IlAROONS'MAY TAKE TWO ENTERTAINMENTS A IW. S: T. C� WILL BEGIN'TRIP TO INDIANA TO WEEK ,IS Y. M. C. A. PLAN ·HOSTESS HOUSE WORK;;- pl.Y BOILERMAKERS Will Probably Meet Tuesdays and NEXT WEEK IN NOYES''.t.. I.ft Saturdays-Plan Installation of Mo- class, Inter-class, College, and Com-. �C.· Health Authorities May Permit vie Machine in Mandel-Tomorrow Appoint Committees to Help p¥y G�es-Some Matches to be Professors Coulter, Moulton, Me-r- Game to Be Played at is Stunt Night. Entertain S.A.T.C.-Organ- Played Next Week. Laughlin; and Asst. Prof.i:� .. Chicago. ize Red CrcJSS Work. Ames and Gray Conductr Now that the influenza han has In spite of the demand of war. Groups. .._-' STAGG LOSES FOUR PLAYERS ·been lifted, the Y. M. C. A. pla�s to WILL SELECT NEW OFFICERS work, the call of the :W. S. T. C., the. --.fl 'give frequent entertainments for the epid_emic, a��d�! .!>_!d_we.���! .... the SOME VACANciES� IN GROUPS�.......:. Chicago and Purdue will certainly benefit of the S. A. T. C. men.' On At a meeting of. the"'exeCtitive-�om- pase.few weeks, the hockey season is� .......hook up in their sehedule�� ... .$a- 'Saturd�y' nights, especially, an effort mittee ot the Students' .war Activities now well under way. Tentative. The discussion groups organized 'byS.'_: turday, even if the game is not ner- ..f h d I h' b .d f .t.. _,r- will 'be made to provide recreation committee yesterday a number 0 sc e u es ave. een rna e or m ra- the League are almost ready to begin�. mitted in Chicago. Directors Stagg I .tId II t'. for these men. A moving picture .plans for the W. �S. T. C were discus- c ass, m er-e ass, an co ege earns. their meetings, for .which the sched-and Cutts have completed all arrange- machine wilI 'be purchased, and in- sed. That the hostess program will Company games have also been ule has been 'given out. Up'to theI, ee � � ments for transferring the. ,,�e to stalled in :Mandel hall. When this is 'get into full swing by the end of next planned .for the W. S. T .. C. and the present time, registration in the� Lafayette in case the health depart- 'done two entertainments a week will week, was announced by Pren- . various teams have elected captams, groups has rea-ched 125.� -- ment refuses to rescind the "flu" re- 'be given, probably on Tuesday and tice, chairman of the Hostess House The captains of the class teams !Forty-four women from' Greenwood� _ stJ:ictions. ,Jhe health ;utho:i�esfof ISaturday nights. committee. A number of organiza- ;re� Fres�ma�, S r�.I��e�1 �os�;. hall have signed up 'for Prof. Moul-� the city an state met ast mg t or Tomorrow night the long delayed tions, among them the Dramatic Club, .op omore, aro mit an • arjorre ton's course, "The Bible as a boen­$ � a conference on the situation. and "Stunt Night" will be -given if pres- .the Freshman Frolic committee and WInslow; Junior, Beth Uphaus and ment of Internationalism.' -Frances-"i ".-. there is a possibility that they may ent health conditions continue. A va- the Social-Service Stunt committee of Helen Sulzberger. Senior, Alice John- -Henderson, chairman of ,the publicity •. _., change. the ruling and .permit the. ried program has 'been arranged. Z� th5 League baveoffered to help enter- stone. So many women have cOI?� .committee, has announced, 'JlOwever� ,l� game. The athletic authorities do Bercovitz and ,Llewellyn Jones will tain the men at' the week-end gather- out for- the sophomore and junior' that there are still many vacancies ins.� not expect to get their decision until sin� baritone solos. B. !M. Norton ing. teams that two teams have 'been the groups, but she thinks that these. -r- this morning, however. wiil give a monolog and Lewis Kay-. Agnes Prentice has appointed the forme1 for each class, each team hav- will probably be filled very rapidly._, Q rt b" ks th hi f 1\..., mg a captain. .' .� . ...:i. ua er ae ,were e e e on .. ecl. ten. a professional whistler, Nelles following women' to assist in the hos- G N "'-� f S dFive Teams in 11:50 Class. roups ot _,U.u,es 0 tu y.. of interest on Stagg :field last- night. Rowley, pianist and R. Barber, a xyl- tess work. Martha 'Simond WI'1 have1&.·· Five. teams have been organized in "There seems to· be il mistaken idea'.,' .. � 'Wi,th Alonzo Stagg Jr. out for. a good ophone player, will perform. iMorris charge of invitations, ,Martha Beh- .' U·· . 'th. . ' . -the 'U:50 class and four m the 10:10 among niversity women WI, re-.". while to come, a new general has to 'Polson also WIll grve a recital, The rendt of refreshments. �Dorothy MD-. . ...._ I' class. The teams and their captains . gard to ,the plans of the discussion4·" be selected in mighty �hort order. Y. M.IC.A. expects this ,to 'be a great, ler of entertainment, and -Ruth Suey ,,.z. are as follows: 11 :50, 'Green, Eliza-]' groups," said Frances Henderson yes-.. ,_ There were four candidates out for the. success and to be well attended. \ of hostesses .h 1\1 Y II R h D d "Th f' .• 'b t'_ t ave- ter ay, ey are not courses 0'.! ' 'job last night, but no one of them . e l ann-e- e ow, uTo Have Good Entertainment. � Cross Work is pop�lar. Cardinal, Grace Joy_:Maroon, Mabel study to which hours of study must:_:;.: .look�d like 'another t Pete "�ussell. "We're .going to have a good enter- 'It IS planned to make M'lss Susan I .Masten=-Blue, 'Mary Gingrich; 10:10, Ibe devoted. Lessons will not 'be as-(_, rrom the way the aspiring generals Peabod gener t h d f 11 k f . II .d 1 t . ht th • . tainment tomorrow night." said Clar- y a ea 0 a wor or Red, Ruth Wicks-Yellow, Minette signed, but the women will srmp y� p,aye as mg , e !DJury to young'ence 1Brown yesterday. W;Y{re're having the ,Red Cross, and sewing for theI Pitt-Dark green, !Mary Hayes- meet each week and discuss the topic,.