'90L. 'leVIL .No.,32. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 'ZIt 1918. , ",:... ..PRICE THREE CENTS.- ,:' ...... 1.--------------STAGG'S MEN HOPE TO NU p� SWv,. ELECTION .. ' FINAL CONTRIBUTION.:·J"_BIl-IIINNESOTAIr To HODOr&ry.1Iembenhip. COMPLETES QUOTA IN. SEASON'S FI�/ GAME lin. Gecqe Goodspeed. WAR WORK CAMPAIGN, � ,d· .\ ..'.,.....� ..T0da7.Divinity c'hapeJ,' 11 :05, Haskell •Semitic club. 4:30, Haskell 23.Y. M. C. A. Religious Uisc:ussion$'roup, 6:30, Reynolds c1ub�Tomonow. '.�anksgiving day-University hol-iday. ." Frida,..Central Association of Science andMathematics. teachers: General sess­ion, 9:30, Ida Noyes theater. Depart­mental section ineetings, 1, EmmonsBlaine '�lI.Chapel, Senior colleges, 12:20, Mandel.University Public lectures:"France of Today and Tomor.row,"Lieut. Louis Cazamian, .4:30, Harperassembly.f�periences of a French lSurgeonon Different Fronts," ..Dr. EtienneBurn��, �:30, Ricketts._"The'Real France Revealed in HerScenery I3Dd Peoples," Prof. Emman­uel de Martonne, 4:30, Rosenwald lec-,',Is Elected President of Club.� ;. -'At the firSt meeting of the Philo-sopbical club, held last Thursday, Eu­nice N.,Conf� was elect� presidentfor .this quarter..'Semitie Club Meets TQday.f FRESHMAN COMMISSIONFOR 1918-19 IS APPOINTED -,MEN IN S. A. T. C. WILL'BE GIVEN FIVE DAYS' .LEAVE AT CHRISTMAS.Orpnizati'Oa wan Be Qampoaed ,of21 • Women.-.Aml'Ouncement .isMade of Geueral P'Olicies and Spe-ci&c Plana for Year. Are Divided Into Two Groups-Have One Day Off atThanksgiving •eago tomor.r.Ow and 'Will remain untilnext �y. Four '�embers af themission will deliver leetures at the:t!niversi'ty. On the first edition ofthe weekly calendar it was announcedthat.. the lectures would. be given to­morroW but this has now been chang­ed Ed the' lectures will be given:Friday.Three leetures -will be given Fri­day 'night.' AD four are public lee­tures and the student body has beeninvited to attend. "�e of Todayand Tomorrow" is the title of an ad­dress, by Lieut.. ·Louis Cazamian, pro­fessor of English' Literature in th&University of �aris. This lecture willbe given at 4:30 in Harper assembly.'Dr. Etienne Burnet will give an il­iustrated talk at 4:30 in Ricketts la-lbo rat 0 ry. Dr. Burnet is a memberof the Pasteur Institute of Paris. Hewill . sPeak on "Experiences of aFrench Surgeon on 'Different Fronts."Prof. Emmanuel de tMartonne of theUniversity of Paris will givc an­other illustrated lecture on ''The RealFranee Revealed in' Her Seenery andPeople." This lecture will be :givenat 4 :30 in Rosenwald lecture room.Li�tenant-Co1onel Theodore Rein­aeh will speak on "Martyr )Ionu­ments, Reims, Couey, Arms'" at 8 inMandel. Lieutenant-COlonel Reinachis editor of the "Gazette des Beaux- MAJOR 'DANA DENIm RUMORS_,/ ---Gophers Wbmers (or Four Years JUNIOR COWGE WOMEN AssistaDt Prof •. Farr Cables,� '� �yers Are Cheerf,I .l " WIN FAST HOCKEY GAME $1,000 From Paris-Makes.. � .' A_at PreseDt Outlook..- Total Subseriptioas The personae! of the Freshman• � . seaIaq u.e :1-0 Jlatda GIl GreeDwoed $�,200. ( commissioU' for -l9�8-19 has been an-'}LtBooNS BOLD SIGNAL DIlIL� i'ieIIL ... er.ba Is � Witla .' '" '. nouneed by lMartha Simonds, -adviser,'- -. . "l-I&iiaC D1ap1A�ecl bT· .. ·T� DRIVE, �:�ELL -P1,RaA1PJ;D 'to the commiSsion. -. AnnouncementThe hie question on the�.Midft�· . � '�-�- .. :�'the.a� .The Un�versity. reached its quota has also been made regarding the lIajar Dana haa'8DDonnced that S., right DOW concema':the ability of Dr . t : The lunior college won JUB''' in the United War JWorks drive yes- genCral 'Policies of the commission A. T .. C. men will be given five daya'. W� Gophers to stage their an- game of the women's mter-eoUege terday when one thousand 4011ars and its -specific plans for this year, leave during the Christmas holidays. '::.: I nual comeback on Stagg Field Sat- hoc:key' aeries yesterday afternoon on' was received by cablegram from As- whidl include, as the first of the en- and a day for Thanksgiving._ ��,',urday afternoon. Since 1913, when Greenwood field. The seore was 1-0. sistant IProf. !Farl', who is doing Red tertainments planned, ra. supper to be The men will be divided into two . , •the rMaroons won the iut game.from 'In spite of the pOor ecmdition of Cross work 'ilf- ,!Paris. given by the old commission in hon- groups for Cbiiatmas leave. One bait :M\_the Northmen, the !Minnesota· team the ground and the heavy mist which .up to last night the U�iversity bad or .of the new. of them Will be given from Dee. 21 .��.baa walked over the Staggm.... No made it difficult to see .the ball both raised $25,200" and, a: few reports The members of this years com- to Dec. 26, whDe the :: ::r �U . ?�Diatter who else WOD. from Minnesota, teams played fine hockey. Although were not in. if .the ,required amount mission are: Clara Smith, 'Ruth Sey- ·have from Dec. 24 to • s. '''�jthe· Gophers for. three Yead have this was the first time these;teams is to be raised, however, all pledge mour, Julia lFletchelr, Damaris Ames, arrangem�t was. made so .that one .' �.