; .",1):', ... ,¥a:��,- ..... ,'�t.• ..t; ,.��. �� ... r> " .'./,., .VOL. XVII. No. 20. aroU�IVEusrl:Y OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1918 PRICE THREE CENTSORCHESTRA WILL GIVE I, MAJOR BYERS COMES 11 I SOLD!ER, RETURNEDnOLL OF HO�OItFIRSTCO!'JCERTTODAY' TO SELECT MEN TO GO GLE� TE��EY FROM FRONT, LAUDSPostponed Program to be Presented TO ARTILLERY SCHOOL �---_m.J __ "� UNITED WAR WORKSToday at 4 in Mandel Hall-Ste- --- I . ,. , 'I Ten Thousand Candidates For GI�n Tenney, 19, Former Cross Coun- J. Hen. Back From Russia. Savsvens Will Give Lecture-s-Recital a. 4, "2'.30. Commissions Now in Train- try Captain, In Xaval Avlafion, l\lcrale Is Greatest Prob-Dies,! ing at Camp Taylor I lem of War.The -Chicago Symphony Orchestra:\lEX rx S.\ T C r\ltE ELIGIBLE I Word has 'been re,ceived of the I ORGANIZE CAMPUS CAMPAIGN. will give the first concert of the year " " • -- ,_._._" , I death. fro� pneumorua of �len ,1.1 "., _, __, _,"Fight" and plenty oi it i:-; the only 'I today at -i in Mandel lra 11 , This con- :\1' E G 'B F � USA � Tenny, ex- 19, Tenny had enlisted III I he most vital and crucial prob-'Way Coach St�l);� can see to defeat cert has been postponed since Oct, f'· al JorF, '1,1 '\ y�lrls, ·C··, '1 O' ff." I naval aviation and was on his way I le m of the war is how to kCCI> the. ) , ) I' 0 t ie 'Ie u ..: rtr cry entra 1- h . •the ,�IIC lI�an e even w ie n It appears ;15, on account of the epidemic, and'T" S I I IC z I to t e camp at Seattle, Wash. I morale of the soldier high when he ison thc Xl idway Saturday aft er an ab- tickets for that date will be good for ��rs ra�nlUg ,c 100. amp ac iary I Tenney 'was in Chicago' visiting' on the firing- line,". " t \\"tl II.' A 'I It I ay lo r, Ky., arrived herc today. Mu- G 'I "'I It I�' 1 'scncc 01 tiur e n years, I 1 every- a concert to ne given on pri u ,, � , aJ.oJ ou on on y \,\\'0 wee cs ago, This is the opinion of J. Ben, an} , 'I . I tl '1'1 I '1 I.' j or Byers has .bcen sent to .Chicag o I d hil h h ht ung see nunz y a�alllst t le111, lC .1. ie ot ier program WI I ue given ac- t an w 1 e e was ere was on t e Armenian student now in residenceI . 1 I' to select candidates for the Field Ar- t d I Aft d''M aroous beg au the up 111 st rug g e cording to schedule. " ": campus a .grea ea , er a ay s in the Un ivcr-sity, Xl r, Ben lias re-f I '11' t tl t 'II t th II Id h f I CI' tillery Central Officers Training j t t h' h 'D 'I' ho nn ( 1Il� a cam ra WI 5 op c eSI es t e concerts 0 tne ucago s op a IS orne In es J.' omes, e turned recently from the Russianunknown \\'ol"crincs, A hard week Symphony Orchestra which will be School from the Students' Army � started on to the coast and was taken front rw he re he saw a great deal or. I I I Training iCorps at Unive rsity of Chi- 'II" 'is ahc.ul 01 the squau, hut LIC c even given on December 3, Jan, 14 and 28, I WIth the influenza on the way. At actual fighting. He is an ardent sup-is wi llins; to work if the Yost team Feb, 11 and 25, March 11 and April cago, Salt Lake City, he went to a hospital porter of the cause of persecuted Ar-The school at Camp Zachary Tav- h ',can be defeated, 11, there will-be two recitals, The first ' were pneumonia developed, He died menia, and as such was helpful in or.I 't 1 lor is today the largest Officers' hCoach Stagg las not sate tllUC 1 so of these wi'll be given by the Flon-•• '" .! t ere all alone, last Thursday. The ganizing an :\remnian unit to aid thefar about the faults oi the Maroons I Q D 10 d I I rarmnz school m the world and the funer I w h ld t d ftza ey uartet on cc. , an t ie � , a as eyes er ay a ernoon Allies,I . ) I) '. k only one in this country from which in D 1\'1" Ias they cropper up In t ie souer max- second, by Ossip Gabrilowitsch, pi- es "" omes, owa, H 1 K AI Field Art illerv officers will hercaiter Whl'le he was at the e p to eep up rmy Spirit.er game. but the team has a ready anist, on Jan. 21. . Each orchestral J University, "There is every reason whv wef L I' be commissioned. Already, since thc J ..analyzed its per ormance at a -ay- concert will be preceded by a lectuH', , , Tenney won fame as a track man, He should encourage the efforts of thectte, The practice last night was de- recital ,by IMr. Robert W. Stevens. opernng of the training school la�t I was elected captain of the 1918 crossJ b f fi h d d ff United War \Vorks in their comingsigned to remedy some of the mis- The lecture-recital will be given to-' une, a out orty .. ve �n re 0 1- country team', but about a year agoI h d d d 1 campaign for funds," said :\1 r, Bentakes, .and then some new pla\'s wert: I day at"2:30 in 1�lande1. The program cers ave ,been �r� uate an, t lerc I he left college to go into geology, S I" I I ., are now m trammg approxImately' k yesterda,y, "Thcse organizations aregl\'cn out, - evcra 01 t IC regu ars for the concert followmg ]s as fol-•• "wor. He had 'Planned however to constantly hclping to keep the un-were kept out of pr.!ctiec hy the mili- lows: ten thousnnd 'candIdates. •come back and run for Chicago again dying spirit of the soldier aglow. Oncetary program. 