• 1\! ., \ SENDS THREE QUARTERS CLUB 'IWOMEN TO COMPET�• � CONTINUED RAiN .... PLEDGES THIRTY ElGIn'·. IM-THREE SERIES" OFu� FOOTBALL MEN INDOORS . -.. ES. . FOR IiLACKB��D ��� .����:':: P;:::n B;�U: FIELD . HOCKEY GAM.�.:-::: Squad to he C.rt Next Week- How to Behave-Get Notion 01 Matches Will he Arranged Be- Amount Exceeds That Sub--.. Stagg Working Against What is .cominc. tween Classes and J1lIlior scribed Las. t Yeak--FiDaIBig Odds. aud Seaior Colleges. The military organization 01 the Report Not Yet I�/'PLAY' WITH PURDUE Last night the Three-Quarters, --_ 'V. S. T. C. is now almost complete. " ._,"-'---MAY'club, that is, what is left of .it this RULES PO.STED IN IDA NOYES Today will see every woman who is TO FINISH DRIVE TOMORROW.Fo <the first ;.;;;;-;his year the lla- year, met at 6:30 in the theatre ofenrolled in the military drill classesroons were forced to 'hold the daily the Reynolds club and pledged thirty- Intra-class, inter- class and Junior assigned to a definite company and a 'Dispatches from the front announcepractice indoors, the heavy rain mak- eight Ireshmen, and Senior college hockey teams are definite squad. that the Allied League forces haveing an outside drill impossible. There The customary pleding "stunts" for to 'be -selected again this year, These Nine companies have been formed made remarkable gains i� the finan­-was no workout, Coach Stagg merely 'the most part had to .be postponed un- teams are chosen from those report- with the nineteen commissioned offi- cial drive which is now being carriedgiving a chalk talk for the outlining til a ·later date. because 01 the bad ing for practice; attendance, sports- cers, who were recently appointed, in .fonwar d. Col�nel 'Edna Eisendrath01 plays that will obe developed next weasher. They still, however, remain manship, and .tedllOique all being con- command, The names of the com- .has made the statement that moreweek. The talk was chleBy lor the 'in .store for some future occasion. sidered in the .selection. parries which these officers will com- ·than $700 has been pledged and thatbenefit of the new men, who have fi- -Even tbe Reynolds dab theatre, .Alinost filty women have reported mand will be announced -later. Plans a very successful end is in sight. Thenally reached a stage where they can though, afforded .sufficient space to lor the advance Junior practice, andare under way to inaugurate com- commanders report tha.t the pledgesbqin working on some new plays. 'teach the "its" their places, how / to ,,"';ut· twenty-five for the Senior prac- pan; competition as soon as possible, made this year far exceed those madeThere is going to he another cut in behave themsetves a little more be- tice, The Senior class. n«:ds moreThe instructors hope ,to have keen during the last term.the squad at the beginning of the oomingly, and how to sing the Fresh- players, :h()wever, and all senior worn-. rivalry , between the members of the MaJte Various Promotions.week, despite the fact that the num- .�n AlIma IMater, "There is a�" et en -who play hockey or wish to play, various companies. ' Colonel -Eisendrath has made theber 01 men is not very large. Coach cetera, which in Iorrner years has have been requested to report 011 Competition Will Begin Soon. following recommendations to theStagg is thoroughly disgusted be- rendereef sudh a "familiar- sound Tuesday and Thursday at 3:20 onIt is :hoped that this competition :War department in view 01 the dis-cause of the failure of the men to re- 'around the campus. jack Fulton, the 'Woodlawn field.__ between companies will, lead the ·tinguished conduct in action 01 cer:port on time each aftermoon.rand he is vice-president 01 the organization, Hockey Rnles are Formulated. women to have ;0 greater interest in tain officers: for major, captains Mar­going to get rid of the men who are said afterwards, ·We. didn't have .The committee on �Ies, made up the military work. It is probable jorie Winslow, Jean Pickett, Francescareless. "Slackers" will not be per- much time tonight, but .they got a lit- 01 the captains 01 the four adva"c�d -that before the quarter is over these Hessler and -Marjorie Stevens: formitted on 1IIte team any longer, as tie ·notion of -what is coming." class teams: Alice Johnson, captain contests will already have begun. 'captain, ;Margaret Taylor: for firsttlley have a demoralizing effect on 'Policy· Different This Year. of the Senior class team; 'Beth Up- "I am very .veB pleased with the ·Iientenant, IMary Seymour, Leonorethe rest 01 1Ihe team,• .'!:his ; .. � the �';licy 0'£ the culb is I haus, captain of the Junior �Iass team, attitude which the women are show- ·'Plaelzer, Eli'-th Hart, Pearl Hen-Stagg Under Heavy Handicap. td be different from what it has be en IMarjorie Winslow, captain of the ing taw ar d militacy drill" said .Mi$ derson,l�lary 'Gingrich, .lrar'on Mean-..._, _./"" Ooach Stagg is laboring under a 'in the past. The usu",1 horseplay on Sophomore class team, .Margaret iDorolity ,!Stiles, instructor. in the or, and F ... nces 'Henderson; lor sec­--: -....... 