VOL. XVlL No. 29. UNIVERSITY OF CH�AGO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1918 PRICE THREE CENTSISeveral Regulars Still MissiJlg-Little Pep in Worliouts­Outlook Is DismaJ. , 'STAGE SET FOR YEAR'SBI�EST W. A. A. EVENT BAN ON FRATERNITYACTIViTIES REMOVEDBY MILITARY ORDER ROLL OF HONOR TO FEATURE SPECIALVAUDEVILLE' AT BALLTO BE GIVEN IN GY.MAROONS PREPARE fORAPPROACHING STRUGGLEWITH 'ZUPPKFS ELEVEN Propam is Still Dark Secret­'A!Wous Students Must Wait Un­til • Tomorrow to Hear Names ofScintillating Performez:s.'�. tCollege Greek Letter Societies)fay .Resume Rushing, Says .----------="Arretez-regardez-et ecoutez, mes IWashington Rulin NAME OF DAVID B. HARRISf ' -. g. IS ADDED T,O HON,OR ROLLIIW ILLlNl ARE FIRST RATE TEAM en ants"-6:30 Friday night is almostl'l�- -� 'bere. Have you bought' your '1Chi- ALL RESTRICTIONS ARE LIFTED�. BIG TEN GAMES SATURDAY . cago 'Night" ticket? Are you saving ---your voice ror the _cheering? Have An order from Washington has lift-� , 11liDois at Stagg Fie1cL you learned the Chicag� songs? 'If ed 'fl'be ban� fJ.'aternity initiations.'f Minnesota _at Ann .Arbcw. .you have not, you have only 36 hours Early in tbe fall,' restrictions 'Were.0 Wisconsin at Columbus. in which to do so. put on fraternities. The order said"L The management' promised to an- that they must limit their meetings}..I :. "ounce th d to b . tie d .� ... ;' !Preparation on Stagg field for the .�. .' e program to ay, but upon usmess mee ngs, an It was nee-� ) l' coming game with the mini is a dis- reconsideration of it decided that i.t essary for, tbem to gather. in some1_. mal proceeding. Tbe regulars are was not advisable. The entertain- out of the way place in hurried ses-)./ coming back one, by one, but there "ment includes so many famous cam- .sions.-J' are still quite a �ew 'of them missing. pus stars, so .many brilliant and un- A wire received from Washingtont. , There isn't very much pep in the usual features that; after a consulta- yesterday reads: "No restrictions ANNOUNCE JUDGES FOR._', ' workouts, and �oacb ,Stagg and .Capt. tion with the department of physical 'shall be placed on fraternity elections, POETRY CLUB CONTEST" ....... � Elton are the only ones who seem to ):ducation, it was agreed that for the initiations and meetings, except as_ �. care whether or no�the plays are health and well-being of the ticket are necessary to preserve military - Mrs. Freer, Mrs. Aldis and Wi11ia'm( , k d . h sellers, the announcement should be training and discipline." ,Saphir ,to Select Wmnmg'• Poem-wor e ng t.Swenson is still rmesmg' from the ! postponed. "Fraternities' are g� things- for Twenty-five Dollars' Offered bycenter position. but it is thougbt that - Have More Liberal Rations. the men," said .Major Dana, yester- Anonymous Donor.he will be back today or tomorrow. / As to the. supper-e-well, come and day. "There ,is no desire to sup- j:o'WilIiam Saphir, AgDes 'Lee (MrsThe guards are also missiflg, -and see and eat! Everyone is promised press them except as they interfere I tto Freer) and Mrs. Anthur AldisStegeman has been changed over' two te�spoonfuls of sugar and a slice with discipline. It is not yet possible I.are to act as judges in the poetryfrom tackle to fill one of the places. of, white tbrea� �s a celebration in for tbem to return to �eir houses, of' ,contest which is 'being 'held by theNot even Coach Stagg knows who is ,honor of tbe sJ.gOln� of the armstice, course." ! Poetry �lub. This is the second an-going to play the other guard. The \ The management Wishes to announce_ CaaDot Use Former Houses. I nnal contest held on the campus. Ev- Dormitories lIave Stations.tackles will be Harris and 'McGuire .. that, officers�'Of W. ·s. T. t. will 'he The fraternities will not be able to 'I ery student in tbe University is per- Each of the �idence halls willif tbe latter is in shape to play. there to see that the over-eating does -I meet at their former houses as all mitted. to submit as many poems as have a specia� station on tbe floor.not become unpatriotic, but it is ex- of tbese, with the exception of !Pbi' he desires, The contest closes next Tbe women will return to these sta-Hermes Plays Quarter Back. pected that their s�rvices will not be Gamma .[)elta have been taken over \ Tuesday. t}lanuscripts should ,be �1;ions at the conclusion of each danceHermes played quarter back last needed. · I �y _ t_he government. Most of them seat thr?ugh the Faculty Exchange, number. Tbis will make it easy for•nigilt, which indicat� how bard up The, topics for the after dinner t are being used as barracks, one is Box O. A prize of twenty-five dol- the men in finding their partners forthe_ "Old Man" is for generals. . 