,.' ............ �- .... - ....... �-::::�-�- ... �: ... �:,.'.. , 'il' ,. J.�" .. � r·. - -- ',' . '.�,VOL. XVIL No. 16. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY. OCTOBER. 29. 1918 PRICE THREE CENTS_',l.1 'TEAM SHOWS 'PEP ASBAnLE WITH PURDUEELEVEN 'APPROACHES ALL CLASSES MAY HOLDEDITORSHIPS ON ANNUAL CHANGE IS EFFECTED INORGANIZATION OF S.A.T.C. LEAGUE TO INSTITUTESERIES OF IISCUSSIONGROUPS FOR WOMEN""Crt BOOK, FRIEND' OF,lEW 'STUDENT, IS lOTGIVEN ·FAIR RESPONSE PermaDalt �ement �eciDs To-,',' ' ' ctay� 18 Arranged mto ThreeCIareaee' Brown U�es "M�, � BattalioDa ComDUlnded by CaptaiDaU7 B n-:..... Boardman, Stotz and Cox.nomen to uy '-iiUUpUStMlen and women of aU classes will Eneydopedia. A general permanent arrangementbe permitted to hold editorships on af the organization of the S. A. T. CBOILERMAKERS ,ARE STRONG, the 1919'Cap and Gown this year, it CiLAJJI VOLUJIE IS NECESSITY .has been made and will so .into effect MEETINGS START MONDAYhas been announced. In former years todai at noon. ,T.be corps is, nO\\' or-With the Purdue game seeminc1y only juniors were allowed to beld of-, 'The ... � bOok, that fait?�ul friend 'ganized' into tlwee battalions, com- The Y. IW •. C, L will inaugurate a, a certainty, Coach Sta�! speeded up nee on th.; staff of the. annual, but ,of the Ignorant a�d ambitious stu- manded 'by Captains Boardman, Stotz. series of discussion groups for all$0:. "the lW?rk of th� asptrJng .Mar�ons, .owing to war conditions positions ,dent, has �ot r.ecelved the re�onse ,and Cox. The first battalion, com- ,Uni�ersit� women,begi�niDg Mondaylast night. T'h� wu �ort pro- will !be open to freshmen and sopho- warranted. It this ye�, aeeording to manded by Capt. Boardman, will con- of next ,,:eek�. The three subjects for.enise to the team last n�ht than mores ",s well this year. the S�ODsors of the lIttle red volume. sist of A, B, C, and :D Companies; ; study , are Qlrristianity. 'Democracy,there has been for a long time, but The office of Cap and Gown in El- Can It be that so many quarters are the second battalion, under Capt. 'and Internationalism and these 'Willeven at that the e�evens ?n the field lis haIl will be open 'daily during 'bei�g spent for 'thrift �tamps, Dairy iStotz, ;E, F, G, and H' Companies; �be discusSC:d and studied under 'thewere far from �emg: polished. The, chapel period 'hereafter, and students IMalds, Maroons and 'French war or- and the tliird lbattalion. under (:'apt. direction' of members of the faculty.lineup of the first .�t_eam seems a'bo�t who desire to try out for the staff phans that DO one has cash enough Cox, will embrace 'Companies I and L. At the end of four 'weeks a forumfixed now, and the '�()1.d '.Man" WItt should report at that time. It is ex- left to drop twenty...five cents. on the 'Company G is to be the medical lWill Ilk held and the three groups willde��te most of tbe ume to ,pro- pected that a number of freshmen and des� In .the Y. ,Mt. ,:=- A. office an,d unit. H ,the naval section, I, the vo- join in a general discussion. FrancesdUClDg some concerte� eff�rt on the sophomores will grasp the opportu- recelv: .�n retu� The :Fresh�an s catlonal unit, and L, tbe stu�ents of 'Henderson, chairman of the publicity''e part of the ete'Ven which Will be sent nity to join the staff of the annual. Bible, The Friend of the Fnen.d- �ush Medical school, on the West 'committee, -has ' made some specificag�inst Purdue.. The size of this year's Cap and Gown less," "The Guide to 'Campus WIS- side. jLieut.;£arl Thurstensen is to -announcements '��h regard to the·Pat Page, who took the trrp to La has not yet been determined. L�st dom?" be comp,any officer of .company I, movement: " . ,,��.,'_, Fayette Saturday to watch the Pur- year· the number of pages was cut T:he "S Ibook, it � as been an- 'with Second 'Lieut. M. J. O'·Malley de- "The .. discussion groups hope to-due eleven at work, came 'back much consideralbly to meet wartime de- nounced, IS the best lovestment on tailed to the company for duty. Sec- . II U·· bv kI' '-:... • • f h 'th U" ket,. 'I •• serve a nIVerslty women by eep-unpressed WIth the showing 0 t e mands and it is expected that the t e Dlvers,lty mar et. ts ments In- ond :Lieut. Fred C. Oliver commands '. th . 'II' f. , . , , �", ,. Ing em genera y 111' ormed on mod-Boilermakers. DePauw ibeat Scan- same policy !Will 'be followed this elude not only a neat red leather cov- Company L with Second Lieut M . 1 ' ..IL.'I ', . ', ,, . h' h " ,. -.. -ern socia prvu ems, and campus ques-Ion s eleven 9-7, Ibut according to year. er and a date ,book 10 W IC' one may H Johnson assigned to the corn-nany· iJllbe d I '... ': ... " tions w _ -treated a ong WIth thosePai, Purdue should 'have won. Pur- F- S-t:Jt: K-L- .._ B--'- put down the exact time at which one ,for duty that f • 't t 'h' .. ... ... � � ...... , • are 0 ID eres to t e nation.due certainly should have not lost is to call to take "her" to the movies. • .'� - -. ',',,'.' • " ,':'. ".. 'Pa • d I . ht·· d The only lIlember� of the 1919 staff J the time is past when -movies were Glve Full List of Compames. � Dere 1S 00 better way of bV1l1g up to-' that game, bt S�I f asthDlgd ric' an woh have -returned to the University '\ The complete list of c�mpanies the ideals voiced by the W. S. T. oC.·if it 'had not een, or tea ness ' • ' � still with us), but it. also �ontains a � • ,_ •ld h d" this �r are' Joseph E-at<)n, edito�in- with· commanders follows: 'Company of makiug the women of Amenca�DePauw wou never ave score. h·..JI" cl 'J 1M' lb. handy key to all c.a.mpus activities.. '.O Good T C Ig, an ames u roy, U$IDess RIr. Id len -A..' 'd t f A, Ebsha L Osborne; Company B, measure 'Up to the men who are fight-Scanlon Turns ut a eam.. � � 1o_1:I! 'YYOU you ow wuo IS ,presl en 0 . .