�'trampled' all ova the Maroons.' ad . met .they displayed exCellent must be 'paid at -the properAime, for Jean Falconer, .Frances Ryan, Ma- half of the men will remain on duty. .)1� ",' � ':,' Last seMon the �inneapoli� . team team-worlf and there was some Ibrilli- the eversubscription is only two hun- nene Gowdy, Esther '.M'dLaughlin, while the other half'is having-its fnr- ��-,�ost to W.isconsin, two weeks before ant in�ividual playing. :Beth Upba,us, dred dollars. ,Margaaet Foss, Helen Shipley, lough. The enfue IS. A. T. C_ will.. !: .. �-,. ·,tbe aili:agci game. The!rlar9ons had Eleanor !Atkins, !Mabel iRossiter. and Amount Reached LIaat Night. Gladrs- Fredenhagen, Frances Cro- get Thanbgiving ·as a day ojf. The .. :;�9��:. 'meaged to get through �he season Helen Driver starred.for'the a�ors; "The effort of the University tc zier, Katherine MOOlre, Laura Thomp- men will be diacharged after mess .'<�1•, <> ,'withoUt a defeat, and hoped to win Coventry Platt, Ruth Hueyand Mar- raise twenty-five thousand dollars son,' Irene Kelsey, Lois Tyson, Eliz- Thursday and � :not have to_�turn ')515• -" the game. The restht of the contest jorie Winslow and Enid Townley did was crowned with success when night 'aJb�th - Burnham, 'iMiriam Ornsby, until 11:30 that Dight . .>::i1.�: .at .MinDeapolis was a crushing de- good work for the juniol1k before last the figures reached $25;- Gladys 'McW'hotiter, Fay Milla-r, and 'Ramon CUnea.t OD. �na. �J��4'�I " .. feat for Chicago, the old recuperative c-' 1F.�t is ElIminated. ZOO," said Dr. Burton, chairman oi Ve ... Edelstadt, .Ulfany rumors. have.·been c:cmtinn- .. ;;_��\'1. , .�m!'Y of the Gophers eomiDg outoiIIis. 1Cro� who :...rereed the tbe general committee fOr the drive EzpIaias Purposes of GrouPs. ous1y cin:ula� througb t&e cainpu. . ":(.?{��:_once more.I I 'd "I . �]. tl at llhe uDiverstiy. '. ""Th F � C ..'. regarding the diaOOntinuanee of the". ,. game 8&l , was m.__ .. p easan y -.. e' resuman ommlSSlon IS at' "1- 'Pier rldorious OYer Gophers. • b·tb ' d'd 1.' of '''In this successful effort all parts .nresent the only definIte freshman or- So A.' T.' C. and the mustering out.. -:". .'. th Go I� ba' � snrpriaed y e sp,en 1 p YlDg 'y:> .... This yean e Pr--� ve � both' teams. The defense of the teams of t!Je University community have ganiza,tion on the campus," s,aid !Mar- of the men. Some rumors say that. :bumped more t� once, and � was really �kable for most of shared with" remarkable ,h�ines! tha Simonds yeste�ay. "Its pwpose 'the corps will 'be discharged �n�,. ;Staggmen are hopmg that they willthe .play was outSide the striking and unanimity •. Professors, students, h�s been to interest all the a month, while there are other. re-." ._ Jland out, one m}�� defeat. The �t circles. There was no bunching which members' of the 'Library Press, the 'me�:of the Freshman class in all ports �that the men wiH not be mus-I :-:' � .bump � Saturday, when th� �r' i. nSua11y one of the. most common, clerical staff, and janitors 'ilave '3l1 activities' thalt are open to them' to tered out until a ,ear has ended.'" ' .. beat. Minnesota. rl0-6, th.e .� 'faulta." con#ibuted.willingly. I want to;take repres�t them, and in a sense, s�fe:' 'Major Dana·has stated th8t these.' ':. toucbdo� commgpla0ver rt� _ �ne tbenlast � The lineup was: ��s:. �portunity �o express' D.J�', sin- guard:their infer�9ts, Ito 'back up their rumors are nat true and. he baa re-,-, .. ' �88Ven·m�� of. y. :,u:p; W_ 0 � •• _" .... _, .�or·CoUege. ' c� ... �ppreciat�� o_!. :tb� h�artiDe.s� .esithusiasni'. ,md._help direct-their.·en- ceivecl n��rd- ·:w�m,.regam.;- .. :.. ... _:.'.;..;�� ... ",_' ��)��:'=�toaon_��L�ill"·:.po�_ ��'i��' � ��.' .eo w��i¥bi�:�O��::�as :irJia'tfi� ����. (Continued on page 2) ing the dismissing, of the men. He . " :.. ,:, ... -- 1NIUGr CRSy8ll !"-"WI .. ,' _,,"IA" .._ .' the·undc:r.taking.· I . cannot remembe. \.�;_:�.':'," � expects, however, to receive o�-'�, perior Weicht won :.�nt in the final (Coutinued on page,2). any enterprise ,into:whicb die whole' � OF MIsSIONS TO from Washington in the near future.I�,�' ,miD1iteL �-. University community bas entered so' UNITED STATES DELIVER FaCulties HoW Joint ·:&ieetillg., ":.AccordiDg .. to two ex-� who . MR� BEATRICE. 'ORB� ,cqmpIFtely ,and. �animously as ha� LECTURES AT UNIVERSITY A joint meeting of the faculties of.{ate -noW'oD playing on the gob ,team, RO��RTSON � 1$ SEN"I:' been true in, this,}as.e." ''''J'' .. '. the schools and eolleges of the Uni-.;. ·_,:Stag.g'a team ie·_goibg to have a TO SPEAK ON FOOD NEED'; _, '. .,. 'LienteDaDt-Colone1 Reinach,,' Lieu_- versity,-'Was held yesterday at '5 to.bai-d tiuie winDing, leaving ,Out the EPISCOPALIAN 'STUDENTS TO - ant c.�mi8D, iDr. &met aDd. eonsideran inquiry received from t�e"el� of comeback. Gale IDoc:ki ComeS MOnda,. from FoodAdminiS- MEET FRIDAY IN IDA_,NOYES · Profe88Ol".tte � Speak govemment concerning the continua-.: and JohDny Bran, are the two. men tration to Inform Students 'On Pres- St. Mark's society. 'Wili meet Fri- Friday. 