'but everything has It.-The St.ar Spangled Banner. Three Types of Can, didates,' as soon as the war was over. Tenney It Ie morale of the armies is shattered,hcen arranged for the rest of the 2,-Ov.:rture to '·Benvenuto Celli- The School dra\\'s Its candidates, was a member of Delta Upsilon,• the war is lost. I know from mv ex-wcek &lnd there will he no hitch in ni," Opus 2J .... ,., ..... ,' Berlioz from three sources. namely: thc en-, Jperience on the Russian front thatthe scssions after this. 3,-S".'i.l.lphon"', ,D :\Iinor .. ,.,. Franck Ilisted,personnel o,f ,the. Army, the S.tu,.- CLASS ORGANIZATION TO I R� J 1 t Ie ussian soldier w.as an excellent'E f V' Lento-",· Allcgro non troppo dents Army TramIng C,O rps and C1\ II CONTINUE IS DECISION fi IStagg 1S ager or 1ctOry., g Iter just so �ong as he had his reg-Al1eg�etto ' life. Enlisted men and mem'bers of ."' Coach Stagg wants to heat the ular 'cup of tea.' In the midst of theAllegro non troppo the Students' Army Training ICorps Under,graduate Council Favors Con-Yost men, at}d he is bending e\'cry ef- ,roar of the blazing guns, just one cup4,-Overture :__ Fantasia, "Romeo are already in the service at the time tinuation of Class Activities Despite f h dion to accomplish his wish, The 0 ot rink is more than riches canand Juliet" ••• ,. _ •.... Tschaikowsl of their selection 'but civilians must War Conditions-Nominations Will buy."'�I ichigan game was the big contest of1 \V I 5.-lrish Rhapsody .., .... � .•. Heribert be inducted into- the service before Be Held Friday in Kent and Cobb. Thethe season up to 1905, when tIe 0 -entering the school. Civilians in de-\'Crines dropped out of the 'Confer-ferred classes of the draft on accountence. 'Chicago handed a 2-0 defeat to Dames Will Elect Officers.MAROONS MUST FIGHTTO DEFEAT MICHIGANIN COMING STRUGGLEStagg Strains Every Muscle InErrort to Defeat WolverineSquad.GAME COMES OFF SATURDAYcampaign of the United ,"Var\Vorks will begin on the campus nextweek, and already a large committeeof faculty, students and employees ofth� University is working to maketlfe drive a succcss. The quota of theUniversity has been set at $25,000,'but those in' charge hope to see thesubs'Cription go "o,,'er the top."Du Pont Urges Subscriptions.'lIen who have been in rEurope andscen the actual conditions over thereare united in the realization of theimportance of this drive, Accordingto Gen. T, Coleman Duf!ont, who hasjust returned from a two months' vis­it to the \Vestern front. demobiliza­tion of the American forces will taketwo years aiter peace is signed, Gen.Du Pont has asked the public to givegcnerously to "var agencies involvedin the 'coming- drive."Aftcr thc war." said Gen, Du Pontin a rec�nt specch, "every hut inFrance will become a university classroom on the day peace is signed. Theboys will ibe given cvery educationaladvantage under Icading educators andbusiness mcn from thc United Statcs.The United \Var \Vorks arc layin�sta�csman like plans for the trying pe­riod following pcace."Nominations for class officers willof industry, occupation, or employ- be held next Friday. This decisionment, including agriculture, are not' was reached at a meeting of the Un­eligible, but men in other deferred I der graduate council held last Friday,classes are eligible and are accorded II Van :\Ieter Ames acted as presidcntthe privilege of returning to civil life in the a'bsence of 'Charles Greene,if they fail to suc�essfu�l� graduate,1 wh� is in service, The other CouncilThere are now ltl tr.ammg at theI members present were: :\larion Llew­school men of the highest business' ellyn, secretary-treasurer, Eleanor At­and social standing from practically kins, librarian, and Frank Long.every large city in. the United Sta�es·1 The matter of continuing class or­Among. the candidates from New I ganization has been debated for someYork -are included George F, Baker, I time, but the Council has at last de­vice-prcsident of the First National ,cided to follow the policy of forme'Bank; Stuyvesant Fish, Jr., S�mner II years, However, no class tickets wiI!Gerard. lawyer, and brother ot Am- (Continued on page 4)bassador Gerard, and many others. ITake in l\(any Men Each Week. INTERNATIONAl NIGHT TOWith regard to the plans for the' BE REPEATED SATURDAYschool, Major Byers stated that ap-proximately fourteen hundred men ;l Cosmopolitan and International Clubsweek were being taken into the school To Give Program of Folkof which about forty per cent were Music and Song.showing of the tcam was not without Awarded Majority. 