�" �, .' h 4 L manager. �U the other SI4U �mbers h 'Le ;a T ,22 d George L. Q'lKeefej Company G, Wil- 109 ;for democracy. The religion of� "Scanlon IS ,. good coac ,all ,lie .'. . tel ague. urn to, p;l�e. , an. . .d' d' The, are ,In lemce. .tb· 'f' t' I' t to t liam E. Dady; Company D, W dham our men 10 \France :has he en ex-,,;::' has turne out a gO�if team.a f' .,: "'This year' presellts an exceptional � In orma I?n eap\ou th gr�::uyO� Otiver; Company � Hugh .Merri- 'Pressed as one of simplicity and fuo-. badcl6eld men ;� 5th �L, .&:.:: �pO�it7".t, (, .. stUdents to' try' out 101.._e YtuOUd cunnt GUS asti. 0, e' n� t� 0wether; Company F., Paul iMengert; therbood and we 'owe it to them to _4·t� they start out e.; v- z '.' •• '" .<&1. C ".--.s. � I.IIC' e ex-ecu ve ,organsza Ions, . ,ale . '.f<� �;.... dear..q�.' , " .or'''2�a:�, Oll-,..e .... �"� �!!-�' ·tlIe-.eore.,y:,wlrieb-Qlicagoaeat-Pur-· ,CPDlP,�y .. ,.'GJ lI�t:Y�'y";�d.c;n; __ (:,Qs;n:_ �,_ �,ou�s e�u�lIY as ,b!,oad<a�� mct�,-� .. . ..;.�,',., IL Tb 1% ... �r, UJ,rYOJeph Eaton, yesterday. 'd' I h' 1 t· f"'t' h y,,-· tpany' H, Te,rence Ogden; 'Company did. .Dlscusslon groups ,have 'been'�l-- -'dIes the team we .' e uDe IS '. ,, ' ue 'ast year, t e· oc:a Ion 0 e VIII·' ... '.. ',.. I f d .' W' �evcr before haft, freshmen and . ba k, h .. I � I, �Earl, Thurstensen, First Lleut.; tned m many other colleges and unl-1 'heavy and 'has p eDty 0 rtvC. e h L... d • i ... ,;._ verslty' n or t e ongClmzatlon VI "• • '.•• '.'.',-.,, k'f s�p omores veen lDYlte to JO. uno 'h SAT C) Th "'e' 'b k • Company IL, Fred C. Oliver. , verslties With much success. Here on./'," certainly WIll h�e Sato urdwor ,,1 we staff.· Anyone is welcome to tryO,ut, t � ·all· h: ..d e,h 00 conThese will .be divided ,into -battal- ,the .c:a.inpus a, ,diScussion group has al-,--.. want to !beat them t aye '. . talDI ,t Ii, an muc more. . ,. '....... . and we expect some keen competitson, ' ions as ,follows: .First Battabon, ready been ol'gamzed in Green hallf· .:� The Varsity m�n w_ere .sPll� �:. for offices.". Book Uaefat.to � S�ta. "Capt. ,Robert P. Boardman, 127th Inf., 'and' the mem'bers are very .enthusi-'� . ',tween twd -teams last night In a .�Ir Dacaern Pbotocrapber Apia. The .. C� 'book IS claimed to Ibe use- (Ampanies A, B, C, D,; Second Bat- . astic."., . ited practice 'The .first team·, HIM ' , ,f,ul. alike to botJ:! men and" women. ] K. S I f Co' ." •I_' L .... 1di Id It 'has tbcen annoullced that the of- atlioll, Capt.- obn 'totz. n., m-, State Topics for Discussiou.r. ,---� and the secand ,en:ven s -- ed dicial photographer for Cap and Gown S. A. T. C. men 'liave been advised to tpanies E, F. G, H; � T'hird 'Battalion. ,� worked ctogether, while the" secon'. buy it, 'because it !Will give them a . 'The topics �s announced are as £oJ-.... J' ,., • f d d the Varsihr ' (Contmued on page 3) (Colltinued em page 4) lows·.. stnng orwar s .ran ·3' better knowledge of the University .i backs made up t'he second eleven. thcin they could tget by any other "Internationalism and Christianity,",� The scnib ibaoks had a little the Y. II. C. A. aAlND LlEAGUE INmeans in ,the short 'lime they 'Will be HEALTH OON·DITIONS IS Thnrsday at 4. Ida Noyes hall, Assist-L_ best of the argument, scoring two CHARGE OF 'QNIT.ED WAR here. W'Iomen harve been �sked to' SUBJECT OF BULLETIN BY ant Prof. Ames.:..�t touchdowns on fumbles. A lot 'of ,WO� DRIVE ON CAKPUSget it .beCause it will tell them almost VoICE PRESIDENT ANGELL ,: "Social ReCotl8tru�tion," Wednes-l the credit is due the 'Iine, however,. everything they may want to know . . day at 4:15, ,Botany building, Prof.�.;...... as the forwards did some great work Committee Composccl of Faculty about the life of the University. About 120 Cases of S� Iu8aeaza Coulter. "in stopping the drives of Elton and Members, Students, and Adminis-. >NtJnless more tpCople 'by � books, POGDd Amonc Students of Univer-. ·'Th'e ,Bible as a Doeument of Inter-1 • Offi Co"..-6. F' .a.. - ei�Hoapitals Established. t' I' ,. W ddt 4 P fh • -: NeJf. tratlVe, u:er'S to ' �" UDWI. the 'Y. :M. c.. A. wilI face a serious" na 10na Ism, e nes ay a , ro •'I 'TPI 'CI B 'Moulto ...� .-- - -,. Hermes is Efiacient un.cer. deficit," said arence rown, execu-, { , Th Y ", C. A. nd th Y W C A " "Y n., C. A In a. recent Ibulletin to members of "Internationalism, ,Democracy and'_ -iHermes, who suddeDly stepped ,e. I.-A. ',a e.... 'live secretary of the .�. Of'11 tart d· th' c.. d the ofecult,., Acting PresideDt Angell Christianity," W, �dnesda'" at 4:30,'" I'� into, the limelight last week, contin- w, I SOO. n I a nve on ,.e campus yesterday. "The Y. iM.' A. lDveste 01f ..... U d W " . made a nurriber of statements regard- Ha-r M l� Prof'McLaughrn, • �#.� ued to play in a spectacular mann�r. to raIse mo�ey or. n:e �Ite. ar about $11)0 in having these books .... - .,.,.. I •I If he continues the way he is go- Works. ThiS campaign I' for the printed this year, and it can ill afford ing the.. cont�ol of health �onditions at �How a Teacher Can Develop the",� illi', the lMaroons are going to have .aid of the wa� work of the'Y, . M,. C. 'to lose so large a sum now. The'e tbe 'Unsverslty. Spi� of Internationalism," Thursday •. _ one efficient plunger. Hermes ;,A., the. Salvation A�y, the N.tio� 'book was published this year in re., Dean A'ngel states that although 4:15, Blaine hall, Assistant;Prof. Gray ...r 'wriggled through the line laSt nisht .:Qat'bobc War COmll11ttec, the,lTe�sh spon5e to strong student agitation, ,the "University has had no -general Prof. Moulton 'Has Groups.I t I' -_� . dever fashion opening' hb awn Welfare Board, the War <:amp �om- and 'We fC!'e1 now that students should bogpital facilities, it has been able to wProf• R. G. Moulton has made somelD a, . .c _. d h A • L' . he be t • t 11holes and eluding 'tacklers la great maD1ty �rY1ce, an t e mencan, !