrces will be accomp�j9hed pHed " that" America' was more p�(urdess v_aried 'by subsequent inStruc-of that day 'at Chateau-Thierry t� ,, 'tions), by application to the lCom-of mbtmng else in American!liato.eyt. _ ••• -_Hmandant of the 'Ninth, Ten* and We m. be �u1 that �e, do notEleventh 'Naval Districts through theComllwuling Officer of thiS Unit·� forget theIIe,:b,oya in � years."�cretofore announced. � While he was in, F.rauee, Prof.7 This buJ.tetin will be .read by �k saw 'biS·80DS. -who are in am­each Company Commander to the b� .nice, both of ::whom ,have'men of 'his command at the first drill. won . tb� Croix de Gue�. �e also• ft· . d" '11 saW' Frank Pers1.;-',Captam of,1917,formation a er Its receIpt an WI .&&&UIS, ,·thereafter be posted on ·the company footb&11 team, and Merle �u1ter., 'blletin tboanL . " Prof. Clark pr.ai8ed the work done by�y order of 'Major �ana. Capt. !Merriam in Italy.\FO�R!EST IlfIEROER.Captain Infantry, U. S. A.. Adjutant.IDo Your Christmas Shopping �ow- COJIP ANY A.•. BUT we shall min Lieut. Osbome,though, when the day CODleL But we 'bet that he doesD't shed any tears.To Have Special Drill Today.Prci� Beceatq Betaned From,W... Wen OYIneU Lectana illIIudeL Dacribea.AdJDiratioa of.EurGpeaas for .AIIlericaD Soldien.SOME absolute lowbrow came andclaimed our mascot, Loo� We arestill of the opinion that some othercompany, jealous of our blue-bloodpet, obtained the young one underfalse pretenses, "Intimate Glimpses of our Boys inFrance" was the subject of a lecturedelivered Tuesday evening in Mandelby Auociate Prof. Clark, of the de­partment' of <Public Speaking. PrOf.�k baa just returned from threemonths overseas service with the Y.M. C. A. He bas had a great manyopportunities to meet the men in thetrenches.SHORT and' sw� today, but weate too mucll yesterday.)COMPANY D.THE sad news comes that' Com­pany . D's days are' numbered. Weloved �mpany !D. but give us liberty.WE suggest that the· dance andsmoker be made a farewell pmy.It shouldn't be necessary for Lieut.Oliver to' auction lost property for agood-by affair. Needless to 'say, hewill have a lot of help. Company F of the W. S. T. C. willmeet today at 3:40 for special drill.I"A RemarkableTypewriter"All favorite features combined inone' handsome writing machine ofthe first quality.WOODSTOCKTYPEWRITER COMPANY23 w. W�biDgton, street. ChicapPhoDe Central 5663�L�.i�lJ�l� .: 'JI'i;-��'1 . " •"\'\ \;. _',:-, DRAIIATIC CLUB WILL � .SToENOG�ro aDd TYPE-� 'Y� GIVE POUR PLAYS' ,IN WRITING w,o., all J:dnds, pro�ptIy,,�: ", EIDIONS BLAINE HALL accuratel,., ueatly dbne,' by thorough-_. �,� (Continued from page,,1), 1,. Opcrt,' rapid stenographer-:typist.1 (20 years' experieace, literary, medi·4. ii � To Present Play by }lmnDtwn. cal. commer'� etc.) University stu-I ., Mlow Cupid Came to Eear1ePa Court" .(1st; best 1'ecD" mad. dons. Sliorfl·, I 1 G "I .By 'Cosmo Hamtlton. hand also thoroughly, rapidly, inter-�, J...... fBeryJ ��cMurd� •••• Carol tMason ti I !taught. Fot stenographic .... --:1 .. __ .;-. ........... ...If DI. U' Rob rts - \Ma 't 'Foss es JIg"'To.... ' __ ', .... _', '!'" ",.y IS e on . • rgareM r or tJpewridq' work, write "Kelly,' .-- " r �� _.,Arthur Tinley •••.•• Arthur . e IDg' __ of �..;. • .-.a_ (II' leaft wo LltT... "�;-:.... ;:"';3IJ�, v.' F' h·........ ......va ._.._., -. ___.Harry .Robertson •••••• ones IS �r tJaere to be called lor. .NORDLIN;'" G.-.�rs. 'Robertson .:Kath.rYn Stevens__'_____________,.Yr. Robertson •• Theodore Rosenak HAVE YOU SENT IN YOURCook ••...•...•.......