- Stagg is just about... the most· serious - I Fund for French Wounded Under' ki ._IL • f - '1.:f!."• - a long, peppey program, and 'We think '.• ,'Light green, Ruth Dickson. as mg questrons dluOUt any pomt .0 .'1'-.:_ .' one po.. SSibl. � for the chances of the it will be a. great success. We feel her, 'Will be sub-ehainnen to take. The class games have been sched- difficulty. There are not to be ora . }.�I. -' __ �,:ao: ;:::.�. �'.� that .every man. who co�es out will �. �ge. ?�.�� Red_ cro�.. tho eDSewi�gl uied fO. r next week. The f.resh.m�n 'quThizzes' or anfythhing. of t?e kind,". .\.:.;.� .. �.t... _-.�_�.t,�.l�.·�.�._-.-. • ...... -:'.�. ,H' ••.• � .. - .... _ .bavtwL_good tjme This is the '5 _�� _��.!����!..__:!�. .�1"!�.wjJI ·meet the saphomau5._awL.tiJt;: . c:_�. �.�t .. �c4!.s_c.llsslon���._ �.���__ ',. _,_ 'Smith. started out with the remnants Night' we'v� Ibeen talking' a:qout for Lardner is' studen.t chairman' of this I juniors will oppo� the seniors. Then as announced, is "tLearn your bit: join ' �.", -O,f the' Varsity, 'and under his· leader- so lon�, !but whi-ch we: had to post- work, 'and .she �ll hav� other stu- the winners of both contests will play a discussion group." The chairmeDship �e Maroons. maCIe twoI touch- pone on account of the influenza epl_ dents worki�g WIth her on all three for the class .championship. The two of th� move�ent wish it understooddowns. - Both of them came as are-· demic. . divisions. The· call for workers in losing teams will also pl:y. that the groups will meet weekly, assuIt of fumbles, and not �use of· Now _ that the ·ban. is ,being lifted.l the Ida Noyes work rooms has mit College Teams Next Month. 'lnnonn<:ed. In answer to various in-any' well directed attaek. 'Smith was •we're going to have plenty of enter- with r!ady response, and �he rooms The college team .ga'mes are sched- quiries,.that have been made -the scred-opposed by Krause, who' looked bet- tainment for the S. ·A. T. C men. are in use every day. uled for Tuesday, Nov. 26, Dec. 4-,and ule is reprinted as follows:_... .�tt;r at carrying the ball than in run- Aft�r we get" the moving picture'ma- It has been decided to allow alumnae Tuesday, Dec, 10. The dates for the �Internation.alism and Christianity,'·,---- ,_ning the team. 'Smith was hu� near chine, we're g.oing to have two enter- and employees of the University. to intra�class 'contests have not yet been Thursday at 4, Ida Noyes .hall, Assist-the end of the scrimmage, and wa.s ..tainments a week in 1�lande1." join the W. S. T. c. Already a large decided. ant Prof. Ames.succeeded by Elton, who, calle<\. sig- number of. graduates lrave signified (Continued on page 3) . �ocial Reconstruction," Wednes-..I' nals from a fullback positiion. their eagerness to join the corps. day at 5:15, Botany building, 'Prof.......... JiIDUOA':rDONAL MLSSION ·TO ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL...,., Mills teported just about the time They hope to organize a special drill' Coulter,BE MET BY COMMITTEES TO HlQLD MEETING TODAY ''fhe Bible as a Document of In-the lights were turned on, and played OF FACULTY MEMBERS company Many emploYees of the Uni-quarter on the first team, but Elto,n versity have al�y '�rolled in the ' AT 4 IN IDA NOYES HALL ternationalism," Wednesday at 4,had to call the plays, Mills merely re- W ·S. T. C. The Corps hapes to mak.. ., --I Prof, Moulton...h b II � R b . W' . First Meeting to be Held Today at 7'ts . IL d d'ts .. fl . President Requests All Members to be "Internationalism., Democracy andcelvmg t e . a ·lIom. e ere .. Itz- in Ida Noves Halk 1 scope as uroa an 1 10 uence .'PlansI I ..d . h - J ·d :'bl Present to DISCUSS Ch "t' 't " \'T ddt 430aven was a so tne out 10 t e course ,as WI e as pGSl e.for Year. .' rtS lam y, lye nes ay a :.of the evening; and played .on the To Commission More Offieers. Harper �II 15,- Proi. McLau·ghlin./ .... , Several committees have chosen tosecond team. At present it looks as entertain :the British Educational Within the next few- days a num'-l The Woman's Administrative Coun- "How a Teacher Can Develop theI J.� "·I·Ils had the � but Coach Stagg' ber of new officers will recel've com- '�pI'n't 0' ,.._·Internationalism, .. Thursday •. � --.. - • .I.'f.l. .....6 .... ·.Mission to the United States. The . cil will meet today at 4 in Parlor C, I..:l I:, � ic; keeping his ophiions on ,,_the matter Mission is schedqled to arrive at the missions in the W. S. T ... C!, The Ida Noyes hall. Pauline Davis, the 4:15', Blaine hall, Assistant /Prof.� L"": to himself.' Board of Selection is now considering 'GrayUniversity -today. Those committees president of_ the Council has asked •chosen for the reception are the ex- names. Physical ability, scholarship, that all members be present or sendecutive conrmittee and the reception and qualities of leadership are the substitutes, to discuss important busi-committee. characteristics considered T�e enroll-Prof. 