'I� speeches hav-e not ,been announced' now .a, hospital, aDd a tbird is being lars is . offered tc? tbe successful au- tbe next dance. The heads of the, looks as though Wibleben. wo�la he as th speakers are still under the b�nlUsid-u.quarters for non-commiSsion- thor, � have, been invited -to serve-as-given,a chance, now that aU the rest' of silence. -'It is 'hoped however, that ed officers. The maids for tile All the judges are well-known in .hostesses in charge of tbe several ball'of the quarters have been retired to this will soon be lifted and dlat our women's dormitories are occupying the field of modern poetry: !Miss Lee ,�tations. T.be following will serve asthe aide lines. Mills is on crutches, curiosity will be satisfied. In the the Alpha Tau' Omega house. . is :the author of "The .sharing," and patronesses at the ball:�g, 1r_ is just "tarting to - play meantime we hope for the best and It is not expected that the new or- of numerous po ern s published in pe- lM.rs. Harry Pratt .:JudSon, -Mrs.again, .Tays is out with a minor'inju- -know that we will' �ot �e disap- der will make any material difference rlodicals. MT. Saphir is ,the editor of Frank Montgomery, Mrs. Ja·mes R!:ry, and Smith bas a badly bruised pointed. to tbe fraterility .chapters on the "Others." .Mrs. Aldi� bas been -in- An�l, ¥iss Elizabeth Wallace, 'Mrs.face. The Maroon quarterbacks have It js feared that some real informa- campus. Most of tbese have pledged ,ferested in the .Poetry club for some ,Elialdm. H. Moore, �rS. 'Martin Ry':'been an unlucky lot tbis season, from .tion mi�ht leak out unintentionally, their new members already, How-] time. She 'has cwritten "Drift." 'erson, �s. Charles Judd, Miss 'Mar­the size of the casualty lists. "so ,the rest of this story will 'have to ,ever, the 'lifting of the restriction will' "Flasblights," "-Plays for 'Small Ion Talbot,_ Mrs. Gordon A. Laing,Everyone able to walk will prob- be censored. .probably mean that -a great ma�y new, . S!ages," and many plays and poems. 1Mrs. Charles A., Marsb,' Mrs. Robertahly be on the ;field tonight, as the. men will ibe admitted to tbe frater- . '(Continued 'on page 4) , A: Millikan, Mrs. George Goodspeed,Illini pI.ays ha�e yet to be �emonstrat-I MUCH WAR WORK STILL . nities.·, Mrs. James R. Thom�$on, Mrs.eeL ChIcago '!Ill try to solv� the �ys- , TO BE ACCOMPLISHED UNIVERSITY PREAOHER FOR .George Howland, IMrs. Shailer. Mat-tery of the �orward pass this evening, __ '_ In�r-CompaDy Teams Formed. WEEK TO HELP ORGANIZE thews, IMrs. Edgar Goodspeed, Mrs.as ,the downstate � wiD, use the Mrs.-Arthur Gleason; Not�d Cant�en. ,\ MEN'S DISCUsSION GROUPS Trevor Arnett, Mrs. Frank J. Miller,, aerial method, of -attack to a larger i' Worker, Back from France Ad-I Captain .thall c?mpetiti�n in the W., ' Mrs; IPipley ·Dana. Mrs. Scott Miner,extent than has been done by anothdr dresses University Wom . Ida S. T_ C. WIll begin next wee� Imer- Wdl Meet Those Inte, rested in Re- oM, rs., Lathrop' Collins, :Miss Agnes,of the :Maroon's opponents tbis year. Noyes. en m, I company teams h�ve already been ligious WOrk of Y. M. C. � To-· �Stwtrt, Mrs. George - Fairweatb�r�Says IDini Team is Strong. -----' . cbosen. The captams or,tbe teams morrow at 6:30. .'Mrs. Paul C. Baumeister, and Mrs.Pat !Page declared last night that ... "The war is not over; there is no. �re as �ollows: Company A. Belen Rohert E. Maysaekthe mini's were one of the classi more killing, -but a great deal of 'Work I ortane, Company B,. Mary Knapp; The Right Rev. Oharles David Wil- Mos� of. the patronesses are officerseleven be has seen in a long time. remains to Ibe done," was the state-I �ompany re, Luella BI�her; Compa� 'Iiams, who spoke last Sunday in Man- a�d directors .of t.he Woman's War''The Ulinois team !has 'beeb well .ment made by Mrs. A�thur Gleaason, les D and �, �elen Porter; Company d�l, and who will spealt there again AId of the UmverSlty. Of the otherstrained this year,� said Page, "and in a -lecture given >",sterday- after- F, V�� Ft;i�; Company G, Hel- this Sunday, win meet those inter ��, several- are the wives of the>'. .the team work i. excellent. ne men Ileon in Ida Noyes under the auspices ';'" Inger; ompany H •. Marie Ste- ested in the religious work of the militia .offieers. Miss Stuart is ai are not sci very heavy, but they have of -the \Voman's War Aid of the Uni- JSkaI; Cc>mpmy I, Rut� Dave. Y, M. C. A. tomorrow at 6:30 in the teaeher 111 the University High School •..• t., speed, which ia necessary for Ztippke's versity.· . �eynolds club theater. j Representa- rrhe _guests of honor will be: :Ma-_ l. f style of play. Illinois has had plenty IlIn. Gleason, a former student of C1assica1 Club Meets Friday. lives of all the companies of the S. I jor [)ana, commandant of the S. A. T.t�. ._.of time to practice, and as a reault the University, is �ne o£ the Ameri- . I�A .. !. C., the rore��n stude�ts, the i C.; Lieut. ��, commandant at'r the team is far abead '"'Of the lI8Qall can· 'Women Who, 'have done notable .. The. Undergraduate ClassICal club. Dlvmity sch't0l, and all the other Northwestern universi,ty; Major R., 'ran," . ' I work in France a d B 1 . F '\llll gtve a �rty tomorrow lat 7:30 branches of· the University will be Scott Miner, of the Third regiment''.: , . n e glum. ort· th CI . b ·Id· All b; ..Illi o .• t t. rated th the work sh d·d·' th 10 e as SICS ,UI mg. mem ers I present. of the Reserve Militia· Major Lath_ n IS ": presen IS as e• e I In; e canteens, have lIecn invited to come. -- .,-first team In the conference, because! and hosplfals, .and whIle driving an The men wbo are present at this rop Colhns llnd Capt. Henry T. Chase.of the wins over Iowa, Wisconsin, and I ,.ambulance, -she iwa.