'f' '1 l'fI S commg rom CIVI I e. "International Night" which wasPromise, \Vith timc. Coac 1 ' tagg . 'd k' .. ,"\\'e want and 10ten to ta e IlltO ,I S /'II bd I t 1 t 't' is P f H G'd W II f th d . , glvcn ast ummer quarter, WI e re-hopes to evc op a cam. H1 I ro.. I eons e 5, 0 e e- the scqool a contmuous stream ot I _ _evident now that the 'bcst he can do partment of Pathology left the Un i- , .'" ' .' "M pcated ,by request �aturday • .at 7:4,:,candIdates. saId :\[aJor Byers. .;. en" 1'1 d I h II Tl d t' ..'I 1 f 1 I tl ] I f any 't ItT d t b ' i m .\ an ea. le PIO uc Ion \\,1WI I )e ar )e ow Ie evc 0 ,verSI y as ,ues ay, 0 ecome a ,of 'hroad experience in profeSSlonalj h ' 1 h 'C I' d IU t'] th I t Ilalf o·f th.. b f th C t I Red C ", . c glvcn >y t C' osmopo Itan an n-other year. n I e as .. mem cr 0 e en ra' ,ross and bus10css hte arc part]cularly de-. I I I Th '11fourth quarter, Chica�o had the game Commission, for investi�atin� medi- , '1' ternatlona c u' >s. c program WI:-olred, I n order to Will t lC w.ar our I' I d f Ik ' d f lk d .d 1 t h b k f tIle I dOt' . th B lk d ' mc u co' musIC an 0 - ance:-.won, an t lcn W lcn t e rea - 0 ca con 1 Ions mea ans, an Arlllv must ,be efficicntly offlccred. I ' 'I Th"'amc came. thc '�Iaroons hecamc pan· has now sailed, Dr. Wells has been: .. , I f" d I (onc 10 natlona costumes. e" and It cannot he C£t1clcnt y 0 t1ccre , I . 1 'II b di'c stricken, given' the rank of Ma.1or. He will .,.. ": natIons w llC 1 '\\'1 e reprcsente arcIf Its ofucers arc youn�. tnexperIcnccd 'J Ch' 'I d' C 'n 1The play on which Scanlon's team! have charge of the public health di- I apanesc. ',mcsc, n la. roatla. \t-, (Continued on page 3) " I . P I dR'scorcd thc \\'innin� touchdown was' vision of the medical work in the �arIa. LIt Hlan:an, 0 an. USSla,I)nc tl1at l'at Pagc had demonstrated Balkan states, with headnuarters at Frantcc. 6cotland, Bohcmia, Scrhi,l.'I Frolics Tickets Put on Sale.to thc �]aro(ln:, scvcral times durin� ,Athens, Gr�ece. ,This work is simi-, Swcdcn, I�t cxico. Jamaica. �ild thcthc week. Thc :\Iaroon safcty men lar to that m which he '\\'as cn�aged I Tickcts for thc Frcshman Frolic Philippinc Islands.. _" I I I II t ''\1 rklc\' to 1 t 'R ' Thc l)rOceeds ot thc pertorlllancewcrc 100 C( ,ane a OWC! ,a - as year 111 oumama, I will he nn salc tomorrow, ,\ hooth, ,Sll'l) otT l>.v himseli. Poor t.lckling The Central IRed 'Cross commission. I 'II I' Id ,. _ arc mtended to covcr thc cxpen .. es 01tor 5.1 e� WI hc OPCIH'( l!l a ... nyc:-I' "\,,'as rcspollsihle for the Boilcrmakcr of whieh �laJ'or 'VeIls is a member t I 'k 'f I thc natIOnal convention nt the Cos-• • hall an! t lC tIC oct COlllllllttee or tIC. "SII'I)I)I'II('I' ovcr thc line, as thrce Chi- consists of ten men who will invcsti- , " If} 1 I lllopolitan cluh� wInch w:lI he held'" 'f rohc WIll havc c lar�c 0 t lC sa cs, 'I " , ,c{"'�o mCll had thcir hands on :\tark- "'ate the various phases of the hcalth.. I II . In Chlca�o (Iunn� the Christmas \';>",� 1"'0 • TIckets tor uppcr·c ass CO\1nsc or�·, . .' .Ie"', '},\It failed to hang on, conditions in the Balkans and will f II 1 I cation, ,Prot. 1, .. \\, Bur�css 01 theJ • will he !"c\'cnty ccnts: or a ot lcr I ., \,Chl'cago Frequently PenaI1'zed. have the power of recommending re- fi dcp.artmcnt 01 socwlogy IS thc prcs-wOl11en. �e\'cnty- l\'e ccnts.:\�ainst Purduc thc liilc did not .lief measurcs. iclcnt of thc national organization oisccm vcry stron�. the �uards. par- i The commissio,n will r�main in the the c1uhs,k Th 'D'lk f t "ht onths Weather Foreoast. �r an,\' of thc city's promincnt art-ticnlarly, secmin� \'ery wea '. e! oa 'ans rom SIX 0 e!1"'o m ,Boilcrmakers wcre in on top of the I Hospital units will probably bent sent 'Increasing cloudiness �;th mild, ists and nationalistic societic ... will'"Id I te t k d ,'ts dl'rect';on temperature, probably b�omin" un-I rel)rcscntcd �atnrci:\\,', Tickct ... willSt.a�� hacks ,before they cou get a r 0 wor un er " , "" eostarted, and as a result gaining was There will also be commissions sent settled; winds bccoming southerly and: hc on sale during this weck at t1(Continued on pagc 2) 1 for other purposes later. increasing. ! information dc.,k at Cohl> hall, The \\'oman·s Gradu,ltc 'Classica'cluh will meet today at R in Classics20. Prof. 