'bigger handicap than any of the other ·t'he campus mill be entirely discon- Foss, captain of t:he Freshman team. Physical .Education department, yes- and lieu tenan t, Ruth Seymour, Gene"Big Ten" coaches because the sched- tinued as incongruous with the times. "ad Gladys Gordon, hockey repre- _yo "Every one seems to be ap- Burtis, and -Florence Alcock; for topDie at the University does <lOt call.for ·To the student body this will remove sentative have drawn up a set 01 rules preaching this WOT'k with a great deal sergeant, Enid Townley; for ser­.:l.:::: ... any de6nite recreation hour. At ,�hch- evidences ol.the club but it is to be which Ibave beenapproved by the .de- of earnestness and enehusiasm. I am geant.. Helen Eicher,lMary Irwin and' ;'., _. -ijpau, lIIinais, Purdue, and several olb- 'active and will ·hold meetings tJwo or partment af :Physical EducatIOn. sure that with the co-operation of Rachael ISheldod; for c.,.".,ral, Mar"' ': ··t : :. er of 1'be conle .... nce schOOls, classes three times a week at 6:30, in order TheSe rules lbav<> been posted on the every woman 'we shidF Ibe able to tha Simond, .coventry iPlatt, 'FraDceS. : ... ..... :�,jt0S> at a certain time in tlle a.lternoo�, that the· ireshmen may become well bulletin �rd in the. basement .<>1 Ida make milita<y drill a _,. important lOw.; IMrory Hale, .and �1>a..a .l':<>!::o��.i: 5} �� . evuy man· in IIhe S. A.. T., C. �s aCQ1!�nt�_'�. �d_�!�::w� die. in: �yq�"'::and_aro:! � in,.rllectJ,?r facfco1'in'theiives< 'Ohm; 'studem.::' We ter; . lo� first:�I�; private,s, MOU'y.:a� . _ehe<I "..1Ihe- field, .. -. �..... jj�eDz:i. 5nbsides, the dub pu"_" t'O thoSe playtng hockey;. The mam """,t it uude<stood that there I. no IMaxwel1, !Anna Lanz, 'Milrion Steams,\., given physical training. oAt .Ollcago ;,pve a. �er lor the Tbree-Qnarters point� emphasized are dght.:hJou"". of class distinction between the CIliumis· 'May t\Hlligan cind Evely'; Stern,_: :' t'be men straggle in at any time the! freshmen. .. sleep .eve<y. night io th� week,. eatlDg sioned olfiCCll"S and the other _dents; To lnteni_ New Members.-'.. are free, and -the whole squad 15: when puMic meetings are once three me3!s � day regul;orly,\OI,lly lin. everY one is doing her Sba,re to mak.e !For the remainder-of tbiS wede, ac-. .--.. neve;" together except for the first ·,more �esumed, the Thr.ee-Quarters cup of tea. or. coffee a .day,. and. eat- the organization as ellicient and cording to, Col. Eisendrath, the cap-t --., quarter 'of an hour. club will co-ope .. te willt the Y. 'M. ing ,uothiug:hetween meals e:'",:pt wort:i< ..,hille as. possible." tains and th.ir companies will end .. -,", -,It .. ooks as though several 01 tbe. . knit, crackers and miUwand plam Icevor I<> get in touoo with the women_..... men who have come out oIately did (Contmued on page 2)Dream. The ruleS .... simple rule MATTER OF SINGliNG UNDER wbom.the membership teams 'haV'C ai-r.so in the hope that Ibey would aet of sane living and ·should not 'be hclrd. DISCUSION BY COMMITTEE ready interviewed. The drive willa "ittle publicity and attraet the a.Uen- SIXTY MORE UNIVERSITY to be kept. 'ON ACTIVITIES OF CAMPS end tomorrow and the final reports.ioJ 01 the officers in _rge 01 t'be ·MEN JlADE CANDIDATES• Sees Pzospect 01 Good Games.will then :be made,S. A. T. C. A'Ccor,nng 10 the way FOR OFFICERS' SCHOOLS "The. prospeCt for good intra-class To Hold Conference Monday andthey lookoed at it. being on the squadlhour games of ,hockey are ve:ry Tuesday-Plan to Institutewas equivalent to being in the next Thirty are Listed for In£antryl bright," -said !Miss .Crocnin; acting head Sings for s. A. �. C. M. DAVID ASKS UNIVERSITYdraft sent to an officers' camp. Most Camps, . Twenty for Artillery, Ten of the dep3ctmen.t of Physical Cul- The National Committee .on Train- • WOMEN TO AID IN TAG DAYof ,the men who have come out lat-ely, for' Aviation., ture !A.lthough the majority of ing Camp Activities will 'hold a two _. __' .d ers •.da d Child fbowever, had no such motive, anplayers';,t'tbe beginning c1�sses have ,da,ys' conlerence �ext Mon y .an Fuad lor Fatherless reo 0those who have .been as regular as Lists of successful candidates ·for never bandled it hockey stIck befor· Tuesday. The tOPIC of the meetmgs France Requests ,Assistance-f �_.. possible about reporting will not be the Officers' -·Tora.inmg Camps have 'the p�tice shows good and promts-.. will be the question of mass sing- , � for 100,000 ChDctren..dropped. .been �epared in the oOffioe of the Ad- iug 'ina�erlal; and the game� p.romise j.pg in the S. A. T. C. over the co�-�,'" ).., Hope to Play Game Saturday. jutant of the S. A. T. C., andl will be to he qively, and with cl� competi- try. All University women w.no are in-There is Ihope that the Purdue announced as !Soon as· the orders for tion. The beginning- c1:asses are to This committee ,has in charge all terested .in the 'Fund for the Father­" _.game wi4l be pLayed- next Saturda�, their appointment come lrom Wash� 'be divided int9 j>ennaneut teams, next "ctivities of men in the S. A. T .