I .. :' ... _l '... "", .. 1. .- ./ ,-at ."VOL. XVII. No. 28. UNIVERSl1'Y OF CHICAGO. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 20, 1918. PRICE THREE CENTSMAROONS SHOW SPIRIT I TO CELEBRATE EIGHTH STUDENTS LAG BEHIND&i.IN 19-0 ,VICTORY OVER I, ANNUAL "CHICAGO NIGHT" PRESCRIBED QUOTA INELEVEN FROM Y. M. C._A. W. A. A. Gives Traditional Enter- WAR WORKS CAMPAIGN (Lectures to be Gi:e� At C�ica�o;1 . tainment Friday at 6 in Ida Noyes _: Northwestern, Illinois, and m Mil-Stagg Uses Two New Backs _I' Have !Speeches, CheerSl, Songs-. j-- . '1 waukee-Purpose is to Promote Lord Charnwood, English States-Collins and McComb Play 1· Upperelass Women Express Their Entire Facu ty Subscribes -:1 French Culture. man. Is l\lakin2 Tour ofWell. I Opinions. Women's Commttees Lead United States.Other Branches of : The French Educational mission I�LUB GIVES FOOTBALL DL�:SER! "Chicago Night," the main annual University. l.'wi11 visit Chicago Thanksgiving week TO GO TO LEADING COLLEGES___ . l \V. A. A. event for all University 1 ---- I and will !be entertained at the Uni-ISince there wasn't anything at i women, will 'be held this ,Friday at 6 J G.9�llS...al1ILL OUT OF SIGHT,! versity. 'Some members of the miss- Lord Charnwood, author of a bookstake the Maroons won another game in Ida Noyes hall. IEight years ago. • ---. . . 1 hon' will arrive Nov. 27 and the other on Abraham Lincoln, will arrive in, '" i The War "Vork drive IS sti! not. I ,•• ••in the Miscellaneous league yesterday this custom was inaugurated by )'llss' . 1 members will come Nov. 28 They Chicago Dec. 4, and will make a VISit. � up to the mark 10 the student body . \_.. .afternoon winning a pretty fair game .Agnes . \\' ayrnan, who was then a � ;. I will remain in Chacago until Dec. 3 to the U rnversrty. He will lecture on, • b f . I of ,the University. Up to date, $16,-. ."..from the Y iM C A colleze team ,mem er '0 the department of Physi- . . . I or 4. I Democracy 10 England and Amen-• •• 0 , I' 1 Ed . '. • I 62629 unpaid subscriptions and $4,- I'·, ..19-0 The Staggmen were not half ca ucatron, and smce then It has. . -.. ! In addition to these lectures given ca, and The Proposed League of.'f' d··' f U . • 672.68 paid subscriptions have been ·1 ,,_. d I Eff hbad and made few breaks. Although f' :.>ec�me one 0 tue tra itions 0 nl-It received. This makes a total of $21,-1 at the University, others will fbe given , ... �atl�ns,.an ts ect on t e Britishthey have-not been playin g together. versrty w()men.... at Northwestern University the Un i- Empire.'Th I i 301.97. Tomorrow night the drive '. .very long the Y .M. C A men tried I'. e upperc ass women know what, .. 'I versity of Illinois and in .Milwaukee. ILord Charnwood arrived 10 the, • .•'C . . h'" ends; so the University WIll have to. ..,hard and several times were close to '. ' hicago .Nig t means and �aye al-,. I The purpose of the lectures, as well ,UnIted States 10 September and WIll, , d t.. h hei .k b f I work hard If the $3,698.03 necessary . '1 J '1'1'· ..a touchdown f rea y ooug t t err tic eets, ut or '_ I as that of the mission is to promote remain unti anuary, �IS itmerary• h fi f ' to reach the quota of $2.,,000 are to be .. '. .. . . .The llaroon line was not verJ. t e tbeen t 0 the freshmen who do i . I a closer intimacy with French knowl- Includes the leadipg umversrtres 10.t h Iew xmi . f h lobtamed. h E dMiddl \V ..trong due to the absence of sever-I no, ere are a ew opmrons 0 t ose. edge and culture. . The mission is t cast an 1..\'1.1 ' e est, a VISIt toS , , h h d d h • The faculty and staff of the Untver-,. •al of the regulars who are missing: w 0 ave atten e t e entertainments t . . ! coming here 10 response to repeated Toronto, Ottawa, and lfontreal, Can.,. , of former ears srty have subscribed very generouslY·l . , . d-bri f . N Y k Ph'}for various reasons, but it had the".. y .1 l[ f th 'h bscrib d requests for.a mISSIon of the sort. an rre stops 10 ew or, I a-•. .' I President Urges Women to Go. . any 0 em ave su scrr e• - . delphia and Washington. In theeti.ge on th� visttors fo:wards. Elton i Helen Driver, president of W. A. I through sources. outside the Univer- � �ill �o�ce Program Later.course of ,his tour he will speak ontned nothing but straight plays all; .",. ., 2 sity Yet everyone of them has given I Vice-president.Angell and rlIr. Hol-f th b ks· A., said: Chicago Night stands for � .- 1- f N h .. -Lincoln, on various phases of Greatafternoon as most 0 e uc � . '. I something here too They have sub- gate, 0 ort 'Western University,,d ,good fellowship among University J ." 1 h h '. 'IBritain's relation to the war, and onwere good for the necessary yar -.. scribed $1040 25 making an average ave c arge of the entertainment of" ,. . , <women. It IS 'here that everyone � . , "l h " hi .' relations Ibetween this country andage. Morrow, the Y center, was, '. . I of about twelve dollars each. t emISSIon w ile in the city. A-. . .' feels the true -Chicago spmt. There1 . •. . his own.the most effective of the losers 10 the I. 1 . "Women Lead in Subscriptions. i meetmg wjll be held today to plan a Is Great Admirer of' Lincoln, •.. _,. . , Id· -' IS a ways a good dinner followed by t I h detail ..Iine domg almost all the tac mg. It .. The women are leading the other \ program, t e etai s of which will be .. .. ', interesting' speeches and plenty of � . t anno n d I t It has been said that the VISIt ofCollins and :l\IcComb are New. \ lively entertainment. It is an event 1 branches of the student body In the i u c� . a e:.. .: Lord iCharnwood is opportune. A lib-ba ks sed Il.. C h i . ,. .JI.. ibed BIt i ht 1 The mISSIon IS composed of {FrenchTwo new c were u 'uy oac I which no University women can af- i_amount Suus'Crux:. y as n g ,... eral a supporter of G!.adstone and. . , .. , f h h d ub ib d I un-I scholars, .four of whom are officers. I 'Stagg In an effort to find some one ford to miss and I 'hope to see every-I W"J 0 t e�. ,a s �cr e. n, I - .' I Home Rule an ardent admirer of. hIll·· H . i·d b • ! 