'Pres-cott of the Grcek dc­partTllcnt will spcak on "Cringorasthc Epigrammatist."the I�] ichigan tcam that ycar, and nowthat athlctic relations are to be re- The University Dames will meetsumed again. Director :Stagg wants to. Saturday at 3 in I da :� oyes h/all. Oi-'start anew with a victory. ficers will be elected and new mem-The old spirit of rivalry has died �'crs will be rcceived, All members!', -. down with a ncw gencr.ation of s,tu- have been urged to ,be present.dcnts, Ihut it is thou�ht that it willgrow again, The feeling 'hetweenC.ampus Poets to Meet Today.,r 'Chica�o and Illinois is of compara­tivcly recent ori�in and has none ofthe bitterncss that was charactcristicof thc spirit shown whcn the )Iaroonsmet the \Volverinc� prior to 190�'. A The Poetry club will meet toda�at 6:30 in the Alumnae room of IdaNoyes hall. All members have beenr requested to come and bring manu­new chcerleader will he selectcd thisscripts.wcek, and thcre will probahly 'be abi� massmecting in Barlctt gymnasi-Ul11 Friday, in order to start some in- PROFESSOR WELLS GOES ,.terest. I ON. RED CROSS MISSIONTeam Not Without Promise. I,t;hicago displayed plen ty of faults t Will Investigate Health Conditionsin the Purdue game Saturday. but the And Do Relief Work in Balkans.Collect Large Sum Tag Day,�Jr:" Jamcs ·K Angcll. vice.cli.lir­man of t he Chicago commith.·c forthe fatherless of France, has announc­ecl that nearly $.'\00 wa'S cnl1eetc(1 hythc 'Women of thc L'nivcrsity who ga\'ctheir sen'ices on Ta� clay, Thismcans that twcnty orphans can hct.lken care of ior a year,Prescptt to Speak at Meeting.11"'"'0 .lf�,l :1.\IIilij .r�LI�t�l�I ��t !ji I'llad,· !'.'1:·. /; tHi i�� ��i �;I.it', t:·\ I· �;i;.!!· fl�. !!( f�T.. . �. ,'·tl, � .,\-.;i"+ItI:lyq;11lfJ· If�!• 11I.!l...,!Ii'li·'"I"tlI. "2- THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1918:{­( L·.: )��;. 11 �\1..1m�r maily :!itarnoltThree Men Are Authors of "StarvedRock State Park"-Book Divided•"Ii ,/, a• .r ! ,Knights of Columbus, the Jewish WeI- SEOOND MEETING OF NEW PUESS ISStTl'�� VOL1T�IE ' Their Origin." and Exploration, Set-OI<� GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY tlement, and Development of the Re-t-·1:I .•t ,.L t'1 ' .•;'J ;tJqI �•. I• I· :. �; ;· I1f �Ii', ;i'I. � ItL:�=-=�:-_-:----::_._ fare Board. the \\'ar Camp Commun­ity Service, the American LibraryAssociation and the Salvation Army RECREATION CLASS TOBE' HELD THURSDAY AT gion."The Student � ewspaper of TheUniversity of Chicane ,Volume Contains Photographs.make up the personnel of the United Women to be Trained for SettlementPublished mornings, except Saturday,Sunday and )londa.\', durine the Au- War Workers. Work in Children and Adult of the important Icature s of the park,� Into Three Parts-a-Has Photographstumn, Winter and Spring quarters, There is no denying that the re- Groups. as well as a series of diag-rams in theby the Daily )1:1roon company. quest of President Wilson to combine a9d )Iaps. section of g'l'l)lo�y. Two maps ac-,,'ar work drives is au excellent one. The next meeting of the Recr. company the book, one a contour map,However, it means that each contribu- r.onal course will 'he held Thursday "Starved Rock State Park" is the and the other a key map to the rockJohn ;J o scph ... , :\(ana[!inl! Editor tor will have to dig down deeper into at i in Ida Xoycs theater. The pur- name of a new volume which has just formations and age of the reg-ion.Ruth Ge:lz:Jer�cr x e w.s l:.. d!tor I his already meagre purse and g ive (I f th e' t f ld t been issued for the Geographic societyHelen Ravirch Xight Editor p se 0 c cours IS '\\'0- 0 - 0 In part three Pref. Cowles gives aHoward l le a le Day Editor more than usual, so that each organ- train the women to become settle- of Chicago by the University Press. brief introduction to his subject, andRose Fischkin Day Editor I izution wil rcceivp its due share. No- ment workers for children's groups The book is Bulletin No.6 of the Geo- ,Ja.l.ll�� Shee an Day Editor I, t ice 'IS eiven: vou know the campaign ' .., then takes up the plant life of the\\ 1111"111 \Ior' nst -rn ,.. ... , ol .. and to show different refl'fCational �raplllC - ocre ty. tl IS the work of t . t t f th k t•• • be::> e ••.• , •••••• , I • .mos Impor an areas 0 e par er-, : :: :\thl.etic Edi.tor! is approaching', be ready, for excuses methods for adults, especially \Yar three men. DI·. CarlO. Saul' of the I't th 1ft I I thF redcrick \\ inter hoff :............ will not be worth much. ,r: ory, e oax ores up ant S, e\ ,... Camp Community service. Universitv of )Iichigan, Dr. Gilbert th b tt I d d th..................... : "�Ol'late :_IIltor . canyons, e, 0 om an s, an eBUSIXESS DEPARDIENT I "Registration for the course has H. Cady of the Illinois State Geologr- history of the Sturved Rock vezeta-COMMUNICATIONS 'been closed and any women not pres- cal Survey and Henry C. Cowles, pro- tion.:Gra�t �l:�rs :'lan,a�er�la� 1 rc\:dman :\:..'btam (In view of the fact that the com- ent at this meeting wilt he dropped f'essor of Plant Ecology in the depart-munication column of the-Daily Ma- from the course," said Xl iss Patterson r",cnt of Botany.roon is maintained as a clearing house yesterday. "All those whose names Th�' hook is divided into three parts.for student and faculty opinion. The are on the waiting list, however, will Part one is ltevotcd to the geography The swimming pool in' Ida NoyesMaroo. accepts no responsibility for be considered members of the class or the reg ion, part two, to geolo�y and will open today and classes in begin­the sentiments therein expressed, if they appear at the meeting. part three to botany. The geographi- ninz. intermediate and advanvedCommunications are welcomed by the "We had over 150 women at the cal section is divided into two gcne- swim ming for women 'Will .meet aseditor, and should be signed as a:.l first meeting last Friday afternoon. ral parts, "Surface Features and usual.evidence of good faith, although the The class will be conducted like a There are a number of photographsEDITORIAL DEPARTMENTTHE STAFFStaff' SolicitorsMessrs. Xl c Bray cr, Railing-cr. Cekanand Dunn . Swimming Classes are Resumed,Entered as second class mail at theChicago Postoff'ice, Chicago, Illinois,March 13, 1906, under the act ofMarch 3, 1873.SUBSCRIPTION RATESCalled for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a name will not be published without discussion group but we will let thequarter. the writer's CODSeJlt.) women plan part of the program lat-By Carrier, $3.00 a year; $1.25 aquarte� �By )!ail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50'" quarter.By Mail (out of town),year; $1.75 a quarter. er on, so that they may learn how to'conduct groups of various sizes and THE LID:SDOl�N!Editor of the Daily Xl aroon:Since it is impo-sible for me to kinds, and in situations other than$4.25 a reach individually each' of the young those in which they usually filtd them­ladies who so kindly gave her serv- selves. The women witI keep note­ices for the Fatherless -Childrcn o! books as in other course s.Editorial Rooms Ellis 12Telephone Midway 800, Local 162.Hours: 11:10-11:50; 12:25-6; 7-8.Business Office Ellis 14Telephone )lidway 800, Local 162Hours: 10:20-11:50; 3-5:30 . France Tag day on Oct. 28, will youa llow me to express through your C("umns the gratitude of the cornmitt cefor their help?X early $800 was collected, andI twenty French war orphans will hrcared for throughout the entire year,thanks to the efforts of these youngTUESDA Y, �OVE)IBER 5, 1918AXXOU�CE)mXTladies, and to the g encrosi ty' of theWith regret, The Daily )1aroon an- friends of France in the immediatenounces the" resignation of James neighborhood of the University.Sheehan, Day ,Editor, from the staff, ·v· ery truly yours.:\Iarion W. Angell, "A RemarkableTypewriter"THE CmlI�G DRIVE Yice chairman ·Chicago Committeefor the Fatherless Children of Franc�'On November 11, a nation-widedrive :will begin for the collection ofwar work funds. It is the purpo�e MAROONS MUST FIGHTof the United War Work campaign- TO DEFEAT MICHIGANers to raise one hundred and 3Pve!'ty IN COMING STRUGGLEmillion dollars. T,his campaign \yilltake the place of. individual organiza- (Continued from page 1)tions collections. The Young l\fen's not very consistcnt. Penalties alsoChristian Association, the Young W()- slowed up the Chicago team, bnceme:n's ,Christian Association, th� Sa- 'halting a march that seemed 'certaintional Catholic War CouncU, Ule to bring a score. All favorite features combined inone handsome writing machine ofthe first quality,WOODSTOCKTYPEWRITER COMPANYu. S. I'ood Adl23 W. Washington Street; ChicagoPhone Central 5563OBEY ORDEk>S.!•\"f \./, a,f ,." , •THE DAILY MAROONt TUESDAYt NOVEMBER s, 1918Central OfficersWE of the Naval Unit are averse JANE ADDAMSto bragging; so we won't say a word A SonnetTHIS is the first column of com,- i about beating ali the companies ln (Continued from page 1) 520 Consumers' Building, 'or from'" By Ruth Conrfort llitchell,panics, Any company with a bit Of'� getting our uniforms. We won't ev men who have had no opportunity to 'Capt, Arnold in the Reynolds club,'f • ks (A'tlantic ,�lonthly. November, '1918,) develop qualities of leadership,)J e to it will send in news every day, say how natty the Naval Unit 100 I:L' , Remember Bott icelli's Fortitudeet s go. f on the drill field, No, We won't say In the VCfizi?