Ten Underclassmen Receive Co­veted Scholastic Honor- Year'sOhieaeo men 'at the R. 0 T C Tb- • •• .otal Now. Forty-Five.camp at Fort Sheridan are having a 4'Fight the .Next War .Now!" is theRAISE GREAT SERVICE FLAG taste of that which usually strikes the ELECTION HELD ON MONDA Y s.triking title of a new pamphlet bycampus every year-that is, they are Prof, Soares, 'Of the Divinity school, PLAN ACTIVITIES FOR YEARThree hundred and twenty-four bac- quaran�ned. for diphtheri�. None of At Convocation yesterday twcnty- issued by the National Securitycalaureate degrees were ,granted at the U�lv�:-�nty .m� .have It, but four six students were named as having Leagu in its series, "Patriotism At the Jast meeting of the Women'sthe One Hundred and Seventh Convo- of their. �unlcies 10 the same bar- received Phi Beta Kappa honors for through Education." The paper was Administrative council yesterday atcation exercises yesterday. The Con- racks, railing' from Purdue, are re- this quarter. This brings the total of originally delivered as an address 'be- 10:'10 the 'Officers and chairmen of thevocation speaker was Sir George ported to have either diphtheria 'Or a students so honored during the year to fore the Congress of :Nati01l'8l1 Service committees for nevxt year were eleet­Adam Smith, principal 'of Aberdeen cold in the head, and as a result, all forty-five. The elections were held which met in Chicago in February. ed, They are as follows: president,university and chaplain in the British of the 156 men in the barracks were Monday, but in accordance with prece- Five hundred copies' of this pamphlet, Pauline Davis; secretary and-�as1D'­army. His address was on "The Uni- placed under surveillance until Satur- dent, the names were not announced have been secured by the University er, Florence !Becker; membership andversities and the War." day. until the Convocation program was library and may be obtained free of outside relations committee, AgnesStarting with a consideration of the As a result of the quarantine, seve- ready for distribution. charge in Harper ,Wal. Prentice; social needs, Ruth Genzberg-American and the Bnitish universities ral of the men who were graduating The members of the class of 1918 -Prof, Soares discusses at length :the er; and calendar committee, Dorothyand the necessity of a closer co-opera- were allowed to come to town to re- who received the Phi Beta Kappa gigantic Gennan plan to make Ger- M.nIer.tion between the two, Principal 'Smith ceive their degrees. Among those yesterday are:_. many supreme in Eirope Which has Pauline Davis ,is a member of thesaid in part: who appeared for their degrees were Arthur Baer, Frederick Baumann, coptured the imagination of the Ger- Advisory Board of the W. A. A. andUniversities Affected by War Elmer Krause and Sigmund Cohen. Caroline Bensley, Celia Berlizheimer, man warr aeaders. This great scheme of the Second Cabinet of the League;"The universities of the world have Day of Varied Program. Gladys Campbell, Rosemary Carr, Le- means the route from Berlin to Bag- Florence Becker is the secretary ofbeen among the institutions most af- "The work is proceeding splendid- otitia Chaffee, IMildred Conrad, Helen dad. It means that Germany shall the Horne Economics club and the rep-fected by the war. In my country, ly," said Krause, with a sunburned Daringer, Harold Fishbein, 'irene co�trol aU the dominions which lie be- resentative of the women's balls; .A:g-universities have ,been turned into smile. "We are working rather Frank, Martin Hanke, Grace Hennis, tween those places. nes Prentice is an aid, a mem·her oftraining camps, hospitals, anythiDg to strenuously, having a program that Morris Hertzfeld, !Mary Elizabeth Ho- War Was Planned Out. Nu ,Pi Sirgm.:l and the 'VTiee-presirentbe useful in the work of the war. The runs from half past four in the mom- gan, Esther Hornbaker, Esther Jaffe, Germany had this war planned, ac- of. the League; Dorothy 'Miller is ansignificant thing has been that with ing to �ine at night, but all the fel- Emna Kahn,Julius Kahn, Frank Kelly, cording to Prof. Soares .. It wantedlai.d, a member Of. Nu Pi. Sigma anda11_ our patriotism, and our constantly lows enjoy the work and wouldn't miss Emma Kuebker, Florence Lamb, I to fight France now; !it wanted to Sl�a club and vice-president of thethinning ranks, our universities have it for anything. George McDonald, Elizabeth McPike� fight Russia now. But