.-} t. __ ),at aroonVOL. X v I. x». 117 r xivsusrrv OF ClIlCAGO, FIUI>.\Y. Jl':\"E 7. I!JU� pl'1eE Fl v E CE:\TS--- --_.'::'::=="::================== .--�- -----�-=-==t"ANNUAL INTERFRATERNITY SINGIAND FETE OPENING OF FINALS' II BRITISH GRATITUDE TOU. S. FOR COMING INTOWAR SHOWN BY SMITH WESTERN INTERCOLLEGIATE FIELDAND TRACK MEET TO BEGIN TODAY.\ D.\:\I S!\lITH ('O� \'OL\TIO� THY TO BETTER I)H I I •. \ I) EI.I' Ii I _.\ TIl\IEI"C" Dinner at Ci-.\Iumnal' Luncheon Saturday-(,onfer yl·int.·��al of Aher�een Universitv ,'I'it les and Hold President's Reeeption and (,Ias:o' Da v '(rIves Last" ar LectureExercises Monday. .in Mandel. II IOIL\TOR ; Tl) BE co:\" rOC.\TIO:\ OIC\TOI( ATII LETESPreliminarv Trials in Quartcr. Half. Javelin. Poll' Vuult andDiscus Take Place This .:\fternn()n-G()r�'as �()tEntered in Events. .T" :,i::�"('"': l1i,'�ht of !hl' Yl':\!" \':i�!1: :'lIon' :.h�l:: :�:x hundred a:!:! !:f:..y' "Till' Illl::-;:-;a�l' of Great. l;ritaill to, Tile wost ern ut hh-t es will outdo Preliminaries will Ul' held ill tin:l'\'(,l��-, :rl':t,Jil1� 1111 ('at'll othl'l":-; lweI:;, t it les will \,(. couf'o rred at the 011(': Americu today i s a messa ze of' g-I'ati-: t lu-mselves ill t omorrows eon tests i"ie\'ents of the e!g-hteenth a nnuul Wes­.- : j,,: 'J wi ll h(, toniz ht. ! Hundred and Seventh Convocation. t u.le fOI' the g-reat moral values ' an effort, to better t he t i me made in tern Inte rcol le ria t e Conference track'1';". fir..;t l'\'4.'lIt will lu- the "C" (Iin-: which will he held Tuesduy, .fUIH' 11. hrouzht out in tlu- lonv and tryillg- the Ea st ern Jnt ercol leiriate meet held: and field meet this af'ternoon on Sta)!)!Ill' I', ..... Ii ill l l ut c hinson, wlu-re Conch Iill Hut chinsou l'oUI'L The Ibdwlt'!"s days hefo re war was finully declurcd ' lust week at Philadelphia. The East-: field. The trials in the qunrter-mile�ta:.:.- \\';!I \\'l·!eollll' the rctu rninz ath-: dl'g-rel'" to he awarded from the {'ol- hetrwcen t he United States and Ger- ern stn rs mudo remarkable time in the: run will be started at 4 and the half­lvt ... - At:-. tnt' "C' men will murch I Il'gl'!� of Arts. Literature. :I1l!1 Sci- mn ny." Thi . .; was Si r Georg-e Adam uun rt cr-mile. half-mile and two-mile' rn ile race will be stag-ed one hour later.do\\": :0 till' f'ou nt a in ill the l:ourt., cncc. number two hun!ted and f'or ty. Smith's statement of the British me s- ruces. gut the 'Yest possesses sprint-I Entrants in the javelin, poll' vault andw h, _" ,iu'y will 11(.· z ivun t heir "C': l n the Law school, twenty-two de- �:Ig-e to Atue ricn, as delivered in hi;-;' l'rs and hurdlers who should lower the discus will also compete in order toh:an';·::", Followinz this will cumv : g-we:, will he conferred: in the Gradu- '.\':11' lecture westcrday at ·1::10 in :'Ilal1-: records made in these events. part.icipute the following- day's pro-! 111' :_. :li\'('I'",ity ;-;ing-. in which l'idltt.'('ll I ate schools, forty-one; and to the stu- dal hall. Five Schools in Lead. )!ram .f!'at'_';'lliti(':-: w il l g-in' their m a rch injr ] dent s in thr- .lunior Colh-zcs, one hun- Sir Gt'org-e Adam Smith i:-: Prin- Ch ica z o, Wisconsin. :'Ilissouri, :'Iliehi-: Speer and Kennedy will probably:llll: :�;,jlt('r s()n�:-,. : <Ired and eig-hty-six t itles of .·\;.soei-! cipal of Aberdeen Un iversi ty and a ,!.::an and Illinois are the only schools: enter in the .qua rter-mile for Chicago.Erect Booths fur F.· It" I ate will he ;:ra'lted. cha plai n in the British a rmy. Ill' will that. have a chance to win the premier! Speer should win one of the heats·F.·' Ql1:tr:l·:tllg! • .' f(·tl' will l.(':!:n rll"'-: :'I!ullda\· .. Iune 10. will he Class day. deliver the Convocation address Tues-' honors. The Illini will be represented and Kennedy should qualify. Britrusi!l� :�t' sin,:.:: and l·\fntilltlt.' aftp1'\\·:mb.' TIll' ,·\�:.:;lt'::lte titlt's will be �ranted day afternooll. _-\t the }I_'cture yestcr-, hy CaJ'l"oll in the hurdles and sprints. I of Indiana. L'ittman of )Iissouri,J-:;l\':� \.'ja,,:-; ",ill han' a It()(lth wlwre 1 :It' the Chapcl as:-;emhly at 10:10. F'ol- day he wore his uniform as it memill.!l' , Tile throwers of the weig-hts frolll the: )[es�mer of )Iichigan. Emery of Illi­refr ',,;1:11<'111,,; will ht.' di�pel1;-;l'(I. :11111: lowing- thi:,. the St.