.: at aroonVOL. XVIL NO 3. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4. 1918 PRICE TWO CENTaMaroonmeD Hold Hard PracticeSerimmages Despite Uncer­tain Future of Game Officers Appointed by Boardof Selection-Hold MeetingNext Week MAKES ANNOUNCEMENTSCONCERNING CLASSES IN"GYM" DEPARTMENTlIMY HEADS TO SEND'DECISION ON BIG TENFOOTBALL SC"EDULE• ANNOUNCE OFFICERS OF I HO�E TO ENROLL ALLLOCAL TRAINING CORPS WOMEN OF UNIVERSITYMajor Wygant Heads Staff of Seven- IN NEW TRAINING CORPSteen Officers-Take Steps TowardInducting and Equipping ElevenCompanies Immediately. Miss Cronin Requests New WomenTo Make ApPointments for Physi­cal Examinations - All WomenMust Take Some GymnasiumWork. Y. M. C. A. TO HOLD BIGMASS MEETING FORSA.T.C. MUi TOMOROW.,Major Wygant and ProfessorSoares Will Speak-Meet­ing Opevs With Sing. � I The complete military staff of theBOB COL"E BEATS STAGG 6-0 University S. A. T. C. unit has been WAR WORK REQUIRED '�Iiss Katherine Cronin, head of the SOLDIERS BELONG TO Y.M.C.A._ announced in a bulletin published by department of -Physical Education,.Conference athletic authorities met the President's office. The staff is Before the recruitmg campaign has announced that all undergraduate A Y. ;�L C. A. mass meeting cor-yesterday to listen to the' report of as Iollows i 'Major Henry S. 'Wygant, closes next week the IWoman Stu- women are required to take some responding to the first Reynolds clubthe delegates who wert' sent to Wash- Commanding officer; Captain Robert dents' Training Corps hopes ,to enroll work in the department of Physical smoker of last year, will be held iningron last week to sound the govern- 'P .. Boardman, Post Adjutant and every woman in the University on its Education. If women have not reg- .Mandel tomorrow at 6:4�·. The encr-'ment on its policy toward football, \Summary Court Officer; Lieut. tist of members. Already 530 women istered for this work they have been mous proportions which the Y. I�LTh� Big Ten delegates had little to -Claud D. �Lanary, Battalion Com- are wearing the maroon arm ban(f requested to do 50 as soon as possi- . C. A. has assumed this year has.say, further than they had an inter- mander; Lieut. ·,Mark '(T .• Vornholt. which is the emblem of ,the organi- ble any- day from 9'130 to 1 in the . caused widespread interest in the or-view with the army department, and Chief Medical 'Officer ; Lieut. George zation. gymnasium "office. ganization and an overflow is expect-that definite word would he forth- H. Manosevitch. Dental officer; Lieut. The captains who are to head the All entering students have been re- ed. Every student in the S. A. T. C.coming soon. 'Earl ;TL -Crawford, I Post ,Quarter'- \V. S. T. C. have not yet been chosen. quired -to take physical and medical is a member of the Y. ,�1. C. A. andThere seemed to be a desire on the 'master and. .Supply Officer; Lieut. They will be appointed by a board examination-so They have been asked has been: urged to attend the firstpart of the \Vashingt�n authorities to -Ear l :L. Thurstenen, Commanding of selection consisting of iMaj. \\')' to make appointments in the gymna- gathering of the year. :At the meet­leave football in control of the con- ce�. '\'ocational Section; !Second gant and several members of the Iac- sium office in Ida Noyes hall. All 'ing plans' for the organization and ac­ference, according to th� report. .Lieut, Robert L. Rewey. Personnel ulty. The selections will be made on old students have been urged to mak!! t;vities' will be discussed, and it is"We are not any further along now. Adjutant; Second Lieut. Hugh. H. the basis of qualjties of leadership. appointments for their heant and lung hoped that arrangements can be.madethan when we first held ·the confer- lleriwcther. C. 0., "A" Co.: Second .scholarship and physical ability. Poli- examinations. These examinations to give a series of entertainments,cnce,' said Dean Small last night, ,Lieut. 1:\lark J. O"�lalley. C. O. "B" tics will play absolutely no part in are required of all women who wisb one or two each week."The" only word that the delegates Co.; Second Lieut. \V. Oliver. C. 0.. the selection. to play captain ball, hockey and swim- "We are calling ,this; the S. A. T;'brought back was that we should be '':C'' Co.; Second Lieut. Terence F. Variety of War Work Offered.. 'mingo -C, and College spirit gathering, .be-�iven definite orders sometime in the Ogden. C. 0., "D" Co.: Second Lieut. All b f th \V S T C Classes are to. Begin Monday. cause we don't want college spirit to,mem ers 0 e . . . .near future." .Elisha L. Osborne. C. 0 .• "E" Co.: . d d d fi it t 'Classes in captain ball and begin- die just because the University hasare require to 0 a e OJ e amoun,�.-.:II 'Defensl· ... e bv ·Cole 'Line. : Second Lieut. Paul \V. ::\lengert. C. f ning hockey will 'start ;Monday and assumed a military status." said Ex-� ,Y" of war work. This work may be 0 '·Boll\ Cole piloted his team to a 0 .. "F" Co.: Second Lieut. �t. H. several kinds. Red Cross work, so- \Vednesday according to .schedule. A ecutive Secretary Brown. "We want6 to 0 victory over the team lead by Johnson. C. 00 .• "G" Co.; Second cial service, and recreation work at big mass meeting of all 'hockey play- the old-time pep and although theA. A. Stagg, Jr. 'Cole had the sec- .Lieut, G. 'L. O'Keefe, C. 0 .