it left- Great JUnlor class, and Ruth Genzberger issteadfastly sustained their accustomed "We have been divided into sections, Lalla Reynolds, and Paul Zeisler. Britain and the United States quite an aid and the women's editor of !thework all through the four years of and some of us are assigned to rna- The underclassmen whose election out of its seheme. Mter it had ae- :Maroon.eonfliet, chine gun work, while others are be- was 'announced yesterday are: Meta complished its purposes, then there This last year the Women's Ad-"Oxford had lost, 'When I came to ing initiated in the -technique of hand- Anderson, Harry Blitzsten, Samuel would be time ;to wage a second war, ministrative council bad eharge of 'theAmerica, 1412 men in the war; Cam- ling the bayonet. We have also spent Jacobson, Ethel Johnson, Inez Ost- a war to crush Great Britain, The reception eommiaee to be! pthe HollS-bridge h�d lost 1405; A?erdee� 250,. s��� �m� 'On �� n�w mass forma-I berg,.�}iz�bet:�.... �rimsl�, Si�ter Mary third part ,�f, � co�iracy � ing Bureau in welcomiDg � �rk,and Edmburgh 450. 'Ihe Scotttsh nons, whicb CCillSlst of DI�kS much ouis Towner, and )!;�� B1OOmllimr-rm .'.. ",..' '. ,.- -, . . .'. ,. '.- .universities of 1Aherdeen,' �nbul1gb, lik� those o� a chec�er-�rd. The Zeisler. w� 'Cc)m.'.��.-.. '�.�:;�... � :dom._�!?!on. �oyes.... '. W1;} :"'�'. �.�.:.J'f.:--.'.�.4.�.'��,;��.';;;�.. '�asgow, mtd 1St. An�ws together obJect of thIS fonnation 1S to limit �:fi:rst �. Of t�. consplracy �. tW'o_,.,lee'tlJNs.���,. .,._ :£���:� lo� 1250, o.ut of �lr lil,� men the am�unt of surface that is exposed AT:RLETJC HONORS FOR has suCceeded,.. ' . :; .... �:J!'.�.�� .. � �� .. of.Ida::N��·,�,'�'�jt�f�f��i·In service. The great out3tandmg fact to the enemy fire." YEAR'S WORK AWARDED "We �ve:.� ,t&�.:t:.:e :,.tGat. . :They N�" �! '. - � ,Parti4,.��';�ii�after·this four years of sacrifice 'by Five Men Made otricers. TO UNIVERSITY WOMEN have gOt ·�1tiey.·p�.,·-eX'; to··,.in� iile '�t:�� - D8ft·t*-:�;.f�iBritish universities.is their unswerv- cept ,tbey�ba�e � got .the money �- WOIIJe� • -and 1;Ij,.� BoOk �i-,.�·�f�""�iDg devotion. ,110 the � for wJ_Ueb w,,�dn �ri�7n .::::em�O: t�! Fobs and PiDs Ginll Oat at Sprillg deDiii;iieS •. .u..t they.bve, lost.. m.m.. <;'!'DpUgn. .. '� '.::�, � ;:' j :,' .- ." '. ::�,!�;:;.� are figh�ng, and theIr �etermina- camp are being given the opportunity. Banquet---Bar!Jara Miller . men .t� � . Planned. You·.� .·�JNext· y���pe,�ot·JfIfe-·�� .;_�!#-��.tIon to 'help m any way possIble to the of acting as officers in their \.oompan- Receives. Cup. peac� �_.�n.-aDf,� tbat.� �l-be '��'.� �: ertclent '�\retnd." ies, and during the first five days, a . �IY. ����, .lIp( 'aDd: Ge�auy oftket'a � suceeafto·ddielDlder- '"V.��-�:PreaidentGranta'Degrees. number of Ohicago men were given At the Spring banquet of W. A. A� l'e'IDaUB.:���\jn.��fi�.stage ��""'" .r'. ".-:' �t:£\:At the conclusion of the convoca- positions. Elmer Krause .was made T.hurSday, members wer'e presented of the �." . '- ,,,� . ..' .. :: .. -.�. ' .��tion �dress � � were �nted. 1st Lieutenant, Ralph }fagOT, 2nd with honors for the year. Barbara . ,Fight Next War �OW'. . MORE. ·WOMEN NOW ON FARMS :tPresIdent .1 udson then read hJS. state- Lieutenant, George Kimball, 1st Ser- Miller received highest ih()nors with:t �� �� �nelu_�.�. pa�r by Jment, �� showed the standing 'Of geant, and ?4iHord Desenberg and cup far telll'B8, a ban�er f()r basket: saymg. �we must-�ea: Germany EliDbeth?ilSN'eu·wil{GO:� Libert _the Umverslty" the alos. e of the fis- George Ca}1 mess' ,C! __ �_ ball and the W' A A fob O"'L.e·r now. -��,..�do.not figlRtthis war. to.. a , (,.' '-.'·'m- -.,_ ... :� .. -:: ... -" .... -. y.,.. . '1, �!;IC'41�. . • • • • WI ..• . . .. . n e·_· .. 1IIIe 1 .. , 'cal year. The U�ty service'flag, qu�go has sko scored in athletics awards were:·pimdOr.hockey_;Esther fi� �ow � �H�ve '!'o !be fo� :- - .'.; ". -': ,,;"':"'" .... ::: .:- . >with 1068 stam, seven Of "Which will Beller, Hele� Driver, .Margaret Wins- later. - "Hand oyer that:'War to �our ..' - .'. -\. ._: - � ..be gold -.ben the 'flag. is finished, 'WU Nat thhe f�rt, ��ea�indoongbot.bh Pubardl1Je1 . andlow ,.......... __ Watson Ed ...... 1.A Fl""k' children· to. fcht;; .because' you do not . E(b�h, MeNett, �� _ ���J'l, .;to. ',. . ort western In I r· ase ,both·, �""'.A" 3WI'C --'. .� •• _ �. . .