Company 13 of Reserve IliJitia to En­,tertaiD-Will Charge One 'Dollar, i�aeuity 100 Per CeDt. in �ab- Admissioo-Proc:ceda to CO 'Forsc:riptioDs-StudeDts ,Appear "Eq�pment. .----.;_,To Be At Fault. ''Co ' 11 f• The BlaclCfriars will probably ra- mpaJly 3 0 the Reserve' Militia- TEA:M 'IS SLiGHTLY CRIPPLED main in active this year. The order, . \!il1 entertainment Saturday• EXTBND CAMPAIGN TWO' t 8" � 11 I '," ,., whi� has not �een active since 1917, " '�' ;':' _ m art ett gymnasium� : 'One, dol-: ,�'Pract:i�e 'W�, the so-called football finds it impo�ssible to rcs�e any 'Pto-, The War 'Work drive is still I���ft�i'" admission wi!} be charged, and COMMERCE MOSTLY «; last night was about as dismal "gram because-of the unsettled condi- r'ging at th-e University The latest I the, proceeds WIde> go toward the --- ',as a regular game. The regulars who ,tions caused 'by the presence of the I' figures indicate that 'only slightly r,:eqUlpment of, this. company. com:) Associate Pro�. Starr, of the de-'went up to !Evanston to line up S. A. T. C. on the campus 'th $19000 ha t1.. b _ !pany 13 was organized by the Alumni ,partment of 'Sociology and Anthro-, ' ' .' more an , ve oeen su _., club f rh U' ,. N'" I h'against the 'Purple for the worst .beat- ",Blackfriars is one of the most fa':' ib d t d t A th dri ha 0 e DIversity 10 ovember, po ogy,' as Just returned from Gua-_. . " _ scri e up 0 a e. s' e rrve s 1917. t I h '.Jng of the year stayed 10 out of the mous campus organrzatinns, Its cus- been officially extended two days 'for . ema a. w ere he has been spending{" rain 'and the' subs had the field 10 tom has been to present an' original th hIt it 'II b' , d i It was at first, restricted to gradu- the last two and a half months doing", ' . "' ,ew 0 e coun ry, I WI ue carne 'ates b t t .__ .4.' h k�themselves. ICoach Stagg had tittle 1>lay every year. The. last play pre- tL tll t ' ht .' u now con arns many men WIIO researc worx; Dr, Starr will leaveIf, /' on nere un I omorrow DIg, ,- (\h I r h ".�to say, hav,ing said most of it after .�en.ted was "A ',Myth in .:Mandel:' "1 hope, 'however, that owe can hring , ave O? y �, s Ig t connection with, today for N� Yor� whe�e he Willthe Northwestern' game; which was produced in 1�17. The play it f i I W d d I the Umversny. Up to date the men probably rem-am until Christmas. It; Alonzo tA, 'Stagg J r got into a sui� was the work of Richard Atwater " I, ��.: ��c� � �B o:e ,e :e� ay have provided their own equipment, is doubtful as ytet whether he willafter witnes'sing t'he 'iast game and 'and a riumber of other ;tudents I; ,,:�g , ::1 o. ur hon yes, er ;'Y. but .they 'hope to 'be 'able to provide give any courses next quarter at thecalled the sienals for the ",layS' He •was selected from a number of ;I�YS btl WOhU .meafl1 �tmh UCU �ore'tcr':. It-. .t.,further equipment ,by the aid of this' University. .,• 0'· 'I", " a e s owmg or e mversl y.' . ,- '�wi11 not be able to play for another ,Which were submitted iby campus dra- 'Faculty Members Subscribe. , : �ntertamment.. The c�mp�ny IS now Dr. Star� found i.t impossible toi- �eek or two at the 'best, as 'his in- -matists at the Ibeginning of the year. 'Every member 'of the-faculty has ',10 State lServlce a�d IS h�le to be ,compl�te '�IS work 10 rhe southern� jured shoulder has not knit firmly Invest .�ftA in Liberty Bond, b ribed ",._ t._ bscrib d mustered out any time. republic �ecause of the quarantine im-� u. su sc • .UOdny nave su scrr e I Dormito • Sent In 4. "enough to stand bumps. 'Moff 'Elton t· Although the order was' forced to elsewhere. Early reports placed the \I . ,n� ,yitations. posed. on account of the _prevalence ofI would we��ome the change', that r. remain inactive last year, it invested faculty subscription at $61000, or over d nv�t�t�ons. have �,e� sent to all th� . tY'!'hold and ye.llow. fever in the dis-..... would all� \ �im !- ,little �esi,-. hut it � $�, the money �hich remained in thirty per cent of the .total subserjp- �rmtt!lne� m order t�� the women tnct. The entire �Ity of Guatemala- looks as if he wili have to call t}Je r the treasury in a. lLiberty 'bond taken t' " may come 10 gr,oups ._It IS hoped that was destroyed last year, leaving only!" �, IOn. 1 SAT C '11 'h h bOld' d' iplayS ,for the rest of the season, un- (ont in tlJe name of 'Blaekfriars. The' <The women's subscription leads! • • . • men Wt• ave a, c ance '. UI mg. �tan, mg, The, ,popula-�ess Tays is' permitted to. selec� -the � Blackfriars also helped the sailors' at that of the 'other student !bodies., The t to get better �cqua.mted ":Ith the bon IS 110W hvmg 10 rudely construct- 'formations' r th G eat T _1_ NIT .' ,C't I .... -. , 'It' b- ib d- I women of the U!llverslty a.t thiS meet- ed shacks.• "�\ e' r 'u...4Ae5 ava ralnlDg I.;;J a- S. A. T. ,C. as su scn e about. . ''. ',• ".' - ' '" ,_,CO<. .. - mg. IM,ISS 'Cronm, head of the PhysI- JTeam Not Seriously Injured. � tion by loaDIng them all the costumes $2,500. Little over"half of the civilian I Ed . I d . .,Germans Control ,Commerce.., . .', ..... " ca ucatlon epartJmeD� Will act as .. 