. : .� .\'. ...,rat aroonVOL. XVII. NO. 2 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY: OCTOBER 3, 1918 PRICE FIVE CENTSTWO SQUADS WORKIN SIGNAL PRACTICE Y. M. C. A. OPENS YEARWITH BIG GATflERINGSATURDAY IN MANDELNAMES OF 27 MEN IlIlurARY AUTHORITIESON UNIVERSITY ESTABUSH STATUS OFHONOR ROLLSTUDENTS IN .$. A. T. c. GYMNASIUM WORKBEGINS ACCORDING.TO SCHEDULEstaig Runs Teams ThroughDrill While A waiting ArmyRuling Regarding BigTen Schedule. Four Fonner Students Killed in Ac­tion-Eleven Die of Accident andD�- Two Are Prisoners­N Ine Reported Wounded. Men to Be Given Ratings Based Hockey, Swimming and Captain Ball Plans Are Made for Sunday Dis-o� Conduct, Aptitude, Classes Begin Monday-Sched- cussion Groups For S. A.ules are Posted in Ida Noyes T C Mand Energy. . • en.-Drill C�sses are Large.6 MEN DROPPED FROM TEAM .The ,UnivCIsity Roll of Honor BARRAcr..S ARE NOT ASSIGNED� .. �':, ' " ,,now contains the names of twenty- r: WILL HOLD SERVICES SUNDAYI! Regular gymnasium cJasses are be-seven former students. Of these .six- 'T-he status of men' who have passed ing organized and will begin �!'tt! fir.st The first Y. M. C. A. Meeting of.Unhampered by any army restric- teen are dead, two have been report- the physical examination for the S. of the week. All new women have the year .will be held in �landel Sat­tions, Coach Stagg ran the football ed missing. and nine have been A. T. C. was made clear yesterday been asked to watch the bulletin urday at 6:45. This gathering hassquad through a two-hour practice wounded in action. A number of by Captain Boardman, adjutant of boards in Ida Noys hall for announce- been planned for purpose of organ­yesterday. Nothing has been an- these casualties have been reported the University S. A. T. C. ment of swimming, hockey and cap- izing activities. and in general of ac­nounced by Washington as yet con: since the IMaroon suspended publica- ; "The procedure of induction has tain ball. The \V. A. A. reception quainting soldiers of the S. A. T. C.cerning the time allowed for prac- tion last spring. already' been. started." said Captain for -entering students will be given with the opportunities offered b�. therice, and as the army program here Among the irnen reported killed in Boardman yesterday, "The re.sults or' Wednesday oat 3:30 in Ida Noyes hall. Y. ,1\1. C. A.has not got started, there was noth- action is ILieut. Laurens Shull, '16, . the physical examinations of the can- .All advanced hockey players have "We are going to get started ining to limit the drill. who was prominent on 'the campus didates for the' unit have been sent been requested to report today at this meeting," .said General SecretryCoach Stagg made the first cut in as a football player. The others, re- to their respective �raft .boards, and 3:30 on Greenwood field for the, first Theodore !Soares, "for a big year forthe squad when he took_the names ported killed in action are :Maj. John as soon as these papers arrive there, regular hockey practice of the sea- the Y. M. C. A. on the campus.' Weof half a dozen of the candidates off F. Lewis, '96; Lieut. August Sundvall, the men will be summoned for in- son. Players 'of both colleges are 'want to make every man just as com­the attendance sheets. Stagg sounded graduate student, 16-17; .Lieut. Earl duction. Until then, they are con- wanted. Next week a big hockey fortable as we can and we want toa warningIast week, declaring that if Neville. and Lieut. ,L�wis Sll1i�h, 'Sig- sidered applicants for "the unit. Upon mass meeting will be .held for 311 get together in this gathering I andany, of the men failed to attend prac- nal Corps. reporting in person to the local players, whether beginners or ad- talk things over."rice regularly they would be dropped, Report Two Captured by Enemy. board, each applicant will be given. va,\c�d. Meeting to be Opened by Sing.arid the six failed' to take the hint. Those who died of di.sease or acci- the opportunity" to accept or reject ":Begin Hockey and Coptain Ball. The meeting wi111ast ju.st forty-five� No player of promise was put off dent are Private Hawley 'olmstead; 'the induction into the S. A. T. A. Begin Hockey and Captain Ball. minutes, beginning at 6:45. It ",:tt bethe squad, as most of the men with William Jewell 'Whyte, aviation; Ca- However, all who accept and are or- will start 'Monday and W,ednesday, started' off. by a college .sing, lead by,varsity �ope.s have been reporting det Jefferson IMyers, aviation; Lieut. dered to 'report to the University for according to' the schedules posted in Daniel Protlreroe, leader of the Audi-regularly: J John -Goad, aviation; 'Private Frank duty, are from that time under m'ili- .Ida Noyes hall. Miss Stiles has re- torium �hoir. Patriotic and collegeArmy Men Allo�ed to Practice. I J. Oliver; Private W. 1\. Narwood; tary orders. and will obey lhat as- quested that all old and new players songs will be followed by short ad­The tMaroon coach has made an ar- Lieut. Raymond Anderson, '15; Pri- signrnent and all other orders with- register for the captain ball, The dresses by ,Major 'Wygant, 'Com-rangcment with the authorities which vate Hadley Cooper; Gilbert Moss, out delay." attention of all mem�;s of, the de- mandant of the S. A. T: c., and Dean-will permit men on the team to prac- ex-'20, I�aval Unit; Yeomgn Thomas Men Rated Upon Qualifications. partrnent has been called to the fact ��gem. T,}jeir sl.bject.s \ViilI' touch. tree between four and six in the aft- Lyons, ')9, and Private Seymour 1M en will be rated upon their qual i- that the gymnasium hours on the on the S. A. T C. and its relations >�:' ,ernoon unless they have conflicting 'Mason. -;;.. .: . fications and- will-be re-rated ,every re�l� tilae . sbeets" �re incorr9'ct.an'd) to ¥.,�.C:.A. The' three s�cre��'e.s :,'�>�jM'. c: a!!..e.J�9.!1�_!?!.. t!!�,.9t tJ! ..� .. !!!�_ 9!Y� �9?2.5:.tJ:�_ .. :mi.s�i!g�)� .. ",:,�j��{/·. ,-�r�.