1It!:...- $42itiSO h b The members are IMr. 'Cazamlan, lb'..' .t()- play agamst t e IDI. ermes one there." . \ pal su seQIJ'�"s ave een. ,.. .•. t Lincoln and a student of his life and ,• • c!C k hi i. ,.It..·b d 'd $488 50 h b 1Ooft1- z Burnet, l\for. KoeC'hhn, .Mr. Riechl,. .. . '. '(was mls8lDg, so M omb too s I: "Be sure to come to 'Chlcatto' s:.;Juscn e an . ave een .... '" �. '. t:!'les 'he IS eonsldered pecuharly fit- -' "..'{, bell'., ,.. ; I . d· ·d b .' This I and 'lfr. !Remach. After teav10g hr;re t '• -!. ,', >�\'place and performed a out as w as I Night, , saId PhyllIS Palmer .who I eote 10 ,pal su scnptlOns. t' ... . 1 ted to .promote mutual understanding " t�:'d tho " 'k at � $4764 50 the mISSIon wIll go to lecture m othl'r.. '.' ' , ,_. _",' /I.�.''f;l�ianyone else has .. laye IS year·t was W. A .:A.' cheerleader last ��:;; l �a es a -tot. UJ. -..,' • "• • • . • and sympathy hetween· hIs' country� �;, .. ��-.. th h th .'. Li I 'I ali of th ci i Amencan umverSltles.., ..' .< - '.\ - ··..!'·-"'t"t-::iRe ��, _�� ���. }:ou�.· _ e t'tW';e_ ;wa.n� t� �jhrs... t��p -.� .. ���.2-__ �.:��-¥.:.._: ,. �Tst1ie --secOii'd-forelgu' 'mis�ion and-·the- Unrtec,t -States�"" -;/ .----' '. -=- J-. }-:,line, but the forwards In most cases t and besf of aU the 'Chicago ',Nights' 1 vIII�. students havt;. subscn�c;t, $1,- i . . .... For some years before the war '.,• eel f hi ' '. "'1 ,;.;e, .t.: \.0_ • d· ·d b \ to VISit the U DIversIty thIS quarter. ' ,had a big hole open up or m. and to do this everyone must enter in. I " �'"llave ucn raise 10 unpal sa -, -.'. . .• Lord ICbarnwood was an earnest ad- ':. 'ba k a1 - 1 � 1 �·'."A\. 'd-4t?O..t 83 ·d Th' I The BrItish EducatIonal mISSion was .:::Colhns the other new c. so p ay-. I f you do not know the songs and scrlPtlons an ,.....7""1'. are pal. IS.. vocate of a national and compulsoryhi --- ,.. 1 here last week With the purpose of-eel well, in spite of s greenness, cheers come out and learn them." I (Continued o� page 3) -'. system of military training. At theed ·d hI d " I (Continued on page 4), 'cand gain ConSI era e groun . (Continued' on page 4) . outbreak of ·hostilities be ha_d much toAt the sta'rt of the game the Ma- ' _'. d· h h 1 1· t'- OPEN HOME SERVICE OFFICE 1918 INTERCLAl3S' HOCKEY 0 WIt -)t e vo untary en Istmen sys-,roODS held the Y. M. C. A. team for MRS. ARTHUR GLEASON d I . h h d I.. .,WAR 'WORKER. TO SPEAK. . -- .'1 COMPETITION ENDS WITH ,tefmhan ,{.al�er Wit t... e a mlmsHtrathlondowns, and took the ball near the .• : Amencan Red Cross '�Estab1ishes I JUNIOR 'WIOMEN VICTORS! 0 t e .. " I Itary service acts. s ascenter of the field. Straight bucks TODA,¥ AT 4.15 IN NOYES. H ad '•• _ __ • Ellis H 1L I also been' active in the new volun-. 1 e q �� In a 4 .earned 'the !ball across. Elton makingWllr T it . ,.'. - .,. I Draft Sophomores in Final· Game- teer movement, the Home Defense'the score. Collins and McComb ear- e of .Expenences m France The University has 'been selected I Score is 4-2-Fr� B t Se servioe, in which he is lieufena�t-.. tied the ball most 'of the time, as ' and Belgl�-J)c;corated by 1 :by the Red ,Cross as its headquarters I iors 1-0 en ea n-colonel.. f I Kmg Albert.· ..•,. ��gg wants to g'lVe them plenty 0 t for the home service work Ibemg done Information has just been received,e�perience. Tays mis� the �oa1. :\Iors. Arthur ton, noted war' �mong the �. A. T. 'C. schools and j The last 'games of the inter-class of the appointment by the Royal So-Y. 11. C. A. l\len Fumble KIC:koff. t: worker, twill speak' today at' 4:15 in! camtps in ,Illinois. ,:Mr. �rant 'B�rg- j hockey competition were pl�yed yes- dety of Literature of a "Commjttee()n the kickoff the visitors :umbled, I. �da Nl()ve� theater. on her experi�nces � n�r and Mr. H�rold. ILen.VI,S, �ssoc�ate 't terday afterno�n. on Greenwoo� fi.eld. for Promoting an Intellectual En-and Elton recovered for ChIcago on lIn the war zone. Her lecture, which t dIrectors of thIS tv.; ork, ha\ e taken As a result of the games the JUOlors tente Among the Friendly Countries."the thirty yard line. The McComb- L is open to all University women • .is· over the old Y. l\1. C. A. office in: the the cha�pions for this year. The This committee 'has appointed a �Ub-Collins combination was wor�ed to the r under the' auspices of the WO�an's! Ellis 2 and may be found there every! seniors, with a badly crippled team, 'Committee on relations with \ Americalimit, and with good interference from! War Aid of the University. 1 day from 8:30 to s. 1 went ,down to defeat .before the of which Lord Charnwood is, chair-Elton, earned the ball down the field. j ').[rs. Gleason h�s don� .a great deal i '. This new department. �i11 care for J fres-homen.. 