0The InjUries that kept the regulars used 10 former productions. ,These men liave subscnbed: The women -h I f � .\ :About four-fifths 0 fthe commercial '. , . .. . ' , ' I mars a 0 ceremOllles. ' '. Ion the stdehnes last -night were noth- were utthzed In the recent sador are helping -the drive by selling cook- Th "11 4.., f . - 'IDterests of Guatema�a are 10 German i .. , ,.,1 ''Th' G 'Lak 'R ". .,. , ' ere WI 'ue many 0 flcers ,'pres- h d '''''d 'mg seriOUS, and the whole (Jutfit Will pay" . ,e reat I es' evue. les at three cents an, d, oranges at four", M' Da, !fII b " " an s now, I sal Prof. Starr yester-, J", '. "'1"11.. rD.,;_ k f P . " ,J ent. '. BJor na WHI' e a guest of d "Th" . 'he playmg agQm tonight. Stegeman' 4 .Ie . ,1J;".n&n S '0 aprrka, the cents each, in the east corridor of the h' '11 I t. Le'. . ay. e ,people With money are the "�• ., 'r '. BI kf' 1 f 1914 _ on or as 'WI a so leut., WIS; -com- Ge -... t. ':t',)will :be mlssmg lor a time however, ac nars p ay 0 ; was rec�tly. ground floor of Harper. They are da f N h . .'.. rmans and 'LIley control' the pLan..:. . " ':; :�-.' t d -.I • \J ff 'II 1 f' " man nt,o ort western UDlverslty. . d' , ' , . ",�;.,�,a� he �as called 'home by, t�l�ess-: 11'1 • pro. uc� , m e ersonvi e, nd.,. 0%:, :als�_ a��er.l!.��cm�stions, about t�� '.Mai,'iOrj i!L':SOoU;_"Yiner, �of..:-t�:�'·-, ��IO��.:�� _J .. _��I��tU;.1'Ie •. !��:.�l!��L�.:�:�>� �·,Ius-Uamdy., The�ackfletd'wiltals(Jbe 1he'bezrefit'of·'the·�d IC--ross.;-' 'Frank War Work dnve 'at one cent a ques- .o.!' 'M' T_ hOI the .commerce JS ,'WIth Germany. 'II", ._. . B k 'd . A'bb f h d ' , r�g1ment ... aJor ..... t rop Collms and '�h Gu' , ".on the field ready to pr�re: for the rec enn ge IS ' ot 0 t e or ere tion, in Harper 'E 11. C H" T· Ch' , ',.1. e ' a�emalan government," ,i�111' . • •• apt. \ enry,. ase, of the fourth . ed D S ... . jIDI. .committees Met Yesterday. • ',/, '11 :t. ,� -COntIOU ,r. tarr, IS Wlt1l, 'the AI- ', \. regsment, 'WI �ue pre.sent. 0' <' , •The work of the Maroons at N0t:th- CONTINUANCE OF S.-:A. T. C. Both the, men's and women's com- , .', Ites. Pre� 'C:ibrera, .who �as 'h!!ld of- _western was far from what it should UNTIL FIRST OF YEAR:IS mittees met yesterday.- "�Dlerica's lice for twenty �a�s, is a stronng 'I,'b�ve ,been, even with a war' tim� tCQm '�ECTED BY MAJOR DANA wMk has just started and 1:�is' is our WOllEN TO TRY OUT FOR �n :who can be depended upon.' At ,jplaying against a string of conference' --- ' \first opportunity to shOw duLt we.are POSITION .OF Cl{EERLEADER the present time the republic's creditveterans. 'Passes, as usual, got away No Orders Yet Received From WaSh- 'not b'lind to 'the needs of recon'struc- A"'r'1OHroAGO NIGHT" FRIDAY -is -good, although tb�re �s been, afrom ,Chicago 'lime after time, and hICton-Send No More- , � tion," sajd Dr. Burton to t'he -men's gre:a.t d-eprecKition, of the currency."the line was about as stiff QS paper. an to Camps. - 'committe�., !Margaret E. Burton, '07, Hue Sapper ate 6:30 in Ida Noyes, 'United States is Not Popular.The "Old .llan'· is drilling 'several said in her address to'the women·s Followed by'Speeches The United States, a&:ording to Dr�new oacks, but they are not very Illajor DaDQ 'has not received any committee ,of 2110, that if the Y. W. and Soup. ,Sta-rr, has scarcely any trade withpromlsmg as y,et. The same t�m definite orders from the,:CentraI office C •• A. needed fifteen million !before Guatemala. The -Ameriacns are notthat faced 'Nor�estern will in a11 'regarding the continuation of the�. the .aormstice was signed it, needs _!ryouts, for women's cheerlea�er S'';fficiently caref�l-to fin their orders,'� pro, bability go' against_ t,he ,I'll·�·I. A. T.IC., 'but it is bis opinion that the, t' th t t' WIll 'be 'held, Friday at "Chicago •tl th' t' , d' h':, _ ,'I wlce a amoDO �ow. -... '., . I exac y as e na Ives eSlre t em.Schedule HiDden Practice� � men win not he _discharged until the ,Although the drive ie�ms to be lag- Night, to 'be gsven by the W_ A. 'A. T-he Germans 'have be�n more suc�IS f f .o.IL._II· d h first of the year., 'mng I'n ge'neral, there a-re ,many fa- at 6:30 in Ida Noyes hall. This cus- lOe sf 1 • ' • '. th· l' t ho ar as OOUlJIiiI IS concerne , t e "" -0' .' '.' , ", ' '" s U 10 glvmg e ·peop e JUS w at; new calls schedule is a grand fizzle.: "I am only guessing th�s," said the vo�ble reports from the smaller col- t� was mshtuted four years ago and they' want. The foreign' element in'fhere is �ot enough time for lunch, �Iajo:, "but I, 'b�1ieve tha't my guess leges and, from Q few universities. st�ce then the cap and coat, have ·been.. .f Guatemala urged' the, gov�rnment toehange into football suits and scrim- \10 tlus case wdl amount to the truth The 2,000 women of the Universit"Y pand,ed down ��gular1y from y�ar to r50nfiscat,. all German property, butmage ,in the noon hour, and pra'ctice : in the future. ,I may .re�ive an order of '�sconsin 'have made subscriptions .:�ear. Agne,s Sharp :was