- back us up by. buyjD'g books. 'It is :secure quarters 10 t s CI y os-announcements with regard to "The!. I" shap:. .Mills, who bas been out of ibrary Association. not as though the '.e' book were not pitals for such of its members as have Bible as a Dc)cum�nt of International­the lineup for some time tbecauae of At the �quest df President Wilson really worth while. The' volume COB- required hospital treatment. It has ism." He has outlined the course in)0:.....a charley horse, ran tb� second team these organizations, ,hAve combined tains �s 'much Tl,luable information Iso bad at its ,disposal two small in- thn:e parts, "Introductory; two con-::: j� in signal practice last night, but so their campaign. The drive wiU last as ever, and we feel that this year it firmaries, one in Hitchcok and one �ptions of internationalism and twofAr A. A. !Stagg Jr., seems sure of one week and will open Novetdber U. is especially necessary to help the in Green. By arrangement with the conceptions of the Bible; 1, The Old't ( his job. ,The 'total amount of sUbscriptions has new student get a�quainted with his commandinf officer of the S. A. T. C. Testament: Internationalism from theL Th Id troUble with the time of !been set at $1'70,500,000. - 'surroundings. t·be University :has taken over respon- standpoint of a chosen nation; 2. Thef' ' 5' pract�ceo cropped out last nie·ht in a, Those in charge of �e Y.• IY'. C. A. All ,.terial Not Applicable. aibility for the control of health con- Wisdom Books: The new factor ofI d y,n,,, C. A he ditions of the members of Section, A •�,new form. Most of the men were an • In. .• c.a.mpatgn on t ·�O£ course, the editors realize that personality; 3, The New Testament:I d h of the s.' A. T. C. in addition to its• JO late in reporting, and pra�ice did campas as� year ex�resse . t em- some of the material in the book is Internationalism in tlie H�ht of lfesusI Ib 11 At fi d th the responsibility for its own regular stu- Cbrl·st.""not get started until 5. ,Half an hour se ves as emg we IS e WI not appliea'ble to the present situation d Th:L I'd' th t r� ,A 'results l'he quota of $15 000 WIllS . ents. ree :&>U I mgs to e :wes 0,.. later it was so dark the ball could' 'in the University, but thIS 'WaS due to h 11 rt f H'tch All students wishing to follow thisnot be se'en, and although the lights oversUbscribed by $100. In gene�al the unforeseen changes made after ,t e ::pusbas wet Oks.:a 10; hos�ita� course should do their reading inwere switched on, the last haH hour the p.ledges were very tpromptly pal�. the ebook went to press. We still ,<coc ave een se aSI e,--rhe'Modern Reader's Bible," copiesof work was not so valuable as it T,lus. year a much larger amount IS maintain that it is up to the students pU::po�: .the present time there has of which a� among the reserve booksId ha.L ·t I'ghter expected of the student body. Some t th Y 'Il.k C ,... Ly buy z P f 'I It ' on f,wou ve 'Ueen were I 1 •. . •. to sappor e.'.. . In. 'U -been Ii). low percentage of cases of in- "or ro. ' .. � ou on s courses. IC'ro.Stan WiD P� Bar fit Game. time tbls week a large commIttee WIll iDe the � book." 'ftuenza at tbe University, as compared 'Moulton's recent woric, ·'The Wholee be organized. With a view to attain- Bible at a Single View" steetches theCoach Stagg is willing to play his ing 'a high degree of efifieiency, the to. with any other neigbboring institu-team in a December game for the members of the committee will be Subscribe to your, college paper. tion. There has been only one fatality general thought of the course.,,*nefi�/" of the iUnited IWatr Work �hosen from ,the ranks of fatuIty in the .tudent community, a man dy- ' Groups are also 'being organized inT .... _ d" f h' ' , h· 0' t1t� women's halls. 'Miss Storm incampaign. lie r�e IS on or t e menibers, and ad,mlnlstRltion of rICers . Weather Forecast. ing of 9neumonia at his: ome 10 1-h '. Beecher,' Miss Reynolds in Foster,week of Nov. 11, bnt t e came can- and students. Wlhell tbis is {ormed Partly, cloudy with moderate tern- ago early in October. The University• f ....__ f ' ,Dr. Monlton in Greenwood, Miss Tal-not be plllyed until a ter tin: con er- the quota for the Uaiftnity will be oeratl1re; strong we.terl7 winds, di- had a record of approximately 120(Coatinued on page 2) announced. ,mlailhiDl·, _ � (Continued on page 4). Stan Fixes Manoa Liaeap InPreparatiOD For HardFight Saturday. IIaDapn of Cap aDd Gown AIlDIMIDCe:That 'UaderclMemea Yay Compete'for Sta& Poe1tion.-Cb'Dce Due toWar CoaditiODL AImounces Three Subjects F�Discussion - Faculty Mem­bers To Be Leaders.. '\',.,'." .. �:- • -sr-'. -:"",, r.. , ".(Continued OIl pace 4), f: .�II. �Ii \. " •• "�. I '.. ".-.' , ,TBB DAlLY iIAaOoN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER a, 111.Published mornings, exeept Saturday,SUDday and Monday, during the Au­f tumn, Winter and Spring quarters,bJ the Daily Maroon company.EDITORIAL DEPARTMENTTHE STAFFJohn IJ oseph ....•.•.. Managin� Editor"R.uth Genzberger •••••. News EditorHelen Ravitch Night EditorHoward Beale •.. _ Day EditorRose Fischkin .•..•••..... Day EditorJames Sheean •••.•••••• Day EditorWilliam Morgenstern ........••••_ ......•............•• Athletic EditorFrederick Winterhoff •......••••••...•.. _ ...••........ Associate EditorTuesday, October 29, 1918.FIRST AIDSeveral company commanders ofthe University of Chicago S. A. T.C. unit have told their men that thepresent military program here isphysically impossible. That is, 'Phys­ically impossible if any degree of.accuracy and thoroughness is to beconsidered.Such cO_!11ment comes as a re,lieftf 1h� members of the S. A. T. C.They -bad come here to work andwork" as hard as 1:he Ul11itary au­-tthorities desired. Those �ith theinstinct of "doing, a thing well" werebeginning to feel uneasy, 'both in re­gard to military work and studies'connected with It. Consequently, inreviewing what has taken 'Place soEar The ,Daily �aroon is not offer­ing criticism or suggestion; it ismerely stating facts.