.: - �:'-:�,:y:t.�" '.:�0."i�����'', � IVOL. XVII. No. 30. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 19�8 PR.ICE THREE CENTS., .;.' - MA.ROON . ELEVEN AWAITS BIG- CLASHBARTlETT Til BE SCENE I I UNIVERSITY FAILS TOr- OF STRIC,TtY MILITARY ROLL OF HONOR REACH FULL QUOTA INFUNCTION TOMOROW Died in Service. WAR WORK CAMPAIGN...- 'JOHN IRVING ROBERT�Dance Will Have Program Fur- Total Subscription Ii; $2'4,179.�5\<'.. .B JO� ��';��';;R -v', TweDty�n,.'�'� GRADUATE STUDENT, DIES -·':i.;' :,�G� CROWD IS EXPECTED SERVING IN. BRITISH ARMY WOMEN LEAD STUDENT B'ODY I MIDWAY COACH DOES NOT , ANTICIPATE VIC�RY.. � :�:� Tlie "tone of the ball to be held to- \V ord has Ib�eceived of the The University has failed to. reach' HOW THEY LINE UP• '\ i"'tt!orrow at 8.in Bartlett und�r t.he au- .death of John Irving Roberts, for- .. the full amount of' its' quot� In the CBIOAGO ILLINOIS,. d .. ...spices of Company 13, Illinois Re- ,merly a, member of the graduate' United War 'Works caltlpalgn" b�t Halliday .........•.............. '.le Lovejo� ..........•.........•..•.. l�serve Militia, will -be strictly mili- h 1 '[ rRoberts wa�-serving witb �late reports indicate that the margin McGuire It Jngwerson (c) It.. . h sc 00. .Y r.,.. Uti •t Mill M C .tary. The numbers witt begin WIt the British forces in India, in the !>f failure 'IS not great., po. as er, c uarg _ Ig Hanschmann, Leitch lglnl'itary punctuality and they wiU 'be missionary field and was planning to night $24l179.55 had 'bee� slibscrt?e� Reber ············· .. ·· c Depler ....................•..... �.c(If martial character. Twelve dance k t'· hi t IMr Sherwood towards t'he $25,000 set IS the mini- Harris rg Mohr, rg.. ta e a secre arys Ip o· .' ,-.:. �umbe�s will be interspers�d wl�h Eddy. iHe was stricken with -infhi- mum quota. Ste!teman .•..-.......•..•......... tt. Olander • . ............•........•. rtvaudeville acts, most of which Willi d di d N 6 He was en- The faculty and staff, ha�e sub- Bradley ":re Bucheit •.•.. ', �� l'enza an ie '. (IV. • , _•be furnished, by members of the S. gaged to 'be ma.rried to Miss Freda scribed $r1,7l1.25. The .four hundred McComb, Tays qb Fletcher •.............. ' qbA. T. C . -and the naval unit. 0 I D • I h'· member of members of the' faculty subscribed Fauche, Eubank .........•......•. lh Kirkpatrick ...••••.......•....... Ihpa ame s, w 0 19 aEl ( )A large attendance is expected. 'th d t h I $9,650, an average of about twenty- ton c •....•..• · •..•....•...•. rb Walquist, R. Fletcher rh. ' t e gra ua e sc 00. ,d HThe-women from the residence halls • five dollars eacb. Six hundred an ermes fb Kopp, Lanum ..........•......... fbwill �(I in ;?"oups and will have spe- ,fifteen staff members gave $1900, an ._cial stations on the floor, Off-cam- FORMER PRESIDENT TOaverage of about three dollars each. By Walter B. Remley l . With the :'M.aroons Sltruggling topus women will also attend in a body: -, REHEA�E CLUB �LA YS I Women Student. Give $5,011. Sports Editor, The Daily IlUni. win a game before the conference;- The latter have ·been asked to meet /• -- --- ! The women 'Iea�, in the student The Illini eleven invade the Mid- season closes, and the Lllini seeking:! .tomorrow at 7.45 in Ida Noyes han Other .Dlrectors of !aU Quarter PrO-l,bodY, l\Yith a subsCription of $5,011 way �omorrow coached and primed to c1i�ch the ,Big Ten title, the an-in order that they may proceed to tklc�OD are Carlin Crandall, 'Mar-t' from 1071 women. This is an average for a 'battle royal. Neither Zuppke nual tilt on Stagg 'field tomorrowBartlett in a body. They will also g� Foss, Ruth Lovett, and Fran-lof over four dollars each. The wom- 'nor any members of the team possess .. oiight to 'be a good one. As usual,have a ,booth, which will be marked ees Hessler. I en took the Iead at the heginning of � bit of over co�fi�ence, but the spir- t!-dle 'Mwlroons are the 'underdogs, .and"Ida Noyes.". the drive, and have easil'y maintained I't t� fig'�t �o wsn IS par�mount. ,No -nothing shore of a miracle will enable. \' ... Sixty-Piece Band Will Play. The F�.I quarter Dr�mauc club.it. ,: ,--',., on'7 reahz�more thall:_ Coach ,�upp- them to win. The Illini come to C!ti-(,. '.,'. ' Prelim�, •• featJ,lres 'to· � ,jn, ,.plays, ��� �l'e -;t� ,_b� . gl, ven a: week t -e subs��';���"';'--the' men .ke, himself, ihow eltiGago-ha!r -ups � 'With ,.:the confid, e,nceTrispired' '6Y -." _" l-A' 4 � 'J)V -i \1 "l .... j.}� ;�... -.' • lit'· It R Id ct b _ .1...111 - --r-a_ -&'- • '�.�-"� WOIIi!en, i� �.tom�:-�� e:-:; eyno S�' of th-; University amounted to $4,- team after toam, in games where she a successful season, 'and with .a teamed have 'been Planned,' lby .Miss Cro- the,ater, are now In rehear,931 and a e388"'- ' This was f�om a total of'1231 was, reputed to be 'the under dog. I' three times as strong as the Maroons.' I d F k O'Hara '15 ./:J."nin, Miss Stiles and Mr. Stevens, Y. we 1 un er way. ran ,'. 