'Salisbury, head of the depart- ment in'the military drill c'Jasses is soment of Geography, is of I large that 'the present staff of officersthe executive committee which con- cannot handle all the companies..sists of Director Judd, of the school, Plans are under way to hold a num­of Education, Prof. l\kLaughlin. of ber of meetings for the women of thethe departmentof History, and Dean Corps. Community singing will also5mall, of the Graduate schools. be introduced soon.c·;I"�. �.­t """y'· i _,1'�'u ".... -. ':. -: ....... ".,; �! < � : " :' "A:�' .'� '\����'� .::�"t..., .'_.t<' ... 1' ... �'�J:. _\ ·11 ••....�.t. . ,'-::,.: ...VOL. XVIL No. to, UNIVERSITY 01" CHICAGO, THU��DAY, OCTOBER 31, 1918 PRICE THREE CENTSDISCUSSION GROUPSOF LEAGUE WILL BEGIN.MEETINGS NEXT' 'WEEKHOCKEY SEASON UNDERWAY DESPITE HANDICAPsMake Tentative Schedule for Intra-.... �Varsity is Patchwork Team.The Varsity ,eleven was a patch­work team last night. Swenson wasout because of his brok:n nose, andMiller has an infected foot � which COMPANY E PLANS SERIES'OF INTER-COMPANY GAMESness.The election of the members at largethree in 'number will take place and Four teams have been organized inthe new war courses needed by the iCompany E, formerly Company A,'W'Omen. of the University will be dis- and ga�es will be scheduled as soond d· ged Th' 't' as pOSSIble. Some well-'known collegecusse an arran . . IS year 1 III.f I Ira 1"1 '1 to' 't' h ld b ' athletes are members of the company,e t t t a SOcIa ac JV1 les s ou e ..b· ed f 'bl 'th th and are helptng orgamze the companycom In as ar as poSSl e WI e· hI "d h· '11 b d· ted at eUcs.war work an t IS WI e a JUS Caspers, of the Varsity team, is cap-by the W. A. C. this afternoon. Alsotain of the company's football team.a reorgan�tion of the classes will .ELbert Bushnell is captain of the has­be made. .ket'hall team, and Tom Camp'bell, thcThe Council is composed of repre- University High school's record­sentatives of the various women's or- .breaker last year, is organizing aganizations on the campus; it includes squad. for track competition. Themembers from the clubs, the women's ,first '·f�ot!ball game will proba:t>ly behans, the aides, the WOJmln officers of !with Company G, and the first basket­the classes, and also has three mem- ball ;game with the officers' team.bers at large and three mem'bers ofthe faculty. It takes care of all mat­ters of general interest and -import­ance, social events, and the welcoming'and housing of new students. It alsoarranges a' �alendar for the year in,order that too many events will notcome at one time and that the more(Continued on page 3)needs a slight operatron. Nett's kneewill not be in �nape' for another weekat .least, and there �s 'little hope ofSchwab's ankle mending in time forhim to break into the Purdue game.Nearly every man 0;' the field wasgiven a chance to play in the scrim- The recc"tion committee co�sists ofProf. Chamherlin, of the depar·tmentof [\torphology and Cytol�gy .. Prof. .A1I.\Vomen who have received woolHale, of the department of ILatin, . sweater� from the Red Cross roomsProf. �foulton, of the department of' have ;been asked to return the finishedGeneral Literature, IProf. Shorey, of I' articles at once. Yarn may be oh­the department of Greek, and Dean taincd daily on the second floor ofTalbot. .I d� Noyes ,floor �The [\fission was organized andsent 'by the British government atthe invitation o'f the National Coun­cil of befense of this country. Itspurpose is to study the American uni­versities with a view to forming acloser union between the schools of Women Must Return Sweaters.�age. ,'Fumbles were as frequent last nightas they 'Were in the Loyola game. Twoof them were turend into scores bythe first team, but the first elevennearly lost one of the scores when the·'�11 was fumbled just before thp. lin .."Vas crossed. Tays played a goodgame for the seconds, while Eubankand Elton were t�e big ground gainersfor Chicago. Professor PreKott to Speak.·Under :the auspices of the \Vom-Dr. Soares Arrives in France.en's Classical club, Prof. 'Prescott ofthe Greek department wilt read a pa­per ori Crinagoras next Tuesday at8 in the Classics building. A -cablegram has 'been receivedfrom Fr�nce annouhcing the safe ar­rival overseas of Dr. Soares. He wasgranted leave of absence in order thathe might do Y. 1�1. C. A. work inUndergraduate Council ·Yleets. :the two <:ountries. I ts purpose i� alsoThe Undergraduate council will to create a closer international feelingmeet :tomorrow at 11 :15 in 'Cobb 12 between t� two countries. � Weather Forecast.A� All menlbers have heen urgently' The; first meeting of the �{ission Fair and cooler with moderaterequested to come. ,will be held today at 7 in ·Parlor·A northwesterly winds .• France.IfPIIi.:.J _i ':("I,.'j •� 1. ¢: '" r- ,:..,j"1 ..., ',,TBB DA!LY 1I.ABOoN, THU_DAY, OCTOBER S� 1111clIice �h�ll;ttie\'W�t Department basI.,;at�d in ijn\!m. iIi'is the intention of'dlel War roepartm��t that the failure=--------------0#- ont tile part 'bi ·!Uiy enlisted man toSTOW���ING �e ad¥;,Ii�fr.!'bt·lb.s. opporluDiti ••:'Yill result in his' transfer to some".',,'" ,.' ,.