'tion of the S. A. T. C. The results'-bo' d--'-- that the .Maroons :have. - -t Si6-ti·'On. 'of 4.1..:_ ting l..-�e not vet been_:theft,'l'r to�. out for them.' Bloc:ki - ......day at 4:30 in Ida. Noyes mil .. The :wua mee oUAY J...vca. The French Ednctiona1 Mission' to made public.' , .. . �.. . . second of a_ series of -four leCtures;declares tiult it was a terrific fight. IMrs. Beatrice 'Forbes - Robertson H the ,United States will arrive in Chi-/th will �e given.' The Rev. J obn enry:�before the Pier won, and then e Hale will speak on t"The Present. HoPkins will be the speaker ,thiselement··of stzength was largely Te- Need: A lMeSsage from the Food Ad- week, and his subject i's "The Churchtiponsible. , ministration,". 'Monday at :10,10 in and Reconstruction." The purpoSeStan Otr�._ �o CoIDIHDt. Ida Noyes theater hall IMrs. iHa�e is of th-e society is to .further friendship; Pat Pa- who' saw the- game, saya f fift -k t t b.' _;, &-7 one 0 een spea ers � sen ou y among :the Episeopaf. students. All'- ,that � stands an eVeD chance the Food Adininistration since the members ,have been urged to alten·d..to· wiD, and Pat d� not usually signidg of the armstice: The food =====:;:::::::::::=:�:==;::::;=:::;::::;::e::;;:==.make optimistic guesSes. Coach shortage in Europe has aused ,the THE D�Y MAROONStagg keeps his' thoughts about the admini;tration to undertake this BULiLETIN. Came to himself, and eontiDues prae- worlc of informing the country . at'tice .s usual "large' of the present food neects. r. Signal 'W'Ork was all that the JIa- Mrs. Hale spoke last Friday at� did yesterday afternoon, but' a a meeting .of the heads of IIilnoisKrlllllllage i. expected this �- Food Adminjs�tion, at wbieh theDOoD. .The Pier team worked out cobnty-Ieaders were present. She is. OD the J6twaY' field, .ngside. the also speaking in neighboring states.\ Kal'OOns, but tbe two � were �� She is a niece of Sir, Johnstone.crimmaged. The Y. K. C. A.. Col- Foz4bes-Robertson, the Qctor, and islege team arrived during the after- herself well-known in the theatricalnoon, &Del was used as trial h� w'orld� She is the author of "Nest­for the _lors. lbuilcJers" adn otber novels. She isBusiness Man�ger David E. 'M�r- -also the author of' "What Womenriam bas announced that the pnce Want," a discussion of the feministof gener.t admission tickets for seats question. �at, the North end of the field have :Monday, the day on which Mrs.been ndueed from one dollar to fifty 'Hale will speak, has been set asideeeDb. ' : t �U. by the University, at the govern:ment's request, as a day for inform­ing students 3'bout the food situation.The government has sent a similarrequest to every school Qnd collegecountry, asking them 'to reserve aday for 'Calling the attention of stu­dents to the present food needs..�e are very fortunate to have;Mrs. Hale speak at th�' Unive'rs�ty,"The Semitic club· win m�et today said :Assistant Prof. �unt,. of' the. de- tur� roo!D., . '"Martyr Monuments:at .4:30, in Haskell museum. P.rof. ',partment of Home 'EconomicS. "Sheht Couey, Arras." Lieut.-CoI.; Jastrow will lecture on "New �lg \comes directly from 'Mr. Hoover, l:1d�t'in".:"" ". ., ieOn the GjJga�esh Epie." (Continued 011 ��e 4) Arts" and is a member of the Inati­Reims, ' tute de France. The headquarters ofTheodore I the mission will be at the Congresshotel. . -,:�. "',,. {i"._A,__,.... "':_'.. , '.:,jLIBRARY IS REPRESENTED" .....Emibition At .Art lDstit1lte To HaveUniversity Books.The University library will be wellrepresented in an exhibition of 'books.printed prior to 1500. This exhibi­tion wi11 be' held :at the Art Instittrte,under the auspices (If tbe ('..axtonclub.'· \Mr. Simmons, a member ofdie club, will make. a selectionamong the books...From the 'Gunsaulus collectionalone will probably be thirty items.Other books will be added from thosesh�lved i� the Rare Book room inHarper library. A number wil� �lsobe loaned by Classics library.According to a census of fifteenthcentury books now being printed inbulletin form by the New York pub­lic library, some of the books ownedby the University library are not rep­resented in any other institution inAmerica. .... �.�',.. I.,- ..,I,"."Add Names t'O Pledge List.A mis'take was made in an' an­nouncement in the 'Daily Maroon yes­terday .. The names ot-lSuzanne' Da- 'vis, Rock Island, and-Elizabeth Ware,Chicago, were omitted from othe Mor-tar Board list. •Do Your Chr:.tmu ShoppiDg Now. \.. "." rl,.',,,,",,, ,..,{�0�";';t'" " ' .' r', ;'r(_'.. '": 'i:"� I�========��="=,�������=;��������;;�,;;;;�==S:�.�__����========��__����������A=--�==� ��"�.�_���=========='�'�===4==���==�.��;:�����====��'.mlJt laD, 1aiUo.·... i l:!f;:a:�t afH"'3'pe;� ��<b.-'. Iciii iBD.: :"a I-��" "-Jr.4j�da.��.c�e::t!.::::a===:::::1:-====-_:::::::aI:::::=di:--=_-=:at� .. �. , .4Ltr.... �. t& ' fOC 'i -� � ,. � , Ie ,5_", �.Tbe Studeat)..NewIIi;a��.,;,,�"l:. ' :The ,1O,rmer �ol1ie��:was: lo�ew�t, (CoDtiDUecl'.:uoI[l:�t),. I .: ':�'. � ",." •. ' ' - ,tBI� BOam�t ��Id a dance Fri-'UBi�enity of Chieaco similar .Sto t�� B"cldnus, tli'gugh In �, V:' , , . " The "·treshmatl! ��en's clubs !Jne '.:1_ ��k' "f14�"!'