�:r�., .� aroVOL. XVII. No. 31. UNIVERSITY O}<' CHICAGO, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918 PRICE THREE CENTSFOUR PUBLIC -LECTURES I RUSHING SEASON IS ATWILL BR GIVEN FRIDAY END WITH 78 PLEDGEDTO WOMEN'S, cwas---------,1 PROFESSOR CLARK TOiPRESIDENT JUDSON SEN'DS ICABLEGRAM FROM PERSIA lECTURE ON AMERICANI SOLDIERS OVER THERE Members of French Educational!Mr. Tervor Arnett, the auditor Mission to Speak at Harper, Rick-of the University, has received ets and Mandel-Three Addresses Wyvem Heads List With 12I.-.:tructor,. Rocently .Returneded. I Fr h M rtar Boardthe following cablegram f,rom a't'" Will be Illustrat es men _ 0President Harry Pratt Judson, "From Europe, Speaks To- I Four Universiry public lectures w�ll and Delta �igIqa Next.who is now in Teheran, the capi- Night At 8 in Mandel. , be -given Friday. These lectures Will, ', ,_' ,_ .,be delivered by members of thei AVERAGE NUMBER ABOUT 7tal of ·Penria:EE CHARGED IILLINI, I NIO ADMISSION F .. French Educational Mission to the.OVERPOWERED BY '''ReJ'oicing in victorious peace.1 h hi f thL_ U' 'ty ldi rS are r· United States. The mission, whose . e rus mg season or e wom-Hope tift:· Dlverst 'so �� Associate Prof. S. H. 'Clark will de-.t th Con ress Ho-I en's clubs ended Saturday, and theSeeing' a chan ce 'to win from the --�., At present the President , . h 8' headquarters are a e g..h .sare. ',' liver a war lecture tomg t at in. .. Chi Th sday I clubs have Just announced .t errh S· d ..L �I aroons pro- d hi t dl tributing; .... f tel, WIll arrrve In mcago ur.. .Gop ers atur ay, me :.. '1 an IS par y are IS, f Mandel hall on Intimate Glimpses 0, . • '1 .... T sd I pledges. .\Vyvern heads the list Withed 'bIt night Pat I tho d di ine to " J and Will remain unti next ue aye Iceed to -get usy as . food. co mg, an me ICI lour Bovs in France. T� lecturef h I '11 . !. twelve pladges, followed by Mortar.1 d h"r turn from 1_ f T h d Vl·C -• • J The first 0 t e eetures WI • IPace dec are on IS e the peopie 0 e eran an -will be given under the auspices ot, 'L . C '<5 1 • Board, and Delta Sigma, with ten. I' that Chicago had .a bet- .. . . . . I given by LIeut. oms azarman I �.)l(lIlncapo IS inlty. the Lectures division, Publicity com-f Too d T ' ',eaC'h. The pledge lists are:. S t dav than they J d '11 leave I"The France 0 ay an on:ter chance to Win a ur .1 President. u son WI' ',' mittee, of the University War serv-. C .. f.-! 'Mortar Board: Damaris Ames, Chi-II d the declara- DId wUI- I've. " row" Lieut I azarman IS pro essor,kaye had a season, an .Teheran ec. an arr i ice, and no tickets will be required. .. .. .. I U' . cago; Dorothy Adams, Chicago; .Mi-.t th Maroon work- Pari th iddl f'Decem'her .of English LIterature 10 t re DJ" er- ,tion put pep moe .\ in ans e mi eo. I for admission.. � Par i Th 1 till b." riam Ormsby. Oak Park; Elinor Hin-fh"· are gOI'n<F to try '11 tu to th University I . d f I Sit ... · or I arrs . J.' e ec ure we,out. e maroons - � He WI re m e Prof. 'Clark has Just returne rrom r s«>. H hi ',ton Los Angeles' Frances 'Lock-M· n sot a as they do .. J I' h {'Fiven at 4'30 m arper assem y.' ,hoard to upset : 111 e . some tIme 1D annary. Europe, where he spent three mont s, &.• I wood. Eau Claire, \Vis.; Helen Hood,not want to go through the year with-i in Y. oM. 'C. A. service. W*tile over! Lectures on War E�ene,:,c... I Chlcago: .Margaret Strawn, Chicago:ont one victory to their credit.1 there, he gave lectures and readingsj Dr. Etienne Burnet WIll dcl�ver .'he i and lulia White, -Chicago.�You fellows have a : good c"';:nce MEMBERS OF DRAMATIC i to the men in the trenches. As a re-I second of the lectur�s at �:3O I� �I�k-I Esoteric Pledge is 7 Women.to win !Saturday-the best in the sea-CLUB ISSUE INVITATIONS I suit, his lectures include not a de-I etts laboratory. HIS subject IS Ex-i The Esoteric: 'Frances Ryan, Chi-son," sa'id Pat Page. "'1 f you have---. i scription of the thrills an� hazards I periences of a �rench Surgeon., j' cago; Margaret Pennewell, IMisslearned anything all !'eas,?n this last No Admission to Performance Willi r of the war, but, rather, a revelation Different Fronts.. � .r», Bur�et IS. a I Kaotherine Howe, Chicago; Honorarygame will be the time to show it. You • Be Charged-Freshmen to Be AI- 01 what he has found our boys to be. member of tbe Pasteur Institute 0: I member Beatrice Lovett Chicago:will ""'ve the benefit 01 a season's Ilowed to Take Part in PlayS This i their morals, and the conditions un- Paris. The lecture will be Illustrated'i FI "'M NIB 'III .., Dor-'hI I. '. . I orence .!\ c ea, erwyn,�erience,. and you ought to be a: e Quarter. i der which they are accomphshmg The third of the Iectures will be. thv Ch h B ., III . and 'Eliz--.....- I•• _ I 0): urc, en" yn. .,to wib. Minnesota is not a weak team,their work. given at 4:30 m Rosenwald. Pro r. , b th Cme of thef. E 1 d '''fartonne of the Cui- J a e arus,,but Is not as strong as so Invitations lor the performance 0 Has been Active War W_er. mrnanue e v ,'. The Quadrana_glers: Margaretother conference teams. ·Show some. 1'" I .. hich are versity of Paris will lecture on "The l� .the Dramatic c uo 1> ays \V I Prof. -Clark has always been an act- I '. I Foss, Chicago; Ruth Walkup, :Craw-scrap, and play intemgently, and youto be given Friday night in rbe Rey- ive war worker. He is on the Na- Real France Revealed ,ID Her scenl-1J fordsville, Ind.; Julia Fletcher. Indi-�ould win." h" is-I ery and :Peoples." ThiS lecture WI ••. 