®�, .. ". , .. other branch of the service and 'theThe first meeting of the new class UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ,substi�ution for him in the Studentin recreation work, which is behlg' or- October 26, 1918. :Army Training Corps of a man readyBulletin No. 13-�nized by the department of Physi- and able to increase his capacity forcal Education, will be held tomorrow ' PURPOsE OF s. A.' T; C. .serviee by the special training given"STATUS' 'OF'MENat 4':30 on the second jft 0'0 r of Ida at educational institutions.Noyes hall instead of today at 7, as1 Ttl 'h ,�: f he' S d 'lieD will constantly bear in mind, ..• " " I .J... '• at t e work 0 • e tu ent .,:' '.previously' announced. Hereafter' the 'A" 'T' • '.', 'c- , " ": h. ,'.. not only !that the energetic andclass will meet on Thursdays at 7. . rmy RlInlng orps .at t IS. Ins�lt�. ·thorough 'Prosecution of their eea­The' 'new 'class has � ken orp'nizecl bon �ay progr�ss s�l1s£actordy It IS demie studies is part of their duty ast ':', U .: , '"t ""h essential that Its members have a' Idi "- 00' . '11 b .o grve mversi y women, w 0 are .' , so iers, 'out t t It WI e an im-" �, , , ., ; , ' clear ccncepnon of the pu. rpose of the t t.f t' • th' I t' 'binterested in social service and com- " . . '.' , '. . por an ae or ID e se ec Ions to e. corps and of their statlus and o'bliga-��mty ,work. an opportunity to gain 'made tfrom time to time for Officers'tions. 'eome practical experience in these , ." Training Schoola.lines .. Miss 'Lo'uise Patterson, instruct- The purpose' of the Student Army �- , . ' ., . .die! Training Corps is to s'u'p:pli the Army, '" 2. This bulletin ,will be read by allor in the 'Physical 'l;Atucation rapidly as possible with' officer �o�p,any Com�anders to th� men ofment, will 'be the leader of the class. material and technically 'and vocation- ,the�r comamnds at the first fOl'mationA notice ,ha. s b een placed on the W. � .d '11 f· . d '11ally trained' men. Its purpose is not ,��r rr a ter ItS receipt an WI beIS. T. !C. bulletin board in Ida Noyes .'.,' , . , '. posted' upon the company 'bulletinh II d ', 'h . h' t 11 to provide an opportumty. for eithera , an women w 0 W1S 0 enro ; '. ' . ... ". ;'. • boardsh 11._ stk d' to si th' It soldiers or civilians 010 conttnue their •ave uc�n a e 0 sign up ere. "'..; , ' By' order of IYajor Dana.Att tio . Called - 'D. 1.:1 Work .: I'" d" t h ' .at t f educations for. personal reasons. The. ' , .en D 18 . IoU, 4'le 'J 'IS P anne , 0 ave a grea amoun 0, � , • •• ' ':Fred tC. 'Oliver,R Wrem nts-S A. T C Men f' II' t .ti t th educational Ifaclhtles of the colleges 'eq e • •. un as we as IDS rue Ion a ese f h b • '. Second Lieutenant, Inf, U� S. be Excepted. meetings. The 'principal ,instruction 0 t e country are elDg. utillled by Acting Adjutant.,will be in ga�es and stunts. the :War Department as' a part of itsIThe school iof Commerce 'a�d 'Ad- .plan for producing dficient fightingministration has recently issued ,two "I t is especially important thai forces. UN�T.ED WAR WORKS DRIVE'bulletins. 'One of these concerns the 'Women who are .interested in settle- The status of members of th� Stu- COMMITTEE MEETS TODAY'., ment work .should join the class,"field :work of students and the other said Helen Thompson, chairman of dent Army Trainih� Corps is dlat ofa "standard day" of �ork " the social service committee of 'the. soldiers in the United States Army on "Prof. Burton has announced thatThe first bulletin which' was is- "." , active duty at educational institutions. the first mee'tin,g of the committee inIStudent� War Ac'tivities committee, I -sued by Acting Dean 'Wright calls Their conduct wilt' at all"tlines be'that charge of the campaign of the United. ,. I' yesterday. "There, are a number oft�e atte. ntion of students of the school of soldiers. Like all :other soldiers 'War 'Works, to which all m�nbers ofwomen who are willing to do settle-of ,Commerce and Administration to ment work, but' who, are ignorant of they are subject to military discipline the University will 'be asked to con-th. e regulation of th, e ,school cO,ncern- ' twenty-four hours a day. Unlike sol- 1fibute, �i1I be held, today at 5 inthe �ight meth�ds. The new courseing field. 'WTk. This bulletin states diers not on duty at eduClational insti- the .Harper assmbly. ,\Vhile this is notwill offer a splendi� 0J.!portunity to � , ,that each 'Student is required to spend tutlons 'they I have special educational 'Q mass-meeting-such a mee. ting fO,r-these women and to others who arethe equivalent of three months pre- ,interested in' �e��eation �ork to eb- �pportunities for prc:paring ',them- 'the whole University �ilf be an-ceding or accompanying his profes- tain a .great d�al of practical knowl- selves for usefulness in the Army s nounced'later'-members of the seven• I ..• I t h· b dfficers and technicians. The al>liga- arg' anizations engaged' in the driveSlona trammg, ID emp oymen W IC edge and pleasure at the same time."Has anyone guessed what it is? will give contact with the actual con- tion res�s upon them to take ad van- who' may not have received a specialCorrect, the Three-Quarters club. The ditions and problems' of the, �rk he ,[, ,', , tage of these opportunities and by 'invitation to attend have been urged, MAROON WANT ADS. PAY. k'f . ',' "annUlill. commen ,on, that organization expects to enter." All, new students, constant !\Vor to jUsh y the coll'fi- to be present.b�commen�d;aUdanduound�nd exeepttho� � the L A.T. C�and.