• C. 1ess Children 01 France .. nd who are. as there are indications that the Chl- 1Dgton. wee� and practice begu� for the com- in aU -colleges. At a recent meetmg willing to sell tags for the .Fund nextcago health department is -consider- Thirty men -are listed .for the In- iog games." it .appointed 3fr. Dykema to super- Monday have been requested to give.' � .'ng lilting the han on public gath,er- lantry officers' camp, ,ten lor the avi- The practice of the advanced Se�ior vise the singing in !he diffe�ent. corp •. their names, addresses and telephoneings. The .likelihood of contractIng ation section, and about twenty for -classes .Last Tuesday was exceptl?n- T'hes plan i� to start mass smgmg for numbers to Associate Prof. 'David to-. t'be "flu" at a game is not so great as 1Ihe Field Artillery. They wi)} prOlb- ally good, 'a�d 'showed good :handling die men, singing of-a 'POPulaT as well day or tomorrow. Sixty women havein the .caes of ind"";' meetings. T.h� ably go at dille ..... t times, as the calls '01 the ball' and ·stil;k. �i5S Cronin as ... patriotic nature. M�. �ke�a "Iready volunte«ed for this work,number o£·new � reported in Chl- come for them from the War De- stated that she was 'very well .pleased has had a great deal of experience ID 'but more are needed.'cago has deClined steadily In tlle ·last ·partment. _The lists will not be pub,:" with ·the result. of the practice, and conducting .mass srnging an� he will To date the fund bas been able tofew days, and the lban may be off lished until d1e men have left ,for that there is «lO �eason why the bock- organize the whole enterprise. take care of lOO,()()() of the 250,000 warbefOf'e next Saturday, in which ca�e Camp. ey games, i�tra:c1a" and' mter-coll- A meeting will be ,�eld e�.ch mor'n- orphans in France. These figures in­a practice game is likely. Inductions . are proceeding very leges, should not be splendid games. ing where the diSCUSSIon 'VIII revolve clade onlyehildren under fift�en yearsThe ��faroons will ,be in a pretty bad ·Slowly. It is, however, expected that The practice, however, sho� con- about the subjeet of the general stat- of age. Any one w:ho des.res mayC,,· :/ ,fix if they do not get in one big pme practically tae·· full . quota will. be sid .... "le need 01 training lor all, us of singing in the units. All who 'adopt a French orphan lor any length� / before �liehigan comes down here, -rea<:hed by the ·time the inductions 1hav.c thad training in conducting laT�<= of time he desires. Communications'Nov. 9, to renew .hostilities. The close, cext Wednesday. gMUpS in 'Singing will tell of theIr should be addressed to �rrs. Walterteam that meets the Wolverines will' Drills have not !been held for the Foreign Clubs Will Not Meet.experiences along that line of wod Brewster at the offices of the June!not have had one game of college last two days on account 01 the rain. -h h 'Open discuSlSion as weB .as speeches in the Fine Arts building. lMany peG-. . k 'It lras 'been announced t at t e. .f h f ce . . L _ d f hcali-b-er unless the BOllerma er con- The men have been asesmb1ed and\-. .... 1. WIll form a part 0 t e -con eren . ''Ple, reallzmg tu'C grave nee sot e•,". .t eting of the Cosmvpv Itan. he I'· d d dtest is pulled off. given lectures on mititary etiquette JOIn me. h In the meetings t oactua smgmg lFrench people, .have oalrea y a opteScaDlon Has Decent Eleven. and the movements included in the and International clubs, whlc bwas 'was to have played an important role One 01' more orphans.Reports from Lafayette indi�ate School of th� Soldier and the School scheduled .for to.mon-ow, has nte:; but because of the postponment of all "It is hoped that there wi.tl be athat "Butch" ,scanlon :bas developed a �f the Squad. post�ndl mdefi.nltcl: on accouwge meetings this f��ture will prob- t>ig response to this call," said Asso-fairly decent eleven, and one that the mfluenza epIdemIC. ably be dispensed wltn. Both after- ciate Prof. pavid, yesterday. 4'Theseems fully as strong as t'he -Maroons. Fraternity Announces Pledge.noon meetings were to have taken cause is a gr.eat one '3II1d deserves theScanlon has seventy men out on the --- Weather Forecast. the form of community singing ;n or- SUppOl't of every loya'l citizen. Thesefield, and his squad so far has been IPhi Kappa Sigma announces the 'der that .the conference might have children may rightly be called the or-Untouched by the army. "Eckie9t ':\[ur- pledging of David C()lvilIe of Oakh . the actual thing under dis<:ussion to phans of Liberty." .t P k II1 Partly cloudy, not much c ang� dm work on. Since the influenza has 'phy former Hyde Park star, s'eems 0 a_r. .temft40rature, moderate easterly wm sbe �he leading light on the Boiler- Y-(Continued on page 3) Subscribe to your college paper.Subscribe to your college paper. .becoming variable... , ...... '). .....