·n:ors will g-in· their j of tht.' BI'itish army, cUlll h!s :\(ldre:,�, Pownstate institution should also; nois and :'Ilalcckcr of 'Viscollsin, arct.';t(.j: I(lotil win I'l' a..; marital in a:-:-: ('bss pby in :'Ilandl.'l hall. and at 11 :-i;) i '''In' directly on the wal' a:.: he ha:, eount. The )laroo!1!'; will havc to se- othcr fen-orites. The )lissoUl'ian has�H'(': ;:..; Iht' imagillatioll of tll,c' L'll', !lll'Y will Op!lO:'C thl' .Juniors on the' seen it fOI' the past four ye:lrs. '(,m'p ('\'e1'Y possihle point in order to' made the best time of this list of1'11:'::': ::l'(' ('an dl,,·i:-;l'. :\:.. the Sopho-: h:l:-:ehall ti('l(l. The Senior luneheon (;erman Crim�'s ana Blundl'rs. i top the li:-t. :\Iichigan is fa\'ored he- mi(ldle-distance runners.1110;'" '(lilth. :'IlofTelt Elton will hlo\\' I will ht' h('ld at I, in Hutchinson eoUt·t. "The war l1a-" heell characterized." cause Johnson and thc numher of othel' )[m'oon representatives in thc half'tll;:=-:. \.;t!; . ..;. alld the .Julliol· illloth willi Ti('ket� will he �cventy-fh'e c('nts a �:lid Prin�ipal Smith, "lty tWO distinct, represcntati\'(�s of :-eeonti and third, mile will he Speer, Greene and eitiler1,(.;; ,n:::'. w:th all th!· lIl'('l',,:-;ary nall-! plat('. thin�s on the German side, about e\'en- placc ability. : L('wis 01' :'IlcCosh. Stoll of :'Ilichi-t :,';\ ::: 1 ::Ig:," malllll'd lly \\'o!1H'n ill ".\nnounn' Class na�' ProJ!ram. l\' distrihutec!-Gl'l'man ('rimes, all.l: Scholz, Dre\\' and Johnson will af-I goan and Hauscr of :'Ilinnesota. point-til" .. :::fnnll of j:l!'kit·:'. :'.lu(·l! lallor'TI I. "I I . (;l'l'man hlunders. The pel·lidiollSll_':-; . .;: fod thc spectators a thrill. Thesc' winners in the indoor confercnce meet. • '. 1. .• ,le ('omp pte ... ass (ay prog-l':1m IS:. .., . : ..'ILl": ',,-'('11 e�qll'ndt'.t 011 ,hl;-- l.t" .. hooth. ',of (.erlllan polley IS \\cll enoug-h .It- i three l'unners havc :111 run the hun-: last quarter at E\'anston, arc not en-. . I ':1:-: fo1lo\\':,:., ' :.and :: b (":pP"IPd to he Olle of t le "'1 f I ,tl':,ted b\' the pnnte(1 memoranda of dred 111 ten seconds or under. The tered because both hm"c enllsted., .' .-\ddrc.·s" h\' actrn� T"'egH ent 0 c ass i" ,If'·:lI·.::" .. ''; of the f(·t�. hl·fl'l':,hml·nts In'. 1 � 'I" P I' 'G('rmans-the puhlished memorallfi:l :\lissouri and Drakc athletcs are both, Nash of Wisconsin, Newman of Pur-1 .' .', 1. I' (11 l.IlS •. \ al'l:1I1 a mcr.. I·· T' . I . , .. .: , •�.:r'·:,: \'aril,ty will 1(.' (1Idl..tte<,. f fI . CI f of Prlll(.'(.· Lleh11owsky. till' of ;ela. accl'cdttecl WIth spnntlllg- the dIstance· due Buell of )llchl'J'an and Roney of, Pn·.;:�'nt:lt :on () ammel' to ass 0 ',., I ' ,.. • "Ih;'o';_':lOUl tit,· ('l'O \\' (I :ly !:l: C: ... '';, I document kllown as the lcstament 01, i!i !l::l-;'. In the hur(lles .Tohn�on and. )li:-souJ'i :-arf' oth(''!' runnCl'S \"'1,,') m�!�_!ll!l .• fohn Xuve('n, .TI·.:, .. , __.. ,rI. '''.1("' .'.of GCI1('I'al \'em r:i:-:�ingo. and �Ul'i1 la\\'-"I Carroll should eClrry off the majority! qualify this afternoon.. . . Rl'�ponse for the CtagS 1!l1!l,T:._' :-:ill:.!' \\':11 l'on�:!Il1l' until 10.; as th� (;erman statute absolvin� Gl'l'-; of the points. l Lang and Vtt of Illinois arc certain. '11 I . . 1 ttl .·It- , (,harleg Grcene.. f '\\'h(':! ::11' ,al\lmnl \\,1 tl' I!WltC( man eitizens in other countrIes rom, Feuerstein )(ay Run. ; to n_ ass thc inltial tests in the pole' Pre�entation of the Cap and G(}wnt,·!:d ;'!1 infol'mal d�\nL'e ill tllt' Reyn-; 'I I l' ':\1 their oaths of naturalization. II :'IIcCosh has made the bcst marks 'I' vault, Missouri and :'tlichigan also'to th" Class of l!lW, .t a< e mc . c-!.!d" .. :\I;t. "The wholc )!is� �f th.e Testan�ent i in thc half-milc and one-milc races: have vaulterg who should place.S;i.:,lll'da\,. at I. tIlt' alumn:H' I)f the· :'Ilanu�.of General von BISSII1g' IS, that (.1.'1'-: of any of the 'Vestcrn men, and: Grossman of Chicago will easily quali-. •. I I II . I I: R('�ponse for the Clasg of 1!l1!). I1.' 11 i·;..:·rSlt\· wtl 10 1 a t'('mllon une 1-1 many will ne\'er gh'c up Bcl)!ium. he-. should hc thc largest point-winner' f�: in the ja\'clin throw. Illinois ancI. .,. I II 0 I I' t f I.la(l\'s GOI·don.h 'l'OIl .:: Ida .... Oyl·S 1:1. nIle IS 0: •• C:lUSC it is too valuahlc to cr in every' for Chicago. Hc may. h(}we\'er, he ).lichi.rTan hm'e athletes of considcr-. ' II I ,:\1 • Pl't.'gentation of the Scniol' Rench 1 ,...SjJl':\ :','1'" arc' 11(':111 '\:1 a('e anl • rs.,. . . . possible way. The detcrmination to:1 in thc two-milc instead of the half, able ability in the discus throw. Gar-,.. I I I 'll to tIlt' (las� of l!lHl. A1 thUl Bael .• hld:-;,·,:�, Iwkl't:' for t le un�' l(.'on WI • cxploit thc skillcd workmcn of Bel- ',' as Coach Stagg has two other pos- !:!'as of Chica!!'o. who has dropped outRes ponse for the Class of 1!l1!l. � ,_lit' 1':1 :,all' h, Ida Xoyes hall to(lay gium for German profit is quite: siblc point-winners in the latter of colle!!'e in order to stud.\' prepara-FI':ll1k I1rc(."kenridge. ,.from 11 :·l;t to 1 :.';). Follo\\'in� th(' shamclessly exprcssed; and the �ener-' e\·ents. )'Ioorc, lanky :\laroon distance tor.\' to enter thc Ensign school at thcCl:t:,-" poem. :\lary Lois TIrown. 'luncheon. th(' women's hall:, will hold al statcs flatly that Antwerp and the Illan, if he has a good day. should :'Ilunicipal pier, would easily ha\'eCbgs higtol'Y • .Tulia Rickctts.1·"·U'.