•. Olive, Scott IF you want the best pipethat can be made, youcan get it in a. W"D C-upto $6. If you want the bestgenuine French Briar thatas little as 75 cents will buy,you.can get it � Ii W D C.American made, in all sizesand styles, and sold at thebeSt shops.ASCHER'SFrolle neatre55th St. and Ellis Ave.Friday, November 29lfirst ofWOrld-Famous TenorENDICO CARUSONo man ever bad a better .pipe tbaD this ODe. Care­fully selected lrell aiDeFrencb Briar, a steriiDIrriDIr and valcaDlte bit.baud fitted aDd flDbbdby aD espert., /\, Also· \-1III!.M�ut�t�&�Jeff Comed�'War Review' 'WM. DEMUTH at CO •• New YorkIVorId". LaTrlat Pipe Jlca.u.(actt&nrIH�_H._J .'BE-YOUR S�CURITYSAVlNGSMargaret Foss, Director."The Soare ad the Fowler.",By 'Beulah Marie Dix.Y'\0V8ine ••••••...••• 'Frances HesslerChampernoun ......•. 'J. W. Dupries!Frances \l�esler, Director. SUBsCRIPTION TO DRUGGISTTHE DAILY MAROON?lIake this store your head­quarters. Everything in Drugs,Cigarettes aDd CaDdy.SabwPaBtal Station No. 218Parker Foa:ataiD Pea A�JNORDL�G DRUG CO.Preseriptioa � .A. J. NORDLING, R. PH. G.011'. S5tIa ... IqIeaWe Aye.� ..�Tele ... _ B,.Je Put ... /�ntral Hyde Park Bank55tia' St. ami B1ack.tone Aw.ARROW SERVICEWASHEDHANDKER,�. CHIEFS � IThe Oldest Bank in I(yde Park,We Cater to Studentsne FroBe neatre,nn,StoreSit ia a Booth with Your Girl959 Bast 55th Stnet: Cor. Ellis Ave.Tel. Hy� Park '161CLUEIT. P2ABODr " en. lac., 1'Iot-. N.Y.� � Soft � Ready forUse in Sanitary PackagesWHri:E OIl ICHI\Ia ......, . \. �". ',)I". � ...I •• �•. j-,�J,.'I/�,�I • ,1 .. �/' '''',Ij. ,� .. , . '.. , ,.if:" �� : "," i' .. � ../.�.�.-. i\� "'. :_-. 'A�: �::-:.� ;�,,: "�,,. I'.,- -".; .i j WE'LL say this is a regularThanksgi\�ng.AREN'T you sorry though that you'sold that suit last week?HORRORS! We lose our five dayleave at Christmas.We are thankful professionally for:1. The holiday.2. A pinchhitte? like Lucy.3. Lud, Q. E. D .• et al,4. K. P .. 'and the �bs.5. The inspiring fags.STILLIt is toughjust when ./We've been issued hats.And have our shoes. Almost 'broken in.'- . _I�rtion.DEAR READER: I don't usuallydo this sort of thing, you know, but'you must understand that the Whistlerhas been squelching my contributions,every day, all the while he has beenmaddening me with compliments. Iam. fearfully; jealous of Lud, but I'won't pay special delivery! I havegone so far 'as to hint my doubts ofthe Whislterian "Tros, Tyriusquemihi-" 1H0ws�ever' that may be. :the'editor of this pillar of Pickwickianpersiflage left early today, and lot Ifound the MS. after he and toe censorhad finished -- .. ., .. One moment, if Iyou please! _. __ ... It was the edi-tor: .it seems that I am not committing Itreason or burglary or anything nef­,as; I have, on the contrary, High Per­mission.And here is a contrib:'1Si'r Hobbledehoy. desires to warnthe readers af the Whistle that be isgetting steam up for a big wheezeto be released November 31. !Hehopes that the· ed, may �ll him ·that,'he needn't"· Sir Hobbledehoy informs. me that yesterday afternoon. whenmooning on the Rush Street bridge, hebeheld the scow. "Excel80r" in juxta­position with the tug "Longfellow."He thinks that he may write a poem... on the subject. "!-SlR:Thejoyous news of the im­minent demobilization of the dearSammies inspired the following hunkof poetry.The summer's heat had risen fast,�:.1Jp. Chicago River passed,':��cow, w1hich bore, mid rats and.. mice,Upon it prow this strange device:Excelsior.WHEN I started this I thoughtthat I should like to write theWhistle, but I am now a sadder anda wiser man.--Eheu!Horrible dictu! the Whistler hasjust come back. I hope that 'be for·gives me.Q. E. D.Bulletin.Late Thursday night. All day longthe campus was shroudedin sorrow.Small groups of S. A. T. C. who did. not get leave and who therefore weregiven a church turkey feed gatheredto discuss their misfortune. The talkwas in low tones that attempted torestrain the anguish that was in everyheart. They were to be dischargedfrom the army! The thought was Iunbearable. IPrivate Rice, of Com­pany C. broke down. His window­washing career was ruined. Gowenof B: amid a flood of tears remon­strated that his chance to be an armyculinarist was forever thwarted. It.