'Il1an. •Collins made' the sC,?re: and Tays i of important work in France and Bel-l tile welfare ?f the fa�r�!es of s. �·I. The semors-fresh�n game' was_kicked goal, after the Y' eleven had ! gium. She and her ,husband were 1 T. ,fC .. men. 10 all trammg ,posts 10 played ·first and dunng the first GIVE UNTIL YOUR'RE,braeed and held on the ten �rd line: . eye-witnesse� of many of the events i Illinois: 1$. A. T. C. men on t�e 1 quarter neither team scored. In the PRO U D'For a 'While after the kickoff, It, in ,the latter country at the beginning; :campus who have problems of this! second quarter a foul was called on OF YOURSELF!looked as though the Maroon goal f lof the war. 'Mr. Gleason is the au-: sort 'have ,been invited to 'Consult with i the seniors giving a free hit to the United War 'York Campaign·would be crossed. Hess _tOssed a per- hhor of a number of war books, the directors at any rime. Folders 1 freshmen. The 'ball was sent throughfeet thir!y yard pass to ·l[oyer. who· among them "Belgian Atrocities:" explaining the work of the home serv-I the goal-posts from outside the strik-. :"brolte away for a ten yard run .lbefore King Albert dec'orated Illrs: Gleason ice ·branch m�y be obtained in El-! ing circle and the ball went hack tohe �as do�ed. Then Hess tned an- fvr the work she did in Belgium. jn ! lis 2. I the twenty-five yard line for a bully-other, whIch would have meant a the early days of the war . I off. This time the freshmen were• .d Ca Ib d . Weather Forecast. .certam score ha not r urg ro�. Later Illrs. Gleason went to France 'CI d h h. successful and <:arrled the ,ball intoped the ball.' A line buck. worked for where she had a variety �f exper� I ou y. ;ot :uc : ange �n d tem- the senior striking circle. A few min-nve yards," and then Chicago .fumbled··'1 cnces. At different times sh� did perature. res nort west WIn s.utes later the ball was stopped on th�Collins dropped the ball on the sec- nursing canteen work and ambulance THE DAILY MAROON senior goal line and before it could�d play, but the dar�ess prev��ted .service. She was also 3-warded the BULLETIN be recovered ·the freshmen scoredJ'. the visitors passes ;m h wo� mg., ,French war cross. :\lrs. !Gleason re-1 their first point. The whistle blewThe game was called 0 ten, ut a !-turned to Amerrca a short time ago, Today. Ibefore either could score again. mak-scrimmage was held under the arc � d h h b 1 ' , in.rT. the final score 1-0. ., . l.an s e' as een' ectnr10g 10 a num- ...'lIght for fifteen mmutes. her of cluhs and institutions. This Divinity chapel-12:20, Haskell. Freshmen Able to Score Once.University Club Entertains. .week she spoke before the 'Cordon Y. M. C. A. Religious discussion ' J n the second 'half the seniors cameTwenty41ve members of the squad·, club of Chicago, ,group, 6:30-7:15, Reynold theater. 'back strong and for a time threatenedwere guests of the University ClUb 1\, "We feel it a gr'cat privilege to �omorrow. the freshmen goal but a roll-in �avelast night at the annual ,foothall t have a w()man of such splendid ;Divinity chapel-12:20, Haskell. the freshmen a chance to talee the balldinner •. It is ru�ored th�t. Coach !':achievements speak at the Univer- i Chapel-.Junior coll�ges of Arts, to the senior posts where Sara Brod­Stag� dId not predict an �hm defeat .sity," said l{rs. Goodspeed yesterday. I Liferature and Science, men and ke1 stopped it. and in spite of theirSaturday.. '.'1She is speaking under ,the auspices lwomen, and· all students of the col-! strong attack the. freshmen werc un-(ContlDued on page 3) . of the Overseas committee of the Y. lege of Commel"Ce and Administra-I ablc to score again .. l[' C. tA" and the Woman's \Var Aid tion, 12:20, Mandel. I The Juniors and Sophomore teamsI '.is very glad to be able ·to have her. 'French Club--.Assistant Prof. par-I were in fine eondition and playedEIGHTEEN HUNDRED U. OF '.on the campus. We hope that every I menter and Senorita Landazuri, 4, ,good hockey. The juniors scored inC. MEN IN THE SERVICE! KEEP woman who e�n do so, will attend I·Ida �oyes hall. -. ;the first few. minutes of play. TheTHEM SMILING. :her lecture thIS afternoon." Plulosphy Culb-7:45, ClaSSICS 20. (ContInued on page 3)WILL ENTERTAIN FRENCHMISSION AT UNIVERSITY AUTHOR OF BOOK ONLINCOLN IS EXPECTEDTO VISIT UNIVERSITY....---LORD CHARNWOOD• •, I'J " -. ',' :�� ,:� : ,J.'. '.-:� =: :>.".\;;;��I��� •.;\/I .��:::.: ': �:,_ �� �/� ��: �,?\t�':;�'��' > ��:���, �;/::"1��/�?:'::i�"',}""'�>'� ;�'����'?,.:: ��,�::l'})7;tl('2 . \fUE DAILY MAROON. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 20, 1918.'oll indications. the University of ch.i-II I :descent, see our whole column morning I saw numbers of photospago has not yet, reached its mini-I MAROON WAR LETTERS l stretching down the road in front of of our fellows in football togs; Mc­.mum quota. That $25,000 must be :...--------------- 'us, moving forward like a huge rna Donald crouching on the ground,'raised. I.;: the 1 Tlli\'ersitv a school of ' ',chine,' it certainly makes me enjoy ; Hinkle preparing to tackle, H utchin-� \.. J Following are portions of a letter, 1 . life. . ,. son grinning as usual. Oh, to be a.Published mornings, except Saturday, � ackers and, in g encral, a collection .written by Harry· Schulman. ex-'21,'\'e are diverted evcrv day by our. football man!Sunday and Monday, during the Au- of ingrates? The resultsof the cam-: formerly a day editor of the Maroon. .; I'n' d S . "1 I . friends, the aeronauts. YQU know, There is intense rivalry betweentumn, .y inter an prinz quarters,' paig n WI 1 answer t rat question. 'who left for the Officers' Training Iby the Daily )laroon company. • . Camp ,)lacArthur is divided into a the 1st and 2nd Battalions. They,School at Camp MacArthur, Waco,number of sections, among them 'be- the 1st, have had over a month ofW. S. T. C. WO.