-���������������������������������������������­listen., On the whole, the tone will all those who failed to do so last year,be favorable . should fill out a speoral blank which,:, ,For ages past editors of The Daily is given them and return it to theMaroon, and others writing communi- Commer� and Administration office,,cations, have depreciated the exist- not later than November 6. Students,ence of that Freshman organizatio�. in the Philanthropic Service' divisioniF oolish young �reshman perform�ng should consult 'Mr Burgess eoncern-on the campus WIth more-than-foohsb.. th·'.ft· 'ld k:· t'lDg elr e wor requlremenolder men responsible for such .cl�wD- Another bulletin' illustrates a "stan-ing have been the pet pests for edltor- daro day" as a certain iDSurBn� com­ial swattizi.g. ,pany considers it. The o'i>ject of thisTrue, the, ,Three-Quarters club has bulletin is given in a statement whichDO· b.een a tru�y. representative body,. already� runs, "If men who were 'representative. that is, of ·University ,,,:orJcing on ar commissio�, basis in-ideals But credit, must 'be &iven reased' th· _a%. 't"tbi' te... c elr culcleney a s ra:where credIt IS due,and the Freshman . ,I b' 'ttin' at.' d rd dhonor society has 'been reforming, kmere• y y Be dg UfP tha • n a �a�_. . eepmg a recor 0 eU' success Inreformmg hke Q German peace note ' '. '. '.. ,, '.','" -.'."",,t attammg that standard, IS It worthsome one sugges 50, ' ,',., ",..• while for a college student, who basiNo we honestly beheve that the t th ' 't'stUn 1 f th'.. no e ever presen U us 0 eTbree-Quarters club IS trymg to do.. s... d h .. val N dl. 'commISSIon 'uaSlS, an w 0 IS sur-somethmg of ue.. e� ess, t� �y, 'rounded with temptations to loaf, ,toany campus orgaDlzatlon eXlstmg, d d..l- d h d'• set up a stan ar way, an. t en stu ythis year must have a pretty valId rea-h to 1· to ·t"" II'IL --'- 1. . . I f ·f ow Iva up 1 • UI� , IM:llOOson for hVlng. !hIS P �t orm, J wehas issued "standard day" slips whiehjudge correctly, IS to as§lst the Y. M. h .L.._ f, ,d usef 1 d blebC. A. in it� effort to provide a mo- ave �D oun U an w aref ,. '. II'f for members of the ,to be ,filled out by eaoeh student Thement 0 SOCia 1 e . .• lipS. A. ,T., C. Do not misunderstand; office of the school. Will furnIsh s ssuch an effort is not the only work of to anyone who apphes fop themthe Y. 'M. C: A., 'but it is i� thisbranch of 'the Association that theThre�-QtJarters club is to aid.\Such a service is not at all bod. TheThree-Quarters clob has opportuni­ties to be of material aid. There isdanger of working the thing into acampus atmosphere, which would not�cord with the spirit of the S. A. T.C AS expressed by recent bulletins �f. � ;�j .4�jy��W���.Published mornings, �ept Saturday, (Yale Review. Oct.. 1918)Sunday and Monday, during the Au- They have taken his horse and plume.tumn. Winter and Spring quarters,by the Daily Maroon company. They have left him to ylod, and fume+- -- --=============== ,\For a hero's space and room!EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT They have curbed his fighting pride,Ii hn tl h-rnrE STMAFF. E' d'·' They have bade him burrow and hideo n :J osep ....••••• .anaJtJDsr; itor .W' h' "11' id b iduth Genzberger .•.••. News Editor It a nn ion, st e y 51 e:Helen Ravitch Night Editor Look-into the air he springs,Howar� Bea.le Day Ed!tor Fighting with wings!Rose Flschkm .. , Day EditorJames Sheean, Day EditorWilliam llorgenstern .......••.••_ ..•..•..............• Athletic EditorFrederick Winterhoff .....•.......•..•.. _ ...•.•.....•• Associate EditorBUSINESS DEPARTMENTGrant Mears ...•.•......... Manager'May Freedman ....•..•.•... As.sistantStaff SolicitorsMessrs. ,McBrayer, Ballinger, Cekanand Dunn. He has found a way to 'be free,Of that dun immensityThat would swallow up such as he;,\Vho would burrow when he' couldfly?He will climb up into the skyAnd the world shall watch himOnly his peers may dare'Follow him th�re!Entered as second class, mail at the, ' -,' 'Olicago PostGfiice, Chicago, Illinois, BULLETINS ARE ISSUED,March IS, 1906, under the act of ALL STUDENTS OF C. AND A.March 3, �873., ",from headquarters.So, there is an opportunity for theThree-Quarters club to re-polish iusomewhat tarnished name. We hopethat it will, and that future topicalsongs wilt be thoroughly non-essen-tial. ,so to sp�a1c. , ''_ _" ,Red Cross Room is Challied.The place for Red Cross knittingin Ida Noyes hall has 'been cbcangedfrom the Alumnae room on the sec­ond floor to the Corrective gymna-�um. IMAROON WANT ADS. 'PAY. z- -:SUBSCRIPTION, RATESCalled for, ,2.50 a year; ,1.00 aqoarter •.. , .:" " By Carrier, ,3.00 a year; ,1.25 aqll8rler., . ',By MaU (city), f8.50 a year; ,1.50.' quarter., ,By,' Mail ( out of town), $4.25 ayear; $1.75 a quarter.Editorial 'Rooms ... __ ..... _ .... _ .. j�11i8 '12Telephone, Midway 800,; Local 162., Hours: 11:10-11:50; 12:25-6; 7-8.'Business Office .. _ ... � .... _.: __ ... El1is 14Telephone Midway SOO, Local 162Hours: 10:20-11:50; 3-5:30.Thursday, !October 31. 1918THE TOPl'CAL SONG"The c,€ollege �FltJorPresentsThis,·r'smart ' mod'el � isone of the decldedly'popu-lar style innovations of the seasoil e�ticof the 'exclusive fiisliion iritrOdUCtiODS Which; placethe 'COnege F100r '�'emiDe�tly high in Pte favorof young men' eagerly seeking,the lAst' word in" apP:lrel distmeti�Ii·�:lS.. A DoVelty sack modelof' close-fitting' lineswith � waist seam, patch. pockets, "double-stitch­ed seams and bi-iwlngsleeves. 