• ." .. take �1. .. _ of the ,.......:.:..::. aua ...J.. __raised at the ccmeluslon of the exer- Alice Johnstone Helen Moffett and �..,,to:�. It .y�, ,-�.... '���:". .�'. . �cises. scores being decisively in favor ofGladys �-rdon J '. Prof. SoareS. .".Thee .is.only oDe way .z:nBg of�t¥ �e�us.at �.Li�Chicago. 'UV • . 1: . X" McNett will taQ' �Other honors besides Phi Beta Kap- Those receiving pins for basketball to avertj;_t,.� th�t is.'t<! fight the a� ... � .'.' ",.�'. <! •. ;-� �,' ..pa were annotJ11Cled on the program of. next war now." . trammg lD the dMry work.:trl�t1aeIOonvocation. FiftY-6eVeI1 students of PRESS I�UES N·EW MAGAZINE were Geneva Watson, Helen Sulzbertr-.. . . . idea of taking dlarp '!/If .thi' f.ml:'-lthe JmriorColleges received honorable er. Grace Joy, ,Marion Ringer, Marion GRADo -AUmOR 'OF . NEW ·BOOK the Wi�m�·· �·u.··li�i'mmention, ,and the baehe1or's degree Astrophysical Journal and &bool Re- Glaser, Frances Henderson, Leon� .' ',_ .. �.� .• ,:.,. -.' Di-eXef'JIOu8e �duriJig � Psf'�:was conferred with ,hOnors upon view Put on Sale. �elzer, ��on Meanor, Barba� "WorTd,',�'P�� .... :�" .:. �Iy . Heteri:��r�' � �r�eighty-one seniors. Walter Earle re- Mll1�r, MarJOne Leopold, Mary Probsty PubliahM ••, �'V'elame. �rl, wh9. Wt. .June 1·.� the first: eiaIlemved the Conference medal for ex- ''General Science in the University Pauhne Callen, Helen Souther, Ona ' : :.;; '.". of the Women·s �''iAra.T. , b8eiDeelTmce m athletics and scholarship, High Sehool, Eugene, Oregon," ,is' the Smith, �1ice Johnstone, -and Helen The press. � � _ A� KDopf h8s gqven a' f�nn of her �. � to""��. other honor awards were made. subject of an atticle by G. M. Rueh Driver.· ,: . jus._t'. issued· � :�ii4 .Peace. and She Wl1t haw. ei.fbtY. a�-;to 'dO With., in the June number of the School. ·Pins for baseball were given; to �," 'by.Ca� �.�ft.Ibo,¢' the f8e� as �'pleaSes. bUt she p1aDi'�".J.aiiie'.SELECT Mc:COSB·,·TO·.J.E..\D . Other articles aTe o!l "The Commer- Edna Cooper, Helen Fortune, Mario�' ulty .�( the' Yni,v�8,i�.'. JIr. Grago, �mta tbii � .:J68i-'�,i 1919 VARSrrT TRACK TEAl'( eial CuNiculum in &kondnry Schools," Glaser, Esther !Beller, Marjorie � wb� �s .. the autho!'�"The ',Art of·the whose traiDine bas been tft- dairy wOrk,"Gennany's Educational Failure," pold, Florence Owens, IMildred Moore. Sho� - StCJiof" . (i91�)� �ud·:� Ami- ltIso pl&m; to raise ftgi8tered "tile. ..� lHarry MeCosh, 1IJ.9� was eleeted cap- "Drama 'abd the English Course," Barhara !Miller, Helen Sulzberge�, teat:' Plliil�p�· .(il�l7)t· 'is, an in';' . .. . .. ..' :.�tain of the track. team for next year ''Costs of Instruction in the· High Beth Upnaus, and Ruth Young. stru�r 'in the'dePart;meDt"of English. "nte World Peace aDd After "'-isto suc�eed Fred Feuerstein, '18. Mc- Schools of West Virginia," "Scientific His. new vo� diseusses the need of dividect �Rto' a diaeus9ion of the tOp.:·Cosh scored moTe points than any Method in the Reconstruction of EXHIBIT PHOTOGRAPHS A�D anindatriaI'dem�� w.hich to portunity of the �.';' '_�rifei.na�other Maroon in the Confe�e meet Ninth-Grade Mathematics." AUTOGRAPHS OF MUSICIA:"iS base a pol�tica1 one when' peace has tiona} .1ati�" "'l1le Citiien, andheld last Saturday. He is especiany The SCC'ond Press publication f'Or come. the State," "The New Social .• ora1-speedy in the mile and balf mile, but yesterday was the Astrophysical Jour- An exhihit of photographs and Mr. Grago c�de� the great. war ity,".-,nd "Some .Pradieai COnIidera-bas also ran the twO-mile and four nat This issue contains articles on autographs of famous musicians ,bas a struggle between opposing Ideas, a ticms." In the 'latter 8eC'ti01(' Mr.hundred and forty yard dash in fast "The Effect of Size 'Of Stimulus and ,been pJaccd in the middle oorridor on conflict of �ea1S, as ·much as a con- Gra� sets forth a number of �time. tHe finished third in the Con- Exposure-Time on RetinaJ TbreSb- the first flOOT of Harper. Th-e collec- test betften'rival groups of nations. that ,. .. � D8eaisllll'7. ''if aference e1'OSS oountry race �ast Au- hold," "Parnllaxes and ,Motion of the tion is quite ,large and comprises pic- He expeeta'a � revolution ,to come world �tion for' ,��." DlaiDteD- . ,tumn quarter. Brighter Galactic Helium Sta:rs," and tU1"eS and signatu� uf m�t of the of it. This revolutioll be. expeeta. to a� of pUee �.