<; qecorated ,by Weather Forecast. meeting will be asked to help in the �ptain Predicts Success.01' bio State. A victory Saturday would I Kirtg Albert of Belgium' and was formation of severa't discussion "\1.� t th b II b b·Cloudy. Not mucb change in tem- S· -.. . ve expec e a tc? e a Ig•;g1,.v. e Zuppke unchallenged claim to the awarded the French W'a. r cross. (groups. teps � 111 .·be taken ·to form, succe-- ., ·sal·d "'apt. Fal·rweather yes-perature; moderate northwest winds. ....., '\JI Big Ten title, as ,the '�'nroon game is] In her lecture, t:\lrs. Gleason told .a �ermanent �ommlttee to carryon terday. "We have done our best to. �_ ;the last one on the downstate scbed- how she was st�tioned near Verdun, THE DAILY MAROON ,t�IS work. 'Bishop Williams will ad- make tbe program as entertaining an� "__ � �ule. • although women wet"e not ordinarily BULLETIN ,vIse the ��n 'how to conduct the pleasant as possible. So far the men) , ! Forwanr-:. Line W--I.- Quiekl". allowed there, the authorities permit- 1 Toda classes efflcleptly. All students have of the:S A. T C I 'd' th t' k t1 •'<1 .. � , J • I y. b .• d . .. ea 10 e IC e• • I !Kirkpatri��� Wal<luist of the 11- tlng l1er to go !because of her former een mVlte to attend ·the meet,ing. sale. .up to this time the militia has� . rini are t.w ele�er. backs, �mong theJ experiences at t�e fr?nt. The first Divinity chapel, H:05, Haskell. Now that the War 'Work drive is furnished 'its own equipment. Tbel' f st � th B I Y I�[ C. A h t h h h k d Ch over the Y. t\1. C. A. hopes to begin 'I' . .,_, : a e"" In e. ig Ten this year. ... . U lD W IC S e wor e : aspel, men and women, Junior f·f . Th. ml Ilia was orga01zed m 1917 by( :. !Fletch, er at quarter 4ia'tanotber man w� not a success ber.a.usc it was college and College of Commerce and filbcII�lblesf agam. -.. ere .�111 prob- ,members of the :Alumni club. At thatt bo tb ..._; ''''''_L! some m·l f tft ·11 d ... . a � . e requent Stunt �Ights" and . . .1 i4 ve e average of wis season. ',,' I, es rom, e VI age, an tnc Admmlstra'tl'On, !12:20, <Mandel. 'If. . tIme It was composed -almost �ntlrelyIITIL. 1. . I me '-'1 h . . more c asses or stydent dISCUSSIon. � U·· dua,. i,ne IDe IS not vf!rY mueh heavier n were not au e to reac II OWing ,French -club, 4:00. Ida Noyes halt. ,... 0, . nlvel'Slty gra tes, but IIOW"j jthan the Maroon forward wall, lint -to tlte bad rains and the consequent Philosophy club, 7:45, Classics. ' :",sslstant P;of. Memfield s �ISCUS'- many memben have only a- more re-_ ;works togetber much faster. Two of I mud. The village inn was then !pur- Ion group did not meet last O1ght on mote connection with tbe University.,.. TomolTow. -account of thc Hp f"� . � �he Dien, Capt. .Ingwersen and Han- chased but it �uired Q large amount Di�inity chapel, 12:10, Haskell. . . ep mee mg. The �ompany is now in state service"\' lschm, an,.are veterans of last yearJof work. to put.it in order.'Labor was Chapel, men and _men of the It .WllI m.et Instead tomorrow at and is likely to be called into defeDle:�,,...:. almost Impossible to obmin., so the 6:30 m. Man�1. The topic of the dis- .se.rvice at anv time."" r Senior colleges and the College of . ·U b "WI ' h' J-Do Y�ur CbrisuDUSh"oPP� Now --- (Continued on page 3) Education, 12:20, 'Mandel. cusslon Wl e tat s t e Use of. l.. (Continued on page 4) Do Your Christmas Shopping NowIl� Killed in Action.LIEUT. DAVID B. HARRIS--- .Will Hold Military Dance ForBenefit of Illinois ReserveMilitia.Word bas .been received of the rANNOUNCE 26 PATRONESSESdeath of Lieut. David B. Harris, ex- .'19, Jiarris was in tbe aviation corps , A special program by the S. A. T.and was sent to France in ithe early' C. and a promenade led by Mrs. Jud-.summer of this year. son and Capt. Fairweatber will beLate :n September he was reported so�e of the special features at theas missing and his dearth' has since military !ball which is being held Sat­been officially confirmed. Harris urday in Bartlett gymnasium. Thewas a member of the Three Quarters proceeds from tbe ball will go to­and Score dubs. ' ward buying equipment for Company13 of the I11inois lReserve Militia.Groups of, women from- tbe women'shalls, as 'Well as off-campus womenare expected: to attend. 'Mi!3s Cronin and Miss Stiles of thedepartment of the iPbysical Education,have planned a series of-numbers toprecede tbe promenade. They bopein tllis way to make the- men and'women acquainted. To aid further in.this purpose each' man and woman·will wear a name card which will befurnished at the entrance. -'.J'I ••.. -..c, ..I�, ,.r '\. . ,-",. .. -THE DAlLY MABOON, THtJRSDAY, NOVEllBER 21,191,mitt Daily _aroon'HAVE YOU SENT IN YOURSUBSCRIPTION TOTHE DAILY MAROON?The W. it. A. will conduct a fivemile hike Saturday from Hindedaleto Western .springs. Margaret Tay­lor who win be the hike leader baarequested that all women who desireto take the trip sign up on the bulle.tin board in the cloister of Ida 'Noyea.Those who take the trip have beenasked to meet at the l!nion Stationat 