�IEX TO COXSULT j,T.ex •• with a large number of Univer- , ,.1 '11 .1 '11 1 ff' will� the Officers' Training school, rbe .. uri , anu•. WI .>e ,.0 leers soon. e--- I Slty men. Replacement camp, and the Aero • are the rookies and arc lookedAsk Social Service Workers to Re- _ ' d b Ischool. The aviators here do 110 : own upon y t tern.port in League Room.·1 h C'-' a 0 con- ._ I', All is well with t e me � content themselves with plain flying'. Tlle other night our, companies. ti B ' .1 I ck all J" of us. f d b 9' 1 k d h dIt has been announced that it is' mgeut. .) goou uanv but can he seen on any clear day, orme aI out 0 c ocx an marc eimperative that every W. S. T. c.l� were placed in the san�e 2c�0I11P ',' looping the .oop, flying upside down, ',past the .l st Battalion barracks. They, Of 3- ld f .' in " don t '\ ' • t k b ' . d f dmember who signed up for social'. course" 0 acc!>. .volplaning fur thousands of feet, and . vere a en .} surprrse, an or me,m k . siun but It ccr- • . IT ti iti t II"service 'work report todav .n the; axe a great rmpre ssrvu.. .!' otherwise "cutting up." It is a great. no e ec I\'C OPI>OSI Ion 0 our ye sLeague room between 2 and·5. Helen I tainly cheers us to have even. flcet1t1g ,sight to see .a plane s\\'o�p down ":-Ind challenges and songs, the lat­Thompson, chairman of the Social i.scraps oi conversation With oldrhr ough the air, glide over the land- ,ter derogatory to the 1st Battalion.)la)" Freedman �lanager Service committee of the Students·rJriends, between drills. scape, and finally light easily on the 1 !\ 0, this was not .a rowdy meeting.War Activities committee, and a corps I.. Au? we do drill. F�om 7 a. ��l'll�:�� !,.�round and roll along to a complete l Jt wa� perfl'c�ly .orderly �nd in chargeof assistants will be on the second !'yl -t. 111 the afternoon It goes \\ It. ... 'stop. 1 of our commissioned officers, • . .floor of Ida Noyes hall at that time!, halt. \Ve arise fully an hour and .a •b 1 I Do I like Texts? I n the words ofi h h r , mple At times the planes fly in att c ; 11 T I '11 "Th •Entered as second class mail at the to advise all women who are interest-· · ali 'before sunrise so t ere rs a.. •. I an 0 ( exan, \\'1 answer, ey sChi P t ff' Chi Ill" .'• k formation. ,I, ive planes form a wedgc.] ..icago os 0 lee,' icago, mOIS, ed in this work opportunity for a full day s wor '. h id g onna 'he another war WIth �lexlco,March 13, H106, under the act of • one In front and two on cae SI e.· , '"March 3, 1873. "'Ve want evcry woman who is in- 'Ye, that is "L" company, arrived' .' J '\ essuh;,and If we W111S thIS war, youThey fly along for 1111les, kecplllg per- b t:\I' '11 1 k TSUBSCRIPTIO� RATES terested in social service to come to- .Iate, and are a full week behind in 'fect alig_nmcnt and distance. They . be �'" CXICO \\',1 'la\'e to ta'e exasCalled for, �_9.�0 a $1.00 a day," said Helen Thompson. "We 'our schedule. IConsequently we have: Il'k fl k f' ac .or" year; J �are I'e oc s 0 gigantIC crows.quarter. have a number of positions open in ,'been driUinl! furiously to overcOt}lCBy Carrier" $3.00 a year; $1.25 a f sett1e�e�ts . and ot�er organizations, f. the handica� of being late .arrivals. Chicago has placed thc 2nd Bat· STUDENT USHER SYSTEl\1quarter..... and It IS lmperatIve that they be I And the '0 k' doino- requires ,.tali'on football team on the map. TE.'IPORARILY ABANDONEDBy ltiall (CIty), $3.00 a year; $1.50 . filled at once. 'Ve 'have assi�ned every Ir'military k" r1 \'de areLl'ttleO time has 1 There was to be a game yesterdayA quar er. '. . I ' 'UQ\\' e ge.· .By Mail (out of town), $4.25 a woman to one of these pOSItIons, and, been spent on the school of the sol- ,between ·the 1st and 2nd Battahonyear; $1.75 a quarter. ,we want to find out out whether she 'die dId compan'" teams, but it was posponcd, duc tor, squa , p atoon an J 1will be able to go at these times, We 1drill 1 f d pra'Ctice t a terrific rainstorm nothing unusual.. '. .' " nlanua 0 arnlS, an'. 'are glvmg servIce stnpes for W. 18. march . h h k ha"c OCCU-j in sunny Texas which would have. , es Wit eavy pac s' W' ,T. C. women who complete theIr so- pied h f . Noth' l'ng is drowned the players had they gone.. . . muc 0 our hme. " .colal servIce pledge; m order to earn 'more' ". . d th .. ", see on the fieJd But the team is picked, 1I1Splrmg 111 my mm ' .an �'V. •one by the. end of. the quarter, women our little old company, 250 strong, and !Chicago, remarkable to say, hasmust be�n theI: work. at one�.1. wind down a turning sandy ,road, rI- six of its Varsity men on ,the team.Women WIth .soclal servIce expe�: f,fles on shoulder, all keeping step to They are Bob Cole, 'Fritz Crisler,ence are espeCIally urged to consult. I' the old songs' of camp and school. ',Buell Hutchinson, Shorty Dygert,,And when we ,runts, who are in the '"l\f:cDonald, and Hinkle. ,Our boysYou are coinfortable. Make them ,last two plat-oons. cross the rise in are famous men in \Vaco today. Ascomfortable, too. the ground, and coming down on the I went down the streets there thisToday is the last of the extendedUnited War Work Campaign. From--------------------------------------------------------� -- __ -- -- __ -------- ---------- -- __ -- __ ..m�t manU :!BaroouThe Student .xewspa�r of TheUniversity of ChleageEDITORIAL DEPARnlENTTHE ST.