·.�, .. ".l . ..: '111 tll(' 1 .... \\·11 ....• I'll fl'ont of their th B I . t I'C 11CCC··-·lr\' to t k f tl thO I' th h'� •. " ,. 0 er c gtan por sa:;::.,. : a'c a our 1 01' cven a Ir( m e placed in t IS e,"cnt.'11' Cbss O1·:11.on. Ro;�e Libman.n'''rk,':i,'c hUl ( Ings. thc future <Ievelopmcnt of Gcrmany, two-milc run.Pr£':-;C'ntation of the Class �ift. Flor- I,\Yumni ))illlwr in Hutchinson. and can ne\"er hc gi\'cn up. 'Whilc :'Ilissouri is fa\"orcd in thc COH� A�n LIInL\� WI�',"'"),, .�.I!1111n·1 (1·lnll"I·. whil'll will he ence Kih·ary.. E . 1 '" '-t11" Unl','''r- EthICS are '..\"I( l'nce. ; one-mile relay bccausc of its \'ictory CO�TEST I� OI�,\ TORYI . Re"pons(' on hehalf of '-. .: IaU'·!,;.j('d hy mt):,t of t H' l'CtUrtllll;: ."The cthics which such doeuments ',' in this e\"enat thc annual Drakc meet. .. h II .' 11 'h ..:it\'. Pr<'si(lent .Tudgon.g-rao ... :1t(.':,. wIll he e ( at It In ute -:' . show ('annot he takcn in any way eX-';n April. yet the :'Ilaroon quartet RE'ceh'e $100 and $:;0 UE'I-'Ilecth'ely forinson. Should the eclipsc of the sun' Cla:,s son�.copt as e\'id.cnce of German\.·'s (rl'e'\t I II I "'ecolld. In casc' .• Alma )Iate]'." '- ,... .I S 10U ( I'un a c ose �he eS':1ecially \\'{'Il-mal'kcd. thc dinner l'I'imc in thc war. : Capt. FCllcrstcin is ablc to dash thcwill �;" postpone(1 until the edipse is, TIl£' \OIH'ocation will he held Tues- "Thc German hlun(lers are as quarter-mile, Chicago will havc anO\·Cl·. It. is expel'tell that O\'er :wo' Ilay. at 4:�0. in Hutchinson court'i ('xcellcnt ('hancc to hcat :'Ilissouri. Ihrry Cohn was awarded thc first•·llu',','n;. \\'1' II 1)'" Ilre."'''nt. Alhel't W.: Certnin scctions will hc rcserv�1 fOI·1 (Continued on page 3) I .II . f '100' th J I' R II.. .,. W::-;consin. )Iiehigan and I linois wi prlzc 0:;; In C. U IUS os�nwa (�he!'(·l'. '011. will preside in tll<' absence: �ho�e who havc ti("ket�. In ca�e "f;\1�o cnter in thig race. Specr, Grecnc, Oratorical contcst held last night inof �:ott BrowlI. president of the I rain. onl�' those persons will hc al- THE ������ROON Kl'nncily. and Lcwis 01' FcuCl'stein will :'Ilandcl hall. R(}se Lihman rC<'ch-cd:\llln:ni Assoeiation. 10\\'e<1 to :1tten<i the cxerci�es in I)lal�- ('c.mpo�c Coach Stagg's relay team. �;)O a:' thc sccond pl'i7.e. Cohn dis-On," of thc f('ature:, of the d!nn(,l' c!r·1 hall. The Vcry Rc"crenc �l-:-"Th" I EIlforc�Today cussed '- .A'a�ue to .. 'will hc the In'l'sentation of th(' Uni-, Georg£' Adam Smith. principal ofelI( C'EC' ,. L',,, OJ'I'leERS P ., 'I' L'l • topicIlh'inity Chapel. 10:10. Haskell. ,U'B' )O�.� ," aJ " •• • I ('ace. '.\ :ss I )man 5 wa.s\·el·;--·1··.· '.' ."".r\·I·c" fl .... !!'. Th(' fla." contains', ,\h('r(leen Unh'ersity, Scotlanct. willI uR . I' . 0" ..,�, .....� .... . f h S I ussla an< .�rncrlcan pinIOn.0111:-." "· ••·11·." for tllO."'C of thc Uni\'crsit:\.' zivc the COll\'ocat!on addrcss. Ueglstrahon or t I.' umme� qnar- 1>ramatic Club Elects :\larfTaret II 'co., .,� a�- In the Flor<'ncc Adams Rcading con-stlldcilt:, and alumni who arc actually: Principal Smith. who is wcll-known ter. gott President for �ext Year, : test, Annic Ste�lc Beck re�i\'ecl theU I co • h C1.{"ch duh ... :30. Ida �oycs hall.\\·(,:l.1·:n� t hc khaki in n(' (' �am s in America. ha\'ing- heen cre as a. ; S7:l first pri7.c and \Vinifred Warci th�Fraternit�, Dinners and Ueunions. 6.arm.\'. The banner has scvcral hun- I('ctul'('r on manv occasions. is in this The Dramatic cluh elected offIcers "')- I' �1' - B k d. "C' Dinner 6 lIichin..... on cafe. : .: ;:-:..) seCOIH prize. . IS:; ec rcad("(',1 ;;mall stars. and the figurcs. Icountry for the purpose of pl'esenting • •. I for next year at a mcetlng' held yes-;" , _. "Th n. rr"I-Or ran" ::md "issl'nin'rsity Sing, 8 lIutdunson, ,. � ... o:.e:- C.1 <: !-:... . ,")01;';:," plal'ed in tb· ('('nil'l" that he-I to the American peoplc Grent Rrit- ., t('rlby. 1· ollowll1� the prccedent. set U� I . I K' I' ,,.,.._ "T'lC R..'1lh,l (}f(.'Ourt. ' H' arc I ea( Ip In_ :-. I. •ill� �:1(' numhe)" of men in :"en·i('c. � �lin'5 :.ims in th(' prcsent stl·Ugi:d('. I this year. a woman, ::\Iar�arct Hag'- East and 'Vest:'Th(_' �b:! contains fOUl' gold st.ars. for: Hc is well-\'crs('d in the unclcrlyin� Tomorrow i g-ott. was (·Iected president. )Iis:,TI10:11;1" Lyons. Scymoul' ::\lason'l (,:I\1:-;('S of the war. and is known toI �le('tinJ:s of l'niHrsity Hu1in� Bodil'�:, lIa�ott is a memher of Phi Beta Delta C.\P .\�n (;OW� A��OI'�\E�I Ll'\':"\' n. Olmstead. and William' m:11l\' as a historian of �r('at ability., Facult�· and Conf('r('ncl' of thl' 1))-: :lIld wa� a reporter on the :\1al'oon thi:-; 'I PL.\� FOH S.\1.E OF .\�:\l'.\L.J(,\\,t.;�· Whvt('. all of whom \\'er(' killed His '::1('ti\'iti('s in the war ha\'(' hel'n i \·inily :-;chool. f'. Haskdl. 'year.