�!. ,,.,, --.'� .......... __ 't_·_t.�I:'�'.I."1;.-II .- ... ".,f ... �:::-", . .."... _"4.. '• I II•It. VOL. XVII. No. 15 • UNIVERSITY OF. CHICAGO, PRICE THREE CENTSFORM NINE COMPANIES INw. s. T. C. DRILL CLASSES WOMER PLEDGE MORETHAN $700 IN LEAGUEFINANCIAL CAMPAIGNNineteen Commissioned Officers arein Command-Plan Inter-CompanyCompetition-Instructors are WellPleased With Attitude of Students..� #) .. _.""....4 .••male« eleven.r ;II'r. ', ;f}' :I.�IC '. ,. "t"z ,. , ,-Glen Kemp from J..exingto'n, ill; Rob- 'be olit "for 'the club. Fllti Gamma Del- ."C" BOOKB ENOUGH FORert Kewley from Onargo, In.; Sam- ta, Sigma Nu,' Alpha. Tau Omega, ALL STuDENTS ARE PUTuel iP�ik of Oak 'Pa,.k, Lll., and'JA)u-' Delta Sigma' Phi�nd Sigma Alpha tON SALE IN. "Y" OFFICEis Roberts of Cbicagcr. 'From' �he •Epsilon do not ever send men out forKappa. Sigmas came Eugene <=ox of the T.h.ree-Qtiarters club -and there-'WaShington, D. C.; Harry Har- lone were not represented last night.greaves of -Chicago; Wilme� :Jenkins' Sis Non-Fraternity Men Come..from .Chicago, and Paul Hill, also a Six non-fraternity men Who cameEDITORIAL DEPARTMENT but expect to have the other two at Chicagoqn, to help with the pledging wtre 4LouisTHE STAFF rIle next meeting. The two who were 'Phi.K�ppa Si&ma BriD,s Two. Tilden from Delta Kappa Epsilon.John IJ oseph ::\IanaJ:in� Ed!tor there were Ed,,:ard Borroff, Chicago, '. - iHoward Beale and Arthur IllelingRuth Genzberger New.s Editor..I. ' Phi Kappa Sigma. brought only two f' Del U'1 H J'H I R· h 'll�' ht Edit and Lvle Kayron, San Antonio, Tex. a rom' ta PSt on orner anuesone en avrtc • , ....... " Ig . 1 or � � f h lb t 1", , f t'-_ th " ,H d II 1 D Edit res men u l�e some '0 � '0 ers "B d" C b d F d . k Kowar ea e ay 1 or Dekes Have Only Three Men. • I u om s an re eric " mepperRose Fischkin Day Editor will have the other two at the next f Del T .D I F k M dJames Sheean Day Editor Delta Kappa Epsilon's . delegation meeting. Th� two who came were I'dromf ..t tp3 '-' apu. Be tad'i' ''t'aHn '11 4f a -William �lorgenstern ........•••• 1 - h V H' 1 h 'f Oh' nd A' en rom '111' SI, 1"3 ey a romAthletic Editor numbered only t iree men but a fourt ernon rr e ey 0 I seago, an Ar- D_' U'I R' S· I d T .1.................... ',' • I.e ':)1 PSI on, , ay mrt 1 an euFrederick Winterhoff ............• is to be forthcoming. The three were 'thur. 'lIeaker .Irom 'lfacon, '�liss. ...n.. I fr . FA . Ed't � Helnfho tz om lObI Psi," rank Har-.... ssoclate . 1 or Homer' V. Kline, Chicago; Everett From 'Phi Psi came four men, Ricb-"1fT I Ch 1M Q' desty and Jack Fulton from Kappa�SINESS DEPARTMENT Walker. Chicago; and Arthur 'Witz. ard Westershu te,· arIes .. c u.re'·$ d H . V V I V'.Grant Mears Manager leben, Chicago. Delta Tau Delta's Philip Stull. and 'Ralph Dwyer. The gma, an erman an, � zer, , an:lIay Freedman ' As.sistant PI' P' I d II Ii . Chicc �{eter Ames and Carl PIper frommen were all from out of town, An- 11 SI P e ges a 1\"e 111, 1.00g0. B ' Th 'PiStaff Selieitors . . f S h B .1 Of P . U '1 ' I eta heta I.drew De \'frles 0 out enu, Ind.; SI PSI on s men on y two putMessrs. �lcBrayer, Ballinger, Cekan L. A. Helderman of Elkhart. Ind.; in an appearance. They were: Donand Dunn. I''Robert Voiland from Sioux ICity, Ia., Franklin of 'La Salle, Ill., and Ernest The meeting of the EpiscopalianEntered as second class mail at the and John Walter from La -Crosse, "WriSler of Chicago. Brower Hall club, which was scheduled for today,Chicago Ptstoffice, Chicago, Illinois. \Vis. '. and Charles Karish, both oil Chicago, has been postponed until further 'no-March 13. 1906, under the act of-::M=a=r=c=h=3=, =1=8=7=3.========== Delta Upsilon's delegation were 'were not �ere for roll 911 but are to �ice. ,ISUBSCRIPTION RATES, Called for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 aquarter.By Carrier, $3.00 a year; $1.25 aquarter.By Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50• quarter.By Mail (out of town), $4.25 ayear; $1.75 a quarter.illyr lIai(u SlamnnThe Student Newspaper of The .University of ChieagoPublished mornings, except Saturday,Sunday and Monday. during the Au­tumn, Winter and Spring quarters,by the Daily Maroon company.Editorial Rooms Ellis 12 \Telephone MidwAy 800, Local M2.Hours: 11:10-11:50; 12:25-6; 7-8.Business Office _ Ellis 14Telephone ·Midway 800, Local 162Hours: 10:20-11:50; 3-5:30.Friday, October 25, 1918.CROSSING BRIDGES'Rainy weather makes us think ofspring, and spring makes us think 'Ofmany �ings, among the� gardens.And gardens, well, centralizes on acommunication received from the Bu­.reau of Education on :a. school gar­den drmy-part of the war gardenmovement popular since the declara­tion of war.War gardens are most excellent intheory, and would be more than ex­cellent in' practice, if the governmentcould successfully bring- about thatpractice. The fault does not lie withthe government and those directingthe movement, but 'rather with a cer­tain type of vaciUiating gardeners,w;ho puzzle and fiddle and fuss andfret and .accomplish nothing-nothingat all.lFor insta:nce, from the window ora cer,ta.in Chicago dwelling may beseen a sclrool war ;garden, and froIll1the same window, though in a dif-. ferent direction, is a series of pd­'\-a.tely operated patches. Both are,or were, rather, since gardens areover iWith for the present, pr.actiQl1yfailures. In.