the first this' would mean' entire destructionwiil he held 'as' usual in' the evenin�. any day now, how�ver, whieh is likely a�aging nine dollars each� The wrer of the . maroon jacket and since th�e is no one to Teplace theThe new arrangement even hinders to -change my point of view." - Univ"ers.ty oE'Illinois has ,raised $41,,: Bola Burke and Phyllis 'Palmer have Germans_'practice, as men in fi\'e o'c)ock classes Now that the war is over,. induction 000. an average of about ten dollars ,been the,others. IAny woman is eligi- The natives are naturally indolent.get out 'h�1f an' hour later. • into the S. A. T • .co has .been definitely for each student. ·ble to t�out and, all those desiring A quarter of a century ago, th�y' re-. stopped. According to information t? compet� 'have been. requested ... ,to 'fused to buy any goods from the.... n' ZI ., ',received at the military offic,e"a large CJassI'cal Jo--' IS' 1-----. sign up on the !posters 10 Ida Noyes. \Un'ted St t . the L- .--.A, FF IN Y M C A. OFFICE ' 1Kua& �, •." • ' I a es, smce IS a.ways 10-_ • • • ,'number of' men who wished to' wait I ,'tChteago 'N�h� IS an annual�. vQlved a thirty' per cent loss to theuntil the last minute to join the stu- The November number, of the A. A. event and IS generally consld- buyer.. Since then, conditions haveRepresent:atin of JeWish Welfare ed f h . fdent corps rwere disappointed ,when Classical Journal has in'st been issued er, on� 0 . t e most nnporta�t or improved, and trade is more exten-Board Interviews lien Fridays.' U t' r'I Falk',induction was, discontinued. by the {{niversity,Press. The maga- ' mversl l' .women, ,'rlor�nce �- sive.· Today a Chicago dry goods,. '. The order countermanding all zine contains, he!l,id,es various articles nau, who, f�S gene�.af �halrman, saId house has the highest reputation of,'Vllham M. Ztff, who repres�ts the, ,transfers to Officers' Training camps on the methods and sUbjects for ,",yesterday, All UDlverslty women are all the American representatives inJewish Welfare Board. will·be in 'Mr. h'ch . d t1.. MOD ,especially urged, to come, this year. w I was receIve IUY aJor ana teaching, general comments on re- the state.Stevens' Y. M. C. A. office in the Ia""t 'k 's d fi 't a d fi I d ,and show that' they still know the" wee I e D1 e n na ,an no cent educational prablems. It also�eynolds dub every 'Friday, and any" more me, u -will :be transferred ,in the reviews and announces recent books. meaning of Chicago spirit. I hope, othtr day. he, can. He int�nd� to co- future. Last .�Ionday, a large num- ,that each one witl do her share inoperate wtth llr. Stevens 10 hts work ber of men was scheduled 'to ,leave Weather Forecast. making this 'Chicago Nig'ht' as suc-with the S. A. T. C. in every possible for �nfantry Training camps. Their cessful as those 'held in former years." The French club wilJ meet Thurs-,,__,}way. tickets had already been bo"ught and Cloudy to partly cloudy; fresh I The program' wil consist of a sup- day at 4 in Ida Xoyes hall. Assist-,� "I hope that as many men as pos- most of them 'had already said good- ncrthwest winds." per at 6:30 in Ida Noyes followed by ant 'Prof. Parmenter will speak andsible wilt corne .around on the days bye to their friends. The unexpected ,-, speeches, ,Chicago son�s and cheers. 'ltiss 'Elena L.·mdazuri will sing. Allthat I am here, as I 'Want to get ac- order wnieh canceled the transfer THE DAILY MAROON lfarion Llewellyn is chaidnan of the ',members have been asked to -come.Quain ted with t'hem," he sai4 ye!ter- came as a surprise and a disoppoint- BULLETIN entertainment committee and is plan-day. "I think that good feeling and I nt'n" a "art'ed pro,a-ranl. 'ment to the men who hoped for com- ,." -0co-operation of organizations like the missions, Today. Tickets for the dinner are priced atY. m. C, A. and the Jewish Welfare The new program of classes which Divinity chapel, :Baskel1 Assembly ,�ixty cents and are now on sale.league is sure to have a be!1cticial ef- '\went into effect yestehl.ay gives the 11:05. ,They may :be obt.ained from the fol- The second Tuesday afternoonfect on the University and on fhe ...;;, A. T. C. men a longer period for ,Christian Scien'ce society, Haskell, lowing women: Edith ,\Vest, Alice dance of the 'Vomen's Administrativewhole country." ,"recreation. The morning school catl 6:30. ,"Johnstone, A'lic� 'W,hite, Kathleen council '\\oiIJ be gh'en today from 4"EIGHTEEN. HUNDRED U OFf; Which was formerly 'held at 112:55'1 ,., Tomorrow..., _ Grant, Dorothy Scholle, ,�laTgaret to 6 in the Ida Noyes ,the�r. All," . l has. been changed to 1:20 in th� new Dlvlmty chapel, Haskell, 11:03. Taylor, Flo�ence Becker,llbbei 'lfaS-1 the, women oi t'he Unt\"crslty have" C. MEN IN THE SERV1lCE! KEEP I schedule. This gives the men nearly Y •• l(. C. A. iReligious DiSCUSSIon, ten, ,Leonor Pfaelzer, Lydia Hinck- heen invited to attend. An admission-:.\ TH� SIIILING.'" (Continued on page 2) Reynolds club theater, 6:30..• '.Iey and llargaret Foss...� �p:ice 0: ten cents will be charged.VOL. XYJI. -No. rt UNIVERSITY OF CBlCAGO. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 19,' 1918 PRICE THREE CENTS� ...... PRACTICE IS, � ,\'AFTERMATH OF-GAME'. t WITH NORTHWESTERNSabs �e on Wet FeW­Yoaag Stagg Stm onSideIWs.. . Associate Professor of Anthro­pology Describes CoadiuoasIn Central Ameriean�����, "-"�-" --.--... 0BLACKFRIARS MAKES NOpuN FOR COMING YEAR" MILITARY BALL 'IS GIVENSA�DAr L� BARTLETTUNIVERSITY COMMUNITY,-STII1�LAGGING. IN WAR·WORK DRIVE DONATIONS STARR-RETURNS FROMRECENT EXPEDmON TOGUATEMALAN; CAPITALI Order wm Probably Remain InaCtiveDurinc 1915-19-Laat Play Pr0-duced Was ,"Myth in Mande1"­Help ill Sailoni ProductioDL'---French Clbu Meets Thursday.Give Second Afternoon Dance. \ ;)'I!'i'! Ij:,t. � .i"'-... � ""I .' -, .' •• - ! '..z . ,TBB DAlLY IIAItOON. 'TUB8DAY, NOVEIIiBBR It; 1918\or the ne�1lboI'h�in lbetteri�g l WOllEN '.-sQUBST� '�TO' :',,:' ',' OOIITI�� OF S. A. T� C.UJlyf latin •• nunt \ conditions. . !his wo�� is done by r CONS�T � IDA. N�Y� ., ':UNUL FIlt8T OF YEAR I8The Studeat New.paper el: Tbe studying civic probl�, by first hand .. ABO;UT . IOCIAL SBRV1CE s : BXPBCT.ED,�.Y MAJOR D6NAUDiYenity of CIIieap "'" oi>servations of .the "City's industrial" ---:_ '�« '" (CcmtiDued from page 1)Pub1.:-hed· t S turd , resources and activities, and 'by par- IMembers of tbe. W. S. T. C� and' , _::__nit mormngs, exeep a ay, 11 ',Sunday a?d Monday, during' the AU-I tieipating in =any possible aetivrties, a �th�r w,om� who have registeredI half an, hour more �ime during messtumn, Wm.ter and Spnng' qua,mrs,. .Such organizations, 'as was said be- for ,�oc1QI service 'have been ��k,ed to' period. Recall frOm school in the aft-by the Daily Maroon company. f . . .' t t d 1 L:.:. ... �,'ore. are distinct. advan,ces. TImes repor � ay or omorrow uc::&Wecn1 ernoon has been changed from !I toEDITORIAL 'DEPARTM,ENT were not so far distant when the 2 and 4 m the League room of Ida i 5:-20. Retreat which formerly cameTHE STAFF ( high school was often a loafing place, �oyes 'h�l1. The �hairmen of the 50- : at 5:25, is" not held until 5:40 now.{fhn 'Joseph .....•... Managinsr; Ed!tor! or at least not a place where suscepti- cial Service committees of the Leagueuth Genz�erger ••.... N.ew.s Ed�torl.ble youth was particularly stimulated 'and of the W. S. T. C. have a numberHelen Ravitch Night Editor f iti f I kers JHoward .Beale •...•. ',' Day Editor in citizenship. High sChools devel- 0 pOSI Ions or vo unteer wor ers InR\Vol.sllel'aFmis�hloklr·ngen· 's'te' r'n' Day Editor I open a distinct demimond,e tyt)e, settlements th�oughout the city. The The Undergraduate Classical club... \ . . . . • . . • •• •• hi hr' women have been requested to come_ Athletic Editor, w IC was last becoming a serious,. . .. 'will meet Friday at 8 in 'Classics 20.Frederick Winterhoff ••.....••.••. I problem 'Then the war, and the evo- and see If It IS convenient for them to All t d t . th d tm t hA .t Ed't' , ''. s u en sine epar en ave•..•.. _ ...•.......•. ssocla e I orllution of a really efficient civic club .. go at th� hours assigned. Wemen ,been invited.BUSINESS DEPARTMENT I Sales of Liberty Bonds and Thrift who are interested in other kinds of'May Freedman ....••.....•• Manager I Stamps were made in large numbers. social service can also be placed.Staff Solicitors I Various war work drives, such as theI Red 'Cross, were highly successful inBallinger and Fenner=============== I the ,high sehools through the effortsEntered as second class mail at the r of the -Civie Industrial clubs. B�"k. The University of 'Chicago Settle­Chicago Postoffiee, Chicago, Illinois, I exchanges, Thanksgiving baskets, ment League will hold its postponedMarch 13, 1906, under the act of clean-tip systems, health committees, meeting today at 3 at the Quadrangle�arch 3, 1873. .social events-there is a miscellany club. The Rev. Dr. Charles W. Gil-SUlBSCRIPTION RATES that shows the possibilities. Other key will speak on "The Moral andCalled for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a communities and organizations could Religious Revival."��e�arrier $3.00 a year- $1.25 a take 'Pointers from these clubs, which, \ League Meeting is Changed.quarter.' , while still young, are making their in- The League meeting Which wasBy Mall (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50 .fluence felt; they are grving' the lie 'Planned tomorrow has been 'Post-4. BqaartMer:1 ( t f t n) �A 25 to those pessimists who were so re- poned on accountof the change iny ai ou 0 own, va. a. 'year; $1.75 a quarter. cerrtly bemoaning the younger gener- I schedule.Ed· . I R Ell' ation.ItOl'la ooms _ _... IS 12Telephone Midway 800, Local 162.Hours: 11:10-11:50; 12:25-6; 7-8.Business Office _._._._Ellis 14a Telephone ,Midway 800, Local 162Hours: 10:20-11:50; 3-5:30.Tuesday, November 19, 1918 Settlement League to Meet.Score Club to Meet Today.M�S. ARTHUR GLEASON TOSPEAK'TOMORROW AT 4:15 The Score club will meet today at12:45 in the Reynolds club. All mem-COME THROUGH!!Mrs. Arthur Gleason will give aYeSterday afternoon the United talk tomorrow at 4:15 in the theaterWar Work subscriptions at the Un i- 'of Ida Noyes hall on her experiencesversity of lOhicago totaled $19,000., in war relief work in France. TheAccording to schedule $25,{)(X) should lecture will .be given under the aus­have 'been. subscribed Iast Saturday, ·pices of the Women's War rActiviti�swith a possible plus subscription 'of : committee. AU women of -the Uni­$5,000. 