�����::,i��1_�� .�ftIy.�h6se�.�'ted �Ida Noyes. han -Df1rre;.y�·M:-·c:-k�-wl1n1ie��1;;t��C�'!:�-; "::�.�, five 'o'clock recitations, but it iSi Lieut. Alfred R. Strong. :avlatlon, retrogteS"sion- during that period will are correct. 'pla�s 'for the activities of the year_ ....:_;�. tho�hi that their schedule can be. who is a pr.ison�r. iLieut. �al.ter be 'indi�ai�d' by ,ihi:ne;' .eating. "The registration so far has been The meeting will be short but spijlt- .;'rearranged. ,'. � Schaeffer, ex- I�, IS, reported mrssmg "H_owc:ve"," said Captain Board- 'fine," said Miss, Katherine Cronin, ed, it is promised. :",1Scrimmage was left off the pro- since· last April when he was se- man, �'the, promptn�s's, and care with head of the department of Physical Extensive plans hav� been made! for ',�'gram yesterday, and from now on it verely wou�ded. The following were which instruction's ar�":followed by' Education. ·tYilitary drill, especial- !Su,l1day morning discussion groupswill be' held but once or twice a 'wounded in action: Lieut. John L. men while they <are 'still applicants ly, has been attracting many wom,e'\. which combine religion, rest and rec-week. 'lfost of the work was with l-fcKeown, aviation; Lieut.. ·Thomas will count toward .their ,first rating, Attendance yesterday in both the eation, The Y. lL C. A. 'wants to :.signals, two squads running through 'H. -Gocdwin, '16; jLieut. B. F'I Win- though ·th�y 'are"nqt 'at present a part 11:50 and 3)0'::' periods, was very make it a day of good cheer for theplays during the afternoon. Bob Cole chell; Private Archie L Lake, n7, of the military organization,' .targe." men and has planned these groups un-'was out of the practice, ·\Vestby and, marine.s;· Lieut .. Henry Mead, '17; Captain Empb� Discipline. der professors of the University andStagg, Jr., playing the quarter po- Paul Pierce, '14; English Roy.y Fly- Captain Bo'ardman emphasized the UNIVERSITY :MEN HONORED ministers of the city who will con-sit ions. ing 'Corps; H. N. Potter. graduate high importance' of perfect discipline, duct their courses on vitally interest-Reber Makes Good Pivot Man. student, marines. and Lieut. James and the necessity of all enlisted men 'Willa� '17, and MacDonald, �14, Are ing subjects. The courses are sevenThe loss of Gordon and Reber has Ill. Sellers, :17, marines, and Walter being amenable to- discipline. at all Awarded Croix de Guerre. in' number and are planned so thereleft the lllaroons without any second F. 'Sr.yder, ex-'IS, 75th Canadian Bat- times. He added further: that the will be a course appealing, to evel'Y-string center, and if Reber gets hurt talion. commandant should �he see that cer- Two Croix de Guerre men h�ve one. ISome groups car:ry a quarterthere may be some trouble in filling tain men are unfit as officers' mate-I already been captiured by alumni of major credit but visitors oare welcome. � . \his place. Reber has devel�ped into SPECIAL RATES ARE OFFERED rial, would ex�rci'se his authority to the �niver�ity. The men who have The courses will be conducted verya mo.st dependable pivot man, and is send them immediately to army received thiS awoar,d from the French informally and discussion is the mainone of the �ainstays of the line. training camps. government for "conspicuous bravery object. The groups will all meet fromChicago Symphony Orchestra Is ToThere is no very good center avail- . Ra�in,gs will be based on the gen- in action" are Lieutenant ,Gale Wil- 9 to 10 Sunday morning.able .. hould Reber be hurt. Give CustoIIlary Eight Concerts eral oattitude of the individual, with lard. '17, of the Lafayette :Esqua- Plan of Courses Announced.One new man who appears to be And Two Redtals. particular reference'to his spirit, his drille. and Lieutenant EdwCJ:rd !Mac- The courses are a<; follows: Makingfast winning oa regular place is Swan- conduct, amenability to discipline, -Donald, '14. The exact exploits for fessor Ernest Dewitt Burton in Rey-son, a clevcr guard from Elgin. .Admission tickets to the annual ser- aptitude, energy, and the determina- which the men wcre honored, have noldJ; I<;onferooce room A, sc<:ond ,,-Swanson is' a good defensh'e player ies of concerts given under .the di�- tion displayed in his work. The.se not yet been. ascertained. floor; Religion in the Literaturr ofand a sure tackler. He .seems to be tion of the University Orehestral As- ratings: built )up by continued 00- Other indications of unusual .work the War. conducted by Proft'�<;or Ed-the man to take the place left vacant sociation are now on sale at the office servation, will form a record which oaecompli�hed by University men are gar Johnson Go<*lspeed, i.!! Hitch�by Moulton, and, wiH he as good as of the association in Cobb ItA.. Spe- will be consulted in the transfer· of seen in the appointment of Lawrence cock 'Lihrary: f,U-odern Study of theGordon. who dropped out because cial rates are offered to, students, as men and their promotion to officers' Whiting, '12, as lieutenant colonel on ,B:h1ci conducted by Rabbi Gersonof failure to pass his physical exami· has been the case in prev.ious years., training schools. Each new rating rGeneral Pershing's staff, and/the pro- Levy�in Ha.sken 21; .�Ioral Phases or' nation. The series will this year be compos- wilt be oaccompanied by a reorgani. motl'on of William Gemmill, ex '19,ed of the customary eight concerts the ;\Var. conducted hy Professorby the Chicago Symphony Orchestra zation of the unit, as men are tran.s- to first lieutenant in the banoon serv- Fred ::\lerrific1d. in' 'Haskell 17.and possibly ten by the orihestra. ferred. sent to officers' schools, or ice at Fort Omaha. Nebra.