-Thc worn, waitingCOMPANY A t a word about it, You sec, we don't a man occupies, the more it is hisTHOSE IOIlg' expected mattresses 'want to hurt the feelirurs of 0 face, duty to volunteer his services at t� :and 1'1 k ts hav rr i d I ur The pale. fine-fibrcd hands upon the I time, If the leader. do not take "• u an e sea I\'C ; so no on- khaki-to-be friends,ger will the lat�st additions to the mace; lead, the large majority of those whoTHE uniforms were responsible for TI I.' . I I' Icompany have to sleep on the disfig ie urow 5 scrcmty, t IC IpS t rat follow will hold back,", , -some choice hits of humor, Allison b durmg springs. ., , roo . Full information regarding tlu___ I putting on his shirt, for the first The vigilant, tired patience of her"]'II>S-".' I' I I ,. : time got the bib in front and the fel- mood?. '- to S1tH)' a nc ast to mess I, i lows gave him the Ha! lIa! But he 1'1 . lik I ldhas 'heen :,ug:,.:ested as the company' iere was a cert ain I ccncss cou,. I came back with this, "Now. I knowmotto, - Pretty �ood motto. we flunk. , I' . h ' ed h'___-i m rIg t, but this blam t mg is�I E:,\ from Company :\ arc rcccrv- i made wrong."ing' calls for O. T, C. camps, The I, WE have been bribed, by the prom­latest to go. we hear unofficially. is i ise of a new SUbscription for the 'Ma­Scrxt. Fin·n. :\ complete list of rc-! ro�n, not to disclose the name of the Through cold statistics glowed thecent departures will he cnnouuccd in [over-consciencious Gob who, when told steady gleamthis space before long. I to be sure to anchor down all his Of that still undismayed desire;•!.coat buttons, proceeded to re-sew all But-strength and stay, and deeperA LL the non-coms from Company: his buttons, taking infinite pains to than the dream-A arc now members of the Brother- I make the anchor point downwards. The two commands that she is plcdg-hood of Bulls, run by 'Xl r. De Beck in WE all did sympathize with Ruck- ed to keepthe Ilcrstian Heraminer, Grest honor. er, when Guard Duty intervened In the red welter of a �vorld on fire.with that we heard so much about. Are, "What . is that to thee," andCOMPANY B And Ruck didIook spiff3 in his white '''Feed my sheep!"Co. B., for mer'Iy=Co. 1-1 •• not to be ; hat �nd leggins. Sure he did; he toldoutdone 10-: ,Co. A or' the Xaval Unit. j. us so himself. .'has placed, a 'hasketball tea.m in tlre Asked ,a Gob. "Sir, is it necessary Private Dancing Lessonsfield and .w ill pry open the, lid tornor- to salute an officer in a hotel lobby?" In a course of six lessons ($5.00)row ;�t ,I il,l B�r,tI,ett, when it will, ,meet Replied the Lieut, ''-Well,� use your ne can acquire the steps of the Waltz,Co. I·. In Its in it ial game. Tfle lineup brains under such circumstances." Of One-step, and Fox-trot. Single Ies-for Co. II will be: sons if desired.course you won't.. Thinking it over, LUCIA HENDERSHOT 'STUDIO• the Gob wonders just , .... hat the Lieut1541 E. 57th St. Hyde Park 2314did mean;the winners with Phillips as a closesecond. \Vilitz of the losers playeda fine game hut 'was not given theproper support. ).[ore game:' arc be­ing scheduled, and companies desireing games have been requested to seeLieut. ).Ierriweather of Company. E..Following is the lineup of Satur- lecture or a paper will be given onthe second Wednesday of the month.There will be a half hour's socialCOLUlI:S OF COMPANIES.•PatzlofT. 1.. F.Brown, R. F.Woodruff, C.tSosnowski; Richardson, L. G.'Collins; Ilurdettc, R. G.For �ames with CO. II -otber com­panies have been asked to communi­cate with Brown or any member ofthe team.COMPANIES E AND FClub Committees Appointed.At the ,first llusincss mcetin� of thcLnclcrgracluate Cla�sical cluh. heldtomorrow, the following commitltwas named to takl' ('har�e of theplans for the ye,u: Hertha E\'an,-. AdaButz, Beatrice Boyel. Helen geehcwas elccted treasurer al1ll Et},e! �Iacl­flex 'was appointeel chairman of thesocial eOtnlllittcl:. I t is planned tohavc t W(l e\'(,'l1in�� durill!! : he quartl'f.ClassifiedFOL'XJ)-At 5i1l� \\'oorll;l\\n ,\ .. :Four 'pbtcs of icc cream, (;"'\'11('''plea.;c apply to II. F.LOST-,\ patl'llt leather pocket­'hook \·:ith money. keys and founta:11pcn. Lost \\'edncsday in Ida, Xu:''hall. I�cw;trcl. Return to Coilh 1 n·LOST-A heavy dark hlue Boliviacoat, Finder please return to :\-fagaret L?ng, Foster hall,CO�rpAXY -E's basketball team, The book, which will tbe ready forL / � "playing with fine team work defeated puhlicat ion in N' overnber, containsCompany F's team .t2 to 10, Satur- fourteen stories, each written in a dif-day in Bartlett. Bushnell starred, for ferent city,day's game:Company E:B. F. r. T. mce ting every Wednesday at .t:30.fllushnel!. R. F 11 0 0 0 __O HAVE YOU TRIED ADVERTIS-'Holloway, L, F O 0 I'Phillips. 