�en enlisted in the 15. A. T. C.were grouped .at the opening of thequarter according to age. Those.twenty years old were allowed tofigure on three months cff work.here, and theit: !programs arrangedaccordingly. It is men of this groupwho have the most difficult time... in. gettirrg. work systematized. Let usfigure on the basis of six days .( one'hundred forty-four -hOurs) per week.Out of that -time comes one hundred.fourt�en 'hours'in which the work isaobsolutely prescribed, leaving fivehours each day for "other things."Tohese "other things," .in _ the, firstplace, include at least tlwo a�d onehalf hours for additional study, sincethe one :hundred fourteen hours al­.low only ten hours of study, thatstudy Ibeing devoted entirely to mili­tary law and war aims, a combinedcourse; there is still mathematics,surveying, hygiene and I. D. R.studying to 'be done daily. So aman has two hours for washing,dressing, barrack duties and recrea­tion each day.Two hours seems enough, you say.\Ve .challenge anyone to try it, es­pecially when the time is choppedup into sections of fiften minutes'here and forty minutes there.Another question involved is thatof physical and mental fatigue. Thelesson� assigned are necessarilylong�r �nd 'n:'0Te intricate because of Ithe hmlted time and the larg'e class­es. Classes are being taught 'by from aJI indications, as 'Wu s1id be- U'NlVtERaITY WOllEN AIDfore, perhaps we shalL IN ;TAG DAY FOR BENBP'ITOF' �OH WAR ORPHANS Formei' Head of Drezcl ,House Tells'. of French Experiences.'Prof. Hall, dean of !the Law school..has been commissioned a major in� The Three-Quarters cltJb and all its ,olhe United States Army. 'Prof. Hall.pledges will meet tonight at 16:30 in is one of the first Chicago lawyers The first meeting of the Dramaticthe hall outside of the 'Reynolds club. . ta receive a commission in the Judge club this quarter will be held todayAdvocate General's department. He at 4 in Cobb 12 A. The purpose of:will assist 'Maj. Robert Redfield of the meeting is to decide whether orChicago, head of the department, in not the club shall exist this year. AThe woman's Classical club will be- the administration iOf soldier!l in- date for tryouts will prooahly be setiPn its new class in modeling Friday surance allowances and compensa- and will be announced later. Allin Blaine hall. The work rwill be di- !lions, and will soon be assigned to members "have 'been requesl'ed' torected by �iss Hollister. ,his position in N.ew York. come.COMMISSI�N IN U. S. ARMYm .. � 2I�'''' men who are used to college prepara­W� :uGUl1 �arl1nn tion. Strenuous outdoor life makesTIle Stadcat Newwpaper of The the a� young man ready forUDiyeraity of Chicago lbed (or at least hardly apable for, CIOlOIENTworth while study) by nine-thirty. 1Mb-so Goodspee�·s. �office 'n IdaWe'd like to place a .f� bets that,lOne other thing: about eight men Noyes hall was made the UnivC!'sityin connection with the above., sev-from each company are kept, each.. , . headquarters for the tag day yester-d f d· dI b uch eral constant readers WIll send us d � h F h I ..rft.i1d fay, rom atten 109 asses y s . ay, 'lor teat er ess "Vl&1 ren 0d . d li d ki -IL_ numerous words coneernmg our un- \1:' f d ", J' RAIlunes as or er res 'I3n rtcnen po- .. r f h Il"rance un. unrs.' ames • nge,lice. 'While..... man wI'11 only miss patrrotrc ma Ignment 0 t e - govern- h h d h f th d.. d th St d A - T· ,w 0 a c arge 0 . e tag ay, stat-ment an e u eDt rmy ram- .one day every month, say, organized..Co If 1 B t ed that It was successful beyond allmg rps. on y • u • I'U b . U·study is not materially. aided. Men h h.' f 1 expectations. oIUore t an sixty 01-t en, per aps It IS or au t.. .are not albjecting to the duties. they , verslty women volunteered their ser-are ones every good soldier must TEAM SHOWS PEP AS trices for covering the campus. Thelearn; they are a 'part of the train- BATTLE WITH PURDUE supply of tags sent out from dOWD-ing. !ELEVEN APPROACHES clown for the day were used up be-Consequently, this is the 6rst fore 11 o'clock. It was necessarytime as far ,as we know that eolleze (Continued from page 1) to make three ·trips downtown forBUSINESS DEPARTMENT "'0Grant Mears ......••.•..... Manager men !are -begging for ;more 'study ence season, as the schedule is al- :�ore. By 3:30 the tags from the�May Freedman ....•........ Assistant time. One' night tr�onometry is �Ity 'Were exhausted, A full reportready arranged. If the W.ar .Work f h ds will 'b . dStU( Solicitors s1ighted for the I. D. R.; the next council wishes, however, the "Old 0 t e procee s WI e receive 'to-Messrs. ,McBrayer, Ballinger, Cekan time military law is set �side in or� Man" will play the game in Decem- morrow.and Dunn. .der to make up the tngonometry. ,ber, with sonre opponent yet -1:0 beEntered as second class mail at the Any_o?e may co?clude t�e re�ult., �elected, and turn the receipts ov�r PROFESSOR HALL RECEIVESChicaco PostGffice, Chicago, Illinois, ,And It seems as If those m charge for the benefit of the organizationsMareh 13, 1906, under the act of realize the fact. since they have interested.Karch 3, 1873. given us cause for anticipating a re-SUBSCRIPTION RATES adjustment. ,Numerous men haveCalled for, '$2.50 a year; $1.00 a -signified ,their willingness to for�oquarter. , a definite recreation period-whichBy Carrier, $3.00 a year; $1.25 a .is not saying such a period wouldquarter. . h holasti d '1'By JrIail, (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50 organize t e .s<: 0 a�tlc an m_' itary• quarter. .programs satisfactorily. We Wish toBy Mail (out of town), $4.25 a study our military manuals, we wish,.ear; $1.15 a quarter. to drill, we wisJ:1 to learn the dutiesEditorial. RoolDS .. _...Ellia 12 pf a soldier, we wish to take an ade-Telephone Midway SOO, Lotal 162. Iquate care 'of our scholastic studies,Hourr. 