\\'hill' :\1 s�'rvir(" Aft('l' the flag' ha� :lloll� l'elidous lines. part of his (Iu- Faculty of til(' (,Oll('�l'S nf .\rls.: Lel' Ett:·!:.:on. who was I"e-elect('(l! The man:lgin� departmcnt has an­heen pl'cscnt('d it will h(' flo\\'n from ties hein� thMe of ('h:1plain in the Lit('ratur(' and Scil'nce. 111. lIarll('r. �ta�e dil'cctol". is mana�in,!:!, e(litor of; llolln('ecl that the Cap an(1 Gowns ha\"l�IIH' :',alcoIlY of Hutchinson. I1ritish :1rmy. Faculties of the r.raduate Schools of thc Chieag-oan for ll£'Xt year and i:,: hcell sold out ('x('cpt fOl" t\\'('nty-five.\lllmni of lR6R Pr�ent. It is cxp(,(·tecl that a largc numher .\rt.s. Liter�tllr(' and Sci(·nce. 11. dnm1atic ('ritic of thl' :'Iia)·oon. Carl i copies. for whi('h the full purchascTwo :llcmhel'� of the ('las:' of 1 R('R. of those who aiC to he grant.eel de- Harper. ' Piper was elected treasure1' 0: thc! pric(' has I)('('n pain. Thc�l' hooksth£' tiftidh annh'crsary ('Iag�. will hcg're<'s . will not hc prcsent to receh'e eluh. Hc is a memitcl" of Beta Theta I will hc held until Tues,lay mornin�.)l�·f'q"!1t. On(' mcmbel' of the ('lasg, them, as many of the canclinates arc .\Iumni day: Pi fraternity and S('ore club. Hc is; when th<,y will h(' �old to tnose whothc Re\'. E. P. Savage. of St. Paul, alr('a(I:.- in active scrvicc with thc Alumnae lunch('on. Ida �oyes hall. 1. ;, 1�0 first associatc of Cap and GO\, n.' up to now ha\'e he('n unahle to get:\tinnc�ota. will g'ive ),eminiscences of g'o\"crnment. At thc Conv'()cation held Conference Track meet. StaJ:J! Em:ly Taft. who wag chosen secrctary.: hookg. Thc office will he open today01(1 Chic:l!:!'o Uni\'ersit:.· and will tella ycnr a�o. o\"er fiftcen p£'r c('nt of field, 2. is a memher of Esoterics, The play i and :'Ilon(iay from 10:10 to 10:·17;. andof the spirit amon� th(' stu(l('nt boely !hc can(iielatcs wcre ahsent. an(1 it is 1\elly House and Other Heunions. ('ommittce �ho�en con�ist� of Lee Et-I the money oepo�it('d will hc ri'turned',\'he'1 the Civil war he�an nnel took the tho\lQ"ht that. this year. the per('ent- Ida �oyes hall. 2. tclson, chmrlllan; Ellzaheth Brown" to all those who ha\'e not re('eiver]Alumni dinnl'r. Hutchinson hall. 6. Carlin Crandall and Ruth Lovett. ilheil' hooks.1..10·'·� .lr_;.ISuccessful Speeches-Beckand Ward Read Ik!i't.(Confinurd on page �) :1:!(' will he g-reatly incrcased.2 THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1918mI., �ai In .t1Ilaro on I satisfied the author. and then the nil'ht/servation which cannot help but bring A��UAL I:\TERFRATER�ITY IW,p ltI_ I came, and then the night was over, It, praise to the editors. Whether the SI�G A�D FETE OP)E�ING..... t Th W' I It! was all over, Nothing was left of the editors did the best they could have EVE:STS OF FI�ALS Five cents per line No advertise-Tbe I'lluckl.C .,f' ... lIpalN'r 0 e .... D ""til '71' . .of Chlt'&Co thrill and the joy of it. done in the execution of their plan is I .. --- menta for less than 25 cents. An================ I But there was something left. It beside the point. The laudable thing (Coutiuucd from p�gc 1.) classified advertisements must be paidrnbl1l1b�j mOTDln;:8. except Sat urday, Suo- 1da,. and �onday, durin): t he Autumn, I was the friendship of the author, who is that they conserved right and left students out of their classes, even as for in advance.Wlot4"r aod- �priD!o: quarters bv the Dally ,. . ================!\Iaroon ('om pan.}". •was called Sawly. There were de- and so recognized a responsibility I today.P ld licious talks after that during the which is greater than that of pleasing I The members of the Senior classArtbur na�r .........•.......... res entCbarl�8 GrN'ne •..•...•......... �t.>Cret:Jry chapel hour, when they walked from the student body.--a responsibility of have been invited to be initiated as $100 or more weekly during vacationWad� Bender 'rrl':J.surer11 .r» bb Th I I h . ,11 . If') H-================ . arper to ,-,0 iu. ere was a p eas- ionest participation 10 t e wmmnz of alumni of the University at the din- with an article that se s itself " asant hour or two in the room of Sawly, the war. nero All Seniors who have paid theirwhen the Senior told him all about dues will meet at G in HutchinsonArthur �er �Lllla::in:.: I·:.l1tor. the class play for the )la1'oon, and A THOUGHT. 'court, where Harold Fishbein, classChllrl .. " (.rN"Df' �ews EI11tor!. .•ltolan,1 l lotlowav ...•.•....• ="lI:bt 1-:,11tor: then sent him away WIth a book of I I '11 ... th ti k t dJ b T b •1) L •• l1t "11 , . to hood' t treasurer, WI grve em Ic"e s a -_on. osep ...•.. .•. ..•.... . . ay ,·.u or LID Th SIt to : n e re �OIng ave a g t ime a ., .'VOl. �orlft'n.tern.. .A!hletk� J-�,lttl)r' orr unsany. en aw y wen 0: , t.ting them to the d nn r The"the ice cream party! That is, maybe i m� . inner. .., FOR RENT-Housekeeping suites:��� �!