\,Irr j\aroon,atVOL. XVI. �o. 146 U:SIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THUltSIU Y. JU�E 6. 1918 PIUCE FIVE CE!\TSI TO HOLD W. A. A. EVENTI Il'J NOYES FIELD TODAYXo Officers for Instructlon-i-Captuin)lcAndrew at Fort Sheridan-Stu­dents )Iay Drill With x. C. O. T. C. Erect Patriotic Booths in Hutch-DI�Z:�;17;�UE l\IILITAHY I WAR SPIRIT PERVADESCOl:nSES FOR SUMMER QUADRANGLE FETE OFCONVOCATION PROGRAMMAROON MEN OUT TOTAKE VICTORY FROMCONFERENCE RUNNERS All Univerxity Womton to Take Part Iin Field Day-Will Hold Tt.'nnis.iCount on 1\1 (' h S d Swimming, Archerv and Baseball Nine Marshals and Ten Aides• c ,os • .. peer an I 01Appointeed to Serve inson Court for Tomor-Notice has just been �i\'l'!l by the row �i(rht.Next Year. ,.,Univcrsit y Field day for all women den.ut mcnt of ::\Iilitan' Science and I. will he held all day today iu Ida Xoyesl ,\1.1. pnO:\n�E�T I� ACTIYITlES Ta�tie:-; that no cours�s in m ili tary FIL\TEf(�ITfIo��'; "'1' S:l:Jell ,\�(_,E TO 'VI� :,\IILE nEL.\ '\I field. Th .. ('\'I'nt i<: ��iven under Uw ..trail::n�' w ill :)(' o�rcj'ed ,1\;1':11: .. :: !h,' i__I auspices of the W. A. A .• hut thL'�1 Head �Iarshal _ Clarence.. Frank summer quarter, There are sc\.era11 �lilitary bugle c:1I15 and military)lcCosh, Speer and Grossman are University women will take part. Gunsaulus Brown. reasons for the canceling- of these costumes will provide the Quadrnmrleexpected to be the heaviest point win- Finals in all athletic contests will he' ::\Iarshals-Yan Meter Ames, David courses. the chief one being that Capt. i fete with the neccssury martial airnvrs for the Muroons in the Western run otT. Following the matches, the Annan. Frnnk Brecinridtre, William: William ::\lcAndrew, U. S. N, A .• who tomorrow nig-ht. The Junior boothIntercolleziate Conference to be held 'V. A. A. will give a spring supper. Gorgas. Charles Greene, .John Long, was in charge of the work on the will he attended bv women attired inSaturday on Stagg field. While Chi- Sometime during the day Barbara George )Iat.tin, Bernard Nath. campus, has been called to Fort Sheri- the nan' blue, while from the Sopho­catro has still a chance. along' with )Iiller .. nd Geneva Watson will play Aides-Helen Driver, Arline Falke- dan to instruct the University men inI more st;nds the call of the bugle willWinscJnsin, Illinois, and Missour i. to off the final match in the tennis tour- nau, Ruth Genzberjzer, Dorothy Lard- the R. O. T. C. camp. : sound forth at intervals. )Ioffet EI-crowd the fa, vor ite, )lichigan, out of I nament to decide who is to be the 1918 ner, Dorothy )1 iller, Florence Olson, This announcement comes as some- ton will be the bugler.first place. yet the loss of Capt. Feuer- champion. A swimming meet will be Agnes Prentice, Katherine Prosser, what of a surprise. Early in May Patriotic boutonierres with red,stein and Gorgas has dampene�l the I held in the pool of Ida Noyes hall Lillian Richards, Emily Taft. Capt. )lcAndrew received orders that white and blue flowers will be sold athopes of the fo�lowers of the :\I�d�\:ay I between the Junior and Senior col- Clarence Brown was appointed head wou�d allo ... �' his remaining at the U�i-I the booths. The refreshments, ofschool. There IS a remote possibility leges. Later there will be field events marshal of the University for 1918-1:) versrty until fall. Three or four weeks I which there will be a large var-iety,that the )[aroon captain will he able and the Junior-Senior college baseball in an official announcement from the later he was called to go to Fort i have been contributed in the main,to run as anchor man for Chicago in team will play the final !!'am. e in the ,I E' h Sheridan. This left the department 1· h 1 f" t".0.., President's office yesterday. Ig t and it expecter tnat t e sa e 0 ea sthe mile relay team. championship series. other men were chosen as marshals without a commandant. will raise at least one hundred dollars.:\[cCosh is undoubtedly the favorite I Archery Classes to Compete, and ten women as aides. The appoint- Lack of Officers Hinders. which will be used for the Geneva con-in the one-mile and two-mile races. Each class will have one representa- ment to the position of marshal or Those in charge of the work had ference fund.He ran the mile indoors at )Iichigan in t ive in the archery contest. These aide is the highest honor that the several possibilities. At first an at- Sing Begins at 8:45.4 :2;-) and he has traveled over the two-! representatives 'were selected on the University confers upon an under- tempt was made to get the officer who The University srng, which willmile course in under ten minutes.: basis of the hignest average for the graduate. Scholarship, campus ac- is to be commandant in the fall toI begin at 8:45, will be held in Hutchin­Speer should place in hoth the quarter, whole quarter. Those selected are tivities and character are the bases take charge, but he was una hIe to I' son court, in conjunction with the fete.and half-mile races. Grossman is ex- .Joype Snepp (92 per cent) for the for the choices. come.. The question of putting. the All of the fraternities on the compuspected to win the javelin throw. I freshmen. )Iay )lyers. (.95 pel'. cent) RECORD OF THE )IARSHALS. work in charge of the student offIcers, will be represented, and will give theirChicago has a fair chance to win, for the sophomores, ::\Itrlam WIthrow Clarence Brown, head marshal for was considered, but so many of the I marching and chapter songs. As thethe mile relay race although )lissouri; (92 per cent). for the juniors, andnext year, is secretary of the Uni- men have g�ne to. Fort She�'idan or I members of each house march downhas an exceedingly rapidly-movinz I Jre�e Shepard (98 per cent) �or the versity Y. �1. C. A., president of the ar� already 111 natlOn�1 servl�e, �hat 1 to the fountain in the center of thequartet with Pittam running in last. seniors. The archery contest Will take Honor Commission for next year, this plan