• "H" Co.; irhe new hostess house which is to be ers will be held Tuesday. The exact fellows won't .have much time weond string backs on his eleven. but 'Second Lieut. H. R. Ogden, C. O. established in-Ida Noyes hall. will he time will be announced later. Gladys �ant to have as �any �f the gather- ,f h "I" C S d L· F ed 01· Gordon, W. IA. A. representative for bl • Th ':.� he had a fair percentage 0 t e .regu- 0.;, � econ 'Ieut. r . rver, recognized. Those women who are ,:n mgs as we POSSI y can. ,e �en , "'.:.:',�; >Ii Ju li��m.en. T�� .. s�o��_ �am_e_:he� ..C. O.,.'��" Co. '__ ' .. '_ ,_ , , .. �C?iu& a- P4Kt JrnUQrtiUlAr. ,w.Qdu hockey, is, i� charge. , ... ' Will need. all Jh�J��eatj9n ,they.�> . .- '''rfg�. � pu)fea-down a long pass, intt '11i'(jse mem6ers of 'Uie S. A. T. C. have long distances to"come to . eanm.iarW:-A�·A� recepii'on-ro:r ',get- i:O'�i':tlic 'y. -'�fC c. A� "-Y;iir��e - ti;i - -" ',7', ;4!.-,],:t�i�ted hls way over tile line. Stagg's who have not been �et assigned to Universty will he excused from such all new students will 'be held Wednes· they get it."team twice was within a few yards of barracks will probably 'be assigned work. day at 3:30'in.�Ida Noyes hall. This.a touchdown, but good defensive to companies and will receive a part t.':"e . reception is one of the largest affairs''Sixty womon llIiI. ordered thework ·by· the Cole line stopped the of their equipment within several that ·W. A. A. gives throughout the, ·W. S. T. ·C. uniform," said Dean Wal- ,attack both times. ' days. Th'e .�I ilitary office expects year and all women have been in-'lace yesterday. ,"W·e want to ernpha- .The scrimmage yesterday was that the requisition made for cots. vited to come. An elaborate program',size 'the fact that this uniform is inabout the 'hardest pulle-d off during mattresses and 'blankets will be filled has-been planned .. Phyllis Palmer is, no way a fad. It is to ·be purchasedthe season. both teams fighting hard . in the immediate future from the 10- general head of the reception.only by women who -really need ato win. Cole was the offens-ive star cal government warehouse. Until dress. :We feel that it solves a bigof the day, hut the best work was on then. men may sleep at home.the defensive. Bradley was shiftedfrom back t9 end, and was responsi­Me for several 'spoiled plays thathelped bump Stagg's team. BeanoMcDonald also played a good gameon the defensive end. Plunkett, thenew Loyola wing. also ishowed togood advantage. and Reber kept up Daniel Protheroe Leads SiDe..Major Wygant, Commandanr of the5. A. T. C., will address the meetingon the subject of the'S. A.. T. C.'Major Wygant has ·been in th'" serv­ice for years and has had much ex­perience in training. men. His ad­dress is expected fri-'be of especial in­terest to the men of the S. A. T -, C.A college sing which will be directed'by Daniel Protheroe, leader of theMR. jIUjA KASAl SHOWSneed in that it is economical, demo-'Men to �er Service Soon. . cratic and neat, and we feel that itMen who have not yet sent their will simplify the dress problem tHOW GER!M1ANY SPREADFALSE RUKORS OF 'JAPANcompleted quesrionaires ·to their 10- greatly.' Auditorium choir, will start off theI f bo d h b dvi d japanese, University Graduate'. Ex-ca , dra t ar save een a vise Recruiting Committee Pleased. meeting. Professor Theodore Soares,that in the section where they are poses German Propaganda-Em- Gen r 1St ·11 hiA meeting will be held some time e 3 ecre ary, WI express m-asked whether or n.ot they are in the pbasizes japan's Freindly Relations self on th Y M CAd . 1next week when definite plans will Toward Allies. e . . . . an Its re a-military service of the United States, tion to the S. A. T. C. and will tellbe announced. The women who arethey .should ansewer "No," as they somethl·nrr of the pla f th' managing the member.ship campaign .� ,ns or e com-arc civilians until'the.y are inducted. 'Mr. jiuja Kasai. a native of japant •have expressed themseh'es as well 109 year. The meeting 'will last just"Old Man" Has Three Teams. However, they should add a note to and a graduate of the University of forty-five minutes.satisfied wth the number of enlist- Ch· 1913 I d ··S·b· "Pat Page put on a. football suit for the effect that the preliminary steps :cago. , . ecture on I cnaments thus far. They feel that it f LI hI 'Complete arrangements have beenthe first time this year. and ran the for their induction have heen taken. yesterday.at our in 1[' arper assem y.indicates a splend:d spirit among the .�I r. Kasai acted in the Bureau of In- made for the Sunday morning discus-men through a military drill. Practice The mc:mbers of the ;�ledical R,eserve . ThUniver.sity women. f·· h E d slon groups. e idea is not to make'Iasted a long time yesterday, as the corps will be ind.ucted into the S. A. onnatton connect 109 t east an. the courses formal but to conductmen were • .,traggling in from classes' T. C. within the next few !Neeks. the \Vest during the period when itMaroon to Publish' Bulletin.all during the" afternoon. 'Enough Until then. those who livc at the dor-men reported dur:ng the course of mitories at Hitchcock hall will be F tl I -fi--f-th SAT C,. 1 or le )cne toe . . . .the aiternoon to give the "Old Man held for all military rcgUlat:.ons. Ih "I A ROO'T '11 II' h d ·1men t e .\ '."'\ ., WI PU) Is al ythree teams. Those who live elsewhere will follO\� "'I·l·t B 11 t·" I· I '11a f.\ I I ary u e ID W IIC 1 WI con-their customary schedules. t· 11 I d flf th ·d. . alO a genera or ers "' cay.'