8:20. The fare will be about sixtycents.W. A. A. credit will be given andthe hike will be over. in time to en­able all to attend the football game.NAVAL NEWS. w. A. A. OFFBBS C8EDITFOR FIvE IIILE IDKE FOil.A:LL WOMEN SATiJB.DAYirreconcilable rival, reason four ofthe front rank, he confided to us thatthe radical man 1eads an unhappy life,�ut that he was ready to be mar.tyredfor the good cause.ficiency. Compare our present gov­ernment with that of ,lS117. Natur-The Student Newspaper of The 1 ally the most noticeable advance con- / IOOMPANY C's talked of B. B.Unh'ersity of Chicago �cerns the army and navy; there is no /team failed to show up yesterday.b . hed morni S d need of review or discussion in that \Ve didn't rthink our team was asPu 118 mornmgs, except atur ay, � . .Sunday and Monday, during the Au- � case 'because practically everyone has impregnable as all that!tumn, Winter and Spring quarters,' followed those ,branches with intense But we hope that Company B will 'BUT the chief reason for Squadby the Daily Maroon company. interest. Then there are the rail- Ibe there to meet our famed, five, Five's 'fame is the successful cultiva-EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT roads, the express, the telegraph di_, when the whistle blows next Friday tion of the only !blond mustache inTHE STAFF visions. I, afternoon. Stuckert has been elect- the company.John 'Joseph )'Iana�in� Editor This large corporation known as ad captain and ,Madden manager Any _'Ruth Genzberger News EEdd!tor the government of the United States company team which is anxious 'to 1UIE Naval unit was right behindHelen Ravitch Night Edl!ttoorr � of America issued "stock" during _the contend for !basketball honors withHoward Beale Day _ the army on the way to 40th andRose Fischkin •.....•..... Day Editor progress of the war, calling said stock the naval five should hand in their Lake Park lavenue, but on the wayWilliam �lorgenstern .........•.• Lib t B diAl t ·f ball . t Madd 1 it .k h d h·· L_ ....................• Athletic Editor er y on s. mos every ci 1- C enge 10 o. en or eave 1 10 bac a to put t IS sign outn ost,Frederick \Vinterhoff ...........•. zen owns shares. Among the stock- 'the orderly room of Section 2. strayed o� stolen=-Several army..................... Associate Editor 'holders are soldiers who have been units, besween 40th and Lake ParkBUSINESS DEPARTliENT i fighting in France. They are a130 SQUAD Five is prominent for ave!1ue and the University.':May Freedman ....•.......• !\lanager � employees of this corporation, and eight reasons and especially so byStaff Solicitors I they are hehing �red for by it.. reason of two menfbers of the rear HAVE YOU TRIED ADVERTIS-One of t e things the corporation rank. A'fter ibis Last debate with his ING IN THE DAILY MAROON?Ballinger and Fenner is attending to is the care of ,its em- 'c=�:�=��::=:���=:��i�.�'�'�'�'.'�'�'�,�.�,.,�,�,�,�,.�,�,.,+,�,�,�,�.�'+'�'�'�.H'�'�.+.�.�'H.�.�'+.�.�.�.H'�'�.+.�.�'H.�.�.+.�'�.�'H.�..•.• 1.�.H'�.+.+'�'�.H'H.�'.'+'�.�.H·�·�·+·�iMarch 13, 1906, under the act of I turn to America. The particular tMarch 3, 1873. ; branches attending to this feature are !SUBSCRIPTION RATES the insurance and vocational educa- ...Called for, $2.50 a' year; $1.00 a tion sections. +quarter. For instance, a soldier is seriously tBy Carrier $3.00 a year· $1.25 a I .qoarter.' , wounded while abroad and after armyBy Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50 I treatment is received, he is sent• quarter: . I home. If 'he needs an artificial lim.'bB� Ma,,!l (out , of town), $4.25 alor mechanical appliance the govern-year, $1..5 a quarter. I..' .ment WIll supply It free, Will keep it�itorial Roo�s Ellis 12} in repair, and renew it when neces-Teleph�ne .Mldw�! .80�. �c�l 162. I sary. H after his discharge he againHours. 11.10-11.aO, 1-.2a-6, 7-8. d ..;.,..2. 1Business Office Ellis 14 nee s medica treatment on accountTelephone Midway 800, Local 162 of his disabilityr-the government willHours: 10:20-11:50; 3-5:30. supply it free. .While he is in thehospital and while in training after­THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 19181 wards, the soldier will receive com-FRATERNITIES I pensation as if in service, and hisI fa�i1Y or dependents will receiveGovernment 1ifting of .the ban on their allot�en�. .. .fraternities as announced last night I Should ?IS disability lessen his op-come S ... mi .t vi t t G k I portunties for work, the soldier can5 a u. mia ure IC ory 0 ree •1 tt ws 1 t th I take a course of vocational traininge er men. 'n, en, as mon ,gov-t th iti t d th t free of cost and the compensation'ernmen au on res reques e a ,.. .. I provided by the war-risk insurancesecret societres exist 10 merely a bus-. . .· it . 'f th • I act Will be paid to him, although nomess oapacs y, many were 0 e opm- ., ..• th the " t' I . 1 allotment made to, his family.Ion at e request, p us wartime. . .,. ,di . ld h d f I QUite a large corporation, isn t It.con mons, wou me.an teen 0. '. . .f t ·t· L II f t iti I And while-It makes mistakes, and ISra errn res, oca y, ra erru res itl f bidd t h btl somewhat inclined toward red tape,were reeen y' or 1 en 0 rusn, ut s•. hi bad ti 11 d ! Americans should be proud of hold-seeing rus 1D.g' prac lca. y cease • . •... .' . '. 