'l'he smartbade modeling detailsare shown in the ilIus-tiation above.'Qqr<Gt�ve seleetloa 'of COlor '8Dd,::�tierD�,�eDt8"'frOm'whleh JOA. may iDdUlp'JOgr")arefereDce'iileJUdeeJ riel �I'imdfaney novelty weaves' for "dress' aad' b�. Wear as. W'en as' �eribbed 'eontuorys for'sPort 'aad roUgh service. Tlaeae-iialta"pi-eaeatvalue-giviag unique here at.: . �'NORDLING''BE YOURDRUGGist, $40IMake this store your head­quarters. Everything in Drugs,Cigarettes and Candy.Sub-Poatal station No. 218, 'P��ker FcM.Dtain' Pen AgeDeJ , '�RUB.�Hen.yll·littoti·��S6l\SNORDLING DRUG CO.; he&;ripd� -nruftistsA. l. NORDLING. R. PH. G. N� E: Comer' State 'and' JaeIaJoa; .. , ,'.Cor. 55th aDd Ingleside ATe.Odc:acoTelePhofte R1de Park 340 "f'. :�s..I" .•tf�l : .. , J' '.': .. :•:ably a more serious one. It·is possible J_---------- �.,that a general notion that "the bars.are'down" may prevail and· ,the can­c1idate for a place in a student activity'may feel that he can now neglect hisstudies with impunity. Thill idea willbe found soon enough to be a delusionand a snare. If there was ever a time''First year men and .women are to w.hen the scholastic record of aspir-be allowed Iby a special ruling to take; ants was thoroughly examined. it winpart in student activities where their be now when conditions have forced'Participation is necessary to'ts eon- the University to set, aside the rtAestinuation . This action has been taken 'which have hitherto saved the trouble'by the faculty 'With the' understanding ''_f deciding individual cases. And.�that no precedent is !being set for aside from this consideration. every'peace conditions. 'Privileges are, thus student who is thus permitted to jumpbeing extended to freshmen at a rate :his probation should feel an ebliga­which makes older students gasp. To tion not to abuse the privilege. �see coveted positions in organieation« •On the other hand, since by this'such as the Union, the Y. M. C. A�J ne� ruling evidence is given that thc�the publications, the athletic. team,s help off .fi.rst year. men and women is-and the fratemities, taken without � imperative to the life of many valu­struggle by youngsters' and studen� afble student institutions, it should be:new in IlHchigan this year. positions the wish of everyone of them to an-which men dreamed of and w014ke� swer the call, to use th� opportunity !- _..toward until their junior and senior -without abusing it, and to help pre-year in many ,cases. is upsetting, to serve the good thin2s in UniverSlt)tsay rthe least.' And· when the you til: life for the good days that are .ccm­ful holder of these honors, once so Ill!!.hard, now so easy, to get, acceptsIt was in Kent theater and the them as the> just due of him who wasSEV� £X�JifJARcJoN MEN ON: "Lieut." was- giving the-Naval unit a president offhe senior class in hig.�talk on "1Military 'Courtesy" and the school or captain of the: traek team dr,TEAM ,AT CAMP McARTHURuse of the "Hand Salute" when Wei!z- editor of .'The ,Magenta and 'Pin�tCoach Stagg may have lost a foot- man, the'scintillating humorist of the his patronizing air is little short :�f . (Continued' '!from pap 1)f>all team when ·the recent army or- company, raised his hand, while w,e unbearable. He would do well to bearImportant, ones 'Will not entirely crowd'all expectantly' 'began' to 'smile, for in 'mind thejwholesome reflection that 1der sent seven men to Camp 'MeA1'-I· the others out.thur, Tex., but the soldiers :of the Weitzman :rarely : disappoints us. under normal conditions 'he would �, 'h.' "Thl's -r' the- --Women's Adminia-,'"Sir:' he began, "will you tell me tea scrub or cub and that because he is J--Texas training camp are, happy over. . . , trative Council will have more to do _the acquisition .. The seven' ex-Mar- proper way to' 'recognize· a strange :not one now is siniply a result of thep. · . D '. .. L', . h ' f th woman?" ".war and no 'Proof 'of his superior at- than ever before," said Deari"Talbot, nvate, .-anemg �ODSroons were put on t e team 0 e.terday "It wIoII have to take the In a CO .. _- of .;_ lessoft- '($s.oo:\.tainments. yes ....__ -.- ,second battalion and "Beane" MeDon-hi h' : This is the aspect of the situation place of several organiza�ions .w IC , :ne-caacacquire the stepa of � Waltz,aId was elected captain or' the eleven.HAVE r YC:;U' SENT 1N' YlOUR ,,'which presents itself to the under- on account of the war, are not active, One-step. and Fox-trot. Single Jes..The arm� authorities, having foundI th if �_:_�zraduate, There is another change and much more will devo ve upon e sons UQN& .......a ready-made team, are planning to ST�RIPTION TO l>'-tha 0,"'�which the necessary relaxation of the ,W. A. C. "I hope for one thing t LUCIA' HENDERSHOT STUDIorganize a camp eleven, with the.1St-THE DAILY MAROON? �eli�bi1ity rules !brings to the first it will take charge of the annua 'e 1541 E. 57th St. :Hyde Park'2S14seven Staggmen holding down seven IS-M Year ·man or woman. and it is prob-' tlement dance,"jdbs. The men on the team are: c-/Donald, 'Hutchinson, Cole, Crisler, •••••• H ••• H • It ••••• It H' •• It ••••••••••• It •••••••• , • It •• It •• � •• II •• II II • , • , , •• , II , , ••• , , •• , ••••••••••• It It.