!' -�6·�t� .th th BI• • • '....1.._ t.= LI th I d ct· iti -..;. R hi . ti VA)' ttom 'to In e eater. uethis, case IlJDlted to women and not, ersy In II."IIilDneaa· WielU to emse ves resume a IVI res, us IDg par lei .. � , •I'QbHSb� mornings. except Saturday, " , ' -. ,, B ttl ba 1 d held t' ..... .-.v AD /SUDda), and Monday. during tbe Au- capable' of puttin�'on-muc1i of'.a'p'e,r- and' to the·VniveritY. '. aI-e.·bei,"held 'this �e.�'- A"'n�w _0 e', ,I a.rea,y .'. 1 � �-;�: __tumD;, Winter and Spring '-quarterS. formance. Last year howev�r the PTh.is' � :'�e; . �comimission wiJl �g �y �e .e�ty !inu�s �e PH- 'Freshman women and aU olcl melD­b, the Daily Maroon company. Ipresentation of Lindsay's �hine�e have' a- spe'�ial"part' in' . the annual ·ties jtiven by" each elub to O.De 'a year. ibe'rs'-o't the dub- ftave been invited 't�Nightingale" . marked ,distinct· ad- Christmas celebration. for the chil- so 21though pledging will take place attend, these parties.EDlTOR� ��TMENT vance. lBut the Dramatic clqb was dren of ;'the "tiniver�ity' \ Se-tt1�zrient. later, the' clubs win' not be able to t": _',_: _�:_,_: _John \]oseph ....•.••. M.an�Jtin� Editor: the only organization whose aims which bas, become;i' tta.dition �f the become . very 'active. Do Yo. Ouiatmu ShoppiDc Now'R.uth Genz�erger •..•.. N.ew.s Ed!tor were finished acting of good dramatic Young 'Women·, aChristian league, ,'_ ...'.. ., " .... ",Helen Raviteh Night Editor' 'f Th I b lit d be .• This work in the' past -has been givenHoward Beale _ Day Editor eomposr Ions. e e u a e� mrs-Rose Fischkin ......•..... Day Editor mananged and usuaHy put out rather over to upper-class organizations butWilliam Morgenstern ..... ': .. . •• •.• shoddy' performances until Iast sea- for this Ohristmas it will be the par-- ......••...•.....•••• Athletic Editor 'ti' 1 . f th � ih., Frederick \ViDterhoff ......•....... son. when the presentation ,of "Fash- eu ar proVInce 0 e,.. res men.•..........••........ Associate Editor ion" and the program of original "·a:�.e supper which the old com-BUSINESS DBP ARTMENT plays gave new life. From all ap- mission is planning for the new will)day Fre�dman Manager pearances the club this year is striv- be given sometime during -the firsting to uphold last year's standard, of next 'Week'" 'though tremendous difficulties havebeen encountered. Exactly what hasEntered as second class mail at the �been done will be revealed at Fri-Chicago Postofiice, Chicago, Illinois, .day's ,performances. The Dramatic. March 13, 1906, under the act of, March 3, 1873. '; club should survive.Alice Johnstone __ .. .l'. i.Florence McNeal •.. _ .. __ .. __ ":' J. i.Eleanor AtkinS _ _ �r. w.Beth Uphaus (Capt.) _ .. .:-�l. w •.Helen IDriver .... _ .. _ .. _ ... _ .. __ :_ .. e. h.!Mabel Rossiter __ .. . .r. h.Gladys Gordon ..:.. __ • ._j. h.Edna Clark _ ... _ .. _. . ..r .. �.Mildred lPowlison .... _ .. .•.• __ � f.Helen ,Fortune _. __ ._ _ .. _ _ g.Junior College.Dora Kirehenbaum _ .. _ _. __ .. _c.Enid Townley _ _ __ .;r. iLuella Bither _ .. __ . __ _._l i.iDorothy Latta •.. _ .... .. .:r .. w. � ...:.IMazlorie' Wi�ow _._ .. __ .. _ .. _:.}. w.iMargaret FoSs ._ .. _ .... _ ..... _ ... _ c. h.iMaiy lSeyuiour, Vera Ede1stadt. r. h.·Damaris' Ames _''_...:.. _ ETAO, -Coventey '�latt, ;Damaris Ames. .. l.· b.Ruth Haey _. __.__ ...T. f. JEdythe Flack .. _._---1. f.''Rachel Sheldon •.. _ .. _._ .. _ .. __ .. _ .. g.The j�or' score, � mad�by Mar­jorie W"mslow.Staff SolicitorsBallinger and Fenneri iII'II SUlBSCRIPTION RATESCalled for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 aquarter.By Carrier, $3.00 a year; $1.25 aquarter.By Mail (city), $8.50 a year; $1.504& qaarter.By Mail (out of town), $4.25 ayear; $1.75 a quarter. JUNIOR COLLEGE WOMENWIN FAST HOCKEY GAME(Continued from page 1)i:i,/I."'I\1ti'P',,,'(.I,/.I' Editorial Rooms _ _ Ellis 12Telephone Midway 800, Local 162.Hours: 11:10-11:50; 12:25-6; 7-8.Business Office _ Ellis 14Tele,hone Midway 800, Local 162Hours: 10:20-11:50; 3-5:30.Wednesday, November '1:1, 1918ANNOUNCEMENT":i" Owing to the fact 'that Thhrsdayis a holdiay, there will he no issue 0fThe Daily IMaroon on Friday. How­�ver, there wili' be an issue Thurs­day morning.;J1\:;/:',I:, : LECTURESUp to the' present time, off�cialUniversity lectures have been notice­able by their absence this qual"ter.,The reason for omitting them, prob­ably, was due to the regime of the, Student Army Training CoIlps; the UN IF ORM Smajority of students could not attend .: _ "" " ... � �:" ..'