109 "stock" in It.at the time, .the order inflicted noparticular hardship.In recent years (perhaps for a lon- PRESIDENT VAN ruSE IS DEADger time for all w� know) there hasbeen Q certain element to which mem- Noted W"lSCODSin Educator Has Bad'.I 'mebship in a Greek letter society was Long Scientific Career.counted as membership among the •damned. ,Fraternities Were hotbeds Charles R. Van Hise, president ofof vice and laziness; young men 'Were the University of Wisconsin, diedeternally ruined mentally, morally 'Tuesday at iMilwaukee. Presidentand physically after being pledged Van Hise' has been at. Wisconsinand initiated. since 1886 when he Was appointedTo ,the fraternity man and to al- professor of mineralogy. .in 1913 hemost every college student such an was made presi�ent. From 1� toestimation was decidedly funny. 1903 Dr. Van Bl5e was non-resl.dentNa.turally fraternity men resented the. professor of Geology at the Un�ver-it influenced the sity of Chicago. He was especiallyfamed as a scientist, and was a mem­'ber of the United States geological Goods Called for and DeliveredMrs. J. E. Stearns, Proprietor 1155 E. Sixty-Third St.MIDWAY 567TEARN,MEANSERVICEWITHINCERITYMen's Suits Given Speeial AttentionCLEANING AND DYEINGRemodeling a Specialtyopinion, becauseparents of some prospective mem­bers. 'Perhaps there was a time whenfraternities were not all they couldhave been (which is not saying theyare perfect now), but that time haspassed. Fraternities for their veryexistence must maintain with careevery branch of their organization.Consequently the opproval 'of thegovernment is pleasing to Greek let- •••••••••• , ••••••• ,., ••••••••••••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• n ••••••••••••ter men. It is an assurance, in a way, BOLD MEMORIAL SERVICESof the good will of the public, of a FOR PROFESSOR WILLISTON55th Street and Blackstone Avenuesurvey."Dr. Van Rise was a man of genu­ine ideals," said Dean Sbai1;er Mat­thews, of the University DivinityaeshooL "He dared to champion anunpopular cause when he believed itwas right." SECURITY SAVINGS SERVICEbright future, of an assurance, partia1at least, of the cessation of the cryfor national action against secret so­cieties in folleges. A memorial service for Prof. Sam­uel W. Willistorty who died Sept. 30will be held Sunday, Dec. 8 at 4 in'Mandel. Addresses will be delivered - The Oldest Bank in Hyd« ParkA LARGE CORPORATION by Dr. -E. C. Case, professor of Pale­'ontology of the Univerity of Michi-Everyone realizes what a cornpli- gan, Prof. Lillie, chairman of thecared organization the government of department of Zoology and Prof. Stu­the, United States is. Often there is art Weller of the department ofa tendency to comment rather. un- Paleontologic Geoglogy. Vice-presi­fa:orably on the workings of that dent Angell will be chairman of tbegovernment; to wonder why we are "meeting and Dr. Herbert Willett willhlessed with such a thoroughly un- act as chaplain.efficient national machine. CENTRAL HYDE PARK BANKOnce in .a while 'Complaint is justi­fied, but more often it is not. Espe­cially since America entered the so­recently-completed war, great ad­vance has been made in national ef- Philosopby Club WiD Meet.The Philosophy club will meet to­day at 7:45 in CLassics 20. "Limit­ing Conceptions" is the subject ofour address by Dr. Y. R. Chao., (a•& .'-• r. �"..,•...+Ii"." - COLUMN OF COMPANIES.dren." \'Mrs. Gleason also stated tha't al­though the boys seldom ,had suffi­cient money and sometimes asked forthings from the canteen 'On credit,she never knew of an instance wherethey did not pay this back at the firstopportun ity.·'Tha boys of our division had' notseen QD. American woman for sixmonths," said ,'Mrs. Gleason" "andconsequently regarded us as curiosi­ties. The men ,have the highest re­spect and reverence for the womenand girls of America, and will comemiles to see one."To Coasalt M"18S PattenoaIAU otficers of the W. S. T. C. whohave not organized hockey team in,their eompanies have been asked tosee MillS ·Patterson today in the gym­nasium office of ·leIa Noyes batLClassifiedTY'PEWiRJITING. French tutor­-jng. lMidway 47. H. And�ee Asmus.ms Drexel Ave., 3rd.ILOST-Did anyone .find a Pi Delta,club pin Friday night during theFreshman 'Frolic? It is really veryvaluable to the owner. Return to In­formation o'ffice for :Dorothy VanPelt.FOR SAVE-Fine very handsome,specially-designed bookcases, former­ly, in Browne's Bookstore, Fine Artsbuilding. Suitable for private library.Phone Harrison 3766.. GI1t1.JS! Let's �o. Where? To Uni­versi'ty Night at Hyde Pa'rk Presby­terian Church, S3rd Street elt Black­stone Ave. Ref�shnients and enter­tainment for you and soldiers andJ ackies, ,too, Time: 5-7 .p. m., Sun­day, Nov. 124./ APPLICATION BLANKS FORSCHOLARsmPs ARE SENTWHY NOTUSE THEU. of C't Official GuideTO GET SUGGESTIONSFbR.'Theme Subjeds in English_ i -te, 'j '.�'//::'i:;.