·Dygert; Westby, and Hinkle. NAVAL NEWS.MAROON WAR NOTESQuite a' number, of our men wereout, on the gym floor· yesterday, -andthe games which {(>11owed gave prooftbat the Naval Unit has some verypromising basketball materialRuth 'Herrick. a former student of. the University, in residence as late aslast summer quarter, and daughter ofMajor IC. Judson Herrick, formerl�of the Anatomy department, is nowhistologist in the'laboratory at the Jordan deems with the present na­'Walter Reed hospital, Washington, val talent an orchestra would be a.0. C. In addition to this work she gre3tter success' than a band. Theattends all autopsies, m2kes notes for first' orchestra practice will take placethe surgeons, and has supervision of Thursday night at 6:30 sharp in Roomthe' morgue. The laboratory staff at 6, 'Hitcheoek hall All musica! ar­IReed hospital works six days and rangements will then be taken up, andhalf of ISunday. Jordan wants all -the talent, andIGbdys Stillman '18, who WlaS busi- .woudl-be talent to h there, and benes manager of Drexel house last there promptly.year, is now doing government exeen- . _sion work under the University of The latest dope on our NavYSuftsWisconsin. The work consists of is that they will .surely 'be,. here bydemonstration of the use of war reci- Xmas:' 'Nineteen-hundred-and-some-pes' through6ut' ;the rural districts. thing.Sophie IKlelb.ans '18, who has helda positlon in' a' Ibacteriology labora- .It was' rather brutal of'the ·:Lieu£.Htory after her .graduation 'Iast: 'March, to - 'chede- "tbe' ''Erie'iidty' "tendencies ofis now working in the hospital at the 'Mason, Gibson, Allison altruisticCamp Grant. She was president of trio.the International club last year.••HOCKEY SElASON UNDERWAY DESPITE HANDICAPS(Continued - from page 1)"We .hope to have an intra-compan'ytournament," said 'Miss Cronin yester­day. "Both advanced' and beginning'players are eligible for these com­pany teams. We have' planned to,playoff these games by short halves,'probcibly �Friday, Nov. IS. The namesof those who have, made. the teamswill 'be announced' later."Classified_tLOST: Tuesday morning OCtober.29, on second Soor of Harper, a loDi&'black purse, containing a tuition re­ceipt and about twenty-five dollars inmoney. Return for re_rd" to Caro­line L. Sdlwab. 5461 University Ave.,phone H. P. 8946 ..FOR SALE: Two sligtrtly worn.text-tiooks, as good as new to' thepurchaser. Trigonometry, by Wil­cynski, and M odem �nd Contempo­TarY · History, by SM:piro.'·' BOfks ' tobeen seen at the Business office.,. FOR SAiLE:' An Oliver type writ";,er in good condition at reaso"nableprice. Owner expecting to leave forservice." Apply at the Business of­fice.LOST-JWill penon who Wok greenBonatino bat from Harper :W31please ,return to Information De�Cobb Han." l-•••••••••••• , ••• t ••• , •••• ., , ".'ProBe' DadDi· "Academy55th an_d Ellis, AvenueClasses Tuesday and Th1ll'8-day Evenings. -Rec:eptioas everY . SatUrday ,aDd Saaday Ev� 8:30to 11:30 p. m.Come and hear the BEstDanee Ordaestra in' CIdeqo.PROF. S� L. LOBELL (From the' :Michican Daily)�PRESHIIEN CAN DO. IT"ADMJ.NISTRATIVE, COUNCIL: TO . HOLD .MEETING TODAY. AT, ".1N .IDA·NO"�IilS'HA!LLMrs. J. E. Stear., �r 1155 E. Sixty-Third 84�r,MIDWAY 567.� MEANSERVlCEWITRINCERITY,Mea's Suits Given SpedaI AttelltionCLEANING AND DYEINGReJaodellag a Spedalty " Goods Called for ad Delivered �A . Remarkable: Typewriter"All favorite features eombin,ed ,inone handsome writing machine ofthe, first quality.WOODSTOCKTYPEWRITER COMPANY23' W. WashiBgtGa StJ:eet, OaicapPhoae Central 5563Oscar ·MatsuiProprietor ofTHE EAGLE LUNCH ROOM"Meals , LunehesI Short Ordersl103".East 55th, Street·1.j•I':. ; [' ,, i: :1.'I •I· THE DAl�Y IIAROON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER· 31; ·19\8___________ �I FRATER�ITY HOUSES AREI I USED AS BARRACKlS FORCOMPANY A'S COLUMN. MEN IN TRAINING CORPSI;___---:I l'O�lP:\�Y:\ s the original All the fraternities now on the cam­Il):)til11i�t. He has purchased a service HIS ... ,"it:l the exception of Iphi Gam-pin with a �()Id st ar on it. Said pin. ma Delta, have �i\'en up their chapterhe says, will ill' sent to the folks back louses. Most of them are now 'bcin�iscd as barracks for the men in thc IS. A. T. CThe -Chi Psi house is being used asP\T. Stetson and 0 D. Burge have Ibeen voted chid supply sources for a hospital. the Sigma Alpha Epsilol\ Ihouse is non-commissioned officers'all military equipment by the gen-quarters. and the Alpha Tau Omegahouse is being used as a residence forthe maids from the women's dormi­·tories. The Sigma Nu and KappaSigma houses were taken over las"tyear by the University as dormitor­ies for women.The chapter houses now 'being usedas regular barracks for the S. A. T.\YE request all correspondents to Ie. men are those of Beta Theta Pi,this line to refrain in the future from "NE hate to deal in personalities, Delta KQPpa Epsilon. Delta lSigmausing then1 �\\'o letter� '\�e're �� I but we have heard. just heard no�. Phi, �elta �au �elta, Delta �psilon. �������������������������������gone tired of them. R60rt to cam-I that Lieut. Osborne will lead the oth- .. Ph' S' ..Phi Kappa PSI, I Kappa IgmL ������������������������������ (which is itself an unusual' er company comamnder s to a Hal-.