Membership Committee Tries NewPJ.a.n--o.unpaign to be Followed by..subscription Drive Conducted byThe period of uncertainty through UNIVERSITY WOMEN INVITED Finance Committe of League.STAGG'S ��Vlam\#..l.UaB ...I���""·'S;-k:'f;:C. baS'r-- PARKER TO TELL EXPERed seems to be at an end. That the The members of the W. ,So T. C. Today marks the opening. of the IENCESConference football coaches will applicants for the unit IWill 'be called will be inducted into the or.ganization Y •. w. C. L. membership campaign,t which will, last four days. Announce-meet this morning at the AuditoriUm before their local boards within the a a mass meeting for all women con- ment has been made by Arline Falke­hotel to discuss a new azrangement, next few days has been assured by nected with the University Fridayof the conference sch.dule. Several the military office. The orders for at 7 :30 in Mandel. All women have :�n:��::'�:=t :f n�; p7a:m�:�s�:.8hifts in the ,present schedule are an- induction, which must be sent to the been invited to attend, but the attend- curing members is being adopted byticipated, as the government order local board, together with the report ance of W. S. T. C. members is re- the League this year.prohibiting overnight trips in Octo- of. the applicant's physical examina- quired. "The plan we are trying, althoughber forces the abandonment of the tion, are being mailed today as fast In addition, to the induction, the an experiment, at the University, hasold arrangement. as they can !be typed. Should all the program will consist of speecbes by been used very successfully at North-The:most likely change will'Pbeiiie members of the 'corps be inducted ACting President Angell and Dean ampton, ,Wisconsin and many largeadvancement of. the Northwestern within the next week, further organi- Wallace, and of singing. Dean An- eastern colleges," said Miss Falkenaugame from November to either Octo- sation' of the men into permanent gell will discuss the war-time situation yesterday. '''Instead,of having a on-e-ber 19 or 26. Coach Stagg of the Ma- eompanies and the assignment to bar- of the University 'With partieular re- dollar membership fee as in previous At the meeting on Thursday Sen-.roona. is willing to change. and Coach racks will be completed in short or- ferenee to the funetion of militaey or- year�. we are to have subscriptions, ator Francis W. Parker, one of the.Murph:l'- of the Purple is likewise der. ganizations and Miss Wallace will It is haped that in so doing we will . tru��c�. of thc University, will speak----�1 • Unif-.. Distributed C!� exp18in the aims and orgam·zati·ons of get away -from the old idea .that the on IS Experiences in France." Sen-a5"� e, provided that'he can sehed- "A_ � ator P kI the W. S. T. C. The i�ductions cere- paramount object of the ·lJeague is .. ar er spent ten months as Di-u e a game for the November date. The equipment, which, 'Was -.., to collect a dollar from each member. v�s�on S. ecretary for the Rainbow Di-There is still a ·I..ili·t th t th t· d I k I monies will be conducted by MaJ·or F:raPOSSI., Y a e lone near y two wee s ago is com- And although it is our hope and ex- vI.slon m ' nee and is one of theGophers will be played, as the'iMinne-- ing in. All of the cots bave.)een re- Wygant and Miss Wallace. pectation that everyone will contrib- biggest men in the Y. M. C. A. He�ta people have wired asking a ceived, and the mattresses (are on the The, meeting win be opened with ute as much as she possibly can, no is the originator, of -the best programgame on Thanksgiving day or the lWay. Blankets, 4,000 of which are mUsic:.' A chorus', of women will lead woman will be barred from member- for the division in both camps and:Saturday following. 'being bought, will .be here in several in the singing of patriotic and popu- ship' because she, feels unable to con- tr�nche.s .. , He has personal contactDirec:tor Stagg said :resterday thai da:rs. as well as a shipment of rifles, lar songs. This chorus is being train- t�bute a dollar. The League does w,th. "-,,nteen �nd trench work, andhe Iuul .orts to ached1de a Uniforms will have to he for soma ed by Mrs. Hilla who eondneted the th,s because it realizes that demands was injured while on trench duty. The• game 101:: nat SaturdaY. and that he time of the· cotton khaki variety. as communit;r singing i'; Mandel a year for money, particularly at the begin- campus Y. 1M. C. A. considers Sena-., I .ts ill t!L.-. ed ago. All University women :who can ning of the. quarter, are many and !or Parker an exceptionally attract-, _k:ntnr-.f,no available team at the pres- woo en SUI WI no 'UC ISSU until varied.' rve speaker.