'noIds du:h t eater are. now .i.)el�g tional A�visory :})oard, 0l the com- jan. apolls, Ind.; ;Helen, Conderon, OakSays Gopber Line is Strong. sued. Tickets are ·betng d.str.buted millee· 01 Public Inlormation, and also be illustrated. I Park, III.; lean Knight, ,Chicago:The Gopher line. is strong, aCcOrd- to ntembers of ·the c1�b who in turn I was an active member of the exec- Will T�, a! ... 8 .�in Mande� _ " Eli�beth Burnham, Chicago; Veraing to the :,Maroon scout, and the lMa- may give them to their. frrends: • 1 utive committee of Four_;llinute men. Li�le-;;;�t-lColonel' Theodore Rei- Edelstadt, Chicago; and .Miss Louiseroon lorwards are going to ilave The club is not chargm", admISSIon i Last .spring, �e, tra�eled throu�h the nach, editor 01� t�e ".Gaze.te des i.���o��_:t,l'Ple�!_,_VV..!.,,=,-,!,,�oc,�l"�"'_'__their hands lull. The center Wallace, .thls quar��r for the rea�hat, �� i Counlry,..-l,oc:tu<uag ID. the· ,OC'VICC of (BeauX'J\"'s� - .. iid a meinber 01 Ine I .be '�'I,ated as an honorary member.."-":--Weighs Jifp()li'rids', and 'by m�re bulk war c�ndltlOns ha�e �r'�ere� the. m�m I die govern�ent. Afte� that the oppor- f Institute of France, will lecture at t �gma H� 8 New Members.. '.alone stops anything through' the bershlp of the orgamza110n, It has tunity was afforded him by the Y. M·18 in Mandel. His subject is �Martyr I tStgma: JessIe McCormack, Clllca:middle 01 the line. Kingsl�y and ·been lound necessary t� make use 01 C. A, to go abroad lor leclure work. Monumenls: Reims, Coucy, Arras.", go: 'Esther llcLaughlin, Chicago:Lampi are veterans of last season's the freshmen in the dl�erent plays:. \\-'hile in F�ance, Prof. Clark saw �is The lecture willt be illustrated. An 'I La�ra. Tho�pson, C�go; GladysbacJdield, and showed well against Rehearsals ProgreSSIng Well. 1 two sons, 10 the am'bulance serVice, of these lectnres .are open to .the pub-. Ramer, ChIcago; Ehza:!>eth Owen.tbe Pier by Pat's story. 'Miners, "The rehearsals," said 'Emily Taft, who have each been decorated with lic and all students who are inter- \ ,Qhicago; ;Nina Morrison, .cbicago.right half, will �ve to be watched, the president. of the club yesterday, I t�e Croix de ,Guerre f�r bravery. ested have been asked to attend. I: Helen Palmer" St. Joseph� Mi�h.: andas lae did the best work of the Go- ".are progressm� well. A great deal i Smce he returned to Chicago Nov. Jean Falconer, Saugatuck, ;Mlch:.p'her attack. of enithusiasm and effort is being dis- 9, Prof. �Iark has delivered at least WOMAN'S ADMINISTRATION ; The '\Vyvern; Dorothy Armick,Swenson was baek for practice yes- .played by the members 01 the casts, Iwo lectures each day since Ihen, in COUNCIlL HOLDS WEEKLY I Chic,ago: Lillian Barden, Chicago;terday evening, and his relurn will tbe acting i� expect�d to be more the interesl 01 the government. . DANCE FOR ALL WOMEN l Buel B�rke, C��ca�o.' Frances Cr�-kelp L;e ,Chicago line. The Maroons than ordinarily good.t Zler, ChIcago; \ IrgInla Kendall, Cbl-.. bo played againsl Illinois came oul(Continued on page 4) . To Give Bi-Weekly Tea Today. No Wallflowers at Parties in lela cago; Virginia Hibbin, Chicago: Lil-without any Injuries, so the practice., Noyes Theater� Enables Students Ilian ':\Ierril. Chicago; Louise. Roth,this week will not be handicapped byMANUSCRIPTS FOR POETRY The seeond bi-weekly tea lor the to Get Acquainted. ,CHicago: Ruth Seymour, 'Clllcago�the loss of any of the regulars. It isCLUB CONTEST MUST BE 1 faculty members and students of the__ '_ f Elinor Smith, Chicago; Kathryn Tt.hoped that Neff will be ready to startSUBMITTED BY 4:30 TODAY I School of Education will be given to- There are all sorts of dances. There i ison, Chicago6 and Adelaide Scan1an,tonight. Tays played quarter duringday from 4 to 5 in the kinderg.artcf' used ,to be� in the good old days I Chicago.the workout yesler.day. and will bePoems 10 Be Dropped ill Faculty Ex-l room of 'Emmons Blaine hall .. ,�n when llr. �Villiam H?he,n�ollern ,,:as I Phi Beta Delta: Lel.ia, �weeting,ready to play.against the Goph�rs. cbange-Will be Read at ! students 01 the school have been ,n- . only an mnocenl md,v,dllal wuh I.Bloomington, III.: Vlrgm,a Le�,Ifew plays were banded out, especlal-Meeting. I \'ited. I stro�« inclination� 10 black mlls-! Springfield, 111.; Gladys 'Lyon._, Ch,-Iy lormations of the open variety, asI tach,os cil exeeedmg cllrlmess. real I cago, lladelme Siebert, Ch,cago;tke 'Maroons are not going to try 10 The Poetrv c1nb COllt.,t will close Club to Give Tea Tomorrow. I men dances, wh�re one queshoned not I Harriet Arkill. Chicago: Sarah Tow-do ·much with the heavy ,Minnesola loday at 4:30. At that time all the. taxi-lares and the probahle pnce of al er. Chicago .• &U. manuscripts must have heen handcd The Home Economics club Wilt corsa�c houQuet. But these are �one, I Chi Rho Si�l11a: Hannah Ried, Chi-Team to Put Up Hard Fight. ,in to Box 0, Faculty'Exchange, and i �dve a 'tea tomo�ro\\" at oJ in Id� Noyes along with sugar and sermom and ,. cago: Caroline Hoyt, Chicago; �label\Vith all the regulars in shape, Chi- these will ·then he read at the nl�et-l hall. llrs. Addison Moore, vlce-�r�s- other old-fashioned thil�gs. .