�Ien ha\'e he en warned hy the MllI- f tl "1·1· ff'rom le.\ I Itary 0 ICC.UNIVERSITY AUTHORITIES tarv office not to purchase uniforms. TI· I' 11 t· ·11 I 1• liS HI e 10 w: appear regu ar yC.'09PER1\TE TO PREVENT that do not approximate the issued I:at the top of the first co umn on theSPANISH "FLU" EPIDEMIC, uniforms. as these will not he al­ third page: (If the paper.100\'t:d.his good work at center.them �s discus,sions. They arc .sevenwas generally thought that war was� probahility between Japan and the in number and are planned so thereUnited States. I n this capacity he will he a course appealing to everycame into contact witl\ German prop- one. Some groups under Universityinstructors will carry one-fourthcredit 'but visitors arc welcomed. Theaganda.He showed that Germanv not onl\"spread the report that Ja�an would group. .. will '�ll meet from 9 to 10a:d :\Iexico i� reCt'nt hostilities. hut I Sunday mornmg.that she was the cause of the Rus. .. o- The courses arc as follow.,: Re1:g­Japanese war. The main part oi the Ion in the Literature of the \Var.Warn S. A. T. C. Men to Take Pre- lecture was de\'oted to explainin� conducted' hy Proiessor Ed�ar John-THE DAILY MAROON why Japan sent lll'r military forc�3, son Goodspeed. in Hit("hcock Library;POETRY CLUB HOLDS FIRST BULLETIN into Siheria. I �14Hiern Study of the Bihle. conductedMEETING OF FALL QUARTER Today ··.-\t the heginnins: of the war." hy Rahhi (-;erson Lny. in Haskell 21:The Cniversity atlthoritic.'. the Phy- Annual Commemorative chapel. said �Ir. �asai, "c,ermany asked Ja-, \Ioral Phase;;; of the '\Var. conductecl�ical Education dt'l"''lrtlllcnt. and the The Poetry club will meet Tuesday II :15. 1:\landel. pan to sign a treaty with her. Later. :'hy Professor Freel :\ferritield, in Ha.s-mil:tary otTice. have been co-operat- at 4:30 in Ida :\oyes hall. The par- Co�mopolitaJ1 club. annual reunion. Ibecau. .. e japan had easy access to kell Ii; J�sus of Xa7.an.,th. conducteding to preHnt a spread of the Span- ticular rOI)1l1 in which the meeting 8. cluh house, 6041 University a\"c�ue. Rus�i..1 and I;;:heria. Grear 'Brita.in Ity nr. Theod�re So.1re� in Rey!'oldsish infllll'l1za epidemic. Str;ct qllar- will lit, held will be announced later. Tomorrow. asked that she send an army there. r()om B on thud floor: the Prophetsanti:1\' i� hc;ng oh�ern.'(1 in the cases on the Co!>h hall hlllletin board and :\Ietting... of University Rulin� It was then that Japa� .. howed that and �ocial Prohtem�. conducted by.1 T<a<ly '<ported a lid "r,ngellt me"- 'n tl". devatoT at HaTpeT. Th< presi- !locHes. II a TpeT. ,I,. \Va; definit e 1;- a' f Tiend of the ,. PTofes.or H eTheTt L \\" iII.t.'. ,n iurc� h;l\'e heen taken 10 make the dent h.15 urged all old memhers 'to Board of Admissions, 9. .-\l1ies. It is not generally kno�\"n. ._-ell 20. with one-fourth major crd:�t·;t<;l· pnrdy a matter of i. .. olated he prescnt as plans for the coming Roard of IStudent Organization::>. i however. ·to what extent she has :�.·thcr Shannon will c�nd\�ct a 1.ecases. year will he discussed. Many of the Publications. and Exhihi'tiolls, 10. ihclped in l1lilita�y operation,. It was In Reynolds Theatre tor lathohc stu-The men o� the Un iversity met old memhers ar� now "erving in the Boards of the Junior and Senior' her fleet which protected 'Canada in dents.ye�ter<iay �n �fandel hall to he ad- S. A. T. C. hut the club expects to ·Colleges. Y. M. �. ,A. openin� ni�ht. the early days of the war when an I Soldiers Entertained in Homes.dressed hy ,\Iajor Thexton of the 'hold another contcst this year to rc- 6:45. "'College 'Spirit and the �. A. attack was feared: it was her army. I){f e nvb' e!r s of the n�ighborin�(Continued on page 3) pl�e its ranks: T. c.-" (Continued on pagc 3)\cautions-Women Advised toReport All Colds.1,.f:I ..' ) (Continued on page 4)•...2 .TJlE DAILY IlAROON. F�A'r, OCTOBER 4. 1911·sol solution. This should be done in anyone directly,m .... Bail" -_aroon I acquainted with soon after we re- t�'� ceived our course books. ... MILITARY BULLETINSTIle Student Newspaper of The I We could lay aside tliat feeling of _' ---_UDi .. HSit,. of Chicago I··somcthing missing" were it not for.. such remarks bv 'the new memb I (The following bulletin has beenPubtished mormngs, except Saturday,. " - en . .•Sunday and 'Monday, during the Au- or the University of Chicago. \Ve re- �ssued .t� the S. A. T, C. for.guld�ncc�umn, Win:er and Spring quarters, I alize that it will be imposxible to pass 111 aV�I�m!: �n Influenza epidemic at;by the Daily Maroon company. on to the freshman those customs the Univer.sity.)IEDITORIAL DEPARTMENT II and "feelings" passed on to us by our Influenza. sore throats, tonsilitis,THE STAFF predecessors. There will he certain ·pnl·ulllonia. land pracrically ,,11 rli-John Joseph ..Managing Ed!tor I attempts to do th:.. s, but on the wh�le spiratory diseases, are caused fromRuth Gensberger News EdItor such h di d f and inhaling the germs through the noseHelen Ravitch Night Editor, . an ID� own, 0 customsRose Fischkin Day Edit.,r traditions Will be OIl. But. we must and mouth. in the act of breathing.James Sheean Day Editor try, and new members must look. .