11:10-11:50; 12:26-6; 7-8. woe !Wish to eat and sleep, and weBusiness Offi�e, . ._-Ellis 14 would like to play a little. AndTelephone iMldway SOO, Local 162Hours: 10:20-11:50; 3-5:30. Three-Quarters Club Meets.Classical Club Begins Work.�isslng··"you "who;, have not wept for onewhose life is dear, walk forth with methis day;.{ Ther� frQ� a window in the sun,gleams a golden, star in a field of white, a� sewn there in mourni!)g love to marka new-dug grave in Pi�dy. See, ,thr�ughthe street there walks a woman_ white ofhair; her ag� arm sup�rts a drab-cladboy, yet _in lUs teens; as with falt'ring stepbe gropes his sigbdess ,way. ,At an officepest a man, not different from yourself, sits\with bowed head and harshly sobs over1the day's ne�per where. �is pr�cient... :fing� fo�nd hIS son �ere bsted with the.�I�ng. !l y �u who �ve' not wept for ', one whose hfe IS.dear,gIve utmost thanksthat yours have yet been spared' to servethe common cause of,right. Give utmostthanks that though you may not' walktheir fields of "death and face the peril youlfain would share, that of your bloodless,treasure you may make an ally that willspe� their cause and yours.. The clay'sduty IS that 'you buy War SaVings Stamps;that you affix your name on Pershing�s!Honor Roll as one ,who has fulfilled hispart. So,_ I;>uy these stamps today.I \ -eo..-J- _-/, 'w C", ': ' ]I1 J"-�:� �----I• II '/': ]p" _--- ': �.II . �(" .....-- ('lT ,!.� �'lItI °r I�Il: . cJ1.�. .j! /�I ��". ,:;�\. t� r '1, ""!i' SS* ...... JIl:If a" ':1,,' -) 1:� 'e. .. p�t • � �j Slfi1 .. tlPc;�.b� �"V.,� , IIWAR WORKER WRITES LETTERDrexel bouse bas received a letterfrom .Miss Helen 'Hendricks, whowas bead of the co-operative house­keeping dormitory last year. !MissHendricks is one' of the alumnae do­ing war work in France.The !letter says the she is now' sea­tioned at lBourges, a &1I1a11 provincialtown not faar from IParis where theY. W. C. A. has established a foyerfor munition workers. Her woric isplaying t1te piano for singing anddancing, and also teadhing English to .the ,French working girls.Miss Hendricks arrived in Francelast June just in time for the mar­riage of tMiss Thyrza Barton, who haslbeen ·head of the University HousingBureau ,for several years. ,Miss Bar­�on is now ·Mrs. Dean and both sheand her husband ;will continue in theAmerican war work abroad.•Dramatic Club Meeta Today. I... ''." "..)\).,I � •.�-.,• . .» -..... -. -'. -;'-��.;�� a....... ...-FFIIHe's yOUDger tl1an the, most of us-Former UDivenit7 Student Writes of 'W.HEN we say "Company A," re- far yOunger than the Top, ,Number of Sailors Now More Than \All students ·who think that theyExperience With Canadian Hieb- member that we �sed to be Company Alnd, bein' )'IOung, he's fuM of pep and lOO-Quarters in Hitch- -have the -time, and are interested inlaDder Reciment in FI"aDCe. E, the best on tie campus. We're keeps us on the hop; cock EDlarccd. being in ,a University Orchestrastill the best on the campus, but He hasn·t been in long enougb to sour have .been asked to send their name,l\VaJter Francis Snyder, ex-'lS, who henceforth we shall be 'Company A. on the game. . The Naval unit has -recCDtIy' en- the name of the instruments whichenlisted in the 75th eCanadian 'High- He's tickled as a 'kid with it-that's -larged its, quarters. It now occupies they tplay, their addresses, and theirlanders writes t'hat he is in ;Blighty :WtIT1H .tbe addition of forty men why we bless bis name! .Seetion 2 as well as Section 1 of 'telephone numbers to :Mr. J. B. Cra-with cordite burns and gas poisoning . .from various 1P"oups( Company A .Hitdh.cock. There have been more 'gun at the :FacuIty exchanee.He has been in several violent attacks 'Will hne a roll totaling 'Practically He puts us through all sorts of stunts jnen enrolling in the S. IN. T. C. for ,Mr. Cragun wishes to ,expre�s hisand it was during an engagement on 1'40 men. The barracks will stilrbe in to liftD up the drill, the past week and it was therefore regret at not 'being able to organize, the front OetiWeen the Lens and Douai the south end of the concrete stands. He iaugbS when he turns corners necessary to acquire extra space for a band this year. He says that t�area that Snyder was burned. - sharp and takes I3i muddy spit1; them. Eleven men from the Medi 'time of the men in the S. A. T. C.LrEUT. Mercer, at last Saturday's . •�urned. It's up and in it aM the tiDJel-he never 'cal school who received their active is so taken up with military duties'"The veterans of the 75th, in which Inspectlcn, said that the barracks of seems to trre, duty papers have recently joined that they would not have time to J."'e­-I was company runner duri.rg the af- COIDpIilny A were the cleanest and And doesn't know what duckin' means ',the unit and have made the total hearse.,fair, . say that t'he Gennan machine best arranged on the post. As far in face of Fritzy's fire. .number of members considerably "The orchestra is the only chance,_ gunnery was-the most effective in the as we can tell, they shall be i,hat way more than 100. the last chance for the 'University to,history of the battalion," be 'Writes all the time. He lCl'lways calls us ".fellows';-never ' .. It is probatble that dfficer material have a .musical organization thisfrom 'the Colehester, Naval hospital pulls the line, �':My men"; :will 'be picked from the corps in the )1ear," said Mr. :C-raguJi yesterday.OUR all-star football team, under I ••UWe went in 'With a hundred and sev- He likes to think he's one of us; and near future and will be sent to some '1S0 -the na:mes of those who