. meetings at any ·time. Co.plete Outfits, S. A.' T. c.Tho)C �ho •h�ve missed 'lh� usual Overcoatslectu{es '(and there an: many who Wool Uniformshave) will be offered opportunities Army Shoesthis week to hear some splendid ,talks, A.rmy Sweatersif titles'count for anything. In the firSot Hats and Capsplace, Associate Prof., Clark's lecture Leggingslast night was splendid. On ·Friday Putteesof this w�ek JJl1:mbers of the French , Insignia CordsEducational ·mission 'wiII visit the Shirtscampus, and they will give lectures. Sheepskin CoatsMen from France, from famous UDifOl1llS made toFrench institutions, m�n who can . _easure. •think and act in the fullest sense of Military Instructionthe words; 'h�e is an opportunity. BOoksTwo of the' lectures scheduled will Send for Catalogbe delivered by commissioned offi- No. 10cers of the Franch army. Topics such ,Satisfactioa or Moaey Back.as "The France of Today and To-morrow," and "The Experiences of a Amy • Na'YJ Eqaip.eat Co.French Surgeon on Different Fronts" _37_W_est_l_25tb__St._;_N_e_w_Y_o_r_k_, C_�_·_'_,:,give promise of things worth while.Three of the lectures are at 4:30, anhour during whiCh many men of theStudent Amry Training Corps arefree •. So let there be a number ofstudents present to hear somethingworth hearing. -----------'\ i' .. ' ... 1':;' -; �.,:. . &: .... , �ASCHER'SFrolic Theatre55th St. and Ellis Ave.DRAMATICSII, Of !ate years this University ·hassuffered for want of something really.progressive and worth while in the'�ine of dramatics. Campus amateurs/had limited outlets of talent: Black­friars, the Dramatic club .and the erst­while Follies (last year changed tothe Portfolio for reasons of dignity).Blaekfriars was organized for onepurpose: to �ive an annual musicalcomeuy, in wh;�h men alone partici­pated. Consequently nothing of par·ticular artis-tic or mental value couldbe expected, although the Blackfriarsalways produced the' most profession- Wednesday, Nov. 27LILI LEE-in-"Such A Littleri����"Lyon Moran ComedyGa�ont Graphic NeWs,{\iit , IMAROON'READERSI' _ � _•NOTICE!Have YOU noticed those, yellow sheets beside the Pileof MAROONS a Ellis, Cobb, and Ida Noy�? ","Every subscriber's name is one of them. If youwant. your.M;�OON at another place, notify us and we'Ilchange your name to the correct ��.If your name is Dot down, Ws time that you sub­scribed' and anyone on the- MAROON � be glad to" • " " '.' r" \ . I, '" " '" ., •take your subSerlption�"\' •• r-( I'"A Remarkable, ! ", 'J.'Yjiewrlter"'j .',: r : �',All favorite fe�tures combined inone handsome writing machine ofthe �rst quality.,I I •WOODSTOC�TYPEWRlTEJJ· CQ��23 '!. ��'�� ��IOPhone Central 5563 SECURITYS·AVINCS•.• 1.' f, \. � __ •, .,'SERVlCE�� ,"",:" 1'; - -The' OI�est1Jank in, Hyde, Park•• -... .: I ... (;.. • .' ." .:. � .. . ;. ,_. • • , ...'Central Hyde Bark Bank'., .... ; "',. � ,. .... ,. T" \" "'" .", .-. ...,,:. ..... ....SStla St. and Black.torie'Ave •t�_; .: •. ;-,', :�.'r·�,.� :!Jl,· :,.,�) .� :'1.-�-All �·W 001 Suits $30.• •. _, _. .J. ..(' �1; �)I.' -00; : r.J � •• ::10' _ .. 1 '.t .. !.JS"'v.cr� BDD��d, ".1 f��� ��Qke� t.m.P., �t�lIer - Pric�d StQdE,_ �t T. �,ecial 'Pric�-, :'S' Q?tfE' of the l1est y����s �� lIloqtb.� �re off�r��. , at ����tantlal econo�y to e.very pur�haser.S\Jch �n eve�t �.h��14 �p���t t� th¢ �an,' "'�Q�throQgh t�e �lgnlng of the armistice, now, knowshis. stai�s. . It �l�o. wiH i�tef��t tll(� ChicagQ��who has never VISited us. Llke'thousands of�thers h� eventually will apPr�ciate' th� . extravalue, 'quality and, service he ,obtains from our4i�tincti v� clothing' arid,Dther' 'apparer. . � I 'Ther�'s a s�le �q� $�� ��f� f�� e�e� ��0. tIae nunl FloorMARSHALL FIELil &, OOMPANY. . - "nlE'sTORE FOR MEN-. • j o .J,( ,I ��, .-." �t:i_trlI' dwN"e"bi111" S. " isn'. I..... tc) 51, t,n"�,. I (�r'_, /'}I.k01:ril: , ct, e:C��. ":�, t:" i• ". ,., ,"• ;.• , � 4.,"I• '0' I•.....\.I��� .I'I ,1::.:• ,,<', ,.': � .. :�.' .: "COMPANY 'A '7" "1 .;�'. � \..,: ..... " .,;;. . v : :'" � .• , ,". ..c. �.,\." ., ._- .-; . �'. . "SA Y, gentleman, look at the con-tributions'. in the lWbistle tod'ay fromthe comPany. Pretty' ''Witty bunchw� 'have;' I'd' sa,.. ,..... .... ' :� 'II f'�jfiedTHE .news comes that the basket- ," . _',baU game 'Monday resulted in a RIOOMS Light housekeepingscore of 13 to 16. Wrtliout ·the �east ·suite. Siligle and double rooms with�Dthusiasm we state dtat the . gobs or witb�Ot tiOflrd. Reasonable rate�came out o�/'top. <-C�pany D team Calf at· 582Z 'Drhei';Ave:' or' phonehad j1lst one practice as a ·team while Hyde Parle 3931 for �ore infonna-I,the gobs have 'been playin� for some .tion. .,time. H�ever, we oUer no excusesbut.we would like to mee't those hard- STENOORAt'PHOO and TYPE--boiled gobs: again ilf id)otit a week. WRITING wodc, all'kinds, promptly,Ernest Dom was elected captain and accurately, ne�tly done, by thorough­Arthur sCher manager. 1y expert, rapid stenographer-typist(20 yt&rs' experience; litmary, medical, commercial, etc.) Univer$ity stu­dent; best recommendations. ShOThand also -thoroughly, rapidly, inter­estingly 'taught. For stenographicor .typewritin� work, write "Kelly,''care of )(�D office, or'leave wethere to be called for..�), .'to •: ,t,-- ;'�... ,�.,:.e·.,.', ....\.I�.j-"1.;-:,. "....... SPEAK1NG of social butterflies,ther� are �o flies on Co!Dpany D.' Ad.ance and ,smoker is planned and willbe given QS soon as the money canbe raised. An auction sale was con­ducted by 'Lieut. Oliver 'Mondaynight and a �oodly s�m was drawnfrom the pockets of the poor dough­boys. Those in e�arge are Ioo�ing � University student wants GreeCe,, Lessons (Classical Author and alsoanxiously toward neXt· P, ayday.. .