\J. sense they were worsethan failures Ibecause, ,time and seedsa.nd energy were wasted.You know why th:ere 'was such aminus quantity of success. Y0lt haveseen �e cultivating of ground, thepbnting of !Seeds, the waning interestand thc;_ final neglect. Such thingsshould not be next year, especially inthese times when energy and effi­ciency are American creeds. I f youare planning a garden, if you are do­ing .fan cultivating. plan for a reaHypatriotic patch. Otherwi5le, 'let thcold hoe rust and ,take to pig-knitting.THREE QUARTERS CLUBPLEDGES THIRTY-EIGHT(Continued from page 1)le.A. and have its pledges furnish parto ft1'lc perform.ances at the Y, .�1. C.A. stunt nights. Throug,h thesc vari­ous activities, thc cluh will sec to 'it I-that t!l'C �undamcn,tal purposo of the'Orgamzatron, gettmg the fres\nmcnwell acquainted and .at the samc timefur-ni5hing amusement, will .he carriedout.No Alpha Delta Phi; Present.\Yhen the pledges were lined up,for roll call, no Alpha Delt men were Iin evidence. \\'-ord was sent, later ithat Alpha �-1t.a would ha,'c it'i four Jmen out for the club but that be-., A� si,r,w,, -*-:Mt ca:\ 'Rcl1L -ttl wa.\'" at:1". ..... . ."."../.' . Fi,,�. ,- .� F<� M.." " �\ ,- ---�-- -----Enough "C" books have arrived to.supply every student. �hese bookscontain pointers for freshmen, an ac­count of the work of the Universityorganizations, and songs and cheers.They are issued by the Y. :\1. C. A.,and can be obtained at that office onthe second floor of .the Reynolds club.·,lilany students 'have not yet real­ized the value of the 'C' book,: saidClarence Brown yesterday. '��lost ofthe men are to be here a short timeand if they want to know the U ni­versity and to get into the spirit ofit, they should find the 'C' book agreat help.' \" omen, especially,should profit by it. for they have moretime for student activitiies than themen who are in the S. A. T. IC."cause motice of the meeting' had notreached them in time they had' beenunable to get their freshmen together.,The Beta Theta Pi freshmen wereRoy Golt�, Chicago; Howar-d Jones,-Chicago ; Franklin WoOlf. Chicago,and Norman Wrig.Jlt, 'Chicago: .ChiPsi had only two men out last nightHAVE YOU SENT IN YlOURSUBSCRIPTION TOTHE DAILY MAROON?THE'TURKISH---- CIGARETTEChorus:Mura..d 'when you'r�' sad,Murad 'when you're glad,Murad when you're mad,T ra-la-la, tra-la-lal, -SI:Pr]meartr ,_= 1111ofttOllieA.,I: hI\1 .> en....( ----!He. � ','taloFrtel_ cal.·,'Btl,_ - R<ticStI, 'spt�, _../'"'Vj<C' �HA) fa1C. >:- 0'. de. , At«,,� .......a ..... �� Pl3dm�or"I..rI nereiL.letIll'sepIE�P, _,.'... ,- .'.... '1-TaE·DAlLY MAROON, FR!PAY, ·��ER· as, 1918SIXTY-FIVE UNIVERSITY . r Carnegie Institution, Washington, University ¢ North Dakota, Camp,CHEMISTS ARE NOW IN 'Captain, Oh emi cal Warfare service, 'Dodge, Iowa. Ray ·MoClure, S. M.,GOVERNMENT SERVICE Edgewood arsenal: WilHam H. Ross, 1917, Chemist-ry service, Washington..h hemistr denai Leo rw N' hIS "I 1917 G .(From -t'he Varsity News, Detroit)J; P . D., 1907, 1'esearch c enlist, depart-]' n .• IC 0 as, . � ., , as. Professor _Steiglitz Prepares List- ment of' Agriculture, Washington, 'Offense Division, Washington; War- THE TASK 'Laree Service Fla. g of De'-- .... Ant captain, Chemical IWQt'fa1'e service, ren W. Ewing, S. ill., 1918,IChemical I '. h S d '-. ,,_,.--- You men w 10 JOlD t e tu entsof Chemitsry S, oon to be Hung in Edgewood arsenal; 'Robert A. Hall, ·Warfar.e service, lEdgewood arsenal; Anny Training Corps, think not thatKent. Ph. D., 1911. lieutenant, Infantry, Sidney M. Weismann, S. B., 1917, Gas it is going to be the light �ventureRegimental Gas officer, A. E. F., Offense division, \Vashin,gton; Juliusyou are prone to consider it. It willProf. oSteigilitz, head of the depart- France; Croix de Guerre with palm, B.' Kahn; S. B.� 1918, Public Health "not. be merely .a little governmentment of Chemistry, has prepared a four citations {'Or bravery; Harlan 1. service, special problem [n 'Chemistry control of your college course; no, it�_,.... service report 'Of the department, con- Trumbull, Rh. D., 1911, assistant pro- .(stationed in Kent laboratory}: Hen- js a serious undertaking. It mean:'., sisting of the names of sixt.y-five m.en fessdr of Chemistry, University of ry'M. Keating, S. B., 1918, Radio ser- that you are joining the AmericanI, � who have entered the active service Washington, Seattle. Washington, vice, IGreat Lakes, HI.,. army. You will be subject to army�. of the IG-o\"ernmeont. Only those who captain. 