-4 �:' 't__ Gbt :time., There were rumors that the wea. ther_ is co.lder. The cotton sing have ,been requested to attend S bs' Frida.� _ ul . a rehearsal today at 6 and Thursda· u eriptinn: Drive to FoBow. .:r: to � "Stunt" Night� i. .,- -12IIJ 1IIiUd!fpId '?IW. __ �y.s �� - ... �ahJ;ba��..8IIlIiJr 1lt -4'30- �Ui'··lil' eN _.. the8tr· .y .. �B�!lSC. of .. thia. ch.1.n&. in...the. .sub- 'Friday: night IS to be "Stunt Night,·:' , hera 0etaIJer .12; hut 'Mr. Stagg de- ment, � should he Teady for dii- the ,;..nn:::_e in �of the::'::' �c�iptio� - pla.n the membership Cam- aii� !iiCaJ t&lent will oi:euPlP""tIi�_.�se:'-�-'lc:lared that he had made .no arrange- tribution soOn. palgn will be run �eparately from .the This has been arranged to take the ' .. : .menta for such a game. The assignment to barraeks will be- ing desires to have the chol"llS as large drive of the finance committee, the place of the Dramatie club deba"';"" t':'0__ h � • b th .a--£. as possible. b hio' ,'��e eaUWAY has been made in grn y e urz; .. of next week. It may me� ers ip s campaign caming first. .s�cieties and- other activities of pre-prOviding a definite hour for practice. be. said without hesitatio� that the This meeting has not bee arranged VarIous teams are competing for the VIOUS years which witl have to beBoth 'Major Wygant and .Coach stagg quarters of the men be about solely for. present members of the bonor of obtaining the largest number omitted this year: IMen with dra­have been ,willing to agree to eacJ& the most eom.f�rtable and '�odern in training corps, but for all women who of members. These teams will be matic or musical talenthave been re­other's terms, bnt the thn:e h�ur sUr- the country. It is aeldom that sol- are interested in obtaining informa- hea�ed by Coventry Platt, Pauline quested to kave their names withveying course in the afternoon mixed diers are housed in. __ buIld- tion concerning the W. S. T. C. and �v .. , Gladys Nyman, Elizabeth Wit- IMr. Stevens.tliinga up considerably_ As ma_ i_ with all the facUitieS of hot the. _possibilities for war work for I,ford, Helen .Platter�oD, Shirley. "Assistant Il'rof. 'Merrifield's coursenow stand practice will tJegin at .. water. showers, steam heat, eleotri- women. ichhroeder and Katharine NeIIiger. loS offered as an aid to men who re-I AU members of the W. S. T. C. ha-e ac woman, upon signing the mem- ceive the small khaki-bound Bl·blequarter after four, and continue untU citvL elub rooms, libraries,' and the Y' b h- 'til ho -( been requested to come to a-meeting ers 'p. card, 'Will he given a little which is distributed free at all army'e ur an� a half allowed is up. many other advantages that the men today at 5:15 in the Ida Noyes blue trIangle sipifying that she has camps," said IMr., Stevens yesterday..Scrimmage'was the feature.of yes- will enjoy bere. theatre. become a member of the Leaguc." 4'ln connection with the lectures andterday's practice, two light teams tak- Men Are Ull1I81Ia11y Forbmate. open discussio'ns, tMr. Merrifield willing the field. 'Several of the most' "I hope that the men will appreciate Back a Bayonet-Buy a BODeL conduct a question drawer for aUplOmising pia,.,.,. are out of the line- their go"!_I. fortune and the elforta of BEAR FROM PRESIDENT men who have difficulties to solve.up on aeeount of eharley-borses,,,,,d the Univeroity to provide for their nJDSON SPECIA!L COlllMITrEES TO We expect the Friday e .... ningvarious bruises, and the game;,ester- further welfare." said Major Wy- BEAm WOIIIEN IN RAI4.S ·s.tnnts' to be of interest to the ..... Dot up to the standard. The gant :resterday. "Besides otfieia1ly The Ia_ able f ..... PreaidOlll IN fOlIRTlI LIBERTY LOAN d,ers as they will provide a great deal, B Pra \ of wholesome fun."linesmen IWith_ few exeeptions were placing its facilities at their disposal, any tt JadsOIl of the UIIi-light, and the _.... baeIm were the UDivel'llit:r is unotfieia1ly tr;ring to -tT ....... is ... _ far Penisa Eatallllah BootIao At Ida N_ The Y. M. C. A. is sending letters. i . ke the • 1 .. the _L_:_aa of the &_..;__ Harper aDd 0Ibb For Olr to the- f.amilies of men w:l.o are con-1DlSl ng. ma SoeJa side of the soldiem' QliUa_ AUI�_ fi d ,II. " tit:.ed CAaIlliBsi_ for Relief ill the N-. <mDpas, 'lV_a. ne in the hospital with Spanish in-A. A. Stagg, Jr.'s team got back at e as van as posslDle. � the -..