-\11 are contagious to a great or lessHarry Shulman Day Editor! decree.William Morgenstern. Athletics Editor:L Ch lkl A STEALING OUR .FIRE-_ AND I Coughing; sneezing. spitting. expelyssa a ey .......... ssociate Editor, IFrederick Winterhoff ).. BUSINESS -rhe germs from the person who may.................................. Associate Editor In yesterday's issue of the Daily have them in his throat or lungs. andBUSINESS DEPARTMENT �Iaroon there was a notice by the when dry the y - spread rapidlyGrant Mears, Manager hn .. ine ss dcpart ment concerning the through the .air .llay Freedman, Assistant; �taroon blotter. I n short. the situa- To prevent the spread of .such==============1. , hi Id· k h f ' fEntered as second class mail at the 1 tron IS t us: often. alt the opening of l�ca,ses. we as - a at you re ram romChicago Postoffice, 'Chicago, Illinois, I the Autumn quarter rne business de- sprttrng; that you sneeze or cough.March 13, 1906, under the act of, partrnent of the Daily '�laroon pre- when these are necessary. into a pieceMarch 3, 1873. 'pares an advert is ing blotter to he dis- of gauze, or Y01(r handerchief. espe-SUBSCRIPTION RATES 'tributed among students. This year cially when in a crowd, or close toCalled for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a it wa .. decided not to indulge in such your companion.quarter. adver tising, This, was made known Y-ou can further help to preventBy Carrier, $3.00 a year; $1.25 aquarter. to someone who proceeded to solicit the ... pread of ·these diseases by do-By Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50 advertising in the name of this paper, ing everything to keep down dust.a quarter. and is sue a blotter similar, almost to keep away from collections of peo-By 'Mail (out of town), $4.25 a identical in fa t to the ;�. Iaroon blot- P]e on the street. and in the bar-year; $1.75 a quarter. c ,================ I ter-and collect the money on the racks.Editorial ·Rooms J. Ellis 12 t advertisements. Someone is sailing ---Telephone Midway 890, �cal 192. i around under -the wrong colors, and DIRECTIONSHours: 11:10-11:50; 12:2<>-6; 7-8. i rl Dail 'I " Ca f -Business Office _ .. Ellis 14 I t re 31 y ., aroon Wishes this known.j re 0 Barracks.,Telephone. iMi�:ay 8�O, • Local. 162 : . 1. Barracks should be cleared ofHours. 10._0-11.50, 8-5.�0. i HARSH MILITARY RULING. men during the day. except necessary" BARS ALL ADORNMENTSI orderlies and men in charge of quar-FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1918 at 'the bottom with draft boards sor �pp�rclass Men Must Remove Val-II te:s. L' a ] ._ho Id h they may be slightly open all the, -, mes an paceS.5 u e pro- .PREVENTION OR CURE? 'ued Collections froc Rooms Arm '" time. not having cold alr striking ..... _. _ ,Y vuJU'lR' for handing out blankets afterThe dl�wer of the Cnited &a�s O�ce� Dead��men �one 'II fi d �-------------------------�--��-�rever e. every . ne ay.government. which in the mind of Not Grieved by Cruel Order.h \, 3, Every man should be providede university student right now IS -.the Student Army Training Corps., To the freshmen the ruling of the with three blankets. If bedsacks andI C' Ted straw are used, there should be paper,to a perfectly le�itimate question I .:"I. _-\. • • ernanding that the dor-'\\'hat about the Spanish influenza -mitory rooms be kept as severely plain under them. This -is not necessary, ibl if men have mattresses.as far as the lflh'crsity of Chicago is as POS,SI e. i� order to duplicate bar-concerned ?" was given yesterday rack conditions-e-tc the freshmen, 4. Four orderlies, should be de-'�'---" "��-l.J.aJ1fkl_hall. by a. major this order means little or nothing. tahed from each Company. fromi in the medical .service of the U'nited But' to the upperclassmen! Ah. the mornin� until, ;roon mess for �lean-I States. This gentleman talked to the deep -tragedy of it, the pity and the in�. ;Qne. should mO\'e cots �ndI members of ·the S. A. T. C. and ex-' shame of it. \Vhat, ob what shall we change w3ter. ,One. mop, usmgplai!1ed to th�m without fuss or frill do without them-the treasures 'we I vlenty of� .)water;, one • .follow withOr "health commissioner" me.hods have .accumulated thoughtfully, care- wrung mop to take up .surplus; andl' how to prevent ,the Spanish influenza. fully. conscientiously through the. one. fol�ow h�m w�th broom t� take� not how to cure it. �r�\'ious years of .our school life? The I u� de�r1s \\-�lle Sh.ll wet. ThiS c�nI The wom f h T�' •• IrrlCle.sccnt col!ectlOn of pennant th t' be finished m Ordln.31'Y, barracks III, en 0 t C 011:\'ers:t\-. wIllIe s· anot planning . -hung like huge saw teeth from th two hours, one-half longer for smallon any partlcu]ar meet- e.in�, are bein"" f" . moulding' the pictures-dreamy ft room:;. \VlOdows should be kept open. g gIven su l1Clent oppor- : "so -tunll f I I d h durin� the process. dnd remain soy o� earning how to prevent co ore p:ctures. per aps of lovers inan att k f I '1' h h' until each .so]dier returns his blankets.ac' 0 Spanish influenza. They t le t\\'llg t; t e lUXUriOUs pillows;have their own medical' department the �enuine Persian rugs-or rugs.�:st .a.s the men have their medicai evcn if they were neither ,genuine orpartl11e�t :n addition to tYle' S. A, ,Persian. And the photograph.s! OfT, C. dIVIsion, I course .. you know what I mean: pho- down with brooms moistened in cre-\�lf..and makes his bunk after noon' mess.5, ,Each Saturday, walls as highas can he reached, should be sweptAs yet. there is no ep'd' I tographs of warehouses and automo-can . '. . I ellllC on the i. -'pus. nor IS one antici)at I TI I: lule �ara�es, and perhaps of a newn1USt I C( • leTC d' - ,not )c one. Cure ;" not t1, ,e\'Jce lor openmg tomato cans to fwe . - \le ""'onl . '. arc seck1l1g now' pre ,'. I cnlzvcn our rooms.onl ' ", VcntlOn IS the I I, ) one necessary. And .' "All such sentimental rubhish toh he:n - pre\ en tlOn . ,. ' I: g taught. Should'su h . the dump1l1g grounds. ,says the wardelluc • c an epl-result here. it .'11 department.throu' 1 \\ I OCCur ..