������t'�::::.�·!I·�·t: ��:�:�:���,: �j����, the hospital with appendicitis, and .the I Will hold their part of the aff'a lr 10 �. �He-It'D Ra\'ilo'll .......••.• '\""'''·i:Jte Editur sophomore brought him a great bunch we are. Anyway, we hope so. I .. of two and three rooms, $1<>, $23, $3a.the cafe, after which they Will 1)(.' 0 bl k f Sch 1 f Ed .nt"�I�J-::;S �H:t'.\f:T)lE:\'r of red peonies one day, and gave him 1 ... , . .:.. ,ne ocx rom 00 0 4 ucation.Liken Into the .mam dining rooJll":\1 11'11 - .. 40 K IWsdf' Bf'od!':, Clare:"'!' ='etr a book to take with him to Jnpan SE�IOnS REHEARSE CLASS .I ,. 1'5. I, ;)1.. enwoou.i �i\·en tests attesting their intel i�ence, .when he g-ot '\\'ell-fol' Sawly went to SO:XfiS FOI� SIXG AT 10:15:, and proclaimed alumni. '_J.:ntf'r�d '''' I'('(','PII "1:1"',, 111:111 at tllp Ch1· ul"Il;fO P08tOtrI<'P. rhl::t:.:n. l!llnnl!!, :\f!H'{'b .1 apan.13. 1!*j. under t:ll! a�: .. ! ll:Il"'h :1. 1�i3.* * * The members of the Senior rlrt��:Then the year rushed madly to a: have been asked to meet today at;close. There was the gigantic Quar-: 10:15, in the Y, 1\1. C. A. room of: Students now registered in collegeEdltorilll Room" E1I1s l!! ter-Centennial selebration that year.] Ellis hall. They have also been askedI of Education m:I.V rez ister for theTf'lepboop lfldwa;r S('(). Local 162.Honrs : 10:1:;·1O:�i: 1 :3().tl: j·9::to I with its circus and its narade with to assemble todav at 8:30 at the r summer quarter, June 10, 11, and l:!.jJl08111t'88 Otrlt'e ....•......•.....• , F.llIs 14 .. .- •H hiT�.pboo�)ndw3T ��� Lnp� 162 cali ope and band and everything. northeast corner of ute Inson court,,�======�=====�=====�===�=�����==�Hour!'!: 10:1:;-�1):+.; 1 ::«1.:; That all helped the year to rush madly. where they will sing. Women should.to a close. Classes met for the last wear white or light colored dresses, istime. Then the afternoon of the bst the dictum of Marion Palmer, presi­examination day-e-eh, the prospect for dent.'the summer was fearfully depressing!EDITORIAL D1-�p.-\:ln:\n:�TTHE ST.\FFB� Carrter, $8.00 a year: ft.�:; a quarterBy Mall, �.!'lO :J. :rl''lt: St.:-.... a qua rtcr.a@ 287FRIDA Y. JU:\E 7. 1818He did not want to go away, not awayFOUR YEARS. from those green lawns where he hadn. talked so many times 'With Sawly, not• . .away from that shadowed alcove in� ow the summer was over agmn, th CI . b ildi h h h dI e asSICS UI 109 were e athose sweet slow days at the farm,. t t.i ith W It t•• ••• I sa so many . Imes '\' a er, nothat gloriOUS ride over Wlsconsm hills, f th t"t f thaway rom e swee splrl 0 eand all the summer nights. It was I' te ed h' h h d b tC 0150 r grey, W Ie a egun 0time to register. The campus was be dear to him-not because of any­just as green as it had been in Juneand the Ibuildings were just as grey.Men in broad soft grey hats meta�ain in front of· Cobb and claspedhands and shouted greetings. Womenin silk sweaters of all colors saun­tered about or talked in happy, ex­cited groups. More freshmen werewandering about, wondering, uncer­tain, bewildered, and often unhappy.But there was no one particularlyglad to see bim. Old acquaintance3from History 2 classes or associateson the :\laroon greeted him with goodwords and a smile. but ,they soonturned away for more cimporta�t dis­cussions. He took himself to the Ma­roon offices in Ellis, that smelled asthough the floors had just beenmopped up, and he found his assign­ment for the first day already posted.No one was in the office. He sat downand looked at the old files, And thenhis managing editor appeared. Hejumped up."Hello, Fritz!" he said. brightening.''How're you, Arthur?" replied. themanaging editor casually. "Going tomake this a hard-working year?"And tha.t was all! thing that it had in itself but becauseit had fostered friendships, his friend­ships, and surely the friendships ofmany others, It had not yet become apart 'Of him in all its inherent beauty;it was something he loved because ofits gracious motherly spirit. To goaway for three months was hard.But there would be another year!He did not dream then how that yearrwould end,-aU the sorrow and t�_pain of it, all the heart-hurt. Hethought only <Yf the happy possibili-ties of .that next year, with its newfriends, new joys, new love-greaterlove!CREDIT IS DUE.A point of much significance waspractically omitted in the editorial ofJune 5 concerning the 1918 Cap andGown. This point was that ;the man­agement published a hook half tnesize of the valume of the previous y�arand at half the cost. This, from allpoints of view. was a stroke of con-* * *He had met Walter in Frank Web-, h Ister s room t e year before, in a!poetry-fest, and this year they hunted:each other out occasionally to talk 1about the things that interested both.They formed a little group of fresh­men and sophomores interested in artand