- fluenza. Clarence Brown, executivethe squad, led by CoJe, when Dygert bundings of the campus ,,"11 be thrown But. .... seat flOa Bomba1', In- Dean Miller has announced his 5e.cretary, is confined to his homeslipped over the Une for a toucbdown open far aoc:ial activities, and pro- cIia. IBis iatiDeary .. far as.... plan for reaching the University WIth an attack of the sickness.and ;Reber kicked goal. Stagg h� grams will be given at frequent in- taka JU.. fna New York to 'Loa- women in the Liberty Loan Drive.the better of the division of the men, terval�" doD, f ... there to Paris, -e, aDd The following women have been ape ANNOUNCE ALL PREACIIERShaving the heaviest line, and the best AD athletics, Major Wygant an- b7 wa1' of Cairo, Part �..... pointed to eanvass the women's balls: WHO SPEAK FALL QUAKI'EBSbacks. To even, matters up some-- nounced, Wll1 be ea�ed on, as far as the Suez Caul, to Adea.. � Emma Field Pope and Mary Knapp,what, the Cole eleven Was given six ....11 be consistent with the plans of AdeD the part7 --m the AIaDII' Foster hall; L:rssa Chalkley and Paul. University preachers have been an­clowns. the War c1e&&rtment.. "Personally, aa Sea &ad the I .... 0eeaIl to ine Davis, Green hall; Corinne Allen, nounee!d for the rest at the AutaamCole played a gooI game, but his! am bearb1f in favor of atbleties," Bombay. Kelly ball; Mit'.iam SteinmnIed t.bequ&rteur .. On. Oet.. �3 thf: interests atba ..... - n -..a" d' m d D ., n_.A. ' nlVennty Settlemeat lWi11 'L_ICA:t were unable to gain through e sal� aD WI 0 a that I can, 'I1le eablecra- fl'Olll Bam_" �er ball. A eommittee whieh presented. On Oct 20 � CIathe liDe, and ena runs were smashed to make them a SUeees8 at the UDf- followa: will be appoiDted from � W. So T. C. Clarenee Augustus· �""res--i-de-e:-consistently. Two good passes, Cole versity." will reaeh the women who are not haD' Rochester Theological Semina� wiDto Plunkett, 'were the features of the Guest Vicere1' Silllla JUt week- residents. For this purpose a booth s.peak, and on Oct. 'Z1, Dr. Robert El-loser's offense. Stagg's squad used HOLD ANNUAL RECEPTION end. Sailing. Greeting UninnitJ will be maintained in Ida Noyes hah. bott Speer, of New York City will bethe straight football game exclusive- FOR ENTERING STUDENTS opemng Jeer. Booths have been established t the and Dygert and Neff ripped open IN IDA NOYES THEATRE JaoIsoa. the Information desk in Cobb hall':d be The .first speaker in NoV<!mber wiDthe line for ten :prds gain. in Harper W 31. Miss Wi 'f_ ¥ �,gaed later. On Nov. 10. Prof.PI N • I�l er FrancIS Greenwood Peabod t. unkett, who had experienee at ew W_ Imital To ReceptloD Of Nooy and Mlsa Helen Colber are in van! Divinity School will � �Loyola, was a shiniDg light at end on Womea's Athletic: Asaoc:iatiOll eharge. of the latter booth. The l&laD on Novo 17 and 2& Bisho CharlesCole'. eleven.' He pulled down two T__ at ,... THE DAILY MAROON BULLETIN are being approached h:r the militfty David WIlliams of Detroit "'ieh: wiDlong p_ and made several elever authorities.1Who are taking fun charge pnaeh. • •_. In -..Jd0ti. h 0 The annual W. A. A. reeeptioin to Teda1'_ f th· dIDa .__. ' IIQ JOIn e was In every . 0 IS en of the work. Fac:ulty and n eeember, Bishop Homer ClJdeplay, aDd his hard taekling was re- new �omen WID be held tomorrow at employees of the Unbersity are be- Stuntz, of Omaha, Neb. will aDak the_sible for many 10.- ""'"" � '.n the th .. � of Id!o N� hall. 11�� chapel, Haskell -b1:v. lug Teaehed by special committees. ftnt t.- Sunday .. Dee. 15 will he Con·Stagg's ...... attempted to skirt right ylbs Palmer IS general ehatnnan ............... Dean Miller has not J8t announced voeation Sunday.end. Stegeman pIa,. a good tr, _ of the reeeptiion and Katherine Frost the amount subscribed 80 fa�, but 11. ------... 0 en has charge of the entertainment.. AD n:...:nl.'_ _L __1 8as'--'11 WEATHER FORECASTave game Aor the winners; and it wu ,"'In "I CIa� -.e usembly, has expressed himself as weD pleasedchiefty. beeause of his work that at- women. and .....,.oally entering stu- 11:16. .with the ftSPCID8'I bom the Unlftnl..... Partly cloudy. beecmling UDHIitJedtempts through the liDe f.Oed. dents ha(,��Invited and thooe In Y. M. C. A. Dilc:uaion ...... P. Bey_ "I tcnrard night. Slcnr rising tempera-, VVln,� OIl page 4> DOlda club, 7. Back • �----B- a BoacL tare. Moderate euterly to south-• _�vu-. _ easterly �,.l t., .� VOL. XVII. NO.4. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1918 PRICE TWO CENTS• TEN COACHES TOMEET TOIJAY TO FIXFOOTBALL SCHUEDLE, A series of evening meetings ofthe Y. M. C. A. has been authorizedby Activities Secretary Stevens. Or­dinarily these wiH be held in the Rey­nolds Club Theater every eveningexcept Monday from 7 to 7:45, clos­ing in time for assembly for the even­ing study period. The first gatheringwill be held tomorrow, when Assist­ant Prof. iMerriiield will lead the dis­cussion on "The Use of the KhakiTestament."LEAGUE TO INAUGURATEMEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGNFOR PRESENT QUARTERORGANIZATION OF S. A. T. C.'TAKING DEFINITE FORM MASS MEETING WILLBE HELD FRIDAY FORALL W.S.T.C. MEMBERS Y. M. C. A. 