'Of these 531 are civilian stu- One of the most notable examples of 1'he unexpected return of Reber''- f 'dent of tIle Dramatic men.h· h d f f h 0 [I,:ll. C. IA. secretary. These are said C'C ormer presl .• d t� 'th c:?, f43 to their credit, or t IS was tee eat 0 t e range and yes'terday will strengt�n Chicago's' lb· t • t .n the coachmg en :s, W1 .,...." ,I BI I . hI' .t\) be :xt;eedifi;;:�y "ov�1. A .conc�� ,�u • I� �,assls I. i ene�.al an average 6�::four dollars ea-ch. The u� e even In tel hnols. �ome- line about fifity pe� cent, but �t do.eshy a Nav�: be:n(J of sixty pIeces IS r .Carlan Crandall, who s. g. SAT C. 'bsc 'bed $2095.75 an commg game of 1916. Zuppke s war-I ,not mean that the Maroons WIll WID./' •d· t f th lub IS dlrect- . ". SU rt , ,., • [. ••one of the big features. The mem- � .stage lrec or Ot e c , f �o t three dollars each. rlOrs had, Just ,the Saturday before Reber IS Without doubt the best lines-bers of this band will he scorted i ing '�How He Ued to Her Husband." �lerage b:cra:l·ntl·uons l·n the different defeated the great ::\linnesota team man on the team. but he cannot be- {"' .L· hin "0 0' :\{e .L Ie su 0 r ',. '• :across the city JY ,two companies ",r! Ruth ovett IS coac g p '-companies were very uneven. 14 to 9 and the Gophers had defeatea I e�ec'ted to bold the l11ini rushes._, motur transpcrts of the Reserve iMiIi-! Thumb," an,d 'Margaret F�ss_ andDrive Will Not Be Extended. Chic�o 55 to O. Nevertheless the He 'wi,1 certainly be a factor in hold-./ tia. They w:!! also be entertained Frances. Hessler are managing re-The University elementQry and :\faroons came to Urhana and re-I ing down the score, 'but no wildat dinner ·in Ida Noyes hall. spectively 4'How .cupid Came tohl'gh schools subscribed .$817.40, of turned to Chicago on the upper end 'hopes of winning can be based onE I' C t " d 4rr'he Snare and• ,�.,... The ofiiC'�rs of ,the \Voman's \Var ar e sour, an• . which, $5711.15 was given in the high of a 20 to 7 score. the center's comeback.1,,1 J Aid o� thl' Ur.:w"ersity and a numher I the Fowle'r." .school and $246.25 in the elementary (Continued on page 2) Chances of WInDing Slight.t-i' of other ladie,;.· connected with the ('Continued on page 2) U' 11 b 'bers.! I school. .. Vl1sce eneous su scnI ' ,. Coach Stagg said last night that• • I· 'militia wilt he, patronesses. The I �ve $2,281:' MYSTERY �S UNRAVELLED t the chances of �inning tomorrowheads of t!iC dormitories have been I. EXPECT �N OF STUDENT Atthough in the country at Iar.g� I WHEN OFFICIAL'S REVEAL 1 were no better than they have :b�enasked to act as chaperones at their ' NAVAL TRAINING UNIT TO I the drive has been extended untIl I CHICAGO NIGHT PROGRAM � at any other ,time this year. "'Ofrespective station� �faj. Dana and I BE MUSTERED OUT SOON I the time the Quota is reached, no "course, we .are delighted to have Re-It sevcral other officers will ,be pr�sent 'I --- ,. further public effort will be made at Dean Talbot and Miss Cronin to Rep- i ber 'back," said Stagg, "_but one man-� as guests of honor. The proceeds CampUs Sailors Make Application for' the 'University. John :\1. ':\Ioulds, resent: Faculty-Wome� Talk on I doesn't improve the situation much..: -?f the b;tI.1 .'�iU go to buy equipment I' Discharg�Major Dana HascaShier of the University, will receive1l Sports.\ \ There are too m!lny men injJ]red a,d.\: tor the mIlitia men.- ',. Received No Orders. subscriptions 'at his office in the . sick for Chicago to stand against 11-,,:. Announce Program for Ball. I ., -. --Press building. -At last the progrom .for 'Chicago: linois. Reber will ,be an aid in help-" Order� received from Secretary ...t t- The program for the balt follows: "\,. i h Ntght has been announced. For ang hold back Illinois, but that is all."\ ' j �l-Concert by United States Navat" Daniels of 't�e Navy s y that t e University Dames to 'Meet. • weeks fair athletes and fair otherwise. :Chicago saw the intricate shifts fa-,#' I J i sailors may soon .be mustered out.'.. I f i' Band.,. . have waIted patIent y or the great I vored by Zuppfle demonstrated last�. 'Ian'" memb ...... sof the Naval Unit sta- Th U' 't D· ... mes ... ··1·11 meet •, t', 2-Promenade led hy :\Olrs. Judson·\ oJ ",.• hIe nlverSI y... n secret to be revealed. Some have I night. Pat Page had the subs work-!' ,I tl·oned at the UniverSIty ave a - 'I day at 3 l'n I'da '''oyes . '. �and Capt. Fairweather. , '. . f h' d· .\ on ...... even waIted to see what was gOing. mg all afternoon on the I11ini plays,l rcady made applicatIons or t elr IS-.k l., 3-<Star ISpangled Banner.h' k to happen before they bought tIC ets.l and by the time it was dark the sec-,;' charge. The S. N. T. C. men t m Weather Forecast. If • h .. ttl 1 •I' 4-0ne Step. ., II Id you are one ot t ose some I ono strmg men were ready. : The.'.. that thIS order appltes to them as we 'Partly cloudy and slightly co er; r , •5-JOne Step Readings by MOrris. -. h G L k -. d ! there s no longer .any excuse for your! plays are the usual shifts with. \"aria-H 1 as to the saIlors at t e root a es, moderate north to northwest wm s.. . .