�ow .Hohman, 'Chicago: Antoinette \\'olff.l'.&.g0 will certainly give the North- in� of the cluh at ():30 in thc Alum- i idcnt of the Vocational SupervIsion there are danccs of an entlrdy <1lttl'r-1 Chicago: .\fargaret Cram, Davenpor.t,..en a tough hattIe. All last week nae room of Ida :\oyes hall. ! lcague, will talk conccrnin� her spe- en� SOi't-quite as nice' in the�r way i Iowa. and Lllcind.a Obermeyer, Chi­tile lineup was composed of new men, '. Glenway \Vescott, the president of I cial work in the direction oi sC'hol-� as thos(' of the old days, C\"en If they I cago.and when some of the rcgulars went the cluh, announced yestcrday that a ioilrship funds, i aren't so thrillin�. ,i Pi Delta Phi Has 5 Pledges.nato the game they had not had more loilr�e number of poems had heen suh- i I t The\" are the kind to whkh an tn-: Pi Delta Phi: Frances Port, Chi,t'lan a day's practice. Stegeman, who 'mitted 'hut that a �reat many more I 'Veather Forecast. i nocen; ,"111<1 unknown FH'shman may i l'ago: Jo"cphill.c \\'clls, �". Joseph .. 4id the �'aroon kicking Saturday, had arc expected since �one of the c.IU1) r. i wcnd her way in pcrfect peaCl', Utl- j I.\(ich.: IFrance,; BlIlllsted, '.Chica�o;aeen kept out of the lineup sever.al 'memhers have suhmltted manuscnpts I, ·Fair. not much change m te�pera-l haunted by fears of adorning, the i Ruth Skinner, Ekill. Ill.; Elizahcth"ys hy an injury, yct he played a SO far and all are cxpccted to con- I ture. Northerly to westerly w1Ods. I walls. She always has a �ood tl111e'l Benyon. Chica:�",,I 1 'I s··b I ",hecausc therc are only women at that Deltllo', F.th.,) Palmer, Ch:cago;-. reat �at11e, Scvera ot le,r '.\ aro.on . tn ute..,....� �., THE DAILY �IAROO� '.II 1 . I 1 u .ho '''cre out of the practlcc sessIons The judges of thc ('ontcst arc \\ 11- t dance, ;In<l they are a t. lcrt' w�t 1 tIe r "Ioc 1-::ufT, La Porte, Ind.; .narlC• y! BULLETI� I d "went into thc �a111C, and tried thcir liam Saphir, Agnes Lee, :\trs, Otto. :;.arne purpost·, t lat 01 1l1�ct111g as I �r.artin. La Porte, Ind.: Gla y=, '.\1('_i.est to hold the 111 ini ·hack. 'M iller, Freer. '�I.,. A rthur Aldis. Their de-ma ny other .irls as p�". hIe. � nd I Whortcr, ,\I�ona, la.; Lois Tyson,amon" other" played in .he game, !eisions will he annonneed as Soon.,Divinity .eh!:;'"Y�ddre.s; 11:0.';. 'hO\�in" th�m the lIIeanm" of 1 ""j Amarillo, Tex.; Jeanette La, Force.though he should have bcen restin�. � possible. According- to the announcc- I verSlty SpIrit. IOttumw;., la., and Florence \Valker.Ch' ment of ,the president, the club hopes Haskell.h 11 "There is no hetter W:ly to learn ,Chicago.The victory of Illinois over· Ica-. r P t club' 6:30 Ida Noyes a,.. I .... ht to find material for cluh 111emhersqlp oe ry , ,, 0 : to know the gIrl!' you !'ec ('ver� {ay Delta Si .... ma: Dons Towne, \ alley�o gavc the Zuppke men the rig. d 1 Y MeA Stunt Nll!ht, 6:3,' " Oct F H d . I �. I d'to claim the conference title. North- through the poems submltte even .•... 10n campus. sal ranees en cr�on, City. X Dak.: LUCIlle :\-[ower, n 1_.estern had been makin� noises though all of these cannot he succes!\- ,Reynolds club. d I who has charge of this new hrand of anapolis, Ino.: Helcn :\tcClurc, Laf\l1 in the contest. University War Lectun:: 8 Man e. dance,. "Thcr� is no better W:ly for Grange Ttl.: ':\Iarjorie Booth, Joliet,""'OUtl'ts claim, tbut Iowa silenced the. I I b 8 CI c 10 ,-.A cQl11milt« has heen appoinled 1::IaSSlca C u: • ass •. s,. homesiek Fr«hmen to 'find out thaI III.; Ew Turnbull, Glencoe, Ill.;Purple by trimming them badly �t consisting 01 Novis laseman, chair-" Sociology club: 8, ClaSSICI. .alter all there are th,n", almost "' Helen Guest. SiI«r Creek, N. Y.;Iowa City. The only other team 10� nowthe conference who has any chance man, James Sheean and Arthur \Vin-.. omo � H k 11 nicc as letter .. from home:· ,'{ary Ullrich, Baltimore, Md.: Flor-h ters, who witt choose the new mem- DiVinity hapel: 11 :()5, as e.I Such dances are those of the \Vom-cnce J. ones, Chicago; Blanche Troger,to dispute the right 01 Illinois to t ebers. These men will al,o conslitule Semitic dub: 4:30: �kell... (Continued on pa«e 2) Hinsdale, Ill.: Lavern. WiI;on. Sa-banner is Michigan, but the Wolver.- Y M. C. A. RehO"lous DiSCUSSIonh a selection board to weed out ma- o·Now I S Dakme's game with ,Chicago was t elr gro�p, 6:30, Reynolds' club. '7)0 Your Christmas Shopping' em,..terial for the judges(Continued on page ")Stagg's Men Get' Up Steam InPreparation For FinalBattle.�OONS HAVE GOODCHANCE FOR VICTORYOVER GOPHER ELEVEN i",. �".. . ' � .''_-- '�",2 THE DAILY MAROON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918,. : night:-Theyare:--S-O-N-G-S-O-F-T-H-E-' -T-.-�·--·--I INVITE s. �. r· �.'��, ro� "Louis Tilden will give a violin and Senior college: Ete81lor Atkins,. ���. REG'LAiC TURKEY DINNER accordion duet,' and !Philip, Stull and •Edna Clark, ,Katherine Clark, BeMa. ._ -, ,-,,-.- . . I Arthur Witzleben a ukelele and banjo Oriver. Helen 'Fo�, Gladys Coni-.... ,"ooolawn CoiIa .. �ty Cen� to Eb-I duet. T. G: Gilbert will playa cornet en, 'Frances Henderson, Alice Jobn-By R�n Graves., �e� Fifty-Y •. :M. c. A. Group I solo and' P. 0: Snyder a piano solo. stone. Lucille Kanally, Leonie Krock-(August 6, 1916.