literature. They spent abouteight mee�ings discussing a possiblename, and finally called themselvesEccentrics. Once one man talked onMaeterlinck. Sometimes they readand criticized their own poetry orprose. And at last they quarreledamong themselves; then Eccentricsceased to be.But he and Walter often talked to-:gether in Walter's room or on campus:hench,--ahout 010 Celtic legends (for!Walter took Celtic), about what:rhythms and what ideas were compat­ible. ahout the reasons why men came Ito the University, and a hundred other:things. Afterwards, Walter went out:for the cross country team; that.meant a parting fOT the time hein�.'" * :t Economize'WithoutSacrificing QualitySwift'sPremiumOleomargarineto 20 cents on one food item.Swift's Premium Oleomar­garine is delicious on bread­excellent for cooking and bak­ing. Practice thrift-use Swift'sPremium Oleomargarine.Later in that second year, he took;part in the Spri.lb Tllays of the Dra­matic club, taking the part of a fop:in a little whimsical skekh hy the:president of the club. He hao to run:around wildly, trying to find a pair I'01 white spats, and he had to attend;numerous rehearsals before he at a11' _.,....,..""""" ....... �.,..�"' ....... �.,..�"''"''''Swift & Companyu.s. A. Classified Ads.STUDENTS-Do you want to makeno competition and is of universal de­mand. Write at oneco A. Rudolph,11!l0 Wells Bldg., Milwaukee, W:,:-two modem, l iz ht, furnished house­keeping rooms, Reasonable pr ice.(i029 Ellis A ve.FOR RENT-HousekeepingEducation Students 1�(.>J.:istl·r, roorns ;Coming Soon"0 V E R THE TOP"WoodlawnTheatreTODAYA WORLD-PICTUREETHEL CLAYTONINY. W. C. L. WANTS IDEAS FORAX�U AL FRESH!\IAN FROLICUniversity women have been urgedto write plays for next year's Fresh­man Frolic. The plays should dealwith some phase of campus life; thereare no limitations on the number ofacts or the plot. Plays should be inthe hands of Helen Thompson beforethe opening of the fall quarter. wo-,·men who are contemplating writingplays should notify Helen Thompson, IKatherine Prosser or Miss Taylor at Ionce, � __"The Man Hunt"DistinctivelyStyledSTRAW HATSThe man particular aboutevery detail of his attire 'will appreciatethe style individuality and broad distinction offered in this enormous col­lection of gmart straw hats.Sailor StyleSy in all the new popu­lar braids, at 82. $:1, $.1, $5, to $10. Soft Straw Novelties in Milam;,Mackinaws, Porto Rican�, $2. $:t$·1. $5 to $6.Leghorns, smart style�. excellentvalueg, at $5, $6, $7 to $10. Panamas and Bangkoks. ideal forhot weather, at S;) to S20..1Ia;u Floor.ToIIE.HuBHenry C.Lytton A SonsN. E. Corner State and Jackson •. � 1t '"F.!f wt'•Jl�bedafiEfit\'€ofticncalp�firbllfrsernplm.. h<Jcoscinfoya1;\1frDtn'\VjuSEp(Hcctc..a::� I j-THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1918FIRST UNIVERSITY FIELD I ries, 23 to 16. Again Helen Sulzberg-DA Y HELD DESPITE RAIN I er did much toward winning the gamefor the seniors as did also the pitcher,Women Compete in Tennis. Archery. Florence Owens. The captains andBaseball. Swimming, High Jump managers, respectively, for the teamsand Field Events in Ida �oyes Hall. I were Barbara Miller and Beatrice Gil­I• : bert for the seniors, and Edna CooperDespite the fact that the rain caused I and Marion Glaser for the juniors.part of the first event of the day to i Big Guns are Victorious.he played indoors. University Field; At four o'clock the class war teamsda:r was held yesterday in Ida Noyes' played off the finals in Universityfield. The program, 'which was the: and long baJ.:. The Big Guns won infirst of its kind ever held in the Uni-. University ball and the Subs won inversity, was ;..!'iven under the aus�ices i long hall. At 4:45 war team and otherof W. A. A. and the personal dlrec-; relays were run off. The Snipers cametion of )Iarion Glaser. Field day is' in first, Rainbow second and the Subsnow to be an annual event. in which � third.all women of the University will take: At 5:15 came the field events andpart. 'the alumnae baseball game. In theThe first match of the day was the basketball throw, Geneva Watson wonfinals in the tennis tournament. Bar-, first place, Antoinette Bennett second,hara )Iiller. last year'!' champion, won; and )I�rie Dyee third. In the highfrom Geneva Watson in two straight: jump Geneva Watson again won firstsets, 6-2, 6-1, thus capturing the title! place, Florence .Alcock second, and An­again. Although the freshman player' toinette Bennett third. The alumnaemade some good shots, the superior: won the baseball zamme by a scoreplacing of her opponent proved too Iof 4 to 1.much for her. Box Supper in Cloister.Seniors Win Swimming. At 5:30 four of the folk dancingAt 2:45 the swimming, archery, and: classes gave two dances apiece. Athaseball contests were run off. Senior 6:30 the 'V. A. A. supper was given incollege won the