-U'FJohn .J oseph ::\lal1adn� EditorRuth Ge nzberuer Xe w.s EditorHelen Ravirch X:�ht EditorHoward Deale Day EditorRose Fischkin ., Da)· Editor\\'ilIiam Morgenstern ','"....................... Athletic EditorFrederick Winterhoff , ... , Associate EditorBUSINESS DEPART)lENT'Staff SolicitorsBallinger and FennerEditorial Rooms Ellis 12Telephone Midway 800, Local 162.Hours: 11:10-11:50; 12:25-6; 7-8. 'Business Office Ellis 14Telephon� Midway 800, Local 162Hours: 10:20-11:50; 3-5:30.Wednesday, November 20. 1918COLLEGE CREDITi. According to the speculations of. )lajor Dana, commandant of thispost, members of the Student ArmyTraining IOOrpS Willi be demobilizedby January 1. Natur.ally the majorcannot make a definite statement, butif he commits himself to such an ex­tent, ,there must .be some 'Possibilityof :being out of service by the firstof the year.I f these army training men remainuntil the' end of the quarter (and inall events they will) exactly whatstand will be taken by the Universityon the I1lQtter of co!lege credit; 'whatcan the Olen expect; what should theyexpect? .As far as the men planning not ;to,re-enter are concerned, there is littletrouble. But the question of credit.concerns tnen who have attended col�lege 'be'fore, or who are intendin t'. g 0contInue theIr work. EverY()neagreed that, scholastically speaL'h• t 1.!. J'l;lDg,t IS quar er .nas !been a Waste. Cir-cumstances could not, .allow Other�wise; the Shldent Army T ... r.unmgCorps waS not or.g:1nized for purpof college educ:1tion. OSesNevertheless it seems .\\ rong. to letthree tn'Onths' time expend''. tture go fornothtng. l'hls is partieula 1 .r y true Inthe case of freshtnen. l)of t11 • us theystart a over again' mh ' ust the oldemen, t oll�h fewer in n b rum er SPendmore than the alloted ti .'ing :1 degree? ,tlle tn obtain_:PeaCe c<:)uld not be foone is- to blame. And tl::se�n: So nohas its si<le l'o the . U DIversityd question· sh Idstan ards be lowered . OUcredit be given when and c<:)llegeCollegewas not <lone? Is th Work. h J erc any piIn t e co lege system whie . aCelow recognition of th h Will al-. h c effort of hmen In t e rStudent Attn . t eCorpS? Y TraIningIf the c<:)rps continuc" t I'., 0 Ive U '1June, natllrallv SOlll" ntl. "tead'will be made n t " . Justtllent" ··U It 1t docs not, .•all e� Idcnccs point to'\\' d ' Itb'l' . b ar a demoI lzahon y January ad' . -hI' , CClSlon andpU IC statement by a\1th " •<:)rltics Wouldsettle a question Ibothcr'Ing many ofthe men, and probablv f' J some 0 theinstructors.',_COlAfENT isfOJfotcalISh20 ab.lesT'hha,Cents " jthrMJ-hers' of the ,faculty have been servingas ushers at the Sunday religiousservices in 'Mandel. Associate Prof.The system of University. ushershas been temporarily set aside be­cause of the fact that nearly all ofthe men are in the S. A. T. C. Mem-Robertson is in general charge andbas been assisted by Dean Wright,Dean Dodd. Assistant Prof. Merri­field, Assistant Prof, Burge�: Assis­tant Prof. Nelson, Mr. Moulds andMr. Dinsmore .The 1)lendin� .is exceptional. TURKISn CIGAREtrES.ARE MADE ESPE,CIAllY FOR THE.OISCQIMINATIN:G AND EXPERIENCED'ISM()�ER OF HIGH GRADETURKIS .... CIGARETIES'IMAKERS Of THE 1 HIGHEST GRADE TURKISH A"�EGYPTIAN GlGARE'lTES 1M-THE WORLDTheylike \•are Just•meetingyour Best Girlface to face.REMEMBER-There are noothers like your cc B. G. �,.... bilnvFSl0hpccrlttfi,as�wer01.11t: fltan_.., is:sharS'hS'l\/' :1 �"J �11 !�.} GnMilt. Tea( Nel1.1. . �;r- J, I �,Eul). '-: EluI Me<T� COD,ft l,_-j ).. r".iIJclUbFre!vaJu"rom_PdtF(specl Jy ir, � buil<r:. Phol1,· ve?s�• teria.. �tonl'\ taint',. Jackifay,',',, .I�; J':," :��:�;V7!'i' t:· : ",; :�. i:: :' ',; S:' ;�,':';:::':.' ;?'" -: ;,: :�'::r � /-: � '�·w,,;'; ,:', V;:;" ,:' ;:�::;rt�'; � J; _i.' ,"�':: ',"ITHE DAlLY MAROON. WEDN,ESDAY, NOV. 20, 1918.I I SPEECHES OF MAJOR ·DANA 1918 INTERCLAS8 HOCKEY .made by 3 sophomore, the ball sent! Marion (�reanor e:� COLUl\IN OF COMPANIES. ' DEAN LINN AND MR. STAGG COMPETITION ENDS WITH 'by 3 junior touching her stick before j Vera Edelstadt ........•......••. rw\ INSURE. PEP AT MEETING JUNIOR WOMEN VICTORS �t dropped ,behind the line. i Helen Palmer rw.�' ------C-O-M-P-A-N-y-A----,.: Sophomores. I:Ruth Dye riGathering, Scheduled for 6:30. Men (Continued from page 1) A' \\' Iff 11""I f h h "I . .\\r' 1 () l' ntomette 0 , . . . . . . . .. Ij� X men rom eac company ave Who Want Seats are Advised 1,.' arjorre ins ow capt. . w,Ea 1 ' L' 11 B' h li )'Iargaret 'Foss (capt.) .......•.••• chbeen specially detailed for bayonet to Come r y. ; sophomores got the ball in the next ue a It er , .. I, .' ..Th ' 'I TID 1·' I -Ruth Kindred rtinstruction under Pat Page. e 'bully-off and then threatened the � .. \ argaret ay or, ora virc ien- � .men from this orrranization are Pri _ rronight fro 6:30 to 7:15 Major iJ' • baurn c -Fforencc \\ alker If�... r j unior "'0031 but a foul gave the ball •........................ '.'. fvates Eubank, Finn, Aust in, Pacelli, Dana Dean Linn and Mr Stagg Willi' "'.. . Dorothy Latta rw I Beatrice IProud oot g.. , ,. to the junrors and during the sec- . . .. . . . . .. .. . . .. . .bFouche and Nudelman. We under- speak in Mandell hall. We are told 10' • • • 'Enid To -nl r' The Freshman goal was scored y1" .. � nd quarter the jU1l10rs scored agam \ \\ cy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I. f, -.• that this is to be a pep meeting but .'E h 1'1 L hli lh Manon � eanor,stand that they had some little work- , Sophomores' Form Improves st er .\ 'C aug III ••••••••••••••out .this morning while the battalion why tell us this when the, fact is so In the second half the sophomores Carol Smith rh _hiked to For-tieth street and T ake. self-evident from a glance at the list I d h . Covcntrv Platt cit" J.A1 P aye 'better ockey and scored m oJ • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • •GIVE UNTIL YOUR'REof speakers. Do we need pep; are we ". R th H . •., f the ·first few minutes of play. At the u uey ..............