'Chemical 'Warfare- service, Frank Turner is Inspector. rules and regulations. army difficul-, ,ft �_'" are 11'0t on duty at the University are Washington. -Frank Turner, senior student in .,ties and inconveniences. YQU will•' ',f men.tiooed. All of the other members BcnJ'anun' Freud IS' In France. Chemistry, inspector, Ordnance de-I h hi' f h' eave ,t e sc 00 til a ew mont s, notare contributing their services in. .B . . B F dv S 'B 'lCll\t· partment; iGeoI'ge L Landt, ,5. B., I' h h d d b"" ,enJalllm . reu, . ., 7,-", pro- ..p as Ig t earte gna nates, i ut as"......�t- . work undertaken by requst and all of f A I' . -1.918, Chemical servrce: Dan L. at-. essor at rmour : nstrtute. captain, , soldiers. {Officer or private, you willthe members of professorial rank Ch .,I W f . A E F 'lerson, S. B., 1917,' Inspector Ord- I f h h' -r v.nenuce» ar are service. .' '. ., be oa led on to ace. t e worst t e':11 'have taken the oath of office for 'war 'France; James, K. Kuhn Senior, Ph. na.nce, department; '�a� H: Herron, world' can show you=-diabolical in-��'r, service. 'D.. 1917, research chemist, Rocke-- ·tllurd year student In ermstry, 111- genuity under the guidance of a fiend.'Prof, Steiglitz has ordered a ser- spector, Ordnance department; Cole-feller Institute, New York City, lieu- You will ihave ,to struggle, to suffer,�•. �. vice flp.g for the chemical Iabora- herni W . man Renick, Graduate scholar, Ar- . I btenant; 0 ernieal arfare service, A. to meet fellowmen 111 morta com at,tories, which will con-tain one large tillery' Carl H Helgeson S B 1918E. F., -France; Laurence ,M. Hender- . , '.. , . '. 'Perhaps you will come through un-star with tIhe .number of men under- Junior Gas chemist, War department,son, Ph. D., 1916. instructor in Chern- harmed-perhaps you will he wound-neath. The fuN service report will Washington; Nicholas D. Cheronis,istry, University of 'Minnesota, ::\1 in- ed-perhaps you may have to give upIbe posted ·shortly in Kent. third year Chemistry student. ·Chel�i- life itself.n-eapolis, ll1:inn., lieutenant, 'Gas De- <7¥t' Many Graduates in Service. fense division; Camp -Grant, Ill., Sid- cat j\Vcarfla;re '-Serv.ice, . \�shington. But ,be not discouraged=-your taskSixteen members of tahe staff 0' f the "1 Cadw 11 Ph' D 1917 lIsa'(tplfe Ill. :Jacohson, S. B., '1918, . h d t b t.. ,,'- ney ,.I.,. I UlWe, .., • re- I• IS . ar , yet success conno es u one·.t ",' h I· Bureau of Standard, Washington.]: . . ..department are included in t e 1St search chemist. Federal Dyestuff and 'S· 'essential requisite=-uuswerving, U11-I and Fortv-nine cradu •ates, all of 1\\'110m Ch ' I C K' T C Robert S. Laudaurer, . B., -1918.. f d t If• � oJ •�. " emrca 0.,. mgsport, enn., ap- wavermg pursuance 0 u y. youI h k . 1 t:". h h . Chemical Warfare service.,i ave cept : m c ose touch Wit t e tarn. Chemical Warfare service. but have the will to perform faith-; University. The members of the staff Washington; Paul �. Leech. -Ph, D., • fully the -task that confronts you. fail-I MATTER OF S'INGlNG UNDEcR� are: ,A'ssistant iProf. Wendt, Captain, 1913, research chemist, Chemical 'lab-DISCUSSION BY COMMITTE� U1'-e is imp'ossib-le; -America will notChemical \V;a.rfar·e 'service, chief .of 'oratory of the American IMedical As.,. forget you if you return, and the per-• 'ON ACTIVITIES OF CAMlPS.. 1l1'Orga-nic Oh.emica'l research unit. gas sociation. Chicago, lieut.enant. Sani- 'sonal satisfaction ,that attends a highr ,.:. offense Research division, Washing- 'tary corps., (Contin.ued from page 1) ideal nably followed will in itselfton, DJC.; ::\Ior. Finkelstein. instructor,. George H. Cartledge, .l'h. D., 1918, played havoc with thes.e plans, no oth- 'prove tlhe most ,perfect of rewards;�r lieutenant, Chemical IWarfare service, profesSoOr 06 Chemistry, Davidson er .&llI'rangements for the a.fternoons a'lld if, some ,fateful day, your task.... ( � A. E. F., :F1'Iilnce; 'Mr, micke,1'esearch . College; Chemical Warfare service. ;have been made. .'Should l�d you to the Great \Vestassociate. lieuteonant,' Chemical \Var- American University, Washing!on. ,For use at these community sing; whence no man -ever returns. remem-.I: .fare service, Washington; ,Mr. Gouw- ',Ralph E. Nelson, Ph. D., 1918, lieu- and als'O for the S. A. T. C. men, a ,ber that it was no idle boast, no' meTe\j _.' ens, curator, bacteriolo"i�t, Public tenant; .Gas Defense Research divi- '-sheet .of popula'I' 'and patriotic songs rhetorica1 'Phrase that the Rqmans.... { .---- ilea-It? Service, N�wport News, Va:; 'sion, Washington; iSteophen 'Popoff, 'has been printed. W'hen this mass ,had in mind when they said/ ?ulce �tIi, '. ASSistants He1mlc, serg�nt, Sam- f1h. D., 1918, Air Nitrates Corpora- singing in the colleges is well un- decorum est pro Deo et patrla mon;tary .corps •. Lathrope .. E. Roberts, tron. Mussel Shoals, Alia.; Harry C. der way ,these pamphlets will 'be d!S-1 for in m-uth it, is sweet and Ibefitting,Chemical Warfare servtce, A. E. F., Trim'ble. Ph. D., 1918, Instructor, The tributed. .. to die for God and one's country.France; Edward ;Noel -Roberts, lieu-tenant, Sanitary CQrps; IClark, Chemi-_ cal \Varfare service. \Vashington;. ..,'Bunting. ,with Bausch and Lomb Co .