• III''). � Polson of Co.. .Ca _ tlcketless condItIon. '\ ou know a tions, that were used last year. TheI although the order was sent to pt. •.. • �. 6-Fox Trot.d' ff·· h .lr'HE DAILY MADOON I a!l>out It now and It s useless to opro-I team was not scrimmaged, as there.,t . T'ld �Ioffett, com man 111� 0 Icer at t e �A �, ..'. 7-0ne step; d(let by LO\lls I en,'. .h d f BULLETIN i test that you aren t anxIous to gO'1 are too many men on the injured. C � I �tatlon. The part of t e or et re er-l . . . .Co. H. and Jules Stem, o. G. l 'd For mstance, you know that thIS bIg ,list now' ring especially to students rea 5 as f(• • ,.8-Waltz. Today. I W. A. A. event Wilt take place to- Reber is Dependable P1ay�n '0 t L' K to h'stl follows:. h 6 �". Id X I 11 � d ' .,.;?-' ne s ep; eWls ay n, WI·,.. It is the purpose of the depart. Divinity chapel; 12,10, Haskell. I mg t at :.",:n a. �yes la .• n The loss of Swenson is not so se-� ing solo.l ment to release all youn� men who Chapel .assem�ly: :\olen and women i you know that there WIll bc plenty of rious now that Reber is Iback. "Fat"J" IlO-One step.Co !. wish to rctUNl to school and such of Senior college and college of Edu- t good eats. And you know that all will take care of the centcr portion'- __ .Fox trot; Scr�eant �ldCartney, . r. . catl'on '1"'20 �Iandel ! your friends will Ihc there. -t' of tile' 11'lle l'n (Tood, � t."'le. He I'S aD S h I I others as may he proper as soon as c •. -.- , ". r- .., •,. - 12�\V:I::c so os.practicable. To expedite s�nd ap- Tomorrow. t Behold Wondrous Program. " � c1e�er player, Quick to analyze plays,f13 0 S .t tt � plications with recommendatIOns. �'eetin-gs of University ruling bod-l But the :program? Oh, yes. here it i and will make trouble for .any Shortt - ne step; trmg quar e e-. r-U· . ies. lll's" The ,L:.rs. t thin,(T on the progrum, °1 passes over the line the downstatersh C I II . I: PIn 1 The Naval unit at thc mverslty II I'>t ur 0 we . VIO m: au I a mer. • d f Ph . I C I d ,� d I· Cl'ff d B b k Ito is 'Company H of the S. A. T. C. and The boar 0 ySlca' u ture.an ladi�s and gentlemen, will he the try- \ try., Harris played a scrappy gamet, ".' : man 0 m; I or ' ar or a, ce ; .. 00 H X 11 hOd l ,.,I' \v'n ha't all orders that apply to the S. A.' T. AthletICS, 9:, arpcr. outs for the position of cheerleadcr. ,at. ort western, and t c" I � Ian,A, rRvmg I sJ' h rp glClI arH• R ad C also apply to the unit. Thus, The Faculty of the school of Com- 'I The next thing will t>e a ""e1coming � is counting on him to repeat tomor-1 . eaumont 0 nson, o. , e - .. . . 1000''.4' since :\Iajor Dana has recclved no or- mcrce and Admm'lstration, :. address 'by Dean Talbot. Next l{�r- 'row. :\1i11er ought to flake care ofings.ders from \Vashington regarding the Hal"pe:-. � jorie :Mahurin will ;Speak for the Hohr witholit much trouble.14-Fox trot. .I 'mu."tering out of the men, the sailors The University Senate, 111:00, 1- ar- I all1mtYae. Then Helen Sulzberger LSt�man and !:\lcGuire will have1 �., l�Waltz.should no� be deceived over the fact per. " I will talk on organized sports and 1:\01'3- � to play the best games of the year,16-Extra.:., $.. t11at they are in to sta'y fOI" as long University football game: Chicago 'rion Llewelyn will talk on unorgani-I as the Illinois attack comes through.. ' .Sh . Now 'a tl'me as the soldiers are. '\"s. Illinois, 2:00, IStagg field. . (Continued on page 4) (Continued on page 4)'f.' Do Your Christmas oppmg\��::-:- ".I,� "I.. ILtlNI ARE IN HOPES OF CLINCHING TITLEIN BIG FIGHT WITH CHICAGO TOMORROWPast Winniugs of Season Make Downstate T� Confidept _.'0- �-'- •• '�Stagg'S' Line Bo�(�red 'Up By;Unexpeetec1' -- :.,� , - "-/.--- -'.'Return of Reber. "I_.>-1c. .,"'.;,J,;,) 'I.1, ,�,oil,','• !.\itlJ� �.\. I;. I- ,"j.' � ,"J ,., .... ,'-_'THE DAlLY MAROON. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 2%, 1911mI., I ill! _ lion somewbat rectified. In the first' lFORMER PRESIDENT TO womea who desire. to take the trip,&f a ar :place, the hall, especially in HUkh- REHEARSE CLUB PLAYS to meet at the Union Station at 8:20.The Studeat Newapaper of The �inson. ,has been too crowded. There (Continued from page 1) '·The fare will be about sixty eeets.UDiyenity of Chicago are always a certain percentage of The hike will he over in time for thePubHshed mornings, except Saturday, each company who have to fight to Following are the casts of the 'Varsity foot'ball.game.Sunday and Monday, during the Au- ,find places-and py then their food plays: ,tumn, Win.ter and Spring quarters, is stone cold. At trmes 'the food has l' "How He Lied to Her Husband" HOME ECONOMICS CLUB TOb)' the Daily Maroon company. I run out when at least fifty ",en were 'By 'Bernard Shaw. MEET· WEDNESDAY IN NOYESEDITORIAL DEPARTMENT .yet unserved. Some time there has I He ..............•.. Carlin CrandallTHE STAFF Inot been sufficient food rprovided to]- She Elizabeth Brown The Home Economics club will. ti f' I . Th H b ,J Ch meet Wednesday at 4 in -the parlorJohn '.Joseph .......