wish tothe guidance af Eubank, who hasenty six men and plenty df officers. hack in billets, when :tra1Omg camp. J. Kreeger, officer tryout should 'be sent in as sopn a'been taking care of left end, on the I Id \'We' came out with fort¥�e men and ' iHe has to make inspections, he'M sit 'in charge of the unit, recent y to possible." ,,Varsity, went through a snappy prac-two officers. down and chin: a while, 'his men that there is a" equal op-• tice yesterday and Saturday:. Smith isCllt�s a ttremendous change from life Aind as to an this "Yes, sir" stuff, _portunity for each man to be see,- . an, other .bright and shining light. f· . I (r Itwhere we can steep when there IS �Oh, can itt" That's ibis style. lected as of icer .materta ,lor t eLooks like a bad day for other com:" 'Ino61irwg else to do, to 'Where we can ,Navy. The men \\tin be se eeted ae- ", '1tt d d ·f pany teams. h "11· d bil I!::rolic Ducm· • Academy' ,steep the Whole nig an ay too, I At shows lite plays his uke .for us, cording to t e mte rgence an a 1 - rl e�.e �1W,i�h; from 'Places wMre a Ger- ,W':.&1:lI<l EXaEMiP'llION ,BLANKS and sings his college glees, ·ity that they show as sailors. 55th and Ellis Avenueana� <anvas-she�t was the Ibe� of l�x- :REAlDY AT RECRUITING DESK And if the-re's a piano, '\VOw! He sure All those in the S. N. T. C who C1asses Tuesday and ThUl'S-ury to drap up 10, to beds WIth white can 'POund the keys! 'so de$re,' may take the course in day Evenings.sheets:,'and, pillow-cases." w' h • h t , J • On hikes he always starts a song, or signalling which is now lbeing given Reeeptlons every Sa'turday, omen w 0 WIS 0 calm exemp- , . .n.a.-.:::Anoth, er letter from Snyder was. oL "rt f�.h 'liT S sends along a laugh- by an officer from the; .Pier, This and Sunday Eveninmot 8 :30� .". � •. ., ibon 'lrom any pa 0 L e ,YV. • &...,�ntten from Epsom 1M'lbtary �o.sP1taT, T. C. pledge may obtain blanks at And those, are things, you darn welt course must be taken as an extra to 11:30 p •. m.:England. 'He tells of studying' five th iti d k • 'Ida N .' know, th�t 'help us stand the gaff. one, !but a minor credit rwill jbe given Come and hear the 'D..Irot• .' • e recru. sng es In' oyoes '11 »q::thours a day and beIng supplied WIth 'h II Thi' I· t ', ', :£or it. .Eventually, this subject WI- Dance Orchestra in "ChiMiGto.. d.' a now. s .app les 0 women ,.. . __ .4.. h . '�IJ>len1y 'of good 'books. These stu res h • '0- t" f' ilit I _r ca ..... d f Uege he� I terminate 10 seamanship WIlIC . IS •PRhF. S. L. LOBELL '.' . f W 0 wlsn ex�mp Ion rom mIl ary .u-...er n. or co guys wI' M I V_ are earned on under, the auspIces 0 -I ·11 II th' rt f th wa"" .m· �'-- �tates. work in --the ,B uejack�ts tanua. '• f h U· . un as we as any, 0 er pa 0 e ,.,. WI'IC '.. , • • h Mthe Klha·ki college 0 t e DIversity 1 d· I'" f', n I t�ht .d.._ lot a In a fonner arhcle 10 tel aroon,.. • • • p e ge. t IS, necessary, or' a .. V�' ;UM:Y were a messy, '., ,of Vlmy RIdge. Tlus Uf an orgamza- I· fil '·t't I" !L. h f d . ht i�ertain ChIef .petty Officers names• . • ' • • c almants to e a wrl en.13IPP Ica·, luUDC 0 un erwerg Sj ".. ',tion conslstlDg of travehng libranes,. "·f th -h J a But .£ our Lo ...... ·s a san'K1l.le why' I've were anentloned. ThiS was a mIstake,110n, even I ey , ave· a fICa y seen I VL �.y,', '. fwit-h lecturers for t� 'Purpose of look- Miss- Cronin a'bout the matter. The ,got ,to change my mind- as there are at present '�o Chl�i�g after .the aca�emlc needs �f Can�- ;Exemption .board has requested that fIe's got the safld, the bean, and go to Petty officers. AU the moen WIlldIan soldIers until they return to their -exemption blanks· be filled out ca�e- putt us tbrough the grind! have, equal opportunties to becomeTHE EAGLE LuNCH ROOM'homes.' officers in the future.fully so that, it will not !be necessary .....4From Ttbe Stars and Stripes, or-, "'£or <fIaimants to 'appear in pers�n gan of 1:hte American Army in France. Meals ,ALL CLtASSES MAT HOLD '!be{ th b d ' "EDITORSHIPS ON ANNUAL'! ore e oar •I... ," ..)1,,0. _,., «," ,.'-...-J __ -/to. ''. '4 '.", "�J� 8KY·D&R, EX-·18, RECOVERINGFROM GAS POISONING INEPSQII KlLITARY HOSPITAL" COMPANY A'S COLUIIN.(Continued from pale '1.) " '-_ Ail]liST'MENT'imREAu' oPENSTODAY AT,ELEVlEN FIFTEENThe League adju,stment bureau forupperclass counsellors and theirfreshmen will�niodayat 11:15 and �������������������������������Iwill 'be in session from 12 to 2 daily,.for two weeks. The purpose of thebureau 15 to .adjust any difficultiesthat Iarise as a result of a freshman'sobtaining a counsellor in a differentschool of the University. ,Genevi�eBJanchC!rd is chairman of the CGm­mittee w�ch is in ,charge of the bu­reau. She asks -that -aU upperclass­meD who have, had . difficul-ties see" 'some memb� Of,t�e-bnreau in theLeague room during office bours.I '------Womeil Sew' Cbristmaa Kits.·Have you subscribed?�ClassifiedFOR SA:UE: An Oliver t�t­ter 'in good condition at reasonab1eprice. Owner expecting to leave forservice. Apply at the Business of­fice.FOR SALE: Two slight1y worntext.Jbooks, as good <lS new to thepurc:'haser. T1'igonometry, by Wi1-cynski, and 'Modern -and Contempo­t:ary History, 'by Shapiro. Books tobe se'en at the Business office.W:AlNTED-Young woman to.assist inhome mornings and evenings lor roomand board. Phone Hyde Park 9407.LOST-.;.o\ cameo pin set with pearlsFinder please retum to H. J" Martin,Foster Ha1l. Reward.The :Philological Society will meet ' -/tomorrow, 7:45 p. m., at the home of Christmas kits and screens for t�'eProf. Cutting, 1228 East Fifty-sixth infirmary are now. being made d�IIYstreet "Indo European Words for "from 1. to .5:30 In the CorrectIveAugurs and -omens" will be discussed gym�lum 10. Ida �Oyes ball. �oby 'Prof. Wood and -Aristophanes as ,sul'glcal dressmgs will be ,mad� ,thISa Pacifist" by Prof. Bonner. week. The Red ,Cross knitting is! '.also being done every day.LETNORDUNGBE YOURDRUGGISTMake this store' your head­quarters. Everything in Drugs,Cigarettes and CaDdy. '•Sub-P_taI Statio. No. 218Parker, Foaatal. Pea, A:aeBeJNORD_LING DRUG CO.Pr�Ption nh. •A. J� NORDLING, R. PH. G.Cor. 55th aDd lacleside Aft.