·to peraiat.." Of the8e �. <��""... �-:f·'On the Orbit of the SpeetrosC'<,pic famous m·odems. The photographs of be m'. pl'O�01I1Id .and bnportaut in are pl'Ohibiti."a·of-��l in '·Binaey Alpha Plhoenicis." the composers are framed along..nl;h England .�t·th�. IAabor � is CcmgreN, eniaticm of fr� 'fGf.Ja-� '. ,.f:WEATHER FORECAST. lettel'5 OT other papers.�n. th�r own ��.' Ruuii'�W�':in tile haDda' .in ttWiSl&tion, \�ip������ot-�����y;.handwriting. The exhibit Includes of the � .� .ems to tarar.and ��; .... c_.�.. ��·..;.:.:such notable names as Massenet, MeI!- him content � 'boarpois eoutrol, ljanat� dl pIC4�1Ii:00iIl� aDl"� ::"�7i��1;del9S0bn, Brahms, Delibes, Bach, and the ,Unit.l States is· 4lumbering wwken" extetisiOn·oi.-tiliirPti ·� ";�-:ijLeschetizky, Rubinstein and Liszt.. along with an iDaetiw mWdJe ela-. P'ftI'. ,.' '. :. .'\ -' .: . ':':-� �S-�:\:�;'1:�. . '.. :. : ... :". �.; '."-.';_:: i'�' , ..\�,at aroonVOL. XVI. -No. 149 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1918 PRICE FIVE CENTSCONFER 324 DEGREES I DIPHTHERIA FREES MEN ELECT TWENTY-SIX TOAT CO.VOCATION HELD _ FROM SHERIDAN CAMP PHI BETA KAPPA FROMIN HUTCINSON COURT Gives Several Seniors Day's Furlough 1918 GRADUATING CLASSwith Which to Return to Camp forConferring of Degrees. PROF. SOARES AUTHOROF PAMPHLET ON WAR REeT PIUUNE DAVISPRESIDENT OF W. A. c.FOR COMING QUARTERSUniversity <laaplaill ,Writes �ghtThe Next War Now" For NatiGaalSecurity League-ODe of a Patri- Ofl'ieers and Committee Chair.otic Series. men Are.Named by IWomen'sCouncil For 1918-19.Sir George Adam Smith, of theBritish Army, Gives Con­vocation Address.\r. �Columbia-The 'Usual twelve IeUow­ships of $650 each were not awardedby the trustees this year because ()fthe added expenses incurred by the GeiaeraU1 fair and WU'1ftelllr Wed­war, which are estimated at thousands needa,.; moderate wiDda, m_tly south­of dollars. erly. ��. . '2 T.BE DAILY MAIWON. WEDNmDAY. JUNE I%, 1918m" r lai IV .. a r 1111 n Some could 11'0 to Fm� waa with all sincere and 1>0_ frieud_l_ and he learned how to 8� IM�If cold. But otIhers must stay. Every- ships, something precious was left be- Coai Black Baby! •� A, ... _ N ••• .,.per 01' rIN C.IYft'dU thing that is worthy must go on. Art hind, something precious w.hieh ean- There 'WeM the pleasant, loafing., � , and literature aDd the struggle for not be deStroyed. even thOugh th., afternoons in ·the Maroon office. w!thPlibuu.4 mornlDIt., -('seept Saturd.,.. �'''n. sccial justi� must go on, even though friendship itself be lost in the uneer- their cheerful talks and discuHioll'S,­.a, •• el tMoDda,., durloJt tb� AutUDlD, relentless war tries to sweep every- tain years of the flltUftt. and all those pleasant people. No one:=� ��;:�c quartera br tbe Dall,. thing' before it. And so the Univer- There was that dear little dinner reaUy knew it, but he liked to driftsity would go on, Jts worthy interests, to which Milt and Dorothy had invited around to the office to write his edi-Artlaar Baer .•••.••.•••••••..••• Pres1deDt Coo d Ch'er 1.._... 'a} duri th sh fternCbrlH GI"f'eDe ••••.•••••..••.•• �reru, new and old. There might be little .him and p an I -w,,�.. a ton s urmg e ort a oons,W.de BeDcler ..••••••••.••••••• !rrea.urer credit given for that work, but it was strange thing it 'Was to see good old and listen to the conversations thatBDlToRIAL DEPAlRirllKNT a task nevertheless, credit or 00. It ,!\Iilt as the benedict host, passing went on, and to join in them.THS STAFF would be his task with the others across the cigarettes, and a cigar for Oh, ·Milt and Coop, Walt and JohnArtlaur Bur •••••••••••••• 1IIlDftJ:IDJr Editor who left, and he would be faithful Chief, -whose weakness Milt had re- and Cot, those days are gone- now, ir-Claarl" G�De .•••••••••••.• New. Editor t it ��-ed! And what fun it was sit- retrievable, never to be recalled, onlyllolaDd HoUo •• , ••••••••••• NIJrht Editor 0 • U�JollD .Jeeepb •••••••••••••••••• Da,. Edltor He remembered what he had written Itjn.o- there in 1Jhe sun parlor after to be remembered. One could wishW'1a. )lorceD.terD... AtbleUe. Editor .�.alb "alkeDaa .•••...