• �11 t le laxity of cert" Sentimental ruhbish indeed! As ifncnts wI .un stu-. loe\'er they mal' I . that upon which we have showeredSUch I." . le, .. 3Xlty IS nothing le:-- I � our elcvotlon for one. two; or threeCCl"tal1l f . . ss t lan a'. or111 ot pro-Gennanl" . ,.: years coulcl he ruhhish. As if a pipeYou Wlll \' sm, It II .. nyonc Who thro h ,fla\'()recl hy a thousand and oneessness \\'ilf I 'Ug care-!t·· . U or otherwise J' a . I I' -smokes. or 3 hull-terrier . that I'ilad I,n:Vl·rslt,· 1 ,!. -. nt, t le .• /:. - ncc 1;1111S111 at tlti. , Icarned to carliY your newspaperis certalllly 1. S pertod· "lot .111 ,\llll'ricall ;11" ,1 could hc ruhl)1sh! It Is not , .. 0 muchC;l'I�SC oi tl . tll\'"h' \\'ord. ...... •. I the prospects of the cold. unemhel-I lisherl harracks that hurts so dceply,SOMETHING MISSING I as. the r,earzation 'of the lahor lost. 1A treshman wa' } \\ hat P3111S we took to gct this pillow,� lcard to I ..,rccl'l1tly with a 1110,t . remark! trom Cahfonlla. and that pennant IaCc-ellt . treshlnane': . 'I.' 1 !• till' ,kind ., �fJl1e Irom 13 e. ane the other, photo�raJlh I'''f\\'I' '. \\ � Used to· . .. -, ,l�, thIS I:,n't colle U:-e': -Iro,m-Irolll that 1I1gelllOll"; �ara;.:e!Illf)r,' I� �c. Humph 't'· \\... I '"I .l' hl1 .. inc....... . . 1:-.. Iltl \\. tat a1lt1(·11).'ltlon.. ha\'e weth' . . J)lsrC"a l' l' ,t Irl'�hl1lancsqUC ,... r( 1f1�: ookcd torwarcl t,) the tUllC. when. asthat, l)(.':-ha),,,.· '11, I' }acccnt and all th� Ilro\'l'rhial llli:::-ht\· � ,, • <: res llnal ' � - . ('ntors .. ournflc('(1 11(.' \\.. .' 1 wa. .. ri�ht. �anctj� ... anctor111l1 '.\'oultl he a \'crit-a:o. r:ght \\. .the choicl' IIi'" .' C _:lIlasinc! ahle 'ILoU\'re of col1e(T(' ))rccosities.'. I)Uslnl·S .... \\"1,,' ,...clrlcnt. hut th' I" '. an ac- Is it, after all. hetter to have "lovedt a( Jecttvc '., .nne. \\.(' arc' . Is a 'lap}),·, ;'i1l1 lost:' than nC\'er to have Joved atn t III coJJeg. . .httsilll·S... ,e. We rc in . :til'" Far hettt'r would it have he('n.:'\1:'one is C01l1jlla' . . h;ul we uppcrc1as.;men. like the fre�h-Illllls on the h "nc. tmosphl'rc . I' '. l1SI, -' 111.1n nc\'('r hn'athed the conta�iol1s'. \ 01 t Ie l lil"" . .:t I ert' was not I' er:-tt�; {'nher of what may he termed "col-h a IUslness at :p ere .. onh·thill" w I I 1 .. . nto .. - lege accuntulitis_" Delights of hy-.. ou r It' rI"t' IOnt oi MeIer, Hut i 1 ,:0. ,nn y, �onl' days: with mournful apostro-or t lc rl'tllr' ,student�. Cspeciall. h ' nl11� phe, we rcl('gatc you to the musty.'. }. t cre IS <;. •thmg Tl11s. .. ing -on I' .Onte- r!tI ... ty, J,camcd, and coJ,-wehhC'd attlc., .:-.. let llOg We hecame; , R. I. p, A discount of 10 per cent will be �ven �I Soldiers and Sailors inuniform, dn such merchandise as is used for their equipmentthe presence of the whole Company,so each man can remove clothes fromwall and replace them. Care of �treets or Camp.1. Paved streets should be washeddaily. 1�lacadam, or dirt. should beCare of Mess Room. sprinkled once or twice. depending onI. !"lfen should wash hands before the weather.eating. 2. Refuse not washable down2. I�less kits or dishes should be sewer, should he removed while wet.scalded or boiled after each mess. 3. Sidewalks should be washed3. I�less hall floors should be not swept.•mopped daily. and tables washed. 4. Refuse that will attract flies,4. ��lusli.ll should 'he stretched I should be in covered cans, and ze-length of table. along the center be- moved daily._tween rows of men while eating. I -5. Horses .. or other animals. sitouid.5, Rooms should be aired after I not ·be kept within half a mile of anyeach mess, from two to four hours I camp .and win(!ows closed at'lUCSS time. I ---fi. Ffies should he , .. watted after Care of Men.each meal. I .. I 1. '�len should �e re qurr ed toI. Dry sweeping should he pro-] b hi: iderniS lower at e. ( urlllg t.'PI enucs. threehibited. 'times weekly,'·2. Every night between retreat andtaps. each man should gargle throatCare of the Class Room.1. \Vindows should be open all and wash out nose with salt solu­night. and as much during the day as tion.weather will permit. JJ. �len should be instructed to2, 'Floors should be oiled, and \�'ash hands before meals.cleaning do!!_e in the evening after 4. I�len should sleep with centerlast class. of cots five feet apart. and positicn3. Coughers should wear masks in of every other man reversed.lecture room. or stop coughing.4. No ilectlure should last �morethan fifty 'minutes. 'The Frolic TheatreDrug Store959 East 55th Street5. Windows should be opened bymen detailed for this purpose. dailyfor ten minutes between lectures.6. All windows should be protectedCorner Ellis Ave.Hotel Del PradoAdjoining the University, is a handsome home for out-of­town sttiaents, and the logical home for the relatives of stu-dents while visiting them.' "Offers teJl\POrary home while awaiting induction intoS. A. T. C.Open for -. the comfort and entertainment of the ArmYrTraining Corps..'Announcements of the �ances will appear in the Maroon.Home of the Naval Navigation Students.ALBERT F. GIDDINGS, Mgr.