•. M.anagin� Ed!tor sa IS y a norma appetite. ose in us ani .. '•....... '\." arles BreastedRuth Genzberger News Ed!tor ,charge 'have not yet realized that '''Op 0' My Thwnb." on 'the second floor of Ida NoyesHelen Ravitch .......• Night Editor. . d d . . 'hall 'Irs Addison "oore Is to beHoward Beale Day Editor 'parsnips an egg power, for exam- By 'Richard Price and Frederick ..lI. '.uRose Fischkin ....•.••.... Day Editor 'ple, are not common articles of diet, Fenn. the speaker and everyone interestedWilliam Morgenstern .•..• : ..•• '.' ,and that the men should not be Amanda Amick ••...... Ruth Lovett "in the work of the department has_ .....•............... Athletic Editorb .. d . dFrederick Winterhoff ......•..... � 'charged with waste when they leave 'Horace Greensleev .Charles Breasted I een mvrte to atten .•..•.. _ ...•.... � ... Associate EdHor'such food on their p�teL 11Celeste •........... Fern Broadbent ��������������������������������BUSINESS DEPARTMENT But on ,the whole, the provision 'Clem Galloway Maxine Davis'Yay Freedman ....••....... Manager side bas more cause for complaint. t Rose llordan Marilla CudworthStaff Solicitors The satisfactory meals. have been -,�{Qdame Jeanne {.\farie NapoleonBallinger and Fenner much more numerous than the un- DeGallifet Didier .. Ruth '�{al1orysatisfactory ones. I,f each man would "How C\1Pid Came to Earle's Court"Entered as second class mail at the remember that all the food in the . By Cosmo Hamilton.Chicago Postoffice, Chicago, Illinois,March 13, 1906, under the act of world was not 'made for him and con- Beryl )lacMurdo 'Carol llason.March 3, 1873. sider carefully 'the problems of feed- Phyllis Robertson �far,garet Fossing twelve hundred men, doubtless Arthur Tinley Arthur 1�{el1ingmuch more arnical feelings could be Harry Robertson ..•• Vories Fisherexperienced by all parties concerned. _\Irs. Robertson .... Kathryn StevensMr. Robertson .. Theodore RoseenakCook Olive Scott"The Snare and the Fowler."By Beulah Marie Dix.Ywaine Frances HesslerChannpernoun J. \V. DupriesSauvergne Paul HumphriesSUtBSCRIPTION RATESCalled for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 aquarter.By Carrier, $3.00 a year; $1.25 aquarter.By Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50.& quarter. IBy Mail (out of town), $4.25 ayear; $1.75 a quarter. I MAROON ELEVENAWAITS BIG CLASH(Continued from page 1)Editorial Rooms _ ElIis 12 The Illinois coaches and membersTelephone Midway 800, Local 162. of the team know that Coach StaggHours: 11:10-11:50; 12:25-6; 7-8. would rather defeat Illinois than anyBusiness Office _ Ellis 14 hTelephone Midway SOO, Local 162 ot er university of the Big Ten andHours: ,10:20-11:50; 3-5:30. ',the same spirit exists in the Illini===============================, camp. On top of this, the Illinoisteam realizes that Victory over Chi­l cago means the official confirmationas Conference champs ....Illinois Has Three Victories.Friday, November 22, 1918FOOD FOR THOUGHTmany have been the complaintscoming to this office concerning the Regarding the comparative assetsfood served to the men of the Stu- ; of the two elevens for victory, IlIi­dent Army Training Corps. ,Many nois has the advantage of havinghave been the complaints (profane fought and won three 'Conferencehave 'been the complaints) made in l games, while Chicago has lost threethe mess ball, 'in -the barracks, every- � Big Ten tilts. The IMaroon. and Illi­where on the post. It, would be im-I ni lines are on a par so 'far as weight.possible to give a resume of the va-liS concerned, bUt the r�laroon hack­ried a�d s�metimes thoroughly origi- field is. at least fifteen pounds heaviernal Objections offered' to the mess. than the Orange and Blue backs.While not so numerous and while In the next place, only once hasnot so profane as the faultfindings of an Illini scout seen ·the Maroons inthe men, complaints bave come from l action this season and that wasthose in charge of providing mess � ag.ainst Northwestern last 'Saturday.for the 5. A. T. C. Consequently, a l But Pat, Page has seen four Illinoisrev'iew of the situation is not out 1 games this season. If he is as goodof place ait this time. las most football critics give him cred-Generally speaking, neither side of i it 'for, Chicago should know Zuppke'sthe controversy, if such it could be � formations 31boot as well as the Illinicalled, is correct. The men possess I team, itself. It must also be 'remem­Q heavier balance toward the ineor- r bered that Tays, Maroon quarter­-rect because they have less of a { back, 'Was on Zuppke's squad for sixproblem. .From observations made in t weeks this fall, and so should bethe mess hall while on kitchen police i fairly well acquainted with Illinoisduty, we suggest that the members t formations,of the S. A. T. C. rem�mber that some -l Camptain Ingwerson is Veteran.wise person once said "Waste not; \Captain Ingwersen and Hansch­want not." From the very beginning t mann are the only veterans on the'of the quarter, to be specific, sugar! 