'PLANS SERBOF EVENING MEETINGSIN REYNOLDS THEATEREquipment Being Rec:eJved Daily .. Ac­aignment to Barracks to BegiD NextWeek. Major Wygant in Fa'fOr ofAthletics. Merrifield Will Talk on Bible atFirst Gathering Tomorrowat 7 O'clockInduction of Members to TakePlace at 7 :30 In MandelExpect Changes in Program­Marooas May Play Gopherand Purple Teams _'--"2 THE DAILY KABOON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1918mlJr latly _arnon ,"ANNOUNCES NEW WAR COLUMNversity have been given an opportun­ity for aid in the control of the in­fluenza epidemic. An emergency callwas received yesterday '")y the cent­ral shop at Lexington, and by Mrs.Goodspeed at Ida Noyes hall for 1,000influenza masks to be sent to FortDodge, Iowa. The work was car­ried from 2 :30 to 6 and from 7 to9 yesterday in the corrective gymna­sium in Ida Noyes hall. It I\\"'8S re­ported to be progressing rapidly, butif not completed it will be continuedtoday. -ras NEW ORTHOD9XY". BY AMES PUBLISHED BY PRESS NA:ME NEW MEMBERS OFNOY� ADVISORY CO�NCILMILITARY BULLEI'INThe Student Newspaper of TheUniversity of Chicago ''The New Orthodoxy" is the titl�of a book by Assis� Prof. Amesof the department of ·1'f1ilosop'hy, re­cently published by the UniversityPress. The volume deals with thechanging order in religion. T·he au­thor contends that religion has a veryvital place in the new world ottqought and ideals which has arisenwithin the past few years. The sub­jects treated are the new sentiment,personality, sacred literature as rela­ted to the new orthodoxy, the chang­ing ideals, and the ceremonials ofworship.AU men who have given the FacultyExchange of the University as theirtemporary address should call thereeveJrY dey, as their calls from the lo­cal draft boards will begin to comein within the next few days. Th_e following have been appointedto membership in the Ida .Noyes Ad­visory council: Frances Henderson,Gladys Gordon, Pauline Davis, SarahMulroy, Malbel Masten, May Freed­man, ,Martha Simond, Lola W04)O­ward, Ruby Warner and Lyssa Chalk­ley. 'Mrs. Goodspeed is president ofthe organization. At the first meet­ing held last week, May Freedmanwas elected secretary.Published mornings, except Saturday,Sunday and Monday, during the Au­tumn, Winter and Spring the Daily Maroon company.EDITORIAL (DEPARTMENTTHE STAFFJohn Joseph _ .. .Managing EditorRuth Genzberger News EditorHelen Ravitch Night EditorRose Fischkin Day Edit�rJames Sheean .Day EditorHarry Shulman .Day Editor'William 'Morgenstern. Athletics EditorLyssa Chalkley .Associate EditorFrederick Winterhoff _ _ _ .._ __ Associate Editor ALUMNI OFFICE ,RECEIVESHEROIC WAR RECORD OFWILLIAM BEAUCHAMP, '18Death of Gilbert Moss Described.Name UDiversity ChemistsWorking in WashingtoD.SOARES GOES TO FRANCETO LECTURE TO U. S. MENIN CAMPS AND "Y" HUTS PRESS ISSUES "AR.'\lY FRENCH'· The .Marooo. wishes to announcethat begiDDing, with next week acolumn ealled "Column of Companies·'will appear· on the third page. Thisspace wiD be devoted Ito news of thevarious companies. ReporterS for thisspace will be appointed as soon asthe companies are organized.Particulars of the heroic war rec­ord of Wi11iam Beauchamp, ex-lS,have been received at the Alumni of­fice. Beauchamp, who enlisted im­mediately after war was declared,was severely gassed in Decembera1917. Mter four months in a French "Army French" by Wilkins andColeman has just been issued inla newand revised edition by the UniversityPress. The book has had a wide usein the army cantonments, five impres­sion of the first edition having beenstruck off. Both the authors are inservice, Associate Prof. Coleman ofthe department of Romance Langu­ages and Literature being engaged ineducational wonk for the Americansoldiers in France, and Prof. Wilkins,head of the department, in gen­eral charge of Y. M. C. A. educationalwar work in this country. Tuesday, October 8thOne Day OnlyNO INCREASE IN PRICEChildren tOe All Day2:15 and 4-Adults 15c 6:45 to 11:15-,Adults 20cWar Tax included in above pricesAn ildyllic Lover in HiB Jungle HauntsA Raging Fury in Aristocracy·s Gilded\ cage�e Sequel to "Tarzan of the Apes""The Romance of Tarzan"A Smashing Dramatic Sensation in 7Reels, outrivaling in Strange Origi­nality anything that has evergone before.How Tarzan =ses every trick andsubterfuge of the shadowy denizensof his jungle fastness to out-wit thehordes of treacherous savages whoseek to kill his mate.NOTICE! NOTICE!If you saw "Tarzan of the Apes"you will remember that the endingwas rather abrupt. This story ends­conclusisvely in a series of startlingclimaxes tha� leaves nothing to imagi­nation and cancludes the career ofTarzan.BUSINESS DEPARTMENT --Grant Mears, Manager Professor Goodspeed is Appointed toMay Freedman, Assistant Popular Textbook by Wilkins andColeman in Sixth Edition.PoSition of General Secretaryof Local Y. M. C. A.Entered as second class mail at theChicago Postoffice, Chicago, Illinois,March 13, 1906, under the act ofMarch 3, 1873. 