'The national campaign bas ,versity 'have been invited to attend.lagged, also, and in view of the, fact I' 'Mrs. 'Gleason 'WIilS decorated bythat the' workers got a late start on King Albert of Belgium for her, waraccount of last week's peace celebra- Irelief services in .Belgium, She hastions, the time of rhe drive, has 'been also done nursing, ambulance drivingextended until Wednesday. and canteen work in France, and hasWhat is wrong with the nation; received the French war cross.what is wrong with the University0 Since her return to the Unitedcommunity; why should. there be a States, ,Mrs. Gdeason ms been givingdearth of substantial contributions? a series of lectures arranged hy dteThere are all the reasons in the world Women's Overseas committee of thefor making the United ,War Work ,Y. M. C A.campaign a successful one, but thesingle fact of the allied victory seems EIGHTEEN HUNDRED U. OFto have closed -the purses of the na- c. MEN IN SERVICE! WH-A'ttion.Americans, and members of theUniversity in this particular case,have got to come through by Wed­nesday, A failure on the part of the"folks at .home" campaign would benothing more than rank ingratitude.Because the Liberty Loan requiresthe investment of a fair sized sum,the nation might, have a !bit of anexcuse for lagging in a drive of thatsort. IBut in t,lhe present case--no ex­cuses accepted.1t is not necessary to advance rea­sons for contributing, lbecause if in­dividuals will not contribute volun­tarily, or at least on solicitation, there-is only one word, and that word is"must!" Remember the Universitygoal of $25,000, with a maximum or$30,000. If you haven't, comethrcuzh; if you have, try once more!Cor. 55th aDd Ingleside ATe.ChicagoTelephoae Hyde Park 340ARE YOU DOING FOR THEM?LETNORDUNGBE YOURDRUGGISTMake this stpre your head­quarters. Everything in Drugs,Cigarettes and Candy. ISaJt..Poatal Statio. ,No. 218Parker FOUIItaia Pea APDC1NORDLING DRUG CO.Prescription DruggistsA. J. NORDLING, R. PH. G.. :. ,. ••• �",�a... � ,1 ........ ,. �Co�. 'are .Aaked to Meet.Cor_porals' Of the W. S. T. C. havebeen 'fequeste,d to meet today at 12:30in the main gymnasium of Ida Noyeshall.Frank's· Outfitting ShopGIVE UNTIL YOU ARE ,PROUD 1032 E. 63rd StreetOF YOURSELF.. 1--/------------------------------------/---------- ..UNIFORMSAT SPECIAL. PllasOlive Drab Wool Suits $22.50Olive Drab Wool Over-coats 28.50Olive Drab Wool SpiralLeggIngs, 3.00Service Hats 1.85Overseas' Caps 2.00Army Shoes . 6.50Al}d all other articles ofUniform, and Equipment atcomparatively low rices. Sendfor our special UniversityPrice List. .ARMY', NAVY STORE CO., lac.245 W. 42nd St., N. Y. CityLargest outfittenJ, Gov't 00II-tractors and makers of Uni­forms and Equipments.Our nearest 'branch store,623 Liberty Ave., Pittsbargta,; PLAS C HOE ,R'SFroUc Theatre55th st. and Ellis Ave.TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19Tom Moore in-iD-a ';�IRTY A WEEK'"alsoCharles ChapHn in"SHOULDER ARMS"_ •• _._--_ ••I ----------------------------- Chemists to Meet Thursday.ICIasaical Club Will Meet. The 'Kent 'Chemical society willmeet Thursday at 7:30 in Kent the­ater. Assistant Prof. Pic card willtalk on dye-stuffs.Lectures on Expenen.ces in France- .bers have been asked to be present.Was Decorated by King Albertof Belgium.ADVANCEWhile not relating directly to aUniversity community, the report ofthe Chi-cago 'High School 'Civic Tn­dustrial Clubs for 1191i"'18 is of in-terest. P.articularly of interest, we C. CORM ANY'Sshould say, in the lig'ht of advance, of ft We Cater to Studentsthings becoming better. Fundament- HOME LUNCH ROOM The FfI'oi.·c Theatreally a university group is interested The Old Reliable •.in anything considered from the Headquarters for University Drag Stor.eabove mentioned angle. StudentsThese clubs. which are in operation We serve the best of every- Sit in a Booth with Your Girl,in various city high schools, have thing. Promp Service. 959 East 55th Stftetadopted a general platform with twomain head�: to know Chic.ago better Try Our Special Sunday Cor. Ellis Ave.and to work for 'Chicago or a part Chicken Dinner. Tel. Hyde Park 761,of Chicago-be that part the sChootl 1_3_1_3_E_._5_7_th_S_tree__t_--: .. _ THEY'RE COM I N G HOllESOON. KEEP THEM SMILING.YourAutumn. ToggeryJust what you girls need. for the fall season.FEMME CHIC GOWNS OF DISTINCTIONBlouses aDd Aftembon GoWDSShort Orders Promptly Attended toMISS MITTMARY A. PETERSuccessor to Ada F. Moore6Z46 Kimbark Aveaue. Midway 993.Mrs. J. E. Steams, Proprietor 1155 E. Sixty-Third St.MIDWAY 567TEARNMEANSERVICEWITHINCERITYMea's Suits Given Special A�teatioDCLEANING AND DYEINGRemodeliag a Specialty Goods Called for aDd DeliTeredSECURITYSAVINGSSERVICEThe Oldest Bank in Hyde. ParkCentral Hyde Park Bank55th St. GII!l Blaclutone Aoe. -rantwitStac.UnqU:lda)}terpie!f ,r-- ' . Th:03,218. off�Tw1ope:Vperhal]SdayIdabee'IiC.lTH; .,",.' ... -'.... "' ...... _ t , ,._""'> r,o.,li(�"..... _ _ - . ...