'Illini eleven-s-both are in ehe line.was provided in sugar bowls on each _Lovejoy at left end was a sub on lasttable. Then men, instead of being I year's team. All the rest of the mengrateful for such -a rea] privilege, are new at 'the game, but ZuppAe haswasted sugar outrageously. While made of them what he calls his mostcivilians were hungering for an ex-tr conscientious and hard 'Working team,tra bit of sugar, soldiers of the S. A. since the undisputed ConferenceT . -C, 'Were pouring spoon after spoon t Champion eleven of 1914. This isin'to their coffee cups. �Ien detailed 1 the first time in the history of foot­on kitchen police have said that some i ball at Illinois. that a team has gonecups and cereal dishes had layers an 1 through the season with two back­inch thick of undissolved sugar. t fields. each of such striking ability.Such waste is shameful and set- t There is practically no choice be­fish. No wonder the sugar bowls tween them and each plays a half orwere empty at times. Similar s;tua-l each 'game. So far, Kirkpatrick,tions were experienced with butter I. Kopp, and \Valquist have playcd theand jam. :\Ien overloaded their bread, first half of each contest and Sabo,with the sweet stuff. Of course they' Lanum, and Ralph Fletcher, the sec­were unusually hungry; of course I� ond. This feature of Zuppflc's ma­the actual hoz s were in the minority, �'chine has ��tracted attention through-hut •. • . r\ out western football circles.The members of the corps were in- \ T t is not definitely known howdined ,to grumhle a �reat deal. They many rooters will accompany thecould not realize how many men had team. but at least .a ,thousand arc e�­to 1le served in a comparatively short pee ted to make the trip. Passes aretime. They expected to receive rooct heing gran'ted by the military autbor­in unlimited stlpply and exactly of ities to all S. A. T. C. men who canthe caliher "that mother u-.erl to go and a :'opccial train will ,be runmake." They forgot that they were' by the I1Iinois Central to bring -thepriVates in ·the Vnited States Army 'lIIinois rooters to Chicago Saturdayand about ten times luckier than men morning. The University hand,in regulation army camps. much to the disapponitment of all oldOn the othC'T side. however. there Illinois fans, is una'hle to accompanyhave been blunders that could be I the fans to the I:\I-idway this year. !:.::locth .and !:\'c:1 PatcntcJI \ tJ.'� C:o;;�:ngC::':;!:7T. r::.��a�·: :'(,:1,. I�!c:.. ":':'I'�'. =�:-', IDELUXE� � MILIT Ar", Y STOCKS � �Second Hand BooksUniversity Books, New and Second Hand aDd AU Kinds ofStudents' Supplies at the Most Reasonable PrleesWoodworth's Book Store1311 E. 57th S1., between Kimbark and KenwoodTwo Short Blocks East of the Tower. Phone Hyde Park 1690Open EveningsAthletic GoodsGym Outfits University of Chicago JewelryFountain PensWill Hike to Western Springs.The W. A. A. will conduct a five­mile hike tomorrow from Hinsdale.. to Western Springs. Margaret Tay­lor, the !hike leader. has requested all Second Hand Law BooksMedical and Scientific BooksSELECT YOUR OVERCOAT WHILE THE PICKINGIS GOOD.ULSTERETrE, DOUBLE BREASTED OVERCOATSAND WAIST SEAM OVERCOATS iN ALL THE NEWESTWEA YES AND COLORINGS." .•LYNCH It FESLERREADY-TO-WEAR' (I B .... t II· CUSTOM MADE30 to 60 '. 35 to 70.CORRECT CLOTHESHarrison 6073REPUBLIC BLDG.9th Floor State aDd AdamsClothes for Young MenThat Reflect the Spirit of the Day\THE designer of our Clothing for the Young Man and Youth has caught themilitary spirit and in cutting and tail oring has brought out the well defined linesthat so distinguish the clothes of the army officer.Suits of Re6DemeatWE point with pride to those Suitswith the military shoulders; fourmilitary pockets. straight lines in frontand five-seam back; such' Suits are ex­clusive as to cloth patterns and model,all are wool throughout and tailored tospecifications of a most rigid kind. $30to $60. Distiactive OvercoatsOVERCOATS with large collars andbelt backs; some with puffedsleeves; some with shoulder straps andstill others with five-seam back; $35 to$80. Fur-collared Overcoats in naturalbeaver, plucked dyed otter, Hudson sealand natural muskrat, $65 to $135.Fourth FloorThird FloorMARSHALL FIELD & COMPANYTHE STORE FOR MEN \••;�",h· � . .:II 1�. '- .'f,'t�l :, .:, I(-oSI1�hIvtst-'IdI��'--. ,'t! .__ �4 ir ,.'