•....... rtdead. If w� are, we ought to get r b II ff h '" Edythe Fl"ck If P R' 0 U D. . . u y-o t e jumors 3gam got the I .... ••••••••••••••••••••O"'''E the 3:')01It beinz demoted, pep :£rom this meeting. .Students b II d . . Rachel Sheldon rr:., mg 'I.� , a' an carr'ied It up to the sopho- ' "0f:d 1 C . . h who live off campus will have to jump: . ..con: es t H' ornpany cyme, IS t at, more striking' Circle and here the Freshmen.the "old regime" has found places in ,to get there before the S. A. ,T. C. men :sop'homores showed :briJliant defense. Elaine Buck Iw United 'Var 'Vork Campaignthe rear ranks of the last squad' Ef take all the scats,' All the boxes are I Tl . .blh �. -I' � ie jumors I 'were una e to score, ,��.:. ficiency, we suppose, . reserved for the faculty. J during the fir-st quarter. In the last-- The whole meeting is to be peppy., fe\� minutes -of .play they succeeded� AT last Company A has obtained After the speakers a few peppy songs' in making another goal. This time'a mascot. said mascot being in the will be sung. Then there will be a the sophomores got the bully-off and. shape of one small, nondescript pup, few peppy cheers. i�f anyo�e does f in a few moments earried the ball be-:.. : . who looks sad enough and meek not get pep, from this meeting, the I hind their' opponents' Iine. Before the'l' · enough to have escaped from the zo- committee requests that he go home I whistle blew the juniors, by a series'� . ology lah. Friend pup is pepping up .and sit on a tack. lof hard shots, sent the ball in to the, � ;: all the time, however, under the. in-. The only clew we ha�e as � �e I sOP'hom,ore territory and scored their;;J � fluence of more elegant surroundings why and \�·herefore of this meetm� IS r fourth goal., ,� and genial companions. The Question the followmg speech of a student at J The game ended with the cham-t r :.,. is: �an we 'keep our rnase, ot, and what a committee meeting: "I thi�k t�at I pionship in the ·hands of the juniors.If shall he be named? Suggestions are the student body of the University 'The score was 4-2. 'I in order. ' shares the failure of the football � Seniors.(_: _---_ ' team to win the last two games by Sara 'Byrne ..................•... Iw� �""'- CONTRIBUTIONS to ,this section the lack of enthusiasm. The war kept Alice Johnstone 9 (capt.) Ii" are most earnestly solicited. They lour minds off athletics for a while, Arline Falkenau cs-hould be handed to Pvt. Joseph. but now when our minds are not as gnes Prentice rw-- I lull of war news, we should show I Gladye Gordon ..•.........••.... lhY10U see, we've run out of news. the old time enthusiasm, for which the Helen Driver ......•........... � . chUniversity is famous. We need a Sara Brodkey ..............•..... IfSTUDENTS LAG BEHIND ehance to get together before the Rose Kramer : rfPRESCRIBED QUOTA IN 'Illinois game, to pr,?ve to the team JuniorsWAR WORKS CAlIPAIGN that we are behind them." B eth Uphaus (capt.) IwThe honor of the University is Florence iMe� eal ,,' listaked on whether on not we will Leonie Crocker • � ......•..•.••.... cfil] our quota in the War Work drive. 'Eleanor Atkins .. 'rwWe have set $25,000 as our goal and Florence Webster catherine Clark riit is up to us to fill it. Last year I'Helen Sulaberger .....•......... '. chthe University overslibscribed its' Lucille Kanally •......•........... lhquota in the Y. .M.. :C. �' Why i Mable Rossiter .•..•............. rhcan't we do, i� t�is .• yea�? I �.inkl,Edn�, �C?_o_pel_", B�!1C'he _RucJc.er .••• 1£that here agam 1t 18 pep that we11 Mildred Powtison ....•. R fullbackneed. If 'we have pep tonight, the last Helen' Fortune ...... ' •. , ..••......•. gday of the drive will show peppy sub- Goals for the juniors were made by 1 0% COlDDlission oil Salesscriptions. r Florence iMeNeal, Leonie !Crocker,, Inquire at Business Office of the MAROON.[a�B� �h�L �e ��w�� �EIGHTEEN HUNDRED U. OF'__C. MIEN IN THE'SERVICE! KEEPFOR SA'L'E-Finc very handsome,specially-designed bookcases, former­l Jy in ·Browne's Bookstore. Fine Artst' .I building. Suitable for private library.I' . ., Phone Harrison 3766."1- GIRJI15! Let's go. Where? To Uni-" versity Night at iHyde Park Presby-• ' terian Church, 53rd Street cat Black-. ',..stone Ave. Refreshments and enter-f -tainrnent for you and soldiers and'� Jackies, too, Time: 5-7 p. m., Sun- J,.. fay, Nov • .z.I. �-----------t,, � Park avenue.(Continued from page 1)is a total of $2109.08. The averagefor a man's subscription has .beenfour dollars.S. A. T. C. Men Aid Separately.The S. A. T. C. has carried on thecampaign apart from the University.,'Six hundred men have subscribedabout $2034. This is an average of.lest than three dotJars a subscription.The University High school studentshave raised $804.75.", A'bout $6511.24 has been raisedt_...I·through ,miscel'laneous sourccs.MAROONS SHOW SPIRIT'. :: IN 19-0 VICfORY OVERELEVEJ.V FROM Y. M. C. A.(Continued, from page 1)·"11;1, '_ Lineups of the game:,� "Chicago Y. 1M. C. A.i Schwab .1 e _......... Carlburgl Halliday _ .1 t.................. Soister} Gray _ ....