•.. Women a Edlt('r about his new policy :when he was dinner and playing rummy, and laugh- for a long, long time to live, so thataDtb o. .. bercer •••. ANt. Women'. Editor -Rei •• RaTltcb •••••• � • • •• Assoe'=-te Editor elected managing editor of the M:&- ing about the old days and wondering one could remember all the pleasantBU8INESS i)EPAlltTllB�T roon: "The college editor may try a·bout the future! and beautiful things for many years.Wade BeDder Cla�nee Neff with all his heart not to represent, There were those' "unforgotten, un- Barbara and Rosemary and Agnes,oot to better, but simply to help forgettable" pa.rties of the aides and Harriet and Eloise and Mary andhtereC •• �oDd dasa waU at tbe CllS·� Poatetrlee. C"bl.::l':o. 1l11nol •• oM.reb others to make an attempt, however marshals,-that aide-cocked dinner on Florence and Julia-oh, there is noth-13. 1816. aDder tbe ae: �t Xareb a. 18TS. feeble it may be, towards assuaging the third ftoor of Ida Noyes where ing to say! These are things to beB,. Carrier, $8.00 a �ear: t1Z • qDUter the pain of life, modifying the terror the Archbishop of York became de- felt in the inmost parts of one, not toB,. Mall, $3oM a ,.e'lf: $1.:.0 :1 quarter and the horror or �rld destruction in Jj�htfully informal and went so far as be written or talked about, only to beMltorlal Roem •.•........•......• Em. 12 the minds of those who look on. He to tease the aides in the sight of all felt. And you, Maroon s'taff, do 'YOuTelepboDe Kld..,a,. 800. Local 162-Roare: 1():15·10:�: l:30·G; 1·9::10 may never aeeomplisb anything by his stately statf, that late ride in know what it is to go from you?... 1 ... Otrlee .•.••••.•.••••••••• Em. 14 h· l' b t h .' f r Coop's :"'r when ........... y kept Sl'Rgl'ng •••TelepboDe Kld..,a.,. fOO. Loeal 162 sue a po ICY, u e 1S sure 0 neve vvv __ 'WI,..Boara: U.:t5-10:'-l: 1:30-:5 doing more harm: than good', And to everything from Harvest Moon to the Over everything this stands out-acreate one atom of goodness is suf- Alma Mater all the long way, and the great noble mother, cherishing andficient reward for a whole life of Ia- happy jaunt into the country when guiding the lives or :innumerable chil­bor." they had a picnic lunch beneath the dren, leading them ever to a better•• 287iWlWEDNESDAY, JUNE 12. 1918• ••FOUR YEARS.AMUSEMENTSWED�ESDA Y, JUNE UT.HHarper Theatr�"KIDDER AND KlO"Featuring Bryant WashburnBillie Rhodes in "What the Wind Did"and First-Run Hearst-Pathe NewsCAsco - 21h In.CLYDE - 21/6 In.N�OWCOLLARS. FOR SPRINGClu�ci.P�Abocfy U Co. Inc. M"A.n WEDNIESDA Y, JUNE IJToHFROUC mUTRECHARLES RAY-IN-"PLAYING THE GAME"Also Gaumont Weekly News andLatest Christie Comedy and a grea'ter vi�ion of the work inthe 'WOrld, and .showing them the true�, which is neither more nor lessthan the search for eternal tnrth.Be -Mth us always, Mother Who haskept us, in thE' day and in the night,when the sun rises and when it setsand when the dawn of peace shalcome! Keep us ever on the quest fortruth!We shan never forget you. nor thefriendships you have fostered. AndW!ben the chimes ring out. the Alma'Mater to the sHent stars in all theyears to come, our spirits will listenand join to sweet music, with theshadow of !the great grey buildingswith the slight rustling of the campusoaks. We shall be here then, listen­ing and singing and rejoicing. �orbetween us, Fair Mother, we havecreated something which q eternalas the stars and It.he sun and lthe moon,something which can never be de­stroyed and can never be lost, some­thing whioh wi·}} live fOl"e'Ver here,­a something whieh is truth, and beingtruth is beauty. . ..A THOUGHT.Goodbye, everybody!But there was something else be- .. .- ..sides � war that was brjnging in-IV fluence to bear upon him. That was, . the summer he had had in the north-Four years ago.. . Well,. It west with the lumberjuks and thewas different DOW, eveeyttlnng··l ad d t1i. ro __ 1..Jrar ro men an e miners. 'VUWUchanged, new faces, and tihe old faces 'he ever forget that twilight lteside themissing. The� were very few of Shadowy St. Joe in the little town inthose mature University rnen in broad the Bitter Roots, with the old lumber­soft .grey hat.s �Wng a silent, jack -tailking about the old days andthoughtful handicap In front of Cobb. complaining about the new ones ?Th-e question was bandied about, Could he ever forget tthat night upwhere is be l' And the answer always High Creek, way up there close tocame, in service. It was more quiet the stars, the heavy white claudsat the chapel hour; it was lonelier too. ma:rehing across the skY, and tbleOften he came out of Cobb and stood moonlight shining on ,the pin�v�at the "e" bench and waited for a �- canyon walls down below? The pinemili� �, some one to talk with smell had changed hhn.. The rareabout the old days, but no one came. atmosphere up High Creek hadThen the information began to ftow �miged him. Those s� sunsets·lti.