'c. , :� .. , ,6 () 0 2 ING IN THE DAILY MAROON?�lahcr, L. G, 2 0 0 0Klein. R. G 2 0 0 0B. F. P. T.Company F.rWilitz, R. F 1 0 0, 0Schrik. L. F .. _ I, 0 0 0" 'Borken. 'c. .'1 0 0 0'Nolen. L. G !O 0 0,Snell, R G 0 2 0 0• NAVAL NEWS. SONGS OF THE TIMESnot traceThe day I hear her in a country placeTalking to knitting women aboutFood.Try Our Special SundayChicken Dinner.1313 E. 57th StreetOLD MEMBER OF 'MARlOONSTAFF PUBLISHES STORlr c. CORMANY'SHOME LUNCH ROOM,The Old Reliable IHeadquarters for UniversityStudentsVVe serve the best of every-thing. Promp Service.X cwton A. Fucssle, who wasmember of the Daily Maroon stafTin 1906. has written a book of shortstories cntit lcd' "Flesh and Phanra-vClub Makes Plans for Year.At the.first meeting of- the Zoologi­cal chrb.: held Wednesday at 4:30 inZoolo�y 29, the club's plans for theyear were decided upon. A scientific Get Away from theCommonplace·1\:0 one cares to be a commondancer. By common we meancrude and amateurish. If sotaught that's how you dance,Gct that style which attracts.because of its excellence. .FRAN� J. ALLMONTel.: Drexel 7286Studio: 43()t; Greenwood A\·.LET MOSERSHORTHAND.-. COLLEGENORDLINGa �peciaI,. intensive, completestenographic and secretarialcourse, open only to univers­ity graduates and undergrad­uates. given personally byMr :Moser. during the Sum­mer Quarter, 1918. (July,Augu�t and September.)For particulars regarding thiscour�e or the equivalent reg- ,ular six month� course, write,telephone or call onPAUL l\IOSEIt .J. D., Ph. B.,Proprietor12th Floor..Lake View Bldg •.116 South Michigan Avenu� .• I(.()pp. Art Iistitute) ,CENTRAL 5158BE YOURDRUGGISTl-Jake this store .your "head-.quarters. . Everything in Drugs"Cigarettes and Candy. (enrolling only high schoolgraduates)Sub-Postal Station :So. 218Parker' Fountai:t Pen A'geneyANNOUNCESNORDLING DRUG CO.Prescription Druggists.A. J. XORDLlXG. R. PH. G.Cor. 55th and Ing1eside Ave., ChicagoTelephone Hyde Park a .. oWe, Cater to StudentsThe Frolic TheatreDrug StoreSit in -a Booth with Your Girl959 East 55th StreetCor. ElIis Ave.Tel. Hyde Park 761, . ' Christian Scientists to Meet.l\fAJOR BYERS COMESTO SELECT MEN TO GOTO ARTILLERY SCHOO� Artillery'I.}ieldTraining school may be obtainedfrom the local examining committeeof the �I ilitary Camps Association."The more prominent the positionThe Christian Science society will.meet today at 7:45 in the Haskella ssembly room. All University stu­dents have hecn invited,DRINIC SHIPS!U. S. Food Ac!min!str:ltioD.Are you shocked to seo the JaJy drinkin� shrps ?You drink ships every tlmc you use su�ar unnecessartly, in a.beveraue,Severrty-flve P€'T cent. of the �m�ar used in this country has to bAbrought 'here in ships. E\'cry pi>"sil.Jlc 'ship is needed for the trans­portation of troops and SUPfJII('s to the' other side,Eliminate sugnr as a luxury. and you release many shIps for warpurposes,Teach: your appetite to remember this­DON'T DRI�K SHIPS, 'jSecond Hand BooksUniversity Books, New and Second Hand and All' Kinds ofStudents' Supplies at the Most Reasonable PricesWoodworth's Book Store1311 E. 57th St., between Kimbark and KenWOOdTwo- Short Blocks East of the Tower. Phone Hyde Park 1690Dpen Evenings'Athletic GoodsGym OutfitsSecond Hand Law' Books University of Chicago JewelryFountain Pensl\Iedical and Scientific BooksFEMME CHIC GOWNS OF DISTINCTIONBlouses and Afternoon Gowns�hort Orders Promptly Attended t(}MISS MITTMARY A. PETERSuccessor to' Ada F. :Moore6246 Kimbark Avenue. Midway 993.YourAutumnToggeryJust what you girls needfor the fall season.'Frank's Outfitting Sho1032 E. 63rd Street't •'·"l:,.',, \ THE DAlLY MAROON, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 5,1918student has 'be en r cquire d to huy aThe Dramatic club will hold it:' \\'ar books and pamphlets of cur- class ticket before 'heing- allowed to.:\'sH E� t o .i -he s try-outs tOlllorr,ow and Thursday at rent interest will be shelved again vote at class elections._\nd du st t .. du st. 4 in Cohl. IL! A. The first day the t:li:, year in Harper \\'. 31. Those Women Must Go On With Wirk.I i an 1..), T. Co don't get me, caud idatvs \\':11 tryout hcf or e three books Oil reserve for the war coursesTheil a 1'. T. C. ruust. Faculty judz e s, who will be Dean will be placed ill Ell. Any infor ma-Brown. Co. C. Flint, I'r of. Howland. and �lr. \reh- t ion on war topics muy he obtainedE\:ph:l:l::l1n: U. T. C.