___:....;. �rammar) one or two hours �jly,COMPANY. D's mascot is the first from competerit young man or wom­battalion's mascot, we guess, from An student or tutor • Terms must �the rounds ids making. The ear is �commodating and reasonable forpaying Cl visit oto' CO�Pany C today. 1)ermanent pupil. Lesson preferredTomorrow Company B will have a . between 11 and 2 or 3. A.pplr Ma-roon office.roRl� -sergeants, K�n andNewman . 'were .informed that their"old jobs" . were awaiting them. sa,"but hi 'prlvale life' the' said g'entlemenworked jilt' the Fair iinpe'rsoniti�Santa Claus from Dec, 1 to �. ,PVT. 'May, our ·famous rag-picker,is going to tickle the�ivories at 'thenext stunt night; w-e' are itold� Go itto, 'ljack, we're for you... ." - .. . ....-THE mascot doesn't. like cold air,so we don't see him very much an)"more."\DID you all sign the 'payrool, too?Alb out , time, we'd say.COMPANY B'HA VIE you" noticed how chesty/'" . Company B' is of 'late?' There's "-reason-sweaters were issued,SERGEANT Perch: "Corporals,report I"Voice in squad thirteen: "PrivateFantezzi 'present, reSt of squad onleave,"FIFTE'EN men turned out for bas­ketball. W oodniff was eleeted cap­tain. 'Beware, Gobs 1WE suggest tha.t the bUglers soundreveille at the, conclusion of the su­pervised study hours, instead of re­call from Study.WE were encountered Monday aft­ernoon, following the airplane acci­dent on the 'Midway, by a young lady• who inquired - of us. a� 'to the, detailsof the mishap. Upon being told thatthe accident was due to a badly miss­ing engine, she won�erecf1 ;iiow' themachine could move' at in \"ithottt anengine ... :Obl' dear ui,-s�' 4r��, isn�it?-ALLOW us ,to'_ introd1lce you,.toArthur Summerson� -ou�' btesi· mas­co tical (w'hichever you wish), acqui­smon. He is five years old and ex­ebstes all the facings and knows dIemanual of arms by be art.WHO'S got the best mascot now?SERGEANT Porch (very dramat­ioally): "My honesty is as ,good asthe day is long."SERGEANT Heidler: ·(innocently):"I notice the days are geJtmifshorter."'-'j COMPANY Dvisitor; ••••• � •• o ••• ++++.+ ••• o&� •• �� ����� ••• ,r . ,.,' .... . .' I': :· Sa ..l ve a iI DD''ime a iI v •. ay. - I• •• •: .: iI and deposit in this Ii . �' .., ., ' .:..>! (. : E:: '; );: ". : -,- :i . old-es�blisbed ii National Bank i• •• •: .: :• •· ' .l CQrn Exchang� ii f/ational Bqnk Ii ii :: . . . .. . . :':1 I:.Capital, Surplu. �d P�9f��i $10,QOO,000 i• •• •+ :.. ... ... ... • * .* • * * •.. .: :.. ... ... ... .: Northwest Cor. La Salle aDd Adams St&. :�s��.. c;.� I'·. . i Saturdays TiD 8 P. M. iDept.� •• ,, i:.. Savings Dept. Open AD Day ITrw ... VEJVVS &..ii..... ...""1 ..... tz,AIO".,.....,�--------------------=- , ++ ., -'. , '1 'ma, and an tha-t. 'The' Only criticismTHE WAY OF SO�E FL� .of plot- is "that it should be :�astedon musical comedy, ,because'it seemsA Re�ew � "The '�eltiDg of MDUy" as ,if 'there were possibilities for aat the Shubert-Studebaker. neat little, 'comedy.But that is neither here nor 1here;lWith a 'bit of revamping and quick- ,the lines',are �musing; the situationserring of pace (two ;things liable to more so. The best feature outside ofoccur as time goes by) "The. !Melting .the players' themselves is t'he music,Qf lIolly," !ii, brand new musical com- written rbY Sigmund Romberg)'whoedy"now: on view at lthe Studebaker, wields a nifty m�sica" pen, as f�r aso�ght' 'to prove a successful 'box-of- pop�lar tunes are concerned, '"�ar1-fige! experiment. . As it is, ,the enter- jii��"Jazz An' Your Troubles AWay,"ttitnment is: thoroughly enjoyatble; in "Ftoati_p.g DOwn a: Moonlight Stream"sJcit's it ;(:�uld· h'e' improved,: but even � "'D�; Old '_GQ�,"'-.a.fe 'hIgh'�pot�In; those s.pot� there' is a strong sug- in' an . unusitally tunef� �nd' �ell or-gest!on -of 4up�es�merely the. feel- ehestr�ted' �core':" . .,"ing tt.'hat a: few 'changes would be The' cast containS no Dames famousworth' the effotft. ", in musical Comedy realms. " I�belle, 'Of course:the plot aDd construction LOWe tak�s' bonors in portrayingtedlDicalities ; o� �usic�l 'productions Yolly. �e. sings a lit�i s�e' can'tare noe of dine meChanism, so that a dance at, 'all, s-he' -is not a dazzlingcriticism of construction is unneceS- 'beauty, but she 'Can a.ct.' :Consequent­�ary. Maria Thompson Daviess wrote i Iy singing and dancing. parts a're rel­a�_: agre�le best seller' several sea- ega-ted to: oth�rs' and' MiSs' Lowe. en­sons ago, :'eoncerning' .the' -terri6c ef- tertains' 'Wit� � thor��hly ,agreeablefons of '�oUy' Carter to grow thin, ,personality,' a stiille dIat seems real,in order that her', fiancee, ,engaged and her impersonation of Molly.in dipk)mating acr�ss ·the.seas, should Tom 'Richards, another unknown,not �e disappointed, when he re- does Dr. Moore, the gentleman ·whoturned to- claim his "lily", 'bride. Of, assists .Molly to "melt" and who 6nal­course the gentleman is h;&ttly en- ,Iy wins'ther. He is toe only one'who"moured of bimself, of' course there can sing, and he is indeed fine look­is an "at, home" lover m�ch betta, ing. From the ranks of 'Straight com­of cOurSe there is an Clmbitiou� m�m- edy comes Mrs� Otra,rles C. Craig, .