'Prof. Soares has left the Universityto do Y. ::\1. C. A. work in France.SUlBSCRIPTION RATESCalled for, $2.50 a year; .$1.00 aquarter.By Carrier, $3.00 a year; $1.25 aquarter.tHy Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50• quarter.:By 'Mail (out of town), $4.25 ayear; $1.75 a quarter. Hi.s call came very suddenly. Ar- hospital, be returned to the trenchesrangernents had been made last but fell ill with trench fever. -Hespring for Prof. Coares to go to was again placed in a hospital and wasFrance. but when the S. A. T. C. was in a fair way to recovery when thelMAR!OON- Rhodes b.. hospital was bombed by the Germans,established at the University, he wasretained to act as General Secretaryfor [the local Y. l\f. C. A. Prof.Soares spoke at the Y. '1\1. C. A. massmeeting in Mandel hall Saturday, andimmediately afterward left to assume Another Chicago man whose namehis new work. has appeared on the casualty list isIProf. Soares, who is considered one Gilbert Moss, who recently died of BLACItFRIARS JNVEST 'FUNDSof the most able speakers in the Y. pneumonia contracted while in train- IN FOU�BERTY WAN:M. C. A. service, will give his time to ing at the Philadelphia navy yards. Blackfriars' has invested all itslecturing to the men of the American M t' ed t th 1M .. I 'Pioss ram a e umcipa er funds in Fourth Liberty Loan bonds.forces. iRe will talk in "Y" huts and later at Pelham Bay. This money was formerly used to payalong the front as well as in the Another report received at the AI- the expenses of staging Blackfriartraining camps. �-tProf, Goodspeed of the Divinity umni office states that a number of productions. The play of two yearsschool has been appointed to take University men are making good inProf. ISoares' place at General Sec- the chemical department in Wash­retary of the local Y. 1M. 'C. A. He ington .. Among those mentioned are:will begin ,his, work today and ex- G. E. 'Sandt, '18; Sidney Weissman,pects to spend a great deal of time '17; S. Hellerman, '17; J. S. Culben­at the headquarters in the Reynolds son, 4f1S; S. V. Jacobson, ex-1!1; Bernstein, 'lS; S. :M. ;McClure, '17;L. M. Jacobsson, '17.and Beauchamp's right arm wasshattered. Latest reports say thathe is now in a reconstruction schoolin England.Editorial Rooms Ellis 12Telephone Midway 800, Local 162.Hours: 11:10-11:50; '12:25-6; 7-8.'Business Office Ellis 14Telephone il\lidway SOO, Local 162Bourse 10:20-11:50; 3-5:30.Tuessday, October 8, 1918EDITORIAL TRIBULATIONSThe editor of this paper is allwrong, all wrong. He wrote an edi­torial against certain promoters whoissued the Maroon Blotter, but in sodoing stole the advertising of theDaily IMaroon.. Those gentlemen,fearing for their reputations, visitedthe Daily Maroon office and explain­ed, en masse, that they used thehoneyed word on customers only un­der their true colors. So we apolo­gize for slinging mud and iJidulgingin 'yellow journal methods. But wedo wish that advertisers would rec­ognize that the Daily Maroon is notthe Maroon Blotter, thank heaven. ago, "A Rhenish Romance" is nowbeing presented in Indiana for t.nebenefit of the Red Cross. Th�. cos­tumes and properties from all theprevious shows will be loaned to thesailors for their production. Black­friars' will not be active this year.OUR MISTAKE PROIUINENT ATHLETE 'DIES'PRISONER IN ENEMY CAMPDr.· Parker Injured by FalL ,IDr. A. K. Parker, former head ofHitchcock hall, and former Universityrecorder, had a severe f�1l last Satur­day afternoon. He was picked upnear his hotel in New York City andtaken to the New Y�rk hospital, onWest 16th street. His conditiion isimproving, Dr. Parker is a memberof the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity.In the issue of October 2, mention:was made of a certain 'varsity memberwho had "decided that he had enoughfootball for the year." . Seeing thatMoulton was boone in bed at the doc­tor's order, the word "decided" wasnot a particularly happy one tochoose.. Such choice was, however,entirely unintentional. That's whatcomes of using colloquialisms. Official word has just been received .ALSO THIS DAYGAUMONT GRAPHICthat Lieut. Walter B .. Schaefer, 'J.7, AND .LYONS & MORAN COMEDYwho was announced missing in action,died the day he was \ taken prisonerby the enemy. -Lieut, Schaefer wasprominent in athletics while attend­ing the University. He was awarded.a ·'C" both in basketball and football.RECEIVE EMERGENCY CALLSFOR 1000 INFLUENZA MASKS ADDED EXTRAThe Best of the Liberty Loan ReelsDOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in"SIC 'EM SAM"tIt's as Good as a FeatureAlthough the war relief in connec­tion with the W. S. T. C. has not yetbeen organized, the 'Women of the Uni-"J t"l my flight from state to stateI find Murad 'everywhere!