- .. - ....... \To FiDiah Inter-dasa Competition OD Word has 'been received by ProfGreenwood Yield-Juniors and Bensley of the department of Anato-TlHIS company has a 'brand DeW';' Sophomores Will Fight for Cham- my that !Lieut. Siegfried Mauer, for-bunch of non-commissioned officers pionship-Seniora Meet Freshmen. merly an assistant in the department.(yes, we got 'busted). They all seem has arrived in England with his com-most intelligent. Company A's non- The final games of the Inter-class , personnel now reads: 'Sergeants hoe-key series will be played today .at Helen ID. Magee, '13, is on her way�Samuel Garber, Joseph Anderson, 3:40 on Greenwood field. The juniors to France to do American Red CrossLawrence Kempf, Arthur Hjerpe, and sophomores will contend for the I canteen and hut 'work. It is rumoredRoy Kedeles and 'Ernest Keller' Cor- class championship and the seniors t that Ruth Agar, '�4, is with her.poral�Da.rwin Johnson R' I d and freshmen will al�o meet. 1 J eannie Young, U6, is doing can-, , 0 an .Beutell, Francis Himelich Dillard. "The Junior and Sophomore teams teen work !D /France.Eubank, Andrew DeVries, Roger Fri- are �n good condition and the spec-{ IMQrgaret Spence, '07, is d�i� ·Redbourg, Leonard Keller, Harrison tators will see .a hard-fought game," I Cross hut and canteen service sn anWarner Earl'Ludgin AIb ..... t 1St t said :�fiss Katherine Cronin yester- American rest camp in England., , '-'A e son, . I. •Paul 'Randall, George Bizelle, Ruel day. "T'here are some nne players 'MISS 'J osephine Allen. 99, expectsChurchill, Ivan Smith, Harry Bird on both teams and they seem to be t to leave for 'Fra�� .about .the first of't.nd Daniel Fitzke. �out evenly matched." 1 January to do civilian relief and ,�e-J ; Bleachers &ected on Field. ! �ODstruction wor� S�e will he work-NEW schedules have been insti- The seniors and freshmen will play r mg under the direction � .the Redtuted, and our company now has eight -first and the other two classes will Cross and expects to be 10 Francebarracks 'Orderlies, all of whom 'have start their play !between halves or I for a year. IMiss Allen is at presentto ,be through with their work by the first game, Bleachers 'have been I Dean of girls at the Englewood Highejght, No excuse for missing classes erected on Greenwood field and a school and is a member of the Quad-now. Iarge number of women are expected! ranglers,to come out and support the teams. I _iLl EUT. Osborne says he's going In the i�itial games which were EDUCATION STUDENTS GIVEto take a chance and go to the .militia played last week the juniors and SERI,ES OF !EAS IN BLAINEdance Saturday. Probaa>ly there will sophomores 'Were the victors. The f . .--.- .be others taking a chance from Com- •. -. h d h . • . Teas are bemg grven for studentsjuniors triump e over t e seniors In f h S....L I f E •poany !A. 2 1 hil th h 0 '1 e 0100 0 ducation on alter-ad - dgamh e'frw hI e e sop2-40mores'l native \Vednesdays at -4 in the kin-owne teres men, to a tune. ..Alth h h h d ood dergarten room m Blaine hall. Theseaug t' e games s owe.g· . . ..Th C h . .. . teas which are given m turn by thee ompany as acquired a high ',plaY1Og -there was no decided star- .1 E I· h ' .' vanous departments are for the pur-c ass mascot; an .ng IS bulldog.' rmg on .any of the teams. The team .Strict account is kept of him for ,fear play displayed !by the Senior college • pose of promoting- friendship amongh '11 f II . . h' • the students and facultye WI a into t e possessron of was better than that displayed by the . •some other organization. He coes Junior coUege. You are coDuortable. ·Make themwit1t the company to most formations" The probable lineup is:especially mess. Sergeant l�fdCart- Seniors:ney is in charge of the animal's phys- 'Alice Jdhnstone (capt.) .•...•.... liical weU being. MClrie Plapp .. ' ...•.. _ ..••..••.. NArline Falkenau' ••....•. o ••••••••• c'DHlE basketball team organized "' Sara .Brodkey ••..•••, ••••••••••••. risome time ago is having difficulty, iD. Agnes Prentice .•......•.••...••. TWgettmg together 'but several games Helen Driver •.•••• _ .....••...... ehhave .been scheduled. ICaptain Zheer "Elizabeth Carns .... , ......••.•••.. Thpremises that the team will be a ,win-I' Gl d G d Ih, a ys or on ....•......•.•••••.nec ., '• "Rose-Frances Kramer ••••••••..•• rh.Alma Canton ......•.. '..• - 0 0 •• � ••• frOOIMIP AlNY D at last has a song. JUDiors.It's full of pep and is a real march ) L-. 'Seth Uphaus capt. • ••••••• o ••• .wsong, A company yell is in the mak- Florence Webster ...•.•..•..••... liIng,ANNOUNCE OPPORTUNITIES Eleanor Atkins ...••....•...•.•.. nION CAP ANlD GOWN STAFF Helen ISulZherger ......• _ •••.••.• t!hLucille Kanally .......•.•.. 