-;ka. Both Naxareth. conducted: hy Dr. Theo­There has been such a demand .r se'a- !promoted to instructorships in thc Gemmil and fllacDonald are Delta dore Soares in Reynolds room n onson tiCKets in, past yeaTS that the as- unit. Any man in the unit will have Kappa Epsilon men. Harry E. third floor: the Prophets and Social�ociat:on has had difficulty in reserv- a chance to make the rank of in- 'llock. '05. has been appointed lieu- Pro�lems:.. conducted 'by Professoring enough tickets for students. Last structor. and it wiJ1 depend entirely tenant colonel in the staff of Surgeon Herbert L. Willett. in .Ha�ke1J 26.year more than 1,000 season tickets upon his own abilities whether or not General Gorgas at \Vashington. ac- with one-fourth major credit. Fatherwere sold, and for nearly every con- h t . de succee( s. cording to a recent report recelV,c Shannon wi)) conduct a .... en·icc ineert the demand for single admissionJ('T'fTens. a husky guard. who was 1:'\0 new men have been assigned hy the Alumni office. Revnolds Th('ater ior Catholic stu-'" tickets exceeded the supply. The onl� oJcounted on to add �trength to ,the avaiIaible tickets for. single admission to barracks. pending the arrival ofNotre Dame line. was another addi- are those of the highest priee. AU necessary equipment. It is expected THE DAILY MAROOS BULLEl'INtion to the squad. students, therefore have bee urged to that the cots, mattresses and blankets erate with the n e i g h h 0 rho 0 dmake reservation for tiekets before will arri .... ·e within !'oeveral days.the end of this week. To give stu­dents the greatest possible freedomto secure tickets, such reservationsmay be canceled as �ate as this after­noon.Spe�iai student prices for the tenconcerts are: $2.25, $3,75, $4.25, $5.75,$6,25, and $7.75. Tiek�ts may be ob­tained in Cobb llA from 10 to 12 andfrom 2 to 4, except on Saturdays.I(t.Plunkett Enters Competition.Several new men reported to CoachSt;\g� yesterday. and ther� is nowplenty of material, for ,two teams.Plunkett. Loyola cnd. came out fora w',g p.:>. ... ition. and from the way heworked yesterday Xicely. Halliday,• .anel Hinkle have a real compet:tor.Two others who donned suits wereKarstens, who .sh�wed promise as anend in the spring practice, andFouche, a colored player from Pasa­dena: Californioa. B. Otani. a Japa-(Continued on page 4)dents.The .y. i:\1. C. A. wishes to co-op-Today churches in making 'Sunday a pleas-Chapel, Junior colleges,' men andant day for the enlisted men. Thewomen, and college of Commerce and church memher:, will entertain menAdministration, 11 :25, Mandel.II in their homes ior Sunday dinner.:Divinity chapel, 11 :15, Haske .UNIVERSITY DAMES WILL•MEETSoldier .... who wish to take advantagen('�e student who is here to study The University Dames wiII meet inIda Noyes Hall, Saturday October'I�, All wives and mothers /of Urii­versity students have been mvitcd tojoin the'club.; Tomorrow. of this opportunity can receive in­chapel, troduction cards from 'Prof. Soares. rthe general secretary. Elbert Stevens.American athlet:cs. was also in a Annual CommemorntiveII :15, Mandel,Cosmopolitan dub, annual reunion,8, club house, 6041 University Ave,suit.Back' a Boyonet-Buy a Bond.2 \ . �. ",;� '., ...... ;'"_':��" ., .....J. • • • 'v ".., .:': �/en .. , IImll! maroon 1The Student � ewspaper of TheUniversity of ChicagoPublished mornings, except Saturday,Sunday and 'Monday, during the Au­. tumn, Winter and Spring quarters,by the Daily Maroon company.EDITORIAL lDEPARTl\IENTTHE. STAFFJohn Joseph � .Managing EditorRuth Genzbergcr News EditorHelen Raviteh Night EditorRose Fischkin Day EditorJames Sheean Oay EditorHarry Shulman _ Day EditorWilliam M.orgenstem.Athletics EditorLyssa Chalkley .Associate EditorFrederick Winterhoff ................................... Associate EditorTHURSDAY. ·OCTOBER 3, 1918COMMUNICATIONS� ..... roon is maintained as a clearing housef?r student and faculty opinion, TheMaroon accepts no responsibility forthe· sentiinents therein �expressedCommunications are welcomed by' thee:ditOt"� arl.d should be signea as anevidence of good faith, although thename will not be published withou�'the writer's consent.)Publicity for the W. S. T. C..:To the Editor of the Maroon:'. .... \.MAROON WAR LETTERSThe .following excetpta arefrom a letter "Rritten .,�. Lewis Fishe�, ex�20, who' �now with Base Hospital No.13. ThiS unit has about 160former members of the Uni­versity on its roll It is prob­ably now stationed near Li­m�es. Letters from otherUniversity members will .beprinted eac:.h week). '> •If a long tall SKinny individual had the I�ierfraternity Council will notmeet this year, and the faculty au­thorities will 'not have the 'time a�present to bother' with pledge tamper ..ing-small items" i�' the winning of. ,the war.Small or not small, tampering isillegal and dishonest. And those whoT-lfEeHuaHenry C.Lytton � SonsN. E. Comer -State and Jackson\ ;SLIP�ING.'- Within the las't 'twenty-four hoursI· tl_lree fraternity. men, each from a-differentl campus fraternity, haveI made compl,ai�ts about pledge tam:p�ring. There vis no question as toI the legitimacy of these complaints­the integrity of the men who "com- practice it are dishonest-this yearplained is not to be doubted. 1 n ad- custom slackers -so to speak, becausedition, the facts presented make it they are helping to destroy the honor.... ystern of the Universi ty,plain that the cases were pure, un-adulterated pledge tampering.been seen running around this en- CHARLES MERRI A .. ENTERS\. . .. \\" ell, what of it. you save It has '�camprnent m pajamas, waving a let- .UNIVERSITY AT 15 YEARS The .:;tatistics follow: �[ell, Frater-t d Tnvi . d" d I been done before; it will probably oc- 11 I' t.'",·· $18350', unassig ned, Sl600',er an mvrtrng everyrno y to rea .) .. f '''''t f'"t ld I I '1. I cur a gr-.l in. .Probably It wII, but.... h'll $8850 II. �"IOOpar s 0 It, I wou on y lave ucen .. . . JSo,n, of Political Science Professor '�men, a s, ; c uns, 'i''' . un-I d .I f I Iik doi 1 I I hi .... uch times pledge tampermg IS . I '" 4 4"()' t.