•• 1 g Christ'sen, Gel'dt( Miller _ c _ _ Morrowt •• • Teas, Cohen r g Rasmunssen( Newhall _ r t .. Heyword, Garth1'1: BradJey .r e _............. Moyer:_. Tays, Witzleben q b .. :.James, Johnson, r '., Eubank. Collins .:1 h. .. _ Touchton).,� ,Elton _ r h. Passel( McComb .f b.................... HessTouchdowns: Elton, Collins. Mc­Comb. Goals from touchdown: Tays •. , li ; -----------------------------/-. r Classifiedt TY'PEW.RJITING. French tutor­If .'" ing. I�lidw.ay 47. H. Andree Asmus._ ".. .. :tl25 Drexel Ave., 3rd.,.,IlJOST-Did anyone -find a Pi Deltaclttb pin Friday night during theFreshman 'Frolic? It is really veryvaluable to the owner. Rcturn to In-"ronnation Officc for 'Dorothy Van_Pdt. THEM SMILING.ASCHER'SFrolic ·Theatre55th St. and Ellis Ave.TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19Tom Moore in-in­"THIRTY A WEEK'"alsoCharles Chaplin in"SHOULDER ARMS"AThree Million DollarBANK1204 East 63rd Street.NEAREST BANK'TOUNIVERSITY OF OmCAGO OF YOURSELF!. Second Hand BooksUniversity Books, New and Second Hand and All Kinds ofStudents' Supplies at the Most Reasonable PricesWoodworth's Book Store1311 E. 57th St., between Kimbark and KenwoodTwo Short Blocks East of the Tower. Phone Hyde Park 1690Open EveningsAthletic GoodsGym Outfits University of Chicago JewelryFountain PensSecond Hand Law BooksMedical and Scientific BooksMENWith some spare time!Are. vou interested in following un the advertising of amen's hi2'h-�de soecialtv clothing shop?Chicagoans, recognizing the superior valu�s,have· responded remarkably to our. recent announcement ofAli,· Wool Suits at $35For Men and Young MenTHIS Special. Selling, which began a fewdays' ago, IS undoubtedly the best op­portunity of the 'year to purchase reputable,quality Suits at . a price which does not tellthe story of value behind them.,Considering their high quality we do not be­lieve better Suit values can be found else-where. Gathered on one exclusive Suit floorby buyers who merchandise Suits only.There's a Suit here to fit every manand a style to satisfy eve�y taste.On the Third Floor.THE STORE FOR MEN�:.rf')":,..�I, ���.r- ��, l:. i"tf. ':-";i""� ,,',t'�r".;l, Il'I"10+i ..: \"................� . ". '�THE DAlLY MAROON. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 20, 1918. .,i :he 'bane of my existence. Ca� you I· PUGNACIOUS SOLDIERS " A�:�::�"'S�::�SOldier in thet recommend a remedy? RESP� NO ARMISTICE (NaVY barracks a�,d immediately be-1 R. 'li. T. I . --- gan to, ask him what he 'was doingEasy. Join the army where they S. A. T. C: Men are Determined. to there.' Thus the fight started. Sev-I won't let you. . See Servlce--Gobs are Opponents eral soldiers attempted to' aid their, j -Scene of Battle tSnell and Hitch- comrade, and then some sailors hap-. .� OBIT{J"!.-\RY. cock Halls. pe=ed along.Died today, Q. E. D., from the ef- , --- ""het'her .the Navy or the ArmyLeC\" has went to get a new bonnet f t f d of d -Who said that the S .\ T C. men won has net .... et -ben decided and• . ec s '0 an o\'cr- ose rc pepper, I . t.;. • J ..and yc Ole, '�'hlstll!r has went else-] the end of the war, the Whistler's \\'ouldn�: see service? probably never will .be, The casualtywhere; so It IS left to us to butcher t· t d fi 1 bbi f I Th .. person \\·110 made such a re I' t f b h di . . h .. cigare tes, an a na snu mg rom'" - - IS 0 oot ivrsrons, owever, ISup this here colyurn. ! B. L. T. ,�Iourned. by -his �ole heir mark was Quite mistaken. The fight- about the ,same., .. .and executor known as Ted, and, it i ing this time 'has not 1been with the\\�E ought to write a poem '011 tile' I' H '} c. •is trusted fbv \V--- whose clza- UIlS, iowever, out 'between certain LEAGUE DISC'ITr:'SION GROUPS"Daily Butcher or the "Lure of the ' . , n••• U�rettes contributed to his death. ,members of the Naval unit and Its TO rMEET THIS AFTERNOONHefty Hat." But we can't. Requiescat in pace. neigbboring company --', 15. A. T.i C. Although an arrnstice has not Professors Coulter, Judd, McLaugh­BEFOlt'E he went, ye whistler, Famous last lines: been signed, this 'local strife is prac- lin and Moulton Talk to Womenwrote a little billet-deux to Lucy. .tically at an end, on account of theHere it is: I Honest, it ain't my fault. on Timely ,Subjects.Dear Lucy: Being as how the Gen-i But we Tl be ther� with a good one'l: fact. th�t the lieutenants of these com-, .,� 'j Anon. � parue s intervened. As a result of the, The League dISCUSSion groupseral .Sraff "a\'c me leave this p. m. -,. '. '...e> I I battle, both ,the Naval unrt and C'Om- which will meet as scheduled thisto go to see iChas. Chaplin in Shoul- ".. TO CELEBRATE EIGHTH pany -- have wounded members. 'afterll'Oon are as follows: "Social Re-der Arms and detailed you to be top- . d .'., � . ... . ANNUAL "CHICAGO NIGHT" There are several gobs an soldiers, construction," 4:1.:>, Botany building,sergeant and blow the \\ his tlc 111- • ki fi ' .., with black eyes and s cinned sts, and Prof. Coulter; "The Bible as a Docu-stead 'or I, ! thought I would write (Continued from page 1)to telt you that you are a swell Whis-] Hall Formerly Overcrowded.rler and any time you want to take 1. "The first 'Chicago Night' I rcmeIll-1 The fighting began about two wee�smy job its yours only take my advice I .ber," said a senior woman yesterday, t ago when the company over at 01-1and dont take it as· i�s serious, this i "was held in ILexington and !t was I: \'init�. was transf�rr:d to �nell .haH,buisness of trying to 'be funny. ! so 'Crowded that lots had to mrss the. and has been gomg .on .e\er smce.I surely wish you could see ,Charley! fun. This year Ida Noyes gymna-. �he cause of the. strife IS not, defi­with me but you know vourself that I sium will hold all so that none wilt I. nitely