swimming meet by a: the cloister of Ida Noyes hall. Thisscore of 47 to 29. The events includ-: box supper was arranged by Gladysing plunge, twenty yard breast stroke.. Gordon. Miss Gertrude Dudley, Prof.'forty yard back, diving for form, sixty, Starr and Helen Adams spoke. Af.teryard free style, twenty yard side form.: the supper Miss Rockwell's specialtwenty yard under water, eighty yard i dancing class gave several dances andfree style and crocodile race. Jane they were followed by class songs.Davenport starred for the juniors, All during the events lemonade andmaking first place in two events and ice cream were sold at one of thethird in one., booths.In the archery contest, lliriam:Withrow made first place for the I BRITISH GRATITUDE TOjuniors with 55 points. llay )lyers! U. S. FOR COl'UNG I�TOsecond for the sophomores with 48\ W.AR SHOWN BY S:\IlTHpoints, and 'Irene Shepard third fori (Continued from page 1)the seniors with 40 points. Seniorl ===============================:===============college won the third and final con-: -and the first of them is, being intest in the baseball championship se- I the war at all. As Chancellor von Bethman-Hollweg said on retiring JUNE CLASSICAL JOURNAL OUT I, MOSERfrom office, the German nation couldContains Articles by Professor Scott 11:­have achieved ,by ten more years of of Northwestern.peace all it will get from this war,Ieven in the case of victory." The Classical Journal for June has SHO'RTHAN D"The whole thing has only served, an article on "Achilles and the Armor! :in my country," said the speaker, "to of Patroslus," by John A. Scott of:bring out the moral value which exist Northwestern University. "We have: COLLEGEin our day. From the University of in Homer two positive examples of the :Aberdeen alone nearly three hundred I honor done the dead by burning his imen have gone to death. The only I armor with him, one in the words of Ieffect of this terrible sacrifice, in I Andromache, the other in the prayerScotland, has been to hallow the great' of Elpenor, and we have one certain:sacredness of the home." example of a person with whom no:,I -, 1I ...I'fi·1IYoung men, Graduationdays will soon be here, and nowcomes the question of new clothes. You wish to econ­omize, of course, and we'll show you how, without anysacrifice of appearances or clothing satisfaction.Just come in here and be fitted with one of our famous2 pants Suits. They're made for young men-have thesnap, style and distinctively youthful lines created forcollege boys=-and the extra pair of pants doubles thewear, cutting the cost in half.It .�'\ You know, this is the only store in the World sellingMen's and Young Men's 2 pants Suits exclusively, andour success has been sensational. Come here for yournext suit-with 2 pairs of pants-and you'll quicklyrealize why our business is growing so fast, and why ourcustomers come back again and again for our 2 pantsSuits.! Other 2 pants Suits$21 and $26Northwest Comer Washiqton aDd Dearborn Sts.Open Saturday Nights She will smile and show herdimple on receipt of- armor was burned, the example of:Patroclus. Hector and Achilles fur-:nish no proof either way," says theIauthor. "Everything in the Iliad i'l-'- .dicates that Patroclus had no arm Dr:i and did not come with Achilles in the-'i character of a warrior."I Other articles arc by George S.!Painter, of New York State collezej .by Arthur T. Walker, of the Univer­sity of Kansas; by Nelson G. Me Crea,of Columbia University; and by EmilyL. Shields, of Smith College.AMUSEMENTS-if your card's inside with Chica­go ribbons and seal.Harper Theatre"Pi-A YI:\G THE GA)IE"Featuring CHARLES RAYAlso Harper Screen Telegram and agood ComedyXylophone Solo-llr. Ray Lennon$1.00 THE POUND ATlfcANANY & FINIGA�,1201 E. 55th St.PhoDe Midway 708.H. J. SCHULTE,1001 F.. UGth St.Phoale Hyde Park �06.DRE."tEL PHARYACY.001 E. t'i5tb St.Phone :MIdway 1410_VAN De BOGERT & ,ROSS,1000 E. 63rd StPhone Hyde Park 254.1518 Hyde Park Blvd.Phone Oakland 68001465 E. 63rd St.Phone Blackstone 3272.800 E. 63rd St.Phone !\Ildway 3200. FROLIC THEATREBILLIE BURKE-IN-"LET'S GET A D1YORCE"Also --Gaumont Weekly; BurtonHolmes' Travelogue; BiII� RhodesComedy (enrolling only high schoolgraduates)ANNOUNCESa special, intensive, completestenographic and secretarialcourse, open only to univers­ity graduates and undergrad­ua tes, given personally ... byMr. Moser, during the Sum­mer Quarter, 1918. (July,August and Septernber.)For particulars regarding thiscourse or the equivalent reg­ular six months course, write,telephone, or call onPAUL MOSER, J. D., Ph. B.,Proprietor12th Floor Lake View Bldg.,116 South Michigan Avenue.(Opp, Art Institute) ICENTRAL 5158.Go to theFashion Restaurant\Ve serve the best of food at pricesyou can afford. A good cleanplace. Try us.1004 E. 55th St. Phone Midway 7262THE DAILY )L\JWO�. I-'I:II>,\Y. JC�E 7, nns\':IC!'