was not considered , easible. court. they will bear service flags.position. The )faroon team will pr01)-11 place. at 3:30. member of Alpha Delta Phi, Owl and However, students interested will be! showing the numbers gone from eachably be composed of Speer, Kennedy, The da�cing classes wil.l give two Serpent, Iron, Mask, f)core club, anlll welcomed in the w�rk done by the 'I' fraternity. President Judson andGreene. and either Feuerstein or dances apiece, and the various classes I Three Quarter� club. .... l��..:... C. O. T. C. during the summer. members of the Board of Trustees wiliLewis. Wisconsi� will .also enter this ,'WIll h�\'e booths and s.ong co�t�st�.! Van Meter Ames is president of the I Drill and instruction will be give.n,' view the affair from the balcony ofevent. Other pomts Will probably be I Foll�wmg th� supper, MI�s Rock,vel� s I Junior class and a member of Beta I :\lond�y. Tuesday, :�ursda: �nd �rl- Hutchinson..made for Coach Stagg's team by I special dan�mg cl.ass. Will enter�m,! Tneta Phi, Iron �rask and Skull and day nights from 7.4" to 9 :4" dun�g I The campus is expected to ueGreene in the half-mile and Moore in, and .there .wIlI be smgl.ng .and dancmg.! Crescent. He served on the Honor t �une, J�ly and August, WIth. special I crowded with old alumni during thethe two-mile. :\[arlon Glaser, who IS m charge of Commission and led the Sophomore n�structJon on Sundays. ThIS alone next week. to celebrate the annualA bulletin yesterday says that th,e Field �ay '. has announced that women I wing of the Interclass Hop last year. I will constitute the work done during reunion. The big event of the weekUnivt.'rsity of �finnesota will be reprp.- �an still SIgn up for the field events, David Annan is treasurer of the 'I the summer.• I will be the Alumni dinner in Hutchin-sented by a Chinese student. Y. D. If they d\) so at once.I Junior class, and a member of the Ettelson Propos�. for "ork.,son, Saturday night. The principalWong'. in the broad jump and pole " Crowd to 'Vatch Contests.. Honor Commission, Delta Kappa Ep-I Anot�er plan conslder�d was("I' that � speakers will be Lieutenant Perigord.vault. Wong has been ,'aulting' over We want all people who are not m I silon, Owl and Serpent, Iron )l'ask I of puttmg Lee Ettetson III ch!r ... e .ofl of the French arm" who is on leaveeleven feet in practice during the past j the even�,s t� come .out and watch the and Skull and Crescent. He is on the the summer R. O. T. C,. courses. �If- of absence from the front, and Lyndonfew weeks. Oapt. Frank Mulligan. of contests, SaId �arlon Glaser, yester- varsity track team and played on I ficulty arose, however m t�e �uesbon Lesch, '17, from the Ordnance camp at�otre Dame. will not be able to com- d�y. "�h�re WIll be bleachers and. a the Freshman football team. I o� lectures and other s.per 31 mstruc: Camp Hancock, Georgia. There willpete because of a wrenched knee. bIg offlcml scoreboa,rd. � speCIal Frank Breckinridge is one of· the I tlOn that woul� be reqUIred .. The lac� also be addresses by President Judson,.Jones. of DePauw, arrived in the city feature of the afternoon win be an Junior representatives on the "H�nor I of student offIcers were agam a sen- Prof. S. H. Clark of the Public Speak-the early part of the week and has alumnae baseball game at 5:15. Lots Commission and abbot of Blackfnars ous drawback. ing department, and Scott Brown,of the old stars are coming back and f '1 L'been practising faithfully in the for next year. He is a member 0 chairman of the Alumni co uncI . leu-hurdles so as to be in the nmning we expect a peppy game. he oppos- Chi Psi fraternity, Owl and Serpent. SIR GEORGE ADAM SMITHtenant Abetti, who was to be one ofwith the star of the \Yolverine bum'h, ing team will probably be composed of Iron Mask, Score club, and Three SPEAKS THIS AFTERNOON the speakers, is with the Unh.ersity.Johnson. seniors and a few juniors." Quarters club. He also served for a IN LAST OF WAR SERIES delegation in Wyoming, where he willAt the supper all athletic honorsyear as the Sopromore member on the watch the eclipse ot the sun.READ WRITES �EW PAPER will be announced. Fobs will be given Undergraduate Council. Conv�ation Orator Will Give Address The Alumnae luncheon, which willI:i UXIVERSITY WAR...sERU;S and C's will be awarded. Miss Gert- on Britain's Message to thebe held at noon, Saturday, will be ad-rude Dudley. Prof. Starr and Helen (Continued on page 3) Ameriean People. dressed by Dean Wallace and Mrs.Adams will speak. ,Any woman.WEATHER FORECAST. Judson. The greater part of the daywhether a W. A. A. member or not, Sir George Adam Smith, the Convo- will be spent by the returning alumnimay attend the dinner. Generally fair without much changt.' cation speaker, will deliver an address in attending the athletic Conferencein temperature. Moderate easterly on "Britain's Message to America inmeet on Stagg field.KATHLEEN FOSTER TO HEAD winds. this Time of War" this afternoon atSTUDE�T WAR COM�II'ITEE 4:30 in Manrel hall. This is the last liISS HELEX HEXDRICKSTHE DAILY MAROON of the University's series of war lee- SAILS FOR FRA�CE JUXE 10BULLETIN tures, and is open to the general pub-CLARENCE F. BROW" ISMADE HEAD MARSHALLBY PRESIDENT JUDSONGrossman to Bring ChicagoEnough Firsts, Contests.Today ..Chapel. C.ollt.'ge of Commerce andAdministration and the Collt.'ge ofEducatio� 10:15. Kent.Divinity Chapel. 10:10. Haskell.Registration for the Summer quar­tt.'r.University War Lecturt' ... :30, �Ian-del.Final contests for the Juliu..q Rosen­wald prize and the Florence Adamsprize. 