•WHY?� .. ��:./'.,.",,: --.. - -.1a.\'•RIF1Fe"]Tits .mee- factday:.nomthethis'thats. �shoe:studuntimodTllastthemat.eraemenRifkcomSed�MOsriflebefoT1sectiopeJlon]yAss<berhandter.Lo�s_booClubor�suppthis;.;".1,• •-•Wroorrnearral, :Box... .. ' PIcithcvatekitclUnhmontwicand� .\ • PI1Hyd,..{..\ .•l·I,�',1 s mE DA.I,LY IIABOON, TUESDAY, OCI'OBEK 8, 1918 3,EYVE oAND HELP WINWill Give Playle� ,Corrects Report of Pierce.T.he Daily Maroon of Oct. 2 listedPaul R. Pierce, '14, on the Universityhonor roll as being wounded in ac­tion. A communication has just been,received stating that this was, a. mis­take and that Paul R. Pierce, who isa lieutenant in the Royal FlyingCorps, has been detailed in England,where he has been working on aerialtactics' since Aug. 1.You save money when you buy New and Second-handBooks and School Suppliesincluding paper, pens, pencils, in fact everything for your CoursesAT THEUniversity BookstoresCorner 58th St. and Ellis Avenue, and Room 106 Emmons Blaine Hallberlain have acted as faculty sponsersand officers during the summer quar­ter. Trips have been taken to CampLogan and the Great Lakes where$ooting was practiced. The RifleClub, on the strenJrth of this doubleorS!8nization, will receive a doublesupply of guns from the governmentthis quarter.�Jl� 1r__e_st__o_u_r_vv__e_l_c_o_rn_e�� o__p_e_n_E_v_e_n�i_n_g_s ___ClassifiedWANTED--To rent, six or sevenroom furnished apartment, two baths,ncar to University and Illinois Cent­ral, from November to April 1. WriteBox 236, Homewood, I11inois. The first big hockey mass meetingof the year will be held today at 3 :30in the assembly room of Ida Noyesball. AIl women who are takinghockey, whether they are beginning orold players have been asked to come,as the meeting is important. GladysGordon, W. A. A. representative forhockey is general head of the meet­ing and has planned an elaborate pro­gram.Phyllis Palmer, off'lCial W. A. A.cheerleader will lead the cheers andsongs. Miss Katherine Cronin, MissLouise Patterson .md Miss KatberineHowe, of the Physical Eduoation de­partment will speak. A sbort playlethas been arranged with Myra Kimballas coach. The system of W. A. A.points for hockey will be fully ex­plained."We want everybody to come tothis meeting," said. Gladys Gordonyesterday, "It's very important fornew women as well as for advancedplayers to come and hear the an­nouncements. The entire W. A. A.point system for hockey will be ex­plained. Besides that, we have ar­ranged a program that we' thingeverybody will enjoy.'� .Q)mer Ellis Ave.1541 E. S7tJt St.Private Dancing LesSODSIn a course of six lessons ($5.00)one can acquire the steps of the Waltz,One-step, and Fox-trot. Single les­sons if desired.LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIOHyde Park 2314IThe Frolic neatreDrug Store959 :East 55th StreetTHE MEN OF THE S. A. T. C.READ WHAT MAJOR JAMES A. MOSS has to say about CORONAin his latest editioin of "ARMY PAPER WORK" and see why he recom­mends COI.lONA before any other typewriter for' aD-around field aM­garrison w:ork.GET A CORONA FOR YOUR PAPER WORKMTeight, 6 pounds.CORoNA \FOLDING npEWRITERlSend for Booklet 4 for co_"plete information about this wonderfullittle machine."The Pen of the Army."RIPLE CLUB WILL MAK:E HOCKEY, PLAYERS TO HOLDPLANS TO MEET PRESENT, BIG MASS MEETING FRIDAYSITUATION AT UNIVERSITYGladys Gordon Requ£sts All WomenFew Members To Be Admitted Until To AtteM Important Meeting IRange Stand Can Be llemocllecJ.The Rifle ,club will soon announceits plans for the autumn quarter. Ameeting of last season's members and� faculty officers will be held in a fewdays, at a time and place to be an­.nouneed later. The officers expectthe club to be more Popular tban everthis year because of the new interest, that most of tbe members of theS. !A. T. C. will naturally take inshooting. At presesnt, very few newstudents will be admitted to the clubuntil the old range stand can be re­modeled and more officers secured.The club did some excellent