�',' :1, .1 l'), \TBB DAlLY IIAIIOON, FRmA.Y, NCWEIIBER 22, 1918 •I vi ted to attend an entertainmeht given WILL ANNOUNCE MEMBERS I UNHAPPY CIVILIANS FIND it any nicer for t'he most of us-no,COLUMN OF COMPANIES. under the auspices of the Christian OF FRESHMAlN CO)l'IIlSSION t . TRAGEDY DOGGING THEIR, DO, we forget-the Student Volun-Endeavor society toooy at 5:30 at the --- EVER WARY FOOTSTEPS teer band. There aren't any more------COJIP,AN----Y-A-----' Hyde Pank Presbyterian church. Women Chosen OR Basis of Sc:holar- 'cute little dances, nor any more ex-. \V-E .I. b led t b Supper wiIl be served 'Promptly Qt 1 ship and Executi'9'e Ability- Campus Transformed by Soldiers and citin� elections, except in the LawgOl:loW OU Y numerous.. members of this yere unit for omit- ,5:30, and at 6:30 p�pular songs �11l , Plan Party Soon. Not What it Used to Be. school. But the worst is yet toting the section belonging to Com- be sung. After this, ·Mr. Stevens'J. come.. f b h activities secretary of the Y. I�. ,C. Announcement regarding the per- Life has developed into a series of Never, never again, (because we'repany A several nmes 0 late, ut on- I I h . .. '11 A. will talk on his experiences In sonne of t e Freshman comrmssron trag ic chances, each more perplexing all radicals now) will there be aest news 1S scarce and nobody WI . ,'11 be . f'. I bril France. In order that S. A. T. C. WI made the first 0 nex.t week, and more complicated than the last'jlO:15 -.under - the - clock. gathering;give us any contribs. The on y rl -h' . according to Katherine Prosser, the W f I h"') b k . Lud men may attend, t e meeting WIll be e return to our peace u aunts t'here IS no more a trysting-hour-i-crliant (r mem er we . now IS ,. - id t f h Y W .r 'L Afand he .sends all NS stuff to the over at 7:30. press en 0 t e • . '-'. . - ter after a summer marked chiefly .by pJace-for bored undergraduates. \Vethe members are announced the old grey wool and sugarless tea to find find ourselves going casually to lunch.Whistle. PLAY W.s.T.C. HOCKEY GAMESJ commission will entertain the new at the old hunting-grounds dominated' at the reasonable hour of 12:1-':;' onlyH A'NL· th co pany mascot 1 --- I a party, tlhe nature of which will be by a mysterious S. A. T. C., which to awaken, half an hour later to theT, riJ. '''' you. e e I d .. . . -. •. . . I f a few cooties Companies to Compete in Elimina- ' eterrnined ·later. 1OS15t5 upon h:av1O"� drill at unholy fact that chapel has been going onIS domg DIce y, save or· '1 1.. h' h . ." ... d L tIL. t' tion Tournam.cnt at 3·40 Today �,emuers IP on t e comrmssron, as and inconvenient hours. I\Ve find It ior some time and -that it behoovesHe has been designate 00 -uy mos , •.Il . . . ,II . "L t" t I Ion a the committees of the iLeague. Ill' longer ilt)ssi�le to 'venture forth us to wri.te a humble apology to theeveryone. .We spe It 00 ou --- l' d . dId' ..some-I Int-er-company W. S. T. C. hockey ·IS etermine by genera stan 109, after dark. s ince regiments have a dean, which will 'bore him no lessof .courtesy; it really means , .. of deeo _lO'Dmes will be played off today at . said 'Miss 'Prosser yesterday. "No way of descending upon one out of than it exhausts us.tlung else. (Business �y se. e- 1 t d t itt. '13:40 on Greenwood field. Each of'S u en may serve on a cornrrn ee unexpected corners and by-ways. This is our sad tale. The sensibleereer.)_ the nine teams wiJI be represented. whose class gr�des fall.below. sta�d- That is sad, but other things are sad- part of it being concluded, we hastenI by a team 'The games will be run 1 ard. General interest 10 University der to the book-store candy-counter de-BtA'SKETB�LL men' are most ear-, .,. . . •. . _. .P t I off in the form of an elimination tour-I actrvtties and executive ability are There is no longer a band at the -spairfully-e-but, and for this wenestly requested to report to v. , 1 id d' I • h• r h hi I nament and the entire competition a so consi ere an se ecting t e mem-1 game every Saturday. The only haven't proper words, there aren'tAustm at once. \\ e ave to w Ip l 'J be d hr' d b. hi . h e so I will be completed today. I rSI an t e 1St IS passe upon· y band of which we have any evidence even any Dairy Maids!that champions Ip team 10 s ape, l .• J th d f b f fi Ld 'beat haughty B 1 "I hope that every company wit.. e ean 0 -women e ore a na ue-1 is in the Divinity school---oh, no, itsthat we can' " . d Th r f h'_. 1 have 'a full team on the field today," j �Islon IS rna .e. e 1St or t IS year, barracks now, :but that doesn't make Do Your Christinas Shopping Now(5PfEAKING of Company B, some-I said Miss Louise Patterson, of �e I IS at present in the handso� Dean Tal-UR h ded in Physical 'Education department yes- bot and announcement WIll be m:ul�one from 0 company an ,. ". . .�C ny B l terday "This is the first time the j ragarding . Jt !Monday or Tuesday.a porne eommencmg ornpa , •. W h "Th ,., he slonni t rot- t W S T C has held any kind of com-j omen ars asked to watc e �v�a-Company 'H, you re t e s opples , . . • •. . bt .. but we pany competition and the spirit with ,- roon for information about t e com-tenest company---etc., e c'. , . -' . . mission."don't dare print the rest of It. It's l which the women turn out today Will,good though, and the sentiment iSl' indicate their intere9t in -their com-FOR THE LOVER OF GOODof the ,best. pany's victory. Some of the teams CHOCOLATES AND_.