8. �Iandel.Associate Prof. Read. of the depalj�ment of History, has just prepared anew number in the series of Univer­sity of Chicago war' papers, whichwill be issued soon by the Press. Thenew paper is called "England andAmerica." Preceding papers in the Xew Chairman Elected to Replaceseries have been prepared by Presi-dent Judson, Dean Small. FrederickBramhal1, Prof. McLaughlin and As­sistant Prof. :\[oulton. The papers At a meeting held Tuesday, Kath­ha,·e been in great demand in this leen Foster was elected general chair­country and abroad. man of the Central Student's Commit-afternoon will be his most generaland practical message to the Americanpublic, and will pruoably interegt mor('people than will his Convocation ad­dress Tuesday."Graduating Senior8�ommitteeto be Announced Later. :\Iiss Helen E. Hendricks left yes­terday for New York to gail forFrance June 10. )Iiss Hendricks hasbeen the social head of Drexel Houseduring this last year. She will join)Iiss Thrysa Barton. former directorof the Housing Bureau. and who wasrcsponsihle for starting the new co­operative donnitory on the campus.)lis5 Hendricks will prohahly do chil­drens' relief work.lic.Sir George Smith is Principal andVice-Chancellor of Aberdeen Unh'er­sity, and has taken the degree ofLL.D., Litt.D., FB.A., at Edinburgh,Leipzig. and Tubin�en. His life workhas been in bihlical scholarship, butsince the outbreak of the war he hasdC"ote<1 himself to "arious phases ofwar work. He is at prcsent a chaplainin the British army, and during histour in this country has been lecturin�to emphasize the moral aims of thetee of the Woman's War Aid of theUniversity. Helen Thompson will re­tain her position as chairman of theSocial Service committee. The womenelected to fill the places of those�raduating' are: Kathleen Foster inthe place of Florence Kilvary asgeneral chairman; Dorothy Lardner ftSchairman of the Red Cross committeeto replace Lois Hostetter; Helen )Iof­ret as secretary in the place of )l'a­tilda Bertrams; and Lyssa Chalkleyas chairman of the Publicity commit­tee to replace Helena Stevens. Thecommitrees will be announced as soonas the chairmen have made their se­lections. court.Seniors Rt.'hearse Class Songs.A 11 Seniors have been requested tomeet today at 10:10 in Ellis assemblyhall to rchearse the class s()n� whichwill be ${iven at the Univcrsity Singtomorrow. Dramatic Club :"Ieets Today.The Dramatic cluh w;ll meet todayat :1::10 in Cobb 8B for the election ofofficers for the coming year.TomorroW' war.Divinity.Chapel. 10:10. Haskell. "Principal Smith is l�nown in thisRegistration for tht.' Summer quar-I country as a forceful and thoug'htfulter, ! speaker, from previous appearancesCze-c;h dub ... :30. Ida Xoyes hall. here," said Dean Butler of the lectureFraternity Dinners ana Reunions. 6. bureau yesterday. "He was Convoca­"CO· Dinner, 6, Hichin.wn cafe. tion sp�aker in 1896 and 1909, and hasUniversity Sing. 8. Hutchin..cwn made many other notable addresses inthe United �tates. His lecture thisDean Angell to Give Address.Dea" Ang'ell goes this week-end tospeak at the commencement exerci3�sof the Omaha Central Hi�h school.Prof. J. G. Masters, the principal ofthe high school, graduated from theUniversity in 1912.2 Tim DAILY )IAIWO�. TIIl!HS1U Yo Jli�E 6. 1918Iwh. r Dai It_, .a:t a r 11 U 11. iir":h st n-c: til huy t he daily pai't·!·:,. TilE C\P .vxu (;()W�--. (. I 11(' marvc lcd at till' ahilitil':' of t hosv HEPLIES An.' there all)' students in the Uni-Th .. '··III.I .. nt �1·\\,"It;\l ... r I'r Tl", l'nh'f'r"lty"I ('hl";'I:" n·rsity who need to il(" told t hat theTill' edit or-In-chief of till' 1!'1� Cap prom mentioned in the l!llS Cap and:1I11! (;OWII. who hy virtue of his pre- (;0,,"11 t cok pl:H'(,' ill 1!I1S'? The met hodsumptuous t it le must .I::-::�Ullll' all rv-�:--:-. ", .: - .... -.::� IPl'··"'tlll.:' who had WOIl cu mpus ,'t'('og--nit ion a nd f'arne. The g-dlHI-looking�·IH.·'·I·ll·:ldt·1' fa::-:cillatt·d him, and when!l(' \\'a:, illtl·ll.!th·('.! to t he vivv-prcsi­,:l'I't (If t lu- !'l'!Jill!' cla.:'::-: to g-t.·t a .:'toryl':1�'�i"'!�I',1 W'.!·llin:.,: ..... 4·'(.·�·f.t �:ttl1rl!:1Yt :-;'w­Ih.\ :t:!,! '!":ld;,�. drtri!t": tht· .\H� u nt n,,\.;!:� .. r :I!!·I �:):-i�I:"=· '1·:;I!·:t'i .... !.�. t!.·' I�:,:j�·'1:1 �', ... :! ,·ou,pa:;y. of p rint i m; t he pict urc« (If t h» proms pons ihi li t y fur the sevvn "itvms upon I 1t'atl(,'!':, without allY e xplnnnt ion op-whil"it st udent opinion ha» ll('l'll hen rd I'o�it(' tilt.' write-up of t he Illtl'n'la��to crit iciz« ." wi she» to t akv t'xl'pption Hop without allY pictures. w n s Ollt. ofto n\,(,' of till' fuult s meut ioned. and t�. t h.- nll':I::-:t1I'P:, ta1\('11 hy tilt.' l'ditol' III.:�.� �; .. �: -�� ).! !.!'.:It d�1 a p.irt v ht' :\11l�1l:': hurs t w it h p!·idl·.t '1.::: l;�.·t':l'· 'I� r'·,(:,.rl�":l:.,:lrrt)�,· lit, had :l .�.!Tl'a� �!t.�a! Dr .iw« f\ll· h i s\\':,,: .. !: •. , '!"r ..................' . • • I' :llwlog-izl' for t he other t wu .. -:qll'l'!Or", o n tnt' papt'I" till' m-w-, l'\ i- hi:, ('Iron to nu-«: t lu- l'l'qll!I'l'nll'll(:-; of:\)1' wi:« :-:1l:'.I·]l·d out u nsvm p.u Iu-t i« :\ -; _ III reg-ard to till' ri rs t i t e m , wherein �lll' faculty.-'�-U!h'nt:-:, t h« w h it e-ha irvd d.·I.\· l·.!i- :1 �('lIi(l1' \\,;1:-: olllittt'd fl'O:1I t he roll of 1-'01' t he :,a:il'l' 011 till' \\'h:,,:le and it:'.\�.::.::. I:""r �,I:t: :::.:i:l': l:oI\t .. r ,\' .." II ft I :lh' �L'l1il)r clnss. and whe-n-in tiw\'h:::':", ,;: .... ':, .•.............. :'\"\\'': Edit .• r .Il •• ·�lll :'::. !'lI::-:'jY a a l'r:IOlIII n':!( - wri u-r. t he l·ditor call1lot fn ir ly re t r.u-t ,1:,,'.,:,.: 11"::"\I':IY :'\!',:i1: r·: I!:t'r :l�'" ,'op,\' a1:.1 w r i t i n r; he:ld:" thl' man- !lam(,'� 011 pa�'l' :!:! wt.'n· misplal·t·d. tIl(')·,":1 .1"""·l'�1 )'.IY ::ditllr\\'::: .'lt�:"lo:''':I''''�I·:·:l.. .\� :1:l': il'''; j:d1�1)!"H::��l F':I:k .. IJ;l:l \\.·ttll."�: � 1·:,ltrtl!'"I: I:::: ';'·IIT.·"'�::,·r \,."t. \\·O:II,·.l·� J:di:llr11.':":' 1::1\;:'-:1 \ I.·::I�I) FditHrTI!E �T.\FF.. d:tol' wi:,Ill''; to ap()!o.�iZl· to tiJo:-t'who \\'l'n' Jl('·("dll·::-:::-:ly d::'applli!ltt·d.\\'110thill:; llr m:::I'!':al fo!' editori:tl". lit,a:ml,:,t "hllke,! :ll t1:t' (':g-an-:tl' ",mo;;'l't:l:tt til!('d the (lfrin·. hu� h�' likl',l i:,:::."'�"t� :1 .. ".·.·.·1:,1 ,·Lt .... � w;lij :1: :1w .'!Ih!-�·:t ..:..1 1·.):-o��,!1':'·,·, .'!:j�·.1 �". l!!l'lj,j-.:. ":'rl·�:." .