-0fficer previous- to DI8CUS8 "V�Ue of Prayers." I Samuel Elson will give a violin re- fer, Florence MacNeal, Jessie Mc-ly reported died of wounds, now re-I Hold Stunt Night in Reynolds. cital. ,A. Olshefsky will give a piano Cormack. Mildred Powlison, Kabelported wounded: Graves, Capt. R.,. . -, --'1 'r�cital. All students who wishes to Rossiter, �lanche Rusker, Helen Sulz-Royal \V elsh Fusileers.), T�e �odiawn Community center compete in this entertainment have berger.Betb Uphaus,. . . But I was dead, an hour or has IDYl fifty S. A. T. C. men for 'been asked to hand their names to Junior college: Damaris Ame6,more. ' Thanksgiving dinner and entertain-I Mr. Stevens sometime this afternoon. 'Luella Bithers, Vera Edelstadt, EdithI woke when I'd already passed the ment.· Invitations are to 'be issued, Flack. Margaret Foss, Ruth Huey,door .through Mr. Stevens of the Y. M. C., Danny Hunter, Dora Kirchenbeum.A� All men Who wish to go have' COLLEGE HOCKEY TO BEGI�That Cerberus guards, and half-way TH CO T :Dorothy Latta, Marion Meanor, Eclth-been asked to sign a list on the sec- WI N EST TODAY AT ..down the road er McLaughlin, <Helen Palmer, Coven-To Lethe, ,as an old Greek sign-post ond floor of the Reynolds club Series Will Be Cooelucled Within Two try Platt, 'Mary Seymour" Raehelshowed. Men will go in two and threes to Sheldon, Enid Townley, ,Jlarjorie"') h J.. the homes of members of the Com- Weeks. Names of Players Are0' rove me, on my stretc er swingmg AIlIlOUIlCed. Winslow.)d b munity center, where they will haveay Freedm:m .Manager y,I saw new stars 1Jl the subterrane fin old fashioned turkey dinner. I The first hockey game of the I HAVE YOU SENT IN YlOURBallinger and Fenner sky: Then they will go to the Hyde :park!!, women's inter-college series will be SUBSCRIPTION TO=============== ':\ -Cross, a Rose in bloom, a cage Hi�h school to �n entertainme�t played at 4 today on Greenwood field. I THE DAILY MAROON?Entered as second class mail at the with bars, there. The men will reac.h home ID I The final matches will be held a weekChicago Postoffice, Chicago, Illinois, t' im for taps All tho e wh h IAnd a barbed Arrow feathered in fine .1 e. .' soave from tomorrow and two weeks fromMarch 13, H10ti, under the act of ed14arch 3, 1873. stars. already sign up for this have been today. -I-, felt the vapors of Ioruetfulness asked to see 'Mr. Stevens sometime I .Invitations hav� been sent to form-SUBSCRIPTION RATES t:> W dn d afCalled for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a Float in my nostrils. Oh may Heav- e es ay 'ternoon. ,er physical educator .... instructors ofquarter. en bless �Scuss ��Value of .Pra�er"". I the University and the University. By Carrier, $3,00 a year; $1.25 a Dear Lady Prosperine. who saw me ASSIstant Prof, MerrIfield s dISCUS- high school �s well as to other teach-q�e�ail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50. wake, ,ion group will meet tomorrow at 6:30 ers and persons interested in the We serve;. quarter. And. stooping over me, for Henna's in the Reynolds theatre. Because of work of this department. All women thing.By Mail (out of town), $4.25 a sake the "Pep lMeeting·' Saturday the Iast students will 'be expected to come outyear; $1.75 a quarter. Cleared my poor buzzing head and meeting was not as well attended as and root for their college.Editorial Rooms Ellis 12 sent m; back usual, The su'bject at tomorrow's The names of the women who made ITelephone )Iidwa!' 800, �cal 162. Breathless with leaping heart along gathering will be "Practical Value of the teams were announced ChicagoHours: 11:10-11:00; 12:25-6; 7-8. I cle' Prayer," The whole meetine WI'II 'be ------------------'Business Office : Ellis 14 -the tra . .". .Telephone )lidway 800, Local 162' After me roared and clattered angry devoted to answering questions thatHours: 10:20--11:50; 3-5:30. � hosts " students ask. I IThe subject for, next week will be, IITuesday, November 26, 1918. .of demons, heroes, and policemen-ghosts. "The Practical Side of Immortality."WELL? "Life! life! I can'!t be dead! I won't "This is a very fitting subject forbe dead! Us to discuss." said Prof. Merrifield, i. Damned if I'll die for anyone!' I "especially when so .many �f our men!Under the caption "Men Win Dis- .... d ha ve just died in the war,"tinction; \Vomen Inherit It" there .is sal.published in E. W. Howe's Monthly Musical Numbers Featured.for November the following article: Cerberus stands and grins above me The Y. iM. C. A. will hold a com-,milt laitg _arnon'ESCAPEThe Student .x ewspaper of 'CheUniversity or ChiCago'PPblished mornings. except Saturday,SUnday and )Ion,!ay, during the Au­tumn. Winter and Spring quarters,by the Daily �1aroon company.EDITORIAL DEPARTMENTTHE STAFFJohn .Joseph .... , , �1.anaJ:in� EditorRuth Genzber cer New.s EditorHelen Ravitch ., Night EditorHoward Beale: Day EditorRose Fiscbkin .. , Day EditorWilliam Morgenstern ........••.._ Athletic EditorFrederick Winterhoff .............. , Associate EditorBUSINESS DEI> ARTMENTStaff SolicitorsC. CO RMANY'SHOME LUNCH ROOM, The Old ReliableHeadquarters for UniversityStudentsthe best of ever,y­Promp Service.Try. Our Special SundayChicken Dinner.1313 E. 57th StreetLess 10 Per Cent Military DiscountFifth Floor. .