000 ••• lh 1----------------=James Mulroy Invites Students to 'Mabel Rossiter o. rbTry Out for Business Depart- Edna ICooper; Beatrice Rucker .••. 1fment of AunuaL ' .' Helen Fortune.1Mabel Powlison ... g I- .,' Sophomores.A.l1 men who are interested in the 'Marjorie Winslow ,(capt�) ••.•••.. lw Ibusiness end of the Cap and Gown. Enid Townlev ••.•••.••.••.•.. o ••• li·have been requested to see James 'Dora 'Kirchenbaum ••. 0.-_ c IMulroy, business manager in the Cap ,.uel1a Bither •.••. _ ..•..•. ',' .•••• riand Gown office in Ellis 17. There 'Dorothy Latta •...••.•.......•• ° rwwill be an opportunity to eim money, . Edyth Flack ••• '-,.:o._ ••• o ••••• o •• lfStates, ;Mrs. Gleason bas been giving :'Mary Seymour .••.••••••.•••• : ..• rh"!t is hoped that a large number of : Coventry Platt ••..••. : .••... 0 ••• ehUniversity men will come out this Ruth ,Huey ....• 0 � •• 0 ••••••• _ • 0 ••• rlquarter," said !Ja�es Mulroy yester- ,Fanny Hunter .....• 00 •••• 00 •••• o.gday� "There is a great opportunity combine mon�y-making and col-!u . . W� 1 (t.) 1� ... arJone IDS OIW cap ••••••.. ' w,�ege spirit." E °d T' 1 l'nl own ey ••..•••••.. 0 •• 0 ••••• IAll seniors who graduate this quar- Dora Kirchenbaum •• •••••• cter have been requested to have their �uelJa Bither � .... 0 •• 7 •••• _ •• � o ••• �i. pictures taken' during the next week. Dorothy Latta •.••.••••••..••••• rJRL,_--, The pictures are to Ibe taken at the Edythe Flack .......••....••••.••• If" Dague.rre studio, which is locate4 at ,Mary Seymour ...•••••.......••• rh-,., 218 '�abasb. avenue. The studio is � Coventry 'Platt ••..•.....•• � •..•• ch", 'r] offe, rmg speCIal ,rates to the students. :'Duth Huey ... ·.•....•••••• o ••••••• n�r � Two sizes of pictures may !be chosen. ,:;anny -Hunter.. ..� •.•.•••••..•• g�� The Cap and Gown office will be Inter-company hockey teams are I�--------------�'I open' daily from 112:20 until 11. preparing for practice. A.Il 'W'. S. T.r 1 "C. women who can play have been THE HARVARDGift Supper Today at Noyes. asked to come out.COLUMN OF COMPANIES. PlAY FINALS IN HOCKEYSERIES TODAY AT 3:40<:OMPANY ACOMPANY DLeonie Crocker ....•...••..•••••.. cCatherine Clark 0 •••• _ •• 0 ••••••••• rii�Woodlawn 'house will give a..._sup­per in the sun-parlor of Ida Noyeshall today at 6. ClassifiedLOST -4A black umbrella wid1 a, crook handle. Left in Harper, Room, E 10, Thursday. Nov. 7. !Please re­St. 'Mark's society will meet Thurs- tuTO to Lost and 'Found or Louiseday at 4:30 in the League room of . Rot11. IIda Noyes �all. All members haveEpiscopalians Meet in Noyes.GIRJL5! Let's go. Where? To Uni­versity Night at !Hyde Park :Presby-EIGHTEEN HUNDRED U. OF tenan Church, S3rd Street at Black­stone Ave. Refreshments and enter­�. MIEN IN THE SERVICEI KEEP tainment for you and soldiers andTHEM SMILING. jackie�, too. Time: 5-7 p. m.been Q!lked to come. MARooN WAR NOTEScomfortable, too.ROSALIE'DANCE ,HALL5700 Harper Ave •.\ ,FOR RENT FOR »ANCES�ENTEJtTAINMENTSETC. -H. C. 'EDMONDS203 S. Dearborn St.Harrison 8183"A RemarkableTypewriter"All favorite features combined inone handsome writing maehine ofthe 1m quality.. WOODSTOCKTYPEWRITER COMPANY%3 w. w .. hiqtoD Street, �PboDe CeatraI 556SA Home-like Hotel forUniversity PeopleBEAUTIFUL NEWPUBLIC ROOMSTHE NEW DINING HALLFor Dances, Banquetsand Parties5Oc-Dinner a Spedalty-50c57th SL and Blackstone Ave.I • "j ).".: .. !'.Second Hand BooksUniversity Books, New and Second Hand and AD Kinds ofStudents' Supplies at the Most Reasonable PricesWoodworth's Book Store1311 E. 57th St., between Kimbark and Kenwood,Two Short Blocks East of the Tower. Phone Hyde Park 1690Open EveningsAthletic GoodsGym OutfitsSecond Hand Law Books University of Chicago JewelryFountain PeDSMedical and Scientific BooksGive UntilY ou are Proudof YourselfTWO MORE DAYSTO' HELP KEEPTHE 'BOYS SMILING\'Uriited'Wai-'Work Ca�Cap and Gown '19BAS APPOINTED US THEmOfficial 'Photographers\mE SPECIAL RATES ARRANGED FOR ARE TO BEGIVEN NOT ONLY TO THE 1919 GRADUATESBUT TO ALL STUDENTS OF THE U.OF C. AND MEMBERS OF mEs. A. T. C.DAGUERRE STUDIOOfficial photographers for Cap and Gown '17, '18 and '19TOP FLOOR-McCLURG BUILDING218 South Wabash AvenueCHICAGOTeL Wabash 527 for appointments II�:f:-\��1·H�� .. ::��:-�' :'�I .';�'� ;,'�' I \ •• '�," '._ �.•!-\. ...�','....... 1 •TIlE 'DAILY IIAIIOON. TUI8DAY, NO�BR '11., 1911are as follows: At an early 'hour yes-"SA·W you in class last Thursday," -The S. A. T. C. has added insult to terday a. patient reporter timidly en-Anon. " it h hi d h '1 tered the office of the recorder, inas that future may be, the want ad I I injury; I as ac seve t e seeming y. :fL.l·t h s shak t th e t>ursuit of information rezardinc reg-section of the 'Papers are getting pOP-I Class irnpossm e; I a en 0 e v ry lit �i Will Continue to Meet. f d ti th t t f tl istration this quarter. He receivedular. \Ve know f,or certain that af.ter I oun a Ions a rnos per ec y or-I ;\.. f b ganized, that most unerringly regu- no information. A weary official, intoot event we wil oe out 0 a JO " The social dancing class