-Oiiicers st cr, Those who pass the prelimi- in the war pamphlet files in \r. 31.T'raiu in.r (amp. nary tryouts will appear before the where the frcc pamphlet hox will still1'. T. C-I'ri\a:cs Training Camp. club the ncx t day. Each candidate he maintained,I DRAMATIC CLUB TO HOLDI: Club Needs Large Number of Men inI Tryouts, Especially Those Notin S. A. T. C. Approximately 1500 Volumes Pur­chased by Libraries in Past Year.Shelved in Harper.TRYOUTS TOMORROW AT 4 SYSTEMATIC COL�ECTION OFWAR BOOKS IS BEING KEPTwill have about three minutes. Extra\\' E happcn cd to he glancing parts w il] be read by Emily Tuft andt hrouc h the stuff t hat our br ot hcr of Carlin 'Crandall.I cannot tbr ing my tribute, sir;Alas. my 'crops do iail:'Pulling my brain-bound hairHas been without avail. men."The Re\·. Dr. C. W. Gilkey of theQ. E. D. so that new ;nemhers who are eligihleY'sec. you can't keep a good man may take part. Yesterday the Playdown. committee had not decided on all theplays. One will be a couple of scenes\\,E swore right merrily last week from the translation of Brieux's "1'11,that we would'nt mention K. P. never Red Robe." The plays will he s eno more, but when we saw that the, pea ted later in connection with theUni\'ersity of Detroit paper gave a I war work of the club.whole column to wheezes about thatwith some more hot stuff:"One of life's little Iblessings to­day." remarked the campus Spectator,"is the extinction of the typical co:lege man-you know what I mean."Whereupon we exhumed the follow­ing from our own literary graveyard:TO THE TYPICAL COLLEGEMAN(Extinct Species)tSwelled head expected,.Mousr ache affected.Brains not detected,\\"i1ell you arriv'e.,j ',,�; � 1 r7"�T��}"Though think ... works are hid, r: _..You are really some kidWith your latest Knox lid,And your Vahsity Five-five.flT ..<'Vith your thad-a-boy grinAnd your fair fussing sinAnd your Iizzie to spinLike all of your dan.�J'You're inclined to be quip-leal(Yawns are recip'ocal),Pos'rivcly typicalYoung college man.HE.-\RD the rumor that all usHunkers are going to he sent away I.....this month?' Yoo hoo, Skinnay, seeya in Rockford.(;OSlI, w e z ot 10:s ldt ior !o-Imorrow. A.non. IW<nIE�'S A Inll�ISTR.\ TI\'ECOt;�CIL WILL (;IYE DA�CEThe Woman's Adrninistrnt ivc coun­cil will zive a dance this afternoon Iat 4 in Ida Xoyes hall. All womenof the Lini_vcrsit!-· have been invite(1.1Semi-monthly dances of this kind.have been g-i\'cn bv the council on ITuesday afternoons for a numher ofyears in order to give the women ofthe University an opnort.un ity to he­come acquainted. Frances Hender­son has been nominated chairman ofthe dances. League Holds Bargain Sales. Will Address Divinity School. Club Pledges Ruth l\layer.,CLASS ORGANIZATION TOCONTINUE, IS DECISION(Continued from page 1) Chi Rho Sib"11la announces thepledging of Ruth 1\faycr of GrandIsland, Neb.HAVE YOU SENT IN Y'OURSUBSCRIPTION TOTHE DAILY MAROON?Mrs. J. E. Stearns, Proprietor 1155 E. Sixty-Third St. be sold this year as there wiii hl' noneed for class funds. Formerly eva)" HAVE YOU SENT IN YOURSUBSCRIPTION TOTHE DAILY MAROON?MIDWAY 567TEA·RN' "There is no reason why w o men IIithe Univcr sit y can't carryon thc cla-«activities and organizations," said�l ct er Ames. "The mcn in the �. A.T. C. arc willing to do all 111C), can I•l\IEA:NSERVICEWITH • •INCERITYMen's Suits Given Special AttentionCLEANING AND DYEINGRemodeling a Specialty . Goods Called for and Delivered •ASCHER'SFrolic Theatre55th St. and Ellis AYe.• • •KEEP IN LINE WITHCONSERVATION IIICentral Hyde Park Bank ICHICAOO, ILL. !IiIIIPlace Your RainyDay Fund With5:>th ST. AND BLACKSTONE AVENUE,OLDEST RANK IN HYDE PARK. Harold Lockwoodclass organizarion : should cease aIt :get her now, and the L'udcrxradua te �council i,.. willing' to do all it can t\ the great film star ill one ofhis last films'" •'""p ALS FIRST'• ••Coming soon: Charlie Chap­lin, "SHOULDER ARMS"3 reels.••55th StreetOscar MatsuiProprietor ofTHE EAGLE LUNCH ROOMBiology Club to l\Jeet Today. Meals LunchesShort Orders1103 EastOur Government SaysTjpewriters are EssentialWhy?BECAUSE-A Typewriter is not a LUXURY but aNECSSITY.. .You can do your �ting, whatever it may be, moreeft'lclen�ly, more conveniently, and more economically on aTypewrIter than any other way.CORONAFOLDING TYPEWRITERIS THE MOST l.OGlCAL MACHINE FOR YOU BECAUSEOF ITS CONVENIENCE_ AND COMPACTNE,SS. BEST OFALI!. IT COSTS O:SI..Y $;)0.00 COMPLETE.. D�n't wait until. this year is nearly over to think aboutequippmg yourself With this wonderful time and labor saver.DO IT NOW!Ijet Us Show You How Easy You Can Do It.CORONA TYPEWRITER SALES COMPANY12 S. La, Salle StreetPhone Franklin 4992-4993We Rent Coronas, $3.00 per month ... --.,