__ i·have real stars among ,their number, GOOD BOOKSRlIGI D inspection yesterday mor�- i and the g�mes should p�ove exciting.ing, hoys. Guess .Lieut. Osborne IS, I should like to s.ee a bIg c�owd outgetting ready to grant Saturday paSS-I' to yell for .t'helr respective com-es. 'Oh yes! panies."SEE you all at the dance Saturday. Student Vobmteers to Meet.!WE don't love 'Company B, but. The Student Volunteer ,Band willCompany D, the one that .scra.ps with � meet IMonday at 7 in the Alumnaethe gobs all the time, certainly is sad. room of Ida Noyes.They claim to have a mascot, but'where oh where is it? ---------------"COME on over and bear Pvlt. Maycompound sweet jazz. It certainlyis a treat. Corp. Randall is there onthe guitar, too.'COII:PANY' DOOMJPAJN.y D 'has come into greatprominence as. the victor of a, hand­to-baud battle .with the gobs on thedeeks of Hitchcock. Feeling is stillintense and the company is warnedto practic� up on the on-.guard andseven and eight positions.'VHlE hasketbali game with thegobs tonight has been called off. ,butCompany -D will get them yet. Itis rumored the cleaning will comenext week.A grand and glorious feeling-tosit comfortably in hygiene cbs!Thursday morning and see the of herguys marching by to drill.WlHERE is Company A and itscolumn? Company.o seems to havescared the others out. Sing outCompany A et cetera.Are Invited to Entertainment.University s'tudents have been in-Classified \TYPEWRITING. French tutor­ing. IMidwQY 47. H. Andree Asmus.:i725 Drexel A v�, 3rd.iLOST-Black fox fur, Tuesday,N oveniber 19. in Psychology buildingor between Psychology and. Green• lJall.-Alp11a Kelsey, Green Hall.FOR SALlE-Fine very handsome,specially-designed bookcases, former­ly in Brownc's Bookstore, Fine Artsbuilding. Suitable for private library.Phone Harrison 3766.I GIRLS! Let's iO. Where? To Uni­versity Night at Hyde Park Presby­terian Church, 53rd Street Qt Black­stone Ave. Refreshments and enter­tainment for you and soldiers and'1a-ckies, too, Time: 5-7 p. m., Sun­day, Nov. 24. ASCHE·R'SFrolic Theatre55th St. and Ellis Ave.Friday, ,Nov. 21BIG BILLMONROE SALISBURY"HugOD'-�; Mighty" II••••• _11··1MUTI' AND JEFFLee Moran Comedy Wbitman'JI . ChOCQ1atea -:- ·famoussince 110M2-with a well-4printedbpok ('by standard a.ut'hOTs) ineach Ihox. Blue and gold boXj,handsomely embosse'd with insig­nia of the Service. A gift equallywelcome to or from anyone in theservice of Uncle Sam.$1.10 the box (with bpok) at:McANANY &: FINIGAN,1201 E. 65th St.PIaoae .IIiclway 70S.B.' J. SCHULTE,1501 E. 55th St.PIaaae Byde Park 206.DREXEL PHARMACY,901' E. 55th St.Phone Midway 1'10.VAN De BOGERT &'ROSS,- 1000 E. 63n1 St.Phoae Hyde Park 2541518 Hyde Park Bly'"Phoae 0akIaDd 68001465 E. 63rd St.Phone' Blackstone 3272800 E. 63nl St.Phont" Midway 3200A. J. NORDING,933 E. 55th 81. We m:e pleased to announce that the �anagement ofCap and Gown '19HAS APPOINTED US THEIROfficial PhotographersTHE SPECIAL RATES ARRANGED FOR ARE TO BEGIVEN NOT ONLY TO THE 1919 GRADUATESBUT TO ALL SWDENTS OF THE U.OF.'C. AND MEMBERS OF THEs. A. T. C.DAGUERRE STUDIOOfficial photographers for Cap and Gown '17, '18 and '19TOP rLOOK-McCLURG BUILDING218 South Wabash AvenueCHICAGO- Established 1890JENKINS BROTHERSDry Goods and Mea's Furnishingsani st. aDd UDiYersity AYe.Bi&M Goo.J. • Right 'PricesRight Treat.eDt"A RemarkableTypewriter·'All favorite features combined inone handsome writing machine ofthe first quality.WOODSTOCKTYPEWRITER COMPANY23 W. Washington Street, ChicagoPhone Central 5563 AThree Million DoUarBANK1204 East 63rd StreetNEAREST BANK TOUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOC. CO RMANY'SHOME LUNCH ROOMThe Old ReliableHeadquarters for UniversityStudentsWe serve the best of every-thing. Promp Service.Try Our Special SundayChicken Dinner.1313 E. 57th Street TeL Wabash 527 for appointments-GO TO-Mrs. Van DalsumFormerly with Marshall FieldEXCLUSIVE KNrmNG SHOPfor best quality yamand free instruction.Room 402 Venetian Bldg.DON'T JUST SEND .FLOWERSLet Your Next Gift beFLOWERS FROM EASTMAN'SWe Deliver Anywhere in the CityEASTMAN FLORAL SHOPFresh, Fragrant, Lasting Cut FlowersPhone Midway 9690 1168 East 63rd StreetHalf Block West of Woodlawn Ave.North Side of Street II.\.. - ............ -,.. \.-, :" ). ... '":'�.; .',.: :.� "\,_ � I'_, THE DAlLY MA.1WON. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 22, 1918 I.quarter," said Agnes Ke11y, presi- And now you're sure to want toHeavy Drama,., " - dent of the club, yesterday. "Like all I come. :\raybe you'Il tryout forTHlE mana�lng editor Just handedother clubs it has suffered because of .chcerleader and maybe you'll get it.us a story wrrtten by one of our cub \\. h h 11 d J • • '11 d., the war. 'e ope t at a men an At any rate you can Just Sit su anreporters, te llin c about ,the new dra-. h d '11'women In t e epantment \\,1 come cheer and sing. You don't want tomarie club ravings. "Rehearsals are " . 