�:'·F !. r" ;{�;\: 1�).:\}�t��t�,.j: .. "-,'ASCHER'S -.Frolic Theatre'55th St. and Ellis Ave. Established 1870 Phone: Harrison 970QUAUTY UNIFORMSfor the S. A. T. C.Made in our own workshopALSO ALL EQUIPMENTMARCUS RUBEN625 SOUTH STATE STREET. ThUrsday, Nov.' 21Mme. Petrova-in-The Panther Woman • "the day" our enemies-hoped for, 'LAW SCHOOL CLASSES MEETWHAT OOLLEGE EDI'D9RSTHINK ,but the 'Day of the Lord, and the --- ., -TO STUDENTS IN SERVICE triumph, tat long last, of righteous- Three Presidents Choeen are LeoOOMPANY D � f 11 . 'ness. In tJ1e name of God we fought, I Cohen, Adam PakuJaz, andA :basketball team has been whip- Board of Trustees in Cbarge-Au- . The .0 owmg message was pUb- and for th� sake of 1he Kingdom of Harry- Weeder.d '.. L_ d '11 tho":"ed to M-L.- A-�- to De- hshed In the Queen's University' G d .. th t thi . 1 blpe JDLO Snape an WI meet the gobs ._ AlLIIO .WtUUD '. ' 0 we rejorce a IS mto era eFriday evening. The neighborly serving Persons. Journal, t�e, .�ape.r p.Ubtrshed at menace to Liberty has been crushed. Class elections were .held Friday inQueen's University, In Kingston, on-I the Law school. The outcome of thescraps Company D 'has had almost tario.' · Queen's may 'Wel1 be proud of theevery day, wiU he continued on the. Application Iblanks for scho1arships The . part she has taken. About fifteen elections follows: Senior class, pres-basketball floor and ,the usual out- have been sent to all University stu- Dawn of Peace. I hundred 'Of her men went overseas ident, Leo Cohen; vice-president,come is expected. dents in the service. The University To t�e Students of Queen's univer-,-because ,their country called them. Harry Chaveriat; secretary-treasur-Board of Trustees is in charge of the si'ty:- One hundred and thirty-five have laid .er, Pearl Hoffman. The councillorsNON-COlI meetings are very pop-I granting of the scholarships. Appli- The war has ended and our hearts I down their lives. lSuch a sacrifice are, Marjorie Hine, Nathan Quadowular-with the privates' but not with cation blanks may 'be bad !by applying are too full for utterance. Joy and; enobles all our University life. We I and H. Y. Ho.the non-_�oms. 'I at the office of the Pre�ident. J 'mourning, �hanks • and �he sens� �f 'have Ibeen tested as never men were Junior class offi.�ers are.: president,I - A brge sum of money constitutingJ loss, are mingled Inextricably Within tested, and, for the sake of an. ideal, Adam Pakulaz; vIce-president,. Rod-HAS. anybody seen the company I the La Verne Noyes foundation has �us. The burden of those years is the tbest men, men who were full of LI�ger. Lewis; secretary-treasurer, Es­mascot Iately? i'le is so weJ1 guard- been appropriated to !be used in pro- lifted. No more shall we be haunted, the joy of 1iving, counted not their ther 'Jaffee. The cuneillors are, Wil­ed. lest he escape" that the company I viding scholarships for deserving per- by the fear that the liberties we I Jives dear unto themselves. They Jiam Fox, )Melvin Griffith and John,thinks "there ain't no sU,ch animal!' I sons who have served in the United] counted most worthy might fi�l1Y '. have not died in vain. The cause I Gekas.States army or navy Persons eligi- 'be destroyed Iby the arrogant might r for which they strove will never Th F h ff' P'. e res man 0 icers are: res-MUCH WAR WORK STILL I ble must be citizensof the United of a prepared and dishonourable en- . again be thus endangered And sure- id t H W d . id tJ' ' . I en, arry ee ere vrce-oresi en ,TO BE ACCOMPLISHED States but differences of sex race emy. _It has not tbeen the custom Iy they 'have justified the training C ... _ Ca II, ,I '. . ourteney no; secretary-treasur-(Continued from page 1) �religion, or political parties will not of our. race to glory over � fat'len foe, they received within 'these walls that er, John Garvaris. The councillors.. __ be regarded. Provision has also been I but ·thls hlas been no ordinary. �trug- were dear to them. They have are Flora Bewersdorf, Evangelinework was done entirely 'by the wom- made for descendants Iby' blood Oflgle. It was no �ght, �n our Side �t I passed, but the story of 'What they AUen and John Rahm.en of the canteen and an occasional ,anyone in the service. rle�st, for �terlal things. In this accomplished will live forever. I -soldier on leave. _ :\Ir. La Verne Noyes is the donor epic struggle t�o U'tterly discordant R. BRUCE TAYLOR. Do Your Christmas, Shopping NowThe opening' of the canteen had of Ida Noyes hall and bas made a views o� society clashed and it wasbeen advertised and 'was packed the number of other contributions to the, a fight to the. death • Unpreparedfirst evening. Then men even brok University. It is the purpose of the I' and liberty-loving peoples were grap­the windows to get in. There wer: foundation .to express gratitude to p1i�g, with an in�ane. absolutismseveral rooms containing' billiard ta- those who ventured the supreme sac-] which stuck I3.t no hishoner, nobles, -a piano; victrola, and hooks. A rifice of life for their country and fod s�e� no cruelty, provided it mightstage was iui1t at one end of the the freedom of mankind in the war. attal� its e�ds. !he clean fighterIarge room and the men occasionally If insufficient applications have