\\\ �;"I take great interest in the New now, petitive "Stunt Night" tonight in theYork publication called Vogue. It' Wearing three heads-lion, and lynx., Reynolds theater. Unlike former en-,exploits the rich girls from the me- - and sow. te.rtainments this program will con­otropolis printing their pictures as "Quick, a revolver! But my \Veb-. sist mostly of instrumental numbers.they appear at various functions. I ley's gone, Bernard OdIe will give a pianologue,Can show you hundreds of country Stolen! .. No bombs. a personality stunt, and a French imi--- . I b d d d b tt I k no/ knife. The crowd' tation, !Ralph Barber will performr- grr' setter resse. an e er 00 - �·ing; if I had an art deparment, I swarms on, on the xylophone • .Jules C. Stein andwould present the deadly parallel, Bellows, hurls stones, . . .N ot'\Some of the other magazines even a honeyed sop.i ,; • .d Nothing... 'Good Cerberus!print pictures of costumes drape onf h .. IGood· dog! . • But stop!other girls. The names 0 the s opb h b Stay! � . . A great luminousgirls are not given, ut t ey are et- -thought • . . 1 do believeter Iooking rhan the actresses."The rich men, are always smarterand' better looking than their womenfolks: I dare you to find a collectionof male clerks better looking than a )I"Attention S. A. T. c.There's still some morphia that I , �lation Uniforms of All-Wool O. D. Cloth.quality, tailoring and general serviceability thesecannot be equalled elsewhere less than $40.00.Our special price, - l In fabricuniforms'bought on leave."Then swiftly Cerberus' wide mouthsI cramWith army biscuit smeared with ra­similar number of the leading �enof New York. $35.00tion jam;And sleep lurks 10 the luscious plum"The leading men everywhere �n I and apple.distinction; their women folks gam He crunches. swallows, stiffens,distinction by accident." Iseems to grapple'�Ir. Howe is a clever writer, and\ With the all-powerful .poppy . . .he isn't afraid to say what he thinks. t'hen a snore,Generally 'he knows what he is talking, A crash; the Ibeast blocks up the cor­about; in the above Quoted article. ridorhe almost hits the mark__'but not, \Vi.th monstrous hairy carcass, r("Quite. The main trouble seems to be, and dun-in the title of the article, becausc !Too "late! for I've sped thron�h. 0)fr. Howe is limiting his men and . Life! 0 Sun!women to those of the upper classes.Without much difficulty, I imagine.�{r. Howe could be presented withexamples of men inheriting the· diS-Itinction gained hy their. women, tocopy the expression of onr extraordi-Inarily clever author from Atchison,Kas ..And then, why is 'Vogue chosen asa typical example? \Ve don't knowa lot about the magazine, but . . .H owcycr. wi' shotlld have said in thefirst place, exactly what no the wom­something' ahont the mattcr. \Vell? "A RemarkableTypeWriter"All favorite features combined inone handsome writing machine ofthe first quality. I· THE�e1HUBHenryC.Lytton VSonsWOODSTOCKTYPEWRITER COMPANY:!3 W. Washington Street. ChicagoPhone Central 5563 • N. E. Cor. State and Jac=kson-From t'he Literary Di�est. It-----------�I�------------------��--------------------------------------------------- I�------------------------------------------------------------�i.��.�����.�!! IIIIASCHER'SFrolic Theatre IIUNIFORMS Thanks-.AT SPECIAL PRICESOlive Drab Wool Suits $22.50Olive Drab Wool' Over- •givingDisplay•coats ."" ""............... 28.50Olive Drab Wool SpiralLegging:;. .."" 3.00Service Hats " ,.". 1.85Overseas Caps 2.00Army Shoes, ",. , 6.50And all other articles ofUnifonn and Equipment atcomparatively low prices.Send for our special Univer­sity Price List.ARMY & NAVY STORE CO., Inc.245 ,W. 42nd St., N, Y. CityLargest ootfitters, Gov't con­tractors and makers of Uni­forms and Equipments.Our nearest branch store,623 Liberty Ave., Pittsba� Pa. 55th St. and Ellis Ave.Tuesday, Nov. 26StarringFascinatingENID BENNEIT Just \vhat yOU' girls wantfor the Holidays.WOMAN'S ADMINSTRATIONCOUNCIL HOLDS WEEKLYDANCE FOR ALL WOMEN(Continued from page 1)an's Administrative 'Council whichare being given every Tuesday after­noon at 4:15 in the theater of IdaNoyes hall. Admission is ten cents.An University women have beenurged to be present. The third of thedancei will be held �his afternoon. -m-Frank's Outfitting Shop1032 E. 63rd Street,"WHEN DO WE EAT", ", ....... : l .... ;..',..Forhi IparriesDearCOilany ccWilsohas a.,�I('t, l'H-the stowelFinn,cupyirest 4nighter," ,somecopearsASaJInets,dolinsthe ipropoPV\ was c'Wcstefromsufferwentminuta pmaboutwesteand"covenhoursfirma]barrawear.WetionsTheywe W4derly,newsup theleaveyou a:I made.week..;.HOout 0noise.001been (•.: HA:ting sttold u:by T}BYwho'scampunies'h,mascoindivic'Lieute.r' CAl-j"-RO<.. suite.or witCall aHydetion.STEWRITaccuratly eXil(20 yeecal, co:dent; 1hand aestinglor tJpcare o'there 1', ,ITHE DAlLY MAROON, TUESDAY, NOVEIIBER' 26, 1918•(in and whispered in our ears thatTHE new sergeants are occupying we'll be out by Christmas. IOh, gosh!-the sergeants' room in the central ---tower of the stadium. Ex-sergeants LOOK who's here! Citizen Cather,formerly a corporal. He received anhonorable discharge atone of the O.T. Co's, and visited the Mold crew.";11 'j- .:.