· 1 .omg as e t nee oing w len . Makes Debut as Youngest assrguer ��'" max mg a tota torBUSINESS D8PARTMEm' awoke at noon and found your letter I' more sneaking. and .d.ishonest than the men of $19950 and for the womenb f F Studcnt"'on Campus. .Grant Mears, Manager under my pillow the other day.... ever e ore.. rat.ermtles. are on' the of $18-WO:' The fac�lty subscribed,May Freedman, Assistant TI h d b If' f verge of disbanding their chapters, $8" "00 d d hidrere a een a etter : am me or a . . . Charles �Ierriam. Jr., youngest son =>.=> a11 epart ment ear s an ern-. . . of becom ing practically inactive. until' ' r ."Entered as second class mall at the week or two and yours came WIth a , . of Prof. I�Ierriam of the Political-Sci ... ployees $12100. The University S\,1i>-Chi P t ff' 'Chi Ill" I the war is over with The govern-icago os 0 Ice, icago, I�OIS,! couple from my immediate ancestral "encc department. who is now in. .scribed $100,000: the' Divinity schoolMarch 13, 1906, under the act of I hai th t 1 ment ha .. as good as demanded such'-arch 3, 18 .... 3. I • C rain, so. a YOl.l can see w rat an 'Rome on a government "mission, is $4000, and the University High.u action. although fraternities wouldeffect it must have produced. tl e t t d t t t d th school $68500. These figures showhave doubtless done so through ne- I younges s u en w 0 en ere eSUIBSCRIPTION RATES . Also you must think that it'.s a :Univer,sity this fall an is one of the that in order to heat last spring's'Called for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 11, pretty nice war when a fellow awak- c.essity. However, secret. organiza- youngest men who has eyer been figures, as Dean i�lil1er believes thequarter. 1\ t J • •, \'� II nons here and elsewhere- were ex- ". . '11 I $190 �50.By Carrier, $3.00 a year; 1$1.25 a I ens a noon .wcarrng pajamas .. we • .' . . here. The "Youngest Freshman" is vmverslty WI , more t Ian ,I;:)quarter f .- "t' f I 1 . f' . trcmely active the week preceding ....... '11 h . d .. ,I 0 course, I s one,O the uxurres 0, . .. only fifteen and has entered with nine WI ave to be raise .By Mail (city), $3.50 a year; �1.50 I the way-behind-the-line style of tile openmg day of -college, and ar� .majors advanced standing and so is Dean '�[il1er's plan is to have every-a quarter. ./ I• • still rushing, though -in less strenuous ',By 'Mail (out of town) $425 a I fig hting that one can have and main- .' • . • • really a ·so·phomore. one connected with the University_ ' . I" , fashion. N evertheless fraternities, If . __,/.'year; .$1.7<> a quarter. tam pajamas. out even at that the .' .' He graduated from the University appealed to by captains. "whom he I" .. t t d . 1,1 thev intend hav.mg any sort of organ- h . d ·\11 '11 1,. . . I noon par mus so un mexcusau I! • •• 'High ,school a year ago. He started as appomte. ."' men WI ueE<htonal ·Rooms Elhs 12 I h h h ,: '. Izahon for that· period-"after the "Telephone Midway 800 Local 162 'I-a t oug t ere.s a. reason,· namely, .- wh<_:n he W3S six years old and gradu- reached uy the military authorities,,_ • .._ war .. ....;_they ·must take in the bc.stHours: 11:10-11:50; 12:25-6; 7-8. that I wprk mghtly from ,:30 tol,. ated from' gra.mmar school' when he women living off campits by the \V.'Business Offiee .. ; Ellis 14 7:30, whicn makes my noon my mid. sort of mater!al. wa s cleven.o The youthful freshman S. T. C., a.nd women in' the dormi-Telephone IMidway 800, Loeal 162 .''. . '. .-Hours: 10:20-11:50; 3-5:30. ntgl!t. ", Consequently �l1en \\ ho atte"?pt to is in the Chemistry department and tories hy representatives in the: �alls ..•. This being l\{onday morning, or the i steal this material ·are c�m�us sneak will doubtless have a doctor's degree Twent)...-five faculty members havetail end of Sunday night, I' 41�! thieves., And they �re_doubly, triply ·by the tiple he is old enough to enter been selected to take the subs�ip-"dcsirable to take a day awa)� from Iso because there: is nothing to prev�rft the .5ervice. tions from the faculty and captainssleep yesterday, and spend it in the, it save their ·own .sense of honor. have been chosen. to solicit from theinteresting i.vorld outside of the big Th�y. know as. well as anyone that Back a Boyonet-Buy a Bond. employees of the UniversfY.chicken-wire fence which surrounds �'�������������_.�����������������������������������(In view of the fact that the com- the hospital to .keep the hospital inmunication column of the Daily Ma- and Limoges out.· ....Jerome and I hadplanned to' take a. bi�yc1e ride to aneighboring village and see an 'an-:­cient -castle' whose' ruins are there,but �at ,�as not to be, f� thtf ren'tersof bicycles, who JIave :n-o trouble, infinding American riders for their ter- 'rible and ;incient "contraptions, de.cided that, since it was beginning torain and migh.t contin�e, . that they.would rent no wheels that day.But we we�e gQmg to go with aFrench lad of sixteen whom I me�one .e�ening .... He jxpectc:d us to'.call around wl'th our bl'cycles, butToo. much publicity cannot be given sir..ce we -couldn't get them we walked.to the work and aims of the. Vv� omanStudents' Training, Corps. With the over. IMQdame Bouchemousse ·(that,. is exactly a sneeze-:-I've often won-usual rush and confUSIon at the be-ginning of any quarter, women are dere41 how to spell one) invited us totake ainner there. and of course welikely to overlook this most import· accepted. She is some madame, in­ant addition. to women's affair.s. Theysimply fail_ to realize the importance dined to be stout, 'goo<!;n�tured andof the' movement. 'Still other women as happy as can be, and quite an in-.are sho�ing signs or allowing their telligent woman.,\Ve went with her to the market-selfish pleasures to interfere with this .branch of work. place-she told" us s� was going and Iwe went for the walk. I 'told herThe women of this compus were " II'd go to carry. be'r basket, but, shealways seemingly eager to do more laughed and thought I was ,quitethan their share of war work if they ple!