was m the rmg, WIth the boxer whoput on theatricals, The hut was so been received from persons so privi- :employed every foul 'trick. � � •popular '-that another one was added leged to make them, the 'Board of And fair fighting, devotion, courage,close by. A moving picture machine ';'rrustees is authorized to award infinite sacrifice, the long waiting forwas installed and Char'lie Chaplin be- scholarships to such students as the the dawn, the splendor 'of -men andcame one of the chief attractions. Board deems deserving. /tbe patient heroism 'Of women have.Mrs. Gleason related an incident won the day. "THE DAY"-it is notof' the generosity of the American Can Purehase TicketS Nowsoldiers. "On 'Christmas the menchipped 'together and bought a tree Tickets for the vaudeville perform- ••••••••••••for the French children. .They sup- enee for the benefit of the Belgian "Iplied the canteen workers with mon- Babies' Fund may be obtained forey' and we went ·to Nancy where we fifty cents from Stella Kohn. The Ibought clothes and toys for the chit- performance will be given Dec. 5 idren. Therne ndecorated the village at the Englewood Masonic Temple.streets and planned an entertainment. Features of the program will be partsOn Christmas IEve everybody young ,of the Great Lakes Revue and dancesand 'Old 'turned out. The boys prob- by Miss Helen MacDonald.ably enjoyed it as much �s the chit-LETNORDUNGBE YOURDRUGGISTKake this store your head­quarters. Everything in »tugs,Cigarettes and Candy.S��� �_�tio�. No. 218Parker Fountain Pen AgeaeyNORDLING DRUG CO.Preseription DruggistsA. J. NORDLING, R. PH. G.Cor. 55th and Ingleside ATe.CldeagoTelephone- Hyde Park 340We Cater to StudentsThe Frolic neatreDrag StoreSit in a Booth with Your Girl959 East 55th StreetCor. Ellis Ave.Tel. Hyde Park 761 Read Your CoDege PaperSingle copies of The Maroon may beobtained at Ida Noyes, Coq}> HaIl, and at.The Maroon office, in Ellis for 3 cents.Those who have' Dot subscribed arerequested Dot to take papers from anyof the main piles in any of the halls orbuildings on the eampus unless theyleave payment for th�m.Subscribers: Get your Maroon onlyat that office designated on .your re­ceipt stub. A list will be posted at eachof the main piles 'Tuesday morning. Ifyour name does not appear, add it tothe list. and the matter will be investi­gated.Look at this one. A cork·lnll piece of IlennineFrench Briar, sterlingring. vuJcanite bit. thesmoothe�t workmansbip-a shape that makesIt mlabty convenient tohaYe in yonr room.WDC The Busmess Manager._YOU will see W D CPipes on every campusin the country-Americanpipes for American men,and not bettered anywhere.You can get any shape, size andgrade you want in a W D C.The best shops carry them at $6down to 75 cents.WM. DEMUTH Be CO., New YorkWorld". l.art1uJ Pipe .IlCl"..tacturer " �I"'., .'A few suggested below:Th� Campus ir. 18!)O.T� e �ui! !:"� of �he II. oftheir English Prototypes.,Echoes from the Cloisters.Shades of the English Office.Subteddanean Passages-TheHouse.' ,'Memorial Tablets.The Pageant of the FoureSeasons in!II ull Court. .Snatches of Conversation from SnellHall in 1908 and in 1918.Decorative Details in the Architectureof Hitchcock Hall.The Gargayle's Story.Cerberus in. the Physiology Build­ing.,Seen from the ·Minstrel Gallery inHutchinson Hall.The "Alma !Mater" of Mitchell Tow ..ereMural 'Paintings at the U. of C.Our Museums.Making "Pi"-A Visit to the Com­posing Room.The History of the Printers' Devices Ion Harper Memorial Library. ISymbolism in the Architecture of Ju­lius Rosenwald Hall.The Relation of the U. of C. to theCity's Boulevard System.An Animated Reverie in the Loggia of :--------------­the Classics Building.The Official GuideBy David AIIaD RobertsonGives a complete history of theUniversity Buildings with interestingdescriptions of the distinguishingpoints of �ach, profusely illustratedwith weU-c:hosen pbotograpbs.Get Your Copy for ODIy 25eTHE UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE5758 Ems AVeline C. and I •••••• _'I .Power I� ...'.�{' -.#:�'�. � .J;�':'.": .'".,�'....\\}.,;;;..� ...f "� , ;:�. j't �f ��'i �.,.",- \'... '\. �, ..... � l' HA VE you noticed the dearth of with a specra1 stunt concocted 'for thepoetry in the column? The only eX-I occasion. After the -game th,: "its".planation we have. is rha: the c:�- f will be initiated into the c1u�: anc!,pus poets are sending their parodies " 'on K�K-Katy to the poetry contest t<!!.t?§f�9I" A-P.emarkableTypewriter"Query: Are Freshmen San�?As Ring Lardner would say, "Res- '''Can it be possible," you museurent." . I;oaloud, "that the present' generationS�R: Doubtless your business at "Of freshmen is a race of idiots?"the ent�.rtai�ment of·, the Hon·1 '''Xay,. nay," repli�s. t�e Three­Charles Chaplin, D. F., etc., fully eX-I Quarters pledge (for It IS indeed he).plains the manner in which a cer- "I am 'it.'''' .tain paragraph insinuated itself _into "A which?" you reiterate politely.your column; but pray let not such a "An '.it,'· or in other words..' athing happen again 1 am not dead. pledgee of the Three-Quarters club.I have never died, so far as I can, The Three-Quarters dub i� thereme_m'ber; and I know I have .neveri.Freshman honor society around theseh.