• :. ': .! .:. �.:.' :\.: Ij� \t.\�··-:l ::. j."'-;:;. :!Il,\'\\'ay. ;1:-: it rt·Pl·t.'::-:(,'n(s a :-:tI'OIl.!.!· W:\\'l' of ::-:tu­It'lIt opinion. If anyolH' dlllli.ts it::;\'alidity it is sug-g-l'::-:tt·d that he g-o(.'0- The (·ditol· admittill� that,·1l:1l';_!·t· -- to \\'o)'k. That Wa:, why ailr ht·",\, h;�h and �lli�hty pt.'oph· had n!lt."'-:tt i'ln �,! •• \·;(1(.'!1 � �1(�' :-:(.In:tq·.--i :In.! • d .... ·lilel'l' art' ialli,:, witidl lIlidlt ha\'l'bt'l'll n·l,tith·d alld which should 1.(,·TIll' :'(.'conti poillt for "'hieh till' (,·di- I'c('tifh.t! ill tilt' futun'. still ft.'eb thattor W:lIlls to apolo;.!izt.' is th(' Rap andan inju::-:ti('t' ha::-: 1l('l'!1 dOlll' tht., ('ap 1"01' I)�tl'tl'l'tll.'ll'.� l'''(''.'ll,·11'.·�g'' tIll'..:'·Olllld. The in:-:ult pel'pl'tI"att.·d on thl' • '-- ., '-� U I oJanti (;0\\,11. Ill' hope.:' tha: thi" ('0111-:\n:l th:.·n. hefore hl' klll'w it, th(,· �l'nil)r :I:' "tlH' Illall who ::-::aYl·t! at l'Olll':,(' or the equiyalent reg-:I!llllicatillll \\'ill justify the "mi::-:take"."Yl'al' had l't:lIlt' tl) a ,·lo:'(.'--:1lld ",hat hOllle" \\'a::-: dl·l·idt.'dly ullcalled fol'. an:! lIlar :-:ix month:-; COUl':-;e. write,BI.'njamin K Ell.�l'l."!��28i \'0':1:' d'I!1P': The man �:dlll'Y had hel"l thl' editor i::-: sorry. althollg-h al.:,t.·nt at telephone. or call on_ . . . . __ .. _. .:-__ -.-- for!.!ottl'n Ion;: ],('f01't·. ;':0 11Ilt' had till' time of its b(,·ill.� l'etlll'lH'd to pre,;:-:.t :Iken hi� plan', The men anel women A;":'ain for :'!ll' tiig-::-: takell at ml'mh("l'sfrom hi::-: o,,"n pn.·paratoI'Y �l'hool hall of the ::-:t uti("nt hody, thl' fl'aternitil·s.==-=-:- -:-_-==-...-:-=------=-==-------==-......--=:::.-..::=--::-:.:...: =--=-::....:......=; �---.--:-==:-:lo\\'ly drifted away from him. 11(' alld \\'omen'::-: duh:;. the l'ditol' i::-: ::-:ort'y Fh'c ccnts per linl·. _:\;o ad\'crtise-had made acquaint:uH'("::-:' hut they were and fret'ly admit� that he faill,(1 to g:et. nwnts for Ics:\ than 2:i cents, Allall mort· intel'e:,tt.'d in otlll'r thing-s or the point of view of tho!'c who rc- (,'1:t�!'ifi(,,() ad,·crtis(.'nwnts must he paid�tI';l:!;,.:-e l.'ardi.oal'd iJianl;.:,. a llum!I(,'1' in other people. lIe wa� alone-as cl'i\'(,'d the tht·usts. for in nd,'ance.==================�==�====�Ill! a :-:Iip llf paper. a::d a foulltain pel: he had hccn on the first day-and he The �econd itl'm wh("rein the Cap STUDEXTS-Ilo you want to mak�':!'at l'efu:'l'd to nlll. .-\ m�n on ;! was just :1:' Innl'ly, Ill, had worked, and GO\\,11 is censored for "pl'e::-:entillgo" �lOO 01' more weekly during- yacationpbt!"ll'm talking' in :l loud \·oii..'e ahout many hour:" m:.ny days; he had the Hcynold::-: CIllh with thn·(.' pag-es with all arti(,le that �('l1s itself': lias:,(,':!Ul'll,'C::-: an.1 ;;lat;':nllat:U!l ::nd (lean,; worked :'t'riou:,ly and with int('rest; anc! limiting- thc :,pace ;,.:-i\·en to the no c.'ompetition and i:-; of unj\'(,'rsal 111..'­O!! tilt· :,e�'ol1d floor of l'lI:l'l, Hundreds he had '\Yorke(l earne::-:tly, in the hope Council. )lal'Oon, anti HOl�Jr COlllllli::-:- mand. \Vl'ite at oncc, A, Hudolph.of un!,!10Wll youn:_: nll'n and \\'OI11('H. that hi::-: sup<'riol':' would find sOllle- ::-::011 was not clUl' to a "la<:1� of the 11�O \Vell:, Bldg-., :\lilwaukee. \Vis-::-:om� iorlol'n, sonw carele5:' or at ea:'e. thin;,.:- of ,":llue ill him, Ant! h(" wa� ::-:ense of proportion in planning-," Tht.. \\'c :,c:-\'(! the b6t (·f food ;tt p:-:n'"::-:Ollle discourag-l.ll. �:tting- in the long- to ht· a day cditor� That \\'a� soml'-. Reynol(is Club pagoes were not 1)1'("- POSITIOX \VANTEIl-)lale st:J- yuu can afford. .\ f-!ood C!t anhlat'k rows of .seat::-:. \\'l'ink1i!l� their thin!.!'. That was the l'l':,ult of work, scnted. 'but sold. -n the past the dent; S�;, lwr month, \Vill work I;; pbc�. Try 11:i.foreheads and a.si�mg innum(,'rah}e But here was .still th(' ::-:al11(> t·tenml Council and 1I0no!, Commis:,ioll ne\'er hour:-l a week. Am typewriter touch 1004 E, 55th St, Phone Midway 7262qu('s:ions of thl'ir neig-hbol':'. .:-\�HI itl!H.'line:':'. lIe hall found nothing- to ha\'e hall more than one Jllig-e eal'h; ill' 0pcl'atOI', Reply �l). l:�, ("are Dailythell the faint foreig-n sound of ehimes. lo\'e. nothin� in the::-:(' �I'('y h:dl� or 011 fat'! thC'rt· i::-: Ill'\'er enoug-h mat(,·rial :'.Iaroor!.To thc entering- ire:-lnman from the !.!'reen lawns. nothin:,: in thl' !>"(\-: to wanant g-i\'ing- tr.C'se ol'g-anization::-: Iother reg-ion::-: than the :\Iidway the pIe who dwelt here I�or in what thL'Y Imore than a page.Vni\'crsi:y of (,hica�o seems ;,.:-rey. cl'eated HOI' in what they li\'l'tl. Thcll in I'egoard to the alle.:!ed ill­('old g-rey. I'elcntles::-:ly c(Jlll and r�- E\·erythill;":- was cold an(1 ;,.:-n·y alld lin'" jU5tice dOlle to Clan'm'l' Brl'\\·Il. Thl:lel1tJessly g'}'(,'y. It frightens him: it sympathetiC'. He had found Ill): Y. ::'.1. C. A. was g-h'en t\\'O pa.:!l·S.make:" him feel \'er)' :;Illall and unim- friend:;, lIe had not found hi::-: da:,s.' whkh they were to usc a:; thl'�' iportant; it g-i\'e� him a timid fearful He had not fonnd the Unin'r:,it:'o', that thought hest. Tha't Brown's pic�ll'e:darting' of the eyes. He see5 men in intangoihle l!('autiful :,omethin� \\'h;('h \·.-,,5 left out was simply due to a mis-!hroad soft hats meeting- for the fil";;t had to tind it;; way into his inmost under::-:tandingo in regard to what \\';c�:time after the summer months. and heing before hc' would fN,1 him::-:clf a: to -go on the::-:e pag-e.s. A:; Clarell(.'che wonders whether he will ('ver ha\'e part. He was lonely, lonely. 10l1ely. him.3elf kno\\'::-: there could he nothinganyone to g-reet him when he returns and no nne ::-:eemed to ('onw. :lIld th(.· Ill'l'�onal in the omission.in later years afte!' tb. 5Umn1l'I' year \\-a:, l'nc!e<!. .In reg-art! to point numhel' four it.month:-:, A lump r;�('=- in his throa�; will he .sutTie:ent to say that Presidenthe is lonely. An;! thel'e seems to he' A THO('(arr, .Jucl:,on thinks the Ushers of ;..:reat im-no Cllre for ionclincss here-not any- portance, The�' pc·dorlll a goood :,er-SC\'('lltC(,1l 11101'(' peoph' he;! ';l' ;t .