>eian, I guess,' for here all the\Vue only given° a chance.- They even I d... a ��s who can, g� to the market inspoke vaguely of enltstmg In some- state, followed hv their maids withthing or other at once. Now is their 1 b h' . o'a ag to carcy orne the purchases.chance to enter work that is real. The Rue of the 'Boucherie is aand definite, and more than worth most interesting place. It has South Iwhile .. J wonder how luany slackers \Vater street h.'lcked off the map. It"we .shall hav� .• 50 .1 want .to ur�e! is a narrow, crook�d. hilly street,the whole Umverslty to give thIS" where ahsolutely nothing but meatmovement a� much puhlicity and help i I'S handled TJ 'd tk t. Ie Sl ewa s are 11')as possihle. ---Uun,ior \Yoman. thrce feet wide. the street is eight or l-I tcn and has .a pump in the m:ddle so I! that there is a shalJow gutter on both IAnnounce Fall Pceachers. i. . .I S Ides throll�h whIch dIrty water runs.The l'niv('r�jty )lrt.'ae:lcrs ior the "The hutcher shops' arc ail in per­.\l1t\I11111 quarter ha\'c heen an-; l11an('nt huildings on either �de andl1()l1nced. They are a,.: follows: Oct.' arc wide open in front all da�·. a1-h, l're.-. Jal11e� (;, T":. :'IlcClure. :\lc.: though at night steel shutters unroll'(r>rTnick Thcolr,�ical Scminary; Oct. i from the top 'of the big shop fronts13. �ett1emcnt SUlH!:lY: Oct. 20, Pres. i and CO\'cr .up the whole front like thcC1are�lcc :\. Barbour. Rochester T'hc-I ,;;teet curtain of a tflcater and are ah­olo�ical Scminary; Oct. 2i, Dr. Roh-. solute1y thief proof.crt Elliott Spcer. :\'e\\" York: ):ov. J., Ii thl' organization of the :\meri­t� he. an�otlncl'd; X 0\'. 10, Prof. � can army leavcs one word for po:_ter-I"ranel" (.rcenwoor! 1'ea1>ody. Har- ity it wilt surely he "nudely." _.\·,.Ir(! J)j',inity SCilOo1. Xo\,. Ii, Bish· hlHlrly i� a comrade, and everyone Iop (harles Da\'id \\,il1i;IIllS. Detroit. speaks of hi's huddy and calls e,"ery'\;;:('h.; Xo\,. 2·l_ Bishop \Y:lliarns; onc clse "nmldy." Ii.a Yank mectsDu.:. 1. Hi ... hnp 1 i orner (laU(!c Stunz, you in the street and want:-; a match'()1l1aila. Xch.: Bishop St;'nz; Dl:c.: or anythin�, he'll call you "Ruddy."Ij. Convoc.ation Sunday. t I l'S the gcncral nanlc for all of us. •S, A, T, \C, MENThere. are serviceand economy ad­vantages in buyingyour militaryapparel accessorieshere.,. itrying to beat in this drive. �.DEAN KILLER PLANS TOSURPASS FORMER DRIVESWITH FOURTH CAMPAIGN. "Entire Campus is to be Divided Inte.Teams to Approach All "Students.Dean litHer announced yesterdaythe survey of the Liberty Loan drive'with reference to the University inorder that the member .... of the Univer­sity might know the record they are.. ./ '1,.' . '.;., ../ ..,.'.t. ;,----'-._/....-. ,".College Floor, ,Clothes ....1' "�'�"' ..1 .....�::Expressillg th.e highestqu.ality and 'style ideasof the ultra·dresser.,Fashion In a 'generalway is prescribe-for.. the sea­.son by a congress of the best qualified;designers.. Mter which thet return totheir style sf'udios and evolve' their ownconceptioDs of ·enhanciDg style details,artistic touches in designing and model­ing.· Our buying staff, having access toall sources of clothing prOduction, er-,views these presentations and p,therhere the most creditable creations tlJemarket affords. That is why you tmdhere the most extensive and choicesi�selection of quality suits and top cOats' ,Iat -, ..� ,, ...:"�$25, $30, $35, $40 to $75CoIlege Floor-the Third,<J, ,,.'! , '· ,•\','� ,,,. �"Y: /. ' I '\ •THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, ,OCTOB·ER 3, 1918. ,3The Daily Maroonis the official record of our campus life and as such desen·esthe full co-operation of all University of Chicago students. Asa point of information, the Marron is considered., among the·majority of National Advertisers and critics of collegiate pub­lications in general. to be... among the foremost in the country.Our Fa�ulty has, by t he permission to publish even in thesetimes of confusion and stress, signified their approval of th�Maroon and the Military Authorities, through Major Wyganthave expressed the utmost enthusiasm in the knowledge thatthis was to be essentially a military paper.The Maroon will be invaluable to the members of the S. A.T. C. inasmuch as it will contain aU advance news necessaryfor intelligent following of "the military -schedufe and orders.What we want is your immediate subscription. It is diffi­cult for our staff of sellers to connect ,,;th everyhne on thecampus, and it would gratify us very much if all studentswould bring in their own subscriptions to the Maroon Office.,Ellis .Hal� Room 14 between hours of \and 10, 11 and 12. and• !J and 6." Ii�------------------------------------------------------------- .--------------------------------------------------------------THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1918J .of Army Officers-AdvisorY Board. Compo sed of Prominent CiviliansOrganized to Assist.,." .' the Univebity are sure of jobs nextyear and' they go around campus with, it. :, __ __their hea:d� in. the -air 'and ,green" hras,s ards, WhiCh.' the 'Go�e. rnor gaNe�, them,' exhibited, 'on their left arms.'