------------------------------OOLUllN OF COMPANIES.COMPANY AFinn, Kohn and Newman are now oc­cupyin� bunks in ·the "open" with therest of the buck privates. nre firstnight Pvt. Micky Finn got a "blink­er," which proves that chevrons aresome protection after all. ball teat" is again calling for candi­dates. Wake up you B-ites!AS we look through t� window atthe snow flakes, another rumor blewSO M'E people were born lucky.BROWN is mad now! He chal-COM,PANY A's musical talent ap- lenges Companies A and C ·to basket­pears in increasingly large numbers. ball games to be played at any time.A saxophone, two violins, three clari- He manus business-get busy!nets, two cornets, and various man­dolins, 'banjos and "ukes' are some of Snatches of Conversation from Snell:HAIL, hail the gang's all here, so Hall in .1908 and in 1918.what th-. Gee! we feel happy! Decorative Details in the ArchitectureHave you noticed B barracks lately? of Hitchcock-Hall..Bunks clean, floors swept up-every- The-Gargayle's Story. <;PVT. Vern ISmith of Company A I·'thing up to snuff? Ha\'c you seen the I cerbe. rus in the Physiology Build-was one of the stars in the North- shining shoes, clean puttees and ing,western game. Although still stiff smooth shaven mugs? Seen from the Minstrel Gallery inf' ·d' h' fl . ib "h' , Hutchinson Hall.rom an acci ent to IS oatmg rr 5 (IS -It s a secret. \Ve all expect The "Alma 'Mater" of Mitchell Tow,suffered earlier in the season, Smith to get passes on Thanksgiving.)went into the game for about two �r.Mural Paintings at the U. of C.minutes, long enough for him to grab SPIEAKING of basketball-we Oor Museums.a purple forward and run it back have to hand it to the gobs. They Making "Pi"-A Visit to the Com-about twenty yards. Three North- sure have some combination. They I posing Room.western players tackled him at once, .licked us good and proper; however. The History.of the Printers' Devicesand "Smitty" was laid cold. He re- Brown's 110t worrying-we'll get I on /Harper Memorial Library.covered consciousness about thirty rlt'hem yet! Symbolism inthe Architecture of Ju-hours later, in -the S. A. T. C. in- 'lius Rosenwald Hall.firmary. He has just returned to) ehe W. S. T. C. Non-Corns Will Meet. The Relation of the U. of C. to thebarracks looking rather worse for The sergeants and corporals of the Cit�s Boulevard �y.stem. .wear. i W. S. T. :C. have heen asked to at- An .Ammat� Rev�� In the Loggia oft ·tend a meeting today at :t2:40 in Ida the ClaSSICS Building,For General News "Noyes gymnasium. The Official Guide Ihi charge of the 'Column of :Com-· By David ADan Robertsonpanies D Y Ch S N Gives a complete history of theo our ristmas bopping owDear General: University Buildings with interestingdescriptions of the distinguishingCompany A never brags but surely SET UP NEW EXHIBITION points of each: profusely illustrated.any company with celebrities such as: OF GERMAN WAR TRiOPHIES with well-chosen photographs.Wilson, Roosevelt, and Daniel Boone ..has a -r claim, too. Hasn't it?' - I Get Your Copy for only ���An exhibit of war trophies has be en ' ,Private White House. placed in a case in the bridge between I THE UNIVERSITY BOOKSTOREHarper and the Law building. The 5758 Ellis AvenueWe received the above contribu- collection contains some war posters ----�------------------------""itions from membersof -the company. for the third French Loan for the Na­They came .in especially handy since tional Defense. A collection of coinswe were detailed as headquarters or- of � nations at war is also shown.derly, a job leaving little time for In .the war exhibit are flasks, hel­news sleuthing. Contributors keep .mets and gas masks of ·the Germansup the good work. But please don"1 and the Allies. The -German masksleave your _ "bit" On our cot unless are made of leather, on account of theyou are sure'the inspection has been scarcity of rubber. Parts of shells,I made. We love our col, 'but oh you ranging from machine gun cartridgesweek.:end pass! to large pieces of the high explosiveshells, are shown. Other articles ex­. hibited include parts of a German Iaeroplane, a German idel1tWication I. tag, and pieces of stained glass from,':rhe cathedral of Gerberville, the mar-I'tyr city of Lorraine. "HAVE YOU SENT IN YOUR --------------SUBSCRIPTION TO 1---------------HANG it all! Just as we were get- THE DAILY MAROON? MEN'.s W EARling started. along came a rumor and --------------- Hats - Gloves - Neckweartold us that we're to he mustered out Private Dancing Lessons JAM ESE. COW HEY, by Thanksgiving. I In a course of six lessons ($5.00)BY the way-can anyone tell us I ne caD acquire the steps of the WaltZ, S. E. Cornerwho's the best iLieuten:mt on the One-�p, �d Fox-trot. Single Ies- 55th' ST. AND ELLIS AVE.campus? We'll admit other cornpa- sons-If desIred. B ILL I A R D Snies have it on us when it comes to l LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIQ Cigars _ Cigarettes _ Pipesmascots, basketball teams or bright I' 1541 E. 57th St.