·adeap'Telephoae Hyde Park SCOMARO,ON ADVERTISING PAYS '---------_ao-_ \THE SEOON·D LIEUTENART- NtAVIAL UNIT AUGMENTEDNEW STYL'E BY ENLISmlENT OF lIENFROM MEDICAL SCHOOL STUDENTS ARE ASKBD BY ,IIR. CRAGUN TO'TRY OUT,,'. F.OR ORCHESTRA PLACES,. i this year_ will be ,Daguerre,' who wasI also photographer ,last year. ne/,� Daguerre studio is'located at 218P. _.-' '_-!South ·Wa:bash avenue, and, the tete ..I 'Phone number is WaI,ash 527. The" i � studio is ,offering 9pecial rates to stu­(" 1----- dents. Two sizes of pictures may be'11- selected-the 5 ;h.y 10 inch size"C'Osts"t�� six dottars a dozen, and the 6 by 10,size. $7.50. All seniors and others• � who wish their pictures to appear in".I'l� the annual h.av.e been asked to havethem taken soon, before the tOhrist-mas rush 'begins. T,he schedule forclubs and fraternities wilt be an-l'l r DOunced later.if 4 ---t j! -,' Philolopca1 'Society Meets.�( ��.,I' �.' ".r:· ', ., ...t�--, _' . .Have you subscribed?Oscar MatsuiProprietor ofLunchesDivinity Chapel is' Res�d. Short OrdersW. A C. Will Meet nursday... �- . .�-� .. --._ Divinity cha·pel win" be ·h·el� �dayThe Woma"s Administ,rative Coun- at ,U:05 in Haskell. The Rev. ·Dr.cil will h01d a meeting at 4:10 Thurs- lTames iM. Stifler of the First Bap-day in reception room A on the sec- list church of Evanston, 'Will speak 1..P'----E-st-a-bHsh-.-ed--I-S9-0-----:ond floor of 'Ida Noyes hall. on "Prob1ems of SUbur'ban Religion." JENKINS BROTHERSDry Goods aDd Men's Furnishings63n1 '8t. aDd University Ave.Bight Goods Right PricesRight Treatment1103, East 55th, StreetYourAutUmn�'Toggery" ne Frolic neatreDrag Store\ 959 East 55th StreetCorner £Dia AYe.JuSt what you girls n�for the fall _IOD." •fFrank's ODtfi� -Shop'1032 E. 63rd �treetMrs. 1. E. s� Proprietor 1155 E. Sixti-ThIrd SL "A RemarkableTypewriter"MIDWAY 567All favorite features combined inODe handsome writing maehiDe ofthe first quality.TEARNMEANS WOODSTOCKTYPEWRITER COMPANY21 W. Wuhingtoa Street, aaicapPhone Ceutral 5563ERVICE. WITHINCERITY-Mea's Salts Given Spedal Atteation, Private Dancing LessonsIn a coune of sis leuoaa (Ss.oiO)De 'can acquire the steps of the WakJr,One-step, and Fos-trot. SincJe"sons if de8ired.'LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIO1541 & 57th St. Hyde Park .14CLEANING AND DYEINGRemodeling a Spedalty Goods Called for ad DeUvered.: '_ '''' '. '. ",,, .- ..•• 'J'I .., ......... -v .. t' �'. \0 ',' ':. \May 'Hold Meetings in Noyes.We Rent CoronasE. �;�lr� .. U¥lYE�IT:v: .. : : Jl&MrJ'�·.���ITWN8·,1C ,,��.��� �"":: I.�d��CE SUBJEC� Of;BP�IN BY',, ,� J ,: __ C•• � � i,� ',.' -', . VICE PRES.U>ENT ANGELLFormer Medical .���t Now in BaseH.ospital; Has Attack, of .Inft�Is a Ikmbel' of Freadl AmbulanceCorps. �_\1'f':#\.OWLI""'� _.r"'· .... _,.. _. _ ... _ .. ",. ... ., .......... -..... --.. l:.'·!�!;" � ;'."",�,"-:.�.. :._� .. �:;" .. 'J -:'., . :..., ! . t . •••.. �.... ·1·t.'·· - -, ,","... . .,. '. : � .(C.ontlntied' from page 1) .. _.':', .....NOTICE TO ALLIMAROON SUBSCRIBERS;.cases, at the end of last week. For:-the last three days, there was an av-CONFESSIONS OF A DOPE ,E, A. Graves, '17, medical student ,erage of slightly more than one caseFIEND and heavyweight wrestler of the Uni- ,tper day reported.versity, is in a 'base hospital in France "Section :B of the S. A. T. C. (Vo­with a. touch of pneumonia and a gen- 'cational Section) has Ibeen leasingeral attack of influenza. He refers to .some of the University buildings £orhis stay in the Qlospital as "his vaca- � number of months past," runs. Deantion," and is confident that he will Angell's statement, �i� seetlon' hasbe lback at work ill a short, time. its own medical officers and in 'gener­Graves joined the University of -al has !been administered as a separate-Chicago AmbuLance unit whieh was army post. The serious outbreak ofoflganized during ·the spring quarter, inBuenza among the ne�ly arrived:1917. He and Paul Cannon, '17, had icontingent of 250 men stibjected thecharge df the laboratory end of the unit to a sudden strain with whiCh itunit. Last fall he tWas transferred to was very difficult to cope. Ten ofthe 6Z4th unit of -t'he French ambu- the men arrived :with the disease al-bn� CO�L nadydevd�e� nsho�dbeclearly �����������������������������JJust Eacapes being Captured. understood that the University has, . 'A civilian contrib is a luxury. But bad no direct jurisdiction in the mat-h. "" 'While on the iFrench from during d -L_ tiere IS one which rwe think is real h' ter an .nas con ned itself to volun-good. l'. e German drive last 'March, Graves tary offers of assistance. There has."N ow that candy has gone up to narrowly escaped being captured. The �'been one fatality, a soldier dying ofseven cents, it's up to us to match Huns, 1ta� somehow managed to cut .pneumonia ai-ter several days iii thepennies or else chew gum:' :o� his hne. of retreat. But he and Illinois Central Hospital.I his companions were able to dodge ,th ' h 11 d d • 'The response of the community toFlu E D 0 e enemy sse s an to nvepanger . ver. d th :'11["'-.'1 'h •. t'he sudden needs of this unit has beenDOC B fi h d ff h aroun em. .vvrn e e was near .rat s 0 s t e mask. l'Oh t Thi 'h ..I' d .most admirable, and ,the locat Reda eau- terry, e once «nve off . .. hi h b 'd' • (Cross organization has rendered in-AlnER reading the "Jackie J ot- a Ig n ge to bring up a Hun s luabl . st ......' . ,he'lmet, which :he promises to sh va e assi ance.'bngs of Friday, we deduce that the.