\ ...... ...;:._.c_._+_._ r: ,. �':�.: ': � .: - '�'�r>' � :.'�':: ':::' �'P;��;.>:. :�:��O ::·�::?�:i';:���:;':�::�>·��?,�:��:��}'!.rJ,�?· �i': .. '.'::,TlIISloAU.Y"�.·�.4l� ;N��� �J:'��A;·.:- _ . (" . . ' ... �,.was a pitiful sight· and wnmc' tileheart of Dl�DY a witnessing· civ.TO GIVE PROGRAM OFFRENqJ 'MUSIC TUESDAY(Continued from page 1.)of ·music and have played in the Unit­ed States only since 1904. Their con­cert will be the feature of the series, , .POEl'RY·��� ��: :.":' ;4;�".�-��EMS�·SENT IN BY STUDENTS �. Poems were 'DOt of � high ��.aa those s�bmitteclla8t year.Some, however, were very g� and afew 'were unusually so. The poemssent in by outsiders were on thewhole not as good a8 those wri�n bymembers of. the club. The. decisionof the judges may not come for 80metime, since it will �ke them sometime· to .arrive . at a Wtanimous ver­dict."The ;Poetry club will hold its regu­lar meeting a week f�m 'ruesday ..AGAIN the Nava�_ basketball' fiveCOME on, 01' Gophers. We're ready has' triumphed over the S, A. T. C.for anything. This time it was Co. D that was van-quished. But the army put up � goodscrap and the game was well worthCOUNCIL MEETS THURSDAY seeing. A-NlD .NOW the Navy fiveis anxiously hoping to meet thatReports GiVC'A By Committee&- much-talked of team of ;Co. C, andDances �ill Be Continued. expects to trim any other contest­ants for the campus basketball cham­pionship. C4Maaitt.ee SeItic:ta. 'I'Iairt7-Bk VenesTo Be Seat to JIIIlps. . Vur .iaEueU�Eighty-four poems were subMittedin the Poetry club's annual contest,which closed 'VYed�sday at 4:30. Thisis the second contest of the type held.A prize of tWentj-4ive dollars will beawarded .to the successful contestants.who will be choSen by Willi� Sap-'bir, Agnea Lee and Mary Aldis.A committee, consisting of 'Mo�sLeseman, Arthur Winters and J�sSbeean, went over the �� and se­lected thirty-six which will be for­warded to the judges. Thirty-s� au-The Woman's Administrativecouncil will meet Thursday at 4:30in Ida Noyes hall. Reports will begiven by several committees. Allmembers have been asked to attendas the meeting )s important;The council is preparing a iist oforganizations, to which women areeligible, and hopes to 'have it readyfor publication before th� end- of thisquarter. The wee-kly dances in th�Ida Noyes theater witt :be continued.The council's offer of aid for thesettlement dance has !been acceptedby the Undergraduate council afterclass elections have been held. W'E have developed quite a fewtband grenade sharks in t�e studyhall period. .'Lack.i�g real :p.om�these sharks are practjcin� with ap­ple cores and their aim is imprcvnightl,r as .Mlison or Buchman willavow.at tbe University.SOME genius has attached quite c thor'S were represented in the orgini-, The other concerts will be givenremarkable story to one of the Ooro- al number of verses s�bmitied. � Jan. 14, and 28, Feb. 11 and 25 andna Typewriter' ads. that Polson was year over a hundred were submitted. Aprli 1. A number of season ticketsso painstaking to put up. We won- "We were a little disappointed in al'!' still .on sale daily from 10 to 1.2der if he will ask for a commission the re�ts of the contest," said Ar- and from 2 to 4 in Cobb llA. Thenext? I ' • thur. Winters yesterday. "On the whole prices are $3.75, ·$5.75 and $7.75.THETURKISHC�AR., ..... I. ��( ;,.',:�,.,.(,--.r.t 1I.�A...:.�. ......._1 , .... ::..� 510:m4i:A "L r, �{ int."-_;;;;'; I'l..." �G'til• I ''�., .fA I,�,' ........ ""f)( .. ) ".. -" ...x�I � �JI l" . VE� ticl�.J.UI,. J1ef�(�(I. .0:inI.