�.. ".""'with her' �yi "acceptable pOrtray­. at .. Of �'liegtoJ iDammies: � she' seems tobe enjoying herself, and certainly 1heaudieace 'f!ajoye4' Judy:Gloria (ioodwin, ptaying Molty'ssister, . dispiayt l1y far the best taste - "A�HiStory of �I� in 'the Unit­ed' -sbtes" ''by kult,�oriU has j��bee-n issued by the' U�ivenitY -Pre'sLThe- books" treats or' suffrage iii 'Its,broadest raspects and shows its' de­velopment from the Revolution to the'Present Itime."It seems to ·have been taken for-granted," sayS Dr. Porter, "that well­nigh universal manhood suffrage' basexisted. since the beginning' in theUnited States." It is true that ·his:'10ry tells little of the oarly' restric­tions in consideration : of property­holding and tax-jaying,Dr. Porter follows -the growth ofpolitical ideals, social conditions andeconomic 'circumstances which havegiven rise to the universal demandfor suffrage from the oarly daysthrough 'the strenuous period follow­ing 'the ICivn' war and down to theJatest period.of woman' suffrage. 'Thelast phase is treated but slightly in­asmuch as it has been a subject ofmuch recent discussion and is con­cerned with the 'Purpose of the bookonly in illustrating the extensiveprogress of suffrage. , ... � .-.......·in gowns, a 'terrific thinness:andsomewhat of a dancing· ability inspite of her !trs. Castle shrugs,�aude �urner Gordon, seen often inthe movies, gives the usual ambi­,tious-mother-looking-for-money i>0r­trayaLThe chorus, ah the chorus, is justfair, or rather ean 'boast of only afair proportion of the fair. The Shu­berts <Jjsplay rotten taste in both set­tin,gs and costumes, and impossiblecostumes, such as those disptayed'inthe �Jazz" and "Doctor' numbersnever improve the looks of othe doubt­ful ones. However, we could standit, and we sat well forward.' But, asa p�rting question, why is a chorusman?Y .. M. C. A. GROUP TO DISCUSS"VALUE OF PRAY�R" TODAYAssistant: lp,rof. Merrifield's discuss­ion group will meet tonight 'at 6:30in the Reynolds theater. This grouphas been very successful -so far.· Thesubject for discus�ion tonight will be"The Practical - Value of' Praying."meeting will' consist entirely in ask­ing and discussing such questions as"What is God?" '�.hat i�_ prayer?"'�What are the benefits of prayer?"All . interested have' been invited toattend. ., s. A� T. C. Attentioa!Altering And Pressing.Service Prompt Ra� Reasonable.10 !PER CENT OFF TO YOUFamous Tailors & Cleanen1305 East 55t1r· street. ..\': :.',.;....,.. .�'�',' .,._ ':: :'�:�:;:��:W::;·:'·;:'::'(3'·f;��t�r��:C��;;�;�f�;�fit��It�t�g�:, ; ';��:����:f;;.���;�t���f,���t.;'::f�f.:�:::�?:�07.t:ff+f���iFJ:��q������{'��':��:j.f��}�rb\·�" ,'�'� _.:_ ,AiLy·JU.8OoK �_H_ii�':'liov.' oil itli' '. : ..... .' : .. ,:}' ,', '., .,�,: .:. '_', .... )-:. '< ,,'. -:', "'�,-r.,.' -. ';.. �. t·,.:... , ,._.... ", r.' , • .. '. . ,- - ·'.:,"."zq• .' '. .�. • •.•. ::.:- . .t'/. '; •• , ...... '4'_ •• '".," '\'.�':'� •••. '�: ... j'��:';_ ,,,:..-,,, '_'.. � ':1;TO HOLD TEA. AJR). DAKCB yon. � 1>elaJLei, 4Kilclied Fah,.. Ruth -Den1iCb, .� GleasolL_ ..... hid 1 .. '._ . -'�','OR S. A· T. C. TIIJ8 wBu . Virginia FairchilcI.· .�c1e� Frieclbn�· .Be� . • Linale, . He1�, Pattencm, ,JUK)NS. BIlOTllERS, '{ .,'.. der.· ' ..' '. - ;. ;-'Prisci1l& nuke, 'DoI'otby Clifford,' Jo- DIy GoodIIud 11 .._ FIInIUiqa "'tw. S. T. C. �pecial � IDYlte 1Iaa7 .... �. seph�� ��e7' Josep�e Palmer, . a.w at. ad UaiYenity Aft. ,·Ij11' .. Parties to Be Held Saturcla7 Beatrice Gilbert, 'Lydia Hinckley, Mar�rJe. IW'lDSlow, ElSie J.ohnson, 111M GeM. BIPt PrAee.. •aDd Sada7 in Idk N07es HOIItaa Edith Kennon, Marjorie 'Nail, Elean- Manoa Stearns, Dorothy ,Belss, �v- .Bicllt 'rna __elyn Stern, Ruth Moore, Meta. Lie­ro OX:onnor, IMarion Ringer, Helen ber, Hild-. Lieber, Alice Laurence,Thompson, Frances Henderson, Der- )'{ary tMulligan, Henrietta WiDkler,othy Van Peldt, Antoinette. Bennett, .Marjorie Fye, . E,liza'beth Wheeler,Florence Bede, �re Ita .Lamb, Flor- Bessie Bleakly and Elizzbteh Arentz.ence Langworthy, Dorothy Lardnerr,Hostess 'Douse in Ida Noyes naIl. Evelyn BJ'9Wling, Elizabeth Cope,The first of these will be a dance and Rose iFurst, Esther' Henkens, YetaLieber, Hilda Lieber, Janet Lewis,Dorothy La,tta, Ruth :Meyers, HelenJohnson, ·Elizabeth Fox, M'ary Still­man and ,Marjorie Leopald,Th.ose invited for the Sunday teaare as follows:'Marjorie Fox, Antoinette Wolf, Al­ice !MacNeil, Jessie McCormack, Win­ifred Wood, Frances Dorr, RuthBrown, �ay Leeper, ·Madeline Lar­kin, Marga1'et Rogers, Frances Lurch,Edith Palner, Beth Uphaus, EvelynPierce, 'Myra Kimball, �'pciIle Fos­ter, Kathleen Foster, Catlferine Piek­ett, Alice !Logan, :Mabel .Holman,As you were:near 'Sizzle:I am able :to divulge the officiallist of questions that are to 'be used, Marion :Creyts,. Erma Eriocson,in whole or in part, in the forthcom- Edythe Flack, 'Elinor Hayes, lPearling S A. T C .. aminati C Henderson, Dorothy Huebner, 1ane. .....x lnauons. au-. . .. . .tion the compositor to set them in � Kinsell, VlrgtDla J ob, �nna KIWlt-pt. Ch�ltenham bold, caps and' lower I sky, Dorothy Lyons," Elizabeth Ben­�e {he� �ow what that mean�.I������������������������������They are as follows: II-Name a town in your state.2-Have you a middle name?