1II' d . h" id • to this ast meeting of the quarter." have to say the next day when youwe un er -w erg �I sue, , •hear all albout the good times the_'ise ones had, "Oh, I wish I'd gone."TodayWe have a new whistler.I t isn'tThe usual S. A. T, C. fan-• And it isn't, Lucy.ThereforeW'e will have some real jokesToday."'.j,o.\RLIX !-Oh, we nearly forgothim, That is why he's looking paleand thin. Also, no one has taken.him to the 'Gardens lately: Lucy has. .bee n buying a new hat with this Iweek. IWhy the Sporting Editor Left ICollege. - I"Hermes played quarterback last Inight, indicating how hard up ·theCOld ':\hn' is for generals." IDirty Work in�Orderly Room.'"The top sergeant of 'Company c.'" Iannounced Lieut. Dady, "wants tosee Blood this afternoon."Among those present at the mili-Itary ball tomorrow wilt, be :Few Gobs.The Mortar Boards.The Keltys.Us, and our' substitute. I' -The Major (by proxy). IThe campus vamps.The Home Guards, and their!grandchildren, -the S. A. T. C.'s. IDear Whistle:-Is the* clb trying ·to he a peaceparade? Or are they just preparingfor K. P. in advanceJane.Neither-They are on I)!' celebrat­ing Tuesday's battle.WE l.'ere 'tOld that a certain 200 Ipound Quad. stepped on the foot onan S. A. T. C. on the L. yesterday. IHe must have seen her d� it, for heyelled. IDID you read the Tr ib, yesterdaymorning? \Ve are competing withXorthwestern. \Ve always knewsomething like that would happen if Iwe allowed gohs on -the campus.. IThe renovated soldier with a reno-Ivated gunShoots renovated bullets at a ren-ovated Hun. Nellie._� . I� 'Friend Anon:-. I should suggest for inmates ofthat institution, which is situated just Inorth of Stagg Field, those contribu­tors for 'this column who spend sev­eral inches of v-aluable space explain­in� why that i� all that they can!write. No, I'm going to stop there; Iwhat I started out to say was thatfor the last five nights I have pre­dicted, "Tomorrow it will .snow."Could you accommodate me by hav­inc my prediction matcrialate. butfievcr mind, it always has snowed;so 1 gucs s it w:11 come out all right.L. O'P.TO return to the subject of thensu, as thc S. :\. T. C mcn say."When thc -'l)ugle hlow s at twelveo'clock, wc'Il he there."Quc .. tion: Where?Anon.Stevens Asks Choir to Meet.,:\fr. Robert \V. Stevens, choir di-,rector of the Univcr sity, has request- :. ed that .a11 students interested in the IISunday morning choir meet Sundayat 9:30 in �[.andet. HAVE YOU SENT IN YOUR Dancing will not be the onlj- at­i raction for the men. There will begames for those so inclined, bowling out.UNDERGRADUATE CLUB TOHOUD BUlSINESS MEETING.AND PARTY IN cLAsSICS MYSTERY m UNRAVELLED,WHEN OFFICIALS REVEALCHICAGO NIGHT PROGRAM(Continued froiD page 1) w. S. T. C. TO GIVE PARTYAND TEA FOR S.A. T.e. INI!OSTESS HOUSE IN N,OYES ILLINI ARE IN HOPESOF CLINCHING TITLE(Continued from page 1)S. A. T. C. men will have their full their pait of the Iine prebty consist­wilt -share of dancing this week-end. To- ently. The end will also have theirmorrow night comes the military work cut out for them, (but bothball, and theerfore the \V. IS. T. C. Bradley and Halliday have been play­will not give its customary party at ing well all season and are expecjedt!\at time, but in order that the sol-to hId up their ends.The Undergraduate Classical clubwill combine its quarterly party and zed sports. <Next 'Miss Croninbusiness meeting tonight at 8 .in .speak on a topic which is at presentClassics 20. Prof. Bonner, of the �110t known-not even to the chiefs ofGreek department, and 1:\1 rs. Bonner ithe committee in charge.will act as pa-tron and patroness. The results of the tryouts will thenXcw members will be voted in. Ber- be g iven, and -the cheerleader's coat! tha Evans, former n�issionary to In- .will be handed down to its new own­II dia, will talk, and refreshments will ere At various intervals in the even-, he served, fling there will be quartet singing. And"The Undergraduate Classical club it is rumored that there will be sev- diers will not 'be cheated of theirSaturday hostess house activities inIda Noyes hall, the women will give·an afternoon party instead. Theusual tea will be given Sunday from If Tays is in shape he 'Witt playquarter, if not; ':\1 cConrb 'will start .Tays would be the most valuable, ashe has had more experience, and canpass well. Elton will do the bruntof the work, as he has always done,and Hermes and Eubank will help.;; to 6._has not been as active as usual this 'era) dances.in the Ida N' oyes alleys, and a short .A victory for Illinois would giveyro�ram given by the campus talent, the downstaters undisputed claim to\\,110:;(; names have not been divulged. the championship. To Chicago a vic­Ii past parties are to {bc considcreu tory 'would ·be sweet, as the .:\Iaroonsany indication, the host-ess house will have not won one game .thjs year.probably be crowded this week, es- The rivalry 'between the two schools'pecially with the added attraction of is also great and the Staggrnen wouldDo Your Christmas Shopping Now tomorrow's tea dance. 'like mightily to bump the Iltini.SUBSCRIPTION TOTHE DAILY MAROON?-THE'TU"RKISH. ,•- /"