(l pt)lin' fprl'l' «Olll' flat f,,,,!, (llll'till): ell'l·Pp. o n« i II.--P ... -vt or I W:I" .::a::d-THE CAMPUS WHISTLE i:l�:' :I:_ aL:I·ll�i(O!I.:-::L;d fl'l"l'l' prll!l(']!l'" t lum tIl till' "t:l-j' ';1 ,',: :1/,' l in : ,:l)!' \\"!J\.!.\. t1ll'Y k:!l,lly I,Wl·I·\·d t lu- ll"l'"f !::,'::' :t:I:\llllll:I:;,·" :1.-- :llllm:'lI!:t::I.·l·:',:I):\LY :::1'1.,(, III 1.' 1'\' .!:t:" :i!1 :ill' ::1", Till' 1',''': of :r:\' :'t(l:'�' I'::!I l,\·"t \'1' tId.!\\':1':-' :", ::: . h« \\,:.rII" II:' .1 o h n .1 ('''l'P!I. ('l::dI. \T II) .b. "I! n: n ': ! 1':1l'." ill' ':Iid, "I \\ ii:i-uv Y0U :t dlth'(liatl' <uuda ,-, n ut , it'v " : 1 \\' o: I' t l' u; i: in t hI' \\' h i s: 1 l' , \ \' h yyr'''. I k now whcr« Like J::l:kal 1". I()�Ir ''''l't1". ,LI:''' :Illd :':II':I:ty.\ ,'I' ':I<,I!I':1. C!:I" \1111·\",j :1 ::1: n l-»:"::1.""\.'11. TilE \·dilll·hi ... -f is :-:Oill�' t o t hrowall in' crva m pa rt y for hi", f:-il'l:d:, alhlthe- s t aff tomorrow. That '", w hnt we\'all :1 ('o1d 1'l'l'(·ptiOIl. ( Th is i", not anill v it n t :\)::-:1 r-Ia l'�'\'-A rr.)«\:I!' , :!'I' "l', '�:..; 1I1:n' :I.:":-:I:ll t o !W:-:\) :1:',1",' :11:<1 1'!\.·:I11. \'.'::11 t houeh;«d ... -vour >-( . L\ It E :\ (' I,: F, ( ; , g I'U Will,.. far•• � ... ::; ,'�: .�·�J�l �1_ ... ', .\\"1 ....... tl'lll tro ru =-tlp('r<�ti()lI"', Ill' walk", around',hl' hn l l- in ElIi:, with all u mbre llu1)\ \'1' h i- hr-a d d�l!'!Ilg' rain ",tOl·:11:'., , ..1'1' «u t .EXTIU,l\..-\ I '1'.-\ � 1< ; S x L-\ 1\ L Y (; E T:\E \\' 110 t: SE: BLl' ECO ,-\T� Th.u if you want to �t·l' our idea of aOFFER L'SE ()io' P():'.lI<'ILEc ut e f reck lcd �t.·\'t.'ll yea!' old Sa t urduv: E\'\..'llin:: Pos t. :-,aJe:,man, just goo over,,'holl' C!;ap�l'l' Arrc-tvd Ar n-st e.! (Ill' at t h« corner of the Press Building-�- Thvi r Spec.l : Bulldose Hull" 'today at :{::W an.l buy a Post fromon Boulevard. Holle!'t HOITl,ll. addn'''':' unknown,, !'1'l'!':11,ly Chic.uro.,JO:'EI'i!':, CH.IBE OFFER F'-\IL�La t e Jus t nig-ht (at lea:', it was lut c AFTEH YOU haH' read till' editorial,for the Kappa oSi:..!:" \'ein;..:- �::W) the. today fig-u;l' out for youl':'cli what a:KaPP:l K:g-,., clated hec:lu:,e thc dC:'l'! :'o('iet\· thc El'centries an.! E:,oterie�of :'l':lO,l! W:J:i hut thirteen days off.! \\'oltlcl' makc if l'omlJincd.clim�led lloi:,ily into two pUI'l'in;..:- mon-;stc,' m::I.'h:nl:'.:' whieh h:td drawn si_1 F.DIOl S L\ST Ll� ES.Ill'lltly up to the "U;.II. They raecd: II. P. C'. O. n.madl�' down Grand BouIc\'arcl to lFiny-Fir:,,: :,tn'ct, \\'her(' half the Chi- ,-\non,DON'T JUST SEND FLOWERSLET YOUR NEXT GIFT BE FLOWERS FROM EASTMAN'Sy,,:;;' 1,':('I:d \\';i1 bl,)'o\' ;llld :1l';,r'.'I'::I('.' yo 1\1;' �(l(\d 1:1:':C :1lldd: .... \�rillli:1·'ti\\:1 �n �t:!C'L"�jIl� IltJo::,.:"_, \\'lHl�t' £:·1...·:"'11. !"F;i:.!r:1tl:.i c-::n! Qll:1J:::C"; :e:1';C ;]\)t:l:ll:..!' t,o 1.(' d�'s;;'l'<1.WE DELIVER ANYWHERE IN THE CITYEASTMAN FLORAL SHOPFrcsh. Fragra:n, L:!sting CutFlower::; 1168 East 63ni StreetHalf Block VI, of Woodlawn Ave,North Side of StreetPhone Midwa )'9690 (�" ) � . [ 1 � .'\ , Tt ;V ,//""\ ;"_ .... _ .' {..... 1 ,'1'11 E �T()!�E nm 1\1E:\$35. SuitsFor Mem and Young MenTHESE Stlit� \\'(,1'(' dl'�i�lll'd and l'()Il�t ruct ed to t lu- char.utvr ist ic- or bll�­ifle,�.-: and prof'essionnl men ;�� \\'(.'11 :l:, t h« .\'(lung-l'r f11tlll-I11I'!1 \\'110 dl'I11;llld illapparel II nquost iOlwd dp!WIHbhility and prccis iou of tit. �tlC'h J1WH l'Xr;�·l·t t :ll·j!'g-arme!1t� to reflect the nppoiut mc-nt and etiicivncv wit h which t hcv an' sur­)'()llnd"d in their business 01' p1'()fl'�;..;i;)ll,Thi:-; i:-: t'x:ll'tly wna: tl1i''-::' :-:;i1it:-- d",/11 .tit and tiuish, (llf'ric" (1I1d /o.,hil'l1, tlt cs; ....... u i ts udh,'I',' It) tlu: ,'x/"','SSt'rI/,1','('1'('1/(','.1 o( tl!tllI.I(IIItt'S (I( 111('11 :�'h" (011/,' h crr,'f'I,inl F/llllr,....ROSENTHAL'S::1 �. �T ,\TE ST.No\\' ofrering up to the millute garml'lll� for � t:ml11Cl' \\'l'ar at l'xel'pt ion ally lo\\' pril't'�, 1'\)llo\\,­ing arc a few of the mal1�' \'altlc� of1'l'red, -Baronet SatinEmbroidered of beaded: all ('dor . ..- and�)ze�, '"allies up t() $6.GO, Special at$4.25Skirts Gorgette CrepeWaistsThe latest rage of tht� season in all coolrs,Specially priced at$14.75New Line of Silk Sport Suits('o)�sistil1g of Khaki Knol, Silk .Jer�('y. and Satin, in all new �port shades,Wonderful "alues at$25.00WINTER FURSATSUMMERPRICES smu" CLOTHWASH SliInTS GraduationDresses�Iost \\'onderful values atALL SOi\l:\IERFURSAilE GHEATLYREDUCED of Gcm'get tc Crepf', Crepe­De·Chenc, and Taffcta atgTP;t t I�' redllced priccs,$4.75Our Millinery SectionA rno�t comprehensive line of Summer Hats in Dres�. Street and Sport st�'les for Summernc�orb anel Garden wear. made of the season's newest fabrics at Popular Prices. • i>, v=,.j 3.1\\'�nO.fiti.,'.,....aatJaSr\'(lUStot.t't:ol�1-il\1te(Jfrf