(Catch question.)3-What is another name for or­anges, bananas aud gooseberries? Bebrief. " "4-What is water when it is frozen?5-How many days are there in theweek? Name aU &eYeD. \6-How.many fingers have you?7-ls the automobile a useful ani­mal? State why it is.8-Is taJdng poison bad for the sys_tem? H no� why not? and give foUreXamples.9--Is it true that there was a warin Europe? State why you think so.lO-Give one reaSOn why you likepie... U-8tate briefly the cause of deathill StarvatiOIL12:-Wbat is corporal punishmentand why should aU corporals be pun­ished?13-Are any members of your fam­By insane or in the Naval TrainingUait?Please note tba·t any man whowishes an early discharge need onlysend a copy of these questions to­gether with the correct answers tothe ')l-ajor's office.OUR editorial of yesterday broughtresults, as all good editorals should.Our mail was deluged today with lotsof clever stuff. Witness:Military Henldry.. Dear sir: Perhaps it would excru­ciate you to know that Company Ahas adopted as its official emblemthe pine tree, signifying, of· course,no leaves at aILt. Mike.If poetly were my long suit,Then everyday I'd wear it; ,But as it's not, I leave it 'homeFor I'm afraid to wear, it.When we see Dr. Reed,·M. D.,Be gives us !Olll white pills,Though we .,:have mumps or house�maid's knee,They"re bound to cure all ills. ISir Hobbledehoy.AT this pointe we must interruptthe contribs, long enough to remarkon -the fact that our brother on theWisconsOin Daily C�rdinal is a gen­ius who' recognizes other genii. Frin­stance, he copied for his colyumn twoitems from last week's Whistle..'....;\_i:,..:-., .......,�.-:.�: ...'Your own,Lud.No wonder he spent twelve cents.for stamps yesterday.TRY IT, GIRLSDear sir: I have discovered a wayfor civilians td procure "DairyMaids" at the 'Press. For ·the benefitof those who yearn for the forbiddenfruit, I hereby submit this ptan.The civ. will enter the store andask for a Dairy Maid. The clerk willenquire, "Are you an'S. A. T. C.man, a member of the \V. S. T. C., or; some other kind of \V.?" y�u will,answer, "Sure, I'm an I. W. \V." The'clerk will then dish out the suste­nance.Wise.CHlORUS: All we do is sign thepayroll Anon.o_,.. .�._ ¥' '.� :Hoase.4,MEN·S WEAR­Hats - Gloves �., NeckwearJAMES E..COWHEY.The Woman lStudents· Training·Corps will bold two parties for theS, A. T. C. men this week-end in the S. E. Cor 55th St. and E1lis AYe.B I L L·I A'R D SCigars ._ Cigarettes � Pipes].JrItI"MRS. BEATRICE FORBES­ROBERTS()IrI HALE lS SENTTO SPEAK ON FOOD NEED(Continued from page 1)entertainment Sa·turday evening, andthe second a tea from 4 to 6 on Sun­day. 'The features of the entertain­ment 'have not yet been invited, butit ·is understood that eome of ehe besttalent on the campus will star. Ithas been announced that, beginningnext week', men will be admitted byticket only. Tickets may 'be obtainedat -the Y. M. C. A. office. The fol- Private Dandag Lessons,In • coane of 8iz les80aa ($5.00)therefore has fa great deal of first- De caD acquire the .� of the Walts,band information. She is a force- One-atep. ad Poz-trot. SiDcle In-'.ana if deaired.ful and and interesting speaker. All LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIOU,\iversity women will 'be welcome a,t 1541 Eo 57th St. If.7de Park 2314her lecture."lowing women have been invited tobe guests at the dance on Saturday:Katherine 'Moore; Nina Yorrison,J osephine Ogden, .Gladys Rainer,Caroline Peck, Ruth Seymour, KateSmith, Florence Falgenau, KatherineGreen, Florence Hammet, 'DorothyLowenhaupt, lMargaret Abt, HelenPalmer, Helen. Sulzberger, LillianPowers, Alberta Shepard, MargaretWright, Hazel Schmidt, !MadelineLiebert, 'Maurine Thompson, Flo­rence Cam�ron,. Genevieve 'Blanen­ard, Eleanor 'C-rabb, Edith ICmnshaw.Margaret :Gates, 'Phyllis lGithwaite,Marion Llewellyn, Kathryn lStevens,Frances Slate; lFrances' Hessler, RuthLippert, Vjoh 'Merriam, 'Lydia.' Allen,Louise Auerbach, I�beUe' Bukoff, Established 1870 Phone: Harrison 970QUALITY UNIFORMS . ,AThree Million Dollar. BANKfor the S. A. T •. c.jMade in our own workshopALSO ALL EQUIPMENT-,MARCUS RUBEN625 SOUTH STATE STREET1204 East 63rd StreetNEAREST B·ANK TOUNIVERSITY OF OHICAGOMURA'D·'TURkISH CI6AR�TJES,ARE MADE ES.eECIALLY F.OR--THE·.Ol�J�IMJ�ATING AND E�PE.RIENCED- lS"MOK'E� OF HIGH GRAI?E.TURKISH. C1GAREnES 20CentSThe blending.is excepti�1II11,EST _ TURKISH-A"""AKERS Of'T�E G'!��ES lNTHE WORLDEGYPTIAN Gt. .,Theylike . ,are'.JUst..meetingyour Best Girlface to Eace� )REMEMBER-There are noothers like your �� B. G. ",1 "t'j'� .I. _-. f,�'A IJ}L�• 'f....... ",1.\