known, but It seems that therethey gO; to have at least one clever�'have to be disappointed." was a dispute over the boundary. lineperson around that Maroon office to 1\ Dorothy Scholle is to be toast-rnis- between the 'Navy's and Companykeep up the standard and if we both I: tress and Dean Talbot, 1�liss Cronin, --'s barracks. -stayed away-but I dont like to say 1"lIiSS 'Patte:son and several students t, The Xa.val unit is located in Hitc�­it but you know what I mean, eh .will speak. The entertainment -is. still ,cock wh!le tCompa�y -. -. has ItsLucy. " a secret but it is rumored that there quarters;!1 Snell, which IS right nextDont fill the colyurnn with stuff' witt be a. fa�ous Quartet composed .door, Several �dbs are said to 'h�veabout civs as the S. A. T. C. is about of ,veIl known campus artists as well. been seen crossmg the boundary linethe funniest thing about the place -,as other members of talented celebri- Of. th� two barracks. and meddlingnow� And Jor goodness sakes dont ties. "with the newly arrived company'smention the gobs. It makes them .," According to the latest reports, the luggage. This, however, is the �ol­conceited when they 'have stuff in.' tickets are selling rapidly, and those! �iers' ,�oi..?t �f vie\"_ The gOtbs' storyabout them two days in succession.l who intend to ,go have 'been urged to liS qUite dtfferent. They say. t?atI suppose about the time I am ready! buy theirs as 5'00n as possible. �embers of the .. S. A. � •. C. r.esldmgto go it will be ,raining and I wilt get I m Snell bec.a.me too famlhar WIth cer-my new Stetson soaked. ,WILL ENTERTAIN FRENCH tain things belonging to the Navy.Hoping you are the same'I am J JIlSSION AT UNIVERSITYYours Truly,you a little letter of encouragement(Continued from page 1)""'-. SizeP. S. I am using the name that Lud estaInishing a closer union betweengave me as I do not want people to the universities of the United Statesknow iny real name. I am afraid if and 'England. tMeetings were 'heldthey knew that I reatly wrote the "I in Ida N1()yes hall.W'histle they would tbother me ter-, ribly �sking where I got a11 my cleverideas, etc.S.Well, Lucy was so overcome bythe above mentioned, that she thrust(yes, just that) the contribs in ourhands and beat it.And here we are, and here are thecontribs:For a close shave .. visit Doc Brat­fish.-Adv.\Vhen !considering Ib.eing fleeced,think of Doc Bratfish.-Adv.Sce the hair cutting machine that,is almost human in Doc Bratfish's sa­lon.-Adv.Use Doc. Bratfish's pomades ·andbe distinctive.-Adv.The ultim.ate in harbarism and DocBratfish are synonymous.-Adv. V cry superior in fit and wear.It ?3.ys to ask for Arrows.CLUETT. PEARODY 41: co .. INC. JlAKERSEstabUshed 1890JENKINS BROTIiERSDry Goods and lien's Furnishings63rd st. and University Ave.Right Goods Right PricesRight TreatmentDear \Vhistler:I would like suggestions as t'o m�th­ods of cultivating a musical laugh.�line is a comhination of alt the un­holy sounds t!1at have even been m­vented and J am wcary of i�. It i�GIVE UNTIL YOUR'REPROUDOF YOURSELF!United War Work Campaign"l. A RemarkableTypewriter"All favorite features combined inone handsome writing machine ofthe first quality.\C. CORMANY'SHOME LUNCH ROOMThe Old ReliableHeadquarters for UniversityStudentsVVe serve the best of every­thing. Promp Service.Try Our Special SundayChicken Dinner.1313 E. 57th Street WOODSTOCKTYPEWRITER COMPANY23 W. Washington Street, ChicaCOPhone Central 5563/, broken bones.Fighting Continues Two Weeks.UNlfORM'S'� Complete .Outfits S. A. T. C. 'OvercoatsWool UniformsArmy ShoesArmy SweatersHats atl,d Caps__LeggingsPutteesInsignia CordsShirtsSheepsJ...1n Coats. Uniforms, made toI. measure.\if I/\�� Military Instruction� I,. . BooksC '-, S'end for CatalogNo. 10Satisfaction or l\loney Back.Army & Navy �'m;pmeD �37 West 125tb St.. New York City,V�NDSO�""PENCITHBti01l0 pendqualit7-un­equalled forIIDIOOtbDe., anI­formit7 of gndIac8Dd danbility.17 black deareel'from 68 eoftest too to 9H hardest. aacIbard ad meclI1IIDOndcUbJe) c0py­ing.Look for tire Jlstl�lioe VENUS finiJaJI!��!with fI .. VENUSDnwta. PeDdls.Holde .. andVltNUS Kruer.... tll-. Wd ..fOl'It.AIDerIc:aa Lad Pencil Co. I215 PlftbAn.,N. Y. 'Dept.D.IOTrw IT.. VENUS &".,.'_. M_,lit 12 ma. $2.00,_ � � EIGHTEEN HUNDRED U. OFC. MEN IN SERVICE! WHATARE vou DOING, FOR ?:HEM:\ment of Internationalism," Prof.I�loulton, Harper; "Internationalism,Democracy and Christianity,", Prof.�lc'Laughlin" +:30, Harper, ,M 15..Miss Taylor, the general secretaryof the League, has announced thatthe groups are progressing rapidly.'�The women 'who have been attend­ing the -.groups," said I�fiss Tayloryesterday, "a�e very enthusiasticabout the work of the group and are:nten�ly interested in, the discuss­ions. '�Iarked success has character­ized their efforts so far."Prof. Judd, director of the School\Of Education, will speak on "ForeignSchool Systems," at the League dis­cussion group in Beecher hall tonight.at 7. All University women who ar�interested in the topic under discuss­ion have been invited to attend.SECURITYSAVINGSSERVICEThe Oldest Bank ill Hyde ParkCentral Hyde Park Balik55th St. and Blackstone Ave.Give 'UntilYon are Proudof YourselfYOUR.LAST CHANCE!/TO HELP KEEPTHE BOYS SMILINGUnited War ,Work CampaignEstablished 1870 Phone: Harrison 970\,_"QUALITY UNIFORMSfor the S. A. T. C,Made in our own workshop-ALSO ALL EQUIPMENTMARCUS RUBEN625 SOUTH STATE STREET •_," C1:'Js1��ti:Dtt 14iotl�a:r:flbt1� aJI, 11If�;� eiI ..�; !�. a''J e:( 0:t� ��'I" (. --:"f -.\.. ,Mf �. tl.tltle]alfiloi�lI •!1t1•