· Swan w., �es, a dr.ill com:ing across the Oregon desert atiDstruetor down at Paris Island. .Abe Othello bad changed him:. And thosedrifted back one day to announee his days in the f�tastic Utah desert--.departure for an aviation 1ieIdI in could an� �ke that influence �Texas. Bmmy was . in France with of him, make him what he had beentiIle· iiJSt ardD8nce � � 50 with berm:e?' . .all the reSt. And' nnally came the -It was nat only the war that madektter from -SawJey, saying that he the campus s� ·in�ignjficaut.. lItbad given up the little cattage under was the � life he had s�, thetbe·d1errY trees in Cbof.u to .superin- broad i!fe under the blue western� c09l� in eo� 1irork be- slci-es, with t����ess of ·the l�e inhind the Unes in Franee and FJ,aDders. the momrtains or the desert,-e�'What was the use of it all? TheY with this n�� �iOn somehow had� all gone DOW, these friends be co!lJe to bim a �e� realizati�� �f �bad found, gone to ,give wbat they pain � s�ering in the �ld, theCQwd give in t.he gI'IeAt ea�. What SIOrdidness CJf �nee that minerswas the � of staying here; attA!nd- � � �T, the dJ11 ugli� of rou­ing classes, � the Maroon, aDd tine that be]o� to the railroadall the rest? These w� lrttle�,,men. The University seemed co�­not importan� not yi�l, not � placen� sa�ed, �nterested in themueb really-and there were sueh the.: great problems of �n and women.�0U9 tmngs to do, and someone •••had to do:them. Why not he, as wtUl Time goes on, however, no matter.. the rest! how mucll little fol·k are !troubled byBut on� night the amwer came. It ODe thing or an�. And SQ thewas in the fall and the oaks Weft Senior year progressed, day to day,�ng itrto their new wiDter gowns �eek to week, month to .month.. • •and the .ligM.s shone here and there in There were all those frmlk andthe dark buildings. A whisper seemed friendiy meetings in the Senior so­to come to-- JUm'as he sat there in the clety an dbhe frieDds made. R W38darlmess, shaking through the oak sad to see one af.ur _ather leave forleaftS and the ivy vines, sounding se�,� J� into the- Na_delieately from the grey buildings, Reserve, then Dut.ch into � eagi­a whisper as eternal in esSence as the neers at Camp G�nt, then Milt intospirit of the Alma ,Mater herself, a radio service! and finally Coop intowhisper of hope and COOrag'e for do- the artillery school. � one �king whatever was right, great or something precious with him; and assmall. important or :insignificant. ROSENTHAL'S31 S. STATE ST.Now offering up to the minute garments for summer wear at exceptionally low prices, follow­ing are a few of the many values offered.Gorgette CrepeWaistsBaronet SatinSkirtsThe latest :mge of the season in all coolrs,Specially priced at$14.75 Embroidered of beaded; all coiom andsizes. Values up to $6.50. Special at$4.25New Line of Silk Sport Suitscocsisting of Khaki Kool, Silk Jersey, and Satin, in all �ew sport �h��.Wonderful values at$25.00". ... _ .. -0·'10"--·· '" ..WINTER FURSA'f Slm.F CLOTIJ Graduation ,SUMMER WASH SKIRTSPRICES )fost wonderful valu� DressesatALL SUMMER of GeQrgette Crepe, Crepe-FURS $4.75 De.Chene, and Taffeta atARE GREATLY greatly reduced prices.REDUCEDOur Millinery Sectionis open to the selections of the most discriminating. ,("i,,\,tti(�:j�r"tf1,� I,lL�.' --.4-l',; 1.\ -[AhasmanNatiof D1havethe ITltimeparthancl'War(rollThecormtDIOUlpeopof ggrie.1IP.r�]in thDr .•-ryestEtheComJly th00\1be piiamiland .the 11�'p�V4JOU •sug�'WithendolFomittEwmt1tlH!iraDIOehaIapra:isthi1I Iane (Sheeostlisacri1ish'tAa 1110sion,<',;; of kepactadeather ge1dtedbardeTh4by tlkind 1out 0curedthreeone if-if$AD"THE DAlLY MAROON, �Y, JUNE U, 1118r-------------r who h� 1_ his life ill �ee. These children for a year, :the juniors andI· stars may be of, gold, of gi� me'tal, seniors.� Gouc1Jer �e, BaltimDre,--------- .J of sa.'tin, or of cloth. The design �'H turned their ammal ban� into aA !