." -...... ., The, only thing �h. is worrying the· i -'women now is _how theY�Qre going to"wear a red \V.' S. T. C •. ba€d 'below well.the green, one without looking likethe- Italian flag._ 'NORTHWESTERN, MICHIGANAN,D CHICAGO TO DEBATE'ON FEDERAL OWNERSHIP� :First Tryouts for Positions on V � .sity Team to be Held Nov. ·1. PRESS ISSUES S. A. T. C.INFORMATION BULLETIN-.UNIVERSITY FARMERETTESRESUME STUDIES AFTERBUSY SUMMER ON FARM Governing Body to Be Committee. --,-"MemberS (If Woman's Land ArmyTell of Thrilling Experiences, .With; Plow and Tfactcn-. The final intercollegiate debate will'be held between Chicago, Northwest- The University Press has just is-Jern and lfichigan on tJanuary 21, .sued a bulletin on the organizationThe �nh'ersity women, who enlist- 1919. The subject of the debate will and administration of the Students'ed last spring in the" �Vioman's Land be: Resolved that the. Federal Gov- Army Training Corps, for the in for­Arm;- and spent the summer! as far- ernment iShould , Own and Operate mation .of faculty and students.merettes on' the Illinois Training the Railroads. The Corps is divided into two sec­Farm at Libertyville, have returned Anyone .... in' the University who has 'tions: A, Collegiate: .and B, Voca-to their work as students with the completed less than four years of col- tional; and each of these divisions is �exception of Ill:i1dred Smith. She is lege work is eligible for: a position subdivided into several units. In thegoing.to spend the winter on the on the team. The first tryouts will Collegiate! section training \\·ril, bef '. d k' . b .. h .. ld November I, and will consistarm in or er to rake a course 111 ... .. 'given for the Infantry, Field ar til-cheese aAd butter making. of a five-minute speech on the ques- lery, Heavy artillery, TechnicalAll of the farmcrettes, or farmers tion of the 'final debate. Twelve can- corps -t sub-divided into engineering,as they prefe� to be �alled. are most didatcs will 'be chosen ,from those chemistry, and medicine); or for Avi­enthus iastic about their work and tell who appear for the first try-out. ation, Ordnance, Signal corps, �nd IIwonderful tales of how llcirion These will compete in' a 'second try- Quartermaster corps.Meauor ran the .tractcr in Grant out to be hell. November 15./ Committee Governs S. A. T. C.Park to lay the walks fer the expo- Associate Prof.' L)'man of the' The governing body of the S. A.sition and what a wonderful milker iEng'lish department, who -is acting T. C. is a committee of army officers.If,ay 'Corn\V�ll is and about, the chick- as coach, has, requested that all pros- on which are represented the Generalen houses :Luella .Bither built and how pective candidates send him their Staff, with Colonel Rees, the chair­the farm won thirteen blue ribbons at names through the faculty excharlge, man of the committee; the Provostthe county fair. , )larsllal General. the Adjutant Gen-There were forty-three women on MISS DOROTHY STLLES WILL eral of the army, and, the Training--" . the farm all summer. ten of whem RESUME WORK· AT CHICAGO Section of the War College. -An Ad-were from the University. Two of the visory Board of civilians assists thisidstructors, lfiss Lila '�Ii&rrian and Miss Dudley Will Probably Return to ,comnljttec:. Tdre jvice""President ofUniversity at Beginning oflJrs. Morse, were also University the University of Chicago representsWinter Quarter.'women. The women did all the work the universities and colleges on thison the farm and helped the neighbor- )1 iss Dorothy . Stile\ has returned board,ing farmers get in their crops. When 'Th Uni -ersitv f Chicano unit isto the Univers'ity to resume her work e \ .i 0. I bthe season begarr and the lfirst women in the department' of 'Physical Edu- under the command of .)Iajor Henryarr.ived in _ Libertyville, the farmers· ,S. Wyant, corrirnandant ; 'Captaincation after" a year's leave of absencewere curious, not to say \ skeptical, Robert P. Boardman, Post, Adjutantbt;t when the University women re- spent -at Barnard college where a ... ...new Physical Education department and Summary Court Officer; Lieu-turned to Chicago the whole" of Lake J he . II d tenant Claud D. Manary, B, attalion I. . ' las en msta e .county was standing , behind the, 'f' G -d D dl h °d f th Commander; four medical, deI.ltal,, '.\ ISS ertru c u ey, ea 0 e"lady farmers" - and offering themd CI . I and supply .officers, and eight Iieu-]epartment. at . ncago, was a sojobs as hired men. tenants in command Of the com-given a leave of absence to go to'8arnard·last yearvand will probably'return to. Chicago at the beg inning'of. the ·\Vinter quarter.Two new members, Miss \�larshal1"The women who have returned to parries.LIBRARY GETS COLLECTIONand .Miss Katherine Howe, have beenadded to the Physical Education fac­ulty to fill the vacancies left by :)[issMargaret Ben and �liss Helen Rock- "Emma Hedge Makes Gift ofValuable Reformation ·'Literature., �[rs: Emma B; Hodge has present­ed a number of additions to the col­lection of books of the Reformation'period to the U niversity libraries .Among the number is a tw�lve vol­ume edition of Luther's works in theoriginal hogskin binding:' The vol­umes arc variously dated from 1556t o 1570. Original copies of"Luther':;catechism and of the Augsburg con­fession are aL50 in eluded."These books are very valuable ad­ditions to the collection which Mrs:Hodge has given us," said :Mr.' Han-son, assistant director of the libraries, �yesterday. "The new gifts also in- 'f.elude �Ielancthon's funeral ot;,ationon Luther and, an official account of., Y. W. C. L. WILL HOLD TEA. AT 3:30 IN LEAGUE ROOMHOLD FASTThe .League will give a tea for allUniveraity today at 3:30 in the. League room on the second floor· of'Ida Xoyes hall. The program whichhas been arranged includes a vocalnumber, by Josephine Parker and aninterpretative dance by Rgth Lovett.All women students. whether LeagueOne can sit down and eat more, one •members or not. have been urged to"RETREAT ON/ 1"HE / Wl;I0LEWiEST LIN'E'� says a' downtowndaily as this paper go,s to press. !Suchnews, news that we have long an­ticipated' and desired. is re.