worklast year. During the latter part ofthe winter quarter, in ;a nationalmatch, six members won medals forcrack shooting from the War Depart­ment, All tJte o.. __ eers of last year'sRifle Club have enlisted and receiveGcommissions. These include;' Pa,.,Sedgwick, Porter Burleigh and GilbertMoss. These fellows are excelleneriflemen, but knew little about a gunbefore joining the Rifle Club.The club has been divided into twosections. One of these divisions isopen to members �f' the Universityonly, while the other enrolls civilians.Associate Prof. Land and Prof. Cham- MAKES ANOTHERCONTRmUTlO:SPleasing newly furnished room for benefactors a man who combines witheither one or two students. and pri- an extensive knowledge of books avate bath. with use of study room, keen appreciation of the importanceof preserving in an institution likekitchen. china and linen; near to the the University the collection hereUniversity; in exchange for $10 a briefly described. It is hoped that themonth and taking charge, two hours donor will at some future date con­twice a week, 'of two nice, attractive sent to give some of his personal ree­and well-trained children. ollections of the poet, as well as hisPhone 'Mrs. Berkeley M. Fontaine, own experience as a collector ofHyde Park 9473. books and manuscripts."Dr. Gunsaulus Gives Rare Books ToUniv�ty Libraries.An addition to his previous con­tributions of rare books and manu­scripts was made last summer by Dr.Gunsalus. This time the gift em­braces books, manuscripts and lettersof Eugene Field. The colleetioin justpresented hy Dr. Gunsaulus numbers27 volumes, 7 letters and manuscripts.Among the latter is the original man­uscript of his "Temptation of FriarGonsol.""The University Library may con­sider itself fortunate," said Mr. Han­son associate director of the libraries,COIn having among his frien'ds and U niversi ty Representative:SIDNEY CASNER5728 Prairie AvenueTelephone: Normal 6583COlONA TYPEWRnIISALes COMPANY12 South La Salle StreetFranklin -1992-4993 TO THESTUDENTSOF THEuNlVESSm of CHICAGOYOU can save you own time and the timeof oyur Instructors by using a CORONAFOLDING TYPEWRITER for all your. Theconvenience and compactness of CORONA,makes it tlie ideal machine for personal use.Machine forld in case. - .;"." - �,�� �-�t"�:;' !·' ...... 10'(''';. ' !�IIIj_,,'.: ". . .. ,- �.�.: �1:.11 .I",,'J' ..I :L 'J:'. " 'I,t I•J� •it.. '., .: /' THE DAD..Y IIAROON, TUESDAY, OCl'OBER 8, 1118COMMrnu ON PUBLIC INFORMAnONDIVISION OF ADVERTISING�.I MADISON AVE.. NEW YORK CITYC-17. IN TH� .yicious guttural l.anguage of Kultur! the degree �. B. means Bachelor of. . Atrocities, Are. you going to let the Prussian Python strike at your Alma Mater,as it struck at the University of Louvain? ' .'The HohenzoHem fang strikes at every element of decency and culture and tastethat your college stands for. It leaves a track so terrible that only whispered fragmentsmay be recounted. It has ripped all the world-old romance out of war, and to the dead; black depths of muck, and hate, and bitterness."MlIJlTARY FRENCH·(Tune: "Oh, French),.")Oh, Frenchy! Oh, French)" French)'!Your language is so new to meFor when I try to say, "Voila,'"The ;boys in class all say, "Ha bat"Oh, Frenchy! Oh, French)" Frenchy!Allez with me a la victoree!Marchons! Marchons!And down with potentates!. But when you try to give' commands,Oh, Frenehy, won't yoU talk UnitedStates!I.n which it is very obvious, as LouDooley remarks, that "potentates" isintroduced to rhyme with "United.states.". The Maroon has announced �a\.the Alpha' Delt house has been takenover by" the Government. Yes, andthe Phi Delt and the Sigma Chi andthe Esoteric houses, too, no doubt.'l.&E1TERS OF A FRESHlIAN.Dear Folksz To prepare myself tobecome an officer, I am taking milFrench. The whole class has suiferedan attack of the acute accent, IW'hicb,in French, .is a disease known as theaccent ague. It's worse than the :flew.The sergeants (so-called) that takeus out for drill might just as wellgive their commands in French. We'dunderstand them just as well Zbaswee zung soldah. That's Fnmch. Iguess I don't spell every 'Word right,but JOu get me. I'm taking survey-­Dig" too. . The teacher said to pace oft'tIle'·Coor8e on"'tlH� midway' and wh�' .I asked him if two steps made a pace.e enrybody laughed. I'm not living inSneU!,h� any more.. I been moved tothe Phi Psi barracks; I don't knowhOW' soon I'll be initiated. Bachelore"Charlie.'mIE meuibers of the ladies' army,'i we are told, have been asked not tolook at the S.:A.T.C. men on the cam­pus. Now we know why we haven't re­ceived the attention customarily ,paidus. The hardest part for the