�d, nor �ve '� now, the least mten-I parts, and the honor consists in be­b�� Of. dying, E�e� though. ling allowed to drag a tin .pan albout.pluT1m�-perque vias sternuntur m-I during one's perambulations," theertra passim fresh explained modestly. i .corpora perque domas," j' . .I beg not to be counted am'ang them. �ve Tubs an' Eve�mg:_,"""You 'may judge 'my astonishment I' "Oh!" you comment sta:gely, andwhen I read in this morning's W'his- continue your journey, only to betIe a notice. far ,too short to be trust-] rudely' distunbed by a husky individ-. worthy, of my own demise. It was! ual also wearing the emerald insignia.-ah yes, the censor?-it was, I was I of the organization. His gait is im­about to say, a prevarication! l peded by a huge green tub which he" 'Ego? Kakos gar exoloi!' I 'pulls after him.'Ei pseudornai!' " I "Why ;the tub?" you ask inter-If you discover the culprit, rpri�t his I estedly, '-' .name in 'BOLDFACE IOA'PS! " I "Huh!" snorts the corpulent youth.'Even that will be ,too, 'light � punish-I "You see I'm too big to fit in a dish-. mente '.Q. E. D. I pan and so. they presented me- with•. ' 1 this outfit!'SIR: Everybody shocked by Q. j And then he informs you that atE. D.'s death. So sudden! Tomor- i the '�innes�ta game" which Is toraw I�l ,try to �ake over and -culti-I come off a week from Saturday, thevate hIS ,lands, lines and spaces. "its" are indeed to :be "it." In their,Ted. wont�d playful manner they will' dotheir best to amuse the multitudes men will also make a selection fromamong the .poems s�bmitte", so thatonly a limited number will be sentfo the judges.HAVE YOU SENT IN YlOURSl1.BSCRIPTION TO' .·THE.DAILY MAROON?I 'ROSALJEDANCE HALL5700 Harper-Ave.- .FOR RENT FOR DANCES,ENTERTAINMENTS. ETC.H. C. EDMONDS203 S. Dearborn St.: HaIrlson 8183 ,).instead of to us. c, CORMANY'SHOME . LUNCH ROOMThe Old ReliableHeadquarters for University� StudeDts'We serve the best of every-thing. Promp Service. All favorite features combi�ed inone handsome writing machine of. the first quali� e .WOODSTOCKTYPEWRITER COMPANY23 w. WashiDgtoD·S� Chic:apPhoDe central 5563\VE entered the bratfish acquariumyesterday. seated ourselves in the.'. chair "and murmured .H!Yedium."Wben the uproar of the machine thatvdoes everything 'but ta1k had sobsid­ed; we' cautiously but diplomaticallybroached the subject. 4'We see you've Try Our SpedaI Sundaybeen getting lots of publicity. in the Chicken Dinner.Whistle, Doc"; this with hope in 1313 E. 57th .S�our voice. "Nope, I didn't read thel---------------­Whistle," heroically. answered thebeanicurist. So we had to pay the.thirty-five cents after all. ".l.;UD came across again. He dep­recates the manner in which we dis­sect his stuff, threatening an sorts Iof cruel and unusual punishments.Then 'he proceeds to -tell those ones Iabout the likening of the issued shoes Ito concrete ships and about the dance Iat Adenoids hall. He ends by givinghis interpretation of the origin of."gOb," which he says is merely an- abbreviation of "gobboon." Hotel Del Prado\VoE'VE got our money on Snell.Anon. )' .' . 'Adjoining the University, is a handsome hoae for out-of·­town students, and the logical home for the re13tives of ••dents while visiting "them,Offers temporary home while awaiting indaetiOll iato._S. A: T. C.Open for the comfort and entertainmat of the ArmyT.::aining Corps.AnDoUD�D\ents of the Dances wiD appear ill the JI8rooa. .Home of the--'Naval Navigation StadeRt&IEpiscopal Club Will Meet. IThe Episcopal chsb will meet to­morrow at 4 in Ida Noyes hall. Bish­op Williams of Detroit will speak.His addre�s will be the first of a se­ries of :our discusions. ALBERT F. GIDDINGS,' IIgr.'. ...-� .'.,- .. �". Our Gove�ent SaysTypewriters' are Essential.Why?BECAUSE-A Typewriter is not a LUXURY bat aNECESSITY •. -You can do your writing" whatever it may be, moreeB'iciently, more' conveniently, and more \eeonomically OR aTypeWriter than any other �y •.·.CoRoNA'FOWI�G 'TYPEWRlTPIS THE.MQST LOGICAL MACHINE FOR YOU BECAUSE.OF ITS CONVENIENCE AND COMPACTNESS. BEST OFALL, IT cosrs ONLY $50.00 COMPLETE.. Don't wait' until this year is nearly over to think �bQutequip'ping yo� with this wonderful time and -tabor saver.., ·DO IT NOW! -,.• Let Us Show You How EasyYoil Can Do It.·COlONA TYPEWRITER ,SALES COMPANY12 S ... SaDe StreetPhone Fr&DIdba 4992· .. 993.We Rent Coronas,I $3.00 per monthSecond Hand Bo()ksUniversity Book� New and Serond Hand and ,AD Kinds ofStudents' Supplies at the Most Reasonable PricesWoodworth's Book Store1311 E. 57th SL, between Kimbark a�d KenwoodTwo Short.BIocks East of the Tower. Phone Hyde Park 1690Open EyeningsAthletic GoodsI Gym ,OatfitsSecond, Band Law Books University of Chicago JewelryFountain PensMedical and Sdeatific Books"._.."�, "., :._" ..... ! .... \ .. , } ,- • .. .;..: I.. ,_-,'�.c: :�:"i.4 •• =••"/ seitalInI�f--, nuva� beA.nwic1:1pu'l n.. ! .tOI• . .jl inIta.. ha).. "14-� '.•I on,. ,be:• ..aCImetiaathe:aslre.5se\ior'q-l. �� }­t" ]'�f :4-5-.]6-7-8-9-ing10-. __ ,Fo,. -12-f 13-:l-: A.:: \:� !�i) -' D., .... \--..... ;; I'� I, '. l.: _ '.. �.h ..