•:, ·l':� - Roche!i:ter" N. y� 'War' w'()!'k �n op��. tical glass� IMcPherson, Bureau of,/ StandaTds, '\Vashington; Brewster,·1' :. specia'l chemist, lPublic Heal� ser­t-.. ./ ",;ee, (stationed in -Kc>nt lab�ratory).C' -Hdlermanfi �el"geant, ,Chemical War-,.j fare service, Washington; Kharasch,� � -: ·Chemical W.arfa(e sen:ic�, Gunpow­.- der reservation; Mr. ,lhlhgalll, fellow,_/: Ambulance division, 'A. E. F., ,France.Includes List of Graduates.A partial list of the Doctors .ofPhi1osophy, 1�lasters,' Graduates andadvanced students is as :follows: Ray­mond· F. IBacon. Ph. D., 19O-J. Direc-� -: tor of rhe :llellon Institu_te of Indus­I trial ,Research, colonel. A. E. F.,.... � 4 F,mnce, commanding Chemistry ser-f. ./: vice section in France; William lIc­'t . Phers�n. Ph. f!. 1899, profe.ssor. of'1 '----Chemlstryf Ohto State Unrverslty,"II�· lieutenant. colonel. Ohemir�l \Varfare1 service, \Vashington; Lauder. \V.� i:- Jones, IPh. �. ·189;, D�an �nd, profe�s-, or of Chennstry, Um\'erslty of 'Mm-. �-�. � .nesota, DirectQr of rC'search. Gas Of-t I'" rense di�isjon, Washington; William! L. Evans. Ph. D. 1905. professor of! - 'Chemistry, OhiQ State University, CQ7lumhus, 0., major. Chemical \Variare.' _,.! service. N. A., chief chemist. Gun-:: ,- pow de r Reservation laboratory.Edgewood' arsenal, EdgewQod. Md.'Vi-nfOTd Lewis. Ph. D., 1909, as-1� ;:�::t:�:r�:�::s�:y �h�:��;:' orItl�:,f, ·MajQr, Ordnance department, Chemi-t cal '\Varfare service, \Vashington;" :\ 'Ralph E. 'Hall, I'Ih. D .• 1.916. 'T-csearchchemist. (ie<>-,»hysical labora·tory,L�, Classifiedl.a. WANTED-Young woman to assist in. �.�' borne mornings and evenings for room· 't·� :;� an:O:::A <��: p�:::t :�: �::::•. Finder please return to H. J. :Martin,Foster Hall. Reward.---r�\= 'MAROON ADVERTISING PAYS.lt:f?·. WHAT COLLEGE EDITORSTHINK_IntrOducingthe "T 'Ween"A "two-i.ft.oD.e'�· DOvelty, .ofl'etjng the.­effeCts produced 'by either the singleor double-breasted suit.;This style inno-·vatlon was develope'd'itt the iDterest� of cloth con­se�tion, without gIVlDg evidenceof any sacrifice •.. The C'J'ween,' in itsduo-personality, . wiD fit �y, style pre­feren�e and' will prove appropriate foralmost ·ao.Y-oeeasion. ft. is ODe of' thelatest inventions of. the CoDege Floor.aad is shown here only; prieed from A novelty, sack, distin­guished by a unique ar­rangement 'Of the but­tons. which ,permits itto be worn either sin­gle or double-breasted.$25 to $40College Floor,' the Third.T-lfEfJRua-Henry c.tytton l5 Sons'I , .- . Brag about your College, Ifyou must; but do it subtly!Send her"The colors and the seal outside.Your card and the best of candyinside.$1.00 the pound atMcANANY & FINIGAN,1201 E. 55th St..Phone Midway 708.H. J. SCIIULTE,1501 E. 55th St..Phone Hyde Park 206.DREXEL PHARMACY,901 E. 55th St.Phone Midway 1410_VAN De BOGERT & ROSS,1000 E. 63rd St.. '.Phone Hyde Park 254'1518 Hyde Park Blvd.Phene Oakland 6800-1465 E. 63rd St.Phone Blackstone 3272800 E. '63rd St.Phone .Midway 3200The Frolic TheatreDrug Store.959 E�t 55th StreetCorner Ellis 'Ave... 'Established 1890JENKINS BROTHERS'Dry Goods and Men's Furnishings63rd 81.. and University Ave.,Right Goods Right PriCes'Right TreatmentAThree Million' DoUarBANK.1204 East 63rd StreetNEAREST BANK TOUNIVERSITY OF OHICAGO"A Remarkable, Typewriter"All favorite features �ombined inone handsome writing machine ofthe first quality.WOODSTOCKTYPEWRITER COMPANY23 W. Washington Street, Chical'OPhone Central 5563Private Dancing LessoDSIn a course of six lessons ($s.ob)ne'can acquire the steps of the Waltz,One-step, and Fox-trot. Single les­sons if desired.LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIO1541 E. 57th St. Hyde Park 2314"ill 1 tJ, .,. .' ...... -, t -.... � v . '". ••..,. • ' ,'� .. _ r" .. ,...... :- ....:------ -, with red and yel1ow' signal fta�!'JACKIE JOTTINGS. I 'Most of the fellows are content with- trying to learn. "Fire lower," 01'Chid Petty Officer li'ilton R. J or- "1�tlorc ammunition needed," but someI don. who has formerly organized na- of the more ambitious ones lookingI val ibands at the Great Lakes, is now ahead to the time when they will donI organizing with the help of Louis Til- their gold bars and stars. are pre­don, the musical talent of the naval fixing all messages like this: "Ensign,\VE found a real contrib waiting unit int; a. band. The following men "for us today. Here it is. will probably be on the band: Olshev-T Weitzman Il()W considers himselfOde to Autumn. sky, l(a5011, X elson, J. L. Strouse,as Second Cruise Illan as he was for-The grain is in; Polson, Johnson and Reinhold. Themer ly a member of'the Boy Scouts.The corn is out; first practice 'Will be held tonight atAutumn now makes -6:30 in the' basement of Hitchcock -Chief Petty Officers Kreeger andIt's welcome debut. hall. Jordon wants every man to he '\\"cisl have got the men interested in1\0 wonder the squirrels ,hang 'thlCre