· Hyde Park 2314. __in�v�u���t when it romes ���������----����------�---��--�'Lieutenants, we take the cake. I TeA ,s. A. . . Hention../ CAPTAIN Brown of our basket-, Does Your Overcoat or Uni- Iform Need Altering or 1Classified i Pressing?Service Prompt I.Rates Reasonable I10 PER CENT OFF TO YOU IFamous Tailors & Cleaners1305 East 55th Streettion. I' �STENOGRAPHIC and TYPE· �-------------WRITING work, an kinds, promptly, I We Cater to Studentsaccurately, neatly done, by thorough-lIy expert, rapid stenographer-typist I(20 years' experience, literary, medi­cal, commercial, ete.) University stu­dent; best recommendations. Shorhand also thoroughly, rapidly, inter­estingly 'taught. For stenographicor tJpewritinlr work, write "Kelly,'care of "al'OOD office, or leave w r • Jthere to be called for. "- _the instruments promisedproposed "jazz" orchestra, for our.,COMPANY BHO-HlJiM-'sbout time we crawledout of our retreat and r.pade somenoise.COMPANY B's Furlough club has� been disbanded for the season.j.'ROOMS - Light housekeepingsuite. Single and double rooms withor without Iboard. Reasonable rates.Call at 5822 Drexel Ave. or phoneHyde Park 3931 for more informa-The Frolic Theatre IDrug Store. ISit in a Booth with Your Girl I959 � 55th StreetCor; Ellis Ave.Tel. Hyde Park 761 RANTOUL AIRMEN'S PLANE 'Midway every week for some �,... IS WRECKED IN ACCIDE.'tT and this is the first time that be _WHY.NOTUSET�U. of C. Official GuideTO GET SUGGESTIONSFORTheme Subjects in EnglishA few suggested below:-r.:,� Campus ir 1890.T .• t' Bul! �!nrr� or the 'J. "f C. andtheir English Prototypes.Echoes from the Cloisters.Shades of the English Office.Subteddanean Passagea=-The PowerHouse.Memorial Tablets.The Pageant of the Four Seasons in!H ull Court. ___ had any accident.Lieut. John McFarland, one of the Itwo airmen who piloted planes from Do Your ('hr:btJDaS Shopping NowRantoul to the I llinois game Satur-. lien's Classical Clubs Meets.day, met with an accident yesterday--when his engine stalled. Lieut. Mc-I The Men's Classical club -will meet:F�rland star� to asc:end �rom the t tonight a't 8 in Classics 20. Mr. Shor­MIdway, but h�s machme hit a tree �ey will lead a discussion on "Artand �as praCtiC8.11y wrecked. 'Both I Studies in Europe Before and Aftermen In the machine escaped unhurt. ,the Great \Var."The airplane was taken to the bar-racks of the American Ambulancecorps. Lieut. McFarland has madethe trip from Chanute field to the,I HAVE you SENT IN YOURSUBSCRIPTION TOTHE DAILY MAROON?(. . '\We are pleased td'announce t,hat the management ofCap and Gown '19HAS APPOINTED US THEIROfficial Photographers"THE SPECIAL RATES ARRANGED FOR ARE TO BEGIVEN NOT ONLY. TO THE 1919 GRADUATESBUT TO ALL S'lUDENTS OF THE U.OF C. AND MEMBERS OF THEs. A. T. C.ROSALIEMUSIC HALL DAGUERRE STUDIO5700 lliirper Ave.Official photographers for Cap and Gown '17, '18 aDd '19FOR RENT FOR DANCES,ENTERTAINMENTSE'IC. TOP FLOOR-McCLURG BUILDING218 South Wabash AvenueCHICAGOTel. Wabash 527 for appoiittmentsH� C. E D_ M 0 N D S203 S. Dearborn St.Harrison 8183 \�-----------------------------------------------------------EASTMAN FLORAL SHOP- Fresh, F�!, Lasting Cut FlowersPhone Midway 9690 1168 East 63rd StreetHalf Block West of WoodlaWn Ave.North Side of StreetOON'l' JUST SEND ,FLOWERSLet Your Next Gift beFWWERS FRO,. EASTMAN'SWe Deliver Anywhere in the CityLET.��NORDLING SECURITYBE YOUR SAVINGSDRUG·GISTMake this store your head­quarters. Everything in Drugs,Cigarettes and Candy ••Sub-Postal Station No. 218Parker Fountain Pen Agency 'SERVICEThe Oldest Bank ill Hyde ParkNORDLING DRUG CO.Preseription DruggistsA. J. NORDLING, R. PH. G. Central Hyde Park Bank55th St. and Black.tone Ave..Cor. 55th aDd Ingleside A.e.Oaica,.TelephoDe Hrde Park UI ..1I•.- - .... ------- ---", 'I\,I THE DAlLY IIABOON, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 26, 1918I{III!t will be salted down? Myra, NAVAL NEWS., MAROONS HAVE GOOD ond period, and IUinois manngee toIn ;;ood season. m'dear. CHANCE FOR VICTORY get three touchdowns over.Famous Gobs. THE first real game of basket ball OVER GOPHER ELEVEN Passing Puzzles Maroon Team.Goo Blin, I this season ·took place last Friday (Continued from page 1) The first of the scores made 'by theGob Ute. II between Company B and the Naval . downstaters was in the nature of the'Gob l!\fcPherson. A k 1 I f th f clI Unit. . The result of the clash was a only conference tilt this season. u e as t IC catc 1 0 e orwar wasGob L et. decisive victory for the Navy boys. .There is a chance that the two teams a lucky one. The lateral passingGob BIer. At the end of the first half the score may meet ill a game later. provided game of Illinois puzzled Chicago andAnd, Stew, of course. h 'I.{' I ins T 0 th bi t d t t .stood 14-11 in favor of the S. A. T. C. t at 'l IC t.ag-;m WillS rom hio State e rgges owns a e garns werC'TUlE was when the Whistle was But in the second half our boys show- Saturday. made by the aerial method.,1 . I This just came by Special Delivery: Def b Illin' Ewruten cxc usrve y by a clever per- , . ed what stuff the Navy is made of and eat y OIS xpeeted.son who ground from the daily rou- IIllP�rta"'t. Re�erve half rOf. \\ ed-I when the final whistle blew the score Coach Sta�g did not feel very bad- HOME ECONOMIOS STUDENT,tine a colyurnn of mirth. Now the nesday s column tor me. Notlf: all was 31-14 in our favor. The trio ly over the defeat of his team. It ' IS VICTIM OF PNEUMONIAon'ly [requiaite for conducting this member's of faculty an� t�lJ business of Weitzman, Stucker �d William- was expected that ,the '�faroons wouldline are one fi.nger. to run a typewriter manag�r to double day P Is�ue'L son earried on a splendid.attack, while lose. as Illinois had aU the advantage News has been received at the Uni-and a stand-in With the editors. It ,. . . .. ud., the guards Madden and Dwyer kept The downstate team had more time versity of the death of Virginia Lsa-"-I .. h h h Whi \\ e think he might have brought .. d '11 d Z k I h d t, II 'I. { • t . d 'Is c ea: t en t at t e istle must. the Army at a safe distance from our to rru, an upp e a so a much ue e n artm, a stu. ent reguisterc 111he'll b . f 11 I' lIt over, and given the twelve cents I· IN' h f HE'a co a oratron 0 a t re numor-" goal. more materia to tryout. lone or -t e department 0 orne conomrcsr, . lDr the blind soldiers ... .Ish ot the campus. We therefore ::. .::.. the men on his squad were lost to the 10 the college of Education, MISSsoncir the exclusive output of all the 1 CV'�M'EO . . THE Naval Unit is expecting to army, another decided advantage. 