� Psi Upsilon. and �ma Alpha Ep-word.) Say. as might the French lowc'en party in Evanston Saturday. ."Agent de cuistot," or. if the worse night. �:!O�'ou�h�h?::�:U�:l��a ;:�!. retalllicomes to the worse, something Hun-nish. :�fE:N from this company are hang- HAVE YOU SENT· IN YlOUR 1--- ing about the handball courts in the SUBSCRIPTION TOTE CHECKS I stands. �he main reason for this isBLACK AND WHI.. , that .Sergt. Preston has housed there-ISIR: Te gratulatum verno tunes a I" 'b f h ddt d111 a out our un re overcoa s anthousand and a hundred I thousand! I h I I f R. many more t an t rat num ier 0 uSIWho can describe my nusery (from . ifl H .tsian army rr es. ope sprmgs e er-9'45 P. :\1.) when I remembered what' I k.. d na, you' error or thographical had appeare_in my ':US? Who can express !by grati- MAROON WANT ADS. PAY.tude to thee. ,� ilae te ka� phile! ������������������������������'When I observed that thou hadst cor­rected the word to "DEPRECATE"I freely, I willingly yield to thy the­ory OD Aristophanean. superiority:. nay, let us, (though indeed I have novoice), nay, let us warble togetherthat almost divine chorus irom the.Batrachoi: IBrekekekex koax koax. IBrekekekex koax koax, Iand let us end with a' great "pornpho­lygopaphlasmasin !"�HE PAltN ASSIAN HEIGHTS.Q. E. D.'Write your own comment. horne beiore many moons.YESTEIL\DY was a re d letter dayfor us. Did you read the \\"histlc?If you did, you saw one oi the oddi­ties of the current publication sea­son-an uncensored \'"histle. And tleman dealing' in names.only about rive mistakes 111 prooi-,reading. too. FRO'�1 all indications, this eo 111-SIGX in ")"111: 'rhe one who carr iell pany is going' to have a star trackIe- f 1 k 300 \,,'111 team. \\'ith Ames. Hjerpe, Yan Vcl-away a s 10C rom oc er .�1 f tl th r 0 ie The I zer and \Vilson to begin operations.p ease come or ie 0 e I. �1 f"t some speedy contests wilt be dishedowner nas no use or t •out to other companies.THE DAILY MAROON?Established 1890JENKINS BROTHERS IDry Goods and �len's Furnishings63rd St. and University Ave_ IRight Goods Right PricesRight TreatmentFEMME CHIC GOWNS OF DISTINCTIONBlouses and Afternoon GownsShort Orders Promptly Attended toMISS'MITTMARY A. PETERSuccessor to Ada F. Moore6246 Kimbark Avenue. Midway 993.IF you want the best pipethat can be made, youcan get it in a W DC-upto $6. If you want the best.genuine French Briar thatas little as 75 cents will buy,you can get it in a W D C.American made, in all sizesand styles, and sold at thebest shops. W,D·C··THE SECOND POST:DEARI Sizzle, Say lizzen-I'llpromise ,to contrib once a week aslong as my green ink lasts if you'lltell the guy who adopted my EYer­sharp pencil ·(lost III Harper) to re­turn it" He'll know whose it is; itIhas my name on it� Thanx. I. Lud.• I,You're vurr" wekkum, Bud: but if IIIyou'll call at the 'business office, the: Ilady there wilt tett you the advertis-I ::,ing rates. No man ever had a betterpipe than this one. Care­fully selected �en uineFrench Bri::.r. a sterlinsrrin� and vulcanite bit,hand fitted and finisbdby an ex perLPRIVA TE Rice was told in a mili­tary courtesy lecture to salute" when IIin doubt. So when he saw a Y. :\1.C. A. private in the Reynolds club, 'Ihe took no chances. II WM. DEMUTH & CO., New YorkWorld's Pipe lIa"u/�turer'CL·RJ.SES! Keen cornpetish from'Company A and the Navy.\YE march on, anon, anon.SPOSE we have to have some kindof poetry in our stuff. So here �oes.�Iy back is broke; my feet are dead. II scar cely wait .to reach my bed'n�;ore I lay me down to sleep IAnd pray the Lord the clock to Icheat.Xopc. not �ililty. 'Strom a reporter. I I1 KEEP IN LINE WITHCONSERVATION I. II1IIIIICHICAGO, ILL. iIIAnon.Place Your RainyDay Fund IWithNINE FRESHMEN PLEDGEDBY SIGMA ALPHA EPSILONCentral Hyde Park BankSi;,!1l1.'1 :\ Ipha Epsilon has an­nounced the f'ol low inz list of plcc1f.,rcsfor the recent rushing season: For­rest Bill" Genesee. Til.: C G. Burke.Fort Smith, Ark., Wendell Johnson,Genesee, Ill.; Homer Lambert, Gene­see. Ill.; Karl Seyfarth. Freeport. 111.;:\Iark tStephenson, Aberdeen, S. Da k.:Robert Thorne, Chicago, TIl.; Stewart'Vest. Genesee. 111.; and Frank Whit­ney, Albany, Tex. 55th ST. AND BLACKSTONE AVE�UE,OLDEST BANK IN HYDE PARK.• Hotel Del PradoAdjoining the University, is a handsome home for out-of­town students, and the logical home for the relatives of stu­dents while visiting them..' Offers temporary home wltiIe awaiting induction intoS. A:T.C.Open for the comfort and entertainment of the ArmyTraining; Corps.Announcements of the Dances will appear in the Maroon_Home of the Naval Navigation Students.ALBERT F. GIDDINGS, Mgr.WANTED-A MAN WITH ENERGY, A LITILE TIME.AND ENTHUSIASM TO SELL CORONAS ON THECAMPUS. CHANCES ARE BIG AND RETURNS TOREPRESENTATIVE AS G�EAT AS HE WANTS TOMAKE THEM. FOR PARTICULARS SEE MR.JAMES LYTLE, AT THE CORONA TYPEWRITER. \SALESROOMS, 12 S. LA SALLE STREET. AP-. POINTMENTS CAN BE MADE THROUGH THE MA­ROON OFFICE.,!!jI:Iii "III.1. You can do your own paper work in half the time ona CORONA.2. YOJlr papers will be better and consequently you willget better grades if you use a CORONA.3. Your instructors can correct your papers in half thetime if they are CORON ATYPED.4. CORONA is so compact and convenient that it .doesnot require a special desk or table to take care of it and canbe easily put out of the way when you are through using it.5. CORONA complete weighs only 9 Ibs. and can be ship­ped safely in your trunk. _ You can always take CORONAwith you.CORONA TYPEWRITER SALES COMPANY12 S. La, Salle StreetPhone Franklin 4992-4993We Rent Coronas ,..,.,.�• J �..t ., �...---------'==ll FIVE GOOD REASONSiiiiiiiii_! 1,1 WHY EVERY STUDENT SHOULD OWN AII CORoNAI FOLDING TYPEWRITER