•Supplying the Needs of the -Student Army Training _CdrpSWE offer the most conven�ent and helpful service-just as wedid durin� the Traini�g Camps at Fort Sheridan.Every :possi�le need, �rom the day you enter the TrainingCamp until you are ready for overseas service, can be met in ourvast stocks-many of which are specially fitted for the Army Man.Our experts know what a soldier needs and what he doesn'tneed; they can save the inexperienced man many mistakes:Below are listed only a few of the accessories needed by theStudent Army Training Corps:Underwear, wool mixed, Black Ties, 50c and $1.garment, $2.50.Knitted Wool Helmets, Web BeltS, 50c.$4.00.,.Wool Blankets, $10.50 to$13.50.MARSHALL FIELD Ed COMPANYI 9lps, $5.Hats, $7 an� $7.50. K h a k i Handkerchiefs.120c to $2.Wrist Watche8y $18-$165.Wool Hose, 65c and up.THE STORE FOR MEN• I .•-...9'u..outh,is'.. ,ceth,COl'stthustrof10\epith.tiobeallN<eitlvatkit,enm�tWIancIlJyat"Iinolat'wehooff12.folin,Ito:ch:!yca232)Strdol�.MuPal�'. 'r ; .��.�.. \ �:,: .� .' " .' ": ...,4 ...... .. � .' �f:1·�·y��·�·... .i••TJIE DAlLY IIABOON.·, �AY. OCTOBER 4. 1918 , . ;-. '.'_, 'f,BOOKS New .and secondat Reduced Prices •• •••• ••hand-"-I ;\I IPaper, of All' KindsPens and SuppliesGET THEM EARLY ,.�_. ===' =='=A�THEU n i v e r s i ty•Corner 58th St. and Ellis Avenue, and Room 1061 Emmons Blaine' HallI,. ' .Dailv MarooneI .is the official record 'of our.campus life and as such deservesthe full co-operation-ofall University· of ChiCago students. Asa point of informatio� the Marron' is considered, among fhe-�\ majority of National. Advertisers and critics of collegiate pub­lications in general, to be among the foremos�' iR the country.·Our Faculty has; by the pe�ission to publish even in thesetimes of confusion and stress, . signified their approval of �Maroon and the Military"Authoriti�, ,through Major . Wyganthave expressed the utmost enth�.s.n in the knowledge that 'this was to be ess_.entially a military paper. . ' i. .,' .. :The Maroon will be .invaluable to the members of the S .. A.'.T. C. inaSmuch as it win, contain all advanc� DeWS neeessary..for intelligent following of the lnilit8ry schedule and ordet:&. .What we want' is your' Immediate 8ubScJ:iption. It is dill • .;. jcult for our staff of sellers to connect with everyone on. thecampus, and it would gratify us' .very much if all students _would bring iii their' own sub�riptions to the Maroon (.lfC-1Ce, .Ellis Hall, Room 14 between hours of. 9 and 10, 11 and 12,)an4 ..3 and 6. .,-"/UNIVERSITY AUTHORITIESOOOPERATE 'TO PREVENT,SPANISH "'FLU" EPIDEMIC Brag about your CoiIege, ifyou must; but do it subtly!Send herTO DEDICATE NEW HOME The"---Cosmopolitan Club Will Holdunion and Initiate NewMembers. Re-(Continued from page 1)United States �Medical Corps on ne­cessary .precaurions."We can do nothing whatever with­out the co-operation of every man inthe corps," said I�(a;or Thexton. "Itis certain that members of the stu­'dent body will have the disease; but The Cosmopolitan Club .m holdits annual reunion today at the club­house, 6043 University avenue. Theinitiation of new members, the dedi­cation oi the new clubrooms and thepjanning of activities of the Autumnit is Our business to see that these quarter will ·be .the chief features ofcases are isolated, _ that they do not the evening. A number of speakersbecome an epidemic.". will emphasize the intellectual andI�taj .. \Vygant said yesterday that entertainment features of the club.the epidemic was still incipient, and An entertainment that was held lastcouldbe checked with the help of the spring will 'be repeated, by request, r- -student body. son�t;mCa ·in December. It is" also"We have several cases already, planned to have a meeting in the nearhut there is n6 reason to be panic- future 'to which the members of thestricken,". he said. "The instructions International club �il1 'also be in­of the medical officers should he fol- . vited, An invitation h� been extend­lowed in every particular to fight the . ed to all foreign men at the Univer-epidemic in our unit." sjty to attend uhe reunion today.'Yiss Katherine .Cronin, �ead of ·l-li:\.s Helen Jameson has recentlythe department of Physical Educa- taken charg�f the -t:brary in Rosen ..tion advi.sed all women yesterday to wald hall. . Her predecessor, 1�lissbe especially careful about reporting Taggart. h�s taken- a high schoolall colds to the medical office in Ida teaching position for the year. ,�IissNoyes hall. Taggart had charge of the library for"It is necessary to check all colds 'the. �ast two years.at the beginning,' said ::\1 iss Cronin. . , ..... '"The colors and the' steal outside.Your card and the best of candyinside.$1.0� the pound at.MeANANY & FINIGAN,. 1201 & 55th St..Phone Midway 708.H. J. SCHULTE.1501 E. 55th St.'Phoae Hyde Park 206.