· , ow: 'Members of .the faculties who hcwe. b f f' d h 1 on the campus when he returns ..JO 0 our rienc, ,t e nava corre-. . ,suggestIons to make for the improve-d ... d He once gathered peas In a gar- 'spon ent, IS 1D jeopar y. ..• ment of the health supervision are re-,den While It was 'beIng shelled. There d . ,-11 h d hi d d :L hi queste to communicate with Dr.tSir. Private Brown after testing e a not mg to 0 ge oe ind and R d Th U' . ·It.s..- t d. , ,. • d : . �. ee . e DIversIty WI vc: g aboth optically and dentatty tbe na- so remame 1R the open. WhIle he -.If . t 'L_t ibt It. h '. v asSls ance 'Wild ever POSSI e.ture of the beast of which be· re- .was m t e .garden a shell fell ,fIfteen .ceived a limited .�ortion )at noon inches fro� his be��. Fortunately, mess, concluded that the cow sure ifor him, it d!d not eXlplode. When ·CllAlNGE IS EFFECTED INk d h ORGANIZATION OF SAT.C.must have :been an athelete. as e w at would have happened if,Bird. ,it had exploded, he replied that this'was the Ibiggest ·'Jr' in his 'li�e, andone that he will long remember.IMY wind is gone;�ly memory lags;And .all Ibecause \I pull the fags. Will everybody who has a 8ubseription book out pleasetum it in today? Will everyone who owes the Business Qfficeany money come around and pay up? We must get our booksin shape before the end of the week. DON'T STALL!IMy purse is low,'Or next to nil..My whole soul cries,"Lay off the pill."I puff .and puffAnd breathe in chokes.If I die young,'Twill lbe !from smokes.Hotel Del Prado�.I. M,ioiBiDc the UaiYersity, is a j,andeome hoae lor oat-ef­. town studeets, and the logical home for the. re"UTIIIJ. of lit.deBts while YialtlDc them.Offers temporary home wldle awaitiq iIIdIIdioB tat.S. A. T. C.Open tOr· the1'raiDiac CoqJa. ,ADaoaaeemellts of. the Dances 1ri1l appear ill tile IIaio..Bo .. e of the Naval NaviptiOb StudeBt&ALBERT F. GmlllN� 1181'.(Oontinued on p� 3)--- I'Capt. Vernon G. Cox, Coast ArtilleryCorp'S, Companies I and :L.,Make Assipment of Barracks.The barracks to which the compa­nies� as rearranged, will be asignedare: A-ISouth end of stadium; B­North end of stadium; C-Psi Upsi­lon and Phi Psi houses; D--JSnetlhall, and Sect. 1 of Hitchcock. E­South Divinity .and ft.o_ors 1 and 2 of'Middle Divinity; F-North hall, andCollect Posters in Libraries. . 'third floor of 'Middle Divinity; G------:- Hitchcock 4 and 5 and Middle Di-The Libraries have acquired a col- vinity 4; H-Hitchcoek,2 and 3; 1-lection of about 450 war posters. KenV!0od", Dorchester,' and Black­These are now being classified and stone barracks; L-Rush Illedicalwill be arranged for preservation.. • schooLTraining Will Out.HE was a married man.He's in the army now.The C. O. yelled,'IFIVE GOOD REASONS'�Go shine your shoes." The ban placed Iby·the. influenza epi-'He sighed, "Yes, dear,"And bowe� demic on gatherings in Ida NoyesN d'd ' . h . h 'hall has been lifted for business meet-0, we .1 n t commIt ,t at, elt er.. . .It'. h t:r. or lngs m w·hlch less than fifty are con-s Just anot er ouenng '!rom one .cerned.of our constant readers. We expectthe other one to come across witha contri'b about 'tomorrow. WHY EVERY STUDENT SHOULD OWN ACORoNAFOLDING TYPEWRiTER1.1HE ultimate �n military athletics!Will be reached when the ·footballteaans of Companies A and .G en­gage in 'battle sometime this week.A!ll''bets must ,be placed through theWhistle. !Dear tYr. ·Whistler: I'Af.ter· one has 'been C. Q., K. P.,eonporal, and top Sergeant, in whatOthct way is a Lieutenant liable to.app�se !his anger? FEMME CHIC GOWNS. OF· DISTINCTION� Blouses �d Mtel'llOOll Go1nis.,Short Orders Promptly Attended to ; ,MISS MITTMARY A. .PETERSucceSsor to Ada F� Moore6246 Kimbark Avenue. Midway 99�SINCE the guard has 'been abol­ished o� the .campus early morningpa.erSby no longer fear ro�rs.The last !Victim hid in the PressBuildiug and when the entire guardarri�� hdd up hhhands ex�ctingl������������������������������to Ibe relieved of sixty dollars by therough looking members of theguard. 1. You caD do your own paper work Ia half the time 011a CORONA.2. :Your � will be better aad �ueatly you willpt better grades if you use a CORONA. '_! '3.- Yoar iDstraetors eaa eorreet your papers In' half thetime if they are CORONATYPED.KEEP IN LINE WITH'fIHAINK heavens we can sign ,thiscolumn. Anon. CONSERVATIONLEAGUE TO INSTITU1'E8BRIES OF DISCUSSIONGROUPS FOR WOMEN(Continued from page 1) "PIaee Your RainyDay Fund MTith 4. ,CORONA is so colilpaet aDd eoDvenient that it doesnot require a spedaI desk or table to take care of it and eaabe easily put out of the way when you are through usiJIg it.S. CORONA complete weighs only 9 Ibs. and can be ship­ped safely in your tnmk._ Yoa eaa always take CORONAwith ·you..." bot in Green and four different mem­bers of the ,faculty in Kelly, will di­rect the groups in the dormitories.Announcements regoarding the move­ment will he made in the dormitorie!tonight by the following women:Marjorie \Vinslow, Foster; ,MarjorieStevens, Beecher; Ann Hepburn, Kel­ly; Eliza1>eth Hart, Green, and Lydia'Hinckley, Greenwood. Further par·.ticulau may be obtained at theLeague room in Ida Noyes. Central Hyde Park Bank55th ST. AND BlJACKSTONE AVENUE, 8lllCAGO, ILL. �OIONA mEWRITEI SALIS COMPANY12 s. u. Salle StreetPh ... �Iia «9tWI9IOLDEST BANrIN HYDE PARK.Subscribe to your coll�e paper.J .c:=;- ) :'l . vcP . ._-I.� -L� TIti.. /", . ._I.<r:ic .•..:.....Clrt/�.. ' rII,.. '.-" Ilt•f!.; . ./J. }tMateafiel..\ '...'to ,:; wnweIbr(Jd02hintim• >.... :"· ....�,-,.,enc�,} liacli.. f line\ ' nos:�!.'� :: of,�l 1���: .�. , thej" ane!1 bale:ablCo:'.�, '.,\,. ger\ .. 1 ,., t��,,/. Elt.�" sig:c_�... ver.i.! sib1(I,1 � �'.. - 1pysheCatC2Sonquefenaroter.ne,Elt!.�: bq· -.),.... ... p'.unlf:.-', "j!\'� ... OV4"thelargdtthethecel_pIll/"'tbe....... pia••. I themilUnbal.,he1l� ,� ed\. :_:.:: ca 1tacpI;r�ga:IJclaft