1 -'lartin was a victim of inflenza whicho:JtV' . NE JU5t sent this de scr ip- " . .,unaMach�<i . Lardn��s: .Leacocks and tion of us in. I carry off the campus championship Chicago fought hard, but the ll11m f later. de\''Clol�e� II1tO pneum�ma ..B. a, T� s In the vlclmty: The new Sadly he checks his pencil; and .any ·S. A. T. C. team who wishes, t.eam was �oo strong to hold. The I '!\{ISS Martin s home was m Chlca-mot�o 0: our department IS "Toot the Frantically he grabs a pen; to dispute that, will see Madden who line had a little the better of the �Ia-I ,.::0. Her prepara�ory work was doneWhistle lest the wheezes fall on thin I is manager of the Naval five. roon forwards, and the Chicago backs �at Hyde Park High sch,oot. She en-With premature wrinkles his youngair." WITH the crash of a broom han. dle, had a bard time to penetrate for thc tered the University in the Sprinz.Forehcadthe wish of one of Wasserman's pad- required number of y.ards. After uarter of this year and remained inI" overcast.On Morality. He assails each newcomer with ded clubs, and a howl of pain from: 'holding the score down 10 9 points residence during the summer quarter ..The lady editors' the. first v.ictim-a new or.ganizat.ion: in the first half, .the Maroons were,I'_fhiS .is the second death resultingI Shrieks' for aid.Are SO proper.' 1 was born '10 the Naval Unit. It has unable to cope With the fresh set ot trom influenza among the students of! Relentlessly they pass him )v-sa\'e i .They cut out .an . been christened The Navigation club backs run in :by Zuppke in the sec- the college of Education.I Q. E. D.I At iast . • . . and before 10 a. m. every fellow in-11 Oh, sad scenes-oh woeful day, oh eluding our husky mess sergeant wasduly and solemnly impressed into thesad youth • . .I He gnaws his typewriter club.Editorial.Our cuss words.And they snifflePRICE$50.CompleteWhen we smoke. OWN A CORONASoonWe will get into the habit He devours his fingers,Of drawnig inspiration He breathes flame and smoke- THE initiation and the NavigationFrom Dairy Maids, The whistle begins to toot. hand shake was the business of the IAnd saying club for the first day-and it was I"Slush" : \VIT.H Thanksgiving approaching, carried through with a vengeance!W.hen we mean : 'Barricaded doors: speedy foot races"Dam " . I w ' d· .....n. ! e re as good as we can be, etc. etc. an even passmg autos were re-IT is the general concensus of opin-I .'--- AND he heard the major stored to by bashful would-be mem-ion that when the mustering out sea-I say that we'd be out." I bers. �But it was all of no avail asson approaches ,(iDare we look for- Anon. Katzen and Walk will tell you. Theward that far?) it would ·be an ex-I ., . unsmiing new member would be es-cellent scheme to put the sergeants I MEMBERS OF DRAMATIC 'corted to the execution chamber, thethrough the process a full day in ad- CLUB ISSUE INVITATIONS basement of Hiitcheock hall, wherevance of the rest of the men in order! (Continued from page 1) rulers, paddles I and, broom handlesto give them plenty of time to get i ' gave him an enthusiastic and WARMsafely home. l Rehearsals are ibeing held regu- .welcome. The mysterious hand shake� larly under the direction of various and .presto we had another eftthusi-\Vhy they laugh in Bartlett. I members of the club. -Frank O'Hara, astic member for The NavigationDr. Deed-(to private, who has an-I '15, a former president of the Dra- club.swered sick call) 'What's the matter 1 .matic club, is also assisting with thewith you? ' , rehearsing.' IT has been rumored that we are'Private-'My hip hurts. I guess I It has been ior some years been', going to get a week end "ShoreI've strained my legitimates. the custom of the club to give per- Leave" for the Thanksgiving holiday.r formances each Autumn, Winter and l The guy who started that ought to. Killed 'by the printer Last week, and·, Spring quarters. It is not yet known It get 'Latrine duty for a year!raised to ·life again: . if the unsettled conditions on theSir: When the'S. A T. C. is rnus- r campus will cause the club to depart I HAVE YOU TRIED ADVERTIS-tard out, when do you think the gobs J from this custom or not.· , ING IN THE DAILY MAROON? \THE TYPEWRITER FOR WHATEVER, WHENEVER,,WHEREVER ONE WISHES TO WRITECOlONA TYPEWRITER SALIS COMPANY12 S. La. Salle StreetPhone Frank6n 4992-4993WE RENT CORONAS, $3.00 PER MONTHM. EDGAR POLSON, S. N. T. C., U. of C. RepresentaU.ei!IiIII\I I� my flight from state to state. I find Murad everywhere!WHY?�. : �, tb2tomaBtl-gal'tie., �" ...,.rocaerD04. on\�salegDOCfor]., ria'of:".at.beee4!n,�� i,": .. - .;�,�� ·i., .." ·t", .�';!��!� ')SOilniefor'Jat; ]asOn