-DREXEL PHARMACY.901 E. 55th St.Phone Midway 1410.VAN De BOGERT & ROSS,1000 E. 63rd S1-Phone Hyde Park 2541518 Hyde Park Blvd.Phone Oakland 68001465 E. 63rd St.. Phone Blac�one 3272800 E. 13M, SLPhon� Midway 3200 'Ellis- .RestaurantARONES BROS. and" PETER TRAIfARIS942 EAST .55th STREET,.THE WHOLfSOME .AND WELL.COOK�D· FOODS,... .Low Prices and Courteous Treatment at the.. "-"If simple remedies arc. used, we will WILL TA�E NO ACTION ONnot need the services of physicians F�ATER'NITY WAR SITUATION PROGRAM BY CHICAGO MENlater on. I should strongly advise all \._ Opposite Frolic Theatre�EALS i-:-iMAKES HIT WITH FIGHTERSwomen who; have colds, no matterhow slight, to report to the medicaloffice in Ida Noyes between 11 and12. for treatment. They should alsofollow the directions on the postersin the hails." , Government Sends No Instructionsto Contrary-o'Newspape; RumorsUnfounded," Says President's Sec­l'etary. Plane News Gives Account of Enter­tainment Presented by BaseI Hospital Unit 13.X 0 official action will be taken hy / --- \the University on the activities of fra- A recent' numher of Plane News,ternities during the war. and no in- the arr .service paper of the Americanstructions have been received from Expeditionary 'Forcl's, contains thethe government on the subject. 'following JaccoUl1t of an 'cnnertain-WlII give a pleasant room and I This was annopnced at the Presi- I' l_1)ent held "somewhere in France" inioard to a wO.man stud.ent in? ex?- dent's office yesterday. in response w.hich .V.ni\'ersi�· men of .Base Hos,'­ fair imitation of a tank attack 011 the MR. JIUjA KASAl SHOWSchange for assistance WIth a - 1-_1 to many rumors which have been' pital Unit 13 took a promment part:II 1 'Id PI K d I Hun lilies."year I) f C 11. lone enwoo I puhl:shed about government regula- "e )ne (If the largest iu<iiences which232.1. ; tion of fraternities. ever tiled in Y. :\1. hut :'\0. I g rcctcd :'\0 mention oi the name!" of thequartet members j.. made. Xeither:\{iss Edith Atwater. Instructor of "So�ar as we know, the reports of the musical number prevented there- docs the account describe the -num-Stringed In.strurnents. Ukulele. �fan- a �O\'ernment order against Iratcrni- upon Thursday evcninc. The featureI I· R . ,. 1.% .. G' hers presented. hut friends of the unito ID. anjo, GUItar. "lawal:an uttar. tics. a... published in the Chicago of the evening was the work of the'" which ha� restored order 111 China.Stu_dios-l.eonard Wilson School of maintain that selections [rom' Black.newspapers. arc unfounded," said Univer sity quartet, which .;might 1. ' f At present .l\hc has her navy in theMusic. 6255 Kirnbark Ave. Hyde \ . . [riars" producfions prohahly n\�de the I .' .I \: SSOclate Prof. Robertson. Secretary more approllimately i)� calleel "The J • :\(editl'rranean sea and her arm� inPark 2885. 551 A E.4ith St. I P l'ntlrmous 11ft. .____________, : to t le resident. yesterday. "\Ve have Comedy ,Four." The (IUartet i .. Cbm- _ . Siheria."Pleasing' Acwly fu_rnished room for; receh'l'd noth:ng whatever on the sub· P(lscd of men from Rase Hospital 1.1 �'1r. Kasai forsees .serious troubleeither one or two students. and pri-I ject of fraternities, and .5uppose that and the crowd was for them from 'the Hold Sunday School Classes. in -,he iuture. "Japan is too sman tovate hath, w:th usc of study room, whatcv.:r··is done in the way of re· first. Every memher of the quar:et 'I hold such a large and resourcefulkitchen, china and linen; ncar to the stricting activities will he purely vol· was an artist in his line and the <luCb. The Lea�uc h:-.. " anilOunced � s��s �ountr: .. against Gc.rmany�" he said.Fniversity; in exch.ange for $10 a untary on the part of the fratern!ties, monologues. and co�nedy songs they oi Sunday �chool c�las!'('s \\ Illch WIll. ,cThe l n:ted State:- 1,' too tar away tom,�h and taking- charge. two hours or at loast caused only by the bar- gave kept the house in a constant be�in Sund",),. Any woman may en- h(' oi much help. Thl're is only onewl�e a week. of two nice, attractive racks system in the S. A. T. C. Ru:.h· burst of applause.- Their entire reper- vroll• ParticuJ.ars may he obtained hope and that is that America wiltand-- well-trained children. ing and plediing, or any other activi- toire exhausted, they repeated many from 1�liss Taylor. general secretary .sentt supplies to Russia and soPhone :Mrs. Berkeley l-I. Fontaine, t:es, are up to the fraternities them- of their best hits and left the stage of the League, or from any member !'trengthcn and regenerate h e'r :-lryd� Park 947.1. '- ,selves." amid a roar of applause that was a of' thJ. Rihh! 'Study committee. ·power." � , '-LUN:CHESI SHORT ORDERS- :-'-"LADIES INVITED _j",. .'.\ '".A trial ·1riD convi�e you that our goods are the best.I • '., COMMUTATION TICKETSClassified $3:25 for $3.00 .-, $4.40 for $4.00'.1'(Continued from page 1)HOW GERMANY SPREAD.• �ALSE RUMORS OF jAjAN...... _ , I �.)\I �._'. I........r, -_ f/--.- .. ,.... ..... - .. - . --'�or1 �.�&�-:-:":' �r--:-:--=,I • ....-"t...-J. t· .. �I " ".. ---'t------ __ ·- --.---:-�..---__"'__"·_---_·------�-.-"'-r---�-·-.'-_ .; �.,. . -.".,- � .. i v : �:'THE DAILY MAROON, F'Jm?A1'.' �ER/4, 1918•Chemical Society Will Meet.The French club will hold its firstmeering" of the year Thursday at 3:30in Ida 'Xoyes hall. '�Lr. 'David wittprobably speak. Owing to the many• 'TH E general impression. gathered I war. activ.ties it is doubtful whetherduring the first day or two of col- all the plans made last year can belege, that the letters S. A. T. C. stand carri,t.'