>1rack arm band, w.itb a gold Mar, not be patented, and the insignia will foodless a1raljr. The money which.has been recommended by the Wo- never become a oommercial article. would have been spen't on the foodman's committee of the Oounerl of ••• was tumed into the 'Belgion reliefNational Defense, to be worn instead In order to support !two Belgian fund ••of mourning by American women whohave lost membees of rtheir family inthe service, o.f the ooun"tl"Y.This action 'Of the committee at thistime is prompted by a feeling on theirpart tha.t we should determine beforehand the atltitude we are to take to­ward the inevitably ·growing deathroll of the derenners of our country.The wearing of such insignia will, thecommWtee feels, express better thanmourning the feeling of the Americ� Ipeople that such losses are a matterof glory rather than IOf prostratinggrief and depression.IP.resident Wi·lson has appro� the�l�tion of .tb;e Woman's �itteein the following 1ettA!r to its cbairnran,Dr. Anna Howard Sha'W:�'Thanking you for your ·letter ofyesterday. I do entirely approve of�e action taken by the Woman's�e in executive session, name­ly that a three-ineb blaclc band shouldbe worn upon which a gilt staT maybe placed for each member of 'thefamily whose life ·is lost �n the service,and that the band shall be 'Worn onthe left ann. !I hope and believe thatthoughtful people everywhere wtH ap­,pNve of this action and I hope thatJOU will be kind enough to make theS1Jg'gestion of the Commrt:tee public'Wi� the statement it has my cordialendorsement."For a long time the Woman's Com­mittee has been receiving letters f�mwomen urging some sucll action ontheir part; The determined avWd-auce of mourrrlDg by Englishwomenhas been much commented on andpraised. One woman' who advIocatesthis step has four sons in the service,&De "of thorn has already been 1cilled.She wrote -recent1y: "I 'mow theeostiiness of such supreme glory andsacrifice, and have felt both the self�ish temptation to bide my ·palin behi�a mourning that 'WOuld hold 011 ,intru-sion, and the hlatpiraltion and stimolus I ..... �� .... ------------...Jof keeping up to mJ" P,ilam eon'. �_I ==:============;::;:i::=i=============pecta.tion that I � �rd hisdeath as a 'happy proID!O'ti� into bi�­er service. Pa� � ��­dted living that dying as DOt theharder part.'�The insignia which has been chosenby the Woman's Oommittee is of akiDd that can readily be made at homeoat of 'Whatever mataial can be pm­cured. The band is to be blade �three inches wide-the stars gilt, �done far eac:h member of the familyWOMAN'S WA'R AlD.A Good Place to Dine�r.:I 1#.lL�r' .r.. ff forLight LuncheonsTable D'Hote DinnerChop SueyTheGolden LilyFugar Nip, Prop.�I DANCING309-317 E. 55th St.4Z1-423 E. 63rd st.Near White City Near "L" �tion"Just Aeross the p�She will smile aDd show h�dimple on receipt ol-Call or write for your copies of- these two fine books, The Sport­ing Goods Catalog shows the fullline of Wilson sport equipment forevery su�mer �e.-if your card'. imide wit! Chica­g'O ribbons aDd seal. The Fishing Tackle Catalog de­scribes and lillustrates in detailthe wonderful line of WilsonTackle, Camping Supplies and Bi­cycles.$1.00 THE POUND ATMcANANY 8c ¥lNIGAN,J20l B. GGtIa ..�ODe Mld"., 1oe.B. s. SCHULTE,JG01 R. CiMh St.Pboae B,«1. Part 208.DRmXEL PHARMACY,801 E. �t.b 8L .Pbooe )(Idwa,. !flO.VAN De BOGmT • IROSS,1000 R. 83nt StPlIone H1de Part 2M.1618 H1de Part BlTd.MIone Oakland 6800146.') F ... 63rd" Se. -­Pbone mac'tRooe 3272.800 E. 63td' St.Pbooe lIld1!81 3200. Either or Both Booksare Yours for the Askingat our Retail Store.North-Wat ,ConerMonroe and W.huh���.====� ... iA.. �.t�.��·",�61.· .+.'.... �==�.�ijADVERTISE IN THE MAROON. On Shore and Offmen like our collegians who aretraining for the navy and UncleSam's seasoned sea �ters-menwho must maintain their vigor,quickness and "headiness"- are .tuning up onSoft in the strictest acnae. but a thorough­going man'. drink-gives you the full ftavorof wboleaome grains aDd the' Dip and fra­grance of genuiDc lJ?bcmim � Hops.Try Bevo by ibelf-eee bow good it makesthiDp to eat taste.Served at the best pIac:ea everywhere.Families supplied by poc:ers.� aDd bottled ezd1lllftty �Anheuser-Buacb. St. Louis. U. S.A.s..o aboaId be eel'Yed cold-n.c �ar-�un4 80ft driDk"IYoung .Men, youwill find in this greatassemblage of two pantssuits particular styles designedon youthful !inel that will completelyrealize your ideas of snappy ck.»thes. We buy them frolJlthe leading manufacturers of young men's apparel, andthey're right up to the minute in style, pa� and fit.When you buy 2pants suits here, you not only get thebest young men's clothes on -u..e market but you save 50percent besides, for· that extra pair of pants doubles thewear and cuts the cost in half. . . .. ..Remember this is the only store in tlbe world selling 2pants suits exclusively. There are thousanda to choosefrom, every suit has 2 pairs of pants, and