�choed i�a sigh of relief from all over theworld-e-save perhaps in Germany.can sleep I1_1.ore easily, one gets up inthe morning without rather dreadiilgthe morning paper.But do not let that feeling get too- ,/ ,'secure a grip, or there �ay result apsycholog:cal s_lack in America's aim be _present this afternoon.Admini,tntive Council Meets.Every member. n�w and old. of the' Luther's death published imm�diatcly\Voman'.s Administrative Co.uncil has after llis death hy men who wer�pn.'sent."been urgently requested to attend thetowards winning this war. \Ve have ,first meeting today 1rom 4- to � into hold fast to win. just a.s the boys parlor C. Ida Noyes !tall. Every Qr­in France have to hold and fight �anization has been asked to �ee thatfast to win. � ,its mcmbers report.Back a Boyonet-Buy a Bond.Club Announces New Pledge.Phi Beta ""Delta announces thepledging of ,)[arjoric Stevens of Cin­cinnati, O.. , Classified - PATRONIZE OURADVERTISERS,\\",ill �ve a pleasant room andhoard to a woman student in ex­change for assistance with a 2 1-2year oM child. Phone Kcnwood2323.:\Iiss Edith Al\\·.1ter. 'n�tructor ofStringed In.strut11ent�. Ckulele. :\Ian­dolin, Banjo, (;uitar. Hawai:an Guitar.Studios-Leonard \Vilson �chool of iI :\fusic. 6255 Kimhark :he. 11 "dePark 2AA5.' 551 :\ E. 4ith St. -. P�easing- new1y furnished room fo:-, either:: one or two studcnt�. and pri··vate hath. w:th \lS� of stll'dy room.kitchen. china and linen: ncar to theUnivErsit,·: in �xchang-c for $10 a.month an-d takin� charg-e. two hours IItwice a week. of t\\'o nice, attracti"can(l wcll-trained children. 'Phone ')trs. Berkeley :\[. Fontaine., i II yde'; Park 94iJ.\ ° r ,IM I ur ARyl 80 () K_Saod TEXTBOOKSFor All ClassesFountain Pens,Paperand All SuppliesGymnasium GoodsAt Low'_Pricesrhe UniversityCornQr 58th�St. and Ellis_ AvenueBookstore.During this week, the Maroon wi� be delivered in quan­tity to Ida. Neyes Cobb Hall, Ellis and the ·Women's Halls, itbeing believed that ,uch a course will make it clear to all stu­dents-just what the Maroon is. Beginning with Tuesday, Oe­tober 8th, however, deliveries will be arranged so that onlysubscribers wiD.receive the4; paper, ..,SUBSCRmE AT!THE BOOTH IN COBBSecond, Hand BooksUniversity Books, New and second Hand and All· Kinds ofStudents: Supplies rt the Most Reasonable PricesWoodworth's Book Store1311 E. 57th St., between Kimbark and Kenwood,'Two Short Blocks East of the Tower. Phone Hyde Park 1690Op�n EveningsAthletic GoodsGym OutfitsSecond Hand Law ·Books .University of Chicago JewelryFountain Pensl\ledi('al .and Sci�ntific BooksHotel Del PradoAdjoining the Unh-'ersity, is a handsome home for out-of­town students, and the logical home for the relatives of stu-dents while ,·isiting them. -Offers temporary home while awaiting induction intoS. A. T. c .Open for the comfort and ent,rtainment of the ArmypTraining Corps.Announcements of the Dances will appear in the llaroon.Home of the Nayal Navi�tion Students.ALBERT F. GIDDINGS, l\lgr. . - :!-o,'If'IJ!! .. .( "1 .' )THE DAlLY MAROON. THURSDA�. OCTOBERJ. 1918ANNOUNCEMENT m MADEIOF NOYES SCHOLARSHIPSMen and women planningto do work on .the e�itorialend of the Daily Maroon mustreport to the News Editor: (Continued from page 1.)the acrivities secretary. and, ClarenceF, G'. B;OW�l. the husinc.� s�cretary.Alumni Office Will Keep Track ofMen in ,Service-Students Request­ed by Office to Report News of!President's Office Announces Condi- University Men in Service.tions for Noyes Foundation SChol-1 _arships-s-Holders Are to Be Hon- Simultaneous with the appo int mentorably Connected with Present I of Elizabeth 'Shutter as an attache ofWar. the Alumni orn« -, a new section Willihe opened in this c)epartrllent -calledThe Pr e sidcuts Office has an- the "War File," Through this sc- Iassured all my friends I'd eschew nounced the conditions for award of tion the Alumni office hopes to keept he Xl ar oon I the La Verne 'Xo\'es Foundat iun in touch with every University grad-� And ev'ry hard-working Marooner, ... cholars hips. The fund. wh�ch was nate in service. either here or abroad.No matter what happened, that I "�tahlished this summer by' Frarrk Elizabeth Robert. .. on is also en�aged TERM PAPER EXHIBITION TOW�;:l�h:s �o��tle as die, and no La v erne x oves for the education 'bi I :11 similar work. (BE HELD SOON IN CLASSICS venicncc.sooner. soldiers and the-ir descendants .• is �)e- Th next Alumni magazine. t� he Xew term paper work will be on -Hold Commerative ChapeL(I'll explain for �e many who haven't ill� administered under the direl'tllllll.i.s�ued in .!\.�\'emher, will co�ta:n a I exhihition next .w��k in 'Classics l�- The annual Commcrative c ha potcaught on, of the Board of Trus tce,s. Letter Box where letters of interest II' hra ry. One exhibit ion. "Roman Pri-, will he held tomorrow at' 11 :15 inI'm an old college pest by the name The, scholar�hips. are npe�l t o any II or of merit will be printe,d. Every I vate r.u-,: is of the rnodelled figure of.1 _ :::\landel. All students of" the Uni-of Anon.) ucscrvmc students III any 0.1 .the c.ol- alumnus in .sen'in' will receive ,:1 cop,y a Roman senator. This figure wasI vcrs ity have been requested to attend.eges or schools of the University, of the All1ln.ni lIlal:!a7.;n� and III th,lS I done hy M iss Helen .Bennett for herAnd I hold out as long's about yester- without regard to difference in sex. way the entire hody \\,111 be kept JIl term paper for thc '�ummcr quarter.day night, race, religion. or political, party. who communication. Another, by I�E .. � Beebe. is an exactWhen ye Ed. made an- otTer that's I," tall he cit izcu-, of the Un ited States. Ahnost even' dav letter- from numature rcp�oductio;l of the housedandy. I ."- it-- annual .reunion tomorrow at 8 atS h who shall either have se�ved in the France are received by the Alumni of the tragic poet.o t at now I'll be able (and I may I the clubhouse. 6041 University ave-and I might) arm,Y or navy of the United States office. '�I iss Shutter and :"1 i .. s Rol.)