girls,acco�ding to Ruth Huey, 'Will be be­ing ejected from Harper readingroom for military reasons-as a warmeasure, you might saJ'. You may soon be called to fight. Butyou are called upon right now to buyLiberty Bonds. You are called upon toeconomize in- every way. It is sometimesharder to live nobly than to die nobly. The·supreme sacrifice of life may come easierthan the petty sacrifices of comforts andluxuries. You arc called to exercise stern self-discipline. Upon this the Allied Suc­cess depend ••_.. Set aside every 'possible dollar for thepurchase of Liberty Bonds. Do it relent­lessly. Kill every wasteful impulse thatAlnerica may live. Every bond you buyfire. point-blank at' Prossian Terrorism.BUY U. S. GOVERNM'ENT BONDS FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN«.��_.;�::;�; .... , OUR OWN ARMY REOOM.IIEND&­TlONSTo wear gas masks: the Esoteries.To be the tank corps: the MortarBoards •.To join the air service: the Quads.To throw band grenades: the W.,­vema.To do K. P. duty: the Sigma&. .DOC Bratfish, the world's greatesttonsorial professional, is specializingthis aeaaon in milital'J' hain:uta, with+all electric touch. He even has gGDe10 far as to offer to bob bair, for thosec:o-eds who feel the., must llaw: itcIoIae. Uailed s..a. eo... Co-. ora Pahlic lDfonaalioDBOLD ANNUAL RECEPTIONFOR ENTERING STUDENTSIN IDA NOYES THEATRE sing."We want everybod� to C«lle," aidPhyllis Palmer. "Tho. who b&ftbeen to W. A. A. receptions beforeknow what fun they are and we canpro�ise the new women a good time.All freshmen come with their upper­class counselors and if they (1011"have counselors they are perfec:ttywelcome without. We a� going toexplain the seemingly complicatedsystem of points and we want to getsome real Chleago spirit 'Into theaonp and cheers."UNIVERSITY DAMES WILL MEETThe University dames will meet Sa­turdaJ' at 3 in the theatre of IdaNoyes hall. A new president will beelected. Mrs. 101m N. Taylor is lee­retary.TeD mill To Tana Onr.Dear Sir: One of our brightfreah- (Continued from page 1)men wants to 'know 'Wbat be is to do ebarge have promised a "peppy" enter­if he is already in bed 'When taps sc:nmded. Perhaps you could give The usual books, containing songshim some advice. and cheers and an explanation of the·AIlen. W. A. A. system of points will begiven to each woman. Helen Driver,MEMBERSHIP in the Club seems president of the W. A. A" will speakt. be picking up this year. liall') 011 the aims and purposes of theEnglish will probably not have to Association and Dean 'Wallace willd-�l many for their quarterl,. dues. speak on the W. S. T. C.Besides the speeches there wiD beHELENlA. Stevens, Reel eMU.evenl dances and lOme singing. 'RuthRUrse, is back. :W�'erD prospeeta Lovett win give one dance, Margeryabould brighten, now, sbe thinb. WiBs1cnr and Eleanor Atkins wiD gift_ ' another, and Kathleen Grant, Hefe1\M if it weren't ,alread,- dazzlin«. Thompaon and Katherine Clark willA-. give & third. losephlne Proetor wD1 HIGH SCHOOL STUFF that here we are "men" and "women,"- not "boys" and "girls."College'sn't high aebool ." Kembel'S Very well, but what of it! "Theof this Univel'Sity and probably of what of it" is this-there are men inother universities and colleges, admit the Student Army Training Corps be­it. In fact, they emphasize it. This baving like babies, tar from sayingaxiom, if you will, is the first an in- boys. Some of them indulge in suchcoming student is compeIled to learn. clever little tricks that one wondersPerhaps the idea is barsh, conceited they were tom away from eighthand unreasonsble, but nevertheless grade, say. .members of the university of Chicago Through neeessft,. the government i.wish this distinction made-eollege using student instructors in some ofisn't high aehool. the courses thi. year .ueb as s1ll"N7- .Co:lsequently there is no reason for ing and map-making. Naturally the8eanyone's behaving a 1a hip school. instructors are not particularl� weDSome plaee in the Bible there is a versed in the art of imparting bowl-edge. NaturaDy theJ' make mistak-,quotation about "laying aside often of h1lllloro1lB Data!e.things." New members of this Uni- Help, don't hinder. Forget whatvensity would do well to IUd the pas- you 1eamal in lUgh 8Choo1 about thesage referred to aDd appl� it to the entertainment of instraeton aclthiDga they do. To eneour&ge this yoaDl' women. It won' go In tIaedifferentiation the CCC" book suggests University Gf CbieaJO./ - ';<,.. �,i., .IIscotlttCItia:C;c.mCIhinSI' sl:), 0"r. bl'a,� ,a1p01h;lu.111,ellcJw,�al• F'·-· ��insat(l� \\'�If.fl'.t1">' SCinpIO(wheorte., allt!;Jcl:.',all" :11th�e,• • �callha...tht� �, weth.r:·1 \