will con-, h h' r ' , lar of all University offices, the of- tones of despair, said that such infor-for we, .ba, ve nert er t e me matron � tinue to meet Friday afternoons at f· f th R d ' mauon was impossible.nor ability to conduct such an an- 4:30 for the rest of the quarter. - Ice 0 e ecor erethology as this in peace times. \Vith- � Little does the innocent passerby "We can do nothing," she said.out the enlivening influence of Lud, , Library 'Staff Gives Dinner. note the revolutions in the serenity "We are hopelessly bound in compli-K. P., and the Rooshian rifles, we of sedate campus life that have been 'cations because of -the members ofwould the lost; and all we can 'be-l The library staff will give a dinner \brougbt about by the youths in khaki the S. A. T. C. Now you 'have them,queath to our successor are Q. E. D. Thursday at 6 in the sun-parlor at who flit hither and thither about our and now you haven't."and this floozy typewriter. - IId:t 'Xoyes hall. There will also be a ,quadrang�es. N-ow comes the' most So there will bC no figures thisprogram in the theater after the astonishnig change of all-this tu- year. We may not ·know whetherBut even a bean has feelings. .dinner. . l>mult in the Recorder's office. Pic-' there are two or five thousand amongSlR:-\Ve were about to award thepalm to the ICompany A man who de­scribed the origin of the word "gob"as being derived from the initials ofthe staple naval diet: to wit, "GrandOld Bean," when along came anotherA-ite who broached the pat query""Would you call a gob's head Q 'NavyBean'?" 'Corporal Punishment.NOW that the disarmament of theS. A. T. C. is in the future, indefiniteIF war is what Sherman said it was,Say, what in --- is peace?The women are still cutting gauz,e,And I do kitchen police,Bashful Willie.Whistler-W'hat rhymes with K.P.'s?'Cub reporter with experience-D. T.'s.'LUD, after a prolonged delinquen­cy, comes across with so�e more of I'his effusions. After effusmg for 'bal£ I, a page, he makes the .pertinent re- imarks; .:�"" "Oh well, what I started. to say��--·-�s that there is going to be an aw-. ful lot of dead sergeants after thef( war. I've oO'\(\t six on my list already,r 6���,,�' and if one of those kippered her-:_ rings' doesn't look l)ut, .I'Il get him,��.�� ....,J'-�.­t:":'�,i'c<'. too.• "The company was marking timedurin� drill yesterday when the lieu­tenant noticed one bird 'Who was onlybending 'his .Iqnee�. "Raise your feetthree inches from the ground whenyou're marking time,' said the officer.,'I am, sir,' replied our ·hero. 'I'm do­ing ·it inside my shoes!'"" VER!S libre, as you will recall, orperhaps you won't, is the kind of po­etry which ;lMls no rhyme and whichrequires the reader to use his irnagi- Ination in forming a vivid pictu�e.Frinstance, here we have some verslibre without a title. The trick IIIthat you have to guess the title,'though we don't think you'll find ithard •.'Green fedoras.Happy mugs,-Cana! hoats,"Think we'll he outBy Christmas ?"EVER attended a demobilizationceremony? Xeither have we, but Pri­vate Feeney of Company C assuresus that the program will 'he as fOl-1lows:On that day there will Ihe no r�­veil1e; the sergeants. moreover, \\'111 Ibe disarmed of all whistles. The merllwill beg-in to arise at nine-thirty while Ithe chimes in :\Iitchell Tower 501-1ernnly toll "Oh, How I Hate To Get\.Up In the :\I'ornin�.'· :\5 each awak­ens, he will press the hut ton for thesergeant to bring 'his breakfast to Ihim. All the prcccdinz nig-l1t, thesecond lieutenants \"ill have hcen Ikept busy polishing the men's shocs.]A bout eleven the men will stroll onT' Ito .Mandcl to smoke and chat at their:last meeting together. The major iwill then make a speech in w!lkh hewill thank them all for 'their greatservices to the country, and win apol,;& ',.-'...:� .. . Iogize for the inconvenience that they'have Ibeen put to by the officers: He, will finish by announcing that as themen meander out, they will receivetheir discharge papers and threemonths' pay. 'nO HOLD ANNUAL FOOTBALLDINNER AT UNIVERSITY CLUBrREDOUBTABLE S. &. T. C.pNCE MORE CONTINUES'l'0 AlCHIEVE IMPOSSIBLE Ius. Not that we bJ.ame the S. A.T. IC. If we had supervised-studywe might be elsuive, too. And wemean this QS comment, not criticism.ture if you can, patient reader, an or­ganization whose mem'ber� are so elu­sive that their movements cannot 'betraced by officials with, Q lifetime's�training in pursuing underclassmento their doom.The latest reports of the revolutionRoutine of Bureau of Records isRudely' ShattereCl by Campus Sol-dier Boys. .Famous last lines:The annull.! football dinner of theUniversity Alumni club will be heldtoday at 6:30 at the University du'.C3Iptain Charles E. 'Merriam, repre­sentative of the American committeeon Public Information, will tell of hisexperiences in I taly and other coun­tries. Members of the 'Club includingthe football team, have been request­ed to attend.EIGHTEEN HUNDRED U. OFC. MEN IN SERVICE! WHATARE YOU DOING FOR THEM?.:"Wisbafriendlywould' 'Ace'drop·some Murad.around here.", -,� /-