- t 1 Ail Iorcizn men students haveKeep the Quandranglers stocked up duriug' the present war. or shall he I crt son reply to ever)' lettcr. not Jll School of Education Holds Tea. 1 re., been. invited to attend,with candy; descendants hy blood of anyone who ] a business-Iike manner, l"lt with an 1�lell1bers of the School of ·Educa-For I'm gonna write this here thing served honoraby in the army or navy I informal account or' the happening:' tion will hold a faculty tea tomorrowfrom now on, during the present war. on campus and about the University. at of in the kindergarten room.The only original whistler, Anon. The amount and character of c\'i- The Alumni office has requesteddence of qualification of app lica nt-. stud nts t t t '{',s Shutter anvTHE best thing about this S. A. T. s e s 0 repor 0 _, Is .• JC t tT· th t I . and selection from the applicants is information t he v may rccei"e con-. s U IS a rerc IS an army camp " . . I . .'that's co-educational. Julius Caesar left to the discretion and decision of ceru ing the location. 'Welfare. promo-never had such channing eamp-follow-1 the �oonl of Trustees,. tions. and awards of Alumni.ers. Imagine pacing up and down the Whenever the number of qualifiedmidway some mild winter night with I applicants shall from lapse of time� gun on your sho�lder and challeng- or other cause become insufficient to IJ?g a tardy Fosterite. The conversa-I exhaust the income. it may hc used The business management wishes Manchester Goes to Rockford. Prisate Dancing Lessonsbon would be like this:' so far as practicable in the judgment to ejlcplain its position in regard teJ �Ir, Earl X. Manchcster, head 'of"Halt! Who is there?" • f" - ."Friend." . 0 the Board of Trustecs of the Unt- the Maroon Blotter. It 'has had noth- the Readers' Depa1'tmenf of thc Uni- In a course of six lessons ($5.00)"Ad \'crsity. and the remainder will be ing whatever to do with that advertis- \,crsity libraries, has ohtained a ycar',..; one ca: n acqwr' e the steps of the Wal-vance, friend, and prove it." ._DAVE Bradley was sobbing yester- �i\'en to such other scholarships a:' ing. The Maroon will be runnirigl' Ica\'e 'of ahsencc to' take charge of On'e-stcp, and Fox-trot. Single les-day beeause army life interfered with the Board of Trustees may determine. four days for three quarters and we the camp library at Camp Grant. at sons uf desired.cutting .aftcrnoon classc.s. It interferes I' e�mestly request. your co-operation. I Rockford. 111.with more than one of the old-time PATRONIZE OUR Sincerely, LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIOpleasures. N 0 .longe� win the ten-I ADVERTISERS THE UNIVERSITY MAROON. Back a Boyonet-Buy a Bond. 1541 E. 57th St. . Hyde Park 2314• tenners waste tIme rJght where theclock man ean see them. No longer Iwill the lboys get the Scoop Smithcrook in their necks from taking abead on a billiard ball in the Reynoldsclub. No longer will the Brothers sitaround and watcb the freshman dele­gation . wash th� windows and scuttlethe ashes. No longer will the big sit­ting room in Harper ,be used for any­thing but study. The old gray schoolshe ain't what she used to b�, etc. 'AXXOUNCE!\IEXT.,;i1ifI#fftI,t·�.-.A TRUE STORY (So They Say.). IPrivates (leaping to their feet as a Iheutenant enters): 'Tention!ILieutenant: "That's all right."(They sit down.)OUR military ambition is to be de­tailed to drill the W. S. T. C. Fromcasual, otT-duty obse!"\'ation, we -gath­er that most of them already knowhow to {iress. And a few wouldn'thave to ,be t01d to hold their chinshigh., Drilling them would be lessamusing, however, than watching adetachment of freshmen execute thecigar store Indian salute.KENNY McPherson, so popularwith this department last autumn, hastaken up new quarters at the PelPrado with other navy boys whospend the week there waiting for Sun­day afternoon tea time to roll around.As the song goes,"If you like your nest,You will like the navy best,'But we're all in thc army now."A:N):O:W AY, as a young Irishman,wcll known to all of you, would say,"Army .beans are better than navyheans."WIIA T'S that bugle? Call to quar-Iters?WE THOUGHT it was "The Pull­man Porters on Parade."Anon,Refreshments are Abolished._,\ t a meeting of the I da X oyc� ,\d­yi!'ory 'cotll1cil held Tuesday, it was!decided that refreshments should nothe "erver! al affairs heM :n Ida :'\o\·c<;hall unless it is consider('(1 ncc('ss�n:.It is Il' he leit to the head:, of the ()�_I;:.a�i7.ati()n.. concerned to decide inca�c, IMPORTANT NOTICE Y. M. C. A. OPENS YEARWITH BIG GATHERINGSftTURDAY IN MANDELsome time today .to receiveimportant instructions. Dis­regard of such will signifythat the person is not inter­ested, and action will be takenaccordingly. 'A reltg'ous. service of forty-fiveminutes "will be held in )landc1 hallSunday evening and a snort addresswiJt be delivered. All S. A., T. C.men �re required to be present atmass '011' Sunday evening. Tb is' serv­icc has been arranged for their con-Invite Foreigners to Reunion.Th� 'Cosmopolitan club' Will holdHold JUnior College ChapelChapel will he hcld today at 11:15Attendance is requiredTo Hold Tryouts for Chorus. in ,:\1andel.TO OUR ADVERTISERS: All women WI,1O can sing have been of all men and women in the Junior'asked to reportt today at 4:30 in thc colleges t+f Arts. Literature and �ci- .theater of Ida Noyes han to tryout I cnce and 'of all students in the Chl­for the chorus to he used in the war lege of Commerce and Administra-rally on October II. tion.==========�=========�==MURAD •20TURKISH CIGARETTES Cents,ARE MADE ESPECIAll-V FOR THEDISCJ�IMINATING AND EXPERIENCEDSMOKER OF HIGH GRADETURKISH, CIGARETIESTheblending�is exceptional. MAKERS Of THE HIGHEST � TUR.KISHA"O:EGYPTIAN GIGARElTES IN THE WORLD • ./They are justlike meetingyour Best Girlface to face.�e� � ,oth 'EMBER- There are 11e�8 like your. U B. �. ,� ".,vIIM84�cthin:mTI.saviithCOpaIe:·fClthenlit "1br, 'I .)�i'ne,:.'. 6A .on: � he.,�.;;. ·JaJ.�twt�.a� weatl.-, .It; abthltoofthlfr(,ht.heMI, ...l' onnc�ohi�thlmeJa!mea11.. 'UI,i'. Wt:. �ic• Illlin!isr:.1 .. an� ailI: nrd:!ca"yc., {1r,r,.9·.'