<i out. The club wished to haveI '4' IL . L' ... h .for Sit :\ round Till Christmas is be-I a ·.HutSOn r ranca.se were meetings, ing harshly upset. They arc now un- wou!d he, held _!lnd where a Iihrary-dcrstood to mean Stand .and Take of F rencb hooks would he kept, butj..;t'II. 1II.,:ii)tIHii";1,\r,j;1� :.'il�\ FRENCH C�UB WILL OP�NYEAR-S ACTIVITIES WITHMEETING IN NOYES HALLHyde Park ,2314ANGELL GIVES 'LUNalEON INHONOR OF LORD CHARNWOOD Y. II. C. A. "[0 HOLD BIGII'ASS MEETING FORS. A. T. C. MEN 110MORROWThe Kent Chemical Society ,willmeet '�fonday at 7:30 in Kent 20.Professor Stieglitz will speak. All (Continued from page 1)men of the S. A. T. C. who are tak- . churches have Invited men of theing Chemical Welfare Training�' and S. A. T. C. to their homes on Sunday.all others -in the flopartment have Soldiers who wish to take advantagebeen urged to come. of this opportunity can receive in­troduction cards from iP..rofe.ssorSoares. 'Elhert Stevens or Claie�ce, .' -Dean Angell will give a luncheontoday at. the University club in honorof Lord Charnwood of London,England. who arrived in ChicagoItoday .Lord Charnwood is the author of astandard life of Lincoln. and is in thestate to speak at the unveiling of the Issue Cards to S. A. T. C. Men.Lincoln memorial statue in .Spring- ---llorrowers' cards for Harper li­field during the Centennial celebra- hrary will be issued to S. A. T. C·tion. He will lecture at the Univer-"ity early in December . Brown.it seems impossible at the presenttime to raise the �lloney for this.IrS a shame that Mario» Amy. iElizubeth :�l c Pike. the v ice-pre.si­once the queen of this column and. dent. said yesterday that the club isthe so-called' star of the Freshman A religious service will be�-held inMandel Sunday nig-ht at 7. M"r •. Cjl�s.member .. without the customary tui- .\V. Gilkey of the Hyde Park churchtion receipt. ,5. A. T. C. men will will g ive the address, on "The Chal­need lOnly to show some proof of lenge of the Camp."their induction into the corps.very anxious to interest as many peo-class. isn't back in school this year. I�lr. John G. St. Clair. formerly anple as possible .<;0 that the year mayHow can t';1e paper. boost subscrip- assistant in the department of Zool-• he a successful one.tions without her name in theWhistle? 'II er scholastic accomplish­ment would prevent 'us from callingher by her old title. hut we mightCus sinz.dub her the Sophomorescme thinc like that. SirenPassed (Right By) By the Cens�r.T�� co-eds are gonna he lbefu'l at Ilast. IMore useful. hy far than they've been._ in the pa ... l;The soldiers are learning 'bout tnili­t'ry maps IAnd t heyI] all study contours. IXow, won't they. perhaps? .I., .SPE.-\ K'I XG of the ladies' arnw'j' f\\'C! have been informed that regula-tion mes:, is already being served inlNancy Foster Barracks. Rice twicea day cleverly disguised in variousways and, a noticeable absence of but­ter. Col. Palmer and her command Iare bearing up under the war .ondi-Itions very bravely. .jI "RARE IOH01C� ILieutenant: Private Hoozis, �oullabsented yourself from reveillevthismorning. You may 'choose 'betweenK .. P. and court martial.Private H oozis : IWell. sir. I've triedK. p� and I didn't like it. I thinkI'll take court martial.Letters of a Freshman. NO.1. IDear, folks: Well, I guess: you canput up a. service flag for me no\�. I Iain't �en inducted. but I"m just as Igood as in it. I been put in Snellhall. wich is a barracks that has 'beenused for a dormitory all these years Iby mistake. The top sergeant's ago ..... d fellow. He saves me the trou­hie of setting m� alarm clock. Youknow. the campus is, real pretty earlyin the morning. only we can't see.:� much when 'we get up only the moon.';':'_' They gh'c us' breakfast right after:;_ '! revelry to keep us from . sobhing about-_.,�etting up in tile middle of the night.I ain't heen invited out hy no frat�)!Ct bat I guess rushings falling' offthis year. I don't know. though. Isaw a lot of out-of-town iellas mo�­ing into the Psi U. house yesterdaynight. I'll write all about my mil.French tomorrow.Charlie .. �.t,r'��,I' DI'S).f]SSED!THE DAILY MAROON\\'i11 he delivered at all barracksand all women's halls as soon as b�r-IIracks arc definitely as- izncd. Onlyenot1�:' ,.apcrs to take care oi suh- 1scrihcr:; wiil Itt' leit at the ,ksignatc,l!place�. ho\\,(.'\'l·r. amI it will he illl-Ipo:"sihk t 0 �(·t paper.' ;.,:rati", IRe01emhn that the ,\1 aro;'11 is in-I'yaluable.a:. a scherll1ll' oi all activit:escon,n�c�e(l :whlh the t."ni\"�r�ity. ��- il)eClal1y as (f,nrCTIb the 1l1l1lt:try SHIt' Iof our l:fe. an!l vcry dear as a recordof thi� r�lher 1"'X('itin� y('ar ;11 col-I-Ic�c. :\.·on� FIRST m'TY T() YOt·R.I·(:fW:,\THY; YOCR �EC();\J) TO -�'(H'R COLLEGE. _ IBCY .\ 'UBERTY W):'\D; A:,\D'I.IF.I:,\ :\:,\y \\�:\Y POSSIBLE,Bt.:Y :\ '\IAROO�.i-I ,-•1r,...). .. ;"i" Instructor Gets 'Commission.Report Increased Registration. Private Dancing Lessonsogy, has been made a -second lieu­t�nant in the Signal corps. and is now The School of Commerce and Reg- In a course of six lessons ($5.00)istration report, a registration of 411 one can acquire the steps of the Waltz.. students, as contrasted with that last One-step, and Fox-trot. Sin,le les­sons if desired.Ambulance Section 5S in 'Italy.on his way to' France. He i s engagedin special meteorological work closelyallied to the arrillery. Hfrfla:" been intraining at the Aberdeen lfP.rovin� fA beautiful girl is one who is prettyand doesnt ' know it.I\\, ord has been received that am- year, which was 227.or Lulance section 55, which is composedof 45 'men from the Univer-sity Am­bulance un)r. is stationed .in Italy. LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIOGrounds, ncar \Vashington. 1541 E. 57th St.•THETURKISHC�AR :��f."',:.'.',",.,'a.t ,(,If' - ) �I,9 "" �t •,.; �..,'" ' 4:-.',I. y..J.,t .,