�!:!;1W1H'n.·-l1ot in th(, cold g-rc)' hal!s nor of J'(:lid� \';Cc and an' org-anized a::-: is any other.on the cool g-reen lawns nor at t!l:lt cluh.He knows no one llut a few g-irJ:..: (In vicw of tlu- fact that thl' com- dents of the Unin'rsity who do notfrom h:s preparatol'y school who an' munication column of tlU' naily -'Ia- know who holds wh:ch officl' an> not·1't1:,he 1 ahout hy their ut'pl'rrlas:, ('OU!1- roon is maintained ::s a ('Ifarin� IlOuse inten'sted in know:n;..:. nor i:-: the ea::-:u­:'e11ol'::-:. He Jl1('(:t:, a man who wa� for studt'nt and f:l('lllty opinion, til(.' al ohser\'el'. The Cap and (;0\\':1 Staff�l'adt1ated from hi::; :-:ehoo1 a year he- -'Iaroon :1C("t'l)b no rl'sponsihifity for instead of Ilc\'oting- three pag-cs to its.�)re, an� �'ho i::-: now carrying- a pi('cc th(,' sentinlent� therein (,'xl)r(,'ss� •. own puhlicity. used Ilnly one pa�e thi::-:. �����������������������������������of leatlll'r w:th (;reek letter:-: on it to (',!mmunicat ions art' ,,:t'lcnml'd hy th(" Yl·al'. I n tIl(.' ease of the )lal'Oon ithi" fraternity hou:-(,. "'hat is t('I'I-ihle (·rlitor. :tnd should 1)(' si�n.:d as an ('\'i- would ha\'e hCl'1l in'lpossihle to now;! Ii:-: that thel'(' i:- no one with whom one cI("nn' of good faith, althollg-h th(' the mi:-:sing- informat:on on one p:lgoe,('an tai\'; fl'ankly. ahout what a higo namt' will not ht, IlUhli:,lwd without in the lig-ht of whi('h the ed:tol' did thethin� it :s to ("orne to ('olleg'e, ailollt ('onst'nt of thl' wrih'r,) next h(>st thing-,�'., .;\;. :::;.:;..� ,l .'�··1�·� �:,�.-, a (JU!lrt�rJ:y \b:!. �:: .. -.H :l .',".·'1;: ::1 .. -.4l �t qlt:lrl.t�r!·:.!::.l!"':·:! 1!11 .. )�n' E::i� l:.!T.':":'!lff[h- �Jidwa;; 'ltft 1.0 .�1l ;t;�.H.:<�;I'�'�:""lh.;1,�.'.: r:-,.. :�',:.\�'.:. 1 ::;d :;.:, ::!i �':;;;l" • �T":-:'!ll':IP 't!dw:t\' .'1,11 J�')"II 1'::':I I I)!: !', : ill: 1':-,· : I, : ;:-.; 1 ::.�.,.;-. ill1-FOl'l: YE.\W";LI'I1t'h forhidden to f�oshmen-nothin;!::-:ympa:het:c. nothin;.! holpful, nothing­tl�a: one mi�ht 10\'e. Agoain we arc at variance with the:('O:'>I:\U ';': 1<',\'1'10;': I' opinion offert.'d in I'('g-ard to-the 1 "'e\'- :=-- --=, it)- accorded the DaiJy )la1'Oon. Stu- :\\'ha: ,)'1(' will un(louhh·(lly ac{'ompli::-:hpcrhap,: :n thr> next few ycar;.:. ahouipJ'eparatory themc,: for En.di:,h one.Th('l; he s:t� on a h�('h next to a1111('('1' lwr;:on J'paliin� a hook of poetry.:: .�tl r;t:,ual1�' �h(' ('oJ1\'er;.:ation comcs.;-.nd h,)th an' il1tere�t('(1. and ('ach fcel;.:t}�'l' hi' ha .. [ouncl a frie!1d. II::- n:II11Ci:, ;;::dne\',Tn h::-: ('h:,.";(·:' he :�1I'c'!;': all typl'': orn1('11: :hll"'(. in!('rnaliy rOIl<'('ited: andI.�W \\,}10 harl hi:, l':b('at;l)n in (;('l'­ll1:1n�-: (.!:;. ·.d:n pla�:f·rl (In til(' ('na!ll­n:{)':,:h:ll H�·.i(· J'a1'k foo::'<l11 :I'am::-:om(' \\,11 .. '.\·(·n· a�r<·:t,]�' ,.:tll.jyi)�:.!' :1.'"tholl:!� ;}w f,ll,ll'(, of the· world /)(0-1)('11<1('<1 Ilpon ',\'�1:It tlwy h·;l1'11\·'1. H('';�lldi('d hard. too, untii h(' fo;md 0:1::h:1t all he hac! to do to ;":-(': a po,::t:onnn rhp Da:ly ::'.iarool1 wa,: to a:-:k fori�. and then h(' i"�u(L(·rl !)'.t nc·arly ,,0murh :1:' he hllntc(l for ,:pnior prf':,i-'Ijr'nt,: or int(,I'\'iewcrl Lu,,;n('�" manag'­('r:; of Dramatic ('luh:, or rlbh('(l ('opYr)o'.\·n to th(' prjnt�hop when the' ho�'failrd to ron\c anc! ran down to FiftY-·�����������������������������������---- ------------- -�- ._- ---- - -_._--- ---.-.WoodlawnTheatreR;);) E. 6:lRD STREET.One b!ock Ea:-;t of Cottage Gro\'c A "e.TOD.\YGoldwyn presents1\1.\ BEL �()(nL\�nINJoan of 'PlattsburgComing Soon"0 \" E R TilE TOP" Classified Ads. -MOSER­SHO:RTHANDCOLLEGE(enrolling' only hizh school�l'ad un t es).:\��or�H·ESa =,pet'ial. inten:,i\'l', complete-=,t enog-raphic and :-;ecl'etarialCOllr-='l'. open only to uniyers­ity graduates and 'undergrad­ua t es. gi "en personally ... lJy�Ir, )Io:'l'l'. durin),!' till' SlIlll­llH'l' Qual't(.'l'. 1 !)1�. (.J�ily.A ug'lI:-:t .llld Sl'ptt.'ml)l'l',)PArI.. MOSER •. J. D .• Ph. B.7Proprietor12th Floor Lalie Yiew Bldg.,South l'lichigan .. \ venue.(Opp, Art Institute)CE�'fRAL ;)158.lUiGo to th<."Fashion Restaurant120·' East Sixty-Third- StreetNEAREST BANKtoThe University of ChicagoUesources $:1.000,000An Old, Strong HankAccounts of Faculty andStudents InvitedMcn·s Furnishings.Hats Caps & NeckwearJAS. E. COWHEY1001 E, 55th StreetBilliardsCigarettes, Cigars & PipesTo I'l' tailored rorn·ctly- you C:tllllt a:-,k mnre-·-you irc-1jt1l'llt!y gd less,Jl..'rn.'tll� ClII1�(,'n':ltin' tailoring l1H.'all� quiet corrl..'c ! 111..':-:-' , COIl­:-otalll alklltin·I1I..':O-:- to the leading men or' Chicago.h';ltt1ril1� a :-ol,j�'I1(lid r;l1l:.!'l' fli T\\Tt'<i:-. \\'or:-Il'd:-, alld :'(·r.::l·:-';11 :3111 :llld :'l5.,T.-\ILOn FOR YOlTNG �fEN{:1.1. S. 1\I�CHIG.:�V, A �T��VEThree Stnn:s I�. L.\ �A LLL , 1 HEL I. \ .., "I' I. J# • :L·l '. .., .-I. \i,l._..1::I: :I!I'':'1"':0::.t:. ;t·.·Tf,·,I'" .\ .... _..:) �l t11(:l'(l�';"�". 01.''-the.Ju.lt:o=It"P'\\i:1�rr,,.- :: i!'!tIl:C .,_'1r'. �.r.1',:;Tt;� ".';;::.111l:!1; II �I�1:1.nidIfor•:\• Thl'! Ill,Till'tnt.l:';l1.Tari,: 1the:-ntll1. �,a 11 ,,.THE DAILY 1\L\HOOX. TIIVRSI>AY. Jl:�E 6, HIlS 1SUMMER DIVERSIONS. \ I�t.·\·it·\\· of "Doiru; Our Bit" at the .\Paluce �I usic HallB�' John JU�t'l)h tion does not do justice either to theplay or to the very capable ('a�t.:Review of ".