on the dot.and expects a sue- forming athletic teams and now aaround our campus, when 'poets like cessful practice. committee with Elton as chairman isthat are loose. picking out company m-e-n for footballSharnrnel has been appointed a cor- and basketball teams. Elton is con-"I" 'i. -'THE DAILY MAROON. F.RIIpAY. OCTOBER ZS,,1918T-HIS is fine weather for ducks and poral. L. E. Johnson is now com­gobs. The latter had 'better take no- pany 'bugler. Another surprising ad­tice, as there is more water about vance was made by '\Vasserman, .whothan they will see for a long, long has been appointed captain of thetim-e. Head. fident that with such men as H.Strouse, -Dwyer, Balder, Holderman,Dougal 'and Karstens, the naval unitwill wipe out any other company teamin either football or basketball.NE\\�S item-No arrnstice till Almost the entire naval unit is in Beecher Hall Will Hold Sing.Huns evacuate occupied territory. the course in signalling given by The residents of Beecher hall will'Good gracious. aren't �hey doing I'rice from the 'Great Lakes. The ,hold a 'sing tonight in the halt: Thisthat as fast as they can? men are out practicing daily and the will be followed by dancing and re­front of Hitchcock is .fairly colored freshments.�E notice in George Oti� kt�r �����������������������������­from Over There that he says. "They I' :have tract mets .here for the A. E. F.�-.."""track men," and are glad to know Ihow to say the phras-e in French.SOOlIETBl:ES we print 'somethingsensible, strange as it may seem. Suchan outburst is the following offeringfrom.a serious minded member of theS. A. T. C.Take a TipIf you're not picked to go to camp;And all rite world looks dreary,Just don. a smile;(It's worth your while)And make yourself look cheery,Just take a brace,And step the pace. IKeep working every minute.They're watching you,Each thing you do;.So i}lU'r,ry and get in it.!III;fl�: Ii : : I ',DOn't 'josh' and kid and play and joke,When you are given 'Tention.It's true these things make fellowstlaugh,'But don't get "special mention."Don't kick or crab or knock or troWln;\That isn't army spirit.If you expect to go to camp,That stuff won't bring you near it.�•,,In other words,Just alca,1TY on" wit11tout hesitation. tAnd soon you'll learn, IYou'll get your turn 'ITo reach your destination.N. A. C.DE:A;R, 'DEAR, how the contribsroll in!Anon.ANNOUNCES SOME CHANGESIN MANAGEMENT OF PRESSDELUXE I"MILITARY STOCI�S·, I�:nooth and Even Patented�l";� Croccing ANNOUNCEMENTPhone: Phone:�UQ��HII_�_�_y_�_� �_�_2_�, SEMI-ANNUAL SALE DON'T JUST SEND FLOWERSLet Your Next Gift beFWWERS FROlW EASTMAN'SWe Deliver Anywhere in the CityBeginning Saturday, October 26Owing to the restraining Health Order nowin force ' Hotel Del PradoAdjoining the University, is a handsome hoae for oot .. f­town students, and the logical home for the relatives of sta­dents while visiting them.Offers temporary home while awaiting iaduetion intoS. A. T. C.Open for the comfort and entertainmeat el the ArayTraining Corps.AnnoUncemen� of the Dances will appear .. the JIarooD.Home of the Naval Navigation Students.ALBERT F. GIDDINGS, Ifgr.C. CORMANY'S...I •• "HOME LUNCH ROOMThe Old ReliableHeadquarters for University StudentsWe serve the best of everything. Prompt Service.1313 EAST 57th STREETOUR ENTtRE COLLECTION�f-MISSES' FALL MODELSWill be placed on sale at one-half the original Iprice. 'IDRESSES-SUITS WAISTS-HArS .... ---------------------.THE MADAME MARGUERITEStevens Building17 North state St.Mrs. J. E. Steams, Proprietor 1155 E. Sixty-Third St.MIDWAY 567TEARNME�SERVICE.WITHINCERITYMen's Suits Given Special AttentionCLEANING AND DYEING·Remodeling a Specialty Goods� Called for and .DeliveredKEEP IN LINE WITHCONSERVATION. :�.Place Your RainyDay Fund :WithCentral Hyde Park Bank55th ST. AND BLACKSTONE AVENUE, CHICAGO, ILL.OLDEST BANK IN HYDE PARK. EASTMAN FLORAL SHOPFresh, "Fragrant; Lastbtg Cut: FlowersPhone Midway 9690 1168 East 63rd StreetHalf Block West of Woodlawn Ave.North Side of Street�Ir. F. H. Tracht, manager of the.::-._�_�_� __ � �_ .... ���-�-- __ -----�University bookstore, has announcedseveral new changes which have tak-en place in the management of Press.The usual hours for opening and clos­ing Press have been altered, Thebookstore wilt now open earlier inthe morning and will not close untili instead of at 5, as formerly. Sec­ond hand books will he bought andsold. ' I, ,:11Wt1""�I ATTENTION!.. ..... '�'.; . '. �.. : .... : : ..:"The Pen of the Army."Do you realize that whenever �ou write your "papers"in "Longhand" you are making twice the work for yourInstructors? Your papers will be better and your grades willbe higher if you do your writing on aCORONAF�LDING npEWRITERLet us demonstrate this wonderful little machine to youat your convenience.(SPIECIAL TERMS OFFERED TO S. A. T. c. MEN) .University representativeSIDNEY CASNER-5728 Prairie AvenuePhone Normal 6583COlONA TYPEWRITER SALIS COMPANY12 S. La. SaUe StreetPhone FrankHn 4992-4993'NOTICEI-We Rent Cor�nas ,.,