every one is aquality suit. .Learn to save. You do it without any sacrifice When youbuy your suits the 2 pants way.Other 2 pants Suits$21 and $26BosoI&IalN<tlrt.llwat Cone.. W ....... ..I Deanona SIs.Open Saturday Nights IV I-__.' TIIB DAILY IIABOON. WEDNESDAY, JUNE lJ. 19181313 E. 57th Streetg JOU 0Df' or J'O'U'Chorus: Tbe worid is made for G. h. c.: Oh eire, what are you ki� atlteDtion and praying ·that 'WeTHE C & "PUS WHISTLE love and laughter 80 Ph..".. PIh..". doing! W'OD't bave to go through the sameAlII Ps)gh! (tNote: We foraot to _ lIolly torture lllgain DeXt year, we assureThe crab of glue pot 'On eopy boy'. on the stage before be talkled, but you that tile feeliDg is mutual. Youn, HOME LUNCH ROOMbead .is he�mLand Jean Pic*ett and just for the eake of variety we will \Tbe Whistler. -�----------------------�REVIEW DE LUKD; Stew CocIImme enter in state (of say that he came from the west.)A striking xtra . tw acts what!). They go to left and sit on Eeoter the Phi Gama and Betas. FAMOUS LAST LINE. --e vaganza In 0 h radi 'lded with· h The ..... -A dicontaining all the stars kn to uge ator g1 gilt. T e They glare oat each other. 5VVU e young.WJ.istledom and 125 others. own orchestra piaya "Over �ere." . Cliff: WeHOO, weH oh, where's myProduced b W'll iP nd 'D 'Enter Ja� Hemphill: How did ceHo!IA� y lower 'a cer-. .sper Ation. you bke that �ody I J� played "I• Cran: Gadzook, gadzook, here's Men's Fumishinp.:Scenery as usual. Ch?rus: Ob, it 'W'8S qwte a stram. your darned old u:ke. Straw Hats Caps a NeckwearCostumes more and better tha 'EXIt ieft. They have eoneert and banquet, tileever n tEnter g. h. g. including Mildred Betas playing their jazz band, the Phi {:- :: =:t!!t� lighting :under direction of E'm·ith and ghost of T. E. 'H.. Gams eati� soup.. BilliardsP. C. Hitchcock, Be<! Volk and K2Ltber- lIoUy Clark:. How cpndty the hair 'In the :wmgs the Esoteries softly" Cicarettes, Cigars ct Pipest·_ oI!�......... grows on your alttle neck. sa"', �, Boo."&1"0 '''' -.;v.. .� Baseball Returns by InningsMotto: Yow toot the liMe.ACT ONE.Mt roon Office. Opening chorus,'��,,:orus girls: Dorothy Estabrook,,DOIOthy Brady, RJorence Fa.lkenau,Mrjorie Mahurin, Frances Roberts,Flcrence Alcock, Gene !Burtis, LydiaHiICkley, Frances Henderson andEdth West.Classified Ads. ',ive cents per line. No adnrtise- -IIlllts for less than 25 ceats. AUclasified .dvertiseR'ents must be paidtOI in advance.�,tr :;TUDENTS-Do you want to make$1.� or more weekly during vacationwi;h an article that sells itself! Hasno competition and is of universal de­mmd. Write at once. A. Rudolph,lllO Wells Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis-!OR RENT-Furnished apartmentduring July and August. Six largeTOtms, two baths, sun parlor. 5328Kinlbark Ave. Apply John A. Car­roil & Bros. Phone Midway 800. -FOR RENT----'New three room fur­nished apartment. Kitehen, livingmolD. Two in-a-door beds, 4500 Oak­enwald, Phone Drexel 5234.:��------ �WOodlaWD Trust& Savings BaDk1204 East Sixty-Third StreetNEAREST BANKtoThe University of ChicagoReSources $3,000,000An Old, Strong..BankAccounts of Faculty andStudents Invited c. CORMANY'SThe Old ReliahleAnon. We serve the best of every­thing. Prompt Service.DiDaerDON'T JUST SEND FLOWERSLET YOUR NEXT GIFT BE FLOWERS FROM EASTMAN'SYour friend will know and appreciate your good taste anddiscrimination in selecting flowers whose fresh, fragrant.lasting Qualities leave nothing to be desired.WE DELIVER ANYWHERE IN THE CITYEASTMAN FLORAL SHOP YOUR OPPORTUNITY AWAITS YOU, Wanted-Interview with either college bred young lady or gentle­man with some experience in the writing of musical opera farceor drama. Must understand libretto work. Will furnish skeletonof story. Opportunity for author or authors to gain fame andfortune. Will make production for road this season on the ac-I ceptance of scenario. Give full name' address and' phone for inter­t VIew.I Tom. L. Diggens,1512 Tribune Bldg., Chicago, IlLFresh, Fragrant, Lasting CutFlowersPhone Midwa y9690 1168 East 63rd StreetHalf Block W. of Woodlawn Ave.North Side of 'StreetWoodlawnTheatreA great American"achievementTODAYALICE JOYCE-IN-"Find The Wom.ln'�Commencing Sunday"OVER THE TOP"17 degreesTuRKIsffGIGAREtJES-ARE MAO,E ESPEC"ALL�-'FOR'-THE _DISCRIMINATING AND, :E�PE.RIENCED,- -SMOKER OF HIGH .GRADETURKISH C1GAREnE'SThey are' jUstlike meetingyour Best Girl ·face to face�IlEMEMBER-TIere are ft"otAer.like your •• B. G ••'!