\ Pair of Pet ticoats" at Speaking of the east, it is really bette)'the Studebaker Theater by than very ca puble-s-it is an exce llc n tLee Et telsun. t':I�t; :'.11', 'I'revur and )11', Hurcou r: THE CAMPUS WHISTLEJ.f otto: }' (}!t toot the line, parody on this col. All house ruleswill be laid aside for that day, Ifyou want to meet the ;.!'hosts of all, your old fr-iends. includin.: the Quads,'hL' su re and read the last Whistle.P";}ll'l'ially are of the first water. :'Iiss ------------------; SU:!g'estions arc now in order.Only four more days till t h« last:\11'. Cvri l Ha rcourt once wrot e :I Funtunuc, too. is firm ill her part. hut Whi,;tkjlopular' play cu lh-d "A Pail' of Silk she is too obviously a<:tillg' all the t.ime.: it wasn't visi-:j, I' .umua l sum mor show to t hel ', .. ;l('l', Th is Yl'al' it is culled "Ilo­:!:..:' OUI' Bit." and f'rom all n ppeur­.. t• '''" t h« 1,PX otl'it't' will han' no troll- ory st!'ol1�ly ill mind. comes to us nowi.". ill d::-;po,,;I1:...: of til'kl't,; d ur im; with "_.\ Pail' of' Pet t icouts." the t it leI,., v, .I i.l y and Auuus t. "Iloin� Our 1·t'fl'ITill�. of cuu rse, to t wo young' la­I::" i" till' :-;:IIlH' old Sh u lu-rt "'intl'I' "il''': I)f' ":"'iou,; chn r rn an,1 heu ut y ,(;�,�. len type with Sl'\'l'I':I1 \'IIIIIl'dians. ':-':ut on ly has :'III', Harcourt construct- tors' day Yl'sterday a,; the newlyhatched Sl'orc Clubhcrs mnrched fromIs yOUll;": Auzustus Snooze, the _ ,; house. If youIll' went him forth to (':111 la s t nig ht don"t know what we're talking' about,St(ll'kill�<' and havinz t he twin the- failing' thus to convince as the ot hvrs A saddl'r l.ut a wiser youth10, The play is due to stay hen' fIJI'the :-;UIII mer. and I cn n readily under-.stand why it should. J think (,hi('.l��ll Without his over shoes.w.Il like it, '"\\'ilY," asks :'.11', Hurcourt. of' man,'; Our heart ,:!(,es out in <y m pu t hy';:�-:Iall mus i« and lots of gllot!-Iook- t'd an illtl'l·t·�till.:! fabric out of noth- hat t lcs and much sophistil'atioll.- -, 1-'0:' little Ara bellu.i!: .: �irl,;, ingo much in particular', hut h« dol'''; u . ..: "'Vhy should I mur ry a woman :,illl/Y Who had a fe,,�;n' wur-Lrido hut: Lmol';o; this ycn r ,:!II til Fru n k Till- t lu- k inducss to com« with his p lu y , hecouse 1 kissed her 011 thl' ear'!" 'I'll E reason for the "Yutz ie" ap-I 1· And nura all umln-ellu.!":: :111' ll,; par�!lI'I' .lumvs ,I, Corhet t . which he pl'l'sonally :-;ta.:':l.d. and to act "'hy indeed ': pcura nco of the Chi P . <i's iatelv isT:·,::l'.\'. (If ,·OUI·,;e. i" t he flH11Il'l'I' of Com rib. th t tl I 1 it l t t-\'pry well and iut ert-st ingly. -------- a H'y were on el'l'( e: ier 0 cut,:�. t wo wth h:� hu rut-co rk complr-x- '('I .. \I�L��('L� I". I'I'()\,'," I .....· J' ' •Thoug-h the play ncvr-r iag-;":l'd f'o:: . ". r_ ) , ,.. ( ()\\'Il 011 .":Oup 01' ."lla\'ln;..: watl'1' ano ;0;0;u;d 1:11"\·,·;'y al·'.'t'llt. Cllri,l'tt(,\'('ll a momt"l!, t 11:1(! t:'l' fl'L'!i::.:!. �I.\()E ilEAl> )L\USH,\J. J)():\L\�('E 0:\ THE <:.\:\ll-l'S. ttwy <1(,(,;,1<-<1 0!1 thc b:tel'.!I:. �'L'" all l'Xl'l'i!ellt foll. tllllUg-lr. and... ' •. , I , ..... " .' ." •• • Ity pnESII)F�T .J{'p�l)� � (Pid yuu nutie!' lhl';o;e littll' :ds:,i;:"; �:rl'atly ttl thl' l'n�lIill;:·.s l'ntt.'r-'" .... 1, • ,t." ""ll llll'll' lI:!llll t tll":n ! fJ'['m �hl' !)aily :'IIal'ollll of -'lay :!!Ithr I t 't -I t 't I' OUI� eull l'eporh'r ,;;:y;o; that when ll�t: .. �:l:l'!l!. Tilllll'Y',; �onH'dy i,; pr(.'tty Hue 1 II I -,1:1· I was mo.;t y nll'e :llld :�lst rcspl'l.ti\'el.\"!)I . I } f . (Co!ltinued from page 1) has his It 0, T, C. �hol's on they lodk('.' ;t:1 stull'. and de';l'ry.,s tht· lau�hs )\j'O"'ll _!.!Ta\·y Wit lOut nEll'l (I tnt' \\'Ill, C, B.: \\�herc is my fountain, 1 t I" , like the Quadrang-le Fete,;I�.: app :Iu:;e it rel'ei\'(�d. !lIt':t, )ut III Wal' tlm('S, \\.(' are. O)': ••.• 11::llll C;ol'.:!as was l'apta:n of thE': P'.'!: '! .\Ial'_!.!·l',T:ll' oti:l'l' ('oI111·dial1 \\,:th tl1l' l'OIll- flU,:!}1' to It(" perfl·etly l'lllltl'lIted with:r . , UI1� baskethall tl'am, Ill' pIayt'd \':11'-' :'.1:I1'g-e: All i" fOl'g-iHIl. ('om(' home,I';; .y thi:-; Yl'a1' i:-; I1t'lIl'Y Lt·\\"!s; \\'ho,;(.' the ""I'('ester.�llll'l' :-;auce. when it i,; . fill I 1 1 :."� (. 1.) won't g'et this, hut always remember. is:t\' oot.la. all( wa:-; on t1C tl'a<:,'''· , >,;l;';".:ar;II11'(· 1lE'lil's his Il:lUll', Lewi" so .:.!ood :I� i,; THlllI'ed out at the �tlldl'- .f . 1 II ' that there arc others.)'"',, .;-; . ..; allllle alld 111 a II1l1dl mOI'l' I' tl'am 01' tne a:-;t two \·t.·:�l's. l' IS01:11.,;.1'1'. Then' are de\'l'l' line.;. and I f h I.)h' I: I) , r.,';: _;"'!"\'illial1 m:1I1Ilel'. ;o;ill,!.!'il1� a hit. . :1 ml'!11 ,el' 0 � l' 1 \.uppa Sl ;.,.-so III l· ('xl'('llent ('haraetcl'';. \\'ell por- . I>" l' t I' () I I:\ .. ·.'.'r;lI:! dalllphCllll l'IIStUllll'';. tl'llin:! .; tprn:ty, n: 'l' a \.appa. \\. an:t I'ayed: m\' on 1\' ('omplamt wa� that <. I 'I I S' 11 I". : "",·,·!·it·s an(1. ill ;,!l'lIl'l'al il1dlll,!.!'in;.:- in ". �l'l'pellt, ron.l a�., •• "u ;\Jl{ \ I'es-' 'mo!'t of what ha})pel1l'<i mi:!ht h:1\'e' t I TI Q t· I I : ,,:,1"111\'"::'�: ;o;tutr." 1-'01' a whilt' I thOllg'ht ,'�'l'Il:lm lee uar el'� l' 1I I. , ,-!_ '-•hl'en ('ompl'('ssl'd mto two of tilt' ad!',: CI 1 (' ':'.1 " F I' 'It �c(,ll1ed to h(, a di'ation, : lar e� .I'eene I:' . anag'ln� .1 ItOI' iof The Daily )Iaroon and presidl'!l:; UEFIL\IX.TIlt' (,l'ntral idea of the play. ho\\,- of thl' Lindcrgoratiuatc Coullt'll for next i (From \'iolence,)('\·pr. that of an Eng'li,;h 11a\'al Com- veal', Ile is SaiiJe of Ulaekfl'ial':'; for I I paid a dollar and se\'enty fiveI .\,:. ' fllllll\' 't 1 ' I' man(h,l'. who ha:- a wa.\' with I)cople- . I () h' .-,'. 's r:,, • BU liS l'Ollll'( Y IS \'ery Ill'xt year and A!'30ciate Eelitol' of the I r �}el' aps twas se\'enty nme,o:,':iou:-:, e�p('(':ally with \\'OIl1eli-Wa� !'trong' (':tll and Gown for this year. Ill' is a I' But I goot m:r name in the Rap an,lI If t!ll' othl'I' llla';('lIlilH.' ml'lnlil'I';o; of :111(1 stl'iking', )It·, Xorman T:-('\'ol' memher of the Varsit�, tl'Ul'k tl'4\III. Pound,the l'ompany • .sam A�h and Charles, 1l1ay� �teaclily ,anel e.ff(.c�i\·elY and Phi Kappa Psi fmternity. Owl and I So really I can't whine.. hl 1l'1� an' tlll' ollly two worth mell-, �l'l'med a!' eertal11 of hI::; \'rcton' o\'er S t I :'.1' I Sk II II, , •, '- erpen, ron , as". ant .. ·u an( it :n:�:ng', Ash is youthful. g'ood-look- thl' amhlLou� \\'omal� he !'ct out to Will 1 CreSl'cnt. He has sen'ed on the Honor I' JUST to prove we're a good sport,1:1:.." and hlessed with an l'xl'pllent as one mall can e\'el' hp of winning- one' Commission, He was recently ap- the last Whistle of the year will be a :\IAltO()� ADS BIUXG UESULTS.tt'�:,)r \'oit'(', .JlIdl'l� dOl'�n't ha\'e uny- If h' h f fwoman, . e says (.' 1:- un IIlgo or IlOinted bv President Judson to rep-I·t :', :;..: to do. hut Ill' fi11� in thl' g'al's • 1 ' •• I l'k hI' .• 1Ig' ;.:-amp. ant I'e t (' )Igo :!ame rcsent the Uni\'ergitv at the Platts-\ .. ::;1 hi,; hurll':-;qlll' Frendllnan tYPl'. h .J I':':11' young- ladi(.s al'e. oh\·iou,;ly. thl' unter. he depl'eC;1te:.; (')ay-pig'eon. hur.1! :\lilital'Y camp thig summer.: .:""11 fn:' the t'Xistl'lll'l' of "Poillg' nwthods, lIis !'hots art' lon� and clal'-, .John Lonl.:!' is a member of Chi Psi():;�' Bit." Yil',:!irria Fis:,iTl�l'I' is tl'Y- iTl�; for he managoes to �et J'id of the fraternity. 'Owl and Serpent. Iroil:!: _ hard to till the plan· (If )larilynn lady's ti:IIH'l'e with th(' ea�e and tad :'.I:tsk an:1 Skuil and Cresccnt. He ha5 '\1 'J 1 . I th I) 1 of a l'ahitH't mini:-ter, '1 II f . I.... eY', \\' 10 Ol'CUPll'l , l' a acc,... I play('[1 on thl' Jascba team or :\\() I:,.,'1',),; 1::,;, summl'I', ()f course it I lit' hrst }ll',ttll'O:lt. a young' Red-' Years, Ill' was the Freshman 1'(�p-1"\. ,,:ill ht, ditficult to tind une as nim- ero:,=, nUl·;o;e. the dau;.:-hter of an old �l'sentati\'e on the Un�rgraduat�:';', '11�,1 a� :iplL'l1did loo!;in,:! as )Ii;-;s and u,;;ele,;s ;,:c1eral. is :'.Ii�s :\L1�d' Council.:\t;;;(,l', hut :'.Iiss FissinJ.!er does some lIan::;fol'd. who lon'S a g-assed amI\'t':':; nl'at danl'ill�. anti shc l'cl·t:unly pl'et!y YOUTH!' l'aptain. :\11'. Leon:lI'd\y,;" not ohj{'L·tionahlc to lllol� UJlon, )1udi(', They are a nice pail' and it\',_':iita F:tzhuJ.!h plays the "nicc" hurt Ill(, to !'{'(' the other petticoat. a�i !'!, SIH' has a most ;ll·(.'eptable so­p;·;.:l0 \'oil-e. liP), son;! ")Iy CandyH ,::" in the S('('OIlll at't. with all the�'>-!..; out on till' runway fl'l,dingo ('an,ly friars for next year and a memhel' ofthe Unclel',:!raduate Council. He is'�! mell1ber of the Psi Ppsilon fratern­ity. Owl and Serpent, Iron )Iask, Scoreduh and Three Quarters cluh,elouhtful aequaintanccs anll spoil a Bernard Xath is member of Phinil'c romanCl', nut hefore I left the'(q :hl' ma:-;l,tllinl' membel's of the au- n�ta Kappa and Zeta Beta Tau, FeI! :,::ll'l' I it wa..;. �ood cantly) is the theatl'r the two. united hy '\11', Tre\·[)1'. I',:, ca}ltain of this .... 'ear's tennis team, FOR THE BEST PHOTOS CO)IE TO1:. ,:lil':,t :Inti ('at('hil'�� of thc l'\'Clling, tIl(' ('ham pion fixer, had goone off :ll'mLt.'ah Xorah. whol'n'l' :"hl' i;o;. SllOUll1 in arm to th(' ('onsen'atory in ignorant UECOIU) OF THE AIDES, VANDYKE STUDIO122� E. ��th St .• �'e"'r KI'mbark By Cyril Harcourtl',:.! "Eat and (;I'IIW Thin" :11)(1 takc h71ppines,;, and )11'. Tre\'or himself u uu ." u(:\uthor oi .,.-\ Pair oi �ilk Stocking=-")We do Kodak finishings. The charmof your personality perfectly por­trayed.had �i\'('n his I':ngo to )Iiss Fontanne �i�ma aTHI E50teril'. presidcnt of W,:mcl had shaken }wr hand ill a solemn A, A, and a member of the ad\'isory(,lll;�pal't, Xo one oncl' thought that boal·(1. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••'11'. Har('ourt was the man for the; Adine Falkenau is a mem;)t�r of • •widow, allll we were all gbd to se(":\u Pi Sig'ma and Quadran:.del's. I =him jilted. so that he mi�ht return to (;('ncral chairman of the Quadranl-!'le I =T:lC ehol'u;o;, :I" a \\'ho!t�. i;o; worth his "Bahy" at thp Palace I London. not Fete. and chairman of the athlrtil' • •ti;,' �rip. hut it, �(,l'med bored to t('ars. ••;:�: I ';:In· for thc millinl'ry ant! tango Chicago,) l'onfcl'ence of AllIeril'an co11e;.:-c \\'0- :; == Odd d E d1l,:�,J!)('r:-;. ha,1 a pOOl' ('l1sl'mhll', OtH! )1r. Harcourt is saill to !ta\'e a �1a.;s men, II II oSfaln917 n s0;' til� :,how g'irl�, :'II!ldn'll Holliday. I'ye (the rj�ht one) anll :l cOl'k foot Huth (�enzhcrJ!cr is Women's e(litol'Ii:.! an Amcricaniz('1i Eg'yptian <lance (al�o rj�ht). so that h(' was quite left of tlll' Ihih :\hroon for next vcar, I. -. 4 •• < ". • • \\'ith HARRY \\':\T50X. Jr.::1 t:le fir�t act. with :-;ome g'entleman' �ided allli causeel many lau�h�, Like Dorothy Lardner is a memhcr of I. _• • J:\CK :\OR\\,ORTH;n �mlle1'\\'l'al' and no :'\)l'ks, I f(>ar for the s('cne� ltc-tween the (;('ll('ral an;) Xu Pi Sigma and :\lorta1' Board, She • • d B '1" C�'1'" I' I..J hr. _ an n ,Iant ast,� ::':1'(.'1 s I an('!' allf! ('oslul1lc w en hi:, war time. stupid hutll'l·. :'.11', lIal'- \\'n:, g'eneml man:l�er of the \\, A, A,t. • SCPERB BEACTY CHOReS"::1' :'Ilajor':-;" �ll(,Ct';o;,;or l'a:-;ts n:,; ('olll·t·splayill�sw('r£'morcofthe\·:\ll- Portfolio. I Spread Your II .\ HE:\!. RE\TE :\T L:\STm,lI'al ('�'e 11(.'1' way. anc) I ,;Itallld f('ar 1 'II} h I 1 h h '1'11' 1 f S' • • I(('\'1 etlant ccolll('(ysta,!r('. lUtt (' I)orot y.l: erlsamemlero .. r'r-. • .\11 :,t'al:, l)lI111ai:l t1(l"r�l.:O (::'atllr-Co!' :'.Iildrt'd·� heaJth. too. if it were- B d W·th 1'1': .;umml'l'. or Ilcar sumnwr, Anll \'aude\'ille was ,!rOO(1. I wasn't dose rna antI \'ice-president of the .Junior I rea 1 I I (lay �21elloul-!'h to examine the eye minutely. elass. _ •: :�:, :!t'ntll'mall in the unlie1'weal'- -my. •• Ihut all th(' east s('cml'(1 to think it a Florence Olson is a member of the _ • 11.\ \'1-: YUC BEE � DR.\ FTED?my: The l)('st dancing' in the ('om- S eft'. " goood one-I TllC'an the glass one. Episcopal ciuh and memher-at-lar�e == WI S Ipa:1Y, outsicle of :\Ii�s Fissrng-('r s. 1:' •t:l;I'l done hy 1-:llw:11'IIo anll Elisa Can- There is an American doctor in the ')f th(' Women'� Administrative coun- = .:--:�1'). I ha\'e not seen such li\'ely. pby. ju:,t from the front. and his ut- ei1... \'.:ne�.. Ilr"11tl'ce l'�." ,'1 nleml)el' of '.''It =. Premium =.:.:T;lL·cful Spanish steps for a long" tel'ances and th(' eomplilllents paid him _:.�" -� , .., of • •I'mi', hy his British friends C<lUS(' many pa- P: Sh!,ma anti of the first cahinet =. Oleomargar.ene I.All in all. i: is a pn'ay ,:!ood ghow, triotk flutt:r,; of �tal'-:-;pal1�led-hanner the y, W, C, 1..Tll' chOl"ll;o; work is not up to ,;nufT. applause, :\11', Lion('l '-\�lams. who a�ts I Katherin(, Pro:,ser b a IlWllliter of = I :\r a::,. :'\11:, Thur...; .. Ik,t �l';lt,.., �1.00:'l1: the (,Oll1(,lly mak('s up for that.. t he doctor. talks wildlv of "deal' old �u P: !'i�ma and �i.!!ma, Sht.· is pn'�i- I. and appreciate the econ- 5Tij·_' mu�i(' i:-; \\,01';0;(' than usual. hut' Xoo Y:\wk," hut he s�und,; like Chi- dl'n� of the Y. W, C. L.ti1� danl'illl-!' i;o; ,:!oo<l. Th(, �l'1ting's. ('ago. or p('rhaps )Iontana, Thi:-; Lillian Richards is a ml'mh('r of I omy it affords. =f "'\\'(.' fOl' tht' Carni\'al s('cne and a;. . • • " , • •. ,I I J 1 th I make!' no drfference. ho\\·c\·er. for the XII Pi SI!!ma. Women s :\dmrlllstratl\'c.. Swift's Premium is so ••.1ananes£' drop) al'(' s lOt (y, HIt at,., . . '. ., . th k' ... r ,widow ('onc(>I\'es Roston to hl' III Con-. Coullcll all(1 the firgt cabinet of thl' •• deIl'Cl'OUS your ram1'ly wI'II ••I" ! orJ.!ot tpn rn an 'Illg' your s..,.,\ s I . ." : -. I. Featuring Barbara Castletonthe patl'ioti(' "thrillt'r" is 'l.'l'ry. \'(,I'y i nc('-tl-cut, whIch IS n1Hldh' west. you. ,\, W, C, L. = like it at first taste. :I Also Burton Holmes Travel Pictures,..n,'I·t. Hettel' goo. if you fecl in the i know!, = =t. �'. m, spirit. hut then' is plenty of I The comedy hranchcs at times into: :\ti1ler Wins Jewett Prin·. • Swift's Premium is sweet, •t:me-"Poing Our nit" will hc here farce. and en(leo up in hein;.:- a sort i I pure and clean-not touched =:t!i .;ummer. of hyhrid which was not consistently. Ervin :'\Ioore )Iillcr won the )Iilo P. = by hand in making or packing. =funny enough for good farce nor solid, .Jewett prize of fifty dollars for Bihl£' I I NAZIMOVAeraouJ!h for �ood comed�·. hut which: Reading in the contest held ye:,terday. Swift & Company •mad(' J.!ooo amu�('mcnt; which for llft('rnoon, William R Charles and = . =! "REVE��TION", want of a hetter term. we mi�ht rail; .John H, Hoff werc the oth('r contest- i U. S. A. = II .\ i�,,- --Pathe Weekly & Billy Rhodes: a 11lul<,-play, althoug-h the implica-l ants. • •••••••••••••••••••••••• : Co:nedy. "A Peach and a Pill"1>" would pa;o;;o; ],y opell \'ulg'arity,:,�:; the :O;l'l'olld :H't, S(·I.'Ill' the C;irls'I!, :d. hr()u�ht fOI·t h sOl11e pr('tty low('wnetiy, It didn't !:t,;t longo, thoug'h.�',rIGeorg-e )Iartin i!'! Prior of Black-!;.L widdcI·. )Iiss Lynn Fontanne. mix hercaptain with on(' of her el'stwhile:::' ",nnw pl'ofe,;:-;ion \\'hl'l'(, hrawn :IIlII� ". ,',' filliTE!' is hl·ttl'l' apprel'iateti. Sht'W .. <e,; all awful amount of IHtwder,T"t' nUll,:an Si:,tl'I'" an' goood to look1I:'�'1l :tnt! ha\,(' a el"l'ditahle littll' "h:t"I. \ \ \. a r :-:.. \ \ T 1,IS\ l.iil' S.\ \. F l� ::\'01' AS BAD AS IT SEE)IS.from Daily )Ial'oon story: BESS, U. OF C. WAR HEROthl' fete \\� ussumc a de- GIVEX CERE)lOXJ..\L BURIALmarital a.;pect."�J()HE lUnl.\�(,E. Ell WHAT?LineCASCO - 2J/8 in.CLYDE - '21/8 In.N�OWCOLLARSFOR SPRINGCluett.Pc�boc!y � Co. Inc, Makcr3 IT'� a g'ood thill�, just goo OVL'I' then' and ;o;ee the bat tul­: ion of 01(1 clothes men on the lawn."Phi Gam.(If you take French we kllow youThis headlint' from the Heraminernearl�' threw the Hysterics into eso­terics until they found out that Besswas a little poodle.F.UlOliS LAST J..IXES.Them's harsh words, Lem.Anon .AMUSEMENTSPALACETOXIGHTNew York Winter Garden'sFun and Music Spectac:1e"DOING OUR BIT"with FH:\XK TIXXEYJas. J, Corh(.·tt. Henry Lewis. 150Othcrs-\\'ondrous Beauty ChorusE\'cry Xig-ht__.SOc to $2,00STUDEBAKERShould be filled for weeks to come:'-i�lolliL' )'Iorri�, Daily Xc",:'."A Pair of P · t"ettIcoa s 'Night Prices 50c. 7Sc. $1.00, $1.50GARRICK'I'll E T .. \ LK OF TH E Tt),"'XJack Nr.:rworth's Chummy MusicalRevue-Scc-OVER THERE:'\OT a 11l')\'ill� pit-tnr�PRINCESSTlIl·I'�J).\ Y . .ll'�F (,Harper Theatre"SINS OF AMBITION"FROLIC THEATRETHE DAILY MAROON. THURSDAY. JU�E 6, 1918Nationa.l,. _ ar aVID SJu-ne �28th, '.. ,.) 'Jr'J'.r '.. c ... �"' ...'That's the day 'we sign up.That's the day we tell Uncle Sam just how hard'we want to win this war. That's the day our Government hasofficially set for us to purchase W ar Savings Stamps.On June 28th every man, woman and child in the UnitedStates will be called upon to pledge his or her full quota of War·Savings Stamp purchases-for 1918.You will be expected to pledge the full amount that you canafford---no more---but by the same token, no less,In every state, county, city, town and village the War Sav­ings Committees are preparing for this big patriotic rally 01June 28th. Unless you shave already bought War SavingStamps to the $1,000 limit, get busy with paper and pencil andfigure out the utmost you can do.Remember this. You take no changes when you go thelimit on War Savings Stamps. They are the best and safestinvestment in the world. They pay 4 per cent interest com- pounded quarterly. They can't go below par. You can get backevery dollar you put into War Savings Stamps any time youneed it. You can tum them in at t'ie Post Office any time fortheir full value plus interest.Uncle Sam is asking hundreds of thousands of men to givetheir lives to their country. He is asking you only to lend yourmoney.What are YOU lending?National War Savings Committee, Washington.l"l1it('ct States Gov't. Comrn. Oil Pub lieInformationw.s.s.'WAllsmNGS srAMPS"IUEl) BY TM&UNITED STATESCOVERNMENT COlltrihutl'el t hr ou ch Div is iou (If:\ dve r t i�in� -Thi-, space coutr ibut cd for :11c \\"il1l1in� (If the War ,hytE4r lIlUiutfSity nf QIlJintgn VcA(,0II'�II0,-_ t jTT\ 1(' ��: r«:Ih:'11Twh«t,·!:·1l:lli1'1111:-;Pl';.T ,:d�"alu��heof